

Inhale it either quickly or slowly which ever you prefer

This translucent, white and shapeless intruder will move without a bus transfer

Sliding down your moist pink slippery throat

Often attempting to make you continuously choke

Down to your spongy lungs that were once lovely and pink

Filling up each individual lobe until you begin to spit up phlegm in your sink

Expanding and contracting your lungs that it just violently attacked

Then exiting your inner most breathing chamber but leaving its dangerous residue intact

This toxic stinky vapor travels eagerly through both nostrils

Oh isn’t that cute? Now you can make poisonous white circles

Created by reshaping your mouth and thinking you look cool

When actually you are looking like a stupid fool

Why did you invite this danger into your short life?

When it is well known for causing cancer and other great strife

This is another senseless journey it should not have taken

And because of it, your 30th birthday you will not be making


Texte: All Rights Reserved
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.08.2012

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