
Entire story


Chapter 1


He walked into the saloon. A sense of desperation hung in the air. The town of Dry Gulch had a population of 2000 people. The year was 1870. The man that had walked into the saloon was named Clayton West. Clayton stepped up to the bartender and ordered his whisky. ‘’Sure thing, Mac,’’ the bartender said.

The bar keep handed the thirsty man his beverage and he happily obliged. ‘’You ever shoot a man?’’ Clayton asked.

‘’Nah,’’ the bartender answered. ‘’I’m a peace loving man.’’

‘’An optimist, huh?’’ Clayton asked.

‘’Ordained minister,’’ the bartender boasted.

Clayton gave a half smile to this. ‘’Man of the cloth. Can’t fault a guy for that. Good for you. How long?’’

‘’Been licensed for ten years.’’

‘’That’s real nice; do me a favor,’’ Clayton said, looking in the other man’s eyes.

‘’Sure name it,’’ The barkeep replied.

Clayton bowed his head. ‘’Helen and Eli West: they were my wife and son, keep em in your prayers. My boy was stillborn. Ten days later a sorry son of a bitch named Dexter Mangle shot her dead, in the back. Can you believe it?’’

‘’I’m truly sorry for your loss,’’ the bartender said, placing his hand on the grieving man’s shoulder.

‘’Eli wasn’t even my son,’’ Clayton admitted. ‘’Dexter raped her and conceived the child, but honest to God, I’d have raised him as my own. Scout’s honor.’’

‘’Drink’s on me,’’ the bartender said.

‘’I’m no charity case,’’ Clayton bellowed.

‘’I insist,’’ the barkeep stated.

‘’If you say so,’’ Clayton replied.

He noticed a man was harassing a woman at a table nearby. Clayton set his drink down on the bar and approached the guy. ‘’Why don’t you leave the


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.11.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-2141-8

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

After killing his wife, Dexter confronted Clayton. Their confrontation leaves Dexter dead and soon, the sheriff and Dexter's gang and the entire town of Dry Gulch want Clayton dead. He must start life a new in a new town called Chestnut Grov

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