
Letter Brings Anger

Lacy set the letter on the little table next to the stair case. She had resealed the letter so that Millie wouldn’t know that her and Shawn had read it. She knew that Millie wasn’t going to be happy about getting a letter from the wolf council.
Shawn had left. He had gone to meet Ann, who was now his girlfriend. They had to meet in secret along with Lee and Lacy because her parents didn’t like the wolf pack as a matter of fact they were part of the attack against Millie and Shawn’s parents.
Lacy walked into the kitchen and pulled the turkey to let it defrost. She laid it in the sink and went ahead to get the potatoes out and started pealing them. Champ and Kyle walked in the back door. She looked over at them then brought her eyes back down to the potato which she held in her hand which was half pealed. “What are you two doing back so early?” she asked. “I thought that you two were going to help Tom with moving snow from his drive way.”
“We were, but he told us to go back tomorrow and finish,” Kyle answered. “He dropped us off.”
Kyle and Champ walked out of the room.

Millie walked in the front and took off her coat and placed it on the coat rack. She noticed the letter which was laying on the table. She picked it up and noticed that someone had opened it then re-closed it. She carried the letter into the kitchen. “Lacy,” she said, kind of mad, “who read this letter that was for me?”
Lacy didn’t look up. She knew that she was busted. She should of never listened to Shawn. “ I don’t know,” she lied.
“Well,” Millie said, she knew who it was, “this person must be a perfectionist like someone in this room.”
Lacy knew that Millie knew who it was and she couldn’t keep it in any longer. “Me and Shawn.... We won’t do it again.... I promise.”
Millie rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. She read it and the words made her angry. She laid the letter on the table and picked up a chair, kind of throwing it. She left the room.

Millie slammed the door to her bedroom. She picked up a book and threw it across the room. She picked another book and threw it at a wall. She picked up the jewelry box that Jean had bought her for Christmas and she was going to throw it, but she didn’t. She looked at it and just placed it back on the dresser. “I can’t believe that I have to go talk to that stupid wolf,” she told herself.
She was angry with one of the members of the wolf council and didn’t want to deal with him. She threw herself on her bed and screamed into her pillow.
“What’s wrong with Millie?” Stina asked as her and Wagner sat at the kitchen table. They could hear as Millie threw things and her screaming and yelling.
“She got a letter from the wolf council,” Lacy answered. She took the colander which had all of the pealed potatoes and rinsed them in the sink.
“Oh does that mean that J....”
Lacy had dropped what she was doing and ran over to Stina, covering her mouth with her hand. “Don’t say his name. Millie doesn’t like him and if you say his name you now that she’ll kill you.”
“But why? He’s her....”
Lacy covered Stina’s mouth again. “Just don’t.... Okay, Stina?”
Stina nodded.
Lacy moved her hand from Stina’s mouth. “Go outside or something. Okay.”
Stina stood up and left the room.
“Who was Stina talking about?” Wagner asked.
“No one you know.... So don’t worry about it okay.”

Kat was glad that she was dating Champ again. She wasn’t going to betray him again. She knew better and she wasn’t going to let anyone like Christina tell her any different. She smiled as the cool air hit her face.
“Where are you going?” Champ asked as he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him so he could hug her.
She smiled. “I was just walking around.”
“By yourself?” he joked. “It’s dangerous. You can slip and break your bones.”
“Awe.... And you make it sound so fun.”

Shawn and Ann were hanging out in the bookstore. They were eating cheeseburger grinders and they shared a large Dr. Pepper.
Ann was thinking about something that was really bothering her. “Does Millie have a problem with me?”
“Well, she has a problem with anyone who’s not one of us.... Don’t worry about it. That’s just how she is.”

Millie laid on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. She didn’t want to go talk to the council. She’d rather stay home and deal with the humans than deal with the council. It was important though. She had no choice but to go. She had to leave this Friday so she could get back faster. She had to decide who she was going to bring with her.

Christina's Back & Ready for Revenge

Millie stopped in front of an old elementary school. She closed her eyes and when she opened them the snow had vanished and flowers started sprouting up from the ground. It had changed from winter to spring. Children came running out of the school excited that school was out for summer. Parents were getting out of their cars and waited for their children. Some of the children were getting on school buses to go home.
A few of the children, Young Millie and the other young cubs from the pack, walked out to the play ground. They were waiting for the older wolves to pick them up. That was the time before Millie hated the humans.
The Young Millie fell to the ground, laughing because of something that Young Champ had said. “That was funny.” She tried to stop laughing.
“Come on, Millie,” her brother said, holding out a hand to help her up.
“What are you stupid dogs up to?” Young Kat asked.
“What do you want?” Young Kyle asked.
“Well, I see that Millie can’t keep her feet on the ground.”
The Young Millie stopped laughing and growled at the young cat. Millie and Kat never got along, they were always enemies. The young, little human boy, Lee, rushed over to help Young Kyle and Young Champ to brake up the fight.
“Please don’t fight?” Young Lee asked.
“Yea, you’re going to get in trouble,” Young Champ told them.
Young Lacy curled up into a ball. “I don’t want to get in trouble.”
“It’s okay, Lacy,” Young Kyle told her. "You’re not going to get in trouble.”
Young Stina, the youngest out of all of them, walked over to Lacy.  “Don’t cry.”
Now, two adults, Charlie and his wife, walked over to the children.
“Come on, kiddies,” Charlie said. “Time to go home.” He noticed that Young Kat and Young Millie were going to get into a fight. “Kelsey,” he whispered to his wife, “start walking the others home. I’ll have Millie with me.”
“Okay. Lacy, Stina, Champ, Kyle, and Shawn, come with me.” Kelsey motioned to the kids. “Lacy, your parents are at the bookstore. Okay.”
“Okay.” Lacy was wiping tears from her eyes. She had always hated it when other people fought.
“Oh hello, Lee,” Kelsey said as she smiled at the little boy.
“Hello.” He returned a smile. He seen this parents and ran over to them.
Kelsey and the five little cubs started walking away. Charlie stayed behind with Millie and Kat.
“Can you two, please, try to get along?” he asked them.
“Well, it’s hard to get along with cat shape-shifters, daddy,” Millie answered.
“She started it,” Kat lied.
“I don’t care who started it. Kat, I’ll walk you home and that way you two can talk and become friends.”
“No,” Millie said. She didn’t want to deal with the cat shape-shifter.
“No thank you,” Kat told Charlie, “I would rather walk home alone.” Kat started walking away.
“Okay, be careful,” Charlie told her. “Millie, you need to learn not to start....”
“I didn’t start a fight.... She lied.”
“I remember coming here,” Kyle said from behind Millie, bringing her back to reality.
Millie looked at him. “We have a council meeting to go to. I need you to come because I’m going to kill that wolf if you don’t.”
“I know and you need to keep away from him, he’s your....”
“Don’t say it. He’s dead to me as far as I care.”
Kyle nodded. “Okay, but you can’t kill the guy when you see him.”
“ And again, that’s why I need you there.”
“Okay.” Kyle took Millie in his arms and held her tight. “I love you, always and forever.”
“I love you too, always and forever.” Millie didn’t look up at him, she just leaned against his chest.

“Champ,” Millie said, looking up at him, “me and Kyle are going to leave tomorrow to head to the wolf council, I’m leaving you in charge, until we get back.”
Millie knew that Champ was the best one to leave in charge, because he didn’t worry as much as Lacy, he wasn’t going to burn down the house like Stina did, and everyone took him seriously unlike Wagner and Shawn.

Tom and Jane were disappointed that Millie and Kyle had to leave even though they were going to come back a week later.
“We’re not,” Millie told them, kind of laughing.
“Yea, but we wanted to visit with you two along with the others to catch up,” Jane said with a smile.
“Well, just be careful,” Tom told them.
“Be careful,” Kyle laughed, “we’re lycans, we’ll be fine. Besides no one will harm us because of these puppies.” He flexed his arm to reveal his muscles.
“Says the guy who sleeps with a night light,” Millie laughed.
“Hey, I’m not afraid of the dark, I just like to be able to know where I’m walking in the dark. Okay.”
Everyone laughed.

The silver dog whistled started twitching in the snow. Something was trying to get out. A bright light came out from the whistle. The light started forming into a human shape. It was a woman. Christina was back. She was all beaten and her left arm was broken. She picked up the snow with her right arm and placed it on her broken arm.
It was a few seconds later when her arm healed. She picked up more snow and rubbed it on her bruises and everything healed. She was ticked off. “They think that they stopped me, but I’m back and I will destroy them.” She picked up the dog whistle and placed it in her pocket.

The next day, Millie and Kyle were preparing to leave. They had woken up early and started to pack. Everyone, but Wagner, had gotten up to tell them bye. Lacy already had breakfast made for them. Champ and Shawn were going to eat Kyle and Millie’s food, but Lacy smacked their hands with the spatula.
Kyle and Millie ate and then were about to walk out of the door. “Bye, thanks for breakfast,” Kyle told them.
“We’ll see you all when we get back,” Millie said.

Kat knocked on the door. Lacy answered it. She was excited to see Kat and gave her a big hug. “I’m so happy that you and Champ are back together,” Lacy told her.
“I know,” Kat laughed. “Did Millie and Kyle leave yet?”
“Yea, actually, they left this morning,” Lacy answered.
“Good because I can’t stand Millie.”
“Yea I know, hey come on in. Champ’s kind of busy right now.”
“Alright.” Kat walked in and looked around.
Lacy closed the door.
Kat was amazed that even though the old cottage was burnt down, Tom did a good job at making the new one look like the old one. “Tom did a good job.”
“Yea. He didn’t have to, but he wanted to build a home for us.”
“Yea, I remember Tom and Jane.... They were always trying to help others, who needed it.... They’re kind hearted people.”
“Yes they are.”
Champ kind of ran down the stairs and over to Kat. When he got to her, he put his arm around her and kissed her cheek. “Ready to go?” he asked.
“Yea,” Kat answered.
“Well, see ya, Lace,” Champ said as he opened the door.
“Bye, you two,” Lacy told them as the walked out of the door. She had the house to herself because Stina and Wagner went with Shawn to the bookstore, Millie and Kyle were on their way to the wolf council and Champ brought Kat to the skating ring to surprise her. He wasn’t really into any kind of skating, but he knew that she liked it so he decided that she would enjoy it.

Millie and Kyle could see the beautiful, white mansion. It blended in with the snow. They seen people walking in and out of the mansion. Millie sighed she didn’t want to go any closer. She knew who was there and she had to talk to him.
“Well, we’re here, Millie.”
“I’d rather stay out here and freeze to death.”
“No you’re not.” Kyle grabbed Millie’s arm and dragged her toward the house.

Waiting to be Called

Millie took a deep breath. She needed to relax. Her and Kyle were almost to the house when a skinny, red haired woman and a tall, kind of skinny, dark haired guy walked over to them. The woman was about in her late 30's, early 40's. She was really hyper. She gave Millie a hug then Kyle a hug. “Oh my gosh. Millie, and Kyle, you two look so grown up now. How is the pack?”
“We're good,” Kyle answered. “Hey, Ash. What's up?”
“Nothing much,” the man replied.
“So how's my baby?” the woman asked.
“She's doing good,” Kyle answered. “She burnt down the cottage....”
“Oh my. Everyone's okay though?”
“Leada, where's James?” Millie asked. She was mad.
“Oh.... He's in his office....”
Millie walked away before Stina's mother could finish her sentence.
“I'm sorry about that, Leada. Millie kind of doesn't want to be here, because of James,” Kyle explained.

A man in his 50's was sitting at a desk in an office. He looked good for his age. He had short, gray hair and his cheeks were sucked in. He hunched over the desk, writing.
Someone knocked on the door.
“I'M WORKING!” the man called.
Millie opened the door and walked in.
“I told you....”
“I know you're working,” Millie finished.
The man looked up at Millie. He could see the anger and hate in her eyes. He didn't say anything. He knew why she was mad and no matter what he told her it wouldn't change.
“Why am I here, James?”
“You know that I can't tell you.... You'll find out at the meeting.”
“I want to know now.”
“I can't tell you, kid.”
“I'm 119.... I'm not a kid.”
“Just get out of my office.”
“Get out.”
Now both of the wolves were growling at each other. James stood up and leaned over the desk to let Millie know who was in charge. Millie didn't back down though. If she could of, she would of killed James, but she didn't have the heart.
Kyle had walked into the room and jumped in between Millie and James. He didn't want to see them fight. He knew that even though James was older, he was also stronger than Millie. He didn't want to see James slaughter his girlfriend. “Please can you two get along for five minutes?”
Millie and James didn't answer. They just kept staring into each others eyes, willing to attack the other if given the chance.
“Millie, why don't you go get something to eat,” Kyle told her.  “James, we'll leave you alone, that way you can finish working. Okay.” He slid Millie out of the room and closed the door.
Millie didn't take her eyes off the door. She was willing to attack. She would of broke the door and attacked James. She was imaging ways to kill the man. She hated him so much.
“Millie, forget about it,” Kyle told her.
“Forget about it? He wasn't there.”
“Millie, just calm down.... Okay breath.”
“You breath.” Millie walked away, mad. She was stuck in a house with someone who she hated.

Stina walked into the living room. She sat down on the couch and turned on the plasma screen TV which Tom had put into the house. He knew that they didn't have any TV so he bought a cable box, a TV, and VCR/DVD player along with a Blue-Ray player in the living room. Stina flipped through the channels until she found something that was good to watch.
Lacy walked into the room and sat down next to Stina. “Well, Millie and Kyle should be there by now.” She sighed.

Shawn walked into the bookstore to grab something when he heard the door open. “Sorry we're closed.”
“I'm here for revenge.”
Shawn recognized the voice. He didn't have to turn around to know that Christina was standing behind him. “Sorry we don't have that book, but if you come back tomorrow and we might have it then.”
Christina was mad. “I'M NOT HERE FOR A BOOK!”
Shawn turned to face her. “Well, then go to the video store.”
Christina was turning red from anger. She ran to attack Shawn, but he moved out of the way and she ran into a bookshelf.
“Oops. My bad.” Shawn hurried out of the door. He had to tell the others.

Millie and Kyle stood outside of the council hall. They were waiting to go in. “I want to know why....That sun of a....”
“Whoa, Millie.” Kyle kind of laughed. “The language.... And if you think about it.... He's your....”
“Don't say it. James is dead to me.”
“Oh.... So you were talking to a “dead” guy today?”
Leada walked out of the council room and over to Millie and Kyle.  “We're ready for you two.”
Millie sighed. “Of course.”
They all walked into the council room.

Anger Towards the Council

Millie stood in the middle of the room. James was sitting in a chair, which was behind a desk, right in front of Millie. There were four other wolves who sat behind desk on both sides of James. James sat at a higher desk than the rest to show that he was the head of the wolf council.
A woman with blonde hair, which was in a bun, stood up. She wore small and skinny glasses. Her clothes shown that she was a strong, independent worker. She looked at Millie. People would think that she was a cold hearted person by the way she looked, but she was actually one of the nicest people that anyone could meet. Her bangs fell in front of her face. She acted strict for her job but when she wasn't working she would relax and tell jokes. “Millie, the leader of the wolf pack from Westfield, Massachusetts, are you aware of why you're here?” she asked, her Kentucky accent had revealed it's self in her speech.
Millie eyed James. She asked him why she was there but he wouldn't answer her. “No.”
The woman looked at James.
“Go ahead, Colla,” he told the woman. He kept his eyes on Millie.
Colla looked at some papers on her table and then looked at Millie.
“You are here for changing the wolf code without letting the council know. For doing so, you are going to need to let us know why you did this without clearing it with us?”
Millie rolled her eyes. She was ticked off. She shouldn't of told them.  She was steaming mad and was about to explode. “I'm in trouble?” she asked. “Just because I changed the code without permission? That code was 50 years older than him.” She pointed to James. “This man,” she said, still pointing to James and looking at everyone in the room, “is a traitor and he's the head of the council. He betrayed us. He betrayed his own kind....”
Kyle sank to the floor, embarrassed because Millie was making a scene. He stayed close to the wall which was in the shadows. He didn't want anyone to know that he was embarrassed.
“I didn't change the code for me. I changed it for my pack.... Go ahead and remove me.... I don't care.” Millie brought her attention back to James. She had to say something to this man before she decided to walk out. “And I want you to think about this.... What kind of person doesn't go to their own brother's funeral?” she glared at him then stormed out of the room.
When everything was safe, Kyle stood up and walked in the middle of the room. He kind of laughed to lighten up the mood. “So.... How was your Christmas?” he asked.
No one answered him. They just stared at him like he was a crazy person.
Millie sat on a stair case, holding a styrofoam cup of hot chocolate in her hands. She looked at it. She needed to calm down. She had to relax, but she was just so ticked off.
“Millie,” a rough, but stern voice said.
She didn't bother to look up. She knew who was behind her. “Hi, Demon.”
“Can I sit next to you, kid?”
“Go ahead.”
A muscular, African-American man about in his early 50's sat down next to the young wolf. His head was completely bald. “You're still mad at James for not showing up to your father's funeral?”
Millie kind of glanced up at Demon. “Yea,” she whispered. “He was the only wolf, who didn't show up.” She sighed. “What kind of person doesn't show up to their own brother's funeral?”
Demon couldn't answer Millie's question even though he knew why James wasn't there that day.
“You know, Demon, I wish that you could have been mine and Shawn's uncle instead of James.”
Demon laughed. “You two are white kids, that would be crazy.”
“Was that a races joke?” Millie asked. She knew that he didn't mean anything by it and so she was laughing as well.
“You two are good kids.”
Someone walked outside. “Millie,” Mark said, “James wants to see you in his office.”
Millie rolled her eyes. James was the last person who she wanted to see. “Now what?” She stood up and walked inside.

Family Fued

Shawn ran into the house and over to Lacy and Stina. He stopped to catch his breath. He felt as if someone had knocked the wind out of him.
“What's wrong?” Lacy asked.
“We have a problem....” He took a deep breath.
“Don't tell me that you put peanut butter in a CD player again.”
“Okay, in my defense, I was told,” he said as he looked at Stina, “by a certain someone, that peanut butter fixes CD players, and I don't know why I listened to her.”
“Okay.... What's going on?”
“Well, see.... Chr.... Chr.... Christina's back.”
“Yea, she's back....”
“The dog lady?” Stina jumped in.
“Something like that.”
“We have to tell Champ, Millie, and Kyle,” Lacy said as she stood up.
“No, not Millie....”
“She has to know. She's the leader of the pack.”
“Yea, but think about it. She's already ticked off about being in the same house as our uncle.... She finds out that Christina's back, she's going to explode.”
Lacy thought about what Shawn said and had to agree with him. “Good point.”

Millie walked into James's office. A 20-year-old, cute, spiky, dark brown hair guy was standing on the right by James's desk. James was sitting behind his desk. A 40-year-old, pitch black haired woman was standing on the left by the desk.
“What do you want now?” Millie asked.
“We all agreed that you need to be watched.”
“Watched? Look, if you want to remove me from being the leader of my pack, then go ahead. I don't care. I really don't care. As long as it's not you, then I don't care.”
“You can't leave the mansion until you go home,” James told her. He was just as apathetic as she was.
“Then I mise as well stay in the room, because then that'll stop me from killing you.”
James didn't reply. He just let her talk.
“ISABEL, MIKEY, LEAVE!” Millie ordered.
“Sorry,” Isabel said, “we don't take orders from 17-year-olds.”
“Sorry, Millie,” Mikey told her.
James thought that it would be a good idea for Isabel and Mikey to go somewhere else. “Isabel, Mikey, it might be a good idea if the both of you left.”
Isabel looked at James, shocked. She couldn't believe what he was telling them. “But sir?”
“I need to talk to my niece alone.”
“We understand,” Mike said.
“But, sir?” Isabel was still shocked.
Mikey walked over to Isabel and grabbed her left arm with his left hand. He placed his arm on her back. “Come on, ma.” He led her out of the door.
“I'll call if there's trouble,” James told them as Mikey closed the door. He took a deep breath. “Sit down.”
“Okay, then stand. Why can't you leave me alone about not showing up to your dad's funeral?”
“Because he was your only brother.” Millie shook her head. “You let him die, because you were too in love with that human. She was part of my father and mother's death.... Ever since my parents were killed, you never even cared enough to visit me and Shawn.... Your niece and nephew.” She closed her eyes for a minute. “You turned your back on us.... So, I'm going to turn my back on you.”
James didn't reply. He couldn't. He didn't want to tell Millie the reason that he wasn't at the funeral. He knew that she wouldn't believe him anyways. He decided to just let her talk.
“You know,” Millie paused, “you're the only wolf that I don't have respect for.”
James looked down at his desk. In away, Millie was right to be angry with him. “It was almost eleven years ago, Millie. I didn't know that Vickey was going to do that. I was in love with her, and I thought that she was in love with me.... But she wasn't....”
“I don't want to hear it.” Millie left the room, mad.
James looked up as the door slammed shut. He shouldn't of had said anything. He knew that Millie wouldn't believe him.

Jean knocked on the door. She held a pan in her hands. The pan had ten foil over it so that the food wouldn't get cold. The pack had invited her to eat with them for dinner because she lived alone and she didn't have any family who lived close to her.
Lacy opened the door. She smiled. “Oh. You can come in, Jean.”
Jean stepped into the house.
“Here I'll take that for you.” Lacy took the pan from Jean. “I'll bring this to the kitchen. You can go into the living room and sit down. The living room is in there.” She tilted her head to let Jean know which way to go.
“Okay, but can I take off my jacket first?”
“Oh. Of course, you can place it on the coat rack to your left or to your right. It don't matter where. Tom had set the two coat racks, one on each side, so that way if more wolves came in, because you know the seven of us and then the other wolves.”
“Oh.” Jean took off her jacket and placed it on the coat rack to her left. She walked toward the living room, looking around, as Lacy walked toward the kitchen.

Lee had dragged Champ and Shawn into a candy shop because he didn't know if they could eat chocolates or not and he needed to know because he wanted to surprise Lacy with a box of chocolates.
“So, why are we here?” Shawn asked.
“Well, can you wolves eat chocolate?”
Shawn and Champ looked at each other. They decided to play a little trick on Lee.
“Well,” Champ lied, “ we can't eat chocolate.”
“Yea, because it upsets our stomachs,” Shawn agreed.
“See if we have chocolate, they have to be small pieces,” Champ told him.
“Yea,” Shawn agreed, holding up a hand and pinching his fingers together, “they have to be that big or we'll die just like dogs.”
“Yea, so if you want to get Lacy chocolate, you have to think about the risk.”
Lee didn't want to worry if Lacy was going to die. He didn't want to do that to her. “I'll get her flowers instead.” He turned around and started to leave.
Shawn and Champ started laughing. They walked over to him. “We're joking, dude,” Champ told him. “Nothing's going to happen.”
Lee stopped. “Really?”
“Yea,” Shawn answered. “Chocolate does to us, what it does to you that's all. Just because we're also wolves doesn't mean that we can't eat chocolate.”
Champ nodded his head. “Yep. Nothing's going to happen to Lacy, so don't worry.”
“Okay.” Lee was relaxed, knowing that they were just joking.

Awkward Moment

Kyle was shuffling a card deck because he was board. He was sitting back on a couch, listening to the Patriots' game on the radio. Demon and Ash were cheering for the Patriots to win.
Colla had walked into the room and over to Kyle. “Kyle,” she said, gently.
“Yea,” he replied. He stopped shuffling the deck and looked up at her.
“Shawn's on the phone. He says it's important and that he doesn't want Millie to know.”
“Okay.” He stood up and followed Colla into another room.

Jean, Champ, and Lacy were sitting at the kitchen table. They were playing a game of scrabble. “So, where's Millie and Kyle?” Jean asked.
“Oh, they're at a council meeting,” Lacy answered. “Millie had to meet with the wolf council. They're not going to be back for a couple more days.”
“Oh.... There's a wolf council?”
“Ah.... I didn't know that.”

“Yea, man,” Shawn whispered over the phone. “She's back.... You and Millie need to come home fast, but don't tell Millie why.”

“Okay. Talk to ya later.” Kyle hung up the phone. They were in trouble. He had to let Millie know that they had to get back, but how without letting her know that Christina was back, looking for revenge.

James sat behind his desk. He picked up a picture of himself, when he was in his late thirties, early forties. His hair was dark, brown and he looked more skinnier then. A cute, dirty blonde, thirty-four-year-old woman was standing next to him. He was in love with that woman at one time. She had broken his heart and now he could careless for her. He had lost faith in the humans like Millie had after his brother was killed, but he didn't want to harm them because that was something he was against. He set the picture down. Why couldn't he had seen what the woman really was? “I'm sorry, brother,” he said as if he were talking to his dead sibling.

“That man has no heart,” Millie told Demon. She was just so ticked off.
“Do you know why he wasn't at the funeral?” Demon asked.
“No, and frankly, I don't care. He could go die for all I care.”
“Don't say that. He's your uncle. You don't mean that.”
“Yes I do.”
“No you don't,” Demon whispered. He was everything but a demon. He was kind to people whether he knew them or not. He was wise and gave advice to others, when they asked for it. He was gentle and helpful. Everyone, who seen him, were afraid because they thought that he would eat them, but once they talked to him, they realized that he was sweet and that he had a welcoming personality.
Kyle walked into the room. “Millie, we need to go back to the cottage.”
Kyle had to think fast. “Stina burnt down the cottage again.”
“Yea and we have to go back.”
“Well, I guess that we have to go tell James then.”

James stood up and looked at the door. He turned to face the window. He looked out and seen wolves outside walking back and forth and some were working.
Someone knocked on the door.
Millie and Kyle walked into his office. Millie stood with confidence. She wanted to go home because she didn't want to deal with James. “We have to get back to our pack,” she told James.
James turned to face them. He raised an eyebrow because Millie was given strict orders not to leave until the day that she was suppose to leave. She wasn't aloud to leave no matter what until then. “Why?”
“Because our....” Millie started to say but was cut off by Kyle.
“Millie, why don't you start packing?”
Millie left the room and Kyle waited till he thought that she was out of ear shot.
“Look, there's this dog-witch and she's looking for revenge on our pack and we have to get back to help them....”

Millie was almost to her room, when she heard Kyle tell James that Christina was back. That made her furious. She made her way back to the house. “Is that why we have to go back?” she asked.
Kyle didn't turn to face her. He knew she was mad and that she would attack if he turned to face her for not telling her the truth. “Well yea.... But Shawn didn't want me to tell you. We agreed that you already had too much pressure from being in the same building as him.” He pointed to James.
“Well then, you two can go....” James paused.
Millie knew that he wasn't finished so she waited to see what he was going to say.
“But I'm going with you two.”
Millie didn't like those words. She hated them because they came from the one wolf who she hated. “NO!” she protested.
“Either I go.... Or you'll be stuck here.”
“Don't listen to her. She likes to joke around.” Kyle was pretending to laugh as he shook his words. He was afraid of Millie, but James really had him shaking in his shoes. “Right, Millie?”
Millie ignored Kyle. She was too ticked off at James to even care about what Kyle was talking about. “No.... Why do you have to come? Huh?” She paused. “Why can't Demon come? Why can't Colla come? Why can't Leada come? You know because of you, Leada hasn't been home to see her own daughter. She might want to visit Stina.... But you want to know why she can't see her daughter....” She paused again. “You want to come instead....”
“Because you need to be watched as a pack leader.”
“I'm a bad leader because I changed the lycan code without telling you.... That code is old.... It's older than you.... I'll be a good leader when you're a good uncle.” Millie paused. “Kyle, how much do you want to bet that James hasn't been to the graves of his brother and sister-in-law?”
Kyle's eyes grew wide. He didn't want to answer that question. “I don't want to answer that.” He felt like he was in an awkward place and that he shouldn't have been there.
“I bet that you haven't been to the graves of my mother and father,” Millie told James. She left the room.
Kyle started to laugh because he needed to get out of the awkward phase. “You don't have to listen to Millie.... You can come.” He left the room.

Returning Home with a "Dead" Guy

Millie and Kyle were walking ahead of James. Millie was frustrated because James was going with them to the house. She didn't want want to deal with him. She would of rather dealt with Kat than James and she hated Kat. She didn't like the fact that James had to be her babysitter. She didn't change that code for herself, she changed it for her pack. “Why did you have to tell him that he could come?” she whispered to Kyle.
“He scares me,” Kyle admitted.
“He scares you?”
“Yea.... I think it's the fact that I'm dating you.... You know you are his niece and that scares me.... Because he has a right to kill me if something happens to you.”
“The only one that you have to worry about is Shawn. My uncle died a long time ago.”
James heard what Millie had said and it had hurt. It cut his heart like a knife to hear his niece say those words. She had no clue how much it hurt him to know that he couldn't see his brother again. He was good at hiding his real feelings though. He realized that Millie acted as cold hearted as he did, but he knew that she didn't like people to know the pain that was there. Heck, that was what he did.

Shawn was sitting on the stair case. He was bored stiff and didn't feel like watching TV. He didn't want to read. He just sat there. Lacy walked over to the stair case, carrying a basket filled with clean clothes. “What are you doing here?” she asked.
“Hanging out.... Bored. I called Kyle and told him that Christina's back and he said that he wasn't going to tell Millie, but they're on their way back.”
“Okay. Good.” Lacy walked up the stairs. “Millie's going to explode, when she finds out.”

Christina walked around the town. She was looking for someone who could help her get revenge on the wolves. She figured that Kat would turn on her again so she wasn't even going to bother with the cat shape-shifter. She had to wait 'til the next full moon, which was at the end of the month. She didn't want to wait, she was ready to control the wolves. She liked being the center of attention and she loved controlling the pack, who had tricked her, and she could torture Millie as well. “Her and her pack will pay for what they have done to me,” she told herself.
Christina was evil and she would do what she could to destroy the lives of others. She would love to get the vampires and wolves to attack each other, but there weren't any vampires who actually lived in the town.

Millie, Kyle, and James were almost to the cottage. Millie walked two feet a head of the two guys. She wanted to stay as far away from James as possible. It bothered her that he had to keep an eye on her. She didn't need a baby sitter.
“Millie's really ticked off because of you,” Kyle told James.
“I know. I didn't think that she was even old enough to remember about the funeral.”
“Why weren't you there anyways?”
“I'd rather not talk about it.”
Millie thought of James as a bad guy. He wasn't nothing but a traitor, but she didn't know the real reason why he wasn't there.

Dinner of Awkwardness

Kyle, Millie, and James finally arrived at the cottage. Kyle opened the door to find Lacy standing behind the door. “Oh, you two are back.” She didn't notice James standing there.
“Hello, Lacy,” James said.
“Oh hi, Jam-” She suddenly felt embarrassed. “Can you hold on for a second? Don't come in yet.” She closed the door after Millie and Kyle walked in. “Why didn't you tell me that James was coming?” she asked Millie.
Millie squinted her eyes. “Do you like James, Lacy?”
Lacy was grossed out by Millie's question. “Ewe.... No.... First of all he's too old for me and second of all he's your uncle.”
“Then why are you worried?”
“Because he's the head of the wolf council and.... That picture is tilted, the house is a mess, and....” She had to swallowed. “I'm making beef stew....”
Millie rolled her eyes. “Lacy, that picture looks fine, no one notices it, who cares if the house is a mess, and who cares if we're having beef stew....”
“But he could send us to different packs or worst....” Lacy had to pause. She always freaked out that something bad would happen. “He has the right to disown us.”
Millie raised an eye brow. “Lacy, he's not going to send us to different packs because the house is a mess and of a picture.... And he's not going to disown us because you're cooking beef stew.... He's not here to be a food critic so don't worry....”
“Then why is he here?”
“He's here to make sure that I'm a good leader....”
“Oh.” Lacy opened the door. “You can....”
“He's not staying in this house.... He's going to be staying outside in the snow.”
James stood out on the porch. He didn't want to upset his angry niece. She was too much like him. He'd rather stand out in the cold than to tick Millie off anymore.
“But, Millie.... He's the head of the council and your uncle....” Lacy couldn't understand how Millie could be so cold hearted toward her own uncle.
“So.... He could live out there for all I care.”
Lacy was speechless. She didn't know how to react to Millie's rudeness. She knew that it was a bad idea to tell Millie about Christina. She waited 'til Millie was out of ear shot to tell James to come in. “Don't tell Millie, but you can come in.”
James walked in and looked around. It was different from the cottage that he knew. The one where he had grew up in with his brother. “New place?”
“Oh.... Stina burnt down the other one on accident and Tom was kind enough to get help from his church to rebuild it.... We have a television now.... You can go in the living room.”
“Okay....” He knew where the living room was because the cottage was the same as the old one as far as the rooms. He took a step in the door way and turned to face Lacy. “Oh yea.... I'm sorry to hear about your parents.”
Lacy smiled at him. “Thanks.”
James walked into the living room as Lacy headed toward the kitchen.

Shawn looked over to see who had walked into the room. It was James. He didn't have a problem with James, but sometimes he would wonder why his uncle was the only wolf who hadn't shown up to his parents' funerals. It didn't make any since to him.
“Hello, Shawn.”
“Hi.” Shawn looked around. “Sit down, Uncle James.” He felt weird calling James uncle but he didn't understand why. Maybe it was because James wasn't really around.... Maybe it was because he hadn't seen James since he was six.... Or maybe it was because Millie didn't call him uncle, she just called him James because she was so ticked off at him.... “Did Millie let you in?”
“No. Lacy did.” James sat next to Shawn on the couch. “If it were up to Millie, I'd be out in the cold. She really hates me.... I understand why though....” He had to pause. “Do you agree with your sister?”
Shawn looked over at James then to the TV. “No.... I think that you should have been at the funerals, but unlike Millie, I forgive you.”
Wagner and Stina walked into the room.
Stina rushed over and gave James a big hug. She felt that, even though, she wasn't related to James, he was like an uncle, and although, Millie despised him, she thought that he was awesome.
“Hello, Stina.”
“Who are you?” Wagner asked. He was the only one who didn't know James.
James looked over at the younger wolf. He stood up and walked over to Wagner. He knelt down and held out his hand to shake the child's hand. “I'm James.... The head of the wolf council and.... Millie and Shawn's uncle,” he introduced himself.
Wagner shook James's hand. He had no clue that Millie and Shawn had an uncle. He hadn't heard any of the others mention anything about them having a relative, but he did know about the wolf council and that Millie despised the head of the council. He just didn't know who or why Millie hated the head of the council. “I'm Wagner.... The youngest wolf in the pack.”
James smiled. “I can tell.” He stood and looked at the kids. He realized that in his human form he was the only adult, but when they were werewolves, they all were adults, even Young Wagner.
All of the wolves would go by their older ages, even in their human forms. The humans, who didn't know them, wouldn't understand that they were much older than they looked.
Champ and Kat walked into the living room. Champ stopped Kat from continuing to walk into the room, when he noticed James. He remembered that James would disapprove of him dating Kat. “Hello, James.”
“Hi, Champ....” He looked over at Kat and started growling. He hated other creatures who weren't human or wolves. Millie had gotten her anger toward the other creatures from him. The creatures who they both hated the most were cat shape-shifters. “What is that creature doing in this house?”
Champ took a deep breath before answering James. He knew that James was going to be furious. He understood that James's temper was a million times worst than Millie's and he also knew that there was a really good chance that James would kill him and Kat. “She's my....” He didn't want to tell James, but he knew that he had to. “Girlfriend.”
“WHAT?!” James was furious. He couldn't believe what he just heard.
Lacy walked in at the time and was worried about what was going to happen. “Supper's ready,” she said as calm as she could be.
James closed his eyes for ten seconds. He opened them. “We'll talk about this after dinner,” he told Champ and Kat. He turned his back to them. He couldn't believe that his niece had let that happen. Millie had changed the code without talking to the council first and that was what came from her version of the code. He needed to talk to her more than to Kat and Champ. She had let that happen.

James, Wagner, Champ, Kyle, Lacy, Kat, Stina, and Shawn were in the dinning room waiting for Millie so they could eat. Kat felt uncomfortable sitting across from James. She knew that he despised her and the fact that she was dating Champ made things worst for her.
There was a long and awkward silence. No one wanted to say anything.
A knife wouldn't even be able to cut the tension that was how bad it was. James was an unexpected guest and no one knew how to react.
Millie stopped dead in her tracks when she seen James sitting at the table. She glared at him. “What are you doing in here?” she asked, rudely. “You're suppose to be out in the cold, not in here.”
“I let him in....” Lacy answered for the man.
“Why?” Millie turned her attention to Lacy.
Kat was relieved that Millie wasn't talking to her for once. She just didn't understand why Millie was so rude to her own uncle.
“You can't be that cold hearted to let the head of the council and your.... Uncle out in the cold.... He's one of us, Millie.”
“My uncle and the head of the council is dead.... He died a long time ago,” Millie denied. “I'm going back to my room.” She fixed a bowl of beef stew for herself, grabbed a cold can of Dr. Pepper, and left the room.
The room went back into silence. No one dared to say anything that could possibly make things worst than they already were.
“So....” Shawn said, breaking the silence. “Let's eat.”

Millie set the empty bowl on her desk. She had turned on her radio and listened to the soothing music, which made it sound like she was in a forest. The birds were singing and a waterfall was close by. She sat on the floor of her bedroom with her legs crossed, her arms were resting on her knees, her back was straighten, and her eyes were closed. She imaged being in the forest because of the CD. She had too much stress which she needed to get rid of and that was the best thing for her. She took a few deep breaths to help her calm down.
She was forgetting that Christina was back. She was forgetting about all of her problems and for a moment she felt peaceful and calm. She was slowly relaxing. She was actually feeling pretty good.
Someone started knocking on the door. Millie's eyes flew open and the problems had came back. She was no longer at peace. She wasn't calm and the stress was back. She slouched down. “Who is it?” she called, anger growing.
“IT'S ME, LACY!” Lacy called through the door. “CAN I COME IN?!”
Millie rolled her eyes. “Yea.”
Lacy opened the door and walked in. She closed the door once she was inside. “It sounds peaceful in here.”
Millie stood up. “It was peaceful, until you knocked on the door.”
Lacy could tell that Millie was angry. “Millie---”
“I don't want James inside this house.... He doesn't deserve to be in here....” Millie picked up the can of Dr. Pepper and took a sip. “I don't care if he lives out in the cold.... I don't care if he dies out in the cold.... He could get frost bite for all I care.” She closed her eyes. She didn't care what happened to James. She didn't care if he lived or died. She didn't want to deal with him.
Lacy knew that Millie was angry at James. She knew why Millie hated him, but she didn't understand why Millie wouldn't forgive him. “Millie, I don't know why James wasn't at your parents' funerals, but I think that he has a good reason....”
“A good reason?” Millie raised an eye brow. “Lacy, he wasn't at his own brother's funeral.... Who does that? Why would someone not go to their own brother's funeral? I don't care why they don't show up, but they should because that was their family member and they don't bother to show up.... That's not respectful....” Millie started to choke on her words. She knew some where deep inside she had forgiven James, but she was fighting herself. She didn't think that he deserved forgiveness, but she figured that God was making his way. She was saved a week before the death of her parents and as strange as it was she and her pack were all Christian werewolves. “I have to get out of this house.” She walked out of the room and shut the door, leaving Lacy alone.


Millie put her coat on and went to open the door. Kyle was ready to go.
“Where are you going, Millie?” a man asked.
Millie rolled her eyes. She didn't turn to face him. “Me and Kyle are going to the bookstore.”
“You can't go anywhere without me.... I'm suppose to keep an eye on you for most of the time. That means if you leave this house, I have to go with you.”
Millie kind of growled. She didn't want to deal with James. She was so ticked off at him. She rolled her eyes, opened the door, walked out than shut the door as soon as Kyle was about to walk out of the door.
Kyle turned to face James. He wasn't mad, but he wasn't happy either. “Thanks for that, man. My girlfriend shut the door on my face.... You shouldn't have said that.” He turned back to the door, opened it, and walked out.

Millie was sitting behind the desk. She was bored and ticked off that James had to go with her and Kyle. She didn't need to be babysat while she was working there was no point.
Kyle was standing next to her and James was walking around. James noticed all of the new books that they had gotten in the past few years. He picked up a child's book and smiled. He looked over at Millie and then back to the book. He remembered that it used to be one of Millie's favorite books when she was younger, but he figured that she probably would rather read the chapter books instead.
Millie glared at James. She didn't want him there.
“Millie, just relax,” Kyle told her.
“I can't have him here.... This is one of the places were I go to relieve stress.... I can't relieve stress with one of the people who causes me to have stress.”
“Here how's this? I'll take him around the town and leave him in the park.... What do you think about that?”
“He'll find his way back and besides that would make things worst for me.”
Kyle sighed. “I was trying to help.” He walked over to James and told him something. James followed Kyle into the back room and a second later Kyle walked out of the room and over to Millie. He kind of hugged her.
“Where's James?” she asked.
“I told him to move some boxes.... They're not heavy and the boxes are small. I figured that would give him something to do so you don't have to deal with him.”
A dirty-blonde, forty-four-year-old woman walked into the store. Kyle and Millie were too busy talking that they didn't even realized that she had come in. She walked over to them and placed a hand on the desk. “Excuse me,” her high pitch, annoying voice, which bothered the wolves ears, said.
Each of them cringed at the sound of her voice. Millie didn't have to look up to see who the woman was. She knew from the woman's annoying voice. The woman who was now standing in front of her was the human who she hated the most. She hated the woman more than James and Kat put together. She hated that woman because of what she had done to the pack almost eleven years ago. She stood up and looked straight into the woman's eyes. “What are you doing here, Vickey?” she asked, rudely.
“I'm here to buy a book,” the woman replied with sarcasm.
“DON'T USE SARCASM WITH ME!” Millie shouted.
“Don't talk to me like that.... Did you learn not to talk to your elders like that?”
“I can talk to you however I feel like because I'm older than you.... I was older than you when I was five.”
Vickey didn't have anything to say to Millie. She hated the wolves with a dark passion. She hated Millie most of all. “You wolves think that you're so special.... You're nothing but monsters.”
Millie was ticked off. She couldn't believe that Vickey would talk to her like that knowing that Millie wanted to kill her so bad.
“Why don't you just attack me then?” Vickey turned her attention to Kyle. “I dare you to lay a hand on me,” she said to him.
“Well, I would, but I follow the rules and I don't attack women anyway.... I know better.... Now, Millie on the other hand, don't really like to follow rules, and well, she will attack, so you got to the count of three to be gone.”
Vickey raised an eyebrow.
“By the way, Millie would kill you.”
Vickey looked at Millie, who was ready to attack. She just laughed. She didn't believe Kyle.
“One....” Kyle started counting.
Vickey just stood there. She really didn't believe that Millie was actually going to do anything.
Millie jumped onto the desk. She was ready to attack, but Vickey started laughing even harder. Vickey didn't think that the angry wolf would really do anything.
“Oh.... You jumped onto the desk.... So scary....” Vickey kept laughing as she mocked Millie. “You're not really going to do anything to me because deep down inside you're just as pathetic as your mommy and daddy.... I bet they can't wait to see how stupid they're little girl has become.”
Kyle looked at Vickey, wide-eyed. He couldn't believe that anyone would be so stupid to actually say that to Millie and he knew how much Millie hated to hear terrible things about her parents. What made things worst was how Vickey had laughed as she said it as well.
Millie hunched down, growling. Vickey had ticked her off.
“Okay.... Just remember.... I warned you,” Kyle told Vickey. “Whatever Millie does to you.... It's your fault.... Three.”
Vickey didn't take Kyle's warning. She just kept laughing.
Millie jumped off of the desk and stood in front of Vickey. She was so mad that she had a deadly look in her eye. She was really going to kill the woman and didn't care what happened to her.
“Oh.... Now you're standing in front of me.... I'm so scared....” Vickey was mocking Millie. She didn't realize that the wolf was like a built killing machine and her target was Vickey.
Millie grabbed her neck, digging her nails into Vickey's skin.
Vickey stopped laughing and started panicking. She knew that Kyle wasn't joking and knew that Millie would kill her. She grabbed Millie's arm and tried to pull the wolf's arm away, but Millie's grip grew tighter.
Kyle was shocked. He knew how much Millie hated Vickey, but she wouldn't try to kill her. It wasn't like Millie. She may of wanted to kill the human, but she knew better, especially with James in the next room.
Millie was ticked off that she had blacked out. She wasn't thinking straight, what was right was wrong, and what was wrong was right. Her main objective was to kill the human.
“Put her down, Millie,” James' voice said. He was standing in the doorway which led to the back room. He could tell that Millie had blacked out. He knew wolves who had blacked out and killed humans for certain reasons.... All of them dealing with murder.
“Why should I? Do you still love her?” Millie asked. She didn't bother to look at James and she kept holding Vickey's throat. Her nails dug even deeper and the blood started to drip.
“Just put her down,” James told her, calmly.
“Fine, but just remember.... Whatever happens to her.... It's your fault.” Millie threw Vickey into a bookshelf. She started walking toward the helpless human. She took her time making her way over to Vickey.
Vickey was afraid to move. She didn't stand, but she sat against the shelf. She was afraid and knew that she was dead meat. She thought that Millie would be like her parents, but she was wrong.
Kyle and James knew that Millie was planning on Vickey's death.
Millie now stood in front of Vickey, who had curled up into a ball. She looked down at the human. “A man takes a sweet, innocent, little girl into the woods, does unspeakable things to her, and kills her.... We could of protected her and stopped that evil man. A little boy walking home from school in the pouring rain, a drunk driver's car swerves out of control and kills the little boy.... Another life we could of saved. A woman, who had just put her children to sleep, walks into the living room, when her abusive husband walks in, he beats her to death, then the kids.... More lives that we could of saved.” She picked up Vickey again. “What do we do when two werewolves, the leader and his wife of our pack, go out for ice cream one night, gets ambushed by a bunch of humans, the wife has to carry her injured husband home, because he can't walk, when they get inside, the wife drops her husband on the floor, not because she wants to, but because she can't hold him up anymore, she falls face first to the ground, and two days later they both die.” She stuck her nails back into Vickey's throat. “They were kind hearted people.... They let you into our house.... They let you eat our food and how do you repay them? By conspiring against them.” She went to slam Vickey into the bookshelf. “You know 'For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.' -Romans 6:23. I know I sin, but you, you don't care you killed them anyways and you don't feel guilty at all. You call us the monsters because we're different from you, but the truth is, is that you're the monster. You kill your own kind. I'm going to kill you and I don't care what happens to me.” Millie slammed Vickey into the bookshelf.
“Millie, put her down. You can't kill her,” Kyle said, calmly.
Millie snapped out of the dark daze which she was in. She snapped back to reality. “I'm not going to kill you, it still won't bring my parents back.” She threw Vickey into the bookshelf one more time. “Now, I want you to leave, and I don't ever want to see you ever again. Now, leave.”
Vickey couldn't stand up that's how afraid she was of Millie. She practically crawled out of the store.
“And to answer your question,” James said to Millie, “I don't love her anymore.”
Millie eyed James. She was still ticked off at him and didn't think that he should of said anything. She didn't want to hear him or see him. She didn't even realize that he was in the room until he said that. When she blacked out, she would block out everyone and everything, but whoever she was releasing her anger on. She was still pretty furious.
Vickey used a brick wall to help herself up. She thought about what Millie had said and done to her. She wanted revenge but she didn't know what she was going to do. She was confused.  Millie had said that she was going to kill her, but then said that she wasn't. She was shocked by the way Millie kept slamming her into the bookshelf but none of her bones were broken. She was hurt pretty bad, but nothing that she'd had to go to the hospital for. She was starting to get her breath back as well. She placed her left hand on her neck, she felt the blood that was still trying to dry.
“Stupid human,” she heard another woman's voice say to her. “You underestimated the young wolf's attorney. Tsk, tsk, tsk.... You humans are so dumb.”
She turned to face Christina walking away. “Me? Are you calling me stupid?”
“Well, aren't you the one who's all beaten up. It's not hard to tell that a werewolf did that to you.”
“How do you know that?”
“Well, unlike you, I'm not human....”
“Are you a werewolf?”
Christina had to laugh. “No.... I'm the enemy of the wolves and vampires.... I'm a dog-witch.... I'm looking for revenge would you like to join me?”

Ghost From the Past

Vickey and Christina shook hands. “I'm Vickey.”
“I'm Christina.” Christina smiled at the fact that she had someone who she could use against the wolves. She noticed that Vickey's neck and had holes where Millie's nails had broke the skin. “You must of done something terrible to that werewolf.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well, werewolves won't attack humans.... It's in their code....” Christina knew that the wolves had laws that they had to follow and that harming humans was something that they weren't allowed to do. She could figure out which wolf had a hatred for humans and others who weren't their kind. “Only a werewolf would do something that cruel to a human, if that wolf has a grudge against that person and it's usually a good reason.... So, why did Millie attack you?”
Vickey was shocked. She didn't understand how Christina had known that Millie had attacked her. She never mentioned it. She figured that Christina had been spying on them, which freaked her out.
Christina could see that Vickey was wondering how she had known that and how the question had made her feel uncomfortable. “You're wondering how I knew that.... It was a lucky guess. I've met Millie and her pack.... Now, what did you do?”
“I led a conspiracy against her parents and killed them both,” the human admitted.
Christina smiled. She knew that she had the right victim. She figured that using Vickey would give her a distraction to keep the wolves away from her real plan.
Vickey was also glad to know that she could use Christina as her shield against the wolves. She needed someone to use against the wolves, while she was planning their deaths. She didn't want to do the same thing that she had done to Millie's parents.
Neither one knew what the other was thinking and that they were just using each other.

Millie had locked up the bookstore, business wasn't good for them. It felt to them that they would walk out of the store with less than they walked in with. Not that someone would steal what they had it just felt like that to them. No one would steal from them, heck no one was stupid enough to steal from a pack of wolves.
James and Kyle walked ahead of Millie. She let them walk about 10 feet away from her. When they were a good distance away, she snuck off. James and Kyle were too busy talking that they didn't realize that Millie was gone.

Millie walked into the woods and sat on a tree stump. She closed her eyes and another flashback begin to play in her head. She opened her eyes and seen the old cottage. Again the snow had vanished. It was summer time. Charlie and Kelsey were standing on the porch. James and his little girlfriend had shown up.
“Charlie, Kelsey, this is my girlfriend, Vickey,” James introduced her. “My brother and his wife,” he told Vickey.
“Oh.... It's nice to meet you,” she lied. Millie noticed the look in the woman's eye, even if it was a flashback. She wished she had known and done something then.
Millie should of known then that Vickey was wicked and evil. She could of warned her parents. She was too young, even for a young wolf, to understand the difference between good and evil. Vickey had worn a mask of peace and love, but deep down inside she was as evil as the devil. A wolf in woman's clothing.... The real monster. She only wanted violence and death to those who weren't humans. She had revealed her true identity to them after that one cruel night.
“My brother's told us so much about you,” Charlie said, smiling.
Young Millie had walked out and looked at Vickey. She didn't know who that human was. She had never seen her before.
“And who would this be?” Vickey asked as she bent down to see eye to eye with the child.
“This is my niece, Millie,” James answered.
The Young Millie step back. She was shy and nervous when it came to meeting new people. Now that she was older she was cautious and showed her strength to anyone new, it didn't matter who or what they were.
“Good idea,” Millie stated as she watched herself slowly walk away from Vickey. “She's evil.... Keep walking away,” she told herself even though she knew that her young self couldn't hear or see her. “She's evil.”
The little wolf walked behind her father and kind of peeked out. She was kind of afraid of Vickey.
“It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you,” Vickey reassured. Millie eyed the woman, knowing that she would hurt her parents.... The human hadn't hurt her physically, but mentally by killing her father and mother.
“No.... Don't believe her.... She's lying.... Don't trust her....”
The young wolf walked out out from behind her dad and walked over to Vickey. The child held out her hand and then walked over to Vickey. She was hesitant but she eventually shook Vickey's hand.
“NOOO!!!” Millie cried. “SHE'S EVIL!” She forced herself to stop the flashback. She remembered that day and it was one of the days which she never forgotten as she grew older. She stood up and ran.

James and Kyle were almost to the cottage. “Well, I'm ashamed of your....” James turned and noticed that Millie wasn't there. “Where is Millie? She was behind us.... Where did she go?”
“Maybe she forgot something,” Kyle answered.
James ignored Kyle's comment. He was ticked off. “I'm suppose to keep an eye on her at all times.” He walked away from the house.
Kyle stood there, he knew that Millie was in trouble. He had to get to her before James did and he knew where she had to be. It was the one place where she would go when she wasn't in the mood to be around anyone, including her own kind.

Millie was standing in a grave yard. She stood in front of two graves. The one to her left had read on the tombstone:

R.I.P. Charlie Chris Wolf
Beloved father and husband
Good friend and Great Leader
Of his pack

The tombstone too her right had read:

R.I.P Kelsey Ally-Raye Wolf
Beloved mother and wife
Good friend and Role-Model
Of her pack

Millie closed her eyes to keep the tears from falling. “Why did you two have to die? She was evil and no one knew.”
She opened her eyes and another flashback started to play in her head. She was back at her house. She was inside with James and they were sitting on the couch. He was reading a story to her. It was one of her favorite stories as a child. They had heard someone trying to open the door.
“Stay here,” James told Millie. He stood up and walked out of the room.
The little girl had disobeyed her uncle. She stood up and walked over behind a wall then took a peak to see what was going on. She watched as James opened the door and her mother, all beaten, walked in carrying her injured father. Kelsey couldn't hold herself and Charlie up. She dropped her husband on the ground, then she had fallen down. The weight of her husband and herself had been to much for her. Werewolves were stronger than humans, whether male or female, but like humans if they were injured bad enough or weak from being sick, then all the strength they had would be gone.
“Humans are the monsters,” Millie replied.
The little wolf ran over to her mommy and daddy. “Get up,” she cried. “GET UP!”
Charlie was pasted out, but he wasn't dead yet. Kelsey used the little energy, she had left to push herself up. “Baby,” she told her little girl, “I want you to go to your room, please.” She couldn't even keep herself up.
“But, mommy....”
“Millie,” James said, “go to your room.”
“You're not my boss....”
“Millie,” Charlie said as he opened his eyes. He could barely speak. “Listen to.... You're uncle....” His voice kept cutting on and off as if someone was playing with the volume on his voice box. “He's going.... To be in.... Charge.... For a while.... Be good.” His eyes closed again. It wasn't hard to tell that he was in so much pain.
The tears came streaming down Millie's cheeks. She knew what was next. The next flashback played. It wasn't long later. James and her had walked down the stairs. She ran over to her father.
“Daddy, wake up,” she said, crying.
He kind of opened his eyes as he took the child's hand. He was laying on the couch. He knew that he wasn't going to make it, but he didn't want to tell his young daughter that. He faked a smile, because he didn't want to see her cry. “Millie, if something happens to me and your mom.... You're in charged of the pack....”
“Don't speak like that, daddy.” She wanted to believe that everything was going to be alright. That her mommy and daddy would wake up and get better. She didn't want to hear the word if. If meant that they wouldn't make it. She may not have knew much, but she knew from the way her father said the words If something happens it wouldn't be long and if would soon become when. It was too much for the child.
“Don't worry about us, though.... We'll be alright.” He looked up at the ceiling and his eyes closed. He had gone into a deep sleep, which he would never wake up from.
Young Millie felt the coldness in his dead hand as it started to freeze as if he was ice from the freezer. “No.... Daddy, wake up.”
James knew that Millie didn't understand what had just happened, but he knew that his brother and sister-in-law had taken their last breaths. He hadn't told Millie that Kelsey had died a few minutes earlier. Some how, Charlie, had lived a little longer so he could have a chance to tell Millie about her taking his place. It was the one thing he wanted to do before he was gone.
“Millie,” a motherly voice had said. It was a sweet voice, one which she knew from her past, which brought warmth into Millie's heart.
Millie looked up as the flashback ended to see her dead parents. They were as bright as day. She squinted to look at them. They were humans and no one could tell that when they were alive they were cursed to roam as werewolves. “Mom? Dad?” she asked. The tears came back.
Kelsey and Charlie smiled as they looked upon their daughter.
“You two look like angels.” She was amazed and couldn't believe her eyes.
“Well, when we died, we were blessed with new bodies,” Kelsey replied, keeping her smile.
“That's right and because we're Christians,” Charlie agreed, “and we know the truth about how God sent his only son to earth to die for our sins and we accepted Christ into our lives, we live in heaven.”
“Why did you two have to go? Why did you two have to die because of those evil humans?” Millie asked, tears were streaming down her cheeks.
“Millie, don't be so hard on yourself.... We know that you blame yourself, but you were young and it wasn't your fault.”
Millie did blame herself for the death of her parents because she couldn't help them, but she made sure that the humans and James had the blame as well. “But....”
“Don't worry,” her father smiled, “we're here to warn you.” Charlie lost his smile. “Vickey's looking to continue what she started with us. If you don't stop her, then the pack and all of the others are doomed.”
Millie's eyes kind of closed. She knew that Vickey had shown up for a reason.
Kyle stood against a tree and watched as Millie talked to her parents. It would give them some quality time that Millie needed with her parents even though they were dead. It wouldn't be right for him to ruin the moment. If he were a human, he would of thought that Millie was crazy because she was talking to herself, but because he was another wolf, he could see the spirits as well. He listened as they talked and waited for the right moment to jump in.
“We'll stop her,” he said.
Millie turned to see Kyle. For the moment she spent talking to her deceased parents, she hadn't even sense that he was there.
“We know what needs to be done and how to stop her.... We'll deal with her and Christina, but Vickey can wait.”
“I don't think so,” Charlie answered. “You might need to deal with them at the same time.”
“What's that suppose to mean?” Millie asked.
“Wait for the double moon,” Kelsey told her. “There's always two sides for everything.”
Kelsey and Charlie slowly disappeared. The light vanished and darkness appeared. Millie thought about what her parents had told her. She was confused. She looked up into the sky and seen that the moon wasn't there. She knew what the double moon was. The double moon was half there and half gone. She couldn't understand why her mother would say something like that.
Kyle pushed himself off of the tree and walked over to Millie. He placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him.
“I don't understand,” she told him.
“You'll figure it out. We need to get home. James is going to kill you.”
“I don't care about him.”
“Well, everyone else is probably wondering where we are. Come on.”
Kyle helped Millie make her way through the grave yard. They were walking into the town to get to the woods. Everything looked peaceful and the town was quiet, expect for the crickets. It was kind of strange that the crickets were out during the winter, but it wasn't something to worry about. The streetlights were the only lights that were on.

They walked into the woods, when they heard a couple of humans walking into their home. Millie stopped in her tracks. “Do you hear that?”
“Yea,” Kyle answered. “It don't sound good.”
“I think that one of the stories that I told Vickey is happening. Let's go stop them.”
They didn't know what was going on, but they knew that it was something that would make a mother's heart race.

Unspeakable Cruelties

Millie and Kyle hid in the bushes as they watched a forty-year-old man with a young six-year-old girl walk into the area. The sight angered both wolves.
“I knew it. Humans are idiots. We need to get out there and stop that evil human. Humans make me so mad,” Millie told Kyle.
“Come here, little girl,” the sick grown man said.
“Gladly,” Millie said as she jumped in between the man and the child.
The man was shocked but then smiled at Millie because he had a child and a teenage girl for his evil plan.
Kyle walked out from behind the bushes. He stood next to the child.
The man stopped smiling because he had a teenage boy to deal with and he didn't want to do what he was planning on the boy.
The little girl looked at Kyle and Millie. She knew what they were and why they were there because she was told about them, but didn't think that they existed. Millie and Kyle didn't know that the little girl's parents considered the werewolves to be the heroes and heroines. The little girl knew that they were the heroes of the woods and the guardians of the town.
The man, on the other hand, was new to the town. He didn't know anything about the werewolves and had no idea that the two teens weren't humans and that they didn't stand for humans breaking the law.
“So, you came into the woods with a....” Millie turned her attention to the child and then to the man. “Child?”
“She's my.... Niece,” the man lied.
Millie could tell by the man's voice that he was lying. “I don't believe you.” She looked at him. She was serious as she spoke. “You can tell me whatever you want, but I don't believe you.”
The man laughed.
“You're a forty-year-old man and you plan on doing something unspeakable to this....” Millie looked at the child again and then back to the man. “A baby.” She pointed to the child, ticked off at the man. “You plan to kill her after that.”
“What are you going to do? Call the cops?” the man asked.
“No.... Did you see those signs that are posted up that warns you humans not to come into the woods? Oh.... Wait.... you humans are so dumb that you can't read.”
The man was now mad and confused. He had no idea that Millie or Kyle could tear him to strains if they decided to. “What are you talking about? You're a human as well young lady.”
Millie and Kyle locked eyes. “It seems that this man don't know that we're not humans,” Millie told Kyle as if the man hadn't said anything.
“I agree.”
Millie looked back at the ugly, old man. “Try and straggle me.”
The man was confused but he held out a hand as he made his way to Millie. He only needed one hand to snap her neck and leave her for dead. His hand was almost to Millie's neck, when Millie's right hand grabbed his arm and stopped him.
Her nails dug into his arm drawing blood. “So close,” Millie told him in mocking words. “Me and Kyle over there aren't humans.... We're real, live, werewolves.” She smiled. “And you're trespassing in our woods.” She lost her smile and started growling. “You brought a baby into our woods to ra.... To do something unspeakable to her then to kill her.... You don't come onto my territory and try to do something terrible.... I could break your arm, but I'm not.” She threw the man into a tree. She threw him into the tree hard enough to knock some sense into him. “I want you to go and turn yourself in to the cops or I will throw you into a brick wall hard enough to where you wish that you were dead.”
The man could see that Millie wasn't joking, when she started walking toward him.
Kyle stayed next to the child.
The man stood up and started walking away from them.
“Leave and don't ever come back,” Millie threatened the man.
The man tried to run away but he tripped over a branch.
Millie watched as the man vanished into the dark, snowy woods. The little girl ran over to her and surprised Millie by hugging her.
“Thank you,” the little girl said in a sweet voice.
Millie looked down at the human child. She didn't realize that there were humans who actually really cared and thanked the wolves for the protection that they were there for. Millie's heart was torn into a million different pieces because of the humans. She didn't know how to react toward the human child. She almost was going to cry but held back the tears.
“You two are two of the heroes of the woods and two of the guardians of the town.... My parents were right.”
Kyle was as shocked as Millie. Neither of them knew that there were humans outside of the ones they had known who had shown them kindness. The child had known about them as heroes and not as monsters.
“We need to get you home,” Kyle told the little girl, breaking out of the shock.

James was getting frustrated because he couldn't find his headstrong, stubborn niece anywhere. Kat and Champ had made things worst for James. "Okay. I don't need to deal with you right now,” James said, pointing to Kat.
“What did I do to you?” Kat asked.
“Well, for one you're alive....”
Kat's mouth dropped. She was now starting to get angry. She went to say something but Champ stopped her.
“James.... I know that you don't approve of me and her dating, and I understand that you don't like Kat, but like I tell Millie, please try and get along with her.” Champ was the peace maker. He didn't want to deal with the fighting especially with the other wolves and his girlfriend. He did his best to reason with James.
“Don't speak.... You shouldn't be in the pack anymore.” James turned his attention back to the cat and to show her that he meant what he said to her, he spit on her.
Kat was ticked off. “I can't believe that you would do something that cruel to someone.”
“What was that, a challenge?” James asked.
Kat was about ready to attack the old wolf but Champ held her back. “Let me attack him.”
“He will kill you. I don't want anything to happen to you. I love you too much to let him harm you.”
Kat relaxed at Champ's words. “I love you too.”

Stina was in the kitchen. She watched Lacy bake some cookies. “So, why can't I use the oven again?”
Lacy looked at Stina. She couldn't believe why Stina would even ask that. “Because the house burnt down.”
“Oh yea,” Stina said, smiling. “What happened to the house again?”
Lacy looked at Stina again. She couldn't believe how Stina had short-term memory lost, when her memory was fine.
Someone knocked on the door.
“Stina, will you go answer the door?”
“Yea.” Stina started to say, but stopped at a mirror. “Hey, a mirror.”
“Stina, go and answer the door.”

Is Millie a Good Leader?

Stina opened the door and found Lee standing outside with a bunch of red and white roses. “Is Lacy here?” Lee asked. He was dressed nicely with his hair slicked back.
“Yea. Come on in. I'll be right back.” Stina turned around as Lee walked in and closed the door. She started to head toward the kitchen. “HEY, LACY! YOU'RE BOYFRIEND'S HERE!” She called to her cousin.

Millie and Kyle were almost to the cottage when they heard someone following them. They stopped and Millie didn't have to ask who it was, she figured it out. “Well, you found me,” she said, sarcasm in her tone.
“I can't keep an eye on you if you sneak away from me,” James told her in a stern voice.
Millie rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”
“James, go easy on her,” Champ said. He had left Kat in the city because he needed to talk to James about how he should treat Kat. “She's had a hard life.”
“You need to shut up.... You may not be dead to the pack, but you are to me.... And you, Millie, why would you let a wolf from your pack date another creature.... Especially a cat shape-shifter.”
“He's in love with her.... Something that you'll never understand.... And besides, you're staying out in the cold anyways, so why don't you mind your own business.” Millie hated having someone to answer to. She didn't like having to ask for permission to do things. The only person who she answered to was herself.
“What did you just tell me?” James asked.
“Come on, Kyle and Champ.” Millie walked away from James and the two young wolf men followed behind her. James was ticked off by Millie's behavior. She went way to far this time.

Kat was almost home when she ran into Christina. They glared at each other. “I'm not going to betray the wolves again.”
“I figured that, but I've got someone else to help me instead.”
“Who did you trick this time?”
“Just an old enemy of theirs. Someone who I can destroy after I'm done using her.” Christina looked at her watch. “I'm ready to go.... It's getting late and I don't like talking to cat shape-shifters. It's bad luck.” She left Kat just standing there.
“I have to warn the wolves,” Kat told herself.

Lacy had placed the flowers which Lee had given her into a vase with water. She walked into the living room and sat down next to her boyfriend. Lee placed his arm around her and they waited for Stina to put in the movie.

Millie, Champ, Kyle and James had walked into the house. “Kyle, Champ, you two can go to your rooms,” Millie told them.
“Okay,” they said. They both left the room.
Millie headed to the kitchen. James followed her. He needed to fix the broken relationship that he had with his niece whether she wanted to or not.
“Millie, look I know that you hate me, but there's....”
“I don't care.” Millie opened the refrigerator and grabbed a water bottle. “You don't care about us, so I don't care about you. I care about my pack and what's best for my pack.” She looked at James. “I don't care what you do to me.... I don't care if you let me stay as the leader of my pack.... I don't care if you remove me from being the leader and exchange me for someone else.” She closed the door. “Just don't do anything until you talk to my pack. Let them tell you if I should stay a leader or not....”

Lacy had walked into the dinning room and heard everything that Millie was saying. She hid behind the wall so that way James and Millie didn't know that she was listening.

“Talk to Lacy, talk to Kyle, talk to Champ and listen to them, especially Champ because I know that you don't approve of him dating a cat shape-shifter.... I don't approve of him dating her either, but I deal with it.... I despise her, but he loves her and as much as I don't like to say it or believe it, but she loves him too. Now, if you excuse me, I have a human to yell at.” Millie left the room.
James bent over the counter. Lacy walked into the room. She walked over and placed a bag of popcorn into the microwave.
“Lacy?” James asked.
The young wolf froze. She was afraid to move. She thought that she was in trouble for something. She started to freak out. “Look.... Yes, I'm dating a human, but he's sweet and kind.... And.... And don't be mad.” Lacy actually broke down into tears.
James looked at the young wolf. He never had any children and to see Lacy brake down into tears really bothered him. “No.... It's not that and you're aloud to date a human....”
Lacy calmed down, while she wiped the tears.
“It's about Millie.”
“Oh. I heard you two talking and you might think that she's a bad leader, but she's not. She does what's best for us, not her. She didn't change the lycan code because she wanted to.... She actually changed the code because we figured that it needed to be changed. It was older than us and I believe that because it was two centuries old. The code needed to be changed to fit this century.” Lacy had to take a breath. “I think that it was a good idea to change the code.... You know.... I didn't agree with Champ dating Kat, but now I think that they make a good couple and they really care about each other....” She looked over at James. “You shouldn't judge them. Looks can be deceiving. Remember, you were in love with a human, who betrayed you, so you should be the last to judge.”

Millie walked into the living room, ticked off. Her eyes glared at Lee. “What are you doing here?”
Lee swallowed. “Lacy invited me over to watch a movie.... She knows how my parents will disapprove of me dating a wolf if they found out, so we decided to watch a movie here.” Millie scared him out of the whole pack. He knew that Millie could kill him if she had a chance. He knew that Millie and Lacy were like sisters, and if something happened to one, the other was there for back up.
Millie went to grab Lee's collar, when Lacy walked in. “No, Millie. He didn't do anything to you, so leave him alone.”
“Fine. I'm going to my room then.” Millie backed away from Lee and left the room.

Doing a Human's Job

Millie's claws started to form. She was finally at the earliest stage of the transformation which meant that for now on after every new moon, she was going to start transforming no matter how old she was. “That wolf thinks that he can control me,” she said as she sat up on her bed. “No one can control me.... He can't tell me what to do....” She stood up and walked over to her dresser. She looked into the mirror which was now in her room. She didn't know who had put it in there but she wasn't worried about it. She looked at her reflection and thought about what her mother had said. “There's two sides to one story....” she told herself. “There's two sides to everyone.”

Christina walked into a dark brown, brand new looking house. “I'M HERE!” she called.
Vickey walked into the room. She had walked out from the kitchen. “Good. Come with me into the living room. We can talk about what we're going to do with the wolf pack.”
“Of course.”

“Champ,” James said as he walked out onto the porch.
Champ looked over at him. He was amazed that James was actually talking to him.
James took a deep breath. “Forgive me.... You can.... Date Kat. I don't approve of it, but if you care about her that much to be willing to be kicked out of the pack, then you should be able to keep dating her. I was acting like a jerk to the both of you. I was judging you two when I shouldn't have. I'm sorry.”
Champ was still amazed. He smiled. “Thanks, man,” he said, with forgiveness in his voice.
“I'll try to be nicer to Kat.... I didn't say I will.... I just said I'll try.”
“That's good enough for me.”
“What kind of leader do you think Millie is?”
Champ was surprised by James's question. He didn't know what that had to deal with anything, but he figured that it was probably something that was important. “Well,” he said, “whether you think so or not.... Millie's a good leader.... She does what she believes is good for the pack. She won't do something if it's good for her.... She'll do something if it's good for the pack.... You might not of noticed, but she's a lot like you.... She's headstrong and knows what she wants. She knows when she makes mistakes and she'll fix them. Millie is a good, strong leader whether you believe it or not.”
Millie walked out of the house and walked off of the porch. She ignored James and Champ.
“And where are you going?” James asked.
Millie stopped. “I don't have to answer to you.”
“Actually, until I leave, you do.”
“No, I don't.”
“Yes, you do.”
“No, I don't.”
“Yes, you do.”
Millie rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She started to walk away.
James was mad. He ran in front of Millie. “I'm going with you.”
“Now, where are we going?”
“I'm going to visit Tom and Jane.” Millie really didn't want James to go with her. She wanted to go alone. She just wanted to be alone.

When Millie and James were in the town, James was talking to Millie, but she just ignored him. She didn't want to be anywhere near him. A man ran into them. Millie recognized him from the night before. She may not of been able to see what he had looked like in the dark woods, but she remembered his scent.
“YOU AGAIN?!” Millie was mad. She wasn't expecting to see this man at all. “I told you to go to jail. Why haven't you gone? Do I have to do everything myself?”
“I did....” the man replied. He was actually afraid of the girl. He didn't want her to do anything to him. “I was there and I told them the story and they just laughed at me.... PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!” the man cried.
Millie's lip curled. She had to tell those dumb cops to lock that man up. They knew Millie and her pack. They knew that they were really werewolves. So, why were they laughing at this stupid man?
James was confused. Millie or Kyle hadn't told him about the man and what he had planned to do. “What's going on?”
Millie grabbed the human's shirt collar and dragged him. “I'm going to talk to those cops.... No wonder why the economy is so bad.... The law enforcers aren't doing their jobs.... They let kidnappers, bank-robbers, and other trouble makers go so they can roam free and take the money from the ones who deserve it. Cops are so dumb. Now, I have to go and tell them how to do their jobs.” She was ticked off. “I wasn't planning on going to the police station today.”

Millie dragged the man to the local police station. James wasn't far behind. He had followed them to the police station. He noticed that there were a lot of cop cars lined up in the parking lot in front of the police station. There were only two cop cars missing.

They walked into the police station, although Millie stomped. She dragged the guy to a cop, who was sitting behind the front desk. She dropped the guy on the ground and slammed her claws on top of the desk to get the cop's attention. The cop looked up from his desk, into the eyes of the angry wolf. “This man,” Millie said, pointing to the bum, who was on the ground, “almost took an innocent child's life last night in the woods.... My woods. Me and one of my pack members stopped him.” She grabbed his arm to reveal the bruises which she had left. “I dug my nails into his skin so I could show him that I wasn't afraid of him.” She was starting to grow angrier. “I told him, before I threw him, to come to the police station, because he didn't want me to attack him again.... He comes here....”
All the cops in the station stopped what they were doing and looked over at Millie, who was now ticked off.
“He tells you what happened and instead of locking him up.... YOU JUST LAUGH AT HIM AND LET HIM GO!!!”
Millie had all of the cops shaking in their boots. They feared Millie out of all of the wolves. They knew that she was the pack leader and she had shown it in her attitude.
“You cops let crimes go unless your out there in front of the people. You cops act like you're above the law. You're not above the law. You are the law. You're suppose to enforce the law, but you don't unless it's convenient for you. I have to come here and tell you cops.... You humans how to do your jobs.... This isn't my job.... My job is to be the leader of my pack and to make sure that nothing happens to my bookstore.... My father's bookstore. Now, you will put this child molester behind bars.... Or I will lock all of you cops up in the same cell.... I'll take the key.... Throw it into the dumpster and none of you will be able to get out.... Lucky for you all, I can't and won't harm humans unless they're a threat, like this human laying on the ground right now.... Lock him up.”
The cop moved from behind the desk. He made his way over to the guy. He helped the man get up off of the hard tile floor and walked him over to a cell and locked him up. He made his way back to the desk.
Millie kept an eye on him the whole time. “There.... That wasn't so hard now, was it?”
The cop shook his head. He was afraid to say anything to the two wolves.
“Come on, James, let's go.”
James was amazed at how Millie had talked to those humans. She may of lost her temper, but she didn't harm any of them, like she had done with Vickey. It was as if they were the dogs and she was the master.

Lies & the Truth

Millie stormed out of the police station, angry. James followed. He was amazed by how Millie had handled the situation. “You have the police trained like a dog,” he told Millie.
Millie was so angry with the cops that she didn't hear what James had said.
“I bet that if you told them to jump, they would ask how high. How did you do that?”
Millie still ignored him. She checked to make sure that it was safe to cross, when a young six-year-old girl ran up to her and gave her a big hug. She looked down at the little, blonde, sweet girl. She recognized the lime scent that the little girl had smelled like the night before.
James couldn't believe what he was seeing. He watched a blonde, blue-eyes, 27-year-old woman walk up.
“MOMMY!!!” the child shouted with excitement. She broke out of the hug and grabbed Millie's left arm and dragged her to the 27-year-old woman. “This is the other wolf.... She's the one who actually threw the mean man into the trees.”
Millie wasn't expecting to get any credit for saving the child's life. She didn't think that the child would even remember.
The woman ran over to Millie and out of nowhere Millie found herself in a hug of a crying, human mother. “Oh.... Thank you.... Thank you....” The woman let go of Millie. “Me and my husband were so worried about her last night and we prayed to God to keep her safe and He did.... You and that pack member of yours protected our little girl. You wolves are our guardians....”
Millie wanted to cry. “We're not guardians.... We're monsters....”
The woman looked into Millie's eyes. “You listen to me.... You're not monsters.... God gave you this gift to protect us.... God works in mysterious ways....”
“It's a curse....”
“It's not a curse....” the woman insisted. “God gave you a gift and don't you ever forget that.” The woman grabbed her little girl's hand and walked away. “THANK YOU AGAIN!” she called back to Millie, then her and her daughter vanished.
“What happened last night?” James asked.
“Nothing that you would care about. Now, let's go.... I told Tom that I was going to be there before it was to late.”

Millie and James finally arrived at Tom and Jane's. They stood on the porch and Millie knocked on the door. Jane opened the door with a smile. “Millie, how are you?” she asked.
“I'm good,” Millie replied. “Can we come in?”
“We?” Jane didn't realized that James was standing there until Millie had said something. “Oh my gosh.” She gave James a hug. “It's good to see you again.”
“It's good to see you again too, Jane,” James replied. “How's Tom?”
“Oh. He's doing good. As a matter of fact, he just got home from work. I'll go get him, and yes, Millie, you two can come in.”
Millie and James walked in as Jane went to go get Tom. Millie closed the door and walked into the living room. She noticed a picture of the church where they had the open casket for her parents. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she was standing inside of a church. She turned around and seen herself as a child again, but this time the child was crying and standing in between two caskets. Her parents were in each one. The caskets which their bodies were in were black and their bodies were in nice outfits which hid the bruises. They looked peaceful. They looked as if they were porcelain-dolls.
Tom walked over to Young Millie and bent down to see eye to eye with the child. “I'm so sorry about what happened.... I wish I could do something to help you and your pack.... Millie, your father was like a brother to me....”
Millie placed her little arms around Tom's neck. Tom hugged the child and let her cry into his sleeve.
“Your parents didn't deserve to leave the world this way.”
Millie broke out of the hug and walked away. She went to see who all recorded their names into the guest book. Everyone who was there had filled out their names. There was one name which was missing. Every wolf who they had known was there except for one. She grabbed the book and carried it all over the place, looking for the wolf.
“I understand. Bye.” Tom hung up the phone.
“Who was that?” Jane asked. She walked over to her husband and gave him a hug because she could tell that he was stressed out.
Neither of them noticed that Millie was standing in the doorway, holding the big book.
“That was James.” Tom looked over at his wife. “He said that he couldn't make it....”
The news made Millie mad. She threw the book at a desk.
Jane and Tom looked over at Millie. They could see that she was angry and hurt. Tom took a step toward her. “Millie---”
She ran out of the room before Tom could finish what he was saying.
Millie forced herself to brake out of the flashback. “That's why you have to be careful who you trust,” she told herself.

Tom walked into the hallway and smiled. “Hello, James,” he said. “It's good to see you again.”
“Yea..... Same for you. So, you never told Millie the real reason why I wasn't at the funeral?”
“Never had a chance. She ran out of the room before I could tell her and now she won't listen. She's furious with you.”
“I know.... She'd rather deal with a cat shape-shifter than be seen with me.” James looked at the floor. “Can you, please, try and tell her right now?” he asked, looking back at Tom. “I think that you and your wife are the only two humans that she actually has no problem with.”
“Yea. I'll talk to her. Where is she?” Tom asked, looking around.
“In your living room.”

Millie had her claws covering her eyes to try and block out the memory. She felt the anger and hurt from that day come back.
Tom walked into the room. He could tell that she was hurting. He didn't think that telling her the truth was going to help. “You know.... James didn't show up to the funeral because....”
“He hated my father and he was glad that he was dead.” Millie turned to face Tom. She wiped the tears off of her cheek.
“No.... No.... Do you honestly believe that?”
Tom shook his head. “He didn't hate your father and he wasn't glad that he was dead.... That's so far from the truth.” He walked over and sat down on his couch. “He wasn't at the funeral because he felt guilty. He was mad at himself because he was so blind that he couldn't sense that Vickey didn't really care about him. She used him to get to your mother and father.” He stood up and walked over to Millie.
“He could of still been there.”
“Millie, he felt that if he went then he would of still just blamed himself.... He felt guilty and going to the funeral would of just made things worst for him.”
Millie believed what Tom was telling her and she knew that he was telling the truth, but she didn't want to believe him. The anger came back and she left the room.

Millie stormed into the hallway where James stood by the door. She didn't bother to look at him. “Is it true?”
“Is what true?” James asked. He knew what the answer was, but he wanted Millie to ask again.
“Is it true? Is it true that you felt guilty for my parents' deaths and that's why you weren't at their funerals?”
“Yes.... It's true.”
Millie wanted to cry. “Good.... Because it was your fault,” she said, looking up at him.
James didn't say anything. He was shocked, because even though Millie knew the truth, she still blamed him. He just stood there as she walked out of the door.


Kat couldn't believe what Christina had told her. She walked to the cottage. She hoped that James wasn't there or that he didn't answer the door because he treated her worst than Millie did and she didn't want to deal with him.

Kat had arrived at the cottage and knocked on the door. She waited a few minutes before knocking again. She went to knock again when the door opened and James stood in front of her. “Oh crap,” she said to herself.
“It's okay,” James reassured Kat. “I don't believe that you and Champ should be dating, but I'll deal with it.... And as for spitting on you.... I won't do that again.”
Kat was shocked by James's attitude. One minute he hated her, the next her was showing her kindness.
“Champ's not here by the way. He went to the store. He'll be back later.”
“Okay, but I came here to warn you guys.”
“Well, tell them later. I've got something that I have to do.”
Kat left the porch. James waited a little before he left the house.

Millie walked around the house. She was looking for someone. She went to every room, but didn't find who she was looking for. Her last stop was in the living room. Wagner and Kyle were sitting on the couch watching television. Shawn sat in a chair and Stina laid on the floor, looking up at the TV with her hands holding up her head. They were watching a show that had to deal with their wolf counterparts. Kyle and Shawn had turned their attention to Millie.
“What are you doing, Mill?” Kyle asked.
“I'm looking for James. I can't find that old wolf anywhere.”
“Why are you looking for him? You despise him anyways.”
“I have to talk to him about something.”
“He didn't happen to tell you where he was going, did he?”
“Nope,” Kyle replied. He looked over at Shawn. “Did he tell you?”
“Nope. He didn't say anything to me,” Shawn answered.
“Okay.” Millie left the room. She had to talk to her no good uncle. She had to solve this problem, but she had to talk to him. It was funny how he was around when she didn't want him to be, but when she needed him he was nowhere to be found.
The phone rang.
Millie picked up the phone. “Hello.”

Kat was relieved to get an answer. “Millie.... Look, I'm trying to---”

“No. I don't care okay.”

“But, Millie....” Kat couldn't believe what just happened. “Hello.... Hello.... Hello....” She heard the dial tone. “Crap.”

Millie kept her hand on the phone. She was mad and she had to cool off. James had ticked her off by not being at the house.
Lacy walked into the hallway with a basket filled with dirty clothes. “Who was that?”
“One of those stupid credit card companies.”
Millie removed her hand away from the phone and started heading for the door. “Do you know where James went?”
Millie went toward the door.
“I have to talk to him about something.”
“About what?”
Millie stopped and turned her head toward a wall. “Nothing you need to worry about.”
Champ walked out of the store, when Jean pulled up. “Hey, Champ. Do you need a ride?” Jean asked. She was leaving the plaza anyways and was heading home.
“Okay. Let me park the car.” Jean pulled in and parked the car. She stepped out and unlocked the trunk. When the trunk was open, she helped Champ load the groceries into the car.
“Thanks, Jean.”
“Oh,” Jean said as she closed the trunk, “no problem. I was heading that way anyways and I haven't seen any of you wolves in a few weeks.”

Millie followed James's scent and she was shocked where his scent had led her. She looked around. James's scent had brought her to her parents' graves. She stopped by one of the trees. She didn't want to say anything, and even if she did, nothing would come out. That's how shocked she was.
James sat next to the graves. “I'm sorry, Charlie. I had no clue, no idea, that Vickey would do something like this.” He wanted to cry so bad, but he couldn't. He could feel Millie's presents. “You and Kelsey should of lived and I should have been the one who died. You two did nothing wrong....”
Millie heard everything that James was saying. She could tell that he met every word of it. She wanted to cry because James's words were sad and sweet.
“I'm sorry. I wish that I could have been able to tell that Vickey was evil. I was blinded. I was in love and I thought that she loved me, but I was wrong. I was so wrong. I was blinded by love.”
Millie had to hold back tears. She didn't realize that James wasn't as bad as she thought. The sight of James sitting next to his brother's grave was shocking to her. She wanted to cry but she didn't want her uncle to see that she was starting to feel bad for him and she regretted being rude to him.
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You were my brother and we were close. We told each other everything. You weren't only my brother but one of my best friends. I feel guilty for what had happened. I blame myself. I feel like I could of stopped it. I couldn't come to your funeral because of how guilty I felt. I can't even look your children in the eyes and tell them. I messed up big time and now you're gone. It was my mistake and my younger brother had to suffer for it. I'm sorry.”
“That was good. You should've said that at the funeral,” Millie admitted. It was hard for her to admit but she did. “I also....” She looked over at her uncle. She watched him stand up, but he still kept his back to her. The words that she wanted to say were hard for her, but they had to come out. “Forgive you.... I've already forgave you deep down inside, but I didn't want to.”
“I understand.” James turned to face Millie.
“Why are you here?”
James took a breath. “I know that you don't think I come here, but I do. I always come here. I pay my respects to your parents. I've come here since the day of their funeral, but I couldn't go to the actual funerals, and I made up for it by coming here every night.”
Millie really wanted to cry, but she couldn't.

Vickey & Christina Working Together

Millie sat on her bed, just thinking. All that time, she was blaming James for something that wasn't his fault. She had to get rid of all that anger she still had, even though, she had forgiven him already, but how?

Kat knocked on the cottage door. She had to tell the pack the news that she hadn't been able to. Stina had opened the door and let her into the cottage.
“Stina, where is everyone?” Kat asked as she closed the door.
“Oh.... The guys are watching TV in the living room. Millie's upstairs in her room. James is in the kitchen and Lacy went on a date with Lee.”
“Oh, Kat, guess what?”
Kat raised an eyebrow at Stina's excitement. She thought that Stina was the dumbest and craziest wolf in the entire pack, but she was also the funniest one. “Well, I need to talk to the older wolves....”
“Okay.” Stina walked into the living room, while Kat waited in the hallway.
Millie walked downstairs and didn't even notice that Kat was there. Once she was downstairs, she started heading toward the kitchen. There was a glassy look in her eyes as if she were in a daze. She ran into Kyle and snapped into reality.
“Oh sorry, Mill,” Kyle told her. “Hey, Kat needs to tell us something.”
Kyle turned Millie to face the doorway where Kat stood.
Kyle, Millie, Champ, and Shawn all surrounded Kat. They were waiting for Kat to say something.
“What's going on, Kat?” Champ asked.
“Well, Christina has someone working with her to try and stop you all.... I was trying to tell you guys.....”
“Why didn't you tell us before?”
“Well, I tried calling and Millie hung up on me.”
Everyone looked at Millie. She didn't like the pack looking at her without her having a reason for them to look at her. “What?” she asked. So, she hung up on Kat, she didn't like talking to the cat shape-shifter. 
“Anyways, I think that you guys should stop her.”
“You think?” Millie asked. “We don't think, we know. That dog-witch needs to be stopped along with whoever she has working with her.”

Christina laid a calendar in front of Vickey. Vickey was confused. She never used a calendar in any of her evil plans, why should she use one now?
“Look, the half moon is tomorrow and that's what's going to get the wolves to start walking out from hiding....”
“I don't understand....”
“Of course, you humans never understand. If you want to stop a lycan, you need to go in the order of the moon's transformation....”
“A lycan is the scientific term of werewolf....”
“Yea. Now, if you don't go by the transformation of the moon, then you'll get a bad effect....”
“Like what?”
“Well, for you humans, if you get bitten or scratched, then you'll become a lycan. That's something you don't want to do. You follow the transformations and you'll be able to stop the wolves. The one thing you want to do is to get the leader of the pack on your side and then you stop them. You take out one member at a time, but you need to use the leader to do that. The only thing is that Millie is a hard leader to control. She's so headstrong and wants to have freedom. She's not a person that you can trick very easy, so, you have to find her weakness and get her that way....”
“But how?”
“That's the only flaw in my plan.” Christina walked around Vickey and stopped. She turned and looked out of the window. She thought and thought, but she didn't know what they could do. The moon revealed that it was almost a half of the moon. “We'll wait until the double moon.”
“The what moon?” Vickey asked.
“The double moon,” Christina said, turning to face the human. “It's what the wolves call it.”

Jean knocked on the door, when James opened it. Jean was surprised to see an older person answer the door. She was also kind of worried because she didn't know who the man was.
James could sense that Jean was a human and that she had fear. “It's okay. I'm Millie and Shawn's uncle. Come in.”
“Okay.” Jean walked into the house. She made her way through the hall and into the kitchen. James followed her.
“Me and Wagner are the only two here. The teens are out.”
Jean turned to face James. “Where are they?”
“Well, Lacy's on a date, and Millie and Stina went with the guys to find out who's working with that dog-witch.... They need to stop her.”
“Oh.” Jean made her way into the living room and seen Little Wagner sitting on the couch, watching television. “Hey, Wagner.”
The child looked up at her. “Hi, Jean.”
“Can I sit next to you?”
“Yea.” Wagner looked back at the TV, while Jean sat next to him.
“The older ones should be back soon,” James said as he sat in the chair.
Jean looked over at the man. He seemed to be a sweet man, but he had a rough looking outside.
The man's mouth was starting to turn into a snout. His teeth were replaced by fangs and Jean noticed that his hair was hiding his ears. The hair that he had was fur and she could tell that he was definitely Millie and Shawn's uncle with his wolf features. “I'll be right back.” James stood up and left the room.

It was later that night, Millie, Champ, and Kat were hiding out in the darkest ally, they could find. The cold had finally gotten to Kat. Champ was holding her close to him to keep her warm. Millie was sitting on her knees. She had sense that there were foot prints on the ground, even though, it was too dark to see.
“Kat, can your cat-eyes see if there's any foot prints on the ground?” Millie asked as she stood up.
“It's too cold out here to do anything.... You're a dog, why can't you use your nose?” Kat asked.
“It's too dark for me to see and the only way for me to use my nose.... I need to know if....” Millie stopped in the middle of her sentence. There was a noise and Millie heard it. It sounded like people were talking and snow was cracking.
“What is it, Millie?” Champ asked.
Millie didn't answer. She moved toward the opening of the ally and stuck to the wall.
Champ heard the noise and pulled Kat with him next to Millie. He kept his arms around his girlfriend, keeping her warm. His claws were filled with warmth and Kat wasn't freezing because of the warmth from her boyfriend.
“What's going on?” Kat whispered to Champ.
Neither, Millie nor Champ, would tell her what was going on.
The voices grew closer and louder. The scent which came from the people were familiar and both of the wolves knew who they were. One had the scent of a human, while the other had a scent of another creature. They both were recognizable. The human and creature who Millie hated more than anyone else were almost to the ally.
“You did the wrong thing, when you killed Millie's parents....” They heard Christina tell Vickey.
Millie started growling. The growl was low enough for Champ and Kat to hear, but not for Christina and Vickey to hear.
The words from both would go in and out as if they knew that someone was listening but they weren't doing it on purpose. While Christina and Vickey walked past the ally talking, Millie was growing angry, then she heard what they were talking about.
“I think that killing off the pack will be fun,” Vickey laughed. “It'll be good to have Millie watch helplessly as her pack gets killed.”
The villains laughed, devilishly, as they were almost to the other side. The laughter made Millie even more angry and she went to attack them, but Champ had moved away from Kat and tackled Millie. She struggled to get free, but he didn't want her to attack Christina or Vickey. At least, not without the others.

Christina heard something. She stopped and turned toward the ally. Luckily, it was too dark for her to see anyone or anything.
Vickey stopped and turned to face Christina. “What is it?”
“I thought I heard something.” Christina turned to face Vickey. “Oh well.”

Millie was fighting Champ to let her go. The fact that he was just going to let their enemies get away ticked her off even more. Champ's grip was stronger than she was.
“Stop squirming,” Champ whispered to Millie.
“But they're getting away,” Millie replied as she dug her claws into the snow.
“I'm not going to let you make us look worst than we already are....”
“I don't care anymore.... I'll tear them to pieces.... I'll feed them to the pack.... Dog-witch is the meal and the human is dessert.”
Champ thought about what he was going to say to Millie. He knew what he had to say was going to make Millie really mad at him, but he had to say it. “Millie.... You need to calm down.... Let them go....”
“Let it go.... We'll deal with them.... Just right now.... People think that we're evil already and if you attack them then the humans will think that they were right about us....”
“I don't care.... I don't care anymore....”
Champ stood up, holding onto Millie. He was about to tell Millie a lie. He knew that it was going to tick her off, but he needed her to release her anger out on him. “You're father was the worst leader that the pack had. I'm glad that he's dead.”
Millie's anger shifted from Christina and Vickey to Champ. She couldn't believe that he would say that. “Take that back.”


Millie started growling at Champ. She attacked him. Champ didn't fight back. He just folded his arms and let Millie throw her pouches at him. She would scratch him, pouch him, and kick him. Everything she did, didn't hurt him. They just felt like little bug bites. He smiled because he wanted her to get her anger out and it was working.
Kat was also mad at Champ. Even though, her and Millie didn't get along, she didn't think that Champ should of said those things. It wasn't right. It wasn't him. Why would he say those things? “Champ, that was really rude.... Why would....”
Champ looked at her, still smiling, and winked at her. He was letting her know that he wanted Millie to attack him.
Kat was confused. She didn't understand why he wanted Millie to attack him?
Eventually, Millie grew tired. She was still angry, but she was worn out. The tears started falling. “That's not true. Why would you say those things? My father was the best leader that the pack had. I should have been the one to suffer instead of him and my mother. Why would you say those things? After he treated you like his son, when your dad died.... Him and my mother adopted you, after your mother pasted. How could you say those things?”
“I know.... Come here.” He hugged Millie. “I know.... I just had to get you to release your anger.... Your father was a good leader for the pack, but you're also a good leader.... I think that you're a good leader just like he was.... That's why I can't let you ruin your family's name.... He wouldn't want you to attack Vickey.... I told him that before he died that I was going to do what I can to watch over you and Shawn.... That means keeping you from making a big mistake.” He took a breath. “Okay?”
Millie pulled away from Champ. “Okay.” She looked at him. “Thanks.”
“No problem. That's what I'm here for.” Champ moved away and checked to see if Christina and Vickey were gone. The coast was clear.

Kyle and Shawn sat on a bench at a bus stop. They were taking a break from looking for clues. Kyle noticed a phone booth that was standing next to the bus stop. “Hey, Shawn. Do you want to prank call your uncle?” he asked.
Shawn looked at the phone booth. “Yea.”
Kyle pulled out some change, stood up, and walked into the phone booth.

“Are you the only werewolf around your age that's still alive?” Jean asked James. She knew that with dogs, they didn't live longer than their teens in human years, but she didn't know if werewolves were the same.
“No. Actually, there are others my age and older.”
“Wow.” Jean was amazed at James's answer. “Really?”
The phone rang.
“I'll go get that.” Wagner stood up and left the room.

Wagner picked up the phone. “Hello.”


“Hey, Wagner. Put James on.... I'm prank calling him alright,” Kyle told the kid.

“Okay.” Wagner placed the phone on the table and walked back into the living room. “Oh, James. Kyle wants you.... He said that he's prank calling you.” The kid thought about what he just said. “I don't think that I was suppose to tell you that.”
James stood up and walked into the other room. He picked the phone up and decided to play along. “Hello.”
“Oh. Congratulations, you've just won a million dollars,” Kyle's voice said.
“I did,” James said, acting amazed. “So, Kyle, are you going to bring me my money?” Then he hung up.

Kyle couldn't say anything. He was shocked. The plan for prank calling James didn't work.
Shawn couldn't help but laugh at Kyle's expression. “What happen?”
“He knew it was me, man.”
“Wagner told him. That's why you don't tell the kid.” Shawn moved over to the phone and picked it up. “Watch the pro.” He put in the coins and then listened as the phone rang.

The phone started ringing again. This time James was already at the phone, so, he went ahead and answered it. “Hello.”

“Excuse me, sir,” Shawn said, making his voice deeper, so that way, James wouldn't know that it was him, “I know what you did and the police are on their way. Well, bye.”

James raised an eyebrow in confusion. He didn't do anything that would have the police show up. He figured it was a prank so he just ignored it.

How to Persuade Millie

Champ carried Kat on his back as him and Millie followed Vickey and Christina's scent. They made their way to an old, abandon warehouse. The building was falling apart and needed to be condemned.
“They're here,” Millie said.
The two big doors, which were the entrance to the building, were closed. They had to sneak in but how? If they walked in, then Vickey and Christina would know that they were there.
“We need to get in,” Champ said.
“We should climb in the vents,” Millie said, sarcastically.
“We're too big to do that,” Kat stated. “It's not like we're in a movie.”
Millie eyed Kat. “I was using sarcasm. You dumb cat.”
Kat was mad. “I'm not dumb.... You over grown mutt.”
Millie started growling. “You're just as evil as the two in there.”
The two girls almost started fighting, but Champ pushed them away from each other.
“Girls,” he said, taking turns looking at both of them, “stop. Look, I need the two of you to get along. We need to find out what Christina and Vickey are planning or we're all dead. Got it?”
“Yea,” Kat answered.
Millie didn't reply. She wanted to attack Kat.
“MILLIE?!” Champ exclaimed.
“Fine.... I got it.” Millie turned her attention to Kat. “But, if your girlfriend says one thing to me, then she's dead.”
Champ had found a dumpster, which was next to a window on the side of the warehouse. The two girls followed him. He climbed on top of the dumpster.
“You have to be kidding me.... We have to climb a dumpster?” Kat asked.
“What? You afraid of getting dirty?” Millie asked. “You're a cat, and cats climb into dumpsters all the time.... One of your family members are probably shopping in there right now.”
“That's not.... Oh, forget it.... You're horrible.”
Millie started to climb the dumpster and Champ helped her up. When Kat started to climb, Champ grabbed her arms and pulled her up.
Millie had already made her way up to the window. The window was dusty and it was dark inside of the warehouse, which made it hard to see what was going on. She started to check to see if the window was unlocked, and luckily, for them it was.
Champ and Kat made their way over to Millie. They waited for her to move.
“Can we get in?” Champ asked.
“Yea, but there's guard dogs....”
“We need to distract them.”
“I know.... Why don't your girlfriend transform into a cat and we could throw her in.... Dogs favorite food is cat meat.”
Kat dropped her mouth, mad.
“What? I was just joking.” Millie turned her head. “No I wasn't,” she whispered to herself.
Champ raised an eyebrow. He heard Millie and his expression had shown it.
“Fine.... I'll go.... Dogs love me anyways.” Millie slowly opened the window and made her way inside.
There was a dim light which shone in the warehouse. It wasn't bright enough to see the doors, which led to different rooms, in the building, but it was bright enough to see the good size guard dogs.
A guard dog stood a couple of feet away from Millie. He bent down growling at the intruder. He was ready to attack. It was too dark to tell what kind of dog he was, but she could sense that he wasn't small.

Champ and Kat watched from the window. Champ had stayed on the dumpster as he helped Kat up to the window. They were waiting for Millie to tell them that it was safe to enter.

Millie bent down, waiting for the dog to attack. If there were enough light, her and the dog would have had a stare down. Neither of them moved, they were waiting for the other to attack.
Finally, the dog jumped for Millie with his mouth wide open, ready to bite. Millie dodged the attack and hit the dog. She hit him hard enough so he wouldn't do that again, but not too hard to where she would injure the dog. Millie stood up and faced the dog. He was shaking with his tail between his legs and his head bent down. He whimpered as if to say sorry and that he was a bad boy.
“I don't usually do that to our kind, but you gave me no choice.” Millie walked over to the dog and started petting him. She noticed that the poor dog was wearing a collar. It wasn't just any kind of collar. It was a shock collar. That made Millie mad. “You need a good home.... Christina is mean to you....” She broke the collar off of the dog. “You're free, my friend,” she told the dog. The dog started licking her as if he were thanking her for freeing him.

“Come on, let's go,” Champ told Kat as he climbed up to the window and made his way into the building.
Kat followed.

Once Champ and Kat were inside, both of them made their way toward Millie and the dog. Millie stood up and turned to face them. She held the collar in her hand and clenched it. “All the dogs in here have shock collars on.... More reason to kill Christina.”
“Not yet,” Champ told her to keep her anger from exploding. “Wait.... 'Til we have the rest of the pack with us.”
“Fine.... But she's dead.”
They heard Christina talking. Her voice had filled the air. It was hard for them to understand what was being said, but they made their way through the dim room until they came to a door which was cracked open and they could see a bright light. They all looked into the room, trying not to be seen. They seen Christina sitting on a table, filing her nails, while Vickey looked out of the window.
“I want to get a dog with rabies,” Christina said.
“Why? Dogs are dangerous when they have rabies,” Vickey replied.
“Only to you humans.... I can tame a rabid dog as well as a normal dog.... I have a dog whistle and they work on any kind of dogs.... Small dogs.... Big dogs.... Young dogs.... Old dogs.... Healthy dogs.... Sick dogs.... Smart dogs.... Dumb dogs.... Funny dogs.... Boring dogs.... My favorite.... Lycanthropes....”
“Okay.... Then why do you want a rabid dog?”
“How else do you think we're going to get Millie to betray her pack? By persuading her with Scooby Snacks?”
“You think it will work?”
“Of course, all it takes is one bite from the rabid dog, and Millie's on our side.”
Millie started growling. Champ had to keep Millie from entering the room. “Let's go and tell the others.”
The two wolves and the cat made their way out. Millie was outraged. She didn't want to be bitten by a rabid dog. They had to stop Christina and Vickey before it was too late.

Actions & Coincidences

A few days had went by. Tom and Jane were walking to the bookstore when they had ran into Vickey. The woman had despised them because of how they would offer to help the wolf pack instead of trying to get rid of them. She folded her arms when she seen them. "What are you two doing here?" she asked, rudely.
"Well," Tom said, "we're on our way to our friends' bookstore." Even though, Vickey was rude, Tom and Jane still showed kindness because they didn't like being rude to anyone.
"Oh. Those stupid mutts. Do you realize how much damage they can do to this town? They're demons."
Tom sighed. "I think that if they wanted to destroy this town then they would have done it along time ago. They're not bad kids, Vickey. They didn't do anything to you."
"How can you say that? They're not like us. They're different from us. How can you let those monsters tell you any different? You're a pastor and you actually listen to them."
"Well, they're not monsters. They're people just like us."
"People just like us? I don't think so." Vickey paused. The anger was starting to show in her eyes. "Do you realize how much damage they can cause?"
"Yes, but they choose to serve and protect. We have more faith in them than we do the police. Besides, God wants us to love all His creatures. They're actually good kids."
"Good kids? I've got bruises, because of Millie...." Vickey revealed the claw marks that Millie had left in her neck. "She had slammed me into a bookshelf in thier bookstore.... Do you realize she could have killed me?"
"Well, you deserved it," Jane blurted out without thinking. When she realized what she realized what she had said, she bit her lip. She shouldn't of said that, but she couldn't help it. In a way, she was glad that Millie had gotten back at her for what she had done to brake their family, but she was the kind of person, who had believed that violence wasn't the answer.
"What did you just say?" Vickey asked, rudely.
"She didn't mean it. Right, honey?" Tom knew what Vickey could do to them and he didn't want a fight to brake out. Now, he did agree with Millie and Jane, but he didn't want to cause any trouble with Vickey.
"Yea. It just slipped. Sorry."
"Whatever." Vickey left. She didn't want to argue with them anymore. The words that they were saying or would say had to deal with God and she didn't like to argue with Christina.
Tom and Jane didn't stay. They continued to walk toward the bookstore. "Can you believe the nerve of that woman?" Jane asked her husband. "Does she realized that Millie's hurt because of what she had done?" she paused. "Millie has anger because of her.... Bruises will heal, but knowing that...." She started to cry. She felt the pain that Millie and them had felt. Of course, it had almost been eleven years since Charlie and Kelsey had been murdered but the pain was still there. "Knowing that people who you were close to are never going to be there because they're gone.... Gone forever.... And you'll never be able to see them again.... That will never go away. It's her fault. She was the one who placed them in that position. She's the reason Millie has anger toward us humans, toward her uncle. We're just about the only two humans that Millie likes."
Tom placed his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. "I know, honey. Some people don't understand how they can have consquences to their actions, and even though, what Millie did was wrong, Vickey deserved it.... Millie was protecting her pack.... Vickey should have been in jail for man slaughter, but the judge was on her side." Once they arrived to the bookstore, he opened the door and let his wife walk in. "Let's see which three of the wolves are here today. It would help us a lot to see one of those good kids."
When they walked up to the counter, Lacy was sitting on the otherside of it. She was playing a card game on the computer.
"Ooo.... A scary game of solatire," Tom joked as he looked at the screen.
Lacy looked up and smiled at them. "Hello, Tom and Jane. How are you?"
"We're doing good. How are you?"
"I'm good." Lacy could sense that Jane had been crying. "What's wrong?"
"We ran into Vickey. She was telling us how evil you all were."
Lacy kind of laughed. "Really?"
"Yea. She hates you wolves."
"I know. Millie, Champ, and Kat found out that she's working with Christina...."
"Yes. They're planning on giving rabies to Millie so she can destroy the pack, then that way it'll be easier for them to kill her. We don't want that to happen. We hope that we can stop them before they stop us and the double moon is almost here.... Then the full moon. We'll be werewolves then and we'll be in trouble.... It would be a lot better if Jock came back.... We could use him. That vampire is pretty much our only hope, but he had to go back to Pennsylvianna.... Can you believe that he's a descent of Count Dracula? Dracula was an actual person.... The ledgen goes that once he started drinking blood, he grew fangs.... I don't understand how that happened but it.... Heck, being a werewolf, I don't really care.... Vampire and werewolves don't really care about each other's history.... I don't even know why vampires can transform into bats."
"I know."
"So, who else is here?"
"Well, Shawn's in back and Stina went to go get something for us to eat. Hopefully, she won't forget."
"Oh." Tom smiled. He felt better being around the wolves than listening to Vickey.



Rabies Might Not Affect a Werewolf

Shawn and Ann were by the river. There was a peaceful comfort which was settled by the flowing water. It took away pain, anger, and hate. The feeling which came from the water was comforting and peaceful. Shawn sat next to Ann with his arm around her.
Ann took a deep breath and looked at Shawn. "I like having you around," she told him.
Shawn smiled. "I like having you around too." He soon lost the peacefulness.
"What's wrong?"
"It's Millie...."
"Oh.... I knew it.... She hates me, don't...."
"No.... Well, she does, but she doesn't like humans, not including Tom and Jane.... Her, Champ, and Kat had found out that your aunt is working with Christina, and they plan on giving Millie rabies.... To turn her against us. It's bad, but don't worry.... My sister's pretty smart, and she'll find away to make their plan back fire.... Whatever happens, will happen. I don't want you to worry about me or my pack.... Okay, Ann?"
Ann nodded. Tears started to fill her eyes. She hugged Shawn, crying into his shirt.
"Everything's going to work out. Don't worry. I don't want you to worry at all. We have to deal with it. Okay? Not you."

Millie sat on the couch in the living room. James stood against the wall. The both of them were at the stage of hunching over in the transformation. It was the stage where Millie would forget people. She remembered the other wolves, but when it came to everyone outside of the lycan race, she would struggle to remember. "What's tonight?" she asked, looking over at James.
"The double moon.... The full moon is next week," James replied.
Kyle walked in and walked over to Millie. He sat next to her and held her in his arms. "Mill, do you want to stay here today or go in town?"
"Stay here. I can't remember anyone."
"Okay. Do you want to watch TV?"
"Okay. Do you want to listen to music?"
"Okay. Do you just want to sit in silence?"
"Okay. We'll sit in silence."
Champ, Kat, Lacy, and Lee walked in. Lee, Kat, and Lacy were off in their own little conversation. Millie started growling. She didn't want all of the noise.
"Millie," Champ said, "calm down. I have news."
"What kind of news?"
"I think it's good news."
Millie looked up at him. "I'm listening."
"Now, I'm not positive, but I don't think you have to worry about getting rabies." Champ paused. "I believe that we already have the disease, and that's why we have our lycanthrope forms. Not counting the fact that we can't control the transformation, but our anscestors have learned to control our behavior once we're in our natrual lycan forms. I think we're imune to the disease, which means, if we get it, nothing will happen.... But.... I'm not positive.... There's a chance that you could lose all sense of control, and there'll be nothing that we can do.... I think that we should ask Jean to run some test for us to see."
Millie looked at the ground, thinking about the possiblities. The good possiblity, nothing will happen. The bad possiblity, everything goes wrong.
"Millie," Lee said, finally, "I think you should have Jean run the test."
Millie looked at Lee, in anger and confusion. She knew his face, but she forgot who he was. "What are you doing in my house?" she asked, growling. "Why are you in my house? Get out. Leave, and don't come back, human."
Lee knew that Millie despised him, but she never really threatened him before. He could tell that she was trying to remember who he was. He backed away, worried that she was going to attack. "Millie, it's me, Lee."
"It's no use," Lacy told him. "Millie forgets names when it's this far in the transformation. It only happens to her. She remembers us, her pack, and other wolves, but when you're outside of our kind, she forgets.... You humans.... Even Kat.... You can try to get her to remember your name, but until, she remembers herself, it's no use. Millie, we all agree, you should have Jean run the test."
Millie closed her eyes for a minute. "Okay. Tell the human to run the test."

Asking for Jean's Help

Kyle, Champ, and Millie went to the vet's office. They had to get Jean's help.

Jean sat behind the counter, flipping through a magazine. Millie hit the counter as hard as she could to get Jean's attention. "Human," she growled at Jean, trying to figure out who she was talking to.
Jean jumped, startled at the noise. She looked over at the three lycans. "Oh." She felt relieved to see them. "Millie, Kyle, and Champ, I'm glad to see you three. Is there something that I can help you with?"
"We need you're help, human."
"Okay, before you ask," Champ jumped in, "Millie goes through this phase, when she's transforming that she forgets who you humans, and other creatures, who aren't lycanthropes, and her anger doesn't help."
"Okay. But what do I need to help you three with?" Jean asked, concerned.
"Can you test our blood to see if we can get rabies or not? Well, Millie's blood actually?"
"Why my blood?"
"Because, Christina and Vickey want to infect you with the disease.... Not me or Kyle.... You."
"Yes I can," Jean answered.
"Okay. Fine," Millie told Champ, mad.
"Good," Champ told Jean.
"Millie, come with me.... Kyle, and Champ, you two can join us if you like or stay out here."
Kyle and Champ looked at each other. They knew that it would be a bad idea for Jean to give Millie a shot without someone there to keep an eye on Millie. It was worst because of the phase that Millie was going through in the transformation. They both look at Jean.
"We should go with you," Kyle replied.
"Yea. Millie hates needles," Champ agreed.

Lacy sat on the couch and Lee joined her. James sat in a chair. It was quiet. Lee looked around the living room. It was his third time in the new cottage, since Stina had managed to burn down the old one, but he didn't really look around until now. "Tom and his crew did a good job on building this place. It's cool."
"Yea. It was nice of them to do that for us," Lacy agreed. "They didn't have too."
"So, since when did Millie start forgetting names?" Lee asked.
"Since her thirteenth birthday, when she started transforming a week before the full moon. Her mother did the same thing, but she didn't have anger issues. She was always kind to people, even if she couldn't remember their names."
"Lee?" James asked.
Lee looked over at the older wolf. "Yes, sir."
"Does your Aunt Vickey tell you what she does for a living?"
Lee remembered that James had dated his aunt, and he also remembered how hurt James was after the death of his brother and sister-in-law. That made him feel angry toward his aunt and his parents. "No." He shook his head. "Actually, I don't get along with her or my parents.... What they did to your family was down right evil. I told Ann not to believe anything they say. Your brother and his wife were kind hearted people and they didn't deserve what they got."
James was relieved to hear that and he could tell that the boy met it.

Millie sat on the counter in the middle of the room. Kyle stood next to her holding her hand to give her comfort. "Millie, this woman," Kyle said, making it sound like they didn't even know who Jean was, "is a good vet and she's going to use a needle to get your blood sample, so, if you need to squeeze my hand, then go ahead. I'm here for you. Okay, Millie?"
Jean walked over to Millie, tapping the needle to let the air out. "Hold still."
Millie looked away, biting her lip, as Jean stuck the needle into her skin. She squeezed Kyle's hand. She hated needles. They were evil.
"Okay. You're done," Jean said, smiling. She held the needle, which now had blood in it.
"That was fast," Millie said, looking at her arm.
"When do you guys need the results?"
"As soon as possible," Champ said.

Two Sided

Millie stood on the balcony, looking up at the half of the moon, which had came out from hiding behind the trees. The moment was peaceful. Thoughts about what could happen popped into her head.
"Is it peaceful out here?" someone had asked.
Millie turned around to find her uncle standing in the door way, then she went back to looking at the moon. "Yea...."
James went to say something, but Millie stopped him.
"You think that we call the half of the moon, the double moon, because it's two sided.... There's the light side of the moon, and then, there's the dark side of the moon.... Therefore it's two sided...."
James went to say something again, but Millie cut him off.
"People are like that.... They'll act one way, but in the end it's a lie.... They don't want people to know who they are.... We can be like that.... That day, in the bookstore, I didn't know what I was doing.... I blacked out.... I would of killed Vickey.... I was going to kill her...." Millie looked over at James. "You didn't try and stop me.... I think that I'm getting as bad as the humans with the fact that I didn't realize what I was doing.... It's all because I have so much anger towards the humans.... All because of her and her followers.... She never got a propper trial for my parents deaths.... The judge, the jury, and the police all knew that she was guilty.... But they let her go.... They let her go.... It's not fair.... She deserves to suffer."

It was the next day, Champ ran into the living room to find Lacy sitting on the floor, watching TV. "Lacy, did Jean call?"
"Not yet."
"Okay.... I hope she calls soon."
"Don't worry.... She's going to call."
"It's just that.... We need to know before the full moon.... And I'm anixous."
Lacy smiled. "I can tell. Look, it's probably going to be a couple of days before she gets the results back. Okay?"

Tom and Jane were at the store, picking up groceries. They were on their way out, when they ran into Christina and Vickey.
"You again?" Tom asked Vickey.
"Who are these two?" Christina asked.
"Pastor Tom, and his wife, Jane...."
"Friends of yours?"
"No.... Actually, they're friends with Millie and her pack."
"Oh.... Really?" Christina thought of an evil plan on how to trap Millie, in order, for the rabid dog to bite her.
"Who are you?" Tom asked. He kind of recognized Christina, but didn't actually remember who she was.
"I'm Christina...."
Tom remembered the wolves mentioning Christina. He didn't actually know who she was until then. The only thing that he knew was that Christina was a dog-witch and that was all. "Jane, we should go." He knew that Vickey and Christina were dangerous and knew that it was better if him and Jane left.
"Yes, honey."
Tom and Jane walked away from the two evil women. They could tell that they were up to something.
"I have a plan on how to trap Millie," Christina told Vickey.

Christina and Vickey were at the old warehouse in the main room. Christina explained the plan to Vickey, and Vickey was really confused.
"Why do we have to wait 'til the full moon?" Vickey asked.
"Because the wolves will be at their strongest...."
"Why is that a good thing? We should attack now?"
"No.... You humans are so stupid.... I told Hilter that he should kill off the lycans, but no.... He wanted to kill the jews instead, and look at what happened to him now.... He's dead...."
Vickey went to say something but Christina continued.
"It's not going to fun watching them fight in their human forms.... It's no fun.... The fight has to be challenging.... That's when things are interesting.... I told Hitler that he was going to die, but no.... He wanted to do what he wanted.... That man was so stupid.... If he just listened to me, then he'd be in his eighties or something.... Okay.... That's why we're doing what I want to do and I'm not listening to no human."
Vickey was shocked. Christina looked too young to be from the 30's. It was odd.
"You humans are so stupid."
"You were around during World War 2?" Vickey asked.
"Why does it matter? I'm talking about killing the werewolves, and you're asking me if I were around during World War 2?"
"Well, it's just that you look younger than me and that's impossible...."
"I was born during World War 1, and I'm not human.... But anyways, why can't you be smart.... I know a chipmunk who's smarter than you...." Christina stormed out of the room.

Kyle ran into the kitchen. He had heard the phone ring, James answered it, then hung up. "Did Jean call?" he asked James, who was getting some water.
"No.... She didn't call."
"Oh. Then who was that?"
"I don't know.... They hung up before they said anything."
"Okay.... Me and Champ are hoping that Jean calls soon with good news."

Back Up Plan

Millie walked out of her room and started to head toward the stairs, when she felt someone grab her shirt and pull her into another room.

Champ closed the door to Kyle's room as Kyle placed Millie on his bed. Kyle folded his arms, while Champ walked over to him.
"What's going on, you two?" Millie asked.
"You need to call Jock," Kyle answered.
Millie raised an eyebrow in confussion. "What?"
"You need to call Jock," Champ repeated.
"I don't...."
"Millie, we're going to need back up, just in case I'm wrong. He's a vampire and he's imuned to getting rabies no matter what...."
"I'm not calling that blood sucker."
"Mill," Kyle said, calmly, "you might not have any choice."
"Oh come on."
"Please? For me?"

Millie picked up the phone. She sighed. "I can't believe I'm doing this." The two guys had begged her and she had given in. She placed the phone up to her ear.
Kyle and Champ were in the room as well. They wanted to know what was going on. They had considered Jock to be part of their pack even though he was a vampire. He was a pretty good guy and helped them out during the hard times most of the time.
"Hello," Millie said, pausing. "Is Jock there?" She listened for a minute. "Can I talk to him?" She was silent for a moment. "Jock.... Look, Kyle and Champ told me to call because...." She was kind of starting to get angry. "Christina's back and.... Jock.... Look we.... Okay.... Can you not.... JOCK! I'm trying to.... SHUT UP! LISTEN TO ME! I'm trying to talk.... Look, Christina's back and we might need your help.... Okay, but see.... Jock.... Anyways, she's working with.... Jock.... She's working with Vickey.... Okay.... Fine, whatever...."
"Who are you talking to?" Stina asked, walking into the room.
"Jock, but he...."
"Ah, Jack.... Can I talk to him? I want to tell him that I love him."
Stina snatched the phone away and started talking. By that time, Shawn had walked in. "Who's she talking to?" Shawn asked.
"I was talking to Jock.... It's funny that she's so dumb that she thinks that the dial tone is him."
"So, what's going on?" Kyle asked.
"He can't help, because him and a couple of his budies are going to Jamaica to see how many Jamaicain chicks they could pick up, man.... They can't cancel the trip, and they're going to be gone for two weeks."
"Oh man.... I hope that Jean says that we're imune," Champ said.
"I know," Kyle agreed.
"Okay. Bye. I love you, Jack." She hung up the phone. "He loves me." She really didn't realize that she wasn't talking to him.
"Her boyfriend?" Millie asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yea, he really loves her, but he's going to go pick up more chicks."
Kyle and Champ thought about what Millie had said and compared it to what Stina believed and started laughing.


A couple of more days went by, Champ dragged Kat into the kitchen of the cottage and found Wagner, who was looking for something to snack on. "Did Jean call?" Champ asked, kind of jumpy.
Wagner looked up at him. "Not that I know of," the child said, confused.
The phone started ringing. Champ raced out of the room, Kat and Wagner were really confused. They decided to go find out what was going on.

Champ picked up the phone. Hoping that it was good news. "Hello," he said, trying to calm down.
"Champ," Jean's voice said.
"So, did you get the results?"
"Yes. I did...."

Millie, James, and Kyle were at the bookstore. Vickey walked in and Millie started to grow angry again. Instead of doing what she did before, she punched the wall, and it fell in, leaving a hole.
"Oh.... So, you're punching walls, now?" Vickey asked, rudely.
"Well, I could throw you into a bookshelf again, but I didn't think that you want me to do that."
"Look," Vickey said, placing a piece of paper on the counter, "I didn't come here to talk. I'm dropping this off."
Millie looked at the paper. She wearily picked it up. "What's this?"
"It's an invation to the old warehouse.... There's a surprise if you and your pack show up."
"The night of the full moon." Vickey looked at her watch. "Well, I would love to stay and chat, but I have to go." She left.
Millie read what was written on the paper. James walked into the room. He noticed Vickey walk out of the bookstore. "What did she want?"
"I guess there's a little party at the old warehouse and we're invited.... It's going to be a fight.... I'll have to fight that rabid dog.... I hope Champ's right because you're all dead if he's not."
Champ rushed in, dragging Kat again and Wagner had followed. A grin grew on his face.
"What's going on?"
"Jean called."
Kyle hurried out of the back room. He jumped over the counter and walked over to Champ and Kat. "What'd she say?" he asked.
Millie raised an eyebrow and looked over at Kyle. "Man, it sounds like you have a crush on Jean, by the way you're acting."
Kyle turned to face her. "Don't worry, babe. I don't like Jean, I love you.... I'd rather you over a human or any other creature anyways. Okay?"
Millie kind of smiled. She knew Kyle was being honest. "I know."
"Anyways," Champ continued, "she got the results, and I was right."
Millie's smile grew wider. A plan popped into her head. "Good.... Now, we'll have to make it look good."

Preparing for the Night

It was the day of the full moon. It was after 3 O'clock pm. Kat walked up the steps of the porch and knocked on the door. She waited patiently for someone to answer.
When the door opened, she smiled to see Wagner at the door. "Hello, Kat," the child said.
"Hi, Wagner. Is Champ here?"
"Yea. Come on in."
Kat walked into the house and Wagner closed the door.
"I'll go get Champ.... He's in his room."
Wagner went up the stairs and Kat just stood in the hall. She noticed that the new cottage was built some what like the older one. For some reason she hadn't noticed the resemblance.
Kyle rushed past Kat and went out the door. He was kind of in a hurry and James wasn't far behind him.
"James," Kat said. "What's going on?"
James stopped at the door and turned to face her. Kat realized that he was more wolf than human. "Tonight's the full moon and we have a party to get to," he told her. "Your boyfriend will tell you." He walked out the door.

A couple of minutes later, Champ made his way down the stairs. He looked the same as James. His wolf features took over the human features on his face. "Kat," he said.
Kat turned to face him. "Champ." She paused. "I want to go with you guys."
"No," Millie stated, rudely, walking out of the living room. "I have to deal with more of my enemies than I want to.... I don't want to deal with an other one."
"I agree with Millie," Champ said as Millie walked out of the house.
"But, Ch---"
"Look, it's too dangerous for you. You have to stay."
Kat dropped her mouth in disbelief. "But...."
"I don't want to see you get hurt and believe me things are going to get out of control.... Christina is a dog-witch and if she finds out what we have planned..... She could use that dog whistle, and then...." Champ had to take a moment. "Things could get really ugly.... I don't want anything to happen to you.... Please, stay here.... Go hang out with Jean.... Or go do something with Lee and Ann.... I want you to be safe."
Kat understood what Champ was saying, but she wanted to go so bad. "What if you get hurt or something?" she asked, tears filled her eyes.
"Don't worry about me," Champ reassured her. "I'll be fine. Okay?"
Champ kind of gave Kat a hug to let her know that things were going to work out.

Striking Nerves

Millie and her pack, including James, walked into the old warehouse. It was dark inside of the warehouse because all of the windows were blocked off.
"Well," Christina said, walking into the room, "I didn't think that any of you wolves would show up." She laughed devilishly as Vickey came out of another room. They both were standing on the second floor.
"So, where's the surprise?" Millie asked.
"You'll find out.... But first.... Do you know why I wanted you all here?"
"I have a pretty good idea."
James walked over next to his niece and Christina was confused. "Whatever reason you wanted us here for.... Then...." He looked over at Millie for help and then to the two women. He didn't know what he was going to say. Luckily, Christina had cut him off.
Christina knew that there were seven members in the pack, and knew that they were all kids, but didn't know who James was. "Who are you, old man?"
"That's James," Vickey replied, whispering. "He's Millie and Shawn's uncle. My ex-boyfriend. I used him to get to kill his brother and his brother's wife."
"Oh." Christina smiled. "That's good." She looked at her watch. "We have to until the full moon comes out...."
"You two make a good team.... I'm going to laugh, when you two decide to turn on each other.... We know how you turned on your boyfriend, Hitler, Christina.... And we all remember how you turned on us, Vickey." Millie was trying to see how ticked of she could make the two villains.
It worked. Christina grabbed the railing. Her grip tightened as she cringed in anger. Vickey balled her fist, eyeing the wolf.
"Yea.... That's why we don't work in a team.... We work in a pack.... The difference between a pack and a team is that a pack works together no matter what, while a team can turn on each other.... A pack of wolves is like a pride of lions.... We stand to together.... We don't plot each others deaths.... See, Vickey, Christina can use her dog whistle and we'll be under her spell, and she can have us kill you.... And, Christina, Vickey can have a bunch of humans destroy you.... Oh, but, unlike you, Vickey, Christina can come back if that dog whistle isn't destoried.... So, she'll come back normally, while you're laying in your coffin...."
The two grew angrier.
"Oh.... I'm sorry.... Did I strike a nerve?"
"You, dumb mutt.... You can't get your prize, but I'll show you," Christina said, snapping her fingers.
The wolves heard a door open, but they didn't know where it opened.
"MILLIE!" two voices called. One sounded like a man, while the other sounded like a woman.
The voices sounded fimilar and Millie turned around to see who they were, when shock took over. She seen Tom and Jane trapped in a cage. "Tom.... Jane.... Oh no...." Anger took place of the shock and she turned back toward Christina and Vickey. "Let them go...."
"I'm sorry, did I strike a nerve?" Christina asked, using Millie's words.
"Let them go.... They don't deserve that...."
Christina started laughing. "I'm not letting them go.... If you want your human friends alive, then I suggest that you do what I tell you."
"I want to watch you fight."
"It's a trick," James said. "Don't agree to it."
"I'll do what I want," Millie replied, rudely. "Bring it on."
"Millie.... This is...."
"Just go back to the pack," she growled.
James slowly made his way back to the others.
"So.... Who am I fighting?"
"A friend," Christina answered, snapping her fingers again.
The garage door in front of Millie opened to revealed an angry, good size, rabid dobbermen. The dog had white fizz foming around his mouth. He slowly worked his way into the room.
Millie kind of looked over to her pack and winked. She was ready to fight.
The light came on to reveal that Millie was almost completely in her lycan form. It also revealed that Millie and the dog were standing in a circle. They slowly circled around, waiting for the other to attack.
"This is it." Christina smiled.
The dog jumped and went to attack. Millie gently punched the dog's mouth. They fought dodging the attacks from each other and at some point Millie let the dog bite her. She made it look like she went to punch him and missed when he bit her arm.
Christina's smile grew into an evil grin.
Millie flung her arm and the dog went flying into a bunch of empty boxes. She grabbed her arm in pain and looked up at the two women. She acted like something terrible was going on inside of her.
"Don't fight the feeling.... You'll be on our side like it or not."
James walked out into the light. "What do you mean? What's happening to her?"
"She was biten by a rabid dog."
Millie turned to face James. They both were in their monsterous forms and Millie had managed to let her mouth fizz up.

Back Fired

Millie went to attack James. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer to her. "Remember, we have to make it look good," she whispered.
"Okay." James pushed Millie's claws off of his shoulders and they started to fight. In the process of the fight, Millie knocked James to the ground.
"Good, girl," Christina said. "Now, finish him off."
Millie turned to look back up at Christina.
"What are you waiting for? ATTACK!"
Millie ran and jumped up next to Christina. "You said, 'Attack.'" Millie jumped and her and Christina both fell in the middle of the room on the first floor and all the other wolves gathered around. Millie backed away and Christina stood in the middle of the pack.
"What's going on?"
"You didn't do your research. We're already infected with rabies.... That's why we have a werewolf form."
Christina was confused. She was certain that Millie would become evil.
"This time," Millie growled, "you're dead."
The wolves didn't give Christina any time to pull out her dog whistle when they all tackled her. She didn't stand a chance against them. Once she was gone, Millie used her mouth to pick up the dog whistle and chewed it up 'till there was nothing left of it.
Vickey watched what they had done. She couldn't believe it. They had devoured the dog-witch without any hestitation.
Tom and Jane looked away. They knew that the pack had to do what they could to stop the evil non-human in order to protect the human race.
Millie looked up at Vickey and eyed her. Vickey could tell that Millie was ticked off at her. She knew something bad was going to happen to her.

What Goes Around Comes Around

Millie growled and then made her way up stairs to attack Vickey. Revenge was coming. Everyone watched to see what Millie was going to do. Vickey knew that she was in trouble. "You think that we won't attack you?" Millie asked.
Vickey backed into the other room. She was actually frightened. She looked around for something to hit Millie with. She found a rusty old wrench and she went to hit Millie with it, but the lycanthrope knocked it out of her hands, then Millie had used her left arm to knock Vickey into the wall.
Vickey held her left arm, which was drenched with blood. She tried to move it but it pained her. She had tears streaming down her face. Millie had broken her arm. Vickey tried to crawl out of the room, when Millie grabbed her right leg. She looked at Millie's eyes and realized that the wolf had a glazed look.
Millie had blacked out.
"HELP!" Vickey cried. "HELP!" she was in so much pain, and she knew that she couldn't fight back. There was no use. "HELP! SOMEONE, PLEASE, HELP!"

Human Blood

Millie yawned as she sat up in her bed. She was glad that she didn't have to deal with Christina anymore. Actually, she had remembered everything up 'til Christina was dead forever. No way that she could ever come back, because Millie eaten the dog whistle in order to destroy it. Millie rubbed her face with her hand and that was when she could smell the scent of human blood on her hand. She jumped out of her bed and ran out of her room.

Lacy was almost to the stairs, when Millie jumped in front of her. Millie was actually freaking out. "Lacy, what happened last night?" Millie asked, worried.
"Um.... Why?" Lacy asked. She remembered what happened, but didn't want to tell Millie. She knew how Millie had blacked out and what Millie had done.
"Because.... I have human blo---" Millie paused and thought about a terrible thing. "Did I murder Tom and Jane?" She was braking down into tears.
Lacy's eyes grew wide. She was shocked that Millie would ask that. "No.... No.... They're safe at home. You can call them if you want."
Millie took a breath. Relief took over. "Okay. Then what happened? Why do I have human blood on my hands?"
Lacy sighed. "I'm not the one who should tell you." She went down the stairs, leaving Millie standing at the top of the stair case.

Millie walked into the kitchen. Kyle, Shawn, Champ, and James were standing over by the back door. They were lost in their own conversation. "What happened last night? Why do I have human blood on my hands?" she asked.
The guys stopped talking and turned their attention to Millie.
"What happened?"
"You blacked out," James said, after waiting a moment.
"What happened when I blacked out? What did I do?"
"Something none of us would of done."
"And that is...."
"You killed Vickey," Kyle replied.
Millie looked over at Kyle.
"And we let you.... She was a threat to us and the human race.... We're not aloud to harm humans, but she was evil."
Millie thought about it and it made sense. Vickey got away with murdering her parents and if she hadn't she would of been on death row for manslaughter.
"We are to defend and protect the human race. Not kill them," James stated, "but we should do something if a human is as evil as she was. You stopped her."
"Does that mean that I'm going to get kicked out of my pack?"
"Well, it depends on what me and the council think. And we need to get going."

Millie and Kyle were outside of the council room, waiting for someone to get them again. "I did a horrible thing.... I don't care much about being leader, but I don't want to leave the pack."
"Don't worry," Kyle told her. "Everything's going to be okay."
"Easy for you to say.... You didn't kill anyone."
"Quit being such a pestimis. Think positive."
"I don't want to hear anything negetive coming out of your mouth."

Twenty minutes had gone by, when Mikey finally walked out of the room. "You two can go in. They're waiting for you."
"Okay. Thanks."
"No problem."

Kyle closed the door as Millie walked into the middle of the room. Like the last time, Colla stood up. She took a deep breath. "Millie, the leader of the wolf pack from Westfield, Massachuttes, are you aware of why you are here?" she asked.
Millie looked up at James then back to Colla. "Yes."
"Then you understand that's because of how you changed the code without consulting us and the murder of Vickey Anderson?"
"Yes, ma'am." Millie didn't try to protest because she knew it was true.
"Okay.... We looked at your new code and we decided to keep it. The older one was out dated anyways.... Now, we understand that you had blacked out when fighting.... And that you don't remember what happened.... We decided that you can stay in your pack, and we're not going to remove you from the role of the pack leader...."
Millie and Kyle were both shocked. They didn't understand why.
"You see, at one point and another, each of us older wolves had blacked out and killed a human who was a threat, not only to us, but the human race.... I, myself, and your uncle.... He actually did that to two humans, who had helped Vickey attack your parents.... That was a couple of hours after your parents were pronounced dead."
Millie looked over at James. The night at the grave yard played in her head. He was telling them sorry, when she had arrived. He was telling the lifeless bodies of her parents sorry.
"If it were any other reason, we'd have you thrown out.... It's in our nature to protect and that's what you had done.... You did what you had to.... We're proud of you for that."
"Thank you."
"You can go now."


Millie and Kyle were almost home, when they ran into Lacy, Lee, Champ, and Kat.
"What's the news?" Lacy asked, hoping to hear good news.
"I get to stay in the pack and I'm still going to be the pack leader," Millie answered.
"That's great." Champ smiled.
Millie looked over at Lee. She took a breath and held out her hand. "Look, Lee.... I know that we have our differences, but I was wrong.... I would like to call a truce with you and your sister.... I despised you two because of your parents and your aunt.... They gave me a reason to hate you guys.... Not all humans are as bad as I said.... It took a six-year-old and her mother to remind me of that..... I blamed all of you humans for what they did and I shouldn't do that.... So, truce?"
Lee smiled. He shook her hand. He never thought that the day would come when Millie would actually try to be kind to a human. "Truce."
That was the first time in almost eleven years that Millie felt better about the humans. She could see the good and bad instead of just the bad.
"What about me?" Kat asked.
Millie raised an eyebrow. "Ah.... No."
Kat dropped her mouth as Kyle and Millie made their way home.

The End

Related Science Fiction Series:

Vampire Triology: Midnite, Late Night


Zombie Invasion: Nyght of Zombies, Asmyne's Creation


Angel of Death: The Death Dealer


Changing Lives (not part of a series, just a short mixing a few series)


Texte: Amber Riel
Bildmaterialien: Amber Riel
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.08.2013

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