
Chapter 1


Chapter 1


The leaves in the trees were red, orange, yellow and some blue. The autumn breeze gently kissed Heather Gravestone behind the baseball diamond. Heather’s fiery, red hair smelled of a pleasant scent of strawberry shampoo. Heather’s boyfriend Alex Rodriguez wore blue jeans, a leather jacket, black boots and a white t-shirt. His hair was black and slicked straight back.

Heather was sixteen and Alex was seventeen. Alex held hands with Heather as the young couple walked down the sidewalk. They passed barking dogs and trees with leaves as colorful as a rainbow. Heather stepped on her front porch as she held Alex’s hand. Alex wrapped his right arm around Heather’s semi thick waist and pulled her in close to him. Heather could feel his solid stomach against her own stomach. Alex stroked his girlfriend’s cheek and whispered in her ear.

‘’I can feel your heart beating,’’ Alex whispered.

‘’I will love you till the grave my darling,’’ Heather whispered back.

Alex pressed his lips to Heather’s and tasted her bubblegum, flavored lip gloss. The tingling of their lips sent shivers of friendly, convulsive cold chills up and down their adolescent bodies. ‘’I’m sorry I can’t come to your Birthday Party next week,’’ Alex said.

‘’That’s ok baby; I hope your aunt’s surgery goes well,’’ Heather said.

The love struck teenagers were blissfully ignorant to the fact that they were being watched at that time. The voyeur was named Aleister Ravenwood. He wore sunglasses that gave him the power of invisibility for up to one hour. Aleister was the thirteenth son of Hades. Hades was the ruler of the realm of the dead or the underworld. Alex turned and walked away. He felt a chill cling to his neck as he passed the wicked, invisible warlock.


Heather walked into her house and placed her book bag on the floor beside the door. Her black cat Gretel leapt off the couch and zigzagged in a figure eight pattern around Heather’s legs. Gretel purred. Heather reached down and petted her sweet cat. Gretel followed her owner into the kitchen. Heather reached into the back of the cupboard and pulled out a can of cat food. She popped the top on the can of cat food and she dumped the smelly, slimy gunk into Gretel’s food dish. The chubby, fluffy cat munched loudly.

‘’You eat like you’re going to the chair you fat cat,’’ Heather said with a chuckle.

Gretel looked up at Heather for a minute before rolling her eyes and continuing to gobble up her meal. A purple mist floated through the keyhole in the front door. The mist wafted into the kitchen. There was a weird, sulfuric smell to it which Heather recognized immediately. All witches when they turned into mists they were always tinted purple however; only warlocks and witches who were evil or bad smelled of sulfur when they were in mist form.

By now Gretel


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.11.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-2106-7

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Being a witch, she must marry a man she despises but she has a boyfriend but the man the witch, Heather must marry, must marry her by midnight on Halloween or will have to wait another ten thousand years to rule over the underworld!

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