


Just so you know, nobody can steal any parts of the story nor can they reference the story without the author's permission. And the rest lovelies reading the book, I'm sure you won't be dissapointed. I know this is a cliche thing to say by the author but You will love it. Take my word for it or I will return back the time you spent on reading this.  kidding! 


Just read okay!






Everything was ready according to Alejandro Theodore-a man of forty-five.Everything was going by his plan. The Germans agreed for a truce. Decades long rivalry was about to end today. He sat in his cabin feeling little giddy for his liking, an apprehensive look on his face. His cabin was in the middle of woods. The green trees all around the little place wore a questioning look or so he thought.


So many truces had taken place in this cabin -so many truces gone wrong, teased a little voice inside his head but he ignored. The dark cloud looming over his window promised a thunderous rainfall-and a bad omen, he thought but discarded the thought as soon as it had occurred.


Marc Karl Eberstark was a man of his word. MKE was determined, he mused. It took a while for Alejandro to agree MKE for the truce considering the dark history the Greek shared with Germans but he was sure this would work out. MKE wouldn't have agreed otherwise and he had big reasons to agree for the pact. 


Alejandro had proposed to give Germans 4 brothels they had as a compensation which were big income sources for the Greeks-this stunt earned him glares from his people, the Greeks but Alejandro was determined in establishing peace. Also he promised to protect the already drowning drug business of Germans by making a pact with Italians to open ports for them. Italians hated Germans but Alejandro was convincing. 


All he wanted was this day to be over as he would shake hands with MKE, the German gang leader. He heard a knock at his door and knew who it was. He allowed the man in.


"Boss, are you sure this is the best place for the business?" Kostas Demo-his next in command asked-- his face as solemn as ever; a scar vividly visible going through his forehead to his nose. He was a short, bald man and had a pure distaste for his boss, Alejandro. Alejandro knew Kostas didn't approve of Greeks joining powers with the Germans. Greeks and Germans are never supposed to work together, Kostas knew but nobody could defy Alejandro-as long as he was the boss, the godfather of the five Greek families-Demo, Xenos, Sommer, Sica and Theodore. After the death of Andrew Theodore, Alejandro's father, Kostas Demo had eye for the throne but the Greeks wanted a Theodore on the throne and so they did.


"This is the best place for this business, Kostas." He said looking out of window anticipating several black vehicles but nothing showed.


"They should trust that our men don't overpower theirs and what better place than this-- we can't clearly have a truce at either of our estates where one is always at an advantage over other with manpower."


Kostas nodded curlty.


It was quick. Alejandro was waiting for it. The thunder, the lightning. Even for a man accustomed to the way it sounded, Alejandro mistook it for thunder; maybe because he didn't want to believe it. It sounded like they were raining from the dark clouds he saw a while earlier. Gunshots.


"duck." Kostas's voice was muffled but it rang to his ears as he hid under his desk. Kostas looked at Alejandro one last time before taking out his gun. He gave him one last look-the one with pure anger, madness and loss of respect and shut the door viciously. It was inaudible over the firing guns and the cries of his men outside. He couldn't go out. He felt all his willpower, all his energy drain out of him at the sight outside his little window. 


His men went down one by one as shots rained on them from every directions. He was scared at that moment. Don Alejandro Theodore was scared for the first time in his life not because of the possible death that awaited him but because of the disappointment he had brought upon his people in the first task he carried after his father's demise.


"Layla..." He cried from under his desk. "I failed you.." His screams were not audible even to him.


"I failed."




Growing up in a ganster family, Calliah had a very good tendency at eavesdropping; that's how she knew most of the secrets about her family and the gang. Even at the age of 12, she is seen eavesdropping outside her parents's bedroom.


"What did you do, Al?" Her mother Layla's sob was clearly heard to her."It's our daughter-she-she - " Layla couldn't utter any word further as her sobs took over.


This is new, Calliah thought. She had heard many things before but never heard her mother crying so wildly. Calliah knew that her grandfather was not a good man. She had heard many things about granddad killing people from her usual eavesdropping habit. She hadn't even shed one drop of tear when he died a month ago.


"There's no other way. Kostas hates me-all the rest of Greeks hate me. They want revenge." Her father's voice was so low, she wondered if it was really him. She loved her father; she knew he was a good man-the jovial loud man-this didn't sound like her daddy at all.


"They want blood for blood. It's taking them everything to not kill me right now and you too...Layla. Demo lost his son that evening...Sommer lost so many of his men " He let out a cry. "Our daughters.." He continued his cry.


"No." Layla spoke. "I won't give my Chloe to Sommer- that monster. I know the way he treats women. I will die. We will all die. Let them kill us, Alejandro....Let them."


"And then what, Layla? What then?" He screamed. "They will kill us for real and take away our daughters....they'll do unthinkable things with them." He paused before speaking again.


"We have to let this marriage take place. I have to retain their trust even if it takes years. I can't destroy Theodore family's legacy. This is my punishment for trusting Germans. Chloe has to marry Fabio Sommer."


Calliah tiptoed back to her room. Tonight was no fun at all. Why was her mother crying? When she returned back to her room, Chloe was looking at the mirror.


"What are you doing at his time of night?" She asked her sister.


"None of your business." Chloe scowled then smiled again.


"Do you think he'll like Me, Fabio?" She asked Calliah. "He's so hot." Chloe blushed and hid her face in her palm.


"Mom says he is not a good man." Calliah spoke which earned her a slap across her cheek.






The mafia woman

 Chapter 1 


Calliah waited for the boss's order. She couldn't wait to hurl herself towards the German men guarding the territory. It had been days since she was sent to a fight. Her knuckles ached to land on their jaws but she waited, hiding herself behind a worn out vehicle firmly. Anybody who saw her at this attire would think she belonged to a fictional world.


She wore a black leather tight top covering every inch of her upper body and leather slacks along with long leathered gloves. The tight had leather quivers on both the sleeves where many knives were tucked gently. Her hand was at her waist holding the gun in the holster. A little of her black hair was visible on her forehead, rest of it was hid deep into her hood. Her blue eyes held a smoky look from liners and makeup. The rest of her face was hidden from the outside world behind the thick mask of black. She looked to her right and saw Johnny Sica nod. This was it.


Calliah ran towards a man as gunfires started filling the air. She somersaulted and landed on her knees. The man wasn't expecting it which made her smile before landing her right knee on his chest. A bullet landed clean on his forehead from her gun. A hand came strangling her neck from behind, she struggled a while but with a yell, she placed it right over her shoulder and flipped the person over. She gave him a decent smile or was it before shooting him.


There, 2 men down. "AAH..." she cried as a bullet hit her in the chest. She was enraged and she ran towards her attacker pouncing on him on the ground. He kept firing shots but they missed. The man was not a lost cause as the two of his fellowmates. He got up and calliah round kicked his gun to ground before jumping round his shoulder and snapping his neck. The real fight, she called it, no bullets needed.


Her chest felt alright, thanks to the bullet free vest. Just as she was about to help her other allies, a hand covered her mouth from back. She tried the same tactic as with the second man she dealt with but the hand was there as tight as ever. She tried to rake her brain for a trick but the attacker dragged her back and slammed her to a wall. Her back was numb for a moment and then pain jolted all the way from her spine. She held fury in her eyes as she balled her fists in front of him as if gripping tennis balls in the air. She was about to launch herself towards him when he spoke




she stopped her foot midair.


she looked confused. She had made a mistake. Nicholas - her instructor-taught her never to be distracted by words. She launched her foot towards him again and he jerked it away.


"I'm just making it fair" He spoke again before throwing his gun away. His gesture didn't matter as she kept lunging her kicks towards him. His body jerked from one direction to the other, in rhythm to the opposite lines of each attack. Her lungs burned with disappointment.


She tried to lunge her foot to his groin but only managed to connect with his shin. He was smiling which only added fuel to fire.

"Come at me, fancy dress." He said.


She launched her feet up and he caught it-just what she needed-she took the opportunity to snake her legs around his neck and gave him a hard blow on his nose. He was imbalanced and she brought herself to the ground swiftly. Blood poured out of his nose, she didn't stop giving him her knuckles.


After a few punches, she started looking for her gun which was on the ground. He took the opportunity to bash her head to the wall. She could see a black dot in front of her eyes but she kept fighting-more punches, more kicks-- to which he ducked carefully. One more blow to her head with a gun and she was about to collapse when he held her from her back and pulled away her hood, her face fully exposed to him as she tried to turn and face him.


He looked stunned."fuckkkkkkk..........." she heard him gasp. Anger boiled inside her as he was cornering her personal space-- she had enough of that in her life already. She just looked at the man's green eyes as no words came out of her mouth.


Her chest was burning in pain and her brain was about to go to oblivion. She was about to close her eyes but not before she thought fuck the martial art and gave him a fair slap across his face.




When Erhard Eberstark saw a woman kicking asses of his men, he knew he had to take care of it. He had to kill her. He tried shooting from his car but she was moving a lot. Erhard took off his coat, opened up top button of his shirt,folded his sleeves and he was out.


He approached her and slammed her to the wall but as soon as his eyes fell on the woman's eyes, he thought better to do with her. Blue eyes surrounded by dark carbon glancing black with a glassy tint-- thanks to the tears, it looked like an ocean in the middle of black wilderness- a soothing sensation in the middle of chaos but then she started attacking him.


she was so good with her fighting techniques. It was getting hard for him to defend himself, so he walked back on his words and used a gun to pass her out. 


Her face practically mesmerized him. How can someone be so beautiful and feisty at the same time. He couldn't bring himself to kill her, not because he cared about women-- he had killed plenty of women,beautiful women-- but that would be a waste of such protege. 


Never in his life had Erhard come across such a woman, they only belonged in movies for him. He had seen and fucked many angel looking faces but this, right in front of him, he couldn't get his head around her looks, her outfit, the passion burning in her eyes, the way she challenged him. In short, She intrigued him, immensely.


The mafia man

  When Calliah opened her eyes, it was pitch dark around her. The room reeked of dust and rust. Her head throbbed in pain and her hands were restrained; so were her feet. She was tied in a wooden chair.


Calliah started struggling against it like a wild animal. Her scream echoed in the dark room. She loathed being held captive, not in control of her own organs. Just then, the door creaked open and a shadow was seen. He came inside and turned on the light.


It was a small bulb above her head and the room contained nothing but two chairs for furniture. Dry straws lay on the brown floor here and there.


The first thing she noticed was a man in a black suit. He came nearer and turned the chair round as he straddled it hugging it's back.


Calliah had a boring expression on her face. 


She knew who he was. 


The demeanor, the air he had around him seemed only familier to her. 


She was raised around such men. He wore a suit and his slacks seemed too filthy,evidence of the fight they had been in. His tie was lopsided on his chest and his upper chest was visible as two buttons lay undone. Calliah gulped at the sight; something happened to her lower region. The man had sharp cheekbones and stubble a little too big, his nose was bruised badly. His brown hair was half-ruffled, half-tucked back. His eyes were green illuminating in the bulb light. 


He smirked.


"So you decided to make an appearance." He spoke. Calliah was a woman of few words or that's how she made herself to be during business. She decided to remain silent until he got to the point.

Surprisingly he was silent too. Calliah risked a glance at him to find him smoking cigar stoically. She glared. He looked at her and smiled just a little.


"Why am I here?" She spoke finally.


"So, you got a good voice,thankfully; the scream was a big turn off which gave me second thoughts about not killing you there." He said not looking at her and smoked relishingly.


"Cut the crap. Why am I here?"


This made him look at her; a sly smile playing on his lips, his judging eyes scrutinizing hers. He got up, walked towards her and grabbed her cheeks hard, squeezing them. She gazed at him with her glistening eyes.


"A.Don't you fucking talk to me like that" He whispered loudly. She could smell cigar in his breath.


"B. You are likeable, baby girl. Oh you are. You intrigue me and people who intrigue me, I bring them with me." He let go of hold on her cheeks with a force.


"What's your name?" He continued.


"You really expect me to tell you anything." She scoffed.


Erhard found it hard to control his anger but there was nothing much he could do, not unless Anita was here. She tortured women for him and mind you,she was pretty good at it. Erhard didn't enjoy torturing women. They were always frail to his eyes and he couldn't see them crying. Some he found disgusting, some he felt bad for (mostly disgusting) and feling bad was not an option for a mafia.


"What the fuck?" He kneeled down the floor and they both stared at each other with same ferocity.

"You do realize who's in charge here, don't you?" He continued.


"Guess we will have to see." She spoke as she stood up lifting the chair.


She jumped and bent forward nearly touching her feet with her head thrushing the wooden chair with extreme force on Erhard's back which shattered with a cracking sound which may have been the sound of his bones the way they hurt. 


Calliah had undone the knot of her feet the whole time they talked and she was undoing her hands now. Erhard got up but a round kick landed on his head making him dizzy.


"Fucking loser." She shouted. "You couldn't even play fair."


He knew she was talking about the fight earlier.He leaned on the wall for support as she advanced on him with a wooden stake which was part of the chair just a while ago. At that moment, he regretted not killing her. She was a woman and he was about to be killed by her but he wouldn't use his gun; it rested on his belt quietly. As she advanced, he used his feet to trip her over and tackled her when he had the chance. 


She lay there struggling but Erhard was big and he thrust all his weight on her. Both of their eyes boiled with hatred and he pushed both her hands behind her back. She resorted to biting his neck. 


"Aaah....fucking bitch." 


He grabbed her hair and slapped her across the face and she drifted to her sleep.




She got up second time and a jingling sound met her ears. It was coming from her feet. She was tied in chains on the wall of the same room--her wrists cuffed on either sides and her feet in manacles.

"Was that fair enough for you?" Her captor spoke with a devilish smirk.




She could hear a muffled man's voice talking on a phone- her captor. Every time she tried to stretch her hands and legs, her ears met a clanking sound; her body ached to rest themselves on ground and her throbbing head wasn't helping at all. She was wincing now and then because of the pain in her head and when she twitched her eyes because of it, another pain jolted from her bruised cheek. Blood dripped from her upper lip and she moved her chained wrists time to time to keep them from getting numb.


"Don't make me hurt you, beautiful!" A voice snuck up on her and she realized her good-looking captor was standing in front of her. His hand made their way to Calliah's lips and he removed the blood all the while scrutinizing her face with his green eyes. A shiver ran down her spine at the gentle touch and she closed her eyes to let out a whimper. His thumb lingered on her lip longer than necessary. She gulped.


"Why, you think I can't take it?" She spoke not breaking her gaze; her voice was scratchy and she realized she needed water desperately. Her voice had another effect on Erhard. He let out a deep breath. A chained killer woman was in front of him and she wouldn't submit to him. Words couldn't describe how sensuous he found her. No, he wouldn't kill her-not before pounding deep in her until she was sore and begged for more.


"Oh, no. Not at all. I think you'll take it but I don't want your pretty face ruined-you see, I have my own personal plans with you." He mumbled.


What happened next took him by surprise.


"Fucking motherfucker." She spat on his face and tried to pounce on him with sudden force but the chains restrained her. He was taken aback and he took a few steps behind. She continued her wild outrage.


"Is there anything else you know to do with a woman.." She was lunging her body violently as the chains pulled her back to the wall; her eyes glimmering vehemently and hair all over her face.


"Pussies like you think that's the only way to break a woman-fucking try what you do with other prisoners.." Her head shook with rage and her body vibrated alarmingly as she yelled. "I can take it. I can take it better than any you've tortured." Her nostrils flared dangerously and her eyes was burning with contempt.


"You ain't getting no information from me. I can take torture; I can take rape; I can take any pain. Ain't nothing that'll break me.... So, fuck you!" She ended it with a spit again and the chains rattled viciously.


He was awestruck. What just happened? He stood there as he tried to process the meaning of her sudden outrage. She was shaking uncontrollably, hatred vivid in her eyes and she barely knew him. His mind showed him another figure who resembled her essentially: Alfonso. He was a man of fifty who worked for Germans for as long as Erhard remembered. He was an assassin- a ruthless one- who scared even the Chef at times. He was a crackhead and he still remembered Alfonso killing a waiter at Erhard's sister's wedding - with his bare hands--just because he spill a drink on him. His father-Chef Eberstark forgave him with no hesitation. He was that good. Killing had damaged his sense completely and this figure right in front of him was another Alfonso.


Now, it was his turn to shake with fury. Erhard put his hand on his hair and pulled them with frustration. He growled as he started pacing the room like a mad man. He had kidnapped an assassin


He was supposed to kidnap an inside person that would lead him to the target men and he kidnapped a nutcase who wouldn't reveal anything, who probably didn't know anything like Alfonso, whose job was just to kill for kicks. But then had he tried everything? 


His head was pounding in distress and looking at this woman intensified it. She was challenging him. He took out a dagger from his pant pocket and threw it towards her with all the rage he could muster. It landed neatly on the wall right next to her ear after grazing it. She winced in pain, ofcourse, she felt pain. 


A new emotion dawned on him with fire. He couldn't see properly as his head blazed with hostility for her. Fuck Anita, She was going to speak. He was going to make her. He was Erhard Eberstark. He was crazier than this bitch.




She woke up startled as a piercing cold overwhelmed her body-head to foot. She saw him plunging a bucket full of cold water and waited for it to land on her. She opened her eyes when it didn't and her eyes met a sadistic smiling face as he hurled the bucket to her face. This time, it landed and she was rendered blind for a moment. She couldn't see as the prickling pain blinded her. It took a while for the pain to sink in and the cold to surface. Her head shook rigorously after it did. Then there were several blows exactly the same but the pain multiplied with each blow; the cold made her head go numb for a while and brought back the pain again to which she screamed achingly. Her whole leather clothes were soaked and she felt an urge to urinate.


"Speak" He caught hold of her chin digging his fingers in them. "speakkk" He growled. Her eyes were still looking at him but there was no twinkle in them. They looked dead.


"No." She muttered. Erhard reached to the point in his rage from where he couldn't come back. He was not taking any shits now. This happened often while he tortured people; he couldn't stop until he was satiated, until his hands were decorated with blood. He was not a sadist naturally but once he meant business, he meant business.


Now, he was just an inch away from her. Erhard pulled out the dagger from the wall and brandished it in front of her making left and right carvings in front of her pale face. Calliah was scared, she was. He placed it on her jaw line and started slicing her skin from below her ear to her chin, slowly savouring every slice. She screamed her head off and he was smiling as his eyes flickered with passion. He was enjoying it.


"Speak and I'll make your death easier." He talked quietly but the passion was still there ;the quietness made him sound even more deranged, if possible. He had gone into a trance; a murderous one but he moved away from her. She knew her fate; she knew there was no way out but relief flowed in her eyes all the same. She couldn't have been more wrong. Calliah screamed in pain as the cuffs around her wrists tightened. Now, she couldn't even move her hands. 


Never had Calliah witnessed such situation. She thought she was good, better than anyone but over-confidence can be a nasty thing. All she could see in front of her was death. She was going to die-a slow painful death. All those years of torturing people and now karma had caught up with her, she thought. Tables had turned. She had to go through it. She felt hands blocking her windpipe; she was lifted on the wall. One last time into the satan's eyes and she drifted back to sleep.




Erhard Eberstark sat on an armchair in front of his trailer looking at the greenery around him. He looked frustrated as he took another gulp of whiskey from the bottle in his hand. He was running out of patience. She wouldn't speak. She just wouldn't. But a nagging voice which had nagged him a lot since yesterday spoke again ,you haven't tried everything. But he couldn't. He thought he could but he couldn't. After she passed out last night, he couldn't go to torturing mode again. He hadn't tortured a woman ever-- but then no woman had tested his patience like this one. His crotch vibrated and his train of thoughts broke.


"Erhard?" Tab- his right hand man and friend spoke. He had been calling him since yesterday morning, since the fight.


"yeah, Tab." Frustration was clear in his voice.


"Chef wants you here. He needs answers." Tab spoke. Tab was always straight with him. He didn't call Erhard boss and Erhard didn't mind-except for a moment like these where he wanted to kick his nose out-Tab was from one of the families and they had grown up together.


"I am trying to extort." He said gritting his teeth.


"Trying?" Tab retorted. "Erhard. Go to your killer mode. Do whatever. Cut off his dick." Erhard stood still. He had lied to his gang about kidnapping a girl. He knew they would judge him weak. "Listen." He continued.


"Just kill him and come back. It's not a sin to disappoint Chef once in a while. Just kill him and come back."


Erhard nodded.






No pain, no gain

 .Her every senses were telling her she was a lost cause; she couldn't see properly as the room around her spinned; her ears produced a shrill ringing and she couldn't feel several parts of her body. 


When she looked down to see if she really is connected to her parts, Calliah was horrified. Her clothes were gone. She was lolling in shackles with just her bra and panty on. She was petrified as fear started eating her up from inside. 


How can he do this to her? He couldn't do this to her anymore. It was forbidden and yet she was there at his mercy. 


Tears started forming in her eyes and panic started building up; she was shivering. She saw a man approach. He would break her, he would shatter her into pieces until there was nothing left of her. He would make her tainted again.


Count up to five hundred, honey. It will go away.


It will be over soon......


Count up to five hundred.


Calliah saw her and she was smiling, breathing kind words in her ears.


You are my strong daughter.


A hot breath on her neck brought her back to her traumatizing reality. She couldn't stop whimpering at the gentle circles he was making on her stomach.


"You are so hot,you know-- I could take you right now." He caught hold of her hair and planted wet kisses behind her neck.


"But I want you hotter."


What happened next was beyond her expectation and she had quite an expectation.


She let out an agonizing scream mixed with the rattling of chains. This pain was new to her. She hadn't experienced this one before. Her stomach burned in scorching pain which radiated all over her body --from toes to her head. She was squirming in the hopes of reducing the pain but he had caught her body tightly. Her burned part met his shirt and the charring pain threatened to pierce her stomach. She looked at his merciless eyes.


"Guess where this is going to land next." He threathened and his lips were twitched upwards in a sadistic smile. She saw what he was holding-- a smoldering iron staff about the length of his hand. Tears rolled down her eyes as she realized what had caused the pain on her belly.


count up to five hundred.


Count up to five hundred.


He threw her to the wall, her wrists threatened to detach from her hands. He came so close that not even air could pass between them and Calliah was crushed between the cold wall and his hot chest which bulged out of his unbuttoned shirt. He pressed her breasts with his chest even more and Calliah tried to fidget in pain. His eyes were full of ardor as he kept gazing her lips. Calliah couldn't utter a word as she kept eyeing the iron staff. He slowly lowered the staff and dread was vivid in her eyes. He pulled the front of her underwear with his cold index finger. She closed her eyes and wished she could disappear in to the wall behind her.

"I am giving you a heads up this time, babygirl!" He whispered as he trailed the scorching staff up her right thigh. The teaseful burning blinded her as she screamed. 


She knew what was going to happen and he wouldn't stop. She was scared out of her mind, more than she ever was in her life and he was wasn't stopping. The staff was about to reach the front of her pussy.


"Stop!" She wailed.


"Stop, please." She continued her agonizing cry and he let go immediately.




The woods was silent with just intermittent sounds of distant animals howling. There lay a small worn out cabin surrounded by green trees and soft sobs were heard coming out of it. A girl sat hugging her knees at the corner of the cabin inside. She was naked except for her undergarments and her head was buried in her knees. A soft wince of pain could be heard now and then. She was shivering bad. As the first ray of sun penetrated the cabin from a small window, her blue eyes shimmered; her head was out from hiding. There were black trail of tears on her cheeks and her eyes were smeared in blackness.


It was a tough night for Calliah. She was broken in the end and so easily. This was not what Nicholas had taught her but her captor had touched a nerve and it all went downhill from there. 


She had hallucinated him into another person. 


Now she felt cowardly. She had challenged him and he broke her so easily. Calliah tried to stand up on her feet. Her head felt light and her body threatened to collapse but she held her ground leaning on the wall. Her heels were bruised badly from staggering on the rough floor and her ankles held red marks of the manacle.


Get up! Get the fuck up! She chastised herself.


" Walk." She croaked.




She needed to get out of that room. Calliah took a first step and second. She winced at the second step as her thighs connected and the burn from last night ached. She limped towards the door which stood ajar. As the first morning light hit her face, she closed her eyes. She hadn't realized she was in the cold room for so long.


It was beautiful.


Calliah was mesmerized by the beauty she was surrounded in-- even in her vulnerable state. There were tall trees everywhere except for a little space surrounding the cabin. The sun glinted from between the tall leaves. Birds chirped happily.


What is this place.


A gurgling sound could be heard and she wondered if it was a waterfall. Her eyes caught something else which made her immensely happy at that point.


A tap.


There was a tap. She made her way towards it and her heart pounded in her chest. What if there was no water in it?


But she neared it and was relieved when she saw a few drops hit the grassy floor.


Calliah drank until she was quenched. She cleaned herself next. There was a long red cut trailing her jawline, a burn in shape of an iron rod on her belly, bruises on her cheeks and chin, red marks on her wrists, ankles and heels. Also a burning trail ran across her upper inner thigh towards her lower region. It was not bad at all. 


Calliah knew and had witnessed, the kind of torture people go through in the process of information extortion. Hell, she had extorted many and this is not how easy she went, ever. She limped her way back to the cabin. She had no plans. She was a captive after all. 


Calliah noticed a man fast asleep on an armchair, an rv trailer was parked next to him and bottles of alchol lay around him. This was a chance. She could kill him but did she have the strength? What if she messed up? Calliah wasn't confident anymore, afterall her over-confidence landed her to this situation in the first place.


Don't overestimate yourself.

Nicholas's voice rang into her ears.

I did exactly what Nicholas always feared for me, she thought. He thought Calliah was reckless and she gave him even more resons to think that.


If only she had resorted to using just guns that morning instead of showing off her skills, there would be a whole different scenario in front of her. Kostas would be proud of her. Now, she didn't know what Kostas thought. 

He probably thinks I'm dead. She continued walking and was close to her captor. His shirt was filthy with blood and mud and his face looked peaceful. His folded sleeves were torn at places. He was fast asleep, his brown hair was all ruffled and stubbles had started to look like beard. There were bruises at places on his face. A little of his tattoo was visible on his broad chest. It was a huge wing of eagle maybe. Calliah cried at that sight. What was happening to her? She hadn't cried in a long while. She was disgusted but the tears didn't stop. She was every definition of weak now. She couldn't take a guy who was fast asleep, she was held prisoner by one man. One man. But her body was limp. 


Don't attack until your physique supports! She had read it in one of her books.


But it was not like Calliah at all to not at least try. She twisted the handle of rv and the door opened. She quickly made her way into the kitchen looking for knife.


She heard the chair creak. Her captor was awake. No.


She knew he had been gentle with her so far but he was a deadly man. One more strike and she would be shot dead. 


Calliah decided to pounce on something else though-- food.




"I am Carla Agnes." 


Erhard almost tripped on the grass and stopped his stretching midway. He turned to find her standing outside the RV wrapped in the white sheet. Her bra and panty were almost visible but he could have imagined it after last night. She limped closer and he realized her eyes were no more smudged in black and her face looked clean except for cuts and bruises ofcourse. Her black bra straps showed and he scowled at the memory of last night. He hated her guts. He found her disgusting.


"I am hired by the Greeks. I wor-work for them." Calliah tried to sound her confident self but she wasn't able to look at him after what happened. She was ashamed.


He scoffed. Busted.


"I am an assassin."


He made a few steps closer. 


"Fucking stop it already, girl."


Girl. He called me girl. Calliah felt rage building inside her because of the way he said it. She knew he thought him as anyone else- weak. Calliah tried to convince herself it didn't matter what he thought of her.


"Stop fucking lying." His voice was low but every onunce deadly.


"I'm not." She spoke confidently.


"Really? You were hiding that big "secret" to endure all of that torture."


He came even closer and shouted right in her face.


"Do I fucking look like a fool to you?"


There was silence for a moment.


"I thought I'd die anyway." She spoke in a weak voice deliberately not meeting his eyes. I didn't think you had it in you to break me like that.


"Oh, you will die." He looked at her pathetically.


"I know but you said you'd make it easier." Voice still low and weak. Calliah saw his nostrils flare and he turned back, his hand on his hair, he looked irritated.


"And you believe it? Whatever the fuck happened to that feisty woman out there. You kept saying you could take anything but you know what, you are just as weak as other bitches, just as frail."

Erhard was disappointed. So much of wildness and now she didn't intrigue her anymore. She was the same.


Calliah's chest burned with fury. She balled her hands as he kept shouting. She was shaking, her lips in a thin line.


"Whore. You are a whore. Fuck. That's all you are good for Calliah, just to fuck." 


Calliah's chest was on fire as tears of rage blinded her vision. She lifted her foot to land a kick on his face but he shoved it. More kicks but Nicholas dodged gracefully.


"Commom whore. You haven't landed one kick yet. Is that all you are good for. To Fuck?" 


"Son of a bitch." She pounced on him like a hungry tigress and tackled him landing punches on him. Nicholas was on top soon after but he just stayed there obstructing her struggle to get free. Calliah started bawling her eyes out. He let go and she screamed as tears flowed relentlessly. He tried to calm her down but she didn't let him touch her.


"Cal, listen." She flinched away from him.


"Cal, it was part of the course, whatever I said." But Calliah wouldn't listen. She had believed him.


"Calliah, jesus." He held her shoulder tightly and made her look into his eyes.


"I am your fucking instructor. I am obliged to do that to you. I am supposed to make you face your worst fear in an attempt to make you stronger. You are a warrior, aren't you.?


When she kept letting out her sobs, he pressed again.


"Aren't you?"


"Yes." She mumbled.


"Good. Now I can tell you you failed today's test badly." 


Calliah didn't speak. She knew what was coming. Nicholas was disappointed. He was a strict teacher and she had promised she wouldn't disappoint him.


"You are far from being a warrior."


"No, Nicholas." She cried.


"Stop with the crying first." She obliged rubbing her hands all over her face.


"Rule no.7 of combatant index 65. Don't let your weakness be your weakness. Accept it wholly." He continued.


"Don't lose yourself, you've got a temper. You get provoked easy, Cal and this makes your enemy even more powerful."


"You don't know me." She said looking at her captor's eyes. Her voice venomous but she released her hands free.


"Know you enough that you're a weakling hiding behind those spunky outfit."


Rule no. 47. Know your ground. No bravery is good that will render you dead.


She only hoped it was not too late to follow Nicholas's ideals.


Just then, she felt a drooping sensation inside her panty.


"Can I get a tampon. I haven't changed it since two days."


Erhard's eyebrows twitched as he seemed to process what she just said. His face grew solemn before his forehead was set in an angry frown.


"And where the fuck am I supposed to find em here, they grow on trees?" 

He didn't even know why he was answering her question.


She smiled then presses her lips together as she realized what she had just done. This was enough to tick off his hot head.


"Listen bitch." He grabbed her neck and thumped her on the RV. This sent scathing agony all over her parts. She was lifted from the ground.


"I am gonna go and when I come back, you better have answers with you or I am going to torment you to death and this time there will be no stopping." His thunderous voice boomed in her ears.


He let her go and the cut on her jawline had started to bleed. She leaned on the RV coughing. When she looked at her captor's face, she found a sinister twinkle in his eyes and a smirk dancing on his face.


"And didnt anybody teach you..." he stroke her cheek with the back of his hand.


"It's bad manner to steal stuffs." He placed the same hand inside the front of the sheet she was wrapped in-- his hand lingered on her upper boob for a while before tugging on the material.


No, no, no, no. Motherfucker.


The sheet fell down in a second. She stood naked shaking of anger. It needed to come out-- the anger. She closed her eyes as her head shook vehemently. I can't do this Nicholas, she thought.


Erhard locked the RV and walked away but not before giving her a pathetic look full of disgusts.


Fangs with blood

  Calliah still couldn't find her clothes. The bastard must have them locked in RV, she thought. She was sitting on grass outside the cabin, plucking twigs from ground as she basked in sun and listened to birds.She didn't want to imagine what would happen to her naked body after sunset. She walked to tap time to time cursing to rub off the blood that dripped to her thighs once in a while.Calliah had nothing else to do. So, she worked on her escape plan but she couldn't figure out how it was going to be possible. The bastard didn't believe her and the cabin was surrounded in a barbed fence from all sides.


As soon as her captor had left that morning, she had been in action. She had walked as far as she could from the cabin. At first, her heart had done a flip as there were just trees and bushes and all she had to do was find a way to the highway. There had to be a highway. He didn't carry her all the way to woods, she knew but was he that stupid to just let her walk her way out?


 As she had scampered further, she could see trails of tyres-- two wheelers. After some five minutes walk, her heart sank as she mouthed "I knew it." 12 feet high fences circled the area. She had followed the fence in the hope to see some trees around it. If there were any, she could climb it and get to the otherside. But it was a planned hideout. In the process, she  had discovered a fall. White water gurgling down the rock where they splashed on a rock with such force that the droplets drizzled her face. The fall was outside the fence and it ended on a small stream. 


Oh how she had wanted to bath!


Now she just laid on the grass, sun warming every inch of her back.


A cold breeze and a revving engine woke her up. It was dark already. Third day in this place, Calliah mused. Her body hair stood up and so did she but she stood her ground. Maybe he'll not find her if she just stood in dark.


"Fuck, stupid." She mouthed and walked towards the sound of his captor. The bulb inside the cabin glowed and Calliah got startled at the sound.


"You can't hide; you seem smart enough to have figured that out already. Now, come back. I have my means to find you anyway."


His voice was accompanied by howls and barks of some animals.


What in the world! 


At this point, she only wished he would make it easy-- her death. She couldn't afford to give away any information. That would be betraying Kostas-- the leader and not to mention, her father. If they found out this was her doing, she couldn't even imagine what would happen to her. A shiver ran down her spine as an image of Kostas and his men torturing the betrayers flashed in front of her eyes.


"I'm here." She said managing to roll her eyes.


"Where." He growled.


"Here." She blurted-- but it was too late.


She started jumping as the gunshots started rattling her eardrums. He wasn't stopping. Maybe one would land on her head and it would end easily. The growls and barks of animals continued.


"Stop." She shouted and made her way inside. 


He was there, cleaner than morning but that's not what caught her sight. There were two gigantic hounds who wouldn't stop barking at her. Calliah was stunned. He had them in leash--but for how long? The veins of both his arms pulsated as he was staggered right and left a little, a smile plastered playfully on his recently tanned face. His eyes scrutinized every inch of her body and Calliah felt utter disgusts consuming her.


"Who are you?"


"Carla Agnes."


He threatened to leave the leash loosening the hold a little causing the hounds to go wild even more. Her eyes widened and fear trapped her body. No.


"I'm Carla Agnes. There's no reason to not believe me." She yelled to make her voice audible.


"What do you do?" The hounds's barks were clouding the verbal conversation she had planned during the day.


"I kill."


"Are you a Greek?"


"No." She said it looking at his eyes directly.


"What were you doing there the other day." He spoke louder.


"Killing. Just what I do."


"On whose order?"


Calliah gulped. Her mind wasn't working as she kept eyeing their fangs and their spits that came out with every bark. Her eyes drifted towards his steady arms that Were holding the leash steadily-- for the time being.


"Oh, did I introduce you to them?." His green eyes illuminating in yellow light.

 " This one is Mike." He gestured his right arm.


 "and this one's Tyson. Get it?"


When she didn't reply. 

He pressed again in his playful voice.


"Get it? Get it?" 


Calliah couldn't believe the absurdity of her situation.


"Yes, Mike Tyson." She replied but slapped her face mentally. 


"Is that why you brought them. Because you couldn't handle me alone." She dared. 


She just wanted to get rid of those vicious creatures.


He was still smiling. "Yes, my bad."

"I couldn't handle a girl who cried at the start of simplest of my punishment." He scoffed. 


He did it again. He made her feel weak again. She was helpless. Every feeling was new to her. She didn't know if she should beg for mercy or just go for his head but the hounds. The hounds.


"Mike, go for it."




The hound advanced on her. 


Calliah was an animal herself deprived of many feelings. Years of training to think like an animal, to see like an animal but she didn't know how to fight with an animal.


How do I fight it Nicholas?


She dodged it's various attacks but it got her soon after. She was thrown on the floor as it pounced on her, it's nails digging on her flesh. She held it by the neck. She couldn't let it come near to her face.It's dangerous fangs were ready to tear off her flesh. It was growling as she kept looking at it's green eyes which were just inches away from her's, it's nose twitching in anger.


....a girl who cried...


....simplest of my punishment... 


Erhard's voice bounced off her head. She felt high. The dog's bark sounded muffled. Only she was there and her enemy. 


If she let go, it would bite.


She rolled on the floor, hand squeezing it's neck all the while and she was on top. It's tail moved violently under her legs. She pressed and crushed them with her feet. The dog gave a loud whine. Calliah was disoriented with it's agonizing wail, it took the chance to go free and the hound bit her front lower neck.


"Aaah...." Her scream filled the room. The dog wasn't letting go. It would take her insides out. Calliah lunged her head forward and bit off it's neck. It let go but Calliah didn't. She couldn't let the monster be free. She did what she does.


"No...." He wailed along with the dog. He tied Tyson's leash to the window's grill and lunged himself towards the two figures as he tried to separate them. The girl wouldn't let go. He pulled her hair and twisted it and her face came out of Mike's neck. Her face was shining menacingly, her lips covered in blood, her neck dripping with it. She had bit Mike off with her bare teeth. He would find it arousing if not for the situation. Erhard could swear he heard the blood drip from her lip and touch the ground.


"Mike. No, No." The dog whimpered and whined as he carried it. There was a big gash on his lower neck and blood came off it. 


Calliah just stood there overwhelmed. This would be her end.


"If anything happens to him, I swear."  


His voice made her gain her senses and she examined the dog's wound.


It was not even that bad, Calliah thought. Few stitches and it would be okay just like her.


"He bit me too."  She was shivering. 


"Nobody cares." He yelled in her ears.


Calliah thought she would go deaf one of these days.


"Hey, hey, Mike, you stay with me. Okay.." He walked out of cabin speaking calm words to "Mike" and Calliah rolled her eyes.


She could hear him fussing outside.


"How the fuck do I do it?" He was yelling, cursing.


What was he doing.


"You, come here."


"Me?" She pointed her index finger towards herself.


"Fucking, don't test me bitch. Come here."

She obliged.


"Help me put him here."


"On bike?"


" No, on your motherfucking ass." 


Rule no. 47. Know your ground. No bravery is good that will render you dead.


Calliah ignored forcing a smile on her face.


"You taking him to hospital?" She saw him shaking his head in anger. She continued.

"I can treat him. Just a little first aid and I can..."


He made his way towards her.

"You do have a death wish." He came closer to her. Calliah was on verge of any emotion lately. His perfume intoxicated her senses immediately. 

His hand lifted to caress the wound created by the hound. 

Calliah closed her eyes as the wound tingled and she winced. She opened her eyes to find him gawking

 from her lips to her breats. Her bra was soaked in blood from the wound and he bit his lip at the sight. He was coming yet closer.


So much closer.


But Calliah stood her ground. She looked at his hair which was tucked back gently. He was clean- shaved. His chest was nearing her's. She gulped and bit her lower lip as she imagined the sensation it would have in her body.


"You were saying--" He said in his hoarse voice.  His hand lifted to caress the cut on her jawline. She felt a tingling pain and closed her eyes.


"Does it hurt?"


Calliah's eyes widened and her heart started beating faster. 


What was happening? Was she getting horny?


How long has it been?


 She noticed the veins bubbling on his arms and her panty dripped wet-- and this time it wasn't blood. His breath met her lips and she parted her mouth. He wrapped his right hand around her waist, connecting every cells of his hand with her skin. His cold hand dared to pierce her skin as it groped her body from her lower back to the hook of her bra where they stayed intact. She inhaled loudly. She looked at his eyes and there they were--lust. She was sure both of their eyes were twinkling with it.


 None of them made any move.


Calliah gained enough sense to think this wouldn't be fair to Nicholas.


"Mike went away." She whispered.


"Fuck, Mike." He yelled. "Mike."


He turned around but the hound was not there anymore. 

"Mike come back. You are sick." He shouted at the top of his lungs.




Calliah was tired. She laid on the straws covering herself with it and closed her eyes. Blood came out of various places-- not including her vagina.The stabbing pain wouldn't leave and her body shivered.


She needed warmnth.


She had patched "Mike" up with stitches and bandages but he wouldn't let her use the first aid on herself. Now her captor was talking on a phone. She could hear his tensed voice but her tired mind couldnt't make out what he was speaking.Her body ached to sleep but that would mean she would be off guard. She was forcing herself to stay awake.

The door creaked and she adjusted herself deep inside the straws. Only her head was visible.


"Are you even getting this?" He moved his hand gesturning right and left.

"There is no way out." Yes she knew she would die eventually. "You don't get to eat, you get slow tortures everyday and in the end you die." A scowl appeared on his face. "And honestly--" Erhard sat on the floor leaning on the door.

"I am running out of patience."


"I know nothing." Calliah spoke in a worn out voice.


"Exactly, bitch. You know nothing." His lips twitched upward as he rested his right hand on his right knee before speaking again.

"That makes things worse, I would have to kill you and---"  


She cut her off. "Do it." 


"and it won't be an easy death." He finished his sentence. Calliah cringed at the look he wore. She could tell-- even in her drowsy state--  he looked tired but evil all the same. 


" you see, you have tested my patience--bad."


 She had gone so weak in the past few days that sleep was her only solace. Her eyes drooped to close.


Why is he standing.


"Not so soon, babygirl." She forced her eyes open.


"Remember this?" Horror captured her body as she fidgeted to move far below the straws. 




Her brain cried at the memory of it's touch.


The iron rod.


He was nearing it to her face. Dread filled her eyes as she saw the rod hot and smoking.He would disfigure her face. 


"Please don't." She cried in her weak voice. "Please.."


"I don't want to either." He held her gaze and she held his. "Who do you work for?" He continued.


"Kostas Demo." She mumbled but he got it, oh he got it.


"Do you know where he is?" He spoke softly. 


Calliah stayed quiet.


"Do you fucking know where he is, bitch?" His shout rang in her ears so bad, she got up and sat herself leaning on the wall.


"No." She spoke.


"Lying." Erhard started pacing back and forth scratching his hair.


 "Fucking lying."


 He pulled out his gun and shot twice inside the room before grabbing the fallen rod from the floor and advancing on her.


" I don't know where he is, I swear...he keeps moving....he was out in China last week with his he must have come back but he said he would finish the asian business first..but he..." Calliah blabbered until she thought it was safe but Erhard already had her attention. He let the rod fall on the floor with clinking sound.


"How do you know all this?" Calliah knew there was no point in lying in front to the devil and she had no desire for pain anymore but she couldn't sell her people out. She might have spilt too much information already. A hired assassin wouldn't know the boss's whereabouts anyway. Now, she didn't have time to think. She needed a harmless truth to tell.


"I heard from my trainer."


He raised his eyebrows and she knew she had to elaborate but how could she?


"You have to believe me. I am just a pawn." She  sobbed.


" How does your trainer know all of this?"


Fucking just kill me.


" He is Nicholas Demo, Kostas's son." Calliah said it. How was this truth going to be harmful anyway. It wouldn't, would it?


"So, I'm just gonna have to kill you "


Calliah looked at his face glaring daggers at him, shaking with anger and fear. She couldn't take this cat and mouse chase anymore.


"Who do you fucking want, just tell me.." her voice loud and deranged. She didn't want to die like this. Fuck, she was wrong for thinking she could take any t


Surprisingly, he remained quiet before sitting in front of her.


"Fabio Sommer."


She swallowed the lump in her throat at the sound of that name. So many years, so many trainings to not fear that name, that person but there she was shaking as nausea took over her body. 


The person who broke her into pieces, who took away her adolescence, who fed on her innocence, who introduced her to fear.


Calliah stood up, doubled over and threw up all the food she had had that day and started bawling her eyes out.


Fucking hormones.


"I can help you find him." She spoke after managing to sober up.



The beginning

 A bike revs down the road and comes to halt just outside the huge metal black gate. Erhard Eberstark takes off his helmet and the gate opens. He nods at the guards after they salute him and drives on.




He hears a familiar voice.


Tab Abraham. 


He was on the porch of his home tying shoes.


"I'm going the same way."


"Fuck you, Abraham." Erhard curses and doesn't stop. Tab needed to grow up.


says the man who doesn't stop to give a ride to his friend going the same way.


He passes by two other houses like Tab's and encircles the fountain before braking in front of a huge mansion. It was a clean white c-shaped building with 8 pillars guarding the roof attractively. Erhard sighs as he proceeds towards the entry completely ignoring the guards bowing to him.


He was nervous. He had to face Chef. MKE was his dad but that didn't mean he would get special treatments-- if anything he would be more disappointed-- his son couldn't even abduct the right person.


He had one job.


He makes his way down the stairs on the tiled floor and lets out a sigh before knocking on the black door.


"Kommen." a voice summons.


Erhard goes in and nods to the members.The atmosphere is thick inside. He sits himself on a couch and tries to perceive the scenario. There are 4 men altogether. Erhard's uncle whose words Chef values very much sits on the chair facing Chef himself. Erhard's mother's death had brought the two even more together -- or the revenge.Penn Fischer was the most valued counseller of Chef.


Chef sits behind a dark brown wooden desk. He leans on the chair as he looks at Erhard, a small smile never leaving his face. Marc Karl Eberstark is a calm person. He does everything with calm. He might come off as the most kind hearted calm person in the world who has just good words coming out of his mouth for everyone-- even his enemies.


Some people take this facade as his nature.


Some people are fools.


Then there is Alfonso. The look on his face same as ever. He never looks at anyone in the eye-- except his enemies. He sits on another chair with a somber face. His mind inside the room, body somewhere else. Erhard sensed the smell of blood just by looking at him or so he thought. He knew that the tension in the room was because of blood. 


Somebody had been killed.


MKE is tall, his hair-- same shade of brown as Erhard's-- is gelled backwards. He doesn't speak a word. Everyone's silent. Just then a knock is heard on the door. Chef beckons the person in.




He sits himself next to Erhard. Tab was an Abraham. He is a 35 year old divorced man with a 5 year old kid--having a kid would have made him mature, you'd think-- and Erhard's best friend. He just nods at him and Erhard reciprocates.


"Alfonso, my dear. Thank you for your job today."


Alfonso takes the cue and gets up. He shakes Chef's hand enthusiastically and makes his way out of the room. MKE gets up from his chair, leans his tall figure by the desk and frowns before speaking.


"We are done for." He speaks slowly shaking his head.


"You can't say that." Tab replies. "We will find a way, Chef."


Erhard was at loss of words. He had a plan. He had the girl back in the woods who agreed to help just last night but how would these people take his plan?


Was it stupid to trust an emotionally unstable girl?


How would Chef find his plan?


What Chef thought really mattered to Erhard. Chef was everything Erhard wanted to become. His role model. And the thought of disappointing Chef bothered him. He never scolded Erhard for not catching the right person-- he would never do that.


His stoicism and his demeanor however were a giveaway.


"Italians don't want anything to do with us." MKE spoke, more to himself as he lit a cigar.

"They made it crystal clear today."


"We still have brothels." 


Fucking shut up already. He wanted to shout at Tab but shot a glare at him instead.


"So eine verfickte Scheisse, Greeks." Fischer spoke.


"Cursing the Greeks won't solve the problem, Penn." said MKE. "Greeks are powerful for now. Powerful run the world, always have. It's in best interest of the powerless to wield the powerful and rise at the top."


"We are never submitting to them." Erhard didn't realize it was his voice speaking.


"My dear son, how else are we going to prosper without the substance business?" MKE's eyes bore into his. They were asking questions.


Why couldn't you catch Sommer or Demo's son?


When are we going to get another opportunity to catch any of the Greeks?


It was enough. Erhard had to say. He hadn't just sat idle and worthless for the past few days.


"I can get to Sommer."


"Dude--" spoke Tab.


"Shut your hole." Erhard said not looking at him. He kept eyeing his Chef as he narrated the whole story and it was difficult for him to decipher whether the smile on Chef's lips was pity or consideration.


"You trust the girl--"Penn Fischer spoke. "She must have just been scared and blurted she knew big people."


"She is not just any girl." Erhard was at the edge.


"Oh, he just wants to fuck her." The nonchalance in Tab's voice was enough to tick his head off. He wrapped his arm around his neck and stood him up.


"Enough." MKE roared.


He let Tab go but kept glaring at him in dissatisfaction.


"She has connections with Demo's son and she is scared to bits. I can----"


"I believe you." MKE's voice helped him cool off a little.


"Just remember son, that morning--"


Erhard glanced at his Chef to find him staring at a distance with a big frown on his forehead.

He knew his father was contemplating those bastards brutal deaths.

"--- that morning, in the shack,we were played. They played us for their entertainment. Italians sent us sand. They were fucking sand inside those bags and the Greeks--they killed our people too."


The room was filled with men huffing and hissing in anger. Greeks had good connection with Italians and without Italians, no one stood a chance on drug business and the enemies had convinced the Italians somehow not to trade with the Germans.


"We are supposed to be king of this world and they treated us like shit." His voice held so much power and defiance, Erhard felt goosebumps rising on his hands. 


He wanted to kill each and every one of them.


"Italians are not our enemies. Greeks are. Once, we save our drug business, wir können mit verdammt cunts beschäftigen."


Erhard could feel his whole body shake. He needed to do whatever to save his family's legacy, to save his world.


"I am on a mission of my own." He said as he stormed out of the room.




He grabbed the collar of his shirt and thumped him to the wall.


"Fine, I won't call you Erie." He chokes out. Just as his grip loosens, Tab gets the upper hand and tackles him to the ground with a yell.


"Stop it, you two." A girl's voice interrupts them.


"Anita." Erhard whispers as he stands up.


She smiles and makes her way towards him and hugs him tight.


"Clingy enough?" Tab mouths at him.


Erhard showed him the finger--still in her embrace-- and somehow this amused Tab so much, he was set into one of his hysterical laughs.


"What's so funny, weirdo?" spoke Anita letting Erhard go.


Seriously, hugs had to be illegal. specially, hugs with person you have slept multiple times.


"Oh, you are clingy----" He continues his laugh.


"Tab, I swear--" but he was cut off.


"Anita, Erhard finds you clingy." He continues."You are you know, "clingy" " He makes gesture curving his index and middle finger in air. "Now, if you'll excuse me," He walks down the hall smiling and humming to himself.


"son of a bitch."


" I saved you the trouble." He mouths as he walks backwards on his legs.




" I know." she says. "Common, Erhard. Tell me, did I do it again? Did I act like I was your girlfriend?"


"Listen, I already have too much in my plate. All I can say is that, you don't have to sleep with me if you don't want to----"


" But I want to." She says it huskily as she bites down her lower lip. Her lips were red and it took Erhard in another dimension.


Blood dripping off her lips, to her bloodied neck and her breasts. Oh how he had wanted to touch them, to nibble on them, to suck away all the blood.


She came closer and her lips touched his. She kissed him hungrily and he reciprocated.They made their way to his room. She tossed him on his bed and stripped off her clothes. Her black lacey bra and panty reminded him of another body.


So hot.


Her toned body. Her abs. Her long slender legs. Boobs bulging out of her bra that were too small for them. The lion tattoo below her boobs and on her ankle. The mole on her cleavage. Her perfectly shaped ass which he wanted to grab as he pounded inside her.


Erhard tried his best not to look at the woman's face and made love to her body all night.




Calliah opened her eyes to find herself covered in a white duvet. It took her a while to perceive what she was looking at but as soon as she did, she sat herself right up.


she was inside the trailer.


She was a captive.


How long was she out?


How was she still alive?


A shiver ran down her spine at the memory of the man's menacing face. How his eyes glinted and his lips twitched-- his voice-----


And the rod.


She groped down her lower region and a sigh escaped her lips as she realized she hadn't been fucked with the rod.


Then what was she doing here? Where was he? 


After days of staying inside the dingy cabin, the trailer seemed clean and comforting. There was one bed where she slept and another by the window where the blanket lay messed. That's where he must have slept, maybe.


She glanced at her wounds. The bite caused by the dog was stitched and the rest the scratches seemed old-- they weren't fading but they sure didn't seem new. She must have slept for days. 


Just then, a memory hit her.


I can help you find him.


What the fuck?


Is he counting on that?


"Me--help to find him--" she mumbled to herself.


no, no, no, no, no.


Where had she landed herself into?


This man thinks I'll help him... she questioned herself.


A noise was heard. he is coming inside.


Calliah pulled the duvet and pretended to be asleep. She could hear the vibrating sound of dishes . He must be in kitchen.


Calliah utilized her time to come up with a plan. She couldn't walk back on her words.


This man was dangerous-- and he was counting on her.


He patched her up and she has been sleeping for god knows how long. Calliah didn't want to imagine his impatient face.


There was no way she was leaving this place alive. If she denied to help, he wouldn't even be easy on her death-- would probably rape her and make the hounds do the same. She flinched at the thought.


But what if boss finds out?


What would Kostas Demo do to her? Her father?


Her body was shaking but not because of cold-- Demo's scarred face danced in front of her eyes-- and she tried her best to conceal it. She couldn't be found awake.


Why was she so stupid to be tangled in this shit?


Death was waiting for her from all the sides---


And she would have to choose a side. She couldn't betray her people and assist the Germans, not even in her dream.


But Fabio---


A sudden feeling caught her body and she found herself going red with burning contempt. A surge of anger circulated her body as memories of pain flashed in her head-- years of pain-- and she got right up throwing off the stupid duvet.


She was going to do this for herself---


---for her feeedom.




"What the shit--" Erhard yelled as a sudden sound snuck up on him and there she was. He always felt that there was something wrong with this girl. The sudden rage she showed, sudden coolness again-- she was feisty one moment and scared the other. She was not good with emotions, maybe.


She was like him in a way.


She had woken up with a jolt and looked at a distance like she was possessed. It was after she heard Erhard's yell that she had covered herself up with the thrown duvet again.


"Good morning, crazy pants." He approached her with a tray full of food.

what was this new game again, Calliah thought.


"Good morning." She replied grinning from ear to ear. 


That hurt.


"You did this?" She asked motioning towards her lower neck wound which was stitched.


He smiled. He was wearing sweatpants and a white plain shirt, sleeves rolled up as usual.


Yes, sweatpants and a formal shirt. 


She tried to ignore the fact how gorgeous he seemed to her right now. To be honest, it wasn't that hard. All she had to do was pull back the memory of his manic self.


He was dangerous.


And she had to play along.


"The kind of life I live, you think I can't patch up a tiny wound."


Tiny wound, my ass.


Calliah was finding it very difficult to conceal her emotions behind a grin but a tiny voice which may have belonged to her trainer kept ringing in her ears

adapt, adapt, adapt.


and so she did.


"I didn't trust myself-- with Mike" he said defending himself.


"And I didn't say a thing."


His jaws moved left and right as he stared.


Oh no, did I provoke him. damn.


"Eat it." he ordered.


There were scrambled eggs, pancakes and juice.


Calliah went for it. It had been so long since she had tasted food.


The last time she was in trailer, she had managed to gobble up 3 boiled eggs, a sandwich and peanuts. Since then, nothing.


"Go easy. You don't want them coming back up."


She wanted to eat more after she was done but Calliah knew better.


Now what? She was dreading what was coming up next. He would want to know the plan.


Before he could utter a word which would knock the air out of her mouth. She spoke.


"So, about last night, I told I will help you and I stand by my words" She blabbered not knowing what to say next.


"Oh baby, you will." He said as he approached nearer and sat very close to her to caresse her cheek. His perfume and his unbuttoned shirt made her think all the regrettable things and his piercing eyes made her uncomfortable. "what other choice do you have---" He tucked her hair behind her ear looking at her head. "---and it wasn't last night, it was the night before that, you slept for a whole day."


"I want to shower." She mumbled as she kept eyeing his stubbles on his greatly chiseled face.


She couldn't help fantasizing about the feeling of them between her legs--- she slapped herself mentally.


"Then let's" He smiled to her ear grazing it a little with his stubble.

A dripping sensation in her panty and she gulped.


What was happening? A crazy manic who tortured her was turning her on.


A hot crazy manic. Her lady spirit corrected.


Possibly her enemy.




"No." She gained enough sense to jerk away from him. She gasped as he had already clutched the duvet and she reached to take it back but he won't let go as he kept staring at her boobs not breaking his gaze.


Fucking pervert.


"Let go." she pleaded.


He looked back to her face, smiled and let go. Before he could make any innuendos, she spoke.


"There is a fall out there. I could shower there." He was still staring.


Creepy ass.


She knew what his intentions were and now she was sure entirely. He didn't kill her all those days not because he couldn't. He could.


He was waiting.


Waiting to fuck her.


She didn't even know if he actually wanted to catch Fabio. Maybe she was useless after all and he only wanted to make use of her before he killed her.


Her mind was swirling with questions and doubts. 


"But there's a tiny problem." 


He raised his eyes as if to ask what. He looked soft, not dangerous at all. This was it. Maybe she could get her clothes back.


She put on an innocent looking face and an equally innocent voice.


"I don't want to go out like this. I'm shy."


Just give me my fucking clothes back,asshole.


and I'm shy, really Calliah?


"Oh, we can arrange that." He stood up, a smirk never leaving his face and started to unbutton his shirt.


What was he doing? 


Calliah had a look of horror on her face. The gorgeous man in front of her stripped and was handing over his shirt to her. He placed it on the bed when she didn't reach to take them.


Calliah's eyes widened to their biggest size, jaws fell open. 


Nicholas had a better body. Definitely. Shut up Calliah, Nicholas has a better body. Yeah, It's definitely because I haven't seen him in days.


The tattoos. The arms. The chest.


Her breathing increased rapidly.


"And you think I'm a pervert."


































The bundle

  "Help yourself."

Calliah smiled and grabbed a towel and a shampoo. It was still irking her that he wouldn't shift his gaze away from her body. Even with his shirt on, she felt vulnerable, specially vulnerable as her undergarments were clearly showing through his white shirt.


He opened the RV door. She walked past him-- sensing his eyes on her buttocks.


The sun was bright on the afternoon sky. Calliah inhaled loudly. She walked barefooted through the grassy floor straight towards the woods remembering the path.


"You have had time to explore." He spoke behind her.


Darkness welcomed her inside. Tall trees that stretched high above her head, sunlight peeping through the canopies of green leaves. It was silent. So silent-- except for the hums of birds and the ridiculous sound his captor was making in his flip-flops.


Calliah kept walking, brushing her feet through the brown leaves, breathing in and out the cool afternoon air.

"There." She spoke as she spotted the fall with her index finger. She strode towards the fence in her daze. Forgetting to watch her steps, she stumbled on the tree roots and fell over.


He reached to help her but she helped herself up quickly snapping her palms free of dirt and ran towards the fence. The water sprays drizzled her face and her face glew a different shade.


Erhard was not even going to be dramatic and describe "she was different."


She was just a girl.


But a different girl. The back of his head teased.


Maybe, it was him-- maybe it was him who didn't know what girls were like. After all, how many girls was he close with?

Yep, that must be it.


The ones he was around were chirpy plastic bitches. Anita. She was different. She was his friend since childhood and he cared about her.

Anita was aggressive which might've been why he used to be driven towards her.


But it was old story.


Then, there were them- his sister and his mother. Erhard's heart ached at the memory of them. They were pure, out of this world. They were sweet-- not stained by the bloodshedding that was his and his dad's life.


But then the world didn't belong to the sweets.


The pain of the past and the girl showering ten yards away from him were enough to break his reverie.


He watched her enjoy the shower; her hands massaging her hair as the water soaked her body. Erhard felt a stir in his pants as he watched his shirt stick on her skin revealing her black underwears. Drenched in water, the shirt had disappered in her body. Her curves had his mouth watering. It was all he could do not to join her then and there.


what must her skin feel like against his body?


How wet could she be at his touch?


How loud could she moan as he pleasured her?


She was one hot piece, no doubt.


and boy was she horny. 


It was only a matter of time before she gave in to him. Till then, he would wait.


But it was not just about her body that intrigued him. 


It was the emotions she displayed.


Erhard had witnessed so many emotions in her eyes in the past four days: aggression, confidence, hatred, fear, dread, desire, lust, shyness and innocence.


She was a bundle of all emotions tightly packed and he enjoyed watching the packets explode one by one--


--Little did he know, how disastrous the bundle was as a whole.




She wrapped herself in a towel as he waited for her to finish up. Calliah found him such a creep staring at her all the fucking time-- but that didn't stop her from enjoying the shower. She loved this place already. No matter what was waiting for her at the end of line, she had enjoyed today.


"Wanna see the pond?" He smiled.


He looked so good when he smiled-- like a normal guy but Calliah knew better.


Calliah reciprocated with a grin plastered on her face. She wondered how convincing her grin was.


She never grinned.


She followed him, his broad back facing her. The corded muscles of his shoulder rippled as he walked.


I bet he lifts.


He stopped dead on his tracks.


Where was the pond?


"Where is the pond?"


"I can't believe you fell for that." He said letting out a laugh.


She couldn't believe how dumb she had gone lately. Ofcourse there was no pond, she had explored the whole place before.


She saw two chairs waiting to be sit on. 


Oh, he was going to talk to her.


of course, Calliah. How long did you think your paradise was gonna last?


She just hoped he wouldn't go to his dreadful self. 


He could change from his sweet self to manic one with so much ease. How could he even do that?


But then the world didn't belong to the sweets-- it belonged to the survivors.




Over the years of her dangerous profession, Calliah had imagined herself to be in many ill circumstances, a negotiation with a shirtless captor in the middle of woods in her towel wasn't one of them.


Nausea had gripped her body already. The food she had had threatened to come out and her sly captor wasn't helping at all. His demeanor and his small smile already suggested that this meant business. she fidgeted slightly under his gaze and the wooden chair squeaked.


"what do you suggest I do if I catch you getting smart around here?" His small but deep voice and the movement of his lips made her fantasize things she never knew she was capable of.


He wants me to say. Oh he's smart.


Continuing the thing she was very bad at, that is playing dumb, she dared in a small voice not looking at him.


"what do you mean getting smart, I don't get you."


A frown formed on his forehead as he blinked several times. Calliah knew this wasn't good news.


"You can kill me." Looking him in the eyes, she spoke in her real voice full of determination. She would be stupid to try out anything here, the feeble state her body was in. She knew she had tested his patience enough already.


One more strike and she would be dead.


"You can't back away from your words." He continued the staring game. " Cause I will kill you."


"I know." 


"How can you help me?" He leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees and his chin on the back of his hand, his face full of curiousity.


This was it. Her heart started racing faster as panic started building inside her gut.


"I can get inside the Theodore's." she felt tears brimming in her eyes but she wouldn't blink. she had to convince him she was every bit resolute to do this as he was. "The hotel. He goes there every Saturday night--" she continued in a low voice. "I can go there."


"So can my people with fake identities."


"Is that why you have been able to catch him so efficiently?"


She didn't regret her words. Not anymore. She was once again the Calliah Theodore who didn't scare easy. Her job was able to bring that out in her and that was what she was doing right now-- her job.


The grave expression on his face suggested he was not going to speak anytime soon. So, she proceeded.


"I can lure him."


"So can my people."


"He's smart--" She had gotten louder but she contained herself. Looking at a distance, she continued in a low voice. "--and besides, he is always with his guards. I am a familier face and I know he won't be able to say no when it comes to fucking me."


His hand slipped off his knee and Calliah's attention was back to him. He had a stunned expression on his face.


what? I was just telling the fact.


He cleared his throat before speaking again.


"Why do you want to help?"


"Cause I want to get out of here?" duh.


"What if the Greeks find out?" This question knocked the air out of her lungs. She forgot to breathe. She didn't want to think at all.


"They will kill me." she mumbled.

and my father. 


Calliah needed to talk with Nicholas desperately. She needed to know the situation back home. Did they think she was dead? Did they know she was kidnapped?What when Fabio dies? Disappearing from home and within days Fabio gets killed. She would be the no. 1 suspect. But what choice did she have?


"And I'll kill you if you don't help."


All she could do was gaze at a distance where two birds were fighting over a nut.


"Carla Agnes is an orphan adopted by Greeks." It was more like a question. Ofcourse he had run a background check. Without shifting her gaze from the birds she replied,


"You know it." It was the truth. She was a real person working for greeks and she died. She only hoped he didn't know the dying part.



The birds flew and she realised what a big mess she was in. She was going to be killed either at the hands of Germans or Greeks. She was trapped.





  So yes, I started writing again because I am so obsessed with the two of them.


Words long stopped passing between 

them. He stared at her and she stared away. 


A fury of dark clouds loomed casting a shadow over their heads. Calliah shuddered. The dread, the fear were making their way back to her body. No matter how much convincing he had tried to sound, truth was she was lying. She was Calliah Theodore, the daughter of Alejandro Theodore who they had betrayed, grand-daughter of Andrew Theodore who massacred their family.


Arch rival of the Germans.




The deafening silence rang into her ears. She didn't have to look him in the eyes to see that he was contemplating--


-- contemplating on his decision to keep her alive,--


-- contemplating her every words.


For all she knew, he would take his AutoMag out and take her down right there.


Bury her in between the trees. Nobody had to know.


The thought made her body stiffen. The whole muscles inside her tensed as she clenched her legs together. Not knowing what was going inside the evil head of her captor consumed her.


Please say something...


"Stand up." He commanded.


She darted her eyes back at him and wished she hadn't immendiately. His eyes were intimidating just as his voice. Scanning her face, they evoked a strong emotion in her. They were scheming, looking right through her.


She had a nasty feeling, those eyes knew everything. Afterall, they seemed to have seen the whole world.


Suddenly, her gaze drifted down to his lips. She parted her's and let out a ragged breath; breath she had been holding for a long time.


No, this wasn't happening.


Through her clenched inner thighs, she felt a bubble of wetness. As an instinct, she clenched them tight even more and wetness gushed out of her. Her body was worked up from anxiety and fear as it was-- now her desire added up. His tongue licked it's way around the corners of his lips feeding desire. The thought of that moisture pressed against her innocence teased her willpower and she leaned back on her chair letting out a soft moan.


Where was her shame?


Her clit aroused just by looking at his chest and she started fidgeting in the chair rubbing her clit against it.


She let her towel shift down her body an inch as she leaned back. Just the thought of him gazing down her cleavage surrounded her with warm wetness again.


His eyes were boring down her half exposed breasts for real and she let out her ragged breathing, her chest heaving with emotion.


"Stand up." He rasped.


She pulled herself up obediently, not breaking her gaze all the while. He did the same.


His every steps were sending a tingling sensation on her lower regions.


She swallowed and closed her eyes when he pressed his chest against her's. Calliah bit her lip and started breathing more rapidly--if that was even possible. He licked his lips at the sight of her boobs heaving speedily against his chest.


His chest.


His tatto.


She didn't want to touch him. Hell she didn't even want him to be a real person. Call her crazy but she just wanted to masturbate to that body.


The veins on his hand.


No, no, no, she took it back. she wanted him to do things to her.


Bad things.


sinful things.


What did she even want?


All she knew was that she was horny and something needed to be done.


He brought his lips on her ear and whispered.


"I love that mole of yours."


so much wetness.


so many tingles.




"Do you want me to touch it?"


But she couldn't speak. Her confused mind didn't have the courage to ask or even say yes.


His stubbled cheek grazed on her neck and her loud exhale couldn't be missed for nothing.


She was glad he was going for it without her having to ask.


His rock like palms brought both her hands behind her back which she let him do willingly. 


Suddenly, a cold sensation gripped her wrists and she found her hands cuffed in metal.


"Let's get you out of here, hot mama." He said as he threw her over his shoulder and made his way out of the woods.




They were back to daylight. He thumped her rashly on the RV. As if contemplating again, he looked in her blue eyes-- Green piercing blue-- before advancing his lips on hers.


"I miss my boyfriend." She retorted.




"I don't want you to touch me. I miss my boyfriend is all."


"You kidding me?" He scoffed.




He stepped away a few steps and turned his back on her. Calliah couldn't help but expect a hard blow across her face when he turned, back to her again.


Maybe she deserved it.


But what could she do if the arousal had evaporated away?


Back in the dark, she fell-- safer maybe-- to act on her feelings-- her libido. Here in the daylight, Calliah couldn't bring herself to act on that. She felt very exposed. Not to mention she was back to the place which didn't hold very good memories for her.


When he turned back rapidly, she flinched her eyes close.


Nothing happened.


When she opened her eyes again, his frustrated face--the lines on his forehead, the cold stare-- made her regret everything she had said.


It's too late to try and play myself again, isn't it?


He was staring again with those eyes.


Why couldn't he just talk?


Quickly thinking of a smart retort to save herself before her trembling legs gave away, she replied,


"You handcuffed me, remember?" she said gesturing her eyes to her back where her hands stayed tightly cuffed.

"I felt bad"


what in the world, Calliah?


Just look away please.


"Who's your boyfriend?" He asked abruptly.




no, no, no, no, not now. She didn't have time to think.


He would run a background check.


she needed time.


He advanced on her. She swallowed the lump that had recently built up.


Just say a random name.


But he's smart.


You don't want to die.


She was staring at the green wilderness that was his kaleidoscope of colour eyes. She had seen this look before.


Next thing she knew, her hair was yanked up in his grip sharply, his green eyes tinting a dark glow. Her hair threatened to rip apart from her scalp and she bit her lip holding herself from giving out a wail.


"I'll first fuck you in every holes you have got in that slutty body of yours--." He spoke gritting his teeth vehemently. "--then, rip those holes apart with my bare hands and fuck you some again." His other hand was on her neck already choking her.


"WHO THE FUCK IS YOUR BOYFRIEND?" He said emphasizing every words.


He tugged on her hair again. A sharp pain shot on her head and the world was already spinning. Her eyes went very white and face pale as she gagged on his hand.


His grip loosened only so ever lightly, just in case he didn't like what came out of her mouth.


"Nik-- Nicholas Demo." She croaked. He let her go, his other hand still on her hair but not pulling it. She coughed and tried to catch her breath. The spasm dared to rip her neck headless. She felt her head loll but she didn't have her hands to steady them. 


She felt helpless, abused. Tears brimmed her eyes full.


He tilted his head and reached his left hand--one on her hair-- to touch her bloodless cheek but she jerked away. It was all she could do not to spit at his face. He tried again-- she jerked. Finally she was pinned between two sturdy arms.


Calliah could do nothing.


She felt weak.


She had long stopped feeling that-- long stopped getting overpowered by a man.


But the reality was different now. She was there, at his mercy. 


Getting strangled by a man all over again.


That thought was enough to tick her head off but a certain somebody's voice saying " RECKlESS" boomed in her head again and again.


They were both staring daggers at each other. 

Blue stabbing Green, Green stabbing blue.


That was enough.


"Even a pig can subdue a wounded lion." spat the woman.


He watched her face for a moment and smiled. Ofcourse it wasn't true. He had been able to break her so calmly, she remembered.


Come to think of it, it wasn't he who broke her. It was Calliah herself. The memories, the pain, the grief were what actually broke her.


"We are our worst enemies, Calliah. We are able to do malicious things to ourselves." He spoke.


"Calliah, No matter how much you train yourself as a combatant physically, unless you can fight your own demons, you are not ready."


She coughed her lungs out some more and doubled up panting.


"I had a vision I would see you pant in my grasp in no time, this is not what I had in mind-- " He stopped to smirk. "--- did you?"


"You are just fucking sad, I didn't let you fuck me, like- like a sad pathetic kid whose candy just got stolen."


She had absolutely zero idea what she was speaking in her rage. she just needed to make him angry, just like she was.


"But the kid here can always get his candy back." He grazed his fingers down her cheekbones and she trembled at the disgusting touch. Her head spinned madly around her and she lost her balance.


He grabbed her arm tight and spoke very slowly.

"Keep pissing him off like this, and he will eat that candy even if he has to rape it away from it's owner." More emphasis on the word rape.


She wanted to punch that face of his but the world around her went numb as a silent voice of her trainer spoke in her head,


" Some of the greatest battle shall be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul."














No grudges

  Calliah Theodore opened her eyes, lightheaded, red marks spread across her neck prominently. She tried to clear her throat. They wear as dry as the leaves in the woods.


"Oh my god." She spoke and her ears met a hoarse voice barely audible.


When she looked outside the RV window, her captor was making fire, gathering dry leaves and logs. She stood on her feet and went to kitchen. The sight of water elevated her heart and she gulped down the whole jug. She could hear a burning sounds of logs outside. There was a small locked room ahead of kitchen. When she peeped through the keyhole, darkness met her eyes. She brought herself back at kitchen and served herself some apple and oranges. His fridge was loaded. The RV looked well inhabited and she had a feeling he stayed here more often than not.


Maybe he likes it here.


She would do the same. This place was majestic.


But the idea of having anything in common with this man irked her.


He almost nearly killed her when she refused sex.


After teasing her that is.


But no matter what, all she felt for this man right now was digustion and hatred.


Maybe it was innate.


She just sat in her bed, looking out at the moon--which was crescent-- smiling. She loved it-- the sky. Moon and Stars-- her very first friends and the most loyal ones.


They were there before you were and will be there when you won't. Her mother's voice soothed her heart.


They would never turn on her, even if everyone did, never betray her, never leave her alone. They would just be there shining shimmering filling hopes inside the hopelesses.


A drop of tear trickled down her cheek as she remembered the dreadful nights spent in the corner of her room staring at the night sky.


Too innocent to understand what was going on.


Too inhibited to talk about it with anyone.


Too naive to believe nobody knew what the monster did to her inside four walls.


The night sky and the memory of her mother being her only solace.


Now, she saw him lying on his back next to the fire which was burning rapidly. He was looking up, lost in his world.


Probably planning about the next deal with some Russian mob.


She felt the need to go out and talk. It was strange but her pain, her sufferings did that to her.


Made her feel nothing matters.


So what if he was a devil? Devil was not a new concept to her. She met devils for breakfast every morning. Hell, she even slept with them.


Everyone has a devil inside. The ones much well hidden are the ones to be much afraid of.


Still in her towel, she made her way out of the RV.


As soon as he realized she was coming towards her, he was poised, though still on his back.


"Beautiful, aren't they?" She smiled, ignored her choked voice and sat herself across him. Her body instantly felt the warmth from the flames and her nose met the sharp smell of alcohol.


She sighed.


When she looked across the fire, her captor held an unbelievable expression on his face.


There were too many little dots visible from this angle. Bright canvas decorated with shiny pearls, flames burning peacefully beside her. She laid her back on the ground basking in the serenity.


It was a dream she never thought she would live.


So far from home.


So far from the place she called home.


It is still home, Calliah. She cleared her head.


The forest at a distance gloomed in eerie silence. Even though they were not visible in the dark, the mere thought of the brooding wilderness few yards away brought goosebumps to her body. Somehow it brought her relief too.


Her gaze fell back to the silent man who was gazing at the night sky.

"Planning something?" Planning murder?


"What are you doing, try-nna be funny, cute.  Think that'll melt my heart and I'll let you go?"


Calliah could imagine the very words in the wicked voice of his but maybe it was alcohol, his voice sounded small and tired.


This was the most he had talked to her so far. She decided to press on.


"Well, I'm just trying to talk. Haven't done that in days." She let out a chuckle which died in the cool night air.


"I almost killed you and you're here to talk." He scoffed still looking up.


"It's a good thing I don't hold grudges then."


This caught his attention enough to turn his head and look at her but Calliah's gaze was adjusted on the question mark shaped constellation up in sky.


"You're smart. Tell me if you have a knife hidden inside that towel."


Calliah was tired of him thinking she would try anything like that. How could she prove to him she wanted to go through with his plan?


"Listen." she croaked turning towards him. Now they were facing each other laying through the fire ." I won't do anything like that. I really want to get this thing over with. I want to catch him and I want to get out of here. For that, no matter how much I dislike you and your guts, I have to talk to you and I will." He turned straight again and continued his sky gazing. She did the same. "And I wouldn't land myself here if I was smart."


He let out a laughter.


Calliah's eyes widened as she heard it.


He laughs.


"I'll give you that." He said. " You were pretty stupid there."


"It was unfair. You used a gun to knock me out when you said you wouldn't."


"And you believed me." He sat himself  up enough to rest his left elbow on the ground.


"Tell you something." His liquor intoxicated pupils dilated and his deep voice followed.

"Underworld is not played fair."


For some reason, her lips curved up in a small smile.




The morning dawned as it always does and so it did in the cabin. A fresh ray of sunshine bounced in the greenaries. A man in his loose fitting trousers is seen fighting a tree. He slams his fists on the trunk, his gaze at a specific spot on the bark as if that's his enemy right there. He slams his left fist and then right, his feet moving along in the rhythm. Sweats trickling down his broad chest, he lands punches on his imaginary enemy; his pace increases when he feels his punches futile on the trunk. Branches of veins stiffly visible on his arms, he keeps punching. Finally, the bark comes off.


A few yards away, little deeper into the woods, there's a woman, partly naked. A man's loose shirt dangling off her slender body. She is doing the same; only not literally slamming her fists on the tree.


She is sparring.


She moves around the beech tree as she pretends to land punches, so fast it could give a tough competition to the man few yards away. She even uses her knee as she practices many moves. Her feet goes above her head--nearly 180 degrees-- practicing her kicks. 


"1,2,3,4,5...She keeps counts. Her flexible legs perform front kick, back kick, push kick, roundhouse kick. She seems happy, complete.


as if a missing puzzle has been attached to her again.


Calliah takes off the sweaty shirt. It was time for shower. Her heart leaped with joy at the thought of shower--shower at its best. The stress, aching would all go away.


Just as she turned around, her eyes widened. Her so conveniently shirtless captor was leaning against a tree gawking at her. She followed her first instinct that was to grab the wet shirt and wrapped it around her hurriedly.


"Actually, I am here to take my shirt back." he smiled. Calliah clutched the front of shirt as if he was going to snatch it away.


"Then, give me my clothes back."


He gestured towards her breasts.

"And miss that sight, No."


Calliah almost blushed, almost.


"Then I'm not giving it."


He smiled and proceeded towards her.


"You see, that's where you are wrong. You think you have a choice."


Stubbles.Stubbles. Chest.. Abs. Don't look. Tried to kill you.


He pulled away her hands that were tugging on the shirt and his hands went up to undo the buttons. Calliah gulped at the sight of his chiseled chest and tattoos. His aroma drove her senses weak.

"Do you think you have a choice?" His stubbles grazed on her ear, she could sense him smiling and the hair on the back of her neck bristled sending down chills all over her body.


"No." The word came out as a subtle moan and she hoped he didn't notice it. He did.


"I could make you moan better than that."


Wetness gushed out of her at those words and she squirmed, leaning her  back on the beech tree.


He unbuttoned the shirt one by one not breaking his gaze into her eyes. She did the same. After unbuttoning, his eyes went down to linger on her breats which were heaving in invitation, nipples peering through the hole in her bra. 


His cold fingers took off the shirt and she let him willingly. He licked his lips and Calliah couldn't take it anymore. She was drenched to the core.


She wanted him inside now. She wanted him to fuck her senseless.


He held the sweaty shirt for a while then threw it away.


"So wet." He rasped.


"Please." She whispered breathing heavily. She felt she could orgasm right there. The crave, the passion that his eyes were filling her with, she could do it right there.


"Please what, feisty?"


"Please go." Ofcourse that's not what she meant. He locked her body between him and the tree and her breath mingled with his.


"Oh now, do you want me to go?" His cold palm traced the line of her cheek, down to her neck and slowly to the cleavage where they rested on her left boob before digging them out of the cup of her bra. She gasped. "You think they want the same--." He squeezed it harshly and she moaned. "--for me to go?"


"No." She inhaled, her body shuddering at the cold touch, the muscles of her pussy hurting with all the squirming, her lady spirit begging for release.


He lifted her up in his arms, her back staggering on the rough trunk of the tree. she moaned  gripping his shoulders for support. Now, her dripping pussy was locked on his stomach.


He would find her wet.


Muscles tensed, she clenched on him tightly, wrapping the legs on his waist. Just a thin cloth of her wet underwear separating their skins.


"Goddamnit, you're soaked to the bone."


Calliah was no more looking at his face, nor his body. She no more thought she could handle it. Eyes closed, she was  residing on her own head. But she knew, she was lifted on his steel like arms, her pussy fidgeting on his stomach.


Next thing she knew, his lips were sending amorous kisses on her neck, licking, sucking the skin of her collar bone-- long enough to leave their marks on her body. They traveled lower and lower-- lower than they should be. She winced as he pressed on her neck wounds-- the pain adding fuel to the fire, just what pain does. Her desires soaring it's coarse higher and higher.


His right hand massaged her hard nipples lightly and his left hand gripped her ass tight as he pressed his lips on her wounds. She groaned as she kept pulsating on his stomach.


As much as she wanted to set her limbs apart and invite him, she was clenched tightly to death around him.


What was happening?


He was just kissing her and she felt her climax building up like fire inside her.


"Commom baby, Don't clench yourself like that, I know you're flexible."




She let out an unshamed moan and she clenched her legs even more.


"Oh, the things I could do with those flexible legs of yours."


In no time, his right hand traveled inside her panty. Her throbbing pussy rose up instantly at the touch and she struggled against his cold palm.


"Aaahhh.." she cried.


"Shut up." he ordered.


She obeyed. Calliah was red with lust. She opened her eyes to find the gorgeous man and his piericing gaze boring down on her.  She wanted it. She needed his dick inside her pussy so bad-- so fucking bad.


They were staring at each other. Blue against green. Then her eyes darted down to his lips.They were wet and she wanted to taste them so bad. Just when she was about to touch, he dodged.


"Please fuck me." She pleaded. He smirked. The delighted expression on his face couldn't be missed.


For a while, his palm just lay there on her fidgeting cunt. Then his fingers parted her lips and met her clit. She closed her eyes again. " Aahhh."


"Can you get wetter than this?"


She shook her head frantically.


"Oh, I think you can." He rubbed his finger against her clit harshly. Tears started forming in her eyes as she rocked back and forth on his grip.


"Fuck, oh fuck." Her head fell back as he kept repeating his actions.


She could feel his erection prodding her ass now and it made her head swirl in pleasure. Her whole body was scorching in warmth, fire building up more and more.

His middle finger went inside her gushing hole and she squirmed around his finger. Tiny tremors shook her body vehemently.


He curved his finger inside her but it would just go half way up. She wanted it deep inside her. She needed more. Her body ached for more.


"what do you want?" His left hand dug out her right boob. Now both of her boobs were hanging out of her bra. He pinched her nipple, then slowly lowering his lips on them, he suckled on it ravishly. It hurt. Calliah gritted her teeth but he kept sucking the life out of her tit.


"Oh, please fuck me, please." She knew she would explode very soon and she needed to. It was too much torture already.


He brought  his mouth out from her tit with a popping sound. His other hand followed out of her hole. She felt empty.


"Too bad you don't have a choice." Her body dragged down roughly from the tree and he walked away with his back on her leaving her shivering and dumbfounded..
















The disgusting man

 "What do we have for dinner? Don't tell me you ate outside." Calliah climbs in the trailer.

" We need to talk." He is sitting on the couch, a prominent frown decorated his forehead. His neck length hair gelled neatly. He wore a rumpled suit and a sleek black tie that wasn't knotted properly. Buttons undone, he was  not a man who wore suits well at all.


But he is a mafia.


Isn't that what he's been wearing since like 10?


"But first, check this out." She twirled giving a full view of a made--out--of--leaves and twigs skirt that she had woven.

 "Cool huh? I feel very stone agy." She thought she caught a tiny smile on his lips but it disappeared just as soon as it had appeared.


"It's great." He spoke a while later. awkward silence followed before he spoke again.


"Yeah, you can stop this. I know you hate me and the feeling is mutual. Now let's go back to that and talk about business."


"But I don't hate you." she squeaked.


Ofcourse that wasn't true. Calliah had cried out of embarrasment that day. She had screamed and screamed, kicked and pushed the daylight out of trees. How she had wanted to torture him. How she had wanted to hurt him. She was this close to cumming.In the end, she ended up collecting some long leaves and twigs weaving them into a skirt.


"Fine, cool." the corners of his lips puckered up.


This man was gorgeous and she wanted to ruin that gorgeous face of his. Her resistent gaze dared to pierce his eyes. His smirk was enough to summon the anger she had felt for him earlier.


"aww, is my little girl frustrated--


She swore she could have controlled herself if he had stopped to that.


"--sexually frustrated?"


Calliah, common.


He is teaching you patience.


Nicholas would be proud.


Don't let him win.


She repeated the words she had told her all day to make herself feel better.


Calliah proceeded and sat on the bed facing him relentlessly.


"And how many girls did it take you to satiate your frustration?"


His smirk vanished.


"And I can still see you're not completely satisfied. It's written all over you." She pointed towards the frown on his head.


"You think you're special and all, huh? "


"I never say, People do it for me."


"Don't provoke it feisty, if you can't indulge it."


"What, your ego got hurt? Looks like nobody told it to grow up past 5th grade."


He guffawed. "I would really love to continue this feisty, but you see I am very tired and I want to go home away from you---"


"Fine, let's talk." She said breaking the stare.


"let's talk."


"We will leave at 8 on saturday night. Some of my people will be joining us. We are gonna make fake ID's to enter the Theodore Hotel. You will need one too."


"No, I don't need no ID"


"You have been missing for days. They'll catch you."


I own the fucking hotel.


She could trust the receptionist. She had hired her.


"okay." she spoke.


He gave her a suspicious look and she hoped she didn't mess it.


"Then, I will go in, knock him out, knock out the guards too and you can take him." She said.


He raised his eyebrows in disbelief and said.


"You will take him and the guards too?"


"You underestimate me, Mr.--"




What in the world.


MKE's son.




"You're his son."


"Enough chit chat for a night, feisty." He stood up, neared her face. She could inhale his warm breath that tasted of rainbow and paradise.

Calliah gulped.


"Just remember one thing. You're gonna have to get out of that hotel sooner or later and we will be there---waiting."


He smiled and kissed her cheek enough to make it wet.


Goosebumps ran through her body and she shuddered.


She heard a sound of revving engine and it got fainter and fainter.




Calliah was glad she could ogle her captor without flattering him from inside the trailer. He was chopping logs. Hauling, the axe on them, he broke the logs neatly and collected them. His biceps and sweaty back did amazing things to her stomach. Once in a while, he would swing his straight hair and Calliah's heart would melt a little. She hated him but she was staring at him. She was so frustrated---sexually. Masturbation never worked on her. Whenever she tried, she would end up laughing and cursing all at the same time. Not to mention, a certain somebody's face would flash in front of her whenever she neared her parts and her ego wouldn't let her jerk off to that.

She walked out, her bare feet wet with  morning dew on the grass.


"You're here early." 


He ignored her and kept chopping.


"Do you like it here?"


More haul and chop.


"Okay, tell me something. How did the trailer even get here in the first place?"


Haul and chop.


"You want help?" He turned and gave her a once over, his eyes lingering on her legs for a while. Still not accustomed to the way she looked in his shirt perhaps and the stupid looking leaves thay she wore ofcourse.


"You wanna chop in that?" He pointed his axe to her.


"well, I don't have to worry about you getting turned on by my legs, so who cares." She smiled.


"Alright feisty, join." He threw an axe to her and she grabbed it.


"So, what's it feel like, being the son of the great MKE."


Bad Calliah, what the fuck.


He stopped hitting the log for a moment and Calliah grimaced. 


"Ignoring, huh?" She pulled her hair back in a bun and hauled at the stump, it broke into four neat pieces.


Still pushing her luck, she dared, "what's your name?"


He struck his axe on the stump loudly and tured towards her. Calliah's body was in an attention position.

"what are you doing?"


She relaxed her muscles and dared some more. Smiling she answered,

"Well, I'm tired of you asking the obvious, MKE's son."


"Erhard." He turned his broad back on her and continued breaking the woods. "My name."


Boy, he got hard on his name.


Calliah gulped eyeing his back.


"You can stop staring at my ass now."


"Like you were not staring at mine."


She proceeded her chopping too.


"So you admit, you were staring." He smirked huffing the air out of his mouth.


"I think we can cut it now. Yes, you are hot. You got abs, this big back, and tattoos. So yes I was staring."


and hair, and lips and eyes and stubbles.


"Woah, woah. That was blunt now feisty. Tell you what, you are yet to see the most awesome thing I have." He winked.


Calliah nearly stumbled on her own foot but she rolled her eyes and continued her work.


"So what, you're not gonna compliment me, I just complimented you."


"I know what you're doing here, feisty. Why don't you just go inside the RV and cry some more."


This was enough to make her ears go red and her heart throb in her ribcage. But she had to remain patient.


This man was teaching her patience all over again.


She was learning the most important rule of a combatant.


Nicholas would be proud.


But Calliah being Calliah gave in.


She flew her axe on the stump which laid intact on it.


"Hey man, I'm trying to talk here."


"Why don't you stop trying then, Man." He turned and gave her his despised look.


"I know what this is about." Calliah couldn't stop herself from speaking. "You don't want to talk to me, or do anything with me because of guilt. Let me guess, you don't talk to your prisoners because you can't bring yourself to do it. After everything you did to me, you think" Erhard was just giving her a deep cold stare. So, she turned the rant about her instead.


"I did stop trying. For the past week, all I did was stay quiet and imagine all  the brutal ways to kill you. But my imagination ain't killing no one. I know there is no way I can get out of here and I get that you will kill me if I do anyting. So I'm just talking. I am doing nothing, just talking cause it feels so good to talk, MKE's son." She took a long breath after she was done. "It feels so good to talk."


"Erhard." He said calmly.


"Erhard Eberstark."


"Whatever man, Don't blame me if your name is too hard to speak and seeing that you love your daddy so much, Imma call you MKE's son."


Next thing she knew, Calliah was tackled on the ground, his green eyes boring on hers, palms digging on her shoulders, his face red.


"Oh, I see, you can't bring yourself to hit a woman. Tell you what, Tony Stark, go on, I won't tell anyone."


He gave her a painful jab across her face twice. On his third attempt, Calliah held his fist in her hand with all the energy she could muster. Her blue eyes flickered with excitement. But her palm could only contain so much, his fist landed on her jaw and Calliah screamed.


"Alrighty, daddy's boy."


She dug her nails on his neck. He howled and she used her hands to crank his neck sideways-- a defense that Nicholas always praised her about. Soon, she was on top. But knowing the size of the bulky man, tackling didn't seem like a good idea. She lifted herself up after striking the heel of her palm on his nose.


"Punching is too mainstream, Erhard."



He stood himself up, his nose bleeding already.


"You wann fight bitch." He seethed.


"More than anything, MKE'S son."


She positioned her arms in front of her and he scoffed.


Calliah drove herself towards him lifting her hands in a fist, to which he prepared to dodge effortlessly.


Little did he know, she was aiming for something else. Her legs was about to slam his. She jumped and motioned her right leg clockwise, and he was on the ground howling.


Soon, he was there, dodging her palms, elbows and kicks.


He gripped both her hands in front of him.


"I don't want you dead before saturday, feisty."


She bounced her head on his, then jumped and lunged both her knees on his chest.


He coughed and backed away. She ran towards him, lifted her left knee in the air, then her right knee which landed on his chest again.  His knees gave away and he laid coughing.


"Bitch." He hissed between his breath. His eyes was full of madness and so was hers.


"You don't have to feel guilty for torturing me Erhard. We are no different."


Erhard lunged himself to tackle her but Calliah kept defending, elbowing his arms. She couldn't let him lock her legs or waist. She kept fighting . Erhard groaned in pain and Calliah couldn't be any happier. Soon, he lunged his head on her stomach and slammed her on the trailer. Wave of pain rocked through her spine. Then he caught hold of her hair and slammed her head on the trailer. Her eyes watered and blood trickled down her forehead.


"I win feisty, Now I want you to suck on my dick." He panted.


 Calliah was dizzy but not one bit defeated. She  clutched on his dick from outside his pants and twisted it before landing her knee on it.


"I'm sure, sucking a broken dick won't give you any pleasure."


She locked her right foot on his crouched one and took her down. Several palm strikes and his face was smeared mass of red.


"You understimate me, Mr. Eberstark."




Calliah dragged Erhard to the same rusty cabin she was held captive. She tied his hands and legs hurriedly.


Now what?


Calliah's heart raced in fear and exitement. Her plan was just to spar, fight a little but now, her captor was unconscious. Guess he wasn't as strong as she gave him credit for.  Now, she didn't know what to do.


 Gun. Gun.




No, Calliah, killing him wouldn't be such a good idea.


There was no way out anyway, unless she decided to stay in the jungle forever. And how long before his men showed up?


"WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?" she screamed inside the torn room and her scream echoed but the man laid oblivious. This irritated her so much, she kicked on his face hard. He moved a bit.


"wake up, you asshole." she slapped him but he wasn't opening his eyes.

She grabbed on his chin and spoke,

"And you call me weak, huh?"

 When he still didnt respond, she tossed his face away. A part of her wanted to put him through that agony he put her, a part encouraged her to do that but another part showed the faces of men in her life over the years and she lost the debate.

"Good for you I don't hold grudges man." 


She started pacing the room back and forth. Her mind was blank. She frisked him for gun but it wasn't there. The most she thought she would get out of this fight were her clothes but now he was down there, limp as a dead man. It disgusted her. She wasn't attracted to him anymore.

After debating with herself for a while, she did one thing both the debating parties agreed on.

"Cellphone." She ran for it in the trailer. Rummaged through the drawers and shelves but no cellphone laid there. Calliah started hyperventilating, adrenaline rushed through her like tide. She decided to calm herself first.

"Common Calliah, calm down, calm down."


"Nobody comes here and he is knocked out."


"Nobody comes here and he is knocked out."


 Repeating it as a mantra,she tried to think.


"He wouldn't put it here." She rushed outside towards the edge of jungle where they were chopping woods just a while ago. That seemed like eternity ago to her.


And there it was.








"Nick, Nick." Calliah panted.


"Cal, Cal Where are you, where have yo---?"


"Nick, I am held captive by MKE's son, he is----"


"Hey, hey, are you okay? Did he do anything to you."


Nicholas's concered voice soothed her, they always have the potential to soothe her. She inhaled deeply.


"Yeah, I knocked him out but he will be awake soon."


"Where are you? Why can't I trace your number?"


"Nick, just listen, I promised I would bring Fabio to him or he will kill me , Nick. Saturday--I will--- Theodore's---"


"Cal, Speak properly."


"I don't have fucking time." She inhaled all the same and spoke again.


"They want Fabio, I am taking them to Theodore's on Saturday. Then he will let me go. Just make sure Fabio is there on Saturday please."


"How do I know you're not speaking that at gunpoint?"


"Damn it, Nicholas." Calliah huffed. "Okay, okay, you used to take me to the beach, you told me I could do this, overcome my fear and be strong." Calliah's eyes welled up at the memory and the fact that she was talking to Nicholas again. She spoke half crying.

"To protect myself, from Fabio, you helped me---"


"And you will go where, Cal? Everyone thinks you are dead, or kidnapped by them. If Fabio dies, you can't come back, they will know."

A sudden silence followed his words. Her heart wept and she started sobbing, her other hand rubbing her sweaty forehead.


"Hey baby, listen. You do what you have to do okay, I'll bring him. Did you listen to me? I will bring him."


"Just get my passport ready."


" I will. I will."


"I don't want no plans, Nick." She screamed in her choked voice. "I just want to get out of here and I want him de----"


A bump and Calliah saw red dot in front of her eyes. The woods swirled and rippled and her head hit the grass.


"Hey there, slut."


Calliah saw a blonde figure in front of her with a log that she had just chopped earlier.




Who do you think it is? Next chapter's gonna be a flashback. Till then, sayonara..In the mean time, if you have any questions, shoot....



















Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.03.2017

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