



It was raining, ALLEN run as fast as her can then look at the face of the baby that on her hand. The baby eye was close tightly and it’s sleep soundly.  

The baby was naked and has a little blood on her body but it has wipe by the rain.

ALLEN has a fair skin and she has a beautiful dark blue eye like ocean. Also her hair was straight, long and black.


While ALLEN was run suddenly her slip and fall to the ground.  When it happen ALLEN protect the baby with both hand so the baby will be safe.


ALLEN get up, her tear start to fall and stroke the baby face with her thumb.

ALLEN clothe now full of mud.

ALLEN then heard voices and footsteps come toward her place.

ALLEN hurry hide behind the tree then catch her breath.


ALLEN peek then see many soldier searching and her know that was her they want. Then she look up to the sky, there was a group of Gezord bird flying above her head and her know that they have found her.

The Gezord bird was half bird and half lizard. They have a bird body and a lizard head moreover they good in searching because they have a really sharp senses.


Without wasting more time ALLEN make a move.

ALLEN “Liora…”

ALLEN call as quiet as her can.


Then something come out from the bushes, it was a large wolf and then it sit in front of ALLEN.

The wolf has grey and white fur. Its eyes green like an emerald.

ALLEN come near the wolf then take off her mantel and tied the baby at the wolf neck by using it. ALLEN try to make it as fast as her can and as quiet as her can without attract the soldiers and the Gezord bird attention. Then ALLEN whisper at LIORA.


ALLEN “Take her far away from here… I entrust you Liora…”


LIORA look at ALLEN with sad and know this was going to be their last meet. LIORA move backward then bow it head to ALLEN and disappear in the thin air.




KILLION walk thru the dungeon hallway with two soldiers by his side. Then he stop at one cell and one of the soldiers open the door.


KILLION enter the cell then look at ALLEN that lying helpless on the ground like nothing. ALLEN was hurt and bleeding all over her body.


KILLION walk in circle, around ALLEN helpless body while pressing his forehead.

KILLION “Where is she!”

KILLION ask with firm.


ALLEN laugh and answer.

ALLEN “Die…”


KILLION “You lie! I can still feel her presence! Where is she?”

KILLION get mad then he kick ALLEN at the stomach.


ALLEN moan in pain then bite bottom of her lip.

ALLEN “I tell you the true…”


KILLION “I give you one more chance…”

KILLION say with calm.


Now KILLION hunker and title ALLEN face with rough then they eyes meet.

KILLION “Tell me or you gonna regret it!”

KILLION threaten.


ALLEN “She died already… I have told you the true…”


KILLION close his eyes tightly then open and slap her face hard.


KILLION get up and then out from the cell.


KILLION “Kill her!”

KILLION ordered.

Chapter 1





Naomi “What…?”

 Naomi can believe what she just heard.


Kevin “We should end this… our relationship…”

Kevin said with calm.


Naomi “But why, all of sudden…?”

Naomi asked with curious.


Kevin “It nothing, just you and I to different…?”

Kevin stated.


Naomi “If that so… we can try to understand each other slowly? We start it back from beginning?

Naomi persuaded.


Kevin take a depth breath then he look outside the café.

 Kevin “The true is… I don’t feel love with you anymore…”

Kevin said with low voice and turn to Naomi then their eyes meet.


Naomi “Is this about Trisha…?”

Naomi asked with calm then drank her chocolate latte with one gulp.


They keep quiet for awhile then Kevin answered.

Kevin “I love her… She is different from any girl that I know? She caring, spoiled and sexy. She is perfect.”

Kevin said with vigorously.


Naomi looked at Kevin with disbelief.

Naomi can hold herself anymore, she stand.


Kevin look Naomi with curious.

Kevin “Are you want to slap me or throw me with the latte?”

Kevin asked.


Naomi shook her head.

Naomi “Nope, I just remember that I have something to do and need to go…Moreover I want to said, hope that you happy be with her and thank for all this time.”

Naomi said and smile to Kevin then she get out from the café.




Naomi walk all along the way and her tear start to fall then someone grab her shoulder then drag her to the alley. Naomi shock and try to scream but her mouth has been cover. Naomi try to resist but the person are strong then he let her go.


The person “Shhh… don’t scream or I stuffed your mouth and you gonna regret it…”

He whispered.


Naomi turn to the voice with her body tremble in fear then in front of her stand such a good looking guy.

He has beautiful brown eyes and his hair is blonde. He also has muscular body.


Naomi “Who are you…”

She asked with her tear fall like a stream.


Then behind the guy come out a group of peoples and one of them said “Aaron, make a girl cry.”


 Aaron “You better shut your mouth or you will shut forever Isaac.”

Aaron, threaten.


Isaac “I’m scared.”

He said then come near.


Naomi look at them with curious, all of them are five peoples including the Aaron and Isaac guys. There also have two girl with them and another guy that Naomi not sure what their name is.


Aaron “Kayla are you sure she is?”

Aaron, ask then look Naomi from head to toe. Naomi face start to turn red because of embarrassment.


Then the girl with curly hair and grey eyes come in front of Naomi then take her necklace off then point it to Naomi. The necklace now is shine.


Kayla “It no doubt, she is.”

She stated.


Then someone beside Naomi, help her wipe the tear with handkerchief. Naomi startled then turn to the person it is the other girl. She is a little small, cute and has long brown hair.


The cute girl said with a smile “Please don’t cry, we are no harm and I’m Emma… ”

Emma, introduce herself and try to console Naomi. Naomi just nod.


Isaac “But we can’t back to Aries till the next full moon.”

He said and looked at Aaron.


Aaron “Ryan when the next full moon will be?”

He asked.


Then the guy that behind Isaac answer. Moreover he has a pair of unique purple eye and his hair is black blue and long till the shoulder.


Ryan “It will be happened in two days, from now on. So for the moment we need to stay in this world for awhile.”

He answered with no reaction on his face.




Naomi furrow her eyebrows then look at the five peoples, they observe her house with many weird way.

Naomi “How this thing turn up like this…”

She said under her breathe.


Emma “It can’t be help… we doesn’t have a places to stay till the full moon. Moreover we can look and protect you.”

She smiled to Naomi.


Naomi “I defeated…”

She said with low voice.


Isaac “Wow, cute picture.”

He said and whistled.

Naomi come near Isaac then snatch the picture frame and throw it into the dustbin. After that, Naomi turn and smile with creep.


Naomi “Don’t touch people thing as you like.”

She warned then goes to her bedroom.


Isaac “That is scary.”

He furrowed his eyebrows then look at Aaron.


Isaac “You should learn from her.”

He mocked.


Aaron “I kill you!”

He glared Isaac.



Chapter 2



Naomi wake up and yawn then go to shower and then dressing. After that she got out from her bedroom.




Naomi mouth open wide and shook her head several time.

Naomi “Yesterday definitely not a dream…”

She said and walk to the kitchen.


Emma “Morning.”

She greeted Naomi.


Naomi, open the fridge and take out the milk and open it. Now she put the milk on the counter, and then she take the glass beside her and pour the milk into it.


Naomi “Who are you guy?”

She asked and looked straight at Emma.


Emma smile “We from Aries and we come here is to find you.”

She answered.


Naomi “Can you stop joking around; I don’t have a time to play. I don’t understand at all… like full moon, Aries… the weird stone that shine… It fine if you guys just say that you don’t have a place to go and I willing to let you all stay here for awhile moreover my parents are on vacation.”

Naomi explained then drank the milk.


Kayla, come near Emma now she stand beside her.

Kayla “It true, we come here to find you. I also can’t deny what Aaron has done to you yesterday it a bit go too far…”


Then Naomi cut off.

Naomi “Yeah, I almost think that I’m going to be death that time!”  

Naomi, state then look at Aaron that sit on the couch like nothing happen.


Emma “I’m sorry for what Aaron has did but we need you because Bora say just only you can help us.”

She tried to persuade.


Naomi “I don’t understand…”

Naomi left them at the Kitchen then walk to the living room. Now Isaac, stop in front of Naomi, she startle and then move backward.


 Isaac “Are you say that you don’t have a time to play than we don’t have a time to waste with a human like you.”

He said.


Then the door bell ring.


Carrie “Naomi it me… are you alright…?”

The voice asked with concerned.


Naomi, turn from Isaac then take her jacket that hang on the side of the door.  After she has done wear the jacket, she open the door then held Carrie hand and take her out from the apartment.




Carrie “Who are the guy that on your apartment? He hot…”

She asked with curious.


Naomi, turn and look at Carrie.

Naomi “I don’t know… They don’t have a place to stay so I let them stay at my place for awhile…”

She explained.


Carrie “What are you mean by them? Is there others?”

She asked again.


Naomi nod.


Carrie “You will be death if your parents know.”

Carrie said.


Naomi “They are on vacation and they will never know if no one open the mouth.”

She looked at Carrie then exhale.


Carrie smile.

Carrie “I hear about you and Kevin…”

She said with low voice.


Naomi, just keep quiet and watch the couple that just pass thru them.

Naomi “We end already… he said that we too different… moreover he didn’t love me anymore…”

Naomi explained and smile.


Carrie shook her head.

Carrie “I can’t believe he choose Trisha rather than you…”

Carrie annoyed.


Naomi “I never tell you about Trisha?”

Naomi, look at Carrie with curious.


 Carrie just realized that she just slip out.

Carrie “Opppsss…”

Carrie, cover her mouth with both hand.


Naomi “Are you hide something from me? You better tell the true…?”

Naomi pleaded.


Carrie, turn and look at Naomi with guilt.

Carrie “I’m really sorry… It been a long time that I have know that Kevin has cheat on you, it not that I don’t want to tell you. But you always said that you love him and I don’t want to ruin your happiness…”

Carrie explained.


Naomi “It fine, we are nothing now.”

She smiled.




Naomi, enter the apartment and walk to the living room.

Naomi “I’m back…”

She said then see all of them gather at the living room.


Everyone look at her.


Naomi “Stop staring at me…”

She said with uncomfortable then sit on the couch.


Aaron, like he want to say something but Emma hold him.

Emma “We need to talk?”

Emma said.


Naomi just nod.


Emma “Bora want to talk with you…”

She said.


 Then Kayla, take off the necklace that on her neck and put it on the table. The necklace is shine like before, but right now it is shine with a lot of color like rainbow. Then something come out from the necklace, it is a person like hologram. Naomi eyes open wide then the beautiful young lady greet her.


Bora “It has been awhile, you have grown up as beautiful young lady.”

She smiled then turned to other.


Bora “Can you all leave us alone, I want to talk personally with her.”

She commanded.


Naomi “I’m dreaming?”

She asked and observed the necklace.


Bora “You are not my dear. I’m Bora the fortune teller of Aries.”

Bora chuckled and explained herself.


Naomi”Aries? What is Aries?”

She asked and still busy observed the necklace.


Bora “Ehemm… Can you stop doing that, it make me hard to tell you…”

Bora Pleaded.


Naomi put her hand up like surrender.

Naomi “Sorry…”

She apologized.


Bora “Aries is different from this world it beyond of human reach. Only the magical creatures can enter.”

She said.


Naomi “I’m human than what related Aries and me?”

She said with confused.


Bora “You are not… I know that you can find yourself are different from the peoples at this world…”

She said like rhythm.


Naomi lost the word.

Naomi “What are you want?”

She asked.


 Then Aaron come out and said.

Aaron “We need you to save our countrys, our peoples.”

He stated then looked at Bora.


Bora nodded.


Aaron “Aries and all of other places have been attack by Calessian. They have strong army and many of peoples have died…”

 He said with serious expression.


Naomi doesn’t know whether she should believe or just kick them out from her apartment.

 Then Isaac walk and stand beside Aaron, and then he held his hand up. Then everything at the living room is floating around. Naomi mouth open wide then she scream.


Naomi “It enough I believe… put back all the stuff down or I kill you…”

She said with her voice tremble.


Isaac, put all the things down back in the places.


Naomi relieved and turn to Bora.

Bora just smiled then said.

Bora “I can't wait for you to come to Aries. We will meet till then.”

Bora vanished and the necklace has stop shine.


Naomi “I not finished asking yet…”

Naomi complaint and she also know that her life gonna change forever from now on.

Chapter 3



It is now a full moon. Naomi walk beside Aaron with make a face.

Naomi in heart “Why I need to be drag here by this guy… I don’t want to go.”

She annoyed.


Isaac “But you have to.”

He smiled with evil.


Naomi, turn to other then furrow her eyebrows.

Naomi “Do I said that out loud?”


Emma chuckle and walk beside Naomi.

Emma “He can read people thought be careful.”

Emma whisper to Naomi and then walk pass her.


Now they at the center of park and they stand at in front of fountain.

Naomi, look at all of them with question.


Then Kayla, take off the necklace that on her neck and hand it to Ryan.

Ryan, take the necklace then held it up to the night sky. He mouth muttered something that Naomi doesn’t understand and then the moon start to change it color to be red.


Naomi “What the hell is going on…?”

Naomi, ask with worried.


Then the wind blow so strong, Naomi eye open wide when she see the fountain water start to swirl up and make the form of dragon. Naomi can feel the water touch her skin. She feel like her was standing under the rain even it is not raining after all.


Now the water of the dragon form was surround them and it start to open it mouth. Then it come close to them with its mouth open wide.


Naomi, close her eyes tightly.

Naomi in heart “I don’t want to die yet…!”

She thought.




Naomi body was shaking then her feel like someone touch her shoulder.

Naomi, open her eyes it was Emma.


Emma “We’re here.”

Emma smile then hold Naomi hand.


Naomi, then look front, they are stand at in front of huge gate. It has cover by beautiful white roses.  Naomi let go of Emma hand then come near the gate. Now she touch the roses and her hand get a cut from the torn. Naomi, take her hand back and look at her finger that are bleeding.  But after a few minute the cut place are close and stop bleeding.


Emma “Are you ok?”

Emma ask with worried and stand beside Naomi.


Naomi “I’m fine”

Naomi stated. Then hide her wounded hand from exposed.


Aaron come in front then said out loud.

Aaron “I’m Aaron the guardian, open the door.”

Aaron ordered.


The gate start to open and Naomi heart start to beat.


 The gate now are open wide, Naomi enter. She see a lot of people that looking at her with question. They wear the same clothes as at her place. They look like her, normal. Then Naomi, see a girl that hide behind a woman. The girl shaking and look so fear and she hide herself completely.


Naomi, feel awkward then she look down and just follow the footstep of Aaron that in front of her.

Then Aaron stop and Naomi bump at his back.


Naomi “Auhh…”

Naomi moan in pain then touch her head.


Aaron “Watch where you are going…”

Aaron said with serious face.


Naomi “Sorry…”

Naomi apologized.


Naomi in heart “What the hell with this guy… I just not accidentally hit him, but he already mad like crazy…”

  Naomi annoyed.


Isaac “He always like that you better be careful or you gonna be done…”

Naomi startle and turn left, Isaac face close a inches with her.


Isaac “I tell you the true…”

Isaac smile then went by Kayla side.


Naomi “Like hell I care…”

Naomi said under her breath.


Ryan “Now we’re here.”

Ryan said then he pushed the big door that in front of him.




Then a beautiful young lady greet them, she has a figure like a model. She also wearing a fancy gown that look really exclusive.


Naomi, whisper to Emma.

Naomi “She beautiful…”


Emma, just nod and whisper back.

Emma “But her scary…”


Naomi, look at Emma with confused.


 Then the beautiful young lady, come in front Naomi.


The Lady “Nice to meet you, I’m Annellian. Bora has been waiting for you at the library and I’ll take you to her.”

She introduced herself then she bow to Naomi with grace.


Naomi, feel uneasy and her heart feel so pain all of sudden then she grasp her chest and try to catch her breath.


Annellian “Are you all right?”

Annellian asked with worried.


Even everyone in the room is worried and concern about her.

Naomi in heart “What is this feeling… it so hurt…”

Naomi, then look at everyone and smile.


 Naomi “Don’t worry… I’m fine…”

Naomi tried convincing them that she was fine.


Annellian “Then let me take you to her.”

Annellian stated.


Naomi, just keep quiet and nod.


 Annellian “Please this way.”

She said then show the way to the other door.


Aaron “How about us?”

Aaron asked.


Annellian answer without looking at them all.

Annellian “Just do whatever that you want till Bora call each of you guys.”

Then Annellian walk and left them behind.


The atmosphere feel so tense and Naomi start to feel guilt but still she follow Annellian from behind.

Naomi keep follow Annellian, they have been walk for half an hour. Annellian always guide Naomi where to turn. They pass by door to door.


Naomi in heart “I’m tired… hungry… thirsty… “

Naomi, sigh.


Then Annellian open the beautiful craving big door.


Annellian “We’re here. Bora has waiting you inside.”

She said and let Naomi enter.


Naomi, heart beating harder than before when she enter the room and then she look at Annellian that bow to her then close the door.



Chapter 4



Naomi hear a piano been played then she follow the rhythm. The Library was Huge with a lot of bookshelf that high like a giant.


Naomi, then stop her step when she see a beautiful woman in front of her.


The beautiful women stop from play the piano then turn to Naomi and smile to her with a gorgeous smile.

Bora “Welcome, I have been waiting for you.”

She said then get up with grace.


Naomi, just look at her with amazed.


Bora “Please, follows me.”

She said with gently.


 Bora hold Naomi hand and then take her to a big mirror that not far from them.

 The Mirror has a dragon form that craved all around it.


Bora “Please, looks to the mirror.”

She said then point to the mirror with her thumb.


Naomi feel confuse but she still turn to the mirror and she see her reflection of herself.

Naomi “Who is that.”

Naomi shocked.

Naomi step backward a little.


Bora “It is you.”

Bora answered with calm.


Naomi, close her eyes several time then look back at the mirror. She look so different in the mirror, she has beautiful green eye that look so lively, she wearing a beautiful gown with a big wolf that stand beside her.  Also she wearing the necklace that look like a dragon head on her neck.

Naomi “May I ask, what the hell with the big dragon at my back…?”

She asked.


 Bora “He was your companion.”

Bora smiled.


Naomi, turn and look at Bora.

Naomi “I don’t understand… What the hell is going on…?”

Naomi asked for an answer.


Bora “You true name is Callerisya, daughter of the late King Lurkis and Queen Marliana. She was one of my best friends…”

She said with low voice.


Naomi mouth open then she shook her head several times.

Naomi “I don’t understand… Moreover I came here without my parent knowing… If they know, they will be worry so I want to go home… “

She pleaded.


Bora, sigh.

Bora “You should know that when you enter this world, your relation with the others world going to be disconnected…”

Bora said then looked straight to Naomi.


Naomi “What are you mean…”

Naomi started to feel uneasy.


Bora “It mean they never going to remember who are you even if now you back they will never recognized who really you are.”

Bora explained.


Naomi “What the hell… you are laying…”

Naomi started to feel her body shaking.


Bora “I’m not…”

Bora stated.


Naomi “Then why are you take me to this world!”

Now Naomi raised her voice.


Bora “It because this world is where you belong… Everyone need you here because in the prophecy has tell only the long lost princess can stop this endless war and it was you. ”

Bora said with calm then come close to Naomi.


Naomi “Don’t come near me, I want to go home! I’m begging you…”

Naomi tears fall to her check.


Bora sigh then walk to the big window then call.


Bora “Annellian…”

Bora called.


Annellian come inside the library then bow to Bora with grace.

Annellian “Why are you calling for me.”

Annellian asked.


Bora “Sent her back to the other world…”

Bora said then turned to Annellian with disappointed.


Annellian “But…”


Before Annellian said anything Bora cut it.

Bora “Just sent her, it an order.”

Bora, said then she walk away and leave them behind.


Annellian just keep quite then turn to Naomi, and now she look at Naomi that cry so harder. Annellian sigh then come close to Naomi.


Annellian “Close your eyes I’ll send you back…”

She said with low voice.


Naomi, look at her then close her eyes then said.

Naomi “This all just a dream…”

She said under her breathe.


Annelian take her right hand up till Naomi face then read a spell.

Naomi, feel a strong wind circle around herself then it stop.




When Naomi opens her eyes, she already at the center of the city and then she fall to her knee. The crowds of people that walk pass her just look at her with weird and concern.


Naomi in heart “Thank god, I back…”

She thought with relieved.




At the same time,


Annellian stand beside Bora.

Annellian “Why you let her go?”

She asked.


Bora “I let her so she will know where her belong to even it will make her hurt so much…”

Bora answered.


Annellian “Poor little girls…”

Annellian sigh.

Chapter 5



Naomi, try to call her mom and dad many times but she can’t get through them and it make her worry then she dial Carrie number, her friend.


The line was pick-up.


Carrie “Hello…?”

Then Naomi hear Carrie voice from the other side it make her feel relieve.


 Naomi “Carrie is that you…?”

Naomi asked.


Carrie “Yeah…”

She answered.


Naomi “I glad you were fine… I’m so dead worry…”

Naomi said with a small smile displayed on her lip.


Carrie “Wait a minutes… Can I know who are you or do I know you?”

She asked with serious tone.


Naomi stop from smile and her heart beat fast. Also she can feel her sweat fall from her head to her face.


Naomi “Carrie it me Naomi your friend… No I mean your best friend? “

Naomi explained.


Then it quite and it make Naomi scare.


Naomi “Carrie…”

Naomi called but still no answer.


Naomi “Carrie, please answer me I begging you…”

Naomi pleaded.


Carrie “I think you dial a wrong number and the person has the same name as I am…”

Carrie stated.


Naomi “No it really you and we have been friend for 10 years. I know your favorite songs it was love story by Taylor Swift. Also you love hot chocolate so much… and… and you had a crush with Miller and have your first kiss in his car…”

Naomi said.


Carrie “Are you stalker? Eeuuhh… it creepy… please stop call me or bugging me. Otherwise I’ll call the police! ”

Carrie said with threaten then shut the line off.


 Naomi, just keep quite then she feel like she want to faint. Naomi, start to lose her balance but before she fall to the ground someone grab her shoulder and help her to stand on her feet. Naomi turn and it was Aaron that stand by her side. Naomi can hold herself anymore she cry harder and hold to Aaron with despair.


Aaron, look at Naomi with concern. He doesn’t know what to do to comfort her so he just let her be like that for awhile. Then Naomi step backward and wipe her tears.


Naomi “Please told me this only a nightmare…”

Naomi said with low.


Aaron “I don’t know what happen to you but Annellian sent me to take you back.”

Aaron said with calm and observed Naomi face.


Aaron in heart “She beautiful… oh… what the hell you were thinking Aaron she human… and she not beautiful at all…”

He tried to comfort himself.


Naomi, look at Aaron with sharp gaze.

Naomi “I don’t want to go with you! Back to the world that has destroy my happiness in this world!”

Naomi, get mad and scream.


Aaron cover he ears with both hand and everyone that walked by was looking at them.

Aaron put his hand down.


Aaron “You totally make my nerve on.”

He said then sighed.

Aaron, come near Naomi.


Naomi “You don’t come near me or I’ll throw you with this butt…”

Naomi said and then takes her butt off.


 Aaron just furrow he eyebrow then run toward Naomi and pick her up with one hand.

Naomi was shock with how fast he was.


Naomi “What are you doing! Put me down! I said put me down you idiot!”

Naomi said with her tears fall and hit Aaron back with her butt.




Aaron put Naomi gently on the couch. Naomi doesn’t have any more strength to fight with Aaron.

Now they are silent, then the door open. Annellian come in, Naomi just look at her with hatred.


Annellian “Can you leave us alone?”

She said while wave her hand at Aaron.


Aaron, look at Naomi then turn to Annellian, after that he left the room.

Annellian have a seat in front of Naomi.


Annellian “I know you mad…”

She started the conversation.


Naomi “Why all of you do this to me… My family… My friend… Why?”

She asked with low voice.


Annellian “I am sorry, but It your fate. You are our hope and I think it is a time for you to know the true…”

She said with sympathy, then take out the dragon head form of necklace for her jacket pocket.

Now Annellian put the necklace on the table.


Annellian “This is belonging to you.”

Annellian, said then she get up and left the room.


Naomi sigh, then she take the necklace and caress it with her thumb.

Naomi in heart “It’s the necklace that from before, in the reflection of myself. I wearing it, it beautiful and so details”


Naomi tears start to fall, she touch her cheek with her delicate finger.

Naomi “Why…why I crying for… stop…”


Naomi wipe her tears with the back of her hand then she feel everything that in front of her get blurred then she heard a lot of peoples screaming from every direction.

Chapter 6



Aaron come in then he look Naomi at the couch with her tears fall and her eye was blank like she under a spell. Aaron start to panic and come near her, his hold her shoulder with both hand then shook.


Aaron “Hey…Hey…!”

Aaron said with worried.


Naomi, startle then she look at Aaron.

Naomi “What is going on…?”

She asked.


Aaron “I was the one that suppose to ask you that…”

Aaron look at Naomi with concern then wipe her tears.


Naomi face start to blush then she push Aaron hand aside gently and Aaron just start to realize what he was doing.


Aaron “I’m sorry…”

He apologizes then looks away from Naomi.


Aaron “Are you alright…?”

Aaron asked.


Naomi “I don’t know…Because I just feel like I was somewhere else and heard a lot of peoples scream all around me…I supposed to be scary but instead I feel so sad and my heart hurt so much like it has been cut into pieces.”


She answered then looks at Aaron.

Then the both of them silence the situation start to being awkward. All of sudden Naomi stomach starts to grumble. Aaron looks at Naomi with disbelief.


Naomi in heart “Stupid stomach…!”

She cursed herself then grip her stomach.


Now Naomi look down to the floor with her face blush of embarrassing.

Naomi “It…It's because I not eat since I back here…”

Naomi tried to cover herself.


Aaron looks at Naomi with interested then hiding his smile.

Aaron “I’ll get you something.”

He stated then left the room.


Naomi, get up then walk to the window then she push the curtain aside then look to the night sky.

Naomi “Hope I can wake from this nightmare.”

She said under her breath.




Aaron, walk thru the hallway then he stop at one of the rooms. Aaron look at the numbers of the room then he open the door without hesitate. Aaron come in and see Annellian sit at the couch while read a book.


Annellian know the presence of Aaron in the room but she just ignore. Aaron, walk and stop his step in front of Annellian.


Aaron “Stop pretend like you don’t know that I was here.”

Aaron said with serious tone.


Annellian just glaze at Aaron for awhile then continue read back her book.


Aaron "What is going on... I never know that if she goes to our world then all of this will happened to her..."

He said with guilt.


Annellian close the book and put it on the table beside her.

Annellian "It her fate after all, we can't change it and we need her."

She said then look directly at Aaron.


Aaron "But she was a human... she from this world..."

He stare at her.


Annellian "But don't you agree to take her to our world even what cost it will take for you, as long as she can save your places and your peoples. You the one that willing to do it at the first place after all. Moreover it benefit the both side, doesn't it."


Then they keep silence.


Aaron clench his hands.

Aaron "You are always selfish and full of yourself. Even when you chose to leave us and be by Bora side...I hate you...And I really hate you."

Aaron stormed and leave the room. 


He close the door really hard.


Annellian sigh.

Annellian "You don't know anything... I have to do that for your own sake... I know that I failed as you mother..."

She muttered and smile with a sad expression displayed on her face.

Chapter 7



Naomi wake up and strecthed her hand. Then her eyes was focused on one person that was in front of her. Aaron was sitting on the couch that not far from Naomi bed. He was looking at Noami with expressionless.


Aaron in heart "Maybe I should smile. Wait why should I smile to her? ok, just smile moreover you will never lose a penny after all." 


Aaron smile with all his might, Naomi mouth open and look at him with disbelief then she scream out loud. Aaron move fast by her side then shut her mouth with his hand.


Naomi bite his hand then Aaron sceam in pain.


Aaron " You, what the hell you were thinking!"

He gone mad.


Naomi close her eyes as Aaron yelling at her. 


Aaron look at his hand it was bleeding then look at Naomi with sharp gaze. He tittle Naomi head then he grasp Naomi wrist with rough and pressing it hard.


Naomi "It hurt... let me go..."

She begging and bite bottom of her lip, because of holding the pain.


Now Naomi open her eyes then she was startled when see Aaron eyes was changing his color to red. Also he teeth start to change it form from curve to a sharp fang at the both edge of his teeths.


Naomi in heart "Ok, now he has a fang! I am going to die! It all because of my stupid act I should never bite him... It not like I do it on purpose, it all he fault! Why he came so suddenly, I so shocked then bite him... Ok, Naomi it not the time to regret. Somebody save me!"


Then someone was knocking the door.


Aaron came to he sense, he look at Naomi face that were pale. 


Naomi "My hand..."

She said with low voice.


Aaron now looking down then he let go of Naomi hand.

Aaron "Sorry..."

He said and looking at Naomi with guilt.


The door still being knocking but now it was knocking with little more hard.


Old Lady "Sir, I came for the cleaning!"

She said with half yell.


Aaron sigh then walk to the door while Naomi look at her hand and touched her wrist.


Naomi in heart "Thank God I am save"

Naomi sigh in relief.


Aaron open then after five minutes he close it back.


Naomi "What happened, where is the cleaner shouldn't she clean this room?"

Naomi asked with curious and arched her eyebrow.


Aaron "Nah she will come back again when we leave this room."

He explained and look at Naomi.


Naomi "What, is something weird on my face?"

She asked while touching her face.


Aaron just shook his head and sit at the edge of the bed.

Aaron "Can I ask you?"

he asked with polite.


Naomi just nodded her head as a mean he can ask her.

Aaron "Why are  you screaming...?"

Now he look at Naomi with curious.


Naomi scracthing her head.

Naomi "How should I put it. You should never smile if you never want to..."

She said with low voice and looking down.


Aaron look at her with arched his eyebrow.

Naomi "Sincere or not?"

She asked.


Aaron with his serious face nodded.


Naomi "Ok, you know... Your face look like an monkey when you smile like that... so it creep me out that is why I scream... Actually I don't like an monkey because I had a bad memories with them... "

Naomi explained with all her heart.


Then Naomi smile and jump from bed.

Naomi in heart "Run before he kill you."

Naomi rush to the shower and Aaron mouth open wide.


Chapter 8

2 weeks later




Noami " I can't believe that I back here again..."

She sighed and following Aaron from back.


Aaron "I'am sorry..."

He muttered.


Naomi "Did you said something...??

She asked and now she was walking beside Aaron.


Aaron "No."

He answered.


Naomi making faces.

Naomi "Whatever..."

She said with low voice.




Emma "I glad you were back."

She said with relieved and come near to Naomi side and they hug together.


Naomi "Thank you."

She replied.


Emma let go of Naomi from her embrace.

Emma "By the way Bora want to meet you, since she heard you are back..."

She said with low voice and smile to Naomi.


Naomi looking at Aaron with unease, then Emma patted Naomi back. Naomi jump and look at Emma.


Emma "It going to be alright."

She said with calm.


Naomi just nodded and smile.




Naomi take her breath first before she knocking the door of Bora chamber. Now she knock the door.


Bora "Come in."

She replied.


Naomi slowly push the door and step inside the chamber.




Noami walk slowly and she observed the room. The room was beautiful but all the wall has been painted with pastel color. There are also has many white roses all over the room. The floor has a beautiful floral pattern all around it. Then Naomi eyes are focused on this one figure that not to far from her.


Bora sit with an elegant pose while she enjoying her tea. Bora look up at Naomi with a smile and patted the sapace beside her with her left hand when her right hand still holding the cup.


Bora "Come and sit beside me."

She said then put her cup on the table with gentle even there is no sound when the cup is touched the table.


Naomi sigh and obey. She sit beside Bora with awkward and Noami look down at the floor. Bora cupped both her hand on Naomi face then make her look up at her in the eyes.


Naomi startled but still she so fascinated with Bora eyes. It chanching so many color and Naomi so into in. But the more she look into it, she feel like she was somewheren else. She Now in a big castle.




Naomi "Where I'm..."

She started to panicked.


Bora "It's time to you to realize who are you now dear."

Bora said with her voice resonates.


Naomi "Bora what should I do now..."

She asked.


Naomi waited for awhile but there have no answer from Bora.


Naomi "Bora do you hear me? Why I'm here?"

She said it out loud.


But still there have no answer. Naomi has make her desicion.

Naomi "No choice, then I just have to find the way out from here."

She sighed.




Naomi walk around the castle without direction.

Naomi "There was nobody here and it freaking creepy... How I supposed to get out of here if there have no one to ask..."

She said to herself with irritated and she look infront of her it have some many endless path. She close her eyes then open it back and keep walking.


Out of nowhere she hear like someone is talking and she stop her step. Then she walk slowly to the hallway and then she turn right where she hear the voice come. There have many door all round her but then she see one of the door was open. She push it slowly and see a boy and a baby hide under the study table.


Boy "Don't worry, brother gonna protect you, okay. So please be a good girl."

The boy hold the baby with so much care and love.


Naomi hunker and look at the both of them.

Naomi " Are you alright?"




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2013

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