
The Awakening

Amelia Robertson paced around the room urgently. “Would you stop pacing for just a second?” Amelia’s best friend Cammie asked. “Fine, but I have to leave soon.” Amelia replied. Cammie began to smile proudly. “Amelia!” her mother called from downstairs. “Coming Mom!” she yelled. “I’ll see you later, Cammie. You can hang out with Natalie. Oh and Eric is here. You know Corey’s best friend that you’re totally crushing on?” Cammie’s eyes lit up and she said excitedly, “Have fun!” And she closed the door right behind Amelia.

After work, Amelia thought she would look around the outskirts, and then through the streets she saw it, a mysterious, large building. She walked further, getting closer and closer to the building. She heard voices around the corner and ducked down behind a large, cardboard box. They came from around the corner and passed her, not noticing a thing. After she was sure they were gone, she took a deep breath as she got up and went down a dark hall around the next corner. She reached a door and began to turn it. It was locked. She heard footsteps behind her and the last thing she saw were two men creeping closer to her. Then it all went black.

When she began to come to, she heard voices saying, “Who do you think she is?” a husky voice said. “I don’t know, but she shouldn’t have been sneaking around. Shh... She’s waking up.”, a deep voiced man said. She blinked a couple times then opened her eyes and asked, “What happened?” “We saw you sneaking around.” the husky voice said. “How did I get here?” “We may have knocked you out.” Her jaw dropped partly and she asked curiously, “How?” “Knock-out gas, my dear.” “Who are you?” Amelia asked questioningly. “We can’t tell you that. What we need to know is who are you?” “Why should I tell you who I am if you won’t tell me who you are?” “Okay fine. But why were you sneaking around?” “Well. I saw this building and I felt a pull to go investigate. I don’t know why exactly, but I guess it was my senses telling me to.” “Interesting.”, said the man with the deep voice said, thoughtfully, gradually tapping his chin. “Give us a second, Miss.”, the husky voiced man said. “Sure.”, Amelia said casually. The two men went into a room at the left as she lay on that hard board curiously.

“Agent Carter, she sounds somewhat like a young agent we lost years ago. Only if I could remember her name...” the man with the deep voice said. “Maybe you should check the files, Price.” the husky voiced man said. “Good idea.” He went over to the file cabinet and looked through the first shelf. “Ah, here we are. Aaron Wilson. Her parents were agents, but they died while on mission when she was only 4 years old. After finding out, Aaron took off. She was never heard of again. I think we found her, Carter.” “So, Price. Should we go back in there and ask questions?” “Good idea. We can’t let her wait forever.”

“So, we need you to listen to this story carefully and say nothing till the very end. Okay?” Agent Carter said. Amelia just nods. “Okay. This is the story of two secret agents, Jason and Emily Wilson. They were incredibly skilled agents and were the best in the business. They had a daughter named Aaron; she was trained as a child to be as good as her parents. But one day, while on mission, her parents were killed. Aaron was only four years old and when she found out, she took off. Never to be seen again. Do you have any thoughts?” “What does this have to do with me?” “How long have you been with your family?” “My whole life, I'm pretty sure.” “I don’t think so. I don’t think you know everything. Now tell me who you really are. And we’ll let you go, but I have a feeling you may come back, Aaron.” “You think I’m her? My name is Amelia Robertson, not Aaron Wilson. Can I go now?” “Alright, you can go. But think about what happened here.”

When Amelia got home, nobody was there. “Must have gone out, I suppose. Now it's time to investigate around the house.” Amelia thought. She headed to her father’s office, where all the private family files are. She opened the door and walked straight to the large file cabinet in the corner. First shelf, not a thing. Second shelf, again, nothing. Third shelf, jackpot. There it was, an adoption form, and an orphanage file saying:


Seaside Orphanage

Name: Unknown

Condition: Does not know who she is, or where she’s from. Has a head injury, unknown how it occurred.

Gender: Female

Location Found: 3 miles from Garner St. She was totally unconscious and freezing with a large bump on her head.

Found By: Heather Pride

Date Found: October 26, 1995

Age: Approximately 4 years old

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Red Brown

Race: White

Height: 40 in.

Weight: 36 lbs.

Date of Birth: Unknown

 “This proves it, those agent guys may have been right. I have to go to that Orphanage; it’s my only chance of finding out more.” Amelia said aloud. She stuffed the files back in the cabinet, left the office, locked the door of the house and ran to the car.

It was half past 4 when she arrived at the Orphanage. She walked straight up to the desk where a woman with curly brown hair stood. “Excuse me; I need to ask about an old orphan. Her name was unknown, that girl was me, and I want to know more.” The woman’s face looked flabbergasted, she brought herself together and began to speak, “What is your name, now?” “It’s Amelia Robertson and actually, I came to see Heather Pride; she’s the one that found me.” “Well Heather doesn’t work here anymore, she retired, but you meant a lot to her, she has all your information and everything. I can give you her address, would that help?” “Heck, it would. Thanks so much.” The woman began to write the address down on a pad. After a couple seconds, she tore it off and handed it to Amelia. “Thanks again.” she said as she ran out the door to the car.”

“1235 Carter Dr., here I am at Heather Pride’s home.” Amelia says before getting out. She gets out of the car and walks up to the house that looks like an old cottage. She starts to knock on the door, nervous as ever. A couple of knocks and the door opens and standing there is a woman is her 40s with blonde straight hair and a height of 5’4, still very attractive for her age. “May I help you?” the woman said. “Yes, are you Heather Pride? I’m Amelia Robertson.” “Amelia? Come in, come in.”, Heather said gesturing Amelia to come inside.

“So Amelia, what brings you here?” Heather asks while setting two glasses of tea on a coffee table. “Well, I need you to tell me everything that happened when you found Me.”, Amelia said. “Well… it was a cold day in December, I was taking a walk. Then I found you, your face was red from cold, and you were dressed in a sweat suit with a jacket with a fur hood. You looked so pale and cold. I picked you up, took you to my car, and headed to the orphanage. When I got you there, finally warmed up, you started to come to. You knew nothing, not who you were, how old you were, or where you were from. We started to give you a nickname after a while, it was Ammie.” “Why Ammie?”“Because you had amnesia. You must have hit your head or something...” Right then Amelia started zoning out and had a massive headache and had a flashback. She saw a girl, about 4 years old, crying, running off. She was struggling as she ran because there was a blizzard. She ran on and on and tripped and fell on the ground, unconscious. Then it hit Amelia, the place, why she was crying, everything. She was Aaron Wilson.

Right then, Amelia’s tea glass slipped out of her grasp and shattered to the floor. “Amelia, are you okay?” Heather said as she began to shake her by the shoulders. She finally came out of it and noticed the shattered tea glass and responded, “Oh, I’m so sorry about that. I’ll clean it up myself.” “No. It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. You must be under a lot of stress.” “Yeah, you’re right. I… I should go, thanks for everything.” As she walked out the door, her head was still processing everything. When in the car, she pulled out the card that she realized they had stuck in her jacket pocket. She typed in the number in her phone and hit dial. It started ringing and that husky voiced man answered, “Hello, Amelia. I knew you would call.” “How’d you know it was me?” “Amelia, I’m a secret agent. Think about it.” “Right. Okay so I’m coming in, so be prepared.” “Always.”

The Beginning

When she arrived at the place, it was discrete, very isolated. “No wonder I never came across this before.” Amelia thought to herself. She found that door that she had left out of earlier. She began to turn the knob on the door and there stood the man with the husky voice. “Amelia, come inside.” he said as he opened the door. She walked in and saw all the wonderment. Everything was huge and mechanical. “Welcome to our headquarters, Miss Robertson.”, the man said. “The place is huge.” Amelia said seeing the other man walk up. “Ah, Miss Robertson, welcome back. My name is Garrett Price and my partner here is James Carter. Now, Amelia, we’d like to show you something.” Garrett said. They began to walk behind him into a dark room full of file cabinets. Garrett flipped on the lights and went to a file cabinet and grabbed three large files out handed them to Amelia. “What are these?” she replied. “Come; sit down here at this table. She opened the first file labeled, “Jason Wilson”. He was experienced in martial arts, computer intelligence, and incredible shooting. The file was detailed with cases that he had worked on and there were pictures of him in action. He had dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, a muscular stature, and a height of about 6 ft. Amelia then closed the file and picked up the file labeled, “Emily Johnson”. She was quiet, had curly blonde hair, and dark brown eyes. She was beautiful, sneaky and also experienced in martial arts. She then put that file down as well and picked up the file labeled, “Aaron Wilson”. This was Amelia’s file. Her whole name was Aaron Joyce Wilson. She was experienced in self-defense and had her father’s computer intelligence. There was a photo of Emily and Jason holding baby Aaron. Others included Aaron training, being like her parents.

Amelia now knew for sure who she was. “I’m Aaron Joyce Wilson. Now, take me to my training.” she said rising up from the table.

“Aaron, first of all, we need to take you to where you live.” Agent Carter said. “I’ll have to leave my family won’t I?” Aaron said. “Only if you want to.”, “I have an idea, Carter. An idea where she wouldn’t have to leave her family or friends.” Agent Price said. “Please explain Agent.” James said. “She’ll be undercover. Nobody has to know that she is an agent or have to leave.” Garrett replied. “So, let me get this straight. I will be undercover and not allowed to tell anyone that I’m really Aaron Wilson?” “Correct.” “Well, alright. I can live with that. Let’s get me set up boys.”

“Kent, we’d like you to meet somebody. This is Aaron Wilson.”, James said when we walked into a training room. “Aaron Wilson? The Aaron Wilson, the one that went missing?” Kent said. Kent had a height of about 6 ft, short brown shaggy hair, bright green eyes, and a muscular body. “What am I? Famous?” Aaron thought to herself. “That’s me. Nice to meet you.” Aaron said, extending her hand. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “The pleasure is all mine.” he smiled with a big grin. Aaron began to blush and released her hand. “Anyways, Aaron, Kent here is going to help you with your training every day.” Garrett said, turning to Aaron. “I guess I’ll see you around then?” Kent said. “Maybe.”, she said smiling as she walked off.

“So what now?” Aaron asked. “We need to pick out your weapons.” Garrett replied. “Yay, weapons.” Aaron says sarcastically and begins to laugh. “Aaron!” James said. “Sorry.”, Aaron retorted.

They gave her many weapons that are easy to hide and things that can be used as defense. Grenades, guns, poisons, etc… Right then, Aaron’s phone rang, she picked it up immediately. “Hello?” Aaron said into the phone. “Amelia, where have you been? I haven’t seen you since this morning when you left for work. Where are you?” she heard her mother say.”Mom, I just went out with some friends. I forgot to tell you.” “Well… Just be home soon.” “Okay.”, she hung up then. “You’re mom worried about you?” James said to her. She nodded her head. “We should show you your room then.” “I’m still getting a room when I’m undercover?” “Of course. You’re an agent and whenever you graduate, you can stay here.” Garrett said solemnly. “I would like that, especially because this was once my home. I belong here.” “Just follow me.”

“Wow, it’s huge. And this room is all mine?” Aaron said, looking at the huge room with blue walls, wood floors, exercise equipment and a couch. “Sure is, do you like it?” Garrett said. “I love it, it’s amazing.” She began to walk to the bedroom, the bed was crimson and the walls were brown. She then walked to the bathroom, it was very large. She had never seen a bathroom that large. The walls were a rose pink, the floor was a tan tile, and the mirror and sink were close to a yard long. “I guess I should head home.” “I suppose so. We will see you right after school?” “I’ll have to quit my job, but it’ll be worth it.”“Goodbye, Miss Wilson.” “Goodbye, Agent Price.”

Aaron went to bed that night with struggle. Her memories began to haunt her mind. She tossed and turned all night and around 3 a.m. woke with a scream. She never fell completely back to sleep that night. Her heart raced steadily full of fearful memories and terror.

“I’m ready to start my training.” Aaron said storming into the room. Agent Price stared at her with wide eyes, a large grin starting to form on his face. “I’m glad to hear it. Let’s get you to the weapons room with Kent so he’ll help you.” he said. He walked me to the weapons room where Kent stood there in a cut-off tee that showed his biceps off. My heart was beating fast when I walked toward him and I realized that Garrett had left me alone with Kent. That sneaky man, I had no idea he had left. “Oh, Aaron, I didn’t even hear you come in.”, he said, turning to face me, his green eyes focused on me. “Yeah, I guess I’m just sneaky like that.” “Well you are pretty silent whenever you walk, no wonder you’re a secret agent. “I suppose that is true.” “We should probably start your training.” He went over to the left wall and grabbed a simple handgun, held it steady in two hands and fired. The bullet flew and hit the middle of the target. Aaron stood there, clearly impressed by the shot. “You think you can handle that?” he says. “I can try.” Aaron grabs the gun in both hands, feeling the weight in her hands. “C’mon give it a shot.” Aaron curled her fingers around the gun, her index finger finding the trigger. She pulls it and it flies, the bullet hitting outside the bull’s eye. “Not bad for someone who’s been out of practice for about 14 years. But let me help you, if you hold it a certain way, you can hit the middle every time.” He walked toward her and Aaron could feel the warmth of his body behind her as he brought his arms around, his hands cupping hers around the gun. She took a deep breath and he shot the bullet, it hitting the middle of the target. She lets out the breath as he moves his arms from around her. “Um, great lesson.” He says, running his hand through his hair. He still stood close to Aaron, only a few feet away. “I...I should go.” She says, running off.

        Aaron sat down into one of the couches in her room, twirling a long-blade dagger in her hands.

“If you’re here to lecture me over knife safety, better just leave while you’re ahead.”Aaron says, as she hears the door open, still staring at the dagger in her hands. “No worries, it’s just me.” Kent said. Aaron immediately looked up then, her eyes starting to soften. “Oh it’s you, what are you doing in here?” "Well you took off pretty quick. I wanted to make sure you were alright.” “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just my memories are starting to come back slowly and they’re kind of scary.” He walked over and sat down next to her on the couch. “I’m sorry about that, Aaron. How about we do something tonight to get your mind off of it all.” She looked at him then and spoke, “Do you mean like a date?” “Um no. Just as friends you know.” “Well sounds fun to me.” She laughed then and he smiled, his white teeth showing. “Okay well I’ll meet you outside the building around 7.” He grabbed the knife out of her hands and swung it at the dart board hitting the bull’s-eye. “Tomorrow, knives. All about concentration and luck. I’ll see you tonight.” He said, looking at Aaron. He walked out of the room as Aaron stared at the dartboard, in unbelief. She walked to the dartboard and yanked the knife out. The knife had left a clean nick in the board. “How did he…” she thought to herself.

Aaron decided to just wear a pair of ripped blue jeans and a dark blue tank top with her black hi-tops. She left the room after getting dressed (she had brought some of my clothes to the facility), and went to go meet Kent. She walked out of the building and began to wait. It was 6:30 p.m.; she was early. While she waits, she decides to call Cammie, who she hadn’t spoke to since that day she found the facility. “Hmm… I wonder how she is, she hasn’t spoke to me much at school.” Aaron thinks to herself. She starts to dial Cammie’s number and it begins to ring. After seven rings, she picks up and Aaron hears her solemn tone on the phone, “Amelia? I haven’t heard for you in a long while? How are you?” “I’m good, what about you?” Aaron says into the phone. She hears the door beside her open suddenly and Kent walks through it. He looks at Aaron and speaks, “Hey so are you ready?” She was taken aback for a second, he had his hair cut short which suited him perfectly, and he wore blue jeans and a muscle shirt that showed his muscles which almost made her melt. He looked great, more than great, amazing; casually amazing. She finally snapped back to reality and replied, “Um yeah, definitely.” She suddenly hears Cammie’s voice in my ear, “Amelia, who is that?” She spoke into the phone then, “Um Cammie, I gotta go.” She hung up the phone and walked toward Kent who was waiting patiently. “Shall we?” Aaron says to him. “We shall.” He says, smiling at her. As they begin to walk, she starts to smile as well.

“Whoa, is this a Pontiac Firebird Trans Am? How do you have one of these? They’re antiques; haven’t seen one in years.” Aaron says approaching Kent’s car. “It was a gift actually, I keep it hidden away most of the time, keeping it low-key.” Kent says. “Well it’s amazing.” “Heh, thanks.” He starts to drive then, exiting the building, with such swiftness, you would never know we had been there. “So I hear you’ve decided to go undercover at your school, excited about that?” Kent asks. “Well, it is my first undercover work, so I’m a bit nervous. I don’t want to mess this up and get caught.” “Well you will have more training before any big missions and they’ll tell you everything you need to know and give you everything you’ll need. Before they even have you going undercover, you’ll need more training to be as sneaky and careful as you can be, because we definitely don’t want you getting caught. But listen, no worries, I believe you; you can do this. But hey, we’re supposed to be having fun getting away so let’s agree not to talk about it anymore for the rest of the night, alright?” “Alright.” Aaron says, smiling at him. He smiles back as they continue to drive.





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.01.2014

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