
The Awakening

  I recall when I was a baby. I was contantly growing. I remember it completely, it’s so clear in my mind. This is what happened; it was still warm outside and Mom’s eyes were still bright red. My memory starts here.

  “Alright, Nes, I know Bella and Edward want you to be all vampire, but I don’t. So I’m gonna only give you human food.”, Jacob said, holding me in his arms, feeding me a bottle of milk. Jake was very special, he seemed to always be there for me. 1 week after the Volturi came, Jacob was sitting at the table in the kitchen with me. “Renesmee?”, he said to me. “Yes?”, I replied, taking a sip of milk. “Whenever you get hungry, remember only human food. No blood, promise?” “Of course, Jake. I’d rather be human anyway.” I then watched a grin appear across his face. “Come here.”, he said to me. I got up and crawled into his lap as he held me close. “I love you Nessie.”, he replied, stroking my hair. “I love you too Jacob.”

   Now, here I am and have finally stopped growing. I look about 17 and I’m a junior in high school. Dad decided that it would be safer to put me in La Push high school, where there wouldn’t be as many humans. I’m with Jacob though, so I’m always safe. “Hey beautiful.”, Jacob said coming up behind me in the woods. We’re together now, I love him with all of my heart. Mom and Dad still aren’t very happy about us, but they accept it. They have to accept it, there’s no way me and Jake would ever part. “Hey Jake.” I say as he slips his arms around my waist. He begins to kiss me, his body warm against mine. “Do you wanna go for a walk?”, he said pulling away. “Sure.”, I say. “Hop on.”, he said smilng. I hopped on his back and we were gone. Mom says that vampires are faster, I beg to differ, werewolves are faster.

   “Hey Seth.”, I say when we get to Emily’s cabin, where all the wolves usually hang out. Seth was running up to us right away. “Hey Nes, what’s up?”, Seth said, then pulling me into a big bear hug. “Just came to visit everybody.” “That’s a girl. Everybody’s been missing seeing you.” Jacob and I then walked into the cabin behind Seth. It smelled like blueberry muffins inside. “Hey Renesmee.”, Emily said when I walked in.  “Hey Emily.”, I said sitting down at the table where Quil and Jared begin to gobble down muffins. I grabbed two being careful to not get my arm bit off. I handed one to Jacob as he sat down next to me. “Thanks.”, Jacob said taking the muffin. Seth then also sat down at the table on the other side of Jacob. “Jake, did you tell Nessie about the bonfire tonight?”, Seth asked.  Before Jacob could answer, I spoke up, “Bonfire? What bonfire?” I then looked at Jacob and spoke again, “Jacob, why didn’t you tell me?” “I just forgot about it.”, Jacob responded. “Well I definitely want to go.”, I replied. “What about Sam?”, Quil retorted. “What about him?”, I asked. “I don’t think he likes you.” I looked away and noticed Emily was no longer standing in the kitchen. “Why would he not like me?”, I finally replied. I looked at Jacob, his eyesbrows were furrowed. “He feels that you can’t be trusted because you’re part vampire.” Jacob perked up then,“That’s rediculous. She’s pratically human, and getting closer everyday. I don’t care what he thinks, she’s gonna go whether he likes it or not.”

   “I can’t believe this, Jacob. It’s been 9 years since my birth and some still can’t seem to trust me.”, I said while changing clothes in my bathroom. “I don’t understand it either, Nes. The thing, I don’t care what they think, you’re mine.”, Jacob said. I walked out of the bathroom then. “And that’s why I love you.” He smiled then and walked toward me. “You look beautiful.” , he said to me. I was wearing ripped jeans, a red button-down shirt, a tan jacket, and tan boots. “Thanks.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.01.2014

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This story is for Stephanie Meyer, writer of the Twilight Saga. This is a continuation of Breaking Dawn. Stephanie Meyer, if you're out there, please read and enjoy my book.

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