

In the universe where space pirates traveled from planet to planet, they weren’t aliens nor creatures of space but people. They were modern pirates. Instead of carrying guns with bullets which wouldn’t really harm a fly, they carried guns which shot leasers that could go for miles until they hit the target. The space crafts were actual pirate ships which had an invisible force field to keep the oxygen which they needed to survive. The force field had appeared when they left the planet which they were on.
Now as pirates, they had two main enemies. The space police and the bounty hunters. The police would arrest the pirates and place them in jail. Once in jail, they were there for life. The bounty hunters, on the other hand, would kill the pirates if they were caught. The pirates wouldn’t go down without a fight of course. Although they had a better chance of getting away when they came face to face with a cop, but a bounty hunter was a different story.
They would have to fight fire with fire. Each would pull out their swords. The swords weren’t made of metal. They were actually made of lights. The sword blades were in the shape of a warriors sword but was a leaser light. The swords could cut through anything.
This is the legend of a well known space pirate. She was known in her universe as well as others.
The Planet Blaze was a dangerous place for any pirate. There lived the evil fire king along with his wicked queen and their two children. They ordered the bounty hunters to kill any pirates that they came across.
“Slit their throats.... Cut they’re heads off.... Do whatever it takes to get rid of them.... I don’t care.... I DON’T WANT A PIRATE ON THIS PLANET!” the evil king ordered.
“Yes, your majesty,” two bounty hunters replied. One of the men looked to be about in his early thirties while the other was older, much older. He looked to be about in his early sixties.
“Russel, Leo, go now. I don’t want my best two bounty hunters to become my worst two.”
“Yes, King Jim,” Russel, the older one, replied.
Russel and Leo left the throne room.
The throne room was going to be used for a ball that night and there were quite a few people around cleaning up and decorating. King Jim sat on his throne. It was his daughter’s sixth birthday and he felt that she should have the best party.

Two young girls, who looked like they were related were outside of the fire castle. The older one was seven and the other was five. They were playing around. “Come on, Zelda,” the older one said.
“I’m coming,” the child replied. She was climbing a big, round bolder to try and keep up with her cousin. “Ryoko, I need help up.”
Ryoko held onto another rock with one hand and managed to help Zelda up with the other hand. Once Zelda was on the rock, they both sat down and took a brake.
“Are you going to Magma’s party today?” Zelda asked.
“Why not? She’s your other cousin.”
“One of my other cousins.... She thinks that she’s better than me.... It’s all because her dad’s the king and my dad’s a bounty hunter.... Oh and also because my mom gave up the throne.”
“You should have been a princess.”
“No.... Don’t ever say that again.”
“Why not?”
“Well, as a princess you have a lot of rules to follow and I hate rules. You have to act proper. Your friends.... They’re not really your friends.... You have to bribe them.... Those aren’t friends.... Those are lairs.” Ryoko stood up. “You have people to worry about and you have to do what the people choose. You have no choice. You’re stuck. I’d rather be poor than to be royalty. It’s a lot to take in and being a princess is everything I don’t believe in. They’re preppy and they think that everyone has to bow down to them. I don’t think so.”
“Wow. Really?”
“Yea.” Ryoko sat down again and the two cousins looked up into the light red orange sky. Neither of them spoke another word.

A few minutes later, a man in his late twenties walked over to the children. He had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. The man smiled at the children. “What have we told you two about wondering in the woods alone?” he asked them.
Zelda stood up on the rock and placed her hand over her heart. “That it’s dangerous. But, daddy.... The castle is right there. We could run there for shelter.”
The man looked at the castle. He wished that he could tell his own daughter that the castle would be a good safe place to run to, but he knew that the evil king wouldn’t like that. He knew King Jim personally and knew that the man was up to no good. “I wish,” he whispered.
“What’s wrong, Uncle Ash?” Ryoko asked.
Ash turned his attention back to the kids and smiled. “Nothing.... You two are safe.... Now get down from the rock you two.”
“Can you help us, daddy?” Zelda asked, sweetly.
Ash’s smile grew bigger. “Yea.” He helped Ryoko down and then Zelda. “Come on, you two. We need to get back to the house before your father stops by to pick you up.”

A woman about Ash’s age waited in front of a beautiful two-story, white house. She stood next to a tree. The house was far away from any town which included the village. A smile appeared on her face when she seen Ash and the two children make their way to the house.
“Hey, Chealsey,” Ash said as he made his way to his beautiful wife.
“Where were they?” Chealsey asked.
“Same place like always. Is Leo here yet?”
“No. He called and said that he was going to be a little late.”
Ash nodded. He knew the job as a bounty hunter took a lot of time away from family and friends. Before he had met Chealsey, he was a bounty hunter with his brother and father and now he had regretted it. He knew what the job required. He was one of the best, but once he met Chealsey, things had changed. He realized that what he had done was terrible and decided to quit. He found work as a school teacher, leaving his dark past behind him. Once he knew that things were good with money, which involved a whole lot of saving, he asked Chealsey to marry him and she said, "Yes." Then they got married and about two years later Zelda was born.

A few hours later, Ash and Chealsey were in the living room of the house. They sat close to each other on the couch, watching the news, while Zelda and Ryoko were upstairs playing in Zelda’s room. There was a loud knock on the door.
“That must be Leo,” Ash said as he looked at his watch. “I’ll be back.” He stood up and walked over to the door. He opened it and smiled. “Come on in, and you’re family, you do know that you can come in without knocking?”
“I know,” Leo said as he walked into the house, closing the door, “it’s habit.”
“RYOKO!” Ash called.
“Sorry I’m late, but you know what it’s like to be a bounty hunter.... You should actually come back to the force.... We could really use you, man.”

Chealsey couldn’t help but hear what the two men were talking about. She didn’t want her husband to go back to that blood thirsty job again. That really bothered her and she didn’t want to have to tell her daughter what her father was doing.

“No,” Ash replied.

Chealsey felt the relief fill her body. If he would of said, "Yes," then she would of probably cried.

“I like my job and I get to see my wife and daughter more.... I’d rather not work for Jim again.”
Leo couldn’t believe what he was hearing from the guy who was one of the best. His brother started at the age of 12 and quit at the age of 19. “Okay.”
Ryoko walked down the stairs. She actually didn’t want to see her father, but she had to deal with the disappointment.
“Are you ready to go?” Leo asked.
“Yes,” the child replied. Sadly, Ryoko didn’t like her father. She despised him with a burning passion. She was angry at him because of his job. She knew the job because her mother had explained it to her.
“Then hurry up. We have to be some where’s in a hour.”
Ryoko took her time as she walked down the stairs and to the door.

Spoiled Princess

There was a planet a few miles away to the east of Blaze. The planet was called Bull Ridge. They called it Bull Ridge because a long time ago, there was a man named Sam Ridge and what he would do would befriend the pirates who had arrived on the planet and he would sell them bulls. One day, a pirate had come on the planet and found Sam by his ranch and pulled out his gun and without any warning shot Sam, killing him in an instance. When police caught the man, they soon realized that he was a bounty hunter in disguise. The legend went that Sam’s spirit wondered the old ranch seeking revenge on pirates and bounty hunters who went toward the ranch, but that was just a legend. It was just a story to scare little children from becoming pirates and bounty hunters, the two most hated jobs on the planet.

There was this house on the planet. It was a broken home on the inside as well as the outside. The family who lived there was a broken one. The parents of a six-year-old girl who lived there were always fighting. The father would always beat the mother behind closed doors.
The family was poor and were lucky to have food, clothes, and shelter. The girl in the family didn’t have any toys because of how poor they were. The child sat on the stairs of the porch, crying. Her abusive, protective father had beat the crap out of her for not following his orders.
The girl’s mother walked out. She was bruised up worst because she had tried to stop her husband from harming their one and only child. “Olivia,” she said. Her voice was choking up.  “Someday, you’re going to be free from this. I wish there was a way to get you out of here now, but I need you. Your father needs you. I’m sorry, baby.”
Olivia looked up at the woman who was now in tears. “Mommy, when will he stop?”
The woman sat next to Olivia and rapped her arms around the child. “I don’t know.”
“CASSANDRA!” a man called from inside of the house.
“Oh no. What does he want now?” Cassandra asked herself. “Stay out here. I don’t want anything worst to happen to you,” she told her daughter. She stood up and started to head for the door.
“CASSANDRA!” the man yelled again.

Ryoko and Leo were at the castle. Ryoko didn’t want to go into the castle. The castle was the last place where she wanted to be. She didn’t want to be anywhere near Magma.
“Come on, Ryoko. It’s your cousin’s birthday.”
“I don’t care.... I don’t want to be anywhere near that snobby....”
“Ryoko, watch your mouth.”

Russel and Jim were in the hallway of the castle which led to the throne and ball room. Jim welcomed anyone who had come to the castle and was there for the princess’s party.
Ryoko and Leo walked in and over to the king and the older bounty hunter. Leo acted like nothing was wrong, even though Ryoko had given him a hard time all day. “Ryoko, why don’t you go tell Magma happy birthday?”
“Whatever.” Ryoko went toward the ball room. She stopped and turn toward the three men. She just stared angrily at her father. She didn’t like her father, uncle, and grandfather. They were all evil to her and she didn’t want to deal with them. It didn’t help anything so she just turned back toward the ball room and left the hall.
“Leo, have you talked to Ash about coming back as a bounty hunter?” Russel asked.
“Yes I did, but he said no,” Leo replied.
Russel didn’t like to hear that. He was hoping that his other son would go back, but he didn’t. “I bet Chealsey has something to deal with this.” He sighed. “I’ll go talk to him.”
“He’s just going to say no.”
“If he says no, then I’ll just kill him and his wife.”
“What’ll happen to Zelda?”
“You’re her Godfather. You’ll deal with her.”
“I better go.” Russel turned toward Jim. “Tell the child that I said happy birthday.” He left without another word.

Ryoko looked around the ballroom. She seen other children. Other girls who were invited to her cousin’s birthday party. Then her cousin stood in front of her. Her cousin looked Asian because of her aunt’s side of the family.
The young princess got everything that she wanted and was told that she was better than everyone else and believed it. She was all that and anyone who she didn’t like was under her, way under her. They were lower than dirt. She was one of Ryoko’s rivals. The only two reasons why the princess had invited Ryoko were because her parents told her to and so she could rub it in Ryoko’s face. “So, you came to my party?” the princess asked.
Ryoko didn’t answer.
“You don’t have anything to say.... You know what because I’m the princess, I’m going to get everything that I want.... So, Ryoko, what’s it like to be poor?”
Ryoko was starting to grow angry. It wasn’t fair that the rude child got everything and anything. “Shut up, Magma,” Ryoko warned her cousin. She balled up her fist and she was ready to pouch Magma.
“Shut up? Oh come on. What are you going to do about it?” Magma asked. She was trying to antagonize Ryoko and it was working.
Ryoko went to pouch her cousin when an Asian woman walked in. The woman was the queen and Magma’s mother. Ryoko placed her hand next to her side. “You better be glad that your mommy’s here because I would of pouched you.”
“Hello, Ryoko.” The queen had a fake smile on her face and Ryoko knew it. Her aunt had encouraged Magma to act like a spoiled brat.
Ryoko didn’t understand how she had to treat them with respect when they treated her like crap. It just wasn’t fair. “Hello, Auntie Lizabeth.”


Pluto was a planet which was miles away from Blaze. While Blaze was the fire planet, Pluto was known as the ice planet because of how cold it was. The ice king was a kind hearted and good man, unlike the evil fire king on Blaze.
This King wasn't a fan of the pirates but he didn't believe in killing them. He believed that if a pirate was captured, then they should be placed in jail. That was where the space police came in. See, the police worked under the ice king and his queen. When a man or woman became a cop, there was a list of rules that they had to follow and if they didn't follow those rules, then they would have to be watched like a hawk. The second time, they were sent on suspension. The third time, well, they were kicked off the force.
The police understood that just because they worked for the law, that didn't make them above the law. They knew that there were consequences, when they broke the rules.
Now, the good king was in the dinning room of the ice palace. He sat next to his ice queen. The dinning room was filled with icy decorations. The king sat on the side of the long table which sat ten people, that way he was next to his lovely queen.
The queen had icy, blonde hair which matched her icy, blue eyes, and her lucent personality. The king had blonde hair as well with a pinch of red and blue eyes. He too had a lucent personality which was what had brought them together.
“King Artic, Queen Breeza,” a man with nicely, brushed, wet, kind of long, black hair said as he walked into the room. This man was the head of the police. It was a honor for him to work for and to serve under the good king and his queen.
“What is it, Craig?” Artic asked.
“Well, your honor, we had just brought a shipload of pirates and we thought you should know.”
“That is good news. Are they jailed yet?”
“My men are placing them in jail as we speak, sir.”

A day had went by. Russel knocked on a door. He waited for his youngest son to answer or his son's wife. He was there for a job. He wanted to persuade Ash to be a bounty hunter again, but he didn't know how Ash would react. If Ash said yes, then everything would be right between father and son, but if he said no, then Russel would kill him and his wife. Now, Russel didn't have a problem with killing his own family.
The door opened. “Dad?” Ash asked, surprised. He wasn't expecting his dad to be there. “What's going on? Why are you here?”
“I'll explain everything, but first, can I come in?”
“Of course,” Ash replied.
Russel walked into the house.

Chealsey and Zelda walked downstairs. Chealsey heard Ash talking to someone in the kitchen, but didn't know who he was talking to. “Come on, Zelda. Let's go something to eat.”
“Okay, mommy.”

Ash was leaning on the counter next to the sink, while Russel was sitting at the little, round kitchen table. Ash listened patiently to what his father had to tell him, but he strongly disagreed.
“Dad, like I told Leo, there's no way I'm going to become a bounty....”
Chealsey and Zelda had walked into the room.
“Daddy, can you hand me a plate, please?” the child asked as she walked over to Ash.
Ash grew quiet. He didn't like to talk about the deadly job in front of his five-year-old daughter. He reached into a cabinet and grabbed a paper plate, and handed it to Zelda.
Chealsey pulled out a jar of peanut butter then she walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a jar of jelly. Once she was done making the sandwich, she put everything away. “Come on, Zelda. You can eat outside.”
“Okay, mommy.”
As Chealsey walked past Russel, she kind of glared at him. She despised her father-in-law. She knew that he was evil and she knew that Ash didn't want to live that life any more.
Ash waited 'til Chealsey and Zelda had left the room before continuing. “I don't want to be a bounty hunter anymore, dad. I hate the job okay. I'm happy as a school teacher.”
“No. You can't persuade me to change my mind. Alright?”
“No, it's not alright.” Russel jumped out of his chair which fell back. “If you don't, then I'll kill you and Chealsey. Zelda's going to go to stay with Leo and his wife.”
“Do what you want to me, but leave Chealsey and Zelda out of this.”
“To late.... Once you turn your back on us bounty hunters, then you put your family into this.... You and Chealsey are dead.... I'll murder you and her in front of the child.” Russel left without another word.
Chealsey walked into the room and ran over to Ash. She seen the sadness in her husband's eyes. “I heard the whole thing,” she said as she hugged him.
“He's going to actually kill us,” Ash said, shocked. He knew that Russel met what he said. “Find a hiding place for Zelda.... I have a bad feeling that he's going to come back tomorrow.... Chealsey, I love you and I want you to leave, then come back for Zelda and get off the planet.... I don't want anything to happen to you.”
“No. I will not leave you alone with that guy.... 'Til death do us part.... I don't care if he kills me.... I will not leave your side,” Chealsey protested. 


Ryoko sat outside on the porch of the house. The party had ended an hour before because it was a slumber party and now she just sat looking up at the stars. The seven-year-old was thinking of a way to escape from the planet. She wanted to leave the house forever and she didn't want to deal with her father anymore. She looked over at Leo, who was checking the oil to his black, little, family car. Russel was leaning against the one car garage which was built a couple feet away from the house.
Ryoko couldn't help but ease drop on their conversation. Even though, she was only a child, she knew what they were talking about. She heard them mention her Uncle Ash and Aunt Chealsey. They had been so kind to her and they were teaching Zelda how to treat others with respect and kindness. Russel and Leo shouldn't have been planning to do anything to tear that little family apart.
“You're going tomorrow?” Leo asked.
“Of course.... A good bounty hunter does the job the first chance they get.” Russel looked up at the sky. “Two more stars will be placed in the sky tomorrow night.... Two more people, we don't need.” He took a breath. “I'm going to go.... Your mother hates it when I get home late.”

Ryoko placed her clothes in a suitcase that she had set on top of her bed. The thing that would pop into her head was running away. She made up her mind. She already knew what she was going to do after she snuck out of the house. It was after 10 o'clock at night. Both of her parents were sleeping, prefect time to escape.

Olivia was trying to go to bed, but her father's voice filled the house.
Bobby was furious and Olivia could hear her mother crying. Tears filled the little girl's eyes. She heard boots stomping around over to her bed room door. She rolled over on the uncomfortable, spring mattress that laid on the ground.

A man with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes was standing outside of his daughter's bed room door. He was flaming hot with anger. “OLIVIA!!!” he yelled.
“Bobby,” Cassandra said, crying in pain. “She's sleeping. Please, let her sleep?”
“OLIVIA!!!” Bobby yelled again. He ignored his wife's question. “OLIVIA!!!” After the third time, Olivia hadn't come out of her room, he went to kick the door.
“Bobby, please? She's sleeping.... And you're drunk.”
Bobby was an abusive man. He was ten times worst when he was done drinking. Cassandra feared him no matter what. He kicked the door open and found Olivia facing the wall. He was going to wake her, but for some reason decided not to. He grabbed the door nob, walked out of the room, and closed the door. He walked toward his room.

Olivia sighed in relief. Tears still traveled down her cheek. She wanted to escape from the torture. Escape from the pain. Escape from the abuse. She wanted to be a normal child. The freedom of being a normal child was in her heart and it was a wish that she had.

Magma was asleep in her room, when the door opened. A five-year-old prince walked in and walked over to her bed. The little boy was her little brother and he shook her to wake her up. “Magma,” the boy whispered, “wake up....”
Magma didn't want to wake up. He did that to her every night and she was annoyed by it.
“Magma.... Please wake up?”
Magma rolled over. She tried to ignore him but he didn't stop.
“Please, Magma?”
Finally, Magma gave in. She rolled back over to face her baby brother.  “What do you want, Will?”
“Those monsters that you told me about are back.... I need you to get rid of them for me.”
Magma rolled her eyes. She wanted to go back to bed, while her brother wanted her to get rid of fake monsters.
“Magma.... They're going to eat me.”
“I don't care if they eat you.... Now go to bed.”
“Magma....” Will started crying. “They're going to eat me....”
“Who cares.... Go to bed.”
“Fine.... Sleep on my floor.... I'll deal with them tomorrow.”
Will wiped his eyes. “Really?” he asked.
Magma rolled back over as Will left the room to go get his blanket and pillow.

'Til Death Do Us Part

Ryoko walked into the woods. She was kind of worn out from walking all night. She decided to stop where she was, placed her suitcase on the ground, and laid down. Her eyes closed and she finally went to sleep.

Ash sat in the chair in the living room, thinking. It was the day. He was hoping this day would never come, but it was here. He knew what was going to happen. He wanted to get Zelda out of the house before Russel showed up. He didn't even want Chealsey in the house, but she didn't want to leave his side. It was the last thing that she wanted to do.
Chealsey walked into the living room. Tears filled her eyes. She walked over to Ash and hugged him. “I'm going to be here with you,” she told him.
“I know, but I really wish you would leave.... Go some where's safe with Zelda.... I don't want anything to happen to you....”
“I know.” Chealsey took one of Ash's hands and held it in her hand. She didn't want to leave her husband's side.

Five hours had passed by. It was 10 o'clock in the morning. Ash was outside and he heard a car driving toward the house. Even though, he couldn't see the car he knew who it was. He ran into the house in fear.

Chealsey dragged Zelda downstairs and hid her in a hole behind the couch. Tears fell out of her eyes and climbed down her cheek. She didn't want to but she had to. It was to protect Zelda no matter what.
“Mommy, what's wrong?” Zelda asked, crying.
“Zelda, I want you to stay here.... Don't move and try to stay quiet.” Chealsey moved away from the couch as Ash walked into the room, holding a sliver sword which looked like a light saver from Star Wars but with a blade. “What's that for?”
Ash looked at his dear wife and he kind of bowed his head. “I'm not going down without a fight.... I'm going to defend you.... My lovely wife.... I'll protect you no matter what.... But I'm not promising anything.... My father's more stronger and more powerful than me.... I fear the worst, Chealsey....”
“I know and I understand.... I won't blame you....”
Someone started knocking on the door. Ash turned to face it. He knew who it was and was ready to fight. “It's time.”

Zelda was so afraid. She heard someone kicking at the door. As she looked out to see what was going on, she noticed the hinges on the door were breaking. The next thing she knew the door wasn't attached to the hinges anymore and Russel had busted in. She never had seen her grandfather so angry. It really scared the child.

Russel had his sword out. He was ready to kill. The rage had shown on his face as he seen the sword in Ash's hands. “You think you can stop me?”
“No.... But I'm going to try.”
Chealsey backed against the wall. She was afraid of what was going to happen.
Russel noticed Chealsey and an idea popped into his head. He knew how Ash loved her very much and would do anything to protect her. He slowly started to circle around Ash. He didn't bother to turn away from Ash.
Ash kept his eyes on Russel. He moved slowly, waiting for Russel to attack, but once Russel was close to Chealsey, his father did something that he wasn't expecting.
Russel kept his eyes locked onto Ash as he grabbed Chealsey's arm, pulled her forcefully over to him and placed his free arm around her, kind of hugging her as he held the sword up to her neck. “I want you to think about this.... If you attack.... Then your beautiful wife is dead.... But I might be nice and let her live if you put the sword down....”
“DON'T DO IT, ASH!” Chealsey cried. “Let him kill me....”
“What's it going to be?”
Ash grew angry. He didn't want to fight his father and he wanted Chealsey to live, but he had to do something. “Let her go.... This is between you and me, dad. She didn't do anything.”
“Oh but she did.... She turned you against me and your brother.... She turned you on your own family.”
“No.... Ash....”
Ash couldn't help it. He was so angry that he went to attack Russel.
Russel moved out of the way, still holding onto Chealsey. “OOPS! You didn't listen.... Now say good bye to your darling, little wife.”
Before Ash could get back up and do anything, Russel took his sword and slit Chealsey's throat. Blood fell to the floor. Russel dropped the dead body as if it were a doll.
Ash grew angrier with Russel, but he was also mad at himself. He let his wife die. How could he? He tried to protect her but failed. Now his sweet, little wife was gone.
Russel shook his head, looking at Chealsey's lifeless body. “What a shame? You should of listened.... Then maybe she would have been alive long enough to watch me kill you, but I had to kill her first.... Well, either way I still win.” He looked over at Ash. “It's your turn.”
Ash didn't care anymore. He wanted to stop Russel before he could do anything else to other innocent people. People who didn't deserve to suffer the same fate. He went to attack Russel but his father blocked the attack.
“So you want to fight?”
They started sword fighting. They blocked each others' attacks until Ash's sword went flying into the wall, leaving him defenseless. Russel smiled as he grabbed Ash's neck.

Zelda looked out and seen her mother's body just lying there dead. She noticed that Russel was holding her father up in the air.

“You should of known better, than to fight me,” Russel told Ash. The anger was growing back into his voice.


Zelda watched as Russel took his sword and sliced Ash open from his left arm bringing the sword down to the right side of Ash's waist.  She held her mouth close with her hand.  It was so horrible and tramatizing for a child as young as Zelda to watch.


Russel threw the body next to Chealsey's. He knew that now he had to look for Zelda and bring her to Leo, but he decided to go get Leo first.

Zelda watched as Russel left the house and waited before rushing over to the bodies.

Ryoko watched as Russel climbed into the car. “Oh no.... I'm too late,” she told herself. “He already got to them.... Wait.... He didn't have Zelda with.... I hope she's okay.”

Zelda walked over to the bodies of her parents. She knew that they were dead but still tried to wake them up. “Mommy.... Daddy.... Come on.... Please get up?” she asked, crying. She heard someone walking into the house and seen her father's gun. She rushed over and picked it up. Even though, she was only five, she knew how to hold it and held it toward the door. If Russel came back in, she was going to shoot him. To her surprise, it was Ryoko, but she still held the gun up anyways.
Ryoko took a breath. “Good.... You're still alive....”
“What do you want?” Zelda asked, not letting down her guard.
“Don't worry, Zelda.... I'm running away.... I can't take it at my house anymore.... I'm going to become a pirate, and well, I'm looking for a crew.... Do you want to join?”
Zelda dropped the gun and lost her anger. “Yea.... I can't do anything by myself, I'm only five.... My mom and dad are dead.”
Ryoko noticed the bodies of her aunt and uncle and tears filled her eyes. “He killed them....” She looked over at Zelda. “Keep your dad's gun and get his sword, but be careful you don't get hurt.... We have to leave before Russel gets back.”
Zelda picked the gun back up and walked over to the sword and pressed a button to where the blade vanished. Ryoko had Zelda go get whatever she wanted to get before they left.

Rescued From Trouble

Ryoko had Zelda follow her into the dark woods. She carried a flash light to let them know where they were going. She wanted to find the ships, but first she wanted to sneak into the castle and find Will. She didn't want to leave him with Magma and their parents.

Russel pulled up to Ash's house. This time Leo was with him. “We need to look for Zelda,” he told Leo as he unbuckled.
They both stepped out of the car and headed for the house.

Leo turned on the lights and seen the dead bodies of his brother and his sister-in-law. He noticed that the blood had dried up. He was used to seeing dead bodies and the scent of death was familiar to him.
Russel walked into the house. “The child should be around here somewhere. Leo, you check down here. I'll check upstairs.”
Russel headed upstairs as Leo made his way into the living room. Leo made his way over the dead bodies as if they weren't even there.
“Zelda?” he asked, waiting for an answer. “Zelda?” He made his way into the dark kitchen. “Zelda?” He flipped the light on and looked around. There wasn't really anywhere the child could of hidden. “It's okay, Zelda. It's me, Uncle Leo. I'm not here....” He noticed a note which was laying on the counter. He picked it up and read it. Anger grew inside of him. He gridded his the teeth in anger. “Ryoko.”

Russel walked into Zelda's room, looking everywhere for the child. He looked in the closet. He checked under her bed. He even looked in the toy box. “Zelda?”
“Dad,” Leo said, running into the room, holding the note. He was furious.
“What's going on?” Russel asked.
“Zelda's not here.... I found this.”
Russel took the note and decided to read it out loud. “Bounty hunters, you all are going to lose. Pirates are going to win. I'm starting a crew all my own and Zelda's joining me. We will not let you win. Sign, Ryoko. P. S. You bounty hunters stink.... Take a bath.” He was filled with anger. “That brat is dead.”

Ryoko and Zelda were outside of the castle wall. Ryoko looked for a way to sneak in. She handed Zelda the flash light. “I need you to stay out here. I'll be back okay?”
Ryoko found a hole next to the gate. Luckily, she could fit into the hole. “Remember, Zelda, stay here. I'll be right back.”

Will was sitting on his bed, crying. His sister was being mean to him again. Someone knocked on his door. “Go away.”
“Will? You need to come out here,” Magma's voice said, mad.
Everything grew quiet. That was when Will heard something tapping on his window. The little boy was afraid. He took his sheet and covered his head.
“Will?” a voice asked, coming from outside.
The child didn't answer. He didn't want to answer.
“Will? Let me in please.”
“It's okay, Will. It's me, Ryoko. Please, let me in.”
Will was relieved. He went over to his window and opened it. He helped Ryoko climb into the room. “How did you get up here?”
“I climbed.... Look, Will, I'm getting a crew together, would you like to join my ship?”
“I'm becoming a pirate.... Do you want to join?”
Will looked around. “I would, but I have to stay here. I'm sorry, Ryoko.”
“It's okay. I understand.... I'll miss you, cousin.”
“I'll miss you too.” Will walked over and hugged Ryoko. “Bye.”

Nightmares & Rum

Zelda was sleeping against the wall. She was worn out from all of the walking which her and Ryoko had been doing since they left her house. Ryoko had made her way back over to Zelda. She nudged Zelda to try and wake her up. “Hey, Zelda,” she whispered, making sure that no one was around. “Come on. Wake up. We can't stay here.”
“I don't want to,” Zelda mumbled.
“But we can't stay here.” Ryoko had to think of something quick. “If we don't leave now, then.... Then, the bounty hunters will attack us.... Do you want that to happen?”
“No.... But I'm tired.”
“Well, we'll go camping next to that bolder that we hang out at.... It's safer.... Okay, Zelda?”
“But, you have to get up so we can go.”
“Fine.” Zelda yawned. She slowly stood up and followed Ryoko into the woods, but slowly started to fall asleep, until finally, Ryoko had to hold her up from falling to the ground face first. Once they were at the bolder, Ryoko sat Zelda next to the bolder and made camp. When Ryoko was done with everything, she finally laid down and went to bed as well.

Olivia walked into the living room. She seen Cassandra sitting on the couch, crying. She didn't have any clue what was wrong. “What happened, mommy? What's wrong?” Olivia asked.
Cassandra wiped tears from her eyes. She looked over at Olivia and faked a smile. “Nothing, baby.” She lied. She didn't want to tell Olivia how the child's daddy had left her for another woman. She didn't feel right telling the child that at all.
“Where's daddy?”
The question cut Cassandra like a knife. She didn't know how to tell Olivia what had happened. She should have been glad that the abusive man was now out of her life, but she was just so sad. The thought of the man, who she had loved, just walking out, hurt her worst than any of the physical abused which she had dealt with from him. “He's not here.” She couldn't say anything else. The pain was worst, when it came to her broken heart. If she told Olivia, then there would have been more trouble.

Zelda started screaming in her sleep, waking up Ryoko. Ryoko rushed over to her young cousin, realizing that she was having a nightmare and she needed to wake her up. “Zelda, wake up. It's okay. Wake up.”
Zelda woke up, still crying.
“Zelda, it's okay. It was just a nightmare.”
“I had a dream about my parents and that grandpa killed them again,” Zelda told Ryoko.
Ryoko felt the pain from the thought, which made her anger toward Russel grow. Ash and Chealsey were good people. Her aunt and uncle had to suffer because her grandfather despised them. “It's okay, Zelda. Grandpa's not coming back. It'll be okay. Just go back to sleep. Okay.”
They both laid down and went back to sleep.

The next day, Ryoko and Zelda were walking into the town, hiding in the shadows. Ryoko noticed two bums who were loitering in front of a little store, drinking rum. They had a cooler with them which was filled with rum bottles. Ryoko snuck over and took a couple of bottles.

Ryoko and Zelda were back at the bolder. They were about to go to bed, when Ryoko remembered about the rum. “Wait, Zelda. Before you go to bed,” she said, handing a rum bottle to Zelda, “drink this.”
“I can't drink that.” Zelda knew that it was against the law for a minor to drink any thing that had alcohol in it. “I'm....”
“It'll help you to sleep without having any nightmares.... And that bounty hunter who killed your parents, wasn't grandpa. We're the only two in the family that's still alive. Everyone else is dead because of the bounty hunters,” Ryoko lied. “We're the only two in the family that was lucky. Now drink that and go to sleep. It'll keep you from having nightmares. It'll really help.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, now drink it.”
“Okay.” Zelda had a few sips of rum and fell asleep. Ryoko laid down and slowly fell asleep herself.

A couple of years had pasted by, eight-year-old Olivia sat on the couch with Cassandra. Cassandra had told Olivia that Bobby had past away and that there was no room at the cemetery for his body so she went ahead and burnt it. They were sitting in a peaceful home, still broken, but nice and peaceful. They watched the news as Olivia noticed a man who looked just like her daddy. She realized that it was him with his new wife and a baby boy.

A few days had past and Olivia was ticked off. She was so mad that she threw a fit and started to attack Cassandra. Cassandra picked up the phone and called the police.

When the police arrived, Cassandra watched as they fought with Olivia to get her into the hand cuffs. They dragged Olivia out of the house and Cassandra watched with tears in her eyes as they took her child away.

Five more years had past, Ryoko and Zelda were finally going to get off of Blaze. They didn't steal a ship, when they were younger because they were too small. Ryoko was fourteen and Zelda was twelve. They had managed to find a little house to stay at. They would go around stealing food and clothes and other things that they needed. That was how they survived. They had become thieves, and when Zelda was still five, Ryoko told her that they were the only two in the family who were still alive and that the bounty hunter who had murdered Zelda's parents was an impersonator. She didn't want Zelda to remember the truth. That was the only way that she could protect her cousin.
“Zelda, wake up.”
“But I don't want to.... I'm tired.”
Ryoko kind of eyed Zelda then glanced over at a digital clock which they had took from Zelda's old house. “It's twelve O' clock in the afternoon and besides today's the day that we're finally going to get a ship and leave this stupid planet. You know what that means?”
Zelda shot up with excitement. “More rum?”
Ryoko looked over at Zelda and shook her head. “No.... Well yea.... But no, that's not what I'm talking about.... We're going to start gathering a crew after we get off this planet.... We're pirates and it's time to leave this place.”
Ryoko stood up and walked out of the little house. She looked around and smiled. She thought about how she wasn't ever coming back to this dreaded planet.
Zelda walked out on the porch and leaned against the railing and looked into the woods.
“This is it, Zelda,” Ryoko said. “No more dealing with this evil planet and all the evil that's happened from those dumb bounty hunters. They're worst than vampires. They're not just thirsty for blood but also enjoy watching people suffer. No more.” Ryoko looked up into the blood red sky. “Time to go. Get everything we need.... Weapons.... Food....”
“And rum.”
Zelda rushed into the house. Ryoko waited a few minutes before going back inside to help Zelda gather everything that they needed.

Leaving Blaze

Ryoko and Zelda were over by the docks. The water by the docks looked more like lava than water. Ryoko looked over at the ships as Zelda looked down into the water. Ryoko noticed this blue and silver ship that she couldn't take her eyes off of. It was a beautiful ship and she was going to get it. She pulled out a bag of gold and counted it in her hands. She was going to actually buy it. “Come on, Zelda. I found our ship.”

Ryoko and Zelda made their way over to the ship dealer to purchase the ship. The man, who worked at the dock was selling the ship for less than three hundred. “Can I bargain with you for that ship?” Ryoko asked, pointing to the blue and silver ship.
“That one.... There's no need,” the man replied. “I only want two hundred for it.”
Ryoko looked at the ship it was beautiful but not that beautiful. “How 'bout a hundred?”
“Ah....” The man thought about it. “A hundred and fifty?”
“A hundred and I'll throw in....” Ryoko took a bottle of rum from Zelda.
“This bottle of rum?”
The man thought about it. “Deal.” They shook on it.
Ryoko handed the money and the bottle of rum to the man.
“She's all yours kid.”
“Alright. Come on, Zelda.”
“Yes, Captain Ryoko.”

The two girls made their way over to the ship. The name of the ship was painted on the side of the ship in beautiful gold letters. The Blue Ram was the name of the ship. “Come on. Let's untie the ship and get off this planet,” Ryoko told Zelda.

Once on the ship, they both decided to explore and see what was on the ship. They heard something trying to growl at them. They turned around to find a baby bear. The little bear cub looked like someone had tried to paint him blue. He had a white belly and there was white around his little black nose, but the rest of him was blue.
“Awe,” Ryoko said. “He's so cute and he must be the animal for this ship.” She sat on her knees and went to go to pet him, but he backed away in fear. “It's okay, little guy. I don't want to hurt you.” She laid out her hand to let him know that it was okay.
“What's his name going to be?” Zelda asked.
Ryoko looked at him. She wanted his name to match the color of his fur. He looked like he was a polar bear and she had and idea. “Not Icy.... Not Freezy.... Not Minty.... How 'bout Winter?”
“Winter?” Zelda asked, smiling. “I think it's cute.”
“Okay.” Ryoko looked at the bear and picked him up. “Your name is Winter, because you look like a winter bear.”
Winter titled his head as if he was trying to figure out what Ryoko was. His little, beady, black eyes made him look like a teddy bear.
Ryoko placed the bear down and stood up. “Now, it's about time we left this planet in search for a crew. Don't cha think, cuz?”
“Aye-aye, captain.”

Olivia had broke out of jail and snuck into a dark ally. She had made her escape and she was ready to get some where's away from the prison. She couldn't go home. She needed to leave the planet.

“LEO!” Princess Magma called. She was extremely ticked off about something and obviously it had something to deal with Leo.
“Yes, princess,” Leo said.
“How come there's pirates on the front page of this news paper? It's suppose to read.... Princess Magma is throwing a ball and only people with invitations are invited.... Why am I reading about pirates instead?”
“Um.... Um....”
“What's going on, Magma?” Queen Lizabeth asked, walking into the room.
“I should be on the front page of this paper.... But instead, it's talking about pirates, which should be put to death by,” Magma stated as she pointed to Leo, “him and his men.”
“Let me see that.”
Magma handed the paper to Lizabeth and the queen read the paper and became angry by it.
“Pirates are more important than my daughter, Leo?”
“No, your highness.”
“Then why are they on the cover of this paper instead of Magma?”
“I don't....”
“One-Eye Nick and his crew are on this planet.... Find and kill them.... And then threaten the news paper company....”
“Yes, your highness.” Leo left the room.
“Come with me, Magma. Your father is waiting in the throne room for us.”

A few days had pasted, the Blue Ram had landed on Bull Ridge. Ryoko tied the ship up to the dock as Zelda made her way toward the shore, holding a bottle of rum. Once Ryoko was done, she made her way over to her cousin.
“What's the plan, captain?” Zelda asked.
“Well, we need to start looking for people to recruit. Come on.”
They walked around looking for someone, who they could take into their crew.

Olivia was wearing a long coat to hide her out fit and had stolen a pair of shoes in place of her old, torn up shoes. She also wore sunglasses to cover her eyes and baseball cap to cover her face. When no one was looking, she stole a hotdog from a hotdog stand and walked away.
“I saw that,” an older girl said to her.
Olivia looked around, hoping that girl was talking about someone else.
“Yea.... I'm talking to you.”
Olivia was confused. “Me?” she asked, pointing to herself.
“Yea.... You.”
“What? You going rat me out to the police because I stole a hotdog?”
The girl was quite for minute, then she let out a sigh. “No.... That would make me a hypocrite.... You see, I do the same thing.”
“Who are you?” Olivia asked. “Why are you talking to me?”
“Before I answer your questions.... I want you to answer a couple for me.”
“What's your name?”
“Olivia Lander.”
Another girl walked out of the darkness, holding a bottle of rum, laughing. “Lander? Olivia Lander? What kind of name is that?”
Olivia kind of started to get mad.
“Don't mind her,” the older girl laughed. “She drinks too much....”
“Hey.... Look.... A flying pig....”
Olivia started to look around, confused.
“Sorry.... She hallucinates after drinking too much.”
“Wait.... He's leaving me.... Wait for me....” the younger girl started to walk away but the older one grabbed her arm, pulling her back. “I have to go....”
“No.... He'll come back.... He always comes back.”
“Forget it.... Okay?”
“Okay.... Now do you....”
“I GOT IT!” the younger girl exclaimed. “I'm going to call you Olivia Newton-John.... You know.... That one girl who was in that one movie with that one guy and they sing....” Once she finished talking, she pasted out and fell back.
The older girl just looked at her. “Then that happens....” She looked at Olivia and kind of smiled. “Anyways.... Do you have any family members that are still around?”
“Yea.... My parents, but they disowned me a long time ago,” Olivia answered.
The girl nodded. “Good, and that's all the questions I wanted to ask you.... To answer yours, I'm Captain Ryoko Griffen, and that's my first mate and cousin, Zelda Griffen.”
“Oh....” Olivia thought about it for a minute. “You're pirates?”
“Yep.... We're alone too.... We're orphans.”
“Yea.... And we're here looking for a crew.... Would you like to join? Become a pirate girl?”
Olivia thought about the question and decided that it would be a good idea. “Yea.... Sign me up.”
“Good.... Now for the first mission.... Is help Zelda get up.”
Ryoko and Olivia walked over and picked up Zelda.

While they were on they're way back to the ship, Zelda finally woke up and started walking herself. “So, where we going now?” she asked.
“Back to the ship,” Ryoko answered.
“Oh.... Goody.... Because I need more rum.”
“Of course.” Ryoko looked up at the docks and noticed that there were bounty hunters all over the place. “Oh crap.”
“Bounty hunters.... We can't leave.... Or we're dead.... We can't go back to the ship yet.”
“But we have to go to the ship.... I'm going to go crazy without rum.”
“Zelda,” Ryoko said, “you're my cousin and I love you, but you're crazy when you have rum....”
“But what about Winter.... He's going to cry,” Zelda started to say, crying, “because he's going to miss us.”
“Who's Winter?” Olivia asked.
“You'll find out when you meet him.”
“Zelda, Winter'll be fine.... He can take care of himself.... We need to get away from here for now before the bounty hunters see us and start attacking.... Now, come on.”
All three girls backed away until they reached the city and as soon as they turned around they noticed a bounty hunter, who was standing behind them. The man was the one who Ryoko promised herself she would no longer call her father.
“Ryoko,” the man said.
The two of them eyed each other in anger.

Haunted Houses & Ghost Stories

Leo stood face to face with his daughter who he had disowned a long time ago. He decided that he didn't have any children at all. “Well, Ryoko, I see that you and your cousin, Zelda, are still alive.”
“Yea,” Ryoko answered. “We've been living on our own.”
“I can tell.... Well, there's no need for that anymore.” Leo pulled out his sword and was ready to kill.
Ryoko pulled out her gun and aimed it at Leo. “I wouldn't take another step if I were you, bounty hunter.”
Leo just stood there amazed that Ryoko was holding a gun toward him. He knew he was in trouble.
“Drop the sword.”
Leo did what the young pirate said.
“Zelda, Olivia, go somewhere safe. I'll find you two.” Ryoko kept her eyes on Leo.
“Okay, captain,” Zelda said. “Let's get out of here.”
When Zelda and Olivia were far from Ryoko and Leo, Ryoko kept the gun up, but she kind of moved over a little bit. “Look, I'm not going to kill you.... I'm going to be nice and let you go, dad, but next time you might not be so lucky.... Now get out of here.”

Zelda and Olivia were hanging outside of a little, old gas station just outside of the town. It was about mid afternoon. Ryoko showed up, and kept looking back at the town, making sure that no one was following her. “Come on you two. We need to go somewhere far away from the town for the night.”
“There's an old ranch fifty miles away.... It's deserted.... We could hide out there,” Olivia suggested.
“That's good.”
“I wouldn't go there if I were you, girls,” an elderly, underweight, gray hair man told them as he sat in a chair next to the door of the gas station. His voice sounded a bit raspy and rough.
“Why not?” Ryoko asked.
“Awe the poor guy needs food,” Zelda said, feeling sorry for the man. “Here, sir....”
Ryoko grabbed Zelda's arm and pulled her back.
“Well, see that ranch is haunted,” the man continued.
“HAUNTED?!” Zelda exclaimed, afraid. “Can we go to a....”
“ZELDA, SSSH!” Ryoko kind of yelled to get Zelda to be quiet.
“Years ago the owner of the ranch, Sam Ridge, would sell bulls to pirates.... You know how pirates need an animal for the energy of the ship, right?”
“Well, he would sell bulls to them.... He also provided shelter for them when they were running from the police or the bounty hunters.... One day, he was murdered by a pirate. When the man was caught they found out that he was a bounty hunter. Sam's ghost shows up ready to attack whoever goes there.... Especially, pirates and bounty hunters.... You pirates better watch yourselves.”
The girls were shocked. They hadn't said or done anything that would tell him that they were pirates.
“How'd you know that we're pirates?” Ryoko asked.
“The only one's who are willing to go to that ranch are pirates.... Besides, I was a pirate when I was a young boy and I've been to see Sam for shelter quiet a few times before his death.... I'm warning you girls, if you value your life, you will not go to that ranch.... It's not safe.”
Ryoko and Olivia didn't believe in ghost stories and they figured that the old man was just trying to scare them, but Zelda did. She was shaking in her boots.
“I'd rather go back to the ship,” Zelda replied. “It's safer there.” She started walking away, but Ryoko and Olivia pulled her back.
“I think we'll be fine,” Ryoko told the old man. “It's okay, Zelda. There's no such thing as ghost. They're part of your imagination. We'll be fine.”
“I disagree.”

The three girls finally made it to the old, deserted ranch. It was a little after dusk and they walked into the house on the ranch and lit candles.
“How long do you think this place has been deserted?” Ryoko asked.
“About over twenty years,” Olivia replied, looking around.
They heard something fall onto the floor. Zelda freaked out. “What was that?”
All three girls looked down at the table to see a little mouse who had managed to knock a book off of the table and onto the floor.
“That would be a baby mouse, Zelda,” Olivia answered.
“Oh.” Zelda was kind of relieved but not quite. She didn't want to be on old, spooky ranch.
“Okay, you two. Find a place to sleep,” Ryoko said, laying down on an old, torn up couch.
“Good idea,” Olivia agreed as she walked over toward another torn up couch and laid down.
Ryoko and Olivia went to sleep instantly. Zelda crouched down on the floor, leaning against a wall freaking out. She was too afraid to go to sleep.  The place was creepy to her.
“Get out,” she heard a deep, eerie voice say.
She looked around, but no one was there. She knew that Ryoko and Olivia were far into a deep sleep for them to try to freak her out, and besides, the ghostly voice was definitely a man's voice.
“Get out.”
She was too afraid to move. She noticed a light coming from the couch that Ryoko was on. It wasn't a bright light like what would shine off from an angel, but a darker light that would come from a demon. She looked over and seen a man staring back at her. He looked evil and like he wanted to kill her. She started crying in fear that something bad was going to happen to her.
Ryoko felt someone pulling her hair. “Stop, Zelda.... I'm trying to sleep.”
“Ryoko,” Zelda whispered, she could barely speak.
Ryoko felt someone pull her hair again, but a little bit harder. “Stop, Zelda.... I'm trying to sleep and that kind of hurts.”
“Ryoko,” Zelda whispered.
Ryoko felt someone pull her hair for the time, but even harder. She was actually pretty ticked off. “Stop, Zelda.... I....” She noticed that Zelda was crouched on the floor, afraid to move. She looked over at the ghostly man who stood next to the couch. She was now really freaked out. “Olivia.... Olivia.... OLIVIA!!!”
“WHAT?!” Olivia asked as she sat up and her eyes grew wide eyed as she looked over at the ghost.
The ghost was angry. “Time for you three to suffer.”
“Sam Ridge,” Olivia said, looking up at the ghost.
The ghost of Sam was actually a few years older than he was when he was killed. That was because when a person was killed, the ghost would age up until the age the person was originally suppose to die, unless they were at the age they were suppose to die at then that was different. Sam was ready to kill someone. He didn't care who just wanted the three girls gone.
“It was nice meeting you,” Ryoko said as her and Olivia jumped off of the couches and backed away slowly.
Zelda was so afraid to try and get up that she couldn't move. Tears fell down her cheeks.
Ryoko and Olivia made they're way out of the room.

Ryoko took a deep breath. “That was close.” She looked up and noticed that Zelda wasn't with them. “Wait a minute. Where's....” She realized that Zelda was still in the house.

Sam disappeared and reappeared right in front of Zelda. He had an evil smile on his face. His first victim.
Zelda realized that she had a half of bottle of rum left in her hand and offered it to him. “Rum?” she asked, kind of smiling, trying not to let the fear show.
Sam pulled out a ghostly sword and went to attack, but before he could hit the desired target, Olivia and Ryoko pulled Zelda out of the way and all three girls ran as fast as they could out of the house. The ghost followed them until they left the ranch.
The ghost let out an angry howl and slowly vanished.

The girls were almost back at the gas station. Once they arrived, they stopped to take a break.
“Did the ghost scare you three away?” the old man asked.
“Actually, yea,” Ryoko admitted. “But we made it out alive.”
“I see that.... You girls are lucky because no one else that's been there has been able to make it out alive.”
“You can say that again,” Ryoko laughed.
“Well, have a safe trip girls.”
The girls all nodded then watched as the old man vanished. Ryoko and Olivia's eyes grew wide.
“Hey, you two think that he went to see that ranch and the ghost killed him that's why he was warning us?” Zelda asked.
Ryoko and Olivia just looked at Zelda for a minute. They both were speechless.
“Let's just go back to the ship,” Ryoko told them, “I think that we'll be safer there.”
Olivia and Zelda agreed. The three girls made their way back toward the docks.

Meeting Jackson

Ryoko had the ship sailing through the sky. The ship sailed past the stars. It was peaceful for the three young pirates. They didn't have anyone chasing after them yet. Zelda walked over to Ryoko, holding Winter in her arms. The baby bear had liked the girl's because they took care of him.
“Where's the next stop, captain?” Zelda asked.
Ryoko had to think before she could answer. “Pluto. We'll be safer there because of the cops, and we can recruit more crew members. Besides, I've always wanted to check out the ice planet. It's better than having fire running through your veins.”
“What?” Olivia asked.
“We're Flamies meaning from Blaze.”
“You're a Ridgyin because you're from Bull Ridge, although I think they should call everyone there Spookyins because of the ghost on that planet. Creepy.”

Pluto was below freezing. None of the girls had ever experienced ice cold weather before. Bull Ridge grew cold in the winter and it always snowed, but the cold weather didn't even come close to the frozen planet's summer, which grew even colder in winter. Blaze, of course, never had cold weather. The lowest temperature on the fire planet was 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Ryoko was amazed at seeing her breath when she blew air out. Winter had walked off of the ship and the girls couldn't help but laugh as he fell into the snow. If it wasn't for the blue in his fur he would of blended in. He stuck his head up from the snow and the girls sighed as they seen his little black eyes and black nose come up from the snow.
“Of course, girls and baby animals,” they heard a boy say. The boy's voice was going through the changing stage so it was high and low.
The girls turned around to see this cute, fourteen-year-old, blonde hair, and aqua colored eyes boy. He wasn't dressed for the cold. His pants had holes on each pant leg, including the big hole on the right knee. His shirt was a white button up, sleeves rolled up, church shirt. It was unbuttoned revealing the white tank-top under it. The girls could tell that this boy had not led a good life.
“Well, baby animals are cute,” Ryoko said, picking up the small bear. “Just like Winter.”
The boy laughed at the bear's name. “Winter?”
“Yea. Now, if you excuse us, we have some business to take care of.” Ryoko started to walked off. “Come on, Zelda, Olivia.”
Zelda and Olivia didn't answer, they just followed her.
“Business?” the boy asked, following them. “What kind of business, princess?”
Ryoko stopped dead in her tracks which made Zelda and Olivia stop. She was mad at the boy because she didn't like to be called princess. She thought about all the lives that were taken away because of her royal veins which were filled with grief all because of her aunt and uncle. She disowned herself from which her side that would have been a princess if her mother decided to take the throne but didn't. She turned to face the boy. “I'm not a princess.”
“Yea, well, you're a girl and girls are usually princesses.”
Now, that had just ticked Ryoko off. “Just because I'm a girl that doesn't make me a princess.”
“Yea. Whatever.”
Ryoko placed Winter onto the ground, balled her fist up, walked over to the boy, who was a little taller than her and punched him right in the stomach as hard as she could.
The boy fell to the ground, gasping for air. Zelda and Olivia started laughing at him.
“I'm not a princess.... I'm a pirate. Got it?”
The boy nodded as he started to get his breath back.
“I'm Captain Ryoko. Okay.” Ryoko picked Winter back up, turned toward the other two girls and started walking again. “Come on, you two.”
Zelda and Olivia started following her again.
“WAIT!” the boy cried after them.
Ryoko stopped again, rolling her eyes. She turned to face the boy, who was now standing up.
“Captain Ryoko?”
“Do you have room for a boy in your crew?”
“Well, I'm an orphan. My parents are gone, they left me alone to 'fin for myself.”
Ryoko looked over at Zelda and Olivia to see what they thought. She looked back at the boy and eyed him. “What's your name?”
“Jackson Freeman.”
“Okay fine. But, you need to learn how to fight and you'll be the clean up crew.”
“Clean up crew? What? Why?”
“Because I don't like you and you made me mad.” Ryoko pointed to the other two girls. “That's Zelda, my cousin and the first mate of the crew, and that's Olivia.”
“Want rum?” Zelda asked, smiling.
“Zelda.” Olivia lightly pushed Zelda's hand down.
“Oh yea,” Ryoko said. “Zelda's also the ship drunk.”
“And you've already met Winter, by the way, make in fun of his name again, I'll lock you up in the cage. Got it?”
They started walking into the town. The town was filled with people, walking around and going to different stores and stuff. The only ones that the four young pirates had to worry about were the cops. They would catch them, but other than that, they were okay.


Jackson and Ryoko were arguing. Ryoko had an idea of what she thought they should do, but Jackson disagreed. Zelda and Olivia were staying out of it. Zelda didn't want to say anything because she was trying to think of a nickname for Jackson. Olivia didn't want to say anything because even though they had just met Jackson, she was starting to get a little crush on him.
“Look, I'm from this planet, I know where we should go, captain,” Jackson stated, aggravated.
“So, that doesn't mean anything, Jackson,” Ryoko shot back. “I don't....”
“I GOT IT!” Zelda randomly shouted.
Jackson and Ryoko stopped arguing and turned they're attention toward Zelda. Olivia gave Zelda a funny look.
“Jackson, the perfect nickname for you is the Jackson 1.” Zelda smiled, proud of herself for thinking of the perfect nickname.
“What?” Jackson asked, confused. “That doesn't make any since.”
“Well, that's because it's like the Jackson 5 but take away 4 which equals 1.... Because there's only 1 of you.”
“Zelda,” Ryoko said, “that has nothing to deal with what we're arguing about.”
“But his name is Jackson.... It fits.”
Ryoko lightly smacked her face. She decided that it wouldn't be worth arguing with cousin, when the only guy of the group was being stubborn. “Here, we're going to split up. Jackson thinks that he's right. I'm going to prove him wrong. Zelda, you and me are going left.”
“I bet you two are going to get caught by the cops,” Jackson told Ryoko.
“I disagree. I think that we'll make it.”
“Yea right.” Jackson kind of laughed. “You're going to need help to escape.”
“How much do you want to bet?”
Jackson eyed Ryoko up and down, thinking. “If I win, then I want.... Your sword.”
“Okay. If I win, then I want.... Your....” Ryoko really had to look to see what she could take from the boy. “Your shoes.”
Jackson looked down at his torn up boots then to Ryoko. “Deal. Shake on it?”
“Yea.” Ryoko held out her hand and they shook hands. “Come on, Zelda.”
“Come on, Olivia.”
They went separate ways.

“I'll show him,” Ryoko mumbled to herself.
Zelda looked around, confused. “Who are you talking to?”
“No one.” Ryoko looked over at a little store and knew that they could get some money. She looked around and to her convince there wasn't any signs of cops being around. “Come on.” She smiled. “Jackson is so wrong,” she told herself.
Ryoko ignored Zelda's question as they headed into the store.

A cop, who was hiding in an ally, was taking a nap in his small, black and white police cruiser. His feet were resting against the dashboard. He was about in his early 20's a couple of years out of high school. He was muscular with light brown hair, which went past his ears, but the bangs went down to his eyebrows and stopped.
“Camron,” Craig's voice said over the radio. “Officer Camron.”
Camron kind of jerked his head up and his eyes kind of opened, but his head fell back and his eyes closed. He was asleep again.
“OFFICER CAMRON!” Craig was angry that Camron wasn't answering.
Camron jumped up, alert. He went to grab the walkie-talkie attached to the dash board but it kept sliding out of his hands. When he finally had a hold of it, he held it up to his mouth and pressed the button. “Camron here, sir. What's going on? Over.”
“The convenient store on Chile Lane is being robbed.”
Camron looked at the street sign and realized that he was on Chile Lane and looked over to his left and noticed that the convenient store was next to him. “I'm already here.”
“Okay. Me and Allen are on our way for back up.”
“Okay. Don't worry, sir. I'll get the robber or robbers. You know you....”
“Just go.... They'll get away.”
“Yes, sir.”

Ryoko and Zelda were trying to get the money and get out of the store as fast as they could. The alarm was really loud and it wouldn't be long before....
“FREEZE! COPS!” Camron said, holding up a gun. He was shocked to see two young girls robbing the store. He didn't know how to handle it.
“DROP YOUR WEAPONS!” A cop with long, brown hair said. He was about in his late 20's. He was cute to the older women. He was the perfect weight for his age and had a little beard growing on his chin.
Craig was standing next to him and the both of them had their guns up. They weren't expecting to see a couple of young girls, but they still had to do their jobs.
“Oh crap,” Ryoko said, dropping her gun.
Zelda dropped her gun, but kept holding onto a rum bottle which she had stolen from a cooler. She went to take sip, but the cop with brown hair walked over and snatched it from her. She wanted to cry.
“Sorry, kid, but you're underage.”
“Move out of the way, Allen,” Craig said, walking over to them. “You're under arrest, children. Allen, cuff her. I got the older one.”
“Yes, sir.”
The two cops placed the cuffs on Zelda and Ryoko. Ryoko couldn't believe that Jackson was right. She was so mad.

King Artic

Jackson and Olivia were in an alley. Jackson went to walk out onto the street when he heard the sirens from the cop cars. He backed up back into the alley and had Olivia wait before they could leave.
A cop car raced past them, heading toward the beautiful, ice palace.
“I bet Ryoko got caught. Come on,” Jackson told Olivia.

Allen opened the car door to let Zelda and Ryoko out.
There was a crowd of people from the town on each side of them. Zelda looked to her left and was trying to seen if she could get any rum from anyone.
“Whatever you do.... Don't tell....” Ryoko said, looking at Zelda. “What are you....” She looked into the crowd and grew angry. “Are you kidding me?” She couldn't believe that Jackson was standing in the crowd.

“I knew she couldn't last,” Jackson told Olivia, kind of smiling. He watched as the cops had Zelda and Ryoko walk into the palace walls. “Come on. We have to go bail them out.”

Breeza was in the throne room with a red hair 11-year-old girl and a blonde 14-year-old girl. “Saphire,” she said to the oldest.
“Yea, mom.”
“Can you go over to the window to see what's going?"  "Okay, Mom." Saphire walked over to the window.  She looked out at the crowd and cop cars.
“What's going on?” the younger girl asked.
“I don't know. There's cop cars and a crowd.”
“Oh.... It must be pirates. Alaska, can you go get your father?”
“Yes, mom.” The younger girl walked out of the room.
“Saphire, when your father gets in here can you go and bring Alaska into a different room?”

Artic sat at his throne and Breeza sat next to him. Craig had Camron and Allen bring in Zelda and Ryoko.
“What's this?” Artic asked. He thought about the two girls and was wondering why the three cops had the young girls in cuffs. It was something that broke his heart and he thought about his own two daughters, Saphire and Alaska. “Why are these two girls in handcuffs?”
“Well, your honor,” Craig replied, “these two young ladies decided to rob a bank. Their pirates, sir.”
“Pirates? But---”
“Don't let them fool you by their ages and their looks....”
Ryoko saw sadness in the good king's eyes and an idea popped into her head. “Your honor.... Can I say something?”
“Me and my cousin here,” Ryoko said, making herself cry, “we weren't robbing a bank.... These cops caught us with water guns and thought that we robbed the bank.... So they arrested us....”
“That's not....” Zelda started to say, but Ryoko cut her off.
“We're innocent and because we were playing a game as pirates they arrested us....”
The king was falling for the kid's story. The three cops dropped their mouths in disbelief.
“We're innocent.”
King Artic felt horrible. “What are you're names?”
“I'm Ryoko Griffen and this is my cousin, Zelda Griffen. Please let us go.”
“Release them,” Artic said.
“What?” Craig asked, shocked. “Sir, she's lying.... We can't....”
“Release them.”
“Craig. Release them.”
Craig sighed. “Okay. But, I'm warning you, they're pirates.” He pulled out the keys and unlocked the cuffs, freeing each girl.

New Recruits

Ryoko and Zelda made their way out of the palace as Jackson and Olivia made they're way up the palace steps. Jackson smiled as Ryoko eyed him.
“I told you,” Jackson laughed. “Sword please?” He held out his hands as Ryoko reluctantly handed him the sword. “So, how did they manage to release you?”
“Well, the king doesn't like when young girls are blamed for a crime. We were released because of the good king.... He believed my lie.” Ryoko started to walk off.
Jackson kind of smiled. He liked being right, but he enjoyed being part of a crew. He followed Zelda, who had been dying to get more rum. Olivia walked with Ryoko to see what they were going to do next.

Winter had made his way back to the ship all by himself, but none of the four young pirates had even noticed that he had left them and Ryoko ran over and hugged him. “I'm sorry, baby,” she said to the little bear. “I didn't realize that you were gone.”
“Good job, mommy, you forgot all about your little baby,” Jackson mocked.
Ryoko let go of the bear, stood up, and turned to face Jackson. Olivia and Zelda seen the fury in Ryoko's eyes and ran to take cover, leaving Jackson all by himself.
“Don't mock me. Just because you won that stupid bet doesn't make you.... It doesn't mean that you can mock me.”
Jackson could tell that Ryoko was mad and placed his hands on her shoulders to try and calm her down.
“Don't touch me.” Ryoko pushed his arms from around her. “Go drive the ship....”
“But you said....”
“Just drive the ship to Connie.... Now.”
Ryoko stomped off. Olivia and Zelda came out of hiding and walked back over to Jackson. Zelda placed a hand on Jackson's shoulder. “She'll be okay,” Zelda told him. “She just needs time to cool off.”
“Got any rum?”
“Zelda,” Olivia said.
“What?” Zelda asked, holding up both hands. “That mean cop took my rum from me.” She thought about it and started crying. “He's probably drinking it without me.”
Olivia and Jackson looked at Zelda, confused.
“It's just rum,” Jackson said.
“Just rum?” That made Zelda cry even harder.
“You had to say that?” Olivia asked Jackson.
“She's crying over a drink.”
Ryoko walked out of the captain's office. “Okay, which one of you made Zelda cry?”
Olivia used her thumb to point to Jackson.
“I told you to get this ship off of this planet.... Now go.”
“Okay.” Jackson walked away.
“What's wrong, Zelda?” Ryoko asked.
“I have no more rum.”
“Okay. There's rum in the wine cellar. Olivia, go with her. She's afraid of the dark.”
“Okay. Come on, Zelda.”
Ryoko watched as Olivia and Zelda walked away. She needed time to herself. Memories from the past were rushing through her mind. She thought about her aunt and uncle who were now decaying bodies. “Don't worry, Uncle Ash, and Aunt Chealsey, I won't let anything happen to Zelda,” she whispered as if they were there.

Two 12-year-old boys roamed around a town on the Planet Connie. They were two best friends. One was African-American and kind of chubby, while the other one was white and skinny. They were runaways, trying to find where they fit in. The African-American was some what tall, but the white boy was a little bit taller.

Zelda had strayed away from the other three to find rum on the planet. She had run into the two boys, locking eyes with the taller one. She thought he was cute and his beautiful hazel eyes had her in a daze with his kind of long, brown hair. Suddenly, she had forgotten all about the rum.
“Hi, I'm Robbie Knight and this is my friend, Zack Stevens,” the hazel eyes boy said, smiling.
“Hi, I'm Zelda Griffen,” she replied, returning the smile.
“It's nice to meet you, Zelda,” Robbie said. “That's a pretty name for a pretty girl.”
Zelda blushed. “Thank you.”
“If I didn't know any better,” Zack whispered to Robbie, “I'd say that you like her.”
“Sh. We just met,” Robbie whispered back to get Zack to be quiet. “So, Zelda, what brings you to this planet?”
Zelda remembered what she was there for. “Rum.”
“Rum?” Robbie asked, looking at Zack.
“Yea.... Actually, I'm looking for rum, but my cousin is looking for more shipmates.... Do you two want to become pirates?”
Robbie and Zack looked at each other then to Zelda. “Yea.”
Zelda smiled, biting her lip. “Come one with me.”

“Okay.... We should....” Ryoko turned to face the others. “Where's Zelda?”
“Probably looking for rum,” Olivia pointed out.
“She better be around here. Come on you two. We need to find her.”

Robbie and Zack had brought Zelda to a warehouse which was filled with nothing but rum. Zelda was so excited. Her life long dream had come true. Everywhere she turned there was rum. “Thank you, guys. This is awesome we should tell the others.... They'll love this.”
Robbie and Zack laughed as they watched Zelda grab a bunch of bottles filled to the top with rum.
“Come on. This is awesome.”
As they stepped out of the warehouse two young bounty hunters, each in their 20's, walked past them, not realizing that a pirate was among the three kids. One bounty hunter had black hair and pitch black eyes, while the other one had wild, blonde hair and light blue eyes. They had a conversation as Zelda and the two boys walked past them.
The one with the dark hair noticed Zelda. “Hey, Mike. Doesn't that girl match one of the descriptions of pirates that Leo told us about?”
Mike looked over at Zelda. “No. I think he said that she was taller than that girl.”
“Don't feel bad, Elliot. I'm sure it happens to everyone.”
“Oh okay.”
Zelda looked back at the two bounty hunters and realized she was in trouble. Well, she was going to cause trouble.

Battling Bounty Hunters

Zelda handed the bottles of rum to each boy. She turned toward the two bounty hunters and pulled out her sword. “You two want a piece of me?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.
Elliot and Mike just looked at Zelda, then realized that she was one of the pirates who they're boss had mentioned.
“Draw your swords, bounty hunters.”
The two bounty hunters noticed that Zelda was challenging them. She was willing to fight two on one. Elliot looked over at Mike and nodded. They each pulled out their swords and got ready to attack the young pirate, but each of them were kind of confused to as why Zelda was willing to fight both of them at the same time.
Zelda kind of smiled as she waited for one of them to move.
“Mike, you attack first.... I'll wait.”
“Okay, Elliot.”
Mike went to attack and Zelda blocked it, laughing. “Is that the best you can do?” she asked.
Mike grew mad and attacked again, but Zelda still blocked it. They went back and forth attacking and blocking. When Elliot seen that the fight wasn't really going anywhere, he decided that he would go in for the attack to help his pal out. He went to attack Zelda, but out of nowhere Jackson blocked the attack.
“I was wondering if he was ever going to try and attack, Jackson 1,” Zelda called to him.
Jackson blocked another attack from Elliot, shaking his head at Zelda's remark. He had been hiding behind a dumpster and Zelda had seen him.
“GO, ZELDA!” Robbie called, watching Zelda's fight with Mike. He was impressed with her fighting skills.
Ryoko and Olivia made their way over to Robbie and Zack, but kind of keeping their distance. Jackson looked over and as he fought, he was doing what he could to impress his captain. Ryoko rolled her eyes. Olivia couldn't keep her eyes off of Jackson and she was falling for the boy. Ryoko turned her attention to the two boys, who she didn't recognize, but noticed that each of them were holding rum bottles. She looked over at her younger cousin and then back to the boys.
“Excuse me,” she said to them.
Robbie and Zack looked over at Ryoko.
“Where did you get those bottles of rum?”
“A warehouse that we showed her,” Zack said as he pointed to Zelda.
Ryoko looked at Zelda again and sighed. “Oh, Zelda,” she said to herself.
“You know her?”
“Yea. She's my cousin and the first mate of my crew....”
“So you're Captain Ryoko?” Robbie asked. He realized that Ryoko and Zelda kind of looked a like. “You want two more shipmates?”
“Yea.... Why?”
“We're two runaways. I'm Robbie knight and....”
“And I'm Zack Stevens. Zelda was telling us about you and mentioned that you're here for a crew.”
“What do you think, Olivia?”
Olivia was in a daze, watching Jackson move as he fought, to even hear Ryoko's question.
Ryoko snapped her fingers in front of Olivia. “Olivia?”
“Huh?” Olivia blinked and looked at Ryoko. “What?”
“Do you think that we should let these two boys join our crew?”
Olivia looked over at Robbie and Zack. She tilted her head, trying to decide. “Yea.”
“Okay. You two are in.”
“Alright,” Zack said.
Robbie smiled, looking at Zelda. He was going to be able to see Zelda everyday and he enjoyed the thought.
“You two drink rum?” Ryoko asked. She figured that they were holding the rum for her alcoholic cousin. It was her fault though. She gave Zelda rum to help her stop having nightmares about the deaths of her parents, but she didn't realize that Zelda was going to get addicted.
“Yea, actually we do,” Robbie replied. “And when Zelda said she was looking for rum, we brought her over to where we get our rum. It works. Nothing but rum.”
“Oh.” Well, one thing for certain, Zelda wasn't going to have any nightmares for a while. “You three should start a support group,” Ryoko said, smiling.
The boys laughed, but they didn't realize that Ryoko met it.
Mike lost his sword in the middle of the fight and Zelda picked it up. Mike dropped to his knees, holding up his hands as if he were praying. “Please, let me go,” Mike cried. “I'm too young to die.”
“Too young.... You're older than me. What's your name?” Zelda asked.
“Oh. Mikey. Leave and take your friend with you.”
Elliot had surrendered as well and the two bounty hunters decided to leave. Mike didn't bother to ask Zelda for his sword back. Zelda decided to give the sword, which had fallen to Ryoko.
“No more betting your sword, captain.”
“Thanks, Zelda.” Ryoko had taken the sword with appreciation and great pride. “At least two more stops.... We need two more shipmates.”

Russel made his way to the town. He was ready to take any measure of destruction to destroy Pluto. He was face to face with King Artic.
“Leave my planet. You and all of those other bounty hunters don't belong here,” Artic told the man.
“All I want is to kill all of the pirates that you have in jail.... Well, prison.”
“No.... You can't come on my....”
It didn't take long for Russel to pull his sword out and jab it into Artic's stomach. The ice king wasn't expecting Russel to do something like that. Artic's mouth opened, pouring out blood. “I knew you would agree.” Russel removed the sword and Artic fell to the ground dead.

Breeza was standing behind a building, covering her mouth to keep from screaming. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at her dead husband. The good king had fallen.

Russel wasn't in a rush. He just walked off as if he didn't do anything. He felt no guilt, no remorse. He didn't feel bad once so ever. He did his job and now he was going to the prison to murder all the pirates, he could find before they all escaped.

Ryoko & Jackson's War

Ryoko and Jackson were on the deck of the Blue Ram, arguing. Zelda and Robbie were sharing a bottle of rum. Zelda shook her head at Ryoko and Jackson.
“Are they always like this?” Robbie asked.
“Yep. It's been like this ever since we met Jackson. They've been down each others throats.”
“We're going....” Ryoko started saying before Jackson started to walk off. “Where are you going? Get back here and.... Ooo.... You make me so mad.”
Zelda and Robbie watched as Jackson walked past them, then Ryoko run and jumped on him. Jackson grew angry.
“They make a cute couple,” Robbie said, handing the rum bottle to Zelda.
“Thank you and I think that they like each other.”
“You welcome. Maybe we should try and hook them up.”
Zack walked up onto the deck with three extra bottles of rum. He made his way over to Robbie and Zelda as Ryoko ran past him and into the captain's office of the ship, closing the door behind her. Jackson ran to the door and tried to open it. He started kicking and banging on the door. “HEY.... OPEN UP.... LET ME IN.... CAPTAIN!”
“What's that all about?” Zack asked.
“They're trying to decide where to go,” Zelda told him.
“Oh. Isn't it your job to help the captain decide what planet to go to next?”
“Yea, but then Jackson showed up and started arguing with her so I decided to back off.”
“So, Zacknator, did you bring us rum?”
“Yep.” Zack handed a bottle to Zelda and another one to Robbie. He kept the third one for himself.
“Zacknator. That's a cool nickname. What's mine?” Robbie asked.
Zelda grew wide-eyed. She didn't know a good nickname for Robbie. She didn't want to call him “cutie” or anything like that because then he would know that she liked him and she didn't know how he would feel. “Um.... Um.... How 'bout? Um.... Robbie.... Robbie.... How's.... Rob? I can't come up with anything better. Sorry.”
Robbie smiled. “I like it.”
Zelda smiled in relief.

Zelda sat in the dinning room of the ship, looking up at the ceiling. The ceiling wasn't decorated or anything, she was just bored. She leaned back in the chair and fell back when she heard the door open and close. She stood up and picked up the chair and placed it back where it was.
“Zelda, what are you doing in here?” Jackson asked as he walked into the room.
“Dinning. I mean this is a dinning room so duh.”
Jackson looked at the table and noticed that there weren't any plates on the long, brown table, which sat eight people. “If you were dinning, then where's your plate?”
“The kitchen I just forgot to go get it.”
Zelda sat back down and looked up at Jackson. “Why don't you go get some rum? A bottle for you and a bottle for me? Then sit down and explain to me why.... Why.... Why....”
“Why what?”
Zelda thought but couldn't think of anything. “I don't know.... I forgot what I was going to ask.... Anyways, talk to me 'cause I'm bored and need someone to talk to.”
Jackson smiled. He enjoyed being around Zelda. She was like a little sister that he had to love no matter how much trouble she got into with him. “Sure. I'll go get us rum.”
Jackson started to leave the room.
“Oh and can you stop by the kitchen and get my.... Something sandwich. I made a sandwich and forgot what kind it was.... But it's a sandwich, and it should be on the counter.... If it's not then someone must of ate it.”
Jackson smiled and shook his head. “Where's your two drinking buddies?”
“Oh they went to talk to Ryoko about something.” Zelda returned a smile.
Jackson left the room.

Breeza's Sad News

A couple of hours had pasted and Zelda and Jackson walked out of the dinning room, laughing. Zelda was holding an empty rum bottle as Jackson walked away and Olivia walked over to Zelda, watching Jackson leave.
“What was that about?” Olivia asked.
“We were just talking....”
“Ooo.... Did he say anything about me?”
“Oh.... Did he ask about me?”
Zelda just looked at Olivia. She didn't even realize why Olivia was asking questions about Jackson. She was really confused. “I'm pretty sure that if he asked about you that would of meant that he mentioned you.”
Olivia thought about that and realized that was true. She wasn't going to give up though. She really liked Jackson and was hoping that he liked her as well. “Oh.”
“Now.” Zelda held the rum bottle upside down to see if there was anything left. She was kind of disappointed that nothing came out, not even a little drop, the bottle was so empty. “I need more rum.” She walked away, disappointed.

Ryoko was in her office, sitting behind her desk, thinking. She had a map laid out in front of her and was trying to choose the next planet, even though, she already had one in mind. There was a knock on the door. “COME IN!” she called.
Robbie and Zack walked in as she looked up at them.
She was disappointed to see them. She didn't have a problem with her two newest members, but she knew what they were trying to do and didn't want to deal with it. “Look. I told you guys already, I don't like Jackson.... I never liked Jackson.... And I never will like Jackson. Now, go. Please.”
“But you do like Jackson,” Robbie said. “You just don't want to admit. Oh yea. And never say never. You don't know what will happen. Right, Zack.”
“Right,” Zack agreed.
Ryoko slid down in the chair. She didn't want two guys telling her how she felt.
“Don't worry, captain. Us three agree that you two make a good couple.”
“Yea. Zelda's helping us too. She's talking to Jackson.”
Ryoko kind of hit her head against the table. She couldn't believe that her cousin was in on the whole idea as well.

Breeza was in the throne room, pacing back and forth, crying. She couldn't believe that her dear husband was dead. She had to tell the town that the king was dead, but first she was going to tell Craig. She couldn't tell anyone herself because of the pain that was caused because of Russel. Tears were quickly falling down her cheeks as she cried.
“You wanted to see me, your highness?” Craig asked as he walked into the room.
Breeza stopped and faced him. He could see the tears which were crawling out of her eyes.
“What's wrong, Queen Breeza?”
“The king.... King Artic.... Artic, my husband.... My husband is dead.”

Saphire was outside of the throne room. Shock took over, then she felt her eyes water. She started crying as she heard the news of her father's death.

“What happened?”
“A bounty hunter.... A bounty hunter killed him.... He was trying to stop him, but the man didn't care.... A bounty hunter murdered my husband.”

Saphire backed away slowly, tears flying down her face. She couldn't believe the news. Her heart was pounding.

Ryoko had Robbie and Jackson tie the ship up to the dock. The planet which they had landed on had nasty tornado weather. Ryoko looked around at the dark gray sky. She could tell that the people who lived on the planet were use to that kind of weather, because she could see them walking around getting ready for a party and they didn't seem to worry about the tornado, which would be forming. She turned toward her crew and knew that it wouldn't be safe to have everyone running around. The tornado wouldn't do anything to the ship because of the fact that the tornadoes on the planet didn't go anywhere near the water. “Zelda, Robbie, you two with me. Jackson, Olivia, and Zack, I want the three of you to stay on the ship with Winter. I can't have anyone in danger. Okay.”
“Alright,” they all agreed.
“Zelda, Robbie, I need you two to stick with me at all times. This planet is really unsafe.”
“Okay,” Zelda said.
“Yes, captain,” Robbie agreed.
“Good. Now, come on.” Ryoko left the ship as Zelda and Robbie followed her.


Ryoko, Zelda, and Robbie walked around the planet and Rayoko noticed that a tornado was forming. They had to get to a safe place. "What planet are we on, captain?" Robbie asked.
Ryoko quickly glanced over at him then back to the tornado which had appeared. "Twister.... Now, come on you two. We need to get some where's....."
"You three must be new here," a boy with grayish, tornado color hair said, walking over to them. He looked to be about fifteen. He smiled at them. "I'm Christian."
Zelda looked over and for the first time in her life she seen a tornado. Her heart started pounding in fear. She froze up.
Robbie grabbed her hand to help her calm down. "It'll be okay."
"You three arrived in time for the party."
"Party?" Ryoko asked.
"Yea. We have one every time a tornado appears. Come on."
"It'll be fun." Christian started to walk off.
Ryoko decided to follow and nodded for Robbie to help Zelda move and relax her. Ryoko took a deep breath. "Twistyins are so strange," she whispered to herself.

Christian had walked into a stadium followed by Ryoko and her two shipmates. Christian seemed to be a smart guy and Ryoko knew that Twistyins were well known as the people who were very clever and good to have on a pirate ship, but she didn't understand why they liked to throw parties during a dangerous time.
"So, why are you three here?" Christian asked.
"We're looking for shipmates. I'm Captain Ryoko. The other girl is my first mate, Zelda, and the boy is our other shipmate, Robbie. There's three more on the ship."
"Hm.... Pirates I assume."
Ryoko kind of nodded.
"I could join.... My parents would be proud."
"Each of them are pirates themselves. My father is Captain One-Eyed Nick and my mother is his first mate. They have me stay on the planet with my aunt and uncle until they can visit. They want me to join a pirate crew too. Can you let me join?"
Ryoko was surprised. Everyone else were orphans, while Christian was the first one who was actually a child of two pirates. She smiled and nodded. "You're in. Do you need to talk to your aunt and uncle?"
"No. They know the plan and they'll figure it out when I don't show up."

Russel walked into the castle. He had just arrived back on Blaze in his black, flying, small car. He didn't bother to get something to eat. He needed to tell Jim that Artic was dead and they didn't have to worry about the ice king ruining their plans.

Leo was outside, standing at the beginning of the woods, looking out at the town on the planet he called home. Elliot and Mike made their way over over to the man. Everything was peaceful to him, until he seen them walking over toward him. "What do you two want?"
"Well, we were wondering.... How would you react if...." Elliot started to ask, afraid of what Leo would do to them. "Mike, why don't you ask?"
"Man, you said that you would ask."
Leo looked at them.
"I changed my mind.... You tell him."
"No, Elliot. He's going....."
Leo was starting to grow angry at the two of them. They were aggrovating him.
"Just tell him, Mike."
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Leo exploded. He was annoyed that they weren't telling him anything. "I DON'T CARE WHICH ONE OF YOU TELL.... WHAT HAPPENED?!"
Elliot and Mike leaned back, afraid of what Leo would do. They could see that his temper was rising. Everything was peaceful for Leo until the two idiots showed up.
"We ran into Ryoko's crew on Connie and we kind of...." Elliot started to say, fear showing in his eyes.
"They got away, boss," Mike finished.
Leo was beyond ticked off. There were no words to describe how furious the man was. "YOU WHAT?!"
"They got away," Elliot cried, falling down on his knees.
Leo kicked Elliot's chest, knocking Elliot on his back. "You two are idiots. I should kill you two myself, but I'm not." He started to walk away. "You two stay here. I don't want either of you to follow me."
"Okay, boss," Mike replied. He went to help Elliot up, but Elliot looked like he was in some kind of hurtful daze.

Ryoko had Christian follow her into a small room on the second floor on the ship. The room looked like a little office. It was empty except for the light which was hanging from the ceiling. "You think that you can use this as a little office or lab or something?" Ryoko asked.
Christian looked around. "Yea. This will be good. Captain?"
"That guy, Jackson, who you introduced me to once we got on deck. Do you like him?"
"What? You too? No.... I thought that you were going to be different." Ryoko walked away kind of mad.

Jackson walked over to Zelda, Robbie, and Zack. He noticed that they were having a chugging contest with their rum. He laughed.
"I'm done," Zelda said, holding the empty bottle upside down.
Robbie and Zack each spit out what they had in their mouths.
"WHAT?! WE WERE BEAT BY A GIRL!" Zack exclaimed.
Zelda and Jackson couldn't help but laugh.
"Zelda, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jackson asked.
"Sure. Just let me gloat first." Zelda smiled. "You two lost to a girl. Haha. I win. I beat you two. Now, when I come back, I expect two bottles of rum from each of you." She turned to face Jackson. "Let's go."
"We lost to a girl," Robbie said as he watched Zelda and Jackson walk off.

Jackson made sure that no one was around before saying anything that he didn't want them to hear. "Do you really believe that Ryoko likes me?" he asked.
Zelda nodded.
Jackson smiled. "Good. Cause I really like her too, but I don't know how to tell her."
"Well, don't look at me. I'm not cupid.... I'm a pirate."
Jackson kind of laughed as he shook his head. "You're her cousin, do you know what she likes?"
Zelda had to think.  "I know.  Candy."                                    "What kind of candy?"                                                           Zelda started randomly laughing. She didn't answer the question which kind of confused him.
"What kind? And what's so funny?"
"I beat two guys at chugging rum."
Jackson was confused he had no idea what that had to deal with anything.
"I'm going to see if those two boys have my rum yet." Zelda left without answering Jackson's question.
Jackson stood there in confusion.

Christian's New Nickname

Ryoko was debating on which planet to go to next. She needed to get just one more shipmate then she was planning to go back to Pluto and sneak out other pirates, who the cops had captured. Her fear now was that Leo and Russel were after her and her crew. She sat behind her desk, thinking. Her father and grandfather were the two bounty hunters who were the main threat to her and her crew. She didn't care what happened to her but she didn't want anything to happen to the others.
There was a knock on the door. Ryoko looked up from her desk. "COME IN!"
The door opened and Jackson walked into the room. "Captain?"
Ryoko rolled her eyes. She didn't want to deal with that boy. Not now. "What do you want, Jackson?"
"Do you...."
"Captain Ryoko," Olivia said, walking into the room, cutting off Jackson, "Zack wanted to know what planet you wanted him to drive to?"
"Right now.... I don't care where.... Which ever planet is closest...."
"Okay." Olivia looked over at Jackson and smiled at him. "Hello, Jackson."
"Hey, Olivia." Jackson returned the smile.
Olivia walked out of the room.
"Now, what did you want?" Ryoko asked Jackson, raising an eyebrow.
"Um.... You know what.... I can see that you're busy so I'm just going to leave you alone."
Ryoko looked at Jackson like he was crazy and just watched as he left the room and closed the door.

Will walked along the castle, feeling anger toward his sister and parents. He hoped that the worst thing could happen to them. He remembered all of the cruel things that they done, especially Magma. He hated them all and hoped for their deaths to be in vain. He had a plan to have all the bounty hunters under his control. He planned to kill anyone from pirates to cops. He didn't care if they worked under him, he would have them killed for no reason. "I'll show them. I'll show them all," he told himself, an evil smile grew on his face.

Christian was in the little room, which Ryoko had shown him. He was working on an experiment. He was trying to see if he could make some kind of weapon that would stop the bounty hunters dead in their tracks. He wasn't working on a bomb, just a new kind of explosive, which would surprise the enemies.
"Ooo.... What'cha doing?" Zelda asked, taking a sip of rum.
Christian stopped and looked over at Zelda and Robbie. Robbie had his arm around Zelda, also holding a rum bottle. Christian shook his head. "I'm working on an explosive that will leave our enemies in shock.... That means we could attack them and they won't be able to attack us at all."
"Wow. Want any rum?" Zelda asked, holding out a bottle of rum.
"Not now. Maybe later, but I'm kind of busy. You're cousin wanted me to....."
"Take a break and have rum with us....."
"Thanks, Zelda, but I can't....."
"Please, Christina?"
"No.... Wait.... What did you just call me?"
"She likes to give people nicknames," Robbie replied.

The News of Artic's Death

There was a planet with dozens of wonderful, beautiful trees and mountains. It was almost like a tropical rain forest and the towns on the planet were made to match the wonderful life forms. A 10-year-old, mixed little boy was sick and tired of watching his father beat his mother for no reason and so he decided to run away from home.

Ryoko, Zelda, and Olivia were out walking the streets of the beautiful planet.
"Um.... Captain?" Olivia asked.
"What planet are we on?"
"Tropical Island.... I know it's a planet and no an island, but...."
They heard sobbing coming from a little boy. Zelda looked over and seen the child sitting in front of a store and decided to find out what was wrong. She walked over to him and stood next to him. "Excuse me," she said. "What's wrong? You shouldn't be out here all by yourself. Where are your parents?"
The boy looked up at Zelda. There was hurt in his eyes. "My daddy beats my mommy," he replied.
"Awe.... I'm so sorry to hear that."
By this time, Ryoko and Olivia had joined them. Olivia had memories of when her dad would beat her and her mom. The memories were horrible and she wished that she could get rid of them or block them out, but she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried, they were still there and weren't ever going to leave.
"You want rum?"
"Zelda," Ryoko told her, "he doesn't need rum. He's younger than you...."
"But I was five when you gave me rum and he's older than I...."
"No. Have some commonsense.... You're addicted.... Robbie's addicted.... Zack's addicted.... I don't need anymore crew members addicted...." Ryoko turned toward the child. "You want to be a pirate?"
The boy's eyes lit up at the thought. "Yea."
Ryoko smiled. She held out her hand. "I'm Captain Ryoko, my cousin and first mate, Zelda, and one of our crew members, Olivia. Don't worry you're not the only boy on the ship by the way."
"Okay. I'm Zeke."
"Good to meet you. Now, come on. We'll introduce you to everyone else."

A few days later, the Blue Ram had landed on Pluto. Ryoko, Zelda, and Jackson were walking into the town when they noticed a crowd of people in front of the palace. They heard Craig's voice over the crowd of people.
"What's that about?" Ryoko asked.
"I don't know," Jackson replied.
"Maybe they ran out of rum," Zelda answered.
Jackson and Ryoko just stared at Zelda.
"What is it with you and rum?" Jackson asked.
"She's addicted," Ryoko answered. "I blame myself." She shook her head. "Let's go find out."

Craig stood on the steps of the palace, looking out at the people in the crowd. "I'm sorry to say this, but King Artic is.... Is dead."
There were a lot of gasp from different people in the crowd. Ryoko couldn't believe what she heard.
"Yes. Our dear king is dead. He was murdered by a bounty hunter. The queen is very ill as well and she only has a few more days. The illness is unknown and we have no clue how she got it, but she is on her death bed as well."
"Artic can't be dead," Ryoko said, looking at Jackson and Zelda. "He's the only king that I had respect for.... I bet I know which bounty hunter did this." She knew that it had have been Russel. It was obvious that Russel would do something like that. She thought back to what he had done to Zelda's parents and she knew it must of been him.

Making a Deal With the Cops

Craig went to walk toward the palance, when Ryoko stopped him. "What do you want?" he kind of snapped. "Wait. I remember you.... You're that pirate who made me look like liar in front of the king. I should...."
"Look, cop. I know this sounds crazy, but we pirates could use your help."
"Yea, whatever."
"Whatever? I know which bounty hunter killed Artic.... He won't stop at that. I fear that Russel might get an army of bounty...."
"I don't care. It's not my fight." Craig left before Ryoko would say anything else. He didn't want to deal with pirates at all. He had a funeral to prepare for, and depending on what would happen to the queen, he might have two funerals to deal with.
"Where are we going now, captain?" Jackson asked.
"To Blaze.... I have some business to deal with up there."
Zelda started crying.
"What now, Zelda?" Ryoko asked.
"There's no more rum.... I ran out.... I want rum...."
Ryoko burried her face in her hand, shaking her head. Jackson just smiled.

Winter sat up and Olivia noticed that he was growing. He wasn't really big, actually he was still kind of small, but it was obvious that he was bigger than when she had first met the baby bear.
"You've gotten bigger, Winter," Olivia told him as she smiled at the bear.
Ryoko, Zelda, and Jackson arrived on the deck. "Jackson, bring the ship to Blaze."
"Yes, captain."
"You can go and get some rum."
"YAY! RUM!" Zelda vanished as she made her way down the stairs.

Jim made his way into the throne room, where he found Russel looking around. "Is there something that you wanted to tell me, Russel?"
"Artic is out of the way, but when I went to the jailhouse to kill off the pirates, they had the place packed with cops.... If it were one or two, then I wouldn't mind to kill them, but I'm not stupid enough to get captured by them either."
"I understand.... And when you say that Artic is out of the way, you mean...."
"I killed him, sir." Russel smiled.
Jim returned the smile. "Good."

Return to Blaze

A few days, the Blue Ram landed on Blaze. Ryoko and Zelda left everyone else on the ship as they made their way to the castle. Ryoko wanted to see if she could talk to Will about becoming a pirate. They had to sneak in though and besides she wanted to find out why Russel kill Artic.

Ryoko looked around the throne room, and luckily, no one was around. She had Zelda hid where no one would see her just incase someone walked in. "I want you to stay here," Ryoko whispered. "I'll be back, but I want you to stay here and don't move for nothing."
Ryoko snuck out of the room and made her way through the castle, looking for her cousin from her mother's side who she actually worried about. She was hoping to find him as the same little boy who she remembered. She knew that he'd be older, but she was hoping that he'd still be sweet and caring. She knew that there was a big chance that he had changed though, because she knew what kind of people her aunt and uncle were though and not to mention Magma. She walked passed a room and couldn't help, but notice that Jim and Russel were in the room, talking. She looked around then moved closer to the wall and kind of peaked and ease dropped on their conversation.
"See, now that Artic is out of the way...." Russel said. "We need to sneak into that jailhouse and kill off...."
Ryoko could only hear every other word. She needed to get closer, but then that would be dangerous for her.
"We don't need the pirates to start a rebellion against us.... We need to kill them all off. If we don't, then there'll be a war.... We don't need a war."
Ryoko was angry by the words. She would get every pirate, she could find and get them to fight against the bounty hunters. "This means war," she growled, under her breath.

Ryoko finally made her way to Will. She took one look at him and knew that he was different. She could tell that he had changed. She got to him too late. "Will?"
He glanced at her. He knew who she was and he knew that she was a pirate. "What do you want, cuz?"
Ryoko felt her heart brake because of the coldness in his voice. "Will?"
"Is that all you can say, Ryoko?" Will asked.
"You've changed.... You became one of them.... You were so sweet and innocent.... What happened?"
"I want you all dead.... Even my mother and father.... Especially Magma.... Oh, and by the way, I had Russel kill Artic.... My parents don't know it, but the bounty hunters are under my control now.... You and your crew better live up the moment because I plan to have all you stupid pirates dead." Will walked away as Ryoko watched.
Ryoko was shocked by Will's words. She couldn't believe it. He had afficially joined the dark side.

Ryoko was on her way back to the throne room, when she ran into Magma. "What are you doing here?" the princess asked.
"None of your business, Magma."
"Look, we don't need any scum, dirt pirate walking around this nice...."
Ryoko punched Magma in the jaw. "And now, if I get in trouble for that, I could just fight them, because I'm a pirate and I don't care.... Besides, because of you, Will is evil."

Jim walked into the throne room. Zelda watched from behind a wall. She went to move away but knocked over a vase. Jim heard the noise and looked around. "Who did that? Who's there? Show yourself."
Zelda tried to run away, but it was too late. Jim was already behind her.
"Busted, pirate."
Zelda pulled out her sword and....

Ryoko and Magma had a stare down. "If I had a weapon, I'd kill you."
Ryoko pulled out her sword and held it up to Magma's neck. "I have a weapon and I would kill you."
Magma backed up slowly, worried that Ryoko was going to kill her.
"As a matter of fact, princess, I could kill you right now...."
Zelda ran passed and grabbed Ryoko's arm, pulling her way from Magma. Zelda was crying. She thought about what she had done and just cried.
"Zelda, I told you to stay hidden in the throne room." Ryoko was mad.
"I know, but I did something bad."
"What did you do?"
They heard a scream coming from the throne room. The scream was loud and frightening.
"That had to have been the queen.... Zelda, what happened?"
"I'll tell you when we get outside."

Lizabeth was frightened and crying, when Russel and Leo rushed into the throne room. "What's wrong, your highness?"
"Look." Lizabeth pointed to the body of her dead husband.

"You killed the king?" Ryoko asked, amazed that Zelda would do that.
"I didn't mean to.... It just happened." Zelda was balling.
"Calm down, we just have to get the crew and some other shiploads of pirates to help fight the bounty hunters."

"This means war," Russel said. "Oh and, your highness, come here for a minute."
Lizabeth moved toward Russel. "What?"
As quickly as he killed Artic, he had killed Lizabeth as well. "Nothing personal. It's just that you're son wanted us to kill the both of you anyways. No hard feelings I hope." Russel removed his sword and let the body fall next to her husband. "Till death do you part, but you both will be stuck with each other in the afterlife. Rest in peace."

Winter & the Blue Ram

Three months later, Ryoko and her crew had found a bar on the Planet Era, where other pirates were. Zelda, Robbie, and Zack made friends with some of the older pirates, who happened to be the drunks on other ships as well.
Ryoko and Olivia had found five of the other captains. One of them being Christian's dad. "One-Eye Nick?" Ryoko asked. She knew it had to be him because he was the only pirate, who she had ever heard of with one-eye. Of course, he wore a black eye patch with a skull and cross bones painted on it, over the eye, which he didn't have. She didn't care to much to know why he only had one eye.
"Yes, young lady?" the man asked.
"I'm Captain Ryoko.... Russel and Leo are gathering other bounty hunters to kill off all of us pirates.... We're trying to talk to other pirate captains and their crews to see if they will join us to fight against them."
"You can count me and my crew in, kid."
Ryoko smiled. "Oh and your son is on my crew by the way."
"Good. I always knew he would become a pirate." Nick walked away and Ryoko kept her smile.
"Captain's Bill, Tom, Mandy, and Louis, will you join us as well?"
"Me and my crew are up for it," Bill replied.
"I'm always up for a fight," Tom agreed.
"We're in," Mandy answered.
"Fight against the bounty hunters?" Louis asked.
Ryoko and Olivia looked at each other and then to the older man. They didn't know if that meant he was agreeing or not.
"Sounds fun. I'll have my crew ready in no time." Louis smiled at the girls.
"Good." Ryoko smiled. She was hoping that they could get enough pirates to fight off the bounty hunters and stop Will in his tracks.

The day had came. Ryoko and her crew were back on Blaze. She had Winter stay on the ship to guard it. Her and the crew were hanging out near a mountain. Ryoko looked out into the distance and noticed smoke coming from the Blue Ram and that the ship was sailing off into the distance on fire. She knew that the bounty hunters had something to deal with that her ship was sailing away on fire, she was angry that they were killing Winter and she would never be able to see him again. "Winter.... Those stupid bounty hunters are killing Winter...." She was ready to go on a killing spree.
Jackson grabbed Ryoko's arm. "Captain, we have to wait...."
"But, Winter.... I have to...."
"I'm sorry, captain, but we have to wait."
"When I get my hands on Russel and Leo, I'm going to kill them. I've watched and heard about them killing innocent people and animals and it needs to stop." Ryoko was ready to attack and kill the two bounty hunters who she hated the most.


"It's time," Ryoko told the crew as she watched the sunset. She was going to get revenge for all the innocent blood which had been shed through the years. Revenge for Ash and Chealsey. Revenge for Artic. Revenge for Winter. Revenge for everyone else who had become victims to the coldest bounty hunter in the universe. If she didn't get revenge, then she would die trying. "Jackson, and Zeke, you two go toward the docks. Robbie, and Zack, you two go toward the town. Christian, and Zelda, you two go toward the castle. Olivia, you and me will stay here in the woods. The other captains will have their crews in the same areas to help us. Remember, this is a war between us pirates and the bounty hunters. Not everyone will survive. We will die with honor. Nothing more. Nothing less. Now, go and if any of us are left, we'll meet at the little empty bookstore near the store. Go and do your best."
Jackson made his way toward Ryoko. "Captain, wait."
"What, Jackson?"
Jackson hugged Ryoko then locked eyes with her. Everyone waited to see what was going to happen. Olivia felt anger and hurt growing as she watched her crush, Jackson, kiss their captain.
"Aww.... That's so cute.... I knew that was going to happen." Zelda smiled at the sight. She thought it was the sweetest thing that she ever seen. "That's so...."
"Come on, Zelda." Christian grabbed Zelda's arm pulling her away from the scene.
"Bye, Zelda. I'll see you back at the bookstore," Robbie said, waving at her. He blew a kiss to her and she smiled.
"Bye, Rob. I love you."
"I love you too."
"You can talk to your boyfriend later. We've got to go, Zelda."
"Okay, Christina."
"Please don't call me that."

Ryoko looked around for Olivia. They were suppose to stay in the woods, but Olivia had vanished somewhere.

"You're willing to help us?" Russel asked someone who managed to stay in the shadows and not reveal themself.
"Are you sure we can trust you?" Leo asked the same person.

Zelda was on her way back to the hide out where her and Christian were hanging out at as they waited for some other pirates. She was carrying a bottle of rum, when she noticed a bounty hunter standing in front of her. "Hello...."
He pulled his gun out and shot at her.
Zelda looked down and realized that he had missed her, then her eyes moved toward her left hand, which was holding her bottle of rum. The rum bottle had broke and she lost the rest of her rum. She wanted to cry, but as she looked up at the bounty hunter, anger had shown in her eyes. She was ready to attack him. "You.... You wasted my rum." She threw the broken bottle to the side and drawn her sword. "You will pay for that."
The bounty hunter wasn't ready for her attack and she sliced and diced him open till his blood was on her shirt and she put her sword up.
"I didn't want to do that, but you gave me no choice." She looked at the body and shook her head. She took a deep breath. She looked at the sky and decided that she needed to go back to join Christian. "I better go now."

Christian help up an explosive as Zelda walked in and closed the door.
"You're back. Where's your rum?"
"A bounty hunter wasted it and I killed him for it. What's that?"
"It's that explosive that...."
The door flew open and Jackson stood in the door way. He didn't bother to take a step, he just stood there as if he seen something trumagic.
"Jackson, how'd you find us?"
"JACKSON 1!" Zelda ran over and hugged him. She felt something in his back and felt something wet and warm as well. She backed away as he slowly fell to the ground. She noticed that someone had stuck a knife in his back and that he was bleeding, badly. "Jack-son?" she asked as if he could answer.
Christian jumped to his feet. "He's dead. We have to get out of here."

Zelda and Christian ran into Zack and Robbie. "Robbie, Zack, you two alright?" Christian asked.
"Yea," Robbie replied, trying to catch his breath. Him and Zack had been running for their lives, shooting at different bounty hunters which they were face to face with. "What about you two?"
"We seen Jackson," Zelda blurted out. "He had a knife in his back, he's dead. We don't know where Zeke is."
"Well," Zack said, sadness in his voice. "We found Zeke. Poor little guy never had a chance."
"I didn't even get to come up with a nickname for him."
Robbie looked over and noticed that a bounty hunter was going to shoot at Zelda. "ZELDA, LOOK OUT!" He pushed Zelda out of the way and fell to the ground dead.
"No, Robbie." Zelda started crying.
"Zelda, go to the bookstore by the shore. Me and Zack will meet you there."

Ryoko held her gun up, hiding behind a tree as she heard gun shots. She was hoping that her crew was alright. She had lost Olivia and didn't know if she was dead or alive. All she could do was wonder and worry about herself. She would move from the tree and shoot at the enemies then hide behind the tree until it was her turn to shoot again.

Zelda had managed to lose her weapons on the way to the little bookstore and so she looked for anything that she could use as a weapon. She heard the door open and turned around. She was relieved to see that Olivia had walked in. "Oh. It's just you, Olivia."
"What's wrong with you?"
"I'm trying to find a weapon."
"Can you help me please?"
The windows had been blocked off. Zelda wasn't worried about Olivia, she just wanted something to calm her down.
"I can't find a weapon anywhere. You?" she asked.
Olivia hid her sword to where Zelda wouldn't see it. "No."
"This is bad." Zelda was freaking out. She looked everywhere for a weapon, but no luck. "We're in a war against those blood thirsty bounty hunters and to make things worst there's only five of us." She wasn't thinking about the other pirates from the other crews.
"Actually, there's only three of us now."
"Yea. You, Ryoko, and me."
"Oh, man. It's worst than I thought. Where's the rum?" She started looking for rum and forgot about looking for a weapon.
"The rum? Is that all you're worried about is the rum?" Olivia crossed her arms, leaned against a wall, and shook her head. "Come on, Zelda. You're a moron. Think about it, we could die today, and you wouldn't care. You're freaking out because you can't find the rum."
"I'm freaking out 'cause we might die that's why I need the rum. Just so I can calm down. You would know that if you just asked. I can see that we might get killed. We don't stand a chance against those bounty hunters. We better be glad that Magma isn't here to kill us as well."
"That's because she's the one who had the bounty hunters come and kill us. If you only could see that."
"I don't want to talk about this. Now, just help me look for weapons."
They started to look for weapons, when they heard gun shots on the other side of the door.
"Oh, crap. That don't sound good."
"Of course it don't sound good, someone's getting shot." Olivia turned to a closet and opened the door. "Hopefully, it's her no good cousin," she said to herself.
The door flew open. They got ready to fight, Zelda grabbed an empty rum bottle, which she had found and broke it to use it as a weapon. She looked at Olivia and smiled. "See why I need the rum?"
Olivia just shook her head. Ryoko walked in. She was bearly walking. "They got me.... They got me...." She dropped dead to the ground.
Olivia walked over to close the door and locked it as Zelda ran over to her cousin, crying. She tried to wake Ryoko up. "Ryoko, wake up. Please, don't be dead. Please don't...."
Ryoko woke up, laughing. "Got ya."
"Don't do that." Zelda started laughing in relief. She was glad her cousin wasn't dead.
Ryoko stood up. "Sorry, cuz. I just couldn't help it. I had this blood on me and I thought that it'd be funny. Heck, it's not even my blood. It's some of those bounty hunters' blood."
Olivia walked away from the door. "Where were you, Captain Ryoko?"
"I was getting some more laisers for my gun. 'Cause in the middle of the fight, I ran out. I ran into Leo. He sent most of his men after me. Can you believe that Magma has all those guys out to kill us?" Ryoko knew the truth. She knew that Magma was evil, but the bounty hunters weren't working for her.
"Yea," Olivia agreed.
"Oh yea," Zelda also agreed.
"Honestly, I don't think that Magma sent those bount hunters after us though. I think it was her brother."
"I didn't know that Magma had a brother," Zelda said, confused.
"Neither did I," Olivia said, just as confused.
"Oh yea. Hi name is Will. He's ya'lls ago," Ryoko told them.
Someone tried to open the door from the outside.
"Now, we better go out there before they come in here."
"Good idea, captain," Zelda agreed.

Once they were outside, they started fighting the bounty hunters. Zelda turned to say something to Ryoko, when she seen Olivia take her sword and kill Ryoko.
"NOOO, RYOKO!" she cried. She stopped what she was doing and ran over to Ryoko. It was too late. Ryoko was already dead, when Zelda got to her. Zelda grabbed Ryoko's sword and stood up, angry at Olivia. "You traitor."
"I'm not the traitor," Olivia said. She held back tears as she thought about how she had to watch the man who she loved, well boy, kiss another girl. That had broke her heart.
"She was kind to you. Why'd you kill her? She was the only family I had left."
Zelda and Olivia started sword fighting. Russel and Leo decided that it would be fun to watch two pirates battle. After all, Olivia did agree to kill Ryoko for them. In the process of the fight, the cops had shown up and the two bounty hunters decided to ditch. Zelda and Olivia gave up.
"This isn't over," Olivia told Zelda.
"I hope not. The next time we fight, I will win," Zelda replied. "I will revenge my cousin."
They each went seperate ways and by the time Craig and the other two cops had arrived to the scene, the only bounty hunters and pirates that they had found were dead.
"We have to find Prince Will and have him placed under arrest," Craig told Camron and Allen.
"Yes, sir," they agreed.


Will was preparing to kill Magma, when he felt a gun touch his back.
"Prince Will," Craig said, "you're under arrest."
Will turn around. He just looked at the cops. "For what?"
"Murder. I can't name all of them, but we know that you had hired a bounty hunter to kill King Artic." Craig kept the gun aiming toward Will. "Allen, cuff him."
"Aren't you going to read me my rights or something?"
Craig just eyed the young prince. He didn't bother to reply.
Allen placed fire proof cuffs around Will's wrist so the prince couldn't destory them.
"You're going to be locked up for a while actually and not in one of our jails or prisons."
"Then where?"
"I can't tell you. You'll find out."

A couple of months later, Olivia had found a ship called the Black Velvet. It became her ship and the small, baby, black panther was her baby.
"I'm going to call you, Donny."

Zelda had landed on Pluto in her ship called the White Rose. She looked down and smiled at the little, gray, wolf cub. "Well, Max, I'm going to get me some money and start looking for a crew." She went to take a sip out of the rum bottle that she had but nothing came out. "Oh man. Looks like I have to get me some more rum while I'm at it. I'll be back, my little baby."

Zelda stopped at a liquor store and snuck in. She noticed that the man at the counter was sleeping. She smiled and walked over to the refrigerator with rum. "One way or another I'm going to get you," she said, opening up the door and taking a few bottles of rum. She placed them in one of the bags that she had. When she had enough bottles, she made her way out of the store.

A young cop with black, some what short hair was on his first real bank robbery job and he was excited. He was also going to meet a real pirate. There were absultly no words to describe how excited he was. He waited outside of the bank for the theif to come out. He noticed Zelda walking out of the bank with a bag of money in one hand and a bottle of rum in the other. He was surprised to notice that she didn't have any weapons on her. The cop walked over to Zelda. "Who are you?" he asked.
Zelda looked around, then pointed to herself. There wasn't anyone else around, but she wanted to make sure.
The cop nodded.
"I'm Zelda Samara Griffen."
"What are you doing here, Zelda?"
"I'm looking for a crew."
"Because I'm the captain of the White Rose, but the thing is, I don't have a crew yet."
"Are you a pirate?"
They hear the sounds of sirons getting closer and closer to the bank.
"Here you go." She handed him the money, smiled, then left.
The cop just looked at the money, confused. When the other cops arrived there, things didn't look good for the young cop. Actually, things looked very bad. He didn't realize that the pirate had framed him.
"Gregory?" Craig asked, stepping out of his car. "How could you?"
"What do you mean? I didn't...." Gregory looked down at the bag of money and finally realized what Zelda had done. He dropped the bag. "I didn't do it. I swear. It was...."
"I'm ashamed of you, Gregory. Cops don't...."
"But, I'm innocent. It was Zelda. She did this. She...."
Craig shook his head. It seem like he wasn't listening to Gregory at all. "Gregory, you're under arrest for bank robbery. Camron, cuff him."
"Yes, sir." Camron took the cuffs and went to place them on Gregory.
"But I'm...."
"He didn't do anything," the old man from Bull Ridge said. "I saw the whole thing officer."
"Then, what happened?" Allen asked.
"Well, the young pirate girl by the name of Zelda Samara Griffen robbed the bank and seen this nice young man and gave him the money so she wouldn't get caught. This boy is innocent."
Craig looked over at Gregory. "Is that true?"
"Yes, sir."
Gregory went to say something to the old man but the old man was gone.
"Okay. You're good, but we still need to keep an eye on you just in case. Allen, get Jason and Daniel on the phone and tell them that I have a job for them."
"Yes, sir."

Zelda and Olivia were each working on getting their crews together and they each were prepared for the next time they were to go face to face. Zelda swore to get revenge for her cousin and Olivia just wanted to kill Zelda. Zelda just had a problem with preparing for the fight, she really just wanted rum, but Olivia was serious about killing Zelda and she couldn't wait for that day to come. It would be a really good day for her to kill off the last Griffen. The thought made her smile.
The End


Texte: Amber Riel
Bildmaterialien: Amber Riel
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.02.2013

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