
Chapter One

"Em!!! Get up we're gonna be late for school!" I heard a voice close to my ear say. "God dammit do I need to throw water on you again?"
I roll over and off the bed standing up right. "Nope!" I say to my best friend Nathan Raine. "Nate, you would never do that to me after what I did back to you would you?"
"Of course I would you dork."
"Whatever! I gotta get ready!"
I quickly grab a towel and head to the bathroom to take a shower. After I get out, I wrap my towel around myself and hurriedly blow dry my hair. I run into my room almost running into Nathan when heading toward my closet.
"Watch out girl!" Nate joked.
"Oh shove it Nate." I retorted.
I quickly grab underwear, a navy blue knee-length dress and head back to the bathroom to change and apply a small amount of makeup.
"Good lord Emily, we're not going to a movie premiere! Get your ass out here NOW!"
"Shut up Nate!" I say as I rush through my room to grab my white ballet flat shoes and book bag. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's go!"
We run down the stairs and out my front door to Nate's car. As we drove off, I snuck a look at Nate and sucked in a breath. He looked gorgeous with bright green eyes, light brown hair that was kept short, but not too short and neat, and a lean, muscled, hot body that had every girl at school drooling over him. Compared to me, he looked like a god. I was just your average girl, skinny but not too skinny, straight brown hair, brown eyes and no tan. I looked so plain when standing next to my best friend.
I shook my head and turned look out the window. I can't be having feelings for my best friend now! It's not right.
"Emmers, you alright?" I hear Nate ask me.
"Yeah Nate, I'm fine." I say as I turn to smile at him. He smiles back as he reaches over and gives my knee a squeeze giving me a slight heart attack.
"Good, because for a second I thought I'd lost you into space!"
"Haha, you're so funny." I reply sticking my tongue out at him.
We pull into the school parking lot and get out of the car. I grab my shoulder bag from the car floor and head for the school entrance. As usual, I hear a few girls flirting with Nathan, but I don't hear him flirt back. As I'm about to turn around, I feel arms around my waist and a whisper in my ear.
"Keep walking Em. I need a clean getaway!" Nate pleads.
"As you wish kind sir." I reply sarcastically as my heart starts racing. We walk like that for a few minutes until we reach my classroom. I turn around in his arms and look into his eyes. "I have to go to class now Nathan." I whisper as I give him a hug. He returns my hug and I feel him kiss the top of my head.
"See you later, boo." Nate withdraws his arms from around me and I suddenly feel cold. I take a deep breath and walk into class and sit down. Today is going to be one long day

, I think.
After school, I walk out to the football field where Nathan is having football practice. I make my way to the bleachers and sit down to do homework and wait for practice to get over. Nate is my ride everywhere I go, so I always wait for him at his practice and do homework. But instead of doing homework, I look up and can't help but watch Nate doing his warm-ups and start a game of scrimmage. His muscles flexing and rippling gave me the shivers even though it was a very warm day. He caught me watching and threw me his perfect smile. I waved and smiled back at him as I got out my homework to work on.
A half an hour later, I looked up to see Nate jogging towards me with his duffel bag of football gear on his shoulder.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
"Yup! I am. Let's go!" I said as I grabbed my homework and bookbag and hopped down the bleachers. We walked to his car in silence which made me feel like I had to fill it.
"So... How was football practice?"
"Oh you know, the usual... just training to become stronger and faster."
"Oooohhhh "stronger" and "faster" huh?" I say poking him in the arm.
"Don't even test me Em."
"Test you? Who me? Ha!" I say as I poke him again. I laugh but stop as I see the look on his face. "Oh shit..." I start running toward the car as fast as I can but strong arms catch me, pick me up and pin me to the ground.
"You feel so brave now?" Nate says as he straddles me holding me in place with his knees so I couldn't escape.
"Yep. I do. You don't scare me, you can't I've known you for too long."
"Uh huh..." He leans in closer to me and my breathing speeds up. We're almost touching noses and then starts tickling my sides making me laugh until I can't breathe.
"Okay okay!!! UNCLE! I give up! You are pretty damn strong for being able to keep in place while you tickle me! Nobody can!"
"See? How hard was it to admit that?"
"Shut up and help me up Nathan Raine."
"Whatever you say Emily Rose." Nate said as he helped me up and walked away. I picked up my bookbag from where I dropped it and followed him toward the car. As I caught up to him he swung his arm around my shoulder and planted a kiss ontop of my head.
"You know I love you right?" He asked.
"Yes I do. I love you too." I said back.
We got into the car and headed back to the house that I shared with my brother Shawn. Nate stopped the car in front of the house, and I got out.
"You gonna come in?" I asked him.
"Nah. I gotta get home for a little bit. I'll text you later okay Em?"
"Okay!" I said feeling a little sad that he couldn't.
I opened the door and was accosted by my miniature pinscher Scooter. I gave him a treat and headed up to my room. I dropped my bag on the floor and flopped on my bed. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn't be having these feelings toward my best friend. I couldn't jeopardize our friendship, it meant so much to me. I heard the front door slam and Shawn yell my name.
"I'm upstairs!" I yelled back. I heard him stomp up the stairs and open my door to my room.
"Hey Em. What's wrong?" he asked after seeing my glum face.
"It's nothing." I said back. He raised his eyebrows at me and his expression said otherwise. "Okay... maybe it's not nothing. But I'm not sure I want to talk about it right now."
"Okay, whenever you're ready I'm here for you lil sister." he said as he ruffled my hair. I smiled at him and nodded my thanks as he walked out of my room. I rolled back over and buried my face in my pillow and groaned. It was getting out of hand and I had to do something about this but I didn't know what.
A couple hours later I woke up to a text from Nate saying he'd be over in ten minutes. I looked at the clock, it said 8:30pm. I replied back saying okay and got out of my bed to look in my my mirror. I looked like I had been asleep for hours;which I had been. I quickly changed into a pair of sweats and a T-shirt and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I ran down the stairs just in time to reach the door as Nate walked up the drive. I opened the door for him as he walked in and gave me a hug. I looked up at him and he looked a little unhappy.
"Nate, what's wrong? You look unhappy." I asked walking in front of him to stop his advance. I stopped and planted my hands on my hips staring up at him.
"It's nothing Em..." He said giving a small smile.
"I know you well enough to know it's not nothing Nathan Raine. Something is bothering you and I'm not gonna leave you alone until you tell me what's wrong!" I argued.
"It's nothing really. It's just all the fighting that's going on at home between my parents. I can't stand it anymore. It's getting too much to handle."
"I'm sorry Nate. That's no fun. I hope everything gets better..." I say. "Why do you have your duffel bag with you?"
"I can't stay at home right now, I was hoping I could crash here for the night."
"Of course you can!" I say as I walk into the kitchen. "Do you want anything? You hungry or thirsty?"
"Okay thanks. No, I'm fine. I'm just tired."
"Okay, how bout we watch a movie? I'm pretty much ready for bed anyways."
"That sounds like a very good idea, thanks for letting me crash here Em." He says giving me a hug. I returned his hug and we went up stairs to my room. I got out our favorite movie we liked to watch together and put it in. We both sat on my bed and began to watch the beginning credits.

Chapter 2

The next morning, I woke up with my head on Nate's bare chest and one of my legs tangled with his. I felt my face getting hot and I didn't know what to do. We have slept in the same bed before, but that was before I had this huge crush on him. I slowly extricated myself from his loose embrace and was just rolling over to get out of bed when I felt his arms grab me and pull me back to his chest. I turned my head and my eyes met his.

He smiled at me and I smiled back."Morning beautiful" he said.

"Good morning Nate. Are you gonna let me go? I gotta pee." I replied.

"Nope.""Ugh. What am I going to DO with you!" I teased back. He just smiled and poked me in my side making me laugh. "Shit Nate! You're gonna make me wet the bed!"

I jumped out of bed, grabbed a pair of clothes and head to the bathroom to change. I put up my hair and added a little bit of makeup and walked out the bathroom to see Nathan stark naked.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Nate!" I say as he turns around and sees me staring.

"You like what you see?" He replies with a smile playing on his face. I blush and quickly go back into the bathroom and shut the door. Holy shit was he hot! Ugh! But this was my best friend we were talking about. I CAN'T and WILL NOT think about him that way. I waited a few more minutes before I peeked out the door to see him fully dressed and flipping through the channels on my TV. 

"Okay, I'm coming out!" I warned him as I cautiously stepped out of the bathroom. I walked to the bed and sat on the bed next to him. I stared at the TV screen not really paying attention to it. I started to think about Nathan and his godlike body. As soon as I realized what I was thinking about I shook my head to clear my thoughts. 

"Em? You okay?" I heard Nate ask as he sat up and shook my shoulder. Apparently I had frowned when clearing my mind and Nate had seen that.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking, no need to be concerned!!" I looked at him and smiled. I sat back and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt his arm go around my waist and pull me closer. My breathing started going faster and I cursed myself at letting him get to me like that.

"Are you sure you're okay Em? You've been acting a bit different around me lately." Nate said.

"Nate I'm fine I promise. I'm just tired still." I said looking up at him. As soon as I did I regretted it. His gorgeous face was like two inches from mine and I couldn't look away. I then realized that I had unconsciously moved closer and our noses were just about to touch. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I licked my lips. I decided to go for it and I leaned in and kissed Nate. At first I could tell he was shocked but then I felt his arms pull me closer and he tangled his hands in my hair pulling my face closer to his. He licked my lower lip begging for entrance and I let him. I moaned into his mouth as I felt his hands tracing delicate circles on my bare skin. My skin felt heated where his fingers trailed and I shivered. Nate broke the kiss and skimmed his lips down my jaw to my neck. As he did that he flipped us over so that I was beneath him. I knew where this was headed and I regretfully stopped him.

"Nate?" I sighed. "I can't... Not now. I'm sorry."

"Em... You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this with you. I've liked you for the longest time." Nate breathed into my ear before getting off me and cuddling me to his chest. I snuggled closer to him and smiled.

"So... where does this leave us?" I asked feeling a little shy about the question.

"It leaves us wherever you want us to be. I'm not going to force you into anything you don't want." Nate said looking down at me and kissing my forehead.I sighed and reached up to kiss him on the cheek and whisper in his ear.

"I want to be with you. I want to be more than just with you, I want to be yours forever." I felt him shiver and tighten his grip on me even more.

"Then Emily Rose, will you make me the happiest teenage boy on this earth by being my girlfriend?" Nate said as he moved to be on top of me again. I wound my arms around his neck and as my response, I kissed him with as much passion as I could hoping that he would understand my answer to his question. In response, I felt Nate lower himself even more onto me and trap me beneath him caging me with his hands on either side of me. I was so wrapped up in the sensation of his kiss that I barely noticed his hands underneath my shirt tracing patterns on my bare stomach. I gasped and arched my back forcing me even closer to him. I broke our kiss to look him in the eyes.

"Nathan Alexander Raine, I would be honored to be your girlfriend, you don't know how much I've wanted this." I whispered. With that Nate crashed his lips back to mine and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

Suddenly, we heard the door to my room open and we quickly moved away from each other and I looked over to see Shawn walking in and freezing. 

"What the hell is going on in here?" Shawn exclaimed. I looked at him sheepishly and felt my face burning up."I--.""Wait.." he holds up his hands. "You don't need to tell me. This was bound to happen sooner or later. You kids have fun!" Shawn smirked and walked out of the room.

I looked at Nate with huge eyes and he started laughing."He killed the mood didn't he?" Nate said after catching his breath. I still couldn't say anything so I just nodded. Nate rolled off of me and wrapped me in his arms. "I just want to say that I talked to your brother before asking you to be my girlfriend. I thought he should know before he saw us doing something like this." I let out a laugh and had to agree.

"Oh yes. He woulda had your ass for sure than." I giggled. "I love you Naterbug."

"You already have a pet nickname for me now? Haha I love you to Emmers." He smiled as he bent to kiss my lips softly.

"Yes, yes I do. You know what? I'm glad we were friends before we started dating," I confessed. "It makes it feel like we'll be together for forever almost."

"Yeah... I'd have to agree. Friends first is the way to go. Best friends first." Nate replied with a smile. I look up at him and make a move to kiss his cheek but at the last second he moves his head and my lips meet his. I gasp and Nate takes advantage and slips his tongue in my mouth. We kiss for a few minutes before I decide I should go talk to my brother. I regretfully break the kiss and move to get up.

"Em? Where ya going?" Nate asks looking confused.

"Don't worry, I'll be back. I'm just going to go talk to Shawn for a minute. I think he wants me to." I shrug and head for the door, but before I can reach it Nate is behind me tugging me to him for one more kiss. "Nate! Stop being so touchy! It's not like I'm abandoning you!" I tease him and kiss him on the cheek. "I'll be back. Sit down and stay!." I open the door and leave my room closing the door behind me. I head to Shawn's room and knock on the door.

"Come in!" Shawn calls. I timidly open the door and slip in his room. I sit on his computer chair and fold and unfold my hands in my lap.

"Emmabear, why are you so nervous?" He says as he comes and puts his arm around me.

"I-I don't know. I'm scared about my feelings for Nate and I don't want to lose him, he's a great friend and if this relationship doesn't work out I don't want to lose him for good." I say as tears start to well up in my eyes.

"Emily Rose, Nate has loved you for so long. Pretty much since the day you guys met in 1st grade. I could tell and I was only in 6th grade when you guys met. If he wanted to leave you he already would have. To be honest, I've talked with him about his feelings for you and he doesn't want to lose you either."I could feel my jaw drop at what my brother had just admitted. I couldn't believe that Nate had liked me for so long and not done anything about it. I felt like an idiot. I gave my brother a huge hug and headed back to my room to the guy who had loved me since 1st grade. I opened my door and walked back to my bed, my mind felt like it was on hyper-speed. I looked at Nate, and my heart literally skipped a beat. He had fallen asleep with my favorite teddy bear in his arms and a slight smile on my face. I got under the covers next to him and snuggled closer and tried to fall asleep.

Chapter 3

A few hours later I woke up to a dark room and Nate still next to me, staring at me. "Nate? I think you need to go home and sleep. You've been here way to long." I whispered."I know I should, and I might sound cheesy, but I like watching you sleep. You look so peaceful and beautiful I can't look away." Nate whispered back."Okay, now you sound like you walked out of a romance movie," I teased. "But thanks. That's very sweet of you." I moved closer to his face and kissed him.  As the kiss went on, it started to become more passionate.  Nate moved so he was ontop of me and trapped me between his arms.  I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.  I'd never wanted to be closer to anyone in my life, I couldn't get close enough.  I hooked a leg around his waist and felt him put his weight on me.  He broke our kiss and started traveling his lips down my jaw to my neck and found my sensitive spot causing me to gasp and moan.  He came up for air and gently pulled my shirt over my head and found my lips again, tossing my shirt on the floor.  I felt his fingers trace down my body to my pants and slowly start to take them off along with my underwear.  Before long I was naked in front of him. I felt vulnerable and started to cover myself up, blushing.  

"Em, you've never been more beautiful to me than you are right now," Nate said huskily. "You don't need to cover yourself up." He then got up to undress himself and promptly got back on the bed and straddled me.  I squirmed a bit and I heard him groan as I felt his growing affection toward me on my stomach.  He caught my mouth up in a fierce, but passion-filled kiss as he situated himself between my legs.  

I felt his hands start to roam their way around my body until they tickled my inner thighs making me arch into him.  He moved his hands in between my legs sending warm, fuzzy sensations through my body causing me to moan in ecstacy.  

"Nate... I... I need to feel you inside me!" I finally panted as I kept thrashing on the bed feeling wave after wave of intense pleasure flow through me. I felt him resituate himself above me as he kissed me roughily this time.  I felt him at my wet entrance and I couldn't keep myself from wiggling my hips trying to ease the intense emotions I was feeling.  I heard him growl and I smiled to myself as I felt him slowly start to enter me.      "Oh!" I cried as he pushed his length into me.  I could feel fresh tears threatening to surface.

"Em, am I hurting you?" Nate said sounding concerned as he paused mid-stroke.

"A little, but keep going please I need this." I replied as I clung to him and pulled his head down for another long passionate kiss.  I felt him push all the way in as I gasped and scratched my nails down his back. He then started to move at a steady, slow pace waiting for me to become comfortable.  I finally started to feel like I was about to reach my limit as I started moaning and clutching him, or the sheets beneath me.  I could hear him almost reaching the top with me. He pushed one last time into me grinding our hips together and holding me in place on the bed as I felt him spasm inside of me. He slowly pulled out of me and laid next to me wrapping me in his arms giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

"I love you so much Emily Rose." He whispered as I was on the verge of sleep.

"I... love... you... too." I said falling into a peaceful slumber wrapped in the protective arms of my best friend, and boyfriend.

Chapter 4

The next morning I woke up to a stream of sunlight shining through my window warming the skin on my back.  I tried to get up but something strong was holding me in place.  I glanced down and noticed Nate's arm around my naked body, and vivid images from the night before flashed through my mind. I felt my face flush a bright red as soft tingling sensations moved throughout my entire body. I looked at Nate's sleeping face and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek as I gently removed his arm from my body and slipped out of bed.

I crossed the room to my closet and got out a pair of cutoff jean shorts and a navy blue and white striped tank top with my white Keds shoes and headed to the bathroom for a shower.  As I showered my body was still tingling from the night before making the memories Nate and I had made even more real to me.  I didn't realize how much of an effect he still had on me. I got out of the shower and lathered my body with scented lotion before putting on my clothes and blow drying my hair.  I managed to make my hair look naturally wavy and left it cascading down my back.  I applied a small amount of make up and walked back into the bedroom. Nate was still asleep so I shook him awake and told him to get ready for school or we would be late.

"Nate!! Hurry up, school starts in 20 minutes!" I said as I shook his shoulder.

"Mmph.. Nooo!!" Nate replied wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me ontop of him.  I laughed and squirmed out of his grip pulling him up with me. 

"Get up! Seriously, we can't be late for school!!" I replied giggling at his tired face.

"Gimmeaminute.." He grumbled getting on his shorts and and a white ve-neck shirt that showed off his biceps making me blush before adding a plaid longsleeve button-up shirt over it.  He went to the bathroom to get ready as I hurried downstairs to make a small breakfast for myself and him before we had to rush to school.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.03.2012

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