
Chapter One

I gripped Pearce’s hand as he and I ran through the forest. I knew why we were running. Anyone who would see us would kill us on the spot. Pearce ran fluidly, his breathing perfectly even while my chest was burning from the effort. I knew that this was probably a slow pace for him, while I could barely keep up. I could run fairly quickly, however my pace was nothing compared to an immortal’s. When we had covered about two miles I had to stop. I doubled over with my hands on my knees, nearly gagging from my dry throat and not to mention that my insides felt like someone was poking them with a knife.


“Are you alright?” Pearce asked, looking down at my pathetic figure.


I shook my head, letting out another cough. I straightened up when I could get a breath in without retching. I wouldn’t be able to run like that again without vomiting.


“Maybe that was a little too fast for you.” He said, a hint of teasing in his tone. I narrowed my eyes at him.


“I can take it.” I said, even though my voice was hoarse from the coughing fit.


Pearce shrugged. “Alright. But I think we’ll walk the rest of the way.”


I shrugged, as if I couldn’t care less when really I was grateful. I would collapse for sure if we picked up at the same pace.

Chapter Two

We walked steadily for the rest of the way in silence. Neither of us spoke because really there was nothing to talk about. After about an hour of walking, Pearce held his arm out, stopping me. He looked around the area for a moment as a smile slowly lit up his face.


“We’re here.” He said. “C’mon de quisque!”  Pearce shouted at the trees.


I recognized the language: Latin. Immortals were centuries old creatures who sometimes could not communicate without being positive that they were not currently spied on. So they would speak in their native language which was like a code for them. That is, unless the eavesdroppers knew the language than they would switch to something even more foreign like Arabic or Serbian. I was fluent in Latin, and I could understand every word. He was telling people to come out. I peered into the trees, looking closely for any sign of life, but I saw none. Not even a rabbit or fox, which was what alerted me that there must be vampires here considering that there were no living creatures scurrying about.


“Est ut Pearce?” A call came from the darkness.


“Sic.” He responded.


About ten people moved out of the shadows and came into focus in an instant. If you would’ve blinked, you would’ve missed it and thought that those people had always been there. A few people came up to Pearce and slapped him on the back, however they paid no mind to me. A girl did come over to Pearce, hug him, and then her eyes rested on me. She smiled brightly.


“Hello, what have we here?” She asked, looking at me however the question was directed at Pearce. The girl had long wavy dark brown hair and dark hazel eyes. She was a few inches shorter than me, and had a girlish sweetness to her even though she seemed to be about sixteen.


“This is Kyla.” Pearce replied, his tone wary. Her smile seemed to become even brighter.


“Nice to–” She broke off midsentence, her eyes widening as she observed me closer. “Oh no Pearce”, she said, her hand going to her mouth almost in fear. “She’s human?” She said to him, her tone heavy with horror. Pearce shook his head.


“She’s an outcast in her village. She has nowhere to go. And I daresay that it’s a fault of mine that she is homeless.” He said, ashamed. The girl dropped her hand, her gaze sharpening at Pearce.


“Oh for the love of God, a local girl? You took a local girl? Jesus Pearce, are you trying to get us all killed? If you have a death wish I suggest you keep your suicidal notions to yourself and not involve us.” She said, running a hand through her long hair.


“Please”, Pearce said, his eyes glistening and tone terribly pathetic. “Please, I can’t send her off to be slaughtered. The people of her village will surely kill her if I let her go back.” He begged. The girl sighed, shaking her head.


“Fine. We’ll keep her here. But if any trouble comes are way because of this it’ll be your head on a spit, not mine.” She warned, but Pearce’s expression had melted into one of relief. He took the girl’s hand, smiling graciously.


“Thank you so much.” He said. She rolled her eyes, pulling her hand out of his grasp.


“Yeah, yeah. Well”, she turned to me, the smile back in place. “I suppose we should get you settled in.” She observed my face for a while. “You have dirt on you.” She said, then reached out to touch my cheek, and I jumped back reflexively.


Years of hunting has taught me never to let anyone get close enough to touch you. She recoiled almost as if I had wounded her.


“Alright. Well you’re a mess, there’s dirt all over both your faces. Come along”, she said, waving for us to follow. She walked by my side, with Pearce in the back. She kept glancing behind her shoulder and then at me, as if she wanted to keep an eye on both of us.


“Oh, I’m Miramar by the way.” She said to me. I gave a small smile.


“So, is there a river where we can wash?” I asked. She looked at me for a moment, then burst out laughing. I turned around to see Pearce chuckling as well.


“What?” I said, my face burning and tone rising. “What did I say?” I asked angrily.


Miramar straightened up, waving a hand. “It’s okay. You didn’t say anything it’s just that, do you think we are cave people?” She asked, giggling again. My lip quirked partly in anger and embarrassment.


“We have a manor.” She said. “Just a short walk from here. About a mile. Come along Kyla, unless you prefer the river just down the hill.” She said, letting out another laugh.


My face was bright red, and I wasn’t sure if I should scream at them, laugh with them, or just keep quiet. I chose the third one. As we walked, Pearce and Miramar discussed food supplies, saying that they could survive on the same food as me as long as they had at least a bottle of blood to keep them going for a while. I learned that they usually kill animals and use their blood, and try to avoid having to pick off humans from local villages like mine.


“Ah, here we are.” Miramar said as we came upon a large house, no it wasn’t a house, it was a mansion.


A massive white building with columns and a huge front porch rested as if it had been dropped down in the middle of the forest, however at the same time it belonged there. It had at least twelve floor-to-ceiling windows just in the front. The house stood proud and tall, with ivy crawling up the one side like hands clawing the white brick. There were a few smaller cottages in the back and off to the sides of the home that were like miniature versions of the main house.


“What are those for?” I asked Miramar.


“Privacy for the few of us who have mates.” She said, leading us up to the house.


I cast a glance at Pearce who winked at me and gestured for me to go in front of him. Miramar opened the large white doors as we followed her into the house, and my eyes widened at what was inside. There were large couches everywhere of varying colors from black to dark green. There were mirrors here and there and some people were looking at themselves in them, fixing their hair or even winking at themselves. The floors were white marble, a few rugs were placed under coffee tables. There was a large double staircase, with a balcony at the top overlooking the foyer. There were no lights in the house except the recess lighting in the ceiling and the crystal chandelier hanging above us. The windows were tinted so that no light would be able to get in, and I noticed that there was no wood in the house either. I shut my eyes. Crap. I was defenseless here, I had left my stake back on the outskirts of the village. I had no weapons and I was in a house full of vampires. Careless would not even begin to describe how stupid I’ve been. 

Chapter Three

“This is basically where everyone hangs out–well, people hang out everywhere so wherever you want to go it’s fine by me!” Miramar said with a giggle.


We walked up one of the large staircases and entered into a hallway that seemed to go on forever. Down the hall, Miramar opened a door and gestured inside. “I hope you like this room, Kyla.” She said.


I came over, peeking inside and having my jaw drop pathetically. The bedroom was bigger than our whole house. There was a sitting area with puffy couches and fluffy pillows and a coffee table with a spread of magazines resting on the tabletop in the far corner of the room, just near a bay window overlooking the garden area down below. The bed was a king, with gaudy gold covers and pillows. I could just see a door open leading to a bathroom with a large tub, two sinks, and a steam shower. God, it looked like a spa, something out of a dream.  


I swallowed my desire. It was something that we wouldn’t be able to afford back home, and the guilt of me being able to enjoy it and not the girls or mother was crushing. I cleared my throat, noticing that Miramar was standing waiting for me to say something.


“It’s–something.” I said, clearing my throat again. She giggled.


“Never lived the life of luxury huh? That’s okay. You’ll get used to it.” She gave me a smile before she turned, walked just across the hall, diagonal from my room, and opened a door. “This is yours, Pearce.” She said.


My eyes widened and I opened my mouth, however no words came out. Pearce looked at me, half of his face shielded by his white hair.


“See you around.” He said, winked, and walked inside his room, shutting the door behind him. 

Chapter Four

“Kyla, it’s time to eat.” Miramar knocked on my door.


I had been sitting on one of the plush couches, worrying about weapons and how to be able to defend myself. The support for the bed was metal, and the sinks in the bathroom pedestal. There weren’t even legs on the furniture to fashion into stakes. They certainly put some thought into this. The only wood in the house were the tables and they were polished, glued, and nailed together so much that no amount of throwing or smashing would break them. I sighed, getting up to open the door.


“Did you say it was time to eat?” I clarified, straining to keep the disgust I felt off of my face. Her lip quirked oddly before a smile spread broke her composure.


“Um, we eat food here, Kyla. We feed away from the house.” She shook her head. “Aye, I’m going to have to get used to this.” She mumbled under her breath as she turned and walked down the stairs.


“No kidding”, I added, following behind her.


      We came into a living area with couches everywhere and there were at least twenty people lounging on them. The strong scent of vampire filled my nostrils as we entered. The smell was hard to describe, sweet like a perfume, but sharp and overpowering like a choking perfume that made my eyes water with so many packed into the room. It was not that the scent was unpleasant, but it was something to get used to, like hanging around a friend that wore too much cologne. Sometimes you enjoy it and other times you can’t breathe.


“The food’s laid out in the kitchen over there”, Miramar pointed to a gourmet kitchen with a buffet lined out on the large island. Vampires were also hanging around there. I swallowed. I just couldn’t catch a break in this house could I?


“Need some help?” Pearce asked, appearing next to me silently.


The hair on my arms prickled at his presence. I looked at him, in his charcoal eyes, at his soft ashy blond hair, and felt a chill go up my spine. The way he looked was eerie, because he had an air of power and mystery about him. Like he held secrets and dangled them right in front of your face, but just as you were about to catch them, he would yank them out of your reach, daring you to come closer.


“I’m fine.” I answered him. He cocked an eyebrow, looking at the crowd of immortals that had gathered in the kitchen.


“You sure about that?” He asked as he saw me bite my lip.


I was out of my element here, big time. I had never been around so many vampires at once before. The most I had ever been around at a time was five, and that was because they were grappling over dinner. But this? Pearce chuckled, and before I could say anything he looped his arm through mine, and began leading me to the kitchen.


“What are you doing?” I hissed at him, but he ignored me as we shoved our way through the close packed bodies until we came to the food piled on the island.


“Help yourself.” He gestured, an odd glint in his eye that hinted at something that I didn’t want to know.

Chapter Five

I picked up a plate and filled it with as much as I could. There were meats and cheeses that I had never even heard of let alone seen spread across the island. There were also exotic fruits, vegetables, and drinks that had only been the stuff of stories in my village. My stomach grumbled eagerly as I took a seat on one of the cold leather couches. I sat alone, however Pearce rested cross-legged near my knees, eating a variety of each food. I scowled as he looked up at me. A smile spread across his face.


“Are you uncomfortable with me here?” He asked, a teasing note to his tone. My eyes narrowed, but I smiled sweetly as if I loved his company.


“Not at all.” I answered. His smile widened as he turned around and continued to eat.


No, I’m not a hypocrite, however at times I might seem like one. It might look a little strange how I had kissed Pearce outside my village, so fiercely that we had nearly begun to shed our clothes, and now I’m avoiding him and treating him like I hate him, the way I had treated immortals since the day I was taught to hunt. I shook my head as I dumped my plate, which was only half empty. I hadn’t been able to eat easily with Pearce so close, only about two inches away from resting against my legs. I swallowed, taking a drink of water. I had been too nervous to try any of the other multicolored drinks at the table.


The food that I had eaten was marvelous, however later on when I had begun to think about home, where mother and the twins were, the food settling in my stomach began to feel heavy, like I had swallowed a rock. Pearce drifted around the room, not really talking to anybody, just wandering. Miramar seemed to have disappeared altogether, so the only one I knew was Pearce. He didn’t seem like he had many friends here, but there was one guy, with dark hair and dark eyes, sharp cheekbones, and a tall strong body who Pearce seemed to speak to often. I walked around as well, but I didn’t dare speak to anyone.


Most of the vampires in the room would wrinkle their noses at me and move away, while others their eyes would widen and they would scurry off as if they were afraid. Then there were the ones who looked at me with lust, but it wasn’t a romantic lust, it was a longing for what flowed through my veins, a yearning for what they craved most. And at the moment, that was me, considering I was the only human within miles of here.


I wandered into a room that had only a few people, which was lucky, since nearly all the rooms were jam-packed with the strong-smelling vampires. Their scent was starting to give me a headache. One of the immortals in the room came over and sat down next to me on the couch. I glanced at him, seeing that he was the person that Pearce had been talking to all night.


“Hey”, he said with a smile, raising a glass of pink tinted liquid. My skin prickled as I nodded in his direction. I did not want to know what they had spiked his drink with, because I knew for a fact that it was not liquor.


“So you’re the new girl I’ve been hearing so much about.” He said, taking a drink of the pink stuff.


I nodded silently again. He was very handsome, with dark brown eyes and nearly black hair. He was tall even sitting down, taller than me, well, everyone seemed to be taller than me lately even though I had always considered myself tall. I suppose to gain a few inches on me was some kind of trend here.


The vampire also had striking features, with his eyes so sharp and clear, and his noticeable cheekbones. He also had a pouty mouth, which gave off a slight arrogance about him. No doubt he was gorgeous, but again, that’s how every vampire looked. Beautiful, perfect, a bit paler than humans but no one would pay any mind to that, they’d just think that the vampire was a human who needed a good tan or something.


Yes, beautiful, perfect, and deadly, with their fangs only showing when they want them to. Their only weakness was sunlight, and no, when they go out in the sun they do not burn to ashes, however it diminishes their strength quite quickly, especially if they do not have enough blood in their system. A moderately full vampire could go out in the sun for about five hazy minutes before they would faint. The only thing that could kill a vampire was wood. Now that was one legend that remained true throughout the centuries. But these vampires together would be no match for me, even though I had fought many in my nearly seventeen years. Even if I got the whole pack out into the sun, I’d be dead in minutes.


I snapped back to the present when the vampire said my name.


“So you’re Kyla, hmm, the only human in a houseful of vampires eh? Does that make you nervous?” He asked me, and even though his tone was curious and his expression showed nothing but innocence, there was something about him that depicted a hidden meaning.


It only took me a moment to find that familiar lust buried underneath his kind façade. It was there, in his eyes, burning through his cold curiosity. I got up from the couch and looked down at him, giving him a smile.


“Of course not. I hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable?” I said in the same innocent tone as he had used. He gave a carefree chuckle that did a pretty good job at hiding his strain, but not that good.


“Certainly not. I can control myself.” He said with a hand placed modestly on his chest, just near his heart. I nodded, my lip slightly curled.


“I’m sure you can, but keep in mind”, I leaned a bit closer to him, my sneer widening, “I can take care of myself as well.”

Chapter Six

“Liam?” Pearce came into the room, looking sternly at the vampire Liam, sitting laid back on the couch that we had been sharing.


“I see you’ve met Kyla”, Pearce said, walking over to my side and giving me a questioning look. I scowled back, then looked to Liam, who was getting to his feet.


“Well, I’m tired, think I’m gonna hit the sack.” He said.


Without warning, he reached out and touched a lock of my hair. I flinched away, accidentally moving closer to Pearce, who gripped my arm firmly. His touch brought goose-bumps to my skin. I knew vampires were unnaturally cold beings, but his touch was like ice, even through my long-sleeved shirt.


“Don’t touch her.” Pearce said, his voice as sharp and cutting as a knife. However Liam did not flinch. He only laughed.


“Don’t worry bro, I know she’s yours. Good night then”, he said, nudging Pearce on the shoulder as he left. I raised my eyebrows at him.


“I’m yours?” I asked, my tone surprised and a bit angry. They talked about me like I was an object that someone owned. I was a person, not a freaking prize to be won or lost. And why would they even be trying was what I’d like to know. Pearce’s face was dark, and grew darker as I spoke.


“What do you mean ‘I’m yours’ Pearce?” I asked again. His eyes that were already a dark gray, narrowed into black slits.


“Liam’s just talking shit. Don’t worry about him.” He said, releasing my arm finally and beginning to turn away. I gripped his shoulder.


“No. I want to know.” I said, leaning closer. “What was he talking about?”


Pearce eyed me for a moment, analyzing my face as if he was looking for something. I suppose he found it, because with a deep breath he took my wrist. “C’mon.”


He began leading me away and up one of the large staircases. I followed, asking myself if I had lost my mind. First I’m avoiding him and now I’m following him upstairs and away from everyone? Being alone with Pearce was no safer than being in a room filled with vampires. I shook my head as we came into the hall with all the bedrooms. My heart picked up speed as we came down to my room.


“Why are we here?” I asked as he shut the door behind us.


“So that no one will hear us.” He said, however knowing immortals’ sharp hearing, they would hear us even if we whispered. Pearce must know that too, but he didn’t say anything. Apparently he just wanted privacy. But for what?


The hammering of my heart grew louder and faster as Pearce moved closer. I must have bipolar disorder, after avoiding and hating vampires all my life, now even though I knew it was wrong, that I had run away from my family and the life I knew just for the sake of my own life, I knew that I wanted him. And I wanted him now. I swallowed, clenching my fists, suddenly overtaken by the desire to touch him, to feel if his pale skin was as smooth as it looked. He began to speak, and I struggled to keep up with how quickly he was talking.


“He meant that you were mine and that I was yours. Ever heard of mates?” He asked, and my throat seemed to dry up at the word. Yes, I knew of mates. That one other that vampires spent their whole lives with. When Trine and I hunted, if we took out a female or male who had a mate, then that mate would come after us seeking revenge. Vampires could hold a grudge that could last an eternity. I nodded. He continued.


“Well, many believe that you are my mate.” He said. I scowled, my desire for him ebbing as my curiosity took over.


“What do you believe?” I asked. He hesitated a moment, his face darkening once again. After about a moment of thought, he looked back up at me.


“I don’t know. It’s very possible. Everything is different for me now that I’ve met you. The world is brighter, the night clearer, for me, life has taken on a whole new meaning. Kyla”, he took another step forward, so that we were now inches apart.


“Things have changed for me.” He said, in a lower voice this time, reaching out and cradling my face in his palm. I looked into his eyes, and they seemed to swallow me up. Any resistance I had melted away as his eyes melted me. I licked my lips.


“Is it a good change or a bad one?” I whispered.


Pearce grinned. “Both.” He said, and then he kissed me. 

Chapter Seven

This kiss was just as fierce as the last one, if not even more intense. Pearce’s arms circled around me, holding me close to him, so close. However for me it was not close enough. I grabbed onto his hair, wanting him to hold me tighter as our tongues began to touch. He shoved me against him, gladly tighter. He lifted me up as my legs went around his waist. He held me in his arms as we kissed. I could feel our bodies moving together, and our lips quickly trying to keep up with each other’s movements. At some point we fell onto something soft, which I think was either the bed or the couch. Either way, it didn’t stop the kiss, which was so long that I had to break it just to breathe.


My face was hot and probably bright red, my heart was slamming into my ribcage so hard I was afraid it would jump out of my chest. My hair was tangled and my eyes wide with surprise and shock at myself. I looked at Pearce. His hair was messy from my hands, and his eyes were dark gray, lighter than they were before. His breathing was also erratic, even though he had no need to breathe. I could not feel but a slight rush of déjà vu.


This was just like outside my village. Shock, surprise, and both of us ending up in a complete mess. The good thing was though, we didn’t have to run this time. This was exactly how the kiss near the Outlands had happened. But this time it was Pearce declaring that he felt changed, not me. I swallowed and looked up at Pearce, who was smiling at me with his head cocked to one side.


“What?” I asked, sitting up and noticing that we were in fact on the bed. I began smoothing my hair, knowing that I must look horrible. “What is it?” I said again.


He shook his head. “Nothing. I’m just amazed.” He said. I nodded, raising an eyebrow.


“At who?” I asked. He shrugged.


“You, myself. A lot of things.” He inhaled through his nose, sighing. “You smell so good.” He said, closing his eyes.


“I do?” I asked. I had never worn perfume or any kind of expensive non-necessity like that. “How do I smell?” I asked him, my curiosity piquing again. He opened his eyes and looked at me, a hint of amusement in his eyes.


“Sweet. But also pure, like rain. It’s intoxicating.” He said, his brow wrinkling at the end of his sentence. I scowled.


“Is it hard?” I asked him.


“Is what hard?”


“Well, I know you drink human blood. Just because I’m here doesn’t mean you’re going to go against your nature.” I said.


Even though his nature disgusted me and probably always will, I decided that I could do nothing about it. Bitching about something that is unchangeable won’t get you anywhere. You either have to accept it or just leave it alone. Pearce sighed, almost in exasperation. Like he was teaching a lesson to someone who should’ve learned it by now.


“It’s very hard. Emotionally and physically. You see Kyla, I was human once. I am not a natural vampire like some in this house. Miramar for example, she is not a natural vampire either. Liam though, he is. But I’ve been human. I know the life that humans live, not having to worry about hurting someone with your strength or scaring them with the way you look, with the alien beauty.” He shook his head.


“Not having the pain. The urge to kill just to feed your own life. The craving for something that will hurt another but help you. I would give anything to be like I once was.” He said, his voice trailing off as if in a question, asking what could’ve been. I crossed my legs, sitting up straighter.


“Tell me more about you.” I said, not just because I was curious about Pearce himself but I also wanted to know more about a vampire’s nature. There’s only so much our history books back home have to offer. He seemed to understand this. He nodded.


“Well, first things first there are natural born vampires, like Liam, and then there are humans who have been bitten and turned into vampires like me. Immortals, who were not born the way they are presently, are frozen forever at the age of their transformation, but natural vampires age as old as they want to, until they want to halt the aging process and stay the same age the rest of their lives. The only problem with that is, once you halt the process, it can’t be picked up again. If you halt it at the age of five per se, then you will remain a five year old child for all eternity. So, being a natural vampire has its ups and downs. But a changed vampire is a bit different. Natural ones can eat human food, digest it, and then expel it. They can cry, generate saliva, and they even have heartbeats. They don’t really need oxygen, but prefer it. It becomes irritating for them not to breathe for hours at a time, however it’s possible. But I as a changed vampire, do not eat human food, cannot cry, and my heart is still.”


I interrupted him then. “But I saw you. You had food and you ate it.”


He shook his head. “No. I merely get the food like everyone else. I usually end up giving it away to some of the Naturals in the house. That’s what we call natural born vampires. We’re called Transforms, since we weren’t born this way and we were transformed into what we are now.” He said, clarifying. I nodded for him to keep going.


“All vampires generate venom though. Our venom is what incapacitates our prey. They do not suffer when we bite them, the venom is actually numbing, and blocks the pain so that they feel nothing. It is a painless death for them, but it’s still death.” He sighed, looking at a spot near my shoulder. He took another breath and then went on.


“Some of us, Naturals and Transforms alike, wondered if there was a different way for us to live without having to take lives. So, we began hunting animals. Not as satisfying, but it keeps us going just as well as human blood does.”


“So you found an alternative?” I asked, interrupting again.


He nodded. “Yes. And it is much better. It’s given most of us more peace.”


I cocked an eyebrow, catching something that he had said. “Most?”


Pearce shrugged. “I may be an alternate killer but I’m still a killer, Kyla.”


I pursed my lips, for there was nothing I could say. He was right, he was a killer, and I was with a killer. I swallowed, as Pearce got up from the bed.


“I’ll tell you more later. Miramar’s wondering where we are.” He offered me his hand which I took, but as soon as we were out of the room, our hands dropped and Pearce went into his bedroom and I went downstairs, as if nothing had happened, like nothing had changed.

Chapter Eight

Downstairs, Miramar rushed to my side and was on me in an instant. “What did you two do up there? Why is your hair all messy? Oh my God, you two didn’t, did you?” She asked, her eyes widening with every question until they were the size of dinner plates.


I shook my head. “We didn’t do anything, Miramar.” Which was partly true.


Her eyes narrowed as she folded her arms across her chest. “Are you sure?” She asked, looking at me as if staring would make me talk.


I nodded. “Positive.”


I went over to the front door and headed outside then. I needed some air away from everything. I was a bit shaken, well that was an understatement, from what had just happened. My legs wobbled as I walked to the side of the house until I just collapsed on the ground, sitting with my knees pulled up to my chest and leaning against the brick of the house.


I was insane. I finally decided. I had to be insane. All my life, I hunted vampires. I killed them for a profit to support my family. And I was known as one of the best hunters in my village. But now, after meeting one vampire it changed everything. I had run away from my family, God knows how they’re doing and if Pearce’s connections are looking after them or not. I had avoided Pearce, thought the worst things about him and vampires alike, but now, I’m kissing him, and developing feelings for him. I shook my head, a headache beginning to form.


I hadn’t even been here for a day and already I had caused so many things. But this wasn’t just me, this was Pearce’s fault too. It takes two to kiss, and two to fall in love. I clapped a hand to my forehead. Why? How could all of my beliefs suddenly shift just by meeting Pearce? I no longer flinch while I’m around vampires, and I no longer think I need a weapon around them either, which is just foolish. Everyone needs a weapon around vampires. I still viewed them as dangerous, but I felt more at ease around them than I had my whole life. All because of Pearce. I nearly groaned thinking of him. Why did I have to love him? There were so many other men, why a vampire? Why him?


“Hey there”, I jumped at the deep voice snapping me out of my train of thoughts. Liam stood looking down at me, grinning. Well, let me rephrase my earlier thought. Liam was one vampire you want to have a weapon around.

Chapter Nine

      I scrambled to my feet, my hand going to my belt for my stake and remembering I did not have one. Damn it. The sun had set and it was pitch black outside. There were only a few lights on in the house. I could barely see Liam’s devilish face in the darkness.


“What a lovely night to be outside, don’t you think Kyla?” He purred in a low, seductive voice. However I was not seduced, I was scared.


Yes, I know, the great Kyla Tyler is scared. It doesn’t happen often, only rarely like the time when I had fought Xian and Pearce’s deranged sister Carline in my village which they had raided. I pursed my lips.


“What do you want?” I asked, glad that my voice was strong. I just hoped he couldn’t see my shaking hands.


“Whatever you have to offer me, baby.” He inhaled deeply, sighing. “You smell wonderful.” He murmured.


“I have nothing to offer you.” I spat at him, but he just chuckled.


“Oh, quite the contrary.” He took another deep breath. “I think you have plenty to offer me.”


Suddenly, he was in front of me in just a few quick strides. I swallowed, my hands shaking so violently I clenched them into fists, digging my nails into my palms and trying to get them to stop. What had happened to the fierce, fighting me? Had Pearce taken that from me as well as my ability to think clearly? No, I could still fight, but now, I was afraid of harming someone I didn’t want to harm. But Liam, oh, I wanted to harm Liam. I had no weapons though, which means I would probably be doing more damage to myself if I tried to fight than to Liam. In other words, I was completely helpless.


I stiffened as he reached out and held a chunk of my long hair in his hand, bringing it to his face and sniffing it. “Hmmm.” He sighed. “Beautiful.”


“What are you going to do?” I quipped. “Kill me?”


Liam laughed, and I jumped at the sound. “No. Certainly not.” I couldn’t see his face which was still buried in my hair, but he sounded teasing. “I don’t kill my victims.”


I couldn’t help but ask the obvious question. “What do you do with them then?”


He pulled his face out from my curtain of hair, grinning sweetly. “Transform them.”

Chapter Ten

I gritted my teeth, readying myself for a fight anyway. I didn’t care if I killed myself trying to fight Liam, as long as I didn’t end up a vampire I would be content.


“No”, I said, looking into his dark eyes which were staring at me eagerly. “That’s just not going to happen.” I thrust my knee up and into his groin, spinning around and heading for the house.


I knew that it wouldn’t cause him pain, but I hoped it would catch him off guard. No more than two seconds later a hand closed around my wrist, and I knew that it was the hand of death.


“Come here”, Liam yanked my arm so roughly that I could feel it dislocating. I yelped in pain as I was crushed against Liam’s chest and held prisoner by his arms.


“Now”, his voice growled in my ear. “After that little stunt what you deserve is death. But, I’m a generous person and I want you.”


“Pearce!” I screamed. “Pearce!”


I wondered why none of the vampires in the house were coming to my aid, but then I realized why. They figured someone had finally gotten me and that I was no longer theirs for the taking. They didn’t want me as a houseguest, they wanted me as dinner, but probably thought someone had me already. I swallowed, letting out one last high pitched scream. “Pearce!”


I could hear Liam’s laughter booming painfully in my ears. “Oh Kyla, your precious mate won’t come for you this time.”, he leaned in closer so that I could feel his cold breath on my neck. “You’re mine.”


I shut my eyes, hoping that the venom really was numbing, and that this wouldn’t cause me too much pain. I felt cold fangs brush against the skin of my throat, but then there was a crashing noise and nothing. I opened my eyes to see Pearce standing next to me, and Liam doubled over on the ground. Pearce was staring at the vampire on the forest floor, but then he turned to me, his face frantic and eyes darting all over my body.


“Are you hurt? What did he do to you?” He asked, his brow coming together as he assessed my condition.


“My arm.” I said, but shook my head. “It’s nothing. I’ve had worse.”


“He broke your arm?” Pearce’s eyes flashed as he said this. I shook my head again, wondering if I had the power to calm Pearce. Probably not.


“No, just dislocated.” I said, although I didn’t think he heard me. He turned back around and faced Liam, who was on his feet with a grin on his face.


“Well, isn’t this touching. Mates together. Beautiful. Just like in the movies.” The grin widened. “I hate movies.”


That’s when he pounced. He did not go for Pearce however, but me. He slammed me into the ground. Liam was on top of me, and the weight of his body crushing mine was too much to bear. I tried to exhale, but ended up screaming out in agony instead.


“No!” Pearce’s own scream drifted over to me in the hazy pain shooting through my neck and stomach, and I heard some scuffling, a few growls, but that was it. My head fell back onto the ground as I closed my eyes.


“No, Kyla don’t leave me!” The voice that filtered through the fog settling around me was faint, but it was enough to force me to keep my eyes open.


A face began to materialize in front of me, no, hovering over me. I blinked several times, trying to make the person come into focus, but the best vision I could obtain and keep from slipping away from me was blurry. I squinted, seeing Pearce’s dark eyes and angelic face looking worriedly down at me. I felt his hands touching my body, feeling for breaks. I sighed, wanting so badly to close my eyes and leave now. I was so content here, with Pearce next to me. It seemed like a good way to go if I had to.


“Kyla please, don’t go. Don’t leave me alone here. Please, Kyla.” Pearce was begging, but also crying. His head was bowed as sobs shook his whole body, but no tears came. I remembered what he said, about Transform vampires not being able to produce tears. I scowled.


“Don’t cry. Why would I leave you?” I said in the best whisper I could manage. His head snapped up at my voice.


“Kyla? Oh God, Kyla”, he held my head in his hands and buried his face in the hollow of my neck. I winced from the pain, but at the moment I didn’t care.


“I thought I lost you.” He murmured. I looked at him as a small smile came to my lips.


“No. You can’t get rid of me that easily.” I said in a poor attempt at humor. He chuckled weakly.


I looked around, and even though the forest was a blurry blob of green, I could still tell that we were alone. “Where’s Liam?” I asked.


Pearce shook his head, cradling my face in his hands. “Don’t worry about him, I took care of him.”


I grimaced. I didn’t need details. “I’m sorry.” I murmured, laying my head back down on the ground.


Pearce laughed, his eyes shining even though he could not shed tears. “What could you possibly be sorry for?”


“For all the trouble I’ve caused.” I whispered. He shook his head, brushing my hair out of my face.


“No, love. You’ve done nothing wrong. I was the one who was careless by bringing you here. I was a fool. I’m sorry.” He said, resting his head on my chest. I reached up and caressed his hair weakly.


“It’s okay. We’re both idiots.” I said. He gave another laugh, bringing his head up and giving me a small smile.


“I love you.” He said quietly.


I smiled, my eyes drooping slightly. “I love you too.”


The last thing I felt was Pearce’s lips gently touching mine. The last thing I heard was running footsteps and Miramar shouting, “Oh my God, Pearce what did you do now?”

*     *     *

Chapter Eleven

I sat in the backyard of the manor, on a bench nestled beneath a weeping willow tree, its branches bare and scraggly looking. Miramar walked up to me, extending me an envelope. I took it and looked up at her in question.


“A letter from your mother and sisters. They are so cute by the way. And that Tirana is really funny!” Miramar laughed and waved her hand as she turned around, heading back into the house.


I rolled my eyes, tearing open the letter. It turns out that Pearce’s ‘connections’ were Tirana and Mr. Bo from the village. Figures. Well, at least I knew that they were in good hands. Happy, healthy, and Trine was taking good care of them. He and his very pregnant wife Katina visited my family every day to help them out and give them food when necessary.


It had been nearly two months since I had left my village to live with Pearce in his little vampire hideout. The vampires in the house were actually getting used to me, with Liam gone, things were fairly peaceful at the house. I found out that after killing Carline, Pearce now has no family left. I also was informed that Liam had actually been Pearce’s creator, which is why Pearce had gravitated towards him the night we had first arrived here.


Also, I was now seventeen. Yes, my birthday had come March 23rd, and trust me it wasn’t much of a party. Just a very stiff verse of Happy Birthday and an awkward gathering of a majority of the immortals in the house and that was it. Let’s not forget a few birthday kisses from Pearce, but that’s beside the point. I sighed as I finished reading the letter.


      Dear Kyla,


     The girls and I miss you very much. But we understand the situation you’re in and we want you to know that we do not blame you. Things here are good, no attacks recently which is wonderful. Oh, and one of my pieces is going to be featured in this month’s art show! We are so excited. We hope you are doing well! We love and miss you!


Happy Birthday, Love,

Mom, Michaela, and Liana


      Even though mother had written the letter, they had all signed it in their own special handwriting. I smiled, folding the letter up and tucking it in my back pocket as I stood. Mother and the girls knew that I was with someone, a boy, but they did not know that that boy was a vampire. The story that Tirana and Mr. Bo had told them was that I had run off with a boy from another village, and since dating outside villages is strictly forbidden, this worked. Mother was ecstatic, and told the girls that sissy had found someone and went off to start her life with that someone. I had shaken my head at this but at least they were happy, which is what mattered.


I felt hands on my hips and I halted, turning my head around to see Pearce’s deep set eyes looking at me passionately, his ashy hair tickling my forehead. I smiled. He reached into my pocket, pulling out the square of paper.


“What’s this?” He asked.


“A letter my family wrote me.” I said. He gently put it back in my pocket.


“You miss them?” He asked with concern. I shook my head.


“It’s okay. I can see them if I want, but I know they’re happy, and I’m happy too. They know that.” I said, my arms circling around his neck as his arms wrapped around my waist. Our lips brushed against each other gently, and I giggled as we pulled apart.


“What is it?” He asked, smiling.


“Nothing.” I said. “It’s just, I can’t believe we’re together.”


Pearce chuckled, pulling me closer. “I know, but we are.”


I nodded, smiling too. “I’m glad.” Our foreheads touched, and I closed my eyes.


“So am I.” He murmured.

Chapter Twelve

Pearce and I rested in my bed, and I know what you’re thinking and no, we did not ‘sleep together’, he just spent the night. I was in my pajamas, sweats and a T-shirt, Pearce in a thin cotton tee and boxer shorts. His arm was wrapped around my shoulders as my head nestled in the hollow of his neck. I sighed.


“You know, you smell pretty good too.” I said, my eyes widening as I clamped my lips together. I had just blurted out what I was thinking without thinking before I spoke. God, I was such an idiot. Pearce chuckled and ruffled my hair.


“Really? What do I smell like to you?” He asked, his tone light and curious. I shrugged.


“I don’t know. Sultry and intoxicating. I can’t describe it, it’s just . . . amazing.” I said, biting my lip at how silly I sounded. But Pearce just laughed again.


“You are so adorable.” He chuckled. I shoved him playfully and he held me closer.


Mates. I still couldn’t believe it. It was wonderful, and Pearce’s nature didn’t change much. His diet sure, was a big contributing factor, but despite the cold of his body under the blankets and the occasional times he was gone because of hunting, things were perfect. I sighed, resting my head against Pearce’s chest. I had been with him for only a few months, but it felt like forever.


“Pearce.” I murmured.


He caressed my hair. “Hmm?”


“Are we always going to be together?” I asked.


Pearce chuckled, his chin on top of my head. “Well, that is how mates work.”


I pursed my lips. I hadn’t always seen myself with a man, but if I was with someone, than it wouldn’t always be just us. And I knew that this would cause a huge war between us, but I had to get this out and tell him.


“Pearce, if I’m always going to be with you than I want you to know that–” I broke off, biting my lip. He moved so that he could see my face. Pearce’s face was curios, but also concerned.


“What is it?” He asked. I took a deep breath, and spoke.


“That I’m not going to be content with it always being just us.” I said.


His brow pulled together in worry. “What do you mean?”


I took another breath. “I mean, if I ever saw myself with a man than I saw myself with . . . children too. And Pearce, I’m going to want children.” I said.


Pearce’s eyes widened slightly before he shook his head. “I’m sorry Kyla, but that’s an impossibility. Your human body isn’t strong enough to carry an immortal baby, it’s never been done before.”


I sat up abruptly, moving away from Pearce’s welcoming embrace. “How do you know my human body couldn’t carry an immortal child if it’s never been done before?” I asked, my tone going up an octave higher with my temper.


Pearce shook his head. “It’s never been attempted. Vampires and humans never really became mates before.”


I shrugged. “So? This can be the first time that an immortal baby can be carried by a human.”


He sat up as well, running a hand through his hair. “Kyla, do you know that you could kill yourself doing something such as carrying an immortal baby? Also it’s extremely dangerous for me to be close to you like that. I don’t think you realize how strong I am.” He said, gently caressing my face. “You are so fragile. I can’t risk your life just because you want a child.”


I scowled, moving even farther away from him. “Then we can be careful. Pearce, I’m going to be with you for the rest of my life. I want a baby, and I want a baby with you.” I said, circling my arms around Pearce’s neck and pressing my body against his. He hugged me back, but gently pushed me away a few moments later.


“I can’t, Kyla. It’s too much of a risk to take.” I recoiled at his words as if he had physically slapped me.


“Oh, I see. You don’t find me attractive in that way.” I said. Pearce’s eyes widened at my words and he shook his head.


“Kyla, you know that’s not it.” He took my hand, but I shook my head.


“No, it’s okay I get it.” I sniffed, feeling my eyes prick with tears. I closed my eyes to keep the tears at bay. I wasn’t going to cry now, there was no point to it. “I understand.” I murmured.


“Kyla”, Pearce said softly, gently tipping my chin up with his hand. “You know I love you and find you beyond beautiful. The only reason children are such an impossibility for us is because of the risk of your life. I could hurt you so easily, just by accident.” He took me in a gentle hug. I exhaled slowly, my head on his sculpted chest.


“You’re the only one I love. And the only one I want to have kids with.” I said quietly. He sighed too, smoothing my hair away from my face. We said nothing for a while, but we both knew that this battle was far from over.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.09.2013

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