
Chapter 1

I sat boredly on the balcony overlooking voltera, it was the only place where we didn't have to hide under cloaks because no one could see us up here.. Other than the occasional times we fight vampires that just dont follow the rules, things are pretty boring. My brother came out and sat next to me. I just wasn't in the mood for Alec. He's just an iddiot I have to live with. I narrowed my eyes.
"What do you want?" I hissed.
"Oh nothing." He said, he was obviously up to something though. "Are you as bored as me?"
"Yup." I said and finally let my eyes round out, whatever he was up to didn't involve me, I was sure of that.
Demetri walked out, as well, he was grinning. I was sure that it was something interesting.
"Duh." I said, my eyes still narrowed. I leaned against the railing.
"Were on our way to Washington." He announced. Why did he have to be so serius? This is fun for us! "Oh really? What have the Cullens done now?" I asked, smirking. "We just decided to check up on them, it's quiet lately." Demetri said his eyes dashing around. "Well, when are we going?" I asked. "Now." He replied. "Good, The sooner, the better." I said and dashed downstairs, he was about to say something but all I ended up hearing was the word "Immature." Anyways, what does he care? He's not forever 16. Aro was downstairs, "Excited now are we Jane." "Bye." I said as I ran down toward the tunnel, Townsfolk shouldn't see us traveling but if we were to run into them it would be a mess that just couldn't be cleaned up easilly. When I finally got to the end of the tunnel, there were wide open feilds, there, I had to wait for my brother and Demetri. Instead, the first person who chame out of the opening was someone different, I narrowed my eyes. "Great, we have to bring the rookie along?" I hissed. "Yup, your stuck with me." Caleb said, grinning, his bright red eyes seemed to cheery for me to take, I huffed and turned around, he then was in front of me, his black hair was covering his eyes. He was trying to look scary, but I'm not easilly frightened. I simply glared at him and he was reithing in pain. "Jane, let the new guy go." I heard my brother say as he came out. "Although I would love to do the same." I rolled my eyes, "Alright, let's go." I said. When we got to forks, I could tell they were surprised. We simply knocked on the front door. Bella had answered it and she was frightened to see me behind it. "I'm not gonna eat you!" I said. "It's not even possible anymore." "Uh... Why are you here, Jane, Alec, Demetri, and... uh..." "Caleb. He's the new guy. And we're here because... well... One reason is because Aro wants us to check up on you, another reason is because we're bored." I explained. "Ohh..." "Jane? Alec? Demetri? ... Whoever you are?" I heard a voice behind her, it was Carlisle. "Carlisle. Don't worry, we're just checking up on things." "Baisically we're bored." Caleb said. I smacked him across the face, the fool could ruin things in a second if he didn't keep his mouth shut. "Um... You can come in if you like." He said showing us inside. I came in and I shrieked. "YOU LET YOUR DOGS ON THE FURNATURE?" I hissed. The werewolves began glaring at me.

Chapter 2
Six angry eyes watching me. They obviously werent pleased with what I said. "We aren't pets bloodsucker!" Growled the tallest one, obviusly there leader. "I'm terribly sorry, just... caught me by surprise is all." I explained then turned back to Carlisle. "It's a surprise to see you all here, We thought we would have to track you all down from here. It's been a while since our last encounter." "We moved back after about 50 years." Carlisle explained. "I'm sure you don't remember us well." Said the other boy, he was smaller than the one. "I was the sandy wolf that was snapping at you, but I go by Seth." "Oh yeah! I remember you!" I replied. "And this is my sister Leah." He said pointing over to the pouting girl in the corner. "Just ignore her, she always does that." "Well if there isn't anything going on, we might as well go." Demetri said. I turned toward him, I did NOT want to go back, at least not yet. "Come on Demetri, I really wanna stay for a while! It's boring back home." I said giving him my pouty face that was just irrisistable. "Fine." He said breaking down in a matter of five seconds, it was almost too easy! "Um... what about when you guys need to... eat." Bella asked nervously. "Well... it's not like we eat in the city so when we're not somewhere else we have to eat something." I explained. "If it's not a problem I wish to come with you... for safety measures." Jasper interrupted. "Oh Jasper, your always too protective. I trust them and I know whats going to happen." Alice replied to his caution. "Can we come with? It's always fun!" Seth replied, right when he did, The big one smacked him across the head. "I don't mind." I replied. "By the way, what's your name?" "Jacob." He said in a monotone voice, not amused with this little get-together. I looked at Demetri, Caleb, and my brother and they didn't seem amused either. "If you want you can go home, I'm a big girl." I replied to them. They all knew it was the truth, if they tried something funny, it would take one glare to get them in order. All of them dissappeared, accept, Caleb. My eyes narrowed. Why did he want to stay? "I'm staying, due to the fact that I haven't been out much since I became what I am." He answered my question. Renesme bounded down the staircase. "Did I hear the word 'Hunting'" She asked, she didn't seem bothered at all the fact that there were two strangers in her living room.
We were all ready to go when I noticed Alice was staring at me. "What?" "So your staying for a while right?" She asked me innocently. "Yeah." "ALICE NO DON'T!" Bella shrieked. Soon enough Alice was dragging me to her room. "HEY! LET GO OF ME YOU LUNATIC!" I hissed as I was dragged up the stairs. When I came down I had on a black button-up top with a lace collar, some faded blue jeans, and black high-heeled sandals. Just about everyone was wide eyed when they saw me come down the staircase. I looked in the mirror and noticed that I looked like a whole different person. "Caleb next!" I heard Alice say with delight. "What?" Caleb asked, obviusly not listening when Alice grabbed him. "no... NO! SHE'S DRAGGING ME INTO A BLACK HOLE!" He shouted as he was dragged upstairs. When he came down he had a white T-shirt with some bands name and black pants (Lucky! He obviusly got what he wanted!) We finally went hunting, the Cullens and Caleb at my right, the werewolves at my left. As the scent of pine flew past me I suddenly realized that I had never been this out in the wilderness before. I suddenly caught the scent of a large buck. I whirled around and bit into it, I sipped out the blood until I couldn't taste any more. I turned around and realized that the Cullens had a family of bears, the pack had some smaller male deer, and Caleb had a large female deer. I smacked him onn the head. "YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT THOSE! ONLY THE MALES." I scolded.

Chapter 3
When we all were finished I looked up to the grey sky, rain began falling. It felt good on my skin I closed my eyes to take it all in. Suddenly, I heard a scream and then wind whipped past me. We all looked around, everyone, except Bella. "Renesme!" She screamed then ran off. We all exchanged glances and ran as well. I skidded to a hault when I remembered the werewolves. "Whatcha thinkin chief?" Caleb asked. "I was thinking of the wolves, I hear they normally aren't out of their territory." I replied. I ran back toward the wolves. "Perhaps you would need some assistance, it's a long journey!" The dark brown one growled, I could just tell it was Jacob. The sandy one looked at me, his head cocked. He looked at Jacob and he groaned and nodded. The grey wolf just pouted. We all dashed after them all. I suddenly the others ahead of us had stopped. We turned around and went into the hotel they were at. We had two of the biggest rooms in that hotel. Caleb and I, somehow got stuck with the wolves. The vampires went out to do who-knows-what, and I was stuck with three sleeping werewolves, and Caleb... enough said. After a while, Seth woke up, he came up to me. "Jane?" He asked. "Yes?" I answered. "I thought the vulturi was supposed to be evil." "We're not evil, we just... make the rules." I replied. "And so... you kill vampires for???" "We kill them so that our secret isn't blown, I'm sure you have the same issue." "Well, not on such an extreme level." He replied. "What if we don't get to Renesme in time?" "Well, I don't know." "On another note though, I've finally met a vampire thats quite like me." He replied. "I'm not like you." I said and looked down. "My powers are only meant to destroy." "I don't believe that." He replied I looked into his eyes, it was very dark right now so the others could sleep. His eyes still sparkled though. Suddenly, before I realized what was going on, our lips met, and for once in my life, I didn't have the strength to pull away.
The lights flicked on and my eyes went wide, I turned around to see the Cullens, they were wide-mouthed and staring at us, Caleb turned around and fell out of his chair, Jacob gave a confused look, Leah growled, and Emmet gave an immature, "Whoo!" If vampires could blush, I would be now. "Well, that was fun." Bella said, "Now could we please find my daughter!?!" I got up and nodded, we all took off as fast as we could, this time, I tried to stay away from the werewolves. I knew that if Seth ever imprinted, I would be stuck alone. "I'm confused." Caleb said to me. "Shut up nimrod!" I hissed at him. "If you like him then why flirt with me?" "WHAT? I am not flirting with you!" I hissed as I stopped running, everyone else stopped to stare at the commotion. "Isn't it obvius?" Caleb asked, raising an eyebrow. "I suppose you can't just settle for one eh?" "Watch it Caleb." I heard somebody warn. My eyes narrowed and for the first time, I used my powers on a fellow volturi. "You can just shut up! Weather I like you or not, or if I like Seth or not is absolutly NONE of your buisness!" I whipped around and turned the other way, "but what about saveing Renesme?" Bella asked. "Good luck." I said looking down, "But for right now, I have to think things through."
~Seth's POV~
I was utterly confused. Why did she leave after that happened. I was a little hurt but still we went on. We finally caught the scent of the "half n' half napper" as Emmett put it. We finally came to a deserted subway station under New York. We found Renesme tied up. "So you took the bait!" A velvety voice said. "Who are you?" Bella hissed, "And why did you take my daughter." We noticed there were many vampires behind this one, some of them were newborns, some where like them, but we all knew we were outnumbered. We were nearly beat when Alice looked to Edward after she blanked out, another one of her world-famous visions. Jane kicked down the door... how did she know we would need help? "Rule number one in the vampire world." She hissed grinning, "Never mess with friends of the Volturi." I only blinked once and the leader (we all assumed) was on the floor writhing in pain. Jasper and Emmett ran to assist her, starting a fire. Jane ripped an arm off and threw it in. One by one they all fell. "How did you know we needed help?" Bella asked. "Um... I dunno, probably instinct." She replied.

Chapter 4
When we came back to the Cullen's house I was so confused, what am I supposed to do now? "Jane?" I heard Bella. "What?" I hissed. "Uh... I just wanted to talk." "Okay, what do you want?" "Well, I once had two boys practically fighting over me." "They're not fighting over me, Caleb is just annoying me and Seth, well I know that if I get in too deep with him, he will imprint, that's right, I did my research on werewolves." I replied then covered my face.
“I am so confused, why did she kiss Seth when she has the hots for me?”You're jealous." Emmet said, towering over me. "No, I'm not, I'm just confused, man." "Whatever..." he said walking away.”your jealous." He said before closing the door. "GRR! I'm not jealous."
I sat out in the forest in wolf-form. I was utterly bored and slightly confused. I suddenly froze, I heard somebody coming, it was a girl, she stood there but didn't seem scared at all. It was obvious she was from out of town, she wasn't pale so she couldn't be from Forks, and she couldn't be from La Push because she had light brown hair. "Aw shoot! Caught by some lady." "I am not just some lady so shut up!" She said back.
"What the?" "Thats right! I can hear you." She said then stalked off. I just shrugged and went back to the house, I suppose Jane had a point. If I were to imprint it would only break her heart if we got in too deep.
-Jane POV-
I sighed, why should I take this out on other people anyway. Besides, in about a week I'll be going back to Voltera and everything will be back to normal. I heard a knock at the door, it was Caleb. "What do you want?" I hissed. He shrugged stupidly, you know, the kind of stupid that makes you want to punch a person? "Listen, You don't have to deal with this anyway, we're going back to Voltera in a week, and you can go back anytime you know!" "Oh I know, it’s just more fun to bug you though." He said, smirking. "Why don't you just... go eat a sock or something?" I said turning away from him. "A sock?" He said raising an eyebrow, "But what fun would that be when I can just stay here and annoy you." "Being annoying is something a little kid would do if he likes someone." I hissed. He just blinked a little, if he was still human, I know he would've blushed. "Come on Janey, the Cullens love us here, please, can we at least stay for a few days of school? It's coming up in two weeks and I'm curious about human schools, how much they've changed since we were bitten." "You know I don't like being called Janey," I hissed, "but, FINE." Renesme bounded into the room, "You guys smell funny." She said looking around. I grinned, I just realized how much she has grown in the past 50 years, yeah, that's alot of time in the human world but... well, it seems different to us, she appeared the same age as Bella now, I bet it's pretty strange going to school with you're daughter, pretending that you're sisters. I'm glad that the Cullens moved back to Forks, it's the perfect spot for our kind. "Go tell you're family that we're staying here for one week of school." I said grinning. Renesme grinned, "Oh, I'm sure it's no problem whatsoever! After all, you did save me from those lunatics." she said as she bounded down the stairs.

Chapter 5
Of course the Cullens said "Yes." They were really thankful for my assistance when Renesme was stolen. We all sat on the couch telling eachother our life stories, of course the Cullens knew their own by heart but I found them really interesting. When it was my turn I heard a wrap at the door. "I'll get it." I said to them, I opened the door to see my brother, I realized how much I had missed him. "Alec!" I sqealed and wrapped my arms around his neck like a little kid, but unlike a little kid if he was a human that grip would've killed him. "Geeze, it's only been a week Jane." He replied, pulling me off of him. "Yeah, I know, but this is the longest we've been away from eachother." "About that, are you ready to go?" "No, I want to stay for at least a week of school." I replied. "Well then, I guess I'm staying, It's been boring without you to play pranks on." He laughed. I pushed him before we sat down. "We were just telling eachother our stories of when we were bitten." I replied. "How dare you try to tell it without me!" He said a little offended. "Okay, so, We were just a very poor family in france. Before my brother and I had come, our parent's lives were alot easier, my brother had left a while ago. So I had it in my head to leave, my brother had stopped me in an alley. He was begged me to stay, 'If you leave, mum and dad will only be even more upset.' he said. I never came back though." I said lowering my head. "I had been bitten in that dark alley, when I opened my eyes I saw my brother over me, 'I'm so sorry.' He said his eyes wide in sorrow. It turns out that when he left it wasn't to make mother and father's lives better, it was just because he had been bitten. Then, we were found by one of the Volturi trackers, and you pretty much know what happened then." I finished. "Yeah, but before the Volturi found us, this little brat was hard to find. She kept running away as if she thought she would hurt ME." Alec chuckled. Seth walked in with that grin on his face that would make just about anyone happy. "Let's forget what happened and be friends." "I would love that."
"Wow Jane!" Alec said to me, "You're eyes, they make you look so... so... different!" "What are you talking about? They haven't changed a bit." I replied, a little confused. "So you're saying from red to a brown with a tint of red isn't different?" "what?" I asked, looking in the mirror, it turns out, he was right, but I couldn't think much about it because I heard a deafening howl from outside. Jacob's head perked up, "Sounds like the pack wants to speak with us." We all began running to the boarder. We stopped, there was one wolf in wolf-form and the rest were humans, all of them, I might add, were alot similar to Jacob and Seth. "What do you guys want?" "Well, actually it is pretty disturbing." Replied the bigger one. "What is it Sam?" "WHO ARE YOU CALLING DISTURBING?" I heard a girls voice from behind her. -Seth POV- Then I saw the same kid I saw yesterday, she was practically picked up and dragged in front of Sam, she couldn't be more than five foot one. "What about her?" I asked. "Well... first of all, she is half Quileute and half some place in Europe." Sam said. "It's FRANCE." She replied, pretty offended, I was surprised that she would stand up to Sam of all people. "Well, anyway, guess what gift she enherited from the Quileute side of her family." He said. "No way!" Jacob replied, wide-eyed. "You act like it's so surprising! Just be cause I'm what you call a 'Pale Face' doesn't mean it's impossible!" She replied, her eyes narrowing. "It's actually quite interesting though too, it's like she's a half-breed! Unlike us, she doesn't change when she's ticked... well, if she's really ticked then yeah, but even when she's calm she can transform." "I'm not joining your pack Sam." The girl said through snarled lips. "But..." "Unlike them, I don't need you to keep myself under control!" She said looking away. "She is quite the rebelius one." Carlisle replied, a smirk on his face. "Hey, shut it... whatever you are! Besides, you smell like a dead carcas!" "Imagine what you smell like to me." Rosalie said. "What?" She said. "See, ticked, but in controll, weird isn't it?" Sam commented, "Nicole, would you please morph though?" he asked. "Fine." she spat, when she morphed she turned into a white wolf two times her regular size. "Another wierd point, is that she didn't grow much when this happened to her." he added, "Only thing that happened was that she got pretty physically fit." "Shut up, I'm not your little expirament Sam." She growled. I turned around to see my sister with snarled teeth, she had been so used to being the only she-werewolf that she just... completely lost it. They began circling eachother my sister was snarling, but Nicole was just repeating the words, "I don't want to fight you." My sister made the first move, she dashed up to her and clawed her in the face. The deadly look in Nicole's eyes would have frightened any young werewolf or human. "I warned you." She growled and leaped at her. They ran off into the forest for the longest time. When they came back, Leah had many scratches, and Nicole only had one, but that one was alot deeper than the ones Leah had gotten. "Oh, and another peculiar thing is that she does heal faster than humans, but not as fast as full Quileute's." "May I stitch that up then?" Carlisle asked. The wolf on the ground growled, but the Nicole wolf nodded to Carlisle and then followed us. "She's got alot of guts." Murmered Quil.
-Caleb POV-
I finnally found out what to do. When Jane kissed that mutt, it felt like a punch to the gut. Now, I must return the blow to her. An eye for an eye. This new girl, she'll be perfect for my plan.

Chapter 6

I couldn't help but stare at the girl, even though she was part human, she just stood there motionless as Carlisle stitched her up.
"So, how long are you staying here?" Caleb asked her, a very stupid look on his face.
Nicole just rolled her eyes, "I'm not interested in a bloodsucker." she said in a monotone voice, "Yeah, thats right, Edward told me."
"Thanks alot." Caleb said hissing at Edward.
"Well I can't let her dive into a pool blind." He shrugged.
"Wait! What plan?" I asked, but no one answered. I sat next to Seth on the couch, all of a sudden, I realized he was holding my hand, my eyes widened and I pulled away. "Nice try." I told him.
"You guys aren't at all what Sam described you're kind to me." Nicole finally said.
"Well, we aren't at all average vampires." Bella replied, "We're the vegitarians of the vampire world."
"Aww! My sis likes a werewolf!" Alec teased.
"I DO NOT!" I protested.
"Do so!" Then, I made him feel alot of pain! Only problem was, our powers sort of interact with eachother and when we have these fights, we both end up on the floor, I, unable to do anything, and my brother writhing in pain.
"Well, that was... interesting." Nicole said, "They didn't even touch eachother."
"Yeah, those are those extra powers we have at work." Caleb said grinning at her, it almost irritated me, now I had a feeling I knew what he was doing. Too bad I didn't care! I don't like him, I never have and I never will.
"Well, do you have a power?" She asked.
"Yeah, I can controll fire." He said, holding out his hand as a flame popped out in the shape of a heart, but then that heart split and dissapeared.
"Nice try player!" Nicole growled as she jumped off the table, Carlisle was done. She walked out of the room and into the forest, a while later I heard a loud howl in the distance.
"She says, see ya later suckers." Edward said, "Well, even though she said it too all of us I believe she means you." he said pointing to Caleb.
-Caleb POV-
Well... that didn't work. I'll get her soon, but in the meantime I might as well annoy Jane!
"What's wrong with you Caleb!" Jane hissed at me, "I DONT like you so get over yourself!"
"What's wrong with ME?" I hissed back, "What's wrong with YOU! You filthy dog lover."
"Why don't you just go home to Voltera! YOU don't have to be here!"
-Jane POV-
Seth looked over to me, "Sheesh! The nerve of some people!" he exclaimed.
"How old are you anyway? You never seem to change in age."
Seth looked a bit shocked at the question, "Uh... sixty... eight, I think."
"Not bad, Im at least one hundred fifty." I chuckled.
"You know, I should punch some sense into that guy, nobody messes with my sis!" Alec said starting for the door.
"Let him go Alec."
-Caleb POV-
"They have kidnapped them." He lied to the Volturi.
"How do we know your telling the truth, after all you are young?" Demetri asked hissing and glaring into his face.
"Give him a chance Demitri." Aro said, "After all, we cannot lose the best of our guard."
"Very well, should we teach the Cullens a lesson?" Demetri asked.
"Patience." Aro replied, "You can't jump without figuring out what were up against."
"And if the boy is wrong?"
"Use your imagination." Aro grinned.
-Seth POV-
I think I just realized something, something that might be very important. I'm not sure if I'm right but, is it possible that the reason I haven't imprinted yet is because the one that is meant to be with me is technically dead? I'm still not sure, we'll find out. Alice then blanked out, when she came back she screamed and threw a hissy fit.
"THAT LITTLE RAT! THAT SCUMBAG! THAT... THAT... THAT UGH!" She hissed, Edward had gotten tense too.
"What happened?" Jane asked.
"It's Caleb!" Edward replied, his fists clenched, "He told Aro that you are here against your will."
"I'm gonna kill him!" Jane said, "And it will hurt... ALOT!" Jane was scaring me right now, but at the same time it attracted me.
"What's going on?" Renesme asked as she bounded down the stairs, a little concerned.
"Don't worry Nessy, we'll take care of it." Jacob said.
-Caleb POV-
Oh happy day! Once she comes back, she will never be over there ever again! And she will never see that DOG again! But then again... I can't help but think that I'm doing the wrong thing. No, a DoG and our kind is just WRONG. We were almost to the Cullen's house when we were confronted by them.
"You'll thank me later."
"What is she talking about Caleb?" Demetri asked, "You said that she was captured."
"But sir, She kissed one of those wolves!"
"And that is none of you're buisness." Demetri hissed at him, "She is not harming anyone! Let's see what Aro will tell me to do with you."
"Wait!" Jane hissed.
-Jane POV-
Okay, so I hate the guy, but I can't just let him die, he may have screwed everything up, but I'm sure he still has hope.
"Demetri, let him stay here as punishment." I said.
"What?" Demetri asked getting pretty confused.
"Yeah, we won't kill him but... him being surrounded by us we will make a few weeks into a living hell." I said.
"T-thanks." Caleb said nervously.
"Don't say thank you quite yet, I wouldn't think this is mercy!" I said through narrowed eyes as we walked back.

Chapter 7

I felt so betrayed. So fragile, and that is a pretty hard feeling to have when you're harder than any metal on earth.
"THAT WASN'T FUNNY AT ALL!" I screamed at Caleb, "You could have killed the Cullens, the Wolves, my brother, and even ME!" For an hour I stood over him as he writhed in pain, "HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?" I hissed, and even though I was going on a rampage, I couldn't help but cry (without tears of course), Caleb may have thought we were something more, but before all of this nonsense he was a pretty good friend. Seth was the only one still standing here as I tortured Caleb. I couldn't take any more of the pain that I was suffering, so I let go of Caleb's mind and ran up to Seth, wrapping my arms around his waist like a little kid. "Seth! I'm so sorry, it's my fault that the Volturi could have killed you!" I cried, but then I stopped, "Huh, I'm acting like I'm not even a part of them anymore."
"It's not your fault Jane." He replied, "Who knew you had a psycho stalker that hates me."
"I really need to get my mind off of things." I sighed, I then realized I was hugging him, I pulled away quickly, and then Alice came bounding in.
"Jane, Alec and you need your own room." She said, then dragged me upstairs. She showed me the room, On one half of the room, it was all midnight blue, on the other, it was a grape purple, the couch in the center was split down the middle and had one color on one side, and one on the other. I grinned, blue was my brothers favorite color, and purple was mine.
"It's perfect Alice." I said. I noticed a computer on my side, I went up to it and sat down, "I might as well study about the american culture." I said and began studying.
"Well, I think I should check the boarders for vampires... well, that are not you guys." Seth said and dashed out the door. First, I checked holidays, and as it turns out, one is two days away! Thanksgiving- a day where people of America give thanks for stuff and eat alot. (Sounds like a werewolf's paradise.) I thought chuckling, knowing how many times a day Seth, Leah, Jacob, Quil, and Embry gorged themselves. I heard a thud from downstairs. I ran to see that Seth was on the floor, he was knocked out cold and a large gash was on his stomach, bleeding like crazy.
"OH DEAR LORD! CARLISLE ISN'T HOME!" Esme screamed. I ran upstairs and took a towel from the upstairs bathroom, I drenched it with water and ran downstairs, I put it up against Seth's wound.
"Don't worry Seth," I said, "Carlisle is coming home in just an hour." When the bleeding finally got a little slower, I finally said, "What happened Jacob?"
"Vampire attack, he had attacked him from behind. But don't worry, we still managed to get him off our land." When Caleb came downstairs not even sweet, little Esme could help but glare at him.
-Seth POV-
I opened my eyes to see Carlisle, "Heh, took quite a spill now didn't I?"
"Yeah, all over the nice white tile." Carlisle joked.
"So, how am I Doc?"
"Well, I also took a little look at your other parts and I figured something out, you and your sister, are alot different from Jacob and Sam and the other wolves." He explained. "Your brain, it doesn't have a certain part that other wolves have that triggers imprinting." He said, "Yours, has always been unfunctional."
"You can't imprint."
"Really?" I asked getting up and putting my clothes on, "Then... Jane."
"Doesn't have to be so concerned about this whole thing."
-Jane POV-
"Jane." I turned around, shocked to see that it was Leah who was speaking to me, "I was thinking about the whole thing with you and my brother and I have decided that if you guys... I'm fine with it." Seth walked into the living room.
"Thank god." I sighed with relief, before I could say anything he rushed up to me and kissed me. It felt so right to be in his embrace, he was so warm. When he finally stopped I asked, "What was that for?"
"Uh... Carlisle, he told me that there's something different about me and my sister, he says that this means we don't imprint." I couldn't help but grin, Caleb, surpisingly enough didn't seem mad at all, Like he finally realized that he played the game, and he lost before it started.
"You realize this means I can't leave, at least now," I said to him, "But I don't want to be a burden."
"You were never a burden honey! You can stay as long as you like." Esme replied to me.
"Besides, you seem like a little sister to me," Emmett said and hugged me tightly... way too tight!
"CAN'T... SMELL... OR... MOVE!" I said, he then finally let me go.
"Hmm... I just realized I'm pretty hungry right now." I said, and as if things were getting pretty lucky, I saw a large buck outside. I went running toward it and bit down, yeah, that feels really good down the throat right now.
"Oh great! Time for Alice to go hog-wild with the decorations and get everyone presents WAY too soon." Edward said smacking his forehead, "And as for Seth, STOP thinking!"
I looked over to Seth, "I'm not even going to ask."

Chapter 8

-Seth POV-
"ACHOO!" Everyone around me jumped when they heard me sneeze as I walked down the stairs.
"Aww! Seth, are you sick."
"Yeah, and it SUCKS! I was so hoping to show you off at school." I said then blew my nose.
"You have to stay in bed, I'll make you some chicken soup before I go to school." Jane said rushing off to the kitchen.
"You lucky son of a gun!" Emmett said to me, "You can get sick, therefore, she treats you like a little kid, Rose'll never do that for me."
"That's because you don't get sick." Rosalie said, pulling him out the door by his ear.
-Jane POV-
"You need your own car!" Edward said, dragging me to the garage, covering my eyes while he was at it. When he removed his hands I gasped, it was PERFECT! A dark blue Camero with black racing stripes and chrome spinners.
"Yeah, I heard from your brother that it's your favorite american car." I ran to it and hopped behind the drivers seat, this wasn't my first time driving a car, but this was alot different from the other cars I had driven. I honked the horn and Edward opened the door. My brother got in shotgun and Caleb climbed into the back seat.
"So, what's my story?" I asked. "You and your brothers came from Italy and we adopted you when we vacationed there, Your name is Jane Renouli, and you all have a B average." Edward explained.
"So I have to be related to this doofus?" I asked looking at Caleb and making a gagging noise.
"It's like real life, you can't pick your family."
When we went to lunch I noticed that we were quite outcasts.
"Guys, why don't we talk with them?"
"They simply don't like us." Edward responded.
"Well when I was in Voltera we always tooks some time out of our day to talk with the humans." I replied, I got up and walked to the closest table and to the closest human, he was also the easiest to see with his insanely red hair.
"Hi, I'm Jane Renouli, I'm new to this school." What happened really confused me, first he turned white, then red, then blue, then purple... and then he passed out, "Well, that went well." I said as I was backing away.
"WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?" somebody said behind me. I whipped around to see Nicole, I narrowed my eyes, this girl didn't exactly appeal to me, she was quite irritating. I just kept walking.
When we got home I settled myself into the recliner next to the couch Seth was sleeping on. He was snoring like crazy and I was tempted to plug his nostrils, but I decided against it. THUD! THUD! THUD! I went to the door before they could knock again and wake Seth up.
"WHAT DO YOU..." I stopped dead sentance when I saw Sam's grave face. "What happened?" My attitude changed completely.
Jacob walked in the door with him, they had met out in the forest. "It seems that the small army of newborns aren't just a LITTLE problem." he said to me, "They have captured Nicole."
-Nicole POV-
"LET ME GO YOU STINKING VAMPIRES!" I growled at them, I was sure that somehow one understood me, they must have some power similar to that other bloodsucker.
"Oh you stupid husky." Someone replied in the shadows.

Chapter 9

I exchanged glances with everyone, we all knew what we were going to do, go after her. The wolves already transformed into wolves, Seth licked me before we left, it was gross... but sweet. We all began looking for a scent trail... something... something that could help us find her.
-Nicole POV-
"Sure you are!" The bloodsucker said to me, rolling his eyes, "Your not a true wolf, your just a lousy HALFBREED!"
"Then why do you want me?" I growled, baring my shiney white teeth.
"I want you because even though you are halfbred, you still hold power, power that even those stupid pure-wolfs would not understand."
"You know they'll come after you right?"
"Oh please! We have numbers that could put your pack to shame!"
"I'm not just talking about the wolves... there is more to this than just numbers you stupid, stupid bloodsucker!" I said through my grinding teeth.
-Jane POV-
I rode Seth like a horse, true, it wasn't as fast as simply running, but it was much more fun! I rode him until Edward said, "BELLA! WOULD YOU PLEASE PUT YOUR SHEILD ON SETH! PLEASE!" Then I jumped off quickly and began running myself. We finally stopped when Alice froze.
"Oh... my..." she whispered, her eyes as wide as bowling balls.
-Nicole POV-
"Now, this will only hurt... alot." the vampire grinned. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO ME?" I growled, not going without a fight. "Oh my dear! Don't you know? being a half breed enables you to become a vampire too!" He replied.
"You see, I have not only a thirst for blood, but for power as well. And you obviusly would be powerful if you only were turned into a vampire." I gasped but then began growling at him again.
-Jane POV-
"What did you see Alice?" I asked, my eyes as wide as hers.
"I-I-I dont know what I saw." Seth yelped excitedly and began digging at the ground. "Seth! This could be life or death! You cant get distracted with your doggish ways!" I said at him. But then he dug enough to reveal a door.
He gave me an "I told you so." Look as I opened the door.
-Nicole POV-
"Okay, fine." I sighed, "Just get this over with." I even leaned my head over to reveal my neck.
"Thank you dear." He said satisfied. It felt like a shark bite when he bit me, then the pain became too hard to handle. The last thing I saw was a relief.
My eyes blinked open, they dashed about bewilderedly. I was at the Cullen's house.
-Jane POV-
Once she woke up, she dashed away. We all looked the way she had ran, "So, killing about a dozen newborns for that?" Rosalie said, that was the first snotty remark she had made in about a month. The wolves walked away, they were just glad that Nicole was no longer in that dreaded place.
-Caleb POV-
I opened my closet to see the girl we had saved.
"Looks like you have a she-wolf in your closet!" Emmett said, laughing at his own joke.

Chapter 10

I sat in my room, we had figured not to go after her since we couldnt just coop her up like a prisoner.
"GET OUT!" I heard a scream from across the hallway. I opened up the door to see Seth being kicked out of Leah's room.
"GAWD!" He exclaimed, "All I did was spill a LITTLE bit of nail polish."
"A whole bottle... and it was my favorite color." Leah replied and slammed the door.
"Man she needs a boyfriend, that way she can stop torturing me."
"Uh, guys, I found something we were looking for." Caleb walked into the hallway, clutching onto Nicole's arm. A little lightbulb flashed over my head, I gave a devilish grin to Seth and walked up to Caleb. I quickly set free Nicole and pushed Caleb into Leah's room.
"Way to be suttle." Seth said, beginning to crack up.
"Well, I could sneak around, set them up on a blind date, help Leah with what she's gonna wear to it, and it probably still wouldnt work. This just seemed SO much easier."
Nicole just sat there, "I think Im gonna stay here... its pretty interesting."
"Thats fine." I replied, sending her downstairs to see if Carlisle wanted to give her a quick check-up.
"This is actually very interesting really, although he bit her, the venom appears to be being washed from her body," Carlisle concured, "As if its just a common cold. The affects should just... wear off and she will be back to normal. I think, that she COULD become a vampire, but you would need plenty of venom in her system."
"So Im not gonna be a bloodsucker for the rest of my life?" Nicole asked.
"Nope, in fact, by the end of the day you should be pretty much... um... un-vampiric?" he said, clearly unable to get a word for this rare thing.
-Caleb POV-
"UGH! Jane! Get me out of here!" I shouted, very angry with her.
"Why dont you just break the door?" Leah asked me, clearly irritated with me in her room.
"Im a guest here, that would be rude." I replied.
"Got any sevens?" Leah asked, cards fanned in her hand.
"Go fish." I answered, she glared at me and reached for the pile. We had been stuck here for about an hour, at first, we were screaming out for anyone to get us out of here, then we were fighting with eachother, at last, we just gave up and began playing card games. The thing that irritated me the most was the occasional snicker from behind the door, always someone different, as if everyone was aware that we were in no danger.
-Leah POV-
"Thats it, We're getting out of here." Caleb finally said, getting up from off the floor and heading toward the door.
"Now your talking!" I replied, getting up as well. Caleb just suddenly thrust his head at the door, breaking a hole into it.
"Wow." I said as we both stepped through, "I sure am glad I didnt do that, cause you owe me a new door, I owe nothing!" I grinned and skipped down the hall.
-Alec POV-
I did not realize that wolves ate so much. It seemed like they had to eat at least every hour. Nicole had just waltzed into the kitchen and just... began eating. Nicole turned around and glared at me, "What are you looking at? Is it a problem that I actually eat? You anorexic leech!" She spat.
"Uh... no... I just... thought that... uh..." Truth was, that I was kinda freaked out at the quantity she was eating, but I had to make up something, "Just was wondering if you needed some company."
"No!" She said, "Not from you."
"Geeze, what did I do?" I asked.
"Oh nothing, its just, Im not exactly friendly with you guys since one of your kind tried to turn me into some... some... machine of death. Besides, I've heard stories from Sam and the others, you Volturi are no good." She simply answered.
"Well, clearly you dont know me or my sister." I replied, sitting down next to her. She just rolled her eyes and walked out the front door and into the forest.
-Jacob POV-
"Quil, Embry! Wow, have you missed some excitement!" I said running into the forest to meet up with my other pack members. Although they were fine with the Cullens, they prefered to stay outside in a little shack by a stream due to the fact that we were normally in this enviorment growing up.
"Yeah, we heard your thoughts ya know." Embry replied, grinning.
"I wish we were there, but NO! You had to keep the best of the best guarding the boarder." Quil said, meerly teasing. All of a sudden, Nicole came running toward the camp, it was easy to see she was peeved for one reason or another. I had no idea why she was out here though, she had a room in the Cullens house. "So, this must be the little pale wolf you were talking about." Quil replied with a grin. Nicole stuck her tounge out at him. "Well... I've gotta go, nice meeting you, but I need to go to the movies with Claire." He said and ran off.

Chapter 11

I guess when I was having this much fun, I never would've guessed that it would've ended so abruptly.
I was standing on the edge of cullen territory, recapping the days that had gone by. I then saw Demetri hiding behind a tree in Quillette territory.
"So thats why Alice hasn't heard of your arrival, she cant." I muttered, walking toward him.
"I did not come to visit, Jane!" He spat, "Aro has grown tired of your carousing."
"Aro isnt the boss of me." I said, narrowing my eyes.
"The point is, if you dont come back soon... Well, I wouldnt want your pet to be in danger."
Fear panged inside me but I just gave him a narrowed-eyed glare. "The pup? PEH, He is no more to me than an accesory," I lied, "Seth meerly interested me, nothing more. Demetri you seriusly should try harder to scare me back home if thats all you have."
"Well, that was good! You should be on Broadway." He hissed, "Come home in three days or Lassy won't come home!" He said and dashed away.
I knew what I had to do, and it would be the hardest things I would ever do in my lifetime.
"Go away Seth!" I hissed, "Cant you see that I dont want to be here anymore? I never had any intentions on staying!"
Seth stood there, glaring at me, he whipped around and dashed off into the forest, forming into a wolf as he went.
Caleb and Alec stood there, staring at me in awe.
"I cant believe you did that." Alec murmered, his eyes widened.
"Well, we have to get home, what else am I supposed to do? I cant tell him they threatened me, that would make things worse." I practically whispered.
"Jane, are you sure there isnt anything that..."
"No." I hissed, "Nothing! Lets get home." I then whipped around and began dashing toward the airport, not even focusing on anything but getting back home. The only thing was... it wasnt my home anymore. I had no home.
"Jane!" Caleb said, catching up to me.
"What?" I hissed, whipping my head around to face him.
"I just... I want you to know that, Your like a sister to me." Caleb started, "And I want to choke Aro for doing this to you. I know how much you care about Seth."
"No one ever said Love about it though." I muttered, and began running again.
It was a long, quiet, plane flight home, everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. Alec's loud snores vibrated in my ear as his head slumped onto my shoulder. For once, I didnt yell at him, not for the annoyingness of his snores, not for my right ear going deaf, not for him touching me. I didnt care, He and Caleb were the only thing I had anymore.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2010

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