
Rei’s POV-
When I got home from school I went over to the house next to the temple to meet the new kid that is my age. She ran to the door with a fluffy, white cat with the cymbal of Earth on her forehead. We said our hellos, I asked her if I could talk to her in private, and I told her to bring the cat with her. She asked her mom if we could go up to her room. Her mom said yes you can go up to your room to talk to your new friend. Ok I have to ask her where that cat came from.
“ Where did that cat come from?” I asked her.
“ I don’t know it looked like it was looking for something when I let the cat in,” The girl said back to me.
“ Hello, I’m Sapphire,” The cat said to us.

Jessie’s POV-
Holly Mollie the cat can talk. I can’t believe this.
“ Are you friends of Artemis and Luna?” Rei asked.
“ You mean the moon cats that help the Sailor Scouts?” I asked Rei.
“ Yeah, why,” she said calmly back to me.
“ Yes I know them we split up to find our owners,” said Sapphire.
“ What Sailor Scout are you looking for, Sapphire?” Rei asked.
“ Her name is Super Sailor Vampire Healer Earth Sun Singer,” Sapphire said back to Rei.
“ Never heard of her,” I said to Sapphire.
“ She looked like you, Jessie,” said Sapphire.
“ She did,” I said.
Sapphire’s POV-
I think Jessie is Super Sailor Vampire Healer Earth Sun Singer and the princess of Earth/the Queen of the Sun. I know this energy. Jessie is a Sailor Scout.
“ Jessie you are the one I’m looking for,” said Sapphire,”oh and hello Sailor Mars.”
“ How did you know I was Sailor Mars?” asked Rei.
“I can tell by your energy,” said Sapphire.
Jessie’s POV-
“ Wow! I can’t believe it I’m a Sailor Scout!” I yelled.
“ She acts a lot like Lita and Serena mixed together,” said Rei while doing an anime sweat drop.
“ Take this broach and say Earth and Sun Cosmic Power Make-Up,” said Sapphire.
“ Ok,” I said,” Earth and Sun Cosmic Power Make-Up.”
“ Not fair she gets a broach and I don’t,” said Rei.
“ I thought Flame would be here by now to give you your broach,” said Sapphire.
“ Really! What does this Flame look like?” asked Rei.
“ She is all black with the sign of Mars on her forehead,” said Sapphire.
“ Ok I’ll be on the look out,” said Rei.
“ Oh and I completely forgot about Lightning,” said Sapphire.
“ Whose cat is Lightning?” asked Rei.
“ He is Sailor Jupiter’s cat,” said Sapphire.
“ Does she get a broach?” asked Rei.
“ Yes she does,” said Sapphire.
“ I love my outfit,” I said.
“ Good,” said Sapphire.
“ Hold on should I call the other Scouts,” asked Rei.
“ Yes tell them to meet at your temple,” said Sapphire.
“ Ok I’ll call them now,” said Rei.
“ When do I get one of those?” I asked.
“ Right now,” said Sapphire.
After Sapphire said that she did a flip in the air, and a communicator came out of the sparkles.
“Sweet,” I said.
Rei’s POV-
I went into Jessie’s walk in closet and called the others.
“ Lita Here,” said Lita.
“ Serena is here,” said Serena.
“ Ami here,” said Ami.
“ Mina is here talk to me,” said Mina
“ We need to talk about something,” I said.
“ Where and When?” asked Lita.
“ At the temple in ten minutes,” I said.
“ How about twenty?” asked Serena.
“ Why?” I asked.
“ I just got my food,” said Serena.
“ Ok twenty minutes,” I said.
“ All out,” said everyone.
Then I walked out of the closet,and Jessie started to talk to me again.
“ What did they say?” asked Jessie.
“ They said in twenty minutes,” I said.
“ Ok,” said Sapphire.
“ Let’s go over to the temple to get ready,” I suggested.
“ Ok let’s go,” said Jessie.
At the temple Jessie’s POV-
I just knew I would be the fastest and strongest Sailor Scout. I am a vampire for vampires sake. I am a martial artist too. I am also a Sayian. I am strong, fierce, talented, trained, and fast. I love food. I have a big appetite for a 15-16 year old girl because of my Sayian side.
“ Rei this place is beautiful,” I said.
“ Thanks my Grandpa makes me do all of the cleaning,” said Rei.
“ It is spotless like the palace on the Sun,” said Sapphire.
“ Who is the Queen of the Sun?” asked Rei.
“ Super Sailor Vampire Healer Earth Sun Singer is the Queen of the Sun,” said Sapphire.
“Wow,” I said.
“Does she have any kids in the past?” asked Rei.
“ Yes,” said Sapphire.
“ Who?” asked Rei.
“You were reborn as a twin to Sailor Jupiter because the Sailor Mars and Jupiter before you two came along died of some random disease called Goloious,” said Sapphire.
“ Lita and I were sisters in the past,” said Rei as she sweat dropped again.
“ Yup,” said Sapphire.
Twenty minutes later when the others get there.
“ Hello,” said Ami.
“ Hey Rei What’s up?” asked Lita.
“ Hiya Rei-chan,” said Mina
“ HEY REI!” yelled Serena happily.
“ Hi everyone I would like you to meet someone,” said Rei.
“ Hi I’m Jessie, and I’m the newest Sailor Scout,” I said.
“ Hi Jessie,” said everyone except Sapphire and Rei.
“ Hello I’m Jessie’s guardian Sapphire,” said Sapphire.
“ Hello Sapphire,” said everyone except Rei and I.
“ So Jessie which planet do you come from?” asked Ami.
“ She comes from Earth,” said Rei.
“ What is your Sailor Scout name?” asked Serena.
I take a deep breath in then I let it out before I said anything.
“ I’m Super Sailor Vampire Healer Earth Sun Singer,” I said.
“Plus she is Princess Eartha of Earth/ Queen Eartha of the Sun,” said Sapphire.
“ Wow,” said everyone except Sapphire, Rei, and I.
“ Yup thats me,” I said.
“ Is this what you wanted to talk about, Rei?” asked everyone except Sapphire, Rei, and I.
“ Yup,” said Rei.
“ Welcome to the group, Jessie,” said everyone except Sapphire, Rei, and I.
“ Thanks,” I said.
“ Hey what is that up in the sky?” asked Mina.
“ Let me guess,” I said.
“ What?” asked Mina.
“ What that thing is?” I said.
“ Oh,” said Mina.
“ It looks like it is a family friend,” I said.
“ Who is it?” asked Mina.
“ Oh it none ya,” I said.
“ None ya what?” said Mina.
“ None of your businesses,” I said.
“ Jessie that was not nice,” said Mina.
“ Do you guys wanna come over to my house?” I asked.
“ Sure,” everyone said.
“ Ok let’s go then,” I said.
Ten minutes later
Still Jessie’s POV-
We got to my house to see who was flying in the sky. I knew who it was it was my friends Trunks and Goten.
“ Jessie good to see you again,” said Goten.
“ Hey, Jessie we miss you back at home,” said Trunks.
“ I missed you to guys,” I said.
“ Uh Jessie who are these two boys?” asked everyone except Sapphire and I.
“ Oh I sense love,” whispered Mina into my ear.
“ Shut up Mina,” I said very lowly so only she could hear me.
“ Ok,” said Mina.
“ Ok girls these are my friends from my old school their names are Trunks and Goten,” I said.
“ Hi I’m the good one Goten,” said Goten.
“ I’m Trunks,” said Trunks.
“ Guys these are my new friends here their names are Rei, Serena, Lita, Amy, Mina, and my cat Sapphire,” I said.
“ Hi I’m Rei,” said Rei.
“ Hey I’m Lita,” said Lita,” what’s up?”
“ Hi I’m Amy,” said Amy.
“ Hi Hi Hi I’m Serena,” said Serena eating a piece of candy.
“ Hi I’m Minako you can call me Mina,” said Mina.
Then Sapphire jumped up on Trunks and started to purr on his shoulder.
“ Jessie I think your cat likes me,” said Trunks.
“ Yes she does,” said Goten.
“ Oh,” I said.
Right then Mina pushed me onto Trunks.
“ Mina you better start running,” I said blushing as I got off of Trunks.
“ Oops,” said Mina as she started to run away from me.
“ Sorry about Mina she has a good sensing ability for love and all that stuff,” said Rei.
“ Hey were you blushing?” asked Trunks while blushing.
“ Uh,” I said while blushing like the shirt a boy in my Ed Career Plan class had on.
“ Oh Jessie your blushing,” said Mina.
“ Can someone get Mina out of here?” I asked.
“ Sure we’ll be at the temple next door come and get us when this is over,” said every girl in my house but Mina.
“ Ok see you then,” I said.
“ Ok,” said everyone of the girls in my house.
“ Come on,” I said.
“ Ok,” said Trunks.
“ I think I am gonna go with those girls,” said Goten.
When that was said Trunks and I ran up to my room to talk about what just happened and more.
“ I’m sorry about what happened today,” I said.
“ Its okay,” said Trunks.
“ Why are you two here anyways?” I asked.
“ Oh our parents transfered us here a few days ago,” said Trunks.
“ Where are you going to be going to school?” I asked.
“ I think it was Juuban High School,” said Trunks.
“ Who do you have for teachers?” I asked.
“ Yours,” said Trunks.
“ Well do you guys have a place to stay?” I asked.
“ Yup we are staying here with you,” said Trunks.
Right then I fainted for two minutes before Trunks got up the nerve to kiss me on the lips to wake me up.
“ Ugh my head,” I said.
“ Hey you okay?” asked Trunks.
“ Yes,” I said while blushing as red as a tomato.
“ Hey Jessie you wanna go out to eat sometime?” asked Trunks while he was also blushing his head off.
“ Sure,” I said while thinking ‘ I thought he would never ask.’
Just then Trunks and I started to lean in, then it happened we just had our real first kiss.
“ We should go tell the others,” I said.
“ Yea we should,” said Trunks.
Then we ran down the stairs, out the door, to Rei’s temple, and up the many stairs.
“ Hey everyone,” said Trunks and I together.
“ Hi Jessie I can sense you two are in love,” whispered Mina into my ear.
“ Hi,” said everybody else but Mina, Trunks, and I.
“ Mina I’m gonna kill you when we are all done talking,” I said.
“ Darn,” said Mina.
“ You thought you were gonna get out of trouble that time,” I said,” huh?”
Just then a weird ship flew over our heads, then a light came flashing down, then it got to me, and took me up the light.
“ Ahh!!!!!!!” I screamed as I was being lifted up into the space ship very fast.
“ Jessie!” yelled everyone until I couldn’t hear them anymore.
Then I am stabbed with a vampire sleeping potion, and with that I am fast asleep.
Two hours later

I am feeling a very sharp pain in my stomach. It is my danger sense. It is going haywire. A few minutes later I feel something stabbed into my arm. A few seconds later I am waking up in some random room in the space ship. I am in shackles tied to the wall. I am trying to get free, but nothing is working. I am stuck here until I am let go. Then the door opened, and there was a person there saying something I couldn’t understand.
“ What are you saying?” I asked.
“ I said you are going to be let free,” said the person.
“ Am I going back home to my planet?” I asked.
“ Yes,” said the person.
“ How long have I been gone?” I asked.
“ Two hours,” said the person.
“ Are you going to untie me?” I asked.
“ Yes,” said the person while they came closer to me.
“ Thank You so much for letting me go,” I said crying.
“ No problem,” said the person.
“ What is your name?” I asked.
“ My name is Sroutting Days,” said the person.
“ Well thank you Sroutting Days,”I said
Just then I was saying my goodbyes. I was going back to Trunks and everyone else right now. I feel onto the ground on my face with a grunt.
Two minutes later

“ Jessie wake up,” said Trunks.
“ Come on Jessie wake up,” said Goten.
“ Jessie come on sis wake up,” said Lita.
Just then I woke up with the last sentence.
“ Ugh my head,” I said.
“ Jessie,” said Lita as she hugged me to death.
“ Can you please stop now sis I can’t breath?” I asked out of breath.
“ Yup,” said Lita as she let go of me.
Then I started to cough. It was a really chesty cough.
“ Jessie are you okay?” asked Trunks as he took me into his arms and flew me home.
I just passed out and I don’t know why I did.
“ Jessie,” said everyone but Trunks because he had to concentrate.
‘ He is so caring, loving, and helpful I love him,‘ I thought.
At my house ten minutes later

“ Jessie,” said Lita while violently shaking me.
“ Ugh stop it,” I said while I was still asleep.
Five days later

“ I need a drink of water,” I said while opening my eyes slightly.
“ Ok I’ll go grab it,” said Lita.
“ Jessie your awake,” said Trunks while blushing like a ripe tomato.
“ Here is your drink of water,” said Lita.
“ Thanks sis,” I said as I fully woke up and sat up to drink a sip of water.
“ Wait she is your sister,” said Trunks.
“ Yes why,” I said.
“ Do you want to go to your room or something, sis?” asked Lita.
“ Yes,” I said.
“ Hey will you take her to her room?” asked Lita.
“ Sure,” said Trunks.
Right then my eyeballs turned into hearts.
“ Well let’s go then,” said Trunks.
“ Ok,” I said.
Then he scooped me up into his arms and flew up the stairs with me in his arms. When he got to my room he pushed the door open. There was a bed on the floor. It was probably his bed. He walked in stepped over the bed on the floor, and then he pulled the covers down so he could put me in my bed. As soon as I hit the pillow I fell asleep. I knew I was safe near him. The I started to have a nightmare and it went like this:
I was running through an open meadow with Trunks behind me it was like we were playing tag or something, then I tripped over a tree branch, and broke my ankle. He ran over to help me but when he started to run he accidentally tripped over a root of a tree, and he was lucky he didn’t brake an ankle. He started to take off and I was not being held very well so I fell to the ground. When he found me I was barely breathing, then he flew me to his moms house, and she took care of me for ten days until I finally woke up to see Trunks in my face. He was actually asleep because he was probably awake all night next to my bedside praying for me to be okay.
I woke up screaming and hyperventilating. Then I heard someone running up the stairs as fast as they could. I felt a soft hand touch my shoulder it felt nice and warm.
“ Jessie what’s wrong?” asked Trunks.
“ I had a nightmare,” I said.
“ Was it scary?” asked Trunks.
“ A little bit,” I said while shaking.
“ Come here,” said Trunks.
Then I got up and ran over to him. I started to cry on his shoulder violently. Then a few minutes later I was asleep in his arms as he carried me back to my bed. Then I had the dream where my adoptive father and my real sister were in the lobby of the North building of the World Trade Center before it fell he told me and my twin sister to get out of there now. Then the first plane hit when he was about to run up the stairs and help more people get out of the upper floors of the building. We ran out of the building and into a restaurant very far away from the two towers. Then the second plane hit the South tower. After a few minutes the South tower collapsed. Then we started to see the North tower collapse. Then we started to cry as it fell completely because we had lost our only family with us on the trip here. We had to go back to Japan alone and lonely. I felt the hand on my shoulder again. I knew I had to calm down.
“ Jessie calm down,” said Trunks.
Just after a chose to get up screaming,” Daddy Daddy no no no.”
“ Jessie do you want to talk about why you woke up screaming ‘ Daddy Daddy no no no.’?” asked Trunks.
“ Ok my dad died in the North tower of the twin towers in New York,” I said,” It wasn’t my real dad though because my real parents died protecting my sister, brother, and I.”
“ Ok good explanation,” said Trunks.
“ Can you bring me downstairs again?” I asked.
“ Sure,” said Trunks.
After he said that we leaned closer to each other. Then we locked lips, and kissed for a few seconds.
The end of this part =-P =-O =-L =-) =-D =-S


Texte: Me
Bildmaterialien: NOT ME
Lektorat: Me
Übersetzung: None
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.05.2012

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