
I'm Sorry



''I want her now!" Sidian proclaime'd taking no care to whisper. A passerby stops looking up and down the  street wondering where the voice has come from after a pause he moves on.

"Shhhh don't get your feathers in a bunch" Penn hisses

"You are sure she will be mine tonight?"  Sidian asks his voice lowered but still full of greed.

"Yes and I pity her for it!" Penn lies. He doesn't mean to be deceiving but it's easier that way. though he will have to hear about it later.

He  glances at the window where the girl  is surrounded by friends everyone wear's a smile except for her.  She senses the dark presence she always does. Penn know's this night will be her last and it's his job and burden to carry this knowledge. He is a Death Bearer and tonight he has come for her.  Sidian moves  beside him anxious for the soul he's been  promised. But he can not have her Penn has his own agenda and Sid will have to settle for another girl.  What Sideine doesn't know is this girl is expecting death she's known for sometime and has been warned of Sid's  intentions .  They see her stand to leave and her pretty blond friend protest's to know a avail. She is already lost to them they just don't know it yet.  Sid  flap's his wings  and Penn is sure if crow's could that he would be grinning 

"She steps outside zipping her hoody up but there is nothing that can keep her warm now.

" Is it about to happen?" Sid ask's.

"Yes it is time."  Penn nods but for what exactly he wasn't sure.

She was to die in a hit and run accident any minute and then Penn's task was to take her soul to The Grim Realm where it would remain as a life source for his shady and only friend Sideine who was A Death Bearer whos time had long ago ended and he chose to live on with a spell a Grim spell that allows him to live but only if he can claim a new soul each year and this year he chose Tessa.   But Penn saw something in Tess, her whole group actually. They were drawn to the darker side of life. So Penn had made her an offer. Death could not be avoided but there was another way of life his way a grim life. All she had to do was die in possesion of her soul  and the only way to do that was to commit a sin a life's sacrifice her life.

Penn took off into the sky and  then swooping down toward her he changed form he became a shadow wanting to get close enough to her so that only she could hear......






The night brought paranoia as well as a starless onyx sky over the town of Killdeer, Tessa should have stayed with her friends who were care free and happy that they were still on fall break from school but instead she was unnerved and alone, well almost. For the third time she stopped and turned to peer down the peaceful street lined with red brick houses and parked cars. Occasionally she was greeted by Jack-o-lanterns. To someone peeking out of their window they would only see a girl, not the dark shadow that creeps forward with every step she takes.  Penn has been following her for weeks now whispering to her warning her and other times urging her to do the unthinkable, but it had been even before then that she had stopped feeling at ease. Who could blame her knowing her death was coming and being anticipated by a Soul Collector. Keeping this to herself was eating her alive and she couldn't sit around her friends another minute pretending everthing was fine. 

The shadow continued to ease down the sidewalk and over bushes like a beast's reaching claws. Coming to collect? No just to taunt her and keep her isolated. This is what she was telling herself when the feeling of being caressed started at her ankles, then her back and then soft and irratating as spider webs on her face.


"Stay clear of busy streets!"  Penn whispered.  As Sid flew over head waitng for him to make his move to cause Tess to be ran down but  those werent at all Penn intentions.

  She looked down at her self at the shadows  Penn had reached her and was wrapping around her body. She shrieked and wiped at the darkness and then she ran.

Penn had never done that before. Up ahead was a busy main street she didn't care she would dart around the car's anything to make distance between her and Penn.

"Stop and end it! Claime your soul" Penns voice was frantic. She reached the end off the sidewalk and  instsead of darting out she hesitated. There on the other side was Brick the boy she'd fallen for the boy who was  less guy and more demon one of Penn's  charges a grim. She could be with him she could live on if only.......  her thought's were scattered as puzzle peices. She turned off of  The Blvd The Birds Of Paradise  and headed for  Cardinal Ave. her street. "

Yessss you have changed your fate!" Penn was at her ear again.


" What are you doing? " Sidian asked from where he now perched on a stop light. Penn heard but ignored him, his focus was solely on Tess. She was gasping for breath when she practically fell through the front door of her house and scrambled up the steps to her room a decision made. She moved to her computer desk nervous sweat burning her dark brown eyes. She picked up a piece of her rose thorn embroidered stationary and a pen. The Shadow would be moving up the side of the house by now. And she was ready to give him what he wanted. She scrawled two words before the darkness took over her window blocking out the whisper of moon light. She fell to her bed her body shaking with sobs and she knew this was it, the end...... 


Rae pulled up outside of Tess's families three story tan brick house early as she did every morning before school. She checked her reflection in the overhead mirror white blond  hair in a messy ponytail, eyebrows arched the left gleaming with a diamond stud. She wanted to look good for Ty her boyfriend who had a mathing peircing and also happened to be Tess's older brother. She cut off her red Beetle in the middle of He Is We's song Happily Ever After over the radio. She started up the walkway past the smiling pumpkins that were on either side and walked straight in the house.

"Morning!" Miss Grayson called from the dining room out of site.

"Good morning!" Rae said back slipping out of silver ankle boots, house rules since Miss G had shell white carpeting put in.

"She's still sleep Rae wake her up pleasssse, I really can't deal with her this morning!"

"Alright." Rae said going up the steps and knowing just what Miss G meant. Tess had been far beyond moody lately.

Rae walked past the shut bathroom adjusting her her skinny leg jeans that refused to stay up. She stopped at Tessa's mauve painted door and knocked a lesson well learned because the time she'd walked in she'd found Tess kissing Brick. No answer. Good Rae thought she's up and in the bathroom. She went in and dropped onto the deep purple quilt again her pants slid down exposing pink lace panties. She stood back up annoyed.

"I'm not dealing with these all day!" She sighed and walked over to the closet so she could get a belt. Tess had been holding at least three of hers hostage including a silver one that matched her shoes perfectly.

Rae pulled the door open and gasped,the sight hit her so hard that she stumbled back her throat tightened holding back the scream that was pulsing through her but wouldn't come out. Her eyes burned and her vision blurred from the sudden moisture.

She turned tripping over her own feet trying to get out of the room. She smashed into a solid figure.

"Ty it's Tess she...she...Rae didn't have to finish. Ty held her tight looking over her shoulder at his sister who swayed lightly in the closet wearing a flowing white dress her eyes closed her face a pale blue and a shimmering silver belt wrapped tight around her neck. Tessa had killed herself. 


Four days later Rae held Ty's hand painfully tight while Tessa's casket was lowered into the ground Miss Grayson sobbed uncontrollably and it had a domino effect on those who surrounded the grave site. Rae's nose burned but she was all cried out and had the red rim's and dark rings under her eye's to prove it. The last few day's had come and gone but she felt as if she were still in Tessa'a room reliving the moment she found her over and over again. The scream still seemed trapped and she'd wondered if the tightness would ever go away. She turned from miss Grayson only to see Brick seperated from the group a girl was beside him. he watched them from behind dark glasses his handsome face in a frozen scowl. Tess had been forbidden to see him though Rae had witnessed them sneak of together countless times. Rae took a halfstep toward him but a women from the church was now handing out roses and it was time to say goodbye. Rae pressed the soft ivory petals to her lips kissing them lightly at the same time a sharp pain was in her thumb she'd pricked her self she dropped the rose then watching it land on shiny black prison that would hold Tessa for now on. She put her thumb in her mouth realizing the small pain was nothing compared to ache she now carried.   

October 30th just a week since Tessas burial was windy and cold. Rae stepped out of the weather and into the coziness that was Hot Stuff The town coffee shop. She immediately searched for her friends and sighed knowing Tess wouldn't be there. She shrugged out of her jacket exposing a white long sleeved shirt a few strands of hair hung from her ponytail onto her shoulders. Only three of her usual group were there to greet her Jake, Laney and Ty.

"Thank's for coming all of you!

Ty said once one of the waitresses took Rae's order of a cinnamon/pumpkin latte.

"I had to get out of the house!" Ty went on his tired brown eyes that were so much like Tess's were lacking there usual flare.

"Me too Laney and Jake replied at the same time. both of Jake's brow shined with silver spikes and he had pitch black hair and the longest eye lashes possible shadowing his pale blue eye's. In addition to his eyebrow piercings his lip was pierced. Then there was Lane with her blond baby blue streaked hair and freckled cheeks the only piercing she had was her belly button hidden so she wouldn't send her parents over the edge.

 "Thanks!" Rae broke the silence watching the waitress sit a steaming coffee mug covered in fall colored leaves onto the table. She was taking a sip when Brick entered. The latte burned her throat and she gagged. Bricks eyes shot to her and before she knew it she was up wiping her mouth and approaching him.

"Did you see Tess that night? She rushed out on us and i was wondering if she'd gone to meet you!"  he turned to face her his back pressed against the bar style counter dust colored hair falling into his face.

" No we didnt meet up i saw her but we didnt even speak!"


"What can I get you?" Another waitress asked Brick but he was'nt listening he was leaving. Which Rae found strange why even bother coming in?

"Wait!" She said not sure exactly what else she had to say. Rae went after him stepping into a strong wind the Avenue was busy with people making there way to the fall festival where the children whould devour way to many caremel apples and get lost playing in the corn maze. And Mr. Sappit the town grump whould win the pumpkin carving contest like every other year and Miss Delsy would sale home made apple pies.  There would be apple cider and laughter and it would be absolutely awful without Tess. So Rae and the other's had decided against going.

 Rae bet the cinnimon sugar in the pies wouldn't taste as sweet and the caremel apples would be to hard. She bet she wouldn't enjoy it at all. Brick faded into the crowd and Rae let him go nothing he could say would feel the emptiness.  

"Come on, don't bother with him!" Ty had come up from behind and put a warm arm around her. But she shrugged away stepping back into the coffee shop. Noticing the look on his face she said ,"Sorry But I think I'm going to grab my jacket and go home, I feel a headache coming."

"Oh alright!" He said disappointed even further she could tell he thought she was being selfish. Tess was his sister after all. But Ty didn't say anything he was like that putting others feelings before his own especially Rae's. She kissed him quickly and placed three dollars on the table for her barely touched latte. she said a quick goodbye and again she was out into the fall air . She really was getting a headache.  What was going on with Tess that she didn't know about? Not knowing was consuming her. They had all noticed Tess slowly become  distant. 

 If only Rae  had followed her out of Hot Stuff when she knew something was wrong she knew it then and all the nights before but she let Tess keep it inside she should of pushed her to talk instead she let her leave the coffee shop that night so she could stay out longer with Ty she wondered if Ty felt guilty too?  She thought about this, she was so deep in thought she didn't notice the girl coming toward her until they smacked into each other.     

"Be careful!"  the girl told her helping Rae not to fall  

"Sorry!" Rae stuttered out her heart pounding in her ears her face red with embarrassment. The girl squinted her caramel eyes at her. With her right hand on her hip. Her wispy mouse brown hair  pulled into a thin braid ,she wore prissy girly clothes and pinchy shoes. They stood awkwardly.


"It was nothing!" The girl waved it off. Reminding Rae of Tess but everything reminded her of Tess.

"Well ummm sorry again and bye" Rae mumbled and waved. Then she turned away from her and the awkward moment before starting across the street this time fully alert. It wasn't until she was secure in her own car that she noticed the girl still standing where she'd left her on the side walk outside of Hot Stuff a lost and lonely look on her face. 

She parked outside of the two story white brick house her and her mother shared. She started up the walkway lined with un carved pumpkins and  artificial corn stocks. She went in throwing her jacket on a hook in the hall and dropping hey keys in the small basket alongside her mothers.

"Mom?" she called releived to not be home alone.

"Yes Rae up here!" her moms voice traveled down the steps. Upstairs she stood in her moms doorway. Her mother was in front of her white vanity a silver earring dangling in one hand her blond hair pulled back into a low tight bun. I have to go into my office one of my buyers backed out. Jade Lesley was in real estate. She had taken a few day's off to mourn for Tess who had been like her second daughter minus the memory of labor pains. Rae frowned she didn't want her mother to leave.

"Are you going to be okay here?" Jade said standing and tucking her silky black top into her gray knee length skirt with black pin stripes she topped it with the matching jacket. She raised an eyebrow at Rae who hadn't answered her.

"Yea I'll be fine, I'm just gong to go lay down I'm not feeling well, head ache." Jade touched her daughters head. And looked at her the way she had been since Tessa's death she looked at her as if she feared she would never see Rae again.

"Take some aspirin I'll be back as soon as I can. Chicken soup for dinner?"

"Yea okay." Rae said listening to her moms heels tap down the hardwood hall


"Yes?" Rae answered stepping out of the room her mother had stopped on the steps

''maybe we can watch a movie tonight if you're feeling better."

"Maybe!" Rae said, but a movie night normally meant sweet and salty snacks and tears lots of tears.

"Nothing sad though. Okay?" Rae Said

"Okay." Jade whispered.

And a moment later of tap tap tapping the front door was opening and shutting. Rae huffed and started down the hall to her own room but first she stopped in the bathroom to grab the pain pills she pulled a water bottle out of her shoulder bag embroidered with diamond skull, then continued down to her room.

Rae stepped inside her window was wide open and her silky black quilt was disheveled as if someone had just been sitting on her bed. The pills had left a lump in her throat she took another gulp of water and told herself that her mom had been in there. She's just worried about me and found comfort being in here! She went to her window and pushed it shut. Then something caught her eye a piece of paper on her desk that wasn't there when she left. It was slightly crumbled and familiar, the rose thorns around the edges. She stepped toward it's eye's darting around the room as if someone were there with her. She grabbed the paper and took in the two words written in Tessa's neat handwriting.


I'm Sorry


Rae let the paper slip from her fingers to the plush carpet while her heart dropped to her feet. 

Kind Of Crazy

"All right calm down Rae!" Ty said though he was the one pacing. Rae had called him right away after finding the note she was really freaked out and felt as if she were being watched.

"Alright so there has to be a perfectly logical explanation for this"! Ty said putting a finger to his chin. Its all crumbled maybe its old and came out of your pocket while your mom was doing laundry and she left it there!" "That would make since if Tess ever had written me a note that said sorry not to mention your mom just bought that stationary two days before Tess.... Rae trailed of but the theory was crushed.

"Someone was in my room Ty and we both know when the whole Tess weirdness started, what if Brick knows more then he's letting on what if Tess had given him the note to get to me?"

 "Then why wouldnt he just hand it to you?  Maybe he gave it to my mom for me!"

"But dont you think she would of mentioned it?"

" Maybe she forgot she was preoccupied with work!" Rae said.

"I'll go ask him." Ty offered grabbing keys his mind already made up.

"You want to go find brick?" Rae wasnt so sure knowing where bricks hang out was.

"But that's on the edge of town!"

"I know, don't worry I'll be back!"

"I don't want you to go!" Rae said sounding desperate. Ty stopped.

"Come with me then!" Rae was  16 and though Jade wasn't particulary stricked Rae was not allowed anywhere near the old train station strange things happened there like girls going in and never to come back out. and everyone in town knew it. It was one of the reasons Tessa was'nt to hangout with Brick. Miss Grayson was sure it was a place for drugs and other iilegal activity. Rae couldnt understand why the police did'nt seem to care what ever it was the kids at the train sation were up to.

"Alright but if we get in trouble I'm saying you forced me to go." Rae half smiled.

"Fine with me." Ty agreed knowing it was only a bluff.

The train station looked like a large red barn with boarded up windows and a faded brown wrap around porch that opened up on to a concrete platform it had been closed for as long as Rae could remember. They got out of Ty's Ash range rover and stepped up onto the porch. The door was boarded over as well.

"Now what Ty? Do we knock?" Ty was ready to answer when the ruff wood moved to the side a boy from school peeked out,

"What do you wan't?" he asked.

"Where looking for Brick!" Ty said looking at the nerdy red head kid from school.


What was he doing here? Rae thought


"He's out!"

There was another voice, a female.

"Tell 'em to get lost!"                                                                                                          

"Well you heard that." the boy said popping the wood back in place.

"We accomplished a lot!" Rae said once they started down the steps.

"So now you're stalking me?"

Both Rae and Ty turned to see Brick, he was leaning against the porch railing. Where had he come from?


 "What is it?" He asked his arm's crossed over his chest.


"It's just that you and Tessa got close fast and in that time she changed you cant blame us for wanting to know did she  say anything to you somthing you might have overlooked? Rae got straight to the point

"No she didn't tell me anything!" 

So you've never seen this?" Rae pulled the note from her jeans.

"Never, what's this about?'

"I found this on my desk at home and it's Tessa's writing I thought maybe you dropped it off with my mother........

Brick snatched the note. You found this today he asked? His finger tracing the words.


"I told her it's probably nothing." Ty finally stopped sneering and spoke.

"Tessa wrote this I know she did Rae insisted not likeing the looks they were giving her.

"Then how do you think it got to your house?''

Brick asked not mocking her at all.

"I don't know but Tess made sure it got to me!"

"Well it wasn't me must have been a ghost" Brick said with a smirk.

"Don't joke like that it's not funny!" Ty fumed.

"I know it's not!" Brick said sounding completely and frighteningly serious.


Rae wasn't sure what she believed anymore but something about the way Brick stared  made her feel as if a swarm of insects had been let loose beneath her skin. Just a week ago she'd thought she and Tess were inseperatable then her reality shattered. Was it possible something even more unnatural then Tess's sudden departure had come through the cracks? All the hours they had spent reading paranormal books and renting movies they even had visited a wicca store a few time's but did she beleive in it?

"Do you beleive in ghost Rae?" Brick asked as if  he had  heard her thought's.

"Don't be stupid!" Ty laughed uncomfotably.

"Do you?' Brick asked again ignoring Ty.

"No!" Rae answered and Ty looked releived.


"Well Tess did." Brick quipped. And if anyone has answers about that its your friend Jake.


"Jake what's he have to do with this?'

 He know's more then you think, you all do?" Brick answered before turning away from them he added "Just ask Jake about the book he let Tessa borrow from his freakish library."


 It took some convincing but Ty agreed to pay Jake a visit. He didn't live far from the station so they drove right over. They drove up in front of the gray one story house he lived in.  Jake greeted them at the door. Thankfully he was home alone as usual they'd be needing the privacy for the coming conversation.

"So what's up?" He said when they were in his basement bedroom each plopping down onto a  bean bag chair.

"I don't know how to ask you this J but did you know what was going on with Tess?" Ty seemed embarrassed to have asked his best friend this but his sister came first even in death. Jake stiffened his right eye twitched. And Rae and Ty both knew he did.

"What did you do?!?!" Ty hollered.

"I didn't.. I..I...!"

Rae grabbed Ty's wrist hoping he wouldn't lunge forward and he didn't.

"You should start from the beginning!" Rae said softly and Jake nodded. Ty Stared at him with an unreadable  expression.

When I first moved here and became friends with you guy's I found a a book here in the basement only it was different  then any of the the book's we found at the wicca store it was about death.  Jake went on, one day a few months back Tess came by and she was real upset and crying she wouldn't tell me what was wrong, but she kept asking me if I believed in the stuff we read about she was really interested in the old book she'd seen on my shelf before" Jake stood grabbing a thick black leather book from a rusty shelf the title was in white thread. (FOREVER GRIM ) the letters were ghostly and Rae felt as if winter had come early as she read them.

"Why would Tess be interested in that?" Ty asked reaching for it. Jake looked hesitant but passed it over.

"I really don't know but whatever happened that night really creeped her out man!"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't know what to say and Tess never brought it up again so I didn't either!" 

"Did she actually read it?" Rae asked while involuntarily wrapping her arms around herself. 

"I guess so, she borrowed it!" Jake said.

"Alright ,alright so my sister read a book about death and  then she killed herself! But you can't tell me the shit in this book is real J ,what ever was bothering Tess was normal out of control teenage girl stuff not nothing to do with souls or whatever!!!" Ty said opening it.

He flipped through a few pages and stopped.

( "A Soul Collector The keepers of stolen souls damned by their greedy cruel thirst for pure, virginal souls of youthful females. Stealing a pure soul creates a life force within the collector and once it runs out it must be replaced with another pure soul because without purity The Collector passes on to Hell.")

The reason Ty had stopped at this particular spot was because it was highlighted.

"Did you see this before?" He asked Jake.

"No I haven't looked at it since Tess brought it back!"

"Oh god Ty, Tessa was a virgin!" Rae gasped.

"This is crap Rae Tessa killed herself she wasn't........ Ty's face feel his mouth hanging open.


"Nothing." Ty snapped the book shut and sat it down on an orange crate.

"Let me see Ty! It said something about her killing herself, didn't it? DIDN'T IT TY?" Rae screamed

"NO! LETS.. he lowered his voice, lets just go alright!" He stood and stormed up the basement steps. Rae stood too.

"I didn't ever read it after her Jake said staring after Ty.

"I don't blame you Jake. But I need to borrow this!" 

"You cant!" Jake protested.

"And why not?'' Rae asked. "You let Tessa!"

"Yes and now she's....I can't let you end up that way to!" Jake said his eyes sad and pleading.

"I would never do that. After a long pause Jake agreed and Rae tucked the book into her bag she could feel it's coolness against her hip.

"Do you feel it too Jake, The chill?" He looked terribly afraid when he answered "Yes."

Ty didn't talk on the drive to Rae's.  His emotions had started to boil over in the basement but now they were once again deep inside. His cell phone was ringing when they got to Rae's.

"Hello,... yes mom... sure... okay.... see you soon!" He hung up.

"I can't come in, but I'm sure you'll be fine forget the book Brick sent us there so we'd get off his back! And the whole thing with your bedroom your mom must have found the note outside or something and sat it down in there! Maybe she thought it fell out your jacket!" Rae just nodded, Ty was afraid and in denial that's all there was to it. She got out and watched him pull away. Then she was alone again in her house. She shut her bedroom door and locked it she already locked the window earlier. She sat down on her bed and pulled the book out of her bag. She flipped to where they had left off. She pulled her fluffy navy robe tight around her she'd known the cold would be in full force.

( There is only one way to avoid being collected though death is unavoidable killing your self before death makes  its claime causes your soul no longer to be pour ,noncollectable. Though this sacrifice allows you to remain the keeper of your soul, one with out purity can not move on  It is then you will be greeted by a Death Bearer some death Bearer's are merciful and will simply allow you to stay in the Grim Realm others may offer you  life among The Grims )

There it was written in ink Tess had killed herself so her soul wouldn't be collected. But what is a Grim? As in Grim Reaper.

Rae didn't like where her imagination was going she knew she should close the book and forget about it like Ty said but how could she if what she read was true and Soul Collectors actually existed then all sorts of unspeakable things could be lurking in her world like the ghost of her best friend who could have come into her room and left the note.

Do you beleive in ghosts? Brick had asked and unlike Ty Rae wasn't truly ready to dismiss the idea.                             

"I'm home!" Her mothers voice made her jump. and she dropped
 the book then and headed downstairs, to the warmth of her mothers smile.

"Feeling any better?" Her mom asked dropping a green folder onto the white marble counter in the kitchen and taking a seat at the island.

"Yea much better mom!" Which was only half true because physically she was. Her mom pulled her hair loose looking like a more mature Rae. She was only thirty-four and all the neighborhood boys thought she was hot always offering to help with groceries or cut the grass for cheap. Rae pulled the note out of her pocket.

"Mom did you leave this in my room?" She would have mentioned the window too but if the answer was no her mom would just be freaked out like she was.

"No hun what is it?"

"Just a note!" Rae shrugged.

"From who?" her mom asked over her shoulder she was pulling a chrome pot out of the cabinet over the sink and then feeling it up with water.

"Who's it from?" She asked again.

"I don't know!" Rae said quickly. It's probably nothing!" Her mom didn't respond.

"You're still going to make soup?"

"Yup! Haven't you heard? Her mom gave her a sarcastic look, it's good for your soul!" With that Rae lost her appetite. and wasnt really feeling up to a movie night.

Before going back into her room she took a quick shower and combed her hair out it was looking ratty she hadn't been feeling in the mood to do anything with it. Combing it almost made her feel normal like there wasn't a book about souls and death waiting for her on her bed.

At least that's where it was supposed to be right? She hadn't put it on her desk? she looked across the room, nope not there. But something else got her attention her window was open just the tiniest bit not even an inch, but obviously tampered with considering it had been locked. Her breath was coming out in a wheeze and her chest felt tight. She was wondering when a panic attack would come along. She calmed herself as she always managed to do when she was loosing control. She sat down stiffly not bothering with the window. What was the point? She sat there silently going insane. When she noticed something else was missing. A pair of shoes. A pair of Tess's black Nike running shoes. They should have been right up against the wall that she and Tessa had painted to look like a night sky. Tess had dropped them there after they had gone jogging. But they weren't  there now. Just like the book someone had taken them. As if thing's weren't crazy enough.

Trick or Treat

"Rae Sweety?" Jade was staring at her daughter in concern she'd been talking to her and getting no reply.         

"Sorry mom, what did you say?" She forced herself out of the daze she had been in since the night before.

"I said, are you going to still give out the candy to the kids tonight? You know I have to show face at the Halloween party it's a work thing!" Rae managed a nod. Jade firmly beleived that She and Rae had to keep living there own lives and the thought of Rae being depressed and alone scared her.


"Hmmm, yea mom?"

"You know everything's going to be okay right?"

Her mom pushed hair out of face and kissed her on the four head. And tears came to both of their eye's. Rae wiped at hers and cleared her throat.

"Go to the party mom. You need it!"

"You need to do something too! Maybe invite Laney over and get Jake to wear one of his crazy masks like last year. The kid's loved it remember!"

"The parents weren't to thrilled!" Rae remembered that. They were quite a moment and then both started laughing. Rae watched her mom move around the kitchen grabbing two large orange bowls with severed hands all over them. Then she opened the white cabinet and pulled out party mix bags of candy. She Tossed Rae a Kit-Kat.

''Alright I'll call them but first I'm going to the cemetery!"


"Oh Okay,  yeah I almost forgot I bought this for her grave site!" Jade said, pulled out a pumpkin from her purse that could fit in the palm of her hand it was painted to look like a black cat.

"Cute!" Rae said. She would of liked it"

"I know!" Jade smiled putting it in Rae's bag. And then Rae was slinging the bag over her shoulder and on her way out the door. I'll be back before you leave mom!"

"Alright,I love you Rae!"  

"I love you too mom!"

It was five o-clock Rae noted Trick or Treating was at six. She just needed to feel near Tess and she hated to admit it but she needed to ease her mind, to see the grave and know Tess was there and not really lurking around undead in her room!

She drove to the the cemetery and up the winding hill coming to a second white gate. She drove through the opening her car bumping down the now dirt road surrounded by tree's.

Rae parked and hopped out when she came to the opening and could see the secluded part of the cemetery where Tessa was buried. Suddenly her red jacket wasn't warm enough and she wrapped her arms around herself at the same time noticing a girl standing in front of Tessa's grave. A rust colored leaf crunched under Rae's tan boot and the girl turned. It was the girl from outside of Hot Stuff only instead of being dressed in prissy girly clothes she had spiked studs in her ears instead of pearls and she wore a red hoodie and gray skinny leg jeans last Rae took in the girls black Nike running shoes.

"You? You were in my room?"  The words hung in the air. 

"Yes but I can explain!" The girl said softly.

"What are you doing breaking into my room and running into me in town, have you been following me?" Rae was overwhelmed throwing accusations at the girl.

"No I've been trying to talk to you!"

"About what? Who are you?"

"Calm down and I'll tell you!" Rae's chest heaved but she stayed silent.

Nothing could have prepared her for what the girl said next.

"It's me Rae! I'm Tess!"

Rae's bag feel from her shoulder and down into the grass with a thud. The little pumpkin fell out bouncing a few feet away. Rae felt like if she moved she would fall if she breathed she would faint. So for a moment she just stood there staring at this girl who claimed to be Tessa. Then slowly she started backing away bending slightly to grab her beg.

"I don't know why you would say something like that!  Or who you are but I'm sure you had something to do with Tessa's death!" All the time she was speaking she got closer to her car. She pulled her phone from her jacket pocket and pressed nine.

"Don't be afraid I would never hurt you  just hear me out."

 The words reached her and so did the strange girl. Rae wasn't ready for the impossible speed the creep had moved in. Or when the girl made contact by grabbing her arm.
"You have to listen to me, just let me explain it's me! It's really is me!"
"Stop it please, you are not Tessa!!!"
Rae pushed the girl away and she fell backwards to the ground. Rae turned and ran pulling the car door open she jumped in and started the engine in one motion. she would of had to drive forward so she could turn around in the field but there was no time. So instead she started backing up. The girl was standing again and watching when suddenly her body slumped back to the ground. A voice Rae had heard countless times came from her right. She looked over and slammed her foot on the breaks.

"Please don't scream!" Tess said and Rae made a choking sound. Tess was there beside her only she was like fogged glass in the form of a girl. A girl with wavy shoulder length Brownish red hair and a flowing dress.

"Oh Tess it really is you!" Rae whispered her tears surfacing once again!

"Yup in the flesh, well sort of!" Tess said and then she did something that made Rae's body frost over, she giggled.

" But How?" Rae asked hoping she would wake up from the nightmare any moment.

"It's a long story, good thing I'm not pressed for time." Tess said.


"Would you stop being sarcastic! I'm kind of in shock here!" Rae breathed lowering her hand from her heart

"Sorry!" Tess whispered

Rae bit her lip and Tessa disappeared.

"Tess?" Oh no she was gone Tess really was a ghost! Rae was hyperventilating. Had that really just happened?
Had her deepest fear come true was Tessa  really apart of the undead. No, no way she had only gone loopy with greif and she was hulicinating.
Movement up ahead caught Rae's eye the girl had risen off the ground again proving just how real she was. Now she was picking up the pumpkin and jogging back to the beetle. She reached for the door but it was locked.

"Come on Rae! Don't you trust me it's your best friend in here!"

"Go away Rae pleaded, please just go, this can't be real!"

"It is real  and I need you  let me in I don't want to have to go ghost on you again." Rae looked at her for the longest moment of her life then slowly she reached over and unlocked the door. She didn't want her to go ghost either.


"Rae I want you to meet Mandi my corpse!" The girl said formally her voice no longer sounding like Tess at all and trying to hand Rae the pumpkin kitty.  Rea didnt take it.

"Corpse as in dead body?" Suddenly Rae was very aware that she was in the cemetery talking to dead people. 

"Yes as in dead as in her soul has been taken and I'm reanimating her body!" 

"Her soul got collected?" Rae asked

"Yea! But how do you know about that?" Mandi's eyebrow's raised.


"I read the book! But you should know that already, you took it from my room!"

" I was in there ,but all I took was my shoe's! I didn't see the book." The girl looked confused cocking her head to the side.

The tension was thicker then early morning fog when Rae asked "If you didnt take it then who?"

" I'm happy you know about me now, the rest you should to stay out of you're not susposed to know about any of this! Let me worry about the book okay?"  Rae glanced at the time 5:39. She had to get back though the trick or treaters disapoinment seemed inferrior now. 


Beside's if I'm going to talk about any of this stuff I'd rather not be in the cemetery." Tess finally said.  Rae agreed completely.

"But you are going to talk?'' Rae asked Torn between wanting to know and wanting to take off with her arms thrown into the air and letting the scream she'd  been holding in free like a banshee's.  She pulled into the field and turned around. Getting farther and closer to death at the same time. 

"So whats it like?" She said glancing sideways at the corpse who concealed her best friends soul.

"Dying, or reanimating a body? the girl said blinking doe shaped eye's at her.

"Both I guess."

"It wasn't so bad,dying I mean the way I went anyway It was like holding my breath until I past out painful but not for long!"

"Yea I didn't appreciate you using my belt by the way!" Rae said in all seriousness and the car was filled with Mandi's laughter again it was both musical and morbid. Before Rae could give in to the overwhelming shock of it all she laughed too. 

 Rae glanced at the girl again. The uneasiness was still prickling up her arm's and down her spine.

"It sucks reanimating a corpse though!" Tessa imformed her.

"How did this happen to you?"

"The Soul Collecter required payment my punishment was the price." Tessa said this to quickly a habbit she had when leaving out details.


"But if you have control over your soul how can he punish you? And what's a Grim by the way? Rae asked her thought's going this way and that on their very own freeway. She had'nt gotten the chance to read futher on the subject.

"A grim causes death!"

"Is it a person?"  Rae asked turning out of the cemetery. Yes and no there's more then one. Grims can be all sort's of thing's  a man named Penn a demon possesed teen sometime's a crow or a shadow and yes even a skeleton in a Harry Potter cloak!

"Are you a grim?"

"No I am a soul damned to reanimate this body while her poor family lives with her shell!" Tess said not meeting Rae's eye's

"You really live like you are Mandi?" Rae's eye's went big. When they got to her house, Jade was coming out the front door a silky blue scarf with moons and stars was wrapped around her head and big gold earrings dangled from her ears. She wore a a flowing dark blue dress and bracelets jingled on her arms she was dressed as a gypsy.

"Good you're here the kids are going to be coming!" She said opening her own cars door while Rae and Mandi climbed out of the Beetle.

"Who's your friend? She asked smiling up at them from the front seat.

"This is Mandi we met in the town the other day she's gonna help pass out candy and hang out! Uh Mandi this is my mom Mrs...

"Call me Jade sweet heart it is my name after all!" Mandi smiled that's the same thing Jade said the first time she met Tess.

"Ok don't have to much fun! She said jokingly. Are Laney and Jake going to come over?" Rae was annoyed her mom had left Ty out again she'd been doing that since the funeral.

"No mom it's just gonna be me and Mandi!"

"Hmm, well save me some chocolate girls!" With that she shut the door and was backing out of the driveway.

They hadn't even reached the kitchen before the first set of trick or treaters came. The cutest little girl was dressed up as a bumble bee and the boy was dressed as Justin Beiber both Rae and Mandi shared looks they were not Beiber fans. They were laughing about it going back into the house so they could grab chairs.

"Does anyone else know, about you?"

"No! And you cant tell anyone especially not Ty!"

" Why not?"  

"It's just better that way, okay?".

"Okay!" Rae said. when ofcourse it wasnt.
Unable to do what Tess asked Rae brought up the book again. They had just taken seat's on the porch when two groups of kids and parents walked up. Rae had to wait before speaking. 


" I deserve to know who's been creeping around my room besides you. Dont you think?" She asked the second they were alone.

Tess sighed, "do you honestly think knowing will ease your mind?"

"Yes!" Rae said ignoring the twinge of doubt she did have.

" Alright then my guess is that Brick took it."

Another group of kids yelled trick or treat. Rae had completely zoned out from the rest of the world, She gave each kid a hand full of candy and sent them on there way.

"That make's sense he's the one who told me to go looking for it the first place." Rae realized she'd been set up.

"I hate to be cliche but I really have said to much already and to be complety honest you never know  whos listening and watching.!" Mandi's eyes darted around not focusing on the children dressed as monsters and ghouls but beyond them searching for the ones Rae could not and didn't want to see.


"The Death Bearer came to me in the form of a crow perched outside my bedroom window!" Tess said suddenly answering Rae's unspoken question and as if she couldn't help telling Rae everything.  After that crow opened it's mouth and spoke to me I had to believe when it told me I was going to die!"
"I'm so sorry, you must have been so afraid!"

"I was, until I met Brick he let me know about the book and that I was going to be okay he gave me a whole knew prospective!"

"How did Brick know you needed help? Not that it was much help he told you to kill yourself Tess he knew the possibilities of what could happen, and you are not okay you're dead!".

"I was going to die either way Rae, death was like literally on my heals. And Brick was only doing his job.

"Are you suffering?"

"No not physically anyway but Mandi is I have to do something about it." 

"And what about  Brick why did he want the book?"

After three more groups of kids and watching Mandi mentally weigh Tessa's options she turned to her. "I assume you already know Bricks not normal." Rae nodded she certaintly had her suspiscions.

"He's possessed by a demon that's feeding off of his soul. She paused waiting for Rae to react but she just silently waited for the rest. 

"He thinks the book has a spell that wiil rid him of the demon, vanquish it . And if he does'nt figure it out soon he will have no soul to speak of and he will be all demon.

" Rae started to ask something else but Tess was standing.  

"Please  don't come sneaking after me this isn't the teen fiction section at Barns&Noble and please stay away from Brick and Sarah the girl you saw at my funeral she'll be at school tomorrow she's posessed as well and she's already more bad then good.!" 

"is Brick dangerous?''

"When he has to be Tessa said honestly but Sarah's the one to really watch out for."

Rae stood too now curious about Sarah but she could tell from Mandi's Facial expression that her and Tessa's Q&A was done for now so finally she did what she'd at first been too afraid to do she opened her arms and hugged her best friend they held each other tight and Tessa assured her she'd be in touch before  disappearing down the street. Rae wasn't ready for the silence and lonliness the end of trick or treating brought she was lying in bed still wide eyed when her phone beeped with a text from Ty. 
 With the very original (Hey)

Right away she wanted for him to come over so she could blurt out all that had learned. But she couldn't do that. Tomorrow she'd be better prepared to keep her mouth shut besides Ty would never beleive her.

(Don't be mad Rae I'm just stressed you know dealing with my mom!) Ty messaged. when she didn't respond right away 

(I know and I'm not mad, cant wait to see you at school tomorrow!)

(i want to see you too but I'm not going to be there.) Ty responded

(Oh we can meet up after right?) Rae asked hopefully

(sure okay i'll c u then)

she waited for the usual good night i love you  text that normally ended there conversations but it never came. Even tough it was a just a forgotten text she felt that it meant so much more and just like the text that night sleep never showed.


So the new girl Sarah wasn't hard to miss the next day at school not only was she gorgeous with crimpy blond hair and big blue eye's she was a boy magnet literally a group of guys was following her around as if being pulled by an invisible string. Sarah had lunch the same period as Rae that's when Rae noticed the strange way the guy's were acting practically fighting one another to sit beside the girl.

"I'll carry you're books the rest of the day!" One of them offered.

"I'll walk you to your next class a cute boy from the basket ball team said. Earning him a smack from his girl friend Gracey. Who then stormed out of the lunchroom. The smack worked because he chased after her. Sarah looked pleased the more guys gawked the more girls glared and Sarah was basking in it.

Rae realized she'd been standing in the doorway staring the last of the kids were piling into the lunchroom. She started in too but was told to stop. She turned to see Brick.

"I was told to stay away from you!" Rae said.

"I know Tess told me about your reunion and that you now know the truth about me as well. Rae wanted to ignore him but couldn't stop herself.

"You had no business coming in my room and taking that book or tricking me into getting it for you she said her voice drenched in venom!"

"I have more rights to the book than you do! It is a book of the dead!" Brick snapped his temper peeking out. 

"If you have so many rights to it why didn't you take it from Jake's yourself or why didn't Tessa just give it to you when she had it?" Brick looked irritated but quickly recovered.

 "Jake's house was built on holy ground and as long as this demon is in me I cant step foot into it! And Tessa thinks what I'm trying to do for her is to risky!" 

"For her?" Rae asked not understanding.

"Yes I want to stay the same for her I dont to become a demon and forget every thing me and her have Brick actually blushed ......anyway Jakes living situation might come in handy!" Rae followed his stare through the small rectangular window on the heavy cafeteria door. Jake was leaning over Sarah's table talking to her. 
"Figure it out yet Rae?"

"What?" She asked

"Just what kind of spell Sarah's casting!" Rae hadn't given the different kinds of demon and there spells much thought.

"Lust!" She guessed.

"No Temptation!" And Jake is looking rather tempted I'd go get him If I were you!"

Rae didn't have to be told twice.
"Jake!" Rae approached the table grabbing her friends arm.

"What?" he said pulling away all the guys looked at her as if she was unworthy to speak in Sarah's presence. Rae considered knocking Jake apside the head but it wasn't necessary. It seemed once Jake's gaze was off of Sarah he was alright again. He followed Rae away from the table and to where Laney and there other friend's Genna and Austin sat. Laney stood as they sat down.

"Where you going? Jake asked. Laney didn't answer instead she grabbed her purse slinging it over her shoulder her opened chocolate milk got knocked and splattered all over Jake. It was an accident but Laney didn't apologize.

"What the hell?!?!" Jake called after her.

Genna stood up and followed. Rae was to busy watching Sarah's reaction. Yep absolute pleasure was all over her face. Sarah was really enjoying the girls reactions maybe even more then how the guys were responding to her. 

"Wow, Austin said she's really pissed!"

"Yea but what I do?" Jake asked. Rae turned her attention back to them.

"You mean other then slobbering all over the new girl's cleavage! Rae said, I mean you know Laney likes you!"

"I was just talking to the girl, besides Lane's my friend that's it!"

"If she's you're friend then why didn't you go after her and apologize?"

"Why would I apologize? I'm the one who's drenched in milk!" He got up as well heading for the boy's bathroom.

"That chick is hot!" Austin said. Rae rolled her eye's.

"Aren't you tempted to go over and talk to her?"

"Naw im not the groupie type."

If Sarah really wanted Aus's attention could she get it? Rae glanced over, Definitely. 

At the same time the demon girl winked at her and then got up to leave the boys parted and she strolled from the lunchroom but none of them trailed behind her it was Rae who did.

"Do you have a problem, it's Rae right? Sarah asked the moment they had entered the empty girls bathroom.

"Yea actually I do! I want you to stay away from Jake!"

"Oh him, please. That whole thing in the lunchroom was just me having some fun!" Sarah said nonchalantly.

"Maybe it's not so fun for the guy's, you saw what happened to Jake!"

"Are you seriously whining over that spilled milk? Didn't you find it funny and the look on your friend's faces were priceless!"

"No it wasn't funny at all and if the boy's knew the truth about you I'm sure they wouldn't be amused!"


"So whatcha gonna do Rae tell them? Everyone already thinks Tess went crazy and killed herself now you're gonna start talking about demons. Go ahead tell em I'd love to watch. Rae remembered Tessa's warning but Rae didn't withdrawl she wasn't afraid of Sarah demon or not.

"That's not true everyone loved Tessa!"

 .... The peach bathroom door opened and Rae went silent. Sarah smiled at her as if to say here's your chance! Then she turned to face the mirror.

"This isn't over." Rae said through clenched teeth.

"I couldnt agree with you more Sarah said while applying a wicked shade of red to her lips.


Rae went straight to Hot Stuff after school to meet Ty as planned. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek, he stiffened. After a few minutes Rae finally asked "so what did you want to talk about? Is this about the book?"

"No!" Ty said as if that was the farthest thing from his mind.

"Then what's going on?"
"Me and my mom...Ty hesitated.
"What is it? Tell me!"
"Where moving, To Fawns Valley my mom want's to be closer to our family!"
"But Fawn's Valley is six hours away!"
"I know  but....
"You can't just leave me Ty!"
"I don't have a choice, my mom needs me she can't stay in our house knowing Tess died there!"

I need you! she wanted to shout but she wouldn't let herself be that selfish.
"When, when are you leaving?"
"My mom already found a place we started packing yesterday!"
This couldn't be happening Rae just kind of got Tess back she didn't want to loose Ty.
"What are we going to do about us Ty? Are we breaking up?

"No that's not what I want he said taking her hand we will make it work!" He sounded determined and it eased Rae's mind but not much.
"Why so far there's beautiful places around here my mom could handle it!"
"I already tried talking my mom into staying. I overheard her talking to your mom on the phone and her choice is final.  She doesn't want to stay in Killdeer it hurts her to much. She was finally adjusting to life here without my dad and that took years. I don't know how she's going to get over this, but if moving far away helps then that's what where going to do!"
"My mom knew and didnt tell me?" Rae gasped. Now understanding why she'd been acting like Ty didn't exsist she'd known they were leaving.
"I cant stay I have to start packing up my room!" Ty said breaking her thoughts.

 Ty  pulled her up with him wrapping his arms around her then he kissed her it was a slow and trembling kiss so sweet that for a moment it was if they weren't in a public coffee shop but then she thought about it and the taste of goodbye was more sour then sweet.

Someone cleared there throat and said get a room! The moment was gone and Ty stepped away from her.

"Excuse me?" Ty said obviously mad the random girl had interrupted.

"Ty this is Mandi!" Rae introduced them.

"Hi" he said.

"Hey" she said back.

"I'll call you okay Rae?"

"Sure!" she responded numbly.

"They're  leaving Te.....Mandiii!" Rae hissed sitting back down Tess sat across from her.

"Who's leaving?"

"Your mom and Ty! They're moving to Fawns Valley because of ....

Rae stopped herself.

And Tess finished ,"because of me!" Rae nodded.

"Why cant you tell them? Tell them you're not gone!"

"I cant Rae I'm sorry but it's against the rules will only complicate thing's ,no I wont tell them!"

"But you got me involved with no problem right?" Rae said instantly regretting it.

''I had to vent to someone and I chose you my best friend who I alway's shared everthing with, or would you rather have continued thinking I was gone forever and ever?" Tess asked.

"No ofcourse not!" Rae said honestly. "I'm just really going to miss Ty, I don't want him to go!"

"I know, it will be alright though, Ty loves you he'll make the drive up as often as possible."

"You really think so?" Rae asked

Mandi had a nice smile but Rae missed Tessa's reassuring grin. "I know so!" She said.

They were quite for a little while Rae ordered a vanilla latte.
Then stared at Tess wondering if she still had to eat and drink.
 "What?" Tess asked.


"Do you still have to you know eat and stuff??"

"Nope, weird huh?

Not so much Rae thought considering everything else.

"So are you going to tell me what happened at school or do I have to guess?"

"Yea I'll tell you but I don't want to talk about it here let's go to my house!"

As soon as they were both in Rae's car. Tess said spill!

Rae telling every single detail took up the drive to her house. Every detail except for confronting Sarah in the girls room. They were walking through the door when Tess asked "what is it?"

"What's what? Rae asked playing dumb.

"Don't let the doe eye's full you Rae, I'm still me and I know you're keeping something to yourself." 

 "Well you're keeping stuff from me too!" Rae said back.

"Some things you don't need to know about you should understand that!" 

Rae did understand the mess going on with Tessa was probably much further into the afterlife then any living person needed to be.

"I'm sorry Tess you're right I'm just on edge and I kind of ignored your warning and cornered Sarah in the bathroom!"

"Why wiould you do that?" Tess asked looking as close to her natural self as possible.

" She was messing with all the guy's mind's today Jake was practically ready to kiss her!" I had to do something."

"Typical she's messing with you guys to get to me!" Tess shrugged "And no you didn't have to do anything but stay blond and..... well you know the rest.

"What's she got against you?" Rae asked ignoring the remark.

"Mandi is what she has against me! Sarah's the one that tempted her to drink and then go swimming in the lake!"

"Oh my God that's awful!" Rae said through her hand that had flown up to her mouth.

"I know that's why I didn't want to tell you about it!"

"Why did she do that to Mandi?"

 "It was Mandi's time to go and Sarah's a grim that's why, anyway I think it freaks her out that I'm walking around in Mandi's body!" Rae stared at the girl in front of her and wondered what else she was hiding other then Tessa's true form.  It wasn't really to late for Rae to turn her back on all of this. But Tess had handed her the shovel and Rae couldn't help but to keep digging.

But You Can Call Me Penn

The next day at school Ty was cleaning out his locker. Rae watched him silently she couldn't understand them just packing up a life time and leaving. But they were they didn't have the comfort of knowing Tess was still here to make them stay so alll she could do was offer to help them pack and watch them drive out of her life. The bell rang for homeroom but Rae didn't move she watched the hall clear out and Ty turned to her.

"It wont be that bad I'll be up every weekend and my mom said you can come stay with us anytime! I promise Rae nothing is going to change between us I love you and distance won't change that. Rae's heart beat weakened with each word. 

"I love you too Ty!" She smiled through it. 

"Would you mind joining us Rae!" Miss Sosa said standing in her classrom doorway.

"Sorry! Rae said.

"I'll see you after school Ty!"

"Yea Later he said, giving her hand a squeeze!"

Rae took her seat in the back of the class beside Jake he looked worn out.

"Ruff night? Rae asked.

"The worst, how bout you? Rae had actually slept well after her and Ty spoke on the phone for an hour they hadn't done that in a while.

"It could of been worse." The sound of a locker closing let Rae know Ty would be leaving the school she'd probably never see him in those halls again. She raised her hand, Miss Sosa didn't even turn around but said yes Rae? Can I use the restroom?"

"Go on!"

She hurried into the hall hoping to catch Ty and she did he hadn't gone anywhere he was to busy talking to the blond who was all in his face. Ty looked up to see Rae coming over at the same time Sarah turned around. Hi Rae she greeted cheerily .

"See you around Ty!" she added her voice like honey.

"No you won't be he's moving!" Rae said. Suddenly she was all for the idea.

"Why don't you just stay away from all of us Sarah?" Rae said to her back. Sarah didn't respond or look back.

"She was just talking to me besides she's new how can she be on your bad side already?" Ty asked.

it's ...... female intuition alright and she's bad new's.

"Isn't that what you told Tess about Brick and then you covered for her sneaking around with him?" Ty asked.


Rae opened and closed her mouth he was right and it stung.

"You would have done the same for Jake!" Rae fired back.

Ty couldn't argue with that.

"I'm sorry I don't know where that came from I don't want to argue with you, I'll still see you later right? Ty asked now looking concerned.

"Yea it's our last night together I wouldn't miss it and I dont want to spend it argueing with you either about!" Rae said knowing exactly where the sudden shift had come from.

Alright cool and Rae?


"It's not really our last night." He said pecking her on the cheek leaving traces of hope. Then he was walking down the hall toward the double doors that led outside and away from Rae and there high school romance. Right then Rae saw just the person or demon  she just couldn't seem toavoid Brick. Staying away from him wasn't easy as Tess would have liked for it to be.

He ducked into one of the computer labs and so did Rae. The lab was empty and dark beside's the few screens that were on. Casting a ghoulish blue glow. Brick sat down at a computer and opened his pale yellow folder. Rae couldn't help but ask what he was doing. She couldn't imagine he was doing school work.

"Homework." he said with a hint of duh."Believe it or not I plan on graduating,What are you doing? Class started ten minutes ago!"

"I'm out on a bathroom break!" Rae said.


"And you're in here wasting time talking to me because?"


Before she could get to the Sarah issue something else occured to her.

"If you cant get rid of the demon will graduating even matter?"

Bricks eyes went into slits  Brick grimaced and then in a quiet and child like voice said "I have too be able  change things I just need the right spell!" In that moment Rae felt pity for him in that moment he looked like a scared boy in love.  But instead of holding back her next question Rae let it flow freely, "But what if you cant?"

Brick let out a frustrated groan. Tessa alway's said you were pushy and stubborn!"

"No im curious!" Rae said offended.

"Have'nt you heard that saying curiousity killed the cat?''

Rae rolled her eye's and crossed her arms.

 "Like I said you are stubborn what's it matter to you anyway none of this is your concern, Tess was foolish to reveal herself to you it would be best for you and her if you just put this and her out of your mind." Brick's dark eyes sparked with a hint of red.


It concerns me that my friend is in love with someone on the verge of being evil's incarnate!" Rae's voice matched the fiery depths of Bricks eye's. "And Tessa is'nt the only one who involved me Brick you are the one who brought the book to my attention. And it's to late now I can't just pretend like none of this ever happened like there aren't demons walking around in normal teens skin harassing my friends.   

 Brick opened his mouth to respond but it was Mr. Vic the meanest teacher at school who spoke.  

"I'm assuming you both have passes to be in here he said from the door way while flicking the light on.

"I don't but.... Rae started to say  but Mr. Vic cut her off

"No excuses. You are  in the lab without a teachers permission!  That's grounds for detention you too Brick."

But Brick was holding up a slip of paper I have permission sir he said sounding very respectful Mr Vic returned Rae to class with a detention slip while Brick was left to his studies.

The school day dragged by until lunch. Gracey the same girl who had slapped her basket ball player boyfriend came into the cafeteria on a mission she approached Sarah's crowded lunch table.

"Can I talk to you?" The words echoed through the cafeteria which had fallen silent. Gracey was known to be agressive though she wasn't large or intimidating to look at the girl packed a mean punch. Sarah ignored  Gracey not even making eye contact but instead took a bite of salad. Gracey shook with anger before knocking Sarah's burgundy lunch tray off the table it clattered to the floor and Sarah finally looked up at her. A security guard started over shouting.

"That's enough!"

Sarah got up and came around the table the security guard started running he got there just as Gracey went flying across the room Sarah had grabbed her by the arm and tossed her as if she were light as a brown paper bag. Gracey stood back up charging back toward Sarah who wasn't at all afraid. Lucky for Gracey the security guard stopped her before she reached Sarah. He picked her up, she writhed and kicked as she was taken away. And that's how Rae ended up in after school detention with Gracey and Sarah. 

Great she thought taking a seat and finishing her explanation text to Ty since there was no teacher in the room yet to stop her.

Sarah had taken a seat in the front row of desks painting her fingernails Red Gracey  sat in the second row her focus on a book her mouth was still twisted with anger. Sarah dropped the polish when Mandi's body came walking in.

"Shit!" Sarah said wiping at her shirt where she had gotten splashed.

"Nice to see you too Sarah!" Tess said sliding into the desk beside Rae.

"What are you doing here?" Rae asked her.

"Brick thought you might need some company she said watching Sarah and Gracey leave the room. They could here them pleading with Principle Luther about letting them go home. Cant Sarah just tempt him into letting her go? Rae was about to ask but Tess spoke first

"So while you were at school getting in trouble, I went to the train station and stole back the book  back we need to get back to Jakes!"

"Really Brick's going to be pissed!" Rae said thinking of the crimson that had been in his eye's earlier.

"You mean like I was when Brick imformed me you have not been keeping your distance Rae?''

Rae looked away feeling guilty.

Tessa let it go for the time being.

"Anyway Brick had the book long enough it wasn't safe at the station with all the other demon teens and i've been doing my research and the spell that Brick needs is not in Forever Grim!"  

"But there is spell that can help him?'' Rae asked.

"Yes!" Tess said thinking back to a few days ago when she'd quizzed Penn he'd answered a few questions before dismissing her.

 "If he goe's full demon will you still want him?''

"No and he wont want me either he won't be Brick anymore." Tess said sadly.

"How did he end up demon possessed anyway?''

"He chose to a Grim's job is easier without a soul." So not to long before we met he had Penn cast a spell that allowed the demon to enter.


"This is detention girl's, not an after school club whatever you're whispering about will have to wait!" Principle Luther poked his head into the room his thick sandy blond mustache jiggled while he spoke. He moved out of sight again still talking to Gracey  Sarah came back in sulking.

"No one told you this is a zombie free zone Mandi! Or is it Tess? The whole thing's really awkward and confusing isn't it Rae?"

"Enough speaking!" a man Rae had never seen before came walking in shutting the door behind him and Gracey. He was really good looking, Rae could picture her mom going for him. He started writing his name on the chalkboard.  Rae didnt notice that both Tess and Sarah had stopped glaring at each other and were now focused on the man But she did notice that Gracey had stopped moving in the middle of the room  her body as still as  the statue of liberty her eyes seeing nothing her ears hearing no sound. The man moved from in front of the chalkboard where he was writing and gave them a clear view of what he'd written. I AM DEATH'S BEARER.

"But you can call me Penn!" Rae's mouth dropped open and Penn the death bearer went on.

"Hello Rae, please Close your mouth, surely my presence isn't more shocking then the return dead of your bff. 

His brilliant blue eye's scanned Tess and then settled on Sarah who didn't return his stare she looked down at her unfinished nails trembling. The death bearer "Penn" positioned himself right in front of Sarah gripping her chin and forcing her face up.

"I give you the gifts of temptation and you waste it on teenage hormones, you know the penalty for misuse!"

"I was just practicing I...I Sarah's tuff exterior turned to cotton candy under the death bearers touch.

"There is no need to for expalnations!" He flicked his wrist and a swirling gray and black whole opened up on the chalkboard it started out the size of an apple and grew to be high and wide so it could take a body or two in easily.
     "The Grim Realm awaits you!"

"No please wait Sarah begged!"
The hole started making an awful sound like a lawnmower with a rock caught in it. Sarah's desk and chair moved forward and then lifted completely off of the floor. Rae couldn't move she was numb,  but unlike Gracey she wasn't missing a thing. She gaped in horror as the chair flew toward the hole. Sarah fell from it at the last second and watched it and the desk disappear into the darkness beyond. Tess stood, Rae wasnt sure rather it was to run or to fight. He grabbed Sarah she begged for forgiveness but it was to late Penn's mind was made up he pulled her up from the dull floor tiles and forced her into the hole the monstrous whirring noise stopped and the whole thing shrunk back down before it was nonexsistant.   

"And you Tess!!!" He shouted and the power of his voice pushed her back into the seat.

"Not only have you revealed yourself to a living person you haven't yet acted on your Grim tasks and Brick will no longer be picking up your slack. maybe you need sometime in The Grim Realm as well! Tess shook her head.

"No?" she answered her voice soft as mist.

"Then I suggest you get to it tonight!"  He smiled showing teeth that were far to perfect and most likely hiding the stench of rot his eye's found Rae and she was amazed at what she saw or what she thought she saw for a moment she swore he was no older then she was his eye's were still as blue his teeth as white but he was different she blinked twice and just like the hole he too had vanished leaving nothing but her confusion in his wake.




"Tessa ran from the school ignoring Rae who called after her she just couldn't face her. Not now, not after seeing Penn so close to her and not now that Rae knew she was a grim, a killer. She should have never involved Rae. She should have let her move on and kept her awful new exsistance to her self. She didn't want Rae to know the truth not the whole truth. Her feet pounded across the parking lot taking the place of the heart beat she no longer had. She wanted to evanesce,"vanish" so she headed for the trees that surrounded the school where she could recrudesce away from Killdeer High and her old life.


When she was deep within the tree's she relaxed focusing. Sometimes she had trouble making it work like when she'd almost been caught in Rae's room and had to jump out the window.  Now she pictured a girls room that wasn't hers but Mandi's. Her eye's closed and when she opened them she was surrounded by things that did not belong to her a bed covered in pink ruffles and wall covered in posters of Justin Beiber who she loathed and pictures of friends named Zoey and Kandace who loved Mandi. Mandi's preppy girly girl style had nauseated Tessa. The most girly thing she had ever owned was the never been worn flowy white dress her grandmother had sent her. In life she wouldnt have been caught in it but as a final nod toward her purity she'd put it on and then she'd wrapped the silver belt around her neck.


Here at Mandi's house she is able to fake a life, here a mother and father adored her. They don't know she is an imposter and that their real daughters soul has been taken by death to The Grim Realm. Sure they noticed the makeover but they were very accepting parents they only ask she keeps her grades up and respect the curfew. It was both bitter and sweet. And It was the exsistance Tess had chosen. She'd avoided and lied to Rae about how she ended up this way not wanting Rae to know that she'd made a deal with Penn as had the demon teens.  By day she was a reanimating soul and could live a seemingly normal life but at night she is meant to be a haunter sent to scare people to death and do Penn's bidding. She had yet to hold up to her side of the bargain and after watching Sarah being sucked into the Grim Realm she knew tonight was the night.  She had already felt Penn's wrath after telling Rae the half truth, Tessa shuddered willing the memory away.she wished she could undo it and let Rae deal with normal girl situation's. Rae has no place in the world of Grim where dark spells and nightmares exsist.Though Tess was a haunter and Brick was demon posessed they were one in the same Grim's created and sent to cause untimely but nessasary deaths. Grims are the cause of unexplained car accidents and the sudden heart attacks of seemingly healthy people. Grims keep the balance and in return they get to live or atleast pretend to. She let Rae beleive she was forced into Mandi's body when really the decision had been her own.



Each Grim is given a scroll of spells as well as a list of those who are meant to die, Tess  didn't want to use them or to be the  monster who caused such things. But her want for closure and more had pushed her to the decision it was the only way she could figure out how to make the soul collecter move on so that no more girls would have to do what she'd so desperately done in order not to be collected and so that Mandi's soul could finally be at peace. Mandi's mirror is covered in photo's of fun days past and Tessa is thankful to not have to see her reflection. Theres are still hours left of daylight and she thinks she will go mad waiting for the night so she can do her dreaded deed. She pulls the scroll from the box beneath the bed that also contained Mandi's personal items.  Just then there is a knock at the door followed by two giggling bubbily girls entering.

"Kandace? Zoey? you are supposed to knock and then wait!" Tess snapped at them. The scroll fisted behind her back.

"Who let you in?"

"We let ourselves in like always." the girl's answered looking hurt and confused.

"No one else is here we came to bring you your homework we thought you might be sick since you have'nt been at school!" Zoey the tall and very pretty brunette said matching Tess's attitude.

"What are you hiding?'' Kandace asked her voice as mousy as her light brown hair.

"It's none..... Tessa caught herself. It's nothing!"

"Oh my goodness is it a pregnancy test?" Zoey asked while Kandace's looked on in horror.

 "No." Tessa said offended for Mandi and not sure rather she should add hell or not.

"Then what is it?" Kandace asked moving toward her and reaching.

Tessa dodged Kandace  but Zoey was ready for the distraction and snatched the scroll.

Kandace looked triumphant all traces of rodent gone and replaced with the looks of a sly feline.

Tessa played it cool knowing if she was to make a big deal of it only more damage whould be done.

"The scroll was browned with age and still rolled tight.

"I told you it was nothing just something my dad had laying around." Tess lied thankful Mandi's father worked at a museum and had all sorts of old artifacts and what not through out the house.

"Then why hide it?" They asked still suspicious.

"Instinct." Tessa told them figuring that no matter how different every girl had there share of secrets.

They rolled their eyes and Zoey handed the scroll over.

Tess hoped they didn't notice how releived she was.

"Why weren't you at school?'' Zoey asked. Her green eye's searching her friends face.

" I had a doctor's appointment, why  what did I miss?'' She decided to play along hoping to get them in and out.

"Corey was asking for you!" The girls answered in a dreamy way. The name registered. Corey was the boy Tessa had learned real Mandi had been planning to spend her last hours with on a first date ofcourse Mandi didn't know it would be her last diary entry or last anything for that matter.  Any knowlegde Tess had came from Mandi's diary who never got to mention how the date ended because she had never made it home.

"He says your date went good but you haven't answered any of his calls. We told him not to feel bad you havent been responding to us either!" Zoey said this with as much bite as a dog infested with rabies.

"What is going on with you, we're worried?'' Kandace said back to her caged pet self.

"Nothing is going on I'm fine." Tess sounded truthful but hiding the truth froms Mandi's closest friends was proving to be no easier then withholding anything from Rae.

"So the makeover and you shunning us is nothing?" Zoey sat on the bed her smoldering emerald eye's demanding answers.

"I just wanted something different and I'm not shunning you, cant a girl take a few day's to herself?"

"Ofcourse we all need that sometime." Kandace nodded becoming Tess's favorite.

Zoey didn't look convinced.

Tess just wanted them to leave she needed to prepare herself for the night ahead but considering Kandace was popping in a dvd and Zoey  was making herself comfortable at the window seat they were clearly here to stay. For the next two hour's Tessa finally watched The Notebook which surely could have brought tears to her eye's if she had them but she didn't and these girls Zoey and Kandace who had given her a mani, pedi and shared joke's with her were not really her friend's.

"Let's watch The Time Travelers Wife now!" Kandace suggested after the final tear jerking scene ended and the credits took over the flat screen.

 No Tessa thought they have to get out of here the sun was taking it's bow and that was her que.

" Not again!" Zoey stood putting her foot down and throwing her hand on her hip. 

 "Yea not again Tessa agreed and then very dramatically she grabbed her stomach I think I'm going to be sick!"

"Come on It's not that bad!" Kandace pouted.

 Zoey laughed.

"I'm serious Tess said making her way to the small powder room just outside Mandi's first floor bedroom. she slammed the door shut behind her and locked it before making the most disgusting wreaching sound she could as if she were truly were ill. And the girls took the bait.

"Are you alright?' Kandace sounded frieigtened.

"Geez I was only kidding about the pregnancy thing unless your date with Carter was even better then we thought!" Zoey said with slightly less edge.

"I'm not pregnant!" Her words were raspy and convincing. 

"The Dr. said something was going around, ughh ugh ug" she added another round of vile sound effect's, clearly I caught it!" she finished

"Can we get you something?" Kandace offered sweetly.

"Like a bucket or bag or some pepto?" Zoey added.

"No I'll be fine im just going to take a shower and hopefully sleep it off!"

"Are you sure?" Both girls asked.


"Feel better!" Kandace said sadly.

" And will check on you in the morning." Zoey finished

Tess listened for the sound of their retreating footsteps and the door shutting before coming out she was impressed with her performance she patted herself on the back before realizing now that she was alone there was nothing keeping her from her Grim task. 


She didnt really need to go over the list of names this time she knew who was next. The first name at the top of her list had been a man named Brant Larson and Brick had stepped in so she lucked up on not having to kill him. But to her dismay  that meant Tavia Kane was up it was her deathday and there was no card from hallmark that covered such a thing. She felt for Tavia. Having died herself she wouldnt wish it on anyone. It was that exact reason Brick had agreed to become a demon after nearly fifty years of killing he'd had enough that was until he'd met her. She left the bathroom expecting to return to her empty bedroom but to her surprise Brick was waiting for her  gazing into the woods  by her house from the the widow seat. He stood when he saw her she'd spent little time with him since becoming Mandi the idea of kissing him with another girls lips didnt sit right with her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked knowing he'd come for the book.

"Did you take Forever Grim?" He asked ,coming towards her.

"Yes im going to have Rae return it to Jake!"

"I wasnt finished with it!" He said his voice more edgy then usual it was then she notice the red tint to his eyes. 

" Forever Grim cant help you." She spoke steadily not wanting to anger him futher.

"How do you know?" he asked

"Because I spoke with Penn her voice was low and Brick hoped he'd heard wrong.

"You told him what I'm trying to do?"  Not exactly she said honestly and stepping closer to him i just sort of brought it up but left out specifics.

"And you think he would'nt guess you were talking about me?"

"So what if he know's Brick dont you get it? Penn is the one who put the demon in you so wouldn't it be obvious he's the one who can undo it?"

"Yes but at what price im not sure if you've noticed Tess but Penn isnt ever in a giving mood not without getting something in return.  And last I checked I have nothing to give"

"We all want something Brick, we just have to find out exactly what it is Penn desires."  

In all the years Brick had worked under Penn he'd never truly gotten to know much about him they were'nt friends and that ancient creep Sid was always shadowing him and Brick couldnt stand to be near the soul collector. 

"And how exactly do you suppose we find out the Death Carriers deepest desire." He asked doubtfully.

"Leave that to me." Tess said confidently.



Tavia Kane poured two glasses of wine she lit mango candles and had soft reggae playing in the living room. She moved through her house with an elegance Tessa envied. In a glass case trophys in golds and silvers highlighted the womens life a champion dancer turned instructer surely her students would be devastated come monday. Tavia made her way to the balcony doors where unbeknownst to her Tessa waited paitently. The sound of a cell phone made Tavia pause and head the other direction. A short conversation followed and then scowling Tavia did open the balcony doors mumbling about how she couldnt beleive she'd been canceled on. In a rush of wind Tessa invisible and full of nerves entered the apartment. Tavia grabbed her glass Taking a gulp.. This was awful what was she thinking. No way could she handle ending some ones life . What gave her the right to such power.  She couldn't do This  

Tavia came back in going for another glass of wine already






































All Through The Night










Texte: Elizabeth Haley
Bildmaterialien: Elizabeth Haley
Lektorat: Elizabeth Haley
Übersetzung: Elizabeth Haley
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.09.2012

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