
The New Wave

I looked at the kids that followed me, creeping forward then falling back. The newest wave was coming in, we are the forgotten ones; Stranded in places that no one can identify us. We all get brought here, in this hell hole of a school. No going off school grounds, no talking unless you are talked to, all that crap. Here we act right or you become a slave of some sort. Kitchen to laundry, to scrubbing the floor.
"Yes?" I looked up at the woman staring down at me.
"If you think, whatever it is that you’re doing, is more important than my class, then you can see your way into Mrs. Benings office!"
Astonished, I looked at my English teacher's opened mouth, and then finally able to speak again, "I'm sorry ma'am I didn’t mean to disrupt your class." I looked down as if I was ashamed, but I’m not, I didn't even know what I had done to get in trouble. It was like this all the time, we get in trouble for no reason.
With a HMPF Mrs. Anderson walked away. I looked beside me when I heard a soft chuckle. New kid of course. They never understand I always feel bad for them even though they deserve it half the time. They have to learn sooner or later, I guess.
"Alissa, office now!"
"What?!" I screeched "what did I do?!"
"You continue to ignore me as I try to teach you, you ignorant child!"
"She wasn't doing anything." Mrs. Anderson looked up at the boy next to me, raising her eye brow. She slowly made her way to the front of his desk. "Young man what is your name?
"Maycen Brays, Ma'am."
"How long have you been going here, Mr. Maycen Brays?"
"This would be my first day ma'am."
"Well Alissa can show you the way to the office because that’s were you both are heading," Mrs. Anderson smiled then walked to the front of the class, as I stood up I looked as Maycen as he just sat there looking at me.
"Come on," sighed waving at the door.
He finally stood up and followed me out the door. A few feet out the door he grabbed my arm pulling me to a stop. "What’s up with that? You didn't even stick up for yourself! She yelled at you for no reason and you just let her!"
"After you live here as long as I have, you learn just to go along with whatever it is you’re getting in trouble for."
"What do you mean? How long have you been here?"
"They found me at 2 months," I reported starting to walk again.
"2 months? Really?"
"Yes really and I haven’t left since." he was silent the rest of the walk, we finally made it to Mrs. Benings office. I pushed the door open revealing a small room with small crappy chairs. I sighed and sat down gesturing for Maycen to do the same. He hesitated, sighed, and then did the same. We sat there for 30 minutes, and then a woman stepped out of a small office, telling the two of us to go into her office. "I got a message from Mrs. Anderson saying that the two of you were disrespectful and interrupting her class. Tomorrow the two of you will work on cleaning out the basement."
"She didn’t do anything though!" Maycen said waving at me.
"Mr. Brays, we do not tolerate any kind of disturbance at this school and you will be punished for what I say suitable for your actions."
"She was just sitting there do absolutely nothing and she got in trouble!"
"Mr. Brays! Unless you want me to extend your punishment you will shut your mouth this second!" Maycen looked over at me and just shook my head at him begging him with my eyes to shut up and begging him to understand. Finally he sat back in his chair and kept his mouth shut. When Mrs. Benings finally dismissed us to our dorms Maycen didn't say anything until we were out of hearing rang of the office then he planted him in front of me and crossed his arms a crossed his chest, then just stood there looking at me. "What?" I finally asked.
"You just sit there and take all this crap from these people, WHEN YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"
"Around here everyone gets in trouble for no reason!"
"Well that’s stupid you shouldn't be in trouble!" he yelled at me.
Grabbing his hand pulling him around the corner into my dorm throwing my door shut. Whirling I looked up at him and started yelling, "You really need to learn when to keep your mouth shut! You have no idea how things work around here! We are nothing; we're trash that has been thrown away! That’s all we are and all we are ever going to be!" I stood there looking at the boy before me shaking, tears running down my eyes as I tried to catch my breath. Maycen just watched me as I tried to calm down. When I finally got control over myself I sat down on my bed, pulling my knees to my chest wrapping my arms around my knees. I looked out my window to the garden that was out back. "This is the best room you can get," I whispered "I used to just sit by the window and look out the window. It used to be so beautiful. Green vines curling their way up the walls colorful flowers placed randomly threw out the yard. Red, blue, yellow, white. In the middle there used to be a really pretty water fountain. On the top rested a magnificent Angel. Now it’s gone. All of it. That’s what they do here they take something exotic and crush it."
"Alissa?" looking up at Maycen I realized he probably thought I was crazy. Looking a way I shook myself, "I’m sorry, you got in trouble because of me."
"I don’t really care about that I care about the fact that you did nothing to get this," felt the bed dip as Maycen sat on it. We just sat there until curfew telling him of how it used to be. I would know vie been here longer then all the other kids here.

Slaves for a Day

Sighing I went into the basement. I looked around and started sorting everything on the floor. After a few minutes I heard a creaking sound then a set of hands grip my hips. I shrieked spun to face whoever was behind me.... And fell, right on top of Maycen. Sitting there we just looked at each other then started laughing. I pushed myself off him looking around at all the junk as Maycen did the same. "Looks like you started without me."
"Yeah this is going to take us forever," I sighed and started to pick up again after looking around Maycen started helping me. We worked for a few hours then they dismissed us to lunch. After we ate we went back down stairs and went back to work. We worked a few more hours and I finally sat down taking a brake I leaned my back agents the wall. Soon Maycen joined me resting his head on my leg. We just sat there for a little bit. After a little bit I started running my fingers threw his hair, getting the dirt out of it. Suddenly his arms went around my waist pulling me down and pining me under him. He grinned at me then started tickling me. Pushing his shoulder I tried to get him off me but that didn't work very well. He finally stopped and we just laid there laughing I went to push him off me again but he grabbed my arms pining them above my head and just laughed at me as I tried to break free. I stopped fighting and sat there glaring at him making him laugh even harder, I couldn’t help it I started laughing with him. He let me go and climbed off of me. He stood up offering me his hand. I reached forward and grabbed it yanking him back onto the ground this time I pinned him down grinning. He looked up at me raising his eye brow. I grinned at him pressing my lips to his forehead. He wrapped his arms around me rolling us over so he was over me. He bent down kissing my jaw. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling his mouth to mine. He froze for a second then kissed me back, hard. We went on like that for a while freezing when we heard a creak quickly we stood up and started working again. We turned and looked at Mrs. Benings. She looked around at the progress we made.
"You did well enough. Now go you will go to class tomorrow," with that she turned and walked out the door. Sighing we followed. As we walked something caught my eye. Turning I bent down and grabbed the small doll on the ground. It was beautiful. Its body was covered in a silk white dress, it had wings sticking over is shoulders. I turned to see Maycen watching me. Smiling I walked out the door taking the doll with me. I walked into my room laughing when Maycen fallowed me. I sat on my bed leaning against my pillow I held the doll in my hand. Running my hand over it I wiped the dust of her. Looking up at Maycen I grinned and he raised his eye brow out me.
"If I may ask... what is that?"
"It’s the only thing with me when the workers here found me on their front steps," running my hand over it again I smiled "her name is Anna." Maycen pushed himself off the wall coming over to the bed taking it from my hands. He ran his hand softly over it five and dress.

Leaning back against the wall of Alyssa’s room I watched as she gently turned the small bear in her hands, looking as if she was looking for something on it. She grinned up at me, waving at me to come closer. I slid into the bed taking the dale from her looking at it turning it over in my hands. Annaka. I found her.

Love, it Never Lastes Long

Weeks went by, then months. As the times pasted I watched Maycen, he seemed to get more and more depressed. He wouldn’t tell me what was wrong just saying it was nothing. One morning I was talking to my best friend Amanda looking for him. We looked through the whole building and we never saw him. Finally, we gave up turned around and there he was with one of our friends. I looked up at him and he looked really sad so I grabbed his hand and pulled him a little ways away. "What’s wrong?"
Maycen's sad brown eyes met mine "I don’t know how to do this," he whispered looking away from me. I stood there watching him, I locked my teeth together so I wouldn’t start crying but tears found the way to my eyes I blinked quickly holding them back. We stood there for a little bit neither of us saying a thing. I tried to hold still but I started shaking first my hands then half my body was shaking, by the time he looked up at me again "I think we should just be friends."
Finally I dropped my eyes tears started streaming down my face I nodded the forced myself to say "okay," I stood there a few seconds then turned and ran. I ran threw his halls threw the commons and out the front door. alarms started blaring when I threw the door open but as soon as my feet hit the ground I was off as fast as I could go, I didn’t stop at the front gate I went right threw them. I ran through the small forest around my school into a small Village. I looked around and started walking. I walked through crowds of people as I headed to the trees on the other side. As soon as I hit the edge of the trees I started running again. After running for what felt like hours I came upon a small clearing. I dropped to my knees and started sobbing. I'm never going to let myself fall in love again, I swear I’m not.

I sat there as it started raining, then as it started storming. I just sat there. After I was there for a few days I didn’t have the straight to hold myself up anymore, so I laid on my side curling into a small ball. I closed my eyes unable to hold them open any longer.
"Alissa!" I voice sounded through my head. I smiled to myself I've gone crazy I’m hearing his voice. "Alissa! Please! You have to wake up!"
"Pick her up we have to get her to the hospital." I felt a pair of arms slip under me lifting me into the air. The arms that were holding me pressed me tight to the warm body that was holding me. I was laid down in on something hard. "She needs a blanket she’s shaking really badly." I felt something warm and itchy cover my body I tried to push it off but I couldn't move. I sat there looking down at Alissa, at first I didn't see any movement in her chest, I freaked dropping to my knees beside her body, I let out a sigh of relief when her chest slowly raised and then fell. I touched her face hopping she would stir but she didn’t.
"Alissa!' her name fell from my mouth, tears following. They fell down my face I shock her shoulder trying to wake her up. "Alissa! Please! You have to wake up!" "Pick her up we have to get her to the hospital." I looked up at the man before me and nodded. I slid my arms under her body pressing her to me trying to warm her shaking body up. We reached the edge of the forest were a cop car and ambulance where waiting on us. I gave her to the Doctors that were there and they sat her on a little bed thing then put her in the back of the ambulance. I slid in with her taking her hand in mine she was still shaking and her hand was freezing, "she needs a blanket she's shaking really bad." the man in there with me grabbed a blanket from a small cabinet covering her. When we arrived at the hospital and they rushed her into a room putting an IV into her arm. They put a few other monitors on her. She didn’t ever move until they started putting a bunch of blankets on her then, even though she never opened her eyes, she started fighting them. They tried to claim her but she started screaming. I ran to her grabbing her wrist punning her to the bed. "Don’t put the covers on her she's fine," I said to the nurses that were trying to put them on her. As soon as they were gone she stopped fighting.


Stirring I looked around. Sighing I pulled my hand away from Maycen. Slowly I took the monitors off of me put them on to Maycen. Standing slid into a set of clothing that was lying on the chair. I slipped out of the front door of the hospital and took off running. Slipping into the confinement of some trees I slowed a little bit. Walking aimlessly I entered a small clearing and froze.
"I said don’t touch me!"
"Don’t talk to me like that you nasty little bitch."
"She said stop," I said walking farther into the clearing, "I would advise you to get away from her."
"And what exactly are you going to do if I don’t?" Slowly I walked over to the girl pushing her behind me, putting myself between the two of them, "I said get away from her." growling the man before me raised his hand and smacked me. Letting out an inhuman sound I flung my hand out towards him then closed my hand into a fist. The man gripped his neck as if there was something slowly chocking the life out of him. Blinking a few times I gasped jerking my arm back. The man dropped to his knees gasping for breath. Out of nowhere the man fell over and I felt the girl behind me drop. Whirling I bent down pressing my fingers to her neck, checking her pulse.
"She’s fine she'll wake up and not remember what she saw." I whirled looking at Maycen standing in the clearing behind me. Turning I quickly ran as fast as I could, but it wasn’t fast enough. Soon I felt a pair of arms wrap around me holding me tightly. I sobbed as I felt his fingers stroke my tangled hair. "What do you want?"
"Baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen like this you weren't supposed to run."
"What the hell else was I going to do when you dumped me? Prance around like it was the best day of my life. I loved you and you left me!"
"I never wanted to hurt you, my love, but I was breaking laws by being with you, I didn't have any other choice.”
“Braking laws? What the hell does that mean?"
"Your royal, I’m nothing."
"I'm what? You know last I checked we don't have 'royals' or laws against who we date we have a president."
"We don’t follow human laws we have different laws to fit our needs."
"'Our needs'? What are we porn stars that need 'special attention'?"
"No! Were the hell did you think of that?"
"Then what are you talking about? You’re freaking me out!"
"We aren’t humans. We're fairies."
I froze in shock as the words came out of Maycen's mouth, "What the hell do you mean? This some fucked up joke? You think you can fuck with me just because I’m in love with you? Let go of me jack ass!"
"How do you explain the powers? You were chocking that guy without touching him."
"I don’t know what you’re talking about!"
"Yes you do, and I’m guessing that it’s happened before."
"So what? Doesn’t mean I’m a freaking FAIRY"
"Well you are just that a fairy. So get over it!"

Home Sweet Home.... NOT


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.11.2011

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