
My Best Friend

You kept my secret’s
You kept me warm when I was freezing
You were there to cuddle with me when I was hurting
You were the Best Friend ever
But now your gone and I miss you so much
The day you left I held you like you held me in my heart
Never letting go
Hoping you would come back to me
But you didn’t But in some way I thought you would
But it was your time to go
But it hurts to see you leave like this
You will be missed
We will Never Forget You

Abuse, Harm, Fade

A mother scared
A father drunkin’ to know end
A child lost with no help
Except for one
To look up to God The Father
As the child prays for the one thing needed most
Just to be taken from this world
The many days go by
The bruises turn to cuts
The cuts turn to breaks
All abuse turns to
Self harm
To make the hurt go away
She just wants to fade to nothing

I love you!

There are many things to say

But I'm at a loss for words

What do you say

When you feel this way

Do you stand tall and strong 

only to fall for lack of words

Or sit back and whisper

what only you can try and describe

What do you say

What do you do when you try

Try and say what's on your mind

But when it all comes out all

I can say is a simple 

I Love You!

All She Wanted

All she wanted was to be loved

She tried showing you she loved you

She would have given up everything

Each time it seemed  like you didn't care

She wants to know what she's doin wrong

She'd do anything and everything for you

All she wants is affection and to know 

you have her back through it all

Is it to much to ask for when 

All she wants is to be loved

Nobody knows

Nobody knows how much it hurts

Like a poison the pain seeps through

Like there's no way out

I can't tell anyone but it's not like

Anyone would care not even the one

I love, he took everything from me

I thought I could hide it for awhile but

this pain I knew it would come back

Just never thought so soon

every minute of every hour of everyday 

It feels as if my heart is being ripped 

to shreds I just want the pain to end


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.05.2012

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To the people i love the most in my life!

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