
Halloween Magic

Halloween Magic

Halloween had always had a special kind of magic to it. Becky Lump was about to discover some of that magic for herself. It started out as any other typical October afternoon did. She swept the floor and took inventory of the costumes in Uncle Sal’s costume shop. She was fifteen and did not always feel like being under the constant surveillance of her Uncle Sal. Uncle Sal worked the cash register.

He always had to work the cash register. He did not trust people when it came to money. He knew how to count it and he knew he could count on himself not to steal any. Her work day started after school everyday. Luckily the shop was open all year long and that gave Becky a steady job. Uncle Sal had raised her from birth.

Becky never got to know her parents. She was glad.

‘’Anybody who would abandon a beautiful child like you did not deserve to know you,’’ Sal would frequently tell Becky.

This always made Becky feel special. As a child, Becky would be ostracized. This was especially prevalent in elementary school. Some of the children even made up cruel songs like, Becky the Unwanted or Orphan Becky. The girl escaped through reading and through the apathetic nature of teens, middle school was a breeze and high school was not too bad, yet.

In fifth grade: Becky met her current best friend, Tamika. Becky’s friend, Tamika, was a half inch taller than Becky and her black frizzy hair looked the leaves on a palm tree. After work, Tamika and Becky went out to a local pizza place. Kevin’s Pizza Shack. The video arcade machine made a series of zapping noises and the boy playing the machine poured about a year’s allowance into the machine.

The girls ordered a large cheese pizzas and a couple of diet Coke’s and grabbed a seat in a booth. They spotted a boy from school. Of course this was no ordinary boy. The boy was her crush, Cory Brown. There was a problem


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.10.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-2089-3

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