

The yips! were close on her heels as Adelaide stumbled through the woods trying to navigate through the dark. On occasion she would look behind her to see if it had gotten any closer, but only the pitch black greeted her. The unknown beast yipped! again, as if fueled by her fear. Tears streamed down her face as she tried not to break out in sobs.

Adelaide's foot wedged itself between a rock and the root of a tree, causing her whole body to twist and plummet to the ground as she screamed over the sound of bone breaking. But it was not that that had scared her, it was the sudden silence that consumed her. Frantically looking around to see nothing, but she looked nonetheless. She didn't need to see him, she could feel him, his hot breath overpowered her frantic ones.

"Please! Don't do this! This isn't you. You don't have to do this!" Begging did nothing but excite the beast more. Fear wracked her body, causing her body to go into uncontrollable shakes in an attempt to conceal the bile slowly burning her throat. With her petite little hand she clasped her mouth in order to stifle her sobbing, but only to no avail, it made it difficult to breathe. 

Finally face-to-face with the beast, she stared into his eyes as he stared back with a snarl. "P-puhlease," Adelaide attempted to beg for her life once more, but her words came out in jumbles as she could no longer control her sobs when the beast opened his wide jaw to reveal his teeth. She could hardly see but they were dripping with blood, human blood, as if he had killed today and she were a snack.

Everything happened so slowly, Adelaide felt her mind count down the seconds to her impending death. Before she could utter another word the jaws crushed her windpipe making it impossible for her to scream. The blood that pooled around her body felt so warm against her cold skin. Feeling her consiousness slipping away, she was able to catch a glance at her murderer. A pair of devastatingly blue eyes bore into her green ones, tears swelling into his. All Adelaide could think of at that very moment was 'hush. Don't cry love. Not for me." But the boy cried even harder as he cradled her limp body in his arms. Leaning to her ear as he whispered, "I'm sorry."

Yellow Eyes

Adelaide sat with her head buried deep within a book. The once boring walls had come to life, transforming into a vivid jungle and its tribe. With her imagination running wild the book took a whole new form as Adelaide became the heroine, a young warrior princess trying to save her family from a demonic omen that loomed over their tribe. Adelaide became so immersed in her book she could barely hear voices from outside the ones in her book. "Adelaide!" At first she assumed it was her hot and trusty sidekick warning her about lava, but the second "Adelaide!" was much to high-pitched to belong to her hot model protector. Whack! A rulers stick swatted the desk next to her book, causing her to snap back to her mundane reality. 

"Adelaide, sweetheart. I called your name at least five times. Please return to your dorm room, it's getting late. I've got some, erm- papers to grade for tomorrow morning," a woman with thick glasses spoke nothing but sweet words. Behind those glasses was a beautiful, sultry woman capable of seducing any man if only she knew how beautiful she was.

"Yes. Sorry, Abagale," Adelaide mumbled in a barely audible response. That's right, her and the library teacher were on a first name basis. Considering the fact that Adelaide was in the library during all hours of the day when she was not in class, they shared quite the bond that she and her mother had not.

Adelaide gathered her things, slung her large backpack over her right shoulder and made way for the exit. Every so briefly she stopped in her tracks and looked over to her teacher, "I will see you tomorrow, right?" Abagale simply smiled and nodded before heading to her desk full of papers. With that, Adelaide flashed a bright smile with the ability to melt any boys heart into oblivion, then briskly walked out with a flushed expression. It's not that she had a crush on the teach, Abagale just had a certain effect on people, got them hot and bothered by a simple glance. Shaking her head back and forth vigorously, as if to rid of Abagale's image from her head. 


Ever since her arrival to Ashmont Academy, things seemed much more different from what it was like in high school. Not the normal kind of different either. The teachers were all extremely attractive, too attractive for a young, inexperienced student like her. They also seem quite odd and mysterious, always whispering to each other in their little teacher huddles in the hallways between classes. The fact that they point out and examine some of the students doesn't seem creepy at all. Nope. Not one bit. Okay, maybe a tad. But what's even scarier than that? That Adelaide turned a corner in one of the dark, dusky hallways, alone. Sure it would be okay if it were midnight, but it was only nine o'clock and there was not a single soul in sight. For a university, especially on the first week, there is bound to be someone, right? Adelaide could only pray as she felt an ominous chill creep down her back. Something didn't feel right, just as it never had since she arrived here. Every night, at the time that she leaves the library, she can practically feel someone breathing down her back. All she could do was quicken her pace, practically breaking into a sprint towards her dorm room. When she looked behind her she could have sworn to the police, her mother, and baby Jesus all at once that she saw yellow eyes piercing the night. The eyes were coming towards her faster than she could run.

In a panic, Adelaide sprinted around the corner only to be greeted by the feeling of hitting a brick wall. When she collided with the steel-like object everything came crashing down on her. The books were not kind as they rained down on her, the corner on her Trigonometry book whacking her right in the forehead creating the sexiest gash there could have ever existed. Feeling as if she were to be eaten any second she looked up to see what it was that had stopped her in her tracks and flung her across the hall. A pair of icy blue eyes matched with a smug smile looked down on her as she lay sprawled out on the floor. Adelaide could feel her face heat up, utterly mortified. "I-I'm s-s-so sorry," Adelaide stuttered, trying to find her words but completely baffled by the shirtless man in front of her. 

A sneer. Surely it was a sneer, was it not? But when Adelaide glanced once again, all she saw was a sweet smile and a helping hand, which she so gingerly took. "No problem, klutz." Slowly rising from the ground, Adelaide felt as light as a feather as he effortlessly pulled her to her feet. "The name's Jesse."

A Boy

The moment Adelaide's skin met with his, the moment she was face-to-face with him, she felt an overwhelming sensation overtake her. She wasn't sure what overcame her, she was never the promiscuous type. When she mashed her lips against his she was half expecting rejection. Instead she was greeted with the same fiery intensity as hers. Jesse pushed her up against the wall, skimming his fingers under her shirt as she hooked her fingers in his pants. 'Come on, Adelaide. What are you doing? Willpower. WILLPOWER!' As soon as her subconsious decided to finally chime in, Adelaide shoved the ever-so smug looking Jesse from her. Panting, Adelaide attempting to catch her breath only to find it impossible.

"Well... That was, uh, interesting?" He just kept smiling, which pissed Adelaide off even more. 

"I uh... Well... I'm so sorry!" Adelaide shoved past Jesse.

"Wait! Your name!" It was too late, Adelaide ran into her dorm room and slid down the door. "You know..." She whispered.


That night Adelaide tossed and turned, the yellow eyes shifting to blue eyes haunting her dreams. The heterochromia iridium eyes ravaged her, raked her over again and again, then ripped her apart until she woke up screaming, drenched in sweat. "What the hell!" Her blonde roommate exclaimed, more annoyed than concerned, turning on the light.

"N-nothing. Just go back to sleep." When Amy, the bitchy roommate, went to sleep Adelaide just laid there for the rest of the night afraid to close her eyes. Whatever was waiting for her in her dreams was something she never wanted to experience again. It felt so real, as if it were actually happening. But that was just it. Something was happening, something that Adelaide couldn't stop. The train wreck was bound to happen, spinning her life out of control. Adelaide didn't wear chaos well.


After a long night of no sleep, Adelaide prepped for her morning classes. Typically a student was never this excited about class first thing seven in the morning, but nothing made Adelaide feel more alive than Forms of Lit: Fiction with most likely the best teacher, Mrs. Vilkas. No one understands how to pronounce her foreign name so she typically goes by Mrs. V, short and sweet, but everyone knows who she is. Mrs. V was the only teacher Adelaide was able to genuinely appreciate, she took no prisoners when it came to the homework and she was never lenient like many of the teachers in this school. A bonafide hardass, but that's why she was so popular with the students, no one would mind a punishment from her.

"Quiet, class." Her voice was soft, but hard, enough to silence the class in seconds, something that many teachers spend years trying to master. "Since it's the first week of class, I thought it'd be nice for you guys to get to know your classmates. We won't have a lot of group activities, so this is a good chance to make friends." She didn't. The class groaned. Even Adelaide rolled her eyes. No one liked "get-to-know-each-other" activities. Cheerfully clapping her hands to together Mrs. V plastered the brightest, the most fake smile on her face as she quieted the class yet again and began splitting the kids up into groups.

Adelaide's group consisted of three other kids, one of the smaller groups. "Okay! So what I want you to do is as your classmate a question and in turn tell them something about yourself." As if it were that simple.

A girl with red fiery hair and a personality to match piped up, obviously the only person who was actually excited over the whole make friends activity. "So! My name is Emilia. I like cats. Well... That's an understatement. Totally love. Sorta obsessed. Like a lot. I feel like they just, like, get me. What about you? What is your favorite animal?" One of the most cliche question was directed at a ripped boy with brown shaggy hair. Was everyone this attractive? 

"Uhm. I'm a dog person," he replied annoyed.

"Ooo! What kind of dog? I love pomeranians. They remind me of fluffy cats," Emilia chirped.

The shaggy boy's face turned to disgust at the thought. "Large dogs," he emphasized. "Well, anyways. The name's Oliver. Yes, like the olive." What was with this guy? "Hey," his voice boomed towards Adelaide, "what do you do in your free time? You don't look like the type to do anything exciting. Let me guess, the geeky type. Am I right?"

"Yes," Adelaide hissed. "In fact that's exactly what I do. When I'm not doing homework, I read. Sorry, I don't do people well." Then her eyes landed on the blonde, blue-eyed bombshell which she couldn't help but stare at. She looked so much like the boy in the hall, at least they shared the same eyes. "Do you, um, read?" Suddenly she felt her face heat up as the blue eyes stared at her like she knew something Adelaide didn't.

"Did you kiss my brother?" The blonde's face was hard to read but in her eyes she could see a flash of rage.

Adelaide's jaw must have dropped to the floor because everyone was staring at her oddly. What an odd thing to blurt out. "Uh.. Um... Excuse me?" Adelaide felt like she could crawl into a hole and die.

"You did, didn't you?" The blonde continued to press giving no mercy. Emilia and Oliver looked at her on the edge of their seats trying to tune in the first hot piece of gossip since their freshman lives have begun.

"You kissed Jesse?" Emilia blurted. "I mean, he's totally hot. The hottest, actually."

Adelaide finally replied, "you know her?" 

"Katherine? Of course. She's Jesse's sister. Well, fraternal twin. They're juniors, which I've been wondering why you are even here." Good to know Oliver kept up on his college news of who's who.

Adelaide was saved from answering such a mortifying question when Mrs. V finally chimed in. It's not that the three didn't know, they knew, but admitting it out loud was something completely different that Adelaide just couldn't choke out the words. Katherine and Jesse had such a striking resemblance she wasn't sure how she didn't realize it sooner. Why should she? Adelaide knew nothing of the twins. Actually, she knew nothing about anyone other than their favorite animal.


Wild Things

The rest of the day was exhausting and not because the classes were hard, Adelaide had this whole memory thing down, but it was that whole memory thing that was wearing her out. Between the restless nights, being swallowed in sudden passion, and twins, it was all getting to be too much for this little virgin. Adelaide knew what to do while on the brink of breakdown, to retreat to her haven where no one would disturb the world that her books create. She made way towards the library where Abagale greeted her with a kind smile as always, then taking seat in a far corner desk secluded from the rest. Before she even laid out the homework for the day she opened her warrior princess book. Skipping homework before treating herself was unusual, but this sort of indulgence was well deserved. It was not long before the mundane surroundings came to life once more as she transformed into the exotic looking warrior princess, this time she was travelling through the arctic with her barely clothed accomplice, which Adelaide not dare question why he had not been overcome with hypothermia. Instead, the two made it through the icy spikes with great stealth, but not matter the stealth the enemy was fast approaching. One wrong step causing a spike to come spiraling down towards them in which they dodged, but the crash was so loud the enemy was bound to hear it. Taking off in dead sprint Adelaide could hear the arrows singing through the air as they whizzed past her, one which nicked her arm. This pain was nothing compared to losing her family in a great fire, Adelaide would have her revenge upon the evil King who ordered her tribe to be put down. None survived, but she and her childhood hotty. 

 Adelaide sighed as she put down her book and let the space around her consume her. This wasn't about spontaneously kissing some boy or meeting his twin sister who wasn't too happy about the ordeal. This was about this place. About how she was strangely attracted to Abagale even though she had never considered liking girls previously. This was about the people, the teachers and students, of this school. How she felt like something bad was going to happen at any given second and Adelaide, someone who is constantly in control, would have no way of stopping it. She could feel the things around her change and in return, her surroundings were slowly changing her whether she liked to admit it or not. But most of all, Adelaide was homesick. This is an odd thing for her to feel, Adelaide couldn't wait to get out of that place, it was lonely during the days, but at night when her mother came home to cook a late night dinner. Nothing was more warm or fuzzier than that feeling of just them two. Unfortuneatly Mike had to come and ruin it all with his expensive dinner and fancy cars. He stole his wholesome mother away from her, moved them into a huge house-which had more rooms than people and cars put together-and turned her into some kind of Devil.

Wallowing away in her own sadness Adelaide had not noticed the air around her turn into static. It was as if her body and mind were reacting to her before she even noticed her arrival. There she sat across from her at her table, her little sanctuary, and it were those blue eyes that disrupted her peace. Katherine, the spitting image of the feast Adelaide devoured last night. Sparks flew in which Adelaide was sure Katherine was going to lung across the table and rip her throat out at any given moment.

 "Hi, Katherine." Adelaide attempted to sound intimidating, but she sounded like a meek little rabbit instead.

"Adelaide," Katherine acknowledged. Her glare intensified as she examined Adelaide. There Adelaide sat with her over worn sweatshirt and messy black hair. Green eyes hid behind thick-framed black glasses, the freckles on her face were the most noticeable thing about Adelaide. Well that and her dimples. Who had dimples at nineteen? "What are you anyways?" 

Thrown back by the question, Adelaide replied, "pardon?"

"Are you a vampire? Werewolf? Incubus? What is it? You can tell me, I don't judge." This was absurd.

"Are you crazy?" Adelaide blurted, causing the blonde bombshell to flare up with anger.

"This is not a crazy question. Where the HELL do you think you are anyways?!" Katherine raised her voice, which Adelaide was sure her crazy accusations were to arouse some attention.

"Katherine, did you take your meds today?" It was a legitimate question, but it came out sarcastic.

"WHAT ARE YOU?" By this point Katherine was standing up with her chair pushed to the ground. Adelaide could see the steam coming from her ears. Then her face went blank as if she realized something, "come to the Underground, the entrance is in the old cemetery tonight at twelve. I'll stop by your dorm at eleven thirty. Jesse will be there along with a group of kids. You'll see. When you do, you'll have no choice but to choke on your words," she spat.

 Completely and utterly confused, Adelaide attempted to go after Katherine, but by the time Adelaide rounded the corner it was as if Katherine disappeared into thin air. "How do you know where my dorm is?" Adelaide muttered to herself. Maybe that was how Katherine knew about them, maybe she was watching the whole time. At the realization, Adelaide grew mortified. How could she face either of them again? There was no choice, Katherine would be waiting at eleven thirty and Adelaide really didn't want to upset her more than she already had, though she wasn't sure why she was upset at all.

Awkward Encounter

Ever since Adelaide left for college she had ignored her mother's phone calls and emails, it was her way of hurting her mother for what she had done just before she packed up and left. Before she was going to attend an underrated college closer to home to be with her mother, but she decided to think for herself and not others. Their little spat also pushed Adelaide over the edge into becoming her own individual. Halfway across the country, hurt over her mothers harsh words before she left, but it was the loneliness that pained her more.

Adelaide opened her laptop which let out a loud bing! when the emails started to come through. All of them were from her mother, she didn't have any friends back home just like how she didn't have friends here. Adelaide didn't mind the whole 'lone wolf' persona, rather she embraced it. All she needed was her mother, so she decided it was time to find forgiveness in her heart.


Subject: Hey mom

I know its been awhile. I'm sorry. The first week here has been... odd. The students are strange and so are the teachers. A student even asked if I was a vampire. Yeah, the blood sucking tall tale kind. Haha, isn't that the strangest thing? But I'm fine. How are you? Are you and Mike doing okay? Just know I love you. Can't wait for you to visit in the winter. You're coming, right? Please don't bring Mike. I want it to be just us to. Miss you. 

Love, Your little Addi



Eleven twenty-eight. Quickly, Adelaide shut down the laptop and rushed to put on her skinny jeans, a plain black tank, and her only cute pair of heels she owned. Adelaide was attempting to touch up her unruly hair, but exactly at eleven thirty there was a brisk, annoyed knock on the door. This was it. Adelaide's very first gathering with real people since her sophomore year in high school. "You can do this." Taking a deep breath, Adelaide took one last look in the mirror and headed for the door.

"Um, hi, Katherine." If there was one thing Adelaide was sure she could never master it was the art of talking. Talk about socially awkward.

"Let's go," Katherine spoke in an irritated tone and began to lead the way. Adelaide figured they'd drive in a car, but no, they walked and walked and walked some more. Perhaps Katherine was either really good at walking in heels or just really good at not showing how much it hurt. Adelaide on the other hand was cursing at every pebble under her heel, every time her ankle attempted to make a break. Blood was literally soaking her heels. Like, it wasn't a joke. She could feel the blood pooling at her little toes in her right shoe, the left just slowly blistering. 

Unable to take the pain any longer Adelaide finally spoke up, "how much longer?" Typically she was polite but she couldn't help but snap, Katherine had to of planned this.

"We're here." They arrived at the old cemetery right off Crank Road. They called it Crank Road because it's where all the addicts come to die. At least, that's what they say. Adelaide questions the authenticity of the story from time to time, probably just some stupid rumor. Slowly they came up to a mausoleum, which stopped Adelaide dead in her tracks.

"You've got to be kidding me. A mausoleum? That's where we're going?" 

"It's not really a mausoleum. Well, not really anymore. I think there are still bodies in there, but no one comes to visit so I'm not sure..." Katherine didn't sound too sure of herself which did not comfort Adelaide in any way. "Anywho, let's go."

The closer they got Adelaide could hear the faint sound of music. Music. Coming from the mausoleum. All Adelaide could think was 'what is wrong with this school?'

"Kat! Hey!" A voice boomed as they entered the sepulcher. The voice belonged to a tall dark-skinned man who had tattoos everywhere. Like all over. Adelaide couldn't stop staring and he must have noticed because he caught her gaze. "Who's this pretty lil' number over here? A newbie?" His attention was back on Katherine. 'Who? Pretty? Me? As if.'

Katherine scoffed, "friend? Yeah, sure. You headed in too?"

 "Yeah. Came to check n' see if the coast is clear. Let's go." The large man led the way as they headed down old, cracked, obviously unsafe steps. It became apparent that this was more like an old catacomb than just a mausoleum as they passed bones of the deceased. While she should be scared out of her wits ends, Adelaide was fascinated with the way they were displayed. This cemetery is either older than she thought or the people who created these tombs were very good at replicating the Roman's handy work.

After a sort walk, the music became louder each step until they entered an opening. There were no bones displayed in the center, instead it was replaced by what looked like a boxing ring. "So what is this? Some sick underground fitting, uh, thing?" If so, it wasn't funny. They desecrated the remains of many bodies by tossing them in a pile. Some of the bones were used to showcase the ring, four heads were placed on each corner of the ring.

"Don't worry, we asked if it was okay," Katherine spoke in that ever so annoyed tone of hers, once again leaving Adelaide in bewilderment. The place was crowded, drunken people shouting from everywhere as they watched two men fight in the ring, making it hard to navigate through the oblivious crowd. Soon Dominic - which Adelaide learned the name of the tattooed man in a conversation - Katherine, and Adelaide met up with another group.

The group consisted of three guys and two girls, excluding Kat, Addi, and Dominic. One girl was dark-skinned and thick, wearing a black dress that hugged every curve the girl had to offer. But it wasn't her bangin' body that caught Adelaide's attention, it were her cat-like, bronze eyes. They were so amazing that anyone was bound to get lost in them. The girl next to her was a girl of mixed color, her skin was a deep olive tone, the kind that girls envy. Her eyes matched the dark-skinned girl, though they were brighter and more yellow, almost exactly replicating that of a cat. Adelaide could have sworn she saw them slit, but that was rather impossible and illogical. As the two spoke, the darker girl was called Denecee and the mixed girl went by Ash, which Adelaide assumed was short for Ashley.

A large hand was snaked around Ash's mesh top, placed right above her thigh. No matter how much she tried, Adelaide couldn't help but steal glances at Jesse. His hot gaze was on her too even though his hand was on another girl's waist. Jesse wore a normal white fitted T and ripped Levi's that showed off his assets. For a moment it seemed as if they were having a contest of who would buckle under one's gaze, but it was no contest because it did not take long for the heat to rise to Adelaide's cheeks causing her to break it. Doesn't mean she didn't steal a glance here and there. The other boy was Oliver, amazingly, who simply quirked up an eyebrow as his eyes danced with amusement. The remaining guy, Jasper, came up to Adelaide and uncomfortably snaked his arm around her waist. Adelaide wasn't use to physical touches, but the moment she laid her eyes on those beautiful brown eyes she was at a loss for any opposition. His almost black hair was sleek and shaved on either side leaving a nice fade. The hair remaining on the top was slicked back. He had a shaved face, though the fine stubbles were beginning to appear. The moment he smiled Adelaide felt like she was going to sink, as long as she could drown herself in those eyes she wouldn't mind. 

Blood and Bones

Adelaide watched as Katherine whispered something in Jesse's ear. Whatever she was saying it must have been about her because Jesse glanced over at Adelaide and smiled as if amused by whatever Katherine was saying about her. Trying to ignore the twins, Adelaide decided it was best to make conversation with the boy currently clinging to her.

"Uh. S-so what's going on here?" Adelaide stared up into his pretty eyes, which she noticed his long, dark eyelashes that any girl would envy.

"Bout' time ya noticed me," Jasper smiled that perfect smile. He had a southern accent too, could he get any dreamier? "Here we bet on a prized horse." Jasper chuckled when he noticed her wide-eyed expression. "Oh sweetheart, not actual horses." He whipped her around so that their backs were facing the group and eyes on the two men in the ring going at it. "You see there? I'm bettin' on Joey, the one with tha tat on his right shoulder. You see how the other guy is big? Well Joey, here, may be a small feller, but he is one fast little guy. To me, he's my prized horse." Adelaide admired the way Jasper spoke, the way his eyes lit up with excitement over two guys brutally beating the crap out of each other, but he looked like a little kid in a candy store.

Adelaide wasn't sure when she got a red solo cup in her hand, but halfway through the night of trying to avoid Jesse's stare and preoccupy herself with Jasper's company, she could use a drink. The liquid was warm, but it was sweet like candy that Adelaide questioned the alcohol contents, if there were any. After her first sip she shrugged and downed the drink. "Woah woah woah!" Jasper exclaimed. "Slow down little lady, don't need anyone carryin' ya, now do we?" Jasper grabbed the now empty cup from Adelaide's small hands.

Adelaide pouted, "didn't taste like there was any alcohol in there."

"That's the whole point, sweetheart. Man you are trouble, ain't ya?" Jasper gave her a crooked grin.

 One drink, that's all it took. Adelaide considered herself a light weight. In the eighth grade she went to a party where one of the boys snuck in his dad's alcohol. Wanting to fit in for once, Adelaide took some sips here and there. It didn't take long for the whole eighth grade class to end up high on booze, where everyone was scolded by the birthday girl's mom. Even though the party ended short with Adelaide puking on the way home that party went down in history for the rest of her high school life. Yet now Adelaide felt just like she had then, perhaps worse. The room was beginning to spin. Everything sounded louder and felt more clammy than it was sober. Jasper left to go get her some water, which was easier said than done because Adelaide was sure no one drinks water at parties like this. Alone in the crowd, Adelaide could feel herself hallucinate. The angry deceased bones took shape of their former human bodies, crying and screaming in her face, begging and pleading to make it stop. She only looked at them with pity, what could she possibly do for them?

As she bumped and stumbled through the hot bodies, the faces people gave her did not look human. Flashes of yellow eyes that haunted her dream appeared. Pointy teeth that belonged only in movies hissed at her. Sharp claws clutched at her arms and stomach and while it should have hurt, it brought Adelaide immense pleasure. Before long, five very attractive men surrounded her, pushing her to the floor in a corner of the catacomb's. Their teeth and claws sunk into her causing her to moan as an uncontrollable pleasure coursed through her veins. "More," Adelaide pleaded. They obeyed. Their feeding grew more frenzied which Adelaide welcomed, feeling the wetness between her thighs increase. Whatever they were doing was so exotic and exciting, Adelaide was beginning to lose control. Then it stopped. Finally opening her eyes, she was greeted with two pairs of yellow eyes looking down on her. "Jesse. Jasper..." Adelaide spoke in a meek whisper, realizing her throat was dry. Both of them lunged at Adelaide, gripping onto her with their large hands, tugging at her ready to rip her apart. It was much more painful than what her five hot feeders went. Adelaide screamed and screamed, but they wouldn't stop. She could feel her body being ripped apart, the bones breaking, the teeth tearing at her flesh as they devoured her. How could she get so out of control?


Adelaide opened her eyes where a white ceiling welcomed her good morning. For a moment she just laid there blinking, trying to drasp the happenings of last nights events. Last she remembered she drank that fruity drink, everything else after that was blank. Flashes of blood appeared every time she closed her eyes, but she was sure she was in one piece, alive and healthy. Tilting her head to the right of her, her roommate sat there looking at Adelaide with starry eyes. Adelaide was sure she couldn't hold any emotion other than a bitchy one. 

"So. Jesse. Jasper. You know 'em?" Casey asked, trying to sound as casual as she could.

"Um... Sort of?" Adelaide eyed her suspiciously as she slowly rose up from her bed.

"What do you mean sort of! Adelaide, seriously. They are like coolest, hottest guys. And they carried you... here?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.07.2014

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