
Chaplin Picture & Quote

The Tramp: A Tribute to Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin’s most popular character the Tramp steps into Modern Times.  Where both sound and color fill the air, but being the only character without a voice.  The Tramp causes trouble with his slap stick humor and also flirting with the girls.  He becomes the hero and saves the day in tribute to Charlie Chaplin’s the Tramp or the Little Tramp and also known as the Lonely Fellow. 

The Lonely Fellow

          The long, black and white trail through the trees stretched for quite a few miles.  It was a beautiful day for a walk.  The sound of birds singing filled the air.  The lake water looked lovely with the ducks swimming around.  The trail was a peaceful walking path.

          A little man about 5’5 walked along the trail.  He wore baggy black pants and shoes which were too big.  His white vest sat under his tight, black coat and hid his black tie.  He wore a small, black bowler hat on the top of his head.  He had a small mustache which people could have confused him for a Great Dictator.  He carried a slim, brown cane in his hand.  As he walked past the plants and trees, it was as if the color had slowly taken control and filled in the black and white spaces.


          The little tramp kept walking as he arrived to the opening of the park.  He sighed as he noticed couples walking around.  He felt his heart fill with heart break and loneliness.  What he would do for at least Twenty Minutes of Love.  The poor guy wasn’t paying any attention when he walked into a tree.  He looked at the tall, brown tree, smiled and tipped his hat as if to apologize.

He placed his hand on his stomach, feeling hungry.  He hadn’t eaten in a little while and needed to get some food in his stomach.  He dug in his pockets for money but found nothing.

The little tramp noticed a young guy who had to be about in his early twenties with short, blonde hair sitting on a bench, preparing to eat a sandwich, chips, and drinking some kind of cold soda out of a bottle.  The tramp looked around then made his way over to the bench acting causal.

The guy looked over at the little tramp and the tramp kind of smiled.  The guy turned his attention toward his food and went to go take a bite out of his sandwich when his phone rang.  He held the sandwich right in front of the tramp’s face as he answered the phone.  “Hello?” the guy asked, tilting his head to his left.

When the guy wasn’t paying any attention, the hungry little tramp took a bite of the uneaten sandwich.  As he was in the process of chewing, the guy started turning his head.  The tramp stopped and smiled at the guy, hiding the food in his mouth.

“I’m about to eat.”  The young guy kind of eyed the tramp, who was still smiling.  He glanced at his sandwich kind of confused then back at the smiling tramp.  He shook his head and went back to talking.

When the guy wasn’t looking, the little tramp finished chewing and swallowed.

“Some weird guy’s sitting next to me.  He’s dressed like he’s from the 1920’s or something.”

While the guy was distracted, the tramp quickly took another bite of the sandwich.

“I’ll be heading to work a little later, right now I just want to eat my lunch.”

The tramp went to go take another bite when the guy hung up the phone and looked at him.  The little tramp started smiling at the guy.

The guy shook his head and went to take a bite from his sandwich when he realized that someone had taken two bites already.  He looked at the tramp.  “Were you eating my sandwich?”

The tramp’s smile grew, revealing his teeth.

The guy stood up and smacked the hat off of the tramp.

That angered the little tramp.  The little fellow stoop up, grabbing the plastic soda bottle, smacked the guy, then popped him on top of the head with the bottle as hard as he could.

The guy lost his balance for a moment, trying to make since of what had happened.

The little tramp had quickly grabbed his hat and cane and ran as fast as he could.


          The little tramp eventually ran into a woman with blonde hair, wearing small round glasses.  “Watch where you’re going,” the woman said as she dusted herself off.

          The tramp stood up and kind of smiled at her.  He tipped his hat and noticed her purse.  When the woman wasn’t looking, he quickly reached into her purse but she smacked his hand away as quickly as possible.

          “How stupid are you?  Don’t rob me.”  She kept hitting him with her purse.

          The little fellow slowly worked his way from the woman.


          Now the little tramp worked his way out to the street, walking strangely down the side walk.  No one knew anything about the little fellow.  He was alone, a traveler.  He arrived over by an empty old building and decided to rest.  He sat against the wall of building and looked around.  He noticed that the sky was changing from light blue to a pretty pink and purple color as the sun was starting to set.  He felt that it was like he was seeing the colors for the first time because it felt like before everything had been dark and grey and no color filled the air, only black and white.  He had a long day and started to doze off.

          “Get up,” a guy’s voice told the tramp.  Whoever was trying to get the tramp’s attention had been nudging him.  “Wake up, buddy.”

          The tramp woke up to a cop shaking him.

          “Look you can’t sleep here,” the cop told him.

          The tramp looked around and scratched the top of his head, confused.

          “Come on now.  Get up.”  The cop pulled the little tramp to his feet.  “You should probably find a homeless shelter or someplace to stay.  You got family or friends out here?”

          The little tramp shook his head.

          “Well, you need to find a place to stay.”  The cop kind of pushed the tramp but not to be mean.

          The tramp didn’t see it that way though.  When the cop turned his back, the tramp pushed him with his cane.

          The cop turned around and went to say something but the tramp was gone.  “Some people.”  He shook his head and walked off.


          The next morning, the tramp woke up on the ground next to a couple of bushes and a tall, round, brown tree.  He sat up and scratched his head.  He had removed his hat and used it as a pillow.  He picked it up along with his cane and fixed it on his head of dark colored curls.  He stood up and looked around.  He kind of fixed his coat and then began to walk away.


          He wandered out to the opening of a field.  He surveyed the area.

          A tall guy with short black hair stood next to him.  Without paying attention, the man who was about in his late teens, early twenties slid his hand into the tramp’s coat pocket, searching for change.

          The tramp looked at the pick-pocketer’s hand and decided to do the same to him.  He found some coins and without letting the pick-pocketer realize what he was doing quickly slid the coins into his right coat pocket.

          The pick-pocketer disappointed because he hadn’t found anything removed his hand and sighed.  He looked at the tramp and smiled.  “Seen better days, huh?”

          The tramp raised his eyebrows to the guy.

          “I’m Shane,” the pick-pocketer said, offering his hand to the tramp.

          The tramp kind of smiled as he shook Shane’s hand.

          “You from around here?”

          The tramp shook his head.

          “Ah…. Well, good luck out there, buddy.”  He patted the tramp on the back and walked away.


         The lonely tramp sat on a bench and sighed.  He was a sad lonely little fellow.  He felt he was all alone in the big world.

          “Hello, sir,” a blonde girl who looked to be almost out of high school or was just out of high school greeted him with a friendly smile.

          The tramp smiled in return and stood up, removing his hat, tilting his head in a bow.

          “Nice to meet you too.  I’m Darby.”

          The tramp couldn’t help but flirt with the pretty, kind hearted, young lady.

          Darby laughed.  “Is it safe to sit?” she asked.

          The tramp nodded.

          Darby went to sit down on the bench when she kind of tripped over the tramp’s cane.

          The tramp quickly pulled the cane up right and smacked the curve of it a few times.

          Darby couldn’t resist laughing as she sat down.  “You are a funny, little man.”

          The tramp kind of blushed as he smiled.  He had a childlike behavior but didn’t seem to be like a man child.

          “Do you speak?”

          The tramp opened his mouth and went to speak but then stopped himself.  He shook his head.

          “Are you like a mute or a mime or something?”

          The little tramp looked at Darby for moment, unsure how to answer.

New to Town

          A beautiful twenty year blonde girl wearing slim silver glasses stood under a wooden pavilion overlooking the silver iron picnic tables.

          “Hey, Shannon,” Darby said as she made her way under the pavilion.  “Sorry I’m late.”

          “It’s no problem,” Shannon replied with a smile.

          “I just met this cute little man…. He was so funny although he didn’t say much.”

          “Ooo…. A date for my wedding?”

          “Not for me,” Darby replied.  “He seemed to be a little old for me but I know someone who would love him.”

          “Really who?”

          Darby sighed.  “I would say but it’d be pointless seeing I would have to hunt for that little man to set them up together.”

          “Well, who knows maybe you’ll see him again and I’ll tell him that you have someone you would love to have him meet.”

          Darby laughed.  “That would be a strange conversation.”  She walked over to a picnic table and sat down.  “Although not as strange as what Harvey was telling me what happened yesterday.”

          “And what was that?”

          “He was on his lunch break and he was sitting on a bench around here somewhere and some strange guy sat next to him….” Darby started laughing.  “The guy was eating his sandwich right from out of his hand.”

          Shannon started laughing.  “No way.”

          “Yes way.  So are you and Mack getting excited about the wedding?”

          “I am…. Mack’s a typical guy so he could care less.”

          “Of course.”  Darby stood up.  “Where is everyone?”

          “Abigail and Kaley were going to visit with Tillie…. Try to help her get over that jerk again who only wants something to deal with her when she has money but once that’s gone he dumps her for Mabel again.”

          Darby shook her head.  “When is she going to learn?”

          “I don’t know,” Shannon shrugged.  “Shane said that he’ll be here after work.  Raye will be here a little later.  She was going to meet up with Jack…. I don’t like that guy.”

          “Yea neither do I and that’s why I think she should….” Darby smiled.  “Never mind.”

          “What?  She should what?”

          “I need to meet that little cute guy again.”

          “Oh.”  Shannon smiled when she understood what Darby was thinking.

          “I should have invited him here.”


          The tramp walked the playground and looked around confused and lost.  He turned around and then walked away, looking around.  He tripped over a little bump in a parking space and kicked it.  He felt the pain in his foot from kicking it and hoped around on the other foot while he held the foot in pain.

          A tall pastor with long brown hair walked over to the tramp.  He looked to be in his late teens early twenties and looked too young to be a pastor.  “Are you okay there, buddy?”

          The tamp dropped his foot and looked at the pastor, kind of confused.

          The pastor smiled.  “I guess that answers my question.”

          The tramp smiled in return.

          “Are you new around here?”

          The tramp nodded.

          “Well, you should come to my church sometime.  It’s just around the corner,” the pastor said as he pointed in the direction of the church.

          The tramp followed the pastor’s finger with his eyes then turned his head to look.

          “Well, I have to get going it was nice meeting you.”  The pastor held out his hand and the tramp shook it and smiled.

          The pastor left, leaving the tramp all alone with his fist on his hips, kind of confused.


          The tramp walked over to a bench and sat down.  He opened the right side of his coat with his right hand as he reached in with his left hand and pulled out a banana.  He unpeeled it, one by one, strand by strand, and then took a bite of the banana.  When he was finished with the banana, he threw the peel on the ground and stood up.  He began walking and forgot about the yellow banana peel and slipped on it, falling backwards.  The lower half of his body kind of rolled over the top of the upper half of body.  He kind of flipped himself backwards so he could stand on his feet.

          In the process he had last his hat and cane to the fall.  When he was on his feet he picked up his cane and then his hat.  He placed the hat on top of his head.  He dusted himself off and began walking again.


          Darby stood, looking out of the pavilion.  “When is everyone going to be here?  It feels like it’s getting later and later.”

          Shannon shrugged.  “I don’t know but I hope they get here soon.”

          Darby nodded.  Her phone started ringing.  She sighed.  “It’s probably Harvey again.  My brother can’t seem to call anyone else.”  She pulled out her phone and pressed a button while she placed it next to her ear.  “Hello?”  She looked over at Shannon and nodded.  “What is it now, Harvey?”

          “Ask him if he’s coming?” Shannon whispered, pointing to the phone.

          “I’m at the park with Shannon.  Yea I told you about it a few days ago.  A little summer party.  Are you coming?” Darby took a moment to listen then rolled her head toward Shannon and nodded.

          Shannon smiled and gave Darby a thumbs up.

          “Okay.  See ya then.  Bye.”  Darby hung up her phone.  “He’s coming.  He was wondering if he could bring a date to the wedding?”

          “Of course he can.  Did he say who she was?”

          “Just some woman he met at the park.”



          The tramp had made his way to the street.  He looked around, confused and lost.  He had no idea where to go or what to do.  He sat down on the sidewalk.  He placed his left arm on his left knee and rested his head on his hand.  He had never felt so lonely in his entire life.  He stood up from his spot and pulled out a newly rolled cigarette.  He pulled out a match and lit it.  He placed the cigarette in his mouth, and without paying much attention, he went to light the cigarette but missed.

          When he thought the cigarette was lit, he flung the match to the side walk.  The match went out as it hit the concrete sidewalk.  The tramp smoked the unlit cigarette until he realized that it wasn’t lit.  He took it out of his mouth and looked at it.  He threw it to the ground and walked away.

          A girl with tanned skin and long brown hair walked past him and noticed the cigarette and the match on the ground.  She turned to face him.  “Hey, mister, that’s littering,” she spoke rudely.

          The tramp looked at her and then began to walk away.

          “I’m talking to you.”

          The tramp continued to ignore the girl.

          “Hey, mister…. Come back here.”  The girl was growing aggravated.  “Hey, come back here.”

          The tramp just kept walking away.

          The girl ran over to the tramp and smacked him in the back of his head.

          The tramp turned around and automatically smacked the girl in the face.  It was an accident.

          The girl slapped him in the face.

          The tramp stood there as the girl walked away.


          Later on, the tramp had made his way into a neighborhood.  He found a chucky orange cat laying on someone’s law.  He walked over and went to pet it but the fluffy cat hissed at him, making him jump back, and then the cat ran off.  The tramp spun around, trying to figure out where he was then left the neighborhood.  He headed for the park, even though he knew that it was a long walk.

          He ran into the woman from the park who he had met the day before.

          “You again?” the woman asked.

          The tramp smiled, kind of moving his body.

          “Idiot.”  She shook her head and looked away.

          The tramp quickly reached into her purse and pulled out a few dollars.

          As the woman was starting to turn toward him, he quickly placed the money in his pocket and smiled at her.  She rolled her eyes at him and then walked away.

          The tramp watched as she disappeared out of his sight and pulled out the money from his pocket.  He counted it and then took his pocket.  He counted it and then took his hat off.  He placed the money into the pocket on the inside of his hat then placed the hat back on top of his head.


          The next day, the tramp had wondered to another park with statues that resembled real people.  If someone looked at one of the status for a brief moment, they would have believed they were real people.

          The tramp had walked into a statue of a woman who was just standing there.  He had mistaken the statue for a real woman.  He smiled and then tipped his hat in a flirty way.  He touched the statue and realized that she wasn’t real.  He covered his mouth with his left hand, hiding his smile and then played around by flirting with the statue, jokingly.

The Kiss

          Two girls who looked to be about in their late teens early twenties sat on a park bench.  Each of them had a small white paper bag sitting next to them and plastic soda bottles.  The older girl of the two who had somewhat long light brown hair pulled out a funny shape box with French fries and began eating them.  “Did you know that Calvero died last night?” she asked the younger one who had long blonde hair which fell past her shoulders.

          “Calvero?” the blonde asked, trying to place the name in her mind.

          “The comedian…. He started drinking to be funny….”

          The blonde kept thinking.  The name sounded familiar but she still was having a hard time placing it with a face.

          “He was an older man; maybe in his sixties…. The guy who did that funny act as a circus entertainer known as the professor with the fleas….”

          “Oh yea…. He died?” the blonde asked with disappointment.



          “He did an act last night, fell into a drum, and broke his spine.”

          The blonde bit her lip at the words.  “That’s sad.”

          “I know.”

          “He was funny.”

          The brunette nodded as she continued eating her fries.

          The blonde pulled out a hamburger wrapped up in tin foil and began to unwrap it.

          They sat in silence as they ate.

          Another girl about in her late teens early twenties walked over to them with tears crawling down her cheeks.  She had long dark brown almost black hair which sat on her head in a ponytail.  She sat down, hiding her face in her hands.

          “Raye, what’s wrong?” the older girl asked.

          The new girl didn’t respond.


          Again the girl ignored the other girl.


          The girl was too heartbroken to respond.

          “Edna Raye, what’s wrong?”

          Raye looked over at the other two girls as the tears continued down her face from her cherry red colored eyes.  “It’s Jack.”

          “What about Jack?”

          “He has a girlfriend.”

          The other two girls dropped their mouths in disbelief.  The news was shocking to their ears.

          “No,” the blonde said as if it were hard for her to comprehend.

          Raye nodded.  “Yesterday, he stood me up on our date.  I didn’t want to tell you guys when I got home and I feel bad because I didn’t feel like going to Shannon’s party which I need to apologize to her about….”

          “That’s horrible.”

          “How do you know that he has a girlfriend?” the older girl asked.

          “Because they’re both here and he’s hugging on her…. Kissing her and stuff…. I feel so stupid.”

          “You’re not stupid…. He’s an idiot,” the blonde replied.

          “Kaley’s right…. He is an idiot…. You’ll find someone a million times better than that jerk.”

          “Thanks, Kaley, and Abigail, but right now I feel like my heart is torn in a million little pieces.”


          The tramp walked down a sidewalk with green fields of grass on both sides.  He kind of tripped over his feet for a moment but quickly caught his balance.  He smiled and began walking.


          Raye sat back on the bench; tears worked their way down her cheeks as she kept crying.  “What am I going to do?”

          “Show him that you don’t need him,” Abigail replied.  “You said that he was here, right?”


          “Well, find a random guy and kiss him in front of Jack to show him that you’re better off without him.”

          Kaley kind of laughed.

          Raye looked over at Abigail like she had lost her mind.  “I can’t do that…. That’s insane.”

          “Show him what he’s missing…. He broke your heart he deserves it.”

          Raye shook her head.  “I don’t know.”

          “I dare you to do it,” Kaley replied.

          Raye’s eyes grew wide as she looked over at her friend with shock.

          “Double dog dare ya,” Abigail agreed.

          “Triple dog dare ya,” Kaley added.

          “You guys---”

          “Come on…. Just do it,” Abigail said.


          “Just this once,” Kaley replied.

          “No…. I’m not that….”

          “Please do it for us,” Kaley begged.

          Raye sighed as she noticed the tramp working his way down the path.  “Fine…. But just this once.”  She stood up and walked over to the tramp, grabbing his left hand, pulling him toward the way he had just walked from.

          Abigail and Kaley dropped their mouths, smiling.  “I can’t believe she’s going to actually do it,” Kaley spoke with surprise.

          “We need to see this,” Abigail agreed.  “Come on.”

          They both stood up, leaving their food on the bench and followed Raye who was dragging the tramp down the path toward the guy who had broken her heart.


          The tramp looked around in confusion as the random girl pulled him.

Raye stopped and looked over at Jack a guy with short black hair and dark skin tone who sat next to the bratty girl who the tramp had met the day before.  She took a deep breath and turned toward the tramp.  She couldn’t believe what she was preparing herself to do.  She wrapped her arms around the tramp’s neck.  She kind of bit her bottom lip, debating if it was a good idea or not.  She took another deep breath and then released it.  She closed her eyes and kissed the tramp.

          The tramp was surprised by the girl’s action but didn’t try to fight against it.


          Abigail and Kaley stood over by a tree and watched.  “She actually did it,” Kaley spoke, shocked and kind of laughed at the sight.

          Abigail smiled as well.  “Wow.”  She shook her head in amazement.  “I didn’t think she had it in her.”

          “Surprising…. Huh?”

          Abigail nodded.


          Raye pulled away from the tramp, feeling guilty and horrible.

          The tramp smiled.

          “I’m so sorry about that…. I’m not the kind of girl who does that.”

          The tramp leaned closer toward Raye.  He could tell that she was upset and bothered by something.

          “It’s just…. This guy just broke my heart and my two friends,” she said as she looked toward Abigail and Kaley, “told me to do it…. To kiss you in front of the jerk.”  Raye locked eyes with the tramp.  “I’m so sorry.”

          The tramp could feel Raye’s pain.  He was familiar with heartbreak and he knew the horrible feeling quite well.  He had felt that feeling a million different times.

          “That guy over there,” Raye continued as she pointed toward Jack and Jack’s girlfriend who weren’t even paying any attention toward them anyway, “didn’t even try to tell me he met someone else…. I had to find out the hard way.”  She began to cry.

          The tramp looked over at Jack and pointed to make sure it was the right guy.

          Raye nodded.

          The tramp held up his right pointer finger and kind of nodded.  He left Raye and walked over to Jack who was too busy hugging on his girlfriend to even realize that the tramp was there.  The tramp took his cane, looked at the tip of it then bopped Jack on the head with it.

          Jack slowly moved away from the girl and turned toward the tramp, standing up.

          The tramp looked up at Jack who wasn’t a small guy and realized that he was in over his head.  He kind of smiled, hoping that maybe Jack wouldn’t hit him back.  He kind of wiggled his body in a funny little kind of dance.

          “Did you just hit me?” Jack asked, anger growing in his deep voice.

          The tramp kept smiling.

          “YOU!” the girl screamed at the top of her lungs.

          The tramp looked over at the girl, dropping his mouth and losing his balance as he recognized her as the girl who tried to boss him around from the day before.

          Jack turned toward his girlfriend.  “You know him?” he asked, pointing at the tramp.

          “He’s the one who smacked me.”

          Jack turned back toward the tramp, ticked off.  “You smacked my girlfriend?”

          The tramp tried to smile, knowing what was going to happen.

          Jack went to punch the tramp but the tramp dodged the hit.  He went to go punch the tramp again from the other side but the tramp dodged the hit again.  He went to upper cut the tramp but the tramp moved the upper half of his body backwards, leaning back like in the Matrix without the slow motion.

          The tramp moved out of the way and kind of tripped Jack with his cane.  He kicked Jack to the ground from the back then ran, holding his hat on top of his head.


          Raye kind of laughed as she had watched the scene.

          The tramp worked his way over toward Raye and smiled.

          “I can’t believe you did that…. For me?”

          The tramp nodded.

          “Thank you.  Come with me to meet my friends…. Oh and I’m Edna by the way but my friends call me Raye.”

          The tramp’s smile grew with delight.

          Raye grabbed the tramp’s hand and pulled him over to Abigail and Kaley.

The Guest

          Abigail and Kaley watched as Raye and the tramp walked over to them.  When the two arrived, the tramp smiled at the two girls and tipped his hat.  Abigail and Kaley just stared at the little fellow, confused.

          “You two should have seen it,” Raye said as she laughed.

          Abigail raised an eyebrow, watching the tramp.

          “He walked over to Jack, smacked him with his cane, and Jack went to go punch him a few times but he dodged the punches…. Tripped Jack and kicked him to the ground….”

          The tramp smiled bashfully as Raye spoke.

          “And he did it all for me.”  Raye looked at the tramp and smiled.

          “That’s great,” Abigail replied.

          “What’s his name?” Kaley asked, pointing toward the tramp.

          Raye looked at the tramp.  That had seemed to slip her mind.  She hadn’t thought about asking him what his name was.

          The tramp went to answer but didn’t reply.  He looked at Raye and shrugged.  It was as if he had amnesia and didn’t know who he was.

          “We’ll call him…. Charlie,” Raye replied as if she were naming a stray dog.

          “Really?” Abigail asked.

          “Yea…. Charlie…. It fits.”

          The tramp smiled at the sound of the name.  He couldn’t tell them if she was right or no but had liked it.

          “You’re not planning on keeping him now, are you?” Abigail asked, laughing.

          Kaley laughed as well.

          “Actually,” Raye began.

          Abigail and Kaley stopped laughing and stared at Raye with disbelief.  “Can we talk to you, Raye?” Abigail asked.

          “Yea over there,” Kaley agreed, pointing with her thumb toward the left.

          “Okay.”  Raye looked at the tramp and smiled.  “We’ll be right back.”

          The tramp nodded.

          The three girls walked a good distance away from the tramp.  They didn’t want him to hear what they had to say about him.

          The tramp began to look around as he waited for them to return.



          “Raye, you can’t be serious about letting that guy stay with us,” Abigail spoke in a hushed tone.

          “Yea,” Kaley agreed.  “You just met the guy.”

          Raye sighed and shook her head.

          “There’s no telling what he’s really thinking,” Abigail responded.

          Raye looked over toward the tramp and then back to her two dear friends.  “You can just tell by looking at him that he’s down on his luck….”

“That doesn’t mean anything.” “He could be a murderer,” Kaley replied.

          Raye shook her head and held out her hand toward the tramp.  She looked over at him.  “Does that look like a face of a psychotic murderer?”

          Abigail and Kaley looked over at the lonely tramp and examined his face.  “With that mustache?” Abigail asked.

          “Yea,” Abigail and Kaley agreed.

          “I’m sure he’s not that bad,” Raye replied, rather defensively.

          “He hit Jack with his cane,” Kaley answered.


          “That means he could be violent,” Abigail answered.

          “He’s a Gentle Man of Nerve…. Besides Jack deserved it after what he did to me.”

          “We can’t let him stay with us,” Kaley injected.

          “Come on you two.  Just give him a chance…. I want to do something for him because I feel so bad that I kissed him just to get Jack back for breaking my heart…. I owe him.”

          Abigail and Kaley looked at each other and sighed.  “Fine,” Abigail replied, giving in.  “But he gets just one chance.”

          Raye smiled and hugged her two friends.  “Thank you, you two.”



          The tramp stood as he waited for the three girls to return.  He swung his cane around and knocked the hat off of his head.  He caught the hat and looked around to see if someone else had knocked his hat off but no one else was around.  He smiled when he realized what had happened.  He placed his hat back on top of his head.

          The three girls walked back over to the Tramp.  Abigail sighed.  “Do you have a place to stay?” she asked the tramp.

          The tramp shook his head.

          “Would you like to stay with us until you can get back on your feet?”

          The tramp smiled and nodded.

          “Okay.  Come with us then.”

          The tramp wrapped an arm around Kaley and the other around Abigail.  He realized that Raye was by herself so he took his cane and placed the curved handle around Raye’s waist and pulled her closer toward him.  They began walking away.



    Raye and the tramp stood in the living room of the little three room house.  Abigail and Kaley looked at the tramp.  Neither of them trusted him so they each pulled out their bedroom keys and walked toward their rooms.

          The tramp watched as they locked their doors then walked back into the room.  The tramp felt insulted and decided that if they couldn’t trust him then why should he trust them?  He took his pocket watch out of the pocket on the outside of his coat and placed it in the inside of the pocket on his baggy pants and pinned it together, returning the insult.

          Abigail and Kaley each dropped their mouths, feeling insulted.  “That’s so rude,” Abigail said.

          “Raye, didn’t you just see what he did?” Kaley asked.

          “Yea but you two insulted him first,” Raye replied.

          Abigail and Kaley eyed Raye for standing up for the stranger.



          Later on that night, Abigail sat on the couch next a lamp and read a book.  The tramp sat down next to her and began reading over her shoulder.  They both wore the same expressions on their faces as they read.  Abigail turned the page and began reading the next page when the tramp turned the page back to the previous page.  Abigail stopped reading, kind of closing the book on her thumb so she wouldn’t lose the page and started hitting the tramp with the book.  “I was reading this first…. God get another book to read instead of reading over my shoulder.”

          The tramp kind of flinched in pain as Abigail continued to hit him with the book.

          Raye walked out of her room to see what was going on.  “Stop hitting him, Abigail.”

          Abigail stopped and turned to face Raye.  She gave Raye the death stare.  “He flipped the page on me.”

          “He’s a guest,” Raye explained.  “Don’t start going down his throat…. He doesn’t know any better.”  She walked over to the tramp and sat down next to him and gave him a hug.

          Abigail shook her head out of frustration.  “How can you stick up for this guy?”

          Raye rolled her eyes at one of her best friends.  She turned her attention back toward the tramp.  “Are you okay?”

          The tramp smiled and did a trick with his hat.  He leaned back toward the wall and without touching the hat with his hands he lifted the hat up and made a face expression that made Raye start laughing.

          Abigail shook her head and headed toward her room.



          The next morning, Abigail had finished watching the news and walked into the kitchen.  She walked over and fixed herself a nice hot cup of coffee.  Raye and Kaley sat at the table sipping on their hot cups of coffee.

          “They finally came up with the verdict for the Verdoux trail,” Abigail informed the other two.

          “Verdou…. The x isn’t pronounced,” Kaley explained.  “It’s French.”

          “Okay well anyways they got him for murder and bigamy.”

          Raye shook her head.  “That’s a shame…. What’s this world coming to?”

          Kaley shrugged.

          The tramp walked into the kitchen and smiled at the three girls.  He wore an old fashion night suit which the men wore under their clothes in the old movies.

          “Is he wearing what I think he’s wearing?” Abigail whispered.

          Raye tried not to laugh at the sight of the tramp.

          “I think so,” Kaley replied, also whispering.

          Raye stood up and walked over to the tramp.  “Would you like some coffee?”

          The tramp nodded.

          “Would you like any sugar?” Raye asked.

          The tramp shook his head.


          The tramp shook his head again.

          Raye pulled out a coffee mug with a picture of a snowman on it.  “Milk?”

          The tramp shook his head.

          “Would you like it black?”

          The tramp nodded.

          “Okay.”  Raye handed the coffee cup to the tramp and pulled out the coffee pot.  “I want to thank you again for what you did yesterday,” she told the tramp, not paying any attention as she poured the coffee onto the floor instead of in the cup.  “We’re going to go with a group of friends today to play baseball,” she said as she placed the pot back into the marker.  “Would you like to come?”

          The tramp nodded then went to go take a sip of his coffee when he realized that the cup was empty.  He flipped the cup upside down and then looked around.

          “Oh I’m sorry.”  Raye laughed as she went to pour more coffee into the cup but missed again.  She realized what was happening and felt bad.  “I’m sorry I guess I keep spilling it on the floor.”

          The tramp smiled.

          “Would you like anymore?”

          The tramp shook his head.



Bildmaterialien: Public Domain
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.09.2013

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In honor of Sir Charles Chaplin a tribute to his Little Tramp who doesn't say much but has a way with words

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