

Alexandria Serine doesn’t take crap from anyone. When she gets it, she gives it right back. However, there’s a reason for that. Alexandria has magic. But she doesn’t cast spells or anything like that, no, all she has to do is snap her fingers and whatever she wants to happen happens. She literally lives a charmed life.  So, when less fortunate people, or, people who are just plain old bitches, cross paths with Alexandria, she decides to step in and help them. Things go fine, until one particular person decides to screw with Alex.  Oh, whoever messes with her, they have no idea what they’ve gotten themselves into.

Enchanting Isn't It?

The bar life was entertaining–sometimes. It was entertaining when people got drunk off their asses and began cabbage-patching on top of the bar, it was entertaining when idiots attempted to flirt with me, and it’s entertaining when the bartender gives me free drinks while simultaneously trying to get me to go home with him. Yes, that was entertaining.


But it isn’t entertaining when sluts start flaunting their nonexistent goods in front of my face, telling me to come at them if I have a problem with them being hotter than me. Ha, well, I have a news flash for them. Godzilla is hotter than them. Anyone is hotter than them. So bitch, just shut the hell up, because you have no idea what the word “reality” means.


God, people like that just got on my nerves. And you do not want to be on Alexandria Serine’s bad side, because you’ll pay for it. Suddenly, a girl named Cassie jumped up out of her bar stool, downing a shot of tequila, and suddenly beginning to dance in front of me, grinning like a fool. Damn it, she was blocking my view of the dancers. Some of them were actually quite skilled, and I enjoyed watching them perform.


I scowled at Cassie, whose grin just widened, seeming to think people were enjoying her little show. Ugh, seriously? Annoyed and done with this, I eyed the beer I had been drinking, hid my hand behind my ear and tugged my earlobe discretely. The glass immediately tipped over, spilling the alcohol Cassie’s way.


The stupid girl was too busy dancing to notice the mess, which she promptly slipped on and then fell onto the floor, moaning and holding her head. I looked over her quickly in assessment. No blood, no foul. With a grin, I got up and slipped through the crowd, exiting out the front door.


Well, I guess I might as well come right out with it and tell you what I am before you try to figure it out on your own and guess wrong or hear from someone else that I’m some insane bitch who makes bad things happen to people. Because I don’t always make bad things happen to people, trust me, whatever happens to them it’s for their own good. Cassie was making a complete fool of herself, and she would regret it in the morning. But back to me, what am I?


I’m a witch. Now, don’t act so surprised. What did you think I was? Human? Ha ha, no. I’m not human. I can change the way I look whenever I please, kind of like a shapeshifter but not really.


At the moment, I had scarlet curls down to my waist, and emerald green eyes. I was wearing a black corset and plaid red skirt with thigh high elevator boots, making loud clicking sounds as I walked through the parking lot of the club.


In my natural form I was about 5’4”, with pale blonde hair reaching my waist, and clear blue eyes. I know, all American Girl huh? Exactly. Which is why I wasn’t usually in my natural form, I liked to switch it up.


I was only sixteen, but when I went to the club I appeared to be about twenty two. I didn’t often appear as someone old, I didn’t like the feeling of being old, too creaky and achy. I knew exactly how hard adults had it, which is why I don’t harp on them like most juveniles do.


I stopped in the back of the club, looking up at the sliver of moon hanging in the sky. I inhaled a lungful of the crisp night air, sighing in content. Ah, how I loved the night.


I felt my form shift immediately, and when I opened my eyes I was flying rapidly through the air, as a jet black creature of the night. Just a bat outlining the starry sky. 

Who Ever Said I Was Normal?

“Alex? Alex!”


I snapped out of my daydream, staring into the chocolate brown eyes of my friend Lizzie.


“Sorry, what?” I asked. She rolled her eyes at me.


“I said, where were you yesterday? I texted you like fifty times.” She grumbled, sitting back in her chair.


I shrugged, beginning to tap my pencil against the desk like I always did when I’m bored. “I dunno, probably asleep.” I said.


She cocked a dark eyebrow in suspicion. “At five in the afternoon? C’mon Alex, I’m not that stupid.”  She said, giving me a knowing look.


I narrowed my eyes at her. I could make her forget this conversation so easily, but I didn’t. I try not to use magic unless it’s completely necessary. Okay, so some dumb blonde blocking my view of dancers at a club wasn’t really necessary, but she was ticking me off.


Anyway, Lizzie continued to glare at me when I just shrugged. Lizzie was a pretty hardcore Gothic girl. She had light blonde hair with rainbow streaks in it, brown eyes heavily outlined in black eyeliner, her lids adorned with dark eye shadow, she had high cheekbones coated in blush, her plump lips pink, and she was sporting a neon green tank top along with bright pink skinny jeans, along with her usual checkered converse.


Our outfits were fairly similar. I wore black shorts, a dark lavender tank top, and black and white converse. My eye makeup was also thick eyeliner, dark eye shadow, and blush, but I wore purple lipstick.


Lizzie and I were a lot alike, except our hair was different. My hair spiraled to my elbows in curls, dyed white blonde on top and dark blue underneath. Oh, and also my eyes were emerald green, just like last night at the club.


Okay, back to reality. Lizzie was still staring at me in anger, her cheeks flushing very dark on account of her blush.


“Hello? Earth to Alex?” Lizzie called.


I blinked, picking up my pencil tapping even though I hadn’t realized I’d stopped.


“What? Sorry.” I said with a laugh.


She rolled her eyes again, but the ghost of a smile was at the edges of her lips.


“Why didn’t you text me?” She whined. I dropped my pencil on the desk.


“Okay, you wanna know the truth? I was out clubbing okay?” I hissed under my breath. Now, a full blown smile was on Lizzie’s face.


“Oooohhh, nice.” She said with a wink. I rolled my eyes.


“It’s not like that. I just went out for some dancing, that’s all.” I said. Her grin faltered a bit in disappointment, but she kept smiling.


“So how was it?” She asked eagerly, resting her chin in her hands on top of the desk. I shrugged.


“Fine I suppose. Except some bitch got in front of me and started doing a little drunken line dance.”


Lizzie barked out a laugh of approval. “Nice!”


I smiled. “Yeah, it pissed me off.”


“What did you do?” Lizzie asked. I shook my head.


“Got up and left.” I said nonchalantly. Her nose wrinkled in distaste.


“Damn it, I was really hoping you did something rebellious you know? Like, knock her teeth down her throat or something.” She said, cocking her head to the side in question.


I shrugged again. “Maybe next time.”


Lizzie always expected more from me, probably because she seemed a bit suspicious about what I was. She was the kind of person who saw other sides of people from the usual one they always show. She has some sort of sixth sense, and when she met me, that sense went on high alert. Normally, I would kick her to the curb and move on to my next school and Alexis Greene (my fake persona, one of many) would cease to exist. But I liked Lizzie a lot more than most other people I had befriended during my time, and I wanted to stick around for a while. I wanted to see what kind of ridiculous conclusion she would come to as to what I was. Usually it was somewhere along the lines of superhero, vampire, or werewolf. And those were just plain stupid. I mean seriously, a werewolf? 


Suddenly, Mr. Winters came in, lugging a briefcase by his side and then slamming it onto his desk, breaking me out of my cloudy thoughts. I winced at the loud noise but otherwise ignored him as he mumbled to himself while scrawling equations on the board, ordering us to copy them.

Karma's A Bitch

Lizzie and I sat on the tables outside to eat lunch. It was May, and the weather was great. With the sun beating down on us and Lizzie humming a cheery tune, it was actually kind of nice.


In all my years (about a hundred and two, give or take a few months) I had never craved companionship, or any type of closeness such as the kind I share with Lizzie now. She was a person I could relate to, someone I could speak with and actually hold up a conversation. But my favorite thing about her was that she had a good heart. She was very kind and sweet, and always willing to lend a helping hand whenever someone needed one. I found it pure and genuine that she would do such a thing, which is the main reason why we became friends.


And–oh, hold up before I continue with my monologue. Bitchy McBitcherson is coming over here (that’s not really her name, like duh, her name’s Emily, but Bitchy just fits her, and you’ll soon see why). She came up to Lizzie and I, her hands on her small hips, a smirk on her perfect face.


Now, I’m not going to lie, Emily is way gorgeous. She had high cheekbones that needed little makeup, and blue eyes that were the color of sapphires. Her sculpted face was framed by her velvety gold hair that fell to her waist, completely straight without any effort on her part. She was very skinny, like so skinny that when she leaned back you could see her hip bones, but to the guys here at our high school, they considered that mad sexy, and any girls who actually had a body with curves and a figure were thought to be fat.


I shook my head sadly at this. All girls were beautiful. There should be no designated shape or form a woman should be defined by. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and if the world wasn’t so judging then maybe people would start to see that beauty. But no, that’s just not the way things are.


Anyway, back to Emily.  She was standing before us in a skin tight pink tank top, and white Daisy Dukes. As if she needed anything else to pile on to her ensemble, she also wore designer flip flops, bangles, a long diamond heart necklace (positively real, did I mention Emily’s family is also rich?), and her skin was lightly tanned, even though there wasn’t a beach within miles of here.


Emily was smirking at Lizzie and I, while we just stared dully back at her.


“What do you want Bitchy?” Lizzie asked Emily, not the best way to start a conversation with her but hey, we liked to call her by her natural name, and not the one her parents gave her.


Emily’s smirk just widened into a full blown grin. My eyes narrowed in suspicion. She had something going on up in that blonde little head of hers, and she had come over here to tell us.


“Nothing much, just wondering when the slut parade came into town?” Emily asked with an annoying little giggle. I rolled my eyes. That was the best she had?


“Ha ha, now what do you really want?” I asked her. She shrugged.


“Hey, just wanted to let you know that there’s been a dress code violation up in here.” She said, raising her voice at the end so that all heads turned our way.


“I am wondering how someone can dress this whorish and not get expelled for it.”  She said, then suddenly leaned down so that she was inches from my face and whispered right in my ear, “A dumb little bitch like you should get back to the corner where you belong.” She said.


I watched her with amusement as she straightened up, flipped her hair, and turned around to leave. But Lizzie wasn’t having it.


Before Emily or I could contain the small girl, Lizzie grabbed Emily by the hair and yanked her back, causing Emily to yelp.


“What the fuck are you doing?!” Emily screeched in Lizzie’s face.


Lizzie acted as if she hadn’t heard her. Lizzie’s face was bright red, her nostrils were flaring and she was almost panting with anger.


“You can’t fucking talk to my friend like that and expect to get away with it.” Lizzie growled.


Emily just rolled her eyes, not looking the least bit worried even though Lizzie still had ahold of her hair.


“You must be joking. What’s a dumb little whore like you gonna do about it?” Emily sneered.


In response, Lizzie gave a hard yank of Emily’s blonde locks. The girl cried out, but then fell silent, her face burning in outrage.


“Let me go!” She shouted.


I jumped up, seeing as it was time for me to intervene. I grabbed Lizzie by the waist and pulled her back, away from Emily. At first, she kept hold of Emily’s hair, but then after a moment of my tugging, she finally released the girl.


Emily jumped back and yelled in outrage. Even though her hair was messy, she still looked perfect. Pfft, of course.

“She’s not worth it Liz, let her go.” I said softly in my friend’s ear.

Just as Lizzie was about to give up, Emily had to open her big fucking mouth. Goddammit, and just when things were gonna cool down.

“You skanky ass hoes! I’ll get you both expelled for this! You fucking whores!” She shrieked.

I felt the flare of anger burning inside me before I realized what I was doing, and what it could cost me. I released Lizzie, and with a yell, I screamed,

“Enough!” I raised my hands in the air without thinking and suddenly, everything was still.

I looked around me. It was as if I was on a television show and it had been set to freeze frame. No one moved, in fact, no one could move. They were all stuck where they were, Emily standing with ruffled hair and a flushed face, Lizzie standing in anger, her tiny fists balled, and the bystanders, gawking at the little show going down before them.

In the midst of the crowd I spotted the principal, Mrs. Wishek, making her way through the anxious audience, about ready to expel us all, except of course Emily. Oh, yeah I forgot to tell you, Emily’s last name is Wishek, as in she’s the principal’s daughter. Yep, could it get any worse? 

I Usually Don't Take The Easy Way Out

Let me rephrase that. Yes. Yes, it could get much, much worse. Because after I froze everyone a little person I’d like to call Luca showed up at the scene, and let me tell you, he was pissed.


Luca was one of my best friends, one of my only long-time friends. He had magic just like me, although I wouldn’t call him a wizard or warlock or any of that corny shit. I’d just call him a sorcerer. He definitely looked the part.


He had a Scene haircut died candy apple red, and neon green eyes. You’d think he would have to wear contacts to get them to look that color but nope, he’s just that freaky. He also had vampire bites, small gauges, his eyebrow pierced, and a small diamond stud in his nose.


He’s tall and lean but don’t let his thin look fool you, because I’ve seen Luca without his shirt on and boy, does that kid have some abs.


Anyway, today appearing in front of me he wore black skinny jeans with chains hanging from his studded belt, a dark T-shirt with a picture of a black rose on it, and converse.


You’re probably wondering how he can appear out of nowhere at the wrong time. Well, Luca’s just like me. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants, and I must say, he’s a bit protective over me, as I am of him.


Ever since we became friends back in about 1930, he watched over me and protected me from any harm that could come my way. I did the same for him. We were both the social outcasts, so we banded together and watched each other’s backs. He and I were great friends, and no, we never dated because I know some of you out there are asking that question. No, I love Luca but I never looked at him as anything more than just a friend.


But as I was saying, in about 1950 Luca began to realize that I wasn’t aging, as I realized the same about him. After a while we figured out what the other was, however that only made our friendship grow stronger.


As we moved away from each other, we always kept in touch and saw one another. Luca’s like my protector, he’s always there for me, and always watching over me.


At the moment though, he was very angry. He came over to me with his hands in fists and his face contorted in a sneer of rage.


“What the hell were you thinking Alexandria?” He shouted. I pursed my lips, hesitating.


“Um, well, you know . . .” I trailed off, but before I could pick up where I left off Luca finished for me.


“You weren’t thinking, that’s what. You weren’t thinking at all. God, I can’t believe you did this!” He yelled, waving his arm at the still crowd.


“They’ll be okay, won’t they?” I asked hesitantly.


Luca knew more about magic then I did. He even sometimes cast spells. So if ever I needed a reference, I went to him.


Luca sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, shaking his head.


“Yes. They’ll be fine. But the real damage here is collateral.” He muttered, groaning as if he was getting a headache. He probably was. I scowled.


“Collateral? How so?” I asked.


He didn’t respond at first, he just shut his eyes and laughed. After a moment, he spoke.


“Look around you, Alexandria. Can you honestly say that no one saw you do this? That no one saw it was you?” He asked, his eyes still closed. I looked around with a grimace.


“I don’t know. I could, but I don’t exactly have eyes in the back of my head.” I said wryly.


Luca’s eyes snapped open, and they immediately locked on my face, burning angry holes right into my soul.


“Alexandria”, he said sternly. “This is serious. You could’ve gotten yourself and all of us in huge trouble. You’re lucky I showed up when I did.” He said in a weary tone.


“You’re always there for me.” I said with a small smile. Luca continued to glare at me, but his expression softened a little.


“Yeah, I am. And I’m beginning to regret it.” He said jokingly, a grin breaking his hard expression.


“Hey!” I punched him lightly on the arm. Luca laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder.


“Just remember”, he said, his tone serious once again. “I’ll always be there for you.” He said. I looked up at him, listening intently.


“Just don’t fuck up so much and I won’t have to be there for you as often as I am.” He teased. I smirked, the serious moment gone thanks to him.


“Yeah, yeah. I get it. Now, what am I supposed to do about this?” I gestured to the crowd, still frozen.


Luca dropped his arm and shrugged, looking around. “Well, I suppose you should unfreeze them, and if I were you, I’d turn into a field mouse and scurry right on out of here.” He said.


I shook my head. “No, I don’t want to leave here and skip this town just yet. I actually have friends here.” I said truthfully. Luca cocked a fiery eyebrow.


“Really? You want to stay here?” He asked in surprise. I nodded.


“Yes. I actually do.” I said.


He sighed. “Then it’s going to be harder to unfreeze them and explain what happened instead of just skipping out on everything. Are you sure you don’t want to leave? Because I’m heading to New Orleans tonight, and you’re more than welcome to come with.” He said.


I hesitated for a moment. I wanted to stay because I really didn’t want to leave Lizzie, she was the first true friend I had had in a while besides Luca. I could leave, not have to explain anything and be home free. But that was the easy way out, and I wasn’t exactly known for taking the easy way. I shook my head again.


“No, I’m staying.” I said firmly, even though it might be the worst decision I ever make in my existence. Ah well, live and learn right?

You Think My Life Is Charmed? Ha, Think Again

Luca was disappointed, but he told me what to do about the kids and that he’ll be around later on if I need him. I nodded.


“Okay, it was good seeing you kid.” I said, smiling coyly at him. Luca grinned in return.


“You too, baby girl. By the way, I love the hair.” He said, gesturing to my blue and blonde locks.


I smiled brighter, twirling a strand in my fingers. “Thanks. I like it too.” I said.


Luca came over and gently wrapped his arms around my bare shoulders, pulling me close.


“You know I love you.” He murmured in my ear, giving me a light squeeze. I sighed and squeezed him back.


“Even if I’m such a fuck up?” I asked teasingly.


Luca pulled back, his smile soft. “Even though you’re a fuck up.”


We both laughed, and with a light peck on my forehead, Luca stepped back, and disappeared like a fine mist. Now you see it, now you don’t.


I sighed again, turning back to the mess I had made. I wished Luca could’ve stayed with me, but that’s not how our kind is. We don’t travel in packs or pairs like you might expect, we move on our own. Yeah it’s lonely, but I had never really wished to be by anyone’s side unless I was with Luca. Translation: I never worried about anyone else in order to relieve myself of any unnecessary baggage.


But now, I had Lizzie who I wanted to be safe and in the dark (which wasn’t exactly working out very well since she sorta already had an idea of what I could be), and I also had Bitchy McBitcherson to deal with. Oh, how I loved high school drama. It got better every year.


Since I’ve been in high school numerous times, this was like a rerun of a really old show I had watched for the first time decades ago. But the drama always changed, which while I did not enjoy getting in the middle of it, it was pretty interesting entertainment when you had nothing else to do.


Well anyway, back to the current situation. All I had to do was snap my fingers, and they’d be okay and all moving again. I eyed Emily, stock-still in her state of anger. Ah, it would be totally hilarious to just leave her the way she was. But no, that would leave unanswered questions that would be given to me to decipher, which I really didn’t want to do so, nah, maybe I’ll immobilize her next time and keep her that way. But for now, I raised my hand in the air, my fingers poised. Here goes nothing.  

Really? You're Serious?

Okay, so things worked out fine, from you know my perspective. But from a normal person’s point of view, things probably hadn’t gone very well, considering once everyone was mobile again, Lizzie and I got our asses sent to the principal’s office. No, I’m not kidding, Mrs. Wishek started screaming her head off as soon as she could speak again.


Well, that was the bad news. The good news is that Emily got sent to her mommy’s office too. Now, we were sitting in a square room with one medium sized window looking out to the parking lot, a pleasant view for interrogation I might add.


We were in front of a desk with a computer and a few little knick knacks, along with some picture frames that held photos of the Wishek family. The chairs we were in were straight backed, not very comfortable, with Lizzie on my left and Emily on my right.


Emily’s face was bright red, and she was gripping the seat with her nails digging into the fabric. There goes her manicure. Emily was so angry, all she needed was smoke coming out of her ears and she’d be good to go. It was hard to look at her face without laughing, trust me I was having trouble.


Lizzie was less animated. She had a nail file out and was busy fixing her black painted nails, looking uninterested even though she had been ready to rip Emily’s head off earlier.


Me, I was sitting slouched back and playing with my thumbs, not really paying attention to what was going on around me. I cast a look at the girls around me, then focused my gaze straight ahead. The way we were lined up reminded me of prisoners waiting for the warden.


Oh look, right on cue Mrs. Wishek burst through the door and slammed it forcefully behind her, causing the frame to rattle. She came around her desk and stood with her palms on the wooden top, glaring at all three of us. None of us flinched under her gaze. In fact, Lizzie was still filing her nails. God, she made me laugh.


Smiling, I returned Mrs. Wishek’s glare with a wave. “Hey, what’s up Mrs. W?” I asked cheerily. 


I could see a muscle in her jaw clench in frustration, which only made me smile bigger. She didn’t answer me though. We were all quiet for a while, until Emily apparently couldn’t take it anymore. She leaned forward in her seat, her hands still clutching the felt on her chair.


“This is ridiculous. I’ve done nothing wrong to deserve this. I’m missing my classes and I’m probably going to get a detention from Mr. Starkly if I don’t get back there soon.” She complained, but we all knew it was bullshit.


Emily hated school just as much as the next person, and Mr. Starkly was a young new teacher who rarely gave out any kind of punishments. So when Mrs. Wishek’s eyes narrowed at her daughter, not even Emily herself seemed surprised.


“You should be more worried about getting a detention staying put where you are, Emily. And I heard your use of language against Ms. Greene and Ms. Tanner. You are just as deserving of punishment as they are.” She said sternly, folding her hands on her desk and eyeing us all seriously.


Emily rolled her eyes and crossed her arms while Lizzie dropped her nail file on her lap, scowling at Mrs. Wishek. I wasn’t as interested. Actually, I was busy watching two kids exchange unmentionables in the parking lot through the only window in the office. Ironic how they were doing it right outside the principal’s window isn’t it? But Mrs. Wishek was oblivious, too busy scolding us.


“You all should have known better than to act out on school grounds the way you did.” She said sternly. My brow crinkled at her statement.


“So you want us to act out in a different way?” I asked in a polite tone.


Yeah I know, I’m a smartass, deal with it. However Mrs. Wishek completely ignored my question, instead, she asked one of her own.


“And you Ms. Greene, what part do you play in all of this?” She asked.


She had only heard about half of the argument, when I basically stood on the sidelines while Lizzie and Emily argued. The last thing I made sure they all remembered was me holding Lizzie back until Mrs. Wishek came over and broke us all up. Lizzie suddenly spoke up in my defense.


“She was calling Alex a whore and a slut.” Lizzie said, pointing at a very straight faced Emily. Mrs. Wishek’s gaze shifted to her daughter, who sniffed and folded her arms across her chest.


“I don’t recall saying anything that wasn’t the truth.” She said, her nose pointed high in the air.


“Are you kidding me?” Lizzie said in a very high pitched voice that she only used when she was really mad. “Emily was calling Alex a bitch and a whore and a slut and she was saying the same to me!” Lizzie burst out, jumping up from her chair with her finger still shoved in Emily’s face, who sneered up at her.


“I was just stating the facts. At least I’m not some emo ho who’s been used more times than Google.” She said snidely.


Mrs. Wishek’s eyes narrowed even further in anger and she rose quickly from her desk.


“Enough.” She said, her tone sharp and cold enough to make both girls be quiet. I sighed, standing up as well.


“This is stupid. We didn’t do anything.” I said, gesturing from me to Lizzie. “She came up to us and starting bitching for no reason. Why should we get in trouble when it wasn’t our fault?” I asked, completely serious.


Emily shot up out of her chair, glaring at Lizzie and I. “I just went over there to tell them that they were violating the dress code! I was doing nothing but being an exemplary student!” She shouted.


Mrs. Wishek interrupted all of us, speaking through tight lips. “Alright, that is enough. I will not tolerate this type of language in my office. Now, I am not going to punish one or two of you. All of you were involved in this, so it is only fair that all of you are to be punished.” Mrs. Wishek said.


Before any of us could offer any kind of rebuttal, she began speaking again. “Seven days suspension for each of you, and when you return, in school suspension will do you all some good.” She finished, with an air of finality to it.


“Are you kidding me?! I have cheerleading and field hockey! I can’t miss practice! Mom you know we have two games coming up!” Emily shrieked like a whiny child.


I almost laughed, and I could see Lizzie was stifling laughter as well. Despite her daughter’s outburst, Mrs. Wishek shook her head.


“Well, that’s just too bad. You should have thought about that before you decided to pick a fight. Now, all of you move into the main office where Mrs. Shultz will write up your slips.” And with that, we were ushered out of the room and into the office, waiting to get our papers that dubbed our suspension final.


I sighed in defeat as I rested on one of the waiting chairs, about three away from Lizzie since we were all ordered to be separated as to avoid any other possible conflicts.


I wouldn’t be able to get the slip signed of course, my parents died in 1924 when I was fourteen, which meant that they wouldn’t be signing anything anytime soon. And the only member left of my family was my sister Rebekah, who was somewhere in Europe as far as I knew.


Not having the slip signed would bring up suspicion, and people asking where my parents were, and what would I say? Did I forget to tell you guys? I’m really a witch who’s about a hundred and two and my parents died decades ago, oh, and my real name’s Alexandria Serine. Yeah, that’ll happen.


So this means I’m going to have to skip out on this life and move on to the next. *Sigh* Dammit, I was really having fun being Alexis Greene. And I really wanted to see what Lizzie would come up with as to what I am . . . Oh well, better luck next identity. 

My Sister's A Whore, Are You New Here?

After we received our slips and were dismissed to go home, I whipped out my cell in the parking lot and dialed a much used number. He picked up after two rings.


“Alexandria”, his voice over the phone sounded anxious but not surprised.


As if he was expecting me to fuck up and have to call him to bail me out. Ha ha, way to have faith.


“What’s wrong? What happened?” Luca asked quickly. I sighed.


“Nothing happened, except I got kicked out of my school.” I grumbled.


I could hear Luca exhale in relief through the receiver. “Where are you?” He asked.


“Where do you think?” I shot back sarcastically. “I’m still at the school, we just got out.”


“Okay”, Luca responded. “I’ll be right there.” He said.


“Thanks Luc, love you.” I said appreciatively.


“Love you too Al.” He said before the line went dead.


I snapped my phone shut, shoving it in my back pocket and waiting for my best friend to come to my rescue yet again.


*       *       *


          “Where the fuck are we?” I asked.


Luca shook his head. “Trust me, I know exactly where we are.”


I rolled my eyes. “Like hell. Why don’t we just stop at that gas station and–”


“Alexandria, I know where we are.” Luca cut me off, keeping his eyes on the long stretch of road we were driving on, while vast countryside surrounded us on all other sides.


I had my sunglasses shoved to the top of my head and was watching the hills go by us in a green blur. I officially had no idea where we were, and I was sure Luca didn’t either, but he just didn’t want to admit it. I sighed, shaking my head. Boys and their directions.  


“Luca”, I said slowly. He cast a knowing glance at me, expecting what was coming next.


“Alexandria.” He said through his teeth, but I was already talking.


“We’re lost.” I finished.


He shut his eyes in annoyance for a moment before opening them again and staring at the bare road in front of us.


“I know where we are.” He said, his teeth clenched.


I laughed, resting my elbow on the edge of the door where my window was all the way down.


“Okay, so tell me, where are we Luca?” I asked. With a sigh, he grabbed his phone and pulled up a map, handing it to me.


“That’s where we are.” He said with a slight grin. I snickered.


“Thanks smartass, but I meant specifically.” I said.


I looked down at the small map on the touch screen, seeing that we were somewhere near Texas.


“Oh fuck, we’re near Nashville?” I asked in surprise. Luca shrugged, but I could see his eyes widen in shock.


“Where are we supposed to be going again?” I asked. When he didn’t answer me, I continued. “California? And we’re like nowhere near California?” I asked, putting emphasis on the word California.


Luca pressed his fingers to his temple for a moment, keeping one hand on the wheel.


“Hey, you know, I hear Nashville’s not a bad place. I mean they have lots of great music and–”


Suddenly, Luca swerved off the road and pulled to the side of the field on our right, smashing me into the side of the car. I groaned, peeling myself off the passenger side door.


“What the hell?” I asked angrily, but Luca was already getting out of the car before I could finish. I jumped out, slamming the door.


“What are you doing?” I asked him.


“I can’t get us anywhere driving, let’s just use magic.” Luca grumbled, walking around the hood until he was at my side.


I could tell he was disappointed, but he was also right. Hey, we’re not all that weird so don’t act so surprised. Some of us actually try to mimic humans and not use our magic often. Luca had hoped to get us to California by driving but obviously, that wasn’t going to happen. I sighed and patted his shoulder.


“Don’t worry Luc. I suck at driving too.” I said in a sympathetic tone. He rolled his eyes.


“Gee, thanks”, he said, taking my hand and snapping his fingers.


          “Well, this is much better than being lost on the back roads of Texas.” I commented, propping myself up on my elbow and looking at Luca.


He nodded. “Yes, it is.”


I grinned, lying back down on my towel. We were spread out on Newport Beach, in Pasadena, California. Now can I just say one thing? Hot damn! We were in California! Now, it’s not like I haven’t been to California before, but never have I stopped and actually enjoyed it. Because let me tell you, the beach was great. It was a little crowded, with a few running kids and anxious parents scurrying after them, but aside from that, the cool blue water and warm sand was a wonderful break from the same old same old. I could tell Luca felt the same too, considering he was actually relaxing and reading a book, which he never did.


Of course, we both changed our appearances though. We couldn’t go around in a noticeable getup and have people say, “oh yeah, I saw them, I remember them” if anyone would ask anybody if they had noticed us. So, today I appeared with long night black hair that reached my waist, a short, petite figure, and chocolate brown eyes. And I was wearing a black bikini that matched my hair, and my personal favorite, a cute little diamond pierced in my belly button. Luca had his signature Scene haircut, only his hair was black like mine, and his eyes were the same color blue as the crashing waves in front of us. His swimsuit trunks were the same color as my suit, which hung low on his hips. He also had on dark sunglasses, like me. Hey what can I say? We liked to match each other.


To someone passing by they’d probably think we were either brother and sister or some cute couple who liked to dress the same. No really, couples actually do that, and I’ve seen some like it. But if it were me, I wouldn’t want to match my boyfriend I mean c’mon? If I was dating him, then I’d like his clothes on him, not on me, like seriously.


“This is really nice.” I sighed, shutting my eyes and listening to the sounds of the waves.


“It actually is.” Luca agreed. I smiled, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, enjoying the feel of having to do absolutely nothing.


 I drifted off a few times to the sounds of the waves and the sea gulls calling to each other, and it was so very nice to just relax. It didn’t last long though, because when I did wake up, it was to a very unpleasant voice.


“Look what washed up on shore.” The high, sing-song voice was so familiar, that for a moment I thought it wasn’t real, that it wasn’t really Rebekah’s voice, and that I was dreaming it. Then again, why would I dream about my sister anyway? Just to make sure, I opened my eyes and looked up.


Oh my God, there she was, my sister actually standing in front of me. At the moment, she had a light tan, was tall, had long wavy golden blonde hair, and her eyes were a clear blue. She was thin, wearing a skimpy white bikini, had her belly button pierced (of course, copycat) and had a smirk on her face. When I looked her up and down, a picture of a sneering Emily popped into my head, and I snickered.


“What are you doing here?” I asked her. She rolled her eyes, her hands on her hips.


“I can do whatever the hell I want, which by default means I can go wherever the hell I want.” She said.


“Oh wonderful”, Luca groaned at my side, apparently waking up from a nap of his own. Ha, yeah. I wouldn’t have wanted the first thing I see when I open my eyes to be my sister either, but here we are. Rebekah grinned at his discomfort.


“Aw, what’s the matter Luca honey? You miss me?” She asked in a sugar sweet voice. Luca grimaced at her question.


“Of all the things to miss Rebekah, you are not one of them.” He said. I smiled, looking up to see my sister scowling.


“Fuck you Luca, neither of you are the reason why I’m here. I’m here because it’s California, and this is where the hottest bodies in the US can be found.” She said, looking up and down the beach hungrily, searching for a boy to lure in.


Now, every being that possesses magic has a certain charm to them, it all depends on if we use it or not. It’s a charm that can make you like us, admire us, fall in love with us, or even worship us. I have it, Luca has it, and Rebekah has it. Luca and I don’t use it though, I prefer to have people like or dislike me naturally and not be influenced by other forces. Rebekah however, she uses it on a daily basis. She uses her charm to attract people, preferably men. Now, I’m not saying Rebekah wouldn’t be able to get people to like her without the use of magic. It’s just that she’s never tried.


I have a special word for my sister, and it’s not some freaky magical term, it’s something I’ve been called before, and I’m sure a lot of you girls out there have been called this whether you are one or not. Rebekah is a whore, only because she’s made herself into one. My sister’s two years older than me, eighteen, which means she’s a certified whore. Alright, alright, I’m done talking now. Let’s get back to the present.


Luca’s brow came together at Rebekah’s statement as he watched her scan the beach. “Aren’t you worried about obtaining a bad reputation Rebekah?” He asked her seriously. She snorted. Even I looked at Luca in surprise.


“Are you kidding me? Do you know who you’re talking to? She doesn’t give two shits about whether she’s known as a slut or not, she embraces that title. Besides, since she can’t catch anything, she’s free to whore around with whoever she wants.” I said snidely, lying back down and shutting my eyes, trying to shut out my sister as well. I could hear Rebekah laugh.


“Oh please, I can always duck out of here if people get too obsessed with me. I mean who wouldn’t?” I could imagine her flipping her hair in admiration of herself when she was done with that sentence. Ugh, please someone get me a barf bag.


Luca chuckled next to me. “All you have to worry about is getting knocked up with a mortal baby. How would that go over with the rest of your friends?” He asked. At that I opened my eyes to see Rebekah wrinkling her nose in disgust.


“Excuse me while I vomit. I might be blonde but I’m not stupid, Luca. I use protection. Now if you two will kindly leave me alone, I’ll be over there with one of those steamy lifeguards.” With a grin on her face, Rebekah pulled down her sunglasses and headed off to one of the lifeguard towers. I sighed.


“With our luck someone will probably drown because she’s distracting the coastguard.” I commented.


Luca shook his head. “Nah, if we’re lucky she’ll run off with one of them and possibly get lost at sea.”


I laughed at him, because oh wouldn’t that be the day. However my mood was dimming, because with my sister here it would mean that I would have to look out for her. Even though she’s the older one I’m the more responsible one, and no I’m not just saying that to be pigheaded, I’m serious. Ask anyone. But the point is, my relaxation time has just been cast adrift into the ocean, along with my hopes of having absolutely nothing to do and not having to worry about anyone or anything. Looks like my sister’s ruined something again. 

This Could Be A Problem

Well, with my sister whoring around California, I certainly didn’t want to stick around to find out the outcome (no matter how hilarious or disastrous it may turn out to be). Neither did Luca, who if you haven’t realized by now, isn’t very fond of Rebekah. The only reason Luca doesn’t like her is because she’s constantly throwing herself at him, and he finds it incredibly irritating. He’s made it clear that he’s not interested a number of times, and I know Luca better than anyone else. And when someone doesn’t get it through their heads that he doesn’t want them around him, then his attitude shifts from politely rejecting you, to sticking his foot up your ass if you don’t get away from him quick.


Since Rebekah’s head is thicker than anyone’s I know, she still hasn’t gotten the picture. Either that, or she refuses to accept that a living, breathing creature doesn’t want to have sex with her. I’m going to go with a little bit of both. Anyway, Luca and I were now at our hotel, repacking our bags that we had just unpacked about two hours ago.


“Un-fucking-believable”, Luca growled as he shoved his toothbrush and paste into his suitcase. I scowled at him and leaned against the bedroom wall, my arms crossed.


“What? The fact that my sister had to show up in the one place we ended up going to? Or that this hotel offers 24/7 room service and we won’t be able to try it out?” I joked, but obviously he wasn’t in the mood, as he shot me a heated glance that said “don’t fuck with me”.


I held my hands up. “Jeez, okay then Mr. Pissy-Pants. If you don’t mind, I’m going to–”


“Oh no you don’t”, Luca cut me off before I could finish my sentence. I looked at him in surprise.


“What? I was just going to go down to the boardwalk before leaving. Is that such a big deal?” I asked.


He shook his head, still grabbing random things and packing them up. He wasn’t paying very adept attention to what he was doing though, considering when he looked up at me he snatched one of the hotel’s pillows and began cramming it into his duffel.


“You’re not leaving my sight. On top of all the shit going on and with the mess I’m sure your sister is going to make, I don’t want you screwing around and adding more stress to the situation at hand.” He said, ordering me as if I was a child. I cocked my hip and placed my hands there, looking at him as if to say, “oh really?”.


“And what exactly is the situation at hand?” I asked. Luca’s expression darkened, his blue eyes hardening.


“Give it a while. Your sister’s going to fuck up and leave it up to us to fix what she’s done. Trust me on this Alex, if we’re going to leave we have to leave now.” He said, jumping into the bathroom and coming out with his arms full of bath products. I scowled.


“Rebekah isn’t our responsibility. She’s eighteen, an adult. She can take care of herself.” I said firmly.


Of course she could, I mean, I wasn’t here just to look out for her. Sure, she’s my sister and yeah, if she screwed up, it would only be natural for me to want to jump in and try to help. But if wasn’t my required job to keep an eye on her, just as it wasn’t hers to keep an eye on me. That’s how our situation worked. Even though we were family, we rarely saw each other, and when we did, we normally said hello and goodbye quickly before heading in completely opposite directions in order to keep out of contact with each other as much as possible. It’s not that we hate each other, just that we’re not particularly fond of each other. Luca sighed, bringing me back to the present and out of my train of thoughts.


“I’m just telling you that I don’t want you fooling around and getting us into trouble when we’re trying hard to keep off the radar.” He muttered.


At this, my scowl deepened in anger. “What? Are you saying you don’t trust me enough to keep out of the spotlight? Well, I’ll have you know that I’ve been doing fine without you. I was fine before you showed up, and if you left now I’d be fine too. I’m not as dependent on you as you might think. I don’t need you looking out for me.”


Okay, so that might’ve been a lie. I actually did need Luca looking out for me, and I was actually very dependent on him because I loved that kid to death and always wanted him around. He’s the only companion I have and the only one I’ll ever want. But as I looked at him, I was relieved to see that my words had floated right over him, and a little annoyed to know that he hadn’t been listening.


“Yeah, yeah Alex, I know you’re just talking out of your ass because you’re frustrated. I am too. I didn’t expect for your sister to show up like this, and I certainly didn’t want her to. I just feel that it’s best to get out of the area as fast as we can before–”


The high pitched ringing of my cell phone cut Luca off, and as I reached for it in my pocket I caught a glimpse of his face. His pupils were large and his lips were pressed together into a tight line of concentration, like when he focuses hard on something he’s trying to figure out. Before I could ask what was wrong, he suddenly closed his eyes and cursed.


“Oh shit.” He muttered, but I didn’t say anything, instead I answered my ringing phone.


“Hello?” I spoke into the receiver. “Hey Alex?” My sister’s voice came through the other end, and by the quivering sound of it, I could tell that this wasn’t going to be good.


“What Rebekah?” I asked tersely, not wanting to hear the next few words that came out of her mouth.


“We–uh, I might be in a little bit of trouble . . .”


          “Fuck, what did you do?” I nearly growled into the phone.


Oh, this was just perfect. Never mind the fact that my sister merely arriving in California had ruined things for Luca and I, but now she might’ve done something that could’ve ruined things for someone else. Rebekah had a unique way of screwing with people’s lives, and I was usually the one to hear about it later.


“Um . . . well”, her shaky voice came from the other end and I sucked in a breath.


“What. Did. You. Do?” I asked, and if she didn’t answer me this time then I swear to god I will hang up and ignore her completely. With a sigh, she spoke.


“I’m at a party and in a bit of a fix. You see, this guy might’ve caught me . . . you know . . . using magic . . .” She trailed off, however that didn’t make her statement any less damning.


My heart dropped at this. We were dead. All of us, not just Rebekah. If she had exposed magic, then we were all screwed.


“Oh god”, I moaned into the receiver.


“What?” Luca asked, coming up beside me, his gaze impatient and questioning. I shook my head, signaling for him to be quiet.


“Okay, Rebekah. What exactly did he see you doing?” I asked.  A few seconds passed before she responded.


“Oh, nothing really. Just a little outfit swap, you know, nothing big.” She said in a dismissive tone, which again, didn’t make the situation any better or easier to deal with.


“Fuck”, I muttered, propping myself up against the wall, which was the only thing keeping me from collapsing onto the floor at the moment.


“What? What is it?” Luca asked, his tone becoming angrier and angrier by the second. “What’s going on? Alexandria, you tell me what has happened right this minute.” He demanded, his eyes dark. I looked at him bleakly, shaking my head.


“My sister’s fucked us all, that’s what’s happened.” I murmured before sinking to the ground in a heap.

This Takes “Fucked” To a WHOLE New Level

“Alexandria? Alexandria?” I heard Luca calling my name, and felt someone softly shaking my shoulder. I shut my eyes tighter, groaning and shaking my head.


“No . . .” I moaned. The shaking stopped.


“Alex? Alex, baby what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Luca asked softly. I shook my head.


“No.” I grumbled.


“What’s the matter?” He asked again.


“My sister’s screwed us over.” I responded simply. Luca sighed at my answer.


“C’mon Alex”, I felt his hand slip into the small of my back as he lifted me up into a sitting position, shifting so that he could place me on his lap and I could lean against his chest. Luca began softly stroking my hair, attempting to soothe me as he spoke.


“What did she say?” He asked. I sighed.


“A guy saw her shift appearances in a bar, and now she wants us to fix it for her.” I explained.


“Why doesn’t she just erase his memory herself?” Luca asked, and I could hear the confusion in his voice. I shrugged.


“She probably lost him, finding him is going to be the tricky part, and Rebekah’s too goddamn lazy to go looking.” I said angrily. The soothing motion of Luca’s hand stroking my hair began to slow, as his anger rang through clear in his voice.


“I knew this was going to happen.” He said in a steely tone.


“Yeah, sorry I didn’t listen.” I agreed, feeling my anger begin to boil at the thought of my sister thinking I’d clean up her mess for her when she’s fucking eighteen years old.


“What should we do?” Luca asked before I could. I shook my head again.


“I have no damn clue. Why don’t we just leave it alone? Let’s see how she handles things for once.” I muttered. Luca suddenly stopped smoothing my hair and pulled back to face me, I opened my eyes, staring into his dark blue ones.


“That might just fuck us over completely. The secret of magic could get out to mortals if we let Rebekah handle this on her own. Do you really want to take that chance?” He asked seriously.


I considered my options. Well, if I let my sister alone she might very well fuck everyone over like Luca said by exposing magic. But if I help her then she won’t learn her lesson and she’ll continue to put the magic world at risk. Hmm, tough choice . . . Damn, seriously why do I always have to be the savior? Do people think I like that job? Really, anyone coming along who wants to be a hero you can do it because I sure as hell don’t want to. But for some reason I’m always stuck saving people’s asses. Well, I had made my decision.


Taking a deep breath, I looked right at Luca and said, “I’m letting her go. There’s no reason I have to help her. Fuck blood is thicker than water, this time, she’s on her own.”


“Alexandria”, Luca said sternly, reverting back to calling me by my full name. “Are you sure you want to do that?"


I grimaced, leaning back against Luca’s shoulder. Did I? You know, some people might say I’m prone to danger. But actually, that’s not the case. Danger just seems to find me wherever I go and refuse to leave me alone. But, I might just be encouraging the danger if I let Rebekah take care of this on her own. I shook my head.


“I don’t know. What do you think?” I asked, and by the determined look on his face, I could tell that I wasn’t going to like his answer any more than I had liked hearing from Rebekah.


“Damn.” I muttered, getting up off the floor with Luca’s help. “Well”, I said, brushing off my shorts. “Let’s go clean up my sister’s mess.”


          When we arrived at the club Well Under–classy huh? We began searching for my idiot sister.


          I had no idea what I was going to say or do when we found her. Although, I did know that it wasn’t going to be PG rated, so children, you might want to cover up your ears for a little.


          The club itself was packed to the gills with shimmying bodies and angry music, spewing out profanities and electronic beats. Luca and I made our way through the squished together crowd hand in hand, not taking any chances in this bizarre La setting.


          As I scanned the sea of people, I worried it would be hard to find my sister. As opposed to me, Rebekah enjoyed the overrated, Hollister, Barbie doll look, whereas I prefer the more outlandish, colorful ensemble. And since we were in La and the beach Barb look was the only option here to look like, you could imagine that it would be hard to find one blonde out of a whole dance floor of them.


          “God dammit.” I cursed under my breath, keeping hold of Luca’s hand as we continued to move forward.


          “Can you see her anywhere?” He asked.


          I shook my head, “No, you?”




          Fuck. Fuck Rebekah, fuck this club, fuck everything! God, for once I just wished I didn’t have to take responsibility for everything fucking thing.


          My eyes were beginning to hurt from the strobe lights and I was not enjoying the loud pounding of insulting music in my ears. I turned to Luca and saw the grimace on his face and knew that he felt the same way.


          Just as I was about to tell him to forget it and for us to leave, I saw her.


          Despite the fact that her normal style is bleached blonde All American Girl, she was actually sporting one of my popular looks, and in this case, made her stick out like a sore thumb. She had rainbow hair swooping to one side, bright purple eyes, heavy makeup, and a tight leather dress with fishnet stockings. She also had a piercing in her lip, nose, and eyebrow.


          I swatted Luca and he turned to see Rebekah.


          His eyes practically popped out of his head and his jaw fell to the floor.


          “Holy shit . . .” He muttered. “Is that . . ?”


          I nodded at his unspoken question and his mouth seemed to fall open even wider.


          “What the fucking fuck?”


          I couldn’t help but laugh at his statement.


          “C’mon”, I grabbed his arm and began dragging his half paralyzed ass over to my sister, who was currently chatting with some random guy. Of course.


          “Hey Dumbass.” I acknowledged her when we got over there, and the sad thing was, she actually turned her head.


“You called?”


At the sight of us her entire posture relaxed, and she waved away the boy she was speaking to so that she could focus on us.


“Thank God you guys are here. I’m glad you could come.” She said, sounding genuinely grateful. I just shook my head at her.


“We’re not here by choice. Now, who’s this guy who saw you?” My eyes wandered around the place, searching for someone who Rebekah could’ve potentially talked to. The bad thing was though that, that didn’t exactly narrow it down much.


“I already told you that I didn’t know where he went, that’s where you guys come in.” She said, rolling her eyes as if we should’ve obviously known this.


“We said we’d come to help you, not do everything for you. You made this mess, now you can clean it up.” Luca chimed in, which I was glad for.


But Rebekah didn’t seem too happy about it. “So you guys came down here just so that you could tell me to handle it on my own?”


I sighed. “No, just that we can’t keep helping you like this. It’s ridiculous. You’re eighteen fucking years old, why should your sixteen year old sister be saving your ass?”


I was getting aggravated now, my face heating up and my fists clenched. Luca’s hand found my balled up one, and he calmly smoothed my fingers out.


Rebekah cocked her head and put her hands on her hips. “Hmm, you know something? I think the guy left anyway, so we’re all good here.”


She smiled goofily and began to move away from us when I clutched her sleeve, pulling her back. “Whoa there. Tell me something, do you know anything about this guy? Anything at all? You know, before we blow this whole thing off and relax?”


At my question, her lip screwed up and her brow puckered. She hesitated for a few seconds, and that’s when I knew for sure that this was all over.


“Well, I know he works for People magazine and was doing a survey for the Best Beach Bodies in La. He saw me on the beach and wanted to talk to me for a while here.” She stopped, catching a glimpse of my probably green face. “Are you okay?”


 Luca wrapped his arms around my waist, waiting for my collapse. Although, I wasn’t going to fall over again, no, I was going to hurl this time.


I tore away from Luca’s grasp and made a beeline for the nearest exit, not even waiting until I got an appropriate distance away from the long line to the entrance before depositing my lunch onto the asphalt.


Let’s see how long it takes before Salem’s Witch Hunting begins to trend again. 

Last Time

It didn't take Luca long to find me in the lot. I was sitting on one of the concrete rectangles marking parking spots, my chin in my hand and my elbows on my knees. He knelt down next to me, slipping his arm around my shoulders. 


"She really isn't your responsibility you know." He murmured softly in my ear.


I shrugged, dismissing the subject. I knew she wasn’t technically my responsibility, but I still felt obligated to look after her. There were times when I hated my sister with every fiber of my being, and then there were times when I couldn’t help but to come to the rescue because I couldn’t stand to see her in trouble.


“Do you want to go back to the hotel?” Luca asked, rubbing my shoulder in a soothing gesture. It really was doing no good.


          I felt awful for dragging Luca into my messes, for always dragging him into my messes. Sometimes I wondered why he even stuck around with me, since I brought so much trouble along with me. Inspiration suddenly hit, and my heart dropped into my stomach at my plan. I shifted so that I was looking at Luca, forcing a smile despite feeling tears pricking my eyes.


          “You stay here and keep an eye on Rebekah. I’ll get our stuff at the hotel.” I said with as much sincerity as I possibly could. He smiled softly at me.


          “Okay Alex.” He leaned forward and gently kissed me on the forehead, and I had to close my eyes and bite my lip to keep the sob from escaping.


          Without another word he stood up and headed back into the club. I let out a pent up gasp, shut my eyes even tighter, and snapped my fingers. When I opened them again, I was back at our hotel.


          With our bags already packed, I slung my single backpack over my shoulder and headed to the little desk near the kitchen. I searched the drawer until I came up with a notepad and a pen. I had to leave him something. I wasn’t so cruel as to just leave without saying goodbye.



          I’m sorry that it has to be this way, but you wouldn’t have let me go if I had talked to you about it first. If it isn’t already apparent, I’m leaving. I just can’t travel with you anymore, I can’t bear to see you frustrated and hurt because of me. If there’s one thing you can do for me now, please, PLEASE do not come after me. I need to be alone for a while, without someone who is always there for me, because it seems as though I can’t always be there for you.


          Don’t take this out on my sister, she’s not the reason I’ve left. This was bound to happen sooner or later, maybe you even expected it. I know you’ll probably try to find me, but I have my ways. Well, I’m off. You’ve been the greatest friend to me. I couldn’t ask for better, and I wouldn’t want to. I love you Luca, stay badass. I know you will.




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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.09.2013

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