
"Oh my God!" He exclaimed as he saw the news of who the new United States President was. He couldn't believe his eyes. A black man had been elected. Hell had just froze over.

"John!" He yelled to the man across from him at the bar and said "We have to have a meeting right away."

John was stunned and just sat there for a few moments staring at the television as if the news would change if he stared at it long enough. A black man had been elected. The world as he knew it had just taken a drastic spin in a new direction. This wasn't good.

After watching the other patrons response to the news of who the next President was he then motioned for Ed to follow him. They had to get organized. The day they had been waiting for was finally at hand. A race war was coming.

Ed and John walked for awhile and started making calls to buddies on their cell phones. They were going to have a meeting in the woods. A secret place where real Americans met to discuss and plan just how to take back America.

Everyone was meeting in the next few hours to decide just how to proceed with the devastating news that a minority had won the Presidental election. They had to move fast before the other side made a move against them. They were the real minority and it was time to make a decision on how to proceed.

"Good God, imagine if one of his own took him out." Ed said to John as they made their way out to the secret spot. "Just think what that could mean to our cause."

"Yeah!" John agreed. "If he gets assasinated everyone will be pointing at us." His eyes glazed over as he had a vision in his mind of the chaos such a moment would cause throughout the countryside.

They reached the clearing and started to gather firewood for a bonfire. Every good meeting needed a bonfire to keep the chill off and give a feeling of comradery. The fire represented power, power of the white race.

The fire was soon going and the members clustered around in little groups while chanting and low music could be heard amongst the crowd. Grumbling and harsh words echoed around the fire as they complained about the election and the newly elected US President. They were unhappy with the economy, the companies sending jobs over seas, the military in Iraq and the fact that nothing was made in America any more. They blamed the blacks, the Jews, the brown people and the politicians. It was their fault that the country was in such poor shape. They gathered in force and shouted and groaned and moaned about what they should do know.

"Roses are red
Violets are blue
Obama for change
give me back my bullets to!" Was the chant that rang around the bonfire.

Morning was coming and they had to get back to their lives. Nothing had been settled and the next day was upon them. They couldn't believe what had just happened. A black man was now the United States President who was promising changes to American's. He had promised jobs, a new green industry, restructuring the countries healthcare system, strengthening our borders, imporving our rural economy and bringing our country into a stronger future. Just who did he think he was to think that he had the answers to America's problems.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.11.2009

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