
Summer 2010

Hi there this is the story of my life and those of you who are saying oh boy just another biography stop that right now because this is not just a biography of some normy as my friends call humans. This is the story of a teenage vampire. I remember that day like it was just yesterday it was hot out and the sun was shining. My friend had just gotten back from a trip to see the council. The council is a group of vampires that make the rules for the rest of us. I personally have never met the council as I am only half vampire and they deal mainly with full vampires they call those like me the hæf otherwise known as half vampires. Before I get ahead of myself I should explain how I became this way as I was not always a hæf. Well it was about six months prior to that day and I was very sick I was dying. No one could figure out why I was sick I went to all kinds of doctors no one could figure it out. I was on my deathbed it was two in the morning and I heard a noise and suddenly there was a dark figure at the foot of my bed. Before I could ask who this person was I heard a girl’s voice. It took me a few minutes to realize it was the person in front of me talking as I was out of it from all the medicine. I remember she had said, “You are dying aren’t you kid?” I had no idea how she knew that but I had no time to think about that I replied hesitantly, “yes I am no one knows why.” The dark figure came closer out of the shadows and I seen her face she was a young girl couldn’t be any older than sixteen she had long crimson red hair her eyes were a captivating brown I couldn’t look away from her eyes. She was tall I couldn’t tell how tall though she had the kind of smile that just seems to make everything else around you disappear. She had come to the bedside right next to me and she had leaned over and she whispered into my ear, “Do you want to get better? If you do tell me how bad you do.” I looked at her confused and said, “I’m not ready to die yet I would do anything to get better it doesn’t matter what it is I will do anything.” This girl she smiled and said to me, “My name is Sarah and I am someone who can make you better but you will never be the same again if I help you, you will become like me you will become a vampire are you ready for this?” I looked at her with disbelief until she opened her mouth and I seen the teeth and she just barely touched her thumb to them and blood started running down her arm. I was very scared but I was desperate to get better so I said in a scared raspy voice, “I’m ready…” This girl I barely knew bent over and turned my head ever so gently and I felt a slight pain it felt like someone pricked me with a needle. I felt something strange like I was drained of all my strength I could not move and then I felt cold but suddenly stronger. Before I knew it she was standing over me again this time she was on my bed and she laid down on top of me her face right next to me I remember feeling something wet and warm on her chin. I had fainted at this point because the next thing I knew I had woken up and she was gone. My neck was very stiff but I was sitting up which I wasn’t able to do in such a long time it had been weeks since I had the strength to sit up. The doctor came in in a panicky rush he looked scared to death. And he said the camera in my room was black and he did not see a pulse on my heart monitor.

The Day After The End

I apologize if the title is misleading no it was not the end of the world just the end of my old life. I had started going through changes after that night I no longer craved the food I used to love. And I felt weak anytime I was in direct sunlight. I began to wonder if I’d ever see Sarah again. She had saved my life and I never got a chance to thank her. I was still in the hospital still no pulse and I was cold. They had officially assigned me a personal nurse as they began to worry that they couldn’t find a pulse anywhere in my body. I was allowed to walk around again as I was getting stronger. They kept telling me I must have a guardian angel because they have never seen a turn around like this before they would never know that I was visited by someone the night before. As I was walking through the hospital I happened to look over as they were giving blood to some little kid and as soon as I seen the blood I felt strange I felt hungry and I was having difficulties staying conscious for some reason I felt my canines getting sharp and I started to run for the door to the kid I felt like a passenger in my own life when suddenly I felt something around me and I turned around to see Sarah she pulled me into the janitors closet. It was dark and I felt trapped and I couldn’t move. And just then I felt something warm, wet, and dark on the side of my face the smell was familiar, I lost control at that point and I was fighting trying to find the source. I had found my mark the warm liquid was dripping on my lips at that point I found myself licking my lips and enjoying the taste way too much I opened my mouth as wide as I could my eyes had rolled into the back of my head and I was loving ever last drop of this sweet nectar I found. Then I felt wide awake and stronger than ever before the liquid had stopped coming at that time I looked up to see a mirror my face was covered in blood and I seen Sarah she had a cut on her arm that was dripping blood. I asked her, “Sarah was that blood that I just tasted?” Then she shook her head up and down she looked deathly pale. And then she spoke softly, “you needed the blood more than you could ever know at this time you were about to kill that kid I’ve seen that look many times before.” I wanted to ask her why she did it but before I could she had ripped a piece of her shirt off at the waist and she wiped my face and neck dry before wrapping it around her arm. She took me in her arms and said you look so much better than you did last night. I found out that the night before was the very first time she had ever turned anyone. She told me that I need to control my hunger and then she gave me this small bright orange container it looked like a tic tac container with a few modifications. She said to me that this is your best friend never lose it. If you need it refilled give it to me I will get you more it is filled with a drug it is called rialú use it as a last resort it will give you the edge you need to keep control. Do not give it to anyone if a human tastes it, it will taste like candy. It is a safety measure so that if a human gets their hands on it they will never know the truth about it. Keep control as long as you can you need to learn control only use this as a last resort. Then she told me that I am only half vampire and then said what you are called is hæf that is the species you belong to now. I am also only half vampire and you must be very careful who you tell about this change there are people out there that seek to hunt us down and eliminate us. Even though we have done nothing to them the humans fear what they do not understand you must be careful. Not even family can know about this they will be the most fearful of this change in you my friend Dear Journal I almost killed a kid today and found out I need to work on controlling myself.

The Month of Rebirth

It has been one month since that day that I tasted my first drops of blood as a vampire and much has changed. I’ve become stronger as well as faster. There are times I miss my old life but there is no going back I have only the memories of being human now. My new life is exciting though I have been born into a whole new world filled with things that I only thought to be myths or the things that you come up with in your dreams but I have found out that they are oh so real. My friends have started calling me Azazel they tell me that with a new life in a new world one should have a new name as well. I do not mind it so much but I still wonder how they came up with that name. I have met many new people in a little over a month after being turned into a vampire. I have even had become close friends with a werewolf his name is DJ. I will start training soon to learn how to fight and to control my hunger. I often wondered why I need to learn to fight as I have not caused any problems that required physical confrontation. One day Sarah came up to me and asked me how I was doing this was odd because she never asks that. At that point I looked at her puzzled and that’s when she held out her hand I asked her what she had and she opened her hand and in her palm was a small black rock with fiery red lines on it. She had told me it is called a blood stone and she threw it at me I think she was testing my reflexes because when I caught it she seemed strangely impressed. When I asked her what that was for she simply said , “the stone is to help you my mentor gave me this when I first joined this world it makes it so you do not need to feed as much.” I never let that little stone out of my sight as I still struggle with the hunger. Take it from me the hunger is hard to resist it is intoxicating the smell of blood it fills your senses and it just seems to completely take over. It’s like the best smell in the world when you are a vampire one drop can make you utterly lose control. Soon will be my first hunt and I have to go alone because we are not allowed to hunt together for some reason. A few days after I had received the stone DJ came up to me and told me to follow him he would not say why but I trusted him so I followed he led me into the forest just outside of town. I followed him for what seemed like hours until we came to a clearing. He nudged me to get down as there was something out there we both could smell it. I urged him that we need to get closer to know what we were dealing with when suddenly there was a rush of wind and we dropped to the ground as we did not know what just happened. When we regained our stature we slowly got up only to find something we both feared greatly. In the clearing was cave dweller a monstrous creature that was far from what it used to be. You see a cave dweller is a human that has been trapped and enslaved by a witch and they have been put through so much suffering that they change into a man eating creature that has no mercy and no sense of pain it will never stop coming until its dead. DJ and I looked at each other knowing running was not an option because if we ran this thing could harm anyone that it wanted to and there would be many casualties. It had spotted us and I looked at DJ he became angry and his entire being was changing his mouth became long and his teeth all grew sharp. His ears grew longer and his entire body enlarged and became very muscular. His shirt was torn to shreds from the transformation alone. His legs grew longer and stronger his shoes became tight and his toenails became black and ripped holes in his shoes. Those eyes of his became yellow and he towered over me. I was never trained to fight yet so I was unsure what to do. DJ charged at the beast he had leapt at it but the creature rolled under him and charged me. I had no idea what to do so I braced for impact the creature cut my arm with its claws and made my arm bleed very badly when I saw my own blood I felt a surge through my body and I almost lost control and blacked out but I fought that and it became easier. My vision blurred and the only thing I could see was the creature that had the audacity to injure me. I started running at it I had no idea how fast I was running until I had caught it and jumped on top of it pinning it to the ground it kept slashing and biting me trying to get free which must have angered me because I felt a rush of power and grabbed its arm and almost snapped it off when I slammed it into the earth so deep that I felt blood on my hands it bit me right in the side I yelled in pain as it was feeding on me. I became so angry that I must have blacked out because the next thing I knew I was standing over the mangled creature and my entire body was covered in blood. DJ woke up and staggered over to me I had no idea what happened to him I think he leapt right into a tree and knocked himself out. I needed to talk to Sarah about what just happened. I helped DJ get back to his house as he was very weak. The talk with Sarah would have to wait until another time time before I went to bed that night I wrote Dear Journal I saved someone’s life today.

Sunset of the Dweller

I had gone to see Sarah to inform her of the confrontation with the creature. She was surprised to see me because it was the first time I ever went to talk to her she has always come to me when she needed to talk. Sarah asked me, “Why have you come to see me this is unlike you Azazel.” I told her, “There has been a fight and something should not have been out.” She became worried that I had hurt someone I could see it in her eyes. I told her that DJ and I had come across a cave dweller during the day time and she looked at my arms and nearly fainted when she seen the scars. She insisted that I show her where the body was. So I took her to the clearing and when she seen the mangled body she turned to look at me and she hesitantly asked, “Did you do this or did DJ.” I said that it was me and DJ knocked himself out on a tree. She patted me on the back and told me that I fought well. This was the first time that my vampiric powers came out to their fullest. She poured gas on the body and set it on fire apparently that is the only way to completely destroy a cave dweller and she grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the body and led me home and told me she would come get me tomorrow. The next day she came to me with a strange man I have never seen before. He introduced himself as the informant. His job was to report any conflicts that occur with creatures. He led me to a strange house and unlocked the padlock on the gate. We went inside and he sat me down at a table and asked me to tell him exactly what happened. When I started the story of what happened he seemed impressed that a hæf vampire that was untrained could take on such a creature on his own without taking serious injuries. He slid a vial across the table to me and said it was a solution that would help my injuries heal faster. The solution tasted terrible and it smelled even worse. I drank the entire thing even though it was difficult. I watched my injuries and they began to grow very red and burn like hot oil and then they cooled down and they damn near disappeared entirely. Sarah led me home and told me to get some rest because it will help the scars heal as well and then she told me to take a rialú before I went to sleep. I took it and went inside and when I laid down I felt sleepy almost instantaneously.

The Awakening

I remember waking up in a dark cold room I do not know who I am the only thing I have other than the clothes on my back is this old tattered journal next to me and a pencil. The room smelled like mold and the floor was wet. I wonder if I’m near a lake it is weird I remember everything but my identity and how I got here. I believe this journal belongs to me I think I need to see the contents of it maybe it holds any clues to who I am. As I open the journal I hear something strange coming from the corner of the room. I closed the journal and went over there but found that the noise had stopped so still standing there I open the journal again and the noise was back. I was curious I closed it and again the noise stopped I began to realize that the noise was somehow connected to the journal. So when I opened the journal and when the noise started again I looked around for the source of it and I came across a small crevice in the wall. I reached into the crevice and pulled out a strange amulet.The amulet was a dark blue and had two stakes going through a heart one was vertical going down another horizontal going across. As I stood there holding it in my hand there was a loud rumbling sound and suddenly the ground began to shake as soon the floor began moving and revealed a staircase. I hesitantly went down the stairs as there was no other way out of the room. It kept getting darker and darker and they seemed to never end when suddenly there was a burst of light and I was standing outside. When I turned around there was nothing there I was standing in an open field. I was very confused as to what just happened when suddenly there was a soft whisper I decided to follow it so I put the amulet in my pocket and followed the sound as I followed it the whisper became louder and louder until I came across a young girl. She was very beautiful she did not look like she could be much younger than me. She had long brownish red hair. She was wearing it up in a ponytail and she had a white sweatshirt on and blue jeans. She looked at me and smiled that smile was captivating it drew me in and all I could do was ask her who she was. She said her name was Rose but to my surprise she hugged me and said I haven’t seen you in so long which caught me off guard because I did not know who I was and she did. We sat down next to a tree and she began to talk to me like I was someone she knew for a long time so I began to believe that maybe she knew me before I lost my memory so I asked her what my name was. She looked at me like I was crazy and then she started giggling and said that my name was Chris. When she told me I opened the journal which was blank for some reason and I wrote a note to myself that said remember that my name is Chris and this girl’s name is Rose. As I began talking to her she kept giving me information about myself like how my favorite color was blue and I was seventeen years old. I began to really like this girl the way she treated me. I figured I could trust her and then she started talking about her past. It was a dark past and she has been put through a lot of pain so I made a silent oath to protect this girl. I began to feel a sharp pain in my side and I woke up in the hospital dazed and confused was that all just a dream I began to ask myself. I looked around but Rose was nowhere to be found. A doctor came in and said it’s about time you woke up you have been asleep for several days son. I was sent home that day wondering what happened and if Rose actually was real or only a girl from a dream I hope she was real. When I arrived at the place these strange people said I call home I was hesitant but I needed to find out my past I went in and to my surprise it was empty except a computer was on the desk already open to some site. I became curious and went over to the desk and typed in Rose and I was overjoyed when I seen the girl from my dream was real. I decided to send her a message and she replied almost instantly saying in a scared but happy voice THANK GOD YOUR BACK the last time I talked to you was three days ago on here… I began to realize maybe it was a dream and she was in it because I did not remember talking to her on this I thought it was in person. We began talking and she was telling me I looked cute and I began to blush and she just started giggling. We talked for what seemed like hours when she said she had to go and surprised me when she said I love you. I was completely caught off guard and started blushing so bad I must of looked like a tomato and all I could manage to say was I love… before I became speechless she giggled so hard. After she left I wrote in the journal “Dear Journal this girl is amazing I think I love her.”

The Day of Recollection

The day after I met Rose on the internet I began to think and wonder that dream felt so real how could it have been just a dream. I decided I had to find that amulet to see if it was really a dream or not. I looked around this house until I found the laundry room and I rooted through all the pants and shorts basically anything with a pocket trying to find the amulet from my dream. All in vain I am afraid there was no amulet so then I decided to explore “my” house to see if there is anything to help me remember. There were many things upstairs but only one thing looked familiar a small orange container. I do not know why it looked familiar but I knew if I recognized it but didn’t know how I should probably take it with me so I put it in my pocket and went back downstairs. I wanted to see if Rose recognized it but she was not online so I went outside and to my surprise there was a small box right outside the door. I picked up the box and took it inside wondering what it was so I went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife to open the box and as I cut the tape and opened the box and looked inside it had a torn shirt and a crusty bloody rag with a note. The note said, “If you want to find out who you are put on the shirt and smell the rag you will find out soon enough.” I really wanted to know who I was so I followed the instructions I put on the shirt it was fine in the front but the back had three tears in a parallel row as if claw marks or something. When I smelled the rag I became very light headed and passed out when I awoke I was surrounded by many people and it was dark out. I asked where am I and at that point a girl came up to me and said, “Your home again Azazel.” I became worried and told them you must have the wrong person my name isn’t Azazel its Chris. They laughed and explained to me Chris is your human name. It did not take long for me to realize they were telling me there is more to me than being human. At this point the girl gave me a small tablet and told me to take it and I will remember. I really wanted to remember so I swallowed the pill and to my amazement all these people looked vaguely familiar. I began to spurt out s….s….Sarah? I had no idea how I knew her name but she smiled and said, “Welcome back Azazel.” And then it hit me and unknowingly I yelled out, “Holy shit I’m a vampire.” Everyone in the room laughed and that’s when I realized I said it out loud. I only remember being a vampire though the pill did not help me remember anything about being human all I know is that Chris was my human name. Still though it felt good knowing that I am getting somewhere with the hunt for my identity. Dear Journal today I found out I am not only human and my search is getting somewhere.

The Night Games

A few days after I last found any information about myself I was approached by Sarah she asked me if I knew about the Night Games I said, “No what are the Night Games?” She simply smiled and said, “The Night Games are where vampires fight each other for glory in the arena of the fallen and that’s where were going tonight.” That day she tried to prepare me for the Night Games we spent countless hours sparring and fighting until she felt I was ready I was completely oblivious to the fact that I would be participating in them until she gave me my uniform for it. Each vampire has their own uniform mine consisted of tight leather pants and a back sport undershirt that only covered my chest nothing on my arms were covered it was basically a muscle shirt. I would be participating in the rogue class which is in hind sight a beginner’s class for people who are new to the Night Games. My first opponent was a girl her arena name was Silentnight. I could see where she got the name from as she never spoke a word and she wore only black. All arena fights were one on one hand to hand combats and the match did not end until either one combatant begged for their life or was killed. Sarah chose my arena name which was Raymond which is apparently Old-German which means protecting hands. In the beginning of the fight she charged at me and she was very quick I was barely able to track her movements within moments she was right in front of me and I received a blow to the head from her knee and she was gone. I every time I seen her she was already delivering another blow to my head I started to get disoriented when I heard Sarah yell, “Don’t use your eyes she is too fast listen to her footsteps and the directions they are coming from.” I closed my eyes and began to listen and just as she said I could hear her footsteps. Quickly I thought from the right wait for her to go to strike and grab her. She jumped and came down for a finishing blow to my head and I heard the rush of wind and grabbed her arm and began to spin around as fast as I could and let go sending her straight into a tree she screamed out in pain and I knew I found my mark I opened my eyes to see her trying to get up I was still disoriented so I was not able to run I walked over to her unsteadily and grabbed her by the waist and lifted her above my head before slamming her into the tree again and again. She got desperate at this point and slashed at my neck with her sharp nails. Luckily she only nicked me and I only got a scratch. I began to punch at her stomach harder and harder until she stopped getting up and the look she had in her eyes was one of great fear she asked me to stop she has had enough. I stopped and picked her up to carry her back to the doctor to get her some help. Most would have killed her but I couldn’t do it she would not have shown me mercy but I couldn’t kill her not with the look she had in her eyes. I carried her all the way to the small tent with the Red Cross on it to get her help. As I laid her on the cot they had set up I got very dizzy and fell over she did more damage to my head than I thought. Sarah said, “You’re done for the night you fought well.” Sarah helped me onto a cot to get some rest the last thing I remember was looking over at my opponent she was surrounded by doctors I guess I hurt her a lot more than I intended to.

The Recovery

I awoke several hours later and I looked over too check on Silentnight I guess I was worried I hurt her too badly to my surprise she was laying there watching me. She told me her real name was Susan. I told her my real name is Chris but everyone calls me Azazel. Susan simply smiled through her pain and said, “You learn quickly in battle Azazel I didn’t thing you would be able to beat me.” Being my modest self I said, “It wasn’t me it was my guardian that helped me win without her I wouldn’t have been able to do it.” At that point Susan threw a shoe at me and said, “Your guardian only gave advice you were the one who used it to win you dumbass.” Sarah came in and asked, “How ya feelin’?” I told her much better I’m not weak anymore and I tried to get up and felt pain but I would not let that stop me I had pushed through the pain and sat up trying to hide the pain I was in. Sarah looked at me and said in a sarcastic voice, “You are terrible at hiding pain Chris.” This shocked me because she never calls me Chris. I played dumb and stood up looking at her and smiled weakly. It obviously didn’t fool her because she just rolled her eyes at me and said, “Let’s go tough guy.” She is very good at reading me I can’t hide anything from her. Later that day when I arrived back at my home I seen a message on the computer that read, “ Chris I hope to hear from you soon things aren’t going so well – Rose.” I began to get worried I quickly replied to it asking what happened. She replied a few hours later with, “My boyfriend cheated on me, all I could think was that doushebag.” I wanted to hunt him down and beat the living daylights out of him but she said no so I respected that even though I wanted to kill him. That night even though I was sore I went out and went on a fight spree because I was so angry. I loved her and I would do anything to protect her. I wanted to meet her in person so badly I needed to comfort her. I remember making an oath that night that I will always be there for her and will always do everything in my power to protect her until my last breathe. It wouldn’t be another two years until I showed myself to her but I was there watching and protecting from the shadows until that day.

The Mistake

It has been several months since that day and I grew very close to Rose I wanted to be hers very badly but I screwed up she broke up with her boyfriend for me and I did not know and I helped a friend of mine and I ended up losing Rose because of it. I never spoke to the friend I helped again not after the person I lost because of it. I would keep my oath however I was always there watching over her protecting her even though she hated me. I became very sick due to the lack of blood in my system but I swore I would not feed again or anything ever or until I fixed things. I hated myself for what I did and punished myself by making sure I was constantly in pain because I wouldn’t get what I so desperately needed. I began to get weaker and weaker by the day. I would endure that pain for over a year seeing her grow close to another guy. Drake was his name he picked up the pieces I left behind and I began to see her grow happy once more. Seeing her happy with another guy tore me up inside knowing I would never have that girl again. By now Sarah had left to see the council where we first began this journey I was watching Rose with Drake when Sarah came up to me and asked me , “ Chris are you ever going to forgive yourself and stop watching over her?” I looked at her and shook my head as I could never forgive myself for what I did. Over the course of that year I became cold and dead inside from seeing the girl I needed with him. Until one day I had enough and kept messaging her nonstop until she replied. She spoke to me like she had completely forgotten about me. She looked like she had seen a ghost when we video chatted that day. It would still be another year before I would even meet her in person but over that year her and Drake were together on and off a few times every time I was rejected. She was with a few other guys in between but her and Drake always seemed to find their way back to each other like a magnet. I knew I deserved to not even have her in my life at all but I wanted her back so badly I couldn’t give up. One day she told me she was moving this broke my heart until she said she would be going to my school. I asked her to meet me at our towns local garden I was shocked when she said she would I would finally get to meet her in person other when I visited her when she was working. I was so worried that day on how I looked and what I wore that I almost was late. When I finally got to talk to her in person I was having trouble finding the words I was choking and almost lost my chance when she grabbed my hand and leaned into me that’s when all felt right in my world again and I wrapped my arms around her I couldn’t believe it I honestly felt I was dreaming. My half soul finally started to shine again and my heart warmed and started beating normally again. I remember wanting to tell her what I was so badly I gave her everything my heart what little soul I had and my body without fear I loved her with my entire being. I remember never letting go of that hand when we were together. That is until my worst nightmare came true Drake was back. I lost her to him again only to find out she tested me and I failed that test. I beat myself up badly that day for letting myself fall into the hole I dug a long time ago. You see every time I even heard that name I instantly became shy and felt I was not good enough. I remember that she felt terrible for that test and hurting me that she fought to get me back I never thought she would actually fight for me I was not worth it in my opinion but she kept telling me I was always there for her and that’s what won her over again. I remember when I told her what I really was she just looked at me with disbelief. I remembering how deathly scared I was I would lose her for telling her this.

The New Start

I remember how she cried every day that I was lost and how I messed up and I pushed her away for two months while I found myself. I regret every second I did not spend with her in those two months she started moving on and falling for Drake again. It took me two months to find the old me and she didn’t want me anymore. To this day I am still trying to get her back I did research because I wanted to bring the Chris she knew back and I finally found the secrets. That night I did the ceremony and I reversed the change it took all of my strength and everything I had in me to reverse it the next day I was human once again but I was very weak. I remember her smile when she seen me it has been so long since I seen that smile. I will take everything I have but I have to get her back I need her I can’t do this without her. If she ever reads this journal I hope she sees how much she means to me these are the secrets of my past and my journey through hell and back to get back to her. I need to hear those words with everything I have I need to hear those ten words. I would do anything to hear I love and choose you will you be mine again? Those words are the world to me to hear them from her is my life’s goal. I just can’t believe I was that stupid and lost her I just hope I can change this destiny and have her back. This is my last entry for now as I am back to the present and I will never give up.I will never give up on her she is everything to me. One day I hope I can get my rose to bud again.


Texte: To my friends This is my story it was inspired by someone close to me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.10.2012

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