

Kyla wants children, and she wants them with the person she loves. But Pearce is unwilling to even try, worried for Kyla’s safety because of his terrifying strength. 


Naturals, which were natural born vampires, were able to conceive children, but Pearce’s kind, Transforms, could not carry children because their bodies never change. Pearce is fearful of his child in Kyla’s fragile body, for the possibility of the baby killing his beloved mate. However Kyla is not afraid, she wants a baby, and she wants one now. Meanwhile, the people of her village are searching for her, and the vampire that had robbed them. With Carline and Xian dead, all fingers are being pointed at Pearce.


 Kyla must put aside her desires in order to defend her mate. But will she be able to fight the very people who she grew up with? Who she lived with? She must decide between the people she loved, and the one person she loves.

Chapter One

I laid on the bed in our guest cottage, which we had been moved to courtesy of Miramar.


“It’s just privacy, Kyla. Nothing personal. But I think we’ll all be more comfortable with you and Pearce having your own space. That was the whole point of the separate houses.” She had said gleefully as she packed up clothes that she had bought for me.


  I had sighed and told her it was unnecessary, the clothes and the house, but she had shook her head. Insisting that it was no problem. Miramar reminded me of a controlling older sister, kind and sweet when she wants to be, but bitchy and completely out of control at other times. The cottage consisted of two bedrooms, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room with a large stone fireplace that usually didn’t have a fire going since it was July and already burning up without any extra heat. Pearce had gone out, to hunt, and I hadn’t asked any questions.


  Since I had given up my legacy of vampire hunter, I was trying to adjust to this life, of living with vampires permanently. I knew I would probably never get my old life back, and while I was devastated to say the least, I was also determined to keep in contact with my family, which I did with monthly letters. Mom’s artwork had in fact been featured in an art show, however it didn’t win. It got fifth place, which wasn’t too bad a score. The girls were going to be starting school in August, which they weren’t too happy about but were putting up with it. At the moment, I was about to go out hunting. Since I had been a vampire hunter, I figured hunting animals couldn’t be that much different. I grabbed my bow and arrows, a knife, and my cherry stake. Just because I lived with immortals didn’t mean I completely trusted them here. Pearce and Miramar, of course I trusted. But I didn’t want to run into another issue like what had happened with Liam. As I slung my arrows over my shoulder, there was a knock on the door.


  “Yes?” I called.


  “Hello?” Miramar poked her head in, her long brown hair falling in waves down to her waist. She grinned. “Can I come in?” She asked, already stepping inside as I nodded.


   “Is there something you want?” I asked, hiking my arrows up higher onto my shoulder. She shrugged.


  “Not really. Just came to tell you that you can’t go hunting because dinner’s ready.” She said, smiling brightly. My face fell in disappointment, and I dropped my arrows and bow on the bed.


  “Damn.” I cursed, throwing my stake and knife on top of it all. Miramar giggled.


 “Don’t worry. There will be plenty of time for that after dinner.” She said, and with that she spun around and left, closing the door behind her.


 I sighed, shoving my things in my old hunting bag and pushing it under the bed. I guess hunting would have to wait.

Chapter Two

 At the main house, Natural vampires gathered around everywhere, with plates stacked high with food, while Transforms stood and sat while chatting, some holding glasses filled with pink tinted liquid or flat out crimson drinks which they were openly drinking.


 I looked around the room and didn’t see Pearce anywhere, which meant that he was still out hunting dinner the old fashioned way with his buddies. In the meantime, I grabbed a plate, filled it with foods that had once been foreign to me but I had gotten used to over time, and spotted one of the few people I really knew here. Her name was Elizabeth, who caught sight of me and waved for me to come over.


  Elizabeth had dark red hair to her waist, a very slim elegant figure, eyes the color of emeralds, and a bubbly personality that made people gravitate towards her. She was the kind of person that you wanted to be around.


 “Hello Elizabeth”, I greeted her, leaning against the wall and popping a fresh blueberry into my mouth. She smiled and nodded.


    “Hey Kyla, so how’s it going with you and the mate? Anything that I should know about?” She murmured in a conspiring tone, waiting to hear some sort of juicy news. I laughed and shook my head, embarrassingly keeping my eyes on my plate.


  “No dear, nothing to report.” I said. She sighed and leaned back, almost as if she was disappointed.


   “Ah well, all the same I suppose.” She said, taking a swig from her large, dark red glass.


    Elizabeth was a Transform vampire, which meant that like Pearce, she only drank blood. Now, I know the question that most of you are probably asking. Doesn’t Pearce’s diet disgust or frighten you in any way? Well, if I think about it yes it does, but I do try to overlook it, because no matter what, Pearce is who he is and I am who I am. Nothing will ever change that. I’m happy with the person he is, and I never want him to change.


    “What about you and Kenneth?” I asked, absently pushing grapes around my plate with a fork. Elizabeth shrugged and made a dismissive sound.


  “Eh, good I guess.” She said with her head cocked to the side, swirling her red drink around with her straw. I waited a moment, knowing Elizabeth, she would tell what was on her mind in three . . . two . . . one–


  “I don’t know. I’m a bit indecisive.” She said suddenly, right on cue. I turned to look at her, at her bright green eyes focused on the ground.


   “What are you indecisive about?” I asked. She pressed her lips together into an anxious line.


  “Is he really the person I want to spend the rest of my existence with?” She asked, her eyes now focused on my face, waiting for my answer.


   I sighed and shook my head. Kenneth was supposed to be her mate, and with mates, they were your other half, your one and only, and you would never question them.


    “Elizabeth”, I said slowly, carefully, “If he was the person you’d be willing to spend the rest of your existence with, then you wouldn’t even have to ask yourself that question.” I said. She sighed too, almost in defeat.


 “I thought you might say that.” Elizabeth said, downing her drink and placing her glass on the nearest table, standing up a bit straighter. “I guess I just wanted him for the sake of wanting someone.” She said tonelessly.


   I nodded, not really listening anymore. “Maybe.” I said.


     “So”, she stood away from the wall, smoothing her clothes, “I guess I’m going to have to make a change in my life. Better start now”, and with a wave, Elizabeth disappeared around a corner, probably out a door and to her own cottage to break the news to Kenneth.


   I put my plate down next to Elizabeth’s empty glass, my appetite diminishing quickly as it often did here watching vampires consume pints of blood.


Chapter Three

 In Elizabeth’s case, she had just been with someone because she wanted companionship. Me? I hadn’t gone looking for any kind of companionship. I was content with being alone. Meeting Pearce had changed my entire being, it had even changed who I was.


 I had abandoned everything, my family, my friends, practically my whole life. I was now living deep in the forest with a vampire who I had met just a few months ago, a vampire who I had hunted, a vampire whose sister had gone for my throat, a vampire who I loved. Back in my village, I had been an avid–and quite skilled–hunter. Now, I’m not conceded. In fact, I’m the last person you would call conceded. No, I just knew that I was a good hunter, and I loved what I did.


   My best friend Trine and I were great hunters, and worked well together. And one hunting trip, one single hunting trip that we took, changed everything. Now, I had left Trine, my mother, my two little sisters, I had left everything. If you asked me if I missed them, I would say absolutely. Every day, I missed them. I would get the occasional letter sent from some of Pearce’s contacts, Mr. Bo and Sal, but still, not a day went by when I did not think of my family. However, if you would ask me if I regretted my decision to leave them, I would say no.


 I had to leave to protect them. I had associated with a vampire, and in my town that is such high treason that not only I would pay for it, but my family and anyone I knew as well. I had to leave in order to keep them safe. But not only that, I left to be with the one person I loved in a different way than I loved Michaela, Liana, and mother and Trine.


The love I shared with Pearce was entirely different. It was a close, unbreakable bond that we had between us. Something that even I didn’t completely understand. However, Pearce’s kind did. We were mates, and while I had no idea a vampire could become mates with a human and vice versa, if it wasn’t true, then we wouldn’t be here today. But here we are, and being together is a wonderful thing. However, there is just one little problem that had come between Pearce and I.


 I hadn’t often pictured myself with a man, but when I did, there would be others involved. There would be children. As I got older, around sixteen, my mother persuaded me to get married and have a child. I had refused, because honestly, I was quite happy just being myself, but I had always planned to have kids if I did find that someone I would spend the rest of my life with.


 I was seventeen now, and Pearce had found me. I was happy, but I wouldn’t always be if there was not that baby that would be the outcome of our love for each other. I had told Pearce this, about my wanting to have a child with him and only him eventually, because he is the only one that I love. He outright refused of course, because it’s not like there are not difficulties. Pearce is a Transform vampire, which meant that he was bitten and changed into a vampire, which also means that he is frozen forever in his current state of seventeen. Transform vampires, females, cannot carry children because their bodies never change, however Natural vampires, can carry children, because they can age whenever they please. Pearce worried, that if his child was in my belly, it would be too much for my body to bear, and the baby would kill me before the time of its birth would arrive, thus ending its own life source, killing both of us before either had a chance to live. Even if I did survive until the birth of the baby, it would be the child to make it out alive, not me.


 I had worked in our crude hospital in my village, I had helped birth children, and even then normal human babies often killed their mothers because the mother was too weak to survive the birthing. However, there were large majorities who survived giving birth, but none in my unique case. I do hope though, that if I do ever become pregnant with Pearce’s child, that I’d be able to survive, and see the baby born. But, that doesn’t mean I have to get pregnant right now. No, not for a while. When we are both ready, we will try to conceive, if it is safe enough. Although, I do not know when Pearce will ever be ready, if he will ever be ready.

Chapter Four

With Elizabeth at her cottage talking to Kenneth–she hadn’t emerged from it in so long that I figured she must have changed her mind–and with Pearce coming home soon, also with the setting sun, I realized dismally that hunting would once again have to be put off.


Oh, how I wanted to hunt, to feel the slight breeze caress my skin, the sounds of nature gently whispering in my ear, and the strong, strenuous feel of my bow in my hand, outstretched gracefully as an extension of my arm. Yes, I had hunted at night before, however that was back in my village, with Trine as company and not nearly twenty vampires surrounding me.


  So instead of going out, I laid down on the bed in our small room, realizing how tired I actually was. The night before I hadn’t gotten much sleep, thanks to Elizabeth, chattering away and hanging out in my cottage which she thought was so cool. And since she deemed last night a “sleepover” Pearce was forced to the spare room, despite my protests which Elizabeth completely ignored. Now, lying in my bed with nothing but the peaceful silence surrounding me, I drifted off to sleep.


*     *     *


  I was in the forest, my favorite place to be, the green vegetation and tall pines all around me, and I was crouched on the ground, feeling the power and calm I usually did when I hunted. Ah, it was wonderful.


 I curled my fingers around my bow, but when I looked down, startled, I realized I did not have my bow with me. In fact, my hands were empty. It was strange, but it didn’t faze me.


  I leaned back on my heels, sensing possible prey nearby. Inhaling the smells of the forest around me, I shot forward in a quick run. However, as I ran I realized something odd. My breathing, usually becoming rough when I run, stayed level and rhythmic. And my lungs, which always burned from effort, felt blissfully strong. My brow pinched together in slight confusion, which dissipated quickly. I did not care. Why ponder oddities, especially if they are beneficial. So I continued to run without a care in the world, with my legs taking long strides without missing a beat, and my arms pumping at my sides.


 Suddenly, seconds later, I caught a strange scent wafting from the breeze coming towards my face, gently brushing my hair back. Hmm, it was nice, the breeze and the smell. It was strong musk, like the forest, but temptingly sweet, almost like sugar if it could have a scent.


   I straightened up and peered through the trees, ah, there. I saw them, one person, probably a vampire, standing about two feet away from me. I grinned in anticipation, seeing the unimportant immortal standing before me. With my smile came an odd feeling of something protruding from my mouth, and poking my lower lip, but I paid no mind to it.


   Ah, the wind brushed my face once again, the wonderful smell came with it. I inhaled deeply, shifting into a crouch position that I had never tried before when hunting unless I was tracking. Oh well, I bunched my shoulders, readying myself for the glorious feeling of strength and power as I pounced. I realized a second later that I had no weapons, but again, it was unimportant to me, for as I landed on the immortal’s chest and knocked them to the ground, I didn’t care.


 The person, a male, stared up at me with empty eyes. His features were fuzzy, however I didn’t pay any mind to it. He sighed, and his breath washed over my face. It smelled just like he did, sweet and thick. I took another breath, sighing in anticipation.


   “I never thought this would happen, Kyla.” The vampire said.


  My eyes snapped back to the creature’s face, my lip curling in a sneer. However this vampire knew my name was an insignificant detail, he would be dead in a few seconds.


  “Well believe it”, I said sweetly, leaning down and whispering in his ear, “Because it’s happened.”


  Then, before thinking, my lips brushed against the tender skin on his neck, my tongue trailing along his pulse. And then, I bit into his throat, warm, sticky liquid flowing without pause into my mouth. I swallowed it like it was a drink, and when it suddenly cut off I sat up, looking down at the pallid skin and blank eyes of the person I had just bitten. A rush of revulsion came over me, and I jumped up off of the person, looking down at my hands which were covered in crimson blood. I swallowed, still tasting the sweetness of the man’s life on my tongue.


 Suddenly, I felt the presence of another, standing next to me, their hands entwining with my fingers, smearing the sticky substance around in our palms.


  “You see Kyla?” The person purred seductively in my ear. I leaned into him, knowing who it was immediately. I stared up into Pearce’s stony gray eyes, which were looking proudly down at me.


 “Isn’t this life so much better? So much more complete?” He asked.


  I cast a glance down at the person at our feet, and their features suddenly came into sharp focus. The dark hair, glassy brown eyes, and tall strong build were all so familiar. My eyes raked over the body of my once good friend Trine, my gaze resting on the two puncture wounds on his neck, blood trickling from the two little holes. I looked up at Pearce, his eyes shining with glee.


 “Now, we can always be together, forever.” He purred in a voice smooth as velvet, and calm as the wind rustling the trees around us.


 With another glance at my dead friend, I nodded at Pearce in agreement. With a loving grin, his lips brushed against mine gently, tasting metallic and sweet, like Trine’s blood. 

Chapter Five

 I sat straight up in bed, my hair flying around my face in an array of tangles and knots. I gasped, pressing my palm to my erratically beating heart. What the hell was that?


 “Kyla?” A soft voice came from beside me, and then someone touched my hand.


   I jumped out of bed and spun around, my eyes searching for the person who the voice belonged to. Pearce sat on the bed, a surprised expression on his face. He slowly got up, putting his hands up calmly.


  “It’s just me. Are you alright?” He asked me, his eyes shining with concern.


 I shook my head, dropping my defensive position and falling back onto the bed. I was sitting up, since there was no use in trying to go back to sleep now. I was wide awake and alert from that horrific dream.


  “Kyla? What happened?” Pearce asked, sitting down next to me and gently beginning to work the knots out of my hair with his fingers. I shook my head.


  “Nothing. I’m fine.” I murmured, my heart still pounding. Pearce turned me around so that I faced him. He cocked one white blonde eyebrow.


  “Are you sure?” He asked.


 I nodded. “Yes. Just a nightmare.”


 “Tell me about it.” He said in a tender voice.


  I shook my head again. I didn’t want to tell him about how terrified I was of the dream because then he’d think I was terrified of what he is, and that’s the last thing I wanted. Pearce reached out and gently cradled my face in his palm, his eyes a soft shade of gray.


   “You know you can tell me anything.” He assured me, waiting for my response. I nodded, refusing to meet his eyes as I pulled away and stood.


   “I know.” I said, my voice robotic, and grabbed my sheath of arrows along with my bow, slinging my bag around my shoulder and opening the door.


   “Where are you going?” Pearce called, sounding surprised and a bit hurt. I cringed at that, realizing that by attempting to avoid hurting him, I had in the process.


  “Hunting.” I responded, and left without looking back, not wanting to face the vampire that I loved, the vampire that I most certainly could not confide everything in.


Chapter Six

Walking through the forest, with the music of nature surrounding me, if felt amazing. I walked, hearing birds singing their sweet songs, smelling moss and clean earth, and I thought about the changes that had occurred recently.


 I was no longer Kyla Tyler, living a normal life in a moderate village, just trying to support her struggling family. I was now living remotely in a place that as far as everyone in my village was informed, didn’t exist, and neither did anyone in it. Except of course, for Pearce.


 I sighed, thinking of Pearce’s reputation in my former home. His deceased sister Carline had invaded my village prior to our meeting, and that was when the hunt had begun. During that hunt, Pearce had been spotted and found by me. I had let him escape, but he had returned to the Square later on in search of me. A foolish decision, however, because he had then allowed himself to be seen, and identified. I then knew who he was, and I, being the idiot I was, went after him.


One thing led to another, and here we were now, after many fights, many deaths, and many decisions. I knew, without any need of confirmation, that Pearce was still wanted back home. I worried that the people of my village would come looking for him, and even though they haven’t yet, doesn’t mean that they won’t. I considered this possibility, and dare I say, I still haven’t found a solution or figured out what to do about it yet.


Another problem is: what will happen when I come face to face with my people? What will they do when they see me sided with vampires? Our very enemies since the dawn of creation? And again, I honestly do not know the answer to any of those questions. I fear that I may not until the events actually occur. Well, until they do–


Suddenly, there was a rustling just two feet to my right that abruptly broke me out of my train of thought. My head swiveled sideways as I jumped backward, sheltered poorly behind a hollow trunk. I peered around, seeing no one but knowing that I was no longer alone. Leaning my back against the tree, I snatched an arrow out of my pack and strung it, holding my bow taught and ready.


 I felt my heart pounding quickly, my hands clenching tightly around my weapon. The reason I was so flustered was because I knew this wasn’t an animal. Animals would’ve run away and made more noise, usually showing themselves at the sign of a possible attack. No, this was either human or vampire, and both would mean nothing but trouble for me. If it was a vampire, then they would attack me, not knowing who I am or that I’ve been on their side for months now. If it was a human, then they might even challenge me, seeing as I trespassed in their area which they had already claimed for hunting, unbeknownst to me. Either way, I’d be faced with an obstacle that I did not want to face.


 And to make matters worse, this was land dangerously close to the Outlands, marking this vampire territory, which means technically, I am not supposed to be here. Damn it, I shouldn’t even have come here in the first place. Cursing silently at my stupidity, I decided that the best way to confront the unknown person was to basically just come out from behind my hiding place. Which was especially risky, considering if it was a human then they will most likely have a weapon on them. And, if it was a vampire, then I’d be leaving myself completely exposed, freeing myself up as easy prey.


Weighing my options I decided to test the waters a bit. Crouching down, I scooped up a rock and clutched it in my hand. Leaning forward so that half of my body was uncovered, I chucked the rock a few feet outwards, landing loudly on a pile of dead leaves. I quickly hid behind the tree once more, scrunching my arms and legs in an effort to make myself as small as possible so that the least of my body was exposed. Turning to the side, I listened closely for any sign of movement, holding my breath.


 Seconds passed without a sound, and after a while I was beginning to reconsider my decision to stay. Maybe leaving would just be a better idea, because honestly, this trouble wasn’t worth it. I became to relax my posture when I heard a footstep, and then another, and another. Sucking in a gulp of surprised air, I slowly removed one of my arrows, prepared the bow, and waited. The footsteps were heavy, someone large and struggling to make their movements light. Translation: male. Definitely.


 Females have lighter steps, and a better chance of making less noise while moving. So, this meant I was in for a bigger surprise then I thought. Keeping my breathing steady and even, I moved slightly so that I could see who this person was. He was partially hidden since my vision was obscured by the tree trunk, so I could only see half of him. His back was to me–not a very wise decision when hunting or being hunted–he was muscular, wearing dark clothing that fit him well, he had black hair, and was crouched over, observing the ground for tracks. I nearly huffed in frustration. From behind I could not tell if he was vampire or not. Well, whether vampire or human I was hoping I would not have to shoot him.


Taking a step forward in approach–a very loud step might I add–I was about to speak when the guy suddenly shot to his feet, spun around, and hurled a knife at me. I had just enough time to duck and for the steel weapon to stab the trunk of my hiding spot behind me before I received a knife in my forehead.


  Irritated, I straightened up and raised my bow, ready to shoot seeing as this person was in no mood to speak when I saw the man’s face. All the blood drained from my cheeks, all fight left in me evaporated, as I lowered my weapon, my mouth open in surprise. He seemed just as shocked, for he dropped his replaced weapon, a finely crafted stake, to the ground and stared at me with wide brown eyes.


 “Oh my god.” I breathed, feeling my legs quiver.


He took a step towards me. “Kyla?” He asked. “Is it really you?” 

Chapter Seven

I ran forward and collapsed into his warm embrace, sighing and closing my eyes as I buried my face in his strong chest.


“Trine”, I murmured, “I’ve missed you so much.”


  And as I said it, I realized how true that really was. I hadn’t seen my once best friend in nearly three months, and his absence left a hollow feeling in my chest, burrowed out from sadness of missing him, my family, and my home. But now, the hole was receding a bit. Trine held me close, smoothing down my hair with his hand.


  “I’ve missed you too Kyla, considering you basically went missing.” He said, and I could hear a hint of bitter hurt in his voice.


 Even though we were both happy to see each other, this meeting just presented unanswered questions that I could not provide responses for, and I knew that would only give Trine reason for suspicion. But, I decided to take it step by step, and see how things went for now. I pulled away from Trine, looking at his face. Hard set jawline, dark brown eyes, and lips smiling almost in a sad way. I recoiled from the fact that I had most likely caused this sadness. Shaking off that feeling, I gestured for him to sit down as I did, and I began the string of unavoidable questions, starting with something easy.


   “So how have you been? How are things in the village? How’s Katina? How are mother and the girls?” I realized after I spoke that I had begun babbling, and I shut my mouth before I could ask anymore.


 Trine chuckled however, seeming amused at my interest. “I’ve been well. Katina and I have been married, and Tiran was born just a few weeks ago in fact.”


  I smiled at this, remembering how he had wished his baby to be a boy, a hunter, just like his daddy. I listened as he continued answering my questions.


  “The village is doing fairly well also. We have had no further attacks, the food supply has been steady, and your family is wonderful. The girls are beginning their required education of our language, reading, writing, and your mother’s paintings have been selling for decent amounts at our latest fairs. All in all, things are quite fine.” He explained, and I nodded, pleased that things were doing as good as he said.


  However, even though I received updates now and then via Mr. Bo and Tirana, I still wished that I could be there myself, so that I would not require a written description of things, rather I could see them myself.


  I then looked up to see Trine staring intently at me. I knew what was coming next, and I would not like it. But I would answer any questions he had about my current conditions. After all, he answered mine. Although my situation is a bit more complicated than his, therefore making questions harder to answer. Again, I would just go along and see how things went for now.


  “Where the hell have you been Kyla? You just disappeared completely and didn’t send word to us until weeks after your departure. What in the name of god were you thinking? You ran off with some guy you met and apparently fell in love with? Just on a whim you abandoned your whole life and for what? To be with a stranger who you don’t even know? How do you think I felt when you left? How do you think your mother and sisters felt? We were devastated and worried to the point of gathering a search party for you so that we might have a small glimmer of hope that you were not picked off by an immortal and become their dinner. And now here I find you, in forbidden territory might I add. Why are you here anyway? This is vampire land, and you have no business being here–”


 “Neither do you!” I blurted out, my anger getting the best of me.


 Trine was basically accusing me of completely ignoring him and my family. He was acting as if I had cut off all ties with my former life and didn’t give a damn about anyone in it any more. Well, I was going to tell him that it sure as hell wasn’t fucking like that at all.


 “You think I just abandoned you and my home? You think I’m replacing you? Well Trine, you’ve got that fucking wrong. You think I don’t miss you and mother and Michaela and Liana? You think I don’t miss the Square and Katina, Mr. Bo, Tirana, and hunting with you? You’re damn wrong if you think that. And you’re accusing me of trespassing in a forbidden area? What do you think you’re doing? Why are you even here?” I know I basically just answered questions with more questions, but at the moment, I really didn’t give a damn.


Trine thought I didn’t care, and he’s never been more wrong. He raised an accusing eyebrow, his eyes dark with frustration.


  “I went looking for you, believe it or not. Tirana and Mr. Bo have been telling us all such wonderful things about your new life in this mystery village, and I thought I’d come for a visit. I had heard of civilizations near the Outlands and even some beyond in the Unknown, but I figured it was all vampire dwellings. I suppose I was wrong.” He said in a tone cold as ice, and filled with little to no emotion.


  It stung to hear him speak with such an accusatory tone, acting as if I had utterly betrayed him, and well, I couldn’t say that I didn’t. I sighed, feeling my anger beginning to fizzle even though Trine’s was still burning furiously.


 “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that my departure would leave such an impact on you. I know I appeared to vanish without a trace, but that’s not the case. You have no idea how grateful I am that you’ve been assisting mother and the girls when necessary. I will forever be in your debt for that matter. But you are wrong if you believe I do not miss you and the Square, because I most certainly do.” I said, feeling the familiar ache in my chest return. The hole was beginning to ravage my insides once more, fueled by the fresh pain and emotion brought on by my friend’s sudden appearance.


 I was hoping that Trine did not notice by sudden shift of mood, but my eyes must’ve given me away, because his expression softened into one of near pity, even though I had completely wronged him by leaving, he still missed me and remembered me enough to argue, which was one trait about him I must say I did not miss. “Then come home.”


Chapter Eight

“What?” I asked before thinking better of it. Trine nodded, smiling faintly, a mere shadow of his old bright grin he flashed me nearly every time I was with him.


 “Come back with me. You’ll be home again, with everyone who really misses you. You can bring your lover too, it wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t get to meet him.” He pleaded, his eyes bright with the new hope of my possible return.


 But I shook my head, knowing this would never work. Coming back to the Square was such a beautiful, luxurious idea, but nothing that I could ever act upon. For, if I returned to the village, I knew I could not bring Pearce. The village would instantly recognize him as the vampire who had invaded us, and he would be attacked within seconds of stepping foot on our land. And I could not live without Pearce. He was the one I loved, he was my other half, and as much as I hated using the vampire term; he was my mate. What we had was similar to what Trine had with Katina, but ours was something deeper. It was an unbreakable bond that could withstand anything, as concrete as was the earth was round. And I knew that some of its definiteness was because of immortal properties.


 One is forever bonded to their mate, who is ultimately, their soul lover that their very being craved. Nothing else matters when you are with your soul’s other half, the person who completes you. Leaving Pearce was something that would ultimately destroy both of us.  Therefore, returning to my home was impossible.


  “I can’t.” I answered Trine, keeping my voice and expression as flat and emotionless as I could, hoping not to hurt him too much and also hoping not to show the longing I felt to go back.


 “I wouldn’t be able to come back without anger directed towards me and the man I’m with. You and I both know that.” I said seriously.


  Leaving your village, the place where you grew up and were raised, to be with a person in a different town, rival or otherwise, was forbidden, and it was not taken lightly if you returned, saying things didn’t work out or coming back with your lover as Trine suggested. But he didn’t seem to be listening, for he shook his head, hope still painfully obvious on his face.


 “I’ll speak to them, and I’m sure Tirana, Mr. Bo, Katina, and your mother wouldn’t mind putting their two cents in to help you regain your status and come back.” He leaned forward, grasping my cold hands in his.


 “Please Kyla, come home.” He said, his eyes glistening with sadness and hope that I would say yes to his offer to help me return.


 A lump lodged itself in my throat as the gaping hole in my chest ripped itself open even wider, exposed to more unwelcome guilt and anguish. I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying yes and walking back into safe, human territory with him. However, that was not an option.


  “I can’t Trine, I’m sorry.” I said, my tone betraying a hint of the raw sadness and aching I felt for home, for family, for familiarity.


  You’d think after almost three months of living with immortals, Natural and Transforms alike, I’d be used to being looked at as a powerful Transform vampire’s mate, someone who is feared and avoided as if she had the plague. You’d think I’d be used to the cold shoulder, unyielding glares, and unmasked conversations wondering why she’s still here, why she’s still mortal, in a houseful of vampires, immortals speaking that eventually, sooner or later, her mate will have to turn her if he wants to spend eternity with her. Just that thought sent a shiver up my spine, and I pushed it back, refusing to deal with it now.


  I had not talked to Pearce about the issue of his immortality faced with my mortality, and I didn’t plan to anytime soon. I also hadn’t spoken to him about the aspect of children, which I knew would also probably not happen anytime soon. I could wait of course but like I had already said, eventually, I would not want to wait any longer. But back to the current situation, Trine was staring at me, his gaze cold, as he dropped my hands and sat up straighter. “Alright. If you do not want to return home then I respect your wishes. But I don’t know when I’ll be in the area again, if I’ll be in it again. Just so you know, this might be your only chance to return without all the anger you’re talking about.”


  I returned his icy look even though I didn’t mean it, although the hurt burning my eyes threatening to release a torrential downpour was all me.


  “I’ll take my chances.” I said, in a rather dead tone than anything else.


 I saw Trine’s jaw clench at my response, but other than that, his features were smooth and clam, showing no emotion while I was scowling in anger and attempting to hold back sobs that I could feel clenching in my throat. I was about to turn away and gather my bow and arrows to leave when Trine spoke, making me stop.


 “Just tell me one thing.” He requested.


 I turned, waiting for something that would send me over the edge and the tears pouring down. Instead, I got something that nearly made the urge to cry vanish, but not completely. “Why are you in vampire territory? And the only human here besides myself for miles?”


Chapter Nine

I blinked, surprised at this sudden shift. I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the lump that seemed to refuse to go away. “Why are you asking me this?”


He shrugged, as calm and cool as if I had asked him about the weather. “You never answered me the first time I asked. It’s unnatural for a human to be on immortal grounds without reason. I’d just like to know what your reason is.” He said in a breezy manner. I shrugged too.


  “I’m just passing through. I thought I’d go hunting and maybe bring back some food but the only thing I stumbled upon was you.” I said. The second part was true, but the first part, the lie, came easily and rolled off my tongue almost as if it was the truth.


  I was hoping that he wouldn’t question me any further, seeing as we were moving towards dangerous waters with hazardous outcomes. Unfortunately for me though, Trine cocked an eyebrow at me in suspicion, obviously misbelieving half of my explanation, the deadly half that was one hundred percent untrue. A part of me expected this. Trine was smart, and I was a terrible liar. Plus, my facts were flimsy as it was, even the true part. No matter, I could tell he wasn’t going to leave or let me make my departure until I answered him, fully and truthfully, which I could not do. So, it seemed we would be here for a long time.


  “What’s the real reason you’re on immortal land? Are you hunting them? Because if you are it’s a bad idea to be alone, especially with so many of their ranks hiding out here.”


   I nodded, snatching up my bow and arrows and beginning my trek away from him. “Thanks for the tip.” I called, refusing to listen or answer his questions any longer. But, I did hear him call one last time behind me.


  “You still didn’t answer my question.” Trine’s voice was lost as I moved farther and farther away, away from the familiarity that I still craved, that I had just refused.


Chapter Ten

Before Transforms existed, Naturals roamed and ruled the earth. Natural born vampires are creatures that master the art of disguise. Since they have nearly all human traits, they are able to blend in almost simultaneously with mortals. It has been documented in history that even some Natural vampires have mated with humans, and produced offspring. Half human, and half immortal, the children usually destroyed their mothers at birth with their unnatural strength, leaving their fathers in fits of rage which led to their untimely deaths. After many such incidents, Naturals kept strictly to their own kind, and hardly ever strayed. And when they did, it was to the destruction of both them and their partner. They felt that it was a wasted effort and was best to stay within their own species to avoid any more tragedies among theirs, and the human race.


 However, soon Naturals became bored and curious. Now, when curiosity and boredom mix, it can become a very unhealthy brew of destruction, and discoveries made that may better off be left alone. They led normal lives and kept away from humans at all costs, only going near them when it was necessary to feed. They would collect their blood and be done with it. Their lives were simple, and their existence was peaceful. But when you’re faced with an eternity of life, simplicity and normalcy aren’t exactly what you will crave as time passes.


 Naturals such as Parker Brice decided to break the trend of boredom. Parker held a very ordinary existence. He had a mate, too many children to count, and had stopped aging at twenty one, so that he could always appear gorgeous and young, along with his beautiful mate Vera. He was happy for a few hundred years, even becoming a grandfather when his children grew and produced children of their own. But one day, Vera came to him expressing her worry of immortality. She proclaimed that she was tired of their boring life, and if things didn’t change soon, she would leave.


 Panicked, Parker promised Vera the change she craved, and went out in search of something that would keep his world intact. Some say Vera was cheating on Parker, others say she was a trollop who favored “both sides of the court” and did many favors for those around her. Let’s not forget that when you are mated to someone that bond is so terribly strong that you would never think of betraying or leaving your beloved. Well now, that person was obviously not Vera.


 But, she held enough power over Parker that he fled from his village to another, a human one. At first, he thought it was an immortal town. They had food supplies, cattle, shops, and homes just like Parker’s village. But as he moved deeper into the poorer, much less healthier sections, he saw sick and dying people, some so ancient their skin was faded and worn like old leather, and their hair was thin and white. This frightened Parker.


 He continued to travel on until he came upon the edges of the forest where he saw people practicing strange arts. They were throwing odd objects through the air until they stuck into the trunks of trees. Not only that, but these people were young and strong. And, he also saw, that some were beautiful, just like immortals. His heart soared, maybe this was the hope for saving his mate from leaving him.


 As Parker began to approach the group of sportsmen he spotted a girl, a beautiful girl with long golden hair and eyes the color of the forest. She was so beautiful, Parker had trouble identifying her as a mortal. After a few moments of watching her skilled practice of throwing the odd objects, he decided he would take her home. Maybe she could teach them her art and become a source of nutrition when his people no longer felt like leaving the village.


 Parker proceeded to seduce the girl whose name he came to learn was Hanna. For days, Parker neglected to return to his town, listening to Hanna speak about her life and the way it was lived. It seemed so marvelous, catching fish, hunting animals, and being with your family, who was very small compared to immortal kin, mortal families you actually kept track of. But, Parker had not only neglected to return to his village, he had ignored his needs for food, and was beginning to grow thirsty. One day when he was talking with Hanna in the forest near the stream where her people fished, he became so caught up in her words and her beauty, that without thinking or realizing the consequences, he bit her.


 She tasted wonderful, of course. Parker expected nothing less. He drank and drank from Hanna until she whimpered with pleasure from his delicious bites. After a few minutes, she was actually begging for more. But Parker realized soon after he pulled away from Hanna, her moans quieting down as she began to grimace in pain, that he had made a fatal mistake. Parker had taken too long, he had siphoned too much of Hanna's blood, and by doing so, too much of his venom had gotten into her system. When biting a human, a little venom didn't hurt them, it actually helped dull the pain. But, stay connected too long, drink too much, and now, there is no chance for that mortal to go on. They begin the transformation from human to vampire within seconds. This was exactly what Parker had done.


 He watched shamefully as the gorgeous girl with blood smeared on her neck began to twitch in pain. At that moment, seeing Hanna in her state of agony, Parker made a decision that would ultimately change vampire history forever. He leaned forward, licked Hanna's wound clean, sat next to her, and held her hand as the screams began.

Chapter Eleven

Parker's little accident had unknowingly changed perspectives, calculations, and conclusions any vampire or human had ever made. When Hanna awoke, she was even more beautiful than before. Her skin was the color of marble, her eyes sparkled, and her whole body moved fluidly and with grace. She was perfect.


When she saw Parker at her side, she smiled at him, and thanked him for saving her life. She didn't have much recollection of what had happened prior to being bitten, and Parker didn't object to her gratitude. He stayed silent and began his teaching Hanna how to live like an immortal.


 At first, Parker thought it would be easy. He thought she would know what to do instinctively, like all Natural vampires did. But he did know that Hanna was not a Natural vampire. In fact, he didn't even know what to call her. He had changed her from her original mortal state into something completely different. Was there even a name for this? Either way, Parker wasn't worried. There couldn't be too many differences from his race to this new, foreign one. Besides, Hanna wasn't acting any different from a Natural vampire. Parker figured things would be fine.


  His viewpoint quickly changed. One night, Hanna came to him and confessed a dire secret. She felt a strange attraction to Parker, almost like an otherworldly force was pulling her towards him. She worried that there was something wrong with her. She also told that she had felt this odd sensation ever since Parker had approached her the day they met. This worried him greatly, for he knew the attraction she spoke of.


 Parker and Hanna were mates, and this devastated Parker to no end. What about Vera? What about his children she had birthed? What would happen when he would return, with a new, unfamiliar immortal by his side?


 His final decision altered history, as many of his mistakes seemed to be doing. Parker abandoned his old life completely, sending word through personal contact to Vera that he would not be returning and that she was free to do what she wished. This was just the incentive she needed to move on, even though she had already begun to do so without his permission.


 Parker had made his final choice, and now he had Hanna to take care of. He didn’t know how he would handle the whole mate situation considering he had only loved one woman for decades. How would he come about attempting to love another? But, that wasn’t even his main concern.


 He had been observing Hanna’s actions over the past few weeks and saw that she was indeed different from his race. One major difference was that she never seemed to breathe. Sometimes Parker would catch her taking in a deep breath but then she would seem to become bored and stop altogether. Naturals had to breathe just like humans. They could go extensive periods of time without breathing but oxygen was an absolute need for them. Hanna on the other hand, didn’t even need to take in any at all and went on just fine.


 A few days after Parker’s observations, Hanna began to complain about pain in her throat, her stomach, and her whole body. He knew what was wrong of course, she was thirsty. He told her that all she would have to do is hunt and she would be fine. So, he took her hunting in a village far from hers or his and picked off a human for her. As she fed however, Parker worried. Why didn’t she possess the instincts that encouraged her to feed, like Natural vampires did? 

Chapter Twelve

In a way, the story of Parker and Hanna was much like my current situation, minus the lustful second mate and unknown questions about science needed to be answered. Keep in mind that didn’t mean there weren’t questions that needed answers, and they may just be as complicated as the scientifically ones Parker faced, if not more.


Trekking back to our small cottage, the conversation with Trine repeatedly ran through my mind. Obviously, he was suspicious of me. Of something. I couldn’t blame him, if he would’ve disappeared in the forest and been found lurking around vampire territory then yes, I would have a reason to be concerned too. But his motives, whatever they may be, are driving him to ask questions that certainly neither of us can answer. I couldn’t help but grimace. While there were questions that I couldn’t answer, he had no problem giving me the answers that I wanted.


 Sighing, I reached the tiny home and went inside, not surprised to find Pearce lounging in the living room, a book nestled in his lap. He may not look it, but Pearce is an avid reader, and the collection stocked in our mini library here is the majority of his favorite works, with a few additions of my own.


  I dropped my bag at the door and headed over to where he sat, settling down on the arm of his chair. He looked up at me and smiled, his perfect teeth gleaming in the small light the flickering flames of our dying fire gave off. 


 “You’re back earlier than I expected.” He observed, closing the book and setting it aside. “And I see you haven’t brought anything back. Slow day I assume?”


 I shrugged, uninterested in sharing anything of what happened in the forest with Pearce. While I trusted him completely, there were a few things that even I didn’t tell him, and this was one of those things.


  “I suppose. There’s not much to catch out there when you guys have already caught it and grilled it up for dinner.” I said, a hint of teasing in my tone.


  He grinned, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me onto his lap, placing a sweet kiss on my lips. I smiled under his touch, returning the kiss with one of my own.


 I do not mean to disgust you with my talk of love or affection, but the feeling of Pearce’s lips against mine was one of the best in the world. When he kissed me, I could nearly forget about everything else. All of our other troubles simply melt away. At that moment, I was grateful to be fee of my own thoughts and give in to the temptation of Pearce’s gentle touch.


 He pulled away for a moment, murmuring, “I love you.”


  I barely had enough time to respond before his lips returned to mine with a new hunger than before. His tongue slipped smoothly into my mouth, as mine returned the favor, and suddenly we became locked in our own little world where we were the only two that existed. And that was exactly how I liked it.


Chapter Thirteen

The story of Hanna and Parker was told to me by Miramar. I was always curious about vampire history, considering the limited knowledge back at my village. So, I went to one of the only people I trusted in the house. I had already asked Pearce so many questions, and I wondered if Miramar knew anything about the immortal past as well. And obviously, she did.


She told me the story of the first Transform vampire and her lover, Hanna Versale and Parker Brice. It was a true romance, much like Romeo and Juliet, but instead of dying at the end, they both lived out their immortal lives in eternal despair from the inability to have what they desired most.


  "In a way", Miramar had said, “that is a much more terrible fate than death.”


  Hearing the history and how Transforms came to exist, what I took from it was that it would’ve happened eventually. Even if Parker hadn’t changed Hanna because he was thirsty and she was beautiful, some vampire would’ve eventually come along, gotten bored, and bitten a human to see what would happen.


 So really no matter how you look at it, Transforms would’ve come about at some point in history. It was just a matter of sooner rather than later.


 Back to the present, Pearce and I were lying on our large bed in our room in the cottage. I dozed off a few times but whenever I woke up I found Pearce wide awake, looking at me as if he was waiting for me to wake.


 He seemed so at ease and calm, if only I could feel the same. There was still Trine, lurking in the back of my mind with his incessant questions and a demand for answers.


  Where was he now? Was he back home in the village tending to his family and mine? Or was he still waiting in the forest for me to return and respond to his questions? For his sake I hoped he had gone home.


 While I was in meager danger here, as far as the vampires around us knew Trine was just another human, just another meal. They wouldn’t think twice about sinking their teeth into him whether he was my friend or not. I couldn’t let that happen.


 I knew that I would have to leave eventually and go in search of Trine. He knew what he was doing, but I couldn’t let him wander around vampire territory alone.


 There was one question that I still didn’t know the answer to, aside from all the obvious ones Trine had thrown at me. What I was curious to know was: why was Trine out here in the first place? I don’t believe for a second his little explanation about hunting. We never hunt this far away from home unless we’re desperate and have someone willing enough to go with us. But alone? Never.


  Which leads me to believe that he must’ve been looking for something, or someone. I didn’t know who was up for a bounty in town anymore, it had been months since I was there last and when I was there Pearce was the one who would bring in the money. Was he still the most hunted vampire out there even now? That’s what I feared.


 What if my people hadn’t removed Pearce from the hunting board, what if they were still after him? I could just be paranoid,  but I didn’t think so.


   I knew how my town worked, and when they’re after a certain vampire then they don’t just give up easily.


 I took a deep breath and shifted in the bed, Pearce moving aside and looking down at me. "Awake already love? No nightmares I hope?"


  I smiled despite myself at the joy on his face and shook my head. "No  my dear, no nightmares."


  "Wonderful. If any of those monsters come lurking in your dreams again, I'll chase them away baby. I promise." He said in a low, protective tone as he placed a sweet kiss on my forehead.


  I sighed in content, snuggling closer into Pearce's warm embrace as his arms tightened around me. Here in his arms, I felt safe and protected. I felt like I was at home.


 Pearce leaned down and nuzzled my neck playfully with his teeth, sending a warm sensation all throughout my body. I sucked in a breath and laced my fingers through his soft blonde hair. Pearce shifted so that way I was underneath him as he began trailing kisses along my neck.


 A knock at the door made us stop, and my hand that was in his hair clenched into an annoyed fist. Pearce chuckled amusedly. "Don't worry love, there's plenty more where that came from."


   I grinned mischievously and nibbled on his lip. "There better be."


 With a smile Pearce jumped up and opened the door. I followed him out to the living room where I saw Miramar standing at the opening, a teasing glint in her eyes.


   "I see you two have been having fun." She giggled and ruffled Pearce's already messed up hair. I couldn't help the blush that crept up my cheeks at the mention of "fun".


  "Anyway", Miramar said as she came inside without an invitation.


  "Can I help you with something?" Pearce said, obviously annoyed as he smoothed back his hair.


 Miramar plopped down in Pearce's reading chair and picked up the book that he was in the middle of, scanning through the pages as she talked.


 "No, but I thought you might want to know that we found a mortal nosing around the main house and we're debating what to do with him. I'm here to receive your vote." She said and set the book down.


  I felt my heart drop down to my feet, and my stomach slide into my throat as Pearce and Miramar continued talking.


 "What does he look like? I've also seen a human wandering around here and I wondered if anyone knew who he was." Pearce asked, talking about a man's life as if it was the weather.


                He. Oh god no.


 "Fairly tall and muscular. I believe he's from one of the more local hunting settlements. We confiscated a large amount of weapons from him but he's not sharing any information with us. It's frustrating, and if he doesn't talk soon there's been gossip that we know what's for dinner tonight." Miramar laughed at the end, shaking her head at the ridiculousness of it.


  I on the other hand, was shaking from head to toe. I grabbed the wall to steady myself and leaned my head against it, the pounding only growing worse with each word they exchanged.


 "Some of the Naturals have been getting a bit annoyed with the fact that there hasn't been any fresh meat around here. They're getting tired of having to drink "bottled blood" as they call it. I'm wondering if maybe this human will be enough to hold them over for a few days. Maybe settle the storm down a little." She informed in a tone strictly of business, and my stomach took a southward spin at the mention of using a human as one of their personal blood bags.


  "His name", I cut in before Pearce had a chance to respond. "Do you know his name?" I asked again.


 Miramar nodded, cocking her head to the side. "I think he said his name was Tyrant or something like that."


 That was it for me. Without paying any mind to Pearce calling my name and asking questions or Miramar's complete obliviousness to the situation, I grabbed my bow and arrows and shot out the front door, heading straight to the main house.

Chapter Fourteen

I burst through the front doors and held my bow ready, pointing an arrow at no one and everyone at the same time. Some of the vampires in the house hissed and growled at the sight of wood, something they hadn't seen in years living here. Others shifted into hunting stances, attempting to advance on me but backing down when I grabbed my stake out of my belt and waved it in their faces. Elizabeth was there, her face terrified as she stood with Kenneth by her side.


 "Kyla? What are you doing? What's going on?" She asked in complete and utter shock.


 I wasn't falling for it. Every immortal here knew that there was a human in their midst aside from myself, and I quickly came to realize in that moment that I couldn't trust a single one of them here. Not Elizabeth, not even Miramar. She didn't seem to give two shits about the fact that they were holding a mortal captive, and Pearce had disregarded it all the same. Maybe I couldn't even trust him . . .


 I shook my head, clearing it. There would be time to wonder about that later but right now, I had to find Trine and get him out of there.


 "Where is he?" I shouted, my weapons still outstretched and at the ready.


 "What the hell are you talking about you insane bitch?!" A girl shouted from the audience, her fangs bared. I ignored her and turned my attention back to Elizabeth.


  "The human. Where is he?" I asked her, my eyes never leaving her face.


 She looked around wildly for a way out, but everywhere her gaze rested she would have to get through me first. I was only one mortal facing a giant crowd of immortals, but most if not all knew who I was. They knew I was a hunter, and they knew that they would lose some numbers if they went up against me. Surely I would die, but I would take some of their own down with me.


 That's when Pearce and Miramar made their way into the room. I didn't turn my back on the leering vampires in front of me, so I waited for them to make their way to the front. Miramar was the first to come into my line of vision.


 "Kyla relax. We haven't hurt the human, he's just fine." She assured me, and in return to her patronizing tone, I shot an arrow up at the giant chandelier of crystals hanging in the middle of the foyer. It sliced one of the main wires holding the huge thing, and it came crashing down.


  Miramar had to jump out of the way from being crushed, and still only managed a few inches before shards of glass flew at her and the vampires all around us. It wasn't wood, but the daggers of crystal still made the majority of the crowd shriek in fear and anguish as they all felt the pain. Some were hit in their arms and legs, others weren't so lucky and got pieces in their chests and backs as they tried to flee.


  Pearce grabbed me and shielded me with his own body as he brought us both to the floor. Miramar had curled up into a ball and covered her head with her arms. When the remains were done flying and there was  a giant, glittery mess on the floor was when everyone straightened up and the real chaos started.


 "She tried to kill us!" One vampire shouted.


   "She should've never been trusted!" Another erupted in a scream.


  "We should've killed the hunter the moment she arrived!" Echoes of agreement followed that statement, and Pearce's arms tightened around me and a growl built up in his chest as the crowd began chanting.


 "Kill the hunter! Kill the hunter! Attack her and her people so that we may never go without fresh blood again!"


 "Enough!" Miramar shouted, standing at her full height. It wasn't much, but many members of the audience shrank back and cowered under her gaze as if she was ten feet tall.


 "This is ridiculous. This all started because we took a mortal captive which I must say was not our best idea." She began. She had everyone's full attention now, and some were even nodding along with her in agreement as she spoke.


   "I know you've all become frustrated with the fact that we cannot provide you with fresh blood like before. Well I'm sorry but I have some news. If we want to maintain a low profile and keep humans from invading our home, then we must make do with what we have-"


  "We've been sacrificing for the blood bags for years now! We've been quiet enough!" The same rude girl who had yelled at me earlier interrupted Miramar, who nodded.


  "You're right Rina, but obviously we have not been doing a very good job of it considering we have a mortal under our very feet right now. We must've been noticeable enough for him to stumble upon us, which hasn't happened in years." She answered calmly, but Rina seemed to have all the answers.


 "I'm not saying he stumbled upon us, I'm saying he was informed." Rina said, and her cold blue eyes narrowed accusingly at me.


 That seemed to be it for Pearce. He leapt from my side and grabbed Rina by the throat, his teeth inches from her face as he growled. "You're accusing my mate of treason? That is one hefty charge little one, and I seriously doubt you'll be willing to own up to it."


 They were close, fangs to fangs. But I wasn't worried for Pearce, he was bigger and much stronger than the petite Rina. What made my heart pound was the audience surrounding us, ready to sink their teeth into whatever opportunity was handed to them.


 "Believe it Grey, when a vampire has nothing to lose then why not risk it all?" Rina said, sneering.


 Miramar moved forward to contain the two, but I had had enough. This arguing was getting us nowhere, and Trine was still somewhere within the house. I was about ready to throw a weapon at one of these stone cold vampires just to get some information out of them. But I didn't have to, because someone else did it for me.


 A stake went flying through the air and before anyone could do anything to stop it, it landed right in Rina's chest. This sent her to the ground as Pearce released his grip on her in complete surprise. Oh hell


  Everyone turned to the direction of where the weapon had come from and there stood my friend Trine. His hands were dripping with blood, and his eyes were wide with fury. Another thing, he was not alone.

Chapter Fifteen

"Everybody move! Now!" Miramar shouted as she rounded up immortals and shoved them out the door.


There were so many people from my village behind Trine. I recognized many of the hunters. Mikael was there, the boy who my mother had pictured me with. Mr. Bo was there, and he was certainly not a hunter. And so many others had flooded into the home while everyone had been arguing. I looked at Trine, and I could barely recognize my old friend behind those bloodshot eyes.


 Things erupted in a matter of seconds, with Miramar pushing groups of vampires out the door, the majority of them children, my people were attacking. There weren't many archers in the group so many were attacking head on, grabbing vampires and killing them with stakes. Some immortals fought back, biting and hissing, clawing off heads and sinking their teeth into necks. I tried to keep my eyes on Trine and Mr. Bo, who didn't know how to fight worth a shit, but lost them in the crowd.


  Pearce found me though, abandoning Rina's body he sprinted to my side and scooped me up in his arms. He made for the door before I screamed to stop him. "No! Pearce don't you understand? Those are my people in there. I have to stop them!"


  "Those are my species in there too but you don't see me risking my neck. I'm not letting you back in there." He said, and ran out the door before I could stop him.


 "Pearce let me go right now! I have to go back!" I shouted, shoving at his chest with my fists.


 "There's no way in hell I'm letting you go back there Kyla, you'll get torn apart. It's one big free for all right now and I can't let you throw yourself into it." He said with a tone of finality, but I wasn't done.


  "So you're just going to let your people die while you run away like it's nothing?" I asked accusingly. He ignored me, but I went on.


  "I don't know how it works with vampires, I've only been around them for a few months but one thing's for sure is that I could never leave my people behind like what you're doing now. I could never and I will never. Let me go, Pearce." I said, my tone just as strong and final as his was.


 I hadn't meant to hurt him with my words, but I wanted to make some sort of impact. I hoped I had, but judging by his unyielding stride and his expression that had stayed stern and set since we left the house, it seemed that what I said had just brushed right off of him.


  "No Kyla." He boomed, so loud that I resisted covering my ears.


  It's then that I realized I'm on my own. I will be going back to that house, but I know that Pearce will not be coming with me. I pulled out my stake, I had left my arrows back at the house when he had taken me away, but thankfully I still had this. I pointed the tip under Pearce's jaw and just at his throat, my hand steady even though inside I was shaking.


 "If you don't let me go, I'll kill you." I warned him. Pearce's steady gray eyes traveled down to meet mine and he stopped walking.


  "You will?" He asked, and his tone wasn't afraid or shocked, it was completely normal. As if he we were discussing the weather.


  I nodded. "If you do not let me help my people then I will have no choice."


 Without another word, Pearce planted my feet on the ground and took a step back, removing his arms from around me and leaving me standing alone. It felt as if someone had stripped away a warm blanket from around my shoulders, and now I was cold and completely on my own. I held my weapon ready, but he stood with his hands up showing that he was no threat.


  "I'm not going to try to stop you. If this is what you want, then who am I to deny you your right to your people?" He said in the most passive tone that I wanted to slap him just get some emotion out of him.


 I began to slowly back up in the direction we came, keeping my eyes on him at all times as I made my way for the house. I turned my back on him when I was about ten feet away and ran. I didn't care to see if he was following or not, but I did hear him call behind me.


 "They'll tear you apart you know. Please my love, don't do this."


 His plea left a lump in my throat and tears streaming down my face as I continued to run. Away from him, leaving half of my heart at his feet. 


Chapter Sixteen

When I got back to the mansion the screams had not ceased. I sprinted up the stairs and inside only to see that neither side was really winning. Bodies were strewn about the living space, men, women, children, some pale enough to be immortals and others undistinguishable to what they once were, human or inhuman. I clenched my teeth and spotted my bow and arrows still lying where I had dropped them. I picked them up and slung them over my shoulder, quickly readying an arrow so that I was more prepared.


  I took a few seconds to study the bodies around me, looking for someone I recognized. There were hunters I had known, people I had spoken with here and there, but none that were significant to me. I took a deep breath and continued to scan.


 I found what I was looking for all too soon. Trine, curled up in the fetal position in the corner and clutching what appeared to be his midsection, and lying in a puddle of blood. Ignoring the fray of chaos, I scrambled over to my friend and got down on my knees at his side. I pressed my two fingers to his neck for a pulse and after a few seconds of agonizing waiting I felt it. Faint and quick, but it was definitely there.


 I blew out all the air that I had been holding in and gently began to turn him over. He fell on his back like a rag doll, his arms splaying out everywhere. I bit my lower lip to keep the tears back as I looked him over, seeing a deep gash at his hip and one on his neck. Dear god, had he been bitten?


 One thing was for sure, I had to stop the bleeding and get him to wake up. I removed my leather jacket and pressed it against his wound at his hip, which seemed to be gushing the most blood. I had nothing left but my T-shirt and undershirt, so I quickly took that off leaving me in only a camisole as I covered the missing flesh on his neck.


  I smoothed back his dark hair and couldn't help but let out a sob of anguish. He was my best friend, my hunting partner, the one I trusted most. And here he was dying on the floor and I could do absolutely nothing. I hadn't felt more useless in my entire life than I had in that moment.


 "Trine", I murmured, tasting my own tears as they flowed freely down  my cheeks. "Please don't give up Trine. You're my brother, you're my family. I can't bear to see you die. Please Trine, please!"


  My last please came out as more of a tortured sob than a sentence, and I clenched my eyes shut and buried my face in his chest as I felt the warmth leaving his body all too quickly.


   "This can't be happening." I whispered against his torn shirt.


 "He's alive." A voice from my left muttered breathlessly. I turned in surprise to see Elizabeth crouching down at my side.


 I moved and shielded Trine with my body, my eyes narrowed. "Don't touch him!" I nearly yelled in her face. She scowled at me and shook her head.


 "I'm not a bloodthirsty maniac like you may want to believe, Kyla. I know he was your friend and I know I'm some evil vampire in your mind right now but you have to trust me." She explained and I only moved in front of Trine further. Elizabeth sighed.


 "If you want him to live, then you have to allow me to help you." She said in a calm yet exasperated tone.


 I looked over my friends poor, beaten body. At his warm brown eyes that were now completely shut and at the shallow rise and fall of his chest as his life slowly drained out of him, while I watched from the sidelines. I nodded.


  "Alright." I said and moved to the side.


 I watched as Elizabeth leaned down and to my horror, began licking at Trine's wounds around his waist.


  "What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted angrily and shoved her. She ignored me, moving slightly away from Trine to show me his body.


  I couldn't believe my eyes. I could physically see tendons sewing themselves back together as his skin began to seal. I looked up, dazed and  bewildered as Elizabeth licked at his neck and that wound as well knit right back together in a matter of seconds. I stared questioningly at Elizabeth, and she explained.


 "Our venom is not only deadly Kyla, but it is life giving and life saving." She said with a small smile as she wiped the blood away from her mouth.


  I hadn't taken notice before but now that I looked at her I realized Elizabeth was covered in blood, her shirt and jeans shredded in various places, and her eyes bleak.


 "Are you alright?" I asked, probably one of the more ridiculous questions I have ever asked someone after something such as this was still going on around us.


  "No, not exactly."She laughed, brushing some of her red hair out of her eyes, and I noticed that her hair also had blood matted in it. 


  Her face seemed to crumple then, and she looked behind her at the people fighting. Her friends, her family. Fighting a battle that nobody had anticipated or wanted in the first place.


  I shot up to my feet and steadied my bow, ready to finish what I had started. "This is all my fault and I do apologize for this, but now I'm going to clean up my mess." I said and without listening for another word, I attacked.


 I grabbed humans and shoved them backward, I shot arrows into immortals and pulled the wood out of their bodies, stunning them into submission so that they would no longer be able to fight. I went through this with about twenty people before a body fell to the floor at my feet and I had to suppress a gag.


 Mr. Bo, my weapon maker. A wonderful craftsman, someone who only came here to defend one of his own, probably expecting to return home to his family.


  I grimaced, swallowing the pain and the tears. There would be plenty of time to cry later, but now was not it. I jumped up and ran to separate another fight, when someone grabbed hold of my hair, halting me in my tracks. I spun around, but I didn't even get a chance to look at my attacker before a knife was plunged directly into my stomach.

Chapter Seventeen

 I doubled over and clutched at the handle, pulling it out with a horrified and painful scream. White agony burst in front of my vision and exploded all throughout my body, pulsing relentlessly. I dropped the knife to the ground and struggled to stay on my feet, I made it about two steps before collapsing onto my knees.


 Everything was so blurry as I looked around, trying to see if the fights had picked up again or if I had even made a dent. Another jolt of pain ripped from my stomach and curled around my whole body, wrapping me in its viselike grip. I couldn't help but let out another scream as I fell onto my back, twitching as I gripped my wound. I could feel the warm blood streaming through my fingers and pooling on the marble floor. I looked down, but saw nothing except for red. Red everywhere. When I attempted to gaze about the room again everything had turned an ugly shade of dark red.


 I opened my mouth and coughed up a stream of metal tasting blood, and rested my head on the cool stone, no longer trying to look anywhere. The pain was too much, I was shaking from head to toe, and my blood was still pouring out of the large hole the knife had left in my stomach. I saw stars, white stars dancing across my vision. Until they turned black, and clouded up everything. Well, anything was better than that awful red.


  So this was it. This was how I was going to die. I hadn't pictured it this way. Back in the village, I had always envisioned my death to be something possibly hunting related. I had gone out and been overwhelmed with numbers, but I had died fighting and would always be remembered as a hunting legend. The Girl Who Never Gave Up. Yeah, that sounded like me.


 That was how I should've died, at a decent age with a steady family to carry on my strength and my hard headedness. But not like this, with a knife to the gut and humans and vampires fighting one another around me. No, this wasn't right. It seemed that I wasn't going to get a say in the matter though.


  I had faced death many times, it has come very close to me and I've even shaken hands with it. Although I have never accepted the thought and realized, this is it. This is where it all ends. This was my life, and now it's my time to go. It's over.


  I still couldn't bring myself to think that, but again I didn't seem to have much of a choice. With a sigh, I closed my eyes, the darkness seeming to envelope me in it's warm, inviting embrace.


 I couldn't help but think of Pearce in that moment. Ah, my own little piece of danger that seemed not so dangerous after all. What he was had always been the stuff of my nightmares, but he became my wildest and most favorite dream after awhile.


  "They'll tear you apart you know. Please my love, don't do this."


  The last thing he said to me, and I did not regret not listening to him. The only thing I did regret was not telling him how much I loved him. I knew that he knew that I was only saying that I would kill him because he wouldn't let me go. The truth is, I couldn't kill Pearce even if I wanted to. Even when I wanted to I couldn't kill him, and that was what made me realize that he was different.


 Pearce, wherever you are, I want you to know that I love you. I know you only had my best interest in mind with this whole thing, and I hate to admit but you were right. I'm sorry. I love you so much, I wish I could say I hope to see you again someday but I don't want you to die in order to see me. If anything do me one last favor, live. For me. I love you.


 The best I could do, but I couldn't speak, not with the pain and blood clogging up my throat. I could feel a warmth spreading through my body, and I wondered if it was the last warm feeling I would experience until I left this world. Well, I can only find out . . . 

Chapter Eighteen



 A voice? Was I dead? Was this God?


 "Kyla! Please!"


  I scowled. This didn't seem right. Who in the world would be calling me? And that voice sounded way too familiar. This couldn't possibly be heaven or hell. It was too cold to be hell and way too uncomfortable to be heaven. So, where was I?


  "Kyla baby you have to wake up, c'mon love you can do it."


 Pearce? Was he dead too? I sure hoped not, I thought I basically said, or maybe thought? Well it didn't matter, the point was I wanted him of all things to live. Out of the two of us, since I was already dead, that was the least he could do.


  "Kyla can you hear me? Kyla I love you, you're my everything. Your'e gonna be alright, you just gotta wake up. Please? Let me see those beautiful eyes of yours, darling."


 I grimaced. Please, Pearce tell me you're alive!


  "You are my everything Kyla Tyler, do you hear me? Everything. I can't go on without you I need you, you are my life, my soul mate. You mean more to be than the entire world, you are my whole world. So don't you dare give up on me!"


 I could've cried, I could feel the lump in my throat. Wait. I could feel it? Hmm, and I also felt really god damn cold. Except for a heat at my belly, and a staggering pain right there that was definitely real. Without any kind of warning, I was brought back to reality with a jolt, my eyes flew open and I gasped, turning and spewing out blood as someone gently rubbed my back.


 "Kyla!" The person rubbing my back hugged me and began kissing my shoulder blades, my shoulders, my neck, my head, anything they could possibly reach.           


"Don't ever scare me like that again!" Pearce's scolding tone softened at the end as his arms wrapped around me, cradling me to his chest.


 I groaned, feeling my stomach throbbing and burning, and as I looked down to see a mess of red I remembered what had happened.


  "W-who stabbed me?" I muttered, gazing around the room that seemed empty except for a few people huddled around Pearce and I. Looking around, Miramar, Trine, Elizabeth, and Kenneth were all standing above us. Miramar and Trine were standing right next to each other, to my utter surprise. While Elizabeth leaned against Kenneth with his arms wrapped around her.


 "Don't worry about that now baby." Pearce murmured, kissing my hair.


  "It hurts", I said as I sighed, wincing.


 "I know love, the healing sometimes hurts just as much as the actual wound." He informed me, and I looked up at him in confusion. He grinned softly, and that's when I saw the faint trace of blood on his lips.


 "You . . . healed me?" I managed before I closed my eyes and dropped my head against his chest. I could feel myself slipping, it wouldn't be much longer until I was out. He nodded against my hair.


 "You're going to be just fine. You're going to be fine." Pearce whispered, rubbing my back. It sounded like he was talking more to himself than me, but I didn't have time to think about that. I could already feel reality shifting around me.


"Don't . . . leave." I got out through barely parted lips.

Chapter Nineteen

When I opened my eyes again, I was looking at our the ceiling of our small cottage bedroom. There was barely any light in the room. It must've been early in the morning.  


I sat up, and was immediately hit with a searing pain in my stomach. I gasped, clutching my midsection and leaning against the headboard. The events of last night-or whenever the fight had been, came rushing back to me in a very unpleasant burst. My head throbbed just thinking about it. I grimaced. So many people . . . dead . . . because of me.  


"Kyla? Are you awake?" Pearce peeked inside the room, his gray eyes shimmering and blonde hair perfectly messy. Even though he couldn't produce tears, the expression on his pale and beautiful face was so despairingly sad.  


My throat closed up as my heart swelled, remembering his sobbing yesterday when I had gotten hurt. "Yes. I’m awake."  


He smiled but didn't show his teeth, as he made his way into the room. Gently he sat down on the edge of the bed as not to move me too much, and just sat there. He seemed to be staring at my stomach and his hands were on his thighs. He wasn't touching me . . .  


"Pearce?" I asked, my concern rising when he still wouldn't meet my gaze. "Are you okay?"  


He chuckled, but it was devoid of emotion. "I should be asking you the same thing."  


I shut my mouth, feeling fear build up in my chest. He still would not look at me.  


"Pearce?" I tried to look into his eyes. He just wouldn't let me. "Pearce! Why won't you look at me?" I screeched frantically, and reached out to put my hand his shoulder, but in a flash he had his back to the wall in front of me, too far for me to touch.  


His gray eyes had turned a shining silver, and his face was drawn in shadow. My fear increased and my eyes widened. I moved to stand up, but was seized with another spasm of agony resonated in my gut. I gritted my teeth and barely suppressed another gasp, but stood anyway.  


"No", Pearce held up his hands. "Lay down Kyla. You shouldn't be up until you're healed."  


"Pearce please." I begged, taking a step forward despite his warning. "Why won't you look at me? Or let me touch you?"  


His arms dropped to his sides, and he took a step away from me, his back pressed against the wall once again.  


"Because Kyla. What happened to you . . . it was all my fault. I refuse to have anyone's blood on my hands again, especially yours." He said in a grave tone, his eyes cast down.  


My blood ran cold. I was left speechless in horror. How could he blame himself for what had happened? He had it all wrong.  


"Pearce, please for the love of god do not blame yourself. None of this was your fault at all. Please." I begged him, my voice quivering with tears. I moved forward to touch him again but he beat me to it.  


Pearce rushed towards me and clamped my arms to my sides, his expression stern. Gently, he guided me back to the bed and sat me down.  


"Lay down Kyla." He repeated in a soft voice.  


I blinked, still completely dumbfounded at what he had said. I found my voice a few minutes after staring into Pearce's tortured gray eyes once he finally looked at me, barely being able to speak without feeling my eyes fill up.


"Not unless you lay down with me." I whispered.  


He sighed, shaking his head and closing his eyes. He kept them shut for a few moments before looking at me, searching my face.  


"Fine." He consented.  


He helped me get my legs back on the bed, with his feather light touch he caused me no pain at all. Pearce rounded the bed and with the same about of gentleness as before, laid down next to me. I rolled very slowly onto my side so I could see him, wincing slightly.  


"Kyla stop, you'll only hurt yourself further." He said disapprovingly at all my movement. I scowled at him.  


"I want to see you." I said defiantly, and moved anyway.  


He pursed his lips but said nothing. I was now facing him, and I was pleased that he had no choice but to look at me. His deep gray eyes were filled with such sorrow, such pain, that I felt the tears threatening again.  


I reached out and placed my hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes as soon as I touched him. His skin was so soft, and so cold. I took a moment to study his breathtaking features. His full pink lips, straight jaw,  jagged white blond hair hanging in his face and eyes, and his eyes. Oh, his beautiful big eyes that were shut now, almost as if he was in pain.  


I leaned forward, about to kiss those perfectly carved lips, when Pearce's eyes opened and filled with alarm.  

"Don't", he said, and reached out to place his hands on either side of my face, halting me. "Just don't, Kyla."  


His rejection stung and my breath physically felt knocked out of me. I swallowed, looking away from him.  


"I'm sorry." I murmured, and the tears began to fall against my will.  


"Don't cry." Pearce's voice was now terrified. Of what, I wasn't sure. "Kyla baby, please don't cry." He said, taking his hands away and softly caressing my cheek with his knuckles.  


I gasped, sobbing at the same time and causing my stomach to hurt but I didn't even care. What I cared about was that Pearce thought what had happened was his fault. So many innocent lives had been taken. I didn't even know who was alive and who wasn't anymore. And now, Pearce refused to touch me because he was afraid of hurting me. This was all my fault.  


"I'm so sorry Pearce." I cried, clutching his forearms and burying my face in his chest. "I'm so, so sorry."      

Chapter Twenty

"Kyla, you have no reason to be." Pearce assured, but I could feel his touch, barely there. He was still afraid. I shook my head, sitting straight up.


 The pain in my gut was more prominent than ever, and especially stung after doing that. I wasn't paying attention to it though. I was too focused on what was going on right now in front of me.


 "No Pearce! Listen to me. You. Are. Not. Responsible. For. What. Happened. I am!" I nearly shouted.


 He scowled, confused. "What do you mean? You've done nothing to provoke them, and even if you had there was nothing you could've done that prompted them to come here. You're not the reason this happened. Kyla, don't cry . . ."


 I pursed my lips, tears running down my face regardless. I realized that I would have to tell Pearce about what had happened before all of this, in the woods where I had accidentally met up with Trine.


 "You don't understand. I . . . came into contact with one of my old friends. A hunter like me . . . Trine." I admitted in shame, my sentence trailing off as Pearce's eyes widened and narrowed at the mention of Trine. I went on, the tears continuing to flow.


 "He asked me to come back with him. When I said no, he started questioning what I was doing on immortal territory. In return, I fought back asking what he was doing here. He said he was looking for me."


 "The people in my village were gathering a search party for me and waiting for Trine's word. He obviously told them where I was before he came back here on his own. When he didn't come back they must've gone looking for him. Judging by how poorly they were armed, they weren't expecting a fight."


 I finished explaining in hasty defeat. Pearce was quiet for a few moments, his expression calculating. I couldn't stand the silence, so my babbling picked back up again.


 "I had no idea he would return and my people would come here. I'm so sorry Pearce, I feel awful. I never thought something like this would happen, I thought everything was under control but it's all my fault. It's my fault that they came here because Trine wasn't happy with my refusal. I should've talked to him more, or not talked to him at all, oh god, Pearce I'm just so sorry-"


 Pearce's kiss halted my tirade of words, and my insides melted in relief and heated passion. I kissed him back feverishly, my arms going around his neck and my hands grasping his hair. Gently, he moved me into his lap and had my legs wrapped around his waist so that our bodies were slightly touching. It was more than enough for me.


 Our embrace lasted until I ran out of breath and we broke apart, my exhausted panting ruining the moment. Pearce smiled in amusement and joy, lighting up the whole room. I couldn't help but smile back, so grateful that he seemed to forgive himself, and me.


 "Kyla I could never stay mad at you. You're my light in darkness my love, without you I would be plunged back into the abyss I was once in, and I never want to return to a place like that. I am drawn to you no matter what you do. You could tell me you hate me and I would still never stop trying to convince you otherwise. You are my life, Kyla Tyler." Pearce's endearment tugged at my heart, and with a tearful smile I kissed him again, and again, and again.


 It went on for a while just like that, kissing, holding, crying, and talking. During this time, I was hit with the realization: what would my life be without Pearce? It would be horrifying, just as he had stated. In the short time I had known him, I had fallen deeply in love with Pearce. It was something that was beyond my control.


 From the very moment we met, and we couldn't bear hurt one another, I knew things with him were different, and that we were about to change everything. Change everyone's outlook, everyone's thoughts, on the world of immortals and humans. Existing together as enemies wasn't a huge reality to both Pearce and I before we met. But after that first kiss, I knew that everything had been altered. For the better I hadn't been sure yet, however now I was.


 Just like back during Parker and Hanna's time, the world itself had been rocked exponentially, but along with it came new knowledge and the hope for a better tomorrow.


 Once word was returned to my village by myself and Pearce that we were together, as mates, as one, many were revolted as we expected. And yet, there were some who accepted the fact that you can find love anywhere, and in anyone. And that is something to truly rejoice in.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.09.2013

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