

Two Sets of parents sat there talking they were very best friend and wanted to be a real family and so they had decided they would marry their children Iris and Zhon Bulgar.  Oppisite them their friends Lon and Cyi Blood they had unnusal names and so they did stand out they went under Valgur but only the children of Valgur would know their actual names and the parents of the blessed betrothed Vidalynnserlin shortened to Vide in highschool for she had a vibe for everything her elder brother Jax who was two years older looked after her and took care of her never leaving her out of anything.



Jex needed to wake up Vide for school she could not be late because she had a date remembering hearing his parents talking about his little sister being in an arranged engagement hearing everything before he went up to tell her apparently his parents put her in it for they wanted to be a family a real one not just in words and so they had each had a son then two years later a little girl Vidalynnserlin born to the Lon and Cyi family 

now 1 year later

Jex walked in and saw the most sexy clothes on his little sister he thaught he was going to be sick for she was his sister little to boot she was 16 years old and she had, had to grow so fast and learned to fast for if you had meant her last year you would say she was the angel but now now people wanted to be her evan more admired her she was in the cround like always but she ran it she was a little slutty but she had did that for a reason her future husband needed to know she was not his and she was her own person she had parties and guys every morning. Every morning having to look at her and remember what happened years ago how his father had many ememies and how one had got a backbone and took his little innocent sister Vidalynn she was so young he didnt evan think she remembered all of it remembering how the butler ran in tears treaming down his face and something drew him to look over to wear his sister usually sat she was always load when she went to the table but that day long ago he was so mad at her he didnt care if she missed breakfast remembering how a day before he hd screamed at her becuase he found her coloring on his walls in ink how he screamed that he hated her and wished she didnt exist and then she just ren outside to play and he went to his room that night feeling something was off he put so much music on so he wouldn't hear her he was so mad he didnt turn his music down and fell asleep 



Sitting down at the breakfast table was a little weird, off remembering the night before that he felt something was off bur he was still mad at his sister and so didnt evan look to wear she uaually sat though he did think she meant it when she said sorry and then a thount came to him she was soo quite and she never was... The butler came runing in tears treaming down gis face something in his hand I looked cause it was leaking I wished I hadn't then when I saw it was my sisters favorite bear she had had it with her when he screamed at her but it wasnt leaking leaking something red was on the bear completly red on the white bear he thought he would be sick so that meant she never came in last night tears started going down his face realizing it was his fault that she was gone for he thought her body so small and that bear filled with blood his father got up all calm and said to test it the butler Frank ran out and his father and mother sat there all calm we sat there for 3 hours when Frank ran back in we knew the test only took 1 hour and so the wxtra 2 we sat there waiting knowing whos blood it was and blood dry now frank looked at his father Lon and said its positive I have never saw my father cry and so when he broke down I was shocked and my mother sent me to my room the first thing I saw was the wall that she had drew on and I broke down like my father because I knew it was my fault she had run outside 


She wanted her brother but she counldnt see him anywhere but then remembering how he had yelled at her and the man who gradded her and then thinking is when she realized she was so cold and counldnt feel anything it felt like she was going to sleep and she really wanted to sleep finally no more pain.

Lon and his Wife Cyi and their son Jex were called and it was an address a house not far from theirs and so they all took off to the house jex was the first on in the first one to see her all bloody and pale and still he ran over there to her and gradded her begging her to wake up feeling just how cold and seeing how blue she was not feeling her chest rise and fall became angry at himself she wouldnt be dead if he just hadnt yelled at her she would be laughing and blaming him for every spill or mess she created and then he heard him mother break down and they started to load Vide into the van his father telling him that thay are transporting her to the hospitle wanting to go with her to stay with her

Jex sat stonily at the bed in his sisters room and watched the tube breathing for his sister and how it has been months and she looks okay now there was a few scars here and there but she looked oaky like she was just sleeping and not in a coma and then remembering when she woke being so scared of him....


I turned just in time to see my brother Jex come in to wake me I knew he was thinking of the past how he blamed himself I didnt remember much and so I just started to wonder how I wanted my day to go the very day my betrothed came to my school my school I wanted to Ride my bike or in my Mustange I went with my Bike I snapped back just in time to hear my brother say he'll bring whoever I was to marry to school and that he would stand up at exactly 7:35 telling my betrothed when My Bike a Suzuki AEM Carbon Fiber Hayabusaa would need to come around the corner that he already had everything set I knew he was thinking about that day and those months and I felt bad because I knew he was the one to find or get to me first .


Erik went into the house of Vidalynnserlin knowing she had left and that her elder bro was taking him to school and was toldto follow him no matter what that he would soon be married in 5 months and so here he now sat in the Bugatti Veyron Super Sports a car he didnt evan have they hadn't talked and so he asked

"Who is the in cround"

"ME AND MY SISTER" replied Jex 

"oh where is she" I asked 

"School" he said 

"oh" i said feeling a little weird, jex scared me a bit 

and the protectiveness in his voice was a little weird.


I had to sit there for around thirty mins before i heard something very load approching

I looked and saw a Suzuki AEM Carbon Fiber Hayabuse. It parked and someone got off the most stunningly girl I had ever seen I looked at her and saw brown eyes and hair and a figure so perfect I thaught I had been killed by Jex and sent to heaven though I had never had my first kiss and I knew she a girl like that must be taken.

I turned to Jex and asked "Is she single"

"Hello Vide nice to see you" He replied I turned to see he was talking to her She must have heard me 

"oh damn" I said 


I stepped off my bike and looked my my brother and saw the most sexy guy ever in the world beside him black hair and gray eyes staring at me and so I started walking up the strip of concrete walking to my borther I got their just to hear Erik I learned his name was ask my brother if I was single only for my brother to say hello to me and I was close enough to hear a oh damn spoken but in a whisper.

 I looked at Erik and found him staring at mejust standing there looking retarded and like a love sick puppy seeing and thinking I could fall in love with him

NO! STOP THINKING LIKE THAT ! I screamed in my head so load I thought it possible people could hear me finding myself thinking about The Twilight books and my favorite of all Ecstasy in Darkness my all time favorite thinking if it was all really possible I could fall in love I'm not a mushy girl I don't like saying how I feel and so the guys get mad at me but who cares if I can't be how I want to be then I don't need them if they want me they will love me as I am yet I still find myself thinking about HIM

Music Class


I was sitting in my Music class still thinking about Vide and how I just wished she was mine, that if I could pick I would pick her but alas my parents had to want to be a family with some of their friends but if they were such good friends than why hadn't I ever heard of them till now In my own little word I jumped when the door slammed open and a person came in it was HER but with HER came another guy with a hickey or few really on her neck it drove me to wanting to beat the guy into a pulp but I couldn't what would she think of me so you can now guess I was extremely surprised when she kissed another guy at a desk sittting on his lap so surprised that I got up and stormed out.


I had just got done in my 2 block science Mr. Thamson had showed us how sometimes a vocume could make a hickey like thing on your skin and so half the guys thought it funny to see me walk in my 3 block covered in nice hicheys I walked in and saw Eddy my brothers best friend my kissing parter you could say when I needed a hug I went to him to make me feel better cause I trusted him it had never went far cause we didn't really like each other as more than friends I helped him and he helped me, we were good friends, ONLY FRIENDS

I was a little sad to see Erik get up and leave and so I asked to go to the bathroom I was in the hallway and walking down the hall towards the bathroom when he came out talking to my brother tho I guess Jex didn't tell him I was his sister cause Erik was complaining about how he liked this girl but she wouldn't give him the time of day and that he wouldn't do that cause he repected his parents enough but also wanted me happy

A Brothers Advise


I was in the bathroom fixing my hair some girl had decided to put goo stuff in my hair I loved my hair cause it took forever to style in I was just in the closet with a girl or a british thing I was just shagged to hell and back when I hear SNIFFLEING in the boys bathroom but that had actually beame normal some years back because my sister wouldn't say yes to them and so I had a very very strong feeling that it was 

"ERIK what are you doing" I asked 

"How did (sniffle) you know (sobb) it was me (wail)" he anwsered 

"Well your new here and averyone else knows to not evan try to get with Vide and I loke to think I can dictate whos wailing I'm listening to thank you very much so come on get up" I said 

" could you maybe help we get her to love me" he asked 

"you know your engaged right" I asked finfing it rather amusing 

and " just be yourself and not fake"

and dont hurt my sister she has been throuth alot 

I wondered what he meant and so I aked and wished I hadnt seeing the pain in his eyes 

and He said '' She was kidnapped as a child I yellled at her because I found her drawing on my wall and she ran her bear cluchted in her tiny hand"

I saw he was remembering the past and so just listened to him talking

" I was the one who found her, her bear being covered in blood my father had it tested it only takes one hour but it was three when frank our butler came tear on his face looked at my father and said its positive and then a week later we had two phone calls one of her just vrying no words and then a gun went off and so did the crying then three hours later those sick people called again but only gave the address I ran because it was close by the house and I ran into that house and saw her she was so cold, blue, bloody you would barley see it was her but I knew it was her"

thats all he said I lookedat him and saw he was looking at Vide and she walked up to him and asked if Jex wanted a ride home and Jex said yes she smiled and said...


Thats when I saw they had the same eye color and hair and I knew My dream girl was my future wife and I saw the scar I never saw before on her cheek it was there but hidden really good and I remembered the tale Jex told me while I came out of the bathroom and I wanted to cry for her I realized know that the guys had her but I'll have her for the rest of our lives because I love her and she will come to love me I hope and remembering the pain I saw in Jex's eyes I swore to myself I'll never hurt her.

"No thanks I have my bike and I'm going over to Eddy's"

"Who" I asked 

She turned to me and said" the guy in music class"

Before I could say anything the guy she kissed in music class was there his arm around her waist.

He the Eddy guy seemed possessive of her and I didn't like it one bit.

"Hey Sis I was thinking you could take my car and go on home I can take the bike"

I knew I most likely looked pathetic silently begging for her to say yes and evan though she didn't look at me I liked to think she saw out of the corner of her eye.

       JEX'S POV

I saw the silent begging quality of his eyes and looked at my dear sister she was going to make him earn her and I laughed Oh so silently and see her this way she grew but to me she would always be my little angel the little girl who wanted me to pay attention to her and sing her to sleep I looked at Eddy one of my best friends and I felt the jealousy rear its ugly head I felt so angry because after the ATTACK she just stopped wanting me there like before and I missed the times she wouldn't color or read or pay attention unless I was there playing with her hair or sitting coloring myself with her on my lap but then Eddy started coming over and sometimes I think he is in love with her the way he looks at her and that too makes me angry because he took my role as older brother in her eyes anyway and I didn't like it. It was good in the friend part cause she needed someone to kiss and hold her and not in the brotherly way either and I knew she only pecked him on the lips never a out going kiss UNLESS you count the time he kissed her while she was drunk and she still pushed away then and I told myself I would talk to her because I myself didnt really know how she felt about him and aia needed  to find out because I didn't want my role as a older brother to dissapear and Eddy to take it only to want more.






The Sister-Brother Bonding


Jex asked me to skip school with him because he wanted to talk to me and I said yes cause we haven't talked in so long wondering what he wanted to talk about I sat and dreamed but I had to pinch myself because I found myself thinking of Erik the hunky Monkey Damn Vide get ahold of yourself. I saw jex coming down the stairs all ready and I grabbed the keys to his baby yes I mean the car sometimes he just reminded me of that supernatural TV series Supernatural  with his love of the car I mean nobody can drive the thing but me and him but I think its cause I'm his Baby sister and I got him the car oh well I get to drive.

"Where to " I ask

"Just drive to the forest and we can have a picnic"

We get there and have to walk the rest of the way finally after we get everything out I set down and get comfortable because I have a feeling this talks goona last

"Vidalynnserlin Blood your my sister" Jex says 

"Yes I know" thinking maybe he got hit in the head

Knowing what shes thinking I smile and go on to tell her how I feel and what I think and how I also think Eddy is in love with her my pride I pushed aside to tell her how I was jealouse of my best friend because I didn't want her to replace me.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.03.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this to my Twin sister cause I would never have put it to paper without her she loves to write more than i do and I like to write as long as its not a grade we used to sit and write up all these stories and then trade and I loved those moments

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