

Jessie’s POV-
It is finally time for T-kun and I to get married. This is the story with the plans for the wedding, and the wedding. I am excited to tell you this story.
“ Jessie what do you want for a kind of C-A-K-E?” asked Lita.
“ You should make it with a lot of layers, and for the flavor vanilla,” I said.
“ Ok,” said Lita.
“ Jessie-chan what do you want for decorations?” asked Mina and Michiru.
“ I need to think about that one,” I said.
“ You can have some time,” said Mina and Michiru.
“ You need a dress,” said Serena.
“ I have one in mind,” I said.
“ Your gonna use the Luna Pen aren’t you,” said Serena.
“ Yup,” I said.
“ You need your hair done,” said Nina.
“ I do need help with a cute style,” I said.
“ I will help you with that,” said Nina.
“ You need your make up done,” said Hotaru.
“ I need help with good colors that go together,” I said.
“ I will help you with that,” said Hotaru.
“ You need a vale too,” said Amara and Trista.
“ You two can help me with that too,” I said.
“ Ok,” said Amara and Trista.
“ Oh I got something for decorations,” I said,“ I need the tablecloths to be a mix of light blue,light green, and the color of the sun, and the rest you can find something that will match the tablecloths.”
“ Alright,” said Mina and Michiru.
“ Sis I need to talk to you in private,” I said.
“ Ok,” said Lita.
We both walked off to a door that inside it you wouldn’t here anything on the inside or the outside.
“ Sis I want you to make a video with the pictures on this disk,” I said.
“ Ok,” said Lita,“ does it have baby pictures on it of both of you.”
“ Yup there are,” I said,“ you may be surprised at one of the pictures of T-kun.”
“ I will do that for you, sis,” said Lita.
We ran back to the others.
“ Welcome back,” said everyone, but Lita and I.
“ Ok we all need to get working on this project called “ Project Wedding Set Up”,” I said.
“ Right,” said everyone but me.
“ Let’s get to it then,” I said,“ and sis you start the project I just gave to you.”
“ Hai,” said Lita.
“ Ok what do we do first,” I said.
“ We could go shopping for stuff for the wedding with you,” said everyone, but Lita and I.
“ Ok let’s go,” I said.
*Time skip*
“ Ok let’s get the decorations first,” I said.
“ Ok,” said everyone else who was there.
We go to a store called Earth and Sun Wedding Decorations first.
“ I found the tablecloths,” said Mina.
“ I found the utensils,” said Nina.
“ We found the napkins,” said Michiru and Amara.
“ I found the plates,” said everyone else who didn’t say anything, but me.
“ Great,” I said,“ we’ll buy all this stuff.”
I bought the tablecloths,utensils,napkins,and plates then we walked out of the store with tons of bags full of stuff.
“ Where to next?” I asked.
“ Make Up store,” said Hotaru.
“ Ok then let’s go to the make up store,” I said.
We went to a make up store called Earth and Sun Make Up.
“ I found the perfect eyeshadow,” said Hotaru.
“ I found the prefect eyeliner,” said Serena.
“ I found the perfect blush for you Jessie-chan,” said Mina.
“ I found the perfect eyebrow pencils,” said Michiru.
“ I found the perfect lipstick,” said Nina.
“ I found the perfect lipgloss,” said Amara.
“ I found the perfect foundation,” I said.
“ I found the perfect nail polish,” said Trista.
“ Ok we get to buy everything we found now,” I said.
I bought everything we found. We put this bag in one of the lightest bags to carry which is the on I am carrying.
“ What next?” I asked.
“ Vale and Shoes,” said Amara and Trista.
“ Ok,” I said.
We went to a shop called Wedding Vales and shoes Earth and Sun way.
“ Ok we need to get you a vale first,” said Amara.
“ Ok,” I said.
Then we saw the one. It was a light blue at the top, light green at the bottom, and the color of the sun in the middle.
“ That one,” I said as I pointed at it.
“ Great choice,” said Amara.
I grabbed the vale.
“ Now shoes,” said Trista,“ what shoe size are you again.”
“ Look at this chart they’re all my size,” I said.
“ Ok,” said Trista.
Then I saw some awesome high heals. They had a strap in the back to hold the foot in. The strap was light blue, the heal was light green, and the rest of the shoe was the color of the sun.
“ Those I want those,” I said.
“ Another great choice,” said Trista.
“ Ok I will pay for these,” I said.
I payed for the vale and the shoes. We put them in my bag again.
“ Next,” I said.
“ Hair supplies,” said Nina.
“ Ok to a hair supply store,” I said.
We went to Earth and Sun Hair Supplies for Weddings.
“ Find anything and put it in the cart,” I said,“ okay.”
“ Ok,” said everyone, but me.
*Time skip because this one takes to long*
I payed for all the hair supplies, and we put the stuff into the bag I was carrying.
“ Next,” I said.
“ We go, and rent a reception hall for the after wedding ceremony,” said Serena.
“ Let’s go then,” I said.
We drove to the reception hall we wanted to rent for the after party. It was called Earth and Sun Tavern.
“ We would like to rent this out for May 18 of this year please,” I said.
“ What are you renting for?” said the dude that runs the place.
“ A wedding after party,” I said.
“ Name,” said the dude that runs the place.
“ Jessie oh you have to know the JJ Shields and her to be husband on that date of May,” I said.
“ Oh yes you have rented now you pay for the renting of the reception hall,” said the dude that runs the place.
“ How much,” I said.
“ 200 zeni,” said the dude that runs the place.
“ Here you go,” I said as I handed the dude that runs the place the money.
“ Thank you,” said the dude that runs the place.
“ Ok that is done,” I said.
We all went back to my house.
“ Welcome back guys,” said Lita.
“ Thanks,” all of us, but Lita said.
“ Jessie come to the computer room now,” said Lita,“ alone.”
“ Coming,” I said happily.
I ran to the computer room, and saw my sister putting music to the video.
“ Oh sis thank you so much,” I said.
“ No problem,” said Lita.
“ Can you hand me my laptop please?” I asked.
“ Ok,” said Lita.
“ Thanks,” I said.
I ran back out to the living room.
“ T-kun and I already have the music picked out for every dance of the night,” I said.
“ What is your first song for dancing with T-kun?” asked Mina.
“ I want that one to be a surprise,” I said.
“ Who are you gonna dance with on the second dance if your dad is dead?” said Serena.
“ I still have my baka uncle,” I said.
“ Oh yea right,” said Serena.
“ He is like a father to me thought, and I love him that’s all that counts,” I said.
“ My second is a song by myself that I made when I was fourteen years old,” I said.
“ It is by you wow,” said Nina.
“ I forgot what it was called so I have to look it up,” I said.
*Knock Knock times 2*
“ I got to get that,” I said.
* I ran to the door and opened it*
“ Hiya Guys,” I said.
“ Hey Jessie,” said Goten and Trunks.
kisses Trunks on the cheek*
we both blush*
“ Come on in,” I said.
“ How’s life?” asked Goten.
‘ Something bad is gonna happen that day I know it,’ I thought.
“ Jessie are you ok?” asked Trunks.
“ Yea I’m fine,” I said waving the question off.
“ Ok,” said Trunks.
“ Love ya,” I said.
“ I love you too,” said Trunks.
“ I think we should leave,” said the others in the house.
“ Okay bye,” I said.
“ See ya,” said Trunks.
“ We need to go get the kids,” I said.
“ Where?” asked Trunks.
“ Capsule Corp.,” I said while rolling my eyes.
“ Ok,” said Trunks.
“ Which way is the fastest?” I asked.
“ Transporting there duh,” said Trunks.
“ Oh right,” I said.
“ Let’s go,” said Trunks.
“ Transport,” I said while I thought,‘ to Capsule Corp.’
we get to capsule corp*
“ Hi you two,” said Bulma.
“ Hi Bulma,” I said.
“ Hi Mom,” said Trunks.
just then four blurs of clothes came running for us*
“ Guess what we did today,” said Blitz.
“ We made our brains function with learning,” said Brock.
“ We did arts and crafts,” said Brian and Bright.
“ Good,” I said.
“ Did you drink some soda?” asked Trunks.
“ Yup,” said the four kids.
“ Not again,” I said.
I sigh tiredly*
“ What’s wrong?” asked Bulma.
“ Shopping with very good friends is tiring,” I said.
“ Oh,” said Bulma.
“ You can say that again,” said Trunks.
“ Shopping is tiring,” I said.
“ Jessie are you ok?” asked Trunks.
I pass out*
“ Jessie wake up,” said Trunks.
“ Mommy,” said the four kids.
I start coughing hysterically*
“ She’s burning up,” said Bulma.
I start getting paler*
“ Jessie,” said Trunks.
I feel myself getting carried to the hospital wing*
“ Please leave,” said Bulma.
“ Ok,” said Trunks.
“ Eek!” I yelled.
“ Afraid of needles too,” said Bulma.
I let her put the needle in my arm*
‘ Good its over,’ I thought.
“ Get better soon,” said Bulma.
( Two days later)
* I start breathing really heavily*
“ Something isn’t right here,” said Bulma.
* vision start*
I see my symptoms on a board. My symptoms are passing out, coughing hysterically, temperature, getting paler, and breathing very heavily right now.
* vision ended*
I start choking*
“ Jessie,” said Bulma.
I start sneezing*
I start coughing up blood*
vision start*
I see my symptoms on a board again. My symptoms are passing out, coughing hysterically, temperature, getting paler, breathing very heavily, choking, sneezing, and coughing up blood.
vision ended*
“ Ugh,” I said.
“ Jessie wake up please,” said Bulma.
I start to open my eyes*
“ Wha,” I said as I took in my surroundings.
“ Jessie your up,” said Bulma.
“ Huh?” I questioned.
“ You were out for two days,” said Bulma.
“ Oh,” I said.
“ Jessie’s up!” yelled Bulma to the person outside the door.
the door opens and in walks Trunks*
“ Jessie your up,” said Trunks.
he kisses me on my forehead*
“ Love ya,” I said in a corse tone.
“ Shh,” said Trunks.
‘ Love ya,’ I thought to Trunks through our bond.
“ I love you too,” said Trunks.
I give Trunks a hug*
‘ You have been waiting for me to wake up haven’t you,’ I thought to Trunks through our bond again.
‘ Yes,’ thought Trunks to me through our bond.
he kisses me on the cheek*
“ Jessie how are you feeling?” asked Bulma.
gives Bulma a thumb to the side* * I cough*
“ I needed that,” I said.
“ You look better already,” said Bulma.
“ Eep!” I yelled as Trunks picked me up.
“ Jessie you can go home now,” said Bulma.
“ Yes,” I said.
I hug Trunks and he kisses me*
“ Let’s go,” I said.
“ Yea,” said Trunks.
“ Bye Bulma,” I said.
“ Bye mom,” said Trunks.
“ Bye you two,” said Bulma.
May 18
It is close to being time! I can’t wait! I am getting married!
“ Jessie wake up,” said Trunks.
“ Four more minutes,” I said.
“ Wake Up!” yelled Trunks.
“ What time is it?” I asked.
“ 8:10 A.M.,” said Trunks.
“ Oh god,” I said.
I jumped up and ran to the bathroom to get in the shower. Then I woke the kids up. Then we went down to get something to eat.
“ There are going to be two ceremonies, the Lunarian and the regular old earthling ceremonies,” said Mina.
“ Yea we all know that already,” said Nina.
“ Ok let’s start out with the Lunarian ceremony first,” said Mina.
There is a big flash of light.
“ We didn’t miss anything right,” said a woman’s voice.
“ I hope not,” said a man’s voice.
“ Who are you?” asked Blitz.
The light diminishes and I see who the two people are.
“ My name is Gaia,” said Gaia.
“ My name is Henry,” said Henry.
I look back at Lita she nods. We both run up to them.
“ Jessie Eartha Shields,” said Gaia.
‘ Only mom called me that,’ I thought to myself.
“ Lita Makoto Shields,” said Henry.
‘ Only dad called sis that,’ I thought to myself.
“ Gaia is the name of Bardok’s oldest child's name,” said Vegeta.
“ I am the oldest child of Bardok,” said Gaia.
“ Mom,” I said.
“ Dad,” said Lita.
“ Yes Jessie,” said Gaia doing the signature Son move.
“ Lita did you have to ask?” asked Henry.
“ Yup definitely related to Kakarot,” said Vegeta.
“ Iso gino hano furono ja,” I said in my language.
“ Hako sono hei ko,” said Gaia in my language.
“ Joki huki jako hu no baka imoto,” said Lita in Jovian.
“ Hai Lita-chan imoto no baka,” said Henry in my language.
“ Kono huiki opa ho no ka nu,” said Gaia in my language.
“ Kakari ho na ki pon iku no mano ku,” said Lita in Jovian.
“ Maka ko na dojo ka no kino ki,” I said in my language.
“ Ja kina joi ki lo na ki,” said Henry in my language.
“ Hai,” I said in Japanese.
“ Got it,” said Lita.
“ Ok,” said Gaia.
“ Good,” said Henry.
Lita and I faint*
“ Okasan,” I said.
“ Otousan,” said Lita.
“ Samishi katta desu,” I said.
“ Nani ga okotteiru no desu ka?” asked Gaia.
“ Mousugu kekkon shimasuyo,” I said.
“ Nani,” said Gaia.
“ Taisetsu,” I said to Trunks.
“ What?” said Trunks.
I start tearing up*
“ It is Japanese baka,” I said.
“ Oh,” said Trunks.
“ Japanese people don’t say I love you baka,” I said.
“ Oh,” said Trunks.
“ They say things like I just said,” I said.
“ Oh what did you just say anyway,” said Trunks.
“ I said you're precious in Japanese,” I said.
he blushes*
“ Oops,” said Trunks.
“ Aho, Bishonen,” I said.
“ Jessie language,” said Lita.
“ Dabo, Gaki, Kan Kan, Kono Yaro, Kora, Kusotare, Maho Shojo,” I said.
“ Nechan!” yelled Lita.
“ Huh?” I asked.
“ Good no more bad words and offensive words,” said Lita.
“ Aho,” I said.
“ Nechan!” yelled Lita again.
“ WHAT?!?!?!” I asked and yelled at the same time.
“ NO MORE BAD WORDS!!!” yelled Lita.
“ Hai,” I said.
“ Good,” said Lita.
“ What were you saying?” asked Gaia.
“ Some very bad words that kids can’t hear in Japanese,” I said.
“ Jessie Eartha Shields!” yelled Gaia.
“ Uh Oh,” I said.
“ Do you want me to get the super soaker out?” asked Gaia.
“ No not the super soaker,” I said.
“ Don’t okasan,” said Lita.
“ Why?” asked Gaia.
“ Mousugu kekkon shimasuyo,” I said.
“ NANI!” yelled Gaia.
“ Its true,” I said.
Okasan faints*
“ Oops,” I said.
“ Okasan!” yelled everyone but Henry, Lita, Gaia, and I.
“ Yup,” said Lita.
“ Uh..,” said Mina.
“ Group Hug,” I said.
“ I don’t know,” said Gaia.
“ Donata deu ka,” said Henry.
“ Yuki otoko no hito,” said Gaia.
“ Huh?” said Trunks,“ What are they saying?”
“ Who is it? and Lucky guy,” said Lita.
“ Oh,” said Trunks.
“ It is the Aho who just talked,” I said.
“ JESSIE EARTHA SHIELDS!!!!” yelled Gaia.
“ Oops,” I said,“ Sorry okasan.”
“ Oh we should speak only English right now,” said Lita.
“ Ok,” said Gaia, Henry, and I.
“ Let’s get this over with please,” said Mina.
“ We have to get two ceremonies done and over with,” said serena.
“ Okasan go sit down with Otousan now,” I said.
“ Oh we did interrupt it,” said Gaia.
they go sit next to Lita*
“ Ok let’s get this show on the road,” said Serena.
“ Yup,” said Mina.
‘ I miss Aang and the gaang,’ I thought in my head,‘ I am their other avatar.’
“ Jessie. Earth to Jessie. Wake Up Jessie. JESSIE,” said Serena.
“ Huh?” I asked.
“ You spaced out for a minute there,” said Mina.
“ She does that a lot now,” said Trunks.
“ I just am thinking about friends I haven’t seen in awhile,” I said.
“ Oh,” said every one but me.
“ I sometimes wish they were here in this dimension,” I said.
“ That is hard,” said Lita.
‘ Your wish is my command, what are their names Eartha,’ said Shenron in my head.
‘ Aang, Toph, Sokka, Katara, Zuko, Mai, Ty lee, Suki, Momo, Appa, and don’t forget my pet Kohona,’ I said in my head back to Shenron.
‘ Your wish is granted,’ said Shenron back to me in my head.
“ Hold for a few more seconds,” I said.
“ Why?” asked Trunks.
“ I got a wish granted,” I said happily.
“ Wow on short notice,” said Trunks.
“ Yup,” I said.
Another flash of light later....
“ Hi everyone,” I said while I gave the ‘don’t-say-anything-about-me-being-the-second-Avatar-of-your-demision’ look.
“ Jessie,” said the gang but Appa and Momo.
“ Yup in the flesh,” I said.
“ Your all grown up,” said Aang.
“ You look different,” said Sokka.
“ Your still pretty cute,” said Zuko.
“ Jessie you should have seen what I’ve been through,” said Toph.
“ Hope you still like bloody things,” said Mai.
“ Hope you still have some pink aura in your life,” said Ty lee.
“ Hope you like kids,” said Katara.
“ Ha ha hope you like your new awesome sword you found,” said Suki.
“ 1. Yes, 2. Baka, 3. Thanks, 4. I wish I could, 5. Heck yea, 6. Yea I do, 7. Ugh, 8. Oh yea I do,” I said answering each sentance.
“ Still the same Jessie though,” said the members of the gang who can talk.
“ Kohona,” I said,“ Come here boy.”
“ OMG its a space sword,” I said imitating Sokka.
“ Hey that is my space sword,” said Sokka.
“ Finders Keepers Losers Weepers,” I said.
“ Give me my sword,” said Sokka.
“ NO!” I yelled.
“ Give me my sword,” said Sokka.
“ I have something else too,” I said.
“ What is it?” asked Suki.
“ Boomerang,” I said,“ Never comes back to Sokka.”
“ That is mine too,” said Sokka.
“ Finders Keepers Losers Weepers,” I said.
“ Nice sentance,” said Suki.
“ It is totally true,” said Katara.
“ Why are you all dressed up?” asked Zuko.
“ Baka,” I said as I got out my ultimate weapon ‘ The Frying Pan of Doom.’
“ Uh oh,” said Trunks,“ You got Jessie angry.”
“ No Jessie,” said Mina,“ Don’t ruin your dress.”
“ Oops,” I said.
“ Sit down on those chairs please,” said Serena.
cue mom’s tears*
“ Ok here we go again,” said Mina.
“ On the behalf of me Princess Serenity of the Moon kigdom,” said Serena.
“ On behalf of me Princess Minako of the planet Venus,” said Mina.
“ I give you and family moonlight every night of the rest of your lives,” said Serena,“ and I haven’t forgotten the covering of the moon rays.”
“ I give you my gift which is some love and some beauty,” said Mina,“ have fun for the rest of your lives.”
“ Mina did you have to add that every time?” I asked.
“ Yup,” said Mina.
“ That is a good question,” said Trunks.
“ She had taken the oath during the Silver Millennium,” said Serena.
“ Dumb oaths!” I yelled.
“ WOW!” yelled Mina.
“ Huh?” asked Trunks.
2 hours later at the party...
My sister sets up the video of me and Trunks. First things first we have to get introduced. Trunks and I are last in the line.
“ Ok let’s start the intro,” said the DJ.
“ Alright,” said everyone else that was in that room.
“ First up we have the flower girls,” said the DJ,“ Blitz and Bright.”
the awesome music started up* (the song was Shake it up theme)
“ Cousin Blitz and Bright,” said Lena.
“ Next is the two Bishonen kids,” said the DJ,“ Brock and Brian.”
( their song is Pump up the Jam.)
“ Cousin Brockie and Bwian,” said Rini.
“ Next up is the Maid of Honor and a, huh they want me to say this stuff, ok then, major Aho,” said the DJ.
I start laughing*
( Their song is a song I forgot the name of.)
“ Next up is the imouto of the bride as a brides maid and a random Aho,” said the DJ.
( their song is fly.)
“ Next up is the person who calls herself the girl of love and beauty and another random Aho,” said the DJ.
“ Why did you put Aho in there so many times?” asked Trunks.
“ I wanted to,” I said.
( their song is Venus.(-.-))
“ Next up is the Moon Princess herself and her Bishonen,” said the DJ.
(their song is hit the lights.(:-P))
“ Next up is Rei “the bossy one” and another Aho,” said the DJ.
“ Ha Ha I made a uh oh,” I said.
“ Yup,” said Trunks.
( their song is Fire nation National Anthem.)
“ WTH!” I yelled.
“ Next up is..........uh this is weird............. the weirdest things happen to me.......... the awesome savior of many worlds and a baka who doesn’t know Japanese,” said the DJ.
(( the song starts) ( I start tapping my foot to the beat)( We walk out in style) ( I was the bell of the ball and Trunks was just a big Aho Bishonen))
I start giggling *
“ Ok let’s start the partying!” the DJ yelled.
First Dance
“ Ok let’s start this off with the awesome first dance,” said the DJ.
( the song starts... it is Heaven by Bryan Adams..... but then the song cut off..... and the awesome song began... it was a Japanese song.... from the DBGT opening..... Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku.... and I started singing it.... it was me singing it......)
“ Well don’t you look awesome,” said Mina.
“ Mina don’t make me get my mom to use the super soaker on you,” I said.
“ Yes Ma’am,” said Mina.
‘ This is you singing the song,’ said Trunks through our bond.
‘ Yup,’ I said back through the bond.
“ DAN DAN kokoro hikareteku
Sono mabushii egao ni
Hatenai kurayami kara tobidasou HOLD MY HAND
Kimi to deatta toki
Kodomo no koro taisetsu ni omotteita basho wo omoidashitanda
Boku to odotte kurenai ka
Hikari to kage no WINDING ROAD ima demo aitsu ni muchuu nano?
Sukoshi dake furimukitakunaru youna toki mo aru kedo
Ai to yuuki to hokori wo motte tatakau yo
DAN DAN kokoro hikareteku
Kono uchuu no kibou no kakera
Kitto daremo ga eien wo te ni iretai
ZEN ZEN ki ni shinai furishitemo
Hora kimi ni koishiteru
Hatenai kurayami kara tobidasou HOLD YOUR HAND
Okotta kao mo tsukareteru kimi mo suki dakedo
Anna ni tobashiteikite daijoubu ka na to omou
Boku ha nanigenai shigusa ni furimawasareteru SEA SIDE BLUE
Sore demo aitsu ni muchuu nano?
Motto kikitai koto ga atta no ni
Futari no kaiwa ga kuruma no oto ni habamarete toori ni mau yo
DAN DAN kokoro hikareteku
Jibun demo fushigi nandakedo
Nanika aru to ichizu ni kimi ni denwa shitakunaru
ZEN ZEN ki no nai furishitemo
Kekkyoku kimi no koto dake miteita
Umi no kanata he tobidasou yo HOLD MY HAND,” I sang.
“ Wow,” said Trunks.
“ Ikr,” I said in text.
Mother Son Dance...
“ Oh this is embarrassing,”said Trunks.
“ Idc,” I said in text.
“ Ok let’s move on,” said Mina.
“ Just me and my buddies is what this song is called,” said the DJ.
“ Ok just to get this strait there are a few interuptions in this song,” I said.
“ Ok,” said the DJ.
“ You walk through the clearing,
You are so beautiful in my eyes,
Love is a trick,
Death is the game I always see,
Oh, Yea,
I can’t even look at you from afar,
Love is so hard,
That people die for it,
Love is bad,” I sang.
“ Hey he looks like my old boyfriend,” said Lita.
“ Lita be quiet,” said Rei.
“ Yea this is my song your interrupting,” I said.
“ Sorry,” said Lita.
“ Go on with the song,” said Rei.
“ Love Love Love is so sad sometimes,
Yea Yea Yea Yeah Death is better than LOVE,
Love is a wish I had that,” I sang.


Texte: Me
Bildmaterialien: NOT ME
Lektorat: Me
Übersetzung: Japanese to English
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.05.2012

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