The Lord gave me a house that is 5’8” which is considered tall for a woman
It has a fairly small foundation, weighing about 145lbs or so and is mobile
Possessing compact rooms that are quite cozy
Decorated with brown circular optimistic windows
Focusing through my bright tinted windows, I see many things
Couples in love hugging and smiling refusing to let go, divorce is not in their vocabulary
Children on playgrounds running from swings to the sandbox with no pedophiles around
An uncountable number of people helping a lady who lost everything in a house fire
Beautiful tall trees flaunting their individuality
Some are short and wide, tall and very skinny and bearing fruit
Teenagers of all ethnic groups going to the movies together as they giggle, talk and text
A Caucasian neighbor welcoming an African American family into their new neighborhood
The youth carrying an elderly lady’s groceries to her car Refusing to be compensated
Observing beautiful birds in the nature preserve such as cardinals and woodpeckers
Three sisters hugging each other and saying, “Goodbye, I love you” with tears in their eyes
An elderly couple walking through a park arm in arm, still in love after years of marriage
Watching the vast ocean as the water ease between my toes along with the silky sand
Children obeying their parents
The news on television consisting of mostly positive news
Aging parents happily moving into their child’s house instead of a nursing home
Yes, through my tinted windows I see positive images refusing to be negative
Although I’m quite aware of the evils of this world I remain optimistic
Yet keeping my windows both clean and clear
Texte: 2012 All Rights Reserved
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.08.2012
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