
Did anyone see that?

I had this dream last night, well nightmare. I was a weed and not one of the half pretty ones with blossoms that I tend to feel sorry for, but the vomit green kind and I was threatening to take over my schools precious garden. The gardener a  women named Cassie tried ripping me up by my roots but I would just stubbornly sprout up somewhere else. Being torn from the earth sucked but apparently me twisting around Jessa Jae Parks and her friends the most popular girls at schools ankles and bringing them down hard was unacceptable. I woke up just before I was drowned in weed killer.

It's strange but I'm jealous of the weed because in reality I couldn't take over any thing I'm no threat and I would never ever try to take down Jessa Jae Parks! I'm no weed not even the vomit green kind. I'm certainly not a Cheery Blossom I think as Avery my families driver speeds down the road past them. Though at the moment they are nothing but white and pale pink blurs I recognize them as beautiful. I focus on my faded reflection in the window same mess of brown curly hair that I can't handle, same dark brown eye's and barely noticeable eye lashes hidden under glasses. And of course there is the beauty mark just the size of my pinky nail above the right side of my mouth. Beauty mark, who decided to call it that any way? I sigh and my mother gives me one of her annoyed looks.

"You know Bren if you go in with that attitude it's most likely going to follow you around all year and I thought you actually wanted to make some friends other then that strange room mate of yours!"

"I like Lulu and I am going to make more friends!" I say flashing her a forced Barbie smile the same one she uses when my father comes in late. She squints her eye's at me prepared to say something else "supportive"!

"I really wish you would have let Nadia flat iron your hair but at least the braces are gone!"


She flips her own blonde mane behind her shoulders and gets her compact mirror out of her Gucci purse. She looks at the mirror smiling wide as if saying the word braces can give her a snaggle tooth.
We've arrived at the school now giving me an excuse to turn from her. I take in the same beautiful structure from last year the castle with towers that reach way up an pictures of roses staining every window. I also take in the students with royal blue blazers and khaki pants or skirts the guys horse around and smack their hands together in greeting the girls hug and observe each others new hair styles our only chance at individualism. The car stops and my mom has moved on from criticizing my hair and teeth and is now critiquing my over sized shoulder bag.

"I don't understand why you insist on carrying that thing its on its last thread and is about as cheap as....."

"Grandma gave it to me!" I say grabbing it just as Avery opens my door. I swing my legs out and that's when I see him the guy with golden hair and dimples that dip in because he's smiling at me.

"What, no goodbye kiss?" My mother says sarcastically and I glance back at her.

"No but I can suddenly say I'm excited for the school year!"

I start away from the car and then my heart drops to my feet. I've spotted the guy again and he's not alone Jessa's arms are around his neck and they're kissing pressed real close like a magnet to metal. His hands are pushing through her shiny black hair and I remember my place under the radar where cute guys can't get to break my heart and I'm not considered competition by girls like Jessa. What was I thinking? Ofcourse he hadn't been looking at me. And even if he had been and approached me what would I have done? Nothing! I would have frozen he would of realized I'm an anti-social freak and went running the opposite direction and for the rest of the year forget I even existed.


No no no, I tell myself  the old me would have froze this year when a cute guy comes up to me I'll smile and flirt, this year I'll be remebered. I scan the court yard for Lulu but don't see her so I try to stand taller and enter the school through heavy double doors alone.

The school really is breath taking with its hidden doors sparkling marble floors, high ceilings and gleaming chandeliers. But the most stunning thing about it is the stained glass hall aka the Hall Of Inspiration. To my right is a picture of a unicorn running through pouring down rain to my left a scene of a forest with a prince standing before a maiden perhaps announcing his love or maybe a bunch of lies! And up ahead of me double doors with a stone gray dragon above them as if on guard, his mouth is open wide with burst of oranges, reds and yellows spewing in every direction. A crackling sound from the intercom alerts the students scattered throughout the hall to stop and listen. Mitress Boewey orders the freshmen to join her in the Grand Room and all other students to their dorm rooms. Right away the hall becomes chaotic and I head for the spiral staircase leading to my own room.

I'm halfway up with other students pushing past me when I hear this awful ripping sound and my bag slips from my shoulder. All my books and notebooks fall out a kid behind me slips on one and I scramble to help him and grab my things. No one stops to help they just laugh and step over me, my belongings and the poor boy who's standing again his face is red like my dads Mustang Convertible. I'm shaking with nervousness apologizing and collecting my stuff. He bends to help and a familiar voice behind me is asking if I'm okay. He hands me my things and I mumble a thanks before he bolts up the now almost empty stair case and I turn to see Lulu my room mate and best friend.

"He was kind of cute!" she says with a laugh her blond curls bounce at her shoulders and a diamond stud that wasn't there last year shines in her freckled nose. She takes half my stack and we start up again.

"Did you see what happened? It was awful Lu the kind of thing that will give me a permanent nickname like uh The Klutz!"

"Or The Avalanche!" She says giggling and it makes me laugh too.

"Honestly Bren don't worry about it. everyone is way to busy discussing Jessa and her new man slave Ryan, you wont be scarred for life just forget it even happened!"

We discuss the severity of the situation all the way to are room and I hope she's right and its already forgotten. It worries me how easily my confidence has been shaken. Our room is just how we left it deep purple curtains draped over the windows, matching bed spreads Lulu's wall is covered in edgy fashion photo's and mine is bare which means boring. I set my books down on my desk next to the empty fish tank.

"How's Tsunami?" Lu asks coming up beside me.

"Fine she's moved on to better things!"

"And by that you meannnnn?"

"A big tank in my dads study!"
"Lulu smiles and pulls a black rubber band off of her wrist and pulls her hair up into a ponytail exposing a layer of light blue hair.
"Does your mom know?" I ask and step closer looking at her bold hair choice.
"Of course not or about this she say's tapping her nose.  I relate to her mother being absent enough to miss something smack in the middle of he face.
I don't have a chance to respond before there is a knock on the door and someones pushing in.
It's a girl with waves of blond hair and green eyes her blazer is tighter then the norm. She's like a blond Jessa minus the snarl,instead she's grinning and introducing herself.
"Don't look so mortified I'm your new roommate Kayla!" Me and Lulu are obviously feeling mutual confusion but Lu pulls it together.
"Sorry we just weren't expecting you I'm Lulu and this is Bren!"
Four groundsman appear carrying Kayla's bed and luggage.
I'm half listening to Kayla explain that she's new but my focus is behind her at my desk I glance at Lulu's bed where the rest of my books are and try not to faint at the realization that my diary is not among them.

"What's wrong Bren?" Lulu asks her BFF senses kicking in. I'm already running out the door Lu doesn't follow she's used to my spontaneous weirdness. I'm hoping my diary is on the steps waiting for me and only me to find. I don't see it and now I'm leaning over the railing hoping it went over the edge. Still no sign of it. If it did fall down there a freshmen or a teacher would have grabbed it.

"Are you looking for this?" I turn to see the guy who slipped on my note book and he's waving my silver diary towards me. Without thought I walk up the steps and snatch it from his hand.

"Why would you take it?" I accuse and his blue eyes get big and he pushes sandy blond hair off of his forehead before answering me.

"I didn't my roommate did, he had his friends in my room and was bragging about it I took it from him, was on my way to the front office!" My face feels hot and I hug the diary to my chest.

"Did they read it?"

"Just the first few pages if that helps!"

"It doesn't but thank you I don't know what I'd do had they...."

"Got to the juicy details!" He finishes for me and I nod though I wouldn't consider my diary juicy personal yes but juicy not so much.

"You are supposed to be in your rooms" We both look down the steps at a heavy set teacher with hot pink rimmed glasses.

"Sorry, I'm new here she was just showing me to the front office!" I keep quiet and take note of his talent for lying.

"Well get to it the announcement for the back to school assembly will be any minute!" she huffs and walks away. I really look at him then and realize Lu was wrong he wasn't kind of cute he was really cute.

"So a gentlemen and a good liar strange mix!"

"I am new here and we are going to the front office!"

"Why would I be going to the front office?"

"To report the guy who stole your diary!!!"

"Oh I don't think so, I've caused enough attention to myself, I'm going back to my room.!"

"Alright if that's what you want, and I'm Jax by the way!"

"Yea thanks again Jax, see ya!"

"Don't I get yours?"

"What?" I ask in a rude tone, completly forgetting about flirting.  I roll my eyes at myself im failing already.

"Your name, I mean I only rescued your diary from the pits of hell!"

"Pits of hell?" I say perplexed.

"Yea some guys from the football team...." This new sends my stomach summersaulting.

"I have to go I blurt and get back to my room just as the men are leaving. My nose has taken on that awful burning sensation and a sob escapes. Right away both of my roommates are at my side.

"Are you okay?" Kayla asks

"Where was your diary?" Lulu say's confused.
I explain everything through tears and Lulu pats my back while Kayla pulls tissue out of her Ed Hardy tote. Suddenly I feel really bad as well as embarrassed.

"I'm sorry Kayla I'm not usually this dysfunctional!"

"Don't worry about it we all have our moments, now tell us about this Jax, is he hot?"

"Yea tell us about Jax!" Lulu joins in.
But Mistress Boeweys voice is ordering us to the Grand Room and I'm worried about facing the school, my opinion on Jax will have to wait.

Please Forget Me

All the way to the assembly I think everyone is whispering about me every snicker makes me cringe. I keep going wanting to get the whole thing over with and then go curl up in my bed. I dont have to refresh i know exactly what is in my diaries page per page. A few football players are just ahead of me, Jessa is there too her arm laced through her boyfriends, he's joking with the footballers.

The Grand room is just that grand. With the pale gold lace on all the long tables and two chandeliers sparkling up above. Lu and I sit all the way to right off the room the sports teams  and cheerleaders take the center tables of course. And soon the room is full and so loud my head throbs. Kayla who obviously doesn't know we're not the cool kids  is sitting with us, she stands out against the other kids at our table and everyone is glancing at her. Mistress Boewey has entered now and the room grows quiet. Throughout her welcome back blah blah blah speech I'm not the only one not listening a couple of the Tin men have looked my way Lulu tells me to ignore them I try and look at Mistress Boewey she's lost weight since last year and all the grey is gone from her mousy brown hair, her cleavage is showing and her face looks younger either from the weight loss or possibly a face lift.
"She looks great. Lulu whispers, maybe Jessa isn't the only one with a new guy!"
"Who's Jessa?" Kayla asks leaning closer to us.
Mistress Boewey unintentionally answers.
"And now a few announcements from your student body president Jessa Parks"
Jessa sashays up to the podium and everyone seems more alert her admires, followers, haters, and people like me who don't like or dislike her but find her life interesting like reading about the stars in people magazine. Everything about Jessa seems flawless even her voice.
"Like Mistress Boewey said welcome to a another year at the Hidden Academy I'm Jessa "Jae" Parks your student body president and our football teams head cheerleader!" The center table whoops and claps and I roll my eye's. I wondered which of them had taken my diary, now I'm scanning the room for Jax. I'd have to talk to him pull it together and approach him! Jessa was announcing a back to school dance in two weeks. Last year I didn't attend. Jessa's voice drones on and on as she gives her self props for all the "exciting" things that are supposed to take place this year her speech ends and Mistress Boewey's back at the podium.
"Now students some things have changed since last year first allow me to introduce our Head of Security Officer Lagana!" She gestures to the doorway where a man who stands at least 6'0 tall nods in acknowledgment he's good looking seems to be in his late thirties and is absolutely intimidating and also strangely familiar.
"He can arrest me, Kayla say's into my ear not so quietly and a girl across the table looks at her disgusted. Kayla laughs it off and I realize I like her more and more as my roommate.
"I'm with you Kayla, Lulu agrees. Mistress Boewey clears her throat.
"Now as I was saying things have changed as followed. There will be no students out of there dorm rooms after 10pm. If for any reason you must leave campus you must first have a note signed by myself and officer Lagana. You will not be permitted back onto campus without your school I.D.! Any student found in the hidden passages throughout the school will be suspended most of the passages have been blocked off and by the end of the year all of them will be. Any student found breaking into the basement or in others words the dungeons will immediately be sent home!"
Looking around the room its obvious who the changes are getting to. The popular kids like Jessa who was rumored to have candle lit make out parties in the dungeons last year. These rules don't bother me at all in fact I think it's a good idea. I've only ever used one of the secret passages and it gave me the creeps I kept imagining myself stuck behind the walls in the school dying of starvation and my dead stench seeping through the vents before they found my body. I shake the thought. All the base has left Mistress Boeweys voice and she is saying that today is our free day use it wisely. People are standing and there is still no sign of Jax. Turns out I didn't need him to figure out who had my diary it becomes obvious when I'm in the hall with a few guys right behind me. Though I didn't expect one of them to reach out and touch my arm.
"About that to do list of yours maybe I can help with number four, get kissed right? I push his meaty fingers away from me. And am thinking of the to do list I wrote almost Two years ago. I speed up hoping to put space between us. But this just makes him speak louder and everyone is listening.
"If I'm going to help you out with Four Bren then number six a make over is a must, Jessa here can help you with that. You see I have this thing for running my fingers through girls hair my hands will get stuck in that mess!" To her credit Jessa doesnt look ammused though her two bestfriends who walk beside her like pillars start to snicker. 
I'm stunned and keep silent. Just ignore him and he'll go away right? Wrong!
"Hey look the offer is going once twice....."
"Just leave her alone AJ!"
It's another boy and unlike Aj he's not big and obnoxious but handsome and possibly sweet.
"Shut up bench boy and stay out of it!!! Aj barks. So whatcha say Bren?"
Lulu speaks up this time.
"She would say get lost but doesn't want to waist her breath on you!" She gets in Aj's face.
he looks surprised, "who asked you?"
I'm wishing I can disappear when we reach the girls bathroom and I dart inside.
Lulu is right behind me.
"Now can we admit I'm scarred for life Lu?"
"No, but I am all for admitting Aj is an ass!"
"Agreed, but now what am I supposed to do?"
"First you go cross the never been kissed thing off that list because it's no longer true!"
I fidget with my jacket sleeve
"You kissed Owen your neighbor, right?"
"No Lu, I lied I've never even been close to kissing someone, okay!"
"Why would you lie?" 
"Because you were all happy, hot and heavy with Jimmy, I don't know, I guess I felt like I was being left behind!"
"Well now I'm single and regret ever even knowing Jimmy the Jerk who left me for some home schooled twit named Amber and I wish I still had my first kiss and first time to look forward to. You're lucky Bren!"
"Funny because I'm feeling more like the rabbit that got it's foot cut off!"
"Stop being so hard on yourself everything that's getting to you can be changed rather its a kiss your crazy but beautiful curly hair or whatever and forget the Aj we don't even go to their games they are as low on our importance chart as we are on theirs. 
I open my mouth to say thank you and she stops me.
"Don't thank me it's what best friends do, now lets go find Kayla!"
"For what?"
" Because Bren she has like a whole beauty salon packed in her suitcases and I say we get started on your list!" With that she's pulling me out of the bathroom.

The List

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch"
"Oh please, it's not that painful Bren!" Kayla says.
"Oh yea tell that to my poor eye brows.
Kayla continues to pluck and I'm hoping it's worth it.
"Haven't you heard the expression pain is beauty?" Lulu asks from across our room where she's flipping through hair magazines.
"The hard part is done which was your hair, now just one more pluck and.....turn around toward the mirror!"
Before I do I'm instinctively putting on my glasses and Lulu stops me.
"I know you have your contacts tucked away in the pocket of your shoulder bag!"
"You should wear them!" Kayla says excitedly
I groan and walk over to my bag.
"I thought you wanted this makeover!" Lulu says.
"I do I say, not daring to admit why I'm hesitant. Not willing to let Kayla no just yet that my mother is a confidence basher and I've gone out of my way not to look how she wants me to. Even now I can hear her.  "Oh Bren you would be pretty If you let Nadia Fix your hair or Oh Bren just wait until your braces are gone and that dress would fit better with a padded bra or my favorite that dress is to small you resemble a stuffed sausage here wear this instead. 
I'm in the rooms small bathroom and in front of the mirror now and can hardly see myself between my sucky vision and watering eyes but once the contacts are in and my eyes have adjusted I gasp Lulu and Kayla stand in the doorway.
I cant believe what I see my hair is smooth like the girls in the shampoo commercials and hanging down my back, my eyelashes look unreal, my eyes seem to sparkle even the beauty mark above my glossed lips seems smaller maybe even unique like that one model ohhh whats her name?
"Well do you like it?" Lulu blurts out.
"I love it, thank you so much Kayla!!!"
"No problem!" she say's and we group hug.

It's lunch time now and we've all decided to eat out in the garden a few other groups are gathered there too. I see Cassie the gardener and momentarily remember my dream. Physically I have upgraded from being a weed but mentally I feel the same. Maybe no one will recognize me, maybe I really can start over. That's when someone is calling my name and that idea comes to an end.
"Bren, hey Bren!"
It's the guy who came to my defense when Aj was in the harassing me in the hall.
"Can I sit with you?" he asks and I just stare at him likes he's lost it. Lulu answers "Yea Kayla and I were just leaving will see you later, okay Bren?"
I manage a nod and the boy takes the bench opposite me.
"I'm Asher and I just wanted to apologize for Aj before he can give the whole team a bad name!"
His heads tilted to the side his hairs cut real low and he's staring at me licking his soft pink lips ,his hazle eyes slowly run the length of my body I know I'm blushing but I force myself not to look away. He's smiles,
"good thing your friend has that blue hair I wouldn't have even recognized you from a far!" I thought you were cute anyway but wow you really look great!"

"Thanks I'm trying," I say my voice comes out dry but he doesn't seem to notice. I take a sip of water and resist picking at the skin around my nail. 
Is this guy serious? I'm waiting for Aj to appear laughing but he doesn't.
"So you heard about the dance right?"
"Yea I don't think I'm going though!"
"Why not?" he asks clearly disappointed.
"I'm just not really into that kind of thing!" What was I saying? Yes I was going?
"Oh, uh well if you change your mind Bren I'd like to take you it could be fun!  So you'll let me know right?"
"Okay yea I'll let you know!"
"Cool I'll talk to you later then!"
He's walking away now and i wish Kayla had stayed to revive me for sure I was about to faint. 

"What do you mean you didn't say yes?" he's so cute and obviously a nice guy!" Lulu is sitting cross legged on her bed and Kayla has gone off to explore the school.
"I don't even know him Lu!"
"You can get to know him, while you guy dance the night away!"
"I dont dance!"
"How do you know you've never even really tried and I don't want to hear about the bad experience you had while dancing at your cousins wedding when you were seven!"

"What about the experience I had with Owen?''

"She doesn't counter this time having witnessed me and the time I'd broken Owens toe.
"I don't know Lu I'm going to think about it okay!"
"Alright I'll drop it, for now! Til then what else is on your list?"
I grab my diary and flip to the list.
1. Don't be like my mother
2. Get a boyfriend
3. Get into the hidden Academy
Lulu hands me a pen and I scratch out number three.
4. Get kissed
5. Lose my virginity
6. Get a makeover
I scratch that one out too.
7.have a pretty smile
my braces were gone so I scratch that one off as well
"Hey don't forget to cross out number one because you are nothing like her Bren!"

Kayla comes into the room and I slam my book shut. She has a flyer in her hand with a picture of pom poms on it.
"Are you going to try out?" Lulu asks
"No, I'm not the cheer leading type I'm kind of clumsy!"
"Then why do you have the flyer?" I ask.
"That girl Jessa and her friends Diamante and Eve like forced me to take it. They are really intense. Said I'd be a perfect fit, all I could think was being pretty doesn't make me a good cheerleader!"
"True!" Lulu and I answer at the same time.
"How about you guy's what extra curricular activities are you into?"
"I take sewing I want to be a designer!" Lulu says gesturing to her wall.
"Cool what about you Bren?"
"Oh I don't know I helped out in the garden a lot last year, guess I liked it!"
I say with a shrug.
"She's being modest Kayla, she loved it two of those books on her desk are about gardening!"
I don't deny it because Lulu is right. But over the summer my mom had tried to convince me that gardening wasn't good enough, said I might as well aspire to be a maid!
"So what are you into then Kayla if not cheer...."
"What happened with the guy at lunch?" Kayla interrupts me. And I'm forced back into the subject of boys.
"His names Asher and he's really nice but, I don't know he asked me to the dance!"
"And she said no!" Lulu says exasperated.
"I didn't say no Lu!"
"But you didn't say yes either?" Kayla asks.
"No it was just so unexpected, no one ever asks me out and I didn't know how to handle it!"
"Well get used to it Bren you're hot!" Lulu says bumping me with her hip. And instead of denying it and putting myself down I bump back.

Late Night

The rest of the day consisted of talk about boys, boys, Lulu and myself we didn't learn much about Kayla. We all feel asleep at around ten at least I thought we were all asleep. The sound of water running woke me up and I turned on my side to look toward the bathroom. Kayla came out dressed in a long sleeve shirt completely made of black lace and a white spaghetti strap shirt underneath her dark skinny jeans fit tight and her baby doll shoes completed her outfit.
"Guess I'm caught!" She whispered and I sat up.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Jessa invited me to hang out! She said I can bring someone as long as they can keep a secret! So are you in?"
I didn't know what to say I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued. Thankfully my brain kicked in.
"No, no way and you shouldn't go either it's the first night and I'd think you'd want to make it the second. And besides there is security all over the school!" Just then the song What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction came blaring from Kayla's pocket and she pulled out her phone. That's my Que text, last chance in or out?"
Lu squirms in her bed but doesn't wake up.
"I thought you didn't like them" I say thinking of how she turned down the cheer leading offer.
"I said I didn't want to be a cheerleader, don't know them enough not to like them!"
She walked to the door and I wasn't going to follow. 
"Well you should turn your phone off or at least to vibrate or else it could be your downfall!"
"Thanks Bren good idea, see you tomorrow roomie!" She eases the door open and slips out. And I'm left awake and wondering, what if?
I couldn't fall back to sleep, my imagination had taken off and thoughts of all that had happened during the day consumed me and soon other memories resurfaced.

Owen was two and a half years older then me and good looking. He had light red/blond hair that was cut low and light freckles on his cheeks and ears and it worked for him. His cheekbones, pale green eyes and perfect mouth were all great assets too. Those lips were what got me in trouble everything about them made me want to kiss him. I was sitting in my back yard on the black iron bench when it happened. I could hear laughter coming from behind the high stone wall that separated my yard from Owens. we often spoke over the wall but today Owen wasnt alone. I looked in that direction and gasped. A soccer ball was coming straight toward me and it hit too, hard. My eyes burned and a scream escaped my mouth I thought for sure any second warm red liquid would be pouring from my nose and onto the brand new ruffly white blouse my mother had made me wear. I didn't see him coming but Owen was there apologizing I stared at him through tears and my fingers which were pressed tight against my face. Suddenly his hands were wrapping around mine and pulling them away. Once they were down I figured he'd let go but he didn't.
"Are you okay Bren I'm an idiot!" Owen had said his eyes full of worry.
I wasn't focusing on his words of even the awful pain in my bruised face. Right then all that mattered was he had my hands he was touching me something I'd wanted since the day his family moved in next door a year earlier. I'd like to blame what happened next on being whacked so hard. But that wasn't it. It was something else like hormones I guess! My eyes started to close and I was leaning forward my lips yearning, fingers tingling. We were so close we were going to kiss my mouth was almost to his. That's when he Jerked away. He looked disgusted like I had offered him food with hair in it or a bottle of iced tea filled with pee.
"I started to try an explain, to do any thing that would feel the awkward silence.
But then someone was a calling his name, it was girl.
"Hurry up O we have to get going!" She'd said and without another look my way he was running and I stood there completely numb. The next day I'd taken the soccer ball he'd left over to his house he was there but didn't answer and any time I saw him after that it was as if he didn't see me. Later I'd lied to Lu about it saying we'd kissed and it was magical. And I'd lied again saying it was because she hooked up with Jimmy. When the truth was I just didn't want to relive what really had happened ever again.

It was three am when Kayla stumbled into the room bringing me out of my daze. Noticing I was awake she threw herself down onto my bed her breath smelled sweet like strawberries and even in the dim moonlit room I could see her lips were stained red. She hiccuped and burst into giggles.
"You should have come Bren a few guys were there including Asher" She slurred and I stood to get her a Dixie cup filled with water, she knocked it away. "I'm fine." She said sitting up straighter and trying to look serious. Only to burst into more laughter. Lulu groaned across the room and pulled the cover over up over her head. "Really though he asked about you, he really wants you to go to the dance! Hiccup" It was hard to think about Asher when Kayla looked like she was about to puke all over my bed. She got up her hands reached for my night stand for support.
"Strawberry whatever it was is so delicious!" She said moving from the nightstand and grabbing hold of me I helped her to her bed trying to put her down slowly but she broke away and rag doll flopped onto it instead her face flat against her furry pink pillow.
"Are you okay?"
"Mmmhm she said turning onto her back and kicking her shoes off. Her eyes closed, mascara smeared.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again. She didn't answer a moment later she was snoring lightly. I felt bad for her considering classes started in four hours which reminded me that I really did need to get some sleep.

Muy caliente

Kayla's alarm clock makes this awful noise at six am. It was like we each had a personal marching in our pillows. Kayla got up immediately taking over the bathroom followed by Lulu then me and off course there was no hot water left. Once we were all ready. I took a good look at Kayla. She looked normal like she had a full nights sleep no one would know about last night except those who made it into Jessa's private party and me. And I'd prefer not to. I daydream through first and second hour which consisted of homeroom, English, Math and World History. I wasn't until third hour when the lesson caught my attention. I walked into the Spanish class barely awake.
"Hey what's up Bren?" someone said and it was followed by a shrill laugh.
I couldn't help but groan it was Aj the ass sitting all the way in the back and perched on the desk beside him was Evangeline Soto or Eve. She was one of Jessa's friends, the laughter had come from her!
"Hola, come on take your seats!"
Miss Crusso came walking in. She wore a long sleeve black dress that came to her knees and pulled in at the waist she was gorgeous with glossy brown hair that feel down her back, smooth tan skin and full lips, she always leaned a little to close to the boys in my opinion. She was like a future look at Eve. I take a second row seat it was as far from Aj as I could get.

"So lets see what you know!" Miss Crusso says clapping her hands twice her wedding ring gleams.
"If I say Coma estas? "What is the correct response?" about ten kids raised there hands I wasn't one of them but that didn't stop her from calling on me. What is your name she asks her eyes pinning me.

"Its Bren"!
"Coma estas Bren?"

"Muy bien!" I choke on the words and wish that she would move on.

Right then someone walked in and stole Miss Crussos attention. And I couldn't help but wonder when I had hired a personal knight in shining armor well school uniorm.
"What's your name and why are you late?" Miss Crusso asks him with a mocking smile.
"I'm Jax and I have a note!" He responded smoothly passing her a yellow slip of paper. Miss Crusso glanced at it then back at Jax.
"Coma estas Jaxon? Miss Crusso purred.
"Muy bien?"
"Tenia un buen verano? Miss Crusso challenged.
And Jax didn't miss a beat.
"Era bueno que tengo trabajar mucho con mi padre!"I had not a clue what they were saying but what ever it was Jax made it sound really good.
Miss Crusso gestured for him to sit down looking satisfied.
He hadn't taken a step toward the empty desk when a noise ten times worse then Kayla's alarm clock blared through the room. There was a moment of hesitation but Miss Crusso snapped to it.
"Don't panic its only a fire drill, vamo nos!"

It was one of those sticky hot days but that didn't stop Eve from clinging to Jax. The air smelled of Cherry Blossoms drifting to us from up the road and something else to something spicy and alluring. Eve is giggling about something Jax has mumbled and I notice Aj is looking about as pleased as I feel. I bulk at the idea of having something in common with the Aj. Mistress Bowey is announcing how good we all did and something about the importance of being prepared for anything. A few groups of kids over I notice Asher and he subtly waves at me and Kayla who is yapping to his left winks at me. I wave quickly and of course Aj notices. He chuckles softly.
"Bren you can quit flirting with Asher I know you really want me. Besides that guys about as experienced as you. Get with him and you will never be kissed!" Another voice joins in a voice that sounds good speakin English, Spanish and probably that made up language pig latin.
"You shouldn't give my room mate any attention he sure doesn't deserve it!" Jax says completely unconcerned with Aj's much larger potential WWE Wrestler form. Aj doesnt defend his self. What a Punk.

At lunch again Kayla, Lulu and I are in the garden. I'm halfway through my chicken and ranch ceaser salad and Kayla is talking about Asher and how I'm all he talked about in English the class they shared together. She doesn't talk about Jessa's late night get together and I don't dare bring it up. I'm relieved when Cassie approaches me and I can focus on something else.
"Bren its so great to see you!"
"Hi Cassie you too, the garden looks great!"
"Yes thanks to you and the rest of the garden club from last year." Cassie pauses her eyes drift to her feet. Yea Bren I've been talking to a few of the students and most of them are not going to take gardening this year, I'm hoping you're not going to let me down too."
I wanted to be in the gardening club and though my mother had downed the idea she didn't dismiss it.
"You don't have to worry about me I'm in!" I say and Cassie looks relieved.
"I knew you would say that I just hope its enough."
"What do you mean?" I asked hating Cassie playing the voice of doom.
Nothing to worry about just yet, I'll see you later alright have to try and get more requite's! You'll spread the word right?" Yea okay!" I call after her her strawberry blond pixie cut catches the sun and she has more of a bounce in her step.
"I'll join. Kayla says standing, just tell me where to sign up!"
"Really?" Both Lulu and I ask.
"Yea unless you don't want me to Bren!"
"No it's fine just didn't think you were the out doors type!"
"Yea it can really be ruff on your manicure!" Lulu added holding her fingers up and admiring her own black and silver speck paint job.
"Please my father used to take my sisters and I camping all the time he didn't have any sons so we learned to be ruff girls!" Kayla said smiling and standing to throw her salad container away.

The rest of my day goes Aj free and I'm more then thankful. And when a certain guy tracks me down in the library I felt bad about being slightly disappointed that it was Asherand not Jax. For a second I wonder what Jax is doing but Asher takes a seat next to me and its hard to ignore him. He's wearing Gym clothes and his hair looks damp like he had just taken a shower.
"Ran into your friend uh Lala, she said I'd find you here!"
"Yea its Lulu and can I ask why you're looking for me!" A normal girl would have been flattered but my tone was cautious.  Asher half laughs and it's a nice sound.
"Relax I just figured if we hung out it might help you make up your mind about the dance!" He leans across the dark wood table and I sink back deeper into the burgundy suade chair.
"What are you reading?" He asks reaching for my book.
"Just some stuff on flowers," I say and let him take it from me.
"So this is what your into? Flowers I mean."
"Yea I'm apart of the school gardening club!"
"So other then sports what are you into Asher?"
"Can you keep a secret?" He asks whispering and looking around though other then me him and Miss Harksin the ancient librarian no one was there.
"Yea your secret is safe with me!" I say just as quietly.
"I'm not really into football or basketball or any other sport I just do it because my dad wouldn't have it any other way!"
Without thought I'm telling him how my mom doesn't approve of well including me me gardening but i'm doing it anyway because I love it and before I know it where having a full conversation all the way up to the fifteen minute curfew warning bell. When it chimes Asher jumps up.
"I better hurry up coach is serious about the curfew. It was nice talking to you maybe we can do this again at lunch tomorrow unless you have unbreakable lunch plans with Lala and Kayla!" He winks.
"It's Lulu I say actually giggling in the most girlish way. I'll see you at lunch!"
He smiles and heads out I grab my bags and leave too. Stopping at one of the large bathrooms. I'm tugging up my skirt when a group of girls walks in. Right away I recognize Jessa's,Dia's and Eve's voices.
"Wait until you meet him he's so cute, he smells so good and he speaks spanish so well!" Eve says and is leaning in front of the mirror applying lip gloss as if the days not over and we dont need to be getting to are rooms.
Jessa sighs.
"You are so driving me nuts with all this talk about Jax, please tell me you invited him to are next get together so you can get your fix!" I step out of the stall and they all freeze. I walk up to the sink. The girls decide I'm a nobody and continue there conversation.
"Yes I invited him and just wait all my obsessing is worth it Jax is muy caliente and I'm "soooo" making him mine!"
I know I dont have a claim to Jax or anything. So the angry feeling I have as I hurry to my room is ridiculous.

Lets Talk Revenge

The next day in Spanish I have a plan well sort of. All I knew was I needed to talk to Jax. Not about anything in particular but I needed to get his attention before Eve did. But to mine and Eve's disapointment he didn't show up. So the class wasted away while I daydreamed and stared at the door and occasionally the clock. And I ignored Aj's jokes while Eve ignored his attempts at flirting.

At lunch Jax was there but Eve had already gotten to him. I was annoyed and throwing together a salad when Kayla came up behind me.
"So guess its just me and you today!" She says grabbing a tray.
"Wheres Lulu?" I ask knowing they have a class together before lunch.
"We ran into a boy, Jimmy!"
"Her ex? I say.
"I'm not sure, but if so from the way they were looking at each other he wont be her ex for long."
No way I think remebering how Lu had said she regreted her relationship with Jimmy. Kayla must have misunderstood.
"Anyway there eating lunch together or something else considering neither of them came to the lunch room! So where eating in the garden right?" Kayla asks.
"Sorry I already have plans with Asher!" I say just then remembering and wondering where he was.
"Oh yea Bren, guess thats where I should have started! Kayla says following me. Asher stopped me in the hall he had his lunch tray with him and said to tell you he ended up being late for curfew so the coach has him running laps, he said to blame Aj!"
"So I guess we are going to the garden." I say twirling my fork in my hand and mentally stabbing Aj with it.

Out in the garden I settle for stabbing lettuce.
"Boy trouble?" Kayla asks.
"How could you tell I say and pop a cold chicken chunk into my mouth. I am having boy trouble one in particular, Aj!"
"I know he really has it out for you doesn't he?"
"Yea and I don't know why, I don't even know him or want to!"
"Maybe he likes you!"
"Ugh gross Kayla and what is this the third grade?" Kayla giggles "and any way he likes Eve!"
"Really?" Kayla asks like this is great news.
"Yep he follows her around like a puppy and can't keep his eyes off her. Its kind of pathetic!"   Im pathetic.
"It's great you can use it to your advantage!"
"What are you talking about?" I asked looking at her like she was crazy.
"Okay Bren lets talk revenge!" I start to laugh but her pretty face has turned completly wicked.
"Then she smiles nothing to awful, I'm just saying he's due for some bad Karma!"
"No okay? I'm getting really close to perfecting the art of ignoring him so no revenge alright? Really Kayla!"
"Geez Bren I'm just joking relax she says sounding really annoyed, anyway Karma seems to work itself out with or without any help!" She stands to leave.
"Garden club is about to start!" I remind her wanting to forget the bad feeling I had in my stomach and get rid of the tension. Was she causing it? No I was just worried about Aj and what he was going to do next.

Fifteen minutes later its me, Kayla, three kids I've never met named Kirsty,Liam and Ana.
Ofcourse Cassie is there and someone else too someone unexpected. He smirks at me "Hey Bren!"
I full on smile in the most obvious way and say "Hey Jax!"
But Cassie interupts any further conversation.
"First I want to thank all of you for joining! It means alot to me!
What we are going to do today is dig up as many plants as we can, put them in one of the carts and wheel them around back to the green house where I will replant them!"
"Sounds like hard work!" The boy Liam groans and Ana elbowes him no complaining remember!"
"Sorry babe he says breathlessy and rubbing his left rib cage.
"Rule one guys no violence!" Cassie informs half joking while she hands each of us some shovels. Start with the tulips! Head Mistress Bowey wants roses put in there place!"
I got done loading a cart at the same time as Jax everyone else was slacking.
"So who payed you to join? I asked Jax as we walk around the school.
"He smirks the way I like,

"no one, actually over the summer I did some work with my dad he owns a landscaping company I enjoyed it.
"Oh okay so your thinking about going into the family bussiness?"
"Maybe how about you? Why are you in Garden Club?"
"I"m just really into plants and flowers the things some of them are capable of amazes me!"
"Oh so your type that sat at home watching the Discovery Channel?"
"Guilty!" I say and we arrive at the green house laughing. We unload are plants and Kayla comes in theres dirt smudged on her cheeks. She doesnt look like she's enjoying herself I hesitate by the door to wait for her she waves me off dont mind me go on I see you and Jax and I'm no ones third wheel she winks and I don't argue knowing she will just grill me for details later.
 After three more trips back and forth with Jax I learn that he was moved to a more advanced spanish class and his step mom who is hispanic had been teaching him spanish since he was ten I tell him that I suck at spanish and about my Grandma Tru and how she had giving me the bag that caused our staircase disaster. 
When Garden Club is over I'm not ready but Casssie's ordering us to go get cleaned up for our afternoon classes and me and Jax have to go in different directions.
"Later Bren and Kayla!" He's says tossing his shovel on the pile. Bye we both say and then we head for a bathroom. I'm scrubbing my hands and watching the suds turn brown when Kayla sighs.
"Jax really is gorgeous it's to bad that Eve has her claws in him!"
"Yea I guess I say really not wanting to think about Eve my curvy, exotic unknowing competition. 

That night Lulu has a suprise for me.
"Do you like it Bren? I know I sould have asked first I know how you feel about it!"
"Lu let me talk, I love it, thank you so much I say looking at my bag with its new sparkling black strap with silver buckles.
"You relly are talented!" Kayla says coming over and runing her hands over the material.
"Wait a minute! I say semi seriously and pointing accusingly at Lulu. Don't think just because you gave my bag a makeover makes me forget that you were hanging with Jimmy the Jerk today!"
Lulu smiles an eye brow raised.
"Hey I'm going to go grab some stuff to snack on before curfew want anything?" Kayla asks
"I'm fine!" Me and Lulu both say and then Kayla leaves us to talk.
" So Jimmy asked me to the dance!"
"What did you say?" I hope it was a no! No scratch that I hope it was hell no!!! 
" Lu laughs "just listen first I asked about Amber and he was all well she'll never know! So then I had him come with me to the library and you know that secluded room with books no one even thinks about?"
"Yea!" I say wondering where this is going.
"So we started kissing and he was getting all hot and bothered...."
"Wait Lulu please tell me you did not do it  in the library!?!?"
"shhh, So once his pants were down and he reached for my belt I pushed him away and yes I said hell no I'm not going to the dance with you, then I took this picture!"
She pulled her phone out there he was Jimmy with bright pink lipstick stains on his neck and wearing red boxers covered with yellow smiley faces. Jimmy's own face is a mix between shock and terror.
"Oh my God he's so busted are you going to send this to Amber?"
"No ofcourse not but the thought of him walking on egg shells sure is satisifying!" Lu says clicking her phone shut. A few minutes later Kayla returns and after seeing the joy revenge had brought Lulu I'm considering taking Kayla up on her suggestion.  Its only moments before im once again deciding against it. 



After spanish the next day courtasy of Aj I'm pulling tiny paper balls from my hair for the next half hour and its pouring down rain so escaping outside for lunch isnt happening. Today I hate everything from Kayla's alarm clock to fact that garden club is canceled most of all I hate Aj I hate him more with every little moist ball i pull out and even more then the fact that Jax is sitting with Eve. I have no appitite and find myself going to the library I don't mean to sound so rude when Asher finds me and asks how Im doing I reply with a snort. He ignores it and takes a seat.

 "That good huh?" And being a fan of sarcasm I smile a little.

"Its Aj!" I say obviously not wanting to tell him about my jealousy over Jax and Eve. I just dont get it. Did I come into school with a sign on my back that said pick on me I love it?"  Asher laughs. "If it makes you feel any better you're not his only target. I think about it for a moment and realize Asher is also a fovorite or non-favorite of Aj's.

"So what are you gonna do sit here and pout about it or forget about him and come with me so I can show you something?" 

"Im not pouting!" I say at the same time realizing how desperate I am for a distraction. "What do you want to show me anyway?"  

"Come and see!" he says confidently walking away just knowing I'd follow.  My curiousity spikes when we come to a door with intricate circle patterns on it. The door isn't new to me but I've never known what was behind it. Just then he pushes it open and  a tiny staircase leading up is revealed the stairwell is dark and im suprised when Asher takes my hand im thankful for the darkness because the buzz in my cheeks lets me know they are turning pink. The room we enter is round and I relize we must be in one of the four towers on each corner of the school there are two over stuffed chairs as if the room were expecting us. Even though the storm outside is going strong somehow the sun is shining through and hitting the rose covered windows the room is beautiful and quiet all except for Ashers light breathing.

"This is where I came to think last year when things were getting heavy I'd just come up here and breath. He says and my hand goes cold because he realeases it patting one seat and taking the other. I know its not life changing or anything just thought maybe you would like it on days like this when you can't be in the garden hear you can still have a form of flowers, read a book and unlike in the library when you want to be alone no one will come looking up here!" 

"Except you?" I say not meeting his eyes afraid my face matches the petals reflected on the floor. "Not even me he replies if you are not in the library I'll know you dont want to be found!" 

"Thanks for finding me today!" I say  And finally look at him he's staring back as if he'd never been looking anywhere and says "You're welcome!" We are silent after that watching the rain feeling relaxed I close my eyes and lean my head back. Its asher asking if I'm going to get that? That finally jars my attention.

"Get what?" I ask then realize my bag is ringing I dig in and grab the cell phone I constantly forget about since Lu's here at school with me and I dont expect to hear from home until Thanksgiving. The number is blocked and I don't answer in time I shrug tossing it back in.

"Probably a wrong  number!" I say shrugging."  Ashers staring at me again  and I realize I'd never been alone with a boy like this. Just like that my walls go up I'm not sure If Asher notices but soon he's suggesting we go back and I leave the part of me that wants to stay behind. He doesnt hold my hand on the way down but he does have me put his number into my phone telling me to text him when ever just as Im doing that and he gives me a quick hug Jessa and Ryan round the corner followed by Jax and Eve. Eve is whining wishing Jax could spend his free period with her and though Asher has just vanished from sight I cant help but realize Jax's free period is the same as mine. Nonchalantly I walk in the direction they are going and eventually its just me and Jax. "What are you doing for your free time?"  He says  before I can ask him. "Nothing planned!"  I say. "I need to stop at the office want to walk with me?"  He asks and without hesitation I say

"I'm not sure Eve will like that so much."  I didn't want to sound all green monster but I had to find out what was up with them. 

"Yea probably not but she'll be alright its not like she's my girlfriend!"  He says and we start down the stairs the same ones we first met on. Obviously having the same memory he smirks and warns me to watch my step. "Shut up!" I say pushing his arm. He teases me all the way to the office but not the bad kind of teasing the flirting kind and im liking every minute of it im so inthralled I dont even notice Kayla behind the office desk until she's waving in my face. Jax disappears through a door and without me saying a word Kayla explains that she's changed her mind about garden club and will be working in the office for now on.

"Isn't it great?" She asks looking around like its a tropical island and not a plain and from what i can tell extremely boring inviroment. I guess I say noticing her nails are fressly painted frost white. "For sure better on you nails!"

"So anyway are goin to tell me what you are doing with Jax before he comes back?"

"Nothing really just passing the time." I say and again we giggle.

"Dont hold back Bren you know its the best thing thats happened to you all day"! I start agree but dont because I'm not completly sure. Ofcourse it was a great turn of events but my day had turned the moment Asher had found me. Is my time with Jax better then the time I spent with Asher?"

"You ready?" Jax say's coming up behind me. "Yup I tell him glancing one more time at Kayla who looks truly happy for me.  A few minutes later Jax surprises me by asking  about Asher.

''Are you and Asher a thing now?" He says sounding like he hopes my answer is no.


"Just wondering didn't think he was your type!" Cute and sweet yea definantly not my type I think to myself.  "He is nice though he asked me to the dance!" I admit hoping its not to much.

 "Nice huh? 

"Whats that supposed to mean? I ask as we turn the corner and run into to people in a full on lip lock. Ana and Liam from garden club. "Sorry!" Ana blurts pushing Liam away from her looking absolutly embarassed what if they would have been teachers or Officer Gaines or another security guard!"

"But it wasnt everythings fine." Liam says throwing his arm around her.  

"Wait you guys are in garden club right?' Both Jax and I nod. "

What were your names again?" Ana says, Jax answers and quickly shakes Liams hand.

 "Bren" I tell them when they look my way.

 "Oh right Jax you go out with Evangeline nice one!" Liam says patting Jax on the back. And earning looks from me and Ana. 

"No we are not dating." Jax corrected starting around them I followed trying to remember what we'd been discussing but it was completly lost to me.

"Who told you that anyway?" Jax asked over his shoulder.

I just overheard a group of girls talking about it!"  What girls anna asked looking hand on her hip Jax and I scurried away.

But after that  Jax was distant texting  and completly oblivious to me finally we gave halfhearted goodbyes and the school day went on.   

The rain started up again that night while Lulu touched up my nails and Kayla used hair product to relax the curls that had returned fuller than ever. When they are finished Kayla pulls out a folder and hands it to me. "What's this" I ask.

A copy of Aj's file she says as if it were a normal thing for us to have.

"Kayla you didnt" Lu says

"Well go on open it." Kayla urges and I shake my head while repeating "no no noooo!"

"Fine I'll do it!" she say's snatching it back and then glancing over the paper inside. "What do you think will find anyway?" Lulu asks while painting  her own nails the same color as her dyed hair. 

"I thought there would be something of use. "But......." Lulu and I both ask.

"But I was wrong!" She tells us snapping the folder shut. "Just ordinary imformation first name Abraham  thats kind of lame but yea nothing we can use against him!" Thank goodness I think not wanting to know anything personal or extra about Aj.

 "Remember me telling you I dont want to get back at him?" 

"Yea I heard you say that outloud but your inside voice was begging for my help."

"Is that so?" I say tossing a pillow at her, she dodges it and smiles wide.  Later that night I wake up to Kayla fully dreesed again and on her way out only this time when she asks me to join her I dont decline. 


Hold it agaist me

I choose a fitted victorias secret  t-shirt and  and matching sweat pants that say pink cute but comfortable Kayla whispers because Lu already warned us from inside her covers.

"I cant beleive you are really coming!" Kayla says just as her text comes in and after one last deep breath and biting my toung to resist any protest's that may want to slip out i follow her into the hall.

"What if they dont like me?'' I ask knowing they tolerate Aj who hates me. They will you'll blend just fine beside since your not popular yet they wont feel threatened and will welcome you with open bottles.

"Im not drinking!" I say as quetly as possible without dimming my seriousness. "How do they get liqour anyway?" 

"Asher!" She tells me sounding surprised that I didn't already know.  She goes on

"They invite Asher because he provides Liqour among other things. Like drugs I start to say but we've stopped walking and Kaylas reaching for the door nob. Suddenly I feel completly awakward and start backing away. "I change my mind!" I tell her just as the door opens she doesnt respond there is no time a noise further down the hall hurries her into the room and i turn and head in the oppisite direction. My heart is pounding and I hear feet tapping up ahead of me I dont see anyone but assume by how loud they are walking that its not another student sneaking around. I have no choice but to turn down a hall that will allow me to avoid whoever it is but this only leads me to someone else his eyes tell me not to  make as sound when he pulls me into the alcove.

"Jax what are you doing?" I ask after the unknown foot steps fade. "Skipping out on a party, you?"

"Same!" I tell him and we both sneak a look into the hallway. 

"Eve's?"  He asks me. Like it couldn't be possible.

"Yes!!!" I hiss and then a shadow passes the alcove and two voices start up. Again we sneak a peek but the hall is no longer empty. Officer Lagana? I mouth and Jax mouths Back Miss Crusso! Only there was nothing professional about what they were doing it was like running into Ana and Liam all over again only much worse and they didn't know they had been caught. Miss Sosa giggles unlocking  her classroom door.

"We shouldnt do this!" She says not sounding at all convincing and im shaking my head in agreement.  But its Jax who steps out into the hall. I reach for his arm but its to late Officer Lagana has already seen him they lock eyes. And  its then I realize why officer Lagana seemed familiar. The eyes, the hair and even the posture is the same. "What are you doing out here Jaxon?"  Officer Lagana asks.

"Not having nearly as much fun as you Hunter." Jax responds Miss Sosa starts to say something but Officer Lagana holds up a hand silencing her. "So what do you want little brother a couple hundred?"  

"How about you didnt see me or who I was with and vice versa?" Jax says simply.

"How about it?"Hunter responds. Gesturing Miss Crusso to go in. She nods and disappears then he tells Jax to tell his friend to show herself.  Having no choice I step out at the same time imforming Jax that I want a part in his blackmail.

"Dont worry about it will all pretend this never happened!" Hunter also known as Officer Gaines imforms me before dissapearing into what I used to think was ordinary spanish class.

"Come on I'll walk you back to your room." Jax tells me and wanting nothing more then to return to my bed I follow him. "So brothers huh?" I ask matching Jaxons swift pace.

"Yea half brother from my dads first marriage!" He says.

"You could have left me out of your sibling rivalry now head of security knows I'm a rule breaker.

He chuckles, "Bren you are hardly a criminal and besides you now have something on him thats basically a guaranteed hall pass." 

 "Thats not the piont!" I say as we near my door 

"It will be fine!" He assures me and I have to beleive him considering he didnt seem new to the whole  thing.

Once I'm back in my pajamas and wrapped in my covers my mind wonders momentarily to Asher and our time in the tower and then to Jax the boy who may not be so good but some how this only makes him more appealing to me. And then finally my mind settles on another memory of Owen somehow it always comes back to him.


(It had been two weeks since the non kiss between Owen and I but I hadnt moved on at all every time I saw him the feeling that used to be butterflies was replaced with an ache. I came out on onto the front porch needing to escape from my mother and saturday morning routine of coffee with a group of women from the country club. Id hoped to find refuge  on the fluffy cousioned porch swing but instead I found Owen out in his driveway arguing with a girl. I'd never seen her before but assumed she was mystery girl from behind the wall. She was  seemingly pretty though half her face was hidden by her oversized glasses. Her  hair was a light brown but full and lucious like her lips. Lips I bet touched Owens. I couldnt hear what they were saying. And wasnt at all discreat about trying to find out I knew I shouldn't have eaves dropped but Owen had that effect on me all reasoning out the window. When mystery girl caught me staring I could feel that there was a glare hidden beneath her  shades.  I hurried and looked away the sound of her heels cliked loudly as she stormed away from Owen. I stole a Look at him from the corner of my eye he was watching me and not his retreating female friend. He took half a step toward my house but stopped shaking his head slightly back in forth I was confused and stood but he mouthed dont and then headed after the girl. And I was invisible again. Had I been the cause of that argument? Did she know I liked him, had he told her i'd made a failure attempt at moving in on him? And most importantly did he hold there break up against me. No way I probably wasnt the first second or last thing on Owens mind. It occured to me that it was possible my hesistation about Asher was my hope that Owen and I had unfinished bussiness. It was time I got over it.  It was tiem I said yes.  

No I mean Yes

At lunch  its me who's looking for Asher  today i'm going to say yes and he will smile and I'l grin then i'll go into full on dress obsession like the rest of the girl's in their scattered clumps throughout the dining hall but first I had to secure my date. Today everything seems brighter his uniform his eye's and his welcoming smile when I ease up beside him in the lunch line the girls behind him are to busy decussing the different shades of red to noticed I've jipped them. Hey he says putting fruit salad on both of are plates. Thank's I say not sure rather I should tell him now that I've made up my mind or wait until we are seated. Kayla say's a girl should always go for what's she want's. You would'nt hesitate at the finish line of a race giving other's an oppurtunity to win would you?

That's what Kayla had asked the night before.

And Bren had answered no.

"About the dance," Bren started while waving off  a bowl of pudding.

"I......want to go..... with you she had to resist wiping her brow. She was still so out of place with the whole boy's likeing her thing and she still half expected Aj to come forward admitting i was all a set up or team prank. But thats not what happened instead Asher looked excited instead he grabebd her hand and told her she would'nt regret it and instead of being embarassed Asher embraced her and Bren felt as if she was first to rip thorugh the finish line.


"Later and away from the academy the scent of blossoms was replaced with the mall's food court Lulu and I followed behind Kayla who had named herself leader of the expedtion, which was fine considering the mall might has well been china where I was concerned.

"Over there they just put in a new dress shop it opened yesterday!" Kayla say's sounding like a tour guide

I follow where she's pointing to in the window I see a dress it's rose red and stunning yet not over done as if for prom I want it and Kayla wants it to.

"I love it!" she say's when we get closer her reflection is line up perfectly with it and i wouldn't be a good friend if I tried to come between them.

"I have not worn a dress since the last time my Grandma Tru visited we had all attended the mayors ball it was there I danced for the first time I mean really danced and not with a boy who couldn't tell my feet from the floor tiles but with Owen. Grandma Tru who never missed anything practically forced us together. Owen made patient steps wit me across th dance floor he had clearly taken lessons. I let him guide not only was I rythemless I was to tougue tied to spark up a conversation. It was a good as time as any to apologize for the almost kiss it had been 2 months and I wanted to go back to speaking over the hedges i missed it. 











Texte: Elizabeth Haley
Bildmaterialien: Elizabeth Haley
Lektorat: Elizabeth Haley
Übersetzung: Elizabeth Haley
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.10.2012

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