
Grave encounter


I sprinted through the woods, the trees and shrubbery tried to trip me with every step i took. I fell and my knee smacked down on a rock, I could feel the blood dripping, just as I could feel them getting closer.



'Come back to us' they all seemed to scream, the needed my help but i couldn't take it anymore, there was too many of them. Their presence didn't offend me, most days it calmed me. I knew walking through the haunted forest was a bad idea, my mother had always warned me about places like these. But she wasn't here anymore, if it was possible to see your family she would have been screaming at me to run.


I had been waiting for her to contact me for two months now, waiting and pleading. I suppose that's why I did crazy things like this to myself. Maybe I was still waiting for her, maybe i blamed her for leaving me. I was stuck in foster care or more of a halfway house for troubled kids.



Or maybe I just missed her. She was the only person who knew about my 'gift', I didn't have any other family and now I had none I was completely alone.



I sighed and stood up and turned around this one was on me. 'I'm sorry but i cannot help you all please leave me alone.' I shouted and began sprinting again, I didn't stop for another half an hour. Again disobeying my mother but these so called caspers were the thing that killed my mother and nearly killed me, I was in a coma for almost a month... I'd never had to deal with this many before.


After i was passed around, no one knew what to do with me after that. That's when the ghosts started to flock on by. They all needed my help, sending messages to family or the police. I couldn't do it, every time I talked with a ghost I got a memory of there past my memory was full with all of theirs. It was like an onslaught of pictures, tastes, smells and feelings.



I couldn't take it and it wasn't getting any easier.



My mother never really let me talk to the ghosts, she'd let me watch but she didn't want this life for me. I stopped running and walked down the road in a slightly familiar place. My new 'home'.



The town was small, but my house was filled with too many happy laughing faces, I couldn't take it anymore. I was eighteen for goodness sake, I wasn't aloud to leave because they thought I'd do something stupid... Maybe they were right.



I eventually found myself strolling through the doors of my 'home' at 3.33 AM, my nightly run had run into the morning. Again.



Sarah was waiting for me like always, she was the foster mother. Her long blond hair and dimpled face smiled softly at me, she immediately handed me a cup of tea and pointed upstairs. I nodded and tried to smile in response, she grinned and turned away, I guess my faking was working then.


All I want to do is sleep


I threw off my clothes and lay down in my dark room, everything was black and red - just the way I liked it. A big black cupboard and bed took over the room's space. The knobs on the cupboard were red and the sheets of my bed were black with a crimson blanket and pillows.



It's so lonely in here...


I could hear the distant howls of wolves and suppressed sound of gun fire warning them back...


Am I dreaming?


I listened to the sound of a pained whimper and threw the covers off, I opened the window and water splashed me in the face, it was raining so heavily but I could see dark shapes out there.



Something deep in me screamed at me to help the injured animal. I sighed why did i have to get these urges? I shoved the black and red checkered shirt on, it was three times too big for me but came mid calf. I found a pair of shorts slung on the floor, I opened the window again and climbed onto the ledge, outside of my room there was the roof to the bathroom. I climbed out and knelt in the rain I searched the dark but couldn't see much.



I walked to the edge of the bathroom roof and turned around, hanging off the wet roof with my hands wasn't the best idea but i dropped to the floor soundlessly. I walked out into the long garden nothing. I sighed and began walking towards the woods but i tripped over something small...



I fell into a heap on the floor over the small body of some sort of canine? I couldn't tell what animal it was in the dark. 'Hey.' I whispered to the injured animal. 'You'll be okay, buddy.' I scooped the not so small animal into my arms, it was hefty I'll give it that.



I walked towards the back of the house slowly and used my elbow to open the back door, the kitchen was the only light I found. I nearly slipped on the slick floor, damn I'm clumsy.



I placed him? her on the table, the little german shepard whinned at the movement, or maybe the could I couldn't tell. I turned around and found the first aid box, working in a vet's you'd assume I'd have a pet first aids box but the answer to that one was no.



I needed saline solution - or in english salty water, i turned the kettle on and found the salt and a bowl. I grabbed the gause from the fist aid box and searched for the sowing kit, I didn't know what was wrong but from the amount of blood surely there would be stitches involved. I covered my hands in the slightly too big gloves and poured the almost boiling water into the bowl along with as much salt as i could find.



I began health checking the animal, I looked into the animal's eyes to see there was no discharge and placed my hand next to... his face. He didn't try to attack me good, but just incase I gently tied bandage around his face. 'Sorry buddy this next part's gonna hurt.' I checked his gums to find them pale, he needs water. He was without a collar, sighing I checked his paws his coat, his feet and when I got to his back right leg I found the problem. I found three puncture marks, 'Awh you poor guy, I see getting the wolves back isn't going so successful huh.' I told him sweetly. He made a grumbling sound and i chucked.



I began wiping away the blood and dirt but without anesthetic or a razor to hand this could get messy. I didn't want to leave him in a house full of kids incase he got scared or move him incase it hurt him anymore than he already was.



I began sewing up the not so small puncture holes and eventually bandaged him up. As soon as I was done he jumped up off the table and sat in front of my wagging his tail. I chuckled and scolded him gently, I placed him a bowl of water on the floor and began cleaning up the mud and dirt, I took off the gloves and put away the first aid things and grabbed last night beef, I made a face and watched as the german shepherd wagged his little tail. 'We can be friends.' I whispered to him and took the cling film off and placed the plate on the floor, for me I grabbed a cereal bar and ate it as i watched him devour his meal. I chuckled and placed the empty bowl in the sink finally feeling tired as hell.



'Come budd.' I called and walked back up the stairs as quietly as I could. I grabbed a towel off the floor and began to dry the excited little dog as he ran in circles around me. I chuckled gently and scolded him about his stitches. He sat down expectantly and waited for me to finish. I threw the towel back on the floor and pulled the soaked t shirt off of my cold body, my shorts were equally as wet. I grabbed another oversized t shirt and fell onto the bed over tired. The German shepard walked in a circle around my empty room and sat on the cold wet towel, 'what are you doing pup?' I asked he tilted his head at me confused. I patted the bed and seconds later he was snuggled next to me.




I woke to a little yipping sound, the dog was scratching at the door. I sighed and crawled out of bed i shoved a pair of leggings on under the baggy t shirt and walked downstairs with him. He walked excitedly beside me and sniffed the air, ahh bacon. Our stomachs rumbled in unison, I laughed and walked into the kitchen. Five little excited kids were all sat around the table eating bacon sandwiches. 'Glad for you too... oh' Sarah stopped mid sentence and looked at me mid sentence. 'What's his name?' She asked suspiciously, ' I haven't a clue he was outside last night after the hunters flushed the wolves away he got hurt.' The children weren't paying all that much attention to me but rather the dog.



She nodded 'you taking him to work?' She asked, 'suppose I'll have to, i couldn't feel a tag and he didn't have a collar on guess I'll have to scan for one and check his injuries.' I replied leaning up against the side, she handed me a travel mug full of coffee, 'you three head upstairs and get changed we're going shopping' she rolled her eyes when they all shot up excitedly 'I still don't understand how they can have so much energy on a saturday.' I shook my head and sipped my heavenly coffee, she poured all the extra food into a bowl and watched as he devoured it. When he was finished he wagged his tail and barked excitedly at her, she laughed and opened the back door for him. He walked outside and had a sniff, relieved himself and then sat on my feet. 'Hey Ella I told you, you'd make friends.' She told me smiling delightedly.



I snorted and headed upstairs to changed into my work clothes.


The next three days were pretty normal, the reason I worked in a vet was that the ghosts of the pets there didn't bother me not like the humans did.  We couldn't find little Buddy a home and welll buddy kinda stuck the other kids all had other names for him but me and Sarah called him buddy or bud.



She bought him a lead, dog toys and food the day she went out with the kids to the store. Somehow she knew we'd end up keeping him, yet another plus side of working in a Vet's was that he could come with me, he loved the fuss he got there. After a week I took the stitches out and gave him a booster shot he was very sleepy that day so i went for a run alone, it was sad really I got so used to him being right by me.



It was peaceful on a sunday morning, no joggers no children just running.  This time i stayed away from the woods and stuck to the path, soon though I felt like i was being followed. I didn't like the feeling.



Every time I turned there were big burly men around... Well it's weird to have one visitor here let alone five. And that my friends is where i sprinted all the way home. Sarah stood at the door looking at me weirdly. 'You didn't tell me you had any family?' It was more of a question than anything, he face was pale and she looked tired.



'I don't..' I replied crossing my arms over my chest. 'Ella I'm your sister's twin brother.' The tall man told me, funnily enough he looked nothing like her. 'Call the cops now.' I shouted at sarah as I turned ready to run. 'Don't.' His voice held power but I turned and ran anyway, Straight into one of his goons.



Buddy bounded down the stairs growling with menace, the man just chucked. 'I thought we killed you already pup.' Buddy ran past him and growled at the man standing behind me.



'Come with us or we hurt any and everyone under this roof.' My so called uncle told me sounded relaxed and even a little cocky, funny thing about this home is that it's full of troubled kids there was a police alert button in every room only me and ella knew where there were. She looked at me thinking the same thing, Now all i had to do was press it unnoticed. There was a switch that looked like a light switch next to the back door, I let out a calm breath and turned around, 'you really think it's a good idea bullying little ole' us?' I asked the goone, I leaned up against the wall with my hand inches from the switch. I flicked it once like i was playing with the switch, signing i moved away with a fierce smile.



Seconds later the phone started ringing, It rang and ran. No one moved, not an inch. Me and Sarah didn't look at each other we both knew this could get ugly, the kids weren't in the house they were at mandatory sunday school at least that was something.



I knew after today, after I got away I would never see these people again. Seconds later a distant sound of a police car rounding the corner at top speed was heard the goone looked worried but the man only shot me an evil look before leaving the premises. 'I will see you soon Ella, very soon.' Was the last thing he said.

This is goodbye (edited)

The officer left looking annoyed he wanted to know why the men were here, when we couldn't tell them he threatened us with a fine for wasting police time. We argued that we didn't know who they were and we needed help but he ignored us.



Sighing he left after constantly arguing with us, Sarah announced she never liked the house anyway that she would move us all. That the law in this town was a joke. I smiled sadly and went to pack, I knew I wouldn't go with them I couldn't put them in danger they had all been so kind to me.



Sarah knew it too, when the kids got back she told them we were moving, they all looked sad but the look on her face said no arguments. I packed and walked away without saying goodbye, I was going to leave buddy with them but he chased me down the road. I sighed and let him, I didn't want to be alone either.



Walking had never felt so lonely, the ghosts followed me but nothing was as bad as walking through the graveyard, the bones there called to me. I threw myself on the ground in front of her, there was one person I had to say goodbye to.



I cried, I shouted, I was breaking but she didn't answer me. She couldn't.



I left the town with the money I had earned and a few days food and clothes, a lead and a coat. I was actually leaving. I had wanted to for so long but now that I was actually going all I felt was sadness, I would never see Sarah or the kids again, well I hoped anyway they shouldn't be messed up in all this.



Walking in the darkness tired me and in the sun exhausted me, I was so done with this whole running thing even before I ran out of food. I would sing to myself, lullabies that my mother had once sung to me but I felt no relief on a drowning sorrow.



I slept in the woods and when I ran out of food Buddy hunted for us, I would build small day fires and cook for us. With little sleep and little food it was no question that they found us.



Days kept passing by painfully before I had any sort of human interaction.



Eventually I stopped talking to buddy too, living with him - surviving became instinct. He knew what I wanted before I wanted it.


I sat burning in the days sun waiting for the iodine to settle in the water, I decided to try and sleep but I couldn't without drinking something. Buying anything was too dangerous, I knew someone would be looking for me. I didn't know why or how many people were looking for me I just knew they were. I didn't even know what I was, I just knew sleeping in the forest or parks wasn't good for me or my mental state I couldn't outrun those following me or the ghosts that seemed to enjoy taunting me.



I looked at my watch only three minutes had past I had another seventeen to wait until I could drink, this had been the only lake I had found in two days, I felt such a burning relief when I found it.



I felt rabid already, I didn't know how long I had been walking or how many days had past I just hoped they were safe. And that's when I heard it, the cracking of branches. Buddy bounced up and began growling immensely, I stood up and grabbed the knife I had, had with me since the first day.



I used it for cooking or hacking my way through undergrowth. I instantly knew it wasn't ghosts that had found me, ghosts made no sounds when they walked... This time I was in shit.



'Put the knife down!' A voice boomed from behind me, I refused to turn around I knew Buddy had my back. 'Leave.' I shouted back, my voice cracked and sounded hoarse even to my ears. 'I don't think she's one...' Some one else began speaking before he was cut off. 'I said put it down, your in our territory now do as I say!' The angry voice called again.



Their territory? What in all good was this?



I didn't speak I was too surprised. 'We know what you are, Huntress. Put it down.' Another calmer voice called. Hunt what now? I suppose I hunt for food. 'Who are you?' I croaked out sounded unsure. 'Surely you know who we are? What fraction are you from?' Asked another. 'What's a fraction?' I asked lowering my knife, they didn't seem so hostile. The calm voice walked out of the trees, he was around six feet bare foot and in only shorts. I suppose it was hot but...? 'Her knife isn't silver I doubt she's here to hurt us stand down.' He called to the others, 'how do you know she doesn't have another hidden?' A suspicion voice called annoyed, I looked down at myself and laughed it sounded strange and croaky. 'Shorts and a tank top? Ohh she's so dangerous I bet she had an arsenal hidden.' The calm voice replied, he had short blond hair and a single dimple I smiled sadly he looked like he could be related to Sarah. I missed her.



I put down the knife and as soon as I did Buddy stood down and ran to the blond guy wagging his tail excitedly. 'What in all hell is going on?' Someone asked, I looked at my watch ahh I could finally drink. I sighed and walked towards the water, I knelt down and picked it up and nearly drank the whole thing before offering some to the newcomer, he shook his head and smiled as I drank the last. I filled it back up and added more water and iodine.


'Who are you?' The friendly guy asked, 'Ella' I replied 'I'm Sam' he replied smiling softly, 'why are you here Cinderella' he winked at me causing me to roll my eyes. 'That's not what my name is short for. And I'm running from a strange man.' I replied, 'Alright Cruella. Why is he chasing you?' He asked,taking a seat near my fire and waving a guy forward, he brought two rabbits and began skinning them with strong, confident fingers.



'I-I don't know exactly...' I trailed off, in part it was true but at the same time why would someone want me? All i can do is speak to the dead not much help if you think about it.



And that's when I felt it, the cold shivers began to run down my back followed with cold sweats. There was a ghosts close. It silently approached me and screamed in my face, I grimaced and made no sound because they couldn't hear the wailing i could. It was an old man, half his face was burned horribly and his one eye had fallen out of its socket and hung below deflated and floating in dried blood, I wanted to heave but I put on a blank face and tried not to look at him.



'Sorry?' I asked Sam, 'I didn't say anything,' he replied looking suspicious, 'maybe she's just a crazy lost girl.' Another said I ignored them as buddy came close growling at the ghost, he knew when there were close he could feel them but he never quite knew where they were. The ghost growled back and slapped him in the face, 'stop.' I whispered. Buddy snarled his fur bristling, he went to hit my dog again and I stood up angrily. 'I said stop.' I shouted, he froze and looked at me. 'Manifest.' I ordered.



He took form in front of me, knowing he had my full attention. 'Leave and don't be rude to others like me, we will not help you.' I scolded.



The others looked at me strangely, too them I would have sat there saying random words and maybe not even in english. Way to make knew friends.


'I know someone who can help you.' Sam spoke quietly, his face blank. Oh pooh, he thinks i'm crazy. 'Lovely meeting you guys but I need to go.'


I replied standing up, Buddy ran to my bag and picked it up in his mouth. I couldn't believe the size of him he really was growing up into a real dog. I smiled happily at him. 'Necromancer, medium, ghost whisperer, physic. Your kind has many names, I would like to hear how you gained the trust of a hunter's dog but for now you're coming with us.' He ordered me, he didn't hold a gun to my head but it surely felt like one. I sighed and followed them, I was eventually bustled into a truck where a blindfold was placed over my head but thankfully they left Buddy alone, after the blindfold they left us alone.



I counted for a long time, the numbers hit the thousands before we arrived at where ever it was that we arrived. 'Why did you bring her here, all of the Hunters are searching for her.' An angry voice shouted, I flinched and clung to Buddy knowing I was safe with him. 'She is just a girl farther, tomorrow we will take her to the institute where she will be trained like the others.' Sam replied with ease, 'she isn't like the others,' the man replied angrily. 'Yes you are right, she isn't she is his blood and could help stop this war.' I whimpered who were these people and what did they want with me?

New beginings

I was fed and left to rest in a bed that felt like god himself had created it, Buddy led on me instead of beside but I needed the confort. 


When I awoke Sam and his farther stood side by side. 'We are taking you to a place where you can learn what you are and how to control it.' Sam told me smiling smuggly, they both looked tired neither looked like they slept much. 'I'm eighteen, I'm not going back to school.' Ha like they could make me, sam rolled his eyes 'I guess you'll fit right in then.' I don't like him. 


I didn't speak for the whole three hour journey there, eventually we aproached a very old looking building but it was in good condition. An elderly looking woman walked out of the premisis looking snobby as you can get, I hated it here already. 


'Ella Jones' She called happily, oh so you know who I am that's nice. 'Oh would you like Ella Smith? Maybe Ella Johonson or maybe Briella Rosen.' She finsihed, Awh balls how did she know that one? 


I tilted my head at her and Buddy did the same growling slightly. I grinned and put my hand on his head telling him we were okay for now. He stopped growling as soon as my skin touched his, the snobby woman looked at us in amazement. 


'Well now I wonder how this happened?' She wondered aloud, how what happened Buddys just a dog? 'She will be in dorm Seven with the others.' She told Sam looking else where and not really paying attention, 'are you sure thats wise?' Sam asked watching her intently. 'No,' she chucked 'but it will have to do.' She replied walking away smuggly, I followed Sam angrily and walked ahead when I saw a big seven above the door. He sighed but walked away and left me to it. 


It looked like a grounds keepers house, but as soon as I walked in I saw three bedrooms, all immaculately clean and a bathroom on the end. I sighed again there was no personal effects anywhere how would I know which bed was mine? 


A gril came strolling out of the bathroom with a suprised look on her face 'You new?' She asked I shrugged I suppose i was. 'Are you sure your not in the wrong dorm, you don't exactly look like you belong here.' I shrugged, who knew where I really should be right now. 


'Not much of a talker, huh?' She asked and then looked down at Buddy and gulped. 'Why do you have a hunters Daemon?' she asked shaking. 'His names Buddy.' I replied placing my hand on his back this time, he looked uneasy, his eyes searched mine looking for answers. 'Find my bed.' I told him, he stretched and went about smelling the two beds in each room he came back to me and shrugged before sneezing. The girl giggled and then slowly aproached him, she held out her hand and stroked him unsurley. 


Her waste lengh black hair and Pixi nose made her look sweet and dark at the same time, she was shorter than me by a good few inches and very slender. 'My names Lilly' she told me walking into the first room ' I guess you'll be my new room mate' She told me smiling and pointed to the bed on the left side of the room. 'Ella or Briella Rosen if you really want to know who i am.' I said chuckling to myself, Buddy suddenly stiffened and barked a warning before a Very tall muscular guy walked in. 'Hey caz meet Ella she new' Lilly shouted excitedly, Caz froze mid step and stared a Buddy for a second before taking my apparence in. 'Hi... I'm Casper.' He replied, 'Briella, you speak to Ghosts?' I asked excited. 'No' he snorted 'what about you Briella you a witch?' He asked curiously, 'something like that.' I mummbled, he grinned like he figured something out and walked down into the end room. 


'You really a witch?' Lilly asked excitedly, I shrugged not really wanting to explain much of anything. I didn't know these people, who or what they were. Funny that isn't it being weird yourself and not trusting others are strange like you. 


'Hey Lil,' A girl and a guy walked in and from their apperance you'd say they were twins, doubblegangers almost it was strange. 'I'm Gavin and this is my sister Gabby.' said the guy twin, his sister gave me the once over before walking into the middle room. They were both incredibly tall with firey red hair and freckles. 


Lastly came in anouther guy, he had short almost black hair and the same dark sparkling eyes that Lilly had. He looked annoyed but stopped in his tracks when he saw me and Lilly, he must have been 6ft6 maybe he was massive. Buddy growled at him and shoved Lilly behind him, I smiled down at him for a second before looking at the chizzled offender. 


'Buddy, shoo.' She giggled and ran to the guy 'this is my brother Nyx - it means of the night.' She said smily proudly. I nodded and clicked my finger and pointed at the flot next to me, Buddy ran and sat where I pointed i never took my eyes off Nyx. 'What are you?' He asked sounding angry, 'She's a witch.' Lilly replied excitedly. 'No, your not.' He rumbled taking a step towards me, 'You said you were a kind of witch?' Lilly said turning to me looking sad. 'Yea I suppose I am. Sam called me a necromancer...' I trailed off with a confused expression, Lilly's eyes widdened and Nyx took a step towards me. 'Ever contacted any family.' I snorted, 'yea course cause you can do that.' I replied angrily. 'So you tried?' He asked sounding intrequed. 'Yes.' I replied shortly. 'Who?' He asked. 


'My mother.'  I replied in a clipped tone, 'How long ago did she...?' He trailed off. 'Febuary.' I replied, 'Three months ago? Why wait that long?' He asked. I turned around shocked, 'Whats the date?' I asked quietly. 'May twnetith.' He replied looking curious. 'A month a whole month...' I trailed off looking at Buddy no wonder he looked so much bigger. 


'How long have you been alone?' Lilly asked touching my arm gently, I looked into her dark eyes with sorrow in my own. 'Please excuse me.' Was all i replied, I walked out of the room with my bag and into the bathroom. Looking in the bathroom mirror was more than a little suprising. 



A new me.


My light blond hair was matted to hell, my pale skin was still after a month living outside. Well thats strange. Cutts scattered over my face and arms, i pulled my shirt up and found my body gaunter than ever before. I had lost so much weight, my dark grey eyes looked scared and grave.  I turned the shower on and shed the rest of my clothes, a whole bottle of shampoo and conditioner later I finally felt clean. I styaed in the warm spray for a few minuets affter all the dirt had washed away.


My hair was begining to untangle, I searched in my bad for anything clean but found nothing. I sighed and wrapped my body in one of the towls that were neatly folded on the towel rack. I quickly washed Buddy and then rushed back into my room whist buddy ran around outside searching for some food and getting dry. 


'Erm Lilly?' I called rounding the corner, she and her brother were both sat in the room talking quietly. 'Erm I kinda need some clothes or well anything.' I told her embaraced. I didn't go down stairs in just a shirt let alone just a towel at Sarahs. The blush must have shown on my face because she rushed her brother out of the room. 


'Victoria, the head mistress is sending you some clothes down as soon as she finds things to fit, what are your sizes?' She asked. 'Erm Eight in teeshirts, ten in trousers and a 32D.' I replied blushing again I was telling some fifteen your old girl my boob size... 'She said your foster mother put all your things in storage and shoud be here tomorrow.' Lilly called from the hallway where the phone was. Half an hour later Sam returned with bags of 'essential' things. 


I quickly changed into the black black jeans and white / grey teeshirt and walked out to find Buddy handing a very supprized Sam a rabbit, he chucked and patted him on the head. 'Never go underware shopping for me again.' I told him blushing, he chuckled. 'Didn't fit?' He asked curiously almost looking disapointed. I shot him a look, 'The oppisite actually' I repplied annoyed. 


'Why did it have to be you?' I complained sitting with my back against a tree. 'Well you're talking to me now thats a plus.' He replied. 'What is this place?' I asked but my growling stomach interuprted him, he chucked and offered me a hand up. 'Common I'll see if i can whip you somthing up.' He told me, he looked down at his hand a chucked before throwing it gently to Buddy. Who began instatly eating the poor rabbit. 


I didn't bother telling Buddy to stay I knew he wouldn't, I followed Sam to this flat topped milatary looking building. 


Understanding evil

 The building had a set of doubble doors that led into a plain white building with eight tables scattered around systematcially. The chiars were neatly tucked under the tables, a lady stood putting food onto plates equally and handed us too without question. 


Mine was filled with meat and veg after she had a good look at me and sams the same, she tusked at me after we left. I looked at sam confused, 'Make sure she eats it all Samuel.' The lady ordered kindly. Hmm.. 


We sat on the eighth table and began eating eventually people began eating, i knoticed that my doorm all sat together in comfortable silence, all tables had six people sitting at them and most stared at me or their food. It was good or maybe I'd just gone without a decent meal in so long. I waited for Sam to finish eating, He looked around twenty whilst the others here all looked to be 18 or younger. Maybe I did fit in here. 


'Which table did you sit at?' I asked he looked at me for a second before answering. 'Same as you two years back' he replied slowly. 'Why was the head confused as to where to place me?' I asked confused. 'Your diffrent from the weres, witches, elementals and vamps. Never had a Necro here' He replied. 'You don't eactly fit in with the stardard weres, vamps or witches.' He replied. 'What about the elementals?' I asked not quite understanding what or who they were. 'Well i suppose you could have fit in with them, Neros are a kind of spirit element. But they can only comunicate with Ghosts that want to talk or summon them, but as i saw before you are bothered by the ones you dont want to comunicate with.' He replied. 'Doesn't that just make me less practiced?' I asked confused. 'No, it means your essence calls to them more, your stonger. Much stonger.' He replied thoughtfully. 'So why Seven?' I asked again. 'Well there are two Alphas, two fire Elementals and a Vamp.' He replied. Ahh Casper because hes Pale, a vamp then?


I wonder if he drinks blood, I had heard there were others like me, but I never imagioned I'd actually be in a place like this. 'Can you guess who's who?' He asked smiling. 'Lilly and Nyx are Alphas? Cas is a Vamp and Gav and her sister Gabby are the elementals.' I replied quizically. He nodded excited, 'Welldone, can you tell me which ones which?' He asked waving at the tables. 'The hippy colourful table is the Elementals, they're all in blue, yellow, green and black.' No red hmm. 'Thoes in dark clothes, now all looking directly at me are Vamps. The move too quick and are drinking not really eating.' I pointed out. I looked to the third table 'Weres? They don't really have a dress code more off less clothes as possible but in a decent manner, they're all devouring meat as rare as they can have it.' I answered. 'And the Witches maybe? There all dark clothed very black but full of elctrical energy.' I replied. 'And anouther weres tables, anouther vamps and I dont know about that table they aren't like the rest? Look like a mix between elements and Witches.' I replied. 'Two were tables, Two vamp tables, an elementals table, a wizard and a witches table though they tend to mix but they are dormed diffrently. There is no light and dark the Wizard and Witches are very competative against each other and there magic is taught and practiced in diffrent ways. And last but not least the table for the Alpha's, soon to be King Vamp and top Elementals, there used to be a Witch who was stonger than all of thoes witches but she has completed her studies, and you little Necormancer.' He told me smiling proudly. 


'I'm going to take a guess and say theres never been a Necro- ugh that word sounds dirty - here before.' I tailed off sounding bored, so they can teach me exactly nothing about my 'gifts'. 'Incorect. Both your mother and uncle practiced here for a while.' When he said uncle he snarled, wolf or vamp? Vamp would be too dark hes a were. 


'Why did my mother leave?' I asked, he shrugged. 'It was said that she was much stonger than him and he didn't like it. They had a big rivarly going. He lived to prove he was better than her, or so it's said.' He shrugged again. 'And it's smart taking me here why? Especially since he's been here before...' I trailed off. 'Because there are very strong forces keeping evil and all the Blah.' He replied looking bored, 'Wow I love to know my safety is Blahh to you.' I told him snorting.  


'So you don't think the higest number of supernaturls in a comunity can protect you?' He snapped looking angry. 'I just know that word spreads, I also know that my so called uncle is evil. Whats to stop any of these people going dark?' I asked just as angry, 'I was safer where no one knew where i was.' He sighed, 'If I tracked you, whats to say others hadn't?' I replied sadly. 'Why does everything that he's, that I'm so powerful? I can see ghosts so what?' I asked tiredly. 'Becuase you can control the dead, I saw what you did to that ghost you ordered it away, you could make thousands of ghosts or even bodies do that.' He replied looking worried.


'So why hasn't he?' I asked confused. 'The witches of the great coven had your mother trap him and they took his powers, they are too powerful for him to attack alone, he will either try to get you on his team and steal your powers or take them anyway and kill you to punish thoes who took his.'


I snorted, 'He can have them, they're a pain in the ass anyway.' I snarkily replied, the room went completly silent. 'Really Ella do you not understand what he could do with them?' He asked, i shook my head more than a little scared. 'Why don't they just bind my powers?' I asked, he shook his head before I even finished talking.  


 'They could I suppose, your mother wanted them to do the same thing for her. But she found out she was pregnant with you, the risks were too high. She wouldn't risk death with you growing inside her.' He told me as if reciting from a book or somthing. I laughed 'you think i care about dying? Take them.' I told him almost exictedly. 


'No, the power must remain in you, if you are to protect yourself you will need them. If your powers were sealed away they would simply be stolen. Maybe by your uncle maybe some other power hungry jerk.' He informed me gravely. 


I sighed, 'there's just no winning here is there.' He chuckled and stood up, 'go to bed, your classes will start tomorrow.' He told me softly as the others left. 'Are you staying?' I asked i didn't know if it was with hope or what but he was the only person to ever sit me down and explain anything to me as if i mattered. 'Yup who do you think is going to kick your ass into shape?' He asked me grinning like a fool. 'Ugh friends i could handle but my teacher? You just know how to get on my nerves sam.' I told him annoyed. 


His bright eyes sparked 'Friends oh dalrin no im here to be your worst enemy. I groned and dragged my tired body back to my shared room and curled into bed, sometime in the night Buddy and Lilly joined us. I smiled as I felt there gently buzzes of power dull to a low buz. Buddy led exaclty in the middle of the room protecting us both. I went back to sleep with a bright smile on my face.

Understanding life

I woke up to both Lilly and buddy jumping on me, I groaned and turned over ignoring them both. I knew Sam and Nyx were coming before i even attempted to open my eyes. 'Morning Cinderella.' Sam called out laughter filling his voice. I was given a second before freezing cold water was thrown on me, jokes on them. 


I snuggled further into the bed and went back to snuggling. 'She's been living outside for a long time, should have known that wouldn't work. 'Ofcourse it wouldn't I was already awake.' I replied annoyed, Someone laughed as i sat up in bed. 'What?' I asked annoyed. 'Nothing just everytime I see you your hairs a mess, gotta tone that shit down kid.' Sam retorted. 


'I will bite you.' Was my only reply, 'Oh darling I'm a were, don't you know I'm into that?' He asked chucking, Lilly shooed them out and I quickly changed into three qourter length black joggers and a black tank top. It was going to be anouther socrtcher. Lilly handed me a pair of dark green high tops, anouther gift from Sam I guessed. 


I had size three feet but the shoes fit well, how does he guess so well? Ugh that idiot, i quickly brushed my hair and began braiding it as i walked from the room.



I walked into the Cafateria and this time Buddy followed us, Sam grabbed two wares meals and I grabbed what ever the lady handed me, a full english breakfast with a smoothe for energy, I could tell right then today was going to be hard. 


Sam dragged the spare table over to group sevens and the eight of us spread out and began eating. 'Heard you got a nice cold awakening this morning Ella want me to set there fires alight?' Gav asked grining and brandishing a ball of flames in his hand. I stared mesmerized, 'thats cool.' I told him grinning, Caz looked ahead mischevesly he ran or zoomed or sprinted what ever you call it past and the flame went out. I looked around and found him eating the peice of bacon Gav had had on his fork. I laughed and covered my face trying to hide it, Gav charged him but Caz only stole the anouther peice.


I laughed so hard I nearly choked on my food, Caz apeared infront of me and I fell backwards in my chair only to be saved by Nxy. I coughed and wiped the water away from my eyes. 'Thankyou,' I told him genuinely to which I only recieved a nod, he pulled my chair back and shot Caz a look to which he winked and walked away, Nxy rolled his eyes and sat back in his own chair. 'Wait till after breakfast he may even give you a nibble I hear he likes that too.' Sam whispered in my ear. I nearly choked again, 'Can I please eat my breakfast without dying?' I asked coughing uncontroably. Buddy barked in agreement, he had already finished his food 'How is it that you all have such good reflexes? I cant even walk across my room without falling over atleast three items?' I asked with fake annoyance. 



Why do they always have to be right?

 'Well were all diffrent some of us are just more difrent than others.' Sam replied with a wink I retorted with bite me under my breath, Sam leant down and whispered 'Careful Cinderella one day I will take you up on that offer.' I shivered, if you asked me then I wouldn't be able to tell you why. 


Maybe it was the fact that his cool minty breath caressed my neck or maybe it was the fact that he was an animal under that sheeps clothing. Maybe I was stupid and danger intrested me, I never was quite the smartest spark.


'What are we doing first?' I asked anyone around the table, it was my first day after all who knew what i so called needed to learn. 'Well since i'm the only scholar here your stuck with me Kiddo.' Sam informed me grinning like a manicac. I pushed away my half eaten food annoyed, 'I'm 18 a year two tops behind you call me kiddo again and I'll get Buddy to bite you I hear your into that...' I trailed off clicking my finger getting Buddys attention, Sam swallowed nervously whislt Nyx bust out laughing the others looked around at him strangly but he only shrugged and nonchallontly muttered 'she may have a hunters Daemon but hes just a pup I doubt even he knows what he can do yet.' And with that he left, moody brat I thought to myself Buddy looked at me and yipped his agreement. 


Wait what? 


'He may not know but I'm not risking it, its pure bacon for you buddy. Remember who your friends are.' He spoke to me instead of buddy but he seemed to get the message as he walked up to Sam and licked his hand before walking to me and placing his paw on my lap. I sighed and placed my bowl on the floor, he always knew when I wouldn't eat anymore or needed food. Maybe he was just accostomed. Dog's usually get the same peeing scedual as their owners why not feeding? 


But somewhere deep down I knew that wasn't quite right. At least I was in the place where I'd finally get answers, Buddy yet again looked at me deeply he seemed to warn me that there were things here I wouldn't want to know. I sighed and stood up, after all I knew he was right. 


'Right to the training hall for you.' Sam said as he too stood. I followed him out after waving to Lilly and nodding to Caz and Gav. Maybe this place wouldn't be too bad...


As soon as I walked into the 'training hall' I knew i was wrong. It looked like some kind of freaking tourcher chamber, frack. I turned to walk straight out of there but Sam caught me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder using his, my weight and gravity as leverage. 'What goes up must come down.' I muttered rubbing my butt and standing up. 


'Rule number one never leave yourslef open to attack. Rule number 1.0 listen to your oh so wise teacher.' He told me grinning, he was enjoying this way too much. 


'Wise ass.' I muttered before taking anouther look around, 'Ohh she cusses.' The walls were filled with all kinds of weapons from a simple dagger to a short sord, two handed sord, axe, throwing stars, whips, bow and arrows of every kind (long bow, short and even the automatic newer versions) and even guns. A whole range of them. 


'Don't even think of touching them a master witch will be notified and that funky feeling you felt whilst stepping in will stop you from leaving.' He told me with a wicked grin, 'I - I didn't feel anything...' I told him in a low worried voice, he looked at me concerned before shrugging his shoulders and muttering something about kid newbe's. 


He took a simple hand gun down from the wall and handed it too me, it felt wrong and much too heavy in my hands. The plastic and metal felt dead in my hands, this held no energy at all. 'I don't feel right holding this, it kinda feels like a dead fish. No energy or life spark.' I told him shivering at the analogy. 


'Don't matter, we face many enemys this may not be your weapon of choice but somewhere out there it will be someone elses. And if they hold it to your head?' He jumped forward suddenly and one hand shot out and hit the inner side of my wrist whilst the other hit the outter side of my hand with his other and held the gun to my head. 'Bang. Your dead, your a dead fish too.' He told me laughing at his own joke. 


'Laughing at your own jokes is lame.' I informed him sprining forward and doing the same manover as he did, but i took it a step forward and twisted my arm and elbowed him in the chin and took a step back and aimed the gun at him. 'Bang, bang your apart of the dead fish clan too.' I told him half enthuastically, truth be told I knew some defence from MMA but that was my secret not his. 


This time when he came at me I was ready, but he turned his back to me and somehow pulled the gun from my grasp turned again and placed the gun under my chin. I only sighed in responce, before quickly changing my whole postion, I now faced away from him and turned my face frontwards. I kicked up with my back leg and hit his wrist before bending his wrist and grabbing the gun again and aiming the gun at him. 


'Okay not the best move.' He motioned for me to give him the gun back 'again, as before' he told me. I did as he said and as my foot his his forearm the gun went off and my shoulder was covered in a splatter of red paint. I sighed he was right back move. 'Someone who is more trained than you will fire, and thoes who aren't as trained will fire accidently thought their reaction may not be as quick you could still get hit.' I nodded and listend as he told me what I could do instead. 


I looked at him confused, he handed me back the gun. I stood aiming the gun at his chest and watched as he twisted my arm one way and then the other and I lost balance and fell on the floor rubbing my wrist. 'You can do a simple twist and grab kinda like the chinese burns? Ever had one of theos there nasty basically the gun needs to flip around and under their hand you take a step back, ta daar your the one armed. Or place hand either side of the wrist pull up above their shoulder and pull them down, bend knees and pull gun away from attacker ensure gun is pointing away from you and prefurably them just incase it goes off.' He sounded like he was reciting part from memory and part from a text book. 'Or use both of your hands to push the attackers arm into air, twist arm and use their weight to pull them down.' He informed me grinning like a fool, this time he stood side by side with me gun held to my head. 


 I didn't really feel like getting a red hair doo, it was hard to wash out of blond. I shoved his one hand forward and used my other to push him back using his belly, i turned to the arm I pushed away and grabbed the gun with one hand and his wrist with the one that I'd used to push it away. I twisted his arm and pulled it too the floor where he quickly dragged me down and had me pinned in seconds. 


'Dang it.' I complained. He helped me up and stood with the gun still in his hand, to be fair I had failed. I sighed and grabbed the edge of the gun with one hand and punched him in the face with the other then using that same hand I twised thus freeing the gun and shot him in the stomach. I grinned triomphantly and bowed dramatically. 


'Issuses with that are?' He asked smiling proudly, 'erm I'm guessing if he fired I could get eaisly hit? Better yet I'm very close and could get a nice hit back and assuming my attacker is bigger and stronger I'd probbly be out?' I asked slightly uncertain. 'Good points, but you don't want to touch the barrel of the gun if one it could go off or had been off. You'll end up with a nasty burn.' He informed me still smiling but lecturing in his famous I know better voice. 


'Nice warm up kiddo lets fix that stance of yours.' He told me with an evil smile seconds before he yet again put me on my ass. 


'Oh joy.' I retorted jumping up with a weird feeling of adrenaline, I heard Buddy yawn from a mat from somwhere in the corner, 'not gonna stick up for me no? Okay great...' I muttered to myself as I put my legs shoulder width apart this time when he shoved me I only took a step back and didn't fall on my ass. 'Yes!' I shouted and jumped in the air, he only resonce was to shove me on my ass again. 


Ahh today was gonna be great. 


Who ever said that ever is gonna get a paint bullet to the face. 

Face ache.

 I later walked into the eatting hall with paint covering my hair, face and neck. I sat down with an annoyed expression I hadn't even bothered to grab my food I was that bone tired. Lilly skipped to the table happily and stopped when she saw me, she quickly placed her arm around me and shot who ever was behind me an evil look. 'Don't mind them, fist day me 'n Nyx were here he came out covered in paint. We all have.' She told me sweetly, I just yawned in resonce and smiled my thanks. 


'I'd have thought you would have more energy bein' on the run so long...' Gabby told me sounding sickly sweet, she snorted like she didn't believe me. 'Well with a whole group of hunters on your ass you tend to travel at night.' I retorted annoyed, she had no idea what I'd been through. Her lips made an O but she quickly took on an expressionless state again, ohh the ice queen is upset oh dearest me. 


Buddy stalked towards her growling fearcily, I whistled softly and he didn't move a muscle I looked clostly at her face, her mask almost dropped and I almost smiled. 'Here.' Sam handed me and Buddy our plates but i just pushed mine away I had already eaten my body was bruised and saw it couldn't take much more. 


Sam looked at me with growing concern but began eating his own meal, I watched him for a while and then began nibbling on my own. It was strange being up in the day and eating twice already but I tried my hardest in the end Sam handed Buddy my food and gave me anouther milkshake. 'The protein, vitamins and minerals should help.' He told me quietly as the others left. I nodded and half smiled at him before drinking half and placing it back on the table. 


'Whats next?' I asked with a yawn, he tilted his head up at me and shrugged. 'Question time?' He asked he was going easy on me and I knew it. I hated him for it but I knew I couldn't take anymore, sadly he did too. My body could handle running every day but getting thrown about was something else entirely, every muscle burned. 





I'd like to say that we had a good little chat about our ansetory but truth be told after the question, which i didn't even remember asking I was snoring - or not I've never really asked anyone if I snored. 


'Hey Gabb is it possible to give a guy a hard on whist kissing?' Someone asked, 'Dude that's my sister' Gav muttered disgusted, I opened my eyes with a confused chuckle. 'What about you Ella?' Cas asked me grinning a full toothed smile, 'Entirely dependent of on the age of the guy and how desperate he is.' I replied rolling my eyes, their was a corous of Ohhh's around the table.


'So whats your hit list number?' Nyz asked sounded just as desperate as Cas had. 'Well I could tell you none and you'd think I was a Fridge, or ten and you would think I was easy. At the same time I could tell you a small number and I'd be more respectable. But if I only slept with one person you'd call me inexperenced. So Imma not give you a number and your gonna quit askin.' I told him stirnly, 'Ahh but Cinderella one key that openes multipul doors is handy whilst a lock that is opened by many keys is useless.' He corrected me with a wink. 'Or maybe society should judging people so much on what they do in their personal lifes and worry more about themselves.' I told him hotly, 'Well if you told us then it would be our concern now wouldn't it.' Cas replied with a wickid grin. 'Remind me to never tell you anything ever.' I told Cas with a short laugh, Lilly walked over with a happy smile plastered on her face. 'What are you talking about?' She asked, 'Politics,' I replied before anyone else could, 'do you think people should be concerned about whos is in THEIR contries or more concerned as the world as a whole? When did the colour of our skin become more inportant to thoes starving or the animals drowning because of global warming.'


I rambled on hoping desperatly it all made sence, 'Brownies raded my closet last night, well i thought it was a raid till I caught them doing the dirty. The Lady brownie was so distraught she farted a rainbow right there and then. They scrambled away and left me their pot of gold in appology.' Sam informed me with a grin. 'I can see where your coming from but you can't just fix the world in a day Ella, sometimes lots of people working in seperate areas will prevent to many cooks in the kitchen.' I suppose she made sence but that didn't mean racism or being decriminated for anything was right. 


I tuned out the rest of the conversation whilst chewing on rabbit food, maybe the cheif thought eating big bulky meals wasn't working, she was right. If i felt too full I would try and eat as much fruit as was avalible to me, long lasting energy and 90% water or something. Do Brownies really exist? I can except Vamps, weres ect but cant except... my head hurt. 


I stood up as soon as I was finsihed and adressed the whole table, 'Your wrong one person canno't house or feed all of the homeless, that one person cannot provide everything and get nothing. You need a product to make by products, a world can do that. If every single person on this world worked to stop abuse, hunger, homelessness - there would be less illnesses around to treat. Every person on the world needs a certain amout of care or she will die. Imagion a whole contrie not getting the right amout of care what happens then? Did you know its the bee's that support our living, they ensure the flowers grow. They are the primary consumed food. Without them were nothing, If we thought more like a comunity and relied on each other i personally believe we'd live in a better world.' I walked away after that, Sam's cackled laughter followed me in my wake 'Is it me or is she getting more ballsy?' Cas asked I assumed with his signature smirk. 


Sighing I left the hall and sprinted off finally feeling energised, I needed to see what happens here. See its secrets and hidden horros. It was time to find me a Ghost. 

Alone again

I sprinted into the place I called home for a long time, the woods were dark haunted almost. Like they'd seen too much. A little like myself I suppose.  I recalled my nights alone in places like this, I was terrified my ears straning to hear an attack that never came. Eyes bouncing along the dark devris sourounding me, every creak and whip of the wind making my heart beat until I felt like it would break my ribs. 


That's enough focus on the task at hand. I mentally scolded myself, this forest wasn't dark or dingy. It was light and open, but looks could be deciving. This forest was far more dangrous than any of the others I had walked or ran through. Before I had a destination, now I was looking for danger. For signs of anything that was tainted. 


Stop thinking and act. 


A deep inner voice whispered to me, your not alone. You never were. 


I shivered and put on a splirt of speed. Leaping over the fallen log I landed with bent knees and my heart beating widly, finally I felt free. 




I learched forward and dug my feet into the soft soil below my feet, looking around wildly I found nothing. The dingy light only allowed shawdows and close objects to be seen. There were rocks and twigs hazidously thrown around, the greens were dark instead of light and welcoming here. Something felt off. 


Hes here. 


Who, who's here? I asked my self - well this strange inner voice. I turned slowly searching for this imfmous him, where was he? Who was he? Was I going insane?


 And then I felt it, the energy of the dead. 


'Hello?' I called out uncertainly. I could feel his energy raining down on me, who was he and why was he so powerful? He was nothing I had ever felt before, 'Hello.' He replied cheerfully, slowly walking towards me. He was older than me by a few years maybe. His dark hair and eyes gave off an urethral affect, the smile crinckles around his eyes and mouth how ever implied he smiled alot when he was alive. 


'What can you tell me about this place?' I asked him walking slowly to his paused form, the closer I got the more his power beat over me. 'Everything.' He replied walking back slowly, I flicked my hand in an impaitent go ahead sign. 'Ah - Ah young one, first I need something from you.' He told me mysteriously. 


'Yes, yes I'll tell your family your sorry and Blar Blar.' I informed him with a role of my eyes, this was getting old already, who knew if he even knew anything. His laughter boombed around me, 'don't be so quick to judge of what is expected from you.' His cackle turned evil something was off about this man. 


'Expected? You can't make me do anything your dead. You maybe be powerful but that means nout to the dead.'I replied worried who knew what he could do, never had I came across anything this powerful that was dead. 


'Now now, I've come along way to see you. Your energy is really something.' I sighed this guy needed to quit talking in riddles. 'Just tell me what you want.' I retorted angrily, and with that he was grinning like a maniac again. 


'Come raise the dead...' He whispered, fog seemed to sorround me, it was almost choking. I needed to find the way out of here and fast. I took a step back and didn't stop moving but never did he, I fell over the log I had recently leaped over. I needed to get out of here and fast, I stood up and sprinted in a random direction.


The trees flew by, as did the patches of sun. I was soon left in darkness, I grinned at this. The dark I could handle. My body never stopped moving, running, dodging and leaping, I soon heard Buddy's footsteps beside me and some how in the middle of no where I felt at home. This is what I did. 


I turned seconds before I slammed full pelt into a oncomming tree, zigzagging became instinct weeks ago. 'Come raise the dead' thoes words alone made me shiver in disgust and want. Some part of me wanted to raise the dead, I didn't even know if I could do it but something deep down in me - some evil part wanted in. 


I soon run through patches of light that lasted longer than the others, Buddy yipped gleefully as we finally broke away from the dense forest and back into the open land where all the buildings were. I bent over to catch my breath and fell on my ass laughing. Well that wasn't strange at all. 


I laughed again and led back closing my eyes and basking in the sun, sighing I felt at peace. I needed that run. I won't be ordered to do something by anyone especially some creepy dead guy. And thats where Sam found me, laughing hysterically at my little adventure. 



Secrets told and whispered in the dead of the night

 'So he wanted you to what?' He asked with a chuckle, I sung 'Come raise the dead with meeee' and we both cracked up again. 'Do you know what he looks like? Maybe we should look into who he is before we even consider raisin' anyone.' I shrugged and looked at him strangly, 'I don't even know if i can raise the dead my mother never showed me.' I trailed off slowly, 'well it's time to hit the books Briella.' The joking tone was still in his voice, it always was but he never called me my real name. I nodded understanding his seriousness. 


'Got any good sketchers?' I asked raising an eyebrow, 'One' I rolled my eyes as his grin stretched well this wasn't going to be good now was it. He led me back to the Cabin we past mine and Lillys room and slowly passed the second room - where I let out the biggest breath of air. Sam knocked on Cas and Nyx's room once before entering I followed closely behind to find the two wrestling shirtless on the ground. 


'Up!' Sam half shouted in a comanding tone, even I wanted to get up and I was already standing. Both boys got to their feet grumbling and shoving one anouther, 'what now?' He asked the two, the both looked at each other before muttering diffrent things. 


Cas muttered 'Controler' whilst Nyx said something along the line of shower. 'Oh you wanted to watch the tv in the shower? Boys gotta tell you if you wanted to fry the toasters eaiser.' Sam muttered rolling his eyes. 'We were arguing over who gets the better game controler and who gets to shower first.' Nyx lied smoothly after sending Cas another glare. 'Cas go to the libary and grab everything you can find on the history of Necromancy. I'll go grab the schools leavers book and see if we can find a match. Nyx draw exactly what Ella tell's you too.' He marched out of the room dragging a glaring Cas with him. 


I sighed and sat on the floor with my head on my knee's 'Where do you want to start?' I asked as Nyx rummidged around the room for pen and paper. 'Eyes' He muttered, I slowly visulized his face in my mind and Explained the colourless eyes, the smiling lines and straight nose. I explained his small mouth with slightly crooked teeth. His straight dark hair that fell in his face. 


I started talking about his jaw but as I looked up there he stood behind Nyx holding a weight from in the room, noticing my attention he let go of it one finger at a time, I lurched forward and knocked Nyx out of the way. I winced as the weight fell on my shoulder. 'On three run.' I muttered looking straight into Nyx's confused face. 


He nodded as I slowly knelt and held out my hand towards him, his eyes went from my hand to behind my back. He jumped forward and caught something before it landed on me. 'Now would be good.' I muttered to him wincing at the pain in my shoulder. We both scrambled out of the room and legged it towards the libary.  



Secrets should stay secret.

 We sped through a random room and into anouther, I was running to fast for my eyes to comprehend what was happening. We barrled into the Libary only to be shot an evil look by an elderly woman standing behind a desk. Ceeling high book cases. It was eerily silent in here, we hurried through a maze of turns Nxy suddenly stopped so quickly I smashed into his back and fell on my already bruised butt. 


'You two finsihed?' Sam asked us brightly, 'well not exactly.' Nyx muttered shrugging his shoulders not quite looking at me. I stood up slowly and told Sam what happened. 'Intresting. Was the picture anything like the real thing?' He asked either of us. 'I didn't actually see him.' Nyx said looking confused, Sam gave him a well duhh expression and turned to me. 'Close.' I replied, nodding. 


'You two look through the records see if anything matches before we take any further action. He doesn't want us knowing his identity intresting.' He has a thing about saying intresting today, no it wasn't intresting my shoulder hurt. I grumbled somthing about throwing a weight at him before silently searching through the past resident's leavers book. 


Hours later we were all still sat there annoyed, 'NADA. Nothing. Ziltch.' I complained loudly, gaining a 'SHH' from somewhere in the room. 'Well no not nothing, we haven't checked teachers history.' Sam said cheerfully. In responce I threw a heavy book at him, he caught it eaisly without even looking up. 'Bloody supernaturals.' I complaied. 

Sweet, sweet nothing

 I'd like to say we found everything we needed to know, and found out he was harmless. Someone who truly wanted to help us. But truth comes to shove - we found nothing. He wasn't a student, a previous owner, a teacher, an employee. He was nothing. 


Back to plan I dont know Z maybe, we were going to hunt this sucker down and force him to tell us. And that ladys and gentlemen was the worst plan known to man, before we even left the building I knew it was a shockenly bad idea. You can't be expected to know the basis of anything after a day. 


I sighed, I knew little about the dead. You'd think a Necromancer would know everything about Ghosts and dead bodies or the inbtweens. Wrong, it wasn't like breathing or our natural instinct to grab things. Very, very wrong. The most I knew was how to banish a ghost but that was only for a short time, they always came back.  We, and by we I mean me Cas - Sam and Nyx, stood in a cemi circle lucky ole me was standing in the middle. 


'I call you Spirit come forth?' Even to my ears it was a question, I was shot with disbeliving looks an some of concern. Sighing I sat on the floor and closed my eyes, visulizing wasn't my stong suit but it would have to do, right. I described him to myself silently, working from his eyes to his jaw as I had done eariler. 'Come to me.' I whispered into the cold darkness sourounding me.


This time I visulized his whole body standing above my sitting form. My light hair in a long braid covering my face, my face down cast and eyes closed, I watched as the girl opened her eyes and lifted her head. Somewhere deep down I knew this girl was me. I gaspsed as my eyes opened, he stood before me looking furious. 


'What.' He snapped down at me, I stood up and dusted the dirt from my knees taking my time before meeting his cold dead eyes. 'Why are you here.' I asked him with the same kind of tone Sam spoke to the others with eairler. He cocked his hip and looked at me amused, 'Ohh look who has some juice.' He said with a laugh and turned to walk away. 'Stay.' The word was quite but he stoped moving away from me. 'Why are you here' I asked more firmly this time. He chuckled deeply, 'to kill you of course dear.' He took anouther step, this time towards me. 


'Oh my what big eyes you have' I muttered gulping down a nervous breath, I'm alive hes dead. I reminded myself nervously, yea and if you don't get answers your gonna join him. My brain snarkly reminded me. 'What is your name?' I asked taking alittle step away from him, my eyes wide and full of fear. Buddy stod next to me looking at teh form curiously. He was unsure too, not a good sign. 


He just grinned at me flashing more teeth than was natural. He wasn't giving me any answers at all, 'why do you want to kill me?' I asked tilting my head to the side. 'Well dearest, if you kill the Necromancer that raises your body you become alive again.' He told me with a merthful chuckle. I swallowed nervously, 'Raise me sweet necromacer, I will relieve you of your spiritly juties.' 


'By the farther, son and holy spirt I banish you.' I told him throwing salt at him, I used the knife to cut a thin line on my hand. It burned deeply as the blood left my hand. 'By salt and blood I comand you to leave.' I turned to the three of them grabbing the bandana out of Nyx's back pocket. It was a crimson red colour, he was wearing tight black jeans, and a well fitting dark tee-shirt. Even his shoes were black, the crimson bandana and deep blue eyes were the only colour on his person. A stretcher in his left ear and a black peircing on the left side of his bottom lip. His appearance was as dark as my expression, 'Ask no quesrtions and recieve no lies.' I muttered to myself as i walked away from the forest. Buddy was quickly on my heal, I made my way back to the libary and picked up the first necromancer book I found. 


'What are you looking for?' Cas asked me softly, all joking gone from his expression. I lifted my eyes too meet his dark ones, 'If I raise a body they can kill me and return to life.' I told him looking through the books, 'So what are you looking for?' He asked. 'Well if the books here read the same thing he must have came here at some point, I need to find out if every ghost knows this and if we can use it aginst my uncle. ' I muttered to myself and thoes around me. 


'What if he sent the ghost here?' Nyx asked curiously picking up a book too, 'could be his gaurd dog, waiting for a necro to come along and pull into a trap.' He muttered to himself as he searched the books. We spent most of the night looking for any mention on Necromancers death but came up with Nada. 


'So maybe he doesn't know?' I asked hopefully, 'who knows with that crazy coot. I need to see Victoria.' Sam said with a roll of his eyes, i noticed the bags under them and how the light no longer shined out of them. 'It can wait till morin Sam, lets all go to sleep.' I placed my hand on his arm and gently dragged him from the libary, the others had left a long time ago. I threw myself into my bed with a sigh and as soon as my head hit the pillow and my eyes were closed I was unconsious. Maybe even before. 

Yesterday is much like today and every other day

 We didn't talk; me, Nyx, Cas nor Sam everyone looked at us strangly. Lilly was practically begging to know what was happening. Sam didn't mention whether or not he had said anything or not to Victoria, I din't feel like asking. Instead in silence we trained. I didn't know what I was training for or if in the end it would help, I secretly wondered if the dead could kill me. Would they come back alive? Could I find my mother and comand her to kill me, could I bring her back?


These thoughts sickened me to my stomach, there was a time where I begged for the sweet release of death but something had always stopped me. At first it was my foster mother and family and then it was Buddy I wouldn't leave him alone. 


Surley he'd be happier with Lilly and her pack? No running no fighing... No me. 


I cursed at the evil voice speaking inside my head, it sounded like that mans voice - the one who proclamed to be my uncle. Blood may be thicker than water, but it was nothing without the water. There would be no blood. 


Take a breathe, we all need to breathe to survive. 


I felt the utter most survivers guilt; guilt for living, guilt for breathing, guilt for laughing and dragging thoes aorund me down, adding to their personal baggadge. I sighed, depression was a bitch. 


And so am I.


I thought snarkily, we faught for hours. We ran and stretched, the physical pain was nothing I barely felt it today. It was the mental and emotional that dragged me back, held me cursed in its cursed grasp. I needed to put it all behind me. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, and that when I felt it. Sams fist crashing against my head. The meaty sound of flesh hitting flesh was sickening. 


Dotts danced behind my closed eye lids. I opened my eyes again, Concentrate. I need to  get through this or I will never live a normal life. 


Does it really matter? 


I asked myself, as my body moved on pure instinct. My mind was racing in dizzying circles but my body was calm. 


Before the storm hit. 


I groaned at my own wastland of a mind, control your thoughts much like your breathing. Calm yourself and focus on the task at hand. That first hit was a real stinger, there was only so much a body can take before it will callopse. Doing so much excersise in the day was still a grave task for me, I had turned into such a night owl of recent. 



Over the week we changed weapons and figthing techniques. Today was some kind of fighting with big sticks, i snorted and quickly tried to hit Sam over the head. He shook his head at me, stepping out of my reach eaisly 'this requires skill and paitence. Not bordem or speed.' He informed me rolling his light eyes, I was sp used to him not talking that I jumped when he did. He raised and eye brow at me and even Buddy lifted his sleepy head to see what was occuring. 


He showed me how to manover with the stick thing, how to defend and hit out, 'stand straight and hold the staff at the bottom with one hand. And point it towards the ceeling, this is how far away we should stand from one anouther.' Nodding I did as he asked, out Staffs crossed in the middle perfectly before we lowered them. 'Hold the staff with your right had and rest it in the inner hollow of your right foot.' he intructed paitently, nodding at me after i did what he asked, excitement surged through me. He nodded at me and slowly kicked with his right foot and caught the staff with his left hand, which held the middle and the right hand still held the end. 


Slowly his Staff came down above my head and I held my staff horozontially above my head. 'Ensure you cross your feet without tripping before meeting my blow.' He informed me before going back into starting position. This time he flicked the bottom end of the Staff out and i blocked low, he leaned back or rocked back as he called it for power. My staff was completly behind my shoulder before I thrust it forward to meet his blow. The sound was extremly loud in the silent room. 'Both palms should be down in staff grip, again.' He called out this time he wasn't slow. I blocked the higher attack and the lower before meeting his third and final blow this time the sound was unbelievably louder than the last. 'Again.' He called out, starting the first blow before he even finished the move, this time he hit with a low attack and then brought his staff over his shoulder for a blow after finaly finishing with a high attack, this time though the sound didn't faze me. 


He steps back and thrusts his staff forward witht the end stricking out at my stomach, I pointed one end at the ceeling and one at the ground before turning and blocking with constant movement. He began twising his stick with trained skill, I followed his lead and stepped back awaiting his attakc. He hit from the top again, blocking was second nature now. I flicked the short end of my staff out and hit his back, the long end of his staff was still pushed to the side of mine. He turned and tried to attack the shorter side of my stick er i mean staff. I stepped with my dominate right leg forward and pushed his staff into the air. He pushed with his staff until mine was resting on the ground. I quickly moved my hands to the other side of the staff and ducked before he took my head off with the staff, he attacked my feet this time making me jump. I flicked my staff into the air and brought it down above his head stopping inches from hitting him unconsious. I stepped back and used both hands to tiwst my staff wherst he only used one. 


We practiced attack and defence for a while before he put his staff down and bowed. I did the same, 'Go out side and practice the Kata on your own.' He ordered me smiling softly, I did as he ordered. Standing outside I first practiced twisting my staff with both hands and then singulary, with all the training my balance and hand eye cordination had come leeps and bounds. I even found my self not falling over my own feet, there was something about thrusting a staff at invisible targets that was calming. 


Later that day, he called me back into the rooma and suddenly threw a punch at me. Instantly I blocked it with my wrist doing something called an egal claw - I scruntched my fingers and tensed so my whole arm was tense and ridigid. I next ridge handed him - which is where I basically chop at his neck with my hand - you could use your hand or wrist if you were too close to use your hand. I placed my body behind his and using my egal claw hand i grabbed his wrist and twisted his whole body so he fell on the floor. I knelt beside him not even breaking a sweat. Because I was much shorter than him I could thrust my hips back into the back of his knees and eaisly throw him off gard. 


He looked at me pleased with my progress. He stood up and punched me again, I dodge his arm and quickly punched him under his shoulder blade in the soft (or not so soft) muslce bellow. This time when he punched out I blocked and pushed his arm into the air and placed a strtigic kick under his chin - lowering my leg before the kick hit. 


Again he hit out and I stepped to the side and used my front right arm to push his shoulder away before hitting the muscle under his arm again. He shook out his arm as he took a step back again. 'Shift the hip and swing the whole body into it, quit hitting like a woman.' He comanded, seconds later his fist was centermeters from my face, I lunged to the side blocked with my right arm and twisted my hips into the movement of hitting the back of his ribs. 


A rush of breath left his body 'what did i do wrong?' He asked taking a stepp back and taking a relaxed position, before I could answer he had already pushed my right arm away and placed his own hit on the muscle under my shoulder, my breath also left me leaving me winded. 'Didn't breathe out after the first hit.' He nodded 'you should always relieve yourself of breath after hitting out and comming close with someone being winded is not a good thing to feel during a fight. You need to be able to think seconds before your attacker not wasting your time wishing for air.' He told me strictly. 


He had changed since we started fighting, no more did we joke or laugh. Every day was fighting - defence or attack, defence or attack. I knew deep down he was saving my life but I missed the old him .


'Name the bodies week spots' he ordered suddenly throwing a puch at me I blocked and began to answer 'temple' block push attack 'throat' attack, block 'solar plexis' block, attack 'lower ribs kidneys' attack, block 'groin' I said with an evil grin. I kicked out at his kidney which he easily blocked with his arm. 'Knees'. 'Why?' He asked aiming a kick for my head, I ducked and kicked out at his anckles which he quickly jumped over. 'Winding, disorintating, breaking.' I list off taking a step to the side and blocking, i then jabbed him twice in the back before jumping back. 


Finally the queen joins us in the land of the living

I dragged my sweaty body into lunch hall and sat down and waited for Sam to bring us food - it had become habbit now. Gabby pulled a horrible face at my appearence and pushed her food away, my laughter shocked everyone at the table. 'What people sweat, I'm human. Or so i think...' I trailed off with another laugh smiling softly at Sam with thanks. 


'Finally the Queen joins us mere peasents in the land of the living, how gracious of you... Your grace.' Cas remarked cockily, 'get off your high horse before I behead you for treason mere peasent.' I giggled enjoying myself for the first time in days. I felt alive. 


Cas snorted at me and threw a green bean from Lillys plate at me, In return I threw cabbidge at him. It landed on his head and i laughed so hard tears grew combersom in my eyes making them itch. I watched as the cabbidge slowly trailed down his face leaving a trail of gravy. 'What have I missed... Oh.' Nyx trailed off as he bent over laughing too, Lilly bumped into him and she too began laughing, snorted and then giggled. 'Savages' Gabby muttered before leaving the table. 'Her magesty doth protest.' I told Cas with a smirk, he watched Gabby with an idetical smirk and quickly began pelting her back with peas she turned around with a murdrous expresion. Fire quickly appeared in her hand which she wasted no time throwing it at his laughing form. I stood up and gave her my own murdrous glare, my power reached out to hers and battered her energy. Nothing could beat the power of the deacest, for a part of us was already dead. Buddy growled menicenly at her taking a step forward, saliver foamed in his mouth making him look crazed. 


He seemed to grow three times his size, she stood there looking pleadily at her brother who quickly looked away. 'This is not his battle to fight.' I murmered at her, my power still forcing her to back down. 'Nor is it yours.' She screamed at me, I laughed again. 'Oh but this has been a long time coming Gabby, stand down before you break a nail. You know where you stand now leave peacefully.' Sam muttered sounding bored. 


She looked at him utterly shocked, looks won't protect you when you take a step too far. She quickly left the room shoes clicking and hair floating I chuckled and rained my power back in. 'What was that?' He asked touching the air above my skin. I giggled nervously, 'Well it's a trick my mother taught me, it usually scares the ghosts away I just asumed she felt it cause shes an elemantal. It's kinda like visulizing your power and throwing it at her or him usually scares them off.' I told him he made a hmm'ing sound in the back of his throat curiously. 'I think we all felt it Cinderella.' He told me chucking softly.  Cas looked at me with lengthened canines, I had almost forgot he didn't eat real food but drank blood and had the tools of a monster. 


But don't we all?


He grinned his toothy smile at me and in responce I smiled back, it was the first time I'd ever seen him go all vamp. From what I learned the sun barely affected them, thought they got their power from the night and blood. Much like me and death. 


The monsters that hid under your bed was allways you, I told you. 


I cringed at my own inner voice, she was right. I was more of a monster than Cas he drank donated blood I raised zombies and sent Ghosts in to dementions I didn't know where perfectly safe. I was assured once that Cas had never touched the blood of a human from their veins - I couldn't claim the same innocence. I sighed and left with a nod. I led down on my stomach at the edge of the forest, the lowering sun warming my freezing heart. Buddy led across from me and looked into my eyes curiously. His eyes seemed to scream that I was innocent. That I wasn't the monster I thought I was, but my uncle proved him wrong. My blood, my family, me. We were all eveil, death dooers. 


Evil do as evil does. 


I snorted and looked into Buddys eyes, his presence reminded me that I wasn't a monster. I went out in the pitches of black and saved his life even as the hunters that chased him were closing in. I saved animals lives once, and I would one day take down my uncle. 


I promise you mother, I will make your death right. 


How is murdering someone right? Killing is wrong, she may have run from him my life protecting me but she never killed anyone. How could I so eaisly agree to do something?


Because evil do as evil does. 


To rid the world of evil there has to be someone who takes them out. 


But who takes out you? Murder is still murder.



I knew that stupid inner voice of mine was right but wasn't at assisting him to murder others if i let him live? Taking one life is nothing in comparision of taking hundreds. I am not a monster.


No, but you will become one sweet Cinderella. Innocent to the eyes but cold and heartless inside. 


I snorted, I could never win a war against myself. Civil wars never go well. 

Falling under

 I must have fallen asleep because when I next opened my eyes I found Sam standing infront of me, his hand shaking my arm gently. 'How long have I been out?' I ask looking up into the sky, the sun was still setting though it looked dim and dingy. 'Half an hour maybe, I didn't want my little training buddy getting sick in the rain.' He told me grinning stupidly, 'I lived outside for almost two months, you think I ran inside when it rained? Or bought food when it was scarse? I was hunted by a man claming to know me, claming he owed me. I moved and I never stopped, never looked back  Sam. Lack of sleep, food, shelter doesn't both me. When I was alone I came rabid, i was so hungry once I ate a rabbit raw... it was gross.' I admited almost gagging at the memory. 'You act so normal, so unscarred by everything. I forget whats happened to you, sorry Ella.' He told me sitting by me, 'you told me I'm normal. That's one thing you'll never have to appoligise for. Thankyou Sam I really needed to hear someone say that.' I told him smiling a sad loney smile. 


You're still rabbid,


Well atleast I am something, being nothing sucks.


I love your mask, 


it excites me knowing that I wear it too.


I rolled my eyes mentally, I'm normal not even I can ruin this one.


My inner termoil was driving me mad...


Too late for that my friend... 


I'm not you're friend. 


Great now I'm talking to it. Her. Me. Ugh I'm so confused. 


I'm normal

 I'm normal I mutter to myself as I run through the woods with sam at my side his paw padding softly beside buddies... 


So... I guess I should explain myself huh. 


Sam rolled to his feet, crouching infront of me 'come on my little surviver I guess it's time we take the veil from your eyes.' He told me with a sigh, I knew what he meant I just didn't want to admit it to myself. So far all I had witnessed from these 'monsters' were a pair of fangs and a fire ball part of me knew deep down that I was the death dealer, I was the real monster -  the only aboniation here. 


I told you so... 


My inner voice sneered at me, I laughed internally you can't bring me down anymore than I am. I have fallen and been kicked, you think you will destroy me? Make a fool of me? Break me? Shut me down? Try again princess you have nothing on me.


I shut that inner, evil part of myself away I knew I was good enough to belong here I knew I was a warrior. I battled and battled and would keep doing so till my last breath. No matter how much my inner demons wanted me to drown I would keep my head from going under. I may be half the person I used to be but time had made me stronger, tougher. Once I was nice, sweet and confident now that was ruined but I felt more of an adult than I had ever before.


Sam stood up and held his hand down to me the quote don't look down upon someone unless you are helping them up sprang into my mind and I smiled softly standing with his help. We walked slowly to the tree line he stopped suddenly and I turned to look at hm in confusion, the sound of bones breaking and shifting stole my confusion for horror. It sounded painful, I watched as his limbs became longer and leaner. His face grew a snout and hair within seconds, his teeth gnashed together in pain or annoyance I couldn't tell. His fingers grew long claws that dug into the muddy ground. I saw a tail wagg and his teeth flashed into a grin, he was on all fours but still managed to be taller than Buddy he came half way up my thigh taller than both a medium sized dog and wolf. His calm eyes watched mine with paitence and friendship, he pawed at the ground excitedly with a little yip. 


Buddy smelt him curiously and yipped back, also looking really excited. I bent down and tore the remander of his shirt from his back, he tried to raise his eyebrow and failed I understood the look though - trying to undress me already. I snorted and sprang froward sprinting at top speed into the he howled his joy, buddy joined in the war cry and I could hear them chase after me. Grinning I put on an extra burst of speed racing through the undergrowth and for the first time in a long time i felt safe running through the woods. Exhularated even. 


Quickly they matched my speed, toungs lonnling from their mouths. I'm normal, I mutter to myself the only sound sourounding me was the soft padding of their paws. Calm overwhelmed me as I ran for pleaure not because I had too.


Soon the rain began to fall slowly but with every breath I took it fall harder and faster, almost like it was running from something in the sky. Thunder echoed above me causing the ground to shake with its mighty groan, lightening light the sky in fracturered peices trees and rocks blocking the path of true light. 


The moon appeared over between the dark clouds in the sky, it was so in love with the sun that they were destined to never touch. To never truly be in the sky together but as lightening and thunder rocked the sky the two lovers embraced the sky with such a glowing love the sky grew brusied with reds and purples. Slowly the colour faided as the rain fell soaking me. I didn't know how long we stood watching the sky with longing, this moment was so impossible to forget but extremly hard to remember. The sky light my soul on fire but weeks later I would never know why... 



Thunder calls to my broken soul

We finally walked back to the rooms, I was not only soaked but dripping. I laughed at myself as I walked into mine and lillys room, Cas and Nyx stood watching as Gabby litterly played with fire infront of Lilly. She was infront of the fire place but as a spark flew uncontrolled from her hand Buddy darted in and growled at Gabby pushing lilly behind him. 'Don't do the whole dying evil look kids you end up looking like a zombie - not a good look.' She mock whispered sneering in my direction but she didn't even glace at Buddy, she completely turned her body away. 


'I'm a death dealer expect me to look like a barbie princess puking pink? Look theres one thing about you that I just dont like gabby. Well its a whole ya know you part but hey. You know if you were on fire and I had to choose between pissing myself and putting out your fire, i’d piss myself.' I told her snorting as she crunched up her delicate nose in disgust, Lilly giggled as she hugged buddy calming him. 'Oh go play tag with some OAP's thats all your good for...' She snapped at me causing a shock of laughter to leave my lips. 'I once wondered why hell was empty, then I realised Satans sporn was secretly here all along.' Her lips twisted with a sour expression. 'Oh dear Gabby promise me you'll never forget me, becuase if I ever even suspected that you were starting to forget me I'd never leave you.' I told her strolling up to her with my creepiest of smiles. She did a full body shiver before leaving, my cackle followed her retreting form down the corridor, 'I will always find you my love!' I shouted after her laughing even harder. 'Must you always taunt her she isn't so bad...' Lilly trailed off looking sad,


'No your right I don't but i'm the reincarnate of the devil therefore i must play my part.' I informed her taking of my soaked teeshirt and throwing it on the windowsil, when I turned the boys were maricously gone and the door closed now that is why I loved rooming with Lilly. 'She doesn't mean it, truly she is just scared of the unknown. I was scared of the dark when I was little. Not because it was black because that was just a colour. But because I didn't recognised the room I loved...' She murmorered almost to herself. 'Darkness is only the absence of light my sweet.' I told her kissing the top of her head, she looked sad as if she was thinking deeply about her past. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.07.2016

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