
Overcoming Worry and Anxiety As A Christian

















Copyright@2020 Archibong Emmanuel E


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1. The unnecessity of worrying as a Christian after making God the Lord of your life

2. The relationship of a servant with his lord that leads to unworried living of life by the servant

3. The unnecessity of worrying as a Christian after making God the Lord of your light

4. The unnecessity of worrying as a Christian after making God the Lord of your salvation

5. The unnecessity of worrying as a Christian after making God the Lord of the strength of your life

About the author







I dedicate this work to the Almighty God who has given me the inspiration to write this book. This is because for Him to give me the inspiration to do this write-up, really in the new year, it shows that he really knows one of the greatest monsters of my life, and has decided to come to my aid, which indeed, since the day I got the inspiration and started the writing of this book till today, my worries and anxiety has cease from existing. Even sometimes, when it (worry and anxiety) tries to raise its ugly head in my heart with its stingy messages of why I should starting living my life with it, and my heart remember the messages in this book, my soul just receive peace as though someone just said to me “don’t worry because I am with you in this one, and will surely help you through it”.




It is being said “to every successful house built there are always existing builders who did help the owner of the house in the building process till its completion and success achievement”, therefore, I will use this minute to acknowledge those people who has really helped me to see that I achieve success in this work.

First, I give glory to the almighty One who have drove this work from my absence of knowledge of how to write a book, what to write in this book to writing a sensible thing which almost all the publishing houses who read this script desire publishing it for me. I say thank you Lord for the save journey. Indeed, you are really too faithful to fail me, and you’ve proven yourself in my life, and I’ve really come to realize that. Thank you Lord once again.

Also, I give thanks to all those whom the Lord have brought on my way to help me to see to the success of this project. People in the likes of my campus pastor, my pals and sisters in the faith, Sister Abigail and Sister Victoria Edet, who first help me in the editing of this book, even when the manuscript was full with beautiful rubbish. I also thank my other pals whom I can’t make mention of their names because of they are many, who encouraged me, bear my disturbances as I was trying to know what to do to see to the success of this work. They did read my rubbish and never did discourage me from this success road till I achieved my heart desire.

I also thank my great pal and in-law, Usen Micheal, for his great help in letting me to use his system to work this manuscript till its success. I also thank his family for their support and encouragement towards me.

I also thank the one whom I call ‘my brother, my father’ for all his love and care towards me. I so call him my brother, my father because as a brother, we both came out of the same mother’s womb, though at different time interval, and as my father because from my childhood to this level of my life he is being the one who have been there, catering for almost all my needs.

I also thank his wife, Mrs Helen Archibong, for her support and encouragement towards me to be success from the first time we did knew each other to this level of my life.

Finally, I thank all my siblings, pals and brethren who have helped me on this my journey to the success land. I say to you all ‘thank you so much and God bless You.,



All scripture quotation from this book is gotten from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.


Words definitions from this book are being gotten from the Oxford advance learner’s dictionary, the Advance dictionary, and the Merriam Webster dictionary.









Worry, according to the Oxford advance learner’s dictionary, 8th edition, is the act of someone to keep thinking about unpleasant things that might happen, or about problems that one have. It can as well be defined as a state of the mind of someone being focused on the negative aspect of life situation due to the individual life observation and/ or experiences about life issues. When the mind is focused on these unpleasant parts of life issues formed by the individual personal observations and/ or experiences, sometimes, it leaves the mind of the one in a state of trauma (according to the same dictionary, it is an unpleasant mental condition of one caused by severe shock, especially when the harmful effect last for a long time. Also, it is an unpleasant experience that makes one feel upset and/ or anxious), and despondency (also, from the same dictionary, it is a state of feeling dejected, sad, being without much hope of attaining success in a set out thing to be done or is being done by someone) of attaining success in the thing he/she is engaged or is about engaging in, which sometimes, may cause the being to even despise life and his/her existence upon the earth.

It is also a state of one being anxious of a thing, because anxiety, also from the same Oxford dictionary, is the state of feeling nervous or worrying that something bad is going to happen by one. It is also a state of being afraid of something by one.

All these actions do take place in the mind of an individual. This is why I explain worry and anxiety as a traumatic substance of the mind, which produces fear, doubts and despondency in the heart of many people on why they are unworthy to be alive or be in existence with its uncertainty despondency messages of failures and worthlessness in their mind. It is also a perplexing thing of the human soul, which has left many people in a state of confusion, wondering the worth of their life here on earth? They wonder why life has not ended for them so that they can stop existing upon the earth. In fact, so perplexing is its state that it has left the whole world in a state of confusion of how to tackle its ' pandemic of the soul', stop its existence and influences on the lives of people. This is because despite the numerous measures laid down by many enlightened people to terminate or even reduce its effects in the lives of the people, so that they could be free a little from its pangs, almost all of its seems to be to no avail.

Its trauma of despondency and fear in the life of people of what the worth of their life is on earth, and what the future holds for them due to their little imperfection, still dwell so greatly in the heart of the people, hunting and hurting them every day and night. In fact, like a king in a kingdom having power and dominion over every subordinate of his, so is its influences in the life of people, defining almost all of the whole essence of their living on earth, like the sleeping and the awakening hour of them, their eating and refraining hour from eating, their busy and idle moments of the day etc.

So great like a mountain and so fierce like a burning furnace is its impacts in the soul of many that it has caused some to despise life and its existence through the taking away of their breath from their body that is the committing of suicide by many just to terminate their existence on the face of the earth. Yes, this is really true. From the internet to the media houses like the radio and television stations, one of the common messages that flows from there to us is the message of people committing suicide, mostly as a result of them feeling dejected, frustrated, depressed and despondence about attaining and/ or obtaining a specific success in life. All of these feelings can be source to them worrying and be anxious of a specific thing or issue of life. In fact, I once heard on a specific radio station which I can’t recall its frequency of a man who works in Lagos state, Nigeria, how he drove his car to a specific bridge, came down from it, and jumped into the sea, just to end his life as a result of feeling depress of life. He isn’t the only one I have heard of trying to do this act. I have also heard a lot of story about people from different parts of the states and countries of the world who also have committed this act. In fact, and again, one of the most common news that fills our ears this days is the message of people committing suicide because of feeling depress and dejected of life. And all these depression and dejection in these people life which have caused them to try to take away their life or even some have done so can be traced to one source “they are being worried and anxious of a specific thing or issue of life”.

As a matter of fact, its perplexity and traumatic experience in the human soul has left almost everyone in a state of idolizing it existence, thus making it dwell like the alpha and the omega (God) of the humans' world. This also is really true. In fact, while preparing for one of my examination which gave me admission into my higher institution as a student, one of my lesson teachers told me alongside with the other students who were also preparing to take the same examination to their various higher institution of learning that to succeed on this earth, sometimes, you need to stay awake at night to worry about life. Also, sometimes, while sleeping either at night or at the day time you need to learn to awake yourself, sit down and begin worrying about the situation of things on earth. Even one of my pals consent to this point of that my lesson teacher by saying to me, when I told him about this book, so that he can help me to share the link which I was going to use and sell this book to other of his pals and relations, that it is impossible for anyone to live on this earth on daily basis, and desire to succeed without he/she worrying and being anxious of life situation, because everything about life is entangle in worrying and be anxious of things.

So great is its worth upon the earth that like a highly placed king it causes even almost all of those who proclaim to have a God whom they are worshipping to bow to it name at the mention of it. Even the ones who proclaim to be dwelling in the secret place of their God filled with power and glory from morning till the night fall, sometimes, also fall victim to its pangs.

Howbeit, this monster of the world which causes almost every soul to tremble at it presence ought not to have influence in the life of those who are called believers or Christians. This is because, in exception of Christ, their leader, proclaiming to have victory and dominion over all things( both of the things of the physical and those of the spiritual) by His resurrection from the grave, and then sitting in a throne raise above every existing throne( exception of that of His father in heaven. Matthew28:18, Hebrew1:3, John10;29, 17:1-8), He has promised and also declare giving this power to all who believe and also live for Him on daily basis(Jojn8:31-32, John1:12, 15;5-7, Luke10:19).

Why then does this happen? Why do worry and anxiety still having preeminence over the believers, in fact, even on those who proclaim on daily basis that they aren’t spiritual babes in the faith, instead, they are filled and led by the spirit of God?

On 2nd January, 2020, during my quiet time with the Lord, He made me understand the reason behind the influence of this monster of the world called ‘worry and anxiety’ also having preeminence over His people (the believers), using the wise words of the great psalmist, David, in psalm27; 1, which state ‘the Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

He made me comprehend that it is as a result of their microscopic understanding of who He is to them when they call Him their Lord, and also declare Him as the Lord of their possessions (the light of their life, their salvation, and also the strength of their life) that is the cause of this monster of the world also having influence on them. He also made me understand that it is as a result of their lacking of knowledge of how they ought to relate with Him when they say that He is not only the Lord of their life, also, He is the Lord of their possession (their light, salvation and strength of their life) that is the cause of this monster also having influence on them. He then broaden the scope of my understanding on these subjects, which cause me to write this book, tending to give you a deep and clear understanding of what you do mean, as a Christian, when declaring that God is the Lord of your life, which is the first thing that you can do before you can declare Him to be the Lord of your possession (light, salvation and strength of your life), and then what you do mean by saying that God is the Lord of your possession (light, salvation and the strength of your life), so that you will know why you shouldn’t start worrying after making Him so.

Also, this book is design to give you understanding of how you can relate with the Lord after making Him to be the Lord of your life and possessions (light, salvation, and strength of your life), so that you won’t start living a life of worry and anxiety after surrendering yourself to Him, to be the above things to you on daily basis of your life.

This book is broken down into five sub-headings, namely;

The unnecessity of worrying as a Christian after making God the Lord of your life.

The relationship of a servant with his lord that leads to unworried living of life by the servant.

The unnecessity of worrying as a Christian after making God the Lord of your light.

The unnecessity of worrying as a Christian after making God the Lord of your salvation.

The unnecessity of worrying as a Christian after making God the Lord of the strength of your life.

In the first sub-heading, I shall be exposing you to why you shouldn’t worry after making God the Lord of your life. In the second sub- heading, you shall be learning ways by which you ought to relate with God after making Him the


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Archibong Emmanuel Etim
Bildmaterialien: Archibong Emmanuel Etim
Cover: Archibong Emmanuel Etim
Lektorat: Edet Victoria
Übersetzung: Archibong Emmanuel Etim
Satz: Archibong Emmanuel Etim
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.10.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-5951-5

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

First, dedicate this book to God for giving me the inspiration to write it, and also seeing to the successful publishing of it too Also, I dedicate this book to the believers in different parts of the world who desire to know how they can create a good and nice relationship with God so that they can enjoy a life free from worry and anxiety on their daily walk with him

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