
More Than One Thirst

Chapter 1


I turned, the movement jerky and tight as I rounded the corner. The skate board uncontrollably on the ice causing the four wheels to skid. And I almost fell arse over elbow. Well strictly speaking that's not the complete truth nor is it completely accurate - can you actually fall arse over elbow?  I pondered, as I grabbed the board and pushed myself with an effortless little push, it wasn't the correct saying but comically fit. The effort to be literate twenty four seven is not something i personally manage. I'm surprised anyone does to be honest... 




 But each and every one of us wishes we didn't do something we've already done, every single day. We're only human... Right? I look at the hard, half frosted ground under my skateboard. Bits of twigs and leaves crushed and broken, left behind in a swirl of reds, browns and dying greens.


Music bars in my ears, the effect was supposed to be calming however my heart raced. Sweat began running down my neck, across my brow and my palms were sweaty. My entire being buzzed with listless energy. 


Bo, my beautiful rottie cross collie, ran alongside me happy for the run, maybe she liked the ridiculous wake up because I certainly didn't. Sshe was a beautiful hue of brow, black and white with the most compelling chocolate eyes. 


I dropped her off home, the front doors blue paint cracking in places, the old red brick house stood sollum and in need of care. The widows were clean but scratched. The flower beds and potted plates sat lonely and empty.


I ran up the two steps and  grabbed my travel mug and bright yellow rucksack, covered in pictures of all the unhealthy food I didn't eat. I had to run through the living room to reach the kitchen. Each room was cosy, but year again a little run down. The sofa sunken but had fresh throws thrown over it. The TV d and our of date, not that I watched it. The kitchen in a similar lack of repair.


This was all before my aunt was even out of bed, over the last few weeks she had become clingy and overbearing with her constant watchful eyes following my every move. I bent and locked the door, all without removing my key from the long chain around my neck. Bo barked a little solemn goodbye as i closed the door. This was the first real time i had left the house longer than an hour, I was under some kind of probation lately. Two weeks of hellish life and I'm finally free, to go to school. 


Oh the irony.


In half an hour I was surrounded by the same type of frustrated teens, pre-teens and just plain old little people ( I can totally say this I am only 5'2'')  I'd been around for the last six years of my life. I sighed to myself' nothing ever changes' I mutter to myself.


I felt like a thousand eyes watched my every move as I marched into the car park ripped jeans, baggy hoody and scuffed old convurse that no longer fit quite right. . 


 Whispers followed by every move, some saying how bad they felt about loosing both of my parents. Some talked about my ass, cause guys are straight up asshole right? And some just spoke about their Christmas break how upset they were about nnot getting the newest crappy phone or something. 


Deep breath in

Deep breath out 

You can do this. 

And if you can't fake it. They'll never know 


I slowed to a stop and looked around the unfamiliar school building. I'd been here with my aunt once before, I hadn't really paid attention and I was annoyed that I hadn't.


I hate asking for help.


I only knew where the school was because I'd driven past it a few times with my aunt when we went food shopping. I sighed pulled my bag tighter on my shoulders for a second and got out the weirdly coded time table I was given. Tutorial with some lady called Tara in room G12 first. 


Hmm maybe I should find the reception or ask for directions? I was focusing so hard on the paper I hardly noticed someone was right beside me until we were both sliding on black ice. We both landed in a heep on the floor, me with some odd bag eaten item thag probably didn't need to be there lodged into the small of my back.


I looked to my left ready to scowl at some imbisille to find a girl around my age, with long brown hair all over her face, sticking to her lip gloss. She had a half smirk on her face as she tugged an ear phone from her ear. 


'Ooh well that was unfortunate' she said shoving her hair out of her face and revealing equally dark eyes with mischief sparking within. with a smile as she grabbed my travel mug and stood with my helping hand. 'I'm Anna-bell. Are you Max? The new girl.' she asked now full onsmiling. 'Ha yeah how did you know? People assume I'm a dude constantly !' I said with a laugh.


She led me to the front doors, I reached out and grabbed one and pulled too hard causing a slight bang that had all eyes turning to us. Silence and a blast of heat hit us at once. 


'There was actually a bet, when it was just your name on the register. But small towns you know how it is. Had to take you off the foot ball sign up sheet pretty damn quick. Heads up we suck .' she answered with a small shrug and a wink. 


She handed me my travel mug with a little grin, I wondered if she ever breathed when talking. 'Can you tell me where...?' I was rudely stopped mid sentence by a group people interrupting us. 'Hey Ann is that the new girl?' Asked a small boy, which lush blond hair and bright blue eyes. He was even shorter than me which is saying something. 


'New girl has a name and is standing right here.' I muttered and then rolled my eyes. 'Mind your manners Mason, can you show Max to her locker I gotta run.' she kind of asked I guess before she turned on the spot and jogged off with a little finger wave.


He jerked his head to a corridor filled with locker with a grunt. 'I think mine is 103.' I said trying to be helpful but he'd already started speeding away, quickly stopping in front of 103. 'Thank-you um Mason.' I said smiling, which he was quick to scowl at making me snort. Brat. 


'We're not friends. Save your fake ass smiles for them.' He jerked his head to the mass of people surrounding us. 'Oh coming into your first period are we? Ha sorry kid.' He growled, actually growled at me.  Like took a step towards me whole body vibrating with the effort.


'Cute' I muttered with a snort. I took a step to the side and opened the locker. I placed my headphones back into my ears from where they were dangling loosely on my jumper. I attempted to have a drink of my coffee but ended up suckling air, sighing  shoved it in the empty locker .


I took out an book, pen and shoved them into the bag containing other useless junk that I probably would never need. I turned and looked at the door in-front of me G17 and the next up was G18 I started walking until I found the room I was looking for and leaned outside. Ten minutes until torture. I sighed and turned my music up louder, closed my eyes and waited. And waited. 


I felt the air in front of me move, something felt different. I took one head phone out and opened my eyes slowly, almost hesitant pulling out my headphone with a sigh . 'May I help y...?' I couldn't finish.. His solders, were made from pure muscle not to mention stupidly massive. His low cut black tee shirt flashed a hint of the tattoo that hid bellow. My eyes trailed up his chin and jaw was covered in a light stubble.


Even his nose was  that perfect roaman shape. I looked up, his eyes were cool and warm all at once. A startling blue that made me hold my breath. His blond hair was cut short. I slowly looked back down eyes focusing on the necklace that was hidden beneath his shirt.


 My eyes followed his veined arms down to the simple red band dangling on his wrist. His simple blue jeans fit him like they were built around his legs. 'Oh God' I muttered to myself. ‘Well I've been called God before, but that was just too easy. I like a Challenge, Max. It’s actually Hunter.' He said with a half arsed smile. 'Nice line. Little old tho ugh don't you think? Think you need some new material. Maybe some manners' I suggested. 


I went to put my head phone back in but he tilted his head, curious. I rolled my eyes and asked sweetly, 'Anything I can do?'  With a raised eyebrow twirling my headphone around my fingers. When he didn't reply I put my head phones back and pulled my phone out checking the time. Five minutes still ugh. Maybe I should text my aunt? Nah she's worried enough as it is and she's probably still sleeping. 


Maybe I’d text Nelson or as I liked to call him Nessie, my best friend instead. I pulled up his text and began to type as my earphone with pulled slowly from my ears. 'You know who I am right?' he asked a smirk on his face as he took a step toward me. 'Yes you're Hunter, not God. Me Max.' I raised my hand for him to shake with rolling my eyes  'Ha. You're kinda funny' He tilted his head again. 'Pain. So much pain' he muttered quietly to himself a remorseful expression on his face.


'I get it everyone knows everything I'm not some messed up little girl asking someone to hold my hand.' I turned away grumbling to myself about nosey people and small fucking towns. 




Pretty, Petty or Prune


Chapter 2


I stared painstakingly into his scorching yet odly freezing eyes. He should carry his own fire hazard sign or something maybe a toxic one too I thought bitterly. I, more than anything, wanted to run free. Outside the wind lapping at my hair like the sea dose my ankles. I sighed happily and grinned as the bell sounded. My gaze slid away from the Goliath of a man before me to enter the room. (Well not before he had the last word so to say, he opened the door, lazily smiling at his small achievement. I just ignored him looking at the poetry book that was left in my locker. As I flicked through a note idly floated and landed in the middle of the small desk. The desks all faced the board, one desk per person single line. I had stolen one of the back seats, hiding from prying eyes. 


Maxine Mae,

I regret to inform you of the small task,

I must ask of you Max. I have set the 

class poems to write. Nothing hard

just based upon a special etc.  

Dearest Apologies for the late request 

Please hand in your best efforts 3rd period.

M. price




I read a poem that was laid in front of me, the page her note had come from actually, 


In a world that laughter becomest so rare,

one must laugh.

Else we become an oddity.

If oneself cannot laugh,

Then what do we truly have?

A world with filled only pain,

no smile or innocent giggle.

A world with no reason,

a word with only one meaning,

is hardly any fun at all.



I smiled down upon the strange little poem. slowly, line after gradual line ( and many a scribble I had my own.)



A smile as sweet as a child's;

never should it be left ignored.

A tear, full of pain or laughter

Can it tell a story? Must you bother,

take effort and listen? As the sweet sound,

of silent rambling echo in a days pass.

Is it just me, Do I read too much?

Or truth be told not merely enough.

Do you truly know a person, or them you?

Charades played thus engorged. 

A path from one road to another.

Take one not the other.

Love long or love lost, which will be mine?

Chose wrong or chose right,

I will always stand;

thus I may still belong.


I looked down at the hastily scribbled poem, its lines still unclear but I really thought I may be able to make something out of it. I grinned mischievously down at my work only to see the page snatched from my benith my smiling form. Okay so as I saw big ogar man, beautiful swift... Ah shut up you prune. So he was deferentially the pretty one, I was being petty cause its just a couple words I'd wrote and I was most certainly  a prune for pouting... He grinned ruefully raising one eye brow, a dare. It wasn't my fault I just couldn't say no to a challenge. Something about his cocky well everything! As if he was owed more right to the very air I was silently gulping. Silently I raged, quickly I thought of immediate revenge.




Magical times call for magical measures


Chapter 3


 'Quales' I whispered, the Latin word for 'come' instantly flew to mind. When that failed a tried another word with more than one meaning. 'fugioflee' it meant to  run away, flee from, fly, shun or escape right back into my hands. I opened my hand and the piece of paper softly floated from his grasp, landing lightly on my table once again. His grin lost all cockiness and a new found confusion took its place. As quietly as I could I giggled and blushed as his harsh stare.


Tara had already started talking to students, she was quite small maybe 5.3 / 4 that's with the heals i was only 5.2 so I couldn't talk. Her face was sculptured awkwardly a too small nose supported by a large mouth and bug like eyes. Her hair was bleach blond  (even I could smell the bleach and my sense of smell isn't all too great). She seemed generally nice but she just was a little annoying. She rattled uselessly about UCAS points or some other bullpoopie I'd finally felt like my energy would explode. I gazed out side and focused on a tiny rapper floating across the dying grass. 'Versoturn'  (turn violently, turn often, twist, twirl, whirl, spin) I watched as the helpless rapper succumbed to my will and danced across the grass against the wind I grinned  defying the rules was  paticular love of mine. 


So if it wasn't obvious before I can do magic... bit of a shocker, well here comes the second I have one brown eye and one blue. It was some birth defect but I had to keep my dark hair long covering my face. It wasn't like I could do really creepy stuff like raise the dead, no offence if there are any necromancers or necromongers (depending on how you say the word ). Magic is close to that you use to raising the dead simply because it comes from the same Latin language... the language of the dead ( Duhh, duh, duhhh..) But really its nothing like it, though there are spells to raise dead or speak to ghosts its just bothersome - we tend to leave it to the ghost people.


As I stared out the window I noticed that Hunter was looking at me weirdly his eyes following mine and then darting back to the rubbish I was disturbing I closed my eyes for three seconds counting down and then heaving the small amount of magic back. I watched Hunter again from the corner of my eye, he lazily stretched his muscles flexing and and tensing as he did so. I sighed happily and then quickly returned my gaze outside as I heard his light mischievous chuckle.


The sound literary vibrated over to me, distorted, elongated and just plainly bent out of shape. Everything seemed to hit me at full speed. It wasn't even first class yet and I already felt exhaustion grab its mighty hold and begin a good old fashion tug of war. I yawned a jaw-splitting yawn, reminding me of how much I hadn't slept recently. I glanced down at my timetable. I had forty five minuets until English began, that is any second when the bell will...... RINGGGGG!!! I stood up quickly literally running at full speed I threw everything ( including my back pack) in to my locker and sprinted from the school, the least I could do was get rid of some of this unquenchable energy. I was exhausted and the forest allowed me to gather my strength but also allowed me to let off the annoying pent up buzz. My class scedual was set up exactally time for a nap.


It was like a merry go round, except instead of houses you were surrounded by a song. A single, unyielding and monumental pent up energy and it must burst free. Sounds and parts of conversation swirled in a reckless order around my head. Eventually I slowed my feet as I came into a clearing, I found an old fallen tree and used it to perch upon. I set an alarm for half an hour and curled in a tight ball led her on this broken tree with the suns warming rays I quickly fell into a deep slumber... 





The girl, the energy and thunder

 Chapter 5 





First day back, time for some revenge. This year is mine! And anything I want with it. I grinned as I walked down the same corridors as I did last year. And the year before. Even the one before that. Same old, same old... wait I heard a couple geeks talking 'Yeah she was beautiful man! told you id loose my virginity faster than you!' His heart began to beat faster, much faster. I chuckled and shook my head at the pathetic lie. see same old...


All of a sudden I heard an angry girl say 'New girl has a name and is standing right here' energy and annoyance seemed to role off of her. I turned slowly to see Ann say something before skipping off she was left with that little shit mason. If he gave her a bad time I'd punch him... wait what was I talking about she's human and not at all known to me ! I watched in a state of confused wonder. Then she was gone, walking away. Hair a mix of blond, red and brown leaving behind her sweet smell of lavender. I didn't even know this chick! What the hell man..


I shook my head where did that come from? I walked in the direction stopping every now and then talking to people I called friends but in reality I didn't know them. They didn't know me or what I was or they'd freak,  it made me laugh, if they saw the real me theyd scream. I turned away from the people and saw her there, eyes closed body poised. I could hear the sound her music playing so loud it was almost like it was playing in my ears, her very body seemed to live only because of the music that kept her sourounded.


Her jeans fit just right, showing off the curves her slender body had to offer. I didn't even want to look at her  chest for fear of drooling and even i had to admit that was what a reject would do. Her white shirt seemed to bring out every single thing lovely feature about her, but it was obvious her looks were oblivious to her. Even in the way she stood seemed to radiate unknown power but she slumped her hair teasingly covering her love heart face, button nose and rounded chin. Tiny ears held her hair as she tucked hair behind them with a tiny hand. She had got to be under 5.5 and no more than 9 stone.  


Then in seconds I found myself in front of her and her eyes open, my evaluating gaze suddenly turning into a blank face. 'May I help...' Did she stop because she wanted to? Could she feel the animal in me breaking to the surface? Was that all she was going to say? I had known her to seconds and I was already double checking everything. Her head came just under my shoulder, slowly she looked up with eyes that seemed to shine bright and dull at the same time. I almost gasped when I saw them, One was so Blue bright brighter than any ocene or body of water. The other such a brown it gave off the appearance of red. 


'Oh God' Had she just said that!? Was I imagining ? Suck it up Hunter she's human. Say something sarcastic... funny? I thought and said the lamest thing that came to mind. 'Well I've been called God before, but that was just too easy. Its actually Hunter' AHH that was pretty darn lame, I only managed half smile before she replied. 'Nice line. Shame that it was real well rehearsed. I'm guessing you've said it twenty times tops. Oh sorry more like thirty.'


I laughed, I had to admit her sarcasm was kind of funny. Even when the joke was pointed at me. She rolled her eyes and then made a move to put her head phone back in. I must have made a face or something because she asked ' Anything I can do?' It was like honey her tone was so sweet. Yet for some reason her fake sweetness annoyed me. I  didn't reply because there wasn't actually anything she could do for me. Humans and my kinds can't mix. She put her headphones back on and for some unknown reason I reached over and pulled the cord and they fell back out. 'You know who I am right?' I wanted her to know, I didn't date and I most certainly didn't talk to humans for more than a sentence. 'Yes you hunter, Not God. Me Max.' She raised her eyebrow at me; beautifully rounded and framed her dazzling eyes. 


 'Ha your funny' I said in a dry tone. A monotone free of emotion and feeling. I breathed in deeply and felt her pain, something was missing . Maybe something was taken from her. 'Yhea everyone knows everything I get it.' The pain was deeper, underlying her fear.'You know if you went away I wouldn't mind.' She too was able to hide her feelings. She grinned at a broken and sad attempt at a smile. She stared into my eyes deep and unyielding but not like she saw me, a faint smile broke her lips. I wondered what she thought so happily about. She let out a sigh of breath, her whole body seemed to relax. And then the bell rang and ruined her whole relaxed demeanour. She went to leave and enter the class room; even if I couldn't have the last word I opened the door and watched her stiffen slightly but walked in regardless. 


She quickly entered the room and sat at the back, damn it how will I ever.... not going to finish that sentence I just quick stepped and sat at the back next to the window facing the woods. I glanced over to Max and saw she was scribbling quickly across a page of paper. A couple of minuets later she looked up relieved and happy. I just had to see what she had written. I quickly moved and grabbed the paper off of her desk and began to read...


I will always stand thus belong. Wow she was surprisingly good. I looked down and stared down at the poem that was so obviously from a broken point of view. Screaming silently, with these words at those that have done her wrong. Telling them how she wouldn't normally say something so... it was to late for an apology. She'd so obviously been the child left to cry, it was evident in the stone that became her face. But she was right she did belong into this plain human world. Her writing held such meaning and told such a story, it was weird I'd never had a spare moment being surrounded by my overgrown family. I looked up and saw her pouting I grinned and raised an eye brow in response. Her breathing spread up and she said something to quiet, that and I was distracted by her cute pout.


The paper suddenly flew from my slack grip. I looked over to where Max was sitting only to find the page fall into her hand with no prompt at all. Almost as if she had asked it to. She blushed and looked away giggling. What was she ? I looked down at my hands in confusion, next time I looked up her eyes followed the movement of something outside. It took me a few minuets to realise that the rapper she was looking at some how defied gravity and the wind but most of all logic.


I looked at this simple human girl amazed. She's was grinning until she noticed me staring, she closed her eyes as if in pain. The room suddenly became electrified by her energy. She kept glancing at me expectantly, expecting me to scream she's a freak or something, instead I took the laid back approach. I leaned all the way back in my seat stretching and tensing my muscles, even I had to admit it was a cheat move but I caught her looking. I chuckled watching her face turn the oh so bright colour of scarlet as she once again turned to the front. As soon as the bell rang she ran no sprinted from the room.


I sighed, forty five minuets. I rolled my eyes and left to find my second. Chase, he was more like a brother than my best-friend. I'd known him since I was seven, he and his mother had moved from their last pack... not that either of them would ever tell me what the reason was or probably ever would both were suborn like that. Of course he was outside kicking around a ball with the rest of the pack that was my age, one day it would be my pack, not just something I took over in a time of need but something I have made. Chase was smaller than me with dark hair in many ways he was my opposite I was much stronger but god dammit he was much faster than me. The game continued to play, well at least until the rain began I was glad at least the path was no longer icy. 

Rain, rain go away. I don't want to be cold today....


Chapter 6


I slowly came more and more into consciousness as one after another drops of something fell onto the exposed side of my face. I dug my face deeper in my arm wanting so bad to just stay asleep. The more I seemed to ignore the problem the more it challenged me to move. Eventually I stood in the dark forest, clouds covered the sun and rain blocked the few rays that had managed to seep through the fluffy cloud barrier. My heart steady beat as I stretched, my phone interrupting me as the annoying alarm told me it was time to run back. 


Replenished as I was, I was still weary of a dark forest. I had ten minuets to run, it only took me five to get here but I was blindly running then. Every voice in my head screamed for me to run, forests could be dangerous cautiously I jogged, rain drenched me but I slowly made my way across the broken twigs and larger wood, rock or mud created hurdles. 


As I came into view off school I put an extra burst of speed nearly face-planting the opening door. I stopped and for the third time that day I was going to fall on my ass yet again, well until two arms shot out and caught me mid fall. I stared into light green eyes, eyes made of pure laughter and happiness. Immediately I liked him 'Hello Maxine' he told me, his smile was genuine not sarcastic nor fake. I took a step back, out of his embrace and into the cold airs. His dark blue shirt and jeans were well warn and snug. He wore his black boots half way done up and a old beaten up brown leather jacket. I shivered involuntary and he swept me into the slightly warmer hallway. 'Chase I wouldn't get too close this chick; she knocks into chicks and rubs her ass in public.' came a cheery voice I gasped and shot an annoyed look at Ann.


'Hey you walked into me and I so do not! Remember it was me catching you... ' At her look I sighed and admitted 'okay, okay it was me rubbing but I swear it was my back not my arse.' I pleaded looking between Chases green eyes and Ann's laughing ones. 'Anna-bell you can be awfully cruel. Don't listen to her Max, we all know she secretly scratches hers too, plus i don't mind any chick that rubs against another' Humour lit his kind face. 'Thank... hey ! I told you I don't and eww no! Im completely straight, sorry Ann i know its a shame.' I nudged him cruelly and winked at Ann 'what's with all the water?' he asked ignoring my little shove pretending to be not affected. ' I have Ablutophobia' I told him coyly.


Anna-bell snickered but chase looked confused. I cocked my finger and made the come here action. 'It means I don't bathe wash or clean anything. I use the rain to wash me' I told him sarcastically he looked stunned and I laughed to myself as I walked away. ' Your nuttier than squril poop max' Ann mock shouted after me.


Luckily for me I had gym next! I grabbed my bag from my locker and headed to the big room opposite that appeared to be the dining hall. It was an encove with three doors, one reading boys, another reading girls that lead up the stairs and the third reading gym. Time to get my funk on I thought and grinned to myself.


Mixed class, lead to mixed feelings...



Chapter 7


I quickly changed from my soaked clothes, leaving my already wet ones dry on the radiator. In my bag was an old top that i had always worn when running. It was white with 'Mondays Suck' i loved wearing it on every day but Mondays so today was brilliant. I don't know what weird school starts on a Thursday but i couldn't be bothered to ask. I also grabbed the tight black bottoms i had thrown in the bag also, they came up to mid calf because i pushed them up. I loved these because they showed off my well defined calf muscles from all the running i have always done. I put back on the high topped trainers i had been wearing before. They were only slightly damp but with the holes that riddled them i was surprised - and i really need new trainers. They were grey and pink and fluffy inside i loved them. When students off all sizes, genders, hight and colour gathered around a bouncy woman wearing shorts that i'd blush when even think of wearing them. Shoulder length blond hair and a shirt that said 'Berry' across the front.


'HELLO, you lazy bunch! Laps and then well begin, grab your headphones and begin with no moans and i may even finish with a game of basket ball.' She wasn't much older than us probably around twenty - twenty three or something but she was bubbly and full of energy i instantly thought she was epic.


Students pulled faces but grabbed iPhones, iPods, smart phones etc. I grabbed my iPod happily and searched for my running play list. As She got out and a clip board we all lined up and prepared to run, stretching out muscles and taking sips of water we placed in the middle of the room. I put my head phones in and pressed play Immediately after she counted down. I ran at a sensible pace, not sprinting or jogging but I ran. This took me to the top of the group, I quickly saw annabell and Chase running side by side easily chatting. 


Revenge, that's what I wanted. For the taunting they gave me earlier I easily passed them lengthening my stride. All the hours I spent running because of mere bordem rushed back to me and I was able to keep the steady pace. Still not at top speed. All of a sudden Annabell caught up to me sticking out her tong she sprinted passed me. The mere hint of a challenge had me yet again lengthening my stride, I didn't think I could hold this speed for very long but I soon caught her and put on even more speed to run in front of her. On my third lap I slowed down a little and Chase ran up and matched my stride easily he didn't even look out of breath. I yet again threw my all in but yet again he managed to match me easily. 


One more lap and I could pass out but for now I had to sprint. I saw Chases surprised look as I ran past him but he also put on even more speed. Air hissed between my teeth and I looked back for a second. I saw Annabell and Hunter running easily beside one another, by the sounds of it they were making bets 'No way in hell she'll bet him your wrong anna!'. I turned to face forward and sprinted as fast as I could around the last corner and down the straight. Chase had won but only by like half a second. I walked into the middle of the room and dropped down. 'Ughhh!' I complained tugging the earphones from my ears. I felt my warm face and slowly sipped the water from my bottle. After I finished I put the bottle to my sweaty head I looked up at chase and glared. No guises just glared.


'Wow Enough with the hate, put your claws away kitty!' I sighed and rolled my eyes at him. 'Damn Max your fast!' Annabell told me as she sat next to me. I let out a breathless giggle and grinned at her. 'Been running. Since I was twelve. ' I said still a little breathless. I looked up to where Hunter stood side by side jostling one another. I looked up dazed, undeniably staring at the other-worldly-like creatures that surrounded me. Anna-bell looked a little out of breath as did Hunter but chase.. He looked like he could do twenty more! No fair i thought.


 I felt a need so deep, one dragging me towards them. Even if it was just to follow them around, there plain majestic ways reminded me so much of my very own farther, Well my adopted one that is. I knew i couldn't, more like shouldn't, even look upon these poor creatures. I couldn't bare to be around anyone without them getting so badly injured that they or my self was taken away. I sighed and looked back at my pathetic sob story of a childhood. Even my birth parents were terrified of me, driven into an uncanny, unapproachable and unstoppable rage. I still had the scars lining my back painting a pretty picture I dared not to show a soul. It lead to those icky questions that made my heart race and hate spread across me as sympathy clogged there eyes. My adopted parents, my savours, told me over and over again that they would fade but as the years stretched and my back lay unchanged I could not help but not believe them. The lack of food and proper healing around the time of the injury lead to that I thought with bitter distaste.


I remember my last day with the horrid creatures who tried so badly to make me into a hating creature such as themselves. I thought back to my seventh birthday...


I looked upon my mother with timid eyes that were as big as saucers. Her bright read hair recently curled fell tumbled down her slender back. Make-up old, smudged and new all applied thickly on to her face. The smell of cigarette smoke and the ever present smell of old alcohol. I had walked in on another argument, I caught myself hoping that this one birthday would be nice... That was the last time I had hope for anything. She was screaming into my so called father's face. Teeth stained with newly applied  ruby red lipstick, spittle flying out of her small cruel mouth. Evil, incoherent and nasty words flew from her mouth, not taking a breath she world on me, too surprised and scared i stood frozen like a doe caught in the headlights. I caught a glimpse of the nasty, pathetic creature that called himself my dad, His dark brown hair cut so short it resembled his ever short temper. His light brown eyes stared upon me with such hate i gasped and turned to face my not so innocent mother. Her steal blue eyes reached my scared mix-matched eyes with an unquenchable rage.


'IT IS. ALL YOUR FAULT!' She scratched flying towards me with such speed i almost crashed as her adult but small sized body crashed into mine. Her fingers Immediately racking across my unprotected face blurring my vision. I filched at what was to come and turned to run back into the tiny closet they called my room. 'You do not deserve nor are you worth the very breath you steal ever fucking minuet!


You should be dead, YOU hear me! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU! My sweet innocent boy, you killed him murdered him! Spoilt Brat!' She racked her nails across my back, scratching the same cuts back into my back that she always had. I was locked in the cellar for three days, on the forth she brought down mouldy bread, which was evil because she knew i was allergic to wheat. When i refused to eat i was given an assault of punches, kicks and scratches. I screamed so loud the wail seemed to echo, The room rattled with the very sound. Knocking over the read haired evil monstrosity i made a break for it. Blood dripping into my eyes and across my chin i knocked into the man that i now know as my very own dad. He is, sorry was a police officer i must have ran at least three blocks before almost passing out. That was the first time i had ever used my magic and the first time I had met with the man i proudly call my dad. 


I opened my closed eyes and sighed missing my chosen parents all the more, my mother would rap me in her warm frame and my farther wouldn't leave me along until I either told him what was wrong or he'd tickle me or make me laugh. A single tear fell down my face and i swiped at it unashamed by the hint of my total broken self. I just stood up and repeated the words under my breath that my farther  told me once when i was feeling pretty low 'If you don't stand tall and glare in the face of the adversity you have already lost. Stand and grin, laugh and glare at all to come' I instantly felt better and even managed a wobbly smile i hid my unsure face by stretching and the others followed suit as more and more people came and joined us; red faced and puffing like a steam train I giggled very quietly was one boy nearly fell onto his face.


He glared at me evilly scrunching up his freckled nose his ginger hair all the more attracting the freckles to be noticed on his pale skin. I would have shivered at his death ray but it just made me laugh all the more louder shooting him one back with fined cockiness I was sure he wouldn't test. Well that was until he charged at me like a pull, raising a hand as if to slap me everything in my whole body just wanted to flinch but I stood unbearably still glaring all the same. I even forced my body to take an involuntary step forward. 'Like to hit innocent frightened girls do you' I took another step forward and my chest was practically resting on his 'Don't bother little boy I will ruin you' I sneered in his face and turned around to walk away when he grabbed a fist full of my tee-shirt. I couldn't help it i froze fear froze me in place, My back still turned to him i could feel his sickly breath on the back of my neck making me shiver so hard I nearly fell. 'Not so tough now little girl, laugh at me again and ill be forced to teach you a lesson you won't forget'


The words seemed to float around my head; a crazy overwhelming hatred and pure annoyance rushed at me. I turned focused completely on breaking that little... indecent piece of worthless.. aghh I couldn't even come up with a insult I could call him I was so vexed.  Well anyway I wanted to hit him so bad that I even scared my self. Breath hissed through my teeth and I took a step forward as if to do so before two strong arms rapped themselves around me. 'Mark back off before she breaks your nose or something and no one wants your disease riddled blood on the floor' Rumbled the deep voice that held me, for some reason all I felt was slight annoyance at my saviour.


 I blushed so bad that it actually felt like I might melt, to be honest I'd never really been held by a guy of any sort I wasn't the needy type. Quickly the words for the fear of blushing rushed to mind, Erythrophobia, erytophobia, ereuthophobia I expected there was so many for the same fear because so many people suffered with the things they just didnt know it. It also, coincidentally meant the fear of red too... How could two separate meanings hold three different words I pondered to myself silently.  


I listed fears that popped into my head one after the other;  Haphephobia the  fear of being touched or held, Gelotophobia the  fear of being laughed at... Hmm Hylophobia – fear of treesforests or wood, it was a strange phobia the forest was so startlingly beautiful.. but I guess all fears were strange to people who didn't posses them. My ears tuned back in as some one repeated a question close to my ear 'What are you thinking about little miss Ablutophobia? What is with the fear thing anyway?' chase asked curiously, grinning madly and standing in front of me, I walked away from Hunters arms with a distasteful glare. 'Well if you know something it kinda seems silly to fear it' I told him nonchalantly. 'Well I that's not a sensible reason I don't know what is' Chase replied grinning madly. 'Acttually i was just bored and learned them for fun', not completely true - i had learned them during a freakout because thinking of how silly it was to fear things made me feel better. 'Anns right your nuttier..' Ann must have heard him because she came over ' you better not be about to quote me' he shook his head at her and winked behind her back making me giggle.


'Right you lazy bunch, basket ball or dodge ball' we all shouted one thing or another well I didn't I loved both games. 'AHH put your hands up don't shout' She laughed, it was a nice sound that got many other people laughing too. 'Basketball?' about fifteen hands went up 'Dodge ball?' about twenty hands went up, both Hunter and chases hands went up grinning madly. I saw out of the corner of my eye Mark grinning, his face twisted into an ugly mask of annoyance and glee. I gulped but I wouldn't let him get me down.


I ended up on Hunters side and Chase, Anna-bell and Mark on the other. I looked down at my right hand, a ring on my thumb that was a ying and yang pendent held in place by what looks like two leaves on each side. My dad said it told my little story, my wild for nature and my total double reaction to everything. I had two others on my left hand aang possesing the crystal for protection in the middle of the symbol used for the same meaning. on my middle finger was my mothers old wedding ring, it was beautiful and simple. . My parents would never know how much I needed them, even in some stupid gym class but I had promised them I would live my life smiling and triumphant. 


Mrs berry got four students to carry two benches to the middle of the room, my heart sped up as she placed two balls on the benches. One on each. 'Right, line up at the back of the walls, if I were you I'd put your fastest at the front.' She winked at me and then blew her whistle as I was shoved forward. I sprinted and grabbed the ball seconds after Chase caught his. He threw his at me with startling force, I pulled my own ball up and hit the ball into the air in the same kind of fashion that you would slip a pancake.


'Nice hit princess' a taunting and ever annoying voice whispered in my ear, figure that he'd be the one to catch the ball. I threw mine dangerously low, catching two people legs causing them to groan and leave, standing on the side lines. A lanky guy with long blond hair and a geekish shy grin caught one and a small bouncy girl the other, her hair was close to black and her clothes were stylish even for working out. The girls ball hit one of the people on the side I was on, I heard someone call her molly from the side lines - ah so she was the principles daughter. She and Annabell bumped hips and grinned coyly at one another. 


The balls were thrown back one after the other, as Mark caught one a girl from the side I was on groaned with pain and slight discomfort. Slowly he joined the sidelines as a guy from the other side stepped back onto the playing field. I suddenly felt like I was playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette as the ball in his hands came flying at me with surprising force. I jumped away with a yelp a grunt of pain came from behind me as a guy got hit square in the stomachs with the ball. 'I'm so sorry!' I said putting my hand on his shoulder as he was walking past me, His hair was long and blond, way past his shoulders. His hair was full of dangeruf and his shoes were falling apart on his feet. He smiled at me weakly as he went to sit down. 


I scowled at Mark and was determined to catch the next one he threw at me, I couldn't bring myself to hurt the guy I did not know not even if he was a jack ass and wanted to hurt me. I picked up the ball and playfully threw it by where Chase and Annabell were standing, both dodged with natural grace and agility. Mark snatched the ball before anyone else could pick it up, he even sent a girl flat on her ass as he pushed passed her violently. His ball this time went straight for my face, I ducked easily and shouted 'Duck!' as I hit the ground.


I looked up as I heard an angry hiss from next to me, Hunter looked well and truly annoyed for lack of better words. Chase shot Annabell a worried look an she slowly creped up on Mark and whispered something in his ear. He grinned at her evilly, my heart sunk just that little bit lower. The ball was thrown back and yet again Mark nudged and forcefully made sure he was the one with the ball, I saw a greedy look convert his already scary face as he pounced and grabbed the second ball. I was truly terrified at this point, the first ball came at me with staggering speed and the second not far behind... Aimed straight for my face! I froze staring.


Painful questions

Chapter 8


  Hunter knocked me out of the way of the first one catching it easily, but the second ball had been slightly off already. It hit me full force in the shoulder, knocking all of the air from my delicate lungs. I pretty much flew back and hit the floor and then rather embarrassingly my head. I let out a panicked little squeak and clutched my head Immediately. Then i put my other hand to the solder that hurt so freaking much, that was going to be a definite bruiser. People came running up and around me, I quickly sat up sucking in a painful breath. 'Chill, I'm getting up' I muttered to the people around me just managing to  keep myself from shivering or stuttering. I heard a grunt and saw Chase standing over Marks fallen form, he clutched at his nose groaning. I didn't have enough energy to laugh or even say anything. I just looked at Chase and Hunter angry 'I can fight my own friggin' battles!' I muttered loudly, embarrassed because I had needed back up. Poor lonely witch asking for the packs help... 'Really looked like it little kitty. Put your claws away' Chase replied humour in his bright eyes. I growled and stood up clenching my teeth. 'Some one take her to the emergency room' Mrs berry said her tone serious 'I'm fine' I complained but she just shot me a look and pointed in, I was guessing, the direction of the first aid room. I sighed and looked around with pleading eyes and then Hunter strutted over and walked in front of me. Not even looking back to see if i followed, I had to practically run to keep up with him. Yes even with the possible concusion.


Out of breath and in pain I finally caught up to him and followed him into the main office I'd only been once before. The lady at the front desk took us to the little emergency room and laid me down as she checked over my shoulder, I blushed furiously trying to move away. 'You have a top on underneath right? Can you remover your top layer please.' More of a statement than an question, I stared into her hard almost black eyes and grey hair twirled into a fancy up-do. Her skirt was long almost hitting her ankles and the tee-shirt she wore was made of the same soft grey material. I shivered and started to politely decline when she shot me a glare so strong I took my tee-shirt off before she even blinked. I sat forward and heard them both gasp when they saw a hint of the scars misinforming my back. 'How did you...' She began to ask. 'Read my file. I don't have tell you shit' i told her angrily, annoying probing people really pissed me off. She nodded sadness filling her eyes, I turned away not wanting to reply the disaster that was once my life but also I avoided Hunter's eyes not even wanting to guess what he thought; most likely revulsion. 


 She, I think her name was Miss Mill's, handed me an icepack to stop the bruising and checked out the back of my head. After swabbing it and checking how big/ small the cut actually was. 'Well i don't think your brains will be falling out any time soon your free to go' I smiled my thanks and left hurriedly. I wanted to literary run off to tim-buck-too but Hunter grabbed my arm 'Scars. Explain. Now' He told, no demanded me. '1 no. 2 honey catches more flies than vinegar and 3 piss off i don't need a body guard. 4 Now listen in here this parts important, instruct me to do something again and i will unman you. ' I tugged my arm from his grip and walked briskly away. 'Unman! Ha!' He chuckled as I retreated back to the changing room to change. 



A dull past doesn't mean i'll have a bright future...

Chapter 9


 Finally I found English, I was around ten minuets late. I was lucky to get the changing room to my self so I removed my under-shirt, it was starting to smell a little ripe. I used roll on, quickly combed my tangled hair allowing it to cover my face once more, it was still a little knotted and frazzled but it looked fine. My hair fell freely, clearly overpassing my chest and swinging naturally. 


I entered to see an average sized woman leaning against her desk talking sweet non-sense with her students. As she she saw me enter she rose to her full height, jeez she must be near six feet! But her obvious like of English made her seem like one of the little librarians. Guess I shouldn't judge I thought with a little inside giggle.


 Her smile was massive and nose small it was a little odd but she seemed entirely loveable. 'Glad you could finally join us' she said with a wink, her strong voice carried with a lovely jingle to it.'Sorry!' I muttered sitting in the only available seat, practically directly under her nose. 'Right, lovely's its time for the homework swap! Read and give back some nice criticism' I saw her eye some students at the back but I couldn't quite force myself to look back. She quickly carried all the front slips of paper, everyone quickly jotting their name, then the back and handed them out as she began to shuffle them. 


'If you find yourself crying on the floor,

does that make you afraid or broken?

If you find yourself laughing in the silence, 

does that make you humours or outspoken?

If you find yourself constant in this love or lust,

Should you go for a test or receive this token?


Should you live or dream what's left ? 

Will you be sad to see me leave ? 

Or just regret,when I am gone.

Complete hokum.'




I looked at the barely legible signature and laughed aloud. 'What's wrong miss Mae?' Miss price asked smiling absent mindedly. 'Didn't think hunter could actually speak, let alone write in any form that was literate.' I told her with a grin. She grinned back 'Literacy cometh in many shape and form' and then went back to marking something on her desk. 


'This is actually good, I'm surprised. Using every other line to rhyme is a nice technique, and then making the last paragraph in the patten with hokum, is a really good way to relate the paragraphs and shows unique style. But you should mind using words like me or I it comes across standoffish; as if you do not have the capability or capacity to feel yourself allowing me to ask 'are you human?' Yet you ask if the other person will break down, other than that I do think it's really good that you ask the rhetorical questions in the first paragraph, almost hinting you can actually feel.' 


I know it was low and I felt ashamed as I walked up to him and just dropped the page on his desk before walking away. His face full of surprise made me want to laugh aloud but I decided it was probably better I didn't.  Miss Price looked at me with eyebrows raised when I returned to my seat 'Hunter helped me by analysing my poem when I did my own in tutor, his assistance was unneeded but sweet all the same I just wanted to return his kind favour.' I told her sweetly. I heard a few students chuckle, snort or giggle and I barely managed to not blush or giggle myself. I returned to my seat and waited for the person marking mine to give it back to me. Written in neat handwriting was this; 


 "A tear, full of pain or laughter. Can it tell a story? Must you bother," Strange transition... it sounds more of a book story cause poems don't normally have transitions like that, it sounds almost as if the person is broken and should just stay that way... nice attempt though new girl. 



I sighed would no one ever taken me seriously! So what if it wasn't what you would normally write! Agh and I am not broken. Well maybe I was but it was just mean to insinuate this. Well I guess it was Karma considering what I had written to hunter. Silently I apologised but maybe he'd leave me alone if he thought I didn't like him, detested him even. But he was one of the few guys in my life who held me to keep me from danger from himself or others. ugh I'd known him not even half a day...


The rest of the lesson was spent looking at poems in the book I was given a copy of, she would read one out and ask random students for explanations.


Every time she asked me I kept silent not wanting to call any more attention to myself. Or quietly agreeing with other students, when she told me to give a description of one she just read out and I just shrugged she shot me a glare. 'Max I have given you time and time again to answer these questions. From your previous school report you were said to be a promising student. If you keep refusing to apply yourself I will have to drop you to foundation!' she warned, I wanted to be withdrawn but she knew she had me. Years and years I have been working my ass of for the grades I have received, I had always been one step behind the rest of the class. Finally I was ahead and I couldn't fall behind again.



I sighed loudly. 'The woman who wrote this poem, she was apologising. She had done something to pain a child. It almost sounds like she cheated on a husband but I believe the child was cheated of life. She believes that something the child had to live through was her fault. Maybe the mother drank during pregnancy or something. I hear that's a... um slightly common thing these days.' The class was in up-raw with this suggestion saying I was 'wrong' and 'sick' for thinking this. 'What mother would drink and potentially kill a child?' Miss price looked at me with a slightly confused look on her face. Slowly she went back to her desk wrote something in to her computer. I sighed and packed away my things ready to leave and go to the principles office. As I stood she shot me another confused look. 'Have you read this before? Or perhaps studied the author?' She asked me.


'Uh no, I was lead to believe the author was unknown..' I said slightly startled by her question. 'Listen here you judgemental lot, Max please take a seat your not going anywhere' She told me smiling slightly. She took in a deep breath and began to read 'The book in-front of you made from many famous artists but to insure that none of you cheated on homework and tests we took away there names. I searched in the name of this writer and it was said the anther's daughter Selena was killed in a drunk car crash. The woman was the drinker, she hadn't had enough in her system to make her unstable or unable to drive but she blamed herself. This book was found in the mental hospital she died in, many of her poems came from her book. Many dismissed her as a crazy, mentally unstable woman but after her death her poems leaked onto the internet.'  I looked back down at my desk, everyone was silent for the next few minuets. When the bell went of I ran from the class wanting to just fill my empty belly. 





Can't I eat anything around here !!?

Chapter 10 


 I practically skip in a kind of run towards the lunch hall, I had missed breakfast and my belly was starting to complain loudly. The cafeteria was HUGE, kids from the ages of 11 to 19 ( that's with sixth-form of course) The  room was spacey with classy ( yeah that's for real!) white tables and comfortable blue plastic chairs. Across the top of the hall was an long breakfast bar, not tables pushed together but a breakfast bar !!! I stood a gape until I was knocked forward. I grabbed a tray and looked across the board; sandwich ( which has wheat in every case and meat in some) pizza is the same problem, Ravioli has wheat so that's a no and sausages and mash. Granted I could eat the mash but on its own - ew.


'Umm. I'm really sorry to ask but do you have anything vegetarian and gluten free?' I asked the plump looking lunch assistant. 'Yeah sure you are sweet. New crazy diet' She asked but kinda stated at the same time. 'Nope' I said with a grin. She pointed at the salad bar and I went over sighing, don't get me wrong I love me a bit of salad but I really couldn't see myself living off of a little bit of lettuce . I sighed and half loaded up my plate and sat by a tall  boy with big ( kinda stylish, well I liked them but I wasn't one for style) black framed glasses. 'Shouldn't you be sat on that table with a diet like that?' He had a snobbish yet kind voice, as if he was doubting him self not me. 'Ugh not you too! I mean look at me, I'm hardly stylish. Gluten free not by choose and vegetarian.' He snorted which in my books made him cute ( not in an attractive overly appealing hot off the market sort of way way but still it was nice and cute ) He ( from what I could see) had skinny black jeans on and a white tank top with some band I didn't know. His nose was  little but suited him. He had kind brown eyes that made me think of fudge. His brown hair was covered in some kind of jell or wax to keep it styled and in place.  'You passed' He told me grinning with pearly white teeth.


'Huh?' I asked dumbfounded. 'My test. We can now be friends' He told me smirking. To be truthful he was a little irksome but he seemed okay. I nodded once not looking at him, I kinda didn't do friends but I needed someone right. And to be honest I really didn't want to leave his side, he was actually nice. 'You hold your self in very high opinion' I told him returning a smirk of my very own. 'Well if I don't Max no one will' He grinned a little when I was shocked that he knew my name, yet again everyone seemed to. 'I'm Leon, yeah geeky name but my parents were kinda geeky and I love it.' His grin stretched far beyond the regions of what it should. I grinned back, I couldn't help it, his grin was entirely contagious. 'Is everyone self ritchious here or is it just you, chase, Hunter and Mark?' I asked, honestly I was curious. 'Nope, comes with the territory I'm afraid. Soon you'll be just like us' His voice had dropped on the last part, making it all the more creepier he Chuckled this evil laugh that seemed to echo across the room.


 But somehow his laugh warmed me instead of scared me, I grinned back and stuck my tong. 'Na I'm totally pompous. Looking in the mirror all the time.' I flicked my hair in the girl way I'd seen some other girl do but ruined it with a blush as I saw Hunter looking right at me, from across the room. Guess he really could see me in a room full of people. I just rolled my eyes and looked at the guy sitting in-front of me. 'Anyway Miss popular, I am Leon just plain old Leon and you couldn't be pompous if you tried!' he told me sweetly. 'Ha you must be gay or something I swear' I told him grinning, his blush was evident and I felt bad for embarrassing him.


'Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean you looked or acted gay I just meant that you know about style - which doesn't include which pleated shirt goes with which freaking dress up shoe. I didn't mean embrace you' I told him concern leaking into my very features, he truly was nice and I didn't want to loose him as a friend already. 'No, you just startled me.' he lowered his voice considerably, 'No ones ever guessed before. My fathers the town priest, I don't think anyone would even guess.' He told me his eyes darting all across the room. 'You know its perfectly fine, Gay and lesbian marriage is not mentioned in the bible once. You know what is, Divorce - now that my friend is really looked down upon.' He looked at me with such the brightest grin on his face I couldn't help but grin back.


'Do you know why you shouldn't call an homosexual a faggot?' he asked me, I shook my head intrigued 'Well, back in the 1900's, when they had castles and horses they also burned people at the stake. Do you know what the sticks at the bottom that are used to light the fire and bundled there at the bottom?' When I shook my head he carried on, a sad look on his little cute face 'Well there called faggots. When they would burn a terrorist, a murderer or even an adultrist they would use a stake and burn them. Now when they caught gay people they would throw them onto the faggots and let them burn alive.'His voice went deeper with sadness and moisture came into his eyes 'The wouldn't even have a stake to call their own. No time or date, they were just thrown on the fire like pigs were.' He stopped and he looked like he actually wanted to cry. I stood up and rapped my small arms around his naturally bigger and longer body. It was a little awkward over the table but he cheered up all the same.


'And can I say Dannng girrrl, you just practically showed half of the schools fine ass students your fine ass' He was laughing so hard at my blushing he nearly fell off of his seat. 'You're a real meanie!' I told him covering my face. He was still laughing as this more than slightly Goth girl came over, she was a little on the puppy fat side but what girl of our age shouldn't be ! I smiled sweetly and she shot me a death glare 'What's princess tutu doing here, got no one better yet' She sneered. Her face was deathly white and her make-up was all jet black. She wore a tight, dark purple corset looking tee-shirt and really skinny black jeans. Her shoes were massive and chunky and I had apslutaly no idea how she even thought about walking let alone striding in them. 'ugh my other friends were all left behind in the loonies bin ' I said making my eyes go all-wide and crazy, I pulled some half crazed face face to match.


Surprisingly she grinned, a jaw splitting grin and looked at Leon 'Yay we got to her before the Cray's did' She jumped up and down with surprising vigour. 'Some say their crazy, I show all seven and nine signs of crazy.. not that I know what they are but Mwhahaha!' I said dramatically. Her eyes lit up with such light it was surprising with eyes so dark. They seemed to reflect light not absorb it . 'Can I keep her please!!!' she asked with such sweetness I grinned back. 'Sorry she's going back to the bin tomorrow, from what I hear lilly I'd stay far away' said Leon with a little grin of his own. 


'Try and make me!' She said sticking her little pink tong at him. 'Lilly put your tong away before you drool all over Leon again' Said a deep charming voice. 'Hey that was once and I was like four !!' She complained loudly to the guy standing next to her, her oblivious adoration to her was so evident to all but him. He was short, blond and a simple cross lay across his neck. His plain grey top looked soft and well worn, matching his grey eyes perfectally. He was the only guy I had seen that had worn basket ball type shorts all day. They were light blue with black criss-crossing across them, he had simple trainers on that were a dark blue. His miss-matched colour and style was obvious but no one here actually seemed to care, I was starting to like this school a little more every minuet.


'Ugh do they sell coffee here? Not even this rabbit food will be enough sustenance to keep me alive for much longer!' I complained laying my head on my hands. 'So eat a burger!' said the new guy smiling, his teeth were bright white and completely straight. 'Vegetarian and gluten kills my insides a little' I told him poking to my belly. 'Oh, hmm..' He said thoughtfully. 'Right come on we can't let her die lets go. I'm Tig by the way' He told me enthusiastically. 'What we can leave campus ?!' I said excitedly 'Nope, but my mum works in the kitchen. I'm sure she'll find you something.' He told me grinning. 'Uh I.I. can't. T-that would p-put pressure on you mum. I'm fine' I said with big pleading eyes, refusing to budge, I got up quickly and left the cafeteria. Their eyes followed my every move but I couldn't help it I just didn't want the extra attention or pressure. 


Right now all I wanted was energy and food, since I was going to get neither I might as well just go into the library and ignore everything. I walked into the surrounded smell of musk and slight damp. Every wall was full floor to ceiling with all kinds of books. This wasn't like any other library, the only books shelves were the ones attached to the walls - The walls were massive and very high, the room actually looked like it was once a church. or some kind of religious place. In the front of the room sat Leather seats facing one another with tables and chess boards in between them. Bean bags were strewn in corners of the room and people leisurely sat on them reading. Across the back lay six individual tables, a computer on each and then five steps forward was another six computers desks, It was set up in such a way that the whole room was reachable and noticeable you could walk between each desk and see each person (well kinda) who was sat at one.


I sat on one of the blue swivel chairs, right in the back, hiding behind some sweet nerds .I allowed my mind the freedom I wouldn't normally succumb to but as of today I felt like I needed to wake up and smell the freaking roses. Every single person on the god forbidden planet has a story, a simplistic path that goes from a to b. Now the not so simple part was the 'how to get where you wanted' or 'how you can do it' Now that took you down every extended lane, over every cobble, bump and curb... You couldn't just shove some child into a cupboard for like ten years and expect them to live and / or survive the climate change! Some people had it easy, money, cars and the best education but who was to say they didn't suffer greatly too.


What if the lawyers son wanted to be a singer or a freaking clown... Ugh thinking hurt my brain. I thought of all the small miseries that brought me to this very place. Every piece of emotional turmoil that brought me to this very spot. I wondered if my 'birth parents' were both actually my parents... I dozed thinking of all the bizarre people who could be my actual parents, don't get me wrong I loved my adopted parents dearly but I did wonder how I came in to this world; would I learn from nature or nurture. 





I'm not tired I just sleep...


 Chapter 11 


I woke up with a cricked neck and stiff back; add fifty to my 17 years and 11 months and that was how I felt. It was my first day and I'd officially fallen asleep twice. I chuckled to my self and packed my things away, It had been the bell that had woken me from my peaceful yet slightly uncomfortable slumber. History - shoot me in the face and lay me down to rest ! I loved learning about wars and past mistakes but sports, leisure and tourism really suck ass... I wanted to be able to engage in history not catch up on lost sleep. I sighed and hurried to find the class room S3 ( so that's second floor right ??!) ahh why was everything so new and confusing, couldn't I just skip the first week - just know people and places no more uncertainty.


I walked into the class and the first thing I saw was some kind of hippy circle; tables pushed to the outside of the room and the chairs adoring the middle. The class teacher was about mid twenties and had obvious 'I'm the boss now shut up issues'. He was calling out a lanky guy with acne and geeky glasses as I walked into the room. 'Has no one told you about my strickt - not acceptions; You're late, you're out rule!' He asked annoyed ( his name was Mr Fitzpatrick ) 'Nope' I said smiling a cocky smile that I reserved for jackasses; even if they happened to be a teacher. He had a plain white shirt and a grey blazer with matching trousers. He wore a silver tie that seemed to tie in nicely ( haha tie in nicely ) , I'd say he looked nice if he wasn't so rude. 'Right, if your not clear on the rules, and I state this to every student in this class. Do some homework and I wont lock you out of the class with a zero on your online mark.' His voice seemed to boom with fake vigour and false authority. I rolled my eyes and sat in the only available seat; funnily enough it was directly next to Lilly, I grinned and she returned the smile mouthing 'you okay?' and I nodded plastering a semi fake smile on my face. 'Well read pages three through to seven and then we will discuss.' He handed me a little red book that read 'Sports, leisure and tourism'. 


We did as he said, I would explain in such detail that you'd die a little inside like I had but I am not cruel nor do I posses the brain power. When I yawned a jaw breaking jaw the teacher looked at me annoyed 'I'm not tired I just sleep' I muttered much to my class mates amusement. The rest of the lesson was practically Q and A, it was rather boring to be honest. I promised my ant that I would buy new shoes, the trainers on my feet were practically held together by the mud. I walked the same way we had driven to go to town passing the school. I had said bye to Lilly promising to meet up with her tomorrow. 


 In actuality it surprisingly only took me ten minuets to walk to town from the school, If I was quick I could buy a coffee, shoes and be out before the migraines set irritated out of my mind  but first I needed to find a cash machine. When I finally found one I sighed in relief stood in front of the newly found cash machine frustrated out of my mind it took freaking ages to find the machine and I hadn't even started to look for a shoe shop let alone a coffee shop!


I put my card into the as my mother used to say 'hole in the wall' but for some reason this machine was acting weirdly! It asked me for my pin twice, I gave up on the third time and I received an error flash and then 'card denied' Crappy day, crappy machine and crappy town!!' I complained looking for an santander bank so I could talk about this messed up machine I turned to leave and seemed to walk into a lamp post or something! 'Oww!' I complained rubbing my already sore head.


Air rushed out of my lungs and I wasn't intently sure it if I was because of the bump I'd taken or the oh so familiar face of the man standing before me. I recognised the after shave that seemed to follow me around like a bad smell ( truth be told it was a good smell but I would never tell him that..) 'Can't forget a little fix of yours truly.' He told me coyly. I rolled my eyes up to where they could meet his, I snorted such unladylike sound I just couldn't help but laugh at myself. He must have thought I was crazy or something. Maybe it was better that way... 




I am surrounded by an awful lot of people, for a loner

 Chapter 12


'Awh damn but i just caught myself wishing I had joined an all girls boarding school! You must know my mind better than me dude that's known me one day...' I told him not entirely sarcastic. I rubbed my shoulder absent-mindedly thinking about where the bank could be. 'Swallow your card?' he asked me eyes kind. I nodded my head in a single movement conformation. He took off walking in a random direction and I couldn't help but follow. Ugh why did I follow him I though bitterly, why am I always following him? We couldn't get more then five passes without getting stopped for one thing or another. When we were stuck in a group of five guys for about ten minuets now I reached down and tugged Hunters hand lightly. He nodded barely; if I hadn't been looking for a response i wouldn't have seen it. He said his good byes and we finally entered the bank! 'For such a small town you do get bothered an awful lot.' I said quietly, he grinned 'Yeah if you haven't done your toe nails the whole freaking town knows' he murmured almost to himself.


His face expressed such shock and confusion couldn't help but laugh and retort 'Know from experience lover boy' I found myself hinting at the fact that I knew the rumours of his nocturnal affairs and the fact that yes he had just  told me he forgets to chop his toe nails. I wasn't actually sure that, that was the right way to start a conversation but I couldn't care less. 'Why did you get so angry with miss mills?' He asked quietly, his face wasn't lit up with curiosity more like shame for asking but he also portrayed the look of need, Like it would kill him if he didn't know. 'Agh this really does follow you around. Half the freaking world knows! If you look hard enough you'll find the answer to your question.' I told him the fight leaving me, someone was going to find out eventually, right. He shrugged nonchalant; his whole demeanour suggested not caring or noticing, I don't even think he was paying attention. Did he care or just not mind ? He shrugged passively 'If i wanted to get the answers from someone else I would have already done so, princess.' He added the nickname as an after touch, maybe to distract me or maybe just to hint that I did actually mean something; I guess ill never know.


I sighed and shook my head 'Maybe one day I'll be able to speak about it... but just...' I closed my eyes to shut away the tears that wanted to burst from the very seems of my eyes.  'Welcome Maxine to Lyme Regis, the place where every single person is up in your business and you can't even forget to clip your nails without 20 freaking people telling you.' I couldn't help it, he was just so random and kind I started laughing silently – I would have laughed aloud but he was holding me so tight I could hardly breathe. But for anything I wouldn't give this moment up.


He tilted his face down confused 'Please don't cry I didn't mean..' He had loosened up his grip when he had tried to see my face, to be honest I don't think I had ever laughed so much in my life. I nearly even laughed my self onto the floor, if it wasn't for his arms I would have been on the floor curled in a ball laughing. 'Ah breathe woman!' He said jokingly but grinning all the same. When I began breathing normally we entered the bank I would never have known was there. 'I was just thinking.. Your poem' Oh no! I thought desperately trying to find an escape but then I realised i didn't really want to... Hmm. This guy was going to bring me a whole load of trouble. 'What if H stood for Hanna or something. How screwed up would that be!' He told me laughing.


'OH My God; i hadn't even thought of that! Wow that would be a crappy start to a new year!' I told him also laughing. 'See its better to like one another - less people get hurt.' He told me grinning with such mirth I wanted to.. laugh too.. Something is seriously wrong with me. Maybe I should see a doctor, I am not a laughing person. 'People get hurt around me anyway...' I told him quietly we were being called up to the counter but what he said to me made me want to freeze in my tracks. 'Is it because of your magic?' I shook my head and went to the counter. She talked of some technical problem with the machine I had used and handed me back my card. I  nodded my thanks and left this confusing little bank room. 'I guess you saw..' I told him rolling my eyes. I Sighed loudly and turned to face his concerned face. 'No, if anything that slightly helps. What does suck is that I can't help the people I love or care about.' I told him plainly, I couldn't help but feel defeated. 'Even magicans cannot stop the crule from being the way they are nor can they free thoes hurt from them.'



This is no laughing matter!


Chapter 13 


Gloomly we left the bank, but a woman lets say rarther top heavy was in such a rush with all her shopping she nearly fell clean over 'That would have been a definate arse over tit.' I mumbled to myself. 'Seriously Max language!' 'I am no cherished lady jeez.' I replied annoyed.


 He Laughed. I couldn't help it I wanted to slap him across his oh so merry face. But somewhere, some part of me wanted to laugh too. I must have been giving him such a glare that he laughed even more so, he put his hand on my shoulder to stabilise himself. Since when did we become so familiar? It's my first day here - in his presence. I mean and he was already touching me freely and for some reason I had no problem with that! 'Okay coffee first !' I told him excitedly, jumping up and down a little for emphasis and because I purely felt the need to. 'Did you know that per say means 'in itself' its actually a Latin word' I said with a little grin. He just raised an eye brow at me and began walking.


We got closer and closer to the coffee store and under my breath I muttered 'Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee. ' I skipped closer to the store happier every step of the way. I heard Hunter snort but I just shot him an annoyed look and carried on my miniature chant. I ordered a cafe mocha from a short bubbly woman -  which is basically an espresso, chocolate and hot delicious milk all swirled into one delicious beverage. 'Let me guess sweetie - just plain coffee for you?' she asked Hunter he shook his head and asked for hot chocolate we both looked at him surprised. 'What! Its, how does ann put it' His voice rose an octave or two 'so sweet and yummy.' I grinned - I personally loved hot chocolate but it went so much better with coffee. He rolled his eyes and dragged me to a small table with arm chairs, I snuggled into the chairs embrace and sighed happily.


 'So what do you need next?' he asked with a little chuckle. 'Shoes, shoes, shoes' I  said and then groaned. 'Don't like shoe shopping much?' He asked looking at me like I was weird. I shook my head and drank some of the oh so sweet drink that was placed before me. I couldn't help it, I loooove coffee so much. ( Ohno did i just use a four letter love word. No!)


After we finished drinking we headed into a store that sold shoes its name was pretty lame 'Shoes 4 yous' Or something like that, I really wanted to climb up there and draw an apostrophe. I looked around again and slumped so many freaking shoes! I felt the migraine begin to make its self present, I reached into my back pack and took my glasses out, they usually helped a little. They were the geeky kind of fashionable that girls tended to wear these days. I was too grumpy when I went for my eye tests and the woman had ended up choosing for me, even I had to admit though I kinda liked them. 'You oka..Ha love the glasses!' he told me grinning as he waved a pair of heals in my face I walked passed him and went straight to the boots part of the store.


I looked at all the different types of black boots and rolled my eyes. Instead I looked at the trainers and picked out a pair of black running shoes, they had pink ticks or something. They'd do I guess. Hunter lifted up a pair of shoes that looked like doc martins - within seconds I loved them. They were smoky grey with zips adoring each side. Immediately I looked for a size three and tried them on. They fit snugly and were oh so beautiful.' Ahhh shoes' I said with a little grin I grinned and took both shoes to the cashier. 


As soon as we left the store I was bouncing again. 'Shoes, shoes, shoes!' I sang and turned in a circle. I swear to god in that very second it began to rain. The rain is something I truly adore.



The girl with the broken smile


Chapter 14




She stood there grinning in the rain, shoving her phone, iPod and headphones into her bag along with her shoes she jumped and spun as if the world was full of butterfly's and smiles. She was the only person as excited as she was to get a freaking pair of shoes, yet hated shopping! She twirled and danced in the rain, her feet were probably soaking. Even I could see the shoes were pretty much dead, they probably should have already been buried if you ask me. As people ran from the rain I stood watch her simple, ecstatic happiness. I held out my hand to her and with a slow broken smile she took it. Slowly we span together, neither of us really knowing how to dance.


But for some reason it seemed like everything was completely, utterly and totally perfect. 'Even when its not alright its not over. If the world throws you mud, grow the best freaking flowers around.'


Her voice was low, lower than the wind and rain as they clambered down upon us.

Lower than the retreating footsteps that left us in a storm of happiness.

Lower even than her heart that would not stop its excited beat. 


How could one girl who was so not alright be so happy and care free?! She seemed as if she had a pair of her very own wings that could carry her away, take away her misery and pain. In the couple of hours I had known her she seemed to have nothing tethering her to this world that she was so apart of. For some reason I wanted so bad to share her happiness, the freedom and on going voice she seemed to posses.


She had seemed to have come from nothing, gained something and lost everything what a confusing thought!


She twirled and swayed to the imaginary music with her oh so peculiar eyes closed. I spotted a fountain close by and I couldn't help my self, I lifted her slender body in my arms, unhooking her bag from her shoulders and dropped her in. She shrieked and scowled at me an annoyed look but then looked down at herself and snorted. 'You hunter. Not god are, truly mean!' She told me trying to cover her see through top with her arms. She gave up and splashed at me but I jumped out of the waters reach 'I am so going to get you!' she shouted at me, I ran off dropping her bag on a near by bench that was kind of dry because of the over hanging tree next to it. She jumped out of the water and sprinted after me, She became closer and closer with every heart beat. Suddenly I just stopped for no reason, turning I caught her as she ran straight into me. Carefully I took her glasses from her heart shaped face, I looked into her shining eyes and lowered my face until my lips pressed hers. She shoved me so hard I nearly fell onto my ass. 'Whaa..' I began to ask. 'No! You don't get to do that!' She shouted, her annoyance evident. 




Some times you have to take the cowards approach and run


Chapter 15 


 I turned away and sprinted away from this cruel man, how could he do this to me! You can't just kiss people because you feel like it! It's wrong and mean! Argh in that very moment I hated him so much. We were having a amazing evening! Why did he have to be the man to steal my first kiss; and yes he had stole it. He truly was the meanest man. But in actuality all he had done was treat me like a woman...  Most people my age had already kissed a person. The were miles ahead of me.


I AM NOT LIKE OTHER PEOPLE! I screamed silently, the storm seemed to get so much worse. Air swirling angrily around me. Water flying from puddles just to slam down again. I felt like a whole water version of an rugby team was trying to beat on me. I grabbed my bag and began the long run, to what I now call, home. 


I'm pretty sure that I have never been as soaping wet, ever, than in this very moment. I'm pretty sure the water that surrounded, me drowned in it's very own liquid form. I'm no longer sure if I had cried at all on the run home. Not that I had remembered the run. It was kind of like muscle memory. That's the only way I know how to explain how I can run and not remember doing it. 


Nelson was sat outside of my house, Bo cuddled under his arm half asleep. I swear this guy was so close to me he could have been my brother, never argued with me so he could have also been my best friend, nagged about my eating habits he could have been my mother. The first time I had met him my kitten Tinka was following me and Bo on a morning run , well skate . I was scared about other dog's coming along and using him as a chew toy.



He was so tiny, don't get me wrong he was six months so he was aloud outside, but he had - had an hernia when he was given to me. The hernia had fallen into his belly button and he had nearly died, it took months of healing and growing for him to be normal sized. I had called him Tinka because he came to me broken bless him. Not long after he had been run over by a car, thus losing his tail and one of his hind legs.


'Tinka get your scrawny ass here right now!' I half whispered and half yelled when suddenly a chuckle came up behind me ( it was my first day here and I had already lost my freaking kitten!) I jumped. 'Lost your puppy?' He asked sweetly. 'Ha nope. Even worse my kitten ! He decided to go on some crazy ass re-con mission!' I told him exasperated.


He had white head phones hanging around his neck ( the kind that cover your ear, not just your ear hole). His dark hair was cut short ish, well it didn't come past his ears or sweep into his eyes. Well it was held up by jell or something. He wore knacki type shorts that came past his knees and a plain black vest to. His black trainers were chunky and exactly what a skater would wear. He had a single band on his left wrist, material of some sort. He held his own board under his left arm. 


His laugh was free and he even threw his head back as he laughed. It took us both half an hour to catch the little bugger, after that we met every morning to run Bo - well that is until I started school. Now we meet after, which is why he was waiting there now. 


Gently he pushed Bo from his lap and engulfed me in his arms. 'What's the matter my little M and M?' He asked, only he would know something was wrong. He knew I hated talking about the past but over the last few weeks I had told him everything. I didn't think I could ever live without him, after he came to my house a week after I knew him with a black eye I couldn't hold back my horrible past. His farther was a drunk and took out his mothers leaving on him when he got drunk. Now he just turns up and my ant just lets him in no questions asked. He is pretty much her foster son and me her daughter. 


'Max tell me who the hell made you cry!' He asked me angrily. I lay my hand on his face and kissed his cheek affectionately. 'Nessie shh, its was an honest mistake. Come inside and i'll tell you after I change.' He nodded and opened the door with a key chain that was black instead of silver. My ant had given us both one on the fourthday of our friendship. 'I've had a freaking-nough of opening the door for you two ploks. I am not a door man' She had told us one day, presenting us both with keys. Even I'd be annoyed if someone kept waking me up at random hours of the morning to open the door.


With cold, numb fingers I pulled the drenched clothes from my half frozen body and changed into loose fitting blue jeans that have the make of 'boyfriend' or something ridiculous. On the front it has two patches sewn on, that I thought were really cool and they bundled at the bottom. I wore a plain red tank top and a grey hoody with thumb holes in the sleeves. 


When I went down stairs Nell was in his usual skinny black jeans and a white tee with some random adored band he probably never listened to anymore. He also wore a snap cap with the words 'disobey' written across the hard part of the hat. And 'I love haters' written across the back. It was a hat i brought him  a week  ago for his nineteenth. I designed it online along with some batman converse. That had the words 'I left my genius in my other shoes' 



Nell handed me my favourite travel mug, he'd obviously grabbed it from my bag, I didn't mind - I could never hide anything from him anyway, I'm pretty sure he was what you call a truth finder. He literally could tell when any single person was lying, he couldn't tell what the lie was he could just feel it. 'Nessie!' I complained as he dragged me to the couch and pushed me lightly down. I called him Nessie cause he was so freaking tall, he was 6 feet  six inches and I just about reached his shoulder. 'Don't Nessie me, speak.' He told me with calm annoyance. I began my story and he watched me speak in silence not interrupting me once. 


Can you hear me ?

  Chapter 16 


'It's not like he hurt me or anything, its just that i wanted to control my fist kiss not have it stolen like a last breath. I know its not important...' For the first time he interrupted me, gently he laid his finger over my lips in a hush sigh. 'M you have every right to be annoyed, frustrated and angry even. How would you know if its important or not sweetie, you've never really even kissed a man before.' He told me pain in his soft green eyes. I must have reflected his pained look back at him because he kissed my forehead and once again wrapped me in his warm embrace. 


 We drank coffee and waited the storm out, speaking of our first days back to school / college - he was doing his second year of A levels in a near by college. He was so smart and had such a strong sense of wrong and right, he wanted to be a lawyer or police officer. We finished this very taxing day with some really cheesy and fake horror movies. After a few hours of silent watching the pathetic attempt at horrors I grabbed the guitar that was left lying next to the cream couch ( it was comfy and even matched the cream carpet and cream walls). I pulled off all the colourful pillows from my lap and began playing a random tune, I could kind of play but I'm pretty sure I was just plain crap at singing. When compared to Nelson I was pretty much plain Jane, When I purposely struck the wrong note three times, he stole the guitar from my grasp and began to play softly himself. 


'Are you coming to the party on the beach on Saturday ?' He asked me, probably for the third time ( I had a bad memory !) this week. I nodded and grinned laying my head on his left lap listening to his soft melody. 'Sure remind me tomorrow.' I told him sleepily. He chuckled, I'd probably said the same thing for the last week. You tend to get to know someone very quickly when you spend from six posibly five am with them, nessie suffered from an alcholic dad and what kept me up was the nightmares of the past. We were both hiding thus became friends quickly.


It feels like day one all over again

Chapter 17


I awoke in my own bed, clothes from the night before feeling stiff and gritty on my skin. My stomach grumbled unhappily, I had skipped a few meals yesterday. I hopped into the shower after making three cups of coffee and taking my travel mug in the shower with me. I drank, woke up properly and clean every inch of my skin and put the much needed conditioner into my hair that had seen too much water rectally. Bo trotted over and jumped in the shower with me, I laughed and washed her little furry body. It was pretty common for her to just open the door and jump in, sometimes it was like having a little sister - I wouldn't change her for the world. Tinka my cat jumped on the sink sniffing at the half drunk coffee. 


I rapped myself in a towel, grabbed my coffee and Tinka. l and passed Nellie in the kitchen drinking the coffee I had made for him, he held a tower aloft and quickly bent down to dry Bo with it. With a smile  I finished my drink in one gulp and deposited the cup and Tinka on the side. Nellie had already filled the cat and dog bowl with food. I ran up the stairs and came back down in light blue skinny jeans that were stylishly covered in rips and a tee shirt that stopped just before my belly button, it showed off the tattoo of a dream catcher with a tree in the circle. I put in the silver nose ring i adored . Applied eye liner and mascara to my eyes and blood red lipstick. The belly shirt was long sleved white with a spaltter of red and black sworls.


I looked down at my timetable for the day, English, Biology and Chemistry dang-it kill me now ! I had taken PE as extra circular rather than an actual lesson, so I only had it two days a week - Monday and Thursday.


  • Monday P.E, English, bio, Chem

  • Tuesdays - bio, chem, history

  • No class on Wednesdays.

  • Thursday-  Tutorial .P.E, English, history

  • Friday - Chem bio English History


I put the new grey, AAAAhhmazing boots on and played music dramatically to show how cool my new boots were as I walked down to the kitchen. Even my ant was up 'Jodie' Nellie nudged her silently laughing at me. I kicked my feet forward one at a time, down each step. At the end I did a little twirl probably looking like a fool but I didn't care. 'So you finally managed to tear yourself away from Mr Hole. Riddled' Said Aunty Jodie with an amused little smile. It was the last morning I would see her because she was going on a resort for a month, she would come back for a weekend every fortnight. After seeing my mental health was stable and well-being was all taken care of she had no reason to tell her boss she couldn't go. 


I hugged her tight as we said our final departing words, threatening all the way that if nelson didn't look after me that he'd need to put his fingers in his nostrils to hold himself up - or something like that anyway. He kissed he gently on the cheek and she left blushing. Was there something there or was I mistaken, Jodie was only 22 so it could be a possibility. 'If you become my uncle that means I can't walk around the house in my towel anymore!' I complained but lightened up when I saw the rosy hint to his cheeks.


I laughed and nearly fell on the floor. 'You're such a cuttie some times.' I told him with a little giggle, he rolled his eyes and grinned back at me. 'Oooh someone looks ready for war' he told me grinning. 'I didn't know you had a tat!' he exclaimed looking at the bottom of my ribs, a fairy hanging on top of the feathers stuck out. 'Are you taking Bo for a walk ?' I asked, he started at 10.45 instead of 8.45 he nodded and kissed my head as I grabbed my bag, headphones and skateboard. Today I didn't care, I just wanted to get there get this day over with and leave. I hugged him tight, I couldn't even mutter the words goodbye anymore. 


I felt my heart constrict thinking that once again I was alone, Nel couldn't be there all the time he had his own life, college and work to deal with. I forced myself to calm down and quickly made my way to school. I felt all nervous and sweaty, I was on my own again, What in all the hells would I do with myself ?! 


When I skated into the car park all I saw was Chase leaning against a sleek black, car that I had no idea what the make or what year it was made , grinning his crazy little grin at me. 'Well good morning little kitten.' He said I must have given him a huh look because his smile came impossibly wider still. I bent down and picked up my slightly muddy and wet board muttering 'Morning' moodily, I was still annoyed about Hunter. Just then Nellie pulled up along side me, skating on his own board, Bo in tow. 'Hello baby!' I cooed at her panting form. 'Well hello to you too M n M. You forgot something. 'He told me handing me my travel mug filled completely with coffee.


'MMMMmmm' I muttered closing my eyes and severing the taste. 'Man I'm gonna have nightmares from the chainsaw dude! He really is ugly as fuck' I told Nel, not wanting him to go. 'Yea I know right, I wouldn't fuck him!' He told me in the carefree way that was pretty much his life. 'HA! You're talk is as cheep as his face' I told him grinning like the devil. 'That hurt!' He told me taking a pretend stagger. I looked off into the forest noting that Chase still stood there. Nellie must have noticed too because he introduced himself as nelson. They chatted about how they knew me and school and normal stuff guys talked about. 'Hey kitten, food for thought.' Chase said to me nudging me gently. 'My brain has gone so long without food it's probably anorexic.' He chuckled but left it alone. I hugged Nellie close once again, because Bo was getting over excited and wanted to run. 'Remember, ill be picking you up Saturday at 8!' He called back as he and Bo started to leave. 'Goodbye' he called as he left. 'There is nothing good about goodbyes. Why do people even use that freaking saying' I muttered angrily. 


Sometimes I think I was better off alone, at home

Chapter 18 


I walked to my first class, which happened to be one I hated, chemistry. Aargh, can someone please kill me already! I sat through an hour of this small woman, who resembled a pixie with her frantic curly hair and natural cotton clothing. She clambered around the excitedly teaching all about the different fossils found all over the world yet they were the same. She taught about igneous rock, metamorphic and sedimentary. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but still ugh. 


I walked to biology, which happened to be my favourite lesson of ever. His name was Gregory, I kept accidentally calling him sir which he would repetitively scold me gently for. We were being taught all about the anatomy of the eye, to be honest I loved it. Learning the differences in the muscles that controlled the up, down, left and right movement. How the lens differed from the pupil etc. He held me behind briefly asking if I could do an assignment with the notes I had taken, I nodded gleefully and told him I would have it by Monday. 


Lunch. Well I decided that I needed to apologise to Tig, Lilly and Leon for running off before. I felt like the day was passing without my control. Like something was dragging me in a certain direction and I had no way to stop it. Which is laughable,absurd and completely ridiculous. Chucklesome even; I could and would do exactly what I wanted, no higher power could forcibly stop me. It had no reason or power that would allow them to. 


My energy crackled, the sun rose. The brightest I had seen it in weeks. The startling conclusion of freedom allowed me to play my life as I wished to. I sat at the table and grinned at the three people who I wanted to become my friends. 'Hey!!!'' I said enthusiastically - practically bouncing in my seat. Lilly squealed and hugged me. 'You're back!!' she said excitedly. 'I'm sorry about yesterday you guys. You've been nothing but nice and I kinda threw that in your faces'. They all accepted my apology talking excitedly about the party on the beach. 'Oh yea, my friends been talking about it all freaking week! What's so special about it?' I asked amused at their enthusiasm


'Well we don't get out much.' She explained with a little grin. 'How not! You're town is covered in beautiful forests, Cliffs and sea!!' I said incredulous, seriously could they not see the beauty this town posses? Agrizoophobia – fear of wild animals, maybe they were scared of wolves but I didn't think we had any in England! Hmm or they could fear being trapped - cleithrophobia. Oh or the fear of climbing climacophobia. 


'Well it's just some kids were stolen before.' Muttered Tig almost to himself. 'What!?' I almost shouted. 'Shh. We probably shouldn't be telling you this but, a little while back some of the Henderson kids were taken. Masons brother was among them.' Oh poor mason! I had been so insensitive to him, I should apologise 'Well anyway, what are you going to wear?!?' Lilly asked me almost jumping up and down on her seat. 'Well I have a white dress with smoky grey runes. It matches my boots. .'


'What about you?' I asked truly curious. 'Mine has a built in corset of course. An leather middle and a deep black lace that ends in a full skirt. Its sleeveless and pretty much backless. It is Completely amazing!' She began bouncing again and I couldn't help but join her. '



The broken mirror of my soul

Chapter 19 


 The rest of lunch carried on in a state of normalcy, that I couldn't help but approve and adore. English was next.That however I couldn't help but dread . I  didn't want to be picked out again, expected to say my analysis but I wasn't. Luckily for me the teacher had lost her voice - I was sorry to hear that but it meant I was able to sit in silence myself. She handed us three sheets, written across the top was 'Analyse and explain what the poem tells you. Then pair up and work Quietly'  The underlined quietly made me chuckle, well until Hunter started to make his way towards my desk. Shit. Shit. Shit. 


Suddenly Chase appeared at my side, grabbing my things and I was left to sit in the spare chair at his desk. The desks were big enough to hold two people but Ms price preferred us to sit alone, we worked better that way. 'So what did he do to piss you off? I saw you visibly trembling at his presence don't deny it.' He said peering into my face. 'Being a player' What I meant to say was jack ass but I'm pretty sure Chase got the picture.


Chase shuffled his paper and his long sleeve rose slightly, showing the scars scattering his left wrist. I took his hand gently studying his wrist. I squeezed his hand once and looked into his eyes, they were so deep, seeming almost to swallow me whole. It appeared almost as if one place of his delicate wrist had been broken over and over again, the same jagged line that no knife could ever leave a mark and leave behind the damage that scared his wrists. Behind the laughter lay so much pain, thus making it barely bearable to look into his forgiving eyes. I'm pretty sure he saw the same look echoed in my very own.


They seemed to scream 'I am damaged!'. I couldn't help but voice an expression back to him. 'I am perfectly broken' I whispered, I couldn't take my eyes off of his own. 'Beautify damaged.' He countered with complete seriousness and unyielding sobriety. When you hurt so much that you find it terribly hard to breathe, you are never more alive. I felt like I had found the perfect, crippled, cracked, crushed, faulty, fractured and most definitely fragmented mirrored version of my soul. Silently we began the work we were set, comfortable in the silence that greeted us. How could a few mere scars make me feel so deeply for a guy I had only really known a day, what made him so different from ever other player or pleasant boy... Would I ever be able to pause my questioning mind? 'You know what we are right?' I shrugged in responce. 'Were loyal, we don't ugh sleep around or whatever. It's not in our nature. We have one mate and that's our lot in life. It is an oddity to change after the bond, do not mistake players for curiosoty'. Chase warned gentally.  I left the room silently after the bell rang, for some reason I couldn't bare to see the gentle curoisty that lit chases face.


The day's that seem to just fly by

Chapter 20


 I  sat in another one of Mr Fitzpatrick boring lectures which was snooze worthy. I made my way home and thought it'd be best if I began on the work Gregory had set me hours later I had finished the anatomy of the eye, knowing way to much about eyes I walked down the stairs. I cooked, cleaned and even hovered before going to bed early. 


I awoke, alone but never the less I was excited for the days adventures. I was even going to go to a party later! I jumped up and down excitedly, I had wayyy too much energy. Run! Run! Run! Not only my body but also my mind was screaming. I threw leggings that came down just bellow my knee, a bright pink sports bra and the same tee shirt I wore the day before, no need in wearing a clean one if I expected to sweat.


I grabbed Bo's thin red lead, not that she ever needed it, and hung it around my neck encase there was any animals I needed to get Bo away from. My body felt like it could run for hours. I ram deep into the forest, considering it was only 2pm it was pretty dark in here but it seemed to welcome me all the same.


My body automatically barged and bounded over the tickled earth bellow my new trainers. Branches and small logs were just as easy to over come, I quickly sprinted left and right, in and out of the tree's that surrounded me. Without music guiding me it was strangely quiet, but i felt like forest had its own drum beat. A beat that my heart quickly followed, following the mass current of energy i put more energy into the run that never in my life had I needed more. The earth's grass, twigs and leaves crossed my path took quickly for me to inspect. My life was at such a peace, I had no direction yet a reason; it was perfect. Well until a branch broke behind me. I turned quickly searching the source of the sound that had startled me. I crouched and prepared to face what ever came out of the bushes. The interruption was not supposed to happen, it annoyed me to no end.


What faced me wasn't scary at all, even as shocked as I was to bump into him. 'What are you doing in the forest little kitten? You could be snatched up by a big nasty wolf.' His face lit with humour and once again he was the hansom, care free man I barely knew. 'Well if I'm a kitten a wolf would want red riding hood not me so I'm safe.' I told him turning to call Bo back, my whistle echoed across and through the empty forest. She came bounding up to me soaking wet, she had found a near by river or something to lie down and cool off.  I clucked my tong and waved my hand, she ran off with a little curious tilt to her head at Chase. 


'Now that is one adorable dog!' He told me watching our whole encounter. 'Haa, I know. Can't believe she understands me half the time.' I said grinning like a proud mother. 'Wont to go for a swim?' He asked me, nodding in the direction of Bo. I was worried about smelling bad and it was getting rather hot so we followed Bo to the lake. Yhea there's a whole freaking lake that was hidden in the forest.


We climbed up a tree that over hung the lake and made our way to a strong branch that could hold both our weight. We threw our socks and trainers down to the floor as did Bo's lead. His shirt followed his shoes but I couldn't make myself take mine off, sometimes I really wish I was a narcissist but then it wouldnt take long to dry off in this heat.I took three steps and dived into the water not to far bellow.


The water was surprisingly clear and I could see Chase as he dived in next to me. I swam closer to him grinning, he looked deep into my eyes and seemed to almost gasp ( well as much as you can gasp whilst your under water). I just pulled a face, puffing out my cheeks and crossing my eyes. As soon as I surfaced gasping water was splashed in my face, laughing I splashed him back. Bo chose that very moment to swim over to us with a stick in her mouth. Laughing so much I found it so hard to breathe, let alone swim. I dived again to see if there was any fish in the lake, as I watched a small swarm of fish flashed passed my face. 


When I surfaced Chase was already out of the lake happily throwing the stick for Bo whilst lying idly in the sun. I snook to where he led, with his eyes closed ready to scare him. As soon as I was  foot away from him, he sat up wrapping his long arms around my waist and pulling me down on top of him. He quickly shifted his hips or something because I was suddenly under his smiling form. I shoved at him playfully as he tickled my vulnerable sides. I giggled and screamed until I shouted in surrender. 'Igiveup. You win!' I gasped as he led next to me chuckling. 


I shivered involuntary as the sun was hidden by clouds. I sat up and grinned at Chase mischievously as he sat up next to me. I put one hand on his knee and closed my eyes. 'Arida' I said using the Latin word for dry. I heard Chase gasp as his clothes began to dry, pretty much before his eyes. I lay back laying on my arms above my head, now dry and warm, it was a good day. 'So why did you get the tattoo?' He asked me easily stretching out beside me on the forests floor. 


'I went through a time of nightmares and feeling that I had no love that when I found happiness I didn't know it until I literally ran into it. After my parents deaths I got the dream catcher to represent how they took all of my nightmares away, the feathers represent how I was given flight from the freedom I was allowed and the fairy well I got that to represent the magic I was born with. Which makes me an oddity I guess. 






That's no freaking cow!

Chapter 21 



Eventually we had to move again, which was a shame but my body was quietly complaining of lying on the earth's crust for so long. 'Come on, I need to finish my run anyway' I said sitting up after what felt like an hours nap. I stretched my arms behind my back and felt at least three parts of my spine pop and crack loudly. I grinned devilishly and took off sprinting. 


It was weird having a running partner. Well other than Bo but she was a given, if she knew I went into the forest without her the other day she would have bitten my ears off. We ran side, my hair trailing behind me and wind running its thin claws through my unbound hair. Today Chase was wearing loose grey sweats and a loose light blue top, along his left wrist lay many bands obscuring the view of his scar. The more I looked at it the more it reminded me of a monstrous bite mark. 


The forest began thinning out, the grass less wild and long. The trees further apart and the breath of two people closer together. One heavy and weary the other light but driven by a heart that beat a much faster rythem.  They did not need to look at one another to know when to quick step around a tree. It was in perfect idiosyncrasy.


We came to an abrupt halt as the rest of our run was barricaded off, I couldn't help it something in me needed to keep running. I jumped the fence and carried on running, Bo slipped under and followed me without a second thought. Chase was less sure but he soon followed us in. The hill dropped gradually and I was forced to lengthen my stride but slow down so I didn't end up pin wheeling my arms. 


Suddenly we were thrown into a field of cow's that looked like a cross breed of bull and freaking buffalo, the long fur covered their large body's. They seemed to leave prints like hog's instead of hooves. One turned our way and began to run at me. Chase shouted for me to move but I knew in that very second if I moved he would chase me. 'Bo ran to my side and barked deciding it was safer at my side. The dead eyed beast carried on it's charge anger fulling each breath.


The beast veered at the last second his head flying up and down unhappily. 'I backed away slowly making soothing sounds and hugged Chase with all my might, not for me I felt fine but he really looked like he was going to break down any second. He shivered once before wrapping his arms around me. 'Well that was no freaking cow' I he muttered his whole body shaking with silent, relieved laughter. 'Well from now on it's going to be don't throw me in-front of the cow, cause that's scarer than any car or bus!' I muttered relieved. 


Silently we walked back up the hill never taking our eye's off of the cow monster-like-creatures. They truly were massive. We jogged back to the lake looking at the sun slowly making its way east. The ray's playing across the water, dazzling both of our eyes and throwing the trees into shadows. 'It was lovely running with you chase.' I told him sincerely. 'You too little Max. Oh and one more thing, don't wear make-up tonight if you don't want to have Panda eye's when you dry. I'd probably braid your hair too.' He told me touching a loose strand of hair that flowed down my shoulder. He left without another word.


When I arrived home it was already 6, I had two hours. After an hour long soak in the tub where I washed my hair with shampoo twice. I rubbed conditioner into my scalp so hard it probably bruised, I left conditioner in my hair whilst I shaved. And then applied a hair mask of some sort. I brushed my teeth and scrubbed between my toes whilst waiting until I could wash it off. After scrubbing my body I found a clean towel and grabbed a random white bra and pants. I'm pretty sure they didn't match but that didn't really matter. I quickly changed and braided my hair in a French braid awkwardly down my back. I quickly scrubbed my teeth before leaving.


The night

Chapter 22 


The white dress I had been given had been worn before and wasn't stiff from under-use. It even smelt faintly like my ant. It had an high back and delicate silver runes along the sleeves and hem. The front of the dress skirted my knees and the back floated close to my ankles. The sleeves were well fitting until they reached my wrists, ever so slightly they puffed out. The sleves were light see-through cotton like fabric. The dress was beautiful. A black belt around my middle would suit the new boots I had bought when I was with Hunter.  I had kept my key on the long chain it was on and added an additional chain with little leaves attached to the metal (the were bronze not actual leaf) and in the middle rested a larger gold leaf.


 Nellie pulled up outside about five passed looking pretty smart for once, it was weird to see him so smart. He wore a midnight blue blazer, a crisp white shirt and black jeans. It's the smartest I had ever seen him. 'Someone really can dress up' He approved as I jumped into his sleek, dark green car it was an old mustang which his grandad had left for him before he passed. The seats were a light cream leather and smelt faintly of him. 


We drove and drove, higher and higher it seemed. Was the party in the freaking skies. We parked up next to many other cars but the place seemed to be empty. Lily and a few other people crowded around the edge of the cliff. And as I watched a group of them jumped into the water bellow! I ran to the edge and watched the people swim to the shore, there was a private beach secluded by the cliffs and trees. It was intirely private. That's when I saw the massive fires and people dancing bellow. The wind carried the smell of smoke and the heavy beat of the music bellow. It almost seemed like a hundred people were banging on drums at the same time, the beat was heavy and oh so intoxicating. It seemed to elope me, hold me in its strong grasp. The bass vibrating across my very being. The energy seemed unstoppable. Aquaphobia the fear of water, right now that seemed really freaking plausable. Astraphobia, fear of thunder and lightning. 


 So many people seemed to gather on the cliffs peak it was scary. What if someone fell or couldn't swim? The music seemed to echo and play back. Bouncing off the nearby mountains. 'Is this the only entrance?' I asked suspiciously. Lilly nodded nervously and took my small hand in her equally small one. 'On three?' I asked. She nodded and on three we ran off the edge of the freaking cliff. We were met with the freezing water bellow.


 Freezing water splashed into my face and made me cry out in fright. We swam to the shore with serious effort and stood by one of the ten massive fires. What kind of freaking party was this?! The heat was extreme but warmed my frozen body. Girls ran around painting floweres and colourful skelatains on peoples faces.


I looked at Lilly, shivering beside me. After about five minuets I couldn't stand to see her shiver and stand here and do nothing for the second time that day I whispered the word that would make us dry within seconds. Lilly looked at the fire suspiciously but then grinned and handed me a mirror to hold. She put on think mascara and eye liner and left her pale pink lips alone. I handed her back the mirror and applied my own ( thought slightly less) eye liner and mascara, she even handed me bright, blood red lipstick. I unbowned my now dry and curly hair. I grinned and grabbed her hand and ran into the thrashing mass of people dancing.


People tried to hand us drinks but we denied them each and every time. 'Drink?' I asked Lilly, she nodded and followed me to the table.  I looked at the people that surrounded me, majority of them had some kind of war paint on their faces. Pink skeletal looking designs and bright flowers, but others were scary or ( eye role ) sexy.


I grabbed two drinks, well shots actually. 'This'll only hurt like a bitch' I said to lilly and grinned madly With a 'Mwhahaha' Like chuckle she brought her drink to her lips. Three shots later and a slightly dizzy head I dragged lilly away from the alcohol before she could get me to drink another shot. 


Tig grabbed Lily's arm gently and took he off for a private dance, I stood there for a second and just grinned wildly. I was grabbed by a random guy, grinning from ear to ear. He passed me a drink but I shook my head and stole his instead. A hood covered his head but I was shorter than him and could see into his plain smiling form; he was deadly pale and must have had contacts in or something because his eyes were blood red ad his hair a startling white. Drinking from his glass I began to sway and move to the music hypnotically. Suddenly I was wrenched around, pulled to face another direction. By hands I had once thought were soft but now not so. I turned and faced the man who I immediately called my best friend. 'So stupid' He muttered pulling me roughly away from the guy I had been dancing with....



And the big fight


Chapter 23 


'What do you want Nel?' I spluttered more than slightly annoyed, my feet wobbly and unstable on the ground. I felt like I had some kind of net wavering and intertwining around my brain and skull ... was that even correct? I didn't even know my head hurt. Nelson too was feeling the affects of the alcohol he had previously drunken, you could see it in the very way he walked. Well and that he stunk of alcohol, although that could have been me.. But I hadn't drank much. 


'I thought you were grown up! Not drinking yourself silly and going off with the first guy that looks your way! How could you be so stupid, how would you know you've never even been with a man!' He ground out angrily. He looked like he wanted to hit something, I hated it when he became angry. He would start to become the very man that he strived not to be. His anger was so strong I could almost taste it. I had seem him angry before but never this much and certainly never at me... 


The music that had once surrounded me in energy now felt toxic and dangerous. My head screamed something was wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. 'Ffor-for your information Nelson green' I hiccuped not helping prove my innocence. 'I had four shots and a sip of beer! It' is not me who is the drunk. I am no innocent Nelson, stop being controlling you're not my mother!' I shouted at him so he could hear me over the music. He visibly blanched and took a step back looking like he wanted to slap me, I knew he would never raise his hand to me but I could help but being petrified. 


He lifted a hand, maybe to hit me. But more likely to move the strand of hair obscuring my face. 'Max you are so behind on life! It's unreal. You're a child, sometimes it amazes me you can do simple things a person your age can. Look just let me drive you home.' He pleaded but the damage had already been done. His eyes were glassy like he didn't even realise he was still talking to me. I was no child and I could find my own damn way home. 'Take your self home, get off of whatever high your on and leave me dam well alone. You immature, inconsiderate asshat.' I screamed in anger. He just laughed at me and patted my head. A gentle hand took  position on my shoulder 'Come on Max. He won't even remember this in the morning.' Chase said softly appearing at my side when I needed him most. I smiled half heartedly even as my heart broke in two. He thought I was a child. Why didn't people ever see me more than cute or broken! 


I looked at the man ahead of me who had undergone pain under the same extreme condition as I had. I took his calloused hand in my smaller one. Walking a little wobbly into the forest. 'D-d-d-o we have to swim back to s-s-s-hore?' I asked as shivers racked my body. 'Na. We can go through the forest. Well if you don't pass out or fall over first.' He chuckled and took off the burgundy blazer he wore and rapped it around my shoulders, his arm soon followed suit; resting across my waist. 'B-b-b-uhht you'll be a.a.a.achew!' I muttered a sneeze breaking my sentence, as the anger fled from my body, weariness and intoxication played double time with my confused mind. 'Um. I think I'll be fine.' He said chuckling gently.


'I-i-i-i Think m-m-my drink. Spiked.' I tried to explain but my mind was too muddled. Hehe like a mud pie. Mud pies are funny things. You can't eat them cause there made from mud. 'Hmm. Maybe. What are you thinking about kitty?' He asked peering into my face. Well at-least I think it was his face. All I could see was a flash of white. Maybe his eyes. More like his teeth. Ohh what big teeth you have my deer... 'Th-that it'z funny mud pies. Eaten. Can't' I'm pretty sure my response was muddled. The cold air seemed to make me even more drunker. As time passed I found it harder to even walk straight. Suddenly I blacked out.


They surrounded us, about ten of them. All in large cloaks that seemed to keep there hooded form from our view. They had fitted in just fine because of the fancy and  funky dressing going on but I could tell the men lurking in the forests were not here to party. All of a sudden I heard a raw of rage but I could no longer see what was happening. My head hurt to much. Something icky fell across my face. 


'City mark, just ahead'


'Three hours'


'She's coming too again' 


The lights seemed to flutter like the new born wings of a delicate bird. Refracted off of the car windows I could see we were in an garage. The people who carried Chase stopped at a Mercedes, don't ask me what make because even on a good day I wouldn't know. I couldn't scream or even speak. Graffiti seemed to cover every surface. Words seeming to come alive with my mind, they were small and insignificant. Leaving my mark behind I was dragged like a rag doll. 'HELP ME!' 'Stolen' 'Taken' 'Chase is with me!' 'Black car. mercs.. warehouse in north. heard own city... theyyy've city. city city. be there 3 ....3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3.' My magic for the first time seemed to fail me. Blood dripped from my head wound, obscuring my eyes. Confused thoughts filled me to the core, over whelmed me. Once again I was greeted with the peace that was darkness.


I woke in a room that seemed to have little light but much darkness. The walls riddled with mould and rust, all marking the white dull bricks. Tiles on the floors child me to the bone. If not for the slight sheet that seemed to cover me I would freeze. 'H-h-hell.' I Tried to shout, my broken voice failed me. It sounded so weak and pathetic in the monstrous room I was in. 'H-e-e-ll-o' I finally managed. But what I really meant was hell-hole. My voice as brittle as a hair.


I heard a quiet groan from across the room and rushed towards it, my mind still foggy and I was clumsy in the dark but never the less I was determined to make my way to Chase. I tripped over what must have been Chases foot because he groaned once again. I cuddled his warm form up to me and placed the blazer he had leant me under his head. Curled up against his side, I lay deadly awake. Just waiting for Chase to awake. Whispering 'Heal' Over and over again, soon though my energy depleted. Deserted me like everything else. 


The rude awakening

Chapter 24 


 'Wake up!' Something or more likely some one shoved me roughly. I fell onto the floor banging my head once again, painfully. The heat of chases body instantly gone. The cold atmosphere and the tiles bit into my very core; freezing even my bones. A light was force-ably shined in my face, black dots were left to dance across my vision. Stopping me from seeing the attacker from grabbing me once more. Ice cold thundered down around we. 'We are awake!' I screamed in anger, Chase who was suddenly right next to me covered me with his arms. 'Awh now don't do that wolf boy. She has such a lovely figure to see.' Came a snotty nosed, nasal sounding voice. A bandage was strapped across his nose and I couldn't help but grin. It probably came across distorted and crazy but in that moment I couldn't care less.  Aquaphobia, Aquaphobia, Aquaphobia. For a coupple of seconds I was actually scared of water.. 


'Don't dry yourself.' Chase murmured into my hair. What he wanted them to keep ogling me!? Ew no. I'm not going to stay wet, eventually I'd dry. Oh he means magically, I nodded almost impeccably. 'Don't do any N M.' He put extra force in the first M. Magic? Damn how I wish I was telepathic sometimes. The dragged us apart and chained us on opposite ends of the walls. I held Chases unyielding eyes, if he was going to survive so would I. I had already under gone the worst torture from my family. What more could they do? 


So much more...


First came the questioning. 

'Why are you friends with a pack of wolves. They are monsters. You are a disgrace to man kind for merging and uniting with them' 

'No one will save you now'


'How many are there?'


Question after question. Taunting voice after taunting voice. I answered voice like steel They already had me pinned right. 'Cause there just so darn pretty and you smell just so god damn bad.' I was struck across the face and blood dribbled from my mouth. Sticking in my gums and parched lips. 'Hmm if I say there with  your mother is that an inappropriate response.' This time the hit was to the belly. I was determined not to make a noise. Eyes steady on Chase as he howled and growled at my pain. 'Umm could be sixty six. But Its probably more one thousand one hundred and three. No wait I change my response!! There's one.' They all seemed to get closer to me, all held their breaths. 'It's the monster standing right before me.' I told him snarly. This time i was hit in the stomach again. I gasped for air but never took my gaze from Chase. He was my rock. I seemed to gain power from him. I muttered the fear of pain under my breath again and again like a little chan. 


Algophobia, Algophobia, Algophobia, Algophobia. 


He smiled at me only a little but it was enough for me to endure anything they would throw my way. If we didn't and spilt all of his secrets then we wouldn't be alive for long. I hummed softly to myself and then began singing, it was a song about summer and the long days and short nights to come. Sandy beaches and skinny dipping in the madness.



The room was heaved in silence as the last hit of my voice trails off into silence. I felt like he very silence sucked the air from my lungs and my life from my lips. The sounds from my ears and the light from my eyes. The men that had once surrounded me, left me alone and gathered around Chase. My heart dropped, they screamed the questions they merely asked me loudly. Instead of hitting him once they would beat him each time. 


The next ten minuets were the mere word torcher. Every time I closed my eyes I could see chases head fly back with the power of a hit, blood splatting on the floor. Dribble floating freely down his face. Cuts and bruises formed and formed over and over again. Soon after staying in complete silence he passed out. Silence. Chase had it so much worse than me. 


'You BASTARDS!' I screamed at them. 'Monsters!' I gasped and spat out another insult. 'He is more human then you'll ever be!' That's when the questions and beating turned to me. 'Why are you here?' One man asked me. 'Cause some bastard took me, duh ass hole.' I said angrily. 'Wrong!' A fist flew into my stomach once again. 'Why are you here?' The question was quiet this time. I looked into the man's cruel grey eyes. Almost as lifeless as the bull that tried to run me down. Difference is the bull was protecting his herd, this man was just a bully. He was the only one who had touched me so far, there were three others in the room. One with a buzz cut and another with dirt covered blond, no white hair. The third was a red head with freckles, he was also the biggest 'Cause your a pathetic little man..' Smack, this time the hit came across my cheek, splitting open the cut that was already there. 


'Why are you here?' His voice was raising, he was loosing his temper. His litter red face annoyed me so I just laughed in his face and spat the blood that had gathered in my mouth on his clean shoes.  'Having trouble keeping up with me little man? Do you need to take a break and sit down to catch your breath. You are breathing awfully hard. Don't have a heart attack on my account now' I told him with a fake sweetness that even I was impressed with. He actually growled at looked pointedly at the blond man that was mud covered. He looked crazy. Even his eyes were red, maybe he was an albino? His skin was so pale and fresh milk looking. 'Give me a name.' He ground out. His voice was like gravel, all mashed together horribly and it didn't quite fit. 'ALfie, DYlan, Bren ooh i like the name bren'. He slowly walked closer eyes directally on mine.


I couldn't stand to look at his eyes without wanting to cry this man looked evil, even his pupil was red instead of black just a deeper more blood red colour. His eye lashes and eye brows almost invisible. Blood stuck to the almost invisible hairs on his arms. I wasn't scare because he was an albino but because of the way he seemed to embrace his natural difference and use it to scare me further. I was truly terrified. What would this man do to me. I stayed silent. I couldn't say anything. Nothing. Not one word. But no help was coming I had to think of a way to get out of here. 


'The reason you are here is because that man over there is a true monster.' He stopped and put his startlingly warm hand on my bloody cheek. He pointed to chase. 'If he is the monster then why are you the ones beating me.' I whispered tears escaping me. I wept, I couldn't help it. Maybe this time I couldn't be glued back together. 'Because his kind could rip you into shreds sweetie.' His voice became soft, alluring even. He stroked my cheek gently and explained further. 'He can change into something that is not human. Rip apart every being in this room with no remorse.' I looked into his eyes and his spell broke, he no longer looked nice and comforting but horrifying and scary again, he was a daemon or something. Made from the same evil cloth as my mother. 'If he was so evil' I whispered 'Then why aren't we all dead yet' My voice came stronger, this time I was sure. Not only had he made me forget I already knew they wernt human but he had made me forget I was scared of them not Chase or his 'kind' because I was as much as a freak as they were. Worse I was a broken freak, unpredictable.



They left with an corus of exhausted sighs. I was unbowed from the chains and left a bucket and sponge. I dragged the bucket over to chase and began cleaning the wounds that spotted everything about him. They bled freely and  knew I was going to have to rap his wounds up. I ripped off a healing rune from my dress, it looked like a B. But at the bottom a line rose horizontally and rapped it around his middle. I hopped the wound was clean enough and I hoped the rune would work. I whispered the words 'Sana , officium et curabo commodo. Peto a vobis ....' to the small piece of cloth that was now the only thing on his bare chest. His chest was bruised and covered in blood red water but I hoped it would work. I had risked my life to whisper the words 'Heal, do your job and heal please . I beg of you.' I smiled faintly to myself, it was weird that I could speak a second language without even knowing that I had learnt it. I had always been able to speak latin when I needed to. I knew what I was saying but I could never read or write latin.


I hummed softly as I cleaned and bandaged Chases broken body, but as I cleaned the wounds they seemed to heal. It was freaky but I didn't let it bother me, I had to finish cleaning the slab of cut up meat, looking body. Bruises slowly began to darken and turn yellow before my every eyes. Chase opened his eyes and watched me carefully clean. When I was done I washed my hands in the red water. 'Are you okay?' I asked softly. He looked at me wide eyed, not expecting me to speak. I looked at his chains and sighed. His arms were stretched wide and his head slumped. Defeated. 


'Can you get us out?' I asked him hopefully. He shook his head. 'What about me?' I asked waggling my fingers. 'You wont be able to fight if you waste your energy.' He muttered sadly. I nodded once and hugged him, standing on my tiptoes to do so. I kissed his cheek and whispered 'I will free us'.



Held captive

Chapter 25


The ginger man soon walked in, strutting in his newly cleaned shirt and clean boots. 'Well How-dee-doo little wolf lover.' He said teasingly. 'Want to love a real man.' He taunted, slowly walking towards me. I shook my head making myself dizzy with the movement and walked further into Chases bound body. 'He can't protect you there sweetheart, no one can now.' He taunted coming even closer. He grabbed my arm and threw me against the wall. 


'So what are you hiding you little slut!' He whispered menacingly in my ear. He ripped my dress into rags. Leaving me even more exposed to the rotten cold. Chase who was behind me gasped, I secretly hoped he couldn't see my scars but I already knew it was too late. Tears leaked down my ashen face, falling into the little fabric that still clothed me. I wept and wept replaying over and over again all of the beatings I had endured but not once had they ever touched me in any inppropriate manner. This cruel disgusting man looked at me hungrily, as if I was the last meal of a condemned man. Like I was the last thing he could eat before certain death. I screamed and screamed. The sound echoing and bounding off of the walls which had become my cage.  He pushed his hands so hard onto my face I was pretty sure I was going to get a big hand shaped bruise as a prize. The smell of old body oder and un-brushed teeth hit my nose and made me gag in revulsion.


Heavy foot steps charged towards us. The door fell open with a crash. The white haired man took in the scene with his scary, ghost like eyes and strides over to where this horrifying man covered my mouth with his beefy like claws he called  hands. MONSTER.

Guardian angels come in all shapes and sizes

Chapter 26



He took one look at the man and punched him, right in the face. 'We do not EVER and I mean EVER rape human girls. There is a line Thom and you just fucking passed it.' His noise rose with anger, he took one look at me and shot me a dirty look as if to say cover yourself up child. I shivered and did as his eyes asked of me. He grabbed the bigger man by his ear and literally threw him from the room, I heard a crash as he tripped and fell into something. After a muttered moan there was silence. 'You okay kid?' He asked me with his dead eyes and blank expresion. I nodded once 'Thank-you' I whispered not trusting my voice not to crack or stutter. 'It would make my job so much easier if you told us what you know' He told me exasperated 'I know nothing' I said sadly, shaking my head slightly. He sighed and turned to leave. 'You and I both know that's not true and the sooner you realise it the better. I can't protect you from every man here.' After that he he left, slamming the door closed. 


I closed my eyes and allowed myself a minuet to compose myself. Feeling my whole body tightly strung and shivering at the same time. I looked down at my exposed self and sighed. I spent a couple of minuets trying to get the fabric to tie together but it was no use. Instead I searched for Chases blazer in the semi-darkness. The moon was nearly full and mightily beautiful. The skylight was knocked out leaving a big hole in the roof.


'It'll be the full moon in two nights.' I told Chase wonderingly. He nodded inaudibly. 'Can I change?' I asked him. 'Yhea course...' He muttered closing his eyes. 'Not like that' I whispered fear cloaking me. He opened his eyes wide with understanding. 'Yhea but its dangrenous.' He whispered harshly. I had gotten so close that you wouldn't be able to put a hairs breath between us. Some one even a foot behind us could not hear our conversation. 'Lets do it.' I whispered back immediately. 'You don't get it, I'm not like other people. I can't control myself. My wolf hes broken, Hunter helps me change back I need an alpha or you could get hurt' He said.  'I'm bossy I'll do.' I half whispered back. 'It dosent work like that' Just as he had whispered that the door slammed open again and I swifty pushed my lips again his, eyes wide open just as his were. I pretend moaned as the person snook behind me, I wanted to turn around and beat the person but I knew I couldn't. 


My hair was wrenched backward and I was dragged back to my own shackles with a glare of distaste. If we survived the next two days we could get out of here.  Atelophobia The fear of not being good enough or imperfection. Atychiphobia, kakorrhaphiophobia the absolute fear of failure. Right now I was fearing both. But atleast I had a plan!

This time I mean it.


Chapter 27



There comes a time in your life where you should just stand still and not do anything. Stand still and breathe silently. This was one of those times. A guy of around twenty seemed to be bothering Max, shouting at her and shaking her angrily. Maybe this was the man who had done her harm. If that was true I could do nothing, literally I would have to stay in the side lines and watch her get beaten. Pack rule number 1 - never get in or involve yourself in human affairs. 


I sighed but I couldn't help the annoyance that seemed to over come me, 'Chase, who's with the new girl? Any one important?' I asked him, using our pack link. 'Hmm, oh her best friend.. Awh crap...' He muttered and left me standing here like an absolute pathetic excuse for an alpha. I couldn't even help a human girl. Her screamed words floated to my ears ''Take your self home, get off of whatever high your on and leave me dam well alone. You immature, inconsiderate asshat.'' He laughed and she seemed even more angry. Her wavy hair kept blocking my view of her face. As chase whispered something in her ear she smiled and left with him. Even I could see they were perfect for one another, both calm yet so full of never ending energy.


They clasped hands, which was her decision not his. She seemed to waver on her feat unstably. I growled angrily, wanting desperately to run for a seriously long ass time, I hated running in human form it was so slugish. Instead I decided to do something stupid. Closing my mind off from the rest of the packs busy minds I nearly walked into a very drunk Selena, she stank of three different men's aftershave and booze. I sighed and picked her up as she attached herself to my throat. No way in hell would I or anyone else take advantage of my 15 year old pack mate. She wore a cute little blue dress that was probably her slightly slutty dressing nineteen year old sister Molly. She still hadn't found her mate and never wanted to look bad incase she found him.


I smelt her knowing one of the scents that had covered her. Mason. 'Ass. Here. Now.' I growled at him mentally. 'Yes Alpha' He sent back immediately. He approached me minuets later head bowed and looking defeated. 'Thank you Mason.' He looked up and looked at Selena unattained relief it was startling. 'You found her!' he said happily, he probably caught her scent because he growled, then he remembered where he was. Mumbling an apology he asked if he could take her back home. I nodded, not missing for a second the relief and love I saw in his eyes, I hoped for his eighteenth she would become his official mate.



'Intruders.' The word seemed to float across every single shifters mind. Running in the direction that Chase went in I screamed this name.


'Chase! Chase answer me you prick! This is serious!' 


'Where is Chase?' The question was on many peoples minds. 


'He went in the forest with the new girl, he  runs with her sometimes.' The answer was suddenly too much I wanted to scream. 


'Get the youngsters and take them to the pack house. Any one between the ages of fourteen and sixteen that can shift, I want on constant patrol of the house. Groups of four. Women who are not fighters you cover the inside. Keep the kids calm and the elderly, injured and pregnant away from the windows. The rest of you into the forest now! Find the scent and follow it, same drill as before, groups of four. Go. Now!' I sprinted into the forest, leaving a group of my pack to close down the party. Instantly I smelt them, Unfamiliar and the oh so present smell of my bretherin. The smell of lavender caught my senses. There were three trails and scents, I instantly followed Max's. 


It lead to an underground parking centre. Directly under a small a small cluster of shops, the cinema and gym. We burst into the underground parking, Following her scent I found trails of blood. I was so concentrated on that I didn't notice the graffiti. 'Hunter, look at the walls.' Den told me, he was my third and by far the biggest of the warriors that surrounded me. He towered over everyone, even me. He was at least six foot seven and probably around fifteen stone,yet he had no fat on him. Just pure rock solid muscle, at nineteen he was the only other member of my pack ( above eighteen ) that was not mated. 



'Stolen' 'Taken'


'Chase is with me!'


'Black car. mercs..


warehouse in north.



heard own city... theyyy've city.


city city. be there 3 ....3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3.


How how had I not noticed this before? The city was three hours from here? Maybe that's what she meant. 'How did she even manage this?' Tig asked with such wonder. I sighed 'She can do magic, I've seen her. I think she can manipulate the elements or something.' I tried to explain to Jake, he was actually called Tig because when he was younger he was terrified of cats. Yhea I mean cats not tigers but to prove wasn't scared at fourteen he broke into the tigers cage when the circus, he kept the name ever since. The old cooger loved his sent and followed him around purring. Its bull what people say about cats and dogs, they dont hate each other - they are all animals of the  forest.


I was met with confused looks and slight anger. Not that I knew what to do. 'I need volunteers, a group of five of us will leave and retrieve Chase and the witch.' I tried to not show how much this affected me, I'm not sure if it worked. 'I'm in' Den grunted. 'ME' Said Mason, I couldn't say no. These people had killed his sister after all. 'She's  a fine piece of ass I'm in' Said Tig winking at me, it took everything in me not to tear his head off there and then. I knew he liked the goth girl but sometimes he just pushed it to far.  'Me too' said a smaller version of Den, his younger brother Lee - he was only fifteen but so was mason. I nodded once and we ran to the pack house to get supplies also it left our minds at ease to see the younger kids doing there part, unattacked. But before I made rash decisions I needed to speak to my people. 


This time I mean it, I am out for revenge. 



Starting point

Chapter 28


Some how I managed to nap, I found my head hanging low and awkwardly. My bruised body screamed in the process and my parched lips felt they would fall apart they were so brittle. I left out a small whimper as the far door was opened again. The third time in this day alone. I closed my eyes ignoring the screams of the people around me, I ignored my own and Chases. It was weird to hear your own screaming and wonder why you are actually making a noise.  


My mind seems to float away from my physically broken body, that resembles uncooked meat. As the day passes needs fill my head. I need to tinkle, I wait hours and eventually am forced to urinate on myself. My stomach complains fill my ears as the times of silence surpasses. But more then anything; I need sleep. My whole body itches from grime and healing. 


'Don't try anything Max.' The man who I had once thought was a monster told me softly as he unbound me. He leaves fresh clothes at my feet, grabbing them I go to Chase. After seeing no way of putting clothes on his quickly healing, bare chest I sigh. 'How does it work?' I ask, meaning the shift. 'Blood.' He whispers as I lay my tired head on his overly pronounced shoulder. 'How much?' I asked tilting my head to look at him. 'Not too much, we must bite and draw one anothers blood.' He whispered almost incoherent. He nuzzled his head onto the skin between my throat and shoulder, I think its called the collar bone? I couldn't think properly it hurt so bad, the bite not so bad but the feeling of my blood draining was to the extremes of painfulness. Like he was sucking out my soul or life line. We had little time it was now or never.


I closed my eyes and bit into his own shoulder, hard enough to draw blood. I sucked the copper like liquid into my mouth and swallowed. Instantly feeling better, the intense itchy feeling that surpassed me before now overwhelmed me. I was healing a months worth of injury in seconds and my body wasn't about to let me forget it. 'Does this work for healing?' I asked, my voice just a hairs breath from utter silence, yet he could hear me. He nodded once and I granted him access to my neck once again. The second bite wasn't as bad as the first, but it still hurt like a bitch. And that was only the beginning.


EVERYTHING was becoming ever more intense; the smell of urine, sweat, fear and blood was chocking. The taste of dread and iron intoxicating. The sounds around me, footsteps, heartbeats and breaths life changing. Eventually the itchy feeling began to stop. I quickly changed my clothes, whilst chase averted his gaze. I was wearing loose khaki pants and a loose fitting red shirt. I quickly lay my dirty dress in mud from the floor and wipped my face and open skin. Seeing some patches of unhurt skin I did the same to Chase, i kissed his grimy cheek before retiring back to my corner I didnt want to give them another excuse to hurt me.


This night was the worse, after a couple minuets I was chained back up. I would awaken at the lightest sound. My heart would thunder in my ears. As soon as I calmed down the process began all over again. After hours of dreamless sleep I was awoken again. Eye's shooting to the door I made my body sag and appear weak, but I surprisingly felt quite energetic. I could almost taste there hatred but above that fear. As the assaults began I made no noise, keeping my thoughts on the forest. 'Chase?' I asked mentally. 'Y..ea..' He sounded weak, barely able to hear him - I listened straining with invisible ears. 'Why is it so hard to hear you?' I asked, he seemed to do something like closing a door in his mind. But before he could hide it, I caught on. He was surrounded by silver and it was slowly killing him. 'Hang in there.' I told him, he was connected to a pack right? I allowed my brain to float over to his. He asked me what I was doing but I didn't answer. 'Save your energy.' I commanded before opening the back door of his mind. 


I was looking for the pack link, he was too weak. Maybe I wasn't. 'HUNTER!' I screamed silently, over and over again. Hoping he would hear me if he came closer to our position. One more day. Then I can go home, curl up and cry for a week straight. Because I was silent during the earlier toucher session they came back, maybe I should have screamed... The power befalling me seemed to curse through my body. It was like I was running constantly, yet I was attached to the wall. The silver captivating my wrists should have burned like Chases did but for some reason they didn't. I thought we were all allergic..? Maybe I wasn't. Did my magic protect me? Could I ask it to protect Chase also?


The sun had only started to rise over the horizon when they came for us again. The assault of hits on my body were life threatening, I could tell; luckily for me I wouldn't heal without Chases blood. They would not know my new secret. Still I felt such a dread, my body shaking rejecting even the idea of what would happen to me today, they hadn't finished – no they had barely began. The other men were silent, blood covered my nose and ears and eyes. Forced to dry and leave me completely the opposite of resilient. I couldn't see myself surviving this time. I could barely see, I could hear and smell nothing. The White haired man came back to me, he spoke but his words didn't register, I could slightly see the movement of his lips. No instead I closed my eyes and felt fists and feet attack my body once again. Leaving me as broken as my soul. As crushed as my heart. 


I felt each and every hit. Stomach, shoulders, knees, hands and head each felt broken and looked like the cut up slab of meat they had become. Each hit took my breath away. Leaving me gasping. You would expect me to be numb. But for once I wasn't, I watched them closely. Looking for weakness, searching for something that could save our lives. They feared the beast in Chase, each and everyone of them. Even the red eyed man... Secretally I think he feared us the most.






Chapter 29


As we grew closer and closer to the city limit we began to get angsty. Fighting amongst ourselves. I was so close to leaving them all behind but I knew I wouldn't be able to fight this war on my own. As we grew closer I felt Chases presence. So faintly. It felt like he was dying. My brother. I roared angrily startling every man in my car. 


'Hunter' The whisper caught my attention. It was a cry a plea. It reminded me of someone's voice... So delicate and soft. My repeated name like the whisper of wind. 'Yes?' I answered uncertainly. 'HUNTER!?' The voice was a scream this time. So loud and pleading we all winced. 'Help us!        Please?       We are trapped... Chase... Silver.... Growing weak... Pain     Find us. Cant... hold      on ' It was Max! She was alive! Joy spread through out my very being, Chase was alive! I almost happy danced in my chair. Instead of acting like a pathetic fool I drove faster, following the hypnotic call of Max's voice. It was growing dark, the full moon was tonight, could we keep control and survive this ordeal. I felt fire spread through out my very being. 


The moon was calling out to us, it took everything for us to stay calm and not change in this very car. 'Why must we hold out?' Mason asked whimpering. I didn't answer him, I had no answer. 'Our senses are much keener, we may be able to find them faster alpha.' I nodded once at Den, he had not spoken since we had left. I pulled over as we entered the city's walls. One after another my breathrin shifted, I stayed in human form  - we'd be completely screwed if we failed all because of a fucking door. 


As we ran, following the noses of some of my best trackers my thoughts drifted. Ahead of us I could hear a scream of pure pain. It seemed to reflect and bounce off of every surface. Pain, so much pain! Blood filled even my senses The screams soon turned to howls. Two. One male one female. We would soon be reunited... As we entered the builing smells filled my very being. Every door was open - was this some kind of trap? 


Where had this so called 'Max' led us too?



3 is written on the wall


 Chapter 30



I whimpered for Hunter over and over again. My body slowly stopped bleeding, I felt like I was flirting with death. I used all my energy to call for Hunter. 'Yes?' The curious reply came after hours of whimpering. 'HUNTER!?' I asked, well screamed. Once again we were alone, I could hear Chases heart beat but it was getting weaker as the minuets passed us by. The moon was full above us. I felt such a pull but I had to keep a steady head. I heard him wince in pain as my screamed reply startled him. 'Help us!        Please?       We are trapped... Chase... Silver.... Growing weak... Pain     Find us. Cant... hold      on ' Every thing came out in a rush, but as seconds passed me by I became evermore sluggish. 'Aperi' I shouted the Latin word for open. 'Recludam' unlock. 'Emitte' Unbar. 'Revelabis' Uncover. 'Revelabit' reveal. 'Poteris duro reserare' Unbolt. 'Recludere' Unseal. 'unplug' unplug. 'Aufer a nobis iter via , permittit nobis transitum tutum domi . Placere nobis concedas transitum .' I had said every word for open, and I'm pretty sure some things i had said barely making sense. The last command was more of a prayer (Clear us a path way, allow us safe passage home. Please allow us passage.)



 All doors creaked open with a moan. I heard windows smash with the force of being open with imaginary hands. Bottles and caps pulled off. Locks and shackles fell to the floor open. Alarms turned off. Finally I was able to give into the pull of the moon, but first I ran to Chases slumped body. Biting my own wrist I shoved my bloody arm into him mouth, forcing him to swallow and live. He steered weakly and shifted before my very eyes. With a loud popping sound his limbs shifted and in seconds he was a beautiful midnight black wolf. He came easily up to my hip. He was big, well I'd only seen him so how would I know if he was or not...? He struggled weakly to his feat I began the shift he had undergone seconds before me. My body screamed in pain, shifting painfully I cried out and fell before Chase. I screamed, Chases voice followed mine as it turned deeper. No more with pain but with want. I wanted the blood of those who did this to us. Now, I had become the beast I had feared as a child, far worse than my parents had ever been. Like them I was a beast. What if I deserved to be here? 


I pushed all these thoughts away with a guttural snarl. I felt abnormally close to the ground. The cold that had surrounded my beaten body no longer affected me. I sneezed, smelling all the dust and blood. Urine and sweat. This room was the real monster. I howled and gently put my shoulder under chases, helping him run. His front left leg completely useless. My blood had not been completely able to heal him. I ignored my own aches and pains and instead I ran. From the room and into a long corridor I could hear the screams of the people who had once stood and listened to my own screams. I saw alarms going off, the room filling with blue as the manual alarm scratched, doors struggling to close. Pushing against my magic. It was so strong I nearly gave in. The red eyed man, I could feel his pull his refusal to let us go.


Howls joined in our original howl, pain and fury. We were a force not to be reckoned with. I caught myself wishing for home. I wanted to curl into a ball and sleep. I nearly buckled under Chases weight. He was now completely resting his weight on me. I growled deeply and snapped at his neck waking him again. My feet felt different on the solid concrete. Cigarettes and gum feeling grotesque and smelling just as bad under my paws. My tail moved automatically at the thought of finding Chases pack. I howled once again, calling for help and back up. 


Twisting around a corner I nearly slipped but I shifted under Chases weight and carried on. His body was warm on mine, it was weird being this close to another being. Four howls replied my own, their voices filled with pride and fight. It made me run faster and fight harder. I rounded another corner, this time facing the man who had tried to use my weak body. The ginger one, I wanted to tear him limb from limb. I dropped Chase gently and approached this beast. My muscles nearly locked up as he aimed an unfamiliar black object at me. A sound so deadly and loud filled my ears. Pain filled my head and heart.




Blood slipped out of the hole in my shoulder Instead of slowing down I pounced. My muscles tightening and springing with the effort. I locked my jaws around his arm holding the now familiar weapon. He had shot me. With a gun. He dropped it quickly and wrapped his arms around my throat, cutting off the precious air to my lungs. I whimpered and whined pathetically. I turned and tried biting deeper into his arm. 'Fuck' He growled angrily, squeezing even harder. My paws all scratched at dug into his body trying to push him away from me. I heard Chase move before I saw him. He jumped over my body and went for the man's throat. A midnight black body flew over my head and latched onto his throat cutting off HIS air. HAA how does that feel. The smell of fire filled my senses, making me choke and my eyes water, would I die choking? 


We all fell to the ground, smacking loudly to the floor I was finally let go. His grip slack, I looked down at his lifeless eyes. His throat torn to shreds. He was dead. I almost puked at the thought. Bile filled my mouth. Now was not the time! Three wolves rounded the corner at full speed. I yipped happily and ran into two of them. My tail waggling happily.



'Max? Chase?'


'You guys okay?'


'We found you!'


'Well howdy!'


'Tut - Chase you take all of the fun!'


'Hello princess'


So many voices filled my head, but the last one caught my attention. It was said aloud not in my head. I looked up into Hunters eyes. He was the only one in human form. I closed my eyes warily and then he was in front of me, folding my up in his strong arms. I growled at him in annoyance and nodded my elongated head at chase. Chase fell to the floor proving my point. Hunters eyes found my own odd ones; heating and freezing me all at the same time. I shivered as he put me on the floor once again, missing his head already. 'Mason?' I asked the wolf in front of me. He gave me a toothy grin 'Well of course' His toothy grin met my confused face, I turned to look at another wolf - I had recognised his voice too.


'Tig?' I asked worriedly. 'Hell yhea it is!' His snout licking my face once before he turned back towards the barely standing Chase. 'I am Den' Came a really deep voice. He was by far the biggest wolf here by at least half a foot. He truly was massive. 'Maxine' I said rubbing my cheek against his once. 'I am Lee, Dever's Younger brother.' Den growled at the use of his full name but Lee snorted, nudging into his massive brother affectionately. Lee was tiny - yet he was still bigger than me. Tig was a light sandy colour, as was mason. Den and Lee were both slightly different shades of brown but Den was much bigger, darker and his defined muscles more noticeable. 'Come on, lets go before they get back up. I can't hold the door's open much longer.' I told the small group around me. A few heads nodded but Hunter's face was blank.. I didn't think he could hear me. 'You did this?' Tig asked confusion written all over his wolfy face. 'Ugh... yeah I'm kind of a witch.' I shrugged nonchalantly. They all looked flabbergasted but chase who nodded weakly before falling against his best friend Hunter. 


Hunter easily carried him as we left. Red flashed before my eyes and distorted my vision every once I a while. My breathing became shallow and I found I could no longer run. I truly was exhausted. I whined accidentally but growled at myself running harder. The pack kept up easily. They expertly travelled through the hall ways. The doors began slamming shut one by one. 'Max!' Mason called worriedly, he was running beside me. 'Can't hold them.' I said weakly. I leaned on his body tiredly but he didn't seem to mind. 'Hold on. Were nearly there. You can do it Maxie Pad' He said instantly annoying me with his nickname. 'Don't call me that. It's not my name. I am not a freaking Tampon or sanitary towel' I ranted as we ran. He chuckled and ran harder, challenging me. I couldn't help it, I sped up. 


When we reached the door I licked his cheek affectionately 'Thank you' I told him exhaustedly. He chuckled and rubbed his cheek against mine once. I leaned more on him, wanting to give up. Den sped up, butting his head against my legs. 'Huh?' I asked. 'Can you close everything? Let them son's of bitches burn with that hell hole. We have to make sure every drop of our blood is non existent. We don't want even more humans on our asses!' He asked, so they had set fire to something!. 'Shut , proxima et magicarum. Trap et morari !' I thought over and over again, the wolves surrounding me seemed to lend me their power. Den butting my back legs once again in thanks. 'What did you say?' Lee asked curiously. 'Shut, close and lock. Trap and stay!' I told him automatically. 'What language is that?' He asked keeping my mind off of the pain filling my every thought. 'Hmm Latin I think.' I told him, I was curious myself. 'How, when and why did you learn Latin?' Lee asked making me think harder. 'Hmm I didn't. I wanted freedom from... um something and it happened.' Flashes of the past came back into my mind and the people surrounding me winced. Tig pushed up against my left side telling me he was there for me. 'Well anyway, I never learned Latin. It just happened, it's like cussing when you don't realise it.' Denver chuckled sending me a picture of stubbing his toe and cussing, then cussing again for cussing. I laughed along with him. Eventually we made it to the car, I was so grateful for the people surrounding me, I would for ever be in their debit. But first I needed to lie here and sleep.


'Well it was an easy mission. You practically did half the work' Tig said warmly before he shifted back to his human form. I averted my eyes, not wanting to stare at the barely clothed people around me. Rags of clothing surrounded their body's I looked at my feet not wanting them to know how embarrassed I truly was. Once they changed Hunter cleared his throat expecting me to do the same. 'It's okay princess we won't watch.' The people I had already began to love nodded in agreement. I shook my head once. 'Huh you have my word, we need to leave' Hunter said. I shook my head again and he sighed, Denver put his hand on his shoulder 'I don't think that's the problem. Can you Change?' He asked me calmly With wide and thankful eyes I shrugged not knowing how to, I shook my head. 'You don't know how too?' He clarified. I nodded rubbing my face into his hand in appreciation He made a sympathetic sound at the back of his throat. 'Right, you lot get in.' He ordered, Hunter looked annoyed but complied Denver was definitely the oldest, even if Hunter was Alpha they always had to listen to their elders.





Flash back's

Chapter 31



She said three repeatedly, does she know what we are? Did she guess!? Or does she mean three hours? Does she plan an escape. I had to play it safe! The next two days were going to bell hell on earth. I had become completely irritable, I'm sure not that my own mother would be able to stand me. Let alone my pack. As we returned to my home I called every person out of hiding, we needed a pack gathering. It was most unfortunate to call everyone out of their beds but it needed to be done. 'EVERY, person who has the capacity to share their views; please come to the meeting. I mean not to scare you but enlighten each and every one on our precious situation. Please meat at the pack home. As you know I have not been Alpha long, but as the job has befallen me I will take every precaution known to man. I need YOUR help.' After that I was left with silence. By the time it took us to get back to the pack house I already felt exhausted. Den rested his hand on my arm allowing me to feel comfort of his presence. Some times I wondered why he wasn't my beta. Chase didn't want the job after all, but a demotion would be shameful. I would never do that to my best friend. Den really was my best warrior; but would that position be enough to keep him at my side? He really would make a better Beta or even Alpha. 


As if sensing my thought Den turned to me 'I would never abandon you Hunter. You are not just an annoying Alpha that busts my balls, but you treat me... no us like family.' I'm pretty sure that's the most Den had ever spoken to me, he really was a hard character to grasp. I really hope he can find his mate, Den was smart but I had never really spoken to him. I had always thought he majorly disliked me... Maybe I was wrong after all. 



I looked around the cramped room, looking at all the familiar faces that surrounded me. Every man woman and child above ten was here. I am surprised we all fit to be honest. I saw my mother in the corner running around with Chases heavy pregnant mother Natalie. She really shouldn't be doing this! I shot Lee a look and nodded at Nat, she was like an ant to me. Lee nudged Mason who was standing next to him and they quickly took off taking over both of the busy woman's job ( which they had taken upon themselves). 


I looked at my mothers warn face, She was only forty five yet she looked much older. My father's death had kept her crippled, yet she showed none of the people surrounding her how sad she truly was. My mothers deep brown hair was slowly turning grey, her bright blue eyes met mine with warmth yet determination that was thrilling and scary. She looked ready to fight a war. 


'Pack, I have brought you here for one reason and one reason only! We are here to retrieve Chase and the human girl Maxine Mae who was unnecessary brought into this mess.' I cleared my voice not wanting to sound like a frightened boy or weak. I am Eighteen, in our culture that meant I was a man, I can and will do this. 'We are not gathered here to plot revenge!' I heard people suck in startled and annoyed breaths, before the accusations began I pushed on. 'We are not one to allow our pack member's to die in the name of us! this will not be our down brining! WE WILL BE STRONGER!' My voice was met with silence, maybe they would agree. 'We will not murdered innocence in the name of a war that is not theirs to fight. We will retrieve OUR Beta and the human. We Will prepare for a war that We Will Win!' I was met with roars, it took me a second to realise they weren't outraged. My people actually trusted and believe in me! Maybe I could do this after all. 'Do not get me wrong, I Remember. My farther was taken along with some of your husbands, brothers, sisters and children. Heck even your grandchildren. We are not going to allow them to put us into camps and kill us off! We will fight back and we will once again be free!' 


I was met with such glee it was out sounding. It was almost like being in a night club, the noise surrounded me, begging my very bones to join in! Their cry s gave me all the more reason to fight on. 'Now, I know it is wrong of me to ask but I need every available male to continue protecting our border. Go to school and work like normal. I'm asking those who work here to produce the food, to clean or cook to give up your station, not permanently, to a woman who will be able to fill in your absence. Above all else we must protect our own. We must continue to live! After all we are Human ourselves!' 





As we tore through this unknown building we were met with startled, yet few guards We met five tops, only two of which actually carried guns. As we ran into the control room; a small grey room covered in TV's and a colourful key pad and something that looked like a joy stick. I quickly destroyed all evidence of us ever being here. Sitting down in the controllers seat I sent my wolves out to wreck havoc. Den, who was perched in the door way kept watch. I quickly grabbed every sheet of paper, every CD in that freaking office before destroying and setting fire to that room. 


When I laid eyes on the tiny ready brown wolf I was confused before I looked into her eyes. One as cold as ice and the other as hot as hell. Max. The stench of smoke, blood, piss, sweat and her magic surrounded me. I held her soft and small body in my arms before she riddled free, trying to tell me about  Chase. A spike of envy shot through me as I watched her rub against my pack in greeting. Her fur didn't quite cover the thin scars covering her back from her past. 


I could tell everyone could see them yet they did not point them out, she had been through enough. Chase was too weak to complain as I lifted him easily and began the quick journey back to the car. I watched as my pack ran around Max pushing her to run further as blood slowly ran from her shoulder She had been shot! Fuck. She snapped playfully at Mason and ran between Tig and him, each of them lending her their help. I suddenly felt a burst of power as every door and window was forced shut. Fire would soon demolish the building As we turned away from the building she became weaker and weaker. 


Mason must have said something to her because she quickly passed me, running ahead with Mason. As the car came into view she stopped and licked Masons cheek. I wonder what he had said to her...? My pack shivered as she told or showed them something, each whining slightly - even the silent and watchful Chase shivered in my arms. 


All of a sudden my pack shifted, Max was the only one not to. Even a weak Chase had managed too. She looked down, away from my barely clothed pack members. If she was I human form I'm pretty sure she would have been blushing. When she stood still looking down, even after they changed I said 'It's okay princess we won't watch.' My pack nodded in agreement, ready to turn their backs but she shook her head. I felt a spike of anger - why didn't she want to shift? Didn't she trust us?  'Huh you have my word, we need to leave' I told her expecting her to comply this time. She shook her shaggy head again. Den put his massive had on my shoulder 'I don't think that's the problem. Can you Change?' He asked her calmly. She shrugged and shook her head. You don't know how too?' He clarified, she shook her head once again and rubbed her cheek against his hand in a thankful way. He made a weird sound and then turned to us, 'Right, you lot get in.' He ordered, not taking no for an answer. I almost growled but I knew I had to do this to not appear childish and gain her trust. Chase unlike the rest of us stayed standing next to Den, leaning on him for support. 



The torcher chamber of my memories

Chapter 32


Chase defiant as ever stayed behind, as the rest of the pack were ordered into the car, even though he could barely stand the saying dead on your feet fit perfectly Denver, who had become Chases leaning post didn't seem to care, considering Chase had practically seen me at my worst.


 'Look at me' He said softly. I didn't want to, what if he was still sparely clothed. He made an annoyed sound and lifted my head. His chocolate brown eyes shone into mine. I smiled at his now jogger and tee shirt clad body. They had the fore thought to bring clothes, good. Wait it took us hours to get here I wondered what they were doing for two days? 'You know when you go for a run?' Den asked me, he continued after my nod 'Well you get that over whelming feeling don't you. Like your suffocating on air.' He and chase sat down beside me as if they had no care in the world. 'Well the only way to rid yourself of that feeling is to breathe in through your nose and the sharp pain in the back of your throat goes away, right?' He told me, I knew what he meant. It felt almost as if the air was sharp. Attacking the back of your throat with miniature knives. I listened entranced by his deep voice, I led my head on his heavily muscled chest. Looking up into his kind, chocolate eyes. 'Well concentrate on your nose's intake and your moths out put.' I did as he said, monitoring each individual breath. 'Now as you look into my eye's I need you to  visualise our bond. Follow that gold little chain to each one of our brains and then return to your own.' His voice was hypnotic. 'Allow me to enter you mind' He said softly. 


I looked around, no longer seeing Denvers's eyes but the basement I was one trapped in. As Denver entered the door I growled ready to attack. Still in wolf form my mind wasnt feeling all too friendly.


Shh. It's okay I'm here to help you. His voice was no longer gruff but smooth like honey. His chuckle travelled through out the underground room. I watched each muscle flex as he walked down the stairs. I gotta say it was pretty impressive. Will you stop checking me out and focus! He said laughing as he reached me. Can you hear everything I'm thinking? Um duh, I'm in your head remember. Oh... Hmm. So what do I do next, I wonder.. Poking him in the face with my nose as he nelt down felt like a good enough plan, I laughed at his funny expression. You are real. I giggled, lying on the rough floor. What is this place?


I looked at my mother, she's not really here more like a ghost. Her flaming hair glistening in the sun, her eyes full of anger and vehemence. Her insults seeming to echo as she says them. My laughter died instantally.




I sat up quickly, cowering next to Den.








Hands wrecked across my back, my screams joined hers. She walked down the stairs, leaving me trembling in her presence. Even now she terrified me. I felt the hunger I had felt then. My seventh birthday... 


She brought down mouldy bread. 'I-i-i-iI'm A-Aaaalergic.' my voice no longer strong but child like and stuttering. I felt every hit wrack my body. This time it wasn't only nails but a belt too.

I see myself having fun and dancing in the rain with Hunter and then his lips are forced upon mine as I run away screaming no. The men who had beat me only hours before came into the room beating me catch me and I am back in the rancid chamber.


There shadows well defined, more recent. Huge and monstrous. Red eyes glare back at me. Instead of my child like body I was presented with the body I had now. Battered and bruised.


The red haired man held me against his chest like an unwilling shield. As my clothes are torn away from me.


I watch as my battered body is beaten again and again.




The gunshot joining and merging in with my pain, memory s flooded around my brain. My screams came louder as even my night mares joined in the on salt. The room rattled, my mother throne across the room with the power I possessed with my mind. Blood obscured my view. Hands reached for me, pulling me close to their chest. My tears echoing, not wanting to be held by a monster - yet wanting it all the more after the thought of loosing the comfort. 


Now stood me and chase, Nessie was there too talking random things. I can't even remember the conversation.


''You've never been with a man'

'A man'



Nessie I thought sighing.


Hush. Hush now little one. 



Denvers's voice joined the echo of sounds. Until it was only me and him left in the one room where all my night mares began. I was expecting something along the lines of 'Dang your even more fucked up then me' But I was only left with the comfort of silence. Dens arms tighten slightly around my shivering body.




 I close my eyes allowing Denver to take contol of my mind, as I lay in silence in his capable arms. 


'Open your eyes little one' 




Eyes open

Chapter 33


 I feel cold and warm all at once it's weird. I feel like I'm out side, maybe under the stars. I can hear the sounds of outside yet I feel warm. Maybe I have a blanket? Heat surrounds me. Wind carries my hair into my closed eyes. And my warm blanket pushes it back...


Wait what? Since when does blankets push hair out of your face? I open my eyes and look up at Den's warm one's. 'Ahh your alive' He joked smiling crookedly. It was nice, it wasn't perfect. Yet it was cute. His Dark brown hair was stuck to his face with a little sweat. His hair was actually quite long and hung in his eyes slacker style. It suited his laid back approach to everything. His eye brows weren't prefect but he didn't have a mono-brow and they weren't like an uncut hedge. His stubble shone through, not patchy but a couple days growth. He had a small yet slightly delicate nose, it looked to be the only delicate thing about him. You could just see the tips of his ear lobes from the cover of his shaggy hair. His jaw was square and suited him. Golden specks scattered his light eyes, and his one dimpled cheek made him cute yet when you looked at his massive shoulders and chest I felt like a small child in his arms.  


I sat up clothed only in destroyed clothes, that were doing a really crappy job of covering my body. Den growled picturing the man trying to rip my clothes off. The red shirt I wore didn't really cover my stomach any longer, Den looked down at my side probably accessing my bruises. 'Nice tat' I snorted looking at it covered in grime. Literally blood and gore. I mentally sent him a picture of what it should look like. 'Even better' He grinned helping me to my feet. He took off his own top and silently handed it over to me, turning around I glanced at his muscled back before switching tops, my shoulder twinged and I had to pull off the shirt from the sticky shoulder.


His was warm and smelt faintly of coffee beans and oak it was nice. As he turned around I noticed, above his heart the words 'Stay true and rise above' were written messily. Under that was a paw print with two dark wolves - one with his head on top his green eyes facing forward. And the second was female im  guessing ) with her facing right, head head resting under his nose . The paw was beautifully done, the skin around it newly healed. 'Nice tat' I said snorting but they really were nice. 'Attractive' He replied in kind. 'Don't throw me in front of the cow!' I told him grinning at Chase. 'What? Jesus your weird!' He told me but grinning lightly. 'Lord help me for I have sinned' I said sarcastically checking out his pretty fiiine abs. 'You need Jesus.' He told me rolling his eyes. 'Hunnie I am way past anything him or even god can do' I said winking, but frowning when I thought of what had happened. I looked down trying to hide my falling face but he just put his fingers underneath my chin lifting it back up. 


'Let me check you out' He said with a little wink. The bruises on my body were pretty dreadful and I didn't really have the energy to heal myself. 'This is gonna sound weird but did the bullet go all the way through? Cause I don't really want to suck silver out-a ya shoulder'. I shrugged once and then cringed at the pain. He sighed once and put his finger in the hole in my shoulder I bit my lip keeping the scream that threatened to burst free, who just stuck there finger in a bullet hole? He pulled out the silver little thing before cussing and dropping it on the floor. I picked it up laughing in his face.


'You may need Jesus because that's cause your a bowl of crazy' I shoved him playfully, with my good arm and stuck my tong out at him. How does he make me feel better instantly? Dude got skills. He waved his wrist in front of me offering me a free healing. I nodded gratefully and a sickening crunch later his arm was thrusted under my nose. I moaned as the itchy feeling came back. 'That good huh?' He said practically laughing in my face. His blood tasted sweet, closing my eyes as pain made me want to fall to the ground I savoured the taste as his wrist was slowly taken away. I opened my eyes to an amused Den, grinning he lead me to the car - or should I say truck which was a seven seater. Chase sat shot gun with Hunter in the drivers seat. I sat between Tig and the massive Den, squished with no room. Mason and Lee sat chatting happily in the back.

Days have passed in the real world


Chapter 34 


I lay practically on both Den and Tig, my head and shoulders on Den's lap and legs on Tig's. Neither seemed to mind, Tig was humming softly to himself. 'Hey before you go to sleep I want to say sorry. I was a dick to you on your first day and I didn't even know you. Truth is its better not to be friends with humans they're always the ones getting hurt. I mean point proven you being in the car and all.' Mason told me quietly, I felt Den's stomachs rumble with laughter. 'You do realise your point is invalid right? She's not human and your just apologising cause you think she's hot.' Den replied, I could almost hear his smile. 'When you see a mouse trap what do you see?' I asked sleepily. 'Ugh a mouse murdering machine...?' Said Lee laughing like a smart ass. 'Haa nope. Theirs free food right, and a challenge.' Den snorted muttering something about me needing God or something. 'Attractive' I said, repeating what he had said to me after hearing me snort. Elbowing him in the ribs before snuggling into his warm embrace. I had forgotten he was shirtless until my cheek met his warm skin. I quickly moved back to the edge of his knee, where it was slightly uncomfortable but he couldn't see my flaming face. Den sighed and moved me so i was lying against his chest again. Soon there after I was sleeping. 


When I awoke again it was to annoyed voices. 'She can't sleep there Hunter - there's no room in your house! All the guest rooms are taken by me mum, you and your mum! Stop being so commanding and just let Den take her to his house. He has room! It's the best compromise and you know it!' Chase muttered angrily. I think they'd been out there for some time. Den, like me was sleeping happily in the back of the cab. 'Will you just shut up already I was sleeping just fine here!' I muttered placing my hand on Den's arm but he was already awake. 'Were would you like to sleep little one?' Den asked me politely. 'Who out of the people I know have a spare room?' I asked. 'Um me and Mason - but we don't know if Selena is at his house' Den told me smiling. 'Well then lets go before Hunter grows horns.' I muttered sleepily, snuggling back into his chest. 


I heard him sigh before carefully slipping out from underneath me and sliding into the drivers seat. I could hear him chuckling at something in the rear view mirror. The sound made me want to laugh too. We pulled up to what looked like a baby blue coloured building. It had sweet little hedge rows surrounding it and a cute little picket fence. The house looked perfect even though it looked slightly abandoned. 'Where Lee?' I asked curiously. 'Little shit left me there to deal with them.' He told me with brotherly annoyance. He jumped out of the jeep and went to open the front door. I climbed out gingerly behind him, following behind him cautiously. 


When I stepped in everything was coated in darkness, I could see the outline of a TV and a couch and to the right ( across the hall ) was an open windowed breakfast bar that let you have a view of the pristine kitchen. There was a study and maybe a library opposite from one another, We went up stairs which lead to a master room, a little girls room and a boys room - leaving only the bathroom. 'Where are your parents?' I asked with a dry throat, the question was a mere whisper. 'They didn't make it, I came back from UNI to look after Lee.' He said with a half smile. 'And the girl' I said barely hear-able. A pained look crossed his face and before he could say anything I had rapped my arms around him. Stopping him from muttering a word.. 'Do you mind if I stay on the couch?' I asked, pleading. 'Why? The rooms not haunted, my sister still alive. Tori is still out there.' He almost spat. 'Because I'm covered in blood and other shit I don't want to stain your sisters room with. I'm a witch and if im to help you I need her room untouched even by me.' I told him softly. He shrugged once and agreed, looking much distracted. 'Yeah you do stink' He told me, hoping his nose dramatically. I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm lightly. 


'Go shower stinky, I'll find you some clothes of Lee's there probably closest to your size. And find you some blankets or something' I nodded my gratitude and left to shower. Within ten minuets I was feeling much better. The boiling water was a blessing, I had scrubbed my hair with shampoo once and conditioner twice. I felt better than I had in days. 'There's a spare tooth brush in the cabinet, clothes are outside the door.' He told me, by what I think is called mind speak. After jumping out of the shower I cleaned all of the grime away, I grabbed a purple tooth brush and began vigorously brushing. Looking in the mirror I could see my unfortunate eyes shining brightly.  My hair was a tangled mess that looked very brown. I looked at my shoulder in the mirror, all that remained was a nasty scab and a blue bruse from where I had beenshot. I turned slowly, unfortunately the scars on my back remain the same. 


I quickly opened the room and grabbed the clothes. He had found me a guys pair of shorts, that looked like they might fit and a baggy guy's white polo shirt. This would probably fit better than his own which nearly reached my knees. I looked down at my leg hair which wasn't too bad, it grew slowly because I didn't shave too oftern in the winter, I barely showed my legs and I didn't have a boyfriend so what was the point? Other than that because of the sun it was blond when it grew anyway.  I towel dried my hair and left it knotty covering my bra less chest, it was a good disguise if I did say so my self. A little cold and wet but it'd do. I was a Double D and it would definitely be noticeable if I went bra less. 


I went down stairs with the little bundle of clothes under my arm, I entered the kitchen throwing everything but his shirt in the bin automatically. It was a shame I had liked that bra, I put his shirt in the laundry bin and quickly snuggled under the blanket that was laid on the couch. Pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow I was already asleep. 


I awoke hours later, confused and sweating. I had experienced the worst dream ever! All of my fears Combined. I looked around the confusing room before recognising Den's scent. I walked moodily to the fridge and pulled out the milk bottle. I looked around until I found a cup and pored myself a glass. Muttering to myself I gulped half of it down even before putting the milk back in the fridge. Brain freezing I turned around to see a serious fluff ball with it's head in my cup. 


I laughed gently, and pulled a bowl from one of the cupboards.. I easily pored my spoiled milk in the bowl and watched the cat greedily drink it all. I giggled and washed the cup and bowl before picking up the snow white fluff ball and carrying her to my bed. I curled around her and listed to her constant purr until I fell back asleep. 


I awoke to the smell of cooking meat, fighting the urge to groan . All of a sudden the smell was hitting me fully in the face. I groaned and pushed my head into the miniature fur ball that didn't stink of bacon. 'Aren't you hungry?' A curious voice asked. I sat up and nodded once, I looked up to a wet haired Den offering me a sandwich 'Here' he said putting the plate close to my face. 'I uh dont eat meat and I'm allergic to wheat.' I told him grinning a little, he looked like I had insulted his life style. 'And I thought you needed Jesus before!' He muttered as he threw me an apple. I grinned and ate it happily, 'Thank you so much that was lovely.' I said a few minuets later putting the left over in the bin. 'It was an apple...' He muttered flabbergasted, he shook his head at me and ate the food in front of him. 'Why are you Veggie?' He asked. 'Cause my parents were.' I told him.


'The one who fed you mouldy bread?' he asked. 'Well no, but I didn't eat any then either.' 'Wait, have you actually ever eaten meat?' He asked, I shook my head once and he practically ran into the kitchen and cooked more of the weird smelling meat. He came back a few minuets later with a strip of bacon placed upon it. I looked at it curiously and then shrugged. Picking it up I bit a little off and swallowed, I looked at Den with wide eyes and quickly ate the rest grinning wildly. 'Thank you' I told him squealing, quickly I hugged him as he shook his head at me. 'Want any more?' He asked. 'Naw don't want to puke, too much of something new will do that to you. Thank you though.' I told him retreating up stairs, to brush my teeth and wash my face. 'You wouldn't puke if you ate raw meat right now, our body's expect it. Your no longer human Little one' His voice easily reached my through mind speak. 'Witches albenos and wolves Oh my!' I muttered with fake vigour and serious sarcasm, I even skipped a little to prove my point as I walked back down the stairs, his chuckle floated to my ears. 


I wanted to cry, I wanted to forget everything but more than anything I wanted to be normal. As I passed Den I stole his coffee from his hand and drank some, I stopped to savour the taste and then hand it back grinning. 'I'd be offended and be all like "Den doesn't share coffee"  but your face was just too darn cute.' He told me grinning wildly. I rolled my eyes and turned away as my cheeks heated 'Don't make me steal the rest of your coffee' I told him moving away, back to the couch. Cuddling fuzzy, I turned to Den and looked at the sad expression on his face. Why did I feel the urge to hug this goof yet again!?


'What day is it?' I asked him changing the topic. 'Uhh Tuesday' He told me chuckling at my confused expression. 'Awh fuck can I borrow your phone?' I asked. He nodded to his Iphone lying on the breakfast bar. I searched for the school number online quickly before ringing in. 'Hello?' A woman on the other end asked. 'Hi, I'm Maxine Mae I go to school here, I was just calling into apologise for my absence! I've had the flue can you believe it!' I said sweetly, hating the lie but the truth was much worse. 'Awh sweetie I'm so sorry! Make sure you get plenty of water ! I hear its spreading like wildfire in the forest, you people need to put the heaters on! I'll inform the needed people. Get better!' With that she clicked off the phone and I grinned to myself. 'Lying is a bad habit to get good at.' Den scolded softly collecting his phone from my slack fingers. I shrugged once and grinned 'Don't get Jelly at my ninja skills.' I teased. 'I'm not I'm totally peanut-butter' He told me. I rolled my eyes 'More like Penis-less' I heard a faint chuckle and watched as Lee left for school. 'That was mean' Den said fake pouting. 'Hmm that only works when your cute' I lied. 'Ah and there you go lying again!' He told me grinning ever more wider.


'Don't throw me in front of the cow!' I muttered grinning. 'What does that even mean!?' He said exasperated. 'Me and Chase were nearly ran over by a Cow that looked like a trucking Buffalo. So instead of don't throw me in front of the bus or car we say cow. And saying don't throw me to the wolves would be too ironic.' I told him shrugging. He just rolled his eyes at me. 'Trucking?' He said laughing. 'Yeah like trucking grass mole' I said laughing, it was a cuss that wasn't really a cuss if you can rhyme. He pulled a face making me want to think of a comeback.


'I thought of giving you a nasty look but I can see you already have one.' He muttered something about Jesus again. 'Can you see, hear or feel Jesus?' I asked him, I had nothing personally against Jesus or god but it annoyed me that he always used his name in vane. 'Nope' He told me, adding an over dramatic pop to the p. 'Then stop bitchen behind his back before he comes down and smites you.' I tolled him shooting him a look. 'Now let me ask you a question. Can you see, hear or touch your brain?' He grinned at me thinking he had won. 'Nope' I said also popping the p. 'Difference is, I can prove I have a brain. I can have surgery or take scans.' I said sticking out my tong. 'I must ask you, is your ass jealous of the pure crap that comes out of your mouth?' He asked trying to look innocent. 'You should but a condom on you head, cause if your gonna act like a head penis you may as well go the whole way and dress like one.'  I laughed as he blanched.


'You know I saved a bunch of money on my bike insurance by riding your mum.' He told me grinning like a mad man. I felt a single tear run down my face before I froze my facial expression. I turned and walked out of his house without a word, I heard him mutter a cuss before my body shifted to something that wasn't even a little bit human. 


 My bones crushed and shifted, I put one foot in front of the other humming silently to myself. Trying to calm down my nerves. Walking quietly to the forest bed I silently led down on the floor. Pine needles, grass, clumps of mud, loose stones and stones all dug into my under belly. I breathed in and out slowly, eventually I grew cold. My bones clicked as I stood, quickly I stretched. Pulling all my weight on my front paws and then doing the opposite. I ran and ran, everything was so vibrant. Not the colour of things that was a little lame but the smell and detail I got from the new world that surrounded me.  I yawned, my pink tong sticking out quickly. As soon as I smelt the air my belly grumbled loudly. I took off like a shot after the small bunny ahead of me. Easily snapping the bunny up I ate him hungrily. Like Den said, belly of steal. Den, I whimpered softly knowing I had over reacted, the guy had saved my freaking life and housed me for the night. I hunted until I found a hair, hiding in the under brush I snook up on it and pounced, just missing him. Running top sped I eventually caught the bugger. After smelling in every possibly direction I caught a slight smell of his scent. I ran and ran towards it until I found myself back at his door.


I led on his door mulling this over. What if he thought I was a douche? I whined again and scratched at his door. He must have heard me crap. He yanked the door open angrily, his heart was beating fast. He was annoyed. I could hear him pacing when he was inside. I dropped the large hair next to his feet and led my head on my paws. He chuckled softly and picked up my offering. 'You know a simple sorry surfaces in this day and age.' I snorted softly at him and followed him inside trying to butt the door closed with my head.


When that failed I growled angrily at it and rammed it closed with my shoulder, just to have it bounce back open. Den laughed so hard he nearly fell on his arse. I growled at him and steadied my breathing. I thought human like thoughts and visualised myself – minus the drama this time. It worked! I could feel the soft carpet under my toes. Not paws, toes! 'Welldone' he told me happily. 



'Awh man.' I said stretching and hearing my bones click. 'Dang you secretly eighty?' He asked laughter filling his eyes. 'You only know I am' I replied in kind. 'Come on, I'll take you home.' After giving him directions he typed my address into the satnav and we drove in comfortable silence. I couldn't have some one to occupy my thoughts all the freaking time. I sighed as we pulled up, like normal Nellie was sitting on my door stop. 



'What The hell do you want?'

Chapter 35 


 He just looked at me dumbfounded. 'You are gone for  fucking day's and ask me what I want?' I growled deep in my throat. Den just looked between us amused, though slightly awkward as Bo walked up to him and smelt his thy. 'You were off your head on drugs Nelson. Don't treat me like the freaking child, I'm not the one in the wrong here.' I shouted more than slightly annoyed. 'I will treat you like a child when your drinking yourself silly, going off with strangers and look at you now! Just because he was the first guy to look at you doesn't mean he's a good guy, or that he even likes you. Guys want one thing and it nothing to do with your innocent heart. I'm just looking out for you.' He glared at Den childishly. 'One my drink was spiked. Two I went off with Chase, who has been there when you weren't. Three Like I said back then I am no innocent little child. I can do what I want and when. Four stay the hell out of my business and stop acting like a jealous boyfriend. Five Stop being a jack ass and grow up.' I told him angrily, 'Grow up! Ha Max your seventeen and had your first kiss on Thursday and you fucking cried.' He shouted back angrily. 'Fuck you Nelson green.' I waited angrily as he left my doorway and walked silently away. No way in hell was I going to stomp off like a child. 


As soon as he had gone out of view I fell to my knees sobbing. My entire body shook and within seconds rain drenched me. Covered me and washed my soul clean of the misuse. Thunder sparked over my head, shaking the very ground I knelt on. I felt his dismissal deep in my heart, leaving me alone. Everyone always left. The sky grew darker with my darkening mood. Lightening lit the sky, slashing down like a powerful whip three times above my head before I curled up on my self feeling drained of power and sleepy, I was met with silence my view of the sky no longer obscured with the silver like purple bolts. Even the sun hid behind the clouds, scared of the beast I was becoming. What would happen when I lost all control, what would win out first my magic or inner beast?


I felt familiar arms elope me and carry me inside. My freezing body was covered In a familiar smelling pillow of a dog. Bo whines into my neck gently, and Tinka curled himself above my heart. Soon sleep dragged my under once again. I was kidnapped by the darkness and left alone once again.  My body was lifted easily, had it been hours or minuets I wonder...  My weight was adjusted and then I was laid back down instantly feeling warmer. 'Huh?' I murmured sleepily, snuggling further into the heat that surrounded me. 'You were shivering, shush go back to sleep.' The deep voice commanded me, I felt the rumble beneath me. Who the hell was in my house? And more importantly who the hell was I led on? 

Practical jokes in Inpractical situations


 Chapter 36


I snuggled deeper into the warmth, allowing the person under me believe I was sleeping once again. I say person because it could be a flat chested woman right..? Ugh stop thinking this and focus! I moved my arms slowly, making it appear I wanted to snuggle. 


Within seconds my hands were trapped around their throat. I heard a muffled 'Hey!' Of protest. Before we both fell to the floor in a heap of body's and limbs. Coffee and oak filled my nose. 'Well hello to you too' I said in response to his muffled protest. Instead of getting off of me he pushed me further into the carpet. 'Now tell me; how do you get out of a situation like this?' He asked, I nervously pushed my shoulders further into the carpet remembering the lack of under cloth I wore. 'Don't be cute - I've seen all you have to hide. Everyone has boobs kid' He said rolling his eyes. I growled and unsuccessfully tried to move from under his grip. 'I'm eighteen in a month you big meanie and stop being weird my boobs are different!' I replied angrily fidgeting under his heavy weight. He snorted and rolled his eyes at my attempts. 'Dang I guessed you to be twelve!' He told me with fake concern. 'Don't be a pervert and get off of the twelve year old then!' I shouted exasperated, butting my head on his chest. 'No can do cheka. Get out yourself and then we can get you some decent clothes. We need to get ready for training.' He told me deadly serious. 


He thought I was a kid, well he wont expect this. Instead of pushing further into the carpet I pushed myself up and bit his ear suggestively. His growl was more then a little funny, I bit down harder and harder until he got off of me. Grinning wildly I sprinted up stairs, shouting down 'What type of training?' I wondered if they were helping me change and control my new wolf and magic. 'To pack a punch. Get your gym kit kid.' I growled and quickly put on normal bra and then a neon pink sports bra over the top. Support and comfort, I grinned wildly. The sports bra was kinda like a 'boob tube' but it was pretty cool never the less. Over the top of that I shoved a sleeveless grey tee shirt with purple writing over the front. I loved it, even the stitching was purple. It showed off the corner of my bra and hint of curves.


I wore the same kind of joggers I had before, cutting off just bellow the knee. They were the best in my opinion. Grabbing my new running trainers I threw my grey boots in the bin. Then carefully took them out like me they could be cleaned and fixed. In clean clothes and underwear I felt refreshed and me. Brushing my hair I quickly braided it and jogged down the stairs where Den was waiting impatiently holding my travel mud full of delicious coffee. Bo and Tinka were both sat in the kitchen eating all the food they could eat. I quickly drank half before we had even made it to the door. 


Den allowed Bo to get in his ( or hunters I'm not actually sure who's the truck was ) after she tilted her head and sprung her cute puppy eyes at him. He sighed and rolled his eyes as she jumped in before me. I giggled and pulled her on to my lap. Kissing her head affectionately we made our way back to the pack's homes. And hunter...



Questions that have only one real answer...

Chapter 36


 After pulling up outside of his house, I stared once again at the light blue house and perfect picket fence. It was perfect, I sighed thinking about how I was jealous of the pathetic teenagers and their perfectly normal lives. Surprisingly I only felt sorrow when it came to Den and his perfect home. Left. Abandoned. I sighed and turned to Den. 'It's been three weeks, almost a whole month. So why does it hurt like it happened yesterday.' He looked like he wanted to break down, like his whole world had broken. Leaving him with only his own sorrowful thoughts behind. 'I won’t tell you it gets better. The pain you feel right now' I paused gathering my breath. Slowly I walked over to him and laid my small hand on his muscular arm. 'It will never leave you. But don't mistake pain for weakness. We are allowed to miss people. Heck we're allowed to love but truth is they will forever be in your mind.' His eyes turned to me thoughtfully. I laid my head on his shoulder comfortably, relishing in my own thoughts. 'You know kid; you have half a brain after all.' I just snorted and shoved him playfully, which let me tell you now failed miserably


'Stop screwing around we have work to do!' Hunter shouted angrily, his eyes flashed in annoyance. Den caught my hand and pulled me along to where various students between the ages of twelve and nineteen. 'What's first?' I asked Den exasperated 'Fifteen mile run' Den said looking at me a little concerned. I grinned good naturally, last time I ran ten miles it took me an hour - that was before I had wolfed out. With everything that had happened all I had wanted to do was run and never stop. Chase stood near the front grinning like an idiot, I quietly ran next to him already wanting to challenge him. 'Fastest, which will be me, get to have a slave for a week.' I whispered slyly. He nodded once, not bothering to cover his grin. I wondered why he was here, maybe Hunter made it mandatory. He was in black basketball shorts and a clean white blank tank top. He too had slight brusing but looked like he wouldnt miss the run even if his leg was broken.


Den waved farewell and went back into his house as we took off, pretty sure it was close to an hour and a qourter we returned. It was hot, I was sweaty but I had won. I had spent the time running, silently beside Chase comfortably but as the view of the houses came I took off like a shot. Chase made an annoyed sound and chased after me. I heard screams of encouragement behind me, shouting for who I couldn't tell. People gathered outside the houses trying to gage what was going on, when they realised it was a race they also cheered.


Deeply in through the nose, slowly out of the mouth. If I gasped I would have to slow down, PUSH yourself woman! I can do it, pumping my arms and putting even more speed into the sprint I didn't seem to see anything. I nearly ran straight into Den, he held his arms out before I pretty much fell straight into him. 'H-h-hey!' I gasped my response 'Should I let you run full speed at the tree next time turbo?' He asked with a little laugh, moving aside to show me the tree he saved me from. 'I was p-playin. Chicken. In road. You ruined. Game.' Was my response I pouted to add effect. He snorted and shook his head at me. 'Did you.  Have to off!' Complained Chase, loudly. I can't believe I had won. I sunk to the floor and led there grinning. Chase led next to me panting and dripping in sweat. 'I'll put it down to your healing state' I said with a wink.


'Get up' a gruff and annoyed voice ordered. Hunter who had run much slower than everyone else, staying in the back; shouting when people got too far behind. Not one to give complements out now was he. 'Get your ass up!' He shouted angrily when I didn't move. He turned and stormed off when he was met with no response, err he was already a pain in my ass.


I stood up gingerly on unstable legs, Bo and Den suddenly by my side. 'Come on princess' Den said nicely as we followed Hunter in to a building bigger than the others. I winced at the name Hunter would normally call me. As we entered I realised we were basically in a gym. Nothing fancy, just a big white room with normal wooden flooring. It was dark, what made this room beautiful was the roof. It was basically a big window, during the summer it must be a sweatshop in here! But when it cooled down with just the right amount of light or stars it would be beautiful. 'Welcome to the over grown shed' I muttered in wonder. And that was the beginning.


'The only way to get out of this, princess is to kill me. No one will save you. This is no game; your here to survive not have a pissing contest!' he roared angrily. 'No I'll leave that to you shall I?' I muttered back sarcastically, Den shot me a sympathetic look before helping me up. Again. 'This is no fucking game Max!' Err don't you think I know that, I was the one freaking abused to save there sorry asses. Maybe I should have wished for death even that would be better than this!


I know that I'm being a little melodramatic but jeez this guy annoys me! 'He should really ware a warning sign' I told Den, only to receive a glare from Hunter. Well before I go on I should explain what's gotten us both so worked up.


Ooh flash back time, I thought drily.


It's getting late now; the day is starting to darken already. My muscles are already tired from all of the running and stress from the pass days. I'm serious this is no excuse. He had me stand still, using nothing but my arms to stop the continuous hits he gave me. He told me this was to help me fight back but I felt more like a punching bad. I fought the urge again and again not to flinch or whimper. His fists as fast as freaking superman and as hard as nails.


So that probably wasn't the best way of expressing the current situation. He wasn't super man or a mutant ninja turtle but from my lacking skills he might as well have freaking been. I felt like I was being stabbed by a porcupine. I had been hit so many times in the head I'm pretty sure I fully qualified for stupid right about now.


'Hunter she's a new B.' Den muttered angrily, it was the first time he had uttered a word. He looked fully concerned. Blood flew from my nose and mouth, probably from my ears for all I knew. 'How will you protect the pack when you are weak? When you can't fight? How will we survive if we have warriors like you?' Warrior I had been fighting, well been beaten, for like five minutes now! 'I will fight and I can. I will not cower.' I said completely deadpan, adjusting my stance I stood taller and held my fists up once again. This time I managed to block the punch and even throw my own. I was proud until he knocked my hand away easily punching me once again in the face; I swear this guy was bipolar. He was nice just a few days before. Maybe his heart was replaced with ice. 'Ha as if, have you even looked at yourself lately? You’re pathetic! You may not make a sound but I can see you cower, smell your fear. I can even hear your silent whimper. Prove you’re not the pathetic piece of shit I think you are!' It was a challenge I knew it, but I could not help it. All the years, all of the beating's I went crazy.


I charged forward, not thinking. I threw a punch against his gut and quickly side stepped out of his eye sight. The blind spot. Kicking the back of his legs and pushing him forward was a bad idea. He didn't budge; he easily turned annoyance clear in his features. The silence seemed to scream at me. I jumped back out of his reach, not allowing my tired body even chance to flinch or shiver before I kicked his blocking arm. Like I had planned he grabbed my leg and pulled me to his chest easily I fell and used the momentum to shove my fist in his face with all the force I could muster.


His snarl was inhuman. My fist merely hit his cheek with no more than a glance. He was right my attempts were pathetic. He pushed both of my arms behind me and threw me to the floor once again. His fist was about to connect with my face once again. 'I give up!' I screamed in his face. 'Is that what you want to hear? You've beaten me. It's over you won.' I said completely defeated and exhausted


'The only way to get out of this, princess is to kill me. No one will save you. This is no game; your here to survive not have a pissing contest!' he roared angrily. 'No I'll leave that to you shall I?' I muttered back sarcastically, Den shot me a sympathetic look before helping me up. Again. 'This is no fucking game Max!' Err don't you think I know that, I was the one freaking physically abused to save there sorry asses Maybe I should have wished for death even that would be better than this!


I knew I was being melodramatic, even more so after all he had said and done but like I had said he really did annoy me. 'He should really ware a warning sign' I told Den, only to receive a glare from Hunter. I knew he was worried about his pack but he didn't have to be an arse to me! We had all lost someone. 'Come on cheka, I'll get you fixed up and ready for school tomorrow.' Den said leading the way out of the not so nice room. 'It's a Wednesday tomorrow' I told Den uncertainly. 'Yeah..'He made a carry on sign with his hands.  'Well I ddon't have any classes.' I whispered, scared Hunter would hear. 'Good, I'll train you tomorrow.' Den said talking my small hand in his larger one. 'I'll help you until you can kick his ass. It is now my personal job to watch over you.' He told me with a little crooked grin, I smiled back and then felt the pain from my lip and scowled. 'Why?' I asked slightly confused, what did he get from this arrangement?


'Because that's my job I just told you. You’re a little pain in the ass but someone's gotta save it.' He told me laughing lightly. 'Ha it'll be more like me kicking your pathetic ass' I told him chuckling in a girly way. 'Game on. Ahh but remember cheka but behind every beautiful girl is a dumb ass guy saving her ass. We all know that.' He told me approaching his beautiful home. I giggled and then clutched my sore side. 'That's rich from a a... guy with... umm  ...  tiny balls. I mean come one! Mine are placed upon my chest to stop any chafing.' I told him humour lightening my tone. He snorted and missed a step nearly falling over Bo. Who had been lying in his garden with the front door open. 'Vulgar much! If you call them balls then I could swallow them better than most people swallow pills.' He told me with a little smirk


'Dude don't dis my boobs! That's mean.' I told him pouting; I loved how we could discuss anything and everything without it being overly serious. 'Don't get jelly get even.' He told me putting his hands on either side of my waist. He picked me up easily and put me on the counter next to the sink. 'Mph now I'm hungry!' I whined lightly. 'Can we get Jelly?' I squealed happily. He chuckled at my childish behaviour. 'Sure bright eyes, as long as you sit still long enough for me to clean you. We can then go and buy a load of shit... uh stuff.' He said, he looked a little embarrassed as he washed my face gently with a wash cloth. The wash cloth came back blood red but by now I had no real feeling towards the blood.


I sat quietly as the warm wash cloth came back to my face slightly pink. I didn't even wince as he guided the cloth across my bruised and battered face. He growled in annoyance. 'You don't even flinch nor have any reaction to blood. You don't understand how utterly wrong that is! You shouldn't be like this; you’re a girl for fuck sake. Hunter is well and truly a prick.' I could feel the annoyance and frustration rolling off of him. 'I was used to this long before Hunter ever came into my life, even if he is a prick.' I told him grinning a little, only to get a mouth full of copper tasting water. 'Yeah but that's not the point you shouldn't be used to this and no matter how much Hunter pushes you it won't work!' He growled but his hands remained surprisingly soft on my delicate skin. Well untill he straightened my crooked nose, it needed to heal straight. He held my eyes as he bit his skin once again and fed me his own blood line. 'Come on grumpy, let's go get you some chocolate before you start PMSing again' I said giggling.


I jumped down easily and splashed water over my face. 'What the hell is an pnsing? Is it some kind of teenaged acronym? ‘ He asked utterly confused. 'PMS and umm woman monthly cycle' I said blushing a little. 'I know, but nice impression of a tomato' He told me making me blush more. 'Douche face!' I complained blushing more. 'Really, douche face. That's the best you could come up with red?' He asked chuckling again. 'ERR.' I said grabbing his keys from him and running. 'If you don't stop being mean Ima crash your car!' I shouted back running to the little garage on the side of the house. 'Thats a little harsh speedy, I have a bike not a car.' He called back but running all the same to prevent any crashes. 'You wonna drive?' He asked jumping on the bike, sitting in position already. He tapped his lap grinning at me; I rolled my eyes and muttered something about him not being as hot as he thought he was. 'Your right Darlin, I'm hotter.' I snorted, sliding in behind him wondering how we could both fit on this death trap of pure speed.



Before I could retort about something including 'boys and their toys' He turned the key in the motorbike on and my voice was drowned out by the roar of the bike. I laughed in glee, I shoved the helmet over my head, clutching tightly to Den's middle we slowly we took off. We passed a startled Hunter who shouted something more than likely in annoyance. Instead of slowing down we only sped up, the cold air seemed to rap around me, getting under my clothes and making me terribly cold. But given the chance I wouldn't change it for the world, this was the best feeling known to man. I pulled myself closer to Den covering myself in his unyielding heat. Wait when did I start calling him Den instead of Denver? I shrugged almost to myself and laid my sleepy head on his shoulder.


When we stepped off of the bike I was shivering slightly. Den took one look at my hair and laughed, trying and failing may I add to cover it up. I pulled an annoyed face, scrunching my cold face up. He reached over my head easily and undid my braided hair, allowing it to cover some of the smaller bruises on my face, as I passed the front window of the shop I saw I just looked tired, I am a little terrified girl, if it was up to me I’d never come out of my room. I'd be crying all the time, with no smile shared and no smile returned. But that’s not me! I can't hide away from the misery that plagues me, no I have to be the idiot that stands up and faces it.


Sometimes I may act stupid and sometimes I may act immature. My problems may be boring but every time you have to face them. I stared at the mirror harder and looked longer, trying to find one thing about myself that I didn't immediately dislike or distrust. My eyes creepy and the perfect copy of my mothers and fathers combined. My nose to small, my top lip thin. My bottom lip was full and my ears cute. Even without the scars that marked my back I would always have a constant reminder of my past, I just had to stand up and deal with it.


No one else in this world was perfect so how could I judge myself, for not being perfect? Sometimes I really could be stupid. I'm stressing over what I look like when people are being attacked and going through what I went through. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw the tears filling them.  My adopted mother always said I had been pulled from the sky and pushed into this dreadful world in the most awful way, my mother was so innocent and beautiful in her kind ways. No one would ever take away her purity; I would always strive to be like her regardless as to what I thought of myself.


I looked away quickly and tiredly jogged to keep up with Den. 'Slow down speedy!' I huffed, I'm really tired and he has really long leg's don't judge me.  'You okay princess?' He asked looking more than a little concerned. I nodded once, 'You're wrong they are not your parent’s eyes. They are your own, ever more vibrant and more alive. And don’t you ever say they are weird or odd because they are you. You are already as pure as your mother, in your own way you just don’t realise it. Probably never will.' He told me silently, I was annoyed he had read my mind but I was being a little dramatic, I nodded my head again and held my head high.


'As if you don't have doubts about yourself!' I snorted. 'Naw course I don't I'm fabulous' He stuck out his tong in a childish manner and I couldn't help but giggle. Suddenly he stopped and stuck his butt out calling 'Does my butt look big in this?' He wiggled it for good measure, no lie he had a good butt. I just raised an eyebrow at him and retorted ' Well yea, only problem is that it makes your head look even bigger!' I told him trying really hard not to laugh. 'Haa. But I sat in sugar all night to get this sweet ass.' He told me jutting out his bottom lip. 


 'Oh cause that's so original!' I snorted and he wiggled his butt again only to be met with my English teacher. 'Cough. Cough' She said sarcastically, but none the less she laughed at him. Den blushed which was pretty freaking hilarious 'Ooh sweetie you don't look so good! No wonder you haven't been in.' It was quite funny to see Den look down upon someone and look embarrassed, I was ready to laugh right there and then. 'Yeah its been rough, she's been cooped up in my house for like two days straight!' Den complained with fake annoyance, to Miss Price. 'I wasn't that bad was I Den' I whined but he just grinned evilly. 'Well I hope you get well enough for Thursdays class sweetie. Denver stop being mean!' She told me smiling softly, winking she left her  soft blue dress wrapped her legs as she turned. The material also rapped around her tall body nicely giving her a nice young and approachable look. 


'Haa she likes me more then you' I told him sticking out my tong. In response he just rolled his eyes and stuck his own out at me when he thought I wasn't looking, I continued walking and as soon as I heard his footsteps following I turned around and flicked his ear. I winked cheekily before sprinting in the opposite direction of where he was standing. My heart raced at the thought of a race, my heart accelerating. I could feel the strength and strain in every single muscle of my body. Hours of running and practising taking its toll, that was probably the only reason why Den caught me pretty much in three steps, I was too tired to be ashamed at my pitiful attempt. Instead I fell back into his arms in a tired heap, grinning coyly. 'Now that, darlin, was a sad attempt.' Den has a mysterious twinkle in his eyes, his sweet little crooked smile lit his whole face. 'IIIII Tire-red' I said elongating the word tired. He rolled his eyes with fake sympathy 'man up' he told me good naturally. I elbowed him in the stomach grinning as he pretended to be hurt. Staggering over exaggerated manner, he fell on his ass. 'You hurt my elbow!!' I told him rubbing the now sore spot on my arm. 'Awh poor baby' He said sarcastically, he twisted away from me and I couldn't help but let my eyes roll over his well defined body. His shirt like a second skin of pearly white and his jeans adding shape to his legs.  


 I sighed and quickly walked behind him, the colourful junk all around me already making me feel claustrophobic, the fear or feeling of being in a tight small space, this was a personal worst. I felt none of natures normal buzz here, everything was artificial or just plain fake. I no longer felt hungry or happy, more like trapped. I closed my eyes as blackness entrapped me, 'hey are you okay sweet?' Den had turned back around and his hands rest gently on my solders.   


 'Come on, you look like your about to puke or faint, maybe a combined mixture of both', he grabbed my hand in his much bigger one and pulled me from the shop with no real force. He left me leaning on the window whilst he did a quick shop.  Sliding back onto the already familiar bike we rode in silence back to his home. I didn't get the buzz I had the first time, I felt serious exhaustion over take me, no feeling of flying or unyielding freedom. Maybe I was crazy... 


I leant my head on Denver's shoulder and began to allow sleep to over take me. 'Fuck, Max stay awake sweetie!' He called loudly. I tried to keep my eyes open but I was failing miserably 'MAX, when the hell was the last time you ate?' He asked impossibly louder. I shrugged weakly, not knowing the answer I was supposed to give.'You have to eat little Max, your digestive system has like doubled. Your metabolism is like insanely quick right now, you don't know how hard it is for one of us to get fat. Seriously if you miss like even one meal you feel like crap. I remember Lee skipped breakfast one day cause he was gonna be late, the kid was grumpy for like a week straight.' He was babbling, he really was worried. Slowly I pealed my face from his shoulder, trying my hardest to awaken myself. 


When we finally made it to his home, I swear I felt like hell frozen and heated up at the same time! It was insane. It was like my heat regulator had gone to pot, with all the healing and newly acquired sparing buddies I seemed to be over using my energy. As soon as pulled up into the garage we slowly made our way to the house, I swear it was the freaking hardest walk I had ever had to .. well walk. My legs felt like led, my tong like sand paper and my body like it had been hit with a sledge hammer repeatedly. You know the unnecessary large ones. 


'Coffee' I muttered sleepily before I snuggled into a little ball on the couch. Within minuets I was awoken to the sweet smell of coffee shoved under my nose; 'Drink' a gruff and more than slightly worried voice commanded me. 'Can't believe you didn't recognise the signs!' An angry whisper reached my ears. I put my head further into my arms hiding from the noises in the darkness I now called home. 'Right; just remember who it was that used her energy up. I am not her keeper, I do not know when she is hungry she doesn't tell me!' Replied a frustrated voice close to me, it was familiar - Den. 


'I didn't mean to be a bother den. I will go.. if I'm Hansel' I'm pretty sure that, that wasn't totally clear but Den's sweet chuckle reached my ears. 'Honnie your no Hansel' He told me, sweeping hair from my face. 'She relys on you! She's like a two year old. If you cant handle her...' The annoying voice was interrupted, again. 'Hunter, we all know I can care for her. Don't be an ass. Look just ask her who she want to train her.' Denver said in an angry voice, I didn't like the intruder - he angered Den. 'Go away, Mr annoying. I like Den - he nice and gives me bacon.' I could practically feel the eye role, since when did I become so truthful? I sat up tiredly, grabbing the drink Den was absent-mindedly drinking from. I grinned devilishly as I gulped it all in three gulps. My eyes went wide as I sprinted up the stairs shouting back 'NEEEEEED TO TINKLEEE.' The walk down was less dramatic, which was good. Hunter, a silent Chase and Den stood in the room. 'Chase!' I squealed happily and hugged him enthusiastically. 'Hey kitty' Den raised an eyebrow at the name but stayed quiet as I sat beside him, unconsciously leaning my head on his shoulder, and yawning. I quickly ate the salad that was left on the side, I think it even had chicken in it. Within minuets I sat pouting at my empty plate, sucking it up I said 'Thank you, Den' I smiled sweetly. 


'See, she doesn't say shit!' Hunter said angrily, his voice was loud and disrupted the peace. I winced and moved further back into Den's arm, which he automatically put around me. I shivered once as Den's natural heat embedded itself into my very being. 'Are you still hungry, darlin?' He asked looking into my face, assessing my answer 'I am fine thank you' It wasn't a lie, I was fine - I would live. He looked at my face once before handing me his untouched plate. I shook my head, eyes wide. 'I am replenished.' I muttered barely able to look away from the food. 


His soft growl shook my entire core, I began shivering not wanting to disappoint him yet torn because I had already eaten my share. I shook my head looking at my shoeless feet, when had that happened? 'Maxine take the damn food!' Hunter shouted, I wanted to run away - hide and scream. I did none of these things instead I growled menacingly back, he had no authority over me. The hair on my arm seemed to rise, goosebumps covered me. Hunter looked like he wanted to put me in my place, he was interrupted by Chase. 'Dang woman, didn't realise you had a pair of steal balls. Now eat your food honnie, your still hungry.' I looked up at Den unsure but at his nod I, mind the pun, wolfed it down. When I had finished I laid back rubbing my swollen belly happily. 


Thank you Denver that was extraordinary delicious 

Ha, anytime sweet, please tell me when you're hungry.

I.. I'll try. 

Good, you know I can't do anything about it if you don't tell me. 


I received the picture of puppie eyes and giggled aloud. 'You're wolf not a dog!' I said also aloud. Chase looked amused by our exchange, whilst Hunter just looked pissed. Chase looked good in his usual dark attire, dark blue jeans and a dark blue tee shirt. Hunter wore a forest green 'wife beater' to be honest I always called them tank top and plain white basketball shorts showing off his muscular leg's, that were nothing in compared to the muscle that covered Den so why was he more threatening? 


Den may I go back to sleep? 

Of course, would you mind using my room? I think Hunter wishes to speak with me some more. 



I nodded happily and hugged him tightly before running to chase and kissing his cheek softly 'Sleep well Max' He told me softly, he really could be a brother to me. When I turned back around I caught something In Den's eyes but it was gone quicker than it had appeared. 




My voice was almost a whine. 


I will tell you later


I nodded after trying and failing to probe his mind for what he was hiding. I walked up the stairs slowly, exhaustion over taking me once again. I followed my nose into the biggest room that resembled his smell the most. Coffee and oak yumm... Where did that even come from? His room was a dark blue, only decorated with a simple nightstand, massive bed and simple cubard. His bedding was a mix of greys, I didn't want to mess up his bed so I laid above the covers and instantally fell asleep. Even his smell left me feeling protected. 



A nightmare that never seems to end...

Chapter 37 


Everything seemed to shine. Almost as if a thousand lights were lit, just to lighten the small room. Why so many lights?


I looked at the small bubble that entrapped me. It was almost like a pedestal, a thousand faces looking up at me. Judging and degrading my every effort. Every breath. Every movement.


I could not stand for this, I knocked my hands against the bubble that surrounded me, no way was I better then any of the single faces bellow me!


I fell. Falling for miles and miles. The ground came closer and closer. Would anyone catch me, or would I fall and shatter to a million pieces I felt strangely content, falling didn't make me cold or hungry. Not even tired, it was strangely relaxing. Every beat of the clock was slow, talking its time.


And then I hit rock bottom.


You didnt wave good bye and now you are gone, I am left alone to suffer. 


I woke up sweating and whining loudly. Shakes racked my body and my heart contorted. 'What's the matter?' Den said walking into the room, he had changed into soft grey joggers and a loose grey sweatshirt. 


'I was never perfect. Not even the definition of normal. I mean what is normal, when ones perception of normal to anthers..? Normal should be the world that surrounds us, the trees, mud, sand and rock that creates our flooring. ' ( There's obviously more than that but when your mind is working a mile a minuet you can only think of a few) 'Humans are a mutation nothing normal about that now is there? I mean were supposed to eat only vegetables, that's what the appendix is for ! We adapted majorly, that's not even the start - we basically resembled monkeys. Even walked and ate like them. We grew and developed. Now we are the top predator when we shouldn't have been physically able too, I mean were not naturally born with a human side that posses claws or majorly sharp teeth. We basically mess with the world when we shouldn't, so that makes us the unnatural ones. But everyone has to survive right, and if to do so we must mutate then so be it!' He looked at me a little confused but didn't call me outright a freak. Instead he sat on the bed and smiled softy 'You were having a nightmare about not being normal? Only you Max.' He chuckled softly and took my hand in his. 'You were always different, heck even here your different. But normal is boring it gets old quick, you keep us on our toes.' He finished smoothing my hair from my face. 


 I nodded once and stretched 'What's the time?' I asked sleepily. 'Hm around twelve' I nodded once and went to walk from his room and go back to sleep downstairs. 'Twelve, like 0.00 on the clock.' He told me an odd look on his face. I nodded once 'I'm going to bed' I told him confused. 'Why don't you sleep here?' He asked, red washed across my face 'Y-y-your's i-is the f-first guys r-room I've been i-in.' I told him uncertainly. He shrugged and patted the bed as if it was no big deal, I ran from him - nearly breaking my ankle on the stairs I curled on the sofa again. It took me a long time to regulate my breathing, and an even longer time to get into the smooth calm confines of sleep. 


I couldn't do it, my mind like a carousel would stop spinning, it was like a race I couldn't win. I had already bought the ticket for this ride and now I couldn't get off. I was glued to this process of thought, gears turning I sat up slowly, unsure 


I needed to leave before my mind would burst, I hadn't used my magic all yesterday and now it was like an unruly puppie, ready to play. Sighing I stood and tiptoed from the house. A smell hit my nose as soon as I steeped out the back door, I don't know why I had taken the back door I just had it was pack instinct. I see thing that others don't, I know that but it freaks me out. I whispered the words shift, Change form in Latin 'subcinctus commutandum' And instead of the bone crunching experience I usually under go. The smell was closer now, leaving me want for wit! I couldn't remember what that smell was. I crept into the forest behind the houses, no one was back here. The soft pads of my feet were made soundless by the soft fur that covered them. But on the left side men lined up, maybe about twenty smells of sweat and eminence fear contorted my senses. 


'Yo, have you checked on the second team?' One deep voice asked. 

'Yes Mecha I just sent Deke' That voice, I remembered it. 

'How long' Another voice whined. 

'Ten minuets. Were doing sentry, We've already scored two.' Crap they've completely disarmed our defences. 


And then I heard the best news I had heard all day!

'Have you checked with the pups today? I can't believe they have lasted this long.' 

I will kill them all!

Hunters voice was loud. 

Hunter shut up you'll wake the kids. There on the left sides of the houses, come around the back with a double attack. Can someone ask a child to cry? We need to buy some time. I need to think of something, they are armed to the teeth, the same men as before. Chase the Albino is here! 


'Millie baby you cant ... ERM have food for a week.

But momma that's mean, I've been a good girl. 

No you stole the last cookie.'

'BUUH MOMMY' The scream was loud and overly dramatic, I smiled the mother easily crept down stairs and grabbed the hand guy she kept concealed under the sink, she grabbed the milk from the fridge and went to settle her still crying little girl. 


'Fuck man! They know where here!' One man said loudly. 

'Shut the fuck up no they don't. The woman grabbed the milk what she gonna do, feed you milk and cookies till you explode? I didn't think so.' A few men snickered. 

'Nice move Rosie.' The mother nodded and calmed her child. A steady rain began to fall. 


I can't smell shit. 

Ah it's in me eye!

Max can you do something about this? Den shot me a picture of when I made it storm and controlled the lightening. I sighed and shook my shoulders 

It normally happens when I'm pissed but I guess I can try. I think I may be able to keep it dark too. Hmm. 

Pluvia , nos prohibere et vigilate . Vigilate et ut sit super nos movent . Mane nobiscum, et pugnes præter nos. Sed quia nunc ex parte versibus postea viribus tuis egebimus . Fortis nubes super nos tenere placet in sinum tuum, et circa rap habitabit in nobis ex terriors nocte . Tibi grates .



My voice was more like a prayer then a command; my silent plea was coppied by the soldiers and woman that were awakened by my call. My cry was repeated over and over in our very own language. 


Rain, stop and watch us. Watch as we move and watch over us. Morn with us and fight beside us. But for now stand on the side lines, for later we will need your mighty strength. Mighty clouds up above please hold us in your embrace, rap around and shelter us from the terrors in the night. Thank you.


The men were getting angsty, shivering and clutching their guns. They looked more like boys than men, toy soldiers. Was this some kind of game to them? Murdering people, stealing children. Leaving only the delinquent kids behind. This was like some big game of chess, but we were cheating moving before it was our supposed turn... This is some stupid game! Why must we play? It was dangerous. They can't hurt any more of us, the people here were already broken; fake smiles might cover our faces but these people didn't want to fight. They had, had enough of the pain; I had to do something about it, whispering the same words as I had before I shifted effortlessly. 


'Audite me alta et patet ; omnibus audientibus uoce gero.'

Hear me loud and clear; carry my voice for all to hear.


'Where are the family and friends of my pack? You steal our children yet you have no use! Tell us where they are. Fun fact number one, I can smell each and every one of you. Fun fact number two, you smell exactly like your children, your friends smell clings to you hell even your parents smell - and yes even though some of you haven't visited them in a week. Fun fact number three, we never forget a scent. You view us as beasts of destruction well you've push us that far.' I walked forward, my voice echoing of off the fog that obscured me from view. 'Lay down your weapons, or we'll attack. Tell me where our family's are, or we will attack.' I was shouting now, even the loudness of my own voice hurt my ears. 'Oh yea fun fact number four, we have you surrounded. Thought you could sneak up on us? The sentry's you thought you captured? They were sleeper agents, now there free and very pissed. Fun fact number five, leave or my breathrin will kill each and every one of you!' My voice boomed and then visited silence. 


This time I changed normally, feeling tired already. It was one thing to ask the elements to do something a totally other thing to command them. Its like saying come here to a person, and then dragging them feet dragging. I was tired but if I had to I would fight. Slowly the wolves off all different colours, shapes and sizes came from the shadows, came free of the fog. There were so many of us!


A growl seemed to start somewhere in the many mouths of the pack, there was at least a hundred wolves outside, but the growl seemed to come not only from us but those inside too. Suddenly it turned into a howl, wolves appeared in doorways and windows. The howl was echoed and reflected from every single wolf and let me tell you it was powerful. The men before us seemed to shake in fear. And then everyone stopped at once as if rehearsed. 


'We once were weak we are no longer!' The cry was echoed mentally and aloud. The men who had once stood strong now fled in fear. Wolves ran after them, snapping at their heals or holding them down, not marking any.


Capture as many as you can, but don't harm them. We do want our children back!

They are alive! 

My babies!

The cry that had started in fear and anger was now a happy one. Soon the pack would be complete, some lives were lost but others would be brought back, my heart swelled with joy. An apslutaly huge wolf trotted up to me, dark and deadly. Den, his grinning form led before me, flashing his neck towards me. 

Bite me 


Mark me


Cause you are a warrior and I wish to be yours

My what? Den your scaring me

You are no ordinary wolf, that much is evident, you can do magic. More than that you are an Alpha like Hunter. 

What does that mean ? I thought threating instantly.

It means princess that you either mate Hunter or create your own pack. Chase said, trotting over to me happily. 

What! I cant lead anyone ! I forget to brush my teeth, how am I supposed to care for many others?

 You don't, you are an alpha, born alpha - if you settle for anything less you will just annoy hunter. Argue with him about everything. It will be real crappy. We can only train you so much Max. 


Den told me sighing mentally. I leant forward slowly and placed my teeth gently on his collar bone, biting only enough to draw a little blood, 'I mark you as mine. ' Something happened, I could no longer hear the constant buzz of the rest of the pack. No, I could only hear Denver. 


Den, what happening ? 

Well sweet, you've started your own pack now. 

Why did you join me? 

ERM.. Paint drops and fairy tails... Grass is green and houses are many colours. 

DENVER what are you hiding?

I will tell you when you are in a better understanding of our kind. 

Nodding mentally I rubbed my face against his. 

Lee the perfect little version of den offered his neck to me in the same way Den had. I bit his soft flesh imeditaly, knowing I could never refuse Den's brother. I will not break up a family. 


Next, and most surprisingly was Mason, repeating the action I marked him as my own. 

I will not ask you why, but I will accept you. 

Thank you Alpha

Mason, you have been disrespectful and funny up until now - don't change it. 

I won't , My Maxiepad


His chuckle was met with Dens and Lee's. 

What about Selena?

You know she'll never leave her pack, not even for me. 

Why? I asked curiously.

 She is my mate, but I would not ask that of her.

Why? I would not forbid your joining? Can you not join together and stay apart? 

No it would hurt to much to be apart, drive us insane.  He told me wincing. 

Mason, when this is over, if you wish to change back I give you my permission. 

He nodded his head at me but said nothing.


ERM slight problem, where are we going to live? I mean you can't all move into my ants house, Her face though; would be worth it. 


How much money do you own?

Hrm, Some from my parents savings, I receive it when I am eighteen. 

And that is...? 

February 14. 

Hm, Well until you are eighteen you are welcome to stay in your original pack. So if we have to we can live with Hunters pack. 

I will ask.  I told them confidentially. Shifting I walked to where a short haired large wolf stood, his fur was dark but not midnight dark. 


'Hunter, I must ask that my pack members can stay with you until I am able to house them?' It wasn't quite a statement or an question. He looked angry and like he wanted to challenge me but only nodded, once and looked away. 




Mumma Alpha

Chapter 38


 'Well now sweet, it's time for your training to commence.' I nodded eagerly, wanting to be able to fight. 


How will we find them? -Mason 


Easy, I'll scry


What, hows crying going to help us? - Lee


No SCRY, It's basically asking the elements around us to connect with other's to help us identify what we are looking for. In this case, I'll take all the family's blood - a little stop threatening Mason - and add my own to it.


Then ill need to ask everyone who knew these people to picture them one by one and try to connect. 


That's funky! When? -Lee


NOW!- Mason jumped up and down excitedly. 


Boy's I'm sorry but I must ask that we wait a week to prepare. - Den


What? Why? They'll be equipt by then! - Mason retorted angrily. 


Yes, but we won't be, they will move and calm down, not knowing that we have a witch. They'll slack in their duties. -Den. 


I nodded my agreement, Mason, look at me. Mason look me in the eyes. 


I will find them, and your sister. They will be fine. I will get them all back here, but right now I'm healing and aching. I can hardly throw a punch. I don't want you to worry about you alpha and your sister. 


This time he looked me in the eye's and threw his arms around my body in a tight hug. I felt his shoulders moving and I didn't need to be a witch to know he was crying. He was a kid for god sake. 'I promise you she will be fine.' I whispered into his ear, rubbing his back reassuringly. When he had stopped crying I looked into his broken eyes and kissed him on the cheek I wanted to show I acepted him no matter what.


Hours had passed and I had never felt so sore. I'm serious, although Den wasn't as bad as Hunter he still pushed me. It all started with a challenge and then endded in tears. Well sweat but whats the diffrence; there both salty right..? 


I will watch over you.


Because that's my job, you little pain in the ass

Ha it'll be more like me saving your pathetic ass; game on.

Ahh Beautiful girl, dumb ass guy. We all know that.

Hate to break it to you but your hardly a guy...

Awh are you callin me pretty


'I will break you, then I will mold you into something you need to be.  When you come out of training with me you will be diffrent, stronger and wiser. And you probbly won't be able to stand.' These whispered words echoed in my ears. I gulped and continued doing the push up's I was asked, well told, to do. 


My weight going down and then struggling to get up again. Instead of shouting at me, Den was at my side - sweating and pushing his own weight up and down. Even more supprising, Lee were also there - sweating and cussing all the same. My heart swelled with love, making me push harder. Train more and want to succeed that  little bit more. I spead up, feeling energzised and ready for anything, ready to take the freaking world on. Oh was I wrong. After what they called a 'warm up' - it seemed more like a full work out to me, we began fighting...


I could stand fighting Mason and Lee whist Den shouted encouragement but I couldn't stand this. I knew something was wrong when Den went away; I didnt know what for but i was busy trying to protect my face from Mason. When he returned he had something tucked under his arm. Something big and covered in a sheet. When he place it in the corner and left i followed him with confused eyes. 


Dropping my gaurd iIwent to follow him until Mason got in a gut shot and boy did it hurt. 

Pay attention to him not me Max!

Den scolded gently. 


I turned to face a shirtless Mason, for someone of only 15 years he was pretty darn muscular, he was still pretty empotional I could sence it but he was fighting it out. I sighed and prepared for another ass wooping. My eyes locked on masons, Watching every part of his body, not just his torso or muscled legs covered only by basketball shorts. As soon as he took a step forward, I stood statue still, waiting for him to move again. As he lifted his arm to hit, I lifted my own to block and swong with my left hitting his sholder. Then stepping forward pushing against his barriors. His eyes widened and I got my own face shot, haaaa! Revenge is sweeeeet. My fist hit his left cheek, as his hand came up I danced back, out of his reach. 


Anger filled his eyes and I fought the erge to wince. 'Mace, shes new. And get your but over here.' He jerked his thumb to behind him. There was four me length mirrors on against the wall. I faught the erge to run. 

'Look in the mirror and tell me you are a beautiful, smart warrior.' . I shook my head once, not wanting to look, I turned away. Not wanting the tears to fall. 'If you can't see the beauty I do then I will buy a million mirrors until you do. Look longer and look harder. You are not the monster you pretend to be. Everyone is broken here, no single one of us is perfect. We wouldn't be here if we wern't. You are a surviver you just need to see it, believe it' 


I turned my head looking in to my weird eyes. My long auborn hair was bound back, reaching to the middle of my back. I was well brested, and slim. Well compared to the guy's sourounding me. My hipps jutted out, and annoyed me. My Stomouch wasn't completely flat but I had a thy gap - my body confused me. I mean you can see the outline of my ribbs yet I didn't have a flat belly. It was like my body wanted to be slim yet couldn't. My legs and arms were muscled from all the running and situps I had done for years prior to this 'training'.


At 9 stone and 5ft 2  I know I wasn't severely over weight nor really tiny but I personally disliked the weight I was. If I saw someone with my size and stature id not even blink an eye, so why did I hate myself so much? I sigh squeezing my eyes tightly shut. Not wanting to see my button nose, small ears hands and feet. I heard two retreating footsteps, maybe a third.


 Tears fell freely down my face, one after another. It was almost a race, like which could escape the quickest. I growled angry at myself for allowing my emotions to over whelm me. Cleanching my jaw a recited how stupid I was being mason had cried over his sister and me over myself how selfish.  'It dose not make you weak.' Den was close behind me, his arms wrapping themselves around my now tired and cold body. I nodded once, looking into his kind eyes. I remember the first time he took me into his arms, this big gentle creature. Never one to damage or break, maybe he should be a doctor. He had helped me when the torments of my past chanced me, and he had come now too. Would I never not need his help? Would for ever be in his debt? 


He didn't say anything, just led me into the middle of the room and began working on my form. I felt stronger and more worthy in his company. Like I belong, even though I was broken and unwanted. 


Much needed stresses

 Chapter 39


Tomorrow I have school. Today I am Den's project. He stood there with a punching bag whislt I tried to hit it without breaking my hand. Thud, thud, slap, shhhh....


Wait shh? Thats the door, I turned around to see hunter walk in slowly. 'She's no longer your worry why are you here?' asked Den annoyed. 'I am the best at mindread arent I?' He asked aproaching slowly. 'Yes, you are an Alpha.' He ground out. Well I think it'd be best if we make a truce, that way we wont have half a recon group and you're Apha needs more training than you can give her.'


Hunter turned to me with his boiling and freezing eyes, he may have been a real douche but atleast he cared for his pack. 'We don't need..' Den didn't even finish. I looked at him with wide eyes and awaited his responce to Hunters suggestion. 'Max you can't await on your beta, or what ever Den is to you. You are the only Alpha in your pack they must look up to you. Not you look to them for help.' Hunter told me softly. 'But I-i don't know how, I was never meant to be an Alpha, it's just because I'm a half breed witch with a crappy past.' I told him looking at the ground. 'Eyes, Alphas look other Alphas in the eyes, it's a sign of weekness if you dont. Look Max I can help you I just want to be included in the desisions of my.. I mean your pack.' He had began aproaching slowly.


Den growled and stood behind me. 'No, the people in my pack chose it for a reason. I will not hand the comand over to you. I will not hand control over to another person.' He growled at Den and looked me deeply in the eyes 'That's not what I'm asking. You - you have magic, in a few years no one will remember the pack you came from only that you are above them now. I just dont want people following you into war if you dont know what your doing. If you are not trianed correctally your chance at greatness will be taken away. ' He told me sternly. ' Do you, and don't give the bullcrap about being prepared for it your whole life. You are also half a pack down. I'm not saying that's your fault but neither of us is qulified for this!' I told him angry as to have been thrust into this war as much as he was. It wasnt right shapeshifters were humans too.


'You dont know?' He asked, I shook my head sadly. He took my hand gentally and sat down on the floor, awkwardly I followed him. Sitting cross legged he placed his head on mine, Den growled again so I reached out my hand and gripped his and that is when the nightmare began...

The lost battle

 Chapter fourty.


'Dad it's not fair when I'm Alpha I will adopt Chase it's not fair what his dad does to him.' His farther laughed humourlessly. 'Being Aplha isnt about who you adopt or not son, your entire pack is your responcibility. You dont get to pick and choose...' Suddenly the office door was thrown open; an exact replica of lee and Den ran in, his long dark hair a complete amiss. He was Hunters dad's beta, so why wasn't Den?


'Linclon were bein' attacked! Adults killed on sight children taken from there beds, Alpha you must open your mind link and listen!!' Both son and farther looked so distraught it was heartbreaking. Den ran inbehind his dad, 'They've taken Izzy... They took a bunch of kids from photography club, there was a meet out there. Alpha what do we do?' He was almost screaming, so frantic and afraid.


'Den take Hunter and collect the remaining children. We must keep them safe at all costs. Hunter, under twentys only. At all cost the children must be save no child under twenty is to come into the battle unless personally attacked I comand it!' He looked ready to argue but couldn't. He nodded and left with den, they both ran out into the barren forest collecting staragling kids, sending the lost soldiers back to their Alpha. That's when they saw it, the empty dead faces of the 'grown up' society. The warriors who had ran out blindly, were all dead. They had been taken supprised and fell into an asult of silver. The rest of the adult population, thoes able to fight charged and many died. Hunter and chase could do only what the Alpha demanded, they could not fight. It was physically imposible to bypass an Alpha's comand. A whole army of men lay before us, arms legs and faces burned untill no recognision could be found. Torsos never intact, bed clothes skattered. Mason just stood there tears streaming down his face, his sister in his arms. Suddenly she was dragged away and there was no way we could protect her with an Alpha comand.


I knew the second my farther was dead because teenagers everywhere began to lead the attack. That very night we all became murdrers. And it all meant nothing, everything was gone. The bodies were put into a mass grave in the moring where they were all burnt. The called it a forest fire... But we all knew the truth... The humans knew and they were out for war.

Gasping I opened my eyes...

Chapter 41

 I'm so sorry, Den your sister, mother and farther. And hunter your Alpha! He-he did it to save you not so you felt guilty.' I told him sadly as I moved away. 'I didn't show you for your sadness Max, I showed you this because our farhers died to save us, we could have helped and I cannot stand by and watch it happen again!' His sorrow sourounded him. 'Hunter, we are at a truce. I will not allow the forest people to die for nothing.' He nodded once before standing.


'I'm sorry you know. I-i pushed you too hard, even when you were human.' He admitted sadly. 'Hunter, it's not okay and it's not exceptible but I forgive you. Now go before my second viibrates into a millon peices' He chuckled before walking. 'I wasn't vibrating' he muttered moodily. 'You so were! My bones were rattling.' I pretended to be annoyed. 'Your bones always creep you old woman.' He said cockily. 'Well I am a witch they are supposed to be creeky and real ugly.' He suddenly jumped infront of me, he grabbed my sides and said 'take that back' in the most serious tone. 'Nope' I said giggling, thus began the tickling. Den the only man ever able to make me laugh, even when hunter left with a tear blinding his eye. It was hard to feel sad when this happy giant was tickling you half to death.


'We'll find her you know' I told den after the tickle war, this time we began with elbos and knees. 'Who?' He asked never taking his eyes from my ever moving stances. 'Izzy.' I said her name softly. 'Why wont you sleep in her bed?' He asked curiously. 'Because it is not mine. I'm guessing you didnt jump straight into your parents beds when they were gone.' I said not thinking. 'Oh my god, Den that was so insencitive im so sorry!' I froze but he just shot me a half smile. 'I thought you were scared of her ghost or something.' He replied, motioning for me to get back into shape once again. 'People, alive people don't haunt there rooms. Plus once she's back I don't want her to feel uncomforable in her own room, I'd hate the stench of someone else to be in my room.' He chuckled and braced his arm on his leg, dropping the bag he motioned a time out. 'Whats so funny?' I asked confused. 'Stench? Nothing just the way you word things is funny. Comeon it's dinner time anyway, and considering your cat is all alone I might aswell pick him and some of your clothes for tomorrow up.' He said happily as he put the equitment away.


'Why do you just do things for me?' I asked curious. 'What do you mean?' He replied pausing in his acting of cleaning up. 'Well you never moan, or complain about doing anything why? I don't mean anything to you.' I said feeling bold. 'Max you are something to me, and the reason I things for you is because you never ask, you never demand you'd wait all week if you thought me making you a sandwhich was a bother. Thats why' A slight blush covered his cheeks and he turned away embaraced. 'Den' I called softly. 'Yhea?' he asked still not looking at me. 'Thankyou' I whispered. 'What for?' he turned around and faced me. 'For making me feel like something.' I whispered before walking back into his house. I ran upstairs and grabbed an shower and the only fresh clothes I had left, yesterday I had grabbed black skinny jeans and a plain hoodie. I nolonger had any clean shirts, I didnt want to ask for one either.


When I had finished showering and brushing my teeth I looked into the mirror. What is it that Den liked about me, nothing was normal... I slowly walked downstairs bare foot and started the washing up, Den wasnt downstairs so I needed to preoccupy myself. 'You don't need to do that you know' said Lee walking in the front door, he wore his school uniform ( he was in year ten not year 12 like me ). 'It's not fair to leave it for Den to do!' I replied a little cross. 'Ahh that's not what I meant' he replied throwing his bag on one of the breakfast bars and showing me the hidden dishwasher. I filled it with the rest of the dirty washing up whilst he silentally dried and put away the clean dishes. 'Whats Den's faveroute meal?' I asked him, just as mason strolled in.


'Stake duhh chick hes a wolf.' He threw himself down on the couch and started looking through the channles. 'Can either of you help me cook it?' I asked polietally. 'Sure' replied Lee and mason shouted busy, I chuckled and listened and Lee told me how to cook stake. Mason piped in helpfully every once in a while. Eventually we had cooked stake with lemon and peper covered chips and a light salad with small rost potatoes. I was proud and highfived Lee and Mason who stood over the mouthwatering food as Den came through the front door with Tinka and a bag of my clothes in tow.

Ghooles, Ghosts and plain old stupid dreams

Chapter 42

My three legged tail-less cat ran his funny little bottom wiggling sprint and jumped onto the table trying to get at ghosts food ( I had found out his name from Lee, he said Ghost was Izzys cat ). 'He's alright he deserves some food after that jump' Said Den smiling. 'If you think thats impressive you should see him cat birds, hes become a little sneek!' I told him exhasperated. 'I dont need to I've seen you catch a hair.' I giggled and rolled my eyes. 'Right now thats shes officially moved in can I have the new ps4 as compensation!' said Lee after a silent conversation with Mason. I whinned 'Am I that bad?' I asked the two boys sadly. 'No!' Den said angrily ' and don't make her feel bad for it.' We all grabbed our dinners and ate quietally, do they really not like me? I wondered sadly. I know I can be annoying and depressing at times but surley there are some plus sides... Maybe ?


I sat on the couch brooding as Lee was doing his homework, mason and Den showering ( in diffrent showers they had two). I went upstairs in search of my bag of clothes when I came face to face with the very bare faced Den. He had finally shaved his stubble off and stood in his room with only a towl on. He stood rubbing cream ontohis newly shaven face, he looked so muuch younger without stuble. I pretend sniffed and muttered 'manly' before turning to leave. 'Thanks and your stuffs down there' He pointed his chin in the direction of my bag placed lazily in the corner of his room, only problem was that I'd have to walk past a very sparcly clothed Den to do so.


I swolloed hard

 Guys want one thing and it nothing to do with your innocent heart


Was that true or was he being a pretencious twit? I mulled this over as I slowly walked over to the corner of the room and picked up my bag, Den broke me out of this new trance with a question. 'What are you thinking about?' He asked looking at me curiously, 'Couldn't you just see yourself?' I asked amused. 'Sometimes, but your brain is diffrent it has like natural barries. When your in action like sparing I can't get a thing, or when your in deep thought I can only recieve something off of you when you allow us in.


I should say sorry about yesterday I was too upfront. She's still confused. She dosen't know yet.

What? What don't I know yet. 'No fair' He told me with an annoyed expression on his face. 'Hmm?' I asked. 'You can't just mind read me, it's not fair if I cant do it back.'


It's okay you know, I don't even know what I wan't half the time. And you totally did just do it back


I told him laughing, I walked out of the room and curled up with Tinka and Ghost who were already purring the night away. I didn't quite understand what was happening between us but for now I was okay to leave it to rest.


Max, Max wake up a deep voice rumbled methodically. A light trail flew upon my colar bone, unable too look I could only guess as to what it was. Light buttlerfly kisses, only one man was able to be so careful yet drive me crazy. The kisses followed an invisible path up along my chinbone scarsly missing my parched lips. A deep chuckle echoed all around me, sighing in contempt I gave up the search for a way to open my eyes. I led still playing asleep, hoping my heavy breathing would not be a que to my awakeful state. I know your awake Max, the same deep voice rumbled in my ear. Stop playing games and wake up...


I gasped myself awake, I led there panting for a full thirty seconds before my mind filled itself with unanswered questions.  Who was he? Why didn't I like punch him or something? Did I like it? What was happening to me. With each flowing question I found my self closer to the door. My Ipod readily in my pocket and headphones in the bag Den had eairler deposited on the coffee table. I chaned into a pair of grey and blue striped leggings which came down just bellow my knees, and a blue and purple striped sprots bra over my normal one. I silentally ran to the door and closed the door as quietally as I could. A single males voice filled my ears, stong powerful and slightly sad. He was a rapper singing a famous old pop song, probbly in respect to his death.


Everything was still, lights only came from the thirty or so houses hid in the deep forest. For once I didn't want to run away from the darkness but into it. Sprinting over fallen logs, crumpled leaves and lonely pine cones I eventually found myself calm. I found myself goosebump free but infornt of me small gasps of breath were shown to me in little white bursts.


It was like a painting of dark greys and blacks that whiteness tried to ruin yet only made the surrounding world more beautiful. Suddenly a gust of Dens sent filled my noses, I was near to the lake me and Chase had followed Bella. Turning off the music blasting my eardrums I ran as quietly as I could, which made it ever more easier considering he ( and something else ) was breathing heavily. And the occasional grunt hit my ears, not to mention he was blasting 'sex is on fire' ...


Danger zone

Chapter 43

I slowed down as I entered the clearing, Den stood ( well he wasn't really standing ) with his bare back facing me, lifting his body up and down as the tree brach held his weight. Bella led next to his body, sleeping on his teeshirt soundly. Bella lifted her head 'Stay' I whispered, I felt like the devil had taken over me. Sweat beads ran down his sculptured back, mucles contracted beneath the skin. I jumped on to his sweaty back singing a blast of the line directally into his ear. He shouted something that no one will ever understand and buckled under my weight trying to throw me off, I jumped backwards immediatly getting into a defensice posotion. My feet automatically faced to the right of where he stood, right arm covering my face and chest whilst the bottom covered my stomach. He punched forward and I blocked with barely a move. twisting my upward facing hand down the wrist caught the blow without a fault. It stung a little but not as much as it would have if it had been a face shot.


I allowed my arm to drop a little and pouted at him innocentally, he grinned in responce. Yhea as another punch came flying my way, this time I stepped into it, blocking again with my leading arm I pushed his and my arm into the air. 'Max' He warned in a rough tone. 'What?' I asked innocentally, stepping into his personal space. He went to push me away with left arm but I dodged him by ducking under it and shoving him forward with the whole of my body weight.


'Mwhahahahahaha, I beat you' I said as we both fell onto the floor. I led ontop of him for about a second before rolling onto the floor beside him. 'Why do you not have a teeshirt on' He asked in a rough voice. 'Because I wanted to shock you in you bed but you wernt there' I told him barely holding in a giggle. 'That's not you talking its the feramones.' His face was so full embaracemnt and barely reined in confusement. 'Erm Den.' I whispered rolling my head to look into his eyes. 'Its okay it's to be expected, im an unmated beta and your unmated too. Your birthdays near, your searching for a mate..' I actually laughed this time. 'Erm Den, You erm packed me one shirt I didnt want to put my old stinky one on or soil my clean one. Plus now im a wolf I run much hotter. I just wanted to run for longer.' I told him just managing not to laugh again. He pulled my head onto his bare chest and told me to shut up rarther rudely. 'Hey be nice or I'll punch you!' I threatened weakly. 'I'll pick you up and throw you into the lake.' He said monotone. 'Oh you just want to see the water drip off of me.' I teased.


'Thats it you've taken it too far now.' He told me rolling over and taking me into his arms. 'Den no, please dont!' I shouted screaching. He rolled ontop of me, tickling me until I could no longer breathe. 'Stop' I whispered breathlessly. He paused mid motion, his body poised over mine. I took his pause as a good sign, I knocked both of his arms, as he began his free fall ontop of me I pushed and twisted my hips so we rolled. Now leaning over him I began my own onslaught of tickling. 'Max' said Den squrming away from my tickling hands. 'Yep?' I asked. 'You do realise your topless right?' I sighed. 'Yes and Den you realise you are too right? I know that I'm covered in scars and that they arent pretty, but I didn't think that was a problem... I always run like this at night no one can see them' I said suddenly seriously depressed.


I stood up ready to run away, instead I was a hairs breath away before arms eloped me. 'No. Don't do that. Dont run away and don't say that either. Max your beautiful, everyone has fucking scars. You have more, yes but that makes you so much stronger, so much better then thoes who scared you. His lips pressed themselves like a sweep of a feather on the one highest on my back. I shivered involuntry and pulled myself closer to his warm chest. 'Wh-why did you do that?' I asked. 'Becasue I felt sorry for you.' He told me, I tried to wrench myself free but he just held me closer. 'max' he whispered. 'Max' He half shouted 'I was joking'  I looked down near his knees, his army style shorts stood out (so did the bright red belt he wore).'Your an idiot.' I told him annoyed. I didnt raise my eyes, I didnt want to. 'Max' 'Yes' I replied annoyed. 'Im not an idiot' He told me barelt containing the laughter. 'No your right your a mean idiot.' He sighed barley covering his snort. 'Look at me' He whispered sweetly. I shook my head but raised my eyes to his chest level. 'Max do you know why im not an idiot.' I shook my head, raising my eyes to sholder height. 'Its because your the idiot' He told me ruining the moment with a triomphant grin as I raised my eyes to his in annoyance.


'That was mean' I told him pouting, just as a raindrop fell on to my nose. We both began hysterically laughing. 'Oh shit were gonna get soaked!' I shouted as the rain just literally thundered down, Den grabbed my hand, his shirt and started sprinting in a random direction. I'd never seen a guy his muscle size run so fast! In sync each footstep rang out as we splached through small seas of grass and leaves, as we jumped over logs to lad in a wet bog of mud, as we grasped hands as our bodies became both cold from the rain and warm from body heat. We zig zagged around trees and into their shadows until the porch lights shone our way.


We ran in through the open fence still hand in hand, and creped into the silent sleeping house. 'Take of your shoes!' I giggled in a quiet whispered. 'He nodded shushing my adrenaline drunk giggle. After two minuets of trying to untie my trainers with frozen fingers that kept become ever more cold. Den knelt infront of me and lifted my left leg, gentally tugging the knots loose, he quickly had my soaked shoes and socks soaked. He grabbed my hand once again, and lead me upstairs. We crepted into his roam and he quietally creaked the door closed. He quickly found me a massive Den sized teeshirt he threw at me and turned around as he began to stip out of his clothes too.


I quickly turned around blushing. I took my sports bra off, and found my bra only slightly damp, my legging though were thurally soaked. Thoes I quickly shed. 'What do I do with my wet clothes?' I turned around to find Den in a pair of red and blue checkered pj bottoms. He hung them over the wardrobe door and his own to a bathroom door. (Ensuit? Soo cool.) 'I'm sorry but you cant have a shower to warm up you'll wake the boys' He told me regretfully, as he threw me a towel and began towling bella. I walked over to him as he nelt to rub her fur, and fluffed his hair until it was dry before I worked on my own. I threw the towel over my head and basically nuggied myself. Den walked over and stopped me, replacing my rough hands with his much more gentle ones.


He dropped my damp towel and took my hands 'you make me want to throw everything I'm supposed to be away' he whispered as he slowly closed the space between our quickly cooling bodies, and pressed his warm lips upon my freezing cold cheek. 'Come let us sleep.' He huskily whispered avoiding my eyes he carefully tugged me, after him into his bed. There he pulled the top half of my freezing body ontop of his cold one, as my eyes grew drouzy I laizly drew circles over his paw tattoo. 'I dont know who I'm supposed to be around you, I am so scared you'll wake up tommorrow and realise you don't want me in your life.' I whispered calmly. 'The only thing Id change about you is your stupid insecuritys. Because well there stupid.' He told me, his deep voice rumbling under my head, I listened to his heart until I had a retort. 'One day your going to be shocked at my intelagence.' I told him before sleep took me.

Through my eyes

 Chapter 44


I awoke with a smile upon my face because warmth sourounded me, silence and the warm smell of coffee. Wait what else was that? I inhailed deeply then opened my eyes, why could I smell wood? Or to be more specific, oh crap. Lying next to me grinning his stupid face off was Den. 'Ermm...' Yhea that's well atractive, especially mixed with morning breath, yum.


'Still not feeling this whole smart thing' Den said full of... well  cockyness. Is that even a word? I slowly sat up and looked around Den's very clean room. The only messy things there were thoes belonging to myself and Bo. I stood up way to quickly, my clothes were covering his doors, and because of this I showed way too much of my bare leg. Blushing I quickly exited the room without a word and bumped into Mason who inspected me with a raised eyebrow. Blushing evermore so I ran down the stairs and retreived my clean clothes.


After changing I quickly left the premisis, barely stopping to knotise the clothes I now wore. Well untill I almost fell and soiled them. Den had chosen a pair of really light blue jeans that had a white patten of flowers growing up the left side of my left leg and the right side of my right. The flowers were made of cotten or something and my brown legs looked even more tanned then they usually did. The top I wore was bright dark blue with a smilie face made of diffrent flags. The shoes were my newly cleaned boots. Even I had to admit he had taste.


I tried really hard to stay clean in the half hour walk, if it wasnt for my inhansed hearing I would have never have found the stupid school. Where I almost imedetally ran stratight into Chase. 'Hey kitten, how are you?' His smile was genuine and warm, just like the deep red of the teeshirt he wore. I nearly went insane looking at it, I never wanted to see him that way again. He looked down worried and quickly folded me in his arms. 'Shh your fine, I'm fine.' He placed a quick kiss on my cheek before the bell took his worried expression to class. I looked down at my timetable, funny really that I started on a Thursday, and here I am a week later a completely diffrent person on so many levels.


  •       Monday P.E, English, bio, Chem
  • Tuesdays - bio, chem, history

  • No class on Wednesdays.

  • Thursday-  Tutorial .P.E, English, history

  • Friday - Chem bio English History


Tuturial was painful, I stood outside the door same-ish girl but no coffee. It was painful! And then it was a little less so, Hunter strolled in with a stupid grin on his face, two cups in his hands and one stank like coffee. 'Mason said you left in a hurry' the humourous expression on his face made me angry but I accpeted the starbucks cup gratefully. 'Thankyou Hunter' I told him slightly more lifely. 'Are you okay?' He asked with a consurned expression. 'Yes! I was just asleep in his room cause we got caught out on a run.' He growled deeply and prowled infornt of me. 'I was on about you seeing Chases top.' He grouned out. I swallowed and replied quietally 'His virtue is safe.' I looked down on the floor unable to look him in the eyes. Hunter sighed and laid his head ontop of mine, 'Max, you dont have to break our packs up. Leave it a year, no one will doubt you.' I cant think this close to Hunter, I was stuck in his net like a hunter to its prey.


'I have a duty to my people. They came to me Hunter, they didn't ask me to join you.' I told him sadly. 'Neither am I, Max. This is all too fast in two weeks you'll be free hunting for any pack. Any bunch of humans.' His whispered with dispare in my ear. 'I cannot bare to loose anymore of my people, please dont take them away from me if you cant promise that none will be hurt from outsiders.' He spoke of truth, I needed a way to seperate our packs, wasnt that what we wanted? I dont know, I'd been so caught up I was unsure. 'We will live on your pack teritry, in reach for the next year. After we retrieve more of your people, we will build ourselves a home. I-i need to speak to den, mason and Lee.' The breath left him in a rush, I hadn't realised he had been holding it. 'I don't know how you do it Hunter, how do you keep them happy and safe? What do you do? How can I keep them safe? Will they always be in danger because of me?'


'You can come in!' Mock shouted Tara, as she opened the door to revel the classroom full of students. 'Sorry to ruin your moment but I believe tutorial is a time allocated for homework.' She retorted in a snotty tone. 'Sorry mam but I do not believe Max is well enough for lessons today, shes been awefully ill recentally. May I take her to the nurse?' His voice became very conserned and his innocent expression was slightly halarious. 'Sure off course, sorry sweety I forgot you had been ill recentally.' She quietally closed the door and went back to teaching. 'I cant miss another class!!' I exclamed in a mock whisper. 'You wont, come on we've got till half ten' It was curentally qourter past nine ( well ish anyway ) we had an hour and fifteen minuets. 'Comeon, I know the perfect spot.' I told Hunter grabbing his hand and jogging before someone else started asking questions. Same day and I find myself in the same spot I was in last week, this time though I was't alone and I had coffee.


'Okay first of all this is a really nice spot and secondly I wanted to ask you to stop thinking so hard, we cant mentally link if your blocking me. He sat beside me on the tree perch facing forward instead of facing me. I closed my eyes and leaned my head aganist his sholder, he showed me his past by touching me right? Maybe I could speak to him this way.


'So you've gotten this whole blocking thing down really well'

'Not really, I guess I just have to be doing something. No one can get into my head when I'm concentrating but I can still hear them, is that normal?'

'Depends if your an Alpha or not'


'Well Alphas skills vary, my farther could compell pretty much anyone to do anything. My mother has a healers touch, shes really good with sick paitence. Like unnaturally good, she knew what was wrong by touching a body its like she senses pain or something. And me well I'm not really sure what I'm good at yet. I'm 18 on the 13th, haa two days before you.'

'What is this mating thing all about?'  I asked a little confused.

'Well on the 18th birthday of a shifter they just sense there mate. Well that is if they are both 18, if not the first to turn 18 has to wait'

'Will I have one?'  More than a little scared.

'Of course, they are chosen for us by the gods. You had  a soulmate before you turned Wolf, some believe the bitten ins were faited to become like us otherwise they wouldnt find mates.'

'But I'm a witch?'

'First and foremost your human. Your not always casting spells, just as you are not always in wolf form. Your soul is split three ways.'

'Is that not dangrous?'  I asked concerned.

'Probably, I bet you end up with three mates.'

'Oh no don't say that! I don't think I can deal with any more people in my life right now!'

'I was joking calm down kitten.'

'Why do you and chase call me that?'

'Because you came here like an innocent little kitten all cute an all, suddenly you grew claws.'

'Thats stupid and you made that up.'

'I didn't have an explanation.'



'Right lets see if you can block me physically and mentally.' Hunter stood up and offered me a hand.






Laaa dee daa raa

Chapter 45


Boop dee bop dee bop. Left hand higher, or hes gonna get one on my chin. Why am I thinking what I'm doing. 'COMEON max you can do better!' I laughed and gulped down the rest of the coffee he'd bought me. Right stand up and get into position. Okay right stop thinking and start doing! Instincts, i need to react not think.


He stood before me in plain jeans and nice fitting white teeshirt, his posture relaxed. His bare back foot bent slightly off the ground. Why didn't he have it on the.. Oh shit he was going to kick. Okay, right I needed a... Oh a leaf started to fall above his head I whispered the words 'Exsurge, reliquam iure descendit ' one at a time and then over and over again. Some part of my brain began to control the leafs direction whilst the rest of it began to think of a plan. Well think of thinking. Right, whispering my continous chant I almost missed his kick amied for my head. I side stepped eaisly and found myself face to face with Hunter. 'I win' I whispered joyfully.


Nice try princess


 Before he'd finished his mental taunt I was already flat on the ground. 'Well that wasn't fair I called it!' I pouted and lost my flying leaf. 'I'm not like Den, a pout wont work. Come on dead people cant win.' He told me softly pulling me up. 'Natura choro mecum' I whispered, suddenly it seemed the whole grounds covering began to dance. The debris doing the tango to a song my magic sung to them. Leaves span through the air in majestic, endless circles that made the mind dizy following them, the twings seemed to have a whole other dance than the debris tango or the leaves fairy dance.


Hunters eyes widened as the clearing came alive, I flicked his ear before jumping back two steps. I advanced slowly, aiming for a chop to the neck but I knew at the last second it would be blocked. I twisted my body around and aimed a kick for his middle, then a second for a head wich he ducked. I quickly checked my balance and aimed a knee on his thigh. It hurt like a bitch when I landed it, his legs were pure muscle. He kicked my right lower leg hoping that I hadnt restored the equal balance that was so important, though he used his left instead of his right. Maybe i had hit the muscle just right. 


Humming softly I aimed a punch for his left stomach which was quickly blocked. I then hit out with my right hand, a mini second after my left hand caught his chin quickly followed by a kick to that same tender muscle. His left hand was still low from blocking me, so I jumped forward wrapping my legs around his torso, my arms eaisly fit around his throat. 'Dead' I whsipered. I slowly let myself fall to the floor 'Gonna give me critique now?' I asked completely out of breath. 'Wasnt a smack down but was good, you need Den to teach you some dmore on the ground breaks and holds but if you can have a mini party flowing around you I'm sure you can think of something.'  He told me grinning back at me.


'Why can't you teach me the breaks?' I asked confused - we had time to kill right? 'He's your body teacher and me your mind one. I can teach you more about your physic abilities but the rest is Den's durisdiction .' He told mid giving me a look that said remember you left me. 'Right, have at it then.' He nodded and asked me to sit on the ground. Suddenly I felt his probing into my mind. Hey, I thought you had to be touching to be in my head. He shook his head and suddenly my arm shot out and slapped my own face. I gritted my teeth and began singing softly, this time I didn't need magic - my mind was strong. it always had been.


2x2 is 4. 4x4 is get lost. The brain has many levels, some are creative some are the right side which is practicle. We only use 10% of our brain. So periods and giving birth are pretty gross. 


His expression only made me concentrate on grossing him out more, i could hear myself humming still it calmed me but it almost sounded like it came from someone else... Some one with no troubble with no past. I sighed and felt a painfull memory of what id been through recently.


'Shut up, stop your hitting on me. Your no one. Me, I've already gone.' I sung aloud. 'Right now I want you to move somthing with your mind whilst your still singing - chanting and keeping me from your mind. This time no Latin ' I nodded and concentrated on a near by tree. 'Move' I whispered between random song lyrics - I didnt have the brain capasity to remeber much so the songs were repetitive and broken. The log swade a little but it was more likely the wind. I'd never used my powers without Latin before it felt weird. 'Rollover.' I mock whispered. yes It's a dog. Ugh how is he still able to get in my mind? Piss off....  i thought back angrily. 


The eye has many muscles that control where it looks.. Homeosapions are decendents of Monkeys. Which are related to the modern day monkeys. They travled across Africa. 'Move.' 'You smile down upon me. Like a, like a cheshere cat. Your grin so bright, half a moons delight. You shine your light and guide me, guide me homeee' I'm pretty sure I was just stringing words together now but it worked. The log rolled over - weakly but it did. 'YES!' I shouted joyfully, I stood up and kicked the log it flew in the air and nearly hit Hunter in the face. 'Sorry' I muttered sitting across from him again.


For the rest of the time out there we practiced his mind blocks, my english magic and we even tried telaportation but got no where on that front. We were almost late for class. I was so tired that I almost slept through it.



The next three days were like this, I would sneak away from tutor – on the second day we just didn’t turn up. I would run away with Hunter and practice my mental abilities, sleep a little through my classes. I would then return home to the onslaught that became ground breaks, mind breaks all to make me stronger. On the third night I sat alone feeling strangely at peace, everyone was a sleep but I couldn’t find rest myself.


I tried to be the best I could, I knew it was all I could do but I needed to start picking up my game. I could make leaves dance, block mental onslaught break out of a ground attack but it took me no closer to the children who surrounded us. ‘My’ pack were all asleep so I snuck into the only room I had been avoiding, I didn’t know where to start no Latin came to my mind. Nothing, but it was okay – I didn’t need to hold Hunters hand. I didn’t need a band aid. No what I needed was to find her. Find them all.



Anyone awake?


Anyone awake?


I sent the message to all of my wolves and through Hunter – his too.


Sup? – Chase asked almost immediately.


Yea why are you waking us? – Mason asked a little sleepily.


Kinda weird but I can’t sleep was wondering if people wanted to donate a little blood?


Mason, Hunter, Chase, Lee and Den all came into the lonely room. I could smell others outside waiting patiently. Many more waited in their homes waiting for anything. News, disappointment, joy – they were waiting for anything. There sleep clogged brains gave me confort.  I closed my eyes and held a little pink hairbrush in front of me. I'd seen it for about a second but mentally i could count the little fake gems, the scratches and child bite marks. 


‘I need each of you to cut your hands and combine your blood in a glass.’ I told them not taking my eyes off of the brush in my hands. I picked a hair from the brush and placed it in the glass when it was my turn. I bit my own hand and watched as the pain ebbed away and the blood drained drop by drop into the glass. My hand began to throb uncontroably and by the way the others reacted they felt it too, thoes closest to me move away with a hiss -all but Den and Hunter. 


I looked deep into the blooded glass, the colour a rich read and a single hair parting the liquid. ‘I open my vain, and as I do so I call a name. Through the trees and over the hills I search for a child. A soul pure, terrified and alone. I call for one. By blood, by fire, by water, by air, by earth, by wind and by soul I call for thee. Answer now for I am calling.’ I whispered almost to myself. Nothing happened, I sighed and stood. ‘Form a circle, hold hands and picture Victoria.’ He’d called her Tori before I knew that it was short for Victoria. ‘Mutter her name if it helps.’ I called a little louder, the same command was sent through mind speak, almost everyone was in each other’s heads right now. I pictured the little read headed girl laughing as den spun her around. Dozens of other images flashed through my brain so many people loved her. She was the right wolf to search for.


‘Tori, hi. I’m a friend of your brothers. Well actually he kicks my but every day, no fair right – I’m like half his size! Can you answer me and tell him off?’ I asked aloud feeling the strong bond leading to her. I could almost feel her, smell her sweet smell. And then it hit me, the smell of urine. Fear and blood. Keep your head on straight, people need you. I screamed a blood curdling scream but it wasn't my voice it was Toris - out of my mouth. The wolves around me whimpered. 


I could feel the bond, I could almost touch it. So mentally I did, it rang like a mettle chain. It felt like thousands of wolves replied to my call. Hated the ringing that filled their heads. ‘Victoria, tori?’ I called picturing her and Den together. Den to keep me grounded and her so she would reply. I saw her, she was wearing her favourite dress. It was a deep black and her coat was bright red. ‘Hello red riding hood’ It was so cold here, dark. Underground? I wanted to plant a kiss on her head, comfort her but I couldn’t quite reach her.


‘Are you the big bad wolf here to save me?’ She asked smiling a little, her freckles stood out on her pale face. ‘Damn right I am, dragging your brothers with me.’ I replied laughing at her little smile. ‘Where are you?’ I asked unsure if she knew. ‘I-I don’t know.’ She replied crying. ‘Hey, quit that red riding hood doesn’t cry remember she takes wolves apart she doesn’t need the hunts man. You know I’m a total ninja right? It's your brothers doing really'


'I escaped my own dungeon, your brother even came too late, if I can do it for myself. Me and the whole of your brother’s pack are going to smash this.’ I told her searching her memories. I saw black hoods and nothing more they were more careful with the children, they knew what could happen. I saw flashes of Tori’s memory, trees and billboards. Lake Town, Despond Bridge. Lake Worth park, two days driving. Hunger and extreme thirst. More wolf pups are shoved in the van. Bright white light. Blinding.


‘Hello I’m Sabre.’ A little blond boy said, he must have been all of three. His little chubby cheeks were red and his blue eyes were full of shock, she turned and there she was. The spitting image of Mason.


Behind both of them was a big building, maybe a block of flats. It was empty, nothing but broken glass. They road for about ten minutes, though for a young one it seemed for ever. Another child was forced into the van. ‘I-I’m Lillian.’ She whispered crying. She had dark brown hair reaching her hips easily, she must have been around four. Hours later they found themselves another abandoned building. This one resembled an old cinema. Though the town was small, the van was not easily hidden. They threw the children into a barren cinema room and left them there for weeks. Every so often food would be tossed in.


‘I know where you are. I want you to wait three days and the morning you wake up you must tell the children to hide under the chairs. Don’t come out for anything. If anyone tries to grab any of you I want all of you that can shift to do so. Those that can’t will stay at the back create a half circle around them. Stay like that until someone you know, Like Den, Hunter, Lee or Mason to get you. Anyone else and I hope to find more than a few bites on them.


Little riding hood, I want you to repeat these words to yourself, over and over. Three days.’ I told her I felt her search my mind. She saw the whole pack there with me and cried with absolute joy. ‘We will always be with you.’ I whispered a last goodbye feeling my power ebb. She said a wordless goodbye before falling asleep. I opened my eyes with a gasp. I had never felt more exhausted. I found myself on the floor with my eyes on the ceiling, panting. Pain wracked my body, my head was ready to explode. I placed the blood to my lips and drank thirstily. The blood was cold, how long hand we been sat here?’ I wondeired silently.


The blood didn’t help the exhaustion but the bone ache was a little better. ‘Bed, all of you go. Whoever is able will pack and tomorrow we leave. But for now say goodbye to your wives and sisters.’ Hunter called out a total sexist command which I couldn’t help rolling my eyes too. ‘Traditions hey.’ He called softly lifting me from the floor.

‘Do you think it will take us three days?’ Mason asked worried. ‘Nope, but if she does accidently spill they will be preparing for three. They stopped so many times, to pick up more children I think. If we speed I think it may take two days.’ I told him, my voice was rough.


Like I had been screaming into the inferno. 'How long was I-I?' I didn't manage to finish the sentence, 'Hush, bed for you.' Hunter whispered carrying me out of the room, he carried me down the stairs and out of the door. Wait what? where are you taking me? I asked too tired to really care. 'Will you just shut up for two minuets?' He asked laughing, all of his eairler tention had vanished.




I replied annoyed. 'Can we not do something nice without arguing? I don't even understand this love hate thing we have going it's getting boring Max.' I growled angry, how dare he assume anything. 'Assuming makes an ass of you and me.' I replied sarcastically. 'No I'm serious why do you dislike me so much?' He demanded. 


I dont. I just... I don't know. Hunter where are you taking me. 

We had been walking for some time now. He sighed and rolled his eyes at my impaitence. 'You run here every day you should feel the power the forest gives you..' He replied bitter, he placed me on a rock and began walking away, is he serious it's freezing! 


I sighed too cold to really be bothered. Somewhere in the night i felt Den aproach me but instead of taking us back like i thought he would he led down next to me and placed his jacket around me. I curled up against his side, the movement was painful I whimpered in my sleep and felt no regret Den knew me in and out. His pain is mine, he would have felt it with or without the sound. 


Tomorrow is war, for right now I need to sleep. A little while after though the restless bodies in the house stopped being so restless, eventually Den left me for a little while - he kissed my head and went to pack. I was still to bone tired to join them yet. I had two days of sleep i could catch up on. Eventually from my sleep enduced coma I was packed into a car and left to ride shot gun next to Den. I sighed and slept for ten hours straught. When I awoke we were at a gas station buying walky talkys for the cars, I laughed out loud at Masons suggestion and ran into the toilet ahead of him and lauged as he fack hit at it. 


This. This is what my life is right now, and i can live with it. The past and the future can wait I'm dwelling in the present. 


The end









 Story continues in We howl together 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.12.2014

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