
Come To The Surface Ch 1.



"Arwin, you're missing the big picture just imagine a world where we are not classified as freaks, a world where we are all gifted and being special is the norm. There will be no more hiding and if the mess lab members have to suffer for the greater good so be it. They experiment on us without second thought, why can't we do the same? I say we take the mess lab by force! They'll be perfect as test subjects."
Baron Cross said this as he paced out of frustration. Arwin Bayne's opinions were clearly holding him back. And he was having this conversation for the last time.
"Our father's formed the Uniquely Gene'd Individual Society out of good Baron, your ideas are wrong and it will make thing's worse for us. It's just not meant to be we are what we are because we were born this way, it's not natural what you're trying to do. I mean you're actually considering making people like us, do you even hear yourself?"
Arwin expressed this for the third time. He was saddened by what his friend was becoming and no longer wanted to watch. He was anticipating a fall out between them for sometime, ever since three new member's had joined there resistance. Baron rescued them from the mess lab. Triplets, two boys and one girl with mind's like sponges eager to soak up all of the misinformation Baron  had to offer. They were different then the two boys that Arwin had picked to join. At least Mick was anyway, he sometime's worried about the other Luka. He didn't have to think about the boy Terell he'd follow Baron for sure.
"Tonight is an ending Arwin. I can not work along side someone close minded as yourself! I'm tired of hiding who, what I am. After this mission, this one mission I'm leaving and those who choose to come with me will become Unit 1 of the Society.  The Authorities at Monstro City put my father in charge after all!" 

"What makes you think I wont try and stop you?" Arwin threatened.

Bayne waved it off. "You dont have it in you to stand up against me Arwin! What will you do? Protect The Mess members?"
"Taking them will be a mistake, Arwin said loudly trying to change the course of the converstion. his voice echoed through the large basement beneath the cottage The Society resided in.  He knew Baron had a point, helping the mess was not something he was willing to do. Baron already made up his mind and Arwin wanted no parts of it. One last mission as a team and Baron would start a new, with no one holding him back. And he'd have eager for power U.G.I.'s under his wing. Arwin regretfully excepted it and that he would continue to lead the way that he knew was right. Save who they can and continue his fathers work. That night after the mission Arwin was left with two U.G.I.'s one of his original and one new. They became known as Unit 2 where as Unit 1 seemed to have disappeared all together. Arwin allowed the sistuation to be out of sight and out of mind. And as time passed and no word or backlash came from Baron he forced himself to beleive things would be just fine. But he was wrong.


I was in deep

deeper than the music

deeper than the ocean

deeper than him and me.


"I can't believe she's here," Margo hissed! peering over her over sized sun glasses at Connie who was approaching fast.
"UGH!!! Just ignore her maybe she'll go away," Cass suggested." Vannah looked right through Connie as she had been doing since her betrayal two weeks ago.
"We need to talk Connie announced once she was close enough. Right away Margo was in her face.
"Who invited you?" She spat, though she was much taller than Connie both red heads stood their ground. "Vannah I need a minute, Connie went on, while side stepping Margo who scrunched her nose up pissed." Margo gripped Connie's arm and turned her so again they were standing toe to toe.

Connie tore her arm away.

Margo fumed!

"If Vannah hasn't spoken to you yet, what makes you think today her birthday that she would?"

"Yeah Connie really I don't want to hear anything you have to say!"

Vannah spoke up removing her sunglasses and and focusing her blue eye's on Connie. She didn't like that her guest stopped dancing to watch the drama unfold. "Go on you heard her." Margo said gesturing toward the iron gate.
"You're going to want to here what I have to say Vannah!" Connie tried again.
"Just go Connie, before you ruin everything!" Cass didn't say this in a nasty tone like Margo but it was clear she was serious.
"Fine," Connie huffed aggravated and storming away from them. She gave Vannah one last warning look before disappearing around the house.

What was that about? Vannah thought, staring where Connie had just been. Already the party had started up again except for the few girls who were relaxing in the pool surely gossiping about the situation.
"Hey there's Ricky and Drew!" Margo announced. already moving on.
"Lets go dance," Cass gushed smiling toward drew her crush at the moment. Vannah followed them to the patio which was being used as a dance floor. She was dancing with Chris Overlin when her second uninvited guest appeared.
"Can I cut in?" It was Mick the golden boy Vannah had been infatuated with until he took part until he took part in Connie's betrayal.

Vannah twirled on spot trying to put distance between them. She was ready to dive in the pool knowing Mick couldn't swim it would be a good escape. Just as her sheer white cover up dropped to the poolside and her silver bathing suit was exposed Mick gripped her arm he pulled her back so fast it hurt.
"What are you doing she screamed!?!?"

"We have to talk now."

"Huhhh! What did you do hook up with Connie "again" and decide how you could ruin my birthday?"

"Connie's here? Mick asked looking around.

"Not anymore,shame too you could have been kicked out together. You would have liked that!"

"Listen Vannah I was never with Connie it's not like that."

"Sure whatever." Vannah replied, preparing to jump into the pool where a couple people from school had a game of Marco Polo going.
"STOP," Mick hollered and just as Vannah turned back to face him she was being picked up by Ricky and Drew. "Ahhhh, put me down," she half shrieked half giggled. The whole party started to chant, "THROW HER IN! THROW HER IN!"

"No!!!" Mick was grasping for her. But it was to late they had released her and she was being engulfed by the water.

Right away Vannah knew something was wrong she was kicking her legs trying to resurface but a numbness had taken over her limbs. She kicked again just as the water around her began to swirl she screamed. Water rushed into her lungs but she breathed right through it. (She could breath!) The water continued to swirl and when it ceased she was no longer staring down at her legs but a shimmering blue fishtail.

When she resurfaced everyone was wide eyed and watching her, their cell phones at the ready.
"She's uh uh a mermaid!" A boy from school proclaimed. Vannah dived back under swimming to the vacant side of the pool. When she reached it she struggled to pull herself up until a hand took hers. It was Mick he pulled her up and out cradling her in his arms. She fought against him. Vannah slipped from his grasp flopping to the ground hard. Before hers and everyone else's eyes her legs reformed thankfully with her bikini bottom intact. She jumped up and ran for the sliding glass doors just off the patio. She pulled them open and ran right into her mother Trish who wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow. She shut the door and locked it before Mick could come in. Trish motioned for Vannah to follow her into the din and away from prying eyes. She turned to her daughter a strange grin on her face. Vannah opened her mouth to speak but a sharp pain in her back stopped her and in a moment she was unconscious.

When Vannah opened her eyes she was back in water surrounded by glass it was a giant fish tank.

"Finally you're awake." Her mothers said as she appeared from around the tank.
"Mama? Vannah asked, where am I? Get me out of here!" Her tail flicked beneath her.
"Your where things like you belong Trish said simply. Oh and by the way you should know I am now and never really have been your mother."
"What!!! Of course you are, you raised me you love me."
"Convincing wasn't I?" Trish flashed a wicked smile, just then the only door in the room opened and a familiar face entered. "Tucker? You knew? Vannah asked feeling angry and even more deceived.
"You'll put that to use if necessary,"
Trish said glancing at the object in Tucker's hand. It was shaped like a large metal wish bone. Tucker nodded taking a seat in the grey folding chair just outside the tank. And with that Trish started to switch away.
"Mom!?!?" Vannah called helplessly Trish's stride didn't slow before disappearing through the door and leaving Vannah alone with her not brother Tucker. What about my party guest they saw me change they....... They think it was a stunt u and your friends pulled!" Tucker took no time shutting her up.

"Tuck? Tucker?"

He simply ignored her she stared long and hard at him so hard she thought her eyes would pop out. In truth they didn't look anything alike his hair was blond but hers was a dark chocolaty brown, his hazel eyes were slanted and he had high cheekbones where as her features were more round and her eyes were a blue green. she had noticed all of this before but Trish had always said she looked like her father. Her mind wondered for a while about her real parents, talk about finding out your adopted she couldn't help but laugh. The sound seemed to make Tucker uncomfortable. That's when she noticed the watch she had bought him last Christmas still gleaming securely on his wrist. Maybe it would stir some emotion because on the back she had words inscribed ("I LOVE YOU BRO YOUR THERE EVERY TIME")
"Tuck, she said again softly. What time is it?" Maybe it was a lame idea but maybe just maybe.... Tuck looked at her his eyes moist it was that easy she had gotten to him. Then in a very snotty tone he said...
"`Why got somewhere to go?" Vannah sighed and again they sat in silence.

Through all of Vannahs jumbled thoughts a melody had been reoccurring over and over until finally it pushed its self to the front of her mind and she began to hum. It was a wordless song but still just as beautiful.
"Would you stop that?" Tucker asked stifling a yawn and trying to sit up straighter but instead slumped down. She hummed louder and he rubbed his eyes they were closing she let out one more sweet note and her song was taken over by Tuckers snoring.

She had done it, her song had put him to sleep. Vannah spun in the water momentarily excited until the door across the room opened and a man walked in. He was at least six feet tall with a white lab coat on and had a scowl that made the already dreary room darken.

"TUCKER, he barked but Tuck continued to snore.

The man looked at Vannah and gave her a sickening grin.  

"You sang to him didn't you?"  

Vannah just stared blankly at him. That's when a young female came in pushing a cart with sharp silver objects on it. The girl  glanced at Vannah before quickly leaving back out. Now you can stay quiet if you want but staying still you don't have a choice.

"Do needles make you squeamish? He asked while reaching for the largest needle she had ever seen, again Vannah didn't answer. Instead she began to hum, it had no affect on the man. Well Vannah I'm Doctor Christoffe I'll be giving you your dosage this evening! He gave the needle a small squirt. Please excuse the discomfort my dear its all for the good of science."

"I'm not an experiment, I'm a person how can you treat me this way?" His mouth went into a straight line as he came closer. There was a bright green button on the side of the tank that he pushed there was a clanking sound from above and when Vannah looked up, two metal claws were closing around her wrists and holding her in place. A third grabbed her tail. Dr. Christoffe was delighted by this he actually clapped.

 "You see Vannah this is our first time using this tank we made it special just for you!" Vannah tried to glare at him through her fear. She writhed against her restraints.
     "Now now, this will just take a second two small pinches!"
He walked around the tank and started up the ladder. Just then Tucker stirred. Hah, Dr. Christoffe laughed at him from the top of the tank.

"Got the best of you did she? Tuck looked embarrassed standing and rubbing the back of his neck. Here! something small landed by Tuckers feet, ear plugs. "Now come up here with the electric rod, just a precaution of course. You do know what happens when electricity meets water right Vannah?" He had opened the tank and was looking down at her. Dr. Christoffe lowered his hand into the water the needle outstretched toward her neck. It wasn't so bad until the second needle whatever he was shooting into her burned it spread through her veins like a forest fire. She cried out and immediately the water around her started to shake. She screamed again and the hole tank rumbled. Both the doctor and Tuck jumped back closed the tank and started down the ladder.


Dr. Cristoffe announced once he was at what he must have thought to be a safe distance from the tank. He would have said more but didn't get the chance to. The lights flashed out, the door burst open and two people came in shooting needles at the doctor and Tucker's throats. Vannah's own anger turned into shock.

"We'll explain later," Connie said smoothly. Well hurry up get her out of there Mick!" Right away he was at the top of the tank, again Vannah heard clanking noises but this time the restraints released her and Mick was staring down at her.

"Why should I trust you?" She asked lowering herself from his reach. "We don't have time for this!" Connie rolled her eye's annoyed.

"Please Vannah." Mick whispered still reaching for her. What choice did she have?

 "They're not dead are they?" She asked once her legs reformed and they were moving past the hopefully unconscious bodies.
 "They'll be fine." Mick assured her turning away so she could change into the dry clothes Connie had given her. Then he was lacing his fingers with both hers and Connies hands.
 "What are you doing?" She asked.
 "You'll understand in a minute just trust me and don't let my hand go." The hall was just as dark and plain as the room had been. They came to a second door that had a large man crumbled in front of it a needle sticking from his neck. Connie removed it as she had done with Dr. Christoffe and Tucker's.
"Who are you?" Vannah asked and Mick and Connie exchanged smiles. They turned right and past more crumbled bodies Connie continued to remove needles.

"What about the cameras?" Vannah asked pointing up.
   "Don't worry about them!" Connie said, Now hurry she ordered yanking them along. There was a double door ahead of them. Connie pushed them open. Stepping into the night air brought relief.

They had been inside a large warehouse in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere they released hands and bolted across the parking lot to a fence. "Don't touch it until we get to Electra. Okay!" Vannah nodded and tried to keep up with them. Her legs felt like jello. Up ahead Vannah could see a tall girl with platinum blond hair.
"On the count of three, she called to them I'm going to grab the fence. ONE, TWO, THREE! The girl gripped the fence there was a buzzing sound. Climb! Climb!" She ordered, the buzzing continued but the blond didn't let go until they drooped safely to the other side then she joined them. They started down the deserted road towards a black SUV. Connie pulled out a set of key's and they all piled in.
"Try to not get us pulled over this time," Mick said to Connie who was getting in the drivers seat. The girl who must have been Electra took the passenger side laughing. Vannah moved over close to the back window, wishing Mick wasn't getting comfortable beside her. Your alright now Vannah you're safe," He whispered.

The car glided smoothly away. Vannah tried to relax, but the lights flashing from behind them made her panic. "You spoke to soon Mick!" Connie said pressing hard on the gas. The car behind them was gaining fast.
"Here we go! Electra was unbuckling her seat belt.

"DUCK DOWN!!! Mick hollered. Pulling Vannah low to in the seat.

There was gun fire followed by a popping noise the SUV swerved.
"Electra can you handle this?" Mick asked. Staying low Electra crawled to them and Connie opened the sun roof together Mick and Electra rose ,there was more gunfire Mick groaned. And without thinking Vannah popped up just in time to see their attackers car light up with electricity the car swerved of the road crashing into a tree. Mick and Electra plopped back down Mick was gripping his right shoulder. Whoever it was had shot him. "Damn, That hurt Mick gasped flinching. Then he noticed Vannah hyperventilating. I'm okay really Vannah its just a scratch a flesh wound! See? He pulled his shirt sleeve up so she could. The bullet ricochet right off of me!"

"Alright! alright, Vannah had found her voice. Someone needs to start explaining things right now!" Shouldn't we I don't know call the police or something!"

"NO we dont involve human police in U.G.I matters and our athorities in Monstro City leave the mess to us.  Vannah just stared at him confused and frieghtened.

"How can you're authorities do nothing?"

"We are there something V!"
"I'm sorry it happened this way Vannah." Mick said sounding really concerned.
"Yeah today was a disaster," Connie added.
"Be easy Connie, Vannah doesn't need your hostile sarcasm right now."
"She's right though Mick, today was catastrophic and I really wish one of you would tell me whats going on Vannah said looking back and forth between them. Connie took a deep breath but Mick cut her off.
"I'll do the talking until you can lay off!"
"Fine with me," she said turning on the radio and pretending to tune them out.
"Alright ummmm, Mick seemed to be struggling with where to begin. Okay so back there was base one off the mess lab M.E.S.S. It stands for Mutant Establishment for Scientific Study."
"Mutant? I'm not a mutant."
"Of course not Vannah that's just what they call us."
"Yeah that or freaks," Connie said flatly.
"Or my personal favorite monstrosity," Electra said with a giggle.
"Don't listen to them Vannah where none of those things. Our resistance group against the mess go's by the U.G.I Society it stands for Uniquely Gene'd Individuals. We rescue others who are different and being taken unwillingly to be studied and experimented on." Vannah touched her neck it was still tender from what ever Dr. Christoffe shot her up with.
"Did it burn?" Mick asked moving her hand and looking.
"Only a lot, Vannah said. Then she noticed she had been shot up a few times on her left arm as well. What did they do to me?" She asked feeling so violated.

"Its mostly blood test Connie said except the ones on your neck."
"How is this possible how could I be so clueless?"
"You didn't know to look for clues." Mick said reasonably.
"Wait, this is why you came to my party! You knew I was uhh uh a mermaid?
"Tried to warn you," Connie said.
"So the month we dated Mick you knew?" Vannah asked.
"No not until a few days before you broke up with me."
"So us meeting was just a coincidence?"
"A hell of a coincidence Electra said half turning in her seat.
Mick continued. The day I met you I was tracking Trish it was are first time ever tracking her home that's why I was on your street. When I saw you I had no idea who you were or that Trish even had a daughter. It wasnt until two weeks later when you showed me your house for the first time and invited me in for dinner. You have no idea how awkward it felt and how thrown I was by it. I asked to be taken out of the mission but my head of house denied my request insisting it was crucial spy work. I couldn't believe Trish and how normal she was acting saying she was in sales and traveled a lot and how Tucker was going along with it. That confused me being that Tucker is involved with the mess as well. But why not you?"
"So you started Spying on me too?"
"Not like that I was worried about you, not threatened."
"Yeah so worried that you were living a double life with Connie!"
"UGHHHH! Are you really still on that, seriously Vannah, Mick and I never hooked up and never would."
"Then why would Margo say so?"
"Because she's involved," Mick said in a low sad voice.
It was obvious from the start that Margo didn't like me I wrote her off as a jealous best friend. Which was a mistake turns out not only did Trish want any extras out of the way for when you morphed and would be taken to the lab they were also suspicious of us. Any way that one day I was coming to the mall to meet you Connie had stopped me outside to discuss some unrelated U.G.I business. We were standing close, whispering when Margo saw us and went running to you planting the seeds of non existing kisses. You came out to where we were and saw us together and without thought cut me out of your life! The last part had come out angry Micks grey eyes flashed. After that every time either of us saw you Margo was there like a snarling pit bull. You wouldn't answer my calls you pretended to not be home when I stopped by you even blocked me from your e-mail. Besides even if I did reach you what would I have said? I couldn't just blurt out that you were a mermaid and I'm practically made of steel and Connie here can turn herself and others invisible. Vannah was going to answer but Mick was on a roll. I mean honestly Vannah you would have thought I was not only a cheating jerk but crazy too." Vannah couldn't argue because that is exactly what she would have thought, two weeks ago anyway.

How could it be the people she had thought as not trust worthy in such a short period time are the ones who saved her from the people she had loved and trusted her whole life? She turned away from Mick wanting the grassy fields they were passing to be the only witness when her tears came to the surface.

Heated Ch 2.

"Hey Vannah, where here!" Mick was pushing her lightly her head jerked up and her neck popped loudly. She groaned not remembering when she had fallen asleep. The sun was just peaking over the far off mountains but she could clearly see the large cabin they had parked in front of Connie and Electra were already disappearing through the front door. After seeing the mess lab she hadn't expected anything so charming. She stretched stepping out of the truck.
"Not what you pictured?" Mick asked smiling. He motioned her along. The cabin was like something out of a Thomas Kinkade painting, the front yard had a small garden with exotic flowers in every color.
"So pretty!" Vannah said leaning in for better look.
"Wait until you see out back Mr Bayne has a green thumb!"
"Who's Mr. Bayne?" She asked stepping onto the dark wood wraparound porch.
"He's our head of house or unit leader Unit 2 to be exact. She glanced around as if to say wheres Unit 1. It seemed like they were the only house for miles.

"Come on in, meet him smells like he's got breakfast on!" They stepped into a small cream colored entrance hall there was a small wooden table occupied by a plant with pruple blossoms Vannah new as an African Violet and a gold bowl where Connie had dropped the keys. Mick was right the smell of bacon and cinnamon rolls was wafting to them. They moved into a large but cozy living room, Which was also cream colored and had chocolate brown furniture. Almost every wall was taken over with bookshelves and more plants hung over the widow seat. "The kitchen's this way your probably starving! Surprisingly she wasn't though it smelled really good. The kitchen had a white marble floor and a large chrome island in the center of it there was plenty of counter space and cabinets reaching up into one of them was a man. "Mr Bayne! He turned his face lit up at the sight of them his graying blond hair seemed to glow and he outstretched a hand for Vannah to shake. He actually had a green thumb. "Mr. Bayne this is....
"Vannah, of course he said ,please sit can I get you anything? "Not you. He said to Mick. You need to clean that wound out immediately!" Mick nodded obediently and disappeared up a set of stairs. "Now what can I do for you my dear?
"Well I'm not hungry but I would like something to drink please!"
"Right away he said clapping his hands towards yet more plants only these ones had vines that cascaded all the way to the floor.

To Vannahs amazement they started to move one reached for the fridge door and another grabbed the plastic pitcher filled with pink lemonade Vannah watched awestruck as they worked like tentacles to deliver her the pitcher and a glass.
"Thanks she said half laughing and pouring some.
"Show off, Mick said rejoining them completely shirtless. If Vannah hadn't still been admiring Mr. Bayne she would have probably choked on her lemonade.
"Is that what you were doing when you got shot? Showing off?" Mr Bayne didn't sound mad but like a disappointed father.
"Not at all Mick said taking a bite of bacon. I was simply playing the part of the human shield for Electra." "You should have seen them they really were incredible." Mick looked at Vannah surprised had she actually said something about him without being sarcastic. Then he flinched because Mr. Bayne had very sneakily poured peroxide onto the bullet hole.
"Is he really made of steel?"
"Sure seems that way Vannah I have yet to see something pierce his bones."
Vannah averted her eyes from Mick's muscular chest she had never seen him like that before but as she had expected his body was flawless besides the wound but that just made him more attractive she blushed when he smiled at her his dimples sinking in deep. Mr. Bayne cleared his throat.
"You'll need to stitch that up. And you can show Vannah to her room, "You are planning to stay a while right?" She hadn't thought about it until then. But of course she would have to stay her eyes burned with the realization she had gone from happy home to homeless.

"Yes I'd like to stay here until I figure something else out, she choked on the words. Mr. Bayne touched her lightly on the arm. She managed a smile.
"Now when you do get hungry you can have whatever you like in the fridge and cabinets, I'll be out back tending to my garden. With that he disappeared through the door that led outside.

"Do you want to check out the garden?" Mick asked.
"Later right now I just want to breath." Mick nodded in understanding, well come on!" Up stairs were four bedrooms. "Electra and Connie share this one and this is my room! And Warren's here you'll meet him later. "Mr. Bayne has a small room downstairs.and this is your room, he said pushing the pale brown door open. "Much more comfortable then a fish tank!" He said and she agreed taking in the queen size bed over flowing with pillows and the precious window seat that reminded her of her own room she shook the thought it wasn't her room any more she had nothing of her own. That's when she noticed three familiar suit cases she practically skipped to them popping the largest one open.
"How did you get my things?" She asked retrieving her cell from the front pocket three missed calls from Cass she dropped the phone back inside not wanting to deal with anyone not knowing how to either.
"Don't look at me it was the doing of the invisible girl."
"Connie!?!? She doesn't even like me."
"You never gave her a chance to, you wrote her off as a man stealing slut. I think that's how she put it. Suddenly Vannah felt guilty.
"I should have already said this Mick but thank you for getting me out of the mess. Thank you so much! And I'm sorry for how I iced you out." The words didn't seem like enough but they'd have to do for now.
"It was nothing, he responded but they both knew it really was.

They stood awkwardly for a moment. "I should get something on this he said and Vannah realized how close she was to his half naked body. She stepped back at the same time he started backing out of the doorway. She huffed flopping down onto the bed. Then Connie was in front of her.
"Comfy?" She asked.
"UmHmm, Vannah said sitting up straighter. "Mick says you wanted to talk to me ,something about me not being such a slut after all."
"I...I Vannah stuttered caught off guard.
"Don't worry about it Connie made a dismissive gesture. I actually applaud your ability to give the cold shoulder, I mean really you had Mick in a snowstorm." Vannah still didn't know what to say what happened to the snotty Connie from the truck? "So are you guys back together? Connie sat beside her.
"UM no, I don't know it's all really confusing right now, she answered honestly.
"Maybe that's best with Mick not being able to get in water and all."
"I don't see why that would be the reason to keep us apart, so what if he cant swim!
"Its more then that, the boy will literally sink to the bottom like a rock he'd be willing to do it to and he's impossible to....

"Connie!" Electra called.

Connie rolled her eyes
"What?" she whined standing.
"Did you take my... the rest of the words were muffled.
"Me and Ele are going into town later you should come. Connie didn't wait for a response before swaying out of the room.

Hours later everyone including the boy warren who was maybe 15 years old were sitting in front of the television waiting for the news to come back from break. Warren had a kind face with caramel skin and honey eyes hidden behind glasses his smile lit up the room when he entered he was obviously the little brother of the house.

(("And where back the  women with the blond curly bob cut on the television said and we have the footage from YouTube that has everyone asking fact or faked. "You be the judge! Just then the small video that had been playing in the corner of the screen enlarged. There she was being tossed into the pool moments later the water started to bubble and swirl and when she resurfaced they were staring at a mermaid they replayed the video a few times. "Looks real to me!"
"Don't be ridiculous Krista, an older male said when the video disappeared. I mean I'll go as far as it was realistic but of course this girl isn't really a mermaid."
"Alright Jim then explain how she changed when she was out of the pool, under water possibly it all was staged but how did she morph in full view? If it were a costume where did it go? Did it deflate into her bikini?"
"You have a good point Karen, but this is a fictional creature we're talking about what we have here is just some rich kids using there money for high tech effects and a million hits on the internet."))


Vannah said embarrassed and angry. Mick clicked off the news. Everyone stared at her like her head was about to spin. But instead she collected her self and turning to Connie asked our you still going to town?"
"Yea, Connie said grabbing her purse. "You put the spare tire on right Mick?"
"Yea Mick ,said disappearing into the kitchen
"Be back before training." Mr. Bayne called after the girls.
"We know!" Connie and Electra said simultaneously.
"But not before we have some fun!" Connie added in whisper.

The cabin sat way up top of a winding hill and was surrounded by fields no other houses were in sight. "How far's town?" Vannah asked staring at trees and more trees they were zooming by.
"It takes about ten minutes." Electra answered.
"But I'll get us there in five!" Connie said pushing her fiery bangs out of her face and causing attention to her brilliant green eyes. WELCOME TO RARITY a white sign with gold letters read once they made the final bend.
"Slow down Connie the sheriff's not going to keep giving you warnings." She slowed slightly flirting with the speed limit. Vannah peered out the window at the various shops there was a book store a coffee shop, pet store and a stretch of clothing stores.
"Lets get pizza I need some pepperoni in my life!" Electra pleaded pointing to a spot outside of Pinas Pizzeria. Connie parked and Vannahs stomach growled her appetite was back.
"Is it pepperoni or Josua Pina you need in your life?" Connie asked as they got out.
"A little bit of both." Electra said looking through the glass door at the cute guy behind the counter.
Are you guy's dating?
"Not yet. Connie said as if her and Ele had discussed it before. Ever since two weeks ago she's been coming here stuffing her face with pizza hoping he will ask her out!" Vannah couldn't help but smile at how normal it all felt three girls out worrying about cute boys and joking just like her Cass and Margo. Margo? A flash of red hair that wasn't Connie's caught her eye. Her breath caught and she stopped in the middle of the doorway. Looking again she exhaled. Not Margo just another gorgeous girl with a bad red dye job. Real bad as freinds she never would have said it to Margo but now the insult Made her smile. Margo tried so hard to convince people her's was real. Ha fake like the rest of her, Vannah thought going into the shop.

"Hey!" Electra said leaning on the counter.
"Two slices of pepperoni right?" The boy guessed returning her smile. And nothing for you Connie, what was it you called pizza again cellulite on crust?" Connie smirked. 'Hi I'm Josh he said looking at Vannah anything I can get for you?"
"Yes please I'll have the same as Electra." Add an order of garlic bread!" Electra said twirling an almost white curl.
"Anything for my favorite UGI." Vannahs eyes went big.
"Relax he's one of us Connie said motioning to a table so Electra could flirt alone.
"So he's a U.G.I.?"
"Not part of the society but yeah I cant remember what it is he can do. Connie seemed to ponder that for a moment.
"So there are people that are different like us living all over the place." Connie just nodded like it was no big thing.
"Especially in this town!"
"How can you tell them apart?" Vannah asked suddenly thinking of all the people she had walked past in life and had no idea. "A lot of U.G.I.'s cant tell most of us go through life thinking where all alone, but a few like Mr. Bayne and Josh they just know. They can feel it."
"And if we live in secret how did the mess find out about us?"
"From what Mr. Bayne say's a while back a U.G.I confided to a friend, a scientist coincidentally, I mean of course there's U.G.I.'s I'm sure who have told there human friends... "But not all of them go all mad scientist and start kidnapping innocent people." Vannah finished. "Connie was sliding over for Electra who was blushing.

"So-there's-this-get-together-on-Saturday-are you-in, Josh-is-hosting-he-has-some-big-announcement-to-make, Electra said this as one long word.

"Jeeze Ele breath!"

Connie said this while scrunching her nose up at the cheese dangling when Vannah took a bite.
"And get this Connie it's at The Red Wing!"
Connie brightened.
"Oh we have to go and before you ask newbie its a bar for U.G.I.'s she whispered the last part. Because a group of guys and a girl had just walked in. Two of the boys and the girl had thick shiny hair that resembled raven wings and eye's just as dark the girls hair feel in waves down her back. Connie seemed to recognize one of the them. She glared at the tall blond boy.

"Ugh! Can we get this to go?" She called to Joshua who was joking around with the boys. He came from around the counter and handed her a box. Before Ele could protest they were speeding out the door.

"I'm not sure if this is aloud but what the hell Connie!?!?" Vannah asked fastening her seat belt and staring back at the pizza shop where sure enough the blond boy was staring intensely at Connie.
"Grant Avery Ugh!!! Enough said." Connie pulled out of the lot.
"No not enough you ran out of there like you were on fire!" Connie and Ele exchanged glances. "What?" Ele answered it's funny you would use the word fire." Vannah still wasn't getting it. "It's what he does Vannah he can produce fire, Connie said going back past the welcome sign. Coming from this diretion Vannah hardly noticed the turning point. Connie was resuming crazy speed. She clicked on the radio annoyed further by half static half song. She gripped the staring Wheel.
"Maybe let me drive. Ele offered gently.
"Yeah because your looking kind of psycho!" Vannah added. Picturing Cruella Deville from a scene in 101 dalmatians. She started to laugh out loud but someone caught her eye a boy who was walking up the side of the road.

"Do you know him?" Vannah asked.

"No!" Connie said finally easing up off the gas and then stopping the car all together.

Ele rolled down her window. "This is a private road!" She informed the extremly good looking stranger.

He looked amused when he spoke "Relax Bayne know's Im coming. Both Connie and Ele looked unsure. "Call him if you don't beleive me!" He held out his phone, which Connie waved off dialing her own.

(Mr. Bayne are you expecting someone named......

"Luka." The guy offered. Connie waited for an answer and then unlocked the back door the boy smirked in a way that Vannah immediately liked before climbing in.

Welcome Back Ch 3.

"So lets get past the awkward introductions!" He gave Vannah and Ele a wicked but sexy smile. The last of the nervous tremors left Vannah's hands. "Like I said I'm Luka and you are?" "I'm Vannah and this is Electra."

"And I'm Connie. ,she said flipping her hair. Vannah watched the guy out the corner off her eye he had dark curly hair pulled back and eye's that she couldn't decide rather or not they were black or blue, his skin was a creamy brown. She blushed when he caught her looking.

"Luka!"  Warren yelled from the porch the moment they pulled up.

"Hey man"! Luka gretted him and they play punched at each other as if they did it all the time.

"I cant believe your back Warren exclaimed.

"Believe it!" Luka said as Mr. Bayne embraced him in a fatherly way. Then Mick stepped forward and there was nothing welcoming about his stance. There was no explanation needed for Vannah to know that he wasn't happy with the arrival at all. The enery between the two guys was thick with anger atleast on Micks behalf Luka didn't seem to care and considering the bags he was carrying it seemed that Mick  needed to get over whatever it was fast. Things didn't come to a boil until later on that evening after Vannah had gone to bed she was just so tired ,she blamed it on stress.   

"(Water embraced Vannah, choking her. Her lungs were on fire and her limbs weren't working. She kicked. (AIR I NEED AIR) she was panicked. She could see the outline of the sun above her, she was that close to the surface she kicked uselessly her legs seemed to be soaking up the water they were weighing her down I'm a mermaid she thought I cant drown! I'M A MERMAID!!! she screamed bubbles rushed out of her mouth and the water began to spin and she became just that a mermaid.)

Vannah's eyes popped open scanning the unfamiliar room. "Mama?" she whispered and then started to cry. a loud bang from downstairs stopped her sobs she jumped up moonlight flashing across her face as she ran to her door. "TRAITOR!!!" She heard Mick yell there was another bang. She and Connie almost collided both reaching the steps at the same time. They scrambled down them, went through the kitchen and into the living room. "Still all testosterone I see!" Luka said lounging back in the recliner as if Mick's Hercules form had no effect on him. The loud bang had obviously come from Mick who had punched a hole in the wall to his left. "And I see you still cant take anything seriously, you selfish.... "Mick! stop it! Connie yelled what is going on between you two?" "You should ask him." Mick said pacing. "Well?" Connie asked her green eyes wide and accusing. "Simple Mick here is living in a past he only half knows about and I think he should move on, and I'm right too Luka. added cockily, You don't see me defacing any property. Mick looked ready to lunge at him. Instead clasping his fingers together he started toward the kitchen and burst out into the back yard with Vannah right behind him.

"At first her attention strayed from Mick as she took in the yard it was like she had stepped into paradise both sides of the yard were filled with the most spectacular colors that even stood out in the dark there was an ivory fountain spewing water the mist caressed Vannah. "So can you talk without yelling she asked sitting next to Mick on the matching ivory bench.

He bit his lips and trembled trying to keep his voice under control. "I heard you call Mick a traitor, whats that about?" Mick looked uncertain, like he had never really talked about it before. He sighed before speaking.

"It was just over a year ago  Luka and I were on our first mission. We were  eager to prove ourselves, At the time we weren't called Unit 2 there was only only one Unit. The separation hadn't happened yet. The other's, they went about things differently. The shape shifters broke into the mess in the form of vicious animals demolishing the humans with there powers. I was digusted by it and an argument started between me and Terell the mission leader. Luka was siding with him and while we were all distracted by the disagreement we were ambushed by guards. I broke away from the fight. I tried to get Luka to come with me while so many guards were distracted and he refused. Luka continued to attack like he was enjoying it. I was determined to finish the mission. I went off alone! And I never heard from Luka or saw him again until today. He left me there stranded and alone except for Electra she was the mission at the time. When I finally got back to the cabin I expected to find Luka but he hadn't returned. both he, the others and Baron the other head of house had disappeared!" We haven't even known rather Luka was dead or alive until now. And  There were rumors flying about Unit 1 and how they left town to persue another mess lab and that we were Unit two we excepted the title but how it happened was just wrong. You know?" Mick hadn't looked up the entire time he was speaking but now he was staring at eyes that had lost all evidence of green and were shining like sapphires.

Vannah didn't know what to say. She had just come to know betrayal herself and wondered if the bitter taste would stay in her mouth forever. She looked at Mick his eyes were now dark as storm clouds but his face had softened. Why had she followed him she couldn't help herself with all she was going through. What could she could do for Mick? The sound of the door made them both jump. Luka's silhouette was lit up in the doorway he stepped into the moonlight his dark curly hair was no longer in a ponytail but had fallen softly to his shoulders. He offered them a boyish smile that made Mick snort and Vannah drool. She stood returning Lukas smile and she whispered for Mick to"stay calm". Then she strolled back into the cabin.

"That was a warm welcome, Connie said from the couch where she was sitting indian style. "Vannah shook her head. "Boys!" They said this at the same time and started to laugh. There laughter echoed in the large room.

"Where is everyone?" Vannah asked. "Ele's up stairs that girl could sleep through a rock concert and Warren's probably buried in a book. "And Mr. Bayne?" Vannah asked looking at the fist hole in the wall. "He's out having a late night with Caroline she has the power to heal and she owns the town flower shop Mr Bayne's so into her." "You go Mr. Bayne", Vannah joked. Hey what's Warrens gift anyway?" She asked. "Warren's a boy genius, but he is 100% human. Vannah was surprised but simply said "lucky him!" Connie half nodded then went on to ask, "What all comes with being a mermaid? Besides a tail I mean!" "I put Tucker to sleep by humming Vannah said feeling like it had happened so long ago and not just days ago.


"Ummhmm and when ever I screamed the water reacted to my voice!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I was restrained and when I got angry it was like the water was.... ready to defend me. But that's crazy right?"

"Yeah completely". Connie said sarcastically, but her focus was on the boys coming back into the room. They weren't bromancing or anything but the hostility was gone from Micks stance.

"So little mermaid I here you got my old room, I dont mind sharing if you don't!" Coming from someone else it would have seemed sleazy but Lukas voice oozed with charm. Vannah blushed and Connie interjected.
 "I'm sure Ele and I can make room for Vannah. We have an extra mattress if Ele's willing to give one up, she Has them pushed together!" Vannah liked the idea but not as much as Mick who was nodding to him self.
 "If that's what you want to do, I'm not going to force ya." Luka continued to flirt and Micks chest was rising with every word. Connie cleared her throat.
"Word of advice Luka if you want to be on Micks good side, stop flirting with his girl!" "Ex girl!" The words left Vannahs mouth quick and she knew right away they had stung Mick. Had he actually flinched? "Mick, I didn't...
"It's fine", he held a hand up to her his body once again tense. He started away from them. Calling over his shoulder, "and by the way Luka welcome back!" Lukas perfect mouth dropped open he actually looked like he felt bad.
"If I knew, I wouldn't have!
"Sure", Vannah mumbled debating on chasing after Mick.
"No honestly I know how I come off but I wouldn't intentionally hurt Mick. Again his voice moved through her like silk and Vannah believed him.

Connie stood abruptly. "I'm going to bed I've had my share of drama for today." The truth was Vannah had been exhausted since her time at the mess and no amount of sleep seemed to be helping.. On que she yawned. Luka plopped down onto the couch

"I'll crash here tonight! I really don't want to put you out of the room, but seeing as Mick hates me and Warrens room is so small I don't know what else to do."
"Mick doesn't hate you Luka I think it's the opposite and that's why he's so hurt." Vannah left Luka to think about that while she tried to not think about him.

Up stairs Vannah was alone in her room it wasn't easy to forget about cute boys and relationship drama. but she tried by instead  imagining faces she had never seen a mother and a father missing her, longing for what was stolen from them. From her! Then those images faded and were replaced by Trish's cold scowl. Vannah actually shivered. Trish had never been cruel to her but at the same time when was the last time Trish had kissed her on forehead or told her she was proud or that she loved her. Once maybe that she could remember. They lived good in a beautiful house always with every essential but that wasn't for her that's just the way Trish lived. 18 years of the life she knew had ended. How was she supposed to begin again living as something she knew nothing about? And how could she begin at all with no where to start. Who was she? She had no leads not one single detail of where she came from, where she belonged.

Muffled voices jarred her from her thought's. It was coming from the living room Mr Bayne was home and he was angry! Vannah listened only able to make a few words coming from Mr. Bayne. "'She wondered how Luka had expected his homecoming to be. Home! That's where Vannah so wanted to be. But they would welcome her with an open fish tank not opened arms. Home! Could this be it. Could this be apart of who she was now a kick ass U.G.I. Society member? Yes! That's is exactly what she would be! But how? Her powers only worked in water at least that's whats she thought. Restless she got of bed and crept back downstairs.

Vannah found herself standing in the thresh hold between the kitchen and living room. She watched Luka whose face was cupped in his palms. She decided then she would momentarily put him out of his misery, she would sing to him. She would bring him sleep. The song had never left the back of her mind ,easily she summoned it forward. The first soft note reached Luka like a breeze, his eyes stayed shut but he tilted his head back and listened. The song caressed him like the softest of angel wings soothing him he excepted it and the sleepy haze that it brought. Vannah didn't stop when the melody changed becoming more seductive more inviting almost like a musical moan. She herself was being affected as well, feeding off of the control his reaction he was all hers. She sighed when he slumped over fast asleep that hadnt been her intention in the end. She turned to go back upstairs, but first she whispered. "Good night Luka and welcome back".

Surveillance Ch 4.

She awoke to Connie towering over her. Vannah yelped! "Don't do that, she said her voice raspy. "Sorry." Connie said blowing on her freshly gold painted finger nails. "Come on its breakfast then training, Mick and I have a mission tonight. "To the mess?" Vannah asked. No that's to risky this soon. Vannah waited for her to elaborate. But Connie moved on. "So you should come see us in action!" Vannah yawned I'm still so tired. Ummmhmm Connie said her brown/red eyebrow raised. "Ummmhmm! What's that supposed to mean?" Vannah asked. "Ohhhh I don't know Maybe it could have something to do with your late night chorus session!" Vannah wanted to hide under her pillow. "I was just experimenting with my powers. So that's what you call It? Connie grinned. "Hurry up! She added before leaving Vannah to get dressed."

Downstairs Vannah ate her breakfast sandwich alone and then joined the others. She watched as a very refreshed Luka made the entire ex-ray machine rise of the ground. "So he's a telepath?" Vannah asked Mr. Bayne who was sitting at a desk rapidly taking notes.

"Yes as well as a technopath!" He answered not looking up. Mick was leaning against the wall farthest away from every one. He brightened when Vannah looked his way. She blushed had he heard her sing too. That song was for Luka and only Luka! Her stomach clenched.

"Now Luka a much more simple task unlock that door!" Mr Bayne twirled in his computer chair. Very gently Luka lowered the Machine and started toward a large metal door in the corner of the room. "Crack the code." Mr. Bayne said. And a moment past between the two as if they both remembered something. In moments there was a tiny beep followed by clicking and more beeps then the door creaked open. Excellent! Mr. Bayne proclaimed and jotted down more notes. "Now Vannah I'd like a word with you, please step into my office the line was classic and Vannah was dreading what he was about to say! Most likely about her using her seductive gift on Luka.

How embarrassing!

She followed him into what seemed to be a laundry room at some point. She took a seat across from his smaller desk.

"Here's the thing Vannah, normally when we take in UGIs they  stay a few days then we reconnect them with their families and relocate them. But Mick and the others like you dont have... he hesitated searching!

"Anyone!" she finished and the truth burned her throat. Mr. Bayne fidgeted awkwardly, then continued. "I would like to offer you a permanent place here with us. If that's something you would want!

"Is it?" His kind brown eyes blinked at her. Vannah held back tears.

"Yes that is what I want, I want to be apart of this!" She said feeling a little suprised at her self and how desperately she really did want to stay.

"Very well then its settled, welcome home Vannah!" The tears disobeyed Vannah forced there way out then, but it was okay they were happy tears.

Mick was practicing now, squaring of with Warren who had the advantage of being small and quick.

"He Better have all his teeth when your done!" Mr. Bayne warned playfully. Suddenly another figure came into View poking mick Right in the eye. "Ahhh Mick said stumbling backward. Connie had turned invisible and was completely forgotten and she got Mick right in one of his only weak spots. At first there was silence with Mick clutching his eye. Then Luka started laughing, hard! And then Mick was bent over laughing too. For that moment the room was light as air.

ELe high fived Connie ,"so much for invincible they teased.

 "Yeah yeah you wont catch me of guard again Mick said pretending to charge Connie .

"Serious time now Mr. Bayne announced I've chosen mission leader for tonight, and its Luka! What? both boys asked. "Yes luka your Skills our most needed for this assignment so you are mission leader." "But he just got here Mick protested.

"What does it matter where going too Connie said sounding reasonable. Vannah knew what the problem was, Mick wasn't ready to trust Luka on any mission.

"I'ts fine Mick I decline. Everyone stared at Luka. "I don't deserve to be mission leader, not yet! Mick didn't hesitate to nod in agreement.

"Fine Connie your up Mr. Bayne said snatching up his notes preparing to leave the room.

"That's it?" Vannah asked.

"Yes that's all I have to get going I umm have a lunch date!" With that Mr. Bayne was gone.

Everyone else filed out of the room except for Mick who had turned to the hanging punching bags.

"Vannah?" alone time with Mick here we go she thought walking back in. "About last night, Of course they started to talk at the same time.

"You go Mick got the words out first.

"I didn't mean to say we weren't together like it was something I was proud of!"

"You were just telling the truth right? Mick said.

"Yes!" She nodded.

"But I don't want that to be the truth Vannah, her name rolled of his tongue so sweetly. We should have never even broken up I want you back! I can't sleep down the hall from you and not wish to lay beside you to hold to hear you sing for me and only me. His words were so vulnerable so poetic she thought she'd melt from the growing heat between them. Why was she resisting? Why couldn't she give in to him. Blue/black eyes came to her mind. No! she told herself silently. She shook the thought away. It's everything else that was going on. Her fear of more hurt was a rising fence between them.

"I'm sorry Mick not now! Okay?" her words seemed pathetic compared to his. He stepped back from her defeated. "I'm sorry!" He didn't respond but moved past her not looking back. This time she needed something to punch.

Connie and Ele were in their mirror primping.

"Where are you going?" Vannah asked plopping down on the bed her room was occupied by Luka who was trying to "man" it up. "Josua got his mom to let him use the car so he's coming to get me! Ele said excitedly.

"And I just like looking good!" Connie added with a shrug. Vannah rolled her eyes then subconsciously patted her own chocolate mane, in the few days she had been there her hair had become fuller and grown down to the middle of he back when just days ago it had only reached slightly passed her shoulders. She looked at Ele's hair it shined naturally and Vannah wondered If it grew that way or if it was just a really good dye job.

"So you crushed Mick pretty good Vannah!"

"What?" Connie turned away from the mirror.

"I mean the guys willing to drown for you, What gives? Vannah didn't want to think about her turning Mick down let alone talk about it. "I understand Vannah." Ele said letting a few strands of hair fall from her messy bun. With all that's going on, how could you even think about a boyfriend. I know I wouldn't be.

"Please Ele your telling me if your whole world came crashing down you wouldn't want some to hold you to tell you it was going to be okay? Connie asked? For real Vannah your in need of some serious love!" "When did you become so mushy?" Ele asked changing her earrings for the third time. Then her cellphone chimed. "He's here. If I'm not back before you go on the mission be safe she hugged Connie.

"Have a nice lunch! Connie said passing her a gold handbag.


"See ya!" Vannah said.

"What is the mission anyway?"

"I'd tell you but... "Then you'll have to kill me?"

"No! that's so cliche Vannah. I'd tell you but your not going to like it." Vannah wasn't convinced she tapped her foot impatiently. She stared at Connie until she gave in.

"Alright already! Where going to bug Trishas house the ones we had there already stopped working." Of course that's how they had known so much. Vannahs mouth gaped open. A part of her wanted to protest. But she knew they had to. Surely Trish would be planning her next move against Vannah no way would she let go of the 18 years she had so patiently waited.

"Whats that look? Connie asked. Vannah had taken a stance of angry determination. Determined to get Trish before Trish got her. Wait Vannah before you go thinking your coming, stop because it's a no go. Connie sighed I love being mission leader you get to put your team right where you want them. Vannah was ready to argue but Connie was speed talking. Your going to be on Surveilence with Warren I think you'll like it, because that way you can keep an eye on Trish without being in arms reach."

Vannah did like the sound of it. She'd have the upper hand on an unknowing Trish.

The sun was going down when the U.G.Is were preparing to leave. "Vannah!" Lukas voice was urgent when he gripped her arm. Finally he had her alone.

"Yes!" she said turning, her body tingled from the brief contact. His midnight eyes were dreamy when he whispered.

"Why did you sing to me? Why did you do this to me?"

"Do what? Vannah asked alarmed.

"Make me want you, make me dream of your agonizingly beautiful voice!" Vannah was taken aback. What could she say. She knew exactly what he was talking about and how he was feeling it was the reason she had avoided him all day.

"Lets go!!!"

Connie yelled up the steps. Luka stepped back from her his longing pulling her with him. He started down. "Luka?" He glanced at her pressing one finger lightly to his lips "SHHHHH". trying to pull herself together she followed after him downstairs.

Connie was all geared up placing a gun that shot the needles that they had used on Tuck and Dr. Christoffe, Into a belt. Warrens down there waiting for you In the surveillance lab. Vannah "Good luck all of you!" She scanned the room for Mick but he was already outside. Just then Electra came through the door. "Good I haven't missed anything!"

They watched as the burgundy Expedition pulled away taking a crushed Mick and a love struck Luka away.

The surveillance room was also through the training area, in another small room. There were ten screens lined up on a table Warren was in his element hooking different cords up Vannah and Ele sat down on either side of the 15 year old genius. He handed both of them a set of earphones, With mics connected on the.

"Hey Connie can you here me?"

"Yea War your coming through clear."

"How long til you get there?" Vannah asked realizing she really had no Idea how far they had traveled. "One hour Connie stated.

"What are we supposed to do for an hour?" Electra whined, having not stayed back from a mission in forever.

"Go paint your toenails. I saw they were chipping!" Connie teased.

"TSSSK Ele smacked her lips. Warren thought this was hilarious! But Vannah was to busy thinking about the two boys in the truck. One of them who was scowling and the other who was sitting in the back lost in a daze.

(MICk's POV--- (Why can't I just let it go, suck it up and forget about that one precious month we had together. Silently Mick was scolding himself. Last night when he had heard Vannah's bedroom door open he had thought she was coming to him! After a moment he had gotten out of bed and peered into the empty hall. And that's when he heard the most enticing of sounds. When Vannahs voice flowed up the steps to him his heart had stopped. She was singing not for him. But for Luka! He fought the urge to glare at Luka who sat silently in the back seat a dazed look on his face. A low grumble was building in his chest he resisted releasing the accusing words twisting in his mind. Why Vannah? Why not me? He'd let it go! He had to! To keep her safe, he needed to be on her good side and not be pushy and pursuing her. When she sees he can be patient and wait while she figures herself out, she would want to be with him. But what about Luka? His presence has changed every thing, showing up like a ghost from the past. Whats that about? He always was Mr Baynes favorite! Why him? Why did he get to live in the moment while Vannah sang. Why did he get to sleep alongside the sweetest of dreams. He hoped nothing more would happen between them he hadn't seen them talk all day maybe that was a good sign he couldn't stand the thought of Luka being taken away by her and those eyes that were blue, so blue like the ocean.

(Luka's POV--- (It hurt being away from her actually hurt a prying felling gripped at his stomach the further he got from the cabin and away from his everything. How long would it be  before he would hear her song again. Never! He told himself. Just as Mick glanced back at him as if he could here his thoughts. He'd have to stay away from Vannah. but how his body pined for her lullaby to caress him again just once! No, forever! Why had she done this? Why had he given in so willingly with no regards for Mick. She was supposed to be his girl not mine. But they had been broken up Vannah said so herself. And him and Mick, they were no longer friend's so... he stopped the thought knowing it was wrong. Mick and him were like brothers. Regardless of the distance that was still between them though he was home. But what could he do he couldn't take the silence that surrounded him without her melody. What was happening to him. His emotions buzzed through him he tilted his head back closing his eyes trying not to think of hers they were blue, so blue like the ocean.

(Vannah)--- An eternity later Connie broke the silence it the surveillance room. "You'll have visual in 1 2 3." Connie appeared on the center Screen Mick and Luka were no where to be found in front of the home that contained Vannahs whole life. Then the back of the house appeared on a second screen Trishas car was!n't there either, but Luka and Mick were. I'm heading out back to meet the guys Connie said vanishing from view She got out back. Just in time to separate the two boys who were in each others faces. "Stop it!" She hissed pointing through the glass sliding doors where Tucker was sitting in the din. ""How are you going to get in?" Vannah asked. "Wait I got it she said speaking more loudly into the mic. 'At the front door there's a mat with a spear key under it, get it and get in. When Tucker comes to investigate shoot him with one of those needles. She couldn't believe she was saying this. "Simple right?" Very Connie said smileling up at the camera.

At the front door Connie and the guys were invisible, Her voice came through the headphones "Where going in."

Some Party Ch 5.

There was static Then a yelp followed by a thud!

"Connie you there?" Ele asked. "All good here, you'll have Visual in 1 2 3.... again Connie appeared. Mick and Luka were going into the living room an unconscious Tucker swaying between them. Poor Tuck, Vannah thought then wanted to slap herself for caring.

After a few minutes. Trish's living room came onto another screen. Tucker was on the couch looking like he was in a deep sleep. Quickly they moved around the main rooms of the house bugging them. Vannah was the one who saw Trish pull up in the front. "Get out of there now, she's home!!!" Luka jumped down from the dining room table. Connie grabbed him and all three of them disappeared. They were leaving the back door as Trish came through the front.

"Tuckerrrr?" Trish slurred. Vannah knew she was drunk. Alcohol came naturally when she was stressed. "TUCKER!!!" she called again. She didnt bother checking the other rooms before dragging herself upstairs. Which is where they hadn't set any cameras.

Vannah turned in shortly after that, The mission was half done and it was obvious anything happening in that house wouldn't be tonight. She was so tired and out of it even she paid no attention when she went into Luka's room and not the girls.

She awoke to dark eyes. "I can't sleep Luka said to a disoriented Vannah. She sat up, Luka was so close to her. "What are you doing?" "Your in my room, remember?" Oh yeah earlier that day they had made the change. She was just so tired "I cant sleep he said again, and its because of you."

"Well now I cant sleep either and its because of you!" Vannah said half smiling and hoping she had'nt slobbered while sleeping. The blueish light coming through the window made it seem unreal, like he was a dream but it wasn't she was alone with Luka in a bed.

"What are you talking about about any way  Luka?"  She finallay asked to feel the silence the way he was staring at her was driving her crazy.
"You your song ,I cant sleep now, it keeps playing in my head and it wont stop! Not until you sing to me again," he sounded so certain. He sounded like he needed her. And Vannah obliged. She wanted him just like he wanted her.

A Sound like no other pulled them together. She sang quietly in hopes it wouldn't travel.This was different then last night seeing the look in Luka's eyes intensified everything. She allowed Luka to lean into her. His face was just inches from her's so handsome so sad . What had happened to Luka to make him look that way? She wondered. She sang to take that sadness away to give him the calming sleep she no longer had, she sang to bring him refuge most of all she sang to bring him to her. Lukas eyes closed but he wasn't asleep the song faded away, because his lips had reached hers.

Then suddenly Luka jumped back, standing. Vannah stood to, breathing rapidly wanting the rest of Lukas kiss. "I don't know what's come over me!" He said shifting from foot to foot. Vannah felt different too, she wanted Luka so,so bad!

What had she done?

Her song had entwined them some how, it had made them yearn for one another. He was close to her again. She looked up at him. so soft his lips were so welcoming.

"Closer!" She whispered and he took over the last of the space between them.

"This is wrong we really did just met!" she mumbled when he trailed kisses down her face

"But it doesn't feel that way, does it?" He asked ,lifting her chin. And claiming her lips again and again. Until they were asleep in each other's arms.

Morning as usual came to quickly Vannah reached for Luka then remembered he had left just before the sun had risen, wanting to be on the couch when the others woke up. She showered which thankfully didn't make her morph. That was the one thing she wasn't ready to get used to, a tail. "Luka she sighed his name. What would happen today would they actually pretend nothing had happened? That he hadn't held her in his arms and kissed her through the night. "Mick oh no Mick!" Guilt was building, how would she look at him? In days she had let Luka in ,she cried in his arms last night and Luka had soothed her. Mick wanted to be the one, but he just wasn't. It was Luka.

Mick was the first person she saw he greeted her with a smile. "Hey," he said as if he hadn't been sulking recently.
"Hey", she said back not meeting his eyes and not returning the smile afraid it would look forced.

"Good you're up, you missed half the day!" Connie said from the kitchen doorway come eat with me and Ele. Vannah took the escape. She'd missed half the day, she had slept that long and still felt sluggish.
"Where so excited about tonight!" Ele said while washing her plate off in the sink. "Tonight?"
"Yeah party at The Red Wing remember?" Connie asked. Vannah hadn't remembered how could she? With all that had happened since the pizza parlor.
"Well I hope you're ready because Ele and I plan on getting in tonight."
"You've never been in before?"
"You have to be on a list!" Ele answered ,staring out the window at Mr. Bayne who had just appeared from around the house and he wasn't alone.


Connie proclaimed opening the back door and stepping into the garden where the couple had just taken a seat on the bench. Vannah and Ele followed. Caroline was pretty with light brown hair and big brown eyes, she looked to be in her thirties. "Hello girls she said her gaze stopping on Vannah. "Finally you two meet, Vannah this is Caroline!" Mr. Bayne introduced her. "Pleased to meet you sweetheart Caroline said taking Vannah's hand. "Pleased to meet you too Vannah replied feeling strange under Caroline's stare. Caroline must have notice because she turned her gaze slightly but still spoke to Vannah. "I'm sorry to stare Vannah its just.... Mr. Bayne stood, "Girls maybe give them a moment." Ele and Connie exchanged looks but followed Mr. Bayne back inside. Caroline gave Vannah a look that said you might want to sit down, so Vannah did. Caroline fidgeted with the colorful fringe hanging off her vintage jacket. "I guess the best place to start is the beginning.

"When I was 16 Vannah I lived in a home for girls." Vannah didn't no what to expect ,but it hadn't been that. Caroline went on "At the shelter I met a girl, her name was Leera and like me she was different. Once she turned 18 she inherited a beautiful singing voice one that could put boys to sleep and a tail whenever she was engulfed by water. Vannah's whole body buzzed, "In the home once you turned 18 they transferred you to a shelter for adults. A few days after Leera's birthday A young blond women came to escort her to the adult home. "I tell you this Vannah because the last time I saw Leera she wasn't showing but, she was very much pregnant.
"Hhh hhh how long has it been?" Vannah stuttered out the Question.
"Almost 19 years, Caroline said her eyes tearing up right along with Vannahs. Could it be? Vannah asked herself. Yes! It was possible.
"I don't want to give you false hope Vannah but you do have her eyes."

After Caroline left Vannah rushed up to the girls room. Where they were waiting with curiousity. "Spill!" Connie said taking in Vannahs flushed face. Vannah paced as she told them what she had just learned.

Both Connie and Ele gawked at her. "Talk about coincidence, Ele said.
"Is it? Connie asked. I mean is it really that much of a coincidence? Maybe Vannahs Mom grew up around here in Rarity alot of UGIs do." Vannah agreed not only because she wanted it to be true but it just sounded right.

Vannah was walking back past her old room when the door flung open and she was pulled inside. "Luka! she said quietly while falling onto the bed with him. "Where were you this morning?" she asked.
"I wen't with Bayne to get Caroline. What is it she had to talk to you about?" Luka asked. Again Vannah told the story, she was even more enthusiastic about it this time. But Luka wasn't smiling.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I just don't want you to be let down, It's just a really delicate situation." Luka said sitting up.
"I know Vannah replied , but it's also a lead. A good one."
"True," Luka agreed the corners of his mouth tilting up slightly.


The sound made both Vannah and Luka jump.
"Hey Luka Mr bayne is looking for you, his computers down." They breathed it was Warren.
"Alright I'll be right down!" he said then quickly kissed Vannah on the cheek. I'll leave first he said, and a minute later Vannah eased back into the hall. She was starting down the steps as Mick was coming up, he stopped her.

"You'll save a dance for me tonight right? Mick asked. I mean just as friends!" He quickly added.

Vannah hadn't been aware that Mick was coming. "Oh of course Mick yeah!" Maybe things wouldn't be as awkward between them as she thought, at least until he found out things had escalated between her and Luka.

Night came and The girls were getting ready. Electra's white mini dress insinuated her long creamy legs, her white silver hair was in a tight bun and diamonds studs flashed in her ears. Connie had washed her hair and let it dry in her natural flaming curls , her black tube top hugged every curve and her jeggins were smooth against her legs. Vannahs dark hair cascaded down her back, she wore an electric blue sleeveless dress that flowed over her body a slit came mid thigh exposing her tanned leg and gold lace up sandals.

Vannah wasn't feeling well, not sick but just out of it 

They descended down the steps at 8:55. The guys were in the living room waiting except for Warren, not only because he was to young but he was also human. He had turned in early, his face buried in a book as usual.

Both guys looked like Abercrombie and Fitch models in there button ups and faded jeans. Vannah felt closed in my thppqe boys stares. Mick cleared his throat. He grabbed the keys from the gold bowl and they were out. Rhianna's song (Come On) blared through the cars speakers. Vanah sang along blushing when Luka who was in the passenger seat looked back at her. It took twenty minutes to get there and the line outside was massive.

"Forget this!"  A very impatient Ele thought after 30 seconds and marched straight to the front of the line and up to the over pierced bouncer at the door.
Hey she said in her sweetest voice. The bouncer looked at her surprised by how she ignored the glares and whispers from random girls. But the guys didn't seem to mind the view. One of them actually reached out to touch Vannah but Luka came up beside her blocking his hand. "My names Electra I'm on the list." The bouncer didn't even get a chance to check before an excited Joshua appeared behind him. She's in Blake and her friends Josh said grabbing Ele's hand and letting Blake the bouncer stamp a red angel wing on it. The others got stamps to and just like that they were going in.

Strobe lights lit up the Dance floor and the bar which took up the length of the club. Joshua directed them to an upper level which was lit dimly and had tables and plush red chairs. They found the most secluded table and sat. Except for Connie. "I'm going for drinks!" Mick handed her a fifty dollar bill. first rounds on me he said. "Aren't you coming?" she asked the girls. "Yes!" Vannah answered quickly she had gotten her self stuck right between the the boys.

On the lower level Connie took the last unoccupied stool at the bar. That was when Vannah remembered none of them were twenty-one. She whispered this detail to Connie who whispered back, " We U.G.I.'s live by different rules." Connie got the attention of a bartender. Let me get three martinis ,three beers, and three shots of rum. "The rum and beers for the guys she explained to Vannah and Ele who were making disgusted faces.

Back at the table the guys took their shots and then Josh took Ele to meet some of his friends. A boy named Troy introduced his self to Connie then they disappeared to the dance floor, leaving Vannah alone with Luka and Mick.

"Want to dance?" Mick asked her.

Vannah did want to dance but not with him. The more she felt for Luka the more of Micks unheard song seemed to fade within her.

"Come on you said you would?"

Okay Vannah said following him all the while glancing back at a stiff and resisting Luka. "I'll be at the bar he called to them." Vannah had no idea at the end of the night she'd still owe Mick that dance.

They had reached the bottom step when Connie came rushing out of the crowd. A blond guy Vannah had seen once before was hot on her trail along with three of his iffy looking friends. Two Vannah also recognized from the pizza shop.
"Whats up Grant?" Mick asked giving him a back off look. But they were looking past him and at Luka.
"Luka?!?! The cute one standing nearest to Grant said side stepping him. He nudged his almost look alike "Can you believe this Jay?" Their black eye's beamed with amusement. Ohhhh! not another Luka reunion Vannah thought to herself.
"And you, a tall dark skin guy said I remember you, we were in Unit two together for a short time I'm the only one one left from the original's now since Luka left. So this is where ya been?" He asked Luka."

"You're Unit 1? Vannah asked pointlessly and shuttered when all of their eyes turned to her mentally taking off her clothe's. Mick stepped in front of her protectively and Luka said ," Yes they're Unit 1 members!" Just then two blond girls joined them one laced her arm through Grants.
"What are you doing hanging with Unit 1 Grant?" Connie asked.
"He recently joined the team." the bleach blond answered proudly.
"Yea, guess that makes me your replacement!" Grant said looking down his nose at Luka. "I wouldn't say that!" the boy named Jay spoke up disagreeing with his own team member. Grant ignored him zooming in on Connie.
"So Connie you going to dance with me or not?" Grant removed the girls arm from his like she was a used tissue. And stepped closer to Connie who seemed appalled by the idea. "Not!" she answered shortly. Red flashed through Grants eyes.
"Your better then that anyway come dance with us!" The bleach blond said and continued with "we're number one don't waste time on second rate nobodies!" Both blonds were pulling on Grant. The comment had gotten to Connie!. Connie didn't exchange anymore words instead she vanished and when she reappeared the tacky haired girl who had made the comment was on the floor. The sandy blond hair girl turned in surprise.

"Calm down Connie!" Mick pleaded.
I am calm Connie assured him! Im already moving on she said starting toward the bar, not at all threatened by the girl who was pulling herself up.

The first ice sickle flew past Connie crashing into a bottle of  Ace of Spade Connie disappeared mid turn but reappeared on top of the girl. "That ice sickle could have killed me!!! She screamed, Mick tried to pull her off but Grant tried to push him away wanting to watch the show. To Grants surprise Mick didn't budge but instead pushed him back,Grant flew across the room. The dark skin male punched Mick in the jaw his fingers cracked ,broken. The bar which had already been flashing blacked out completely then flicked back on. Electra had seen what was happening and was furious the lights in the bar were reacting to her. Luka pulled the two fighting girls apart. A hot blaze skidded across his back. Grant was in a fighting stance another fire ball ready. Security was pushing through the watching crowd who didn't seem phased by the flames growing where the fire ball had landed. Grant approached Mick fast Vannah stepped in the last second surely about to be trampled. "You need to cool it!!! she screamed throwing her hands and out, she was astonshed when water spewed from her palms with pressure like a fire hydrant again knocking Grant across the room. Instinct kicked in and Vannah put out the growing flames that now had the U.G.I.'s running for the exits.

"Lets Go!" Luka hollered pulling Connie out of reach of the first guard who had made it to them.

They ran with the crowd Electra joined them. They got to the truck Mick peeled out with a screech. He drove this way and that before heading home.

Second Dose Ch 6.

"UGHHH!!!" Luka was pulling off his shirt he was now in the middle seat with Vannah and Electra. "Is it bad?" He asked, turning so Vannah could see. And Vannah didn't mind looking. Luka had been burned across his lower back Vannah Immediately produced water to put on it. "Luka hissed its probably to late for that!" Sorry she said putting her hand to her head suddenly feeling really dizzy. When They pulled in front of the cabin Mr. Bayne was coming out.

"Vannah?" Is Vannah alright? Yeah I'm fine Vannah said what's going on. Get in the cabin now all of you Mr. Bayne ordered. Mick was going down the basement with Luka to attend to the burn's following Bayne's orders. "Warren's sending for Caroline!" he called after them.

"You stay up here Vannah!"

"How are you feeling?" Mr. Bayne asked her. He studied her intensely. "Why?" Vannah asked lifting her head from the couch. 'Why do you keep asking if I'm okay?" Connie and Ele looked worried. "It's Luka who's injured, all three girls said. "Luka will be fine and I have a long lecture brewing for all of you later!" Now Vannah the reason I'm concerned about you is ,just minutes ago I was monitoring Trish she had a visitor a man named Christoffe. Perhaps you met him during your time at the mess?" "Yes! Dr. Christoffe she nodded. She'd never forget how he restrained her and shot her up with needles in her ne.........".Tell me what's going on Mr. Bayne." He went on. "Christoffe injected you with a serum, Trish referred to as the G.S.S shot meaning Gene Separating Serum. "Have you been particularly tired? "Yes! Is it because of the shot?" Mr Bayne nodded. "There is a second dose one that puts your genes back together ,you never got the shot. "And what will happen If I don't?!?! Mr. Bayne was silent, Oh my god am I going to die?" "No ,not right away Vannah but it can make you very sick and tired which you've been experiencing!" And I guess eventually if left unresolved you can die.

Turning to Connie and Electra he said, "Gear up!"

Vannah watched calmly as Connie ,Ele and Mick got back in the truck. Luka had insisted on going but being he had already been barbecued Mick the mission leader over ruled him. Even in this particular situation Vannah wondered if Mick really just didn't want Luka involved with saving her again. Vannah was happy Luka was staying she didn't want to be alone while she waited.

MR. Bayne and Warren were on surveillance. And after Caroline came and tended to Luka he joined Vannah upstairs where she was curled up in the girls room. Luka sat on the edge of the bed his face in his hands the way it had been the night Vannah first sang to him. Not even thinking of herself Vannah started to sing.

"Don't Luka said please don't!"

"For all we know it makes you weaker. Vannah struggled to push the song back down. Luka kissed her lightly on the lips he acted afraid to hold her as if she would break.

Vannah was crying the initial shock was gone. Not just from this particular situation but from everything just piling on her. Her chest actually felt tight as if the events were pushing down on her. "Your going to be okay," Luka said coming up behind her and laying on his side his arms wrapped around her waist. "I know Mick wont let this be the end of you."

(MICK's POV---( "Slow down Mick!" Connie demanded. "Yea you know its to fast if Connie's saying something." Electra added. Mick couldn't slow down, he couln't stop not until The G.F.S. shot was in his hands. G.F.S. Gene Fusing Serum that's what Mr. Bayne had sent them for and nothing would stop him. He'd crash, straight through walls if he had to. That serum was as good as his. Oh Vannah your going to be okay, I'll save you. Silently he made the promise hoping somehow it would reach her. "Luka really would have been a asset to breaking and entering crawling through that air vent really sucks." Connie whined. "Your really complaining about a little dust at a time like this?" Mick asked accusingly. "Hey Mick don't attack me." Connie said defensively I care about Vannah too and I know she's going to be fine all we have to do is get the shot and this whole thing will be over! "I'm sorry Connie and I know, I'm just so afraid of loosing her ,he admitted this honestly. Not only did the thought of Vannah being sick because of the unnatural things the mess did to her make him feel sick his self but if Vannah died, he would never here his song. If Vannah died, he would never hold her again. If Vannah died, so would a part of him.

(LUKA's POV---( "Where here!" Micks Voice came through the head phones. Luka squinted at the screens. He could see that on one of the monitors an invisible Ele with Connie's help had zapped the cameras as a distraction. Two men moved frantically around the mess surveillance room. A few minutes later Mick announced they were in the main hall. Mr.Bayne pointed at the screen directly in front of Warren. Luka tried to stay focused on the screen but he couldn't his mind was upstairs with Vannah. He rushed back to her. Vannahs eyes were closed and she wasn't moving. "Vannah?" He was alarmed! Her eyes popped open ,"Yes Luka, I'm not dead yet." "Don't say that!" " But I don't even feel like I'm dying! Vannah went on, I'm just really really tired beside's Mr. Bayne was pretty positive that I'm not going to just drop dead!" Luka ignored the comment. "Just sleep he said while gently pushing her hair out of her face. "Okay Luka, Vannah leaned against him. Luka watched Vannah sleep relieved with every breath she took. Even the smallest possibility of her death was to much to imagine though he'd only known her a few day's going a whole life without her seemed impossible. If Vannah died, he would never hear his song again. If Vannah died, He would never hold her in his arms again. If Vannah died, she might as well have taken him with her.)

(Vannah(( Again water surrounded Vannah and she couldn't breath. Again she kicked pointlessly.Again the Surface was just out of reach. Only this time two faces blocked out the sun familiar frightening faces smiling at her taunting her. "Morph freak!" Margo barked. "Do it now Vannah!" Trish spat. Vannah kicked again. Still nothing Vannahs mouth forced itself open water rushed into her lungs and began to swirl around , her tail formed just as tucker appeared With the electric rod Vannah screamed from the sudden sharp pain and then, she was awake))

"Luka?" "I'm right here ,he said Stepping into the room. Dim light was coming through the window. "Where are they?" "We don't know, they were on there way the last time we spoke with them, somewhere between here and there something must have happened." Vannah sat up, "Something like what?" All sorts of awful thing's came to her mind experiments, cages, car crash, death. "Don't worry Vannah, Bayne is tracking down the car now." We will know something soon.

"We found them!!!!"

Warren called up the steps. Both Luka and a woozy Vannah hurried down into the livingroom. They caught the end of Mr Baynes phone conversation. "Yes ,yes right away and again I'm so sorry, mmhmm , see you soon." He hung up. "Where are they?" Luka asked before Vannah could.

"The jail hold!" Mr Bayne said. Vannah swore she saw a gray hair appear.


"Yes apparently the owners of The Red Wing are pressing charges!" What for we didn't cause the damage. but you were involved right? It's how you were burned? Luka nodded looking ashamed. Though he hadn't done anything. Anyway the cops stopped them on there way back into town.

"And held them with no phone privileges! Luka snapped. Did they find weapons on them?"
"I'm not sure Mr. Bayne said, I would hope not they are pro spies they should be slick enough to hide weapons, besides the cops had no reason to search the car. I'm off to get the prisoners Mr. Bayne said smiling uneasily. You just hang in there Vannah!"

"Vannah how are you feeling?" Warren asked once Mr. Bayne and Luka had gotten into a taxi. "I'm Fine." The lie came out followed by her bending over and dry heaving. "Yea, you look fine Warren said and went to grab her a bucket just in case.

"No really I'll be okay, just a little longer and I'll be okay." Warren looked hopeful. What happened at the club last night? He asked changing the subject. "Base 1 plus us that's what happened." "You were fighting Base 1? "Yea a couple girls were making snide remarks about Connie and it just got out of control after that. Vannah went on with the story ignoring the blurriness taking over her eyes and the fact that her heart was defiantly slowing.

IT was 45 minutes later when Luka showed back up alone. She's so pale he thought,while helping her sit up. "I have the shot he Said showing her. His hands were shaking. Just stay still Luka said to a completely out of it Vannah. Now she did fill like she was dying! Hurry Luka she managed the words, maybe her last. Here it comes he said and he eased the needle into her neck just as DR Christoffe had. The burning wasn't so bad it didn't make her scream. She closed her eyes as the serum worked through her making her whole again. Could already the sleepiness be fading? Was this over, so she could move on to the next dramatic event!

She didn't fall asleep but kept her eyes closed waiting for the dizziness to completely leave. When she opened them Mr Bayne and the three worn out U,G,Is were entering. Mick dropped down beside her. "Did he give it to you did it work?" He asked. It had worked already Vannah felt much better. Mick pulled her into his arms hugging her tight. Luka watched jealously from across the room, it was much more then a friendly hug Mick would have kissed her if Vannah would have allowed it. When he released her Connie and Ele crushed her in a group hug. And then Mr. Bayne put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry Vannah, we have never had something like this happen before. I assume that because we got you out of the lab more quickly then we have others you missed the second dose. I figured you had gotten both shots do to when you came here with two shot marks on your neck. But the second mark had been a steroid and not the G.F.S. I should have done blood work. I..I.. Mr Bayne went onto apologize again but Vannah stopped him giving him a knowing smile. 

"I supose The Mess didn't give you much trouble. " Mr. Bayne said turning to Connie.

"Nope it was almost as if they wanted us to get the syrum!" Connie replied. 

"Ofcourse they did even though the mess has bad intentions they want Vannah alive just as much as we do. 

Eventually the awkwardness from Vannahs possible death had eased and Mr. Bayne was ready for some answers. "Who wants to begin he asked his gaze searching the room.

"I didn't do anything!" Luka said truly.

"Yeah except withhold the fact that all of Unit 1 was back!" Mick spat.

"I did not! Luka protested giving Mr Bayne a help me out look.

"Luka is telling the truth Mr Bayne said hesitantly I've known for months that Luka and Unit 1 had arrived in Rarity."

Mick was ready to question Mr. Bayne but held back.

"Who started it at Red Wing? Mr. Bayne asked.


Connie piped up, it's all that pig Grants fault." "What did he do anyway? Mick asked and they all leaned in curiously for her response. "It doesn't matter, but they started it." "The owner of the club says differently Connie." Mr. Bayne gave her his signature look of disappointment. "They have you on tape attacking a girl from Unit 1." "Yeah after she tried to impale me with an ice sickle." "Yes Connie but that wasn't until after you tripped her." "But she said.....MR Bayne held up his hand. And you Mick another of the Unit 1 members may never have proper use of his right hand fingers again. "That really wasn't my fault he swung on me, and Grant deserved to be knocked back a couple of notches." Maybe so, but was it worth Luka being burned?" Mick gave Luka a silent once over, he paused.... "Don't answer that Ele said and If any one has suffered from their behavior its me! Who knows if Josh will ever even speak to me again! We ruined his party and he never even got to announce his surprise to everyone. I'll probably never know now!"
"Sorry!" Connie said looking embarrassed! Well that's a start Mr. Bayne said before Ele could go on. What about You Mick are you sorry? Mr Bayne asked. More then you'll ever know Mick said looking at Vannah. Both he and Connie stood up to leave. "Surveillance duty both of you will relieve Warren!" "Oh come on Mr. Bayne." Connie used her best pleading voice. His response was a silent stony expression.

An hour later Vannah sat at Mr. Baynes computer.  "Are you ready?" Mr Bayne asked her. Vannah nodded. She was sitting in front of the computer Mr Bayne handed her a ripped piece of paper with a few words scrawled on it. Miss RUBA'S HOME FOR GIRLS 332 Kresita ave. Vannah typed this into the computers search box. LOADING......... Vannah held her breath not sure what she wanted to find. In moments a big baby blue house appeared on the screen. On the steps sat a group of girls. Vannahs eyes went to a pretty blond it was most certainly Caroline and the girl sitting front and center she had Vannah's rich brown waves of hair and Vannah knew if she zoomed the girls eyes would be sea blue she was sure it was Leera, her mother. Its been a while since they've updated the picture Vannah thought. But the photo did work it made the place seem like a happy and safe place for girls to be. But it wasn't. There they let that beautiful young women be taken away by psychos like Trish. Vannah jotted down the number given beneath the picture. Mr Bayne handed Vannah his cell phone. She thought back to the morning of her birthday, when she had dropped her phone into the toilet. She had really flipped out about it and now it seemed so petty.


Vannah sighed it had been a long shot. Was it possible that they had there number changed but were still open? she pondered this. 18 years was a long time. What did she expect to find she was dealing with a cold case.

"Tomorrow do you want to go there? Its not that far!" Vannah agreed to Mr. Baynes suggestion she was ready to get her next dose of crazy realizations whilel she was still sane enough to process the information.

Nobody's Baby Ch 7.


332 Kresita ave was in a rundown neighborhood about a half hour away from Rarity. The house was still blue though the paint had chipped in places and pilled to grey under layers. There was the sign that once read Miss Rubas Home For Girls, But most of the letters were gone washed away by weather.

"SSSSSS Connie hissed taking it in. It was only Vannah and the girls She had talked Luka into not coming so that Mick wouldn't fill the need to come too.
On the steps, the same steps where Leera had once sat was a girl. She had stringy blond hair and hungry eyes. "Nobody's Baby." Connie whispered. "What?" Vannah asked just as quietly. "That girl she looks like she nobody's baby!" Connie was right the girl looked so unloved so lost so alone. "You dont look like ya struggling!" The girl said standing and lighting a cigarette. She was maybe 16 years old. Could have been pretty if she wasn't so skinny and hollow looking she had no light to her.

"Does Miss Ruba still run this place?" Ele asked stepping through the leaning white fence. "No!" the girl said not no more,she passed away just days ago!""Sorry Ele said softly.

"Why, were you one of her girls?" A second girl asked as she came out. She had smooth dark skin and a short hair cut she looked healthier then the other girl. "Is there someone here who has worked here for a long time? Vannah asked. "Mrs Locke the dark skin girl replied, she's been here forever! "Why?".......................

Connie was done with this portion of the Q&A so she walked up to the porch and rang the doorbell. minutes passed before a plump black women with a kind face answered.

"You couldn't have showed them in?" The women asked.

"Why so you could scold us later the blond said ,tossing her cigarette. 

"Please ladies come on in!" The women hurried them inside giving the two girls warning looks. The inside wasn't so bad just worn out as if all the original furniture and paint was still there. They followed her into a din which was set up as an office. Which one of you is in need of a place to stay? The women asked, I'm Miss. Locke by the way.

"None of us , But I do have some questions about someone who used to live here." Vannah said getting straight to the point.

"Cant give you any information. I'm sure you can understand that it is classified, I'm sorry. The women told them before  snapping a folder shut.

"But the person could possibly be my mother and if you worked here 18 years ago you can probably help me! She looked a lot like me. Her name was Leera.

Mrs. Locke really looked at her then and Vannah was sure that Mrs. Locke knew something.

"Please, even if you just answer one it will help!" Vannah said pleadingly.

"There is nothing to tell!"

LIAR, that's what Vannah wanted to shout.

"Was she taken away by a women named Trish?"

"I've dealt with a lot of girls it's hard to keep track where they all end up honey!"

"But your records do, right?" Connie asked.

"Well of course they do the women answered defensively. But like I said that information isn't available to you and besides files from all those years ago would be down in storage and it would take forever to find.

What if we offer to look we can find it and be on our way, no harm done." Vannah continued to reason.  

"Its been so long Miss. Locke what will a quick peak at obsolete files do?" Ele asked. When the women didn't take Vannah up on her offer.

"Cant you just pull it up on your computer?" The question came from behind them. They turned to find the girl who had been puffing the cigarette. The dark rings around her eyes framed a look that said she was up to no good.

"The files that they are looking for are downstairs Bree."

"Not anymore they arn't remember last month when I kept skipping curfew you had me upgrade all of the old files onto your computer at the time I thought it was pointles.s cruel and unusual punishment but now whatever they are looking for is just few clicks away. Bree smiled happy with herself. Vannah had a feeling the girl was more satified about putting Mrs. Locke on the spot than anything else. The girls glared at Mrs. Locke who suddenly seemed smaller then a cornered mouse.

"Just a few clicks." Vannah said soflty. Hoping that guilt would melt away the rest off Mrs. Lockes defenses. And it did.

"That wasn't so bad!" Connie said, from the front passenger seat. Vannah could. She sat all the way in the back so she could flip through the print outs some what privately. The first page read... Leera A. Raye checked into Miss Rubas Home For Girls at 11:37 am Sunday October 5 1991

It gave a short description : AGE 16
Eyes Blue/Green
Hair Dark Brown

The next page was notes taken during her first few days there.( Leera is very quiet but everyone seems drawn to her. She's smart and rather independent considering the circumstances.)

Vannah's eyes scrambled over the pages that were all about the mother she never knew. She flipped to the last page wanting to see the sign out sheet, her proof that Trish had been the one to check Leera out.

There was Leera's signature all twisted and delicate very similar to Vannah's own. And there was Trish's. "No! it wasn't Trish's at all.

"Lexi James!" Vannah read the name out loud. ""It say's right here that it wasn't Trish who signed Leera out but a women named Lexi James!"

"Is she another member of the mess?" Connie asked.

"I've never heard of her Ele said. But maybe Caroline know's something."

When they reached Rarity they didn't head home but straight to Caroline's.

"I wasn't expecting you!" She said smiling and walking them into her townhouse.
They had barely sat down before Vannah asked. Do you remember anything about the women who took Leera away?

"Nothing that could be much help sweety?"

"Was it the same women who always came for the girls?" Vannah asked anyway. Carolines brow scrunched up. "Actually no, it wasn't I had never seen her before that day. And never saw her again after. What was the name of the place girls went to after leaving Ruba's

"I'm not sure I had my own place when I left no one came to get me. All I can tell you is the women was young pretty and blond!"


Vannah felt like a gigantic hand had just stamped the words on her forehead.

"Maybe she wasn't from another home or shelter. Caroline suggested.

"Then who was she and what is her connection to Trish?  Vannah felt overwhelmed, at some point there was a trade off. Vannah's mind was spinning with possibilities.

"Or Maybe she was innocent and really trying to help Leera and somehow got mixed up with Trish!" No matter how many ways she looked at it ,Trish was at the center of everything

When they did arrive home there was a car in the drive way. Mr. Bayne parked behind it his eyebrows raised curiously.

Mick stood in the doorway mouthing two words. (Unit One). 

Vannah was tense already and seeing that Grant and the two blonds were staring at her from the couch made things worse. "I know you're acquainted with Grant, these are two of my other Unit members Carley and Rhaigan!
"We've met!" Launa the one who could produce ice said nastily.

"What brings you here Baron? You've been in Rarity for months it took some violence for you to finally show face." The man Baron smiled, but not at Bayne instead at Vannah who cringed away from it and the creepy way it made her feel. "Actually Arwin it is your new U.G.I. that has drawn my attention."

"Me?" Vannah asked not understanding what he could possibly want with her.  Baron took a step closer. 

"Yes you the mermaid who has caused quite a stir on the news! Or am I mistaken?" 

    "What about it?" Mr Bayne asked stepping between them at the same time Luka and Mick came up on both sides of her creating a protective wall. But Vannah only felt more closed in than anthing else. Sqeezing out between the guys Vannah faced Barron.  "What do you want with me?" She asked hoping he didnt want her to join his A team. 

"Its not me who want you its The Mess!" Baron stated flatly

"Mr. Bayne spoke up saying "they will never come looking ,they have never come after any U.G.I they have brought here!"

"That may be true for now but we all know that you were more than just the usual Mess experiment otherwise you wouldnt be all over the television and the hot tiopic of this town! Poor Trish must really want you back and if I'm right about your... mother is it? She'll stop at nothing to get what she wants!"

"Shes not my mother! And what do you mean I'm hot topic of the town?" The U.G.I.'s feel threatened by your presence.  "My team and I think you should be moved somewhere else far from here. There are too many U.G.I's at stake if you remain in Rarity it is not a risk any of us should be willing to take. Especially not now. Quite honestly Arwin I am suprised at you!"

"I here you Baron and understand, but I promised Vannah a place to stay and I stand by it. I am fully aware of the possible consequences though I thank you for running them by me!" All the kindness Vannah had learned to expect from from Mr. Bayne had vanished his voice was now cold and sarcastic his mind was made up. "You have no power here Baron your units vote is irrelevent.

Baron didnt look susrprised he smiled again at Vannah.

"I knew you would say that Arwin a man of his word. I will leave the subject of the mermaid at ease for now, being my focus is needed elsewhere. But the moment The Mess steps foot in Rarity it will be on you and I will not hesitate to turn the girl over as a peace offering to save myself or the many others you so easily have pushed to the side for her!"

"If thats all Baron I suppose you will be on your way." Mr. Bayne said gesturing to the door in a polite mannor as if a pleasent brunch had just ended and a threat hadnt been made.

"I suspose so. Braron responded taking a long look around and holding Lukas gaze for a moment. Vannah screamed when Luka dropped to his knees even Mick was concerned. While unit two surrounded Luka unit one took there leave. It was just the distraction Connie had been waiting for and no one noticed when she vanished and followed unit two. Had she known what she was about to discover she'd giving it a second thought. Had she known just how different Unit two and one were she would have been less brave.


Drawning Ch 8.

After Unit 1 made their exit and Mr.Bayne somewhat explained Baron's gift of mental munipulation and that Luka would be fine she also left out filling the need to run no wasn't it she didnt to run she needed to swim. She sighed knowing it wasn't an option. Vannah wasn't exactly sure what Baron had done to Luka but it frightened her to think of Gentle Mr. Bayne going head to head with him.  She'd been taking everything so well she'd thought but Baron had pushed her over the edge. Baron his slimy smile and slimy squad of bobble heads who had been silently agreeing with everything he'd been saying. And what made it worse is she herself agreed with him too. It wasnt' right for her to jeopordize exposing the towm of U.G.I.'s  She was in mid groan when Mick came up behind her. "Don't" do that she shreiked turning on him and then heading away. He followed mumbling sorry and feeling embarassed.

"Bayne sent me out after you its not a good idea for you to be alone!" 

"Great considering thats all I want to be right now." Vannah huffed.

"Sorry but he's right V!"

The nickname immediatly slowed Vannahs stride its what he'd called her the first and last time they had the kissed. Feeling guilty she changed the subject. 

''Sometimes I just want to get into the car take off to I don't know maybe to the ocean!" She didn't know why she was telling him this. He was always easy to talk to. 

"I can take you somewhere and we wont even have to leave the hill." 

"Where?"  Mick didnt respond instead he grabbed her hand and they took off running fast she had no choice but to hold on her shoes were barely meeting the ground. When they finally came to a halt the cabin was far behind them and a pond was at there feet. Vannah was trying to catch her breath but at the same time allowing the the sight of the pond to ease some of her tension without hesitation she was sliding out of her shoes. Evening was nearing but the air around them was still warm she dipped her toes in and then turned to tell mick thank you for bringing her here. When she turned around he was much closer than expected she took a step back wanting to be at a secure distance but instead of stepping into the water she stepped onto it which at first startled her. Did you see that? She asked looking down at her reflection.

"See what?"  Mick asked because he hadn't been paying attention to her feet.

"This!" she said  pulling her long skirt up slightly and stepping forward. Both of them were wide eyed and waiting for her to fall in but she didnt she was walking on the water she stopped in the center and squealed.

"You have to try this!"  She said not thinking about Micks issues with water.

"I'll take your word for it." he said smiling but staying put. 

"You wont fall in Vannah assured him .  It obeys me and right now its safe for you. Vannah held her hand out and though looking unsure Mick took it and together they defied the impossible. Mick was fascinated. But Vannah was realizing her mistake taking Micks hand had been a bad idea his fingers were now lacing through hers and he was slowly pulling her closer. Vannah was trying to stay focused all the while knowing she needed to stop Mick before he..... When his lips grazed hers her mind exploded with  hot and cold emotions which was the worst thing that could have happened. Suddenly It was as if a rug was pulled from beneath them and they feel in with a splash. Vannahs thoughts raced she knew she had to help Mick but she was useless until her transformation was finished. Once her tail was formed she opened her eyes slipped out of the skirt and located Mick. He was kicking his legs and waving hims arms but he was sinking. Vannah swam down grabbing hold of him but he was to heavy, he was going to drawn.

"Vannah?" The sound was muffled but someone was calling her.

"Vannah?" She glanced up it was Luka.

 She surfaced

" You have to help, I cant lift him alone!"

Luka was already taking off his shirt,shoes and paparing to dive in.  Mick was still fighting failing against his slow and deadly decent. Vannah and Luka reached him together but there efforts were not enough.

"The others!!!" Vannah Screamed 

Luka pointed to his wrist and shook his head no as if to say not enough time. Luka was out of air and had to let go. Vannah stayed below Micks eyes were still open wide with fear though he was going limp  

. I lost control its my fault!" Vannah said before giving into her sobs. But then she stopped her self. Wait control. "Thats it!"  She imagined the water moving rising for a dissapointing and painful long moment nothing happened but then the bubbles began the water started to slosh presure was building beneath them. They both started to rise slightly and then finally she and Mick were  completly forced up and out of the water. Their surroundings turned to air and they were falling. They landed with a thud and Luka ran to them. Mick hadnt lost consciousness but he was coughing and trying to speak. Dont Mick just catch your breath Luka told him. And for a while they were all silent until in a very raspy voice Mick spoke.

"Was my kiss really that terrible?"  He asked with a laugh which started another coughing fit. 

"Alright lets get into some dry clothes." Luka said while clearing his throat and trying to not give into his jealousy for the moment. He and Vannah helped Mick up. Then Luka was forcing his balled up shirt into Vannahs hands she blushed tugging it on thankful that the long shirt covered the panties she hadn't been prepared for either one of them to see.

"Were you born this way?" Vannah asked when they were almost back  to the cabin understanding that Micks "gift was some what of a burden

"No ,it started when I was in Junoir high I slowly started getting stronger." Don't worry V my gift has gotten me in much worse trouble.

"I'm so sorry!" Vannah said and couldn't imagine what kind of trouble could be worse than almost drowning.  She kept repeating her appologies as they walked back. "I should have known better I was just so sure of myself I..I...."

"Vannah I'm fine." Mick told her though his eyes were bloodshot and his face was completly drained of color. "and before we fell in it was really awesome!" He added throwing his arm around her Vannah ducked away avoiding Luka's steady glare and waved at Ele who was running toward them.

"Why are you all wet?" She asked Mick. And where is your skirt?"

"We thought it would be fun to go for a swim!" Luka imformed her.

"You did what?" She said momentarily forgetting why she had been looking for them. 

"Long story." Mick said giving her a you don't want to know look.

Ele shook it off. "Connies not with you guys?"

"No ,why!" They responded together. 


"What's going on?" Vannah asked while wringing out a section of her hair  before stepping into the house. 

"Okay no one panic but I think Connie followed Unit 1!" Ele said.

"Say that again" Mr. Bayne was standing up from the couch. Everyone started talking at once and Mr. Bayne silenced them.

"You three go get dry, I dont even want to touch on the subject of how you got that way and you Luka when you get back down here I think its time we both start talking because if Ele's right we need to know what Connie is getting herself into!" 

"I dont want to talk about it."  Luka said but he didnt sound firm just defeated.

"We know thats why Connie put it upon herself to find out exactly what sent you running back home with your tail between your legs!"  Ele said sounding alot like Connie. "Sorry Luka." She quickly appoligized its just my besty could be in danger and it makes me kind of moody. 

"As long as they don't discover her she should be alright physically anyway but mentally im not so sure!" That was the last thing  Luka said before continuing upstairs to change. And when they returned to the living room it was obvious Luka was done talking. The tension in the room was suffocating but no one seemed quite sure what to do about it. 


This Can't Be Happening Ch 9.

At 8 a text came from Connie (I'm safe) and after that all they could do was wait. It was 2 a.m. when Ele's phone rang.

"Connie?" She hissed into the phone. And then she told everyone one who had fallen asleep in the living room to get up. Vannah hadn't been sleeping she had been to busy hoping Luka would wake up so they could discuss the kiss that Mick had started. With everything that was happening who knew when they would have another  moment alone.

Ele put Connie on speaker.

"I should have never come here! Now I'm trapped in the basement." Connie's voice came out sounding so young and scared. "There are things here in the basement please you guys have to get me out of here!" Though Connie was whispering the urgency was loud and clear.

"What do you mean things?" Warren asked stifling a yawn.  There was no answer.

"Connie?" Mick and Ele both said but the phone was lighting up alerting them that the call had been ended. They didnt want to risk calling her back.

"We have to go get her!"  Mick stood prepared for a mission. 

"You can't just go running in there they have constant security and it's not like we can just go walking up to the door and knock like girl scouts selling cookies!" Luka stated the obvious.

"Why not?" Ele asked they came knocking on ours!"

"Yes Electra but it wasn't two oclock in the morning." Mr. Bayne reasoned with her.

"Even if it was a normal visiting hour what would we go there to say?" Luka added.

Ele's phone was lighting up again this time with a text.


(Sorry Ele I heard someone coming one of those triplets from the pizza place but its was a good thing because he opened the door giving me an oppertunity to escape sorry for the scare but I'm really freaked out about what I saw please just come pick me up I'm not too far from Pinas)

It didnt take long for Mr. Bayne to return with Connie who looked pale and like she had been crying. 

"You are all sick!" She accused pointing at Luka how could you have been apart of it?" You helped make that thing and that poor women what did you do to her?"

 "I didn't, I wouldnt!!!" Luka yelled back defending himself.

"What exacly are you accusing him of Connie?" Vannah and Mr. Bayne both asked.

"There was this thing all grey, bloated and disgusting it had claws like a crab but the face of a man atleast it used be it was dead and floating in the water! Oh god it was so awful! she said. And that women that poor women they did something to her eyes and now shes blind we have to get her out of there she's helpless she's..."

"A member of The Mess." Luka cut her off getting everyones attention.  "It's why Baron brought his umm.. experiments back he ran out of subjects from the other lab." Lukas voice shook while he spoke his face was turning  pale as Connie's.

"If they have been kidnapping Mess lab members how come we never see them on are surveillance screens?" Warren asked. "Unit one's mission are as you can imagine different then ours." The word our's sounded weird he still didn't feel like one of them. But he went on "anyway they dont ever enter the lab. Baron send the triplets in bird form to keep an eye out for mess members to leave and then well you know the rest."

"And you used to help them!" Connie was far from finished with him.  

"Dont blame Luka!" Mr. Bayne spoke softly while looking faint and slowly lowering himself into a chair. "If anyone is to blame its me." It was like no one knew what to say about this except Mick.

"Mr. Bayne You knew this was going on?"

" Yes I knew Baron intended on experimenting but staying out of it was the right thing to do!"

"Did you here what Connie just described?" Mick yelled. Nothing about it sounds like the right thing!"

"You dont understand Mick I tried to reason with Baron as my father did with his. When my father stood in Alec Crosses way it ended in both there deaths. I will not allow Baron Cross to bring me down with him!!!"

"So you're just going to pretend it's not happening that's what you have been doing for a year because you are afraid?"

"Lay off Mick!" Luka halfheartedly cautioned.


"You arn't any better Luka you were there, Connies right you are sick!" Mick face had all of its color and then some and as usual he was ready to storm out but Vannahs question stopped him.

"Is it really that bad?"

"What?'' Mick and Connie both asked looking at her like she'd finally gone to the point if no return.

"Seriously? Vannah went on is it honestly a problem that they are getting rid of The Mess members isn't that the same group who kidnaps and experiments on us shoots us up with needles and snatches away everything we know and love I bet they dont have meetings about how awful what they do to us is! So yes I'm asking is it really that bad? 

"Ofcourse it is Vannah not intentionally Killing them or experimenting on them is whats makes us the heros and not the villians. Baron is no better then The Mess I cant beleive you would ever go along with something like that!"

"Thats not what I said!" Vannah hollered right back not ready to back down!" 

But Connie interupted anything else they had to say.

"While we are here fighting there is a women guilty or not who has been blinded but is very much alive I think the right thing to do is rescue her. Am I alone in this?"

"You know Im in!"  both Mick and Ele who had been quiet until then agreed.

Vannah still stood by her oppinion but there was no way she would be able sleep knowing she hadn't helped a blind women escape further torture. surely the women had learned her lesson. Vannah agreeing was followed by Luka saying they would be needing him for security codes and the agrument for now was far from unsettled but like problems momentarily pushed to the side.

"Not tonight it's Starlas night to play lookout there is no way we will get in unseen!" 

"Dont underestimate me. Connie said confidently. Not only can I make myself invisable i can do it to all of us."

But for how long and when is the last time you turned five people at a time? It's to much of a risk tomorrow night the house idiot "Ox" will be on guard he's strong but alot easier to fool then any of the triplets. Connie started to Argue but Mr. Bayne shut her down.

"It is settled Luka has the most experience with the Unit 1 U.G.I's tomorrow  evening you will do a rescue mission and the only way its going to work is if you are getting along the fighting has to stop now as well as the secrets and Connie no more rougue missions. If anyone had something to say they bit their tougues and with Connie safe and home everyone returned to their rooms. Though for the rest of the night not one of them slept well.

(The ocean stretched out before Vannah her toes wiggled warm in  the sand she stepped forward ready and willing to be taken away from the shore, to become one with the tide and leave everything behind her. She closed her eyes the sun felt good but she new the water would be better. The water was at her knees now and someone was calling to her. She searched up and down the beach but no one was there. It wasn't until she focused back on the water that the saw her. "Leera!!!" she yelled rushing and diving under she swam fast wanting to reach Leera afraid that she might fade if she didnt get there soon enough. But now under the water She couldnt see the shimmer of her mothers tail so when she came up Leera was still there, still waving and waitng. Vannah swam toward her again but with every foot forward she went Leera seemed to move back. Vannah became frustrated she smacked the water causing her hands to sting but before she could register the pain her vision flashed white and her surroundings changed. She was still in the ocean only now there was no beach instead behind her was a deep dark cave surrounded by jagged rocks the sun was gone now hidden by dark clouds rain began to fall and Vannah didn't hesitate to enter the cave her legs had gotten there shape back when it happened. A figure stepped out of the shadows throwing a net over her she screamed and rolled away  from her captor whos face was no more then shadow its self she hit the water with a loud bang which woke up tangled in covers on the bedroom floor.

   The next day not just Vannah but everyone was restless and still on edge though for Mr. Bayne and the missions sake they pretended to be fine around lunch time Ele was complaining about the fact she hadnt seen or hardly heard from Joshua since his party disaster. She'd text him sorry a bunch off times but he'd only responded once telling her not to worry about it. That wasn't good enough for Ele so she dragged Connie and Vannah who was happy to not be condemmed to the cabin with her to the Pizzaria. A younger Josh look alike was working the counter "hi Ele" said when the girls entered the boy smiled widest at Connie.

"But it was the women giving them the mean eye from behind him that they noticed.

"Well look who it is the girl who ruined my sons big day!"

"It wasn't like that Miss Pina I came here to try  and appoligize again, is Josh here Ele rattled off her face was pink with embarassment.

"No he isn't, you would know why had you not started that fight before he made his big announcement. Well obviously the fact he hasn't been in touch isn't enough for you to get it so I'll relay the message for him. What ever you guys started is over he is with Unit 1 changing lives while you are wasting time thinking about a petty teen relationship move on!"

"He wouldn't say that!" Ele sobbed  

"Here want to read the text?" Miss. Pina offered coming around the counter her fat angry face jiggled with each step.

"No I dont!" Ele shreiked before running out breathless she stopped outside the boookstore. The fact that Miss. Pina had offered the text was enough evidence. Not only had Josh not taken the time to speak with her but he was with Unit 1 and all the craziness that came with them. "

This can't be true Con!" Ele said into her bestfriends shoulder both Connie and Vannah held her while she cried and they all thought the same thing that this can't be happening.                





In This Together Ch 10.

Night couldn't have come fast enough everone had their reasons for wanting to get the mission started Connie and Mick just wanted to do the right thing Luka was still on his inner mission of redeeming himself and Ele who's intentions were good had let some selfishness sneak in hoping she somehow would get to see Josh while there she just knew there had to be a missing puzzle peice. Vannah sat silently observing the ansy U.G.I's. Feeling anxious and some what afraid  she really wished they weren't all mad at each other for one reason or another not only because she found comfort in the family like inviroment but because this being her first misssion she really would like for everyone to be at their best. For the third time Vannah caught Luka full on staring at her but this time he gestured with his head for her to follow him upstairs they had about an half hour before leaving. She waited a decent amount of time before going when she got upstairs she closed the bathroom door so no one would suspect her and Luka being together in one room. When she walked in Luka pushed the door closed and she braced her self prepared to deny any accusations. But her defense was nothing against what happened next.

He wrapped his arms around her and turned her towards him. The kiss wasn't soft but instead ruff and trembling. It tasted of jealousy.  He nibbled at her lips it hurt but in way that Vannah liked his skin felt so warm until he backed away breathing heavy and looking dark and angrry and undeniably handsome. 

"Did he ever kiss you like that?" He asked and Vannah hated that the growl in his voice made her want to skip this conversation and go back to kissing.

"No!" Vannah told him honestly. Now that she thought about it Mick had always been so gentle with her probably because he had to hide his strength.

"Did you want him to kiss you?"

"Ofcourse not!" Vannah couldn't beleive him didn't he know no matter what had happened between her and Mick in the past that what they had was more it was beyond lust or a teen romance it was magic.

"You would tell me if there was anything left between you and Mick right?"

"I will always be honest with you Luka, thats why I don't understand how you could keep the truth about Unit 1 from me.

"Vannah you need to come see this!!!"  Connie was yelling up the steps

They had forgotten all about the others waiting for them down stairs. "Vannah hurry!" Vannah didn't want to hurry and see whatever it was she had a hunch it wouldnt be good. Besides she wasnt' done speaking to Luka. But Luka was curious and already opening th door. 

They were surprised to find Caroline in the living room. She was holding a wooden box with intricate designs on it Vannah made out the the shape of a mermaid in the center with emeralds for eyes that actually glowed.

"What is that?" Vannah asked over her own heart beat that was pounding in her ears.

A friend of mine who owns the bookstore saw you in town today and insisted I get this box to you!" 

Caroline handed it to her.

"He recognized me from the news?" Vannah asked

"No Harris is more into his books then media, I doubt he has any idea about whats going on todays tv."

"Then does he have a gift for knowing other U.G.I's powers?" Vannah asked.

"No!"  But this is not him about, its the box that matters! He said that the eyes only glow when it recognizes a certain bloodline. Vannah has Arwin told you how rare even in the world of U.G.I's you are? It's why I didn't hesitate telling you about Leera the odds of you not being from the same family line is well almost impossible. Do you see the intials?"

Vannah hadn't taken her eyes off the box.( L.A.R.)

"You think it belonged to Leera?" Vannah asked wanting to hold the box close and cherish it.

"Don't you?" Caroline asked her. 

Vannah looked down at the empty box stunned by how familiar it seemed though it was impossible she had ever seen or touched it before.

"We have to get going V." Mick said resting his hand on her shoulder. I know Vannah said before turning back to Caroline. 

"Did Harris say anything else?"

"Only that its been sitting in his store for years and his wife picked it up at a yard sell sell here in Rarity."

"Vannah I know this is really important but...." Connie started to say.

"Sorry Con, just one more question Caroline. "How does Harris know about the eye's?

"his wife "Florence" told him that the man who sold it to her told her! but before you can ask his wife "Florence passed away not long ago.

Vannah thanked Caroline though just like the imformation from Miss Ruba's that had basically fallen right into her lap that this didn't seem to get her anywhere at all. It was strange to feel so far yet so close, to be holding something her mother may have touched she held the box close to her heart before placing it back up stairs in the girls room. She had to see this as a positive thing and she had to except that her journey to finding out about her past had just begun.


(Mick's POV)

Another one of the mission cars was back from the shop Unit 1 hadnt seen it and the windows were tented which made it a good choice. The ride was silent not even the radio was on. Mick guessed it was better than the sound of everyone arguing. He wanted to speak to Vannah, tell her he'd help find out more about the box but he didnt want to make promises he wasnt sure he could keep. He hated how let down Vannah was but none of them could deny that if she was going to find out about her past then Rarity was the right place for her. When Caroline had told Vannah how rare she was Mick hadn't been surprised not only because he had never met another mermaid but because he had known she was special even before he knew who or what she was. She was powerful and sexy and he wasnt the only one who noticed. It seemed every time he looked at Vannah Luka was looking too. Luka had jumped into the pond to try and save him today and instead of feeling appreciative Mick felt annoyed. Why had Luka been following them how had he known exactly where they were going. Even if they hadnt fallen in Luka would have been a worse interruption. The half kiss still tingled on Micks lips and he wondered if Vannah still felt it too they hadnt had time to talk about it. He had considered following her upstairs before the mission but he had heard the bathroom door close and changed his mind. They were passing the Pizzaria now it was obvious Ele was going out of her way not to look in that direction. He felt for her thinking of Joshua with Unit 1 was Like imagining Vannah with well anyone else. He remembered the night she sang to Luka and how he'd thought for certain they would be into each other afterwards but since that night Vannah hardly ever even spoke to Luka. Still something about them feeled him with deep green jealousy. But it wasn't the time for that, tonight he'd have to work around his feelings and let Luka lead them through what could only be described as a house of horrors. But even with thoughts of mutated U.G.I. members he couldnt help stealing another look at Vannah who for once was staring right back at him.


(Luka's POV)

Luka thought returning to the cabin was an escape and a start at redemption but now he was on his way back to the place where nightmares were born. Not the nightmares you wake up from but real one's. The kind that no matter how many times you blink or rub your eyes the images never fade. He hadn't kept Unit 1 secrets out of selfishness he was trying to protect Mick and the others he wished he didn't have any knowledge of the things he had seen. Just like he wished Vannah could understand that it was more then just normal boyfreind pain he felt when he saw Mick kiss her. The pain had shot straight to his heart he had almost dropped to his knees but when Vannah and Mick broke apart falling into the pond it had subsided and he swallowed his anger to try an help. Not that Mick had seemed thankful even after he had almost drowned all he could think about was flirting with Vannah. He was going to tell her about the physical pain he felt but Vannah was already feeling guilty enough knowing they were going to come clean to Mick. They had to  not to mention all the sneaking around wans't hot like they made it seemed on television. It was actually frustrating. Besides they all were learning keeping secrets from each other was no good to anyone. Connie turned onto the street where Unit One resided unlike the cabin Unit ones mansion was on a busy street. The house had belonged to Barons family and though on the outside it  looked pefectly normal with its faded white paint and lavender trimming the inside had been completly remodled sound proofed and Luka couldn't forget the cages and tanks in the basement the mess lab couldn't have done better themselves. They drove by to take in there surroundings and as if on the same schedules Baron and some of Unit 1 were getting into their own car Luka noted that none of the triplets were present which meant Baron must have changed some things. There was no turning back now. Was there? They parked on the next street over Luka informed them that the U.G.I.'s that had left were the least of there problems and that Neco, Jay and Starla could be anywhere watching and that they wouldn't be in human form. Just as he was saying this he noticed a cat hop onto the step just off the sidewalk in front of the mansion. 

"I thought you said the triplets wouldnt be on guard tonight!" Mick thundred as if he had been waiting on an oppurtunity to call out Luka on any and every mistake. 

"I was wrong. Okay? and if you all dont want to procede then speak up. Whatever happens in there I have your back's! Do you have mine?' Luka had been wondering where he stood amongst the Unit he bit the inside of his cheek waitng for one of them to say no. But they didn't they all agreed that they were in this together. He his smile from them continued on. "What ever happens we have to follow the plan. Once inside Mick you and Connie that way you can stay invisible while you keep gaurd at the basement door and me, Vannah and Ele will go downstairs and help the captive women.

"In full veiw?" Vannah asked. And Luka wanted to pulled her into him and tell it would be fine. Instead he adressed all of them. "We can handle this just another rescue mission.

"They all looked toward the mansion.  "That cat is Starla  and I can assure you her brothers are near by and Terell must be inside. He imformed them in a whisper once they were out of car and moving through a yard they house in front of them was keeping them hidden for now.  Don't let his broken hand fool you Terell in no slouch either one of his touches can numb your whole body or worse if he wants." He was going to ask Ele what Joshua's powers were but he didn't want to offend her she still was in denial that her guy had joined the wrong team. They watched Starla stroll off like a care free kitty both Luka and Mick knew what it was like to see her claws come out. It was time they moved in. Earlier that day Mr. Bayne had forced everyone to get along long enough for Connie to practice turning them all invisible it worked but never longer then fifteen minutes at a time. Now they were here and this wasn't practice. He kept telling himself they just had to get inside and the rest be easy he shook his his knowing it was foolish. Connie looked confident when she told them to all hold hands. Luka was comforted when Vannah took his. He wanted things to go smoothly he wanted to get in and get out safely but he already knew he was asking for to much, And the shiver that went through the entire group confirmed that they knew it too.





Change Ch 11.

(Vannah's POV)


Luka's hand tightened around Vannahs and a shimmer of fear and the strange sensation of turning invisible took over them. They crept through the yard directly across from Unit 1. The thought of the triplets watching them in animal form was amazing to Vannah. Sure she could turn into half a fish but to be a bird or cat  on demand was just mind blowing to her. Immediately she felt eyes watching but the cat wasnt in sight. Luka who was to her right pointed up with his free hand a big brown owl was perched on a tall oak tree that sat to the left side of the mansion. They were now on the steps all of them trying not to breath loudly of step on falling twigs. They were in the trees shadow now. The owl swooped down landing feet in front of them they had been scensed. Slowly the owl outstrected its wings and began to grow. Its wings turned into arms and ruffled feathers became messy black hair and finally the beak faded into a nose placed in the center of a handsome face. He had the same dark attractive quality as Luka. Instead of stepping in their direction  the boy turned his back to them. That's when Mick was quick drawing his gun and aiming it. There was a whisper of sound and a needle jammed into the boys throat Vannah ignored the picture of Tucker that came to mind when she saw him flop to the ground. they all moved closer and with one hand Mick dragged the one they would come to know as Jay into some bushes. That's when the barking began. They hurried into the back of the house and onto the porch. Luka began typing in  security codes and wasn't surprised when he was denied. The barking grew. That's when the cat "Starla appeared running, the dog was right on her heels Starla turned claws extended and stood up on her hind legs. She was morphing and almost complete when the dog attacked. The cats hiss became a girls shriek, the dogs paws pounded into her. Starla feel onto her bac. The dog rolled off of her his growl slowly becoming a laugh as all the fur and muscle turned into the third triplet he was slightly better looking then his brother. 

"You idiot I knew it was you!" Starla yelled playfully before pushing her brother who was trying to stand back down and thebn taking off back to the front of the house. Neco stood stretching and his neck popped loudly he looked up and mumbled to himself about his brothers where abouts before following after Starla.

"let's go!" Luka whispered bringing everone out of their frozen state. They watched Luka focusing on the alarm in three breaths he had disarmed it and then he pushed the door open.




They entered into a large white kitchen which thankfully was also where the basement door was located. It was a good thing because right then they all became visible. Thats when someone flicked the light on.

"What are you doing!" Josh asked flicking the light back off and shutting the the door he'd come through behind him.

"Funny I was going to ask you the same thing!" Ele said ,taking a step forward.

"You all have to go if the triplets find you.......

"We aren't leaving until we get what we've come for Mick cut him off.  We know what you all have been keeping in the basement!" 

Josh did'nt attempt to deny it he simply said "you're to late." 

"What do you mean?" Luka asked.

"The experiments they're gone, Baron moved them this morning so you risked coming here for nothing and should go before the some one other then me find's you!" 

"Josh?" Ele started but the sound of feet pounding onto the porch stopped her the unit grabbed hands instantly vanishing. Vannah watched as Josh looked away and opened the fridge as if he had just been searching for a meal. Starla and Neco came in  looking torn between anger and surprise. Have you seen Jay?" Starla asked while flicking on a second light. Josh shrugged.

"Not for a while why?" Starla did'nt respond she ran fingers through her silky hair and shot  her  brother a frustrated look.

"Its not like him to just abandon his post." Starla paced looking feline like her dark eye's bounced about the room landing for a  moment at the basement door.

"Glad the bodies are gone maybe I'll finally get some sleep!" Josh said suddenly earning a amused look from Neco. 

"Nightmares?" Starla asked not sounding sarcastic but actually concerned.

"No nightmares but I'll admit I wasn't to keen to there being a crab creature in the basement!" Josh told her closing the fridge and sitting a plastic container down on the chrome island.

"Dead crab creature!" Starla corrected.

 Vannahs throat was dry and her palm was getting slick with sweat against Luka's. 

She was fighting the urge to clear her throat when Jay came inside.

"Where have you been?" Starla scolded.

"Jay looked annoyed,

 "Slumped in the bushes!" He said.

"What?" Both Starla and Neco asked.

 "You heard me, I came down from the oak and next thing I know I was waking up behind the bushes.  With a pain in my neck.

"Sleep syrum!" Starla exclaimed taking a closer look at his neck.

He nodded.

"I think Unit 2 was here!"

"We are still here!" Connie announced because her gift had given out and they were now fully visable.

Sorry she told her friends "I couldnt stop it"! They released hands and stood face with the triplets. Vannah coudn't deny that the trio was giving off a sense of superiority. She felt like a kid caught stealing.  Baron said he'd be expecting you. 

"We know you were here Connie our cameras have heat sensors we perposely let you free from the basement and we knew you'd be back to do the right thing. Not sure if Josh imformed you but those failed experiments are long gone.

"I knew  I smelled you Neco mumbled glaring at Luka from behind Starla.

"But the women she was alive!" Connie said in a small voice.

Jay moved closer and spoke. "Key word was, Baron assures us it will all be worth it in the end!"

"It's  murder how can that ever amount to anything worth having?" Mick asked.

"Tell me this," Jay was still slowly coming toward them. What has Bayne's approach accomplished? So you go on rescue missions but the humans they learn nothing.  If important people became  U.G.I'S the mess will be no more.  We will be superior

"And you think that gives you the right to kill and mutate them the only thing you will accomplish is making things worse!" Luka half yelled.

"Baron said you wouldn't understand, that Bayne has made you all soft. Don't you see we can run the world if we reveal ourselves to the humans with an offer that they can't refuse be to special too they won't have any reason to fear us they will want to be like us.

"Luka grunted  you all think Bayne really wants to make humans like us out of the kindness of his heart. The mess needs to be stopped but exposing us to humans isn't his choice to make alone!"

"He isn't alone Starla informed them while pulling Jay back a few steps. He's brought his idea forward  to the U.G.I. Authority in Monstro City and now the mess is no longer being over looked! Vannah remebered Mick mentioning about there authority and basically how they didn't get involved with the mess they left it to the society. But now they were getting Baron. The room suddenly room felt small and suffacating and Vannah didn't want to here any more. How could she even have considered what they were doing as reasonable looking back she was ashamed. What did the rest of the unit think of her now?

"Why tell us this?" Ele asked.

"Because we want you all to join us!"

"You cant be serious!" Mick huffed

"Ofcourse we are." Starla purred Vannah would'nt have been shocked if she had rubbed up against him.

Baron is stubborn but not stupid he see's all of your potential especially yours Vannah. He say's your powerful like us we he can help you."

"Why are we even listening to this will never join you!" Connie was back to her spark plug self We didn't come to talk or listen we made are choice when we decided to come here on a rescue mission we are against what you are doing and won't have any parts in it. Connie was already at the door with Mick and Ele right behind her. Luka started to follow but Vannah was hesitating. Come on Vannah Luka spoke softly to her his hand quaked  as if he wanted to hold hers. Vannah new she had to walk away from here with her mind over flowing with countless emotion and the one thing she refused to feel was fear so with her decision made she reached for Luka's hand and the two of them left the mansion she ignored Connie and Ele's expressions and she didn't flench when the last of Mick's song left her heart or her mind.













Light my Way Ch. 12




I have always trusted the darkness

it never did blind me

like the light.






     PART 2



 (Vannah's POV)







The rain started the moment they were headed home by the time they arrived the storm was in full force. They all ran to the front porch. Vannah and Luka still were holding tight to each other. Ele opened the door and they all stared into the darkness.

"Electricity is out"! Mr. Baynes voice taraveled to them."

"But dont worry we have plenty of candles!" Caroline added in an up beat tone. And then appearing with a white candle she placed next to the African Violet. The house smelled like warm vanilla which was Trishes favorite scent and made Vannah feel sick to the stomach. In the living room Warren was present talking to Mr. Bayne who abruptly ended the conversation. And turned toward the group. You were unsucessfu?"

"Yes we were to late and it was an embarassment!" Mick informed.

"They knew we were coming." Connie said taking the candle that Caroline was handing her she pass Vannah and Ele one as well. The Cabin looked more creepy than cozy now with the tiny flames lighting up their faces and the strange shadows on the walls. Mr. Bayne glanced between the two boys but said nothing. Are two going to be able work together despite well this Mr Bayne asked taking in Vannah and Luka's hands. His voice was damp and Vannah wondered if it was disgust. But that wasn't what disturbed her the fact that she didn't care was what bothered her most. Tomorrow I'm going to Monstro City  I have allies there U.g.i.s It's time the authority get's involved.

"The Authority is already involved and they are on Barons's side!" Mick thundered.  Vannah was trying to pay attention to them but something was distracting her it was a melody as if it was being whispered into her ear and it wasn't coming from Luka or anyone else in the room. She did release Luka's hand then, if the cabin was kind of creepy already now it was straight out of a horror flick.

"Doe's anyone here that?" She asked And Mr. Bayne and Mick stopped going back and forth.

"What is it Vannah?" Mr. Bayne asked.

"Music she answered concerned that know one else seemed to notice it.

It's coming from upstairs Vannah realized starting toward the steps where the music grew louder the others followed.  I don't here anything Connie and Ele were saying. They crowded outside of the girl's room. Vannah knew deep down that the sound was coming from the wooden box she pushed the door open.  Here the candle's weren't needed the room was completly lit in an emerald green glow the music softened and stopped completly once Vannah lifted it.

"Open it!" Caroline  said quietly as if speaking too loudly could ruin the magic off the moment .

"Slowly with her fingertips tingling Vannah eased it open and when she did something she had not expected came out. It was a voice a womens voice whispering a question that made Vannahs stomach dance.

"Leera is it you?"

"Vannah snapped the box shut gasping along with the other's. After a moment of stunned pause she reopened the box and again she was asked.

"Leera is it you?"

"Answer Caroline said coming closer and looking excited as well as concerned.

"Talk into it? Ele said mirroring Carolines expression. "Go on Vannah say something!" Connie incouraged.

"Wait!" both Luka and Mick said actually in agreement.

"What if its not safe." Luka asked  Now unsure and trusting Luka's jugdement Vannah closed it again.

"But what if its someone who can help her? Connie asked, This could be it!"

Vannah looked at Luka wanting him to reassure her. "I have to try, it might not even work Luka but if this person can help me find out more about my mother I cant miss this oppertunity. Luka nodded and Vannah was thankful.
 So once more Vannah opened the box only this time no question came instead it was a hushed plea like the women didn't want to be overheard.

"Leera please answer me you have to!"

"I'm not Leera!" Vannah whispered frantically she had lost some of her nerve she closed the box hoping that was how it worked. After what felt lke a lifetime of minutes in a desert with no water Vannah opened it again.

" Do you know where she is, is she alive?"   

"What am I supposed to say That I never met her but I'm her daughter?" Vannah clamped her mouth she hadn't meant to say that while the box was open.

"Its to late now, its not like you can erase it like a text Connie shrugged.

"I'm sorry it came out like I'm new at this but I don't know where Leera is and I was hoping you could help me I'm not sure but evidence says that Leera is my mother." Vannah Waited for a response and tears burned her eye's when the women said

"Oh I can't beleive it you can't be, are you... Is your name Vannah?"

"Yes!" Vannah Answered through sniffles And you your name?"

"Oh sweetheart Im Lexienna, I'm your aunt!"

Vannah's heart sqeezed but not in a sad way like when Trish had revealed herself as an imposter but in a way that made her want to scream out in joy she'd found family and in someway a peice of herself that she never knew was missing.

Vannah didn't know how to respond and her freinds were just as speechless. Vannah closed the box and hoping Lexienna whould know where to go from here. And she did.

"How did you get the Whispering box Vannah where did you find it?"

"At a bookstore in town called Rarity!" Vannah answered feeling somewhat insecure should she be disclosing her location to the voice to the women who may be her flesh and blood or maybe something else intirely Luka moved uncomfortably waiting for Vannah to see what Lexienna's response was. Lexienna's voice was louder now like who ever she'd been afraid might over hear didn't matter anymore.

'Vannah I'm here I've been in Rarity all these year's waiting for your mother hoping she'd come back hoping you would come back it was you on the tv wasn't it? You look so much like her oh goodness   I just remembered  how much i used to hate talking into this thing sorry for speed talking I'm just so overwhelmed I'm sure you are too we have to meet would tommorow be alright with you? I understand if not! Vannah couldnt help but laugh she all to well understood being overwhelmed. But the overwhelming feeling of triumph she had while getting Lexiennas adress was just fine with her. They ended there conversation with the promises of tomorrow and that's when all the lights came back on. 














Reunion Ch 13.


Mr.Bayne  left before sunrise he'd enlisted Mick and the girls to join him on his trip to Monstro City. He'd thought it best for Vannah to stay behind anyway and she didnt argue. Luka didn't hesitate in saying he'd be staying with her making sure all went well in with her and Lexienna. So around ten a.m. Vannah, Luka and Caroline were nearing the edge of Rarity .

"I hope you dont mind me Vannah I just thought you should have someone well an adult looking out for you.

"I'm looking out for her Luka said before Vannah could speak."

"I'm sure Luka Caroline started but Vannah interupted. "

"I'm happy you are here Caroline I can never thank you enough!" Caroline smiled and they pulled up to Lexienna's home.

"I cant beleive we were this close the whole time isn't it impossible?" Vannah asked finally letting the tiny bit of doubt she had overflow.

"Doe's that answer your question Luka said pointing over Vannahs shoulder. Vannah looked out at a women who was approaching with a girl by her side she was maybe sixteen their hair was blond but their eyes were rediculously blue like Vannahs like a mermaids.

"Vannah got out and they both froze The women looked as if she were seeing a ghost"  Hello Vannah!" the women finally said in the voice Vannah had encountered last night. Luka was beside her and Caroline was getting out.

"This is Caroline she gave me the box!' Vannah said and this is Luka he's my boyfriend!" 

"Please lets go inside. Lexienna gestured them along. Vannah ignored the way they had looked at Luka. The house smelled like the ocean there were shells every where and the couches were sea foam green it was almost cliche but wonderful still. Can I get you anything. Im fine Vannah said placing the shell she'd picked up back in its place on the mantle and then noticing a picture of Lexienna, Leera and a little babygirl.

"It's me?" Vannah said to herself.

"Yes it is Lexienna came closer to her you were three months old I lost the both of you soon after. We can't beleive you found us!"

"We?" Vannah said really looking at the girl now. I'm Domina your cousin!" She said I've wanted to know you for so long!" 

"So do you have a tail?" 


"Dom! Lexienna hissed please excuse her Vannah she hasn't gotten subtlety down yet. What your little cousin meant was do you morph?"

"Well ofcourse I do, I mean don't you? Vannah asked finally taking a seat.

"I used to and Dom may, well she may never!"

"What happened and Dom what is she 16 I didn't morph until my 18th birthday! Vannah said her mind flooding with confusion and worry.

"Yes we saw it on the news, we were completly mindblown Dom told her sounding enthused which wasn't how Vannah was feeling at all she felt embarassed remembering watching herself being exploited on the  television.

"I think your mother did this to you,I Had my doubt's until now." Lexi was saying.

"Did what?" Vannah asked Lexienna was freaking her out she Luka and Caroline were all on the edge of there seats

" I have alot to tell you If you are ready. Lexi didn't look sure probably debating on what not to tell and Vannah was hoping for a tell all.

"Is it about my mother Lexienna?" Vannah asked.

"Yes it is and please call me Lexi. You can add aunt ifand when  it suits you."

With that Vannah braced herself and allowed Lexi's words to take her into the past.

First I will tell you a story that has been around much longer then your mother and I i hope it will help you to better understand.  Once there was a Mermaid named Saraphina she was powerful unlike anything ever seen in our waters  she made a place deep within the ocean that only our kind could find.  She called it the Lit City and she was the Queen. Saraphina instantly had the mermen blinded by her beauty and deaf to any other mer's song.The mermaids were secure and happy in the kingdom though they grew jealous of there mates wondering eyes that always landed on the queen. The queen who didn't bother following her own laws. They confronted Saraphina of her seduction And she laughed at there accusations. It was in the night that Saraphina sang her last song a song she never did finish because one of the jealous mer's slit her throat before she could. It's said and its true that when her blood seeped out into the water she became the sea and if you break the laws of the sea you will be damned.

And my sister and I we were damned to the human world.

"Wait this is like mermaid legends Ive seen alot of the things in the world of Ugi's but...  Im sorry I'm not mocking you its just so  other worldly!" Luka blurted interupting just when it was getting good. 

"That is because it is not of this world we our not  U.G.I.!" Lexi informed him

"Why were you punished?" Vannah asked completly intrigued.

"Some of this may be hard to hear Vannah it is about your past and  will effect your future.

Vannah nodded she wanted to know she had to know where did she come from and how did her life make such twist and turns.

Lexi inhaled and went on.

"It started with love!" When Lexi said this her eyes twinkled but dulled when they landed on Luka. Leera loved a merman though she was only sixteen and he belonged to another mer. The sea or Saraphina had laws about that. You can not mate until the age of 18 and to be with a mer who is not yours it is unthinkable. But instead of following the laws your mother followed her heart to the surface where they could be together intimate. He promised to leave his mate he said he would leave the sea forever if it meant they could be with one another. Only when they tried to return to the sea for their final farewells she couldn't it was as if an invisible force was pushing her away. At first he comforted her but as hours passed he wanted to return to the water to tell his mer goodbye he said he owed her that atleast. Leera agreed she'd been planning on leaving the ocean behind and now it was a sure thing now she had no choice. She waited on him but he never returned to her side. I was 20 at the time though I had never surfaced  But  when my sister didn't come home I went looking for her. I found her sleeping in an abandoned life guard post she told me what happened and that she believed something awful must have happened for him to have just left her. I told her the truth that her so called love your ,father was not coming back that he was in the Lit City and was to wed. I had warned her so many time's about the merman she adored and about the wrath of Saraphina!" Lexi choked on the last part her eyes getting moist along with Vannah and Caroline's. I hadn't commited any offenses against the sea and though I was allowed to go back I couldn't just leave my sister alone. So to provide for us I used my gift of song this was my first offense I sang for hotel rooms and food which is also forbidden by Saraphina but its how we made it from place to place for months we also hitch hiked for a while until one night a women picked us up her name was Ruba she was a witch though she preferred soceress and she offered Leera a place to stay, said I was to old for her program and that she'd set me up in a shelter I declined her. I promised Leera I'd come for her but first I had to get us a place to live all of us.

Vannah stared with her mouth wide open. "Witch like magic spells and wands.?" She asked hanging to her aunts every word Imagining her mother young and carrying her. And meeting Ruba.

"Not exactly, spells yes wands no." Lexi told her

"And this took place at Ruba's home for girl's? Caroline asked.

"Yes so you know of it?'' Lexi asked

"Well I lived there with Leera I saw you the day you came to get her from the home but Ruba was no witch!" Caroline imformed  seeming completly unnerved.

"She was  a very old and powerful one and she propositioned Leera a spell for something prescious in return, A spell that would allow Leera to return to her deep sea love and in return the witch would get a life source for 18 years.

 "Me Vannah said dryly she traded me?"

"I beleive so I cant be certain but seeing that you only just got your tail Im thinking whatever bound you to Ruba and dry land has broken. The only way to be sure is if Ruba died the day you morphed!"

"I already know the answer! Vannah said, When I visited the home they said Ruba just passed away and I know the dates will add up! My mother traded me so she could return to someone else's husband I cant wrap my mind around how I got delt two mothers who didn`t really want me. One who tries to experiment on me and another who hands me over and never looks back didn't she love me!" Vannah sobbed. "

"Isn't it mothers who are susposed to love there children as if they are extention of them selves how could Leera walk away leaving such an important peice of her behind?" Vannah hadn't realized she'd started pacing. She couldn't focus on Lexi who was quizzing her about the experiments and second mother. And I still don't know how I ended up with Trish!"

Arms were grabbing Vannah now. "

"It's alright Vannah it's going to be alright!" Luka was saying into her ear. And Lexi was clearing her throat.

Sweetheart I know this is a alot to take in right now but I have to ask how long have you Been singing to Luka?" Lexi's words made Vannah feel immediately defensive.

 "How do you know? " Vannah asked figuring there was no reason to deny what she'd been up to.

"There is a hint of blue in his eyes, the songs cause it. Lexi told her taking a closer look at Luka's pupils. Vannah had always thought his eyes had a black/blue quality but now that it was brought to her attention she noticed they were now more blue then black.

I've only sung to him twice Vannah confessed.

"Have you been to the sea since your transformation?"

"No, does that matter? I didn't realize I was doing anything wrong!" Vannah said honestly.

"Ofcourse sweety it would feel natural to you even though Rubas spell may have long postponed your transformation you were always a mermaid I bet it's all coming easy to you like riding a bike.

"What were you saying about her ever being in the sea?'' Caroline asked.

If she's never been in the sea the first time she enters her past offenses will be washed away but once the sea has its claim she will have to obey the laws or end up like me and Leera.

Are you saying we won't be able to be together Luka asked in a hell no kind of way.

"She's never ever been apart of this mermaid world how can she be expected to obey laws she didn't know exsisted?"

"If she wants to find her mother even after what i've just told her she will have to go to the Lit City Luka. And once Vannah goes in she may not ever want to come out you have no idea the pain Saraphina can cause. Leaving the sea made me feel like I deserted the blood in my veins and if you care for Vannah you wouldn't want her to feel that way too.


Vannah didn't like how suddenly they were speaking as if she weren't in the room. But Lexi was right did she want to find Leera after knowing what she did, but didnt she owe it to herself to hear the whole story. How did it end and what happend after Leera left her. Did she find her father and confront him did she get denied and live out her life regretting her poor decisions?" But how could she risk loosing Luka because reguardless of what she would find below she'd want to return to him and the society she was indebted to them they were more of a family then she could ever ask for and as far as Luka was concerned her song had bound them to one another just like Ruba's spell had bound her to dry land and nothing could keep them apart if it meant never returning to the ocean a world she'd missed out on she could live with it. But never without Luka looking over at him she knew he felt the same way and she knew he would wait for her to return and all that was ahead of them would be waiting too.

"How do I find the Lit City? Vannah asked interupting the debate about her future.

"Vannah you cant be considering going alone and what about the society,we can't protect you done there!" 

"You're apart of the U.G.I. Society?'' Dom asked.


"Yes the rest of our Unit is away on bussiness they rescued me from the mess and my imposter mother Trish!"

"Awesome I mean not the imposter part obviously but the society is so cool what unit are you in?" Dom asked.

Unit Two." Vannah said feeling agitated by all of Domina's pushing.

"I can take you to where your mother and I were all those years ago!" Lexi finnaly said

"But I am afraid only Saraphina can guide you to the city and Luka is right being that I am shunned from the sea you will have to go alone.  The Admiral sea is what mers call the sea of Saraphina. once you enter you must speak to her and she will show you the way. Understand you will never be the same and things between and Luka will be forbidden.

"So basically I have one shot to find my mother and then I may never see her again because I will choose Luka in the end there's is no doubt in my mind. Vannah thought

"This trip is simply for closure you know that right Luka?'' As Vannah asked this she relized that she was willing to choose a man over her own mother did that make them the same did that make her a hypocrit?"

"When do we leave?'' Dom asked with a clap.

"Shouldn't we wait for Arwin to get back?" Caroline asked.

"I was thinking we can call him and let him know whats going on." Vannah suggested.

"Wait Vannah this is spur of the moment are you prepared  espescially with everything thats going on out here are you sure about this?' Luka asked reasonably.

"I don't think I'll ever be prepared enough and I'll never be able to fully commit to the society as long as this is heavy on my mind I might not even find Leera its been so long that the Lit City could possibly not even exist anymore!"

"I doubt  that the Lit City is so well hidden and protected by defensive songs and not to mention the seabourne guards.

"The what?" Vannah asked feeling like her brain was near copasity for the day!"

"The totally gorgeous merman who protect the the city well atleast I imagine they are gorgeous. Dom said with an ear to ear smirk. Not that you have anything to worry about Luka!" She added

"There are defensive songs?" Luka asked ignoring the still smiling girl.

"Yes there are mer songs for just about everything!" Lexi told him.

"Can you teach them to Vannah so she can protect herself?"

"Mer songs can not be taught they simply in us and rise when nessesary."

"Like when I put my not brother Tucker to slee pthe song was just there  in mind like i'd always known it.

"Exactly the sleeping melody is a defensive song but can also be used in other ways but you already know that don't you Vannah?"

This made Vannah blush and want to change the subject.

"So basically anything I need is already within me and Saraphina will provide the rest. Vannah said this as a statement and not a question.

"Spoken like a true mer!" Lexi said sounding more up beat so if your minds made up I'll just give my husband a call and we can be on our way."

"And I'll go call Arwin, I left my phone in the car!' Caroline said standing and exciting the living room."

"I'll give you to some space Dom told them before following her mother up the open stair case that Vannah love.

"I only just got you Luka said in a voice that made Vannah feel awful."

"I know and you're not loosing me the laws mean nothing to me I belong here with you and the U.G.I.'s I'll be back and we will move on from this."

"What do you think you'll get from this wont you just be more heart what if she rejects you?"

"She already has done thet Luka I just want to hear it from her. I want her to tell me why?"

"I get it I do, I used to think about my parents all the time and if I had the chance to find them I'd take it I just wish you didn't have to enter The Sea of Saraphina without me."

They were close now a kiss forming on both of their lips.

When she kissed him she made sure he felt it all over and she made sure it didn't feel like goodbye and that no matter what he'd be waiting for more.

"Lexi and Dom both returned wearing sun glasses and carrying jackets.

"There is one more thing before we go." Lexi said while approaching Vannah.

''Whats that?" Vannah said prepared for the unexpected,

"Can I please hug you?"  Lexi asked.

"Vannah opened her arms and embraced her aunt which brought tears back to their eyes.



  "Wait Lexi the music box does it work underwater ? " Vannah had been thinking of anyway possible not be alone on this trip and the tiny box came to mind.  Of course Lexi's eyes got big that way we would still be able to communicate.  It's back at the cottage will you follow us to grab it?




























Deep CH. 14






They're Here








Deep Down

     I am both rare and monstrosity

  all they see is dim

never noticing what 's lit deep down inside


Part 3








Vannah's POV)          








Texte: Haley Elizabeth Gentry
Bildmaterialien: Haley Elizabeth Gentry
Lektorat: Haley E Gentry
Übersetzung: Haley E Gentry
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.08.2012

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