
Zelda's Nightmare

It's been four years, since Zelda had helped the police capture Olivia and her crew. Zelda was in her office, which was a complete mess. There were paper and books all over the floor along with empty rum bottles. Zelda was on her bed sleeping. She was tossing and turning because she was having a horrible nightmare.

She seen herself, when she was 12-years-old. She was in a little bookstore. The windows had been blocked off. There was someone else in the room as well. She was Olivia. Zelda wasn't worried about Olivia, she just wanted something to calm her down.
"I can't find a weapon anywhere. You?" she asked.
Olivia hid her sword to where Zelda wouldn't see it. "No."
"This is bad." Zelda was freaking out. She looked everywhere for a weapon, but no luck. "We're in a war against those blood thirsty bounty hunters and to make things worst there's only five of us." She wasn't thinking about the other pirates from the other crews.
"Actually, there's only three of us now."
"Yea. You, Ryoko, and me."
"Oh, man. It's worst than I thought. Where's the rum?" She started looking for rum and forgot about looking for a weapon.
"The rum? Is that all you're worried about is the rum?" Olivia crossed her arms, leaned against a wall, and shook her head. "Come on, Zelda. You're a moron. Think about it, we could die today, and you wouldn't care. You're freaking out because you can't find the rum."
"I'm freaking out 'cause we might die that's why I need the rum. Just so I can calm down. You would know that if you just asked. I can see that we might get killed. We don't stand a chance against those bounty hunters. We better be glad that Magma isn't here to kill us as well."
"That's because she's the one who had the bounty hunters come and kill us. If you only could see that."
"I don't want to talk about this. Now, just help me look for weapons."
They started to look for weapons, when they heard gun shots on the other side of the door.
"Oh, crap. That don't sound good."
"Of course it don't sound good, someone's getting shot." Olivia turned to a closet and opened the door. "Hopefully, it's her no good cousin," she said to herself.
The door flew open. They got ready to fight, Zelda grabbed an empty rum bottle, which she had found and broke it to use it as a weapon. She looked at Olivia and smiled. "See why I need the rum?"
Olivia just shook her head. Ryoko walked in. She was bearly walking. "They got me.... They got me...." She dropped dead to the ground.
Olivia walked over to close the door and locked it as Zelda ran over to her cousin, crying. She tried to wake Ryoko up. "Ryoko, wake up. Please, don't be dead. Please don't...."
Ryoko woke up, laughing. "Got ya."
"Don't do that." Zelda started laughing in relief. She was glad her cousin wasn't dead.
Ryoko stood up. "Sorry, cuz. I just couldn't help it. I had this blood on me and I thought that it'd be funny. Heck, it's not even my blood. It's some of those bounty hunters' blood."
Olivia walked away from the door. "Where were you, Captain Ryoko?"
"I was getting some more laisers for my gun. 'Cause in the middle of the fight, I ran out. I ran into Leo. He sent most of his men after me. Can you believe that Magma has all those guys out to kill us?" Ryoko knew the truth. She knew that Magma was evil, but the bounty hunters weren't working for her.
"Yea," Olivia agreed.
"Oh yea," Zelda also agreed.
"Honestly, I don't think that Magma sent those bount hunters after us though. I think it was her brother."
"I didn't know that Magma had a brother," Zelda said, confused.
"Neither did I," Olivia said, just as confused.
"Oh yea. Hi name is Will. He's ya'lls ago," Ryoko told them.
Someone tried to open the door from the outside.
"Now, we better go out there before they come in here."
"Good idea, captain," Zelda agreed.
Once they were outside, they started fighting the bounty hunters. Zelda turned to say something to Ryoko, when she seen Olivia take her sword and kill Ryoko.

"NOOO, RYOKO!" Zelda screamed no longer dreaming.
Ben and Peter rushed into the room. They had been outside, not too far from Zelda's office. "Are you okay, captain?" Ben asked.
"Yea. We were out on the deck fixing the floor when we heard you scream," Peter said, worried.
"I need some rum," Zelda whispered. "Peter Pan, can you go get me some rum, please?"
"Yes, captain." Peter left the room.
"Benjamin, don't leave me."
"I'm right here." Ben walked over to her. He sat a chair next to her bed. "I would never," he started to say as he sat down, "leave you."
"I can't go back to sleep. I've been reliving that day in my head for the past couple of weeks. I don't want that terrible memory in my head. I watched her die once, I don't want to see it again."
Ben took her in his arms. He pulled her close to his chest. "It's okay. Everything's going to be alright. Don't worry. I bet your cousin's making sure that you're safe."
Ryoko's ghost appeared, but only Max could see her. He started growling.
"Max?!" Zelda said, confused.
Max stopped growling and Ryoko's ghost disappeared.
"Well, someone's protective," Ben said to get Zelda to laugh. He was smiling himself.
Zelda smiled. "Benjamin, I have something to admit."
"Yea, what?"
"I liked you, ever since we met.... And I still do. I was just afraid to tell you. I thought if I told you then things might be different around us and we would be too embarrassed to even speak to each other."
"Are you sure this isn't a dream?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
Ben was hoping for a kiss. "Can you prove it?"
Zelda smiled. They went to kiss when....
"I got the.... Um.... Oops," Peter said, walking in with a bottle of rum. "I just ruined something.... Didn't I?"
Ben nodded in agreement.
"You know that secret that I told you to keep four years ago?" Zelda asked.
"I told him."
"THAT'S GREAT! Does this mean that you two are going to get married?"
Zelda and Ben started laughing.


Olivia was sitting on a long, rectangler bed in her cell, mad. Donny was laying on the bed, stretched out. He was almost full grown again. The cut on his neck had became a scar. "I can't believe this," she said to herself. "I should of been one to roam the universe, not Zelda. Heck, I lost my ship. A bunch of bums probably took it and are living there now with their families. If I get my ship back, I swear I'll kill anyone who's living there. Of course, I could have my crew do it for me so that way I could be lazy. Then if I run into Zelda again, I'll have enough energy to kill her. That would be the best day ever."
Daniel walked over to Olivia's cell with a plate of something that didn't look like food and a cup of water. He placed the plate and cup on the ground insidde of the cell. "Here you go, Olivia. Eat up."
Olivia looked at the food, funny. "What is it?"
Daniel looked at the food, trying to figure out what it was. "I think it's chicken...."
"It looks green. I'm not going to eat that."
"Well, too bad." Daniel walked away.
"Stupid cop."
Donny walked over to the plate and started eating the food.
"Donny, don't eat that.... Food. Never mind. Too late."
John was in the cell across Olivia. He was next to the cell door. He was holding onto one bar with one hand and the other hand was hanging over the horixontal bar. "Captain, did you eat the food?" he asked.
"Good. 'Cause it taste like someone threw up in it."
Ryan was in the cell next to John. "Thanks a lot, man," he said, mad. "I'm not hungry now."
"Sorry, Ryan, but it's true," John said.
"I can't wait 'til I die," Olivia said.
"'Cause that's the only way to get out of here."
"I HAVE AN IDEA!" Ryan exclaimed.
"You can play dead."
"That's the dumbest idea that I have ever heard."
"Yea, Ryan," John agreed. "Don't speak."
"But it was a good idea."
"Yea," Olivia said with sarcasm. "If I were an idiot."
Donny walked over and sat next to Olivia. His tail swayed back and forth on the floor. He moved his head under Olivia's hand and started to purr.
Olivia started to pet him. "Are you full? I can't believe you ate that stuff. It didn't look too good, but you are an animal so it probably didn't taste bad to you."
"If we could get out of here," John said, "captain, how would we get off this planet? I mean the Black Velvet's still on Brass."
"I was thinking about that earlier. It's been four long years, someone probably took it for their own reason."
"Yea. But what if it's still there? I mean no one would be able to drive it without Donny on the ship."
"Good point, John." Olivia looked at Donny. "Without him there's no energy for the ship. You're not going to leave mommy now are you, Donny?"
Donny purred as Olivia kept rubbing his fur.
"Good boy, Donny."
Gregory and Jason walked into check on the pirates. "Daniel said that one of the older pirates passed on," Gregory told Jason. "We need to get him out of his cell so that way we can burry him and we have an extra cell for other pirates."
"Gregory," John said.
Gregory didn't answer.
"Gregory," he said again, kind of mad.
Gregory didn't reply.
"GREGORY!" John was ticked off.
Gregory stopped and turned to face his brother. "I don't talk to pirates," he finally answered.
"What do you mean you don't talk to pirates?" John asked, really ticked. "You talked to Zelda and Ben. Like Ben, I'm your brother and Zelda's not even related to us."
"I had to talk to them, I didn't want to but I did.... I had to."
"Had to?" Olivia asked. "So you were forced to talk to them."
Gregory turned to face Olivia. "Yes.... I was."
"So why are you talking to us now?"
"Never mind." Gregory started to walk away. "Come on, Jason."
Jason followed Gregory. "Yes, sir."
Gregory and Jason disappeared.
"Good," Olivia said. "They're gone."
John moved away from the celll door and leaned against a wall. "I can't believe that my brother doesn't want to talk to me."
"At least your not a chicken," Ryan jumped in.
Olivia gave Ryan a funny look. "What?"
"I don't want to know," John replied.
"Neither do I." Olivia sat down on the bed. "Well, there's nothing to do, but be bored for the rest of our lives.... Man, I would rather die than be here."
"I want a cow for Christmas...." Ryan said. "NO! A horse.... Even better, a pig.... YEA! That would be awesome."
"Ryan, you're an idiot," Olivia stated. "Don't say anything else."
"Yea. You said enough for today," John agreed.

Finally Together

Zelda and Ben were in the captain's office on the White Rose. Zelda was leaning against her bed and Ben stood in front of her. "So what are our plans for tonight?" Ben asked.
"I was thinking that for...."
Paul and Scott came into the room. They didn't realize what was going on.
"Paula, Scotty, what are you two doing?"
"We wanted to see if you two wanted to play Super Mario with us," Scott stated.
"Yea," Paul agreed.
Ben looked Zelda then to Scott and Paul. "We're kind of in the middle of something. We'll be there in a little while, okay?"
Scott realized what was going on. "Oh. Okay. Come on, Paul, let's go tell Peter."
Paul was confused. "Ok-ay."
Paul and Scott left.
"Finally," Zelda said. "I thought they'd never leave."
Ben smiled. "Yea."
"Well, anyways come in here for dinner okay, and we can just talk about whatever."
"Okay." He kissed her forehead. "I'm going to hang with the guys. You want to come?"
Zelda blushed. "Yea. I'll be there in a minute."
Ben smiled. "Okay." He left.
Ryoko's ghost appeared in a corner. The spirit looked like Zelda but a couple years older. Like earlier, only Max could see her. He started growling at the corner.
Zelda was in a dreamy daze. "He is such a great guy." She realized that Max was growling. "Who are you growling at, boy?" She looked back at Max. "You better not be growling at me, boy."
Ryoko disappeared and Max stopped growling.
"That's what I thought."

Olivia was laying on the bed and Donny was laying on the floor next to the bed. Ryoko's ghost appeared, but only Donny seen her. He started growling.
Olivia rolled over to see Donny. "Who are you growling at?" She looked at the cells across from them. "Are you growling at John? No. Are you growling at Ryan? No. How 'bout Shawn? No. Well, there's no one else out there. Just go to bed, Donny."
Ryoko's ghost disappeared and Donny stopped growling.
"That's odd," she told herself. She stood up and walked over to the bars. "John. John. JOHN!"
"I'm sorry, captain," John said in a sleepy voice, sitting up, "but I'm trying to sleep."
"Sorry. I'm kind of freaking out because Donny was growling at nothing or no one."                                                            "Maybe he heard something from outside."
"Maybe.... But he wouldn't just growl for no reason."
"I'm sure it's nothing. You're probably over reacting that's all."
"Yea. But that doesn't explain why he was looking at your cell."
"Maybe he wants out," David said in the cell next to Olivia.
"Yea," John agreed. "He's probably tired of being locked up everyday."
"Good point. I don't like being locked up either," Olivia said.
"Who does?" David asked.
"At least, we're not at Camp Greenlake," Ryan jumped in.
"You do know that Camp Greenlake isn't a real place," John said.
"Yea, it is. It's in that movie Holes."
"That movie's based off a book which is fiction. Meaning it's not real."
"Yea. You're an idiot, Ryan, like I said before," Olivia said.
"He needs help that's all," David said.
Ryan was mad. "I don't need help."
"Here we go," Olivia said.

Saphire, Daniel, and Alaska were in the dining room of the ice palace, sitting at the table. Saphire and Daniel were going over the wedding details and Alaska was helping them. "We already got the guest.... We got the church.... Um.... We have the flower girl...." Saphire said. She looked at Alaska and smiled. "We have my maid of honnor. Did you decide who's going to be your best man yet?" she asked Daniel.
Saphire nodded.
"I just hope that Gregory understands."
Saphire walked over to Daniel. "Gregory's an understanding person. He'll understand."
"Yea. You're right."
Saphire and Daniel kissed.

Ryoko's Ghost

Zelda and Max were in the captain's room. Zelda was thinking about what her and Ben could do for dinner. It was their first dinner as a couple and she had no clue what they could do.
"Zelda," a sweet and calm voice said.
"Who's there?" Zelda asked, turning around.
Max's ears flew back because he heard the voice too, but no one else was in the room. No one replied to Zelda's question.
Zelda turned back around to face Max. She looked at him. "I must be hearing things," she told him.
"Zelda," the voice said again.
Zelda turned around again. "Hello. Who are you?"
No one replied.
Zelda turned back around. "That's odd."
"Zelda," the voice said for the third time.
Zelda turned back around and this time she was freaked out. "Okay, I'm really freaked out. So show yourself.... Or better.... I'm going to go get one of the guys to see if I'm going crazy. Come on, Max."
Zelda and Max left the room.

They hurried to the far end of the deck and ran into Jeremy and Ray.
"Captain, are you okay?" Ray asked.
"Yea.... Except the fact that I think there's a ghost in my office."
"Calm down," Jeremy said. "And what do you mean by you think there's a ghost in your office?"
"Yea. And is it like Casper or more like Davy Jones?"
Zelda and Jeremy gave Ray a funny look.
"What? I've never met a ghost before. Now, can you please answer my question?"
Zelda pointed to Ray. "To answer your question it was a mixture between Slimer and Beetlejuice. Now, I want you two to go to my office, and make sure that I'm not going insane."
"Ok-ay," Jeremy said, confused.

They went into the office and listened for any odd noices, but they didn't hear anything.
"I don't hear anything," Jeremy said after a few minutes.
"Neither do I," Ray agreed.
"I'm going insane."
"You're not going insane, captain," Jeremy said to cheer her up. "You were probably just hearing things.... It happens to everyone."
"Yea.... Like a chicken doing the chicken dance."
Zelda gave Ray a funny look. "Riley, I'm starting to think that you're becoming the ship idiot. That's pretty sad because Peter Pan is dummer than an apple and your almost dummer than him."
"I was trying to make you feel better."
Jeremy place his arm around Zelda and pulled her close to him. "Are you doing anything today?"
Zelda watched his arm and then looked at him. "Yea.... Actually, me and Ben have dinner plans."
Jeremy moved his arm away from her. "Oh. You and.... Ben," he said, jealous.
Ray decided to change the subject before Jeremy got ready to kill Ben. "Oh. Um...." He thought of a lie. "Me and Jeremy promised Austin that we would help him in the kitchen...."
"No, we...." Jeremy started to protest.
"Yes, we did."
Jeremy and Ray left the room. Ryoko appeared and was floating behind Zelda. Max started growling at the spirit.
"Zelda," she said for the fourth time.
Zelda started shaking in her boots.
"Turn around, Zelda."
Zelda turned around to find her dead cousin. She realized that Max was growling at Ryoko. She was really freaking out. "Ryoko.... That's impossible.... You're suppose to be dead.... I watched you get killed."
Ryoko nodded. "I know. And I have something to tell you.... You might want to sit down."
"Too late."
"Never mind. Look Magma's brother, Will, is going to try to destroy all of the planets, actually, the universe and if you don't stop him, then you're dead meat."
"Okay. What do I have to do?"
"Well, you have to team up with...."
"Okay, I have to team up with the cops...."
"No. You have to work with...." Ryoko paused. She knew that Zelda wasn't going to like what she was going to say. "Olivia."
"NO! I am not working with her."
"But, Zelda, you have to."
"Why? Why do I have to?"
"Because you'll die if you don't. Believe me, Zelda, it's not fun getting killed."
"I'd rather die than to work with Olivia."
Ryoko couldn't believe Zelda said that. She knew that Zelda didn't mean it though. She thought of something to persuade Zelda. "Well, what about Ben?" she asked.
"What about him?" Zelda asked.
"I don't think that he'd be too happy to know that his girlfriend has a death wish."
Zelda realized that Ryoko was right.
"So.... You have two choices. Work with Olivia or let your boyfriend suffer?"
"Okay. I'll work with Olivia."
"Good choice." Ryoko disappeared, smiling. She got her way and Zelda didn't realize it.

Big Day

Olivia was talking to John. "I hate these bars," she said.
"And so does everyone else," he agreed, "but we have to deal with it."
"I know." Olivia noticed that the cops weren't around. "Hey, where's the cops?"
"I think that I heard some of them talk about a wedding that's going on today."

Alaska and Saphire were in a little room of a church. Saphire was standing in front of a mirror and Alaska was helping her get ready for the wedding.
"Mom and dad would of loved being here today," Alaska said.
"Yea." Saphire smiled. "I know that they died years ago, but I still miss them."
"Me too. But think of it this way, they're watching us from heaven. And they can see that Daniel is really good for you. And there's no pirates around to destory this moment."
"You ready?"
They left the room.
Zelda and Ben were in the captain's office. They were having dinner, joking around.
"This is fun," Ben admitted. "Um.... Captain?"
"Just call me, Zelda."
Ben smiled. "Okay. Zelda, there's a question that I would like to ask you.... I think that because we knew each other for along time.... I was wondering.... If you.... Um...."
"If I what?"
"Would you...."
Austin walked into the room. "Captain, we're on Pluto now," he said, cutting Ben off.
Austin left.
"Can you ask me later? I have to go talk to a princess about something. Wanna come?"
They left the room.

When Zelda and Ben were off of the ship, they realized that no one was around. The place looked like a frozen ghost town.
"Where is everyone?" Ben asked.
"Good question."
Gregory, followed by an eleven-year-old boy, walked past them in a hurry.
"Hey, Double D."
Gregory stopped and turned to face Zelda and Ben. He was really frustrated and late to the wedding. "What do you want, Zelda?"
"Where is everyone?"
"A wedding."
"A wedding?"
"I'm not telling you."
"They must be very important for everyone in the town to go to this wedding."
"Fine. Princess Saphire and Daniel...."
Gregory sighed. "Are getting married today."
"Come on, Greg," the boy said. "We have to go."
"I know."
Zelda noticed the kid. He kind of looked like Gregory and Ben, but younger and with lighter brown hair. "Is he yours?" she asked Gregory.
"I'm not married and that would be wrong." He looked at Ben. "He's our youngest brother."
"What do you mean?" Ben asked, confused.
"A couple years after you left, mom had him."
"And what's your name?" Zelda asked the boy.
"Don't answer her," Gregory told him.
"Larry," the boy answered.
"Well, I'm going to call you Larry Boy, and my name's Zelda, and that's your older brother, Ben."
"We have to go," Gregory said, rudely.
Gregory and Larry hurried away.
"Cute kid," Zelda said, walking in the direction that Gregory and Larry went. "Come on, Benjamin. We have a wedding to go to."

Any Objections?

Daniel and Saphire were in the process of getting married. 
"Is there someone who has an objection? If so speak now or forever hold your peacem," the pastor said.
Zelda and Ben had walked into the church, drunk, just in perfect timing. They had stopped to get some rum on the way to the church. Zelda was actually holding a bottle of rum. "I have an objection," she said.
Saphire turned to look at Zelda. She was ferious. "What are you doing here?"
"First of all, there's no rum that's my objection. Second of all, I have to talk to you about something, your highness."
"I'm sorry about this," Saphire told Daniel.
"Don't be.... It's not your fault," he replied as he looked at Saphire and then gave Zelda an evil look, but he still spoke to Saphire, "it's hers."
"Okay.... It looks like I have to talk to her."
"I'll go with you."
Saphire nodded in agreement.
"Me and Saphire are going to talk to Zelda."
"I want you up here to keep everything under control."
Daniel and Saphire started walking toward Zelda and Ben.
"Daniel.... What should I do?"
Daniel stopped and turned to face Jason. "I don't know.... Stall."
Daniel turned back around and walked over to Zelda and Ben. Saphire, Zelda, Ben, Daniel, and Gregory went outside.

Saphire was really ticked off. "I can't believe that you would ruin my wedding day, Zelda. You don't just go to someone's wedding that you weren't invited to drunk and object that there should be rum, especially someone's wedding, who's of the royal family. You're a low life, Zelda."
"Look I need your permission to let me talk to a pirate that you have locked up." Zelda didn't realize that Saphire was extremely angry.
"And who would that be?"
"If I tell you then you'd think that I was crazy."
"And if you don't tell me then I won't let you talk to whoever it is that you need to talk to."
"Okay. I need to talk to," Zelda started off speaking normally then fast, "Olivia."
"Olivia," she said, again fast.
"Who and say it slower?"
"Okay.... Olivia," Zelda said at a normal rate.
Saphire's anger was replaced by confussion. "Wait.... Why do you need to talk to Olivia? You two hate each other."
"Believe me, I would never talk to Olivia in a million years.... But someone told me that I had to or I'll get killed."
"Who told you that?"
"If I tell you then you'll think that I'm really crazy and you'd have me put in a nut house.... I won't do so good in a nut house."
"Just tell me."
"Okay, but I'm not crazy.... I talked to Ryoko."
Saphire was really confused. Ryoko was dead, how could Zelda have talked to her? Zelda wasn't the smartest person and she wasn't really sane, but to Saphire that made Zelda sound like she wasn't sane at all. "Ryoko? You mean your dead cousin, Ryoko?"
"Yep. The only one I know with that name."
"That's the craziest thing I've ever heard."
"I know, but it's true. If Olivia and me don't work together, then Will's going to destroy the universe."
"Will? Magma's brother, Will? He's free?" Saphire wasn't just confused, but she was now afraid and worried. She was afraid of what Will could do. She was older than him but he had more power than she had. At the age of twelve, the young prince had a bounty hunter her father and her mother had died of a broken heart which made her and Alaska orphans.
"I hate to say it, but yea."
Saphire turned to Gregory. "Bring them to Olivia's cell and if Olivia agrees to work with Zelda then let her and her crew go," she told him then she moved her attention to Zelda, "but if she don't then you have to leave and don't come back."
"Okay," Gregory and Zelda agreed.

Trying to Convince Olivia

Gregory walked over to Olivia's cell. Olivia looked over at him. The look on her face told him to leave her alone. "Someone needs to talk to you," he said.
Gregory motioned for Zelda and Ben.
Zelda walked to the cell. "Me," she answered.
"Zelda?" Olivia felt the anger growing as she looked at her small, short, rum drinking enemy. "What are you doing here? Are you here to mock me? To make in fun of me because I'm trapped?"
"That would be a reason for me to come here," Zelda admitted, "but sadly that's not why I'm here."
"Then why are you here?"
"Now this is going to sound crazy...."
"Crazy? Zelda, what makes someone else sound crazy, makes you sound normal."
Zelda was kind of mad. "Are you implying that I'm insane?"
"That's exactly what I'm implying."
That made Zelda really mad and she wanted to say something insulting to Olivia, but she decided to forget about it and calm down. "You know what.... I'm going to forget you said that.... Now anyways," she started to say as she noticed Donny laying next to Olivia's feet, "I thought I killed him.... How did he.... I mean that's impossible."
Olivia laughed. "He came back to life."
"That's very creepy.... Oh well.... Like I was trying to say was that I talked to Ryoko and she...."
"Stop there.... What do you mean you talked to Ryoko? Did you have a dream that you talked to her? Because you and I both know that she's dead."
"IT WASN'T A DREAM!" Zelda protested. "If it was a dream it would have been a nightmare of that day.... The day you turned against us.... OKAY! Now, anyways she told me that we have to work together."
"Work? With you? No way. There's no way I'm going to work with you. You're a pshyco."
"Well," Zelda said, insulted, "I don't want to work with you either.... And for the record you're the pshyco."
"You better be lucky I'm locked behind these bars, Zelda, or I'd kill you." Olivia was ticked off.
"Oh yea.... And by the way, Magma's brother is free.... He's going to try and destroy the universe."
"Yea.... So.... I'm still not going to work with you."
Zelda knew that she wasn't going to persuade Olivia and so she decided to give up. "If your panther starts growling for no reason it's probably because he sees Ryoko," Zelda told Olivia.
Olivia looked at Donny. She thought about what Zelda said and the night before, when Donny was growling for no reason. She didn't want Zelda to be right, but that did make since in a weird way.
"Come on, Benjamin. Let's go back to the ship."
Zelda and Ben started to leave.
Zelda stopped and turned around. "What?"
Olivia went to say something then stopped herself. "Never mind."
"Okay." Zelda turned back around, and her and Ben left.
"That was the craziest conversation I have ever had with her."
"She probably had a little too much rum," John said. He noticed that Zelda had been drinking.
"I agree."
Gregory left.
"She's really insane."

Not Kidnapping.... Babysitting

Zelda and Ben were walking through the town, which people were now walking around and going to different places. Zelda and Ben were heading back to the ship. "Captain.... I mean Zelda."
"Why didn't you tell me that you talked to your dead cousin?"
Zelda was embarrassed of what Ben might have thought. "Because like everyone else you wouldn't of believed me."
"I believe you." He took her hand. "It might sound crazy, but I believe you."
Zelda smiled. "Thanks. Benjamin, can you go ahead to the ship? I have something that I have to do. I'll meet you there okay."
Zelda watched Ben as he walked away then walked in another direction.

Larry was at a store. He was walking around looking for Gregory. He seen a can roll from the ally between two stores. The ally was kind of dark. He went to see where the can came from when he noticed Zelda standing there.
"Hi, Zelda."
"Who are you looking for?"
"Oh." Zelda paused. Even though she was 20, she had a mind of a 5 year old. There were times when she acted like an adult but most of the time she acted like she was 5. When she talked most of the time, she kind of sounded like a 5 year old as well. "Hey, do you want to see my pirate ship?"
"YOU HAVE A PIRATE SHIP?!" Larry asked, excited.
Zelda smiled. "Yep. It's really big, too."
"COOL!" Larry realized something and lost the excitement. "Oh."
"Oh.... What?"
"I have to tell Gregory."
Zelda didn't think about that. She didn't want Gregory to know. He'd kill her. She had to come up with a lie, but what would it be? She thought and an idea popped into her head. "I talked to Gregory already. I'm going to.... Babysit you for a few days...." she told him. "Actually, more," she told herself.
"You're going to watch me," Larry said, not really buying Zelda's lie, "but Gregory doesn't trust you."
Crap. How was she going to get him to believe her? She thought of something. "What makes you think that he doesn't trust me?" she asked.
"Because he told me that he doesn't trust Zelda."
"Maybe he was talking about a different Zelda." She was hoping that he would take the bait.
"No," he replied, shaking his head, "he was talking about you because he said that today after he talked to you and my brother, Ben."
Dang. Zelda's plan wasn't working. This kid was smart. "Well, he changed his mind. Now let's go." She grabbed his hand and dragged him behind her as they headed to the ship.

Peter, Ben, and Austin were on the deck of the White Rose. They were talking. "You know the captain's been acting weird lately," Austin pointed out.
"It's probably those nightmares she's been having," Peter said.
"It's the same one," Ben added. "She told me."
"Yea.... She probably wishes that you were there to save her," Austin joked.
"She told me and that's not the kind of nightmare."
"Oh.... Really?"
"Speaking of the captain, here she comes, and she has a kid with her," Peter said.
"A kid?" Ben asked, confused.
Zelda and Larry walked onto the ship.
Ben walked over to them. "Are we going to leave now?"
"No. I have a feeling that Olivia's going to change her mind."
"Okay. Can I ask you something else?"
"Why did you kidnap my brother?"
"I didn't kidnap him," Zelda simply said. "I'm babysitting him," she paused, "but no one knows."
Ben couldn't believe what she just said. "YOU KIDNAPPED HIM!"
"You.... Never mind. Just forget it." Ben didn't want to argue with his girlfriend, especially not in front of the guys.

Olivia's Seeing Things

Olivia was laying on the bed, thinking about the conversation she had with Zelda. Her thoughts went back to what Zelda had said about Donny.
"Olivia," she heard a ghostly voice say.
She sat up and looked around. She looked at Donny who was now growling. It had to be a coincidence. Zelda was crazy and Olivia didn't want to believe her. She was hearing things.
"Olivia," the voice repeated.
Olivia looked around again.
"OLIVIA!" Ryoko ordered, appearing. She was floating in midair. "Look at me."
Olivia looked at Ryoko who was now on the floor, leaning against the wall. Olivia was shocked by the appearance of the ghost. "Ryoko? You're suppose to dead."
Ryoko laughed. "That's what Zelda said."
"Zelda wasn't lying," Olivia said to herself.
"Of course she wasn't."
Olivia gave Ryoko a funny look.
"Hey, I'm dead, not deaf. Now, what I told Zelda was that you two have to work together to destory Will, or the both of you will get killed."
"I'd rather die than to work with Zelda."
Ryoko knew that was coming and she also knew that she was going to have to persuade Olivia the same way she persuaded Zelda. She looked at John who was sitting on his bed, reading a book. She knew instanley what she would have to say to persuade Olivia. "Are you willing to let John go into the arms of another woman?"
"What?" Olivia asked, caught off gaurd by the question. She hid the fact that she had any feelings for John. No one knew her secret. How did Ryoko know?
"Yea. That's what's going to happen if you get killed."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Olivia lied.
John stopped reading, marked his place, set the book on the bed, stood up and walked over to the cell door. "Captain, who are you talking to?" he asked.
"I'm talking to her," Olivia said, pointing to the wall.
"I don't see anyone." John couldn't see the ghost and thought that Olivia was just talking to herself.
Ryoko started laughing at Olivia. She knew what was going on.
"She's right here. How can you not see her?"
"Sorry, captain, but I don't see anyone. I hate to say it but you're kind of acting like Zelda right now."
Ryoko laughed even harder.
"But she's right here."
"There's no one there."
"She's right here, laughing." Olivia couldn't believe that John didn't see Ryoko. She could see Ryoko so she figured that he did too.
Ryoko tried to stop laughing. "He can't see me," she finally said. "Watch." She teleported from Olivia's cell to John's cell. "Oh yea. He can't hear me either. See.... John," she said, talking to John.
John didn't answer.
He still didn't reply.
He still didn't respond.
"Hello," Ryoko said, placing a hand in front of his face, moving it up and down. "Is anyone home?" She placed her hand down. "See what I mean. Now, if I chose to let him see and hear me, then I could of, but I didn't."
"Why not?"
Ryoko kind of laughed. "Why not? So that way he can think that you're crazy, just like you thought that Zelda was crazy. So, you have a choice, work with Zelda or die?"
Olivia knew that she was going to regret it. "I'll work with Zelda, but this doesn't mean I'll be her friend."
"I don't care if the both of you become friends after all this.... I don't care if the both of you stay enemies.... I don't care what happens after all this. Just as long as Will doesn't destory this universe. That guy needs to learn a lesson."
There was a long pause.
"Now, I'm going to go tell Zelda." Ryoko disappeared.
Olivia couldn't believe what just happened. She looked around, still shocked. She was trying to make since of everything. She didn't know if it was all in her head or if it really happened.

Russel Returns

Magma was in the throne room, sitting down on her throne, in the fire castle. The throne room was the biggest room in the castle and it was also the ball room. Magma's throne along with another throne were on a stage. The thrones were fire red and in the between them was a little table. A red carpet was flowing off from the stage. There were two tables one on each wall. Leo walked in followed by an older man.
The older man had grayish-white, short hair and was dressed as a bounty hunter. He looked like he was in his 70's or 80's.
"Good afternoon, your highness," Leo said, bowing.
"Same to you, Leo." Magma noticed the older bounty hunter. She recognized him. "Russel.... I haven't seen you in years."
"That's because I was sent to another universe to work. I came back when I found out that my son here was having a hard time doing his job," Russel said, looking at Leo.
"Dad," Leo said, embarrassed.
"I'm glad that you're back, Russel," Magma said. "Now, I heard news that my brother is back. Where is he?"
"He's in the dinning room, princess," Leo answered.
Magma smiled. "Good."

A guy in his 20's was in the dinning room, eating turkey with mash potatoes and cream corn on top. The dinning room was the second biggest room in the castle. The table was big enough for ten people and their ten chairs. There were eight chairs on each side and one at each end. There was a chandlier hanging over the table. The guy had a glass ice tea. While he was eating, Magma walked in and rushed to give him a hug. That ticked him off.
"I missed you so much. I'm glad that...."
The guy pulled away from the hug. "Can't you see that I'm eating?"
Magma broke out of the hug. "Fine. I'm sorry, but I haven't seen you in a long time. You're my brother.... My only brother and I just.... Never mind."
Now, this guy was younger than Magma, and even though he was her brother, he didn't look Asian, while she did. He had brown hair, it actually looked kind of blonde. "Magma," he said, "I'm going to destroy the universe."
"Destroy the universe?"
There was a long, painful pause.
Magma waited a little while before saying anything. "But then you'll destroy the planet...."
Will nodded his head.
"People are going to die, you're planning to kill yourself as well."
"I know."
"Now, I know I'm evil, but I would never put myself in that kind of danger."
Will smiled. "That's because you're not as evil as me."
"Well, I'm not dumb either."
Will gave Magma an evil look. "Just because I'm willing to put myself in danger doesn't mean that I'm dumb."
Russel and Leo had walked into the room by this time.
"I'm going to destroy the universe so that way I can kill all of the space pirates, the space police, the ice princesses, the bounty hunters, and you."
Magma was shocked. "Me? But I'm your sister. Why do you want me dead?"
"Because.... I'm tired of listening to someone who doesn't know what she's doing."
"I can't believe that you said that."
Will stood up. "It's true. Russel, Leo, come with me."
Will, Russel, and Leo left the room. Magma sat down. She was thinking about what just happened.

Kids & Their Imagination

Larry and Max were in the captain's office. Max was laying down and Larry was petting him. Ryoko appeared. Max didn't bother to growl at her like he had before. Larry could see the spirit as well. She had her back to Larry and Max.
"Hi, I'm Larry. Who are you?"
Ryoko turned around, shocked. "He can't see me.... Or can he?" she asked herself, confused. "Can you see me?" she asked Larry.
Larry nodded. "Yea. Who are you?"
"I'm Ryoko," she introduced herself. She didn't want to be rude, seeing that the kid could see her and asked her a smiple question. "Zelda's cousin.... Are you related to anyone on this ship?"
"Yea. Ben. He's my brother."
"Oh." Ryoko puased. "Do you happen to know where Zelda is?"
"She was out on the deck talking on to Ben."
"You're pretty."
Ryoko smiled. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Ben and Zelda walked into the room. Zelda noticed Ryoko, but Ben had no clue the ghost was there.
"I think that Ben and...."
"Larry, who are you talking to?" Ben asked.
Larry pointed to Ryoko. "I'm talking to her."
"But there's...."
Zelda pretended to laugh. "Kids and their imaginations, huh? I think it's cute." She decided to change the subject. "Larry boy, are you hungry?"
Larry nodded.
"Okay. Benjamin, go and get your brother something to eat. I'll meet you two in the kitchen later okay?"
"Okay. Come on, Larry."
Ben and Larry left the room. Zelda closed the door so she could talk to the ghost herself.
"That's weird," Ryoko said.
"That kid seen me."
"What? He shouldn't be able to see you?"
"No.... If I wanted him to see me then I would of but he still saw me even though I didn't want him to see me."
"Hmmm.... Maybe because kids his age still have imaginary friends."
"Good point."
"So what do you need to talk to me about?"
"I got Olivia to change her mind about working with you. Now, you and your crew need to go and break her and her crew out of jail. Okay, Zelda."
"Good. Now, I have to go." Ryoko disappeared as fast as she had appeared.

Busting Olivia's Crew Out of Jail

Zelda and Ben were on the deck. They looked in the direction of the jail house. "I want you to gather the crew...." she started to say. "We're going to go bust Olivia and her crew out of jail."
"Yes, Zelda. But who's going to stay and keep an eye on Larry?"
"Good question." Zelda thought for a minute about who she could have stay. "Peter Pan."

Olivia was sitting on her bed. John was at the cell door with both hands hanging out of the bars. "Captain, are you mad at me for earlier, when I said that you were acting like Zelda?" he asked.
"Okay. Good."
Zelda and her crew finally arrived.
Olivia looked at them. "FINALLY!"
"Shhh.... No one knows that we're here," Zelda whispered.
"Okay," Olivia whispered as well.
"Is everyone ready?" Zelda asked her crew.
"Yes," Ben answered.
"Okay, good. Now, everyone locked behind the bars might want to step back." Zelda and her crew took their swords and broke the bars. "You all are free now."
"What about me?" Ryan asked, still locked up.
"Oh yea. Peter Pan isn't here." Zelda walked over to Ryan's cell and set him free.
Ryan walked over to her and hugged her. "I knew that you'd come to save me, my sweet, darling angel.... I love you, too."
Zelda pulled away from the hug. "I'm taken."
Ryan was disappointed. "But.... You said...."
"I lied.... Now, let's go."
Ryan stood there and started to cry. Everyone else started to leave. Olivia walked over to Ryan, grabbed his arm, and started dragging him.

They were outside. They started to sneak out, when the alarm went off. Dogs started barking and they heard Gregory's voice in the distance.
"HURRY UP, GUYS!" Zelda yelled. "We have to go before they come over here."
Everyone, but Ryan, were on the opposite side of the fence. Gregory's voice sounded closer and the barking dogs weren't far behind.
"COME ON, RYAN!" Olivia exclaimed, ticked off. "I swear that if you're not over here in five minutes, I'll...."
Gregory was a few feet away. "STOP THERE, PIRATE!" he yelled to Ryan.
Olivia was really furious. "RYAN, GET OVER HERE NOW!"
Ryan was afraid. "Okay, captain." He arrived on the other side.
They started running back to the ship, when Gregory arrived at the fence. "Man.... I can't believe this," he told himself, ticked off.

Trying to Compromise

Zelda had Peter bring the ship back to space, after everyone was on board.

Zelda and Olivia were in the captain's office trying to debate on who would be sleeping were. Niether of them agreed with each other. "What are we going to do about sleeping?" Olivia asked.
"That's easy." Zelda took off her shoes but kept her socks on. "You and your panther get the floor, and me and my wolf get the bed."
"That's not right."
"Yes it is."
"No it's not."
"Yes it is."
"YES IT IS! It's my ship and I say what goes."
"I don't care.... If this were a house then I'd be your guest and that means that I get the bed."
Zelda laughed. "Well, guess what? This isn't a house, it's a ship, and you're not my guest, you're my enemy. I have to work with you because of my dead cousin."
"You think this is fun for me.... I'd rather be stuck in that jail cell then to be here."
"You want a room for yourself then you can stay in the wine celler. Besides, you won't drink any of the rum."
"Why don't you stay in the wine celler?"
"Because I don't want to."
"Why not? Are you scared to stay down there?" Olivia asked. She knew that Zelda was afraid of the dark and the wine celler really didn't have much light.
"No," Zelda said. She was afraid of the dark but didn't understand why. It had to have been something dealing with her childhood which she didn't remember or didn't want to remember.
"Why not?"
Zelda thought about Ben and forgot about her fear of the darkness. "Because I have shipmates that might need to talk to me about something and there's a kid, who might want to talk to me as well that you'll scare the crap out of."
"I have shipmates too you know."
"I can tell them where you are."
Olivia dropped her mouth. "I can do the same thing."
Someone knocked on the door.
"COME IN!" Zelda exclaimed.
Larry walked into the room. "Zelda?"
"There's no where's for me to sleep."
"Oh. I forgot.... Larry boy, I'm sure that your brother, Benjamin, wouldn't mind if you sleep on his bed. As a matter of fact send him up here. Okay."
"Okay." Larry left.
"Why does he have to send one of your shipmates?"
"Because he knows everyone on my crew."
"So," Olivia simply said.
"So? Are you back talking to me now?"
Olivia gave Zelda a funny look. "What? All I said was so."
"Now, you're giving me lip."
"You're insane. I'm not even yelling at you. See this is why I hated working with you years ago."
Zelda didn't reply.
"Are you going to say anything?"
Zelda still didn't respond.
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Yea. I'm listening." Zelda stood up and walked over to Olivia. "And do you know what I'm hearing? Blah.... Blah.... Blah. That's what I'm hearing."
"You're a witch."
"I'm a witch? I'm a witch? I'm a witch? I'm not the one who killed your cousin.... You're the one who killed mine. There I'm not a witch, you are."
Olivia smiled. "I remember that day.... One of the best days ever."
Zelda walked over to the bed and sat down. "For you. You killed the only family that I had."
"There you go again. You don't care about anybody but yourself. No wonder why your shipmates are scared of you, if they do one thing wrong then you'll kill them. I don't think that's right."
"Who cares what you think? You're an idiot."
"I'm not an idiot."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not. I'll admit that I act like an idiot, but I'm smarter than you think."
"Oh really."
Someone knocked on the door.
"That's Ben. COME IN!"
"Finally," Olivia whispered to herself, mad.
Ben walked into the room. "Sorry I'm late. Larry wanted me to tell him a story."
Zelda smiled. "That's okay."
Olivia rolled her eyes.
"So.... What's going on?" Ben asked.
"Zelda wants me to sleep in the wine celler, but I think that she needs to."
Zelda did the puppy dog pout as she walked over to Ben. "It's my ship."
"Ben," Zelda whispered, "I loved you, but I can't compromise with her. We're enemies."
"I love you too, Zelda," Ben whispered as well. "Now," he spoke to where Olivia could hear, "you two need to get along. All of us guys are."
"We're not guys," Olivia said.
"Yes," Zelda agreed. "We're girls. It's not as easy for us to get along. Especially if one killed the other's cousin," she pointed out.
Olivia was ticked off. "If only I didn't make that dumb promise to your stupid cousin, then I'd kill you as well."
"To bad that's not going to happen, because when we're done with this problem, then you and your crew are going back to that jail."
"I'll kill you before that happens.... Then I'll be free to roam."
"I like to see you try."
"Okay. Let's fight right now."
"Bring it on."
"Are you just as bad of a fighter as your dead cousin?"
Zelda was ticked. "You went to far, Olivia."
Zelda and Olivia went to fight.
"Oh no," Ben told himself. He stepped in between them, mad. "LADIES! CALM DOWN!"
Zelda looked at Ben with sadness in her eyes. "But...."
"No. You two need to try to get along. I don't care what either of you say. There's a kid on this ship that shouldn't be here," Ben reminded them, "and what's he going to say when he hears you two fighting? Now, the both of you applogize to each other. I want the both of you to work together. It's not forever. So, please, try to work this problem out."
"Sorry, Olivia," Zelda said, rudely.
"Sorry, Zelda," Olivia said, also in a rude tone.
"It's better than nothing," Ben told himself.
Donny and Max jumped onto the bed.
"Look at that," Ben told Zelda and Olivia. "They know they're enemies, but they're getting along."
Zelda and Olivia didn't say anything.
"I have an idea for the sleeping arrangements, but you two have to share the bed."
"No way," Olivia said.
"Come on."
"There's no room for the two of us on that bed."
"I agree," Zelda said.
"Look," Ben told them, "one can sleep at one end, and the other can sleep at the other end. Zelda, you can sleep closer to the wall. Olivia, you can sleep near the edge, but not to close to where you'll fall off."
"You have got to be kidding me," Olivia protested.
"Ben, can you stay in here for the night to make sure that we don't fight?" Zelda asked.
"Yea," Ben replied.

Which Captain Leaves the Ship

The next day, Zelda and Olivia were out on the deck of the White Rose. Zelda was leaning against the wall, letting her arms rest on top of it. Olivia was also leaning against the wall.
"So where are we going?" Olivia asked.
"Where are we going?" Zelda repeated, frustrated that Olivia didn't know the answer. She expected Olivia to know the answer. She didn't want to have to tell her that. "That's the dumbest question ever.... And you call me dumb. We're going to Blaze so that way we can see what kind of guy Will is."
Olivia just asked a question. She didn't know why Zelda was ticked off for no reason. She wasn't being rude and she didn't ask in a rude manner either. She just wanted to know where they were going. "You don't have to be rude," Olivia shot back, "Zelda." She hated that about Zelda. "I was just asking a question."
There was a long, ackward paused.
"You know I've never seen Will before," Olivia admitted as she turned to look at the dark, starry outskirts of space, and watching the sky change to an light blue color with a bit of light coming from the sun as they hit the atmosphere of the fire planet. "I mean I've heard about him but I never actaully seen him."
"Me niether." Zelda kind of laughed. "You know it's weird we have something in common but we're enemies."
Olivia kind of laughed as well. "I know.... Kind of makes you wonder."
"Yea, but I still hate you."
"And I still hate you."
They shared a laugh.
"Some times I wonder if you never killed Ryoko would we have been fri---" Zelda tried to say friends but the word never came out. "Fri--- Fri--- Would we have been like sisters?"
"We'll never know."
Zelda started to think. "I wonder if that's the reason why Ryoko wants us to work together to stop Will."
"No. She knows that we're enemies and that there's no way in the universe we'll get along."
"Yea.... What do you think her reason was?"
"I think that she just wanted to embarrass me in front of...." Olivia stopped. She didn't want to tell Zelda her secret.
"In front of who?" Zelda was curious. She wanted Olivia to tell her, but Olivia didn't want to talk about it.
"Never mind."
There was another long pause.
"This is nice," Zelda said to break the silince.
Zelda looked around and realized that the guys weren't around. "Where's the guys?"
"Probably taking a break."
Donny and Max started to play fight.
"Look at them two," Olivia said, watching them, "they get along better than we do."
"They're different from each other," Zelda agreed, "but they act like brothers. We were like sisters before that.... Day."
They both remembered that horrible day. Zelda looked down at her feet to try to get the memory out of her head.
Olivia seen the sadness take over Zelda and she actually felt bad. It was her fault why Ryoko was dead and secretly she wished that she could change that. "Yea.... But life goes on," was all she could say.
At one time, her and Zelda were like sisters. They did almost everything together, but now they were enemies and they wanted to kill each other. After that terrible day, Zelda knew what people meant by your best friend could be your worst enemy. It was true for her and the pain was still there.
Max and Donny stopped playing and walked over to Zelda and Olivia.
Zelda kneeled down next to Max and gave him a hug. "How's mommy's baby? Are you being good?"
Max licked her on the cheek.
Zelda smiled. "I'll take that as a yes."
"How old is Max?"
"Let's see he's 17, so times that by 7, he's 119 years old."
Olivia was shocked. Max was old but he seemev to be doing really good for his age. He acted like a puppy and looked young. "And you treat him like a puppy?"
Zelda and Olivia were to busy talking that they hadn't realized the ship had now landed on Blaze and was next to the dock. Peter and Blake walked over to them.
"Captain," Peter said, "we're on Blaze."
"Where have you two been?" Olivia asked.
"We were hanging out in the wine...." Peter started to say.
"Kitchen," Blake said, cutting off Peter because he didn't want Olivia to know that he was drinking.
"Oh.... Then how did you know that we landed?" Zelda asked.
"Oh.... Jeremy told us to tell you two," Peter replied.
"Okay," Olivia said.
"Okay, Olivia.... You are to stay on the ship and make sure that nothing happens to Larry and the ship," Zelda ordered.
"Why do I have to stay? It's your ship and I'll scare the kid.... Remember?" Olivia asked, ticked off.
"That's why...." Zelda started to say.
"LADIES!" Peter exclaimed, cutting off Zelda. "Don't fight. How about this we'll flip a coin? Whoever wins gets to go but they have to go with someone from their crew and someone from the other's crew.... Okay?"
"Okay," Olivia and Zelda agreed.
Peter dug into his pockets for a coin. He found one. "Okay." He got ready to flip it. "Olivia, when it goes in the air you call heads or tails. Okay. Captain, don't say anything."
He flipped the coin.
"HEADS!" Olivia called as it went into the air.
It landed in his right hand. He took his right hand and put it on top of his left hand. "Whatever happens, happens. Okay?" He moved his left hand. "It's on.... Tails."

Will Meets Zelda

Keaton and Romano were in a little store which had a lot of party stuff. They were looking for things to get for a party at the fire castle which was going on that night. Zelda, Ben, and John walked into the store. They actually didn't have a reason for being there. Zelda noticed Keaton and Romano and turned her back to them before they noticed who she was. "Oh crap."
"What?" John asked, walking over to her.
Ben walked with him.
"Dumb and dummer are here," Zelda replied. She noticed a thing of sunglasses. "I have an idea." She walked over to the sunglasses, made sure that no one was watching before she took three pairs and ripped the tags off. She walked back to John and Ben. "You take these," she said, handing a pair to John and another to Ben, "you take these...." She put a pair on herself. "And I'll take these."
"Okay," John and Ben said.
"Benjamin, can you get two hats.... One for you and one for you're brother.... Take the tags off."
"Okay." Ben went to the hats. He grabbed two and walked back over to John and Zelda. He handed one to John and placed the other one on his head. They walked over to Keaton and Romano.
"What would be good for the party, Romano?" Keaton asked.
"Excuse me...." Zelda walked in between them and picked up a board game and pretended to look at it. "Aren't you two bounty hunters?"
"Yes, we are, miss," Romano answered, looking at a card.
"Oh.... Then why are you two here? Don't you have pirates to go after?"
"Well, yea.... But this is our job for now," Keaton replied.
"And what are you doing exactly?"
"Looking for things for a party," Romano answered, placing the card down.
"Oh.... And who's party is it?" Zelda asked, putting the board game down and turned to face Romano.
"Well, see Prince Will is back and we're having a party for him."
"Oh." Zelda started flirting with the two bounty hunters. "Well, do you think that you can let me get in?"
"That depends.... Are you rich?"
"Well, no.... But can't I go with one of you?"
Neither of them answered.
"What's she doing?" John asked Ben.
"Trying to get into the party."
"Can't I go with one of you big, strong bounty hunters?" Zelda asked, rubbing each of their arms.
"Um.... Um.... I can.... Try to get you in, miss," Romano replied, trying to think of what to say.
"We can't.... Um.... We can't really invite anyone.... Sorry, miss. We better go," Keaton answered.
"Yea," Romano agreed.
Keaton and Romano left.
Zelda took off the sunglasses. "Crap.... Now, how are we suppose to get into...." She looked at some Chinese fans and smiled. "I have another idea." She walked over to the fans and grabbed two.
"Now what's she doing?" John asked Ben.
"I don't know," Ben responded.
Zelda placed the fans into a bag. "Okay. Let's go."
They left the store.

The three pirates walked to another store, when they ran into Will, Leo, and Russel.
"I recognize your face," Will told Zelda. "You're one of the most wanted pirates in the universe.... Captain Zelda Samara Griffen."
"Yes.... Seeing that Leo's with you, you must be Prince Will," Zelda responded.
"That is correct."
Zelda looked at Russel. He was dressed like a bounty hunter but didn't recognize him at all. "Who's the other bounty hunter?"
"He's Russel." Will gestured to Leo. "Like his son, he's one of the best bounty hunters on the force."
"So...." Zelda turned her attention to Russel. "You're Leo's dad?"
"Yes," Russel answered.
"Leo, I thought your dad was dead."
"What?" Russel asked, mad.
"I wasn't talking to you, Rosie."
Russel was about ready to explode. "Why you...."
"RUSSEL!" Will shouted. "Well, it seems as if you like to give people nicknames.... Leo told me about that."
"Yes I do. Why?"
"What is my nickname?"
"Your nickname? Well, let's see I call your sister, Lava-girl, so I'll call you.... Tortch.... Like John the human tortch."
"I like it."
Zelda started to back away. "Well, we would love to stay and chat but we gotta go."
Zelda, Ben, and John left.
"Should we go after them, sir?"
"No.... We don't have time to worry about chasing pirates. Now, let's go to the castle. Magma's probably waiting for us."
They headed back to the castle.

Larry's Gone

Gregory was searching around the town on Pluto. He was going crazy trying to look for Larry. He went door to door asking people if they seen or heard from the child, but the answers were all the same.... No. "LARRY!" he cried.
No answer.
He still didn't get an answer.
Larry still didn't answer.
The people who were walking around and going to the stores were talking, but Gregory couldn't hear them as if he were deaf. Then everything grew darker and he was standing in the only place with light. He was ashamed because he had promised his dad before his parents had died that he would take care of John and Larry. Well, John had ran away and became a pirate, which Gregory had learned four years ago. "I can't believe this," he said, blaming himself. "I'm suppose to watch him, but I failed. I've been looking for him for days and still haven't found him. I hope he's okay." He leaned against a wall of a store. He had to take a break.
Jason walked over to him. "HEY, MAN!" he shouted, smiling. He realized that Gregory was not in a good mood. "What's wrong, dude?" he asked. "And when I ask what's wrong I don't mean start crying like a chick."
"I can't find Larry. It's not like him to just run off without telling anyone and to make things worst he's been gone for days. I'm worried about him. He's the only brother I have who isn't a pirate. I want to keep it that way."
"Ok-ay," Jason said. Gregory was telling him, his problem and he didn't even care. That was what he didn't want to happen. He decided to lie. "Well, I would love to say and chat, but I promised my mom that I was going over there for dinner. Bye." He left. He was relieved to get away from Gregory before Gregory started causing a scene.

It was a couple of hours later, Saphire, Daniel, and Alaska showed up. "Hey, Gregory," Alaska said, in a sweet and caring voice which he loved hearing.
"Hey," Gregory said to them, by this time he was sitting on the ground, "have any of you guys seen Larry lately?"
"No," Alaska and Daniel answered.
"I haven't seen him since the day Zelda left," Saphire admitted.
"Oh." Gregory didn't catch what Saphire had said at first. "WAIT!" he exclaimed, jumping up. "Saphire, can you repeat what you just said?"
Saphire was confused. "I haven't seen him since the day Zelda left."
Of course, why didn't he think of that before? The thought of Zelda the worst pirate kidnapping his brother, ticked Gregory off. He was redhot with anger. Out of everything that Zelda did to make him mad, this had to be the worst thing on the list. "I should have known," he said, making a fist.
"Calm down, Gregory," Alaska said. "Saphire tells me that we have bigger problems to worry about." She didn't mean it the way it came out but she knew that the worst thing Zelda would do to Larry was try to get him to become a pirate.
"Calm down?" Gregory asked, ready to explode. "She's got my brother. Who knows what she's doing to him? Man."
"Look, you're just going to have to deal with the fact that Zelda's got your brother. Do it for me? At least until Will is locked up again. Please?"
"I'll do it for you."
Alaska smiled. "Good." She kissed his cheek.

Zelda's Plan

Olivia was in the captain's office on the White Rose. She was walking around the room, looking to see everything that Zelda had. She noticed an empty rum bottle on the floor. She shook her head. She picked up the bottle and threw it into the little trash can which was next to Zelda's desk. Zelda walked in with a bag of two dresses and another bag with two fans. Ben and John walked into the room as well. Ben and John each had a bag with an outfit.
"You're back," Olivia said, turning to face them. "What took so long?"
"Well," Zelda explained, walking over to the bed and setting the bags on top of it, "first I had to get a few things.... Then me and the guys came up with a plan.... By the way...." She pulled out a fan and a dress and handed them to Olivia. "These are for you."
"What are these for?"
"We're going to a party, but we can't go as ourselves."
"So we're going to crash the party?"
"That's the plan." Zelda picked up the fan whech she had choosen for herself. "I got fans to hide our faces and," she said, opening it, "they're pretty."
"OH YEA! We're going to be using the fans to flirt with Prince Will.... See when we get there, you'll be John's date, and I'll be Ben's date.... When we get inside, me and you will find Will, and start flirting with him.... Around that time, Ben and John will back away for a little bit.... Peter and Ryan will be outside being idiots, like all ways.... The bounty hunters will then tell Will, and he'll leave us.... After he's gone, Ben and John will come back and we'll leave.... Got it?"
"I think so."
"Okay. Good."
Olivia looked at the fans. She really didn't understand what Zelda had said. The plan wasn't the best plan, but Olivia was so confused that she couldn't argue with Zelda.
"Now," Zelda said, "I'm going to show you how to be flirty because I don't think you'd do it."
Zelda was using Ben as an example. She was going to show Olivia how to be flirty. "This is what you do." She showed Olivia different ways to use a fan. "Got it?"
"Ye-a," Olivia replied, really confused.
"Okay. Ben and John, I want you two to go and get ready," Zelda told them. "Olivia, you need to get ready. I'll get ready, but first, I need some rum."
Ben, John, and Zelda left the room.
"Okay. Zelda has lost her mind completely," Olivia told herself.

Zelda and Ben were on the deck, sharing a bottle of rum. They were watching the sunset on the horizion of the hot, boiling water. "Zelda," Ben spoke.
"Will you...."
Larry walked over to them. "Can I go with you guys?" he asked, cutting off Ben.
"I would say yes, but I don't think that'll be a good idea," Zelda answered.
"I think that Scott would want someone to help him with...." Zeldda couldn't finished the sentence. She had forgotten what she was going to say.
"With what?" Ben asked.
".... I don't know my mind just went blank."
"I'll just go and talk to Austin," Larry replied, kind of disappointed.
"Okay," Zelda responded, feeling bad for him as she watched him walk away.

Crashing the Party

Zelda, Olivia, John, and Ben were in a long line, waiting to go into the castle. Zelda and Olivia were wearing long dresses, which hid their boots. 
Zelda wore a red, spaghetti strap, glittlery dress. Her hair was placed up in a bun with some it hanging out like in a pointail and bangs.
Olivia wore a long, black short sleeve dress. Her hair was down like always.
John and Ben were both wearing black tuxedoes. Ben wore a black bow tie around his collar, while John wore a formal black tie. They each wore white dress shirts under the black jackets.
Ben looked over at the bounty hunter who was checking peoples' names and telling them if they could go in or not. He realized that the man was Russel. "Uh-oh."
"What?" Zelda asked, not paying attention.
John looked at the bounty hunter. "You know that bounty hunter who was walking with Will and Leo?" he asked. "The one who we ran into today?"
"Yea.... What about him?"
"Look," Ben told her.
Zelda looked over at the bounty hunter. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped.
"We have a problem."
"We?" John asked. "We have a problem? You got something to cover your face, but we don't."
Zelda thought about what John had said. "True.... Well, then keep ya'lls heads down."
Ben and John gave Zelda a funny look. They got up to Russel. Luckily for them, he wasn't paying attention. He was too busy looking at the list of names. "Names please?" he asked.
"Jack Claw," Ben replied, "and these three are with me."
Russel looked for the name. "Claw.... Claw.... Claw...." He kind of glanced at Ben, then went back to looking at the list. "You're not on this list, sir."
"What about my friend, Benjamin Frankin?" Ben asked, slipping a hundred dollar bill to Russel.
"Not enough for a big palsma screen that I want," Russel replied, not satisified with the hundred dollar bill.
Russel looked at the money for a minute. He moved out of the way. "You may go," he said.
The four pirates walked inside.

Zelda seen cups of water and realized that she was really thristy. "Hey, Benjamin.... Can I have some money to get a drink?" she asked.
Ben started digging into his pockets. "Yea.... I just remembered that I gave the bounty hunter all of my money."
"That's okay. I'm not thristy anymore."
Olivia watched as Will walked pass them. "Zelda, did you just see that really hot guy just walk pass us?" she asked.
"That super hot guy?"
"Yep.... That's Prince Will."
"That's Will?"
Zelda smiled and nodded.
"Why does everyone that's hot have to be evil?"
"I know," John agreed, not meaning it the way it came out.
Zelda and Olivia gave him a funny look.
John realized why they were looking at him funny and was really embarrassed. "I'm going to go hang out with Ben," he said. John walked away.
Zelda looked at Olivia. "You're shipmate has issues."
Zelda and Olivia walked over to Will. He was sitting down on a sofa which had been added to the throne room.
"OH MY GOSH!" Zelda exclaimed, being flirty. "You're Prince Will. I'm Donna and this is my sister...."
"Emily," Olivia said, calmly and also being flirty.
"It's nice to meet the both of you." Will moved to the middle of the couch. He patted both sides. "Come here and sit down."
"OKAY!" Zelda and Olivia exclaimed.
Olivia sat on the right side of Will, and Zelda sat on the left side of him.
"So what's up with this party?" Olivia asked. "I mean why are you throwing it?"
"Well, see I...."
Zelda started rubbing his arm. "You are so strong." She could feel his muscles through the long sleeve of his coat.
Olivia also started to rub his other arm. "Oh yea," she agreed with Zelda. "How did you get your arms so buff? Do you lift weights?"
John seen them and started to grow jealous of Will. He wanted Olivia to flirt with him, not Will. He didn't like Zelda's plan because of it.
"Yes," Will replied, smiling. "I do lift weights.... Would the two of you beautiful women like to see my muscles?"
"YES!" Zelda and Olivia exclaimed.
He pulled up his sleeves and flexed his muscles. John was really jealous by that time.
"Hey, man," Ben said to him. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," John said, trying not to show his anger. "Just fine."

Ryan and Peter were outside acting like themselves. "Hey, Ryan.... What do you get when you cross a bounty hunter with a chicken?" Peter asked.
"I don't know.... What?"
"A chicken hunter."
Ryan started laughing. "That was funny." He stopped laughing. "I don't get it."
Russel seen them. "What's going on?" he asked himself. He walked over to the two pirates. "What are you two doing?" he asked them.
"Being pirates," Ryan answered.
"What are you doing?" Peter asked.
"Being a bounty hunter," Russel replied.
"You're too old to be a bounty hunter," Ryan said.
"Yea," Petere answered. "The oldest one I met was Leo."
"You met my son."
"You're Leo's dad?" Ryan asked.
"Yes I am."
"Uh-oh." Peter realized that him and Ryan were in big trouble.
"You better be scared." Russel turned around and started walking away. He decided to have a little fun with the two pirates so he stopped. "BOO!" he said as he turned around.
Peter and Ryan were really scared. They started running away.

Zelda and Olivia were still flirting with Will and getting information from him.
"So you're planning to on destroying the universe?" Olivia asked.
"Why?" Zelda asked. "Why will you do that to us?"
"Because I want to get rid of those pirates."
"Pirates can be wild.... But why the whole universe?" Olivia asked.
"Well, there's a whole other life after this one."
"That's nice to know."
Russel showed up with Keaton and Romano. "Sir."
"Russel, can't you see I'm busy?"
Russel noticed the two girls. "Sorry, sir.... But two pirates are here."
"Then go after them."
"We can't find them," Russel replied, in shame.
"I'm sorry, ladies.... But I have to go." Will stood up and left with the three bounty hunters.
Ben and John waited till they were gone. They walked over to the girls, when Will and the bounty hunters were out of sight.
"Let's go now," Ben said.
They left.

When Will and the bounty hunters arrived back, they realized that the girls were gone. Will noticed that Zelda had left her fan and he picked it up. "They're gone," he said.
"Looks like you're girlfriends didn't like the party," Keaton said.
"Be quiet, Keaton," Romano said.
Will turned to face them. He was still holding the fan. "I would never go out with any of them.... Especially because I think that they were pirates." He was angry with the realization.
"Are you saying that they were distracting you?" Russel asked.
"No.... They were getting information from me." He took the fan and snapped in in half.

John Confesses His Love for Olivia to Zelda

Zelda, Olivia, Ben, and John were walking in the village on their way back to the ship. The moon and the stars were out. The street lights were on and the streets were empty because the whole village was at the castle for Will's party.
Ben and John walked a few feet ahead of Zelda and Olivia.
"Me and Will would make a perfect couple," Olivia stated. She couldn't stop thinking about the evil fire prince.
"You and Will?" Zelda asked. She wasn't thinking Ben right then. "I don't think so. I saw him first and so that makes us perfect for each other."
"Yea, but you're not evil. That's what makes him and me a match made in heave."
"More like heck...." Zelda just remembered that she was dating Ben and she decided that she wouldn't trade him for anyone. "You win.... You can have him."
"Wait a minute.... You, Zelda, are actually giving up?" Olivia was shocked and confused. Zelda doesn't usually just give up like that.
"Because I already have a boyfriend."
Now, that made since to Olivia. She didn't blame Zelda for not thinking about that before only because Zelda was a moron. "Let me guess, is he someone from your crew?"
"Should of known." That didn't shock Olivia.
Zelda walked over to Ben. "At least, I," she said, locking arms with him, "have a guy."

When they arrived on the ship, Olivia went to the captain's office to change.
"Zelda," Ben said, his arm was still locked with Zelda's, "I'm going to get something to eat.... Want anything?"
"No thank you."
Ben smiled. "Okay." He gave her a kiss on the cheek. They unlocked their arms and Ben walked away.
"So you and my brother are dating?" John asked.
"Yep." Zelda smiled as she watched Ben vanish under the deck.
"Are you two really married?"
Zelda couldn't help but laugh at John's question. "No," she said, holding up her left hand to show John that she didn't have a ring. "That was just a lie." She started blushing. "But we might get married."
"Oh.... Can I talk to you about something?"
"Why don't you talk to Olivia? She's your captain, not me." Zelda didn't understand why he would want to talk to her.
"I know.... But it's about her."
"YOU WANT HER DEAD TOO!" Zelda exclaimed, excitement grew in her voice.
"NO!" John exclaimed.
"Oh," Zelda sighed, loosing the excitement. "Then what were you going to say?" She was actually disappointed.
John made sure that no one else was around before he said anything. "I like her."
"What?" Zelda asked, shocked. She couldn't believe what she just heard.
"I like her. I never felt this way about anyone before."
Zelda was still shocked. She didn't know what to say. "You like her.... She bosses you around, and you like her."
"I like her telling me what to do. I'll do anything for her."
"So you're telling me that you like to be the chick in the relationship?"
"What?" John was surprised by Zelda's question.
"That's what I heard."
"Never mind about that.... I want you to find out if she likes me."
Zelda kind of laughed. She couldn't believe what he was asking her to do. "Yea. That's not going to work.... You want to know why that's not going to work.... Because unlike me, she doesn't fall for guys, who work for her."
"Please, Zelda?"
"Please? This will be the last time.... I promise."
"Okay.... Fine.... I will." Zelda couldn't believe that she just gave into that.
"Thanks, Zelda."
"Whatever." She was mad at herself.
John walked away, while Ben walked over to Zelda. He was holding a half eaten ham and cheese sandwich.
"What was that all about?" Ben asked.
"I don't think he wants anyone to know."
Ben was confused. "Anyone to know what?"
"It's a long story.... I have to go talk to Olivia." Zelda walked away.
Ben just stood there, confused.

Doing a Favor

Olivia sat in the chair which was next to Zelda's desk. She watched Max and Donny play around. She was now wearing her everday attire again. Someone knocked on the door, which took away the quiet. "Come in."
Zelda walked in. She closed the door behind her. "I shouldn't have to knock because this is my room."
Olivia rolled her eyes at Zelda's remark. Neither of them were use to sharing a room with someone else. The last time they had shared a room was on Ryoko's ship, the Blue Ram.
The Blue Ram was bigger than the White Rose and the Black Velvet, but it wasn't too much bigger. They had shared the room on that ship but acted like sisters at the time. It was different then. They got along, but now times had changed and they wanted each other dead.
"Well, we know that Will wants all of us pirates dead." Zelda moved over to her desk as she talked. "We also know that he believes in life after death.... But I believe the same thing...."
"Okay. How are we suppose to use that against him, Zelda?"
"That's what I'm trying to think of. Do you like anyone from your crew?" Zelda asked, just jumping strait to the point.
Olivia was surprised at the question. She didn't want to answer that and she didn't understand why Zelda would just ask a question like that. "First of all, I'm not like you so no.... Second of all, what's that have to do with anything?"
"I wanted to know.... And if you had to pick one, who would you pick?"
"If I had to pick one?"
"Yea.... And you have to choose one.... NOW!" Zelda ordered.
"If I had to choose, I'd pick John.... But that's only if I had to pick."
"Okay. That's all I needed to hear.... Now, I have to get dress, then I'm going to tell John."
"You just said that you were going to tell John."
"No.... I said that I was going to get rum.... You know me.... I can't go a minute without rum." Zelda made Olivia feel stupid.
"Oh.... I could of...."
Zelda pretended to laugh. "No.... You're just hearing things." She turned around. "That was close," she told herself.

Ben and John were in the guys' room on the ship. They were sitting down on Ben's bed. "What were you and Zelda talking about?" Ben asked. He was actually glad that two of his three brothers could actually talk to Zelda and not get mad at her.
"We were just getting to know one another.... She's really cool. Don't let go of her."
Ben was glad to hear that from John. "I'm not."
"Good. Are you going to ask her to marry you?"
"I've been trying to, but every time I go to ask her something comes up."
"Oh. She would be cool to have as a sister-in-law. Don't tell my captain I said that. She doesn't want us to get along with Zelda in anyway, shape, or form. Just because they hate each other."
"Zelda's the same way."
It grew quiet for a few minutes.
"I thought that you and Zelda were already married," John admitted.
Ben kind of laughed at the thought. He remembered how Gregory had went with the lie to keep John from killing Zelda. That was the only nice thing that he's done for her. "I wish."
Scott, Drake, Paul, Aaron, and Larry walked into the room. Scott started to set the video game system up. "Do you guys want to play Super Smash Brothers with us?" he asked.
"Yea," Ben replied.
"Actually," John said, standing up, "I'm going to get something to eat."
"Okay," Aaron said.
John left.
"Who's going first?"
"Yea," Drake agreed with the question.
"Can I go first?" Larry asked.
"Yea, sure," Scott replied, handing the controller to Larry.

Will Figures Out

John was in the hall, walking toward the kitchen. Zelda was going the opposite direction. She locked arms with John and turned around. "Just the guy I wanted to see." She broke out of the arm lock. "Okay. I got info."
"YOU DID?!" John exclaimed. He was very excited. "What she say? Does she like me? What...."
"Dude, take a chill pill or chill out or something." Zelda laid her hands on his shoulders to help him calm down.
"I'm just excited." John tried to calm down but he was just so excited to find out what Zelda had to say.
"I can see that. Now, calm down. Okay?"
"She said that she wouldn't date anyone from her crew...."
"Oh." John lost his excitement and grew disappointed. Zelda could see the disappointment in his eyes.
"But...." She wasn't finished and she watched the disappointment vanish from his eyes. She smiled.
John started to feel up with hope.
"She said did that if she had to choose it would be...."
"Zelda," Shawn said, interrupting her, "I have to talk to you about something." He was kind of ticked off.
"Curly fries." After she said it, she realized that wasn't the right name.
John was confused. "Curly fries?"
Zelda was mad at Shawn. She was trying to tell John somehting and he interrupted. "Can't you see that I'm talking to someone already? Gosh. I'll talk to you later okay."
"Okay," Shawn replied, really angry. He stormed off.
Zelda took a deep breath. "Okay. I'm sorry about that. Where was I?"
"If she had to...."
"Oh yea. She said she would choose you.... But that's only if she had to choose."
John gave Zelda a bear hug. He kind of swung her side to side. He was glad to hear that Olivia could possibly like him. "Thank you, Zelda."
Zelda could bearly breathe because John hugged her to tight. "No problem.... But I don't like to get hugs from my enemies.... Especially bear hugs."
John's eyes grew wide. He broke out of the hug. "Oh. I'm sorry."
"That's okay. Oh yea. Don't tell Olivia."
"Now, that's over. I have to go talk to Curly fries now." Zelda left.
"Yes," John told himself.

Will and Magma were sitting in their thrones. Everyone had already left the castle. "Who were those two girls you were flirting with?" Magma asked.
"How could you tell?"
Will looked at Magma as if to say, 'You have to be kidding me.' "Have you met Zelda?"
"Yes. I wish she were dead."
"She was one of them."
"Oh. Who was the other one?"
Will couldn't answer that question because he didn't know. "I don't know. You told me that she was the only girl on her ship."
"She is...." Magma was just as confused as her brother. "Do you.... Do you think that she's working with Olivia?"
"Thought they were enemies?"
"They are, but what if they're being force to work together."
"Good point." Will thought about it. It made since. He knew that the other girl couldn't have Ryoko because she was dead. Maybe, Olivia and Zelda were being forced to work together, or maybe they decided to be friends again instead of enemies. He was having a hard time trying to figure out what was going on. He didn't have time to deal with pirates, especially Zelda and Olivia.

John Needs More Help

Olivia and Zelda were in the captain's office. Olivia was leaning on the wall and Zelda rocked back and forth in a chair, holding a bottle of rum. She was singing.
"What are you singing?" Olivia asked.
"Year 3,000 from the Jonas Brothers. They're really cool.... And really cute. Of course, the cutest, or hottest as I like to say, is Kevin."
"Ok-ay. I'm going to change the subject if you don't mind."
"Have you thought of away to stop Will yet?"
"Okay. What?"
Olivia waited for Zelda to answer, but Zelda didn't respond.
"Zelda, say something.... Oh hey, Ben. What are you doing?"
"Oh. Be...." Zelda started as she looked at the door. "He's not here." She looked at Olivia, disappointed. "Why would you lie to me like that?"
"To see if you were listening." Olivia waited before saying anything else. "Now, what's the plan?"
"Oh yea," Zelda replied. "We fight."
"We fight?" Olivia couldn't understand what Zelda said. "That's it?" It didn't sound much of a plan.
"I know it's not much but that's all we can do."
"There's more bounty hunters then there are of us pirates." Olivia was shocked that Zelda was talking about doing something that was going to cause death to them if they weren't careful. "Plus, add Magma and Will."
"I know, but we have to go to Pluto to get more help. And," Zelda said, looking her boots, disappointed, "I have to give Larry back."
"Why'd you take the kid in the first place?"
"That's none of your business." Zelda looked at her bottle of rum and stood up. "I'm going to get another bottle of rum. This one's almost gone." She left the room.

John stuck his head out from the room and seen Zelda heading toward him. When she seen him, she gave him a funny look. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Making out with the door?"
"No.... Can you do another favor for me, please?"
"This will be the last time. I swear."
"That's what you said before."
"I mean it this time."
Zelda didn't feel like arguing with him so she gave up. "Okay. Fine. What?"
"Good. From a girl's point of view. I want to see how Olivia will react if she seen me like this." He walked out of the room, without a shirt on, and held it in his hand.
Zelda dropped her mouth. She couldn't believe her eye. The guy who stood in front of her had a good body. She was shocked. "Wow.... I mean wow. If Olivia has any sense she will like what she sees."
John went to give Zelda a hug, but then he remembered that she didn't like to get hugs from her enemies, so he shook her hand instead. "Thanks, Zelda."
Zelda was disappointed because now she wanted him to give her a hug. "But what about the hug?"
John kind of laughed. "You don't like to get hugs from your enemies. Remember?"
"But that was different...."
John started walking away.
"No. Don't leave," Zelda called after him. "Please, just one little hug. I don't care if it's a bear hug."
John disappeared.
"Oh crap," Zelda told herself.

John arrived to the captain's office. He knocked on the door.
"COME IN!" Olivia shouted from inside of the room.
John walked in. "Hello, captain."
Olivia noticed that John was shirtless. She didn't want to admit it, but she liked what she seen. "Why are you wearing a shirt?" she asked.
"It was hot outside."
"Put a shirt on."
"Yes, captain."
"Why are you in here?"
"For no reason," he answered, pulling his shirt on over his head.
"Then get out."
"Yes, captain." John left the room, disappointed.
Olivia was shocked. "What happened to my shipmate?" she asked herself.
Zelda walked in, shocked. "Why.... Why did you tell him to put his shirt back on? Did you see what he looked like without it on? I mean HELLO!!!"
"Do you like my shipmate, Zelda?"
"No. But I am dating his brother and he could have a body like that too you know. Do you like your shipmate, Olivia?" Zelda asked, eyeing Olivia.
"I told you a million times. The answer is no. And if I did, I wouldn''t tell you." Olivia was lying to Zelda. She did like John, but she wasn't going to tell Zelda.
"That's true." Zelda paused. "Peter Pan's driving the ship to Pluto as we speak."

Zelda Gets Olivia Drunk

Everyone from both crews, and even Larry, were on the deck of the ship. They were having a party and rum bottles were all over the ground. Zelda leaned against Ben. She held a bottle of rum which she was sharing with him. "This is the best party ever," Zelda said.
"Captain, can we have some rum?" John asked Olivia.
"No," Olivia answered.
"No?" Zelda asked. "Oh, come on, Olivia. It's a party, let them drink. The only one, who I will not let drink rum, is Larry Boy. He's too young. Go ahead and drink as much rum as you like," she told John.
"Don't listen to her." Olivia was mad at Zelda for giving John permission to do something she was against. "She is not your captain. I said, 'No.'"
"Think about it this way, Olivia. They'll fall faster asleep."
"I mean they'll fall asleep faster."
"Okay. Fine." Olivia gave in.
"Thanks, captain." John went to get a bottle of rum.
"I'm not drinking though," Olivia told Zelda.
"Never said you had to."
When Olivia wasn't looking, Zelda poured some rum into her water.
"What are you doing?" Ben asked Zelda.
"I'm trying to see how many drinks it takes for Olivia to get drunk."
Olivia took a sip.

After a few cups, Olivia started getting drunk and acted like an idiot. Zelda started laughing. John walked over to Zelda. He figured out what she had done.
"Did you put rum in her water?" he asked.
"Because she was a party pooper, now she's the life of the party."
"She's not going to be happy if she finds out."
"Oh, she's not going to find out."
"What are you saying?"
"If you tell her about this, then I'll tell her about your little secret." Zelda was black mailing him.
"You wouldn't."
"I would. I'll tell in a heart beat."
"Okay. Fine."
Olivia wobbled over to John. She put a hand on his chest. "Hi, John. You're the hottest guy around."
"Thank you," John told Zelda. He knew that if Olivia was in her right mind, she wouldn't have said that.
"Happy?" Zelda asked, smiling.
"Oh yea."
"This is for you, John." Olivia walked away from him. She started singing and dancing as well.
Zelda looked at the rum bottle and her eyes grew wide. "I think I used a little too much rum."
"No. You used enough."
Zelda looked at John. "Ok-ay. You're an idiot."

The next day, Olivia had a major headeack. She walked out on the deck over to Zelda and Ben. She was rubbing her head. "Ow. What happened last night?"
"Oh. You have a hang...." Ben started to say.
Zelda covered his mouth before he could finish the sentence. "You got knocked out last night," she lied.
John was heading toward them from behind Olivia. He had just walked out up onto the deck. "Oh man. Captain, you were...."
Olivia turned to face John. Zelda was behind Olivia, trying to get him to shut up.
John watched Zelda and remembered what they had talked about the night before. "You know that was all a dream. I don't know if I should of even said anything about it. Zelda, can I talk to you for a second?"
"Yea. We'll be right back."
They walked away.
"Do you like my brother?" Ben asked Olivia.
"Did Zelda have you ask me that?"
"No. I just wanted to know. Do you?"
"No. Unlike Zelda, I don't fall in love with my shipmates. I'm not an idiot."
"Zelda's not an idiot," Ben said, standing up for his girlfriend. "At least, she has a heart," he pointed out.

Zelda and John were next to the captain's office.
"If you tell her what happened last night," Zelda warned him, "I swear I'll tell her your little secret."
"I know. Zelda, can you do one more thing for me, please?" he asked.
Zelda dropped her mouth. "But you...."
"I know, but this will be the last time.... I swear."
Zelda took a deep breath. "Okay. Fine. But the next time you ask me to do something, you have to do something for me."
"Okay." John agreed because he understood that Zelda was getting annoyed by him. "I want you and Olivia to talk about me."
"You want us to talk about you?"

They walked back over to Ben and Olivia. Olivia was thinking about something. She was thinking about what Ben had said. "Zelda, can I talk to you?"
Zelda was confused. "Ok-ay."
Zelda and Olivia walked away.
Zelda and Olivia were in the captain's office. Olivia was sitting behind the desk and Zelda was standing in front of the desk.
Olivia was trying to think of what she was going to say. "I have to admit something. There's something in my heart that's saying that I want to be with John. I really do love him," Olivia finally admitted. She couldn't hid it anymore.
Zelda was shocked by Olivia's confession. She was speechless and didn't know what to say. "You have a heart?" she finally asked. She couldn't believe that Olivia had a heart. "Because I thought that where everybody else's heart was that's where you had a black hole."
Olivia gave Zelda a funny look. She didn't know how to react toward Zelda's crazy question.
"Okay. Now that I got that off my chest. You like John?"
Now that was the question which Olivia waited for Zelda to ask. "Yea."
Zelda smiled and walked over to the door. When she arrived to the door, she opened it. "Then go tell him."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"He probably doesn't like me because I tell him what to do and I'm mean to him." Olivia was filling herself up with dout that it was possible for John to like her.
Zelda bit her lip. She wanted to tell Olivia John's secret, but she wanted John to tell Olivia as well. "You never know. He might actually like you."
"Yea right. How long did it take you to tell Ben that you liked him?"
"This isn't about me and Ben. This is about you and John."
"I can't tell him." Olivia looked at Zelda. "But you can tell him for me."
Zelda didn't want to tell John. She wanted Olivia to. She was going to explode with what John told her and what Olivia just admitted to her. "No. No. I am not going to tell him. Ha. I have an idea. I want you to get all pretty up. I'll be back." Zelda left the room and closed the door behind her.

Zelda walked over to Ben and John. "I want you to go get dressed all nice. Okay," she ordered John.
"Okay." John started to walk off. He was confused.
"Oh yea. Meet me back here when you're done," Zelda called after him.
John disappeared.
"What's that all about?" Ben asked, also confused.
"It's a long story. Hey, can you make a nice dinner?"
"Okay. Why?"
"I'll tell you later."
"Okay." Ben left.
Zelda just stood there. She waited for John to show up. She couldn't believe that she was being a matchmaker. It wasn't her first time playing cupid though.

A hour later, John arrived. He was wearing the same pants and white shirt with the tie which he wore to the party on Blaze and he had the sleeves rolled up. His hair was neatly brushed back.
"What took you so long?" Zelda asked.
"You told me to get dress all nice."
"I know, but that...." She noticed his hair. "Did you put gel in your hair?"
"It depends, how's it look?"
"It looks good," Zelda admitted.
"Yea. Now let's go to the dinning room."

They walked into the dinning room, where Ben was waiting for them. "Everything's ready, Zelda," Ben said.
"Good. I'll be right back." Zelda left.
Ben and John looked at each other and shrugged.

Aaron and Drake were on the deck talking, when Zelda hurried past them.
"What's her problem?" Aaron asked.
"I don't know. It's Zelda. There could be a million things wrong with her."
"Good point."

When Zelda got to her office, she opened the door and walked in. "Time's up, Olivia," she said.
"We have to go to the dinning room."
"You'll find out. Now let's go." Zelda didn't want to tell Olivia what was going on. She wanted to surprise her and John.

When they arrived to the dinning room, Olivia and John couldn't take their eyes off of each other. John thought that Olivia looked beautiful in the black dress that she was wearing, which was the same dress which she wore to the party on Blaze. Olivia thought that John looked so handsome.
"Captain, you look amazing," John said.
"Thank you. So do you, John," Olivia said.
John pulled a chair from the table. "You can sit here."
Olivia sat down. "Thank you, John."
John and Olivia were unaware about what was going on. They were on their first date without realizing it.
After Olivia sat down, John went to the other side of the table and sat down.
"Okay. Tell each other the truth right now," Zelda said.
John and Olivia looked at Zelda like she was crazy. "WHAT?! NO!" they both exclaimed.
"Tell each other or I will."
"Okay." They stood up and started to leave.
Zelda was ticked off. "NO! Sit down, the both of you. You tell her...." she said, pointing to John with her left hand then to Olivia. "You tell him...." she said, pointing to Olivia with her right hand then to John. "What the two of you have me doing," she said, pointing both hands at herself.
"You must think I'm insane," John said to Zelda.
"I can't tell him," Olivia also said to Zelda.
"Here I'll count to three and when I get to three, tell each other the truth."
"Okay. One, two, three," Zelda counted.
"I like you. Really? Yea," they said at the same time.
Zelda smiled at them. She was relieved that she didn't have any more secrets to keep. "There does that feel better. 'Cause I know I feel better. Now you may kiss the bride."
Olivia and John looked at Zelda kind of funny.
"I know that this isn't a wedding, but I just had to say something."
Ben walked over to Zelda. "So that was the big secret?"
"Yep. You know I learned something about Olivia," Zelda said to him.
He placed his arm around her and pulled her close to him. "And what's that?"
"She has heart."
They both smiled. Ben kissed her on the forehead. Jeremy walked into the room.
"Captain," Jeremy said, noticing that Ben had his arm around Zelda and that made him jealous, "Peter told me to you that we're on Pluto."
"Okay, good."
Jeremy left.
"You want to go this time?" Zelda asked Olivia.
"No. Not this time. You have more luck talking to cops then I do anyways."
Zelda and Ben left.
"You know she could wind up being my future sister-in-law someday."
"You don't say." Olivia had an evil plan.

Larry Finds Out

Ben, Zelda, and Larry were in the town on Pluto. They were heading toward the ice palace. Zelda noticed a wanted posture of herself, taped to a window of a store. She stopped walking and started heading toward the store. "Oh crap," she said. She took the picture and started reading it to herself. She couldn't believe what she read.
"Why'd you do that?" Ben asked, walking over to her.
Larry was a few feet away from them.
Zelda handed the picture to Ben. "Look."
"Are you going to draw a fake mustash and beard again?" he asked, taking the picture.
Zelda shook her head. "Read it, but not to where he can hear."
"Okay." He took the picture. "Wanted," he started reading it, whispering to Zelda, "Zelda Samara Griffen for helping other pirates escape from jail and...." He paused. "Kidnapping. The reward for capturing her is 3 billion dollars."
"I don't want Larry boy to know."
"HEY, ZELDA!" Larry yelled from another store. "THERE'S A PICTURE OF YOU! I WANT TO READ WHAT IT SAYS!" He walked over to read it.
Zelda went after him, freaking out. "NO, LARRY BOY! YOU DON'T WANT...."
Ben grabbed her arm. "Let him read it."
"But then he's...." Zelda tried to get out from Ben's strong grip, but he didn't let go.
"I know but he's going to find out anyways. It's better that he finds out now."
"But I don't want him to find out. He'll know that I...."
Larry turned to face Zelda and Ben. They could tell that he was upset. "You lied to me," he said. "You said that Greg knew that you were babysitting me. You said that he knew that I was with you the whole time. But you lied."
Ben finally let go of Zelda. Zelda heard how disappointed Larry was in his voice and she felt terrible. She was disappointed in herself. "Of course I lied," she admitted. "I'm a pirate, what do you expect. I understand if you're mad at me. I'd be mad at me if I were you too. You shouldn't always believe a pirate, especially me or Olivia. It's in our blood."
Gregory walked out from nowhere and was happy to see Larry. He didn't even notice that Zelda and Ben were there. He went over to Larry and gave him a hug. "Larry, you're okay." He smiled, happy to see his younger brother again. "You're back."
"You came out of nowhere, Double D," Zelda said, letting Gregory know that her and Ben were there as well.
"You're here too, Zelda." He looked up at her and Ben, mad.
"Yep. Dropping off your kid brother."
"Zelda," Larry said, breaking out of the hug with Gregory.
"I'm eleven."
Zelda smiled at the kid. "Okay. But you're still a kid."
"Zelda, is there another reason why you're here?" Gregory asked.
"Yea. We space pirates need...." She didn't want to admit to the cop who hated her and who she didn't really like that she needed help. That the pirates needed help. "We need.... We need you cops to help fight the bounty hunters."
"So you want us to help you fight against those bounty hunters?" Gregory asked, repeating what Zelda said.
"Because it's a battle between you pirates and those bounty hunters just like years ago."
Zelda couldn't believe that he said that. "If you add my crew to Olivia's crew, and then add that to the pirates that you have locked up, that's nothing compared to those bounty hunters. You want to know why," she said, walking over to him, "because most of us pirates were killed years ago in that war. Not only that but this universe is what Will is going to destroy if we don't do anything about it. Guess what? You live in this universe too. You know," she said, thinking about something, "Will is now the new age Sweeny Todd."
"Who's Sweeny Todd?" Gregory asked, confused.
Zelda was shocked. "You never heard of the demon barber of Fleet Street?"
"Zelda, can you get back on track?" Ben asked.
"Oh yea. Anyways, you have to help. Think about your loved ones. Think about Larry boy." Zelda had used one of Ryoko's mind games to get Gregory to change his mind.
Gregory realized that Zelda was right. "Okay. I'll go and get more help."
"Come on, Larry," Gregory said as he started to walk away.
Zelda and Ben watched as they left.

Olivia Tries to Cause Mutiny On Zelda's Ship

John and Olivia were in the captain's office. Olivia sat behind Zelda's desk and John stood in front of the desk. Olivia looked in the drawers of the desk.
"So, because we know that we both like each other now, what are we going to do?" John asked.
Olivia stopped what she was doing and looked up at him. "What do you mean?"
"I mean.... Um.... Are we going to start dating?"
"You mean like boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"I don't mean a date like a day, month, and year." He smiled. "Of course, I mean like boyfriend and girlfriend."
Olivia smiled, stood up, and walked over to him. She placed her arms around his neck and kissed his lips. She broke away from the kiss. "Does that answer your question?"
John was supprised by the kiss. He smiled. "Yes it does. I love you, Captain Olivia Raye Lander."
"And I love you, John Micheal Skull."
They just stood there for a minute.
Olivia moved her arms from around his neck. "Well, I have work that I have to do."
Olivia walked back behind the desk and sat down.
Peter walked into the room. He started checking out Olivia. "Olivia, you look hot," he admitted, hitting on her. "You always do, but you look extra spicy today."
Olivia knew that Peter liked her, but she wasn't expecting him to say a lame pick up line like that.
John started to grow jealous. Olivia winked at him to let him know to calm down and she had a plan.
Olivia smiled at Peter. "Thank you, Peter. You know that if you quite Zelda's crew and start working for me, then you'll be able to see me everyday." She figured that he'd say yes because he was so in love with her.
"THAT'S AWESOME!" Peter exclaimed. He started thinking about Zelda. "But I can't do that to Zelda."
"Why not?"
He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. He thought that she really liked him and so he wanted to let her down easy. "I love you, Olivia, but Zelda's like a sister to me and that wouldn't feel right.
"Oh. Okay."
Peter left.
"Crap." Olivia almost had him.

Five minutes later, Austin had walked into the room. He noticed that Olivia was sitting behind Zelda's desk. He didn't trust Olivia at all.
"Austin, you should quit Zelda's crew and join mine," Olivia told him.
"Give me three reasons why I should do that," he said.
"Because," she said, thinking of reasons, "you think I'm hot, you can do whatever you want, and you hate Zelda."
Austin looked at Olivia, funny. He wasn't falling for it. "First of all, you wish, second of all, I know that for a fact your crew doesn't get to do what they want, and third of all, I love Zelda like a sister." He left the room before Olivia could say something else.
Jeremy had walked into the room as Austin was leaving.
"Do you like me, Jeremy?" Olivia asked, after Austin was completely out of sight.
"No," Jeremy replied, picking up an empty rum bottle. He didn't trust Olivia as well.
"Then who do you like?" she asked.
"My captain," he admitted with jealousy growing in his voice, "but she loves Ben."
"Good," she said to herself, smiling. She figured that it would be easy to get Jeremy to betray Zelda. "Zelda and Ben are planning on getting married," she said to where Jeremy and John could hear her as she lied, "and Zelda told me herself that after they get married there won't be any need for you on the crew. If you want, you can join mine."
"Did she really say that?" Jeremy asked, he kind of believed her but kind of didn't.
"Yea. Isn't that right, John?"
"Oh yea," John agreed. "She said that she doesn't care what happens to you."
"Okay." Jeremy actually fell for the lie. "Then I'll join your crew, Olivia."
"Excellent." Olivia smiled. Her evil plan worked.
Jeremy left.

Jeremy walked over to Austn and Peter to tell them. "I'm quitting Zelda's crew and going to work for Olivia," he told them.
"What? Why?" Austin asked, shocked and confused.
"Because Zelda and Ben are going to get married and Zelda's going to kick me off the crew after they're married."
Austin was really confused. "Where in the universe did you hear that?"
"Olivia and John told me."
Austin understood now. He couldn't believe that Jeremy actually listened to Olivia and John. "They lied," he told Jeremy. "If Zelda and Ben were engaged, they'd tell us. Not only that if they got married, Zelda would still want you to be on the ship. She loves you, not the same way she loves Ben, but she does love you. Oh yea. Zelda lets us do whatever we want. Olivia, on the other hand, don't."
"Yea. That's like teaching a dog to act like a cat," Peter jumped in.
Austin and Jeremy gave Peter a funny look. Austin looked at Jeremy and pointed to Peter. "Don't listen to him."
"I never listen to him," Jeremy said.
"Good. Don't start."
"Now," Austin said, "back to what we were talking about, you understand why you can't betray Zelda?"
"Yea. I'll be back." Jeremy walked back to the captain's office.

"Olivia," Jeremy said, walking into the room.
"What?" Olivia asked.
"I changed my mind."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not going to join your crew. I'm staying on Zelda's crew."
"But she won't have...." Olivia began to lie.
"Cut the crap, Olivia."
Olivia dropped her mouth. She couldn't believe that he said that to her.
"Don't look at me like that. I know that you're lying to me."
"I talked to Austin. Unlike you, I can believe him because he's one of the most trust worthy people I know. He's basiclly like a brother to me. That's why I can believe him over you."
Austin stood in the doorway. "Way to go, bro."
Jeremy and Austin left the room.
"Crap," Olivia said. Her plan failed.

Zelda Tries Convince Gregory

Zelda and Ben were standing in the middle of the town. Zelda looked at the pink and purple sky, making the transition from day to night. She started walking away. "Come on, Benjamin. Let's go back to the ship."
They started walking over to the ship. Alaska had run over to where they were. She stopped to take a breath. She was behind them. "Zelda," she spoke.
Zelda stopped walking and turned to face the princess. "Yes, Princess Alaska."
"The police are going to help you."
"Yea. I know and you're here telling me this why?"
"Because in order for them to help you, you have to help them."
"And how am I going to help them?"
"Just to come up with a battle plan that's all."
Zelda pretended to laugh. "Yea, princess, they don't listen to pirates, so what makes you think that they'll listen to me?"
"Because Gregory told me to get you. So you guys can go over the plans."
"Okay. Fine. Come on, Ben. We have new plans."
Zelda and Ben followed Alaska to the palace.

When they arrived to the war room, they walked in. Gregory was standing in front of a crowd of cops on a little stage with a white board behind him. The room was dark, except for the light which was on over the stage. "Now, I know that," Gregory started to say as he noticed and Ben, "we hate pirates, and we don't take orders from them, but we have a bigger problem and like it or not we're going to have to listen to a pirate and take orders from her. Zelda, come up here please."
"Okay. I'll be back, Ben."
Zelda walked over to Gregory. She made her way up on the stage.
"That's my girlfriend up there," Ben told a random cop.
"Okay, Zelda," Gregory said, moving back to the board. "Tell us the plan."
"Wow." Zelda looked at all of the cops and started counting them in her head. "There's got to be more cops than bounty hunters here. That's awesome."
"Zelda," Gregory said to get her on track.
She didn't answer.
"Zelda," Gregory said, kind of mad.
She still didn't answer him.
Gregory was growing angry. "ZELDA!"
"Oh right. Can I ask you something?"
"Do you have any rum?"
Gregory covered his face in his hand, irritated.
"If you don't have any rum, all you have to say is no." Zelda didn't understand why Gregory was so ticked off at her.
"Just get to the plan."
"Okay. I was thinking that we could split up...."
"We?" Gregory interrupted.
Zelda couldn't believe that Gregory asked that. He was suppose to be the smart one. She looked at him. "Well, it's not just you and it's not just me. It's we. We pirates are working with you cops.... Man, that sounded messed up to say." She turned to face the crowd of cops. "Pirates and cops working together just isn't right. Oh well. Anyways, we have to free the other pirates just because it wouldn't be fair. Then everyone on my crew, well, my ship will be heading to Blaze." She pointed to Gregory. "Double D and the other two Eds will follow my ship. Another group of cops and pirates will go circle around to Blaze. And that's my plan."
"What about everyone else?" Daniel asked.
"Yea," Jason agreed. "If Will's going to destroy the universe shouldn't there be others in different places?"
"They'll be here montoring everything," Zelda answered.
Jason and Daniel looked at each other then back to Zelda They didn't think that Zelda's plan was thought through.
"Well, that's the plan," Zelda finished. "Me and Benjamin better get back to the ship."
Zelda walked off the stage and her and Ben left the room. Gregory started to follow them, but Jason stopped him.
"Are we going with that plan, boss?" Jason asked.
"No." Gregory left the room.

Gregory caught up with Zelda and Ben. He was so ticked off at Zelda. "What kind of plan was that, Zelda?" he asked.
"You didn't give me anytime to prepare a better plan."
"Prepare? Prepare? Prepare?" Gregory asked, growing angier and angier each time. "If I gave you time to prepare a better plan than the one you just gave, then you wouldn't have prepared for it. I mean look at you. You're a pirate, but you don't have any of your weapons with you. What if you got jumped?"
Ben started getting angry at Gregory for yelling at Zelda and getting into her face. "DON'T TALK TO MY GIRLFRIEND LIKE THAT!" he shouted.
"You're dating this low life?"
Ben placed his arm around Zelda. "She may be a low life, but that's why I love her." He moved his arm away from her and started talking to where only Gregory could hear him. "And I'm going to ask her for her hand in marriage." He placed his arm back around Zelda and started talking louder to where she could hear him as well. "Come on, baby," he told her. "Let's go back to the ship."
Zelda placed her arm around Ben. "Okay." She was glad that Ben stuck up for her.
They walked away. Gregory stood there, shocked. He couldn't believe the words which had come out of Ben's mouth. "Zelda, as a sister-in-law? No," he said to himself.

Save the Fighting For the Battle

Zelda and Ben arrived back on the ship. Aaron walked over to them. "What took you two so long?" he asked.
"We had to come up with a plan to tell the cops," Zelda replied.
Austin and Peter walked over to them.
"Oh," Zelda sighed, "Peter Pan, drive the ship to Blaze."
"Okay." Peter walked away.
"Captain," Austin started, "I need to talk to you about something."
"Do you need girl advice, Austin Powers?" Zelda asked.
Austin laughed. "No." He stopped laughing. "Olivia is trying to turn everyone against you."
"She what?"
"She had Jeremy, but I knocked some since into him."
"Good. Now, I'm going to go talk to Olivia." Zelda stomped away, ticked off.
"I'll go make sure they don't fight," Ben said. He went after Zelda.
"If Zelda doesn't scare Olivia," Austin stated, "then her boyfriend will."
Austin and Aaron laughed.

Zelda walked into the office, followed by Ben. Olivia was standing in front of her. "Oh hey. You two are back," Olivia said, acting like she didn't do anything.
"Yea," Zelda said, "we just got back."
"Thanks to you. Me and and John are dating."
Zelda faked a smile. "That's good. You know what? I heard something that was really funny today."
"Oh really. What?"
"That someone was trying to turn my crew against me," she said, losing the smile, "Olivia."
Olivia was now the one faking a smile. "I would never do that."
Zelda gave Olivia a dirty look.
"Okay," Olivia admitted, but adding a lie, "I would do that, but not to you."
Zelda was still giving Olivia a dirty look.
"Okay," Olivia admitted. "Fine. I was trying to turn your crew against you. But it didn't work because your crew are idiots. None of them want to betray you, not even the idiot on your crew."
"Look," Zelda said, standing up for her crew, "none of the guys on my crew are idiots, well, except for Peter Pan, but if anyone should get anyone's crew against that person it should be me trying to get your crew against you. You don't let them do anything." She pointed to John. "I'm still shocked that he likes you." She thought about something. "But then again you two are like Beauty and the Beast. He's beauty and you're the beast."
Olivia was mad. How could Zelda say that to her? That was so mean. "I can't believe you just said that."
Ben realized that it was going to turn into a fight. He moved in front of Zelda. "She didn't mean it. Right, Zelda."
"Actually, I did."
"I have an idea. When we're fighting those bounty hunters," he told them, "I want the two of you to act like you're fighting each other. Okay?"
"Okay," Olivia and Zelda agreed.

Working Together

Will was in a tower of the castle, looking out of the window. His hands were behind his back. Russel walked into the room. Will moved his head a little to see Russel. "Is everything ready?" he asked.
"Yes, sir," Russel replied.
Romano and Keaton arrived and they were freaked out. "We have a problem, sir," Keaton said.
"What?" Will asked, turning to face the two morons.
"The pirates are back and we don't know what to do." Romano was really freaking out.
Will couldn't believe that Romano and Keaton were so dumb that they didn't know what their job was. "You two are bounty hunters, right?"
"Yes we are."
"Yea," Keaton agreed.
"What are your jobs as bounty hunters?" Will asked. He couldn't believe how stupid those two were.
"To kill pirates," Romano answered.
"Right," Will said, kind of mad. "Now go and," he said, growing angier and angier, "do your jobs."
"Yes, sir," they replied. Keaton and Romano left.
"I can't believe that Leo gave them this job," Russel said, embarrassed by Keaton and Romano. He thought that a monkey would do a better job than those two and would be smarter too.
"Russel," Will spoke, turning back to the window and resting his arms on the windowsill, "I want you and Leo to go and welcome our guests. I think that Keaton and Romano will forget really fast."
"Yes, sir." Russel left.

Zelda and Olivia were in the office, preparing for battle. Max and Donny were sitting on the ground as if they were waiting for orders. Zelda grabbed her sword and gun and placed them in two pouches on her belt. Olivia did the same. Zelda walked over to Max and kneeled in front of him. She placed a hand on his neck. I want you to guard the ship," she told him. "Okay, Max."
"I want you to help him," Olivia told Donny.
"You know what I realized," Zelda said as she stood up.
Zelda placed a hand on her sword to make sure she really had it before she answered Olivia. "If you get married to John, and I get married to Ben, then we'd be sister-in-laws.... And they'd make us get along. Did you realize that?"
Olivia hadn't thought about that, but she was confused to why Zelda had brought it up. They had other things to worry about. "Not 'til just now."
"Oh." Zelda was actually ready to fight. "You ready?" she asked.
"Let's go."
They left the room. Max and Donny followed.

Ben walked over to Zelda. He had his sword and some guns. "Zelda," he said, "there's something that I need to ask you, but I'm going to wait 'til this whole thing is over with."
"Why?" she asked, confused.
"Because if I were to ask you now, something bad could happen that will take you away from me, or me from you." He grabbed her hands. "I want you to know that I love you. No matter, what happens, I love you and always will."
Zelda wanted to cry at Ben's words, but she held back the tears. "I love you too, Ben."
They went to kiss when....
"We're waiting...." Ray said, walking over to them. He realized that he ruined the moment. "Oh. Sorry, you two, but we're waiting for the plan, captain."
"Okay, Riley," Zelda said. "We'll be right there."
Ray walked away.
"Zelda," Ben said, holding one of her hands.
"I want to fight by your side."
Zelda kind of smiled. "Okay."

Zelda, Olivia, and Ben walked over to everyone else.
"Do you want to tell them the plan or should I?" Zelda asked Olivia.
"I'll tell them," Olivia replied.
"We're going to split up into four groups," Olivia told the guys. "Me, Zelda, Ben, and John are a group. Jeremy, Ray, Aaron, and David are a group. Paul, Scott, Drake, and Blake are a group. The last group will be Austin, Peter, Ryan, and Shawn. What we're doing is looking for bounty hunters. They are the enemies and they must be defeated. We will fight them to.... Save the universe. Okay. That's it. Any questions?"
"Can we name our groups?" Ryan asked.
"If you guys want."
"Yea," Ryan agreed.
"HECK NO!" Austin and Shawn shouted in agreement.
"You guys can go now," Olivia said dismissing them.
"Everyone, be careful," Zelda warned.
Everyone left the ship in their groups.

Zelda, Olivia, John, and Ben ran into Russel, Leo, and two other bounty hunters that they didn't know. Russel fought Zelda, Leo fought Olivia, and the other two fought Ben and John.
In the middle of Zelda and Russel's fight, Zelda lost her sword and Russel had her back into a wall.
"Well, before I kill you there's something that you need to know," Russel said.
"What's that?" she asked.
Russel prepared to tell her a secret which him and Leo were keeping from her. He figured that it was a good time, seeing that she was going to die anyways. "Leo," he started to say, "is your uncle and I'm your grandfather. Your dad was my second oldest son."
Zelda didn't believe him. She didn't want to believe him. "Leo doesn't have the same last name as me, so he can't be my uncle, and not only that, I'm the only one in the family that's still alive." She didn't like that. He was lying to her. He should of just killed her instead.
"His name is Leo Vinge Griffen," Russel admitted, "and let me guess Ryoko told you that before she died. Right?"
"She lied to you." Russel was actually telling the truth.
Zelda could tell he was telling the truth, but she didn't want to believe him. "Why would she lie to me?" she asked.
"So you wouldn't betray her," Leo threw in, still fighting Olivia. "My daughter was like that. After your parents were killed, I was to take you in, but she got to you first. When I found out that Ryoko was a pirate, I disowned her. She was my daughter, but I didn't like the idea of her becoming a pirate. After all, bounty hunters and pirates under the same roof that's not good. Anyways, not long after your parents were killed, I went to go get you, but I found out that Ryoko already had you. If it wasn't for Ryoko, then you would be a bounty hunter."
Leo and Olivia stopped fighting. Leo walked over to Russel and Zelda.
Russel smiled, devilishly. "Oh yea," he said. "I'm going to kill you just like I killed your parents." He went to kill Zelda.
"WAIT!" she shouted, stopping him. She was afraid and about ready to cry. "Can I ask you two questions before you kill me? Why did you kill my dad if he was your son?" she asked.
"Your mother turned him against me."
"Okay, this is more like a statement, but," she said, pointing to Russel then to Leo, confused, "you're my grandfather and you're my uncle and the both of you want me dead."
"Yea," Leo said.
"Pretty much," Russel agreed.
"Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" Olivia chanted in the background.
Zelda gave Olivia a dirty look.
"What? It was a perfect moment. I had to say something."
"Do you have anything else to say before I kill you, Zelda?" Russel asked.
Zelda looked at the blade of his sword. A tear crawled down her cheek. "No. Go ahead and kill me." She didn't want to die, but she had no choice.
Ben killed the guy who he was fighting. Russel went to kill Zelda, but he jumped in and blocked the attack with his sword. "You habe to kill me first," the pirate told the bounty hunter.
Russel couldn't say no to Ben's offer. "Okay."
Ben and Russel started fighting. John defeated the guy who he was fighting. Leo went to attack Zelda.
"One of us needs to help her," John told Olivia.
"Good point."
John jumped in Leo's way to help Zelda. "MOVE, ZELDA!"
Olivia grabbed Zelda's sword. She hurried over to Zelda. She handed the sword to Zelda. "Here's your sword."
Zelda took it. "Good. Did you miss me?" she asked the sword.
Olivia gave Zelda a funny look. "Oh my gosh."
"You two fight Leo," Zelda ordered. "I'm going to help Ben."
Olivia and John teamed up on Leo, while Zelda and Ben teamed up on Russel. In the middle of the fight, they had Leo and Russel back to back. They went to go kill the two bounty hunters, but Gregory, Daniel, and Jason arrived.
"The two bounty hunters drop your weapons," Gregory ordered Leo and Russel, "you're under arrest."
Russel and Leo dropped their swords. They were trapped by four pirates and three cops.
"It took you long enough," Zelda said to Gregory.
"We came up with a new plan." Gregory had hand cuffs on Russel and Jason had hand cuffs on Leo.
"Kind of figured that."
"Jack called his crew got some bounty hunters. Most of the bounty hunters were dead though," Daniel told Gregory.
"I wonder why," Gregory replied, turning to Zelda.
zelda had placed her sword back in the sheath and raised both hands. "Pirates guilt." She smiled.
"Mike's group got a lot of bounty hunters. They're all alive," Daniel said. "Johnny's group got the rest, but they were killed."
"Good," Gregory said as he started to walk away. "Now, we need to get the evil prince."
"We can help you," Zelda told him. She smiled.

Will Gets Arrested Again

Magma and Will were in the throne room of the castle. Magma was ticked off and disappointed in Will. She couldn't believe what he was actually going to do. "I can't believe that you're going to do this," she said, anger growing in her voice. "This is the most dumbest thing that anyone can do."
"Just get out of my face," Will told her, turning his back toward her.
"Fine, I will." Magma left the room.
Once Magma was gone, Zelda and Olivia walked into the room.
"Hello, Will," Zelda said to let him know she was there.
"Zelda," he said, turning to face her, "so we meet again."
"It's nice to meet you," Olivia said to him.
"You must be Olivia." Will walked over to them. "What are you two doing here? I'm not throwing a party for you two to crash."
Zelda was confused. She thought that the plan had worked. "You knew that was us?"
Olivia and Zelda pulled out their swords and aimed them at Will. Will was in big trouble because he didn't have any weapons. Ben and John came out of no where and did the same thing to the back of Will, leaving him no where to go.
Gregory walked in with hand cuffs. "You're under arrest, Will, for trying to destroy the universe." Gregory walked over to Will and placed the hand cuffs on him.

Will and the cops went to the police vans. Zelda, Olivia, Ben, and John were walking out of the castle, following the cops and Will.
Ryoko appeared. This time Ben and John could see her as well as Zelda and Olivia. She smiled. "You two did it," she said, proud that Zelda and Olivia actually worked together. "You worked as a team. I'm proud of that. Now, you two can go back to being enemies." She looked at John and Ben. "Hello, John and Ben. I have to go now."
"Bye, Ryoko," Zelda and Olivia replied.
Ryoko disappeared.
John was shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes. "That was Ryoko?" he asked.
"Yep," Olivia said.
Ben walked over to Zelda and placed his arm around her. "I knew you weren't crazy."

Awards & the Question

The people on Pluto were having a ceremony for the capture of Will and the bounty hunters. The pirates were there to accept awards. Alaska was stood on the stage, which was in the middle of the town, with Zelda and Olivia. There was a table with two awards. "I would like to give these two awards to Zelda Samara Griffen and Olivia Raye Lander for their help in capturing Will," she told the crowd, picking up the awards, and handing them to Zelda and Olivia.
The crowd cheered for them as they accepted the awards. Zelda and Olivia weren't use to this kind of attention, but being pirates this would be the only time this would happen to them.

After the ceremony, Zelda and Olivia were over by the food. Zelda held a bottle of rum in her hand. Max and Donny were with them, hoping to get something to eat.
"I hate to admit it," Zelda said, "but I enjoyed working with you."
"Yea. The same goes for me. Hey," Olivia started to ask, "after this can we go back to Brass so I can get my ship back?"
Ben walked over to them. "Zelda, are we really dating?"
"Yea." Zelda was confused by Ben's question.
"Good." He kneeled on one knee and held up a diamond ring. He took Zelda's hand. "Zelda Samara Griffen, will you marry me?"
Zelda smiled. She was hoping he was going to ask. "Yes," she answered.
Ben put the ring on Zelda's fingure. He stood up, taking her other hand, and they finally kissed.
John walked over to them. "Hey, Ben. Oh never mind." He put his arm around Olivia. "Now, isn't that sweet?"
Olivia and John then kissed.

The End


Texte: Amber Riel
Bildmaterialien: Amber Riel
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.04.2012

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