


Chapter 1

It was Thursday afternoon and Bobby Blaine was bored. He sat in his bedroom, doing some pushups. His dad burst into the bedroom. Hey kiddo, I have a surprise for you!” Dad exclaimed. He had something hidden behind his back. Bobby climbed to his feet and smiled. “What is it, dad?” Bobby asked.

Dad pulled out two purple tickets. I have two tickets to Scream Land Amusement Park!” Dad asked.

“Sure, I guess.” Bobby played it cool.

“So it’ll be just the two of us, mom isn’t coming?” Bobby asked.

Dad’s big belly jiggled as he chuckled.

“I’m taking you and a friend to the Amusement Park. I’m going to the Ohio State Football game!” Dad said.

Bobby’s eyes lit up. “You mean, I get to be alone, all afternoon in Scream land?” That’s totally awesome!”  Bobby exclaimed. “You won’t be alone, you’ll be with Darren.” Dad said as he adjusted his glasses.

Bobby’s heart sank.  “I’m going with Darren?”  Bobby asked.

Dad nodded. “I’m sure you and your brother will have a wonderful time.”  Dad said.

Darren walked into the room. He wore a black Kiss t shirt and dingy blue jeans. “Hey Bobby you ready to go?” Darren asked.

“Dad please don’t make me go with Darren, he’s a creep!” Bobby pleaded with his father.

“You know, if you don’t want to go, I can always give the tickets to Darren and he could take his girlfriend Amy.” Dad said. Bobby’s mouth hung open.

Bobby sighed and mumbled under his breath. “I’ll go with Darren.” Bobby grumbled.

The two kids hopped into Darren’s blue Chevy Nomad and the two were headed toward Scream land.

Half way to their destination, Bobby, smelled a heinous fart. Feeling like he was moments from gagging, Bobby, rolled his window down and stuck his head out it.

Darren laughed as if he were a super villain or something. Bobby just gasped for as much fresh air as he could possibly take in. ‘What is wrong with you, Darren, you’re totally sick.” Bobby groaned.

I shouldn’t have had that chili dog for lunch.” Darren chuckled.

I cannot even believe we are related.” Bobby groaned. The Nomad pulled up in front of the big iron gates of Scream land.  Darren handed the tickets to Bobby. “I’m taking Amy to a movie, so I called your friend, Joey, and he said, he’d meet you by the gates, in fifteen minutes or so got it? Good, now beat it, puke stain!” Darren exclaimed. Bobby happily climbed out of his brothers Chevy Nomad and he slammed the car door, closed behind him. The Nomad sped away and finally I was alone. The iron bars were tall and Bobby thought they looked oppressive. Inside was all the fun. There were laughing children, smiling teenage couples, held hands, and laughed and happy parents captured pictures to be enjoyed by all when their children grew up and moved away from home. “I hope Joey gets here soon man, I want to ride some roller coasters.” Bobby thought quietly to himself.

Bobby decided to try to amuse himself. He whistled happy little tunes to himself as he kicked a Styrofoam cup around the parking lot. Finally, he saw a red Cincinnati baseball cap moving toward him. He knew it was Joey. Joey always wore his Reds ball cap. Bobby waved and smiled at Joey as Joey approached him. The two friends slapped each other high fives and cheered together real loud in unison. Bobby handed his friend one of the purple tickets. The iron gates swung open and the two friends walked up to the ticket booth.

Working the ticket booth was a wrinkly faced woman with dark eyes and black hair. “Do you boys dare to step into the scariest rollercoaster in the world?” The ticket lady asked.

‘We sure do.” Joey said, as he slid his purple ticket through the open slot in the ticket booth’s window and next Bobby followed suit.

The ticket lady, ripped the two tickets up and threw the remaining pieces into a brown wastepaper basket, which was located inside the booth. “This is a land of illusions, and a utopia of fear, be warned, not all those who enter are not always allowed to leave ha hah ha. Enjoy your stay boys it may very well be your last.” The ticket lady’s voice came out as a harsh rasp. Her words made Joey shudder. The ticket lady seemed to vanish in a ring of fire. The flames crackled and popped. The heat from the fire could be felt


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.11.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-2154-8

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I was totally inspired by RL Stine's One Day in Horrorland. I loved the idea of a scary amusement park for kids. I also liked the idea of someone being cursed Thinner style. Bobby Blaine thinks his visit to an amusement park will be fun. Well, he's cursed and it's going to get terrifying.

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