
Ice Prison

In a galaxy far away an alien spacecraft sailed through the dark depths of space, passing stars. The space ship was the size of Jupiter and carried over a thousand passengers. The destination was unknown. Inside of the gigantic space shuttle, a humanoid alien scientist had stood in the middle of an arena shaped room. She wore silver chains around her wrist. Her head moved around in order for her to see all of her colleagues-friends, family, co-workers-everyone she knew and more was watching and waiting for her sentence. Some appeared to look human like her. Others had the appearance of animals. The rest were strange species which weren’t heard of on Earth.

She felt their eyes burn into her with anger and hatred… judging. She wasn’t one for being the center of attention but she had no choice. Her own people had turned against her. She finally turned her attention up toward the humanoid that had stood on a high platform from where she stood. She knew him at one time. He was a commander of the military for their planet. She never thought she would have to face him in a horrible situation like the one she was in now.

He had brown skin and fit the role of the commanding chief perfectly. His eyes had shown no sympathy for her. “Professor Asmyne Hylou, how do you plead?” he asked.

“It was an accident,” she answered. Asmyne felt the guilt and wanted to cry but she tried to defend herself the best she could. “It was an accident.”

“That doesn’t answer my question,” the man replied. His voice was stern like a parent who had just caught their child doing something that they knew was wrong.

“I’m sorry…. I didn’t mean too…. It was an accident.”

“How do you plead?” he repeated, this time with anger.

Asmyne looked around at the angry crowd. A loud roar rang through the crowd. They shouted hateful hurtful words which meant death at her. Tears streamed down Asmyne’s cheeks when she looked back toward the man. “Guilty…. But it was an accident.”

“An accident?” the man asked, raising an eyebrow.


“You were working on the experiment and you’re telling me that it was an accident?”

“Yes…. I didn’t mean for it to happen…. I’m innocent.”

“Which is it, professor? Are you guilty? Or are you innocent? Keep in mind you can’t be both.”

“I’m innocent.”

A beautiful black wolf lay down and watched from above. He buried his snout in between his front paws. No, professor, he thought.

“I’m innocent!” he heard Asmyne’s voice echo through the ship.

“Professor Asmyne, you are exiled,” he heard the man’s stern loud voice reply, “for treason against the congregation.”

“No!” the wolf cried with a long loud howl.

“But I’m innocent,” Asmyne answered, locking eyes with the man.

“You are to be frozen and sent to the Milky Way Galaxy on the third planet from the sun known as the earth. You may never return to us again,” the military commander replied.

Asmyne stared at the man, shocked.



The wolf hurried into the ice chambers to say farewell to his dear sweet professor. He knew he’d be next to go but didn’t know how long it would take for the others to realize it if they hadn’t already.

Asmyne sat on a bench. Her hands were still chained together. She was waiting for the worst to happen.

“Professor,” a soft voice spoke.

She looked over with sorrow in her eyes. She stared at the wolf’s black fur then locked eyes with him. “Wiley,” she replied. “They don’t believe me.”

“I know, professor.” Wiley walked over and jumped on top of the bench, next to Asmyne. “They’re going to know that I was there too.”

“Yeah, but you’re not going to get into too much trouble as me. You lack thumbs.”

“Don’t have to rub it in my face, professor.”

The man walked into the small area. “Come, Professor Asmyne. The ice chambers await.”

Wiley looked up at Asmyne with large, droopy, depressed eyes.

Asmyne stood up and followed the commander out of the room. Wiley waited for a moment before he slowly followed behind.



The man stopped at a door. He opened it then removed the chains from Asmyne’s wrist. Asmyne glanced at Wiley and pushed her glasses up a little bit on her nose. She walked into the room. The temperature was below freezing. She shivered whilst she moved into the center of the room. The door shut and she was alone.

Wiley followed the man into another room which wasn’t too far from where Asmyne was. There were a long glass window and controls on the counters. Another alien sat in a chair and waited for his orders. He wasn’t a humanoid or in the form of an animal. His species was unknown with blue skin and yellow spots on his alien hands and an oval shaped head.

“It is time,” the commander told the other alien.

“No, Cycrest,” Wiley pleaded. “The professor is innocent. Let her go.”

“She is guilty and is exiled,” Cycrest replied. “Now….” He turned his attention toward the odd looking creature. “Start the procedure.”

The odd creature nodded and pulled a level then pushed a blue button.

“No,” Wiley cried.



Asmyne felt the temperature drop. She didn’t know if it was already below freezing but she did notice the major chance. “I’m innocent,” she cried. Shock filled her body when water hose began shooting water at her feet. She tried to move but her feet were frozen in ice. “Aaaahhh!” she screamed.

The ice rose around her body trapping her completely. She looked at the window whilst her head was still free. “No!”



Wiley watched helplessly through the window whilst the ice covered Asmyne from toe to head. It’s an ice prison, he thought. He howled.

“You’re going to earth too,” Cycrest told Wiley.

“What?” Wiley asked even though he didn’t need anyone to explain.

“You’re her accomplice.”

Oh no, Wiley thought. “Well then, you’ll have to catch me.” He darted out of the room.

“Send her to earth…. I’m going to get that dumb wolf of hers,” Cycrest ordered.



A block of ice shot out of the ship and at the speed of light hit earth’s atmosphere, crashing into the water at supersonic speed.



Wiley closed his eyes and his body caught on fire when he entered earth’s atmosphere. “Ow!” he howled. He hit the ground with a loud thud. “Ow,” he said again. He slowly stood up and shook the dirt off of his beautiful silky black fur coat. Wow… so this is earth? He thought and looked around the woods of the planet. It kind of reminds me of home.



Over a hundred years had passed on earth and no one knew anything about what had taken place centuries before or the fact that the event was from another galaxy entirely. A young woman with light brown hair which fell past her shoulders relaxed in a lawn chair just outside of her two bedroom apartment.

“April,” a voice spoke cheerfully. She glanced over to see a dirty blonde girl walk over to her. “What’s up?”

“Interviewing people about being my roommate… so far everyone is a no. What about you, Sasha?” April asked.

“I was planning on going swimming but then I remembered its fall… just joking. No; I’ve been walking around all day.”

“Oh. Well, take a break and chill with me. I could use someone to talk to.”

“Sure.” Sasha lay down in another lawn chair.

“I wish I could find a roommate. I hate paying all those lame bills by myself.”

“Yeah… too bad Chelsey had to move out, huh?”

“Yeah, she was cool. She would buy us drinks and gave us fake identification cards so we could sneak into the club before I turned twenty-one… Remember that?” April asked, laughing. “Just joking… but she was cool, though.”




Wiley wondered through the woods, sniffing. A familiar scent which he hadn’t smelled in a while had touched his nose. This way, he thought.



The ice had finally melted and Asmyne’s limbs began to move whilst her body began to get free from the frozen prison. Ice melts and turns back into the water, she thought with joy. “I’m free!” she shouted, moving her arms and hands. “Yes, yes, yes…. I am….” She looked around, confused. “Lost.” I must be in some kind of cave. Oh man… somewhere on earth. I’m going to have to learn my way around this planet, she thought.

The Interview

Asmyne walked out from the mouth of the dark moist cave and into the woods. The sunlight worked its way through the trees. Birds sang sweet beautiful songs for the morning. Now where do I go? She thought. Well, I might as well start walking. She looked up at the sun to try to figure out which way was north but since she was from another planet and another galaxy further away she had no clue to indicate which way was the right way. Even then she didn’t know where civilization began and the woods ended. She was lost no matter how she looked at it but began walking anyways. She looked around and was fascinated by the earth’s beauty.

“Professor!” a voice called.

Before she even had the chance to see who it was, they crashed into the ground with a loud thud. “Wiley, it’s good to see you too but you’re not a cub anymore.”

“Oh. Sorry, professor.” The overgrown mutt maneuvered himself away from Asmyne. “You’ve missed a lot of stuff…. Oh and not to mention…. You sank the Titanic.”

“What?” Asmyne asked, confused.

“Yeah it was this really huge cruise ship and it just so happened that the only iceberg around for miles and miles was your icy prison and well the ship crashed into it…. I’m telling you, professor, it was weird.”

Asmyne sat up, grabbed her small slim glasses, and placed them in a pocket on her long white lab coat. “Well, it sounds like someone’s enjoying himself on this planet. I have to look for a place to live and a job to work….”

“Yeah…. I wouldn’t put down working for the military if I were you ‘cause look where that left us.”

“I wasn’t going to and not only that we have to blend in with the earthlings and that means once we get to civilization you’re going to have to keep that long snout of yours closed.”

Wiley rolled his eyes the way a teenager would after their parents explain obvious rules to them. “Don’t worry, professor, I already know. I have to keep my mouth shut at all times around the earthling humans.”

Asmyne stood up and raised an eyebrow at Wiley. “You know you’re supposed to but are you going to?”

“Here for now on I will keep my mouth shut… starting now.”

Yeah, I doubt that’s going to happen, Asmyne thought with sarcasm. She knew Wiley too well to know how he would act. She began walking and Wiley followed.



April and Sasha were inside of April’s apartment. Sasha sat in the living room whilst April was in the kitchen, washing dishes.

“We need to do something,” Sasha said.

“Like what?” April asked, glancing over her shoulder.

“I don’t know… but we need to find a couple of hot guys… unless you’re hoping that Bryson will randomly come over and say in his sweet, soft, calming, romantic, dreamy voice, ‘April, would you like to go out with me sometime?’ and you’ll reply, ‘Of course, I would love to… I’ve been waiting all this time for you to ask.’”

“Hey, it could happen,” April replied, looking at Sasha.

Someone knocked on the door.

Sasha looked at the door and then to April. “Maybe it could be him now.”

“Shut up and open the door please.”

“Fine,” Sasha replied with a smile. She walked over to the door and opened it.

A guy with short blonde hair and had sweet blue eyes to match stood at the door.

“Never mind…. It’s just Damen.”

“Just Damen?” the guy asked. “Fine…. Hi, just Sasha.”

Sasha laughed a little. “Your sister’s doing dishes.”

“Oh yeah? And you’re practically my sister too. Now, give me a hug, sis.”

Sasha did as Damen had demanded.

April looked over at Damen. “What’s up, bro?”

“Just getting off of work…. Any luck finding a new roommate?” Damen asked.

“No,” April answered.

“Aww…” Damen sounded upset.

“And when I get a roommate you are to back away from her,” April told him.

“What? Why?” Damen asked even more disappointed than before.

“Because I know you…. You love to flirt a lot and I don’t want you to flirt with my next roommate. Chelsey was lucky because her fiancé at the time would have killed you.”

“Yeah… the next roommate you get can you make sure they don’t already have a boyfriend or are going to be getting married because that’s a tease to me.”

April shot her brother a dirty look. “Did you not hear anything I just said?”

“Yeah… I like to block you out when you decide to act like our mother. You’re my sister, not my mom.”

April continued to eye Damen.

“I love you, sis,” Damen replied with a smile.

April shook her head and smiled. No matter how hard she tried to remain serious her brother had a way of making her laugh.



Asmyne and Wiley had found their way to the town. Asmyne noticed a newspaper stand and stopped. She picked up a newspaper for information. She figured that it was the best way to find out what the day and year were so just in case someone said something about either she wouldn’t sound like an idiot.

“Hey, Wiley, listen to this,” she told him when she opened the newspaper and began reading. “There’s a silent murderer in a small town…. Werewolves aren’t monsters…. Jamie Spring is going to be performing at the Rock Music Awards along with a Fist Foul of Idiots…. And the Blue-Angel is the newest young superheroine…. I find all of that to be interesting… now for jobs.” She flipped through the pages and looked for the classified section for possible job openings. Another headline had caught her eye. “A girl falls for her kidnapper… that’s not it but also seems interesting…. What’s this? Looking for a roommate….” She continued reading it silently and pulled out a pen and pad so she could write down the address. “I found a place to live. Come on.”



April was alone. Damen went home and Sasha had to go grocery shopping. She sat on the couch and flipped through the channels on the television.

Someone knocked on the door.

April sighed. She stood up and opened the door.

A young woman around her age who was dressed like a scientist stood at the door. She wore her dark brown hair up in a bun which looked like she had just woke up because her hair was all over the place and appeared to be falling out of the hair tie.

“May I help you?” April asked.

“April Simpson?” Asmyne answered with another question.


“I’m Professor Asmyne Hylou….”


“I’m here about the room.”

“Oh… um… okay… this way.”

Asmyne looked around the small apartment whilst she followed April into a small empty bedroom.

“This is the room. It’s not much.”

“Are you kidding me?” Asmyne asked, stepping into the dull white room and examined it. “I could fix this up in seconds.”


“I’ll take it and once I get a job I’ll pay you for it… to live here.”

“Wait… you don’t have a job?”


“So you’re broke?”

“Yeah but only for now… believe me…”

“No… I can’t let you stay here for free. Roommates are supposed to help pay bills and stuff. I can’t let you live here if you don’t have money.”

“You make it sound like I committed a crime or something. I plan on getting a job. I just would like a place to stay and then work my way to a job. I don’t have any family around here and I could use a place to live.”

“I don’t know. It sounds….”

“Believe me… I don’t plan on living here for free. It’s only until I can get a job. Please?”

April stared at Asmyne. Clearly, Asmyne lived up to the word stranger. “Okay… but only for now….”

“Asmyne… you can call me Professor Asmyne… Asmyne… or professor… it doesn’t matter to me.”

“As-myne?” April asked, trying to pronounce the name. “That’s a strange name.”

“Well, my parents are strange people,” Asmyne answered with a laugh. “They liked naming us weird and unusual names.”

“Ok-ay? Well, tomorrow, we’re going to have to go and get your name put down on the lease. Okay, Asmyne?”

“Sounds good to me.”

April left the room.

Hm… maybe I should work on my laboratory first then everything else, Asmyne thought.



Wiley sat outside. He looked around and waited for Asmyne to walk out anytime but she didn’t. Man, I hope she comes out soon, he thought. This is lame.

The door opened and April began to walk outside. Wiley quickly ran and hid. He didn’t want the earthling girl to see him. He watched as she went back inside as quickly as she had walked out.



Asmyne worked with some wires to create her laboratory. She was almost done but all she needed were lights. Once she finished the lights, which dangled from the ceiling, came on. Well, that’s good, she thought, proud of her accomplishment. 

Asmyne's Room

The next morning, Asmyne walked out of her room and into the kitchen. She searched the cabinets to find that they were all empty. Wow, no food, she thought. Good thing I can go to my room and get some.

April wondered into the room. “What are you doing?”

“Looking for food… how do you survive?” Asmyne asked, turning to face the earthling. “There’s no food in any of the cabinets.”

“I manage; besides, I haven’t gone shopping yet.”

“That would explain it. Well, I have some breakfast foods in my room. I could go and get some so that way neither of us will starve.”

“Wait… you have no job, no money-nothing-how do you have food in your room?”

“I’m a mad scientist and I have my ways. If you excuse me, I’m going to get some eggs.”

“You’re so weird.”

Asmyne laughed a little and walked passed April. “Believe me, weird doesn’t describe me.”

“Ok-ay?” April replied, confused.

Asmyne returned to her room and she walked back into the kitchen not too long later with about four or five eggs. “Happen to have any bread?”

“Yeah… in the pantry. Asmyne, where did you get those eggs?”

“Too complicated to explain… you’d be lost in the first four or five words. Now, I’m going to make me some French toast, are you going to want any?”

“Sure. The syrup’s also in the pantry. I don’t know how full it is, though. Oh and the butter’s in the top of the refrigerator door.”

“Thanks.” Asmyne placed the eggs in the sink. She found the bowls and took the eggs out of the sink and placed them in the bowl.



Wiley sniffed the air and the sweet smell of the food touched his nose. Oh man, the professor’s making her French toast, he thought. He walked over to the window and jumped up, placing his front two paws on the window sill.



April pulled the plates out whilst Asmyne flipped the bread. Asmyne looked toward the window then turned her attention toward the bread. Her eyes grew wide when she looked back and caught a glimpse of Wiley. Oh crap, she thought. “April, can you take over for me, please? I think I left something outside yesterday.”




Wiley laid his head in between his paws, hoping for a bite.

The door opened. “Wiley,” Asmyne hissed.

Wiley looked over at Asmyne and pushed himself off of the window sill and walked over to Asmyne. “Are you going to feed me?” he asked, smiling.

“I thought you said that you weren’t going to talk?” Asmyne asked, looking around to make sure that there weren’t any earthlings around.

“Yeah about that… I decided that I’m not going to do that.” Wiley stared up at the professor with his beautiful, big, black, puppy dog eyes. “Are you going to give me food, professor?”


“What? But please?” Wiley begged.

“Sorry, Wiley… to the earthlings you’re considered wildlife….”

“But…. I love you…. I’ll love you forever if you feed me.”

“Sorry, Wiley, I can’t.”


“No. If you’re so hungry then why don’t you go hunt a deer or something?”

“Because wolves hunt in a pack, and sadly, none of the earthling wolves will let me join.”

“I wonder why?” Asmyne asked, sarcastically.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You talk too much. Now get out of here before an earthling sees you and calls the animal control or something.”

“Okay. I’ll remember this when you want my blood sample.” Wiley walked away, looking back at Asmyne with sadness in his eyes.

Asmyne shook her head.



Later that day, Asmyne and April walked out of a building which was in their apartment complex. “There… you’ve signed the lease and now we can remove that off of the list,” April told Asmyne whilst they walked back to their apartment.

“List? What else needs to be done today?” Asmyne asked.

“Shopping… laundry… etcetera.”

“I could go shopping while you do laundry.”

“No. That’s okay. I’m going shopping because I know what to get.”

Asmyne stopped at the green door and stared at April. “You don’t think that I would know what to get? I’m assuming you mean grocery shopping and that means food-dinner, lunch, and breakfast for each day of the week.”

“No. I mean I know what I want and besides my brother’s going to meet me there. You can stay here and do whatever you want.”

“Okay… if you insist.” They walked into the apartment and Asmyne walked to her room.



Damen stood at the entrance of the supermarket. April walked over to him and gave him a hug. “Thanks for coming, bro. I could take a break from my new roommate. She’s very strange.”

“Strange like weird strange or strange like creepy strange?” Damen asked and he followed April into the building.

“I don’t know… just strange.”



Wiley stood at the door and scratched on it. He hoped that Asmyne would let him in. Finally, the door opened and before Asmyne had time to stop him; the wolf was already inside the apartment.

“Wiley, get out,” Asmyne spoke with a hint of anger. “You’re not supposed to be here.”

“But… I can’t help it. I want to be here. I don’t like being alone. It’s depressing.”

Asmyne sighed. “Fine.” She closed the door. “You’ll be stuck in the laboratory just so you know.”

“No problem.” Wiley smiled. “I can do that. Now, where’s your room?”

“Follow me.”




April grabbed a couple of cereal boxes and placed them in a buggy.

“So your roommate… is she single?”

“I don’t know…” April looked over at Damen and eyed him for a moment. “And if she is, the answer is heck no. So don’t even think about it.”

“I was just asking. So what’s her name?”

“Like I’m going to tell you?”

“ Oh come on. I was asking for her name… not her number because that would be stupid; she lives with you and I have your number.”

“Shut up, Damen.”



Asmyne stood in the middle of a tropical rainforest. The birds sang and a little black and white spider monkey jumped from the trees. She touched a huge green leaf. Very healthy, she thought then wrote down the information on a sheet of paper which was attached to a clipboard. She looked up at the dark gray sky which was most blocked by a bunch of leaves and branches from the tall brown trees. The humid air revealed that it had rain recently. Another rainstorm, she thought. Good for the trees and other plant life here. She smiled.

“As-” April began to speak when she opened the door. “Oh my gosh.” She couldn't believe the sight.

Asmyne looked over at April and instantly filled up with anger. “Get out of my room.” She made her way over to April. “You are not allowed in my room.” She noticed a cute blonde guy standing next to April. He was dressed in torn up jeans and a plain white t-shirt. She looked at him up and down. “Except for you,” she told him. “You can come in anytime you want… as a matter of fact, I would like to run some test on you if you know what I mean.”

April dropped her mouth in disgust and disbelief.

“I’m Damen, April’s brother,” he introduced himself.

“Yes, you are. Oh, I’m Asmyne by the way… April’s roommate.”

“So I’ve heard. You are beautiful.”

“Why thank you… you are-”

“Asmyne, can I talk to you for a second?” April interrupted.

“Yeah, sure. Can you excuse us for a minute?” Asmyne asked Damen.

“Yeah,” Damen replied.

April and Asmyne walked into the kitchen whilst Damen looked around the tropical forest which was in Asmyne’s room.

“Okay, Asmyne,” April began, “number one rule of roommates… we don’t date each other’s brothers… so you need to stay away from him.”

“Well, that’s a crappy rule.”

“Well, that’s the main rule of being roommates.”

“What’s going to happen to me if I break the rule?”

“Then… then… I don’t know.”

“Then it’s more like a guideline rather than a rule actually.”

“I’ll kick you out.”

“Okay… so… I’ll just ask your brother if I could move in with him. I mean I don’t think that he’ll really care actually.”

April stared at Asmyne, speechless. She couldn’t think of any way to respond to Asmyne’s reply.

“That’s what I thought.” Asmyne walked back to her room and began chatting with Damen.

Wiley's Big Mouth

Asmyne sat at a long, slim computer station in her laboratory. She sat on top of a small round stool. She wore her glasses whilst she worked on a small round ball, fixing wires. It was like old times and silence filled the air. She felt peaceful working in quietness.

Wiley sat on the floor and watched Asmyne work like he had on their home planet. “I don’t think that you should work on anything explosive, professor…. Remember what happened last time?” he asked.

“Don’t worry, Wiley. I’m not going to make that same mistake.”

Wiley looked at Asmyne. He was going to reply but decided that it was best left unsaid.



April stood at Asmyne’s door, knocking. The more she had to knock, the more impatient she grew. This is ridiculous, she thought, waiting. What is she doing? She knocked again. Oh, whatever. She opened the door and looked around the laboratory, confused. Where is that rainforest? She asked herself. She stepped into the laboratory and looked around.

There was a wide table to her left with different shaped glasses. Each glass was filled with a different color liquid. The liquids looked like different kinds of cool aid, ranging from grape to raspberry.

The wall to her right was filled with buttons, wires, and computers on counters or funny shaped computer desk.

“Asmyne!” she called, walking into another room.



Asmyne continued working. Wiley’s ears flickered as he heard someone heading their way. He moved his head to face the back.

“Asmyne!” April’s voice rang through the room.

Asmyne’s hand flinched and missed what she was working on. She set the ball down on the work station. She stood up and began growing angry. She turned and spotted April standing in one of the open door ways in the room. “What are you doing in my laboratory?”

“I was going to see….” April noticed Wiley but didn’t realize that he was a full grown wolf. “Um… we’re not allowed-”

“I’m not a-” Wiley interrupted with a hint of anger.

“Did he just-?” April began to ask, shocked.

“Wiley,” Asmyne hissed, eyeing the wolf.

“What? She was-” Wiley continued.

“He talks-” April finished, dropping to the floor.

Asmyne and Wiley looked at April. Asmyne turned her attention back to Wiley, ticked off. “That’s why you’re not supposed to talk to the earthling humans.”

“But, professor, she was going to call me a pet. I’m your assistant, not your pet. Pets don’t do anything, except eat, sleep, play, and be lazy….” Wiley took a moment to consider what he was saying. “Actually, I think I might want to reconsider the pet position.” He looked up at Asmyne and smiled. She glared at him.



April sat up and looked over at Wiley. “Hello,” the wolf spoke with a smile. She could see his sharp white fangs. The tip of his tongue hung out on the side his mouth.

“Sorry about Wiley,” Asmyne told April, walking into the living room, and carrying a cup.

April noticed steam coming out of the cup which let her know that it was hot coffee or something.

“He has a hard time being quiet.” Asmyne eyed the wolf whilst she walked past him and over to April. “Here. It’s a hot cup of ice tea.”

April took the cup but the words took a minute to register in her head. “Wait… what?”

“It’s a hot cup of ice tea. It will help you relax.”

“That doesn’t make any since.”

“It would if you were from where we are.”

“What’s that mean?”

“We are from another galaxy… another planet.”

“So you’re aliens?”

“Yes. You can say that but we do have a better term to use than alien. We are Sylestnytes.”


“Sylestnytes. We are from the planet Sylestny.”


“We would not be having this conversation if Wiley hadn’t opened his big mouth.”

“But, professor,” Wiley finally jumped into the conversation. “She was going to call me a pet.” He turned his attention toward April. “By the way,” he began to tell the earthling, “I am the professor’s assistant.”

April stared at Wiley, overwhelmed by the news. It did make sense in an odd way but she couldn’t help but wonder if she was just having some strange dream. “My roommate's an alien,” she replied a second later.

“Yes. We already mentioned that, ” Asmyne answered.

“Okay. Can I ask you two something?” April asked.

“Go ahead,” Asmyne replied.

“Why haven’t the people from area fifty-one picked either of you up yet?”

Asmyne and Wiley both looked at April then to each other. They burst out into laughter.

“Why is that funny?” April asked, trying to understand the joke.

“Because area fifty-one is a myth,” Asmyne replied. “Believe me, you earthlings like to spread rumors and area fifty-one is just a joke. I mean it could be a real place but it’s not filled with aliens.”

“Okay. Then can I ask you two something else?”

“What?” Asmyne replied.

“Aren’t you two supposed to say, ‘Greetings, earthling. We come in peace?’”

“Greetings, earthling? We come in peace?” Asmyne asked, confused.

April nodded.

“No self-respecting alien from any other planet is going to say that. If an alien wants war, then they’ll come and cause a war between your planet and theirs. If an alien wants peace, then they’ll come and go into hiding. Those are only two reasons why an alien would come to this planet.”

“Okay. Then why are you two here?”

Asmyne glanced at Wiley then to April. April’s question wasn’t something she wanted to answer but she had to tell the earthling something. “Because we were… exiled to this planet.”

“What? Exiled?” April asked, eyeing Asmyne. Not only was her new roommate an alien but she was a criminal too. “Exile’s not a good thing. What did you do that was so bad? Why were you exiled to my planet?”

“Well, I-” Asmyne began but was interrupted by Wiley’s big mouth.

“She blew up our planet,” Wiley answered.

“Wiley,” Asmyne hissed, glancing at him.

“You blew up your own planet?” April asked. “Then you better get off of this one-”

“There you go judging me,” Asmyne blurted. “Don’t judge me. You barely know me. Before an hour ago, you thought that I was a crazy earthling. And now you think that I blew up my own planet because I wanted to. Well, I didn’t. It was my job to build weapons for the military on our planet. I was working on an explosive that would destroy other planets… our enemies’ planets. I didn’t know that it was going to explode while I was working on it. It wasn’t supposed to happen but it did. Then the commander of the military, my boss, had me exiled for treason. My people wanted me to suffer for what I did. It was an accident. I tried to plead innocent but they didn’t believe me. I did plead guilty at first but it wasn’t my fault. It was an accident that wasn’t supposed to happen. I had to listen to people who wanted me to suffer. It’s not fun, earthling.”

April noticed the anger and hurt in Asmyne’s eyes.

“That’s not even half of it,” Asmyne continued. “I was trapped in an ice prison and sent to earth… this planet. And now, I can’t return home. Believe me, it’s not fun.” She walked to her room.

“There’s more to the professor than that,” Wiley told April but he watched Asmyne leave the room.

April looked at Wiley.

“She had a rough life. You think you got it tough.”

“Is that why she’s crazy?”

“Not crazy… insane… Maybe.”



Five hours had flown by, Asmyne stood close to a mountain for shade. It was over eighty degrees in a desert land. A baby tyrannosaurus rex ran up Asmyne and began sniffing her. “Hello, Rex. Sorry no food today, you’ll have to hunt. Or maybe have your mommy or daddy hunt for you. After all, they like to meet their food before they eat it,” Asmyne told the baby dinosaur.

The baby tyrannosaurus rex ran away. The pterodactyls flew high up in the light blue sky.



April walked into the heat. Oh my gosh, she thought, feeling a major difference from the cool air conditioned apartment to the heat of the new and unusual place she now was in. She looked around; noticing dinosaurs were in every direction. The ground was covered with dirt. The sun was high up in the sky which meant that it was midday in the unfamiliar place. April walked away keeping away from the giant dangerous creatures which could step on her or eat her if they chose to.



Asmyne sat on the ground, deep in thought.

“Asmyne?” April asked.

“What do you want, earthling?” Asmyne asked, glancing at April.

“I’m sorry for judging you. What is this?”

Asmyne stood up. “The fifth dimension.”


“The fifth dimension.”

“I heard you but there’s no such thing.”

“Actually, you earthlings only know of four dimensions. There’s really six. The line which is the first dimension… the second dimension a shape like a flat square… the third dimension which are cubes… the fourth dimension things appear to be popping out you but really are similar to the idea of the three dimensional movies you earthlings enjoying watching. We are in the world of the fifth dimension which we can actually touch, see, and feel everything but it’s not real… although, if you get hurt or killed in this world then you will be injured or dead in the world of the six dimension as well. I know because I designed it myself. Now let’s get out of here and go to the laboratory.” Asmyne stood up and used her fingers to press buttons on an invisible key board in midair, which turned red when she touched them.

A door way appeared and April could recognize Asmyne’s laboratory. Asmyne walked into the room and April followed behind. Once they both were in the laboratory, Asmyne pressed buttons on a small keypad, which had been attached to the wall, next to the door they had just walked out of.

The door closed and locked.

“How come your room changes to other places?” April asked, amazed.

“Well, I have it at random. It’s always changing. I don’t like to be stuck in one place all of the time. It adds variety.”

“Can you do the same to my room?”


“Can you turn my room into a beach?”


“Okay. So when can you work on it?”

“I said, ‘I can.’ I didn’t say, ‘I will.’”

“Come on, please? You can live here free for a year.”

“Three years.”

"Two years."

“Two years and six months.”

April took a moment to consider Asmyne’s proposal. “Deal.”

“Okay. I’ll do it when you’re not here… and Wiley’s not going to bother me.”

Wiley had been in the laboratory minding his own business and looked up at Asmyne with confusion when he heard his name. “I didn’t say anything, professor.”

Sasha Meets Wiley

Asmyne walked out of April’s room while April walked toward it. “It’s complete,” Asmyne told the earthling.

“Really? Can I see?” April asked with excitement.

“Why do you have to ask me for permission to go into your room but you don’t ask for my permission to go into mine? Did I miss something?”

April opened the door, ignoring Asmyne’s question, and stepped onto the sandy shore. She looked out to the crystal blue, calm salty sea. She turned her attention up toward the lovely light blue sky with white clouds sailing around and the bright yellow sun hung in the sky. She looked along the shore and noticed beach houses. “Wow. This is so cool.”

“Oh,” Asmyne replied, standing in the doorway. “This room isn’t always going to be like this. It will be your bedroom as well. So don’t get used to it like this. It’s at random, kind of like if you’re listening to music and you have it on shuffle, it will play songs at random… remember that.”

“Don’t worry,” April replied. She didn’t exactly hear the words which Asmyne said but still answered anyway. “This is so cool.”

“Okay. Well, I’m going to go and get acquainted with the neighbors.”

“Okay… have fun.”

“Okay. I will. Oh, and can you keep an eye on Wiley for me. I mean give him some company. He likes having someone to talk to. Just don’t mess with anything.”

“No problem.”

Asmyne closed the door. Well, maybe now she’ll randomly stop walking into my room, she thought, walking away.



Asmyne wondered down the long street when a tall young man walked past her. He was cute with beautiful blue eyes and dark brown hair, almost black. He was slim but he had muscles. “Hello, doctor,” Asmyne replied, turning to face the young man. She didn’t know if he had actually been a doctor but she still used the term anyways.

The guy stopped and turned to face her. “Well, hello there, miss.”

“Oh please, call me Asmyne.”

“Asmyne? That’s a unique name but it’s a pretty name for such a pretty woman, such as you.”

“Oh stop, you’re making me blush.” Asmyne smiled, flirtatiously.

“I’m Bryson by the way.” The guy returned the smile. “So, you’re new around here?”

“Yes actually… I just moved in B-54.”

“B-54? So you’re April’s new roommate?”

“Yep. I’m going around meeting everyone in the neighborhood.”

“Nice. Well, I gotta go. I’ll be seeing you again.”

“Of course… just stop by whenever you want and I’ll let you explore my room if you know what I mean.”

“I like that idea.” Bryson left.

Two cute guys before five o’clock, Asmyne thought and she began walking again. Asmyne, you still got it.



Asmyne and Wiley stood on the deck of a giant battleship. A loud noise boomed from a gray ship about ten yards away had been struck by a cannon but the ship still stood. Asmyne and Wiley knew that two more attacks would destroy the ship and it would sink into the dark green and blue salty sea.

Asmyne stared far into the distance. “G-5… fire!” she shouted.

A cannon shot out from the ship at breakneck speeds. There was a loud splash. It hit the water forming ripples. It had missed the battleship in the distance.


“Lousy aim, professor,” Wiley told her, staring up at her.

“Shut up, Wiley.”

April arrived on the deck and looked around. “What the freak?”

There was another boom and the gray ship had been hit.

“No… one more and I lose it,” Asmyne spoke while looking out at the ship.

“What’s going on?” April asked.

“New age battleship,” Wiley answered.

“Are you kidding me?” Asmyne asked, watching the ship. She ignored both April and Wiley. “G-10… fire!”

Another cannon shot out from the ship and it moved faster than the other had.

The cannon landed with a loud boom.

“Yes… finally!” she shouted with excitement.

The gray ship was struck down by another cannon, sank into the sea.

“No!” she cried with disappointment.

“You see this is our ship obviously,” Wiley explained to April. “That’s our ship…” He used his snout to point toward another ship. “That’s our ship…” He continued pointing with his snout to indicate which ships belong to them. “And the ship sinking is ours as well,” he told her, pointing straight with his snout.

“Ok-ay?” April asked, still confused.

“E-10… fire!” Asmyne continued, still ignoring Wiley and April.

Another cannon shot out at breakneck speeds and hit the ship making the sound of the boom even louder and closer than before.

“Oh no…” Asmyne ran over to the side of the ship. She looked down to see the damage. There were three gaping holes on the side of the ship and water rushed in. She turned her attention toward Wiley with panic. “One more hit and we’re done.”

“You mean we’re going to die?” April asked. Her heart began pounding with fear.

“No,” Asmyne replied. “We’re not going to die.”

“But you said that we’re done and that means-”

“No… calm down, earthling.”

“But you said if… we can’t… and the ship…”

“Yes, yes, yes, but I’m going to get us out of here before-”

There was another loud boom.

Asmyne spun around. “What?!” she looked down at the new gaping hole and stood up straight. “A good captain goes down with their ship.”

“What?” April asked.

“We lost the battle,” Wiley answered.

The water pulled the ship down. It slowly slid on top of the deck and worked its way up.

“Grab onto my neck,” Wiley told April.

April did as Wiley had told her and the wolf pulled her over to Asmyne. He went to bite Asmyne’s pant leg but the water pulled them under.

Asmyne moved her hand and tapped on invisible buttons which turned a blurry red under her touch. A door open and the water burst through. Asmyne, Wiley, and April wound up on the floor of the laboratory. Asmyne quickly jumped up and began pressing buttons which closed the door and the water stopped pouring into the laboratory. Once the water dried, a small fish flopped up and down on the floor, dying.

April stood up, freezing to death. “What was that?” she asked.

“The real intense battleship,” Asmyne answered. “That stupid computer likes to cheat. I didn’t even get to go. It was my turn. I should rig that thing to where I always win.”

“But where’s the fun in that, professor?” Wiley asked, shaking the water out of his furry coat.

“Now, what do you want, earthling?” Asmyne asked.

“I was going to see what you and Wiley would like for dinner?” April asked.

“Anything but fish after what just happened,” Wiley answered.

“Whatever you have in there,” Asmyne agreed.

“Okay,” April replied and then left the room.



Sasha knocked on the door and waited for April to come out. The door opened. “Sasha, quick…. Come in,” April said.

“What?” Sasha asked and she walked into the living room whilst April closed the door.

“My roommate is so weird.”

“You have a new roommate now?”

“Yes and she’s so strange. She turned my room into a beach… quite literally… come on… I’ll show you.”

Sasha followed April to her room and April opened the door. “See,” she said, not even looking into the room.

Sasha looked around the plain old bedroom, confused. “Yeah… I guess if you count the bed as the shore and floor as the beach.”

“What?” April asked, turning her attention toward the room. “No… not my bedroom. She actually- Asmyne…” She hurried to Asmyne’s room and opened the door.

Sasha followed her into the room, except they weren’t in a room. Her mouth dropped whilst she looked around the desert. Sand was spread across the ground. She noticed three pyramids and the bright blue sky with a few white clouds, floating around. “We’re in Egypt,” she spoke in amazement.

Asmyne and Wiley walked out of the pyramid which was the closest one to April and Sasha. “You see, Wiley, the ancient Egyptians were extremely smart along with other ancient civilizations and that’s why I love learning from them. They were a lot smarter than earthlings now. They knew how to create stuff that actually last. They think aliens helped them build these buildings but that is a big lie.” Asmyne laughed.

“Asmyne,” April began.

“What do you want now? Why are you in here and who is she?” Asmyne asked.

“This is my best friend, Sasha. We’re practically sisters and why isn’t my room the beach?” April replied.

“I told you… the rooms are at random,” the alien answered, indicating both of the rooms and not just April’s room. “They would change.”

“We’re in Egypt,” Sasha repeated.

“Of course-” Asmyne began.

“Hello, earthlings,” Wiley interrupted.

“He talks?” Sasha asked, looking at Wiley.

“Wiley?” Asmyne hissed.

“What I thought it would be okay?” Wiley asked.

“Why did you think it would be okay?” Asmyne replied.

“April knows,” Wiley answered.

“So-” Asmyne began.

“They’re aliens,” April told Sasha.

“Oh… aliens. Okay. That’s normal,” Sasha told herself. Then without another word she fainted.

“Here we go again. Thanks, Wiley,” Asmyne told her assistant with a hint of anger.

Asmyne's Fun

Sasha sat up on the couch, whilst Wiley and April were off in their own little conversation. Asmyne walked out of the kitchen, carrying a round white tea cup. She walked over to Sasha and handed the cup to her. “Thank you?” Sasha asked, confused about everything.

“It’s a hot cup of ice tea,” Asmyne replied.

“A what?”

“A hot cup of ice tea… it’ll help you relax.”

“Okay. Thank you.” Sasha took a sip. The drink felt both hot and cold but oddly enough it wasn’t warm. It was strange.

“Thanks to Wiley again… you know that I and he are from another planet. We are aliens to you earthlings…”

“Why are you here?”

“Well, we were exiled. Wiley, don’t say-” but before Asmyne could finish her sentence April cut her off.

“They were exiled because the wack job scientist over there blew up their planet,” April answered.

Wiley looked at Asmyne. “Well, professor, it looks like I’m not the only one who you’ll have to tell to shut up.”

“It was an accident that wasn’t supposed to happen,” Asmyne replied, ignoring Wiley’s comment.

“Well, you don’t seem all that bad to me,” Sasha told Asmyne. “As a matter of fact… I think you’re cool.”

“Why thank you, earthling,” Asmyne spoke with ease.

“What?” April asked. “She’s insane. Are you kidding me, Sasha?”

“I think she’d be a cool roommate,” Sasha told April. “She’s better than Ren. I’d be glad to trade roommates.”

April stared at Sasha with disbelief.

“What? I think Ren’s into voodoo and that she’s trying to kill me. It’s creepy,” Sasha replied.

“She’s an alien,” April replied, pointing to Asmyne.

“But she’s cool,” Sasha disagreed.

There was a knock on the door.

“Wiley, go to the lab,” Asmyne told her, walking over to the door.

“Yes, ma’am.” Wiley headed back to Asmyne’s room.

“April, can you close my door please so Wiley doesn’t get out?” Asmyne asked.

“Yeah whatever,” April replied. She walked toward Asmyne’s room and closed the door.

There was another knock on the door when Asmyne placed her hand on the door knob and opened it.

A man who wasn’t young but wasn’t elderly stood at the door. He was overweight and not one of the most attractive men around. “I’m sorry. I must have the wrong apartment. I’m looking for my daughter April.”

Asmyne smiled. “Ah… so you’re April’s father…” she pointed at April for a brief moment.

“There she is,” the man said, looking over at his daughter.

“Hi, Dad,” April replied, waving at him. “She’s my new roommate… Asmyne.”

“Asmyne? Interesting name.” He had turned his attention back toward Asmyne. “I’m Hugh.”

“Hugh? Such a nice name. I’ve noticed you’re not wearing a wedding band.” Asmyne had looked at the man’s left hand then locked eyes with him whilst she spoke.

“Oh. That’s because I and April’s mom split up last year.”

“Oh. If you don’t mind me asking, why did you two split up?” Asmyne began fiddling with her hair, flirtatiously.

“We fell out of love and she found someone else.”

“Oh, that’s terrible. Why would anyone want to leave a man like you? I know if I was with a man as attractive as you, I would want to keep you.”

Sasha dropped her mouth in shock whilst April covered her mouth in disgust.

“That’s sweet of you,” Hugh replied.

“Ew… that’s disturbing!” April blurted out. “He’s my dad, Asmyne… and dad, she’s like twenty. She’s younger than me… Ew…. Ew…. Ew….”

“Oh come on, April,” Hugh began. “It’s called having fun.”

“That’s gross,” April disagreed.

“You should come explore my room if you want some fun,” Asmyne told Hugh, jokingly.

“Oh,” Hugh replied, laughing.

April began feeling sick. “Dad, can you come back another time?”

“Why?” Hugh asked.

“Because you two are grossing me out,” April answered.

“It’s just flirting,” Asmyne told April.

“You’re sick and disturbing… stay away from my dad and my brother,” April told Asmyne.

“Ah, so you’ve met my son already?” Hugh asked Asmyne.

“Yes, sir… and he is just as attractive as you are….” Asmyne smiled. “Like they say, ‘Like father, like son.’ He is amazing.”

“Sounds like someone’s found a bride for my son,” Hugh told April.

April shook her head. She was going insane.

“Hi, Mister Simpson, can we talk about something else please?” Sasha asked, getting over the shock.



Damen walked out to his small black car when he spotted Bryson heading toward him.

“Hey, man, what’s up?” Bryson asked.

“Getting ready to go and visit my sister and her hot new roommate.”

“Oh… can I go too, man?”

“Sure. Hope on in.”

Bryson hurried over to the passenger side and opened the door. “We talked for a little while today.”

“Oh… you’ve met her after I went shopping with April today. She’s a cute little flirt.”

“I agree.”

“Just remember… I saw her first.”

Bryson held up his hands. “I can’t promise anything.”

They both laughed. Damen started up the car.

“To be honest,” Bryson continued, “I’ll flirt with her but she’s not the one I’ve got my eye on.”

“Cool… that works for me.”



Hugh sat on the couch and talked with Asmyne. April and Sasha had made their way into the kitchen, watching Asmyne flirt with April’s father.

“That’s so gross,” April whispered. “Why is she hitting on my dad?”

“I don’t know,” Sasha replied.

“First Damen… now my dad… ew….”

“She’s a flirt.”

“A flirt? Did you hear the way she was talking to my dad? It was gross and oh my gosh I can’t believe I’m having this conversation.”

“Well, it was nice meeting you, Asmyne,” Hugh said and the girls watched him stand up, “but I have to go.”

“No problem. Come back anytime.”

“I will… Bye, April, and Sasha,” Hugh told the other two girls.

“Bye, dad,” April replied.

“Bye, Mister Simpson,” Sasha responded.

Hugh left.

“Stay away from my dad, Asmyne. That’s so gross,” April told her.

“It was harmless flirting,” Asmyne replied. “It was all for fun.”

“All for fun? Asmyne, I want to poke my eyes out and damage my eardrums because of you,” April explained.

“You don’t know what it was like trapped in an ice prison with no male companion around,” Asmyne replied. “It’s depressing.”

“You’re a freak,” April told her.

There was a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it.” Asmyne walked over to the door and saw Bryson and Damen standing there. “Mmm… mmm… mmm… two fine guys, come on in.”

April’s eyes grew wide when she saw Bryson walk into the apartment. “Oh no,” she whispered to Sasha.

“What brings you, two cute guys, here?” Asmyne asked.

“Why you do,” Bryson answered. “We were actually arguing over who would get to you first.” He smiled.

“Oh really?” Asmyne asked, glancing over at Damen.

April felt her heart pounding. She was beginning to grow angry and jealous.

“Relax, April,” Sasha whispered, feeling the tension.

“That tramp,” April replied.

“Boys… boys… believe me… I would like it if you both wouldn’t mind sharing,” Asmyne told the two guys.

Damen grabbed Asmyne’s right hand. “I know we don’t know each other all that well but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to win your heart.” He held Asmyne’s hand up to his mouth and lightly kissed it.

Bryson pushed Damen out of the way. “I’ll treat you better.”

“I can’t take this,” April told Sasha. “Asmyne, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Asmyne sighed. “I’ll be back, boys. I have to go talk to April for a minute.”

Damen pushed Bryson away from Asmyne. “Okay… but remember to choose me.”

Asmyne laughed and walked away.

Timing's Off

“Yes?” Asmyne asked once she was at the counter.

“Bryson is off limits,” April whispered.

Asmyne quickly glanced at the two guys. “Oh… I understand… you like him.” She smiled a little. “Don’t worry… I’ll leave him alone. Besides, he’s not the guy I’m after anyways. If anything, I want your brother. I have an idea. I’ll go and be your wingman.”


“A wingman… you know someone who-”

“No. I know what a wingman is but… no, you’re just going to go over there and flirt with him.”

“Really? You think that I’m going to hit on him?”

“Um… yeah.”

“Believe me, now that I know that you like him. I’m going to back off… not only that but I know the pain of loosing my man to another woman. So I wouldn’t do that purposely.”

“Okay. Are you sure? Because right now I find it hard to trust you.”

“Yes… I’m sure. I know better.” Asmyne turned her attention toward the two guys. “Watch and learn.” She walked over to Damen and Bryson.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” April told Sasha.

“I think you should trust her… have some faith,” Sasha told her.

“Have some faith? She’s not even from this planet.”

They watched Asmyne and Bryson have a short conversation. The next thing they knew Asmyne and Bryson walked over to them.

“Hey, April.” Bryson smiled.

April found herself smiling too.

“Sasha, come with me and Damen,” Asmyne said. “I think these two would like to be alone.”

“Oh… of course.” Sasha walked out of the kitchen and her and Asmyne headed toward the living room to join Damen.

“So… April…” Bryson kept his sweet charming smile.

“So… Bryson…” April replied.

“Your roommate told me that you like me.”

April eyed Asmyne. She didn’t want Asmyne to say anything.

“I like you too.”

April looked at Bryson, surprised. Her anger toward Asmyne had vanished.

“Would you like to go out with me sometime?”

“Yes…. Yeah… I would love too.”

“Cool… how ‘bout I’ll pick you up at seven? Friday night?”

“Yeah… that’d be cool. I’d like that.”


Bryson walked back toward the living room whilst Asmyne made her way to the kitchen. “So?” Asmyne asked.

“Thank you… thank you…” April hugged Asmyne, excited. “Thank you so much.”

“I’ll take that as everything went well.”



A few weeks later, Asmyne was working on a go-cart. Wiley sat under the shade of the race track, watching. April walked into the room and realized she was on a road and Asmyne and Wiley weren’t far from her. She walked over to them and looked around at the empty bleachers which had a roof to keep them from getting hot under the sun. “Are you racing?” she asked Asmyne.

“More like crashing and exploding,” Asmyne answered, taking a step back from the go-cart.

“What?” April asked, confused.

“Yeah… you see that car over there?” Asmyne asked pointing to a black go-cart.

“Yeah,” April replied.

“Well, it’s a ticking time bomb. I’ll be driving this baby here.” She pointed to the red and black go-cart which she had been working on. “See… I have the black one on autopilot and it's set to follow my cart… which at some point I’m going to crash. The black cart will follow and crash into mine which it will then explode.”

“What? Are you crazy? You’re going to kill yourself,” April told Asmyne, shocked.

“Actually… believe it or not… The explosion won’t affect me the way it would you earthlings…”

“Why are you doing this?”

“To see why my experiment on our planet,” Asmyne answered, pointing to Wiley, “had backfired on me.”

“Wait… were you two on the planet when you destroyed it?”

“Yes and it was an accident.”

“There were others on the planet as well as us,” Wiley finally jumped into the conversation.

Asmyne nodded.

“How did you two survive?” April asked.

“Well,” Asmyne began, “our people can survive explosions… whether big or small… Ironically, though, our planet itself couldn’t. Everyone on the planet at the time was sent floating until the military got a hold of everyone and then the whole thing of me getting sent to earth for treason happened and Wiley came later. It was a whole big mess.”

“You’re crazy,” April told Asmyne.

“I’m insane. I’m a mad scientist. Now I have to start testing. Is everything ready, Wiley?” Asmyne asked.

"Ready when you are, professor," Wiley answered.

“Good.” Asmyne climbed into the red cart.

“Get on your mark… get set… go!” Wiley yelled, pressing a button with his front right paw.

Asmyne’s cart went at full speed, followed by the black car. They were so fast that they looked like blurs.



Asmyne glanced back and smiled at the sight of the black cart. Good, she thought. She swerved the cart and slammed into the wall.

The black cart was so fast that it flipped Asmyne’s cart upside down. Asmyne looked down at the black cart. Why didn't you explode yet? She thought and waited. The timer went off but why hasn’t it exploded? She began growing impatient. She unbuckled herself and slid closer to the black cart. She took the top off and the minute she went to mess with the wires there was the explosion.

April and Wiley had watched the explosion and smoke had revealed itself in the distance. “Are you sure she’s alright?” April asked.

“Yeah… she’s fine,” Wiley answered.



Asmyne looked like a statue with her hands still appearing to reach toward the wires but she sat there motionless. All that was left of the two carts were the skeletons. Asmyne was upside down in midair until she finally fell to the ground with a loud thunk.

Asmyne laid flat with her back on the ground. “Ow,” was all she could get out. She slowly sat up and held her head.

“Professor!” Wiley called whilst he and April ran over to her.

“That was crazy,” April told Asmyne. “How did you manage that?”

“I told you… I’m a mad scientist,” Asmyne replied, slowly standing up. She wiped the dirt off of her lab coat then ruffled the dirt out of her hair. “It delayed. I don’t understand why, though. The timer should have set it off but it didn’t.”

“That’s odd,” Wiley agreed. “Wow… it demolished the carts.”

Asmyne smiled. “That was the point. Now, if you two excuse me. I have a date to prepare for.” She walked away.

April had been preoccupied with what she had just witnessed that she didn’t even catch what Asmyne had just said. She followed Wiley and Asmyne into the laboratory.



Asmyne walked into the living room and waited for her date to arrive. April sat on the couch and flipped through the channels on the television.

There was a knock on the door.

Asmyne glanced at the clock and smiled. “Good he’s right on time.”

“Wait… who’s right on time?” April asked, looking over at Asmyne.

“You’ll see.” Asmyne opened the door and Damen walked in.

“Are you ready?” Damen asked. He held out his arm for Asmyne to take it.

“Ready for what?” April asked, jumping up.

“Yes I am,” Asmyne answered Damen’s question and took his arm.

“Wait… no… no… no… you two aren’t dating… tell me you two aren’t dating?” April asked.

“April,” Damen said, “we’ve been dating for a few weeks and you’ve just now noticed?”

“What? No…” April couldn’t believe the news.

“Wait… you’re allowed to date my best friend but I can’t date your roommate?” Damen asked.

“She’s insane… you two can’t be….” April was protective when it came to her brother and the news was a bit of a shock for her.

Asmyne looked over at Damen and winked. She turned her attention toward April. “I’m two weeks pregnant and Damen’s the father.”

April dropped her mouth.

“That’s right,” Damen agreed. “We were going to wait to tell you but you got it out of us.”

“What?” April asked.

“Yeah,” Asmyne nodded.

“And we plan on getting married,” Damen added.

April didn’t know how to react to the news. “But-”

“Sorry you had to find out this way, sis,” Damen told her.

“I need to lie down.” April climbed onto the couch and stretched out, shocked.

Too Big to Keep Secret

“Yes?” Asmyne asked once she was at the counter.

“Bryson is off limits,” April whispered.

Asmyne quickly glanced at the two guys. “Oh… I understand… you like him.” She smiled a little. “Don’t worry… I’ll leave him alone. Besides, he’s not the guy I’m after anyways. If anything, I want your brother. I have an idea. I’ll go and be your wingman.”


“A wingman… you know someone who-”

“No. I know what a wingman is but… no, you’re just going to go over there and flirt with him.”

“Really? You think that I’m going to hit on him?”

“Um… yeah.”

“Believe me, now that I know that you like him. I’m going to back off… not only that but I know the pain of loosing my man to another woman. So I wouldn’t do that purposely.”

“Okay. Are you sure? Because right now I find it hard to trust you.”

“Yes… I’m sure. I know better.” Asmyne turned her attention toward the two guys. “Watch and learn.” She walked over to Damen and Bryson.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” April told Sasha.

“I think you should trust her… have some faith,” Sasha told her.

“Have some faith? She’s not even from this planet.”

They watched Asmyne and Bryson have a short conversation. The next thing they knew Asmyne and Bryson walked over to them.

“Hey, April.” Bryson smiled.

April found herself smiling too.

“Sasha, come with me and Damen,” Asmyne said. “I think these two would like to be alone.”

“Oh… of course.” Sasha walked out of the kitchen and her and Asmyne headed toward the living room to join Damen.

“So… April…” Bryson kept his sweet charming smile.

“So… Bryson…” April replied.

“Your roommate told me that you like me.”

April eyed Asmyne. She didn’t want Asmyne to say anything.

“I like you too.”

April looked at Bryson, surprised. Her anger toward Asmyne had vanished.

“Would you like to go out with me sometime?”

“Yes…. Yeah… I would love too.”

“Cool… how ‘bout I’ll pick you up at seven? Friday night?”

“Yeah… that’d be cool. I’d like that.”


Bryson walked back toward the living room whilst Asmyne made her way to the kitchen. “So?” Asmyne asked.

“Thank you… thank you…” April hugged Asmyne, excited. “Thank you so much.”

“I’ll take that as everything went well.”



A few weeks later, Asmyne was working on a go-cart. Wiley sat under the shade of the race track, watching. April walked into the room and realized she was on a road and Asmyne and Wiley weren’t far from her. She walked over to them and looked around at the empty bleachers which had a roof to keep them from getting hot under the sun. “Are you racing?” she asked Asmyne.

“More like crashing and exploding,” Asmyne answered, taking a step back from the go-cart.

“What?” April asked, confused.

“Yeah… you see that car over there?” Asmyne asked pointing to a black go-cart.

“Yeah,” April replied.

“Well, it’s a ticking time bomb. I’ll be driving this baby here.” She pointed to the red and black go-cart which she had been working on. “See… I have the black one on autopilot and it's set to follow my cart… which at some point I’m going to crash. The black cart will follow and crash into mine which it will then explode.”

“What? Are you crazy? You’re going to kill yourself,” April told Asmyne, shocked.

“Actually… believe it or not… The explosion won’t affect me the way it would you earthlings…”

“Why are you doing this?”

“To see why my experiment on our planet,” Asmyne answered, pointing to Wiley, “had backfired on me.”

“Wait… were you two on the planet when you destroyed it?”

“Yes and it was an accident.”

“There were others on the planet as well as us,” Wiley finally jumped into the conversation.

Asmyne nodded.

“How did you two survive?” April asked.

“Well,” Asmyne began, “our people can survive explosions… whether big or small… Ironically, though, our planet itself couldn’t. Everyone on the planet at the time was sent floating until the military got a hold of everyone and then the whole thing of me getting sent to earth for treason happened and Wiley came later. It was a whole big mess.”

“You’re crazy,” April told Asmyne.

“I’m insane. I’m a mad scientist. Now I have to start testing. Is everything ready, Wiley?” Asmyne asked.

"Ready when you are, professor," Wiley answered.

“Good.” Asmyne climbed into the red cart.

“Get on your mark… get set… go!” Wiley yelled, pressing a button with his front right paw.

Asmyne’s cart went at full speed, followed by the black car. They were so fast that they looked like blurs.



Asmyne glanced back and smiled at the sight of the black cart. Good, she thought. She swerved the cart and slammed into the wall.

The black cart was so fast that it flipped Asmyne’s cart upside down. Asmyne looked down at the black cart. Why didn't you explode yet? She thought and waited. The timer went off but why hasn’t it exploded? She began growing impatient. She unbuckled herself and slid closer to the black cart. She took the top off and the minute she went to mess with the wires there was the explosion.

April and Wiley had watched the explosion and smoke had revealed itself in the distance. “Are you sure she’s alright?” April asked.

“Yeah… she’s fine,” Wiley answered.



Asmyne looked like a statue with her hands still appearing to reach toward the wires but she sat there motionless. All that was left of the two carts were the skeletons. Asmyne was upside down in midair until she finally fell to the ground with a loud thunk.

Asmyne laid flat with her back on the ground. “Ow,” was all she could get out. She slowly sat up and held her head.

“Professor!” Wiley called whilst he and April ran over to her.

“That was crazy,” April told Asmyne. “How did you manage that?”

“I told you… I’m a mad scientist,” Asmyne replied, slowly standing up. She wiped the dirt off of her lab coat then ruffled the dirt out of her hair. “It delayed. I don’t understand why, though. The timer should have set it off but it didn’t.”

“That’s odd,” Wiley agreed. “Wow… it demolished the carts.”

Asmyne smiled. “That was the point. Now, if you two excuse me. I have a date to prepare for.” She walked away.

April had been preoccupied with what she had just witnessed that she didn’t even catch what Asmyne had just said. She followed Wiley and Asmyne into the laboratory.



Asmyne walked into the living room and waited for her date to arrive. April sat on the couch and flipped through the channels on the television.

There was a knock on the door.

Asmyne glanced at the clock and smiled. “Good he’s right on time.”

“Wait… who’s right on time?” April asked, looking over at Asmyne.

“You’ll see.” Asmyne opened the door and Damen walked in.

“Are you ready?” Damen asked. He held out his arm for Asmyne to take it.

“Ready for what?” April asked, jumping up.

“Yes I am,” Asmyne answered Damen’s question and took his arm.

“Wait… no… no… no… you two aren’t dating… tell me you two aren’t dating?” April asked.

“April,” Damen said, “we’ve been dating for a few weeks and you’ve just now noticed?”

“What? No…” April couldn’t believe the news.

“Wait… you’re allowed to date my best friend but I can’t date your roommate?” Damen asked.

“She’s insane… you two can’t be….” April was protective when it came to her brother and the news was a bit of a shock for her.

Asmyne looked over at Damen and winked. She turned her attention toward April. “I’m two weeks pregnant and Damen’s the father.”

April dropped her mouth.

“That’s right,” Damen agreed. “We were going to wait to tell you but you got it out of us.”

“What?” April asked.

“Yeah,” Asmyne nodded.

“And we plan on getting married,” Damen added.

April didn’t know how to react to the news. “But-”

“Sorry you had to find out this way, sis,” Damen told her.

“I need to lie down.” April climbed onto the couch and stretched out, shocked.

The Pain Never Leaves

Wiley sat on the floor, staring up at Asmyne who had been crying. He rested his head in her lap. He felt horrible for her.

Asmyne rested her head on her arms, crying into the sleeves of her lab coat. Her heart felt like it had been ripped to shreds. “It’s my fault,” she finally spoke, after hours of crying. She locked eyes with Wiley. “I did it. I led him into her arms. I wasn’t around like I should have been.”

Wiley lifted up his head. “It’s not your fault, professor. It’s his fault. He’s the one who cheated, not you.”


“No. He knew what he was doing. It’s not your fault. If I could, I’d deck him. You don’t deserve him. You’re way too good for him. You don’t need him in your life.” Wiley smiled, slightly. “You could do a million times better than that jerk. You need some like me.” His smile grew wide. “You should invent a machine that would turn me into a person and I’d take way better care of you then Gimat ever did.” He moved his eyebrows. “It would be better with me.”

A small smile appeared on Asmyne’s face. “I don’t think so.”

Wiley lost his smile. “Why not?”

“Well, for one, I’m pretty that’s on the line of bestiality.”

“But I’d be a person.”

“And two… I’ve raised you from a young cub… you’re practically my baby.”

“Fine… well, you need to get rid of everything belongs to Gimat… unless you want me to tear up everything that belongs to him.”

Asmyne let out a laugh.



Gimat took a step onto a new wooden porch. I hope Asmyne isn’t here, he thought. He opened the door lovely white house. He looked over to the fire place and noticed the burning fire. Crap.

Asmyne walked into the living room and noticed him. “Oh hello, Gi,” she told him swiftly, hiding the anger she felt.

“Asmyne, I’m kicking you out of the house… that way Semi can move in,” he told her.

Asmyne looked over at Gimat and laughed as if it were a joke. “Did I just hear you right?”

Gimat stared at Asmyne. He didn’t know what to expect from her.

“I catch you with another woman and you’re kicking me out?” she asked.

Gimat heard the torment in Asmyne’s laughter. It was a sarcastic, angry laugh whilst she spoke, which he had rarely heard.

“Ten long years… and everything in this house… this house itself is all mine… the only things that had actually belonged to you were your clothes.”

“My clothes? What do you mean belonged?”

Asmyne tilted her head slightly, locking eyes with him. “I thought that it would be nice to have a nice, cozy fire in the fire place. So I took your clothes and placed them in it… and I poured gasoline on them for fuel. I hope you don’t mind.”

“You burnt my clothes?” Gimat asked, rushing over to the long fire place.

“Well, I thought about donating them but I figured you’d go and get them back. So I decided that burning them was a better option.”

“You evil little-”

“You went behind my back with your stupid lab rat!” Asmyne shouted, the anger finally released itself. “Ten long years… I thought that everything between us was fine. What did I do wrong? Was it the fact that I was always at work? Was it because I was barely home? What was it?”

Gimat waited a bit before answering. “You can’t bear children.”

Asmyne held her breath. She felt the left over pieces of her heart break even more.

“I want children, Asmyne. Semi can give me children… you can’t. I don’t want a wife who can’t reproduce.”

“You don’t think I want kids? It’s not my fault.”

“I don’t care.”

Wiley stood in the doorway. He stared at Gimat and growled.

“That stupid mutt doesn’t count as a baby,” Gimat replied. “I want real children.”

Asmyne didn’t know how to respond. The pain was a million times worst.

“Leave, Gimat,” Wiley growled.

Gimat noticed Wiley’s fangs. He looked back at Asmyne. “Fine… I hope you enjoy this big house by yourself… with no husband… no children… just you and that stupid mutt.” He left without another word.

Wiley stopped growling and walked over to Asmyne. He nudged her left hand with his head to get her to pet him. “You’ll find someone better than him. He’s nothing but a big jerk,” he told her.



Present Day

Planet Earth


April was still sitting on the couch. She had listened to the story and was surprised. She hadn’t realized how bad Asmyne had it. She felt horrible for judging Asmyne. “So he cheated on her?” she asked.

“Yep,” Wiley replied.

“Wait a minute. Then that means that her and Damen lied to me about her being… oh my gosh.”

“Yep, it’s quite impossible for her to get pregnant… not only that, she’s too old to actually reproduce anyways. She’s over three million years old.”



Asmyne stood in her laboratory, glaring at the screen. “What do you want, Gi?”

“Well, I wanted to see how you were doing, you still look as young as you did when you destroyed the planet,” he replied.

“Thank you. I wish I could say the same to you.”

“Hi, Asmyne,” another familiar face had appeared on the screen. The half human, half rat creature waved at her.

“Asmyne, you remember Semi,” Gimat said.

“How can I forget? I caught you with her in your office… dumb lab rat.”

Semi eyed Asmyne for the comment. “Yeah well… you’re a… brunette.”

Asmyne raised an eyebrow, looking at Gimat. “Really? Oh wait… that’s right I forgot. When you were looking for someone hotter and younger than me… you were also looking for someone dumber so that way you could have a higher intelligence quotient to boost your ego,” she replied with a sly smile.

Gimat lost his smile and eyed Asmyne. “You won’t be laughing for long. I plan on destroying the earth.”

“You better not.”

“I will and I know how to make it look like it was your fault.” Gimat laughed.

“What?” Asmyne asked, confused.

“Good bye, Asmyne.”

“Wait… what did-?”

The screen went black.




April walked into Asmyne’s room. Everything was in black and white. It was like the color had been drained out of everything. She walked over to Asmyne who stood out in the middle of the desert plane. There were a couple of flat planes in the distance as well which were higher off of the ground. A long train track ran across the desert.

April began talking but no words came out.

A black screen popped up with words on it. It read:


“Why is everything in black and white?”


April touched her mouth, confused. She moved her mouth again. It was like she was mute.

Some more words popped up on the screen:


“My voice? My voice is gone… Aaaahhh! I’m mute! I can’t speak!”


Asmyne laughed, quietly, at April’s confusion.

The screen had another word pop up:




April moved her mouth again.

More words popped up on the screen:


“That’s not funny.”


Asmyne moved her mouth and pointed to the screen.

A few more words appeared:


“Yes it is. See this is the black and white silent movie film world. That screen is what shows us what the other is saying.”


April stared at the screen and then looked at Asmyne. She quickly moved her mouth.

A small word formed on the screen:




April looked around. She couldn’t believe she was actually in a black and white silent world.

Asmyne moved her mouth and a sentence formed on the screen:


“Wiley loves this world.”


April looked at Asmyne and spoke. Another word formed along the screen:




Asmyne spoke again and another sentence formed on the screen:


“Because he’s not missing out on seeing color… the only thing he hates about this world is that it’s too quiet and he loves to talk.”


April moved her mouth again. More words appeared on the screen:


“Oh yeah… because dogs can’t see color. It makes sense.”


Asmyne nodded.

April noticed a small shaped rocket in Asmyne’s hand along with an extremely long wire attached to it and a remote controller with only round grey button. She pointed to it and spoke. A question formed on the screen:


“What’s that for?”


Asmyne looked at the rocket then back at April. She smiled and April had a bad feeling that she was planning something insane. She spoke and a mouthful of words popped up on the screen:


“It’s an explosive. I plan on blowing up the train. I’m going to set the explosive on top of the train track and back away as far as possible. I’ll wait for the train to come and as soon as it drives over the explosive, I’m going to hit this button and… Kaboom! Hahaha… It’s so perfect.”


April’s eyes grew wide and she dropped her mouth. She began jumping and yelling. More words formed on the screen:


“Are you crazy?! You’re going to kill innocent people! Lives are at stake! You’re evil, Asmyne!”


Asmyne glanced over at the screen and then to the frantic April. She began talking and words continued to form on the screen:


“I’m insane. I’m a mad scientist. How many times do I have to tell you that? Besides, no one’s going to get hurt. Believe, me, the train’s on auto pilot and not only that there’s no people in my world of the fifth dimension.”


April stopped shouting and jumping. She stared at Asmyne confused and opened her mouth to talk. A couple of more words formed along the screen:


“Oh… why?”


Asmyne spoke and more words popped up on the screen:


“Because I’m pretty sure that’s on the lines of cloning and I don’t believe in cloning. It’s playing God and bad things happen when a person plays God. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you should watch that movie Splice. It’s a good example about what happens when you try to create life. I believe that only God can create life and take life away.”


April was shocked by Asmyne’s words. She stared at Asmyne for a little while before speaking and more words popped up on the screen:


“You’re a Christian? But you’re not from this planet… I didn’t…”


Asmyne smiled and began talking. Her response popped up on the screen:


“I’m an alien… not an atheist. It’s about time for that train. Go all the way back until you’re out of reach of the explosive. Believe me; you do not want to be caught in this explosion.”


April nodded and ran as far away as she could.

Asmyne walked over to the train track and placed the rocket down. She looked over toward the right and smiled at the sight of the train, which was far off into the distance. She moved away and walked closer toward April.

The train began arriving and a few words popped up on the screen:


“Chugga, chugga, choo-choo… chugga, chugga, choo-choo…”


They watched the train drive closer to the explosive. The minute the train hit the rocket, Asmyne pressed the button. When nothing happened, she lost her smile. She continued pressing the button but nothing. She began to grow frustrated.

Once the train was gone, Asmyne dropped the remote and ran for the rocket. She examined it to see why it didn’t do anything and that was when the explosion happened. A word formed in all capital letters on the screen:




The smoke cleared and Asmyne’s glasses slide down her nose. Her hair was more out of place than ever. Dust covered her face. She quickly moved her mouth. A couple of small words formed on the screen:


“Oh… boy.”


Asmyne fell backwards. Another word formed on the screen:





Gimat was in his living room. He moved around. Semi walked into the room. “Why hello, honey,” he told his new wife.

Semi smiled.

“I was thinking before we destroy the earth, we should visit it first.”

“Oh… that sounds fun. Want to bring the kids?”

“No. They can stay here so that way we can be alone. Besides, I want to rub all of this in Asmyne’s face.” He locked eyes with Semi and smiled. “I love you so much.”



Asmyne and April were now in Asmyne’s laboratory. “Can I talk now?” April asked, making sure she could actually speak. She smiled in relief.

Asmyne pulled the hair tie out of her hair and her hair was so messy that it looked like she had been sitting in the electric chair. “What do you want now?” she asked, removing her glasses from her nose. She folded them up and placed them into the left top pocket on her lab coat.

“To apologize… about everything… Wiley told me about your ex-husband….”

“I’ve already told Damen about Gimat. I don’t believe in keeping secrets like that from the man I’m seeing. He just doesn’t know that me and Gi were married for ten years before he met Semi and decided he wanted his lab rat over me. It really hurt.”

“Yeah, Wiley also mentioned that Gimat left you because you can’t have children.”

Asmyne looked away. The hurt was slowly coming back but she didn’t want the earthling to know.

“So you and Damen lied to me when you told me you were pregnant?”

“Yeah that was a lie. Besides, even if I could have children, I and Damen haven’t actually done anything to place us in that predicament.”

April felt herself sigh with relief. “So Damen doesn’t know about you being an alien?”

“No. Not yet.”

“When are you going to tell him?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“What are you going to wait till after you’re married for ten years to tell him?” April asked. She hadn’t realized that her tone had gone from being kind and gentle to being angry and judgmental.

“No. I plan on telling him. I just want to wait for the right time. Now do not yell at me. I just found out that my ex-husband plans on destroying this planet and I’m doing what I can to stop him… got it?”

April didn’t reply. She blinked a couple of times, shocked.

“I have a lot of pressure. I don’t need any more.”

Wiley walked into the area. “Can you two please keep it down? I’m trying to take a nap.”

“Sorry, Wiley,” Asmyne told him.

“Sorry, Wiley,” April repeated.

Wiley turned around left.

The Dream

The following afternoon, Asmyne and April were walking around outside of the apartments. “You see, earthling, there is much you still don’t understand about me and Wiley, and well, if you want friends, you’ll have to learn how not to judge people before you get to know them,” Asmyne explained.

“I apologized….”

“Yes but you still have a lot of nosy questions. I can tell. You already know more than you should. I didn’t want you to know about Gimat at all really because I knew that you’d think the worst and I didn’t want to have to explain about him.”

“But you didn’t, Wiley did….”

“Still… it was my business… my personal business that you shouldn’t have learned about. You weren’t supposed to know that I was exiled to this planet for destroying my own planet… and you most certainly shouldn’t have learned that me and Wiley are aliens, but that mutt has a hard time keeping his mouth shut.”

“You’re so weird.”

“Me weird? You’re the one who’s living with a couple of aliens and I’m the weird one?”

“You are-” April didn’t know how to comment to Asmyne’s question. She and Sasha were the only two who knew Asmyne’s secret but if they told anyone they would have looked like idiots.

“Don’t know how to reply to that huh?”

A girl with curly strawberry blonde hair and ocean blue eyes walked over to them. She looked to be about a couple of years younger than them.

Asmyne raised an eyebrow at the girl. She could tell that the girl was trouble from the way she was dressed. Talk about trampy, she thought.

The girl wore a sleeveless, sandy brown alter top which revealed her belly button. The blue jean shorts she wore were too short and almost revealed a certain area that shouldn’t be seen.

Wow the earthling version of Semi, Asmyne thought. She better stay away from Damen or I’ll make her suffer.

“What do you want, Raye?” April asked.

Asmyne could tell from April’s voice that she didn’t like the girl either.

“Well, I heard that you and Bryson are finally together,” the girl answered with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

“Yeah… so?”

“Well, if you two break up can you give him my number?”

April dropped her mouth in disbelief.

“I assure you that April and Bryson will be together for a long time… they’ll wind up getting married,” Asmyne interrupted.

Raye looked at Asmyne, confused. “And who are you?” she asked, rudely.

“April’s roommate, Asmyne, and also her brother’s girlfriend,” the alien replied.

“You’re dating Damen?” Raye asked with even more jealousy.

“That’s what I just said.” Asmyne had a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “You like trying to steal guys from other girls… don’t you, tramp?”

“You’re so rude. I don’t even know you.”

“I know the kind of girl you are… just by the way you’re dress… if you had any respect for your body, you wouldn’t be dressed like a prostitute.”

“Who do you think you are my mother?”

“No, but if I was, I would be ashamed to know you. I would just disown you.”

Raye dropped her mouth at the insult. “You’re rude.” She left.

April turned to face Asmyne. “Wow,” she finally spoke with shock. “That was extremely rude.”

“But true… women shouldn’t be a loud to dress like that… especially a child. It’s a shame. How do you know that tramp?”

“We were friends at one time but then she started acting like a spoiled brat. Every time she was single and I had a boyfriend, she would try her best to break us up, so she could get him to herself.”

“Sounds like Semi, except we weren’t really friends. Did it work?”

“No… when me and my boyfriend, at the time, actually broke up it was for other reasons but we’d stay friends though.”

Asmyne smiled a little.

“Thanks for standing up for me. That was nice.”

“No problem. Someone needed to tell that girl something… or she was going to go through life thinking that everyone’s supposed to bow down to her.”



Gimat and Semi had landed on earth. They were in the woods next to the town. Gimat stood up and helped his ratty wife to her feet. “We’ll tell the earthling’s that we’re going to a costume party,” he said. “They’ll fall for it.”

Gimat grabbed Semi’s hand and they walked out of the woods and found their way to the town. “Is this our second honeymoon?” Semi asked, smiling.

“It’s whatever you want it to be, honey,” he answered, leading the way. He figured that asking for directions would be a good idea and seeing if anyone happened to know Asmyne.

“Yay! A second honeymoon! Can we go swimming?”

“Not now… maybe later… it’s so amazing how this planet looks like Sylestny.”

Semi looked around and had to agree with Gimat.



Later that night, April walked into Asmyne’s room and shock filled her body. “Oh my gosh.”

“What?” Asmyne asked.

“Your room… this is the first time I actually see this… your room is actually… a bedroom.”

Wiley jumped up onto Asmyne’s bed and curled up into a ball.

Asmyne looked around. She couldn’t understand why April was so surprised. “Um… yeah… where do you think I sleep at night? In my laboratory?”

“Yeah,” April answered.

“Well, this is my room,” Asmyne told her.

“And my room too, professor,” Wiley replied.

“And Wiley’s room too… don’t comment to that,” she added the last part for Wiley.

“Okay. Well, I was just coming in here to say goodnight… goodnight, Asmyne… goodnight, Wiley.”

“Good night, earthling.”

“Goodnight, April.” Wiley stuck his head up and smiled, sticking the tip of his tongue out.

April smiled at the wolf then left and closed the door behind her.



Asmyne and Damen were sitting by a swimming pool. They talked and laughed. Bryson and April were with them, off in their own little conversation.

“We should do this more often,” April laughed, glancing over at Asmyne and Damen.

“Yes… this is fun,” Bryson agreed.

Damen and Asmyne watched Bryson and April share a kiss.

“Aww,” Asmyne sighed. “That’s so sweet.”

“Oh… you think that’s sweet,” Damen said and he stood up. He pulled Asmyne up to her feet and they kissed.

Asmyne’s eyes closed. Once they were done, she pulled away from him and opened her eyes. She smiled until she realized that the man standing in front of her wasn’t Damen anymore. He was… Gimat.

“You’re cheating on my brother with your ex-husband.” April’s voice came from behind Asmyne with anger.

“Hello, Asmyne.” Gimat smiled, holding up Asmyne’s chin.

Asmyne jerked away from Gimat and closed her eyes again.



Asmyne jerked up and opened her eyes. She looked around the dark room. The moonlight was the only light in the room.

Wiley felt Asmyne jerk up and his sleepy eyes looked at her. “Are you alright, professor?”

“Yeah… I just had kind of a bad dream.”

“A nightmare?”

“No, it just wasn't a good dream. I went to kiss Damen… when we pulled away from each other he was Gimat.”

“Ooo… scandals.”

“Shut up, Wiley,” Asmyne said, eyeing him.


“What can it mean?”

“I don’t know.”

“I lost all the feelings that I had for Gimat a long time ago so it can’t be that. What if it’s telling me that… no… wait… maybe it’s because I’m worried that Damen’s going to do the same thing that Gimat did to me. I plan on telling him that we’re aliens but what if he leaves me after that. That would be a reason to-”

“Professor, relax. I haven’t met Damen yet… but I don’t think that he’s going to dump you… especially for another girl. Man, Gimat messed you up pretty bad, professor.”

“You really think so?”


“Okay. Well, I’m going to tell Damen soon… probably tomorrow. Good night, Wiley.” Asmyne lay back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling.

“Night, professor.” Wiley rested his head in between his paws and closed his eyes.

Gimat's Visit

Sasha walked into the apartment, followed by another girl. The new girl had long pitch black hair which dropped down over her shoulders. She wore a black tank top with matching baggy black pants which were held up with a thick belt that was barely noticeable since it blended with the pants. She had pale white skin and pitch black eyes. She wore dark colored wrist bands with spikes poking out of them. She wore a few small rings on her fingers of each hand.

“Hey, Sasha… Ren,” April told them.

“Hey, April,” Sasha replied.

“Hello,” Ren replied with a soft and plain tone.

“What are you two up to?” April asked.

“We were… well I was planning on going swimming,” Sasha answered. “Ren’s going to try and get a tan. We wanted to know if you and Asmyne wanted to join us.”

“Sounds fun… I’ll go ask her.” April left the room.

“Asmyne?” Ren asked. “What kind of insane name is that?”

“I don’t know,” Sasha replied. “What kind of insane name is Ren?” she asked, looking at her creepy roommate.

Ren shot Sasha a strange and creepy look which freaked Sasha out.

“Please don’t kill me… I didn’t mean,” Sasha replied.



Asmyne ran through a maze when she ran into April.

“Ow!” April shouted.

 Asmyne quickly jumped to her feet. “There’s no time for that, earthling.” She was jumpy as if she was in a hurry.

 “What’s going on, Asmyne? And where are we?”

 “We’re in a maze inside of a house and I just placed a bomb in the basement which is set to blow any minute now… we have to get out of here fast.”

“Oh… okay.” April followed Asmyne through the long and confusing maze.



Wiley stood a few yards away from the two story house. He looked at a clock which Asmyne had giving him to keep track of time. “Come on, professor,” he mumbled with worry in his voice. He kept glancing at the house then to the clock. “Come on.”

Two figures emerged out of the house and over to him. April noticed that the house was the only one around. Trees had surrounded the area.

“Hey, professor, you made it just in time,” Wiley informed them.

 “Cool,” Asmyne said with a smile. She looked over at the house and waited.

“Ten… nine… eight,” Wiley counted down, keeping an eye on the clock. “Seven… six… five… four… three… two… one.” He looked up at the house.

Asmyne lost her smile. “Why isn’t it doing anything?”

 “I don’t know. It should have gone off by now,” Wiley agreed.

 They waited but nothing happened.

 Asmyne sighed. “It’s probably another dud. I’ll be back.”

 “Okay,” Wiley replied. He and April watched Asmyne walk back to the house. They watched her walk in and then the building exploded. They watched something shoot up into the bright blue sky whilst the house burst into flames. Their heads and eyes followed the object fly through the air and land with a loud thunk.

The leaves shuffled and Asmyne had landed on the ground, sliding next to Wiley.

 “You know, professor, I think that your timing is off horribly,” Wiley told her with a small smile.

 Asmyne pushed herself up so she could glare at Wiley. Her face was covered with ashes from the blast. She slowly pushed herself up to her feet. “Well, that didn’t go as I had planned.”

 “Hey, you could say that you flew.” Wiley laughed.

Asmyne shook her head at Wiley’s comment. “What do you want, earthling?”

 “Well, I, Sasha, and her roommate were going to the swimming pool… want to join?” April asked.

 “Sure… but I want to be back before three because I’m meeting Damen today,” Asmyne answered.

 “Okay,” April replied.

 “Can I go?” Wiley asked, wagging his tail.

 “No,” Asmyne replied.

 “Oh man,” the wolf sighed with disappointment.



At the swimming pool, Raye had arrived with another girl. Raye’s friend had short blonde hair and like Raye was dressed like a prostitute. Raye noticed Asmyne, April, Sasha, and Ren. “That’s the one who called me a tramp,” she whispered to the blonde girl about Asmyne.

 “What nerve?” the blonde replied.

 “I know right?” Raye agreed.

They walked over to the four girls. “What do you want, Raye? Denise?” April asked.

“To tell your roommate that she isn’t allowed to talk to me the way she did,” Raye told them, eyeing Asmyne.

“The truth hurts, child,” Asmyne replied. She didn’t even bother to look at Raye.

“Child? I’m eighteen… I’m an adult,” Raye replied.

Asmyne and April laughed like it had been an inside joke. “Believe me,” Asmyne began, "you’re not close enough to be an adult.”

“You think you’re better than me, don’t you?” Raye asked.

Asmyne stood up and locked eyes with Raye. “No… I don’t. I know a lot of trampy girls like you and your friend over there. You’re going to meet a guy who’s going to want one thing from you and once he gets what he wants he’s going to leave. I know a woman who was married for ten years to a man and they tried to have a child for eight of those years when they found out that she couldn’t reproduce.” She eyed Raye. “The tenth year her husband met a tramp assistant who was about your age and chose the tramp over his wife… because she could give him children. Lucky for that tramp he hasn’t left her yet… but….” The anger slowly began revealing itself in her voice.

“Yeah… so what does that have to deal with me?” Raye asked with boredom and sarcasm.

“I want you to know that if you try to take any other girls man… I hope that they will knock you out… ‘cause I know I would.”

“Whoa… what’s going on?” Damen’s voice asked from behind Asmyne.

Asmyne felt the anger vanish whilst she turned to face Damen. She smiled. “Oh… I need to talk to you about something.”

Damen raised an eyebrow. “Did I do something bad?”

“No… but I need you to come with me to my laboratory,” she answered.

“Ooo… we going to experiment on each other if you know what I mean?” he asked, playfully.

Asmyne smiled. “Something like that.”

“Nice,” Damen replied.

April felt gross out. “I’m going to go make sure that they don’t do what I think they’re going to do.” She hurried after them, acting the way any protective sister would.

“Oh so she calls me a tramp but she’s going to-” Raye began but was cut off by Sasha.

“Actually, Raye,” Sasha replied, “Asmyne isn’t a trampy girl like you.”

Raye and Denise looked at Sasha.

“She’s just a tease, unlike you,” Sasha added.

Ren laughed at Sasha’s comment.

“What are you laughing at, freak?” Raye asked.

Ren stared at Raye with a creepy look which freaked her out.

“Never mind… let’s get out of here, Denise,” Raye told her friend.

“Sure,” Denise replied.



April followed Damen and Asmyne into Asmyne’s laboratory. “Okay, what I’m about… April, what are you doing here?” Asmyne asked.

“Making sure that you don’t try anything that you two shouldn’t do,” April answered.

Asmyne sighed. “I told you nothing’s going on. Now, Damen, I want you to meet someone. Wiley!”

Wiley walked into the area and glanced at Damen. He sniffed the air and walked next to Asmyne.

“Damen, this is Wiley my laboratory assistant. Say hi, Wiley,” Asmyne told the two guys in her life.

Wiley just stared at Damen.

“Say something, Wiley,” Asmyne told the wolf.

Wiley remained silent.

Asmyne laughed a little out of frustration and felt a little stupid. “So, I tell you not to speak and you can’t seem to shut up but now I tell you to talk and you have nothing to say?”

“But you told me not to speak in front of the earthlings,” Wiley answered.

“Oh cool… he talks,” Damen replied with a small laugh.

“That’s not creepy to you?” April asked.

 Asmyne stared at Damen with shock.

“No… Asmyne’s a mad scientist,” Damen replied. “It doesn’t surprise me. I think it’s cool.”

Asmyne smiled at Damen’s answer. “Then maybe this won’t freak you out either… hopefully. I and Wiley are actually aliens from another planet. We were sent here about a hundred years ago. I am over three million years old. My marriage I told you about lasted ten years before I caught him cheating on me with his lab rat and we got a divorce. I would have told you sooner but I didn’t know how. If you’re mad at me for keeping all of this a secret, I understand. If you need time to take all of this in, I understand that too. If you don’t believe me at all, I completely understand. I just wanted to tell you all of this because my ex-husband plans on destroying this beautiful planet and I’m doing what I can to stop him.”

Damen looked at Asmyne and smiled. “I believe you… and I’m not mad. I can tell that you were going to tell me sooner or later but you didn’t know how.” He walked over to Asmyne and hugged her. “You are incredible. Your ex-husband is a moron for leaving you.” He kissed her forehead.

“Aww thank you.”

“Cool… I’m dating an older space chick.”

Asmyne couldn’t help but laugh.

Wiley’s ears perked up. “Uh-oh.”

“What is it, Wiley?” Asmyne asked.

“It’s Gimat and Semi,” he answered, growling. “They’re close."

“Well it sounds like we have some unwanted guest then,” Asmyne replied.



Asmyne, Damen, April, and Wiley stood outside of the apartment when Gimat and Semi arrived. Wiley watched them with a low growl in his throat.

“Ah, my dear, Asmyne,” Gimat spoke whilst he stood right in front of her.

“Don’t call me that, Gi,” Asmyne responded.

“Fine.” He glanced over at Wiley. “I see that you still have that stupid mutt.”

“He’s smarter than your lab rat,” Asmyne replied. “Which reminds me… how’s bestiality treating you?” she glanced at Semi for a moment, pointing toward her. “Did she give you the litter of rodents that you wanted?”

“Well, at least, she gave me more children than you ever did.” Gimat didn’t care if he was being inconsiderate or not.

Asmyne looked away. The words had stung her heart.

Damen walked over to Asmyne and wrapped an arm around her. “I think that Asmyne’s amazing.”

“Oh and who are you, boy?” Gimat asked.

“Damen Simpson… Asmyne’s boyfriend,” he answered.

“Damen,” Asmyne interrupted, “this is Professor Gimat Ringola, and his lab rat as well as his wife, Semi Ringola.”

Damen looked over at Semi and had to keep from laughing. “So you dumped Asmyne for Minnie Mouse?”

Asmyne had to cover her mouth to hide the laughter.

Gimat didn’t laugh. He didn’t find Damen’s joke to be all that funny. “She gave me children whereas Asmyne couldn’t.”

“So you went for your lab rat?” Damen asked. “She has a tail. She’s not even cute.”

Semi dropped her mouth. “He’s mocking me, Gi.”

“Yes, I know, Semi.” Gimat looked over at April and Wiley. “Earthling girl, come here.”

“Why?” April asked.

“Just come here,” Gimat replied with a hint of agitation.

April walked over to them. She kept an eye on Gimat, wearily.

“If I told you that Asmyne destroyed our planet what would you say?” he asked.

“I already know that because she already told me that,” April answered.

“What if I told you that Asmyne was framed?” he asked.

Asmyne looked at Gimat. She remembered back to when she was talking to him over the screen. She put it all together in her head and everything became clear. “Framed?” she asked as if the word was unfamiliar to her.

“Yes framed,” Gimat replied.

“I don’t know… that would-” April began.

“You did it,” Asmyne interrupted, pointing to Gimat. “You did it. You framed me. You knew what would happen.” The anger grew.

“Gimat…” Wiley growled. “You… I should have known.”

“Whatever, stupid mutt,” Gimat replied, eyeing Wiley.

“You’re evil,” Asmyne told Gimat.

Gimat smiled. “And you’re just now noticing that? You may be a mad scientist… but you’re naïve when it comes to trusting people.”

Damen punched Gimat right in the jaw causing a popping noise but it had happened in a quick second.

Gimat eyed the earthling boy but the punch hadn’t affected him. “Done, boy?”

“It might be best if you leave, Gi,” Asmyne told him.

“Fine… ten days, Asmyne… ten days then this planet goes boom!” Gimat had jumped in Asmyne’s face for a moment, causing Asmyne to lean back slightly. “Come on, Semi.” Gimat left with Semi tagging along behind.   

The Last Day On Sylestny

Sasha walked into the apartment, followed by another girl. The new girl had long pitch black hair which dropped down over her shoulders. She wore a black tank top with matching baggy black pants which were held up with a thick belt that was barely noticeable since it blended with the pants. She had pale white skin and pitch black eyes. She wore dark colored wrist bands with spikes poking out of them. She wore a few small rings on her fingers of each hand.

“Hey, Sasha… Ren,” April told them.

“Hey, April,” Sasha replied.

“Hello,” Ren replied with a soft and plain tone.

“What are you two up to?” April asked.

“We were… well I was planning on going swimming,” Sasha answered. “Ren’s going to try and get a tan. We wanted to know if you and Asmyne wanted to join us.”

“Sounds fun… I’ll go ask her.” April left the room.

“Asmyne?” Ren asked. “What kind of insane name is that?”

“I don’t know,” Sasha replied. “What kind of insane name is Ren?” she asked, looking at her creepy roommate.

Ren shot Sasha a strange and creepy look which freaked Sasha out.

“Please don’t kill me… I didn’t mean,” Sasha replied.



Asmyne ran through a maze when she ran into April.

“Ow!” April shouted.

 Asmyne quickly jumped to her feet. “There’s no time for that, earthling.” She was jumpy as if she was in a hurry.

 “What’s going on, Asmyne? And where are we?”

 “We’re in a maze inside of a house and I just placed a bomb in the basement which is set to blow any minute now… we have to get out of here fast.”

“Oh… okay.” April followed Asmyne through the long and confusing maze.



Wiley stood a few yards away from the two story house. He looked at a clock which Asmyne had giving him to keep track of time. “Come on, professor,” he mumbled with worry in his voice. He kept glancing at the house then to the clock. “Come on.”

Two figures emerged out of the house and over to him. April noticed that the house was the only one around. Trees had surrounded the area.

“Hey, professor, you made it just in time,” Wiley informed them.

 “Cool,” Asmyne said with a smile. She looked over at the house and waited.

“Ten… nine… eight,” Wiley counted down, keeping an eye on the clock. “Seven… six… five… four… three… two… one.” He looked up at the house.

Asmyne lost her smile. “Why isn’t it doing anything?”

 “I don’t know. It should have gone off by now,” Wiley agreed.

 They waited but nothing happened.

 Asmyne sighed. “It’s probably another dud. I’ll be back.”

 “Okay,” Wiley replied. He and April watched Asmyne walk back to the house. They watched her walk in and then the building exploded. They watched something shoot up into the bright blue sky whilst the house burst into flames. Their heads and eyes followed the object fly through the air and land with a loud thunk.

The leaves shuffled and Asmyne had landed on the ground, sliding next to Wiley.

 “You know, professor, I think that your timing is off horribly,” Wiley told her with a small smile.

 Asmyne pushed herself up so she could glare at Wiley. Her face was covered with ashes from the blast. She slowly pushed herself up to her feet. “Well, that didn’t go as I had planned.”

 “Hey, you could say that you flew.” Wiley laughed.

Asmyne shook her head at Wiley’s comment. “What do you want, earthling?”

 “Well, I, Sasha, and her roommate were going to the swimming pool… want to join?” April asked.

 “Sure… but I want to be back before three because I’m meeting Damen today,” Asmyne answered.

 “Okay,” April replied.

 “Can I go?” Wiley asked, wagging his tail.

 “No,” Asmyne replied.

 “Oh man,” the wolf sighed with disappointment.



At the swimming pool, Raye had arrived with another girl. Raye’s friend had short blonde hair and like Raye was dressed like a prostitute. Raye noticed Asmyne, April, Sasha, and Ren. “That’s the one who called me a tramp,” she whispered to the blonde girl about Asmyne.

 “What nerve?” the blonde replied.

 “I know right?” Raye agreed.

They walked over to the four girls. “What do you want, Raye? Denise?” April asked.

“To tell your roommate that she isn’t allowed to talk to me the way she did,” Raye told them, eyeing Asmyne.

“The truth hurts, child,” Asmyne replied. She didn’t even bother to look at Raye.

“Child? I’m eighteen… I’m an adult,” Raye replied.

Asmyne and April laughed like it had been an inside joke. “Believe me,” Asmyne began, "you’re not close enough to be an adult.”

“You think you’re better than me, don’t you?” Raye asked.

Asmyne stood up and locked eyes with Raye. “No… I don’t. I know a lot of trampy girls like you and your friend over there. You’re going to meet a guy who’s going to want one thing from you and once he gets what he wants he’s going to leave. I know a woman who was married for ten years to a man and they tried to have a child for eight of those years when they found out that she couldn’t reproduce.” She eyed Raye. “The tenth year her husband met a tramp assistant who was about your age and chose the tramp over his wife… because she could give him children. Lucky for that tramp he hasn’t left her yet… but….” The anger slowly began revealing itself in her voice.

“Yeah… so what does that have to deal with me?” Raye asked with boredom and sarcasm.

“I want you to know that if you try to take any other girls man… I hope that they will knock you out… ‘cause I know I would.”

“Whoa… what’s going on?” Damen’s voice asked from behind Asmyne.

Asmyne felt the anger vanish whilst she turned to face Damen. She smiled. “Oh… I need to talk to you about something.”

Damen raised an eyebrow. “Did I do something bad?”

“No… but I need you to come with me to my laboratory,” she answered.

“Ooo… we going to experiment on each other if you know what I mean?” he asked, playfully.

Asmyne smiled. “Something like that.”

“Nice,” Damen replied.

April felt gross out. “I’m going to go make sure that they don’t do what I think they’re going to do.” She hurried after them, acting the way any protective sister would.

“Oh so she calls me a tramp but she’s going to-” Raye began but was cut off by Sasha.

“Actually, Raye,” Sasha replied, “Asmyne isn’t a trampy girl like you.”

Raye and Denise looked at Sasha.

“She’s just a tease, unlike you,” Sasha added.

Ren laughed at Sasha’s comment.

“What are you laughing at, freak?” Raye asked.

Ren stared at Raye with a creepy look which freaked her out.

“Never mind… let’s get out of here, Denise,” Raye told her friend.

“Sure,” Denise replied.



April followed Damen and Asmyne into Asmyne’s laboratory. “Okay, what I’m about… April, what are you doing here?” Asmyne asked.

“Making sure that you don’t try anything that you two shouldn’t do,” April answered.

Asmyne sighed. “I told you nothing’s going on. Now, Damen, I want you to meet someone. Wiley!”

Wiley walked into the area and glanced at Damen. He sniffed the air and walked next to Asmyne.

“Damen, this is Wiley my laboratory assistant. Say hi, Wiley,” Asmyne told the two guys in her life.

Wiley just stared at Damen.

“Say something, Wiley,” Asmyne told the wolf.

Wiley remained silent.

Asmyne laughed a little out of frustration and felt a little stupid. “So, I tell you not to speak and you can’t seem to shut up but now I tell you to talk and you have nothing to say?”

“But you told me not to speak in front of the earthlings,” Wiley answered.

“Oh cool… he talks,” Damen replied with a small laugh.

“That’s not creepy to you?” April asked.

 Asmyne stared at Damen with shock.

“No… Asmyne’s a mad scientist,” Damen replied. “It doesn’t surprise me. I think it’s cool.”

Asmyne smiled at Damen’s answer. “Then maybe this won’t freak you out either… hopefully. I and Wiley are actually aliens from another planet. We were sent here about a hundred years ago. I am over three million years old. My marriage I told you about lasted ten years before I caught him cheating on me with his lab rat and we got a divorce. I would have told you sooner but I didn’t know how. If you’re mad at me for keeping all of this a secret, I understand. If you need time to take all of this in, I understand that too. If you don’t believe me at all, I completely understand. I just wanted to tell you all of this because my ex-husband plans on destroying this beautiful planet and I’m doing what I can to stop him.”

Damen looked at Asmyne and smiled. “I believe you… and I’m not mad. I can tell that you were going to tell me sooner or later but you didn’t know how.” He walked over to Asmyne and hugged her. “You are incredible. Your ex-husband is a moron for leaving you.” He kissed her forehead.

“Aww thank you.”

“Cool… I’m dating an older space chick.”

Asmyne couldn’t help but laugh.

Wiley’s ears perked up. “Uh-oh.”

“What is it, Wiley?” Asmyne asked.

“It’s Gimat and Semi,” he answered, growling. “They’re close."

“Well it sounds like we have some unwanted guest then,” Asmyne replied.



Asmyne, Damen, April, and Wiley stood outside of the apartment when Gimat and Semi arrived. Wiley watched them with a low growl in his throat.

“Ah, my dear, Asmyne,” Gimat spoke whilst he stood right in front of her.

“Don’t call me that, Gi,” Asmyne responded.

“Fine.” He glanced over at Wiley. “I see that you still have that stupid mutt.”

“He’s smarter than your lab rat,” Asmyne replied. “Which reminds me… how’s bestiality treating you?” she glanced at Semi for a moment, pointing toward her. “Did she give you the litter of rodents that you wanted?”

“Well, at least, she gave me more children than you ever did.” Gimat didn’t care if he was being inconsiderate or not.

Asmyne looked away. The words had stung her heart.

Damen walked over to Asmyne and wrapped an arm around her. “I think that Asmyne’s amazing.”

“Oh and who are you, boy?” Gimat asked.

“Damen Simpson… Asmyne’s boyfriend,” he answered.

“Damen,” Asmyne interrupted, “this is Professor Gimat Ringola, and his lab rat as well as his wife, Semi Ringola.”

Damen looked over at Semi and had to keep from laughing. “So you dumped Asmyne for Minnie Mouse?”

Asmyne had to cover her mouth to hide the laughter.

Gimat didn’t laugh. He didn’t find Damen’s joke to be all that funny. “She gave me children whereas Asmyne couldn’t.”

“So you went for your lab rat?” Damen asked. “She has a tail. She’s not even cute.”

Semi dropped her mouth. “He’s mocking me, Gi.”

“Yes, I know, Semi.” Gimat looked over at April and Wiley. “Earthling girl, come here.”

“Why?” April asked.

“Just come here,” Gimat replied with a hint of agitation.

April walked over to them. She kept an eye on Gimat, wearily.

“If I told you that Asmyne destroyed our planet what would you say?” he asked.

“I already know that because she already told me that,” April answered.

“What if I told you that Asmyne was framed?” he asked.

Asmyne looked at Gimat. She remembered back to when she was talking to him over the screen. She put it all together in her head and everything became clear. “Framed?” she asked as if the word was unfamiliar to her.

“Yes framed,” Gimat replied.

“I don’t know… that would-” April began.

“You did it,” Asmyne interrupted, pointing to Gimat. “You did it. You framed me. You knew what would happen.” The anger grew.

“Gimat…” Wiley growled. “You… I should have known.”

“Whatever, stupid mutt,” Gimat replied, eyeing Wiley.

“You’re evil,” Asmyne told Gimat.

Gimat smiled. “And you’re just now noticing that? You may be a mad scientist… but you’re naïve when it comes to trusting people.”

Damen punched Gimat right in the jaw causing a popping noise but it had happened in a quick second.

Gimat eyed the earthling boy but the punch hadn’t affected him. “Done, boy?”

“It might be best if you leave, Gi,” Asmyne told him.

“Fine… ten days, Asmyne… ten days then this planet goes boom!” Gimat had jumped in Asmyne’s face for a moment, causing Asmyne to lean back slightly. “Come on, Semi.” Gimat left with Semi tagging along behind.   


Sasha walked into the apartment, followed by another girl. The new girl had long pitch black hair which dropped down over her shoulders. She wore a black tank top with matching baggy black pants which were held up with a thick belt that was barely noticeable since it blended with the pants. She had pale white skin and pitch black eyes. She wore dark colored wrist bands with spikes poking out of them. She wore a few small rings on her fingers of each hand.

“Hey, Sasha… Ren,” April told them.

“Hey, April,” Sasha replied.

“Hello,” Ren replied with a soft and plain tone.

“What are you two up to?” April asked.

“We were… well I was planning on going swimming,” Sasha answered. “Ren’s going to try and get a tan. We wanted to know if you and Asmyne wanted to join us.”

“Sounds fun… I’ll go ask her.” April left the room.

“Asmyne?” Ren asked. “What kind of insane name is that?”

“I don’t know,” Sasha replied. “What kind of insane name is Ren?” she asked, looking at her creepy roommate.

Ren shot Sasha a strange and creepy look which freaked Sasha out.

“Please don’t kill me… I didn’t mean,” Sasha replied.



Asmyne ran through a maze when she ran into April.

“Ow!” April shouted.

 Asmyne quickly jumped to her feet. “There’s no time for that, earthling.” She was jumpy as if she was in a hurry.

 “What’s going on, Asmyne? And where are we?”

 “We’re in a maze inside of a house and I just placed a bomb in the basement which is set to blow any minute now… we have to get out of here fast.”

“Oh… okay.” April followed Asmyne through the long and confusing maze.



Wiley stood a few yards away from the two story house. He looked at a clock which Asmyne had giving him to keep track of time. “Come on, professor,” he mumbled with worry in his voice. He kept glancing at the house then to the clock. “Come on.”

Two figures emerged out of the house and over to him. April noticed that the house was the only one around. Trees had surrounded the area.

“Hey, professor, you made it just in time,” Wiley informed them.

 “Cool,” Asmyne said with a smile. She looked over at the house and waited.

“Ten… nine… eight,” Wiley counted down, keeping an eye on the clock. “Seven… six… five… four… three… two… one.” He looked up at the house.

Asmyne lost her smile. “Why isn’t it doing anything?”

 “I don’t know. It should have gone off by now,” Wiley agreed.

 They waited but nothing happened.

 Asmyne sighed. “It’s probably another dud. I’ll be back.”

 “Okay,” Wiley replied. He and April watched Asmyne walk back to the house. They watched her walk in and then the building exploded. They watched something shoot up into the bright blue sky whilst the house burst into flames. Their heads and eyes followed the object fly through the air and land with a loud thunk.

The leaves shuffled and Asmyne had landed on the ground, sliding next to Wiley.

 “You know, professor, I think that your timing is off horribly,” Wiley told her with a small smile.

 Asmyne pushed herself up so she could glare at Wiley. Her face was covered with ashes from the blast. She slowly pushed herself up to her feet. “Well, that didn’t go as I had planned.”

 “Hey, you could say that you flew.” Wiley laughed.

Asmyne shook her head at Wiley’s comment. “What do you want, earthling?”

 “Well, I, Sasha, and her roommate were going to the swimming pool… want to join?” April asked.

 “Sure… but I want to be back before three because I’m meeting Damen today,” Asmyne answered.

 “Okay,” April replied.

 “Can I go?” Wiley asked, wagging his tail.

 “No,” Asmyne replied.

 “Oh man,” the wolf sighed with disappointment.



At the swimming pool, Raye had arrived with another girl. Raye’s friend had short blonde hair and like Raye was dressed like a prostitute. Raye noticed Asmyne, April, Sasha, and Ren. “That’s the one who called me a tramp,” she whispered to the blonde girl about Asmyne.

 “What nerve?” the blonde replied.

 “I know right?” Raye agreed.

They walked over to the four girls. “What do you want, Raye? Denise?” April asked.

“To tell your roommate that she isn’t allowed to talk to me the way she did,” Raye told them, eyeing Asmyne.

“The truth hurts, child,” Asmyne replied. She didn’t even bother to look at Raye.

“Child? I’m eighteen… I’m an adult,” Raye replied.

Asmyne and April laughed like it had been an inside joke. “Believe me,” Asmyne began, "you’re not close enough to be an adult.”

“You think you’re better than me, don’t you?” Raye asked.

Asmyne stood up and locked eyes with Raye. “No… I don’t. I know a lot of trampy girls like you and your friend over there. You’re going to meet a guy who’s going to want one thing from you and once he gets what he wants he’s going to leave. I know a woman who was married for ten years to a man and they tried to have a child for eight of those years when they found out that she couldn’t reproduce.” She eyed Raye. “The tenth year her husband met a tramp assistant who was about your age and chose the tramp over his wife… because she could give him children. Lucky for that tramp he hasn’t left her yet… but….” The anger slowly began revealing itself in her voice.

“Yeah… so what does that have to deal with me?” Raye asked with boredom and sarcasm.

“I want you to know that if you try to take any other girls man… I hope that they will knock you out… ‘cause I know I would.”

“Whoa… what’s going on?” Damen’s voice asked from behind Asmyne.

Asmyne felt the anger vanish whilst she turned to face Damen. She smiled. “Oh… I need to talk to you about something.”

Damen raised an eyebrow. “Did I do something bad?”

“No… but I need you to come with me to my laboratory,” she answered.

“Ooo… we going to experiment on each other if you know what I mean?” he asked, playfully.

Asmyne smiled. “Something like that.”

“Nice,” Damen replied.

April felt gross out. “I’m going to go make sure that they don’t do what I think they’re going to do.” She hurried after them, acting the way any protective sister would.

“Oh so she calls me a tramp but she’s going to-” Raye began but was cut off by Sasha.

“Actually, Raye,” Sasha replied, “Asmyne isn’t a trampy girl like you.”

Raye and Denise looked at Sasha.

“She’s just a tease, unlike you,” Sasha added.

Ren laughed at Sasha’s comment.

“What are you laughing at, freak?” Raye asked.

Ren stared at Raye with a creepy look which freaked her out.

“Never mind… let’s get out of here, Denise,” Raye told her friend.

“Sure,” Denise replied.



April followed Damen and Asmyne into Asmyne’s laboratory. “Okay, what I’m about… April, what are you doing here?” Asmyne asked.

“Making sure that you don’t try anything that you two shouldn’t do,” April answered.

Asmyne sighed. “I told you nothing’s going on. Now, Damen, I want you to meet someone. Wiley!”

Wiley walked into the area and glanced at Damen. He sniffed the air and walked next to Asmyne.

“Damen, this is Wiley my laboratory assistant. Say hi, Wiley,” Asmyne told the two guys in her life.

Wiley just stared at Damen.

“Say something, Wiley,” Asmyne told the wolf.

Wiley remained silent.

Asmyne laughed a little out of frustration and felt a little stupid. “So, I tell you not to speak and you can’t seem to shut up but now I tell you to talk and you have nothing to say?”

“But you told me not to speak in front of the earthlings,” Wiley answered.

“Oh cool… he talks,” Damen replied with a small laugh.

“That’s not creepy to you?” April asked.

 Asmyne stared at Damen with shock.

“No… Asmyne’s a mad scientist,” Damen replied. “It doesn’t surprise me. I think it’s cool.”

Asmyne smiled at Damen’s answer. “Then maybe this won’t freak you out either… hopefully. I and Wiley are actually aliens from another planet. We were sent here about a hundred years ago. I am over three million years old. My marriage I told you about lasted ten years before I caught him cheating on me with his lab rat and we got a divorce. I would have told you sooner but I didn’t know how. If you’re mad at me for keeping all of this a secret, I understand. If you need time to take all of this in, I understand that too. If you don’t believe me at all, I completely understand. I just wanted to tell you all of this because my ex-husband plans on destroying this beautiful planet and I’m doing what I can to stop him.”

Damen looked at Asmyne and smiled. “I believe you… and I’m not mad. I can tell that you were going to tell me sooner or later but you didn’t know how.” He walked over to Asmyne and hugged her. “You are incredible. Your ex-husband is a moron for leaving you.” He kissed her forehead.

“Aww thank you.”

“Cool… I’m dating an older space chick.”

Asmyne couldn’t help but laugh.

Wiley’s ears perked up. “Uh-oh.”

“What is it, Wiley?” Asmyne asked.

“It’s Gimat and Semi,” he answered, growling. “They’re close."

“Well it sounds like we have some unwanted guest then,” Asmyne replied.



Asmyne, Damen, April, and Wiley stood outside of the apartment when Gimat and Semi arrived. Wiley watched them with a low growl in his throat.

“Ah, my dear, Asmyne,” Gimat spoke whilst he stood right in front of her.

“Don’t call me that, Gi,” Asmyne responded.

“Fine.” He glanced over at Wiley. “I see that you still have that stupid mutt.”

“He’s smarter than your lab rat,” Asmyne replied. “Which reminds me… how’s bestiality treating you?” she glanced at Semi for a moment, pointing toward her. “Did she give you the litter of rodents that you wanted?”

“Well, at least, she gave me more children than you ever did.” Gimat didn’t care if he was being inconsiderate or not.

Asmyne looked away. The words had stung her heart.

Damen walked over to Asmyne and wrapped an arm around her. “I think that Asmyne’s amazing.”

“Oh and who are you, boy?” Gimat asked.

“Damen Simpson… Asmyne’s boyfriend,” he answered.

“Damen,” Asmyne interrupted, “this is Professor Gimat Ringola, and his lab rat as well as his wife, Semi Ringola.”

Damen looked over at Semi and had to keep from laughing. “So you dumped Asmyne for Minnie Mouse?”

Asmyne had to cover her mouth to hide the laughter.

Gimat didn’t laugh. He didn’t find Damen’s joke to be all that funny. “She gave me children whereas Asmyne couldn’t.”

“So you went for your lab rat?” Damen asked. “She has a tail. She’s not even cute.”

Semi dropped her mouth. “He’s mocking me, Gi.”

“Yes, I know, Semi.” Gimat looked over at April and Wiley. “Earthling girl, come here.”

“Why?” April asked.

“Just come here,” Gimat replied with a hint of agitation.

April walked over to them. She kept an eye on Gimat, wearily.

“If I told you that Asmyne destroyed our planet what would you say?” he asked.

“I already know that because she already told me that,” April answered.

“What if I told you that Asmyne was framed?” he asked.

Asmyne looked at Gimat. She remembered back to when she was talking to him over the screen. She put it all together in her head and everything became clear. “Framed?” she asked as if the word was unfamiliar to her.

“Yes framed,” Gimat replied.

“I don’t know… that would-” April began.

“You did it,” Asmyne interrupted, pointing to Gimat. “You did it. You framed me. You knew what would happen.” The anger grew.

“Gimat…” Wiley growled. “You… I should have known.”

“Whatever, stupid mutt,” Gimat replied, eyeing Wiley.

“You’re evil,” Asmyne told Gimat.

Gimat smiled. “And you’re just now noticing that? You may be a mad scientist… but you’re naïve when it comes to trusting people.”

Damen punched Gimat right in the jaw causing a popping noise but it had happened in a quick second.

Gimat eyed the earthling boy but the punch hadn’t affected him. “Done, boy?”

“It might be best if you leave, Gi,” Asmyne told him.

“Fine… ten days, Asmyne… ten days then this planet goes boom!” Gimat had jumped in Asmyne’s face for a moment, causing Asmyne to lean back slightly. “Come on, Semi.” Gimat left with Semi tagging along behind.   

Less Than A Week

Sasha walked into April’s apartment and closed the door. She noticed April was sitting in a chair and Wiley sat on the floor. “What’s going on?” she asked, noticing that Asmyne was the only one missing.

“Asmyne’s gone completely insane,” April answered. “She created a weapon that could destroy our planet.”

Sasha’s eyes grew wide. “Really?”

April nodded.

“It’s okay, girls,” Wiley interrupted. “She’s not going to destroy this planet so there’s no need to worry.”

“No need to worry?” April repeated. “What about your planet? It was destroyed by-”

“Not the professor’s fault… she knows what she’s doing. There’s no need to worry.” Wiley lifted up his head toward the ceiling. He began sniffing uncontrollably then he began growling. It was a low grow but it slowly grew louder.

“Wiley, what’s going on?” April asked, worried.



Asmyne was in her laboratory when the screen turned on. She turned her attention toward Gimat. “What do you want, Gi?” she asked, smiling a little bit.

“It’s been a few days since we last saw each other. I just thought that I’d remind you that you have less than a week now.” Gimat smiled.

Asmyne began laughing wildly which threw Gimat for a loop.

“What’s so funny, Asmyne?” he asked, confused. “I’m going to destroy the planet.”

“That’s what you think.” Asmyne’s laugh revealed insanity.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“Because I’m… I’m…. I’m your husband.”

Asmyne stopped laughing for a moment and stared at Gimat. “Ex-husband… remember? You’re married to that dumb rat.” Her wild laugh returned. “I wouldn’t consider returning to you. You are my trash and now her treasure. That’s what happens when you cheat.”

Gimat eyed Asmyne. “I meant ex-husband.”

Asmyne raised an eyebrow. “Okay… look I don’t really care. Now go away. I have an idea on how to stop you and I’m going to let it be a surprise… got it?”

“You sound evil, Asmyne.”

“Me? I sound evil? Coming from the man who destroyed my life.” Asmyne began giggly, evilly. “Yes, I see. I have a plan to stop you and now I’m evil. Well, it comes with the territory. I mean aren’t we mad scientist suppose to sound evil at one point in our lives. I’d say that would make a good mad scientist. You need to hit the insanity button at least once in your life to pass… and well, I’m passed that point. I don’t know why I haven’t done it sooner… being evil… losing your sanity. Oh yes. I am there. Let me tell you, Gi, I’ve never felt better in my life… knowing I’m going to get revenge is sweet… and before I go. I do want to thank you for ruining my life because if you haven’t, I’d be an extremely unhappy, married, mad scientist right now. So thank you for everything… bye.” She smiled at Gimat and hit the button to shut off the screen.



Wiley slowly stopped growling and shook his head.

“Wiley,” April asked, “what was that about?”

“Nothing.” The wolf turned his head away so the two earthlings couldn’t ask any more questions.

“Are you alright?” Sasha asked.

“Yeah… look… can one of you open the professor’s door for me? I need to talk to her,” Wiley replied.

“Okay,” April answered, confused.



Bryson, Jorden, and Damen hung out at a fast food place. They talked and laughed. “So, Jorden, when are you going to ask Sasha out?” Bryson asked.

“Yeah, man… out of the three of us… you’re the only one without a chick,” Damen agreed.

“Honestly, I have no idea. I’ve been busy and when I’m not busy I can’t seem to find Sasha anywhere. It’s crazy, guys,” Jorden answered.



Wiley walked over to Asmyne and laid his head on her right thigh. “I heard your conversation with Gimat,” he told her.

“I knew you would.” Asmyne moved her right hand up and down Wiley’s neck. His fur felt silky.

“I have to agree with him, though.”

Asmyne stopped what she was doing and stared at Wiley. “What? You agree with him?”

“Well, the past couple of days you’ve seen kind of… I don’t know… different. I’m worried about you, professor.” Wiley’s ears went back down into his fur.

“You think I’m different?”

Wiley stared at Asmyne for a minute. “Yes.”

“I’m sorry if I’m worrying you, Wiley. These past few days, I’ve been feeling more insane than ever. I’m actually at the peak of my life as a mad scientist. Yes, I sound insane but that’s because I have finally reached the top of my insanity. I’m there and I can’t leave.” Asmyne began going into a daze whilst she spoke and her wild laughing started up again.

Wiley growled at Asmyne. “Stop, professor… stop talking, professor.”

Asmyne stopped laughing and stared at Wiley, confused. “Why are you growling?”

“You were changing as you spoke. I heard it in your words and your laughter. You’ve lost it, professor. You lost yourself. Ever since, he came back. This is why I’m here. You have April worried that you’re going to destroy this planet in the process of trying to stop Gimat. I’m not going to let that happen. I kind of have a fear that you’d do it too. If you needed to… I’m not going to let you do that, professor.”

“I’m sorry, Wiley. I can’t seem to help it. It just comes and goes. I guess I’m as bad as Gi then… huh?”

“I didn’t say that, but if you destroy this planet than you would be.”

“Thanks, Wiley. I haven’t realized how much fear people feel toward me... when I talk like that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Cycrest didn’t tell you?”


“It was a long time ago… before the planet was destroyed. Forget I said anything.”

“You have a dark side?”

Asmyne laughed a little. “It’s okay. It was a long time ago… okay. Forget about it.”

“Forget about it? You’re evil and you want me to forget about it? Professor, I’m so confused.”

“It’s done… forget about it.”

“Okay… but if you go rambling on like that again… I will bite you, professor. I’m not kidding either.”

“I know, Wiley. I know.”



Gimat sat back on a chair which looked like it had been made for royalty. His right hand held up his chin and he slouched back into the chair. His left arm rested on the arm rest. He thought about what he had said to Asmyne. Why did I say that? He thought. I’m happy with Semi. I think I am. I’m pretty sure I am. He looked at his wedding hand on his left ring finger. I love Asmyne… I mean Semi. His thoughts were getting twisted and confused. He shook his head and stood up. “I’m going for a walk! Okay, honey?!” he called toward the kitchen.

“Okay!” Semi’s voice replied.

Gimat walked out of the house. He closed the door behind him and looked around. It was dark and the stars danced in the sky whilst he walked down the dusty road. “I’m going to destroy you somehow, Asmyne!” he called through the street. He may have been on another planet but he didn’t care.



Asmyne walked into the living room. Her hair was down but still messy.

Some knocked on the door.

“I’m coming,” she said, walking over to it and opening it. She found Jorden standing there. “Oh… why hello?” she asked, checking him out.

April and Sasha were in the room. Sasha dropped her mouth in jealousy.

“I’m Asmyne. I don’t remember you.”

“Hi, Asmyne. I’m Jorden. You are very hot.”

“Thank you… you aren’t bad-”

“Asmyne! What are you doing?! You’re dating my brother! You shouldn’t-!” April shouted.

“It is okay, April,” Asmyne interrupted, turning to face April and Sasha.

Sasha was red hot from anger.

“Me and your brother have an understanding,” Asmyne continued. “He’s aloud to flirt with other girls and I’m aloud to flirt with other guys… as long as nothing happens… flirting is harmless.” She smiled and then looked at Sasha. “Unless… there’s something else I need to know… Sasha?”

“Asmyne, I need to talk to you,” Sasha answered, swallowing her anger.

“I know how this is going to end.” Asmyne looked over at Jorden and winked. She followed Sasha to the kitchen. “It’s okay, Sasha. I will back off.”

Sasha lost her anger. “Really?”

“Yes… besides, I already have Damen… who by the way is amazing.” Asmyne smiled. “Go for it… besides, I can tell by his expression that he wants you… not me.”

“Thank… you… I guess?”



Later on that day, Asmyne was in her laboratory. She reclined back in the computer chair with her feet resting on top of the computer desk. Wiley lay on the floor. “What are we going to do now, professor?” Wiley asked, the boredom revealed itself in his voice.

“We wait of course,” Asmyne replied. Her eyes were closed but she wasn’t sleeping. “I already have the explosive built. I just have to wait. We have to wait.”

“Waiting’s boring… why can’t we just surprise Gimat with an explosion that will send him flying into another universe?”

“You’re so impatient.”

“But I don’t like waiting.”

“I know… but you need to learn to be patient.”

“No… it’s too boring.”

“What if I turned you into a human for a day?”

“Really? You’d do that?”

“No,” Asmyne replied with a small laugh.

“Then why ask if you didn’t mean it?”

Asmyne smiled at Wiley’s question.

“You shouldn’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.”

“If I did turn you into a human, you’d be flirting with every woman you met.”

“Well, you flirt with every man you meet so I don’t see why you would say anything to me.”

“That’s different.”


“You’ll be lucky to find a woman who would want to flirt with you.”

Wiley stuck the tip of his tongue out at Asmyne.

Asmyne laughed. “I love you too, Wiley.” She sat up and turned on her computer. “Let’s see if we can find out what’s been going on in the different galaxies.”


Asmyne typed something into the computer. A website which had Universe Discovery popped up. She skimmed the high lights until she spotted something which caught her eye. “Captain Zelda S. Griffen wanted on Pluto… has a death threat from Blaze… and is offering rum out to anyone who will take it.” She began laughing. “Space pirates… what do you expect?”

“Not much… do they have anything from our military or anything?”

“I don’t know. Let me check.” Asmyne used the mouse to find different information. “I don’t see anything. At least nothing… Cycrest is working with Gimat.” She rolled her eyes. “Of course… he did take my job after all. It doesn’t surprise me.”

Wiley looked at Asmyne. “Well, once Cycrest realizes what-”

“I don’t care.”


“I don’t care. Gimat can work for Cycrest. I don’t care. It’s not my job anymore… even if Cycrest learns what Gi’s planning, it’s not going to change the past.”

“No… but knowing that he wants-”

“It’s between me and Gimat… not Cycrest. He doesn’t need to know about any of this. Even when he finds out, it’ll have been too late. It’s not like he’s going to have Gimat placed in prison or anything anyways. Just forget about it… okay, Wiley?”

“Yes, professor.”   

Count Down

Sasha walked into April’s apartment and closed the door. She noticed April was sitting in a chair and Wiley sat on the floor. “What’s going on?” she asked, noticing that Asmyne was the only one missing.

“Asmyne’s gone completely insane,” April answered. “She created a weapon that could destroy our planet.”

Sasha’s eyes grew wide. “Really?”

April nodded.

“It’s okay, girls,” Wiley interrupted. “She’s not going to destroy this planet so there’s no need to worry.”

“No need to worry?” April repeated. “What about your planet? It was destroyed by-”

“Not the professor’s fault… she knows what she’s doing. There’s no need to worry.” Wiley lifted up his head toward the ceiling. He began sniffing uncontrollably then he began growling. It was a low grow but it slowly grew louder.

“Wiley, what’s going on?” April asked, worried.



Asmyne was in her laboratory when the screen turned on. She turned her attention toward Gimat. “What do you want, Gi?” she asked, smiling a little bit.

“It’s been a few days since we last saw each other. I just thought that I’d remind you that you have less than a week now.” Gimat smiled.

Asmyne began laughing wildly which threw Gimat for a loop.

“What’s so funny, Asmyne?” he asked, confused. “I’m going to destroy the planet.”

“That’s what you think.” Asmyne’s laugh revealed insanity.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“Because I’m… I’m…. I’m your husband.”

Asmyne stopped laughing for a moment and stared at Gimat. “Ex-husband… remember? You’re married to that dumb rat.” Her wild laugh returned. “I wouldn’t consider returning to you. You are my trash and now her treasure. That’s what happens when you cheat.”

Gimat eyed Asmyne. “I meant ex-husband.”

Asmyne raised an eyebrow. “Okay… look I don’t really care. Now go away. I have an idea on how to stop you and I’m going to let it be a surprise… got it?”

“You sound evil, Asmyne.”

“Me? I sound evil? Coming from the man who destroyed my life.” Asmyne began giggly, evilly. “Yes, I see. I have a plan to stop you and now I’m evil. Well, it comes with the territory. I mean aren’t we mad scientist suppose to sound evil at one point in our lives. I’d say that would make a good mad scientist. You need to hit the insanity button at least once in your life to pass… and well, I’m passed that point. I don’t know why I haven’t done it sooner… being evil… losing your sanity. Oh yes. I am there. Let me tell you, Gi, I’ve never felt better in my life… knowing I’m going to get revenge is sweet… and before I go. I do want to thank you for ruining my life because if you haven’t, I’d be an extremely unhappy, married, mad scientist right now. So thank you for everything… bye.” She smiled at Gimat and hit the button to shut off the screen.



Wiley slowly stopped growling and shook his head.

“Wiley,” April asked, “what was that about?”

“Nothing.” The wolf turned his head away so the two earthlings couldn’t ask any more questions.

“Are you alright?” Sasha asked.

“Yeah… look… can one of you open the professor’s door for me? I need to talk to her,” Wiley replied.

“Okay,” April answered, confused.



Bryson, Jorden, and Damen hung out at a fast food place. They talked and laughed. “So, Jorden, when are you going to ask Sasha out?” Bryson asked.

“Yeah, man… out of the three of us… you’re the only one without a chick,” Damen agreed.

“Honestly, I have no idea. I’ve been busy and when I’m not busy I can’t seem to find Sasha anywhere. It’s crazy, guys,” Jorden answered.



Wiley walked over to Asmyne and laid his head on her right thigh. “I heard your conversation with Gimat,” he told her.

“I knew you would.” Asmyne moved her right hand up and down Wiley’s neck. His fur felt silky.

“I have to agree with him, though.”

Asmyne stopped what she was doing and stared at Wiley. “What? You agree with him?”

“Well, the past couple of days you’ve seen kind of… I don’t know… different. I’m worried about you, professor.” Wiley’s ears went back down into his fur.

“You think I’m different?”

Wiley stared at Asmyne for a minute. “Yes.”

“I’m sorry if I’m worrying you, Wiley. These past few days, I’ve been feeling more insane than ever. I’m actually at the peak of my life as a mad scientist. Yes, I sound insane but that’s because I have finally reached the top of my insanity. I’m there and I can’t leave.” Asmyne began going into a daze whilst she spoke and her wild laughing started up again.

Wiley growled at Asmyne. “Stop, professor… stop talking, professor.”

Asmyne stopped laughing and stared at Wiley, confused. “Why are you growling?”

“You were changing as you spoke. I heard it in your words and your laughter. You’ve lost it, professor. You lost yourself. Ever since, he came back. This is why I’m here. You have April worried that you’re going to destroy this planet in the process of trying to stop Gimat. I’m not going to let that happen. I kind of have a fear that you’d do it too. If you needed to… I’m not going to let you do that, professor.”

“I’m sorry, Wiley. I can’t seem to help it. It just comes and goes. I guess I’m as bad as Gi then… huh?”

“I didn’t say that, but if you destroy this planet than you would be.”

“Thanks, Wiley. I haven’t realized how much fear people feel toward me... when I talk like that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Cycrest didn’t tell you?”


“It was a long time ago… before the planet was destroyed. Forget I said anything.”

“You have a dark side?”

Asmyne laughed a little. “It’s okay. It was a long time ago… okay. Forget about it.”

“Forget about it? You’re evil and you want me to forget about it? Professor, I’m so confused.”

“It’s done… forget about it.”

“Okay… but if you go rambling on like that again… I will bite you, professor. I’m not kidding either.”

“I know, Wiley. I know.”



Gimat sat back on a chair which looked like it had been made for royalty. His right hand held up his chin and he slouched back into the chair. His left arm rested on the arm rest. He thought about what he had said to Asmyne. Why did I say that? He thought. I’m happy with Semi. I think I am. I’m pretty sure I am. He looked at his wedding hand on his left ring finger. I love Asmyne… I mean Semi. His thoughts were getting twisted and confused. He shook his head and stood up. “I’m going for a walk! Okay, honey?!” he called toward the kitchen.

“Okay!” Semi’s voice replied.

Gimat walked out of the house. He closed the door behind him and looked around. It was dark and the stars danced in the sky whilst he walked down the dusty road. “I’m going to destroy you somehow, Asmyne!” he called through the street. He may have been on another planet but he didn’t care.



Asmyne walked into the living room. Her hair was down but still messy.

Some knocked on the door.

“I’m coming,” she said, walking over to it and opening it. She found Jorden standing there. “Oh… why hello?” she asked, checking him out.

April and Sasha were in the room. Sasha dropped her mouth in jealousy.

“I’m Asmyne. I don’t remember you.”

“Hi, Asmyne. I’m Jorden. You are very hot.”

“Thank you… you aren’t bad-”

“Asmyne! What are you doing?! You’re dating my brother! You shouldn’t-!” April shouted.

“It is okay, April,” Asmyne interrupted, turning to face April and Sasha.

Sasha was red hot from anger.

“Me and your brother have an understanding,” Asmyne continued. “He’s aloud to flirt with other girls and I’m aloud to flirt with other guys… as long as nothing happens… flirting is harmless.” She smiled and then looked at Sasha. “Unless… there’s something else I need to know… Sasha?”

“Asmyne, I need to talk to you,” Sasha answered, swallowing her anger.

“I know how this is going to end.” Asmyne looked over at Jorden and winked. She followed Sasha to the kitchen. “It’s okay, Sasha. I will back off.”

Sasha lost her anger. “Really?”

“Yes… besides, I already have Damen… who by the way is amazing.” Asmyne smiled. “Go for it… besides, I can tell by his expression that he wants you… not me.”

“Thank… you… I guess?”



Later on that day, Asmyne was in her laboratory. She reclined back in the computer chair with her feet resting on top of the computer desk. Wiley lay on the floor. “What are we going to do now, professor?” Wiley asked, the boredom revealed itself in his voice.

“We wait of course,” Asmyne replied. Her eyes were closed but she wasn’t sleeping. “I already have the explosive built. I just have to wait. We have to wait.”

“Waiting’s boring… why can’t we just surprise Gimat with an explosion that will send him flying into another universe?”

“You’re so impatient.”

“But I don’t like waiting.”

“I know… but you need to learn to be patient.”

“No… it’s too boring.”

“What if I turned you into a human for a day?”

“Really? You’d do that?”

“No,” Asmyne replied with a small laugh.

“Then why ask if you didn’t mean it?”

Asmyne smiled at Wiley’s question.

“You shouldn’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.”

“If I did turn you into a human, you’d be flirting with every woman you met.”

“Well, you flirt with every man you meet so I don’t see why you would say anything to me.”

“That’s different.”


“You’ll be lucky to find a woman who would want to flirt with you.”

Wiley stuck the tip of his tongue out at Asmyne.

Asmyne laughed. “I love you too, Wiley.” She sat up and turned on her computer. “Let’s see if we can find out what’s been going on in the different galaxies.”


Asmyne typed something into the computer. A website which had Universe Discovery popped up. She skimmed the high lights until she spotted something which caught her eye. “Captain Zelda S. Griffen wanted on Pluto… has a death threat from Blaze… and is offering rum out to anyone who will take it.” She began laughing. “Space pirates… what do you expect?”

“Not much… do they have anything from our military or anything?”

“I don’t know. Let me check.” Asmyne used the mouse to find different information. “I don’t see anything. At least nothing… Cycrest is working with Gimat.” She rolled her eyes. “Of course… he did take my job after all. It doesn’t surprise me.”

Wiley looked at Asmyne. “Well, once Cycrest realizes what-”

“I don’t care.”


“I don’t care. Gimat can work for Cycrest. I don’t care. It’s not my job anymore… even if Cycrest learns what Gi’s planning, it’s not going to change the past.”

“No… but knowing that he wants-”

“It’s between me and Gimat… not Cycrest. He doesn’t need to know about any of this. Even when he finds out, it’ll have been too late. It’s not like he’s going to have Gimat placed in prison or anything anyways. Just forget about it… okay, Wiley?”

“Yes, professor.”   

Risky Business

Over Two Thousand Years Ago

Planet Sylestny


Asmyne and Wiley were walking down a hallway when they ran into Cycrest. “Ah, Professor Asmyne, just the scientist I wanted to see,” he spoke with a smile.

“Hello, commander,” Asmyne replied.

“Professor, I have something that I want your opinion on.”

“Really? Is it big or small?”

“That’s what she said,” Wiley interrupted, laughing.

Cycrest stared at Wiley. He had no idea how to reply to Wiley’s inappropriate joke.

“Wiley,” Asmyne hissed, smacking the back of his head.

“You did it yourself, professor. I just replied,” the wolf answered.

“Sorry, commander, my assistant doesn’t know to be serious and when to joke,” Asmyne spoke with embarrassment.

“Come with me, professor, and Wiley. I have a design for a new weapon and I want you to work on it, professor. After all, you are the best scientist there is,” Cycrest replied.

“Sure. Wiley, watch your mouth,” she told her assistant.

“Oh come on,” Wiley replied. “I can’t have fun?”

“Nope… as a matter of fact I don’t want you to speak period,” she answered.

“Fine,” Wiley sighed with disappointment.

Asmyne and Wiley followed Cycrest into an office. Cycrest turned on the light and closed the door. “Now, professor, what I’m about to show you is top secret. You, me, and Wiley will be the only ones who know about it,” Cycrest informed her, making his way over to the computer desk.

“I’m a good secret keeper, commander,” Asmyne replied with a smile. “Although, Wiley has a hard time keeping his mouth shut for five minutes.”

“I can keep a secret. I haven’t told the commander that you made out with his brother last week,” Wiley replied.

Asmyne stared at Wiley, shocked. “That… was… you weren’t….”

“You did what with my brother?” Cycrest asked, shocked. He just stared at Asmyne.

Asmyne pretended to laugh. “It was nothing. We both had been drinking too much. You know how that goes….” She looked at Wiley with embarrassment. “I’m going to kill you, Wiley.”

Cycrest turned toward the computer and turned it on. A blueprint appeared on the screen. “Okay… forgetting everything else… this is what I want you to build, professor.”

Asmyne pulled out her glasses and placed them on her face. She looked at the screen and knew instantly what the weapon was. “I can’t build that.”

“But, Asmyne, you’re the-”

“Cycrest… that weapon… that… no… I will not build that thing.”

“I could use this-”

“Yes, you could… but that isn’t a weapon I am willing to build. Do you know what will happen, if something goes wrong?”

“Yes… but that’s why I’m asking you to build it and no one else. I know you’re not going to….”

“No, Cycrest. I’m talking to you as a friend. If that thing goes off, all three of us will be in trouble.”

“Come on, Asmyne. What do you have to lose?”

Asmyne thought for a moment. “Nothing, thanks to Gimat… but if that thing goes off, the planet will be destroyed. I can’t build that thing.”

“Come on, professor. We could use it to destroy our enemies. You know that.”

“But that’s just begging for trouble.”


Asmyne locked eyes with Cycrest. “Fine… but only because you’re a friend and you could use it… but I will warn you that if anything goes wrong… you, Wiley, and me will be held accountable for the role we play in building it. Got it, commander?”

Cycrest smiled. “Got it, professor.”

Asmyne and Wiley began to leave the room.

“Thanks, Asmyne. I knew I could count on you,” Cycrest told her.

“No problem,” Asmyne replied. “Tell your wife I said, ‘Hi.’”

“I will.”

Asmyne and Wiley left the room.

Back to Normal

Present Day


Asmyne’s right, Cycrest thought, feeling guilty. I did screw her over. I told her that I would have been accountable for my role in the plan but I let her take all of the blame. It’s even worse, knowing that she was innocent the whole time. I feel so horrible.



Asmyne walked out of her room and noticed that Grady was sitting on the couch. “Hello,” she said to the boy.

“Hi,” Grady replied, looking over at Asmyne. “Are you April’s new roommate?”

“Yes, I am. I’m Asmyne.”

“I’m Sasha’s brother Grady.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Grady.” Asmyne smiled.

“It’s nice to meet you too.”

Asmyne’s smile grew. Seeing Grady sitting on the couch made her wish that she had a child over her own. The kid would have been about grown but she wanted a child so bad. The closest she came to her own child was Wiley. “Where is April and Sasha?”

“They said something about going to the beach. They’re in April’s room.”

“Ah… of course.”



April and Sasha were lounging in a couple of lawn chairs, getting a tan. Asmyne walked out into the heat. “Enjoying yourselves?” Asmyne asked.

“Oh yes… and now that we don’t have to worry about the planet being destroyed we’re getting a tan,” April replied. Her eyes were closed.

“Well, we have a guest who’s going to be arriving soon and I don’t think you want the kid here,” Asmyne replied.

“Who’s coming over?”

“You’ll find out. It’s kind of a cop…”

“What did you do?” April asked, quickly sitting up.

“I don’t know… but he sounded cute though.”

“Oh boy.”

Asmyne's Guest

Someone knocked on the door. Asmyne opened it to find a police officer standing there. “Ah… hello, Gregory Skull….” She looked him up and down checking him out. She caught his gaze. “You’re free to check me for drugs if you want.”

Gregory could tell that Asmyne was trying to flirt with him. “You must be Professor Asmyne Hylou?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you… and you should know I’ve got my eye on someone else.”

“Of course… that’s okay. I was just joking.” She smiled. “Now, you’re here for an order of laser guns?”

“Yes, I am… and extra lasers as well.”

“Of course, you can’t have laser guns without lasers. That would be pointless.”

Gregory smiled at Asmyne’s comment.

“The guns are ready, follow me to my laboratory.”

“You’re a cop?” April asked, walking into the room.

“Yes, I am,” Gregory replied.

“You look kind of young….” She began.

“I started working at the age of fifteen,” the officer replied.

“That young?” April asked, confused.

“Yeah on my planet… we start dangerous jobs at fifteen.”

“He’s from Pluto,” Asmyne interrupted. “Not the one in this galaxy… another one.” She led Gregory into her laboratory.



Wiley walked over to Asmyne and Gregory. “Everything’s good to go, professor,” he told them.

“Good,” Asmyne replied.

“You must be Wiley… Asmyne’s assistant,” Gregory said.

“Yep and you must be the space police officer here for the guns,” Wiley replied.

“Yep,” Gregory agreed.


Asmyne sat back in her computer chair, relaxing. Wiley rested on the floor. “We had a pretty productive week… wouldn’t you say, Wiley?”

“Yep and we stopped Gimat in his tracks,” Wiley agreed.

“Of course, we did. It was all part of the plan.”

The screen popped on and Asmyne looked to see who it was….



The End 


Asmyne (As-mean)

Wiley (Wiley)

Gimat (Guy-mat)

Semi (Si-me)

Cycrest (Si-crest)

Hylou (Hi-lou)

Sylestny (Si-lest-ni)

Ringola (Ring-o-la) 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.05.2016

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