


Imagine, you were afraid to start, when you look at a task,it may seem super easy,it may actually be easy,but what's actually stopping people from doing it if it's so easy? Well, it's actually starting, an example would be me writing this, I was scared to start, would it be bad or good? Would it have an impact or would it be useless.I would just say I would do it tomorrow but what was stopping me from doing it now? nothing! What if this is great? What if people love it? and if it's bad, What's the worst that could happen?


Imagine, you were me,writing this right now isn't easy,My mind is just flooded with ideas that I wanna use! but it's difficult getting it all on Paper,finding the purpose of the book,but,What's holding me back from just writing?Now I hope that people will like this,but I can never be sure.


Imagine, you were you,now I know a lot of you reading this are confused,but let's be real,are we really ourselves? I can say for a fact that when most of you read that first line you felt something, We're never TRULY ourselves,some of us just have a little filter, while others change to a whole new person when they switch from talking to their mom to their dad. Sometimes I wonder,how would society be if everyone was truly themselves? Would society break down?


Imagine, you had everything,you could take this phrase 'you have everything' in a lot of different perspectives, you could think about a mansion,or a perfect soulmate, or being rich, when I read that,I get taken back to every argument with my parents as that's their powermove, so just think bout that.


Imagine, you were famous,walking outside and having hundreds of people calling your name, might seem like a dream,right? We may think that we can't be like famous celebrities, I can't even count the number of times I see comments like 'Billie Eilish at 13- Musician, Me at 13- calling for my parents cause there's a spider in my room' Whenever I see comments like this I always wonder in my head 'What's holding you back? Nothing'


Imagine, your parents COMPLETELY understood you, now this section is gonna be a bit different, now I'm gonna be real with you all, parents are never gonna completely understand you, and we can't blame them! They can't see in our eyes but they're trying their best and I can say that for a fact and plus, we can never truly understand our parents,but we're all trying our best and that's all that matters!


Imagine, you were them,blonde hair,blue Crystal eyes,perfect hourglass,flawless Skin,and a perfect glow? Actually we all have that except in our own ways, we just need to learn to embrace it.


black = white

brown = blonde

dark eyes = blue eyes



Imagine, you did what you loved,I can give you this one piece of advice, don't waste your time doing something you don't love! Life's too short to waste time doing that, trust me.


Imagine, you were happy, I'm not talking about you being happy, I'm talking about the literal emotion 'happy', Imagine you were 'happy', your main job is for people to enjoy your stay, watching people hurting and being sad praying for you to come into their lives, wouldn't it be painful?


Imagine, you were life, you enter this world, you sit in a building memorizing a textbork for a third of your life, then you get a piece of paper congratulating you for wasting a third of your life memorizing a textbook, you enjoy for one day for the torture being over, then you look for a building where you can sit in a box working on a computer for money so u can eat, then you get married,have children, and your life's over, does life have to be like that? Or can we make our limited time on earth useful, after all it's all in our hands, it's our choice how we use this time.


Imagine, you were in love,when you finally lock eyes, and have that feeling, feels so surreal, and you just wanna live life with them, for all of you reading I hope you find that special person in life.


Imagine, you were your pet, for those of you who don't have a pet, just imagine a dog or cat, you will never know what they think or feel, but we love them endlessly, and if you have a pet and feel like you can't take care of them please put them up for adoption. Pets are living things too, they're not dolls.


Imagine, you were essential, what if you were essential in someone's life, like air ,people wouldn't be able to live without you, literally, like they would die without you, wouldn't it feel cool to know that your ◇Essential◇, or would you feel scared and worried knowing that a living human being depends on you.


Imagine, actually starting, you're finally able to overcome that small peak to start, now you've started your assignment, you've started your project, and you've started living, now what, now you have to start with the next thing, then the next, and it repeats, you get it.


Imagine, if you had no support to start, now, imagine this, you had all the materials, all the tutors, but no actual support to start, now, time to time you get actual courage to talk to someone, but not everyone understands you, they might say "you have everything" or " We give you all the support you need".When I talk about starting I don't only mean projects or huge things ,it can be as small as homework, now the best way to overcome these things is to figure out what's holding us back, is it that we need more time? or are we lazy, or is it something bigger than that, that

has an explanation. Maybe it is.


Imagine, if you were scared to continue, you've gotten over that small peak to start, but, now you have a slope ahead of you to continue, everyone thinks that "ok I have started now I'll just go with the flow" but let's say that you have started, and took a break now you won't have the courage to continue, this may sound uncommon but many people actually struggle with this.


Imagine, you were an author, authors like to say "I just write whatever I think" or "I just think of a topic", but is it really that easy? being an author you have to think of a topic that other would be interested in, but at the same time a topic you could write about, and then, once you're done writing, you have to find a good publisher, and then get an ISBN code for you, then you have to sell it, it's not always as easy as it seems, so, appreciate authors


Imagine, you were Someone else,"OMG,He got a brand new car, He literally just got a new house last week" Picture this, You're poor,and are surviving on scraps of food, but you're still Living with your parents, You all love each other a lot. Switch scenes, You live a luxurious life, big mansion, designer clothes, expensive handbags and watches, but you don't have any parents. Now I want you to remember, your parents only pass your life once.


Imagine,you're angry, it's very simple to get triggered, It can be an accident, and it can also be from something as small as a rude comment, you're in class, someone takes your chair without permission, what would you do? Probably get angry, but is that really a valid reason? I always wondered why people only feel guilty after they do something, and I still don't have an answer.


Imagine,If you don't understand, you don't understand your task, you don't understand a map, you don't understand life, you just don't understand, how can you change this state of mind? Is it really our fault that we don't understand? What's the reason that's so complicated that we can't ….. understand. Is it Stress? Is it anxiety? Or is it as simple as a lack of support. Actually yes,without doing research, I can already tell that more than 70% of people that are struggling to understand life ,is due to a lack of support. Sometimes you could be supported by more than thirty people, but the one person's approval that means the most, may be the one person that doesn't support you, but why do we look up to that one toxic person when we have multiple that love us?


Imagine, you were alone, no one there to help you, no one there to look after you, scary, but we would all be able to get through it.


Imagine,you were falling, falling into the arms of a loved one, falling off a plane or building, the scene is up to you. But what does it feel like when we fall? for me it depends where, but how about for you? Do we all have the same reaction?


Imagine, you were knowledge, Those that know that they do not know, know more than most because most people do not know that they do not know. Those that are aware of their lack of knowledge can seek out knowledge to their benefit, however those that do not know what they do not know are not self aware so they accept any info given to them as the absolute undeniable truth regardless of the abundance and value of proof.


Imagine,you were death, Death and What it Means,like the panic- driven spiral it sends me into when i think about ceasing to exist on this planet or possibly anything anymore. And what My existence meant to anyone who knew me, and how that would end when that pass On.


Imagine,you were the Universe,just empty space.


Imagine,No One understood you, Why won't anyone understand my tears and scars?Why Won't anyone understand my dreams? Are we all destined to hate each other?


Imagine, you were your past, why are we still here? just to suffer? Every night i feel my leg, the body i've lost,won't stop hurting, It's like they're all still here, they're gonna

pay for this I WANT IT BACK


Imagine, you were like the sun. You're essential, it's in space but space is still left in the dark,instead,you provide for others.











Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.09.2020

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CREDITS- Dave the poet(instagram- @dave.the.poet) Sam Farnell(instagram- @simons_space_) Linette Kasper(instagram- @authorlinettekasper) bravery (instagram- @bravery_tg) Author's Instagram- @gurleenjit_kaur_author

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