
Well have long considered whether I'll take a theme and think yes.

Now I have long considered whether I'll take a theme and think yes. Since faith is important to us.
I introduce myself times. I was raised Catholic, had my life to God thought .After my communion, I have distanced myself from the Catholic Church, as I with their views and ideas were no longer compliant, but what has not affected my faith in God. Then I met people from the Jesus Freaks Mainz, by my wife, who has heard of this group. When I visited with her Vossi was the leader of the Jesus Freaks Mainz, came one evening a bunch of crazy people with strange clothes, and I thought, what is it? Wo'bin here I gelandet.Sie then made a home church, prayed aloud to God, sing praise songs, and I thought so for me really cool, so many different people and Charaktere.Aber they sit here and celebrate Jesus. Then I felt for me, here I am correct that you have always wanted. After many discussions with Vossi that were based not always on the same opinion that I joined. There I also learned Jochen know. The day I count among my best friends, because I can talk to him about everything and he can time an opinion that he does not represent, can stand, without penalties. But he says what he sees and what he does not like what I make of it is left to me. Even Bears, I know there gelernt.Sie is a special man, it is a pity that we currently have no contact. But in the heart are always with Bears and Vossi uns.Das my wife is going that way. Two more people have greatly enriched our lives, it is Christian and Corri, For them it is so long that we do not see often, we meet but it is as if we were sehen.All us every day that we do not want to lose. Now there are many religions and each has its place as my opinion at all except Final Sekten.

Jesus Lives!

What are Jesus freaks?

When Jesus Freaks we claim that, despite the Crusades, witch burning, boring church worship services, "raking in money" Fernsehpredigern and all the pseudo-religious posturing behind the affair with Jesus, and some truth lies very fantastic!
To be honest, we even believe that there is nothing better in this world than to live with Jesus. The relationship with Him is the meaning of life! This is not about religion or any wisdom and rules of life, but rather a personal relationship with the Creator of this world. Jesus lived as the son of God on this earth. He died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead and is the only one who can now tear down the wall between us and God. Jesus is the way to God.
We are seeing that the Bible has words with explosive force and in their statements about life and God is absolutely true. This book presents himself to God before the people and shows off his unique plan for humanity - and for each individual.
We believe that he has turned to specifically measure the outcast and the poor who are outside the values of our society. When Jesus Freaks, we want to live as Jesus exemplified it. Anyone can come as he is, no matter what social background they have.
Our goal is not to offer only entertainment or relieve suffering, but many become acquainted with the risen Jesus.
Our vision is that rises in our country, in Europe and around the world, our generation for Jesus, since they are an uncompromising life with Jesus is the coolest, fiercest, most intense and exciting ever is.
This "Jesus movement" wants to encourage people to start their own communities, with their background, their style and their culture.
Well that's exactly what I mean by faith ...

If Jesus were alive today, what would happen to him?

If Jesus were alive today, what would happen to him? Of course he was not crucified, but he would come to court? If he were thrown into prison?
Well, in many countries, it would certainly be the death threat. There are cultures and religions, where Christian proselytizing is punishable by death - from the media we hear now and again examples. But in Germany? Then he would preach it? Or not?
Well, first let me say that I am not a lawyer - those who know me must correct you. I think for example Jesus would probably heal the sick, certainly on the Sabbath. Dubious indeed, the spiritual healer can. Since he has never made a professional error as likely to happen. But, he has said, but he is the Son of God! Threatened him because the psychiatry?
Psychiatry then threatened, if there is an internal or Fremdgefährdung. A self-endangerment (suicide) when Jesus never existed. And Fremdgefährdung?
Jesus has sold, for example in the synagogue, the traders and moneychangers with a whip and capsized their tables: "And the Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And he found in the temple the traders, cattle, sheep and doves sold and the money-changers sitting there. And he made a whip of cords and drove them all out of the temple along with the sheep and cattle, and poured out the changers money and overthrew the tables and said to those who sold the pigeons: Carry away the make not my Father's house to the store! " (John 2, 13-16) So: Church disturber! And when he said in court that he is the Son of God, most psychiatrists would probably say: paranoid schizophrenia, must be treated with tablets.
But there's nothing that would have used. So Untherapierbar!
And then, he has insulted the theologians (Matthew 23, 29-33): "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites, you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous and say, we had lived in the days of our fathers so we would not have been indebted to them in the blood of the Prophet! This attests to it by yourselves, that you children are those who killed the prophets. Now, therefore, makes it the measure of your fathers! You serpents, you brood of vipers! How will you escape the damnation of hell? "
Furthermore, he apparently had supernatural powers (Luke 8, 26-39):
"And they went into the region of Gerasenes, opposite the Galilee. And when he stepped ashore, he met a man from the town who had evil spirits, and he wore no clothes for a long time and was never home, but grave in the caves. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before him and cried out: What do you want from me, Jesus, thou Son of God the Most High? "I ask you: Do not torment me, for he had the unclean spirit offered to come out of the people. For the man who had long troubled time, and he was bound with chains and shackles and imprisoned, but he tore up his bonds and was driven by an evil spirit into the desert. And Jesus asked him: What is the name you? "He said, Legion. For there were many evil spirits went into it. And they begged him that he does not command them to go into the abyss. But it was there on the mountain a great herd of swine feeding. And they asked him, that he allows them to drive into the swine. And he gave them permission. Since the evil spirits went out of the man and entered into the swine: and the herd rushed down the slope into the lake and drowned. As But the herdsmen saw what was happening, they fled and told it in the city and in villages. So the people went out to see what had happened and came to Jesus and found the man from whom the evil spirits had gone out, sitting at the feet of Jesus clothed and sensible, and they were shocked. And they had seen it, proclaiming them how the demoniac was healed. And the whole crowd from the surrounding land of Gerasenes asked him to go away from them; because it had taken great fear. "And he got into the boat and returned. But the man who was out of whom the evil spirits begged him that he could stay with him. But Jesus sent him away and said, 'Go back home and say how great things God has done for you. And he went and preached everywhere in the city how great things Jesus had done for him. " (Parallel passages: Matthew 8, 28-34, Mark 5, 1-20)
Then, there was a Fremdgefährdung, and he would probably have been forcibly admitted to paragraph 63 of the Criminal Code.
Conclusion: Jesus would certainly have been tried and sentenced. Had he found a merciful judge, he would have eventually thrown only for a few months in jail. A judge would have instructed him mercilessly for life as Untherapierbaren into psychiatry, until he had distanced himself from the Church of disturbance, killing the pig and his insults. And since he would have done that as the son of God, he never would have been probably a lifetime treated in a psychiatric state hospital. If he had then realized that he must not preach the gospel and the people have to live without redemption - maybe he was really sick of it ...
Fact, one should perhaps think about when Jesus will be publicly honored in church services and even carries a large German People's Party to its name!

Maybe it would also have been different, if it were scientifically verifiable healed the blind, the lame and the deaf and even dead then he probably would have raised the Nobel Prize for Medicine was safe! For his unconditional commitment to charity and community involvement he might have received the Nobel Peace Prize. With his miraculous multiplication of bread and fish to feed the 4000 and 5000 we could have given him the Nobel prize for economics - in this way could solve the food problems of mankind is certainly better than from the IMF and World Bank. And yes - he has transformed water into wine - Chemistry Nobel Prize! And as he walked across the water and drove straight into the sky even the Nobel Prize for physics - for the discovery of anti-gravity. If his paparazzi were filming it with a mobile phone camera and it would have been broadcast live on television.
Because the Bible is the most of the printed and translated book in the world - why should we deny him the Nobel Prize in Literature?
So - with a little luck he could get them all - the Nobel Prizes. If he had been forcibly admitted not before.

Perhaps we should give him the Nobel yes - posthumously. Where - it would be important to ensure not ...
His goal was not to acquire fame and honor but of service to others and the redemption of mankind.

That was a thought as I watched TV ...

Hello dear people outside here!
I've seen grad tv and noticed that I must leave you here again what. What was going on from the last few days in Strasbourg and the surrounding area? Because everywhere people have to be against it? Can not they just leave the NATO days and let their anger out somewhere else? They behave like monkeys in the mating season ... Vollpfosten to say or how I care "VICTIMS". I always think only "Can you not love them?". Why do you come up to you because of something in the Heads . Sit down at the TV take a look at that and think your part but it must not be infringed do people have to nix that right? Turn on your brain before you making.So honestly put their own house does not see the world better. This year there is not even one days if not a father kills his family or honor killing happened? There is much to what's going crazy. But quite crass. Who can withstand the pressure of the world? The world is moving much too fast. Blinks one time in short, everything has changed again. Why the earth is not even available. We can not no longer enjoy what we have. Do we have it, we lose it again quickly. Who wants happiness ncht also times longer than a minute hold fast? Who does not want to smile because times a day by the world go to sleep at night than in tears. Some now think that the world do not even lousy and it is going well for us. Yeah sure but we are still bleat on about everything. Veliert favorite team is the shit! If it rains rather than the sun shines, we cry to each other fully. What is it with our hearts? If we can not even watch it? Can not we just stop complaining about how stupid time is politics. Yes it is shit. The economic crisis has ripped our legs off the floor. Many mothers, fathers aand stand there without a job and do not know how they can give their child something to eat. There are certainly children to sleep crying because they have nothing to eat. It is too crass when we ran to us and therefore we like to grouse to distract from everything. But bitch does not help crying is stupid and foolish to sit around and watch it all makes you fat. Why we do not even move our asses and do something? Anyone who does nothing can change nothing. Why not before you begin your own views at the door and see the positives in your life. Rejoice that you are alive! DU allowed to breathe and laugh. God has created you to show how much he loves you. Jaklar what it comes urstaubchristliches. No. But this is true not only for Christians but for non-Christians. God loves everyone. But he can not only save the world. HE needs you and me. Lifts his head to look forward, because the past was waiting for the future. Not put the Kop in the sand, but does what. What do ye ye ask? Quite simply move around and change the world. Indeed, even the man as an individual can do something. Take only what's all the wave on the move and what moves and changes. Bitches is not about if your team loses, you must still return to school on Monday. Sure, the very last Saturday hurts 1:5 against Wolfsburg, but still life goes on .. If you only howl the sun never seems to laugh in between times then everyone gets off a sunbeam. And if you do not go through life straightens up and standing it may be available to it by your bleary eyes that missed ..... "Thank God that you help us and we tried to move.
Thank you"

Star Trek the Bible and God!

Star Trek and Philosophy: the nobler parts of our nature
Is there a God? Was evil lurks behind the stars? Can science save the soul? Basic questions such as these have used human thought about the age, but also the original creator of the Star Trek canon of television shows and movies. Star Trek inspired religions deal with these difficult issues head-in a remarkable view of one of Sci -- fi great success for more than three decades stories.Analyzing screen adventure, the authors show a Star Trek transformed to identify the resurgence of religion in American public discourse. The authors of the many religious characters in Star Trek, tracing the roots of the scientific humanism to contemporary issues of religion and spirituality. Through it all, the creators of "visionary outlook remains constant: A Humanistic belief in free will and the economy of salvation factual nature of scientific inquiry.

Now, as I understand the Bible and Star Trek, they have much in common.

Thus were and are my thoughts on faith!
And how I came to faith!
So just how I see it, hope you enjoyed it.

Now commit to it with words, because of Star Trek "Long live and prosper" I wish all of you.

"You can love without chopping wood, brick mold, forge iron. But we can not deal with people without love."

Leo Tolstoy


Texte: Preface: With this book, I would like attacker to anyone that everyone has his right to his own opinion! This is about my thoughts on faith, as I understand him! Just as there are thoughts that I had written down and got it! "The heart has a reason, which does not understand the mind." Blaise Pascal
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.10.2009

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Copyright notices: All rights to images and text by the author. Dedication: For all my friends who follow my path to this day. Many thanks to you!

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