
Chapter 1



Today was the day...

The day my farther chose my suitor. The man I would have to marry, the man that would chose my fate. I didn't think I was like other girls. I certainly didn't act like them; I didn't moan about carrying my own luggage from the front hall to the room I was staying in, I didn't cry about a speck of mud or mind the 'putrid' or 'rancid' superposed smell of horses. I could speak and eat property, I can even tell you which dress to wear to a formal meal or an informal picnic ( trick question you should always look your best in public – eye role !) I was, excuse me, am a lady more than that a princess. Therefore I was to be sold off to the highest bidder, my elder brother was to become king one day and couldn't live poor, this makes my family sound horrible but truth be told they were the kindest and loyal. We were fighting a war that wasn't ours to begin with. My family would lose without a 'friend', my brother couldn't afford to be lost or distracted by family therefore it was up to me, I volunteered. For my people and my brother.


At seventeen, eighteen within the next passing month I was expected to be married already. Instead my family kept me hidden from the world. Well figuratively, I rode a horse and could hunt even knew some healing methods. My time here in my fathers kingdom was not in vain, I was just a little oddity. My mother and younger sister were pale, blond and tiny body and mouth, beautiful and silent. As I grew I became more and more like my brother and farther, I'd like to think strong willed, tanned, dark haired and curious. Girls should not be, my mother always joked saying I was cursed, forced to be a woman but I secretly loved it. Loved surprising people with my strength and knowledge, sometimes I even enjoyed the dresses but not today...


As I stood pondering my unusual behaviour I was stripped washed and re-clothed. Wild Hair pulled at add unusual, tight angles things poking my eyes, cheeks and mouth. Shoes that made me want to run even looking at them. I could do this, my sister was 13 – if I wasn't found a suitor my parents would be forced to marry her away, she was so young and innocent I couldn't stand it.


Hours later I was stood in-front of a mirror, I didn't look like myself. My naturally straight wild hair was curled, styled and tamed. Nails long and clean, my eyes highlighted looking twice there size. Cheeks reddened, my face was too tanned to bother with paling it. Lips red and glistening. Even my dress was flawless, silver long covered in all kinds gems and jewellery. This dress was to impress, but was I ? Considering I was so short, I had to wear heals.


I could feel a sharp pain after each step but for my sister I would lose anything, endure anything to keep her safe. She was pure innocence and beauty. I couldn't live knowing she was in danger. The walk from my courters from to the main dining hall never seemed so long, definitive or absolute. Head held high I walked in, silence.


'I welcome Princess Gabrielle Alexandria'


Chapter 2


The main dining hall was outstandingly large, I stood looking down the indicate black railing. One step at a time - im not sure if I said it aloud but I felt better, slightly. In the morning my sister would be safe, we had a chance of winning. A single tear made its path down my face, I would not look down in fear. I lifted my face up, showing the room I was afraid but also the determined look I knew I was wearing too. I caught the eyes of a man standing on the other side of the room. I could feel his eyes watching me, not in a hungry nasty way some of the older men looked at me but with a curious and mischievous look on his face.



He was older than me, a tanned face with a sharp jaw. Lean as if he actually did something more then ride or walk around taking orders like a well trained pony. His green eyes were haunted, which was peculiar for a man younger than 20. His eyes were framed by perfect eyebrows, which were nearly covered by his near back hair. So dark and straight, even with no evident style this man was close to perfect. His shirt was a crisp white and his trousers fit him well, along with his riding boots. 'That is Caspian, son of king Ronan. His empire is like basically an extension of your fathers. His mother died in childbirth, the family doesn't blame the twins though there so adorable and funny. They keep the family alive apparently.' I shot my long time friend, Haley a look. 'What, you were looking !' she protested loudly. 'Seriously hush now, you know what this means to me.' Caspian was standing less than an inch from me now and I blushed and moved toward my farther but he shot me a disproving look. 'This is not the time to start running' I whispered to myself, I turned back around and crashed straight into Caspian.


'I didn't know your Ladyship ran, that is an interesting hobby to maintain. The upkeep is rather strenuous I find myself.' His voice was crisp, deep and quiet but easily carried over the mindless ramble of the other people ( well suitors) in the room. 'Hmm I find running from a situation to be more tiring than running its self, but I do not run. You must remember I am a lady I spend my days sewing and eating sweet fruits.' I lied, I could almost feel the twinkle in my eye. He chuckled and eyed my shoulders with curiosity. 'I think not, you have too much muscle. I am Caspian.' His smile was sweet and genuine but he didn't want to be here. 'Please excuse me I must find my brothers before they cause not so sweet havoc in your lovely home.' He bowed, kissed my hand and winked before leaving.


'May I have the first dance oh darling daughter of mine' asked my farther. I knotised how frail and old he was becoming. Grey wove itself throughout his beard and hair, the dark blue of his eyes still twinkled but he was growing older. My farther was an excellent dancer, he had, had many secret dancing lessons before he married my mother. The hall cleared a big selection of the hall as we began to dance, my brother grabbed my mother and my sister was grabbed by my uncle. My mother was by far the best dancer but I didn't fall over which was a massive bonus. My little sister looked adorable and the peoples admiration for her was evident. Her peach coloured dress highlighted her innocence and her bright blond hair, naturally curly, was left to hang naturally. I was proud someone so beautiful, innocent and just right could be related to me. She shot me a dimpled smile and ran / skipped over to me. 'Wow one day I wish to look as beautiful as you Gabe' I looked down at her, no longer that far now that she was growing. 'Ah hah! Well then you would be wrong about that Isabella I wish to be as beautiful as you. One day you'll have suitors falling at your feet. Begging for even just a glimpse of you.' I told her smiling, generally happy for a second. She giggled and twirled in glee. Her dress flew out around her and the audience ohh'd and awhh'd their appreciation. 'Now which one of you truly kind gentlemen would wish to take my beautiful sister for a dance and show her your worth.' She asked loudly, I blushed extremely. My face's heat could be hot enough to heat the whole of next months breakfast.


For the next couple of hours I was kept busy with suitor after suitor, dance after dance. Hand after hand held mine, some frail and warm some cold and sweaty. My feet throbbed and my head began to echo the music surrounding me. Eventually I was aloud a moment of freedom. My farther called a break and many of the men led into his study, maybe I was to be bargained for... I walked gracefully as I could out onto the fountain but I felt as if I could pass out or fall on my bottom as ungracefully as oneself could. 'Lady are you feeling alright?' asked one of two young gentlemen. Both blond and identical in every way. Smiles as bright as the sun and eyes as golden as honey.


'Ha, no I actually think my shoes may be the death of me. My feet may actually fall off.' I gasped and covered my mouth, then giggled at the startled look on their faces. 'Oh common, you've got to have worn worse!.' Caspian gently brushed his brothers aside and sat next to me, his smile was ironic full of humour and genuine surprise.

'Not really, I run from this kind of thing. The princesses are scary, seriously ! Don't laugh they are !!' I said smiling, for the first time it wasn't forced. 'Ah I've caught you out, you do run! Very unorthodox for a lady such as you.' Caspian told me, his smile was genuine but something in him was broken. He was an subdued person, holding something back constantly and that wasn't just because his smile was slightly crooked. Something or someone had hurt him so badly once, I could see beyond his wall, it was so suddenly patched together I could see through the cracks but I didn't know what it was hiding. It was pencilar really. 'Ugh rich, I can't even begin or believe farther dragged us to this pompous get together. I hear Gabrielle isn't even worth a donkeys...' he shot a look my way 'Hove.' he finished lamely. 'Me neither dresses drag me down, I honestly would rather be riding!' I said, I wondered what they thought of me, they didn't actually know who I was. 'Hmm really, well I bet the princess Gabrielle wouldn't be caught dead on a horse, probably cries at a splash of mud on her pretty little shoe. ' Said rich, I smiled and replied 'If I could burn my shoes I wouldn't.' I grinned as they leaned in confused, 'it would be a death to swift and clean for them!' I said and smiled again my cheeks began to throb from to much smiling. 'I don't understand so called ladies, how can you sit around all day, it will not become them, musnt there buttocks ache so? And then starve to get rid of the weight they have put on through sweets? Rediclous ! Please just eat healthy and do more than walk!' rich said in an outraged reply, Caspian looked amused and laughed aloud. 'hm what's so funny Cas ? William what have you done ?' Rich the first twin asked.


'Nothing, do go on dearest brother, but you do not actually know this girl correct. Maybe you should check this princess before you speak so freely in front of the lady.' He chuckled and shook his head. Williams eyes opened wide and he grinned too. I rolled my eyes and let out a small giggle. 'Oh please do go on dearest brother of Caspian.' I had laughed more in this couple of minuets than I had all week. 'Well I hear she is never with ordinary girls, some say she is a bit of an oddity. Perfuring reading over real people. Her head is stuck in many a book.' I was a little insulted, William and Caspian looked at me sharply this was a dangerous game to play with a princess after all. 'Hmm but it is also true that some people are not worth the time it takes to respond to an insult said. Well that is why I read anyway. Furthermore sometimes differences are better than similarities, many a girl are the exact I personally would perfure to spend time with the free thinking kind of people.' I smiled kindly to show I was not insulted, William breathed out a sigh of relief. 'Richard mind your tong, you are still talking to a lady none-the-less.' said Caspian, you could tell it was he who was the elder brother. 'True you are my brother but who is she honestly going to tell ?' he chuckled to himself out-sanded at his own intelligence. 'It is not for one to judge beauty with eyes open, eyes can fool almost anyone. Do tell me Richard am I not pompous enough to be Gabrielle Alexandria? I guess I should be thanking you in any case. Thank you for your lose toung, even if it was accidental no harm done. ' Richards mouth hung open, I giggled and reached out tentatively to close it. ' cant be ! You are far to kind, i'm s-s-so sorry!.' He looked so genually upset.



Chapter 3



I smiled kindly 'Gabe ! Gabe ! Will you play tonight ?' Isabella practically bounded over, I was glad of the distraction. 'Why would you ask such a thing Is?' I asked. 'Well according to mother you have not made merely enough suitors, you must maintain a positive light upon yourself. She may even make you sing, oh don't give me that look you love to sing !' She causally sat on my other side, barely containing her excitement. She looked down annoyed at the seating but left it out, the brothers looked amused at her response. 'You must maintain a good light little sister, my matching doesn't really matter, as long as you are happy and you live a good life I would live in a pigs house for you. I will only play if you help me sing.' I smiled sweetly at her but inside I was screaming, I really didn't like to perform in public. I could play the harp and sing but I wasn't too sure of my skill. She nodded and jumped up and held out a little hand 'Please excuse me and my sister but we are due to entertain have a lovely evening and thank you for keeping my sister company.' I stood too busy with the task at hand I waved a hand goodbye and left desperately trying to find a way out of this but I knew to find a good suitor I must do this... and not make a fool of myself.


I walked to my farther and told him I would read a poem, he shot me a caution look but I smiled innocently. I clapped my hands together and walked to the middle of the dinning hall. 'After a poem I wish to share with you all, dearest friends dinner will be served, please enjoy and voice any opinions' I smiled, coughed and began...


'As mornings due,

love is spread

from me too you.


The showers of rain,

wash away the pain

of a long day.


Suns rise and seasons pass,

beauty is all around

covering even the grass.


Pass me mud,

I will grow a flower

pure beauty it may become.


Take a chance,

maybe I will grow

as that sweet flower.


Wiltered I may,

one day become.

But for now thy love

well it be strong.


I will still love,

as long as I may live.

Even when muscles,

wont hold for long.


Weak I may be,

my heart is strong.

Love me and I will

always love you.


When all I have to offer,

is my aching bones.

When I am no longer young,

I will still love

with a full and strong heart...'


Silence surrounded me, was I wrong? Should I have not said this? What if I had ruined it all? What...? I shot a panicked look around the room, looking into the shocked faces of people surrounding me I locked eyes with Caspian and watched his slow, broken smile gradually widen, slowly he clapped and after others joined in my heart soared. 'Who wrote that young lady?' asked an gentleman around my fathers own age, his hair was also greying but the dark blond hair made the grey not very noticeable. 'I..i did.' I replied uncertainly. He smiled at me and asked me to meet his son's. 'I am Ronan .' his voice was accented, he wasn't from here. 'Here is my eldest son Caspian and his younger brothers William and Richard. I hear you are looking for a suitor young princess?' he asked sweetly. I nodded and laid my eyes upon the ground, it was respectful for me to stair into his eyes. 'If you so wish it, we will unite our family's. A treaty my farther and mysle have wanted a real unity for years and together we will wag a war.' I peaked up his face was facing away from mine, amusement lit his. His eyes followed a young mad hunger filled his eyes. I was full of disgust and quickly lay my eyes on the ground again. 'I have watched you all night dearest child. I have half a mind to marry you myself. I can see your intelligence, grace and beauty. Excuse me young princes I must speak to your farther at once.' I followed dumbfounded, me ? What if I was forced into marrying him !


'My son's and your daughter are of age and a unity between our family's would be a strong one, though you already know this. I know you need fighters you can rely on and gold to pay you people and keep them provided for, we have that in plenty, in return I need medicine moreover ….' He told my farther, I was too dumbstruck to know what to do with myself, I had done it! I stopped listening I was almost skipping in glee, but at what cost would my sister freedom cost me?



'Isabella I did it! I actually managed to do it! Baby sister you will be safe. Please, chose your husband wisely. Not for intelligence, money or beauty – please marry for love or friendship that may lead to love. And promise me dearest sister you must be happy' I grinned so large it nearly broke my mouth. My smile, full of so much irony and fake. A tear fled down her face, my darling sister 'Hush no little sister, no one must see your disrepair it is an honour to be chosen for marriage as I have.' I hugged her tight to me and kissed her head. 'Come no we have one last final meal to attend, please do not make me face this alone.' Secretly, in the small privacy of my sisters hair, I was crying too. After the happiness fled the fear took its place imediatly.




Chapter 4


I sat on my fathers left side, my mother and sister on his right. Next to me was placed Ronan and his three sons. I dont even remember the taste of the meal, I couldn't tell you the smell nor could I say what was eaten. I cannot recall the conversation. I barely ate, I did not speak. I coudnt, as soon as I had finished I was sent to see what the maids had packed me.


I was asked to only bring one trunk, the rest would be sent after our arival. My mother walked in holding a beautiful black gown, and a stark read cloak to cover it. I smilled softly and reached for my old riding trousers. 'That will not be needed dear child.' I shot her a confused look she knew I would not ride without them. Isabella stolled in carrying a midnight black pair, they were beautiful. The dress was structured to make my waist look tiny by bringing it in with a built in corset in the back of the dress, the bottom flowed out slightly. There were folds sewn in on either sider of my hips to make sitting eaiser, you could also hide your hands in the folds of the dress. Under the fold the dress fell to the floor. The cloak was also floor length, lined with black fur. It was beautiful, the fur seemed to match that of the insides of my shoes.


'Mother, sister these are beautiful! I shall cheirsh them always seeking them when I am lonely. They shall keep me warm when your embraces cannot.' I smiled and hugged them both close. 'change quickly sister I wish to show you something. I took my silver dress off, and felt the goose flesh on my skin. Once again I was lucky enough as to not wear a cage or something silly, in these I would be warm, confortable and be able to ride. Before I put my cloak on my sister stopped me with her soft hand, she help up a finger to her lips and pointed to the fold. Inside was a silver knife and its hulster. She must have sewn it in there herself. I smiled once again and kissed her rouge cheek.


After slipping into my cloak and riding shoes I was met with my brother and farther. I hugged my frail farther carefully and brother tightly. 'In your sadle sister, you will find a fine womans blade.' He winked at me before leaving me. I walked into the stables alone. I carried my saddle to my own horse ( the stable hands knew I could be trusted) I found casbian standing next to my horse. 'He's beautiful, who were his parents? Are they here?' He asked as I connected all the neccesary buckles. 'I do not know, I found him in the forest when he was young I nursed him back to health. Oh I wouldn't stand to close he may bite.' I warned as I walked behind Ghost to check his hoves, his main and tail were pure white whilst the rest of him was black. His main was so long it reached his knees and his tail was inches from the floor. 'He trusts you.' He stated. 'Yes and I him.' I said proudly. I let him eat a little and drink as to not over fill his belly, horses don't like to ride with a full stomach.


I held led him out of the stable,the reins sat in there riding position I did not need to hold them as I rode I knew he would not ride off. As soon as we were a single step outside he stopped and waited for me to mount. I placed my left leg on the sterip and pulled myself up. Will and rich sat upon there identical black horses, caspians was a beautiful white. As we waited for the rest of the party to catch up I braided his main so it would not tangle itself in the twigs. He was agitated and would not stay still. 'Hush now Ghost we will move soon.' I told him jumping down to finish the braid and tie it with a ribon that was tied in my own hair, the silver stood out. He hid his head in my sholder and continued to make agitated noises. I called one of the stable hands over. 'Oliver, would you mind fetching Ghost an apple I do not belive hes very happy.' I asked sweetly, oliver was a sweet stable hand who was like a second farther to me he must be nearing his fiftys but he was the best.


He handed me four and kissed my cheek before leaving, 'Thankyou sweet Oliver I wish to see you again one day.' I told him before feeding Ghost one. I bit into another and walked over to Caspians horse, he smelt the apple and ate bobbing his head. I did this with his brothers horses also. 'Why did you bite them, surley you are not still hungry? Though you probbly did not eat because of manners right? Do you want me to fetch something from the kitchen?' Asked Nathen with a concerned look on his face. 'No thankyou I am not hungry. It's something I learned as a child, I used to sneek Ghost appels but the other horses smelt it therefore they'd be grumpy, plus get in there good books and they are less likely to bite.' I told them swinging eaisly back into my seat. This time Ghost remained still.


Casbian shot me an amused look before riding over to his farther. My maid Alice aproached she was only a little older than me but she had been with me since she was ten ( since I was six) at twenty one she was unmarried yet expecting her first born a matter of months. She had on an old riding coat 'Do you not have more sensible clothing?' I asked concerned 'Of course I do, but the night is warm and the babe heavy' she told me biting her lip. I imediatly asked Oliver to fetch my old coat ( It lived in the stabes mother refused to allow it in the house anymore, it was warm but warn. She put it on before Oliver helped her sit on Ghost, I would not permit her to walk when pregnant. I had two personal foot soldiers with me who automatically offered up there horses but I poiletally refused. There were many people walking becase of the carts so I did not feel bad for holding anyone up, I was a fast walker any how.


The path ahead was scarsly lit, lantern light only lit so much but my eyes were well adjusted. The walk was long, my farthers land was very large and a few vilages lived between the kings. Walter and Jesse kept looking at Alice concerned, Walter ( the elder of the two - I think he was in his thirties ) 'Has the phisition said it was fine to allow her on this journey?' He asked quietally, 'I do not know, even if he said no I know she would have came anyway.' Walter nodded, Jesse rode his horse even closer to Alice allowing her to lean on his sholder. He was young and attractive, red haird and accented he was well looked at. I began singing softly, last time Isobella was ill she said my singing helped. So for once I took no notice in the fact that we were in public and sang until I was sure she was sleeping.

Chapter 5

 The days began freezing and slowly warmed but night always came and forced us to walk at night or wake up frozen. My feet constantly ached, my shoes barely waterproof after just three days. No matter what I endured on foot I knew that Alice would have it worse, she nearly didn't wake from our afternoon sleep. It was bliss, feeling the sun warm your frozen body, but the weather quickly dropped alas we had to move at night again. The food was scares, not that we could catch much at night let alone during the snow. In the morning I would fine some, I promised Alice I would.


This night like any others was much of the same, a barely lit track filled with stones and twigs which would curse you at any given moment. My feet were so wet at this point - I'd had enough. 'Jesse will you take her? I need to find food. My feet need rabbit fat so badly I think they may fall off without them.' He chuckled quietly and helped me transfer the worried Alice over. 'At least take Walter with you!' She whispered softly shivering as the wind caught her. 'Alice you know I will be fine alone. Walter will attract more attention. Besides red blends in at night - silver doesn’t.' I told her before grabbing the bow and arrows from Jesse.


He looked concerned too but knew it was the best option. 'There’s a stream off to the left near here it's about a ten minute ride, I heard some of the hunters talking about searching there after the sun rises. Go quickly and you will be there before them.' I nodded before climbing on Ghost, he jumped in the air before racing forward. As if he knew were we were going without me telling him. The ride was shot but I still managed to get twigs into my hair. I could hear the stream before I saw it, I slowed us down to a walk and let go of the reins. I jumped off and walked beside him, hoping he would mask me from sight and eyes. Luckily a few rabbits were feeding. I took the bow from my back and grabbed an arrow from the saddle. I lined the arrow and bow up and held the arrow to my chin, taunt I breathed out slowly and then released the arrow. It caught the fat little rabbit though the spine. I quickly shot another before it disappeared, this arrow stuck through its poor little head.


I took the knife from the folds in my skirt and walked through the stream and made sure both were dead, unnecessary suffering was unfair. 'Thankyou moon goddess for the food we eat, and for my blistering feet.' I called up to the moon as I held my captures up. I bent forward to collect water in my leather jerskin before I was interrupted by scuffling leaves. 'Who goes there?' I called out raising the knife - It caught the sun and shone beautifully. 'Put it down it's just me' Caspian appeared on the other side of the river and petted Ghost as he ate his fill of grass. 'So you truly are a barbarian.' He called out laughing.


'A barbarian would kill you for calling a lady that, it would insult them.' I called back a little insulted. 'Doth it insult you my lady?' He asked as he bent down to retrieve his own water. 'May I confess, a little?' I muttered quietly. 'It shouldn’t. Your ability to collect your own water is your most attractive quality, other than your twig filled hair of course.' he told me as he waded through the ankle deep water. He pulled a leaf from the top of my head and looked down at my rabbits. 'Ahh the princess can hunt, yet again you never seem to stop suprising me.' he said stroking the pelt of the smaller one, his hand brushed mine as he did so. The leaves moved again directly behind us, I turned around looking as he pulled out his sword.


The sound of steal scraping passed steal made me shiver in delight. When it appeared nothing was there he turned back to me. His sword was carved with leaves at the left side. 'Your weapon is most beautiful.' I told him as my fingers traced the first leaf entranced. 'Do men with swords not scare you m'lady?' He asked smiling down at me. 'Not when I have a fine blade myself.' I told him still entranced with his blade. 'If you paid half the attention you just paid to my blade to a man, you would be married already.' He laughed as he put his sword away. I laughed and nodded as I walked back over to Ghost. His horse was nowhere to be seen.


'May I be so bold as to ask if you like to ride back to the company with me?' I asked putting my bow on my back once again. I returned the arrows and the newly found rabbits to my saddle. 'Yes my Princess, you could.' He replied playing along with the necessities. He laughed as I seated myself like a male on top of Ghost. I offered my hand down as he put one foot in the sterip and climbed on. I turned so both legs were hanging over the left side, my skirt dangling down. He took the reins from me, placing his chest as the resting point for my back. I leaned back against him, resting my head on his shoulder. The ride back would be much slower as we were not going to be cantering any time soon.

Chapter 6

The slow ride back was uneventful, peaceful even as the sun crawled it's way up the horizion. We chatted some, he told me what his castle was like, his friends and family. He began talking about how funny his twin brothers were when we heard the scream. 


Caspian kicked my horse into a trot as I quickly repositioned myself and drew an arrow and my bow from my back, I placed the arrow against the string gently before pulling it back half way. We saw shadows moving in the undergrowth benith us 'Halt who goes there?' Caspian called out in the most comanding tone I had ever heard from him, the first thing that hit me was the smell. The 'main' camp sight was in ruins, fire spread through out the long grass and trees. I pushed Ghost into a canter and went in search of Alice, letting go of my reins I sat up in the saddle and held my bow ready. Last I remembered she was on the outskirts with Jesse and Walter, the only two men I could actually trust. 


Fire destroyed the land around me, fire caught onto everything and tore its beauty thus tranquil state away within a matter of seconds. A mad ran infront of me, well not a man exactly more of a savage. His clothes were torn and didn't cover much of his sickly looking body. His blond hair looked more a brown straw colour, he held a rounded curved sword in his hands and held it at me threatengly. Blood dripped slowly from the blade within seconds a arrow flew from somewhere and planted itself in his body. 


My mind was still stuck with the fallen savage but my body was searching for Alice. I had killed someone... It had been my arrow, I felt my muscles contract as I pulled the string back and felt it flex and I released it. I truly am the Barbarian princess... I am a murderer. 


No. He was going to do to you what they do to all women. Dont think about it! Ghost jumped over a fallen tree engulfed in flames, I rightened myself on the saddle and forced my eyes to survay the land around me. If I wanted Alice to live I needed to find her now!


Soon I found her with a very worried looking Walter and Jesse, they both were trying to get her atop a horse but were both failing misurably. They're horses didn't like what was happening they wanted to bolt, I jumped from Ghost with a run and grabbed Alice as gently as I could and pulled her to Ghost. 'Elle you need to ride no me!' She protested, but with the three of us we managed to get her up. 'Hush Alice.' I smiled at the use her old nick name for me. I put the bow back over my sholder and took off running, the others followed closely behind. For now we needed to hide, I grabbed the short sord from my saddle it was longer than the blade in my skirts. I could barely see them in the darkness, though the sky did light up the sky I was still dressed in the midnight black clothing. 


Walter held up a stick with fire egnighting the end, allowing us to see some. The light helped a little, I could have eaisly rode behind Walter or Jesse but I couldn't just sit there leaving our fait to someone else. And that's when we litterly ran into a camp of some sorts and it was all my fault. 

Chapter 7

 People instantly rushed at us I quickly brought my sord up and attacked a short boy with dark hair and eyes just as dark. His sord was longer than mine but I was much quicker. I quickly pushed his sord up and out of the way with my own, in my prefrial vision I saw jesses and Walters horses rear leaving them on the floor like me. People went after the horses, of course savages wanted our horses! Evil rabid little creatures. 


'This is princess Princess Gabrielle Alexandria stand down and we will not harm you. Our forces are in the near by trees and will rip this small band of savages to peices. Stand down!' Walter shouted holding his own sword up, Jesse looked torn between leaving me alone or protecting the defenceless Alice. I nodded towards her, I lunged forward and placed my blade against the attckers throat. Bile rose in my throat I couldn't kill this boy! Not even to save my own skin, the ten men gathered around us with axes and swords looking well used and bloody. 


'You come to our camp brandish your sords and ask us to stand down?' A massive burly man walked from the shadows, his leather clad body was massive. We were so going to be killed. 


He didn't even touch the two axes attatched to his belt but I already knew we had lost, I looked into his deep blue eyes already lost. It was the only thing beautiful about him; the rest of him was rough, completely manly and buolt for war. His hair was shaved either side of his head. But three thick braids trailed down the middle of his head. He had more than a few days of stubble growing. A thick scar broke his left eye brow into two parts, it only made him seem more fearce. 


'My men meant no offence. I am heavily pregnant and my men are being murdered. We mean you no harm we just wish to pass though.' Alice's voice carried power, like a princesses should do. She plays this better than me! I took slow steps back towards her, they were less likely to attack her now that she was worth something. 


I stood infront of Ghost and he placed his head on my shoulder fearless. 'Please don't harm them and we will give you anything.' I asked gently hoping to come across weak and scared. He looked at me and snorted, 'don't act sweet and innocent. I know you could have killed my brother.' Oh horse crap! Why did he have to be this monster of a mans brother. 'You have my maids deepest appoligies, she takes her training much too seriously. Every since I fell pregant she won't let me even walk.' She chuckled smiling at me fondly, well she wasn't lying... 


'Where is it that your going?' He asked with an animilistic tilt of his head. 


'Well you see' she trailed off and blushed 'Caspian, son of king Ronan is my suiter, we consimated our love after our wedding but I fell sick. I am due soon therefore we decided to go to his kingdom it is basically an extention of my farthers.' She trailed off smiling softly, looking so small and defenceless. 


Well it was all going well untill Caspains men stumbled into the clearing, 'Princess' one bowed at me and but the other five men were looking at thoes sourounding us. 'Arm up!' I shouted terrified I was litterly shaking in my boots, the king of the savages looked at me with exhasbiration and with a single eyebrow raised. And just like that a battle began. He knocked two men down with a single swing of an axe, Walter and I stood back to back. Me fighting off some burley, stinky man with long free curly brown hair. He quickly took my weapon away from me by grabbing it in his free hand and pulling it from my grip. 


I grabbed an arrow from behind me and went to stab him in the stomach but as he moved it dug deep into his bicep. I heard Walters cry from behind me, 'Ghots get!' I shouted as I picked up my sword and beagn backing up. He didn't move a muscle. And when I turned I saw why, the savage stood infront of him stairing the horse deeply in the eyes. 'Hes wild.' He muttered to himself, his deep baratone voice carried in the almost silent night. I looked around all of Caspians men were dead, Walter led on the floor bleeding out and Jesse stood with an axe to his throat. 


'Stand down.' I whispered feeling broken. Alice is going to die...


They have no use for her now. I eyed the floor not but couldn't force myself to drop my sword, it was once again ripped from my grasp and my hands were tied behind me. I was thrown on a horse tethered to a massive beautiful horse. He was brown with a darker main and tail, with black on each of his legs. I put my feet in the stirips as I felt my bow and arrows be awkwardly taken from me. I still have my dagger, I reminded myself looking relieved. Alice shivered and I quickly took my fur coat off, nuddged the horse forward a little before whistling and throwing her my own coat. The long sleeves of my dress would keep me warm, the stranger looked at me curiously but didn't say anything as they all packed up their camp and jumped onto their horses. As we rode away all that played in my mind was that we had just been kidnapped.


What about Is? 


'She'll be fine Elle.' Alice whispered at me seeing my face, I just shook my head as I crumbled into myself. The stranger looked at me stangly but turned back in his seat and lead us away from the only home I had known. 


My poor Iz. Loosing her only sister twice in a week. 



Chapter 8

 I don't know how long we rode before I fell asleep slumped on the horse, her light beige coat was smooth under my cheek. But when I awoke in the moring I wasn't slumped but led under wolf and fox skins, I sat up and rubbed my eyes looking for Alice. Even unnder my coat she looked cold, morning due was frozen in her hair I quickly stood up and placed all my furs on her. I went to the corner of the new camp and found firewood, which I quickly piled next to Alices sleeping form. I next gathered rocks before placing them in a circle, I then placed the fire wood so the fire could breathe. 


I found some dry golden coloured grass and placed it in and around the wood with kindling, I then walked up to ghost who was eating grass happily, and grabbed extra bow string from my saddle. Using the string for momentum I quickly rubbed a stick into a log and waited for smoke before blowing on it and finally the fire caught. I smilled softly to myself before grabbing the two rabbits from yesterday I skinned them quickly before anyone woke up and placed them on a make shift spit above the fire. Eventually they woke to the smell of cooked rabbit, the stranger looked at me curiously as I tried to wake Alice up. 


When she didn't immediatly open her eyes at the sound of her name I beagn to shake her, what if she died because of the cold! I should have woke up sooner! This is all my fault! 


'Do you always think such morbid thoughts?' The stranger asked, I looked at him shocked to see he was right behind me offering a water skin. I took it hesently before taking a drink, 'only when sourounded by savages.' I muttered to myself, he laughed echoed all around it was a deep belly laugh that brought a half smile to my face. 'Are you not the Barbarian Princess?' He asked with a short chuckle. I sighed and didn't reply and returned my gaze to the still sleeping Alice. 'We gave her something to help her sleep last night she wouldn't stop fussing on you.' He muttered looking amused. I rolled my eyes, 'sounds like her.' I turned back to the cooked food I asked him to cut it up for me and his responce was to raise his eyebrow again, and tapped my skirt as he walked passed. So he knew I had the knife, why didn't he take it off me I wondered. He handed me some of the delicious rabbit with an apple, some bread and cheese. Where did they get this from? Pillage? The spoils of battle? 


'Are you Vikings?' I asked seriously, curious now. He laughed took a deep breath before glancing at me agian. 'You read too much, but little one do you think we'd be here in england of all places?' he asked just as curious as I was. 'We are in the land of plentaful, west is poor. Why wouldn't you come here?' I informed him tilting my head curiosuly. 


'That is true but no, we are just people saxons or savages as your men like to call us.' He told me grinning at my lack of information. 'I wonder what it is like to travel across the sea discovering new places with nothing tethering me to the land..' I trailed off sadly. 'Why didn't you?' He asked his expression turning serious too. 'Because I am a woman and we have our duties, we do not feed our familes or fight in wars. We bare heirs and do as we are told.' He snorted at me before poking at my fire. 


'You say that as if you are reciting from a passage, you do not truly believe that.' It was more of an point than a question. 'No you are right, I do not. If it wasn't for my sister I would go do these things but I will not allow her to be married away to some lord, she is the sweetist of children I will not allow that destniny to befall her.' I shrugged, pulling myself into a little ball on the cold ground. It was freezing this morning, 'So why is it that you are traveling?' He looked at me in a different light now, 'I will take my sisters fait onto my self and allow my sister the freedom of a second child. She will marry for love not riches or protection...' I trailed off sadly, what would come of me now? 


'Why is it that you are being married off?' Yet again he looked at me curiosly stroking his wild beard before taking a bite of some bread and rabbit. Sighing I continued my story, 'my family are being attacked by savages, by men attached to no others. Vikings maybe I know not. I was not told much of why I must be sold only that I was old enough to be sold away. I have had soutors before but refused them, when my parents told me they would have to send my sister away I quickly agreed.' I told him mournfully, I didn't know why I had told him anything he had killed Caspians men... I was telling this man my deepest secret and I didn't even know his name. 


'You agreed with no argument?' He asked in disbelief. 'I suppose, my sister is innocent where I am not...' I trailed off. 'So you laid with a man?' I snorted in an unlady like manner, 'of course not, I am still a princess. I mean that I killed a man and was about to kill anouther before you stopped me. My sister would never fire an arrow or take up arms. She is a regal woman... Wherest I am not. She would be fit to rule, if she found a sutible man to marry who was capible of loving her and ruling I would leave. I do not want to lead a kingdom.' I told him boldly, his deep blue eyes bore into my own with such power and authority I knew i could never best him. 'What will you do with us?' I asked not really caring for my own safety but that of my sisters and Alices. 


He shrugged his massive shoulders, 'I have sent you man, Jesse? To your bethotheds camp.' He trailed off grinning. I rolled my eyes 'so we are spoils of war?' I sighed again and looked down at the sleeping form of Alice. 'No Princess you are not spoils of anything, you are a woman who wishes to be free. We can offer you that. We could even offer you hand maden here a place to live, she will not be looked down upon for giving bith to a child out of wedlock. She or he will grow up loved, with no tittle but that matters little here. We are the freemen.' He looked at his men proudly, 'you cannot be free if you rely on someone else for food.' I rolled my eyes yet again from one dictator to anouther. 'How?' He sounded enraged, furiously so. 


'Your bread, your clothes, your money are all taken from someone else.' I stared at him angrily with my own eyes. 'You will see princess. You will see.' I looked down at the floor as it began to rain, this was going to be another hard day of riding with little rest. My body still hurt from yesterdays bindings and riding, that and all the walking I had been doing before hand I sighed as I watched some of the strangers men pick up Alice and place her in a cart. I climbed on to Ghost who was now thethered to the Saxons horse...



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.01.2015

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