
Chapter 1



Aa'eesha open the door and enter the house.


Aa’eesha: Mom… dad… I'm home…

She search them all around the house but she can’t seem to find them and she start to feel something is not right when she see the trace of blood everywhere on the floor.


Aa’eesha: Mom… dad… it’s not funny… stop playing around… I’m begging you…

She called them again.


 Then she heard a screaming, it’s coming from the backyard. She was shocked.


Aa’eesha: Mom… dad!

She panicked.


She run to the kitchen and open the back door with gaps. She was speechless when she see her parents were lying on the ground helpless with the blood all over the places.


Now she felt like her world turn upside down and everything around her turned to dark.

Aa’eesha: (In Heart) Mom… dad…


Ae'eesha heart beating so fast and she can't feel the air around her anymore. Even she tried hard to breathe.

She lost control of her balance and fall to the ground. Her tears start to fall through her cheek.


Aa’eesha: Mom…


Aa'eesha looked at the woman that was lying in front of her, and then she crawled to approach. She touch the woman face with her finger tips and ignored the blood that has been stained on her hand.


She observer the woman face. Her eyes closed tightly like she was sleeping and at the edge of the woman lip have a blood stained. Aa’eesha wipe it off with her thumb. She stroked the woman hair with love and despair.


Then she turned to look at the man that was lying not too far from her and she cry harder.

Aa’eesha: Dad…

She said under her breathe.


She cupped her face with both of her hands. She can't believe the people that she love and adore so much, now they are gone forever. Her lovely parents that always give her courage, attention, love, smile and always teach her the meaning of live, now are lying helpless, pale, numb, bleeding and scratches all over their body. 


Aa’eesha closed her eyes tightly and takes a deep breath. The wind was blown stronger than usual and the sky has been covering by the dark clouds. Then the sound of raindrop was heard. It’s now raining, raining like her tears.


Aa’eesha: What the hell is going on here!

She yelled.


2 week later




Ding dong, the doorbell ring. Aa’eesha covered herself with a blanket and cupped her ears.

Unknown: Aa’eesha it’s me… open the door, please…

She was begging.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) That must be her…

She sighed and closed her eyes,  but the bell still continue ringing and it hurt her ears so much.


Aa’eesha: This is so annoying!

 She murmured and get up for her bed and opened the door roughly.


Aa’eesha: I’m not deaf, yet!

She told her.


Then she throwing herself on the sofa at the living room and cover her face with both hands.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) I can’t let her see me like this…


Aa’eesha: What you want Khaisha?

She asked weakly.


Kaisya: Eesha… Are you alright? Everyone is worried about you.

She told her and coming closer next to her.


Khaisya stroke her hair gently and look around the house. It was messy and smelly. The house just like has been visited by a tornado.


A lot of things scattered all over the places. Then her eyes focused on a frame picture and album that has been broken and cut into pieces. She turned and looked at her beloved friend with sympathy.


Khaisha takes Aa’eesha hand off from her face.

Khaisha: Hey let me look at you.

She said with the low voice and tried to comfort her.


Now she looking at Aa’eesha face. Her eyes were swollen. Her face was pale. She have an eye bag under her eyes. Her lips were dry and cracked. Her hair was messy and a bit smelly.


Khaisya: Eeuuhhh… You look like a grandma that having a lots of playful grandchildren.

She joked and smile. Khaisya try to cheer her up.


Aa’eesha: Khaisha…

She called her name.


Khaisha: What…

She answered.


Aa’eesha: Can you leave me… I want to be alone…

She pleaded.


Khaisha closed her eyes and sigh.

Khaisha: How long you going to be like this, tell me Eesha?

She asked with disappointed.


Aa’eesha: Until… Until I can get use to it… get use that now their are gone...

She tried to convince her.


Khaisha: When?

She asked again.


Aa’eesha opened her eyes and takes a deep breath. She look directly into khaisya beautiful blue eyes.

Aa’eesha: Whenever I feel it!

She said with a high tone.


Khaisya was startled with Aa’eesha reaction and move back.

Khaisya: See… If this going on you will never ever be move on Eesha… you should let them go and rest in peace… I’m sure they don’t want you to be like this… Where is my beautiful and cheerful Eesha?


She look deep into Aa’eesha emerald green eyes and tried to find her friend. Her beautiful and cheerful Eesha.


Aa’eesha: She has gone! Gone with their souls!

She said without hesitated and cried her heart out.


Khaisya: I’m so disappointed with you... Try looking at yourself and all around you. Is this that you want it to be or this is that they want you to be? You tortured yourself and you think that they are going to be happy with this? Or are you thinking when you are doing it like this they are going to be alive again!

She said out loud.


Aa’eesha clenched her fist and look away from Khaisya.

Aa’eesha: … Get out from my house now…

She muttered.


Khaisya: Eesha… I’m sorry… I don’t mean it…

She explained and touched Aa’eesha hand.


Aa’eesha pushed Khaisya hand from touching her and then cuddled herself up.

Aa’eesha: I said… get out!

She scream.


Khaisya just keep quiet and walk away without any words.


Aa’eesha: Mom…dad…

She kept said it repeatedly with her tears fall like a stream.

Chapter 2



Ring… ring…


Aa’eesha picked up the phone with laziness.


Uknown: Please… please… come to the hospital now… hurry…


The person begging with worries and he was crying like mad even she can’t see it, but she can felt it. He voice was soft and childish like.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) It's a kid…

She said to herself.


Aa’eesha: Who is this… may I know… and please calm down…? I don’t understand what you trying to say… can you say it slowly…?

She tried to calm down the caller.


Unknown: It's me jake! Khaisya brother… I don’t know who else to call… Sis was hurt… I’am scared…

He explained and sobbing.


Aa’eesha was shock with the news and her heart skipped a beat for a while.

Jake: Will you coming…

The child asked with hope.


Aa’eesha wake from her day dream and shook her head few times.

Aa’eesha: I will… and Jake don’t go anywhere okay… I will be there soon ok…?

She told him.




Aa’eesha ran through the hallway searching for Khaisya and Jake.

Aa’eesha: (In Heart) Oh god, please save her.

She prayed.


Nurse: Hey don’t run.

The nurse told her loudly.


Aa’eesha ignored it and her eyes still wild searching for khaisya shadow,  her  leg move faster and faster.


Then her eyes focused on two people that sitting not to far from her. She approached them with relieved.

Aa’eesha: Khaisya!


She cries out loud and hugged her tightly.

Aa’eesha: (In Heart) Thank god… she is fine…


Khaisya: Eesha… what you doing here…

She startled.


Aa’eesha let her go and sigh.

Aa’eesha: I’am the one that supposed to asking you. What happened to you?

She asked with firm and observed Khaisya from her head to toe.


Khaisya head was full bandage and she have a few starched all over her hand and leg.

Khaisya: It's just an accident. I come back from my part-time job and when I crossing the street I get hit by a car, that's all. But you see I'm fine.

She explained with a smile on her face and then she looked down at the floor with a sigh.


Aa’eesha come near and hugged khaisya again, but now with her tears fall down on her cheek.

Aa’eesha: Idiot! You should be careful next time… I’m so dead worry about you…! if you dare to leave me alone I’m going to haunt you even in your grave…!

She said with a treated tone.


Khaisya: I’m sorry… But that supposed to be my line… you know?

She told her and touched.


Jake: I want to hug too??

He came near and looked at them with big baby eyes.


Aa’eesha: Come on.

They hug tightly like a happy family.


3 days later




Aaeesha look herself in the mirror. She was wearing rounded neck T-shirt with a jean jacket and then she matching it with a short jean skirt and she chose to wear a boot to complete her outfit. Her hair was curl and short.


She admire her beautiful pair of green eyes, It's green like an emerald. All of sudden she see her eyes was lighted with green light. She was shocked and move back a little. Then close her eyes several times.


Aa’eesha: what the hell is that?

She come near back to the mirror and touched both of her eyes with disbelief. Then she was looking herself through the mirror again. It's nothing, her eyes look normal. It's not even lighted with a green light.


Aa’eesha: It must be my imagination…

She thought.


Aa'eesha looked at the clock.


Aa’eesha: Shit, I’m late.

She sighed.


Aa’eesha go near to her drawer then take her beg at the side. She ran down the stairs and pick up the car key at the front door side. Then she goes out and shut the door.


She walked to her car and go in it then drive to the school.




Khaisya came near Aa'eesha at the parking lot.

Khaisya: Hey sexy.

She greeted her.


Aa’eesha turned back and smile.

Aa’eesha: Hey cuties.

She replies.


Then they hugged each other and walk to the class.


Khaisya: I’m so glad that you were back. I’m so excited when you say that you going back to school… I’m so happy that I almost fainted… everyone have been missing you…

She said.


Aa’eesha: (In heart) No one ever miss me except you…

Aa’eesha sighed.


Aa’eesha: I’m sorry… what you said was right even if I tortured myself, they will be never came back… don’t they…

She said weakly and smile.


Khaisya: I’m sorry too… I don’t mean it…

She apologizes.


Aa’esha: it's fine. If you never ever said that I will never realize how stupid I’m… thanks to you… I’m here now.

She smile and wink at khaisya.


They arrived at the class. Everyone looked at them when they came in.

Aa'eesha and khaisya just ignore it and go to their own sit.


Aa’eesha: We just like a rabbit… and they like a boar…

She whispered.


Khaisya: They must have been really missing you.

She whispered back.


Aa’eesha rolled her eyes.

Aa’eesha: Like hell, ya… Eeuuh, please…

She make a face and look at everyone that non-stop staring at them.


Aa’eesha: It's creepy annoying…

She sigh under her breathe.


Khaisya just look at her and chuckle.

Chapter 3

Break time


School Hallway-Afternoon


Khaisya: They totally missing you a lot and worries about you like I said. Don’t I?

She said with adore.


Aa’eesha: How you know…?

She asked with lame.


Khaisya: Just look at how they greeted you and everything. Don’t you feel happy with it?

She said with convince.


Aa’eesha: Yeah… maybe…

She said and walked pass khaisya.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) They were all fake it's so annoying like I never ever know what they were thinking. I never done anything to them that will make them so hate about me. I always ask why to myself, but I don’t have the answer. I never know since when I can read through people mind. Maybe when I was 5… but I can only read their mind when I want to… ahh… whatever but they were totally a jerks. Greeted like they were worries and care for me but truthfully they don’t. The most things that I can’t stand that they were hugged me with bad mouthing me thru their heart. It’s so disgusting.

She was cursing them.


Khaisya: Hey, wait me.

She said out loud and catch-up with Aa’eesha.


Then the group of girls came toward them.


Rebbeca: Hey it have been a long time. It's nice to see you were back.

She said with grateful and flip her hair.


Ling: Yeah, hope you were fine now.

She said and standing beside rebbeca.


Neona: If you have anything. Just find us ok, maybe we can help you. You know?

She smile and blow her nails.


Aa’eesha just looked at them with khaisya standing beside her. She now focused on their mind and thought. She closed her eyes awhile then opened back and saw through their true heart and mind.


Rebbeca: (In Heart) An eyesore just back. Why she needed to be back she should lock herself at home for her whole life. Crying like a baby forever.


Ling: (In Heart) What an old fashioned clothes she was wearing. Euuuhhh… no class…


Neona: (In Heart) Like I’m gonna help her after all.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) hypocrite!

She annoyed.


Aa’eesha: Girls! for seriously I have something good to show to all of you.

She smirked.


The three of them said at the same time. 

Rebbeca,Ling,Neona: What?


They look so excited and curious.

Aa’eesha smile with evil.


Aa’eesha: I’ll show to Rebbeca first, please give me your hand.

She said with a big smile.


Ling: It's not fair Eesha.

She complained.


Neona: Yeah...

She said with girly.


Aa’eesha: Wait for your turn then.

She said.


Khaisya patted her shoulder.

Aa’eesha: What?

She asked.


Khaisya: What are you trying to do Eesha... For seriously what you want to show to them!?

She whispered and looked at Aa’eesha with uneasy feeling.


Aa’eesha: see and learn.

She whispered back and showed a thumb up to her friend.


Rebbeca give her hand without hesitate and smile at the others two of them like she was special. Aa’eesha pulled her down and hit her to the ground.


Then the scream exploded. Khaisya, Ling and Neona are surprised and their mouth was drop by seeing what she was doing. Everyone were looking at Rebbeca that lying on the floor lifeless but she quickly rise and touch her butt several time. 


Rebbeca glare at Aa'eesha.


Rebbeca: What the hell are you doing!

She face was red because of embarrassed and yelling at Aa’eesha with all of her heart.


Aa’eesha looked at her without feeling guilty and turned to others.


Aa’eesha: Do you want too?


She asked Ling and Neona with narrowed her eyebrows.

They shook their head and shaking with fear.


Ling and Neona: You are really a crazy bitch Eesha!

They said out loud


Aa’eesha: I'm, so what!? Come on Khaisya.

She walk away and held Khaisya hand then dragged her away.


Khaisya just followed her without a words then Aa’eesha turned and stared to each of them.


Aa’eesha: I’m sorry for being an eyesore… also be old fashioned and have no class… more over don’t worry I know how to handle my own problem…

She said with low voice and left them behind.


Aa'eesha and Khaisya walked side by side all along the hall way. Everyone are looking at them without blinking their eyes. Aa’eesha just ignored it and smile with stastified.


Then she saw a group of people that she never seen before. They were standing in front of the library. They were consisting of three girls and four guys. They also were all pretty and have a good looking but they sent a weird aura around them. They have a pale skin that really pale not like they were albino at all and their movement were gentle and grace not like a others people.


Aa’eesha: Who are they? I never had seen them before.

She asked khaisya curiously.


Khaisy: They were a new transfer student. They came in three week ago. They like a hot people now. I heard they were rich.  Everyone try to be nice and friendly with them but it just last for 3 days. Such pity doesn’t it. Also the girls that with long hair and wear like a Lolita, her name were Marsha. Then beside her that looked like a model and blonde hair, her name was Shira. And the others one girl was…

Before Khaisya finished her word Aa’eesha interrupted.


Aa’eesha: Do I ever ask about their name?

She sticks out her tongue and be mean. Then she smile and ran.


Khaisya: You are so mean!

She annoyed and chased her.


Then Aa’eesha stops herself from running and khaisya catch her then pulled her ear.

Khaisya: What are you laughing for?

She asked with making a faces and narrowed her eyebrow.


Aa’eesha looked at her and can’t stop herself from laughing. Khaisya let her go and sulk.

Aa’eesha: You should see your face it funny…

She teased and giggles.


Then she had a thought.

Aa’eesha: (In Heart) It not like I care about them after all… but there were something weird about them that make me so curious… what is actually…

She talked to herself quizzically then she looked at them back try to observe again and that time she meet a gaze with one of them with unexpected. She heart beating so fast until she felt hard to breathe.


He has a crystal clear blue eye, long lashes and brown hair that look like a little messy. But it looked awesome on him and made him hot. He also has a muscular body that every woman and girl dream. Then Aa’eesha eyes move to his lip that looked pretty sexy.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) How is gonna felt to kiss the lip…

She thought with lust and desire then she came to reality.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) What the hell you were thinking pervert.

She embarrassed of herself and blushing. Then she quickly turned at Khaisya and she look at her with weird.


Aa’eesha: May I ask you… why you wearing a sunglasses in the middle of hall way?

She narrowed her eyebrows.


Khaisya: Oh… it because they were too standout… and sparkling… my eyes can’t stand it… there was to much light coming out from them… also I have another one too if you want?

She said with admire and adjusting her sunglasses.


Aa’eesha shook her head in disbelief and dragged her to cafeteria.

Aa’eesha: I don’t need it and I don’t see any light coming out from them… we need to take you to a mental hospital after this… move over I’m hungry…

She joked and they laugh together.

Chapter 4



Aa’eesha: I’m home…


She said with a little bit of sadness. Then she walked to the living room and sit on the sofa. Also throw her bag at the floor then stretches her hand and look all around the house it felt lonely and empty. It made her heart hurt and suffered. Also the memory of the back day, the day that her parents were death it is still hard for her to forget. It happened too fast and too weird even she can’t understand it. Also until now even the police can’t solve it but they want to close the cases as a wild animal attack. Then the doorbell ring and she was startled.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) Who is that be… at this time…

She complained and sighed.


Then she got up and opened the door. There was a man that standing in front of her. He was a good looking man just by a one glance. His has a black hair and neat. Then he eyes were green, green like her. He also wearing a tuxedo it make him more look like a gentleman.


Aa’eesha: Excuse me… who are you…?

Her asked and narrowed her eyebrow. 


The man just smile to her and bowed.

Unknown: Hello, nice to meet you my name was Adham… I came to meet with Ellen and Clayrissa… Are they home…?

He was introducing himself.


Aa’eesha looked at him with guilt.

Aa’eesha: Please come in…

She invited and led the man to the living room.


Aa’eesha: Please have a sit… I’ll prepare something for you… make like your home…

She smile weakly and before she get to the kitchen.


Adham: May I ask who you are…

He asked.


Aa’eesha: Aa’eesha… daughter of Ellen and Clayrissa…


She answered and looked at the picture that hanging at the wall.


The man looked at the places she looked at. It the picture of Ellen and Clayrissa with a young girl that sit at the center of them. It was her, they looked so happy in the picture. Adham turn and looked at Aa’eesha, he can see thru her eyes that showed lonely, despair and sadness in it.


Adham: It been a long time that I hasn’t meet them… I miss old day… they must have changed so much aren’t they… Are they going to be late...? I have so much to talk with them…

He tries to break awkwardness between them.


Aa’eesha turned and looked directly into his eyes.

Aa’eesha: They die… one month ago…

She explained.


Adham: What are you saying…?

He shocked and standing in disbelief with the new his just received.


Adham: Sorry… I just to shock to hear it… what happened to them…?

He apologizes and sat back with pressing his forehead.


Aa’eesha: It fine... the police said they be attacked by a wild animal…

She tried herself to smile.


Adham: Where?

He asked again to ensure the whole things.


Aa’eesha: At the backyard of our house…

She stated with hesitate.


Adham: What… It nonsense… a wild animal in this neighbor area…?

He raised his voice then he realized it…


Adham: I’m really sorry… It too hard to believe…

He smile and thought.


That time she heard his thought.

Adham: (In Heart) it must be them… they have knowing that Ellen and Clayrissa have been hiding her all along this year… she not save here anymore… even the spell that has been protecting this place has been weak… But she will be fine for a time being… I need to think a way as fast as I can… and I need to take her far away from here even by forced…


Then he stand and approaching her.

Adham: Condolences… for what you have lost… I’m sorry… you have grown such as a fine girl… as beautiful as your mother…

He said and then stroking her hair with care.


Aa’eesha too shock with what she heard and doesn’t know how to react. She just stayed still and she wanted to ask about it. But she can’t her mouth doesn’t open. Then the man hand her a card that content of his number.


Adham: if you have anything never hesitate to contact me… I’ll try to help you as I can…

He told her with convincing. Aa’eesha taking the card and then the man flew away.


Aa’eesha tried to catch him but when she goes outside he has gone.

Aa’eesha came inside the house with such of confusion then she goes upstairs to her room. She sat at her bed then lying.


Aa’eesha: What is protecting her…?

She muttered to herself.


Aa’eesha shook her head and cuddled herself up.

Aa’eesha: (In Heart) This is too complicated… protecting… spell… what the hell of this things… Mom… Dad… what you were hiding from me… oh god… I want to cry…


Then the phone ringing, Aa’eesha got up and pick up the phone at the downstairs.

 Aa’eesha: Hello, Hanrisson house.

She said with lame.


Khaisya: Eesha it me…

She told her.


Aa’eesha: Yeah, what up?

She leaned at the wall.


Khaisya: I just want tell you that I can’t come to school tomorrow.

She told her with a sigh.


Aa’eesha: What… you don’t come… Then I’m going to be alone… alone… alone… alone…

She purposely said the word of alone repeatedly.


Khaisya: You not a child anymore… Furthermore I need to take care of Jake… my parent getting divorced… right now everything was disarraying…

She explained.


Aa’eesha: I’m sorry… I don’t know about it…

She apologizes.

Khaisya: It not your fault, doesn’t need to say sorry… you know? I think it better they getting divorced than fighting with each other just for a stupid reason… I think it better for all of us… but poor Jake he still kid… and have to face all of this things…

She told her with sorrow.


Aa’eesha: If you have anything call me ok…

She told her.


Khaisya: Eesha… I need to tell you something…

She sighed.


Aa’eesha: What…

She asked.


Then she heard a sobbing.

Aa’eesha: Khaisya… are you crying…?

She asked her again.


Khaisya: Eesha… I’ll hang up…

She told her and the line disconnected.

Chapter 5

School Hallway-Afternoon


Aa’eesha ran to the gym as fast as she can.

Aa’eesha: She going to be mad…

She sighed under her breath.


She peeked from the side of the entrance to the gym.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) It all because of that horrible bunch of girls… They lock me up at the changing room… fortunately there was someone there that helped me out… Oh my gosh… Oh my gosh… she was there… she was there standing… I am going to be dead… She is going to grill me up…

She shuddered when thinking about it.


Then someone poked her shoulder from behind. She jump and turn around.


Unknown: Someone was caught red handed.

He smirks and dragged Aa’eesha along with him.


Aa’eesha: What you were doing?

She yelled and struggle to escape.


Mrs. Lauren: Where have you been Ric? You should be practicing now.

She asked with firm then her eyes move to Aa’eesha and then move back to Ric. Their eyes meet.


Mrs. Lauren: You late again Miss Harisson, as the punishment cleaned all around the gym after class. Moreover I have something to do, so Ric go practicing and don’t disappoint me.

She command and leave them behind.


Aa’eesha sighed in relieved.

Aa’eesha: (In Heart) Yes! She has gone and not yelling at all… But why she so nice… she never like this before, she always yelled and humiliating peoples until she satisfied… Even now I can remember that time when she humiliated me, with asked me to go to every classroom and make an aerobic… with wearing a rabbit costume… it is so shame… Everyone make a fun of me for a month… it terrible… Also I can’t get through her mind… it weird…


She thought and shook her head several time then shuddered with fear.


Then she heard someone clear his throat.

Ric: Ehem… ehem…

He tried to get her attention.


But unfortunately she ignored it and walked pass him.


Ric turn and stopped her.

Ric: You should say thank you to me.

He stated and smile.


Aa’eesha: What you mean…?

She asked with confused.


Ric: The true is she want to yell as she felt, but I’ll have a hearing problem if she does that so I can’t let it be and she also want to make you to dance “chicken dance” all around the school with wearing “chicken costume”… Aha… maybe I should let that happened? It must be exciting to watch it? You also are going to be amazing in that costume... and I can put it on the youtube? It must going to be hits? Not just at the school… but all around the world… don’t you think?

He whispered and smirks.


Their face were close, Aa’eesha can felt he breathe and his scent. It made her heart beating and she hate about it.


Aa’eesha: I don’t understand a word that you are saying…

She said and tried to escape. But she can’t move even a bit.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) What the hell… I can’t move…

She started to panic and stared at him with questioning.


 Ric looked at her with satisfied. Aa’eesha face was blushing when she know that he observe her with evil smile displayed on his lip.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) Why he is smiling… what is he thinking… I can’t get through him… I can’t read him… what is going on…

She was asking herself with a lot of question.


Then she looked around, her eye open wide. Everyone was walk pass them without noticing their presence. Then she turned back to him with disbelief.


Aa’eesha: What is going on…?

She asked with curious.


Ric: I the one that supposed to asking you that.

He said with calm and touched her cheek then caress with his thumb.


Aa’eesha was startled with his reaction and her cheek was red because of embarrassed. His touched make an electrical flow thru her body. Aa’eesha closed her eyes tightly then take deep deep breathe and step his foot as hard as she can.


Ric: Auuw… what you were thinking…

He yelled in pain then his stared at her like a tiger that want to devour his prey. Also his eyes lit with red light.


Aa’eesha move back and everyone was looking at them.

Aa’eesha: You are crazy!

She said out loud and walked pass him fast with her body trembling in fear.


He can felt her fear and chuckle with evil.

Ric: I kind to like her a lot…

He said with low voice and amused.


After Class




Aa’eesha look around the gym with relieved.


Aa’eesha: Yes! He not here…

She said with a big smile and ready to start her work.


Then someone throw a basket ball at her head.

Ric: Who is not here?

He asked like his not knowing who the person is.


Aa’eesha had a long sigh and turned with forced to.

Aa’eesha: No one…

She said with weakly and started to sweep the floor. She tries as hard as she can to ignore his presence.


Ric walk to the bench and have a sit then looked at her with amused. He love to look how uneasy she was, when his stared at her.


Ric: (In Heart) She should look how red her face was. It has been so long since I have so much fun. She looked so fragile and it make me want to know her more… and protect her… wait… wait… what the hell I’m thinking… she was nothing than just a useless human… weak… I can’t say that she was useless or weak… because I can’t read her mind or even manipulated it… I think that is why made her so interesting… moreover it really irritated sometime because I can’t read what she was thinking… who is the hell she was?

He fought with his thought.


Now he looked at her with curious and asked.

Ric: Who are you exctaly?

He asked with firm and serious.


Aa’eesha: A monkey…

She replied with uninterested and focusing with her work.


Ric: I'm not playing, you know?

He voice a bit of treated.


Aa’eesha knows that he was not play around with his tone. She looked at him with annoyed.

Aa’eesha: Can you see by yourself…?

She asked with disgusted.


Ric: No, I can’t it hard…

He answered.


Aa’eesha: I’m human… a person… so is there anything wrong with that…

She sighed.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) What with this guy… why can he just leave me alone… with all a weird question… he truly a crazy…

She complained to herself.


Ric: Yes, it has something wrong with it…

He said then moved swiftly in front of her.


Aa’eesha was startled with how fast his was. She tried to catch her breath then move back bit by bit. Their faces inch closer and her heart start to make a sound of thump… thump…


Ric: Your heart was beating so hard… even I can hear it…

He whispered to her ears and blow.


Aa’eesha pushed him with her both hand and her faces was all red. Now she looked down at the floor.

Aa’eesha: (In Heart) Oh my god… he heard it…he heard it… what should I do… it too embarrassed… stupid heart…

Then she looked up and their eyes meet.


Ric: What you were thinking, it always makes me curious…?

He said like a rhythm and it so amaze.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) I need to get out of here now… or I’m going to be done… I need to said something to him so he would let me go… like… hey cool guy don’t tortured my heart, so please let me go… I’m begging you… oh hell no, that make me too desperate for him… or… sorry I need to go, I just remember something that I should do… yeah that supposed to be fine… it not like that I like him after all…

She thinks the way to get out from his fist.


Aa’eesha: Sorry I need to go…I just remember something that I should do…

She said with a bit nervous.


He ignored her excuses and put his finger to her lip. Their eyes still locked together then his walk his finger around her lip with gentle. Aa’eesha eyes open wide, but she let it be then close her eyes tightly. She can’t resist it or deny her feeling, that she loved it. How he move his finger at her lips or how he look at her.


Ric: (In Heart) It warm… it delicate… how it gonna be felt… it make me crazy just from thinking about it…

He looked at her beautiful lip with full of desire then lean more closer. Their lips almost meet and they felt the heat.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) No…! I can’t let it continue… or… or I’ll literally drift with it…

Aa’eesha came to reality and hit his head with the broomstick that on her hand then ran out from the gym.


Ric: Aaauuuhh… shit… it hurt…

He yelled in pain.


 He closed his eyes then touched his head that has been hit. Then when he open his eyes, she has gone.

Ric: You gonna pay for this!

He screamed as loud as his can so that she’ll hear it.


Aa’eesha heard it clearly and knowing that she was going to be trouble from now on.

Aa’eesha looked at the broom that she has take along with her then throw it aside.

Aa’eesha grip at her chest then blush.


Aa’eesha: It all beacause of this stupid heart faults…

She blamed her heart.

Chapter 6



Aa’eesha lay on her bed and pull the pillow beside her. She shut her face with it then roll over on her bed, with a red face, it because she was remember what has happened on that evening.


Then Aa’eesha pushed the pillow aside, to diverting it from her face and take a deep deep breath then released it. Now her eyes were looked at the ceiling and think.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) What is with that guy… He weird… or more toward crazy… I can’t read him… moreover is he can read through people mind… If not how can he know about what Mrs.Lauren thinking…? Also when that time, when he eyes meet with Mrs.Lauren I can’t get through her mind… at all… Aaarrrhhh… I’m the one that going to be crazy too, if this thing still going on… Beside what the hell that my heart beating like a crazy whenever I see him… Stupid heart… how I’m going to face him… it was so embarrassing and it makes me want to die… and... we almost kissed... Waarrrhhh... I'm going crazy...


She sighed and doesn’t want to think about it anymore. Because it just make her head headache and crazy.


Then she touched her lips with her delicate finger and closed her eyes. She still can felt the touch of him at her lip. It not warm, but it cool and icy. Even that so it not unpleasant, but it make her want more and more the touch of that cool and icy hand. Aa’eesha opened her eyes back and she doesn’t believe on what herself thinking and the sensation that she felt just now.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) What the hell I’m thinking… I crave for his touch… Oh please, don’t say that I have fallen hard for him… no…no… no… it can’t be and it will never be happened!

She tried hard to deny her feeling.


Then her cell phone ringing, Aa’eesha get up with laziness then throw the pillow beside her and then go to her dressing table. She picked up her cell phone and look at the screen it was Khaisya.


Aa’eesha answered the call.

Aa’eesha: Hey what up?

She asked and walked back to her bed then lay with her leg on the air.


Khaisya: Hey, It nothing much… Are you home Eesha…?

She asked with a bit of doubt.


Aa’eesha: Yeah. What is going on? Where are you?

She asked with worries and felt that her friend was in trouble.


 Khaisya: I was in front of your door…

She told her and sighed.


Aa’eesha: What… Can you say it again?

She asked with disbelief and think that she may mishear what khaisya was saying.


Khaisay: I…Was…In…Front…Of…Your… Door… do you heard me clearly! Do I need to repeat it back!

Now she said out loud so her friend can hear it clearly.


Aa’eesha keeps the phone away from her ear, when Khaisya start to yell thru the phone. Then she quickly got up then ran downstairs and opened the door. Khaisya was really there, standing and look at her.


Then Aa’eesha turns off the line and invites her in. They now at the living room and Aa’eesha sit beside khaisya on the sofa and then she look at her with quizzically.


Aa’eesha: What happened?

She asked with softly.


Khaisya: I… I ran from home… can I stay here for awhile…

She told her and look at Aa’eesha with ask of sympathy.


Aa’eesha: Of course you can. We are like a family doesn’t it. You were in trouble and I’ll definitely help you. Moreover you have helped me a lot. But tell me what happen actually until you willing to run away? Don’t let me be in a question.


She furrowed her eyebrows and said with firm.


Khaisya just nodded and tell her the true.

Khaisya: I had a fight with my mom… do you remember that things that I want to tell you last time?

She asked and looked at Aa’eesha to unsure it.


Aa’eesha nodded her head several time.

Khaisya: My mom wants to move to Canada… by the end of this month… it crazy and it too fast… even I willing to follow her than my dad…

She explained.


Aa’eesha: Oh, I see… that must be hard for you…

She said with low voice.

Khaisya: Yeah, that is what I try to tell her. But she doesn’t want to listen.  Also if I was gone who is going to watch for Josh! There are so much flirty girls out there that going to seduced him. I can’t let it be… With his six packs I can’t let someone get him or be near him… He so damn hot…

She said with earnestly.


Aa’eesha mouth open wide and she can’t believe what she just heard.


Aa’eesha: You are so cruel! How can you worry about him than me? We have been friend for 10 years! Do you want me to repeat it? 10 years! I was so damn sad when you said that you want to move out. But you… you just worry about those six packs… I can’t believe it…

She said with annoyed and disappoint.


Khaisya look at her and smile with a big smile then hug Aa’eesha.

Khaisya: I know that… sorry…

She tried to calm her down and apologizes.


Aa’eesha sighed then tries herself to smile.

Aa’eesha: Let me go, I can’t breathe here.

She told her.


Then khaisya let her go.

Khaisya: That is my friend.

She said.


Aa’eesha: How is Jake? Is he all right since you run away from home?

She asked.


Khaisya: Don’t worry about Jake before I ran… I already sent him to our aunt house. He going to be fine there and let my mom handle him for awhile… oh yeah, I want to show you something interesting… It like my life saver to get through this hard time…

She stated.


Aa’eesha: What?

She asked with curious.


After that khaisya take her cell phone out from the bag. Then she searches something then showed it to Aa’eesha.


Aa’eesha can’t believe what she has seen on the screen, her eyes open wide. It was Josh half naked picture. He six packs were exposed in it. Also the thing that she doesn’t get it at all is why the hell Josh was posing in that picture. Like a macho guy.


Aa’eesha: My eyes are hurt… You stalker, where you get this picture?

Aa’eesha felt like she wants to throw up and push Khaisya hand aside. She can’t bear to see it anymore.


Khaisya: I’m not stalker… I just get it from the facebook… Josh facebook… and… and it a recently new update picture... I can’t hold myself so… I ended save it and make my phone cover… It not wrong right…? By the way don’t you think it hot and sexy…?  I can take my eyes off from this picture… it seem so real… Oh Josh… Why you so damn hot and sexy…

She said with felt enthralled.


Aa’eesha got up and then walked to the stairs.


 Khaisya: Where you were going?

She asked and furrowed her eyebrows.


Aa’eesha: I’m going to sleep… or I’m going to be insane soon… you want to follow or not?

She said then when upstairs.


Khaisya: Wait for me.

She call then follows from behind.


In the meantime


Big Mansion-Night


It was far away in the forest, where the all of the peoples of the city never know.




Ric looked outside the window, he was stared at the moon it looks so peace. Then he had a deep thought and a knock to his door make him wakeup from his daydream.

He sighed.


Ric: Came in.

He said then turns to look who it was.


It was Marsha his step sister. She came in and sat at the couch with gracefully. The room was fancy and it has been decorated with a classic style. There is also had a big old picture of their ancestor.


Ric look at her with question then walk to his king bed size and sit then cross his leg. Marsha just looks at her nail and ignored his stare then flips her hair.


Ric: What that has bought you here my lovely sister?

He asked with a little sarcastic.


Marsha: Don’t play with fire.

She said directly and turn at him with a sharp gaze.


Ric: I don’t understand what you were saying.

He pretended and smile.


Marsha: Stopped play dumb Ric I see what happened this evening.

She told him.

Ric: Oh, it looks like that I can’t hide it from you.

He replied with lame.


Marsha: What you were thinking? Stop playing with that weak and useless little human. She doesn’t deserve anything even as a toy.

She said firmly.


Ric: But don’t you think she was quite interesting. We can’t read her or manipulated her mind. Moreover there was a spell around her but it weak. If it’s strong enough even me or you can’t get near her. Don’t you think it suspicious and I think the werewolf and the witches are more useless than her? Don’t you agree with me? Moreover I love to play with her, she so fragile and easy to be break. Her blood must going to be tasty since she was a rare little human.

He stated and smile with evil.


Marsha can’t believe what she just heard and think what his little brother thick head was thinking. But she can’t deny it. It was all true and if she stop him from having his own fun something bad gonna be happen. Like 10 years ago when they lock him for a week from meeting his secret human friend. He go rampage and mad. Half of this mansion was destroy and a lot of vampires and werewolf get hurt really badly. At the last we ask for the witches to get rid of his memory about his secret human little friend.


Marsha: (In Heart) I can’t imagine if his found out about that thing. I think the entire mansion will be vanished. Also all of the night creatures are going to be dead. He to stronger than before and if the power that deep inside him exposed nothing can’t stop him.  

She sighed when think that she not strong enough to fought with him.  


Marsha: Do whatever you like as long as you not fall for her. You know our rule don’t you. You just can fall in love with your own kind. If you don’t you going be executed that is the rule, no one can’t against it even you will not be out of it.


She said emphatically and get up.


Ric: leave already.

He asked.


Marsha: Don’t you happy with it.

She answered with a bit of disgusted.


Ric: You know me better.

He said with rhythm and waves his hand as a mean go out now.  


Marsha just shook her head few times, but before her left him alone she turns to her step little brother and said.


Marsha: Oh, I forget to tell you that Rania will be here in a few days. Please treat her nicely. She was your future wife.

She informs him and leaves him alone with his world.


Ric just sighed and lay on his bed. He can’t stop himself from thinking about her.

Ric: What is so attractive about her… damn I can’t get her out from my head…?

He said under his breath and closes his eyes to clear his mind.

Chapter 7

The Next Days


School Hallway-Afternoon


Break Time


Aa’eesha walk as fast as she can all along the hallway. Now she look like a ninja, she hide and out then run. Everyone was looking at her with weird then laugh with her behavior.


Then she arrived at the cafeteria, she looking around to make sure it was safe from that crazy guy. When she doesn’t sense any of danger, so she making her move to the counter then buy bread. After that she run out from the cafeteria till she reached at the back of the school.


Now she tried to catch her breath after so long she has run. Then she walk to the big tree, she sat under it and look up at the sky.


Then she sighed with relieved.

Aa’eesha: (In Heart) Thank god! He was not seen nowhere… If not I going to die of embarrassed… I really hope that I don’t bump with him till the last class… if not I doesn’t know how to face him… moreover it just a few hours left… I need to be patient…

She thought with prayed then opened the bread and eats it.


Aa’eesha lean her back at the tree then she heard someone call for her. She turned to the voice and choked.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) Talk of the devil!


Ric: Need water?

He asked and hides his smile.


Aa’eesha nod then take the bottle that he has hand to her.

 She drank the water then patted her chest until she felt fine. After that she hand back the bottle to him.

Aa’eesha: Thank you…

She said with low voice.


Ric: Move over?

He told her.


Aa’eesha look at him with furrowed her eyebrows, but still she does what he said.

Ric: Thank you.

He said then sat beside her.


Aa’eesha can’t believe it that he can sit next to her like nothing happened between them.


Moreover it makes herself felt like stupid; her face was all red and her heart was races like mad when his sit beside her so close.


Aa’eesha: (In Heart) It’s okay, just try to act… act like nothing… nothing… and find excuses then ran as far as you can… as long as not with this guy… you can do it!

Aa’eesha turn and look at him then smile.


Ric look at her with weird.

Ric: What?

He asked.


Aa’eesha: Ah…I... I just remember that I had to meet with someone… I can’t let her wait… it not good… right… so please excuse me…


She stated then ran with all her heart and left him behind without turning back.


Aa’eesha stopped at her locker with breathless. She was all sweating and exhausted. Then she opened her locker weakly and take her book out.


Then she look herself at the mirror that hanging there. She almost doesn’t recognize herself. Her hair was a bit messy then she put it back to it place then wiped her sweat with the handkerchief that has on her locker. After she has done, she close the locker then she jump.


Aa’eesha: When you get here.

She asked with disbelief.


Ric standing next to her then chuckled.

Ric: Just a few minutes ago.


He told her and narrowed his eyebrows.


Aa’eesha observed him, she look at him up and down.

Aa’eesha: (In Heart) I thought I can escape from him… but still now he was standing in front of me… Oh god, what is my sin… wait… wait… wait… He said that his just came here a few minutes ago… He must have been run all the way here and it impossible to walk by a minute… But why I can’t see a sweat on him or as he out of air… There is really no sight of sweat at all… every human will be sweat when they ran even just a bit… But he ran from the back of school… He supposed to be all sweating like me and breathless… The only answer is… If… if he not a human…? To think back I can’t get through him… Also he has that weird aura that always liger all around him… and… his look… not to mention that his totally has a good looking faces… but his skin it were pale… too pale… it to far pale then the albino… also his touch… it not warm but more to cool and icy… and now it not a winter…

She tried to solve the question.


Aa’eesha: Who the hell are you…?

She asked with a slightly trembling voice.


Ric: At last you ask it.

He smile with evil and looked at her with amused.


Aa’eesha move backward a little then said.

Aa’eesha: Don’t come near me…

She told him.


Ric: Why are you scared of me now…

He asked with a smile displayed on his lip.


Aa’eesha: I’ll scream, if you came near me!

She treated him.


Ric: Scream as you like…

He told her.


Aa’eesha look at him with fear then she scream for help. Then everyone looks at her with weird.


Everyone: She crazy…

Theirs whisper to each others.

Then she stared at him.


Ric: Oh my, are you crazy?

He teased.


Aa’eesha: I’m not! What the hell are you?

She yelled to him and her body trembling in fear.


Then everyone there looks at her with weird and answered it.

Everyone: A night creatures… a night creatures… a night creatures…

They say with repeatedly and look directly at Aa’eesha.


Aa’eesha falls to her knee and cupped her ear then closes her eyes.

Aa’eesha: Stop it… please… I’m begging…

She pleaded.


Ric knelt down then title her face.

Ric: You know, you look so cute when you are scared.

He told her then caress her face with both hand.


Aa’eesha opens her eyes then asked again.

Aa’eesha: What are you?

Then she looked directly into his eyes.


Ric smile then move his face close to her ear, she can felt his breath at her neck and then his whisper to her.


Ric: I has give you the clue… if you want to know then why not you find it by yourself… I’ll wait for you tomorrow at the lab after class… meet you there…

He said like mesmerizing then he got up and stretches his hand.


The bell has chime it mean the break has over.

Ric: See you again.

He said then left her behind.

Chapter 8



Aa’eesha run to her room then open her laptop. She tried to search on the Google, then typing Night Creature with her finger trembling in fear.


Aa’eesha: Damn, I can’t find anything… Night creatures… what it going to be… animal… that have human from… or maybe he can be a mutant… arggghhhh... this is so frustrating...

She tried to find the answer. But nothing logically she can think off. She gave up and try to make her self-sleep and mumble.

Aa’eesha: I hope that this all just a dream...

She fall asleep. 

 The Next Day


School Lab-Afternoon


Aa’eesha wait with impatiently then she heard someone come in and her heart started to beating faster.

Ric came out from the corner with his playful smile on his charming face. 

Ric: Sorry I late… but I can’t believe that you are actually coming?

He smiled.


Aa’eesha: You are one that dragged me here! So stop pretending like a good guy!

She yelled.


Ric came near then said to the peoples that hold on Aa’eesha to let her go.


Aa’eesha fall to the ground, she had no strength even to stand.


It all because she was resist and try to run from this two big guys before, they are strong and muscular. She defeated.


Ric hunker and ask.

Ric: Already find the answer?

He looked straight into her eyes.


Aa’eesha: Yes, you are, monster! You kidnap me and take me here by force! What are you thinking!

She annoyed and looks at Ric with the sharp gaze.


Ric: I thinking about you always…

He said with low voice.


Aa’eesha blush of embracing.


Then Ric chuckled and said.

Ric: It a lie…

He touched Aa’eesha face then caress her cheek with his thumb.


Ric: Are you scared of me?

Ric asked.


Aa’eesha: What the stupid question do you ask…?

She turned from looking at him.


Then Ric phone was ringing. He takes the phone out and Marsha name was displayed on the screen then he sighed. 


Ric: What??

He answered the phone.


Marsha: Can you said it more polite Ric.

She said with low voice.


Ric: Just tell me what you want or I hung it now.

He treated.


Marsha: Fine, I just want to tell you that Rania have already here and we will have a big night feast today so came home early ok? Don't make daddy gone mad ok?

She said and end it.


Ric: Whatever. Hey, you two follow me.

He commanded and left the place like a thin air.

Aa'eesha mouth was wide open, then close.


Aa'eesha:Ok jerk you going to pay for this.

she said with angger.




Aa'eesha opened the door then walk to the living room, now her eyes open wide. The living room was mess up with everthing was scattered on the floor. Then she heard a voice coming from the upstair like someone was talking.


Aa'eesha: (In Heart) Oh my gosh, what should I do... Someone has broke in my house!!!

She panicked with her heart start to pounding.


Unknown 1: Do u found it?

A woman voice.


Unknown 2: No... It nowhere to be found...

The other voice replied it look like a guy.


Aa'eesha: (In Heart) I need to get out of here...Then call the cops.

She telling herself and her sweat start to flowing through her check.


When she want to start her move to get out from the house, someone was holding her shoulder.


Unknown 3: Where you think you are going sweety?

She whispered to her ear.


Aa'eesha was startled then look back, to the voice. It was such a gorgeous woman that standing right infront of her eyes. She has a short hair with bright red color. She was wearing a black dress with red laces that make her look so sexy and charming.


Unknown 3: We have a guest guys.

She said out loud to inform to the other people that on upstair.


The other woman came down to the living room in the flash with a calm expression. She has beautiful black hair that has been tight up like a ponytail and wearing the beautiful short dress. 


Aa'eesha: (In Heart) I just blinked my eyes and she already down here...

She looked her with amazed.


Uknown 1: Oh what we have here, a cute little lamb.

She said with an evil smile displayed on her lip.


The other guy came down the stair and walk to the living room where all of them gather. 


 Unkwon 2: I don't find anything... This is totally ridiculous when they asking we to find something that has never been seen... What a stupid...

He said with annoyed.


Unknown 1: Stop complaining Luke, we just need to do as what we have been ordered.

She looked at the guy and said calmly with a smile displayed on her beautiful lip. 


Luke: Yeah, whatever...

He sighed and looked at Aa'eesha.


Their eyes meet.


Luke turn away from looking Aa'eesha eyes.


Aa'eesha:(In Heart) Does I meet this guy somewhere or it just my imagination...

She thinking.


Unknown 3: So what should we do to this cute little girl? Maybe we just need to kill her like we did to the other two.

She smiled with evil and looked at Aa'eesha like prey.


Aa'eesha eyes open wide.

Aa'eesha:(In Heart) The other two... Does it mom... dad... 

She heart beating fast. 


Unknown 1: Lyna can't you be more patient. But sure we will kill her later and taste her blood till the last drop after we complete what we came here for.

She said and look at Aa'eesha with evil smile displayed on her pale face. 


Aa'eesha sweating and her body trembling with fear. She too shocked even to move her body. It really hard for her to believe this is the reality when it feels so much like a nightmare.


Luke: But can't I play with her first, before you devour her alive, you know? She just too cute to die this young in that manner.

He smiled.


Unknown 1: Interesting... She caught your interest, doesn't she?

She looked at Luke with amusing. 


Luke just ignoring what the woman said and come near Aa'eesha. His warm finger touched Aa'eesha cheeck with gentle. Aa'eesha react to Luke touch and she closed her eyes. Aa'eesha cold body that shaking of fear feel warm to the touch and it makes her feel safe. 


Luke: What a cute reaction.

He whispered to Aa'eesha with big smile displayed on his lip.


Aa'eesha opened her eyes and blush.


Then out of nowhere, there is big explosion came from outside the house, they all startled. The house shook a bit because of the impact of the explosion Aa'eesha fall to the floor and covered her ears.


Unknown 1:  Lyna go check it out what the hell is happening.

She command.


Lyna just nodded her head and run outside with flash. 


Aa'eesha look up and look around. She saw the woman with the black hair and the guy that named Luke are talking with each other. 


Aa'eesha closed her eyes.

Aa'eesha:(In Heart) I need to find someone to help...

She trembling with fear but she braved herself to get up and run as fast as she can't to the backyard of her house.


Aa'eesha: Help! Help! Somebody help me!

She yelled and crying.


Then she feels someone pushing her shoulder from the back with strong pressure. She flies and hit the wall. Aa'eesha fall to the ground helpless. She touches her head and saw blood. Her vision started to blur and she heard foosteps. she looked up and the woman with black hair standing infront of her.


Unknown 1: You make me mad. Maybe I should just kill you.

She said camly.

 The beautiful woman hunkered and put her hand at Aa'eesha neck.

Aa'eesha tremble with fear even she want to run and save herself but her leg gave up on her.

The woman strangled Aa'esha neck with the creepy smile that will make everyone run for their life. With one hand the lady holding Aa'eesha up to the air.

Aa'eesha struggles to escape but the woman strength is beyond human strength.

Aa'eesha: (In Heart) Does I'm going to die like this...

Aa'eesha started to lose her breathing. She open and closed her mouth trying to find the air. 




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.09.2013

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