
In Loving Memory





In Loving Memory of

              Loved Ones Who

                          Have Passed away

The Tears that I Cry

I remember the times we had together.  

It seems as if it were all a dream now since

you left but I know that you're in my heart.  


God called you home and someday we'll

meet again but right now I must wait.  

The tears that I cry won't last forever and

they're no longer full of sadness.  


Instead they're filled with joy, knowing that

your suffering is done and you can finally have


I can't say I won't miss you but I will always

love you.  

Your time on this earth is over but your memory

will live on.  

I love you, always and forever.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.01.2015

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For anyone who has lost loved ones whether they've lost family members, friends, and even pets no matter what the cause of death was.

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