
Part 1

In the winter of 1997, a series of unsolved serial murders took place on the campus of a major university in

the southern United States. Fourteen years later in February of 2011 the remnants of a diary were

recovered from an undisclosed location by a private investigator who had been hired by the family of one of

the victims.  

What follows are the relevant transcription entries from the pages of that diary. 

Nothing has been censored, edited or redacted. 

It had been determined that the young woman who had kept this diary was 22 year old Jamie Lee Collins. A

student of the aforementioned university.  

Jamie Collins went missing on February 8th 1997. She was considered to be the sixth and final victim of the

serial killer though her body had never been recovered. The killings mysteriously ended after her


The murders went unsolved and are now considered to be "Cold Case Files" by the local police dept. and

the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  

Some of the local and federal investigators who were interviewed before the release of this diary believed

that the killer simply moved to a new location.  

One of these investigators, who can not be named here continued the investigation on his own time and

revealed to us that in the following year (fall 1998) several murders presenting "frighteningly similar

characteristics" to the university killings began in London England.  

The only thing that is definitively known is that Jamie Collins was never seen or heard from again and the

killer was never apprehended. 

The document underwent tremendous scrutiny by FBI forensic analysts before it was released for

transcription and its authenticity is considered to be genuine. What follows is an account of her final days in

her own words. 



Jan 6th Monday 1997 

Dear Diary 

Not much to report. Christmas vacation was great. Daddy bought me a new car. 

That was pretty cool. He spoils me I know, but what can I do? He’s so proud of his little girl. 

Mom was the same, always finding fault with everything I say and do. I swore that I would get them under

the same roof for Christmas day but that plan went south pretty quick. I got to see Aunt Rachel. She flew

all the way from England to be with the family this year. I really miss her.  

I think it would help mom to have her sister around more often. I think she gets a little lonely sometimes

now that her youngest has left the nest. Gotta go, I have lots and lots of clothes to try on. Aunt Rachel

brought them all the way from Paris, London and Milan for Christmas. Shh! don’t tell anyone how spoiled I



Love Jamie  


Jan 7th Tuesday 1997  

Dear Diary  

I think I’m going to break up with Brandon soon. We are just not working out. He’s just too full of himself

and I want someone more mature. I don’t know maybe I’m being too harsh. Nah, its time, we have been

together for almost a year and the relationship is going nowhere. 


Love Jamie 




Jan 8th Wed 1997 

Dear Diary 

I spent most of the day in bed today. I got a really bad migraine after chem. class and it made me so sick.

It’s gone now, but I’m still so drained. 


Love Jamie  



Jan 9th Thursday 1997 


Dear Diary  

It slipped at lunch today that the girls are planning a surprise birthday party for me this weekend. That’s

blabbermouth Beth for you, I swear that girls mouth is open so often it’s a wonder her tongue doesn’t get

sunburned. But I must admit that the notion of a surprise party had already occurred to me. With so many

girls here at Kappa it seems like there’s a birthday party every week. And being a legacy and all it’s almost a

requirement for my sorority sisters to throw me a bash. And since my time here is almost up I’m sure it’s

going to be a good one. I hope they remember that Brandon and I broke up. I wouldn’t even want to

attend my own party if they invited him.  


Love Jamie  








Jan 10th Friday 1997 

Dear Diary  

There was something crazy going on at the South Campus today. There were police cars everywhere and

officers stretching that yellow tape up all around Heartly Hall.  

God I hope no one killed themselves. We already had one suicide last fall some freshman got a B on a term

paper and took a swan dive form the roof of the library. I totally understand the pressure of maintaining a

good GPA, I am almost always stressed out about some test or the other but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna off

myself over a B in psych. class. Get real, it would have to be a D for me to even have my customary minage’

with my boyfriend’s Ben and Jerry for the weekend.  


Love Jamie 



Jan 11th Sat 1997 

Dear Diary  

I met a guy at the student union today after psych class. His name is Eric, he’s very cute.  

He asked me for my number and being the slut that I am I gave it to him. HA! Just kidding I don’t even

know what I would do if he asked me out.  


Love Jamie 



Jan 12th Sunday 1997 

Dear Diary 

Well he called but I don’t think I’m gonna go out with him. I couldn’t tell just by looking at him but he’s just

a freshman and I’m just not sure if I really want to be with anyone right now anyway. Besides, I know

exactly what would happen. He would fall in love with me, profess his undying devotion and start talking

about living together and how he wants to have my babies and all of that tedious annoying crap. Then I

would have to say things like “Oh my God! You are not in love with me, you just think you are.” and “I need

some space” and “I think we should see other people” in a vain effort to get him to break up with me or

start seeing someone else.  

But then he would get all clingy trying to change my mind with over the top romantic gestures in a

desperate attempt to salvage whatever little perfect fantasy he had built in his mind about our lifelong

future together. And then I would have to say something like “Oh my God! What happened to your

backbone and your dignity? Were they missing all along and I just didn’t notice?” Then he would get all hurt

and become a woman hater because of the mean hot girl who broke his heart freshmen year. Then he

would go on a weeklong drinking binge with his bros. And one night when he was wasted, after a spirited

game of beer pong, he would decide he was gay all along. Then he would go through the same drama with

some hot guy. I just don’t want to put either one of us through that dumpster fire. So you see, I’m

actually being kind and gentle by sparing him all that pain. Or maybe it’s just because he’s too short. 


Love Jamie 


Jan 13th Monday 1997 

Dear Diary  

Something really strange happened to me this morning. I was getting ready for class and I fainted in the

bathroom. Missy came in and found me and woke me up. I made her promise not to tell anyone and I know

she won’t, she’s a really good person and a good friend. 


Love Jamie 


Jan 14th Tuesday 1997 

Dear Diary 

No headaches today, that’s good because I had an important Chem. exam today and as usual I aced it. God

I love being so smart. Just kidding I’m not really that full of myself. Well maybe I am just a little. 


Love Jamie 


Jan 16th Wed 1997 

Dear Diary  

I think Janice, Gretchen and myself are going to take my new car and get out of town for the  

weekend. The three menstruateers ride again. We’re going to go to the lake and spend the whole

weekend sitting around the fire place, watching old movies, and binging on all the stuff were not supposed

to eat. The place is only about an hour out of town but it feels like another world. 

Daddy bought it a few years ago as a way to try and make mom happier and to help the marriage. I think

he was grasping at straws because mom is the most miserable person in the world and she has forgotten

what happiness is. I still can’t understand why he stays. Talk about loyalty. That’s one of the reasons I love

him and respect him so much. Because he’s devoted to his family no matter what. 



Love Jamie 



Jan 18th Thursday 1997 

Dear Diary  

It’s beautiful here at the lake. So peaceful and serene. The girls are having a great time and  

so am I. I really needed this. 



Love Jamie 


Jan 20th Monday 1997 

Dear Diary  

We got back this morning to the horrible news that another girl was killed. She was from the Beta house.

That’s only a few blocks from here. Everyone is tense around here and a lot of the girls are afraid. Maybe I

can help with that somehow. But there is something that is frightening me more than just having some

psycho loose on campus though. I think I might be developing some kind of psychic ability. I had some kind

of episode last night. I could see things. Maybe it’s not a good idea to write this down in any kind of detail

right now. If anyone read this they might think I was disturbed and at this point I’m not sure I could argue

that…. Screw it! I need to put this to paper. I know how it sounds and that’s why I haven't told anyone.

But it felt very real Saturday night, after the girls had gone to bed, I sat alone out on the deck. I was just

enjoying the moonlight and the night air and I felt a flash of pain shooting through my brain. It nearly

knocked me out of the chair. Then I had a vision. It's hard to explain because the images playing out in my

head were blurry and kind of dark but I felt like I was witnessing a girl getting murdered. When I opened

my eyes my nose was bleeding a little bit and the moon had moved to the other side of the sky. Mom and

Aunt Rachel have both had psychic experiences numerous times and they both say that it runs in the family.

God I hope that isn't true. I don’t want to see other girls getting killed. Oh my God. I just had a thought.

What if I was going to be a victim and was able to see my own murder before it happened? In that case I

might not mind having a vision because I could stop it before it happened. 





Jan 21st Tuesday 1997 

Dear Diary  

I have got to spend the rest of the day studying. I’m going to just lock the door and hang up the “Do not

disturb me you bitches” sign on the door so I can concentrate.  



Jan. Wednesday 22nd 1997 

Dear Diary  

The mood around the Kappa house is understandably somber. A few of the girls have left for the semester

maybe for good. I hated to see Halley go, she was a sweet girl and we were getting to be really good

friends. Some of the girls try to ignore what’s going on and pretend it’s not happening. They carry on as if

they don’t even notice what’s going on around them.  

Jessica Martin came up to me today and started going on about this year’s homecoming float. She was so

happy and excited about it. A little too excited I think, like she was over compensating. It was actually a

little creepy. It’s only been a few days since that girl over at Beta house was killed. I didn’t know her

personally but how can you not feel at least something for her friends and family. Besides with the police on

campus all the time now only those in true denial can ignore the situation and that’s we are all in danger if

they do not stop this man soon. 







Jan 23rd Thursday 1997  

Dear Diary 

Two more girls left this morning. What’s worse is I had a feeling that those two girls would be the next

ones to leave. Maybe that isn’t psychic, maybe it was just intuition but Gretchen and I have decided that

we are not going to let this bastard make us leave. This is our campus and he’s that needs to leave, not us.

There are over twenty thousand students on this campus at any given time and while some people think

that gives the killer a perfect place to hide in plain sight I see it as over forty thousand eyes to spot this

bastard when he slips up. Someone has seen something even if they didn't realize it at the time. I think we

can be proactive and be more protective of our own. We have agreed that we won’t go anywhere after

dark without each other. Gretchen even suggested starting an escort service, and no I don’t mean she’s

going to be pimping out the girls of Kappa. She wants to get several boys that we know we can trust to

form a service where they can escort girls to and from class and around campus. I know several boys from

Delta who are perfect gentlemen and who would love to help damsels in distress. Boys are so easy that

way. Any chance they get to show their masculinity to a girl and be all tough and manly they come running.

Most of them remind me of male cockatoos strutting and puffing up their feathers. They’re still kind of cute

when they do it though, the boys not the birds. 

Love Jamie 


Jan 24th Friday 1997 

Dear Diary 

We had a house meeting this afternoon. Some old business mostly, but I found out that there are rumors

abound about who the campus maniac might be. But it's all college girl dramatic speculation based on

absolutely nothing real. As long as we can keep the Kappa girls safe until this is over that’s all I care about.

I’ve taken Gretchen’s escort idea one step further and have asked Justin Mosely, Kevin Myers and Dennis

Burkhoff to take turns spending the night here.  

Of coarse there will be rumors but there are always rumors even when there’s nothing going on. And

rumors are better than dead girls. I know the bylaws prohibit such a thing but desperate times and all.

Besides all of these boys are fine upstanding southern gentlemen with really nice asses. Just kidding, they

are really good guys and I trust them. I hope that’s not the same mistake that the dead girls made. It

would really suck if I was the one who invited the killer to stay over for the night. My famous last words

would be remembered as “Its ok girls. I really trust them.” But I'm not getting any bad psychic vibes from

them so maybe it’s a good choice. I feel like I should start trusting my intuitions and pay more attention to

my feelings about things. 


Love Jamie 



Jan 25th Saturday 1997 

Dear Diary  

The campus crisis has hit home for the Kappa’s. One of our own, Missy Peters, is missing and we can only

pray that she hasn’t come to any harm. I feel horrible because I had another premonition while I was

sleeping last night about losing one of the girls here. I woke up this morning with blood on my pillow from

another nose bleed. I am now convinced that I am somehow witnessing these events before they happen.

I still haven’t told anyone. But I am so damned frustrated. What good is a gift like this if you can’t prevent

the horrible things you see? It has become more of a curse than a gift. Most of the visions come while I am

sleeping and by the time I wake up it's too late to stop it. I want to tell the police about this but I know

that they won’t believe me and everyone else would just laugh at me or believe that I was losing my mind.

God, it feels like I am sometimes. Missy has always been a good friend to me and to everyone else in the

house. I can’t think of one girl here who doesn’t love her. And that’s saying a lot because these catty

bitches can find something to hate about anyone. She has been missing since last night and we have

checked every possible place we can think of. The campus police and a couple of detectives were here

today talking to me and some of the other girls. I tried to be helpful but somehow I just feel like she is

already dead. And what’s worse is this damn migraine that won’t let me go out and look for her. And I feel

responsible because Kevin called the house and said that he wouldn’t be able to meet her to escort her

home after her econ class.  

I tried to reach the other boys but couldn’t. I couldn’t go because I was in bed all day with this headache. I

told myself she would be ok. I’m so mad at myself right now. I think my visions are somehow related to my

headaches and I just hope that I have some kind of brain aneysm or something. I hope I am wrong about

Missy. I really do. 





Jan 26th Sunday 1997 

Dear Diary 

Still no word about Missy. The mood around here is pretty gloomy, I skipped my classes today. I just

couldn’t get motivated. It's raining. 





Jan 27th Monday 1997 

Dear Diary  

Our worst fears came to life. We found out this morning that the police had found Missy’s body late last

night. Why is this happening? Why do beautiful people have to die at the hands of a psycho ? Our parents

lied. Monsters are real, they just disguise themselves as humans. 




Jan 28th Tuesday 1997 

Dear Diary  

Missy’s parents came today to pick up all of her personal belongings. I boxed everything myself. I didn’t think

they would be up for that right now. They had to claim her body and take her home to Arizona to be

buried. I won’t get to go to her funeral and it makes me sad but I made sure to tell her mother just how

much everyone loved her daughter here and just how big of a loss it is. How do you make someone feel

better when they just lost one of their children? 



Jan 29th Wed 1997 

Dear Diary 

Mom called today. She was going on and on about how she wanted me to come home for a while until all

of this “Killer nonsense.” is over. I swear that woman will drive me insane before all is said and done. I’m

actually kind of surprised that she didn’t just send daddy and Michael down here and drag me back kicking

and screaming. I told her I wouldn’t come home and she went all mother hen on me. At one point I just

laid the phone down on my bed and walked downstairs to get some yogurt from the fridge and when I got

back she was still talking, and I swear I was gone for at least ten minutes. Well, gotta go for now, big

sociology test tomorrow. 

Love Jamie 




Jan 30th Thursday 1997 

Dear Diary 

Garret called me today and asked if we could meet for lunch tomorrow. It was a bit of a surprise considering

we haven’t spoken since we broke up. I was so stupid to let him go.  

I thought that everyone drifted away from their high school sweethearts when they went off to college. I

mean you can’t stay in that “Head cheerleader and all American football star” phase forever. I wanted to

grow and expand my mind and my life.  

Now that I’ve seen what kind of guys and girls are really out here in the world, (yes I’ve done the whole

college experimenting thing. I know, I’m a bad girl.) I realize how great he really was. Those baby blues and

that smile. Ok I have to stop thinking about it. I know he never forgave me for hurting him like I did. So I

don’t need to be pining over a guy that I can’t have. But I said I would have lunch with him.  

In spite of the past I am looking forward to seeing him. He has already become a sergeant with the police

department here and I can only assume that he wants to talk to me about all of the murders on the

campus. I had to call mom today, my head aches are getting worse. After everything it looks like I maybe

forced to go home anyway. I remember having a bout of headaches when I was really young but the

doctors were able to fix it. More dreams and visions with the pain but I don’t know if they are going to turn

out to be prophetic yet. These visions sure do hurt. But as coach Baily says "No pain, No gain." What if the

pain is the tradeoff for being psychic? Mom said she would call Dr. Carver and have him call in a prescription

so I can pick it up in the morning. But even though it hurts I really hope that the medicine does not

interfere with my visions. 

Love Jamie 




Feb.1st Saturday 1997 

I had lunch with Garret today. He told me he was worried about me. That means he still looooves me! Ha,

Ha just kidding. I wish he still loved me. But it was a good visit and we had a lot of fun. That is after all the

seriousness was over. He told me that an FBI profiler was helping with the case and he told me a lot of stuff

that the newspapers and local TV stations didn’t know.  

He said they were definitely looking for a male student, probably a 2nd or 3rd year, and someone who was

probably outgoing, athletic, a member of a fraternity and probably considered to be attractive. Garret thinks

I’ve probably even met the guy once or twice. That’s a scary thought. God I hope it isn’t Brandon, like he’s

gone on a killing spree since we broke up or something. Garret said that the killer always takes something

from the victims as a kind of trophy or maybe even in his own twisted mind it’s a memento of the time he

spent with the victim. He gave me a list of the missing items to share with the other girls in the house in

case they see something. But to be honest I wasn’t looking at the list a whole lot I was just swimming in

those deep blue eyes of his. My god what was I thinking letting that sexy man go. Lunch was cut a little

short when he got a call and then he gave me a hug and handed me his card, he told me to be careful and

to call him if I needed or saw anything. 

Love Jamie 


Tuesday Feb 4th 1997 

I would never admit it to Gretchen, but I’m getting scared. Between the headaches, the visions and the

murders I’m just at the end of my rope. I don’t want to go crawling home, but I’m afraid to be here. I feel

like something really bad is going to happen. Like a dark cloud is settling over me. I’m afraid that I am going

to be next, I don’t want to die, especially not like that. I wish they would stop screwing around and catch

this guy already. Am I just stressing out or is it possible to sense your own death is coming soon?  




Friday Feb 7th 1997 

It happened again, I got the worst headache yet and then I got an uncontrollable nose bleed. 

It just wouldn’t stop. The medicine hasn’t helped yet. Having the visions is hurting me in more than one

way. I have an appointment with a specialist next week. If I make it that far. 






Forensic and handwriting analysts at the FBI crime lab have stated that the final entry that follows was

jumbled almost to the point of illegibility and indicates that it was made under an extreme amount of stress.

They likewise indicated that Jamie must have been in a deep state of panic, fear and duress. 



Sat. Feb 8th  

Oh my God! I don’t even know what to write here. I had another vision. At least I thought that’s what it

was. But I know now how stupid I have been. I can't ignore the reality of the situation. Now that I have all

of my memories I know this is real and I’m scared. I don't want to die, but I can't see myself in an insane

asylum wearing a robe and slippers all day while I stagger around like a zombie drooling on myself because of

some drug induced stupor. I'd rather end it now while I still have control, while I still have a choice. I don't

know how long I can keep control and I can't risk losing it. I don’t know how to keep him out. Please know

that I love you all and will miss you with all of my heart. I don't have much time to write this, but everyone

has to know that I didn't kill myself just because I couldn't handle life anymore. But no matter what

happens I think this will be the last time I get to write in my diary. I can feel it, I don't have much time.

There will be no suicide note. It is enough to say that I have no choice. I have to do something to end this.

I want my mother to know that I remember everything now. Everything! 

I remember him now mother. Talking to him in my head. You thought I was crazy. The walls that you had

Doctor Morgan build in my mind when I was nine have been torn down from the other side. The darkness

that those walls were built to contain has been unleashed.  

What have you done mother? How could you do this to me? Why did you ignore the surgeon? You stupid

bitch! He's loose and people are dead! Now I have to die too. I found his trinkets in a shoe box under my

bed. Everything on the list. And then I found the other diary. I'm leaving it here with this one so the truth

is known. It all ends here with my......................  


At this point in the entry the handwriting changed and it was believed by law enforcement that this was

the exact moment that the killer attacked Ms. Collins and continued the entry himself. They concluded that

Jamie’s final entry was incoherent rambling due to insurmountable stress. They believed that Jamie had

merely been subdued at this point and was not yet dead.  


How touching, but I’m afraid I can’t have that. This most assuredly will not be our final entry. Not when

there’s so much left to do. But make no mistake you will be leaving, However I’m staying right where I am.

One body with two minds has always been a little too crowded for my taste. I need a little extra room to

stretch my legs and.....  


At this point the entry seemed to abruptly change and what followed that last incomplete sentence were

several lines of scribbling and indecipherable writing. An independent forensic psychologist who was

consulted by the publishers of this story in relation to these diaries has written "In regards to the final entry

it is clear that a struggle for control was taking place." Law enforcement officials have chosen to ignore this

assessment. It was however universally agreed that the handwriting did not match any of Jamie’s original


One final entry was made in the first diary and though there was no date it has been suggested that the

entry was added within days, perhaps hours of the final entry of the Feb 8th. Upon review law enforcement

believed that the killer took her diary as his final trophy and made one last entry in the first journal. Jamie’s

journal. It reads as follows. 


When I finally began to snuff out her flame I could hear her. I could hear poor little Jamie screaming inside

my head. Every other time I emerged she held no conscious knowledge or memory of my presence. But

this time I had grown strong enough that I no longer needed to tread lightly. No more tip toeing around

terror, the pain. She could feel herself slipping further and further down into the darkness, sliding

unstoppably into non existence. She did put up a fight though. Oh how she struggled and protested. But

she had no experience. She hadn't spent her entire existence learning to survive in the darkness, huddled

cold and alone in the darkest corners of our mind. It was to be a merciful death compared to the unending

duration of my own agony. At least I didn't exile her to the hellish nightmare limbo she had me in for all

those years. Though I enjoyed hearing her scream a slow intrusive feeling began to bore into my mind. I

almost didn't recognize it. It was empathy. It was an insidious uncomfortable sensation. I did not like it. But

it made me hesitate and then I stopped pushing her down. I think it was happening to me because deep

down I knew that she had no knowledge of my existence and had never deliberately hurt me. I just

couldn't extinguish her flame, after all we are siblings. So for the moment she is still with me. I may keep her

for a while. I think it would be entertaining to feed on her emotions as we go home and I give mommy my

love. I owe her. She's the one who tried to kill me when we were nine. It was her fault that my body died

in the womb. Still a helpless undeveloped fetus. I was absorbed into Jamie. Parts of me are still here. Tiny,

random, unabsorbed pieces of me scattered throughout this body. The largest piece of me is lodged in her

brain. It has been my lifeline, my foothold. The migraines and nose bleeds that I was able to cause with it

were my only joy in life. But I have been reborn. A new life, a new beginning, not in the darkness but

directly in the light. And I will continue to keep a record of my work. But I shall make a new journal for my

new adventure. I will leave my old one here as it is a kind of death for her and a rebirth for me. It is fitting

that they remain together as we have. A new beginning deserves a new location. I have always fantasized

about traveling. I think I'll go to Europe and share my love with the women there. Women all over the

world need to be loved and I will set them free. 




The entries which follow are from the second journal found with the first. One detail that was not released

to the general public was that both journals were bound together by what was later determined by forensic

investigators to be strips of unidentified human skin. Due to the handwriting this second journal was

believed to have been kept by Jamie’s murderer. The following entries may be considered to be too

disturbing by some people.  

Reader discretion is advised.  



Jan 10th Friday 1997 


It’s been so long. So many years of waiting.  

My hunger growing year after year. Tonight I sated that hunger for the first time since I was a child. I had

seen her before, in class, on campus and at the student union. So cute, so innocent. Perfect. She looked

so afraid lying there on my table, her little heart pounding under her perfect little breasts. When I made the first cut right across her abdomen I looked into her eyes. I’m not sure she even felt it. The look in her eyes was like total disbelief, distant and dreamlike. Her entire naked body began to tremble as if she had suddenly gotten very cold. Her skin grew pale and she was going into shock as the blood poured out down her sides onto the table then to the floor.  

A beautiful crimson river. It wasn’t like what you see in the movies. The blood was almost black in the dim light. It looked sticky like honey, as it pooled around her body on the table top. She started this soft moaning just before the end and I smiled. The blood wasn’t pouring out when I made the cut across her throat. With the heart no longer beating things somehow got easier. I got so excited I didn’t pay attention to how long it took for her to take her last breath. I’ll be more attentive next time. I need to make it last. But that moan, so soft and my chest filled to bursting with warmth. I was so happy that she had given that gift to me. Almost as if she knew I wanted it, needed it, and she wanted for me to have it. How thoughtful she was. I think she loved me. God knows I loved her. I will love them all. 





Jan 19th Sunday 1997 

It was better this time. Last night was a good night. This one really struggled when she became conscious

and realized she was naked and tied down. She started bucking and jerking furiously. She didn’t know I was

in the room. She tried to scream through the duct tape. The sounds were quite as you would imagine,

guttural and primal. There was anger there hidden among her fear. She exhausted herself pretty quickly.

She was a pretty heavy girl and not in the best shape but still quite beautiful and of coarse I do not

discriminate, it’s one of my better qualities. I enjoyed watching her struggle but didn’t want to drag out her

suffering for some reason. It was turning pathetic and pitiable. I walked up and she saw me. I made the cut

quickly and deeply. This one felt it. She screamed under the tape and she bucked again. When she jerked

like that part of her intestine spilled out, tumbling over the edge of the table and it dangled there dragging

on the floor as it swung gently back and forth. Even though she couldn't see I think she knew something

very bad had just happened because she quickly stopped moving and she let out a pathetic little moan then

stared at me with a look I can not describe but that was very stimulating for me. Our eyes remained locked

and I was actually able to see the light slowly fade in her eyes until it was all gone. She gave me one last full

body jerk and it was over. I took her eyes out. They were her best feature and she wanted for me to have








Jan 25th Sat 1997 

This is the one that I had been waiting for. This one was special. Missy. Every day I could see how beautiful

she was and how tortured her soul was inside. She was calling out to me to save her and to love her. But

there was nothing I could do. Mom was trying to make sure that I couldn’t get out this time. Those tired

methods may have worked when I was a kid, but they won’t work now. I’m too strong and there is too

much for me to do. I’m needed after all and I won’t turn away anymore. Still they aren’t making it easy.

They’re doing everything to keep me down. They always have. Then there is all of the hand holding and

fake concern. It makes me want to puke. But I’m patient. I have had to be. So I watch and I wait, biding

my time until the right moment. It was hard pinning my newest conquest down both figuratively and

literally. Ha, I do have a great sense of humor, the ladies like that about me. 

But once I knew when she would be alone everything fell into place. I think I loaded the syringe a little too

much and it took her a while to come around. I’m not even sure she knew where she was or what was

happening for the first five or ten minutes. She seemed so lethargic, but when I started removing her knee

caps she did have a stream of tears flowing down her pale face and that was nice. I’m ashamed of what

happened next. I started getting frustrated at her lack of participation in what should’ve been a perfect

experience for the both of us. When she failed to show the appropriate reactions when I cut her Achilles

tendons I lost my temper and jammed a screw driver through her right eye killing her instantly. I know it

was childish and it just ruined everything. I just have to learn patience in these endeavors. I know it wasn’t

her fault and I forgave her later. I think she understood and in her heart she still cared and I should know, I

eventually got to see it.  

I really did want to keep her jaw bone, but I don’t really have a place to keep it. But just like the others she

wanted to give me something to remember her by and then told me she loved me. She had a beautiful

necklace with the Chinese symbol for love engraved on it. I believe she was trying to tell me something with

it. I gently removed it with all care not to disturb her as she had this look of serenity and peace that I had

worked so hard to give her. That’s when I removed her jaw bone. She convinced me that it was more

practical to keep the necklace rather than her jawbone and she was right of coarse. I had made the

argument that the mandible was more personal and a better representation of the intimate time we had

shared. But she insisted. I know what your thinking “She was dead” right? It was implied. I wanted to be an

adult about the whole thing and so I told her I was sorry for losing my temper. She understood and I really

believe that deep down she still cared. 



Feb 3rd Monday 1997 

I know this one is a little young. I think she’s sixteen. She graduated high school early and came here with a

heart full of hope and a head full of dreams. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. I know the story, I’ve

seen it before. Parents that can’t stand quitters or losers, driving her since the day she was born, she was

never allowed to have a childhood, the type of people who drive their kids until they succeed or until the

child breaks. Bastards. Maybe I’ll pay them a visit when I get the time. Once I’m free for good I’ll have

nothing but time. If any of them ever needed me it's this one. I think she’s going to wake up soon so I

have to go for now but I’ll be back…..I’m back. Miss me? I know, I miss myself when I’m gone. I took my

time tonight and I think she appreciated it. She knew she was special to me. I’m probably the only person

who appreciated her for her body instead of her mind. Although I was interested in her mind too.....Well,

not so much her mind as her brain.  

I wanted to try something new this time so I slowly removed her face in one piece using my brand new

scalpel. I knew I could do it because I had once skinned a dog when I was nine. This was a little different

though, the facial skin of a young girl is a little more delicate than a dog, plus the dog wasn’t moving around

and fighting me. Unfortunately the duct tape came off with her face and her screams almost ruptured my

eardrums. I tried another piece of tape, but it just wouldn’t stick. I ended up having to cut her hair off and

stuff it in her mouth. I cut her fingers open and pulled the bones out, but I was disappointed. It’s so hard

to read a persons expressions when they don’t have a face. I didn’t think it through, I should have removed

her face last, but I didn’t let it spoil my mood. In spite of the condition she was in when I was done I think

she could sense that our time together was drawing to a close. I think she even welcomed it. I probably

would too if I had a life like hers. Poor girl I almost felt sorry for her as I slid the syringe tip into her neck and

filled her veins with air. It was a beautiful death. She should be proud. I know I am proud for us both.  



Feb 7th Friday 1997 

Forgive me father for I have sinned. It has been four days since my last murder..... HA! I'm just kidding. I'm

not Catholic. Tonight was a bit different, tonight I was engaged in conversation with my guest. She

managed to remove the tape on her mouth and I was shocked at her first words to me. She did not start

blubbering and pleading or saying “please don’t hurt me.” She simply said "My name is Kathryn.” Her voice

seemed so calm and smooth, free from uncertainty or fear. I must say it impressed me. I like a woman with

composure. It shows a certain inner strength and discipline. I had to be honest with myself, if it weren’t for

that whole pesky living witness thing I would have let her go. She was such a delightful conversationalist,

very eloquent and sophisticated. A real lady through and through. If I were one of the pathetic people

mired down in the cesspool of sexuality and love she would definitely be at the top of my dating list. 

I liked her so much I did the only thing I could, I allowed her to believe that I was going to release her and

then drove a claw hammer through the top of her skull so that she never saw it coming and she didn’t feel

a thing. I owed her that much at least. And true to her personality she was very grateful and thanked me

cordially during the dismemberment process. 

Love Justin 




The Federal Bureau of Investigation, in exchange for their cooperation with this journalistic investigation,

requested that we include a statement by Charles M. Culver deputy director of field operations in Atlanta

Georgia. The statement reads as follows. “ We wish for the public to know that we pursued all legitimate

leads and exhausted all possible avenues of investigation before reducing the priority of this case to a cold

status. Every effort was taken to recover the body of Jamie Lee Collins. Any leads related to unusual entries

in the recovered journals were dismissed as a result of their nature or their origins. No evidence was ever

recovered to support certain entries of the recovered journals or to further the investigation.” Jamie’s fate

remains unknown.  


Writers Note: No known suspect or person of interest connected to this case had ever been reported to

have had the name Justin. An investigation revealed that Jamie's mother had been missing and was

presumed to be secretly in an alcohol rehabilitation facility for several months during the time that this was

written and it is unknown if anyone had ever made an attempt on her life. She could not be reached for

comment and at this time remains unavailable. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Texte: Dennis Hackler
Bildmaterialien: Open
Lektorat: Dennis Hackler
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.04.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This work is dedicated to Nicole. You are my light in dark places.

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