
Meeting Charlie Day

One day, I was walking down the street, when I decided that I wanted to take a break.  I sat down on the bench for the bus stop.  Tired and sweaty from walking.  The Florida heat can really get to you.  I sighed, bored and just going through my thoughts.  When I noticed some one walking in the distance, I squinted my eyes to get a good look.  Oh my gosh, I thought.That can't be.                        

The thirty-six year man with short kind of spikey black hair and a black beard to match, walked over and sat next to me.

"YOU'RE CHARLIE DAY!!!" I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

Charlie looked at me and smiled. "A fan?"

"Yea." It was amazing, talking to a celeb.

Although that was only the beginning of the crazy day.....


As I sat there staring at the man that was my idol, he looked to me and said, "Would you like an autograph?"

At that moment time stood still. My idol asked me if I wanted an autograph. So without hesitation, I looked to him and said, "Please, please, please!"

At that moment, it seemed like nothing could ruin my day. As the bus arrived, I wished time could freeze so the man i idolized would be there with me, even for a few more minutes.



The bus ride home, i thought about the morning that seemed the best i have ever had, his words still ringing in my ears, "Would you like an autograph?"

I layed my head back thinking about it and at that moment, I began to fall into a deep sleep....


Gender Bread & Wolves

When I had awaken, I realized that it was around 10 o'clock at night. What? I thought, confused. I got off the bus and realized that I was near the woods. Oddly enough I had this strange erge to walk in, like Alice chasing the rabbit through Wonderland, I wanted to see what I could find. I walked through the dark woods, trying to keep from walking into tree limps.



In the middle of the woods, stood this house which was made out of candy.

"Bad idea," I whispered to myself. "Think about that kid story Hansel and Gretel. Oh but it looks so...."

There were footsteps coming from behind me which freaked me out. I decided to gun it and ran straight to the house of sugary goodness.

As I shut the door behind me, I looked around at this sugary place. Gum drops, lollipops, and everything sweet that a child would eat. I looked for a better place to hide inside as the footsteps grew closer.... Boom, boom, boom.... I began to sweat wishing that i was home, in my bed, alone. But as reality sank in, i paniced.

I ran straight out the back door and into the black forbidden forest. I heard wolves howling in the distance and i thought of the jungle book.

I creeped closer toward the wolf sounds and seen puppies;go any closer, i could be lunch. The wolves were grey and white, one was black wih an orange star on his forehead, (he was the grumpy one), and the most adorable wolf puppy was blue, not just an ordinary blue, it was almost like a crystal violet blue with waves of silver in the mix. As I waited for the adult wolves to get home, i decided to play with them and realized how special life is.

Mother & Father Wolf

"Who are you?" a woman's voice asked from behind me.

I turned to see that the mother wolf was there.

She eyed me. "What are you doing to my cubs?" she asked like a protective mother would.

I was speechless. Animals don't talk, that was impossible.

"Who are you, human?"

"I'm sorry," I replied, afraid to even move. "I was just..... There were footsteps and I paniced.... I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am."

The wolf eyed me. "Well," she said as she made her way over to her babies. "You don't seem so bad." She sniffed me to get a wift of my sent. "You smell of fear, human." She quickly turn her head as her ears perked up. She started growling.

"What is it?" I asked.

She didn't answer, but her growl grew louder as she looked out into the darkness.

As I stared out into the darkness, i didnt see anything but could hear footsteps growing closer. I ran to the pups and rushed them into the den. They looked at me scared and i told them everything would be fine. I ran back out to mother wolf where i found her standing there eyes straight, ears laid back, and teeth showing. I sensed danger and drew my hunting knife. I was prepared as much as mother was.

Just then, a male wolf stepped through the bushes. "What is a human doing here? Why are you you here human?!" He lunged at me and when he did, mother lunged at him.

"Dont touch her, she's a friend", mother said.

"A friend?.. A friend you say??"as he stood there trying not to laugh.

"Father wolf, i mean no harm" , i said. "I only wish to remain here with you and mother wolf and the pups".

"I will have to discuss this with the council."

I looked at him intentally. "Please sir, i will do anything i can to help."



It wasn't hard for me to figure out that the male wolf was the alpha, the leader. He stood with pride and his fury chest puffed out so all could see the brute strenght this beautiful create had. "If the council agrees to let you stay then you can, but that doesn't mean I'll trust you right away, human."

"Yes, sir," I agreed, nodding.

There was a creak of lightening followed by a loud BOOM....

The wolves flinched at the loud sound of thounder.

"Colla, get into the den with the pups. Make sure they're alright," the male told the mother.

Colla nodded and ran into the den.

I stood in the woods as it began to rain. A human figure fell from the sky and crashed into the ground.....

My eyes grew wide when I realized who the human, well, viking God was. He stood holding onto his mighty hammer. I dropped my mouth in disbelief.

I stood there, amazed at this human standing before me. "Who are you", I asked.

"I am PFC. Holt, ma'am. Im part of the rescue team sent to rescue you."

"Well, If you must know, I'm not in need of rescuing." I put my hands on my hips and looked at him like a girl would look at her brother in an argument.

"Ma'am, I'm supposed to bring you back," Holt said. 

I looked at him in disbelief, "Really?" I asked.

Rolland, as it turns out is the alpha male. He looks at me puzzled.

"Rolland, this is part of human guardians."

Rolland stood there in attack mode.

Holt drew his side arm and pointed it at Rolland.

"Holt, if you fire that weapon, I will have no choice but to attack you."

"Well, look stay here if you want to, " he said, " but your on your own." Holt jumps on the radio and talks to his superiors.

I looked at Rolland in the "I got this" look.

Rolland smiled as we walked back to the den.


The Long Lost Sister

Holt got off the radio and followed us to the den. "Ma'am, there's something you should know before you decide to stay."

"What?" I asked, kind of eyeing him.

"My superiors say that you're one of us."

"What?" I asked, confused.

He walked over to me and took my hand that's when this flash of light struck, showing me in a split second every event back in time.

I was amazed but also very confused. "What is that about?" I asked as Holt removed his hand from mine.

"You are my long lost sister..... You have the power to control fire."

I just stared at Holt in shock. He told me I was his long lost sister and that I can control fire like John the human tortch. I kind of laughed in disbelief.

"Come with me, Flame, and I will show you everything. I looked at Rolland for help.

"Don't look at me you're on your own," Rolland told me.

"Okay." I looked at Holt. "I'll go."

The wolves followed intentally. They were as shocked as I was.

"So please explain to me what this is about?"

Holt looked at me with disbelief. "You honestly don't remember me or what you are??"

"Hey, moron, you think if i remembered I'd be asking you?? "

Rolland starts laughing. Mother wolf starts giggling.

"Flame, you are part of many generations of firebenders."

- "You mean like avatar the last airbender?" I chuckled.

"Something like that.. you really need to be brought up to speed!"

As i followed him through the forest i noticed that the more i thought bout what he said the more my skin began to heat up. Wow, I thought, this is insane.

Rolland looked at me confused. "Are you okay?" Rolland asked.

"I... I dont know," I replied.

Then Holt took me by my hand and thats when I burst into flames.


Love At First Sight

"Man, I wish I had found you sooner, Flame," Holt said as the flames slowly started to calm down.

"Why do you keep calling me Flame? That's not my name, my name is...."

"Flame is your birth name. The humans gave you a human name which isn't important to us."

"Okay, how far is this place we need to get too?"

"Not too far." Holt pointed into the distance. "You see those mountains over there?"

"Yea, man that's a long way to walk," I said.

"Um we're not going to the mountains," Holt stated. "As a matter of fact, we're going the wrong way."

"WHAT?!" I couldn't believe it, why were we going the wrong way in the first place.

"Relax, sis."

"Relax? We're going the wrong way."

The two wolves just watched as me and my recently found brother started to kind of agrue.

"Look, before we can go back we have to get Charlie first."

"Who is Charlie?"



A few hours later, we were standing in front of Charlie Day.

"Hey, my young fan," Charlie said, smiling at me.

I droped my mouth in shock. Not because Charlie Day remembered me, but because this was the guy we had to get.

"He's one of us," Holt explained. "His real name is Char Coal."

"Oh," was all I could say.

"What's going on, Holt?" Charlie asked, his voice sounded serious as if he knew there was danger some where.

"Whats wrong, Charlie?" I asked.

"Uhhh nothing..... Really its nothing.."

I just stood there death staring him with an "I-know-better-than-that" look.

Rolland turned real quick and stared at the foothills as his fur began to sway with the wind.

"Whats wrong, Rolland?"

"I'm not sure... i cant detect anything.. but somethings there."

At that moment more "air benders" showed up.

"So, Flame, this is our clan the chictaw clan."

As holt introduced me to everyone, i noticed one of them was different. He was about my age, tall, strong, and very handsome. I walked over and said, shyly, "I'm not sure we met but I'm Flame." I couldnt help but blush because of his sexyness.

He looks up with his long wavy hair. "Hi, I'm Flaston. I'm part of your clan."

Flashton.... Wow what a name, I thought.



So we sat there and talked for it seemed like forever, which in time I figured out he liked me.

"So, are you single or.."

"Yes," I said without delay. As he stroked my hair, my face turned bright red..

I wish time would stop and let me bask in his presence. Thats when the earth shook....


In Comes RDJ

Charlie and Holt rushed to help the wolves keep they're balance and that's when I saw the dark grim like figure walk out.

"What are you doing here, Isma?" Holt asked.

The dark figure removed his hood to reveal his bony face with pearcing black eyes and an evil grin on his face. In one motion with his arm, the ground stopped. "I heard you found the missing one," he said as he walked over to me and Flashton. He pushed Flashton out of the way and touched my chin. I moved away from his touch. "You sure have grown, child." He leaned closer to me. "Fire brat." Isma turned toward the others and pointed to me. "This child is the reason that our clans are even fighting. I say, 'We kill her.'"

"No, she's one of us, Isa," Charlie said.

Isma eyed him. "It's Isma."

"Isa.... Isma.... They both sound like girl names to me."

"You realize that Charlie can be used for boys or girls as well."

Charlie thought about that and decided he couldn't respond.

"That's what I thought."

A man who looked to be the leader of our clan walked out into the crowd.

RDJ? I thought. No way.

"Hey, Isma, leave the kid alone, she just found out that she's one of us so leave her alone."

"Fine, but I will be back." Isma began to walk away and he looked at me. "I will kill you." He left without another word.

 "Sorry about that, kid," RDJ said as he walked over to me.  He smiled.  "I'm...."

"Robert Downey Jr," I replied.

"Ah.... You recongize me."

"I'm a big fan of you and Charlie, sir."

"Really?" His smile grew.I nodded."Charlie, Holt, you two will train her to use her ablities and learn the way of our clan."

"Sure thing, Robert," Charlie agreed.

"You're going to need to find a place to stay," Holt said as he turned to me.

"She can stay with me," Flashton replied, quickly.

"That's a bad idea," Holt spoke like a protective brother.  "Sis, you can stay with me and my wife."

"You're married?" I asked, surprised.  He didn't seem like the type who wanted to settle down.... But he was somewhere in his late twenties so I guessed it wasn't that surprising.

"Yea, see," he said as he showed me his beautiful, golden wedding.I actually don't know how I hadn't noticed it before. 


"Scarlett will be glad to have a guest and for the guest to be my sister too...."

"Oh okay."



I followed Holt into the woods and to a little, brown cottage.  It looked beautiful on the outside and I couldn't wait to see the inside of the place.  "Wow."

"You like it?" Holt asked as we made our way to the house.

"It's beautiful," I replied.

"Wait till you see inside."

"Okay.  Um, Holt," I said, changing the subject, "is the whole clanned filled with Celebs?"

"You can say that," he answered.  "Do you watch Always Sunny?"

"Yea I just started watching it.... That's one reason why I'm a big fan of Charlie Day."

"Well, the rest of the other four cast members are in our clan as well."


"Yep."  He nodded.  "You have Danny, Rob, Kaitlin, and Glenn who are here with us as well as Charlie."

"Oh.  That's cool."


"Anyone else?" I asked as we walked in and to answer my question Scarlett Johnnasson was walking down the steps of the stairs.

"Hello," she said, smiling at me.  "Honey, you didn't tell me, we were going to have a guest."  She spoke with a sweet tone.  "That's okay.... I don't mind."

"This is my long lost sister, Flame, honey."

"Oh.... Well, it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," I replied.

The Ball

I explored Holt's house.  It was beautiful.  I didn't know if the outside looked more elegant or if the inside did.  It was nice and neat.  I found my way to the bedrooms but I didn't walk in.

"Your room is down the hall to the left," Holt told me as he walked past me and into another room.

I looked down the hall and nodded.  "Okay.  This place is so amazing.  I've never seen anything like it."

Holt smiled as he walked out of the room.  "Thanks."  He looked at his watch and sighed.  "We need to in a little bit."


"Oh to the banquet.  It's for your arrival.  I would have told you sooner but I thought that you could use a little break.  You might want to go and change.  Oh and, Scarlett, laid out a few dresses that you might want to choose from.  It's formal."

"Okay."  I walked down the hall and to the room which Holt had said was for me.  I noticed the three different dresses laying out on the bed. 

One dress was a long, sleeveless, black dress that I wasn't into wearing.  I shook me head. 

Another was a old, fanishion dress with puffy sleeves.  It wasn't cute at all and it was outdated as well. 

The third dress caught my eye.  It was red and long, it had thin straps but for some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off of it.  I picked it up and serveyed it.  It was the one I wanted to wear.                               



Scarlett smiled as she seen me walk down the steps in the beautiful red grown.  "You look amazing in that dress.  If you want it, you can have it."

"Thank you," I said, returning the smile.

"No problem."

Holt walked into the room from the living room.  "Ah.... Are you two beautiful ladies ready to go?"

Scarlett and I nodded.




Charlie and RDJ stood at the door, greeting the guest as they arrived.

"Ah, our guest of honor," Charlie said, smiling at me.

"Hi," I said, also smiling.

"You get to sit at the front on the stage with us," RDJ told me.

I lost my smile.  I wasn't one who liked to sit in the front of a lot of people.  I was the kind of person who sat in the back so people didn't seem me but being at the front so people could see me freaked me out a lot.  "Oh---"

"You'll be fine, kid."

Rolland and Colla arrived with their cubs and the rest of their pack as well.  "Where do we sit?" Rolland asked.

RDJ smiled at the pack of wolves.  "You guys can sit anywhere you'd like.  Take your pick."

"Thank you, Robert," Rolland said, kind of bowing.  "Come on guys.  Good luck, kid," he told me as he walked past.

"Oh, Holt, did you tell your sister about that speech that she should give?"

"Oh no I haven't."

My heart dropped.  Not only did I have to sit in the front with people who I had no idea who they were, but I also had to give a speech.  I felt stage fright and it wasn't good.  Oh boy, I thought.

"Flame, you might want to work---"

"Hey, Flame," Flashton spoke and it was as if I had lost my fear.  "So you're going to give a speech?"

"Yea," I said, smiling like an idiot.  "I actually I have nothing prepared because I just found out."

"Well, I'm sure you'll think of something.  You seem like a smart girl."

I felt myself, blushing.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.05.2014

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