
Kiss me on the lips-
carress me in your arms-
make sweet tender love to me-
wake up the next morning-
you sake my shoulder-
I don't almost slap you in the face
you scream my name loud and clear-
I don't cover my ears
you cry out you love me-
I cry out blank
you feel the guilt and I can't feel anything
you should've told me how much I meant to you-
how much I didn't,
but the thing is
Im the misfortunate one because I didn't do all f that to you
I didn't tell you how much I loe the way you smell
I didn't tell you how I hate eeing your boxers every morning on the floor
you never told me how you love the way I dance,
or how much you hate my hair in a bun - secret -
I hate it too,
but I'm dead, you're not
Go live your life


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.10.2011

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To anyone who has lost a lover.

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