









Chapter 1











It’s 6:30pm and the sun has just set to its fullest. Eva has just finished her dinner which consisted of brown rice, grilled chicken fillets spiced lightly and some roasted potatoes basted with melted butter. She poured a tall glass of water and headed to her bedroom. She had this bad habit of always leaving the curtains open till late, so she drew them closed and sat on her bed. She loved her bed it was comfy and a bit high that when she sat on it her feet dangled in the air which made her feel somewhat small. After a few minutes she went to one of her favorite rooms in her massive house, which was the was so strange for a single person to live in such a big house. Eva then started her routine she turned on the shower and began to undress herself, while waiting for the shower to reach the right temperature; she would stare at her body in the mirror. Some days she felt like she was well built other days she thought she looked like a potato, it all depended on her mood. After a few minutes she got into the shower and began enjoying the feel of the water on her skin. She never used to open the cold water at all…for some reason she was just crazy like that. a normal person would scream in agony but she enjoyed it . After her shower she changed into some comfortable sleep wear and went back to her bedroom.



She removed the tons of pillows and fancy cushions that decorated her bed and opened her duvet revealing a cool cotton sheet that would help her sleep in the summer’s heat. Eva switched of the light and got into her bed pulling the covers up to her waist, switched on the bedside lamp and picked up one of her favorite novels and began to read. Eva could read a 352 page novel in two or three days, that’s how much she loved reading. She read a few pages and then felt sleep taking over so she decided to call it a night. She looked at the time and was surprised to see it that it was just after 8pm, rather early for bedtime but after that hot, steamy shower, who wouldn’t feel sleepy right? So she switched off the light and she turned to her left side facing the window and closed her eyes.



That morning her sleep broke around 03:16am and when she opened her eyes, she saw this dark figure standing in front of her. She quickly closed her eyes and told herself that it is not real and it will leave her alone but, her curiosity wouldn’t let her keep her eyes shut! So she slowly opened them and watched. To her disbelief, the dark figure knelt down and put it's hand over her nose. She quickly closed her eyes again and shortly after heard a small murmur and felt a cold breeze under her nose and over her mouth as if air was leaving her body! This caused her to panic and she opened her eyes and looked towards that entity and guess what… it was staring right back at her! She began to scream “help me please” but no sound came out of her mouth! It was as if this dark entity had taken her voice when it held her mouth and that was the cold breeze she felt. She tried to kick and punch but she was frozen in one position…paralyzed to the fullest. All she could do was lay there and stare at this entity still staring back at her. She closed her eyes once again and decided to say a small prayer in her head and after a few moments she felt a bit of ease, few seconds later she opened her eyes and to her relief, the entity was gone. It had been gone for at least eight minutes until Eva was able to talk and move again.







Chapter 2








For many this might seem outrageous and scary, but for Eva it was scary but normal. How come you may ask? You see Eva was born with a strange gift. Eva could see things that other people couldn’t, she could sense things, hear things and at times even communicate with these things! She could also see right through a person just by looking into their eyes. Ever heard the saying “the eyes are the window to the soul”? Well this was the case here. If Eva had a bad dream about something or someone, they would take heed to her warnings as most of the time they became a reality. Could she call it a premonition or was it just a coincidence? She didn’t know. A few years ago Eva had an unexplainable calling that she had to answer and although she didn’t know anyone who did this kind of thing, she had an urge to buy a deck of tarot cards We often see these in the movies and not m any of us actually believe in them and just like you and i… neither did Eva.



She got home that day sat at the table and opened the deck, it was very different to the normal bicycle playing cards she grew up playing with and this deck was also a bit bigger, it felt so uncomfortable to hold. It had seventy -eight cards with beautifully and colorfully drawn pictures on them and some blank ones, She removes the blank cards and makes a joke saying “I wonder why they put these in here? Maybe it’s for those who have no future” and chuckles to herself. Eva always found herself to be funny, sarcastic or sarcastically funny. She then goes through the cards laying them on the table one by one and looking at the strange labels they carried. It was all strangely labeled; “the lovers”, “the hermit” and even “death”.

She looked at the card called "the tower" and to her amazement she could tell what it meant. Thinking it was mere coincidence, she tried another card and the next and the next and before she knew it the entire deck was spread in front of her and she knew each and every one of them. She didn’t understand what was going on or how she could relate to something that she barely knew; she sat there both baffled and amused at her discovery. Whenever a friend would visit she would test it out and to both her and their surprise she was always right.




Chapter 3








It didn’t take long before rumors about her tarot reading spread through the small community that she lived in and before she knew it she would get random requests on social networks asking for tarot card readings. She did it for fun and not for financial gain so she attended to them occasionally. Many people who would come through to open their cards were either shocked, happy or left her house in tears. Eva always said that “people want to hear the truth however not many of them can handle it” and oh… how right she was. The most awkward for her was when she had to deal with couples, so many unfaithful while others guilty of other deeds. When it came to friends she was caught up between breaking a relationship or allowing an unfaithful bond to continue, filled with lies and deceit. This often complicated her social life and hence she had few friends and even less people to talk to or confide in.



For Eva getting close to people wasn’t an option as she had an understandable fear of being rejected because of her “curse” as she believed. Eva wasn’t always alone she had a family of her own, a husband and a son named jimmy. She was married for eight years and her son was only six when his father took him away from Eva. He told Eva that their son was starting to become as weird as she was because he claimed that he could see things. One night when jimmy was in the tub he started screaming and crying for Eva. Eva quickly ran to see what the fuss was about, when she got to the bathroom and asked him what was wrong, he replied saying” there’s an old lady with red eyes staring at me by the window” Eva quickly dried him off and took him to the bedroom. Jimmy was around four years old that time. Few other incidents followed after that and eventually Eva had to move to the guest bedroom because jimmy was always restless and couldn’t sleep when she was in their roo. Her husband was aware of her ability as she used to share experiences with him and once during an argument he even told her that she was possessed and he couldn't stand being around her. From that moment on, Eva knew that he was not the one for her and their marriage didn’t last long after that. During their divorce proceedings they both decided that jimmy would reside with his father and try to lead a normal life. It was a mutual agreement yet a very hard decision that Eva had to make and although she sees him every weekend it isn’t enough as we all know a mother’s heart never stops beating for her child.




Chapter 4







Eva till date believes that her tarot cards somehow connected her to other things and at this point, after her experience last night she was even more convinced. That night Eva begins to reflect on all her past experiences. Each one was scarier than the last, each showing her different perspectives and frontiers. Her ability was not something that she could escape from; instead she would have to make peace with it. You see every individual is different and unique in their own way and lucky are those who are blessed with these great gifts and know how to use them …

Eva was always confused about what to call it at times it was known as her gift and whenever she had a scary experience it was considered her curse. I guess this was because it cost her her son and she hated it more when it came to new relationships because not many people are open minded to things as such. Sometimes it’s because of cultural and religious beliefs and other times because of a person's upbringing. she felt that whenever she found someone that she showed interest in or showed interest in her, her gift would always make it awkward.



Two years ago Eva was lucky enough to meet her boyfriend Ricky. She met him whilst taking the bus home. The bus had halted at one of its routine stops and people began getting on. For some reason Eva was distracted from the mobile game that was keeping her occupied for the last 15 minutes and just looked up. That was the first time Eva laid eyes on Ricky! there he was  Walking towards Eva, she began to get nervous and her tummy got all fuzzy as she thought he would sit next to her but to her disappointed he went past her and found a seat near the window at the back. She couldn’t get him off her mind ever since and who could blame her? Ricky was a well-dressed, very handsome me fellow. He was well built and didn’t look his age at all, well styled spiky hair, fair skinned with heavenly brown eyes, a cute pointy nose and he was just slightly taller than Eva yet he used to brag about it all the time.



It was so hard for her to choose her favorite characteristic about him because to her, he was just so perfect! That smile of his could make both the sun and the moon hide away in shyness. She was smitten and she didn’t really care because no one had caught her attention and kept it the way he did! When she described Ricky to her friends, one of them said “they say looks doesn’t matter “she looked at them with a naughty smirk on her face and replied;” who is they”? “They don’t know me!” and laughed to herself. Eva continued taking that bus and each day she would move closer and closer towards the backseat. kind of making it a bit obvious don’t you think? She would sit there and eavesdrop on him and his pals as they played their card game until one day, they were short of a player and Ricky sent a friend of his to call her to play. She was gob smacked and shy at the same time but when she got there and seated herself opposite him, she tried her best to play it cool. The very next day she sent him a friend request on social media and they started chatting. it so happened that Ricky was single to mingle and that made her even more eager to try her luck. they chatted for days and Eva told Ricky many things that even those close to him wouldn’t know about himself. to her it felt as if she had always known him but as for Ricky, he was confused as hell. 3 weeks had passed and even though hesitant she built up the courage and told him about her ability, she was afraid that he would be scared or think she was a freak but to her surprise he didn’t, in fact he seemed very curious and wanted to know more. 

Since then Ricky and Eva began spending a lot of time together and getting to know each other better but it was a lot easier for Eva as she could use her ability and as for poor Ricky he was always trying to figure her out, yeah good luck with that buddy we all know no one can figure out a woman plus, this one is a weirdo!





Chapter 5









Their relationship became one of those of rare and unique relationships and despite their issues and hurdles they stuck by one another. After  some time they decided that they would take their relationship to another level and have occasional sleep overs in order for them to be more intimate with each other. Ricky was a charmer, gosh! Which woman wouldn't fall for him and Eva well; let's just say that she had a way with words. She was an easy going person who could be nasty if the need be but the best part was that she could be so romantic and cheesy at times and Ricky loved that! She would write long texts and poems to Ricky and he in return would write something sweet, their relationship was old school but the best of it's kind.



Every day was made out to be as the first. They kissed often, showed affection often and they said i love you more times in a day  than in the biggest valentine’s day card you could ever find! Couple of months had passed and it was  Friday night, Eva sent a naughty text to Ricky inviting him over for the weekend but, it so happened that Ricky had already made other  plans to have a boys night out with a few of his friends. He smiled at his phone, gave a sigh and after a few minutes gave in...It was that very moment that he realized, he just couldn't say no to Eva. It was about 19:00pm when he got to Eva's house, she was all dressed up looking absolutely stunning. Ricky couldn't take his eyes of her she, was wearing a beautiful, backless red dress. The dress was full length and had a long slit on the right that exposed her sexy thighs. The front had some silver beading and was revealing enough to show off her cleavage. She was stylish and made sure that a dress that beautiful was accompanied by a pair of stunning stilettos. As for Ricky, he always looked dashing in anything he wore; in fact, he made the clothes look good! Ricky couldn't help himself so he leaned in and grabbed her giving her a kiss instantly without failing to compliment her on the way she looked. She buried her nose under his chin and whispered in a sexy tone” you smell so tempting"..." Not as nice as the dinner I can smell" Ricky chuckled.



He then let go of her and went into the living room, when he got there he noticed that the bedroom door had be closed. He began to get somewhat paranoid as you know how a man's mind works and asked her "why is the room door closed"? Eva pretended not to hear him and sat down on the sofa opposite him. This annoyed him and with an upset look on his face that caused his forehead to wrinkle, he asked again. Eva smiled and said to him" relax baby it's not what you think" she took him by the hand and the walked towards the door. When Eva opened the door Ricky was speechless. Eva had set out a Chinese themed dinner on the rug of her massive bedroom floor. She had placed cushions opposite each other and laid out plates and wine glasses in front of them. She decorated the rug with lovely rose petals everywhere and she even took the liberty of lighting candles to set the mood. She again whispered in his ear "you silly guy, all the love I have, is for you... Happy one year anniversary my love"






Chapter 6








Ricky felt so embarrassed he just smiled. He had forgotten about their anniversary! Eva wasn't very upset that night as she knew that he was often forgetful and though it caused issues occasionally, they got past it. Eva dished out some of the chicken chowmein she had made while Ricky tackled the wine bottle. After eating the couple sat there until the bottle of wine was empty. By now they both were a bit intoxicated so they cleared up the dishes and decided to head to bed. They always had a habit of talking about their day before sleeping so they chatted a bit and then had a romantic and steamy love making session. It seems that the wine had gotten the better of them and they both were knocked out into a deep slumber. It must have been early hours of the morning when Eva was roughly shaken up by Ricky asking her if she is OK "what do you mean if I'm okay, you disturbed my sleep!" she replied, Ricky apologized to her, pulled her into his arm, kissed her on her forehead and she drifted off again. Ricky on the other hand was laying there, eyes wide open and once again confused as hell.



He barely got much sleep that night. Few hours later,The sun had made its appearance and Ricky was up and about. he seemed a bit troubled. He sat in the living room smoking his pipe but he was distant and withdrawn and it wasn't long before Eva noticed. She sat down next to him and she also began to smoke with him. For a few moments there was just silence until finally Eva asked him "what is wrong, you behaving strangely towards me?" he responded "there is something I need to tell you and I don't know if you going to believe me or not but it's bothering me and I need to get it off my chest... Last night I heard you talking in your sleep. You were saying strange things and I was going with it because I thought this was my chance to find if you had you been unfaithful towards me or not but then.... “Eva interrupted him as she was furious by that statement. She says to him an angry voice" after everything I did to show you how much I love you, you still choose to think that I'm not faithful? What bullshit is that? You're just ungrateful!" he then tells Eva that she should at least give him a chance to complete his story before getting upset. Eva still annoyed at him says "OK go on I'm listening mxm!" Rick rolls his eyes at her and proceeds saying "OK, like I was saying before you started performing was that 
I heard you talking in your sleep. You were saying strange things and I was going with it because I thought this was my chance to find out if you had you been unfaithful towards me or not but then in-between that you starting talking about some other random stuff only that this time it was in a completely different voice!"






Chapter 7








Eva looks at him with big eyes and is shocked at the words that are coming out of Ricky's mouth but knowing of her ability she didn't think it was a lie. "Were you scared" she asked? Just before he could answer her next question was "and are you going to leave me now?" she has this sad look on her face as if she was about to cry and then Ricky said "you going to have to do better than that if you want to get rid of me!" with a huge smile on his face that Eva even in that emotional moment couldn't help but find sexy! They both sat there laughing about what would have been a scary experience to anyone else but even then they knew that something wasn't right.



They reached a conclusion which was clear, that Ricky had two different conversations with two different people speaking out of her Eva's body in two completely different voices but he still was brave enough to stay in a relationship with Eva and continue having scary sleepovers. To him it wasn't that much scary it was more like excitement... a journey into the unknown. Things he only saw in the movies, he is now witnessing through the person he loves.

Three days later, Ricky  decided to have a chat with Eva about this. He had a fear that whatever is trying to communicate through Eva, might take over her completely and he wasn't willing to lose the woman he loved. He went over to see Eva at home, she was busy spring cleaning...she had a mild case of OCD which caused her to clean things that weren't even dirty at times. Sometimes her sleep would break at 4am in the morning and she would be cleaning and cooking, when Ricky used to come at 7:30am... The house is cleaned properly, carpets are washed and even lunch for that day is already prepared. He knocked on the door and she let him in. They greeted each other with a juicy kiss and sat down on the sofa.

He told Eva that from that day he didn’t think it was a good idea for her to continue reading those tarot cards.

 He then continued by saying its affecting her, he sees it and he doesn't want to see her get hurt. Eva is a bit disappointed but hesitantly agrees. It was easy for him to tell when she was upset even when she denied it because of her facial expressions ...which he found somewhat cute! Even when she was angry he would break the tension and make her laugh by saying she looked sexy when she made her face like that. Eva loved Ricky with all her heart and after the incident that occurred and the fact that he stayed... She was never going to do anything to lose him. She knew that Ricky was a keeper and the opposite of her ex.




Chapter 8








Two weeks after that Ricky had a family gathering and couldn't make it for their usual weekend sleep over so Eva was going to be alone. She woke up early on Saturday morning brushed her teeth, washed her face, went to the loo and then started with daily chores. When she was done and everything was cleaned to her satisfaction she went to her closet and stared at it for At least thirty minutes... This was how she decided what to wear. She then showered, came to the bedroom, drew the curtains closed and began to apply Lotion before changing.

At that very moment she heard someone say "hello" she looked around but it was only her in the house. She thought maybe she was imagining it or it was one of the neighbors. She continued dressing up and started with her hair. At that point she heard something fall and break to pieces in the kitchen. By now she was scared and unsure if it could be an intruder; she quickly put down the hair brush that she was using and went towards the kitchen. She stood by the passage wall and peeped into the kitchen, to her relief there was nothing there and no one. She immediately called Ricky to tell him about the incident. He understood how confused she was and tried to calm her down and as always, after speaking to Ricky and listening to his reasoning... She felt a lot better. After ending that phone call she brushed it off and continued with her daily routine.



She didn't bother cooking that day as she was by herself and would just make anything. That Eva made a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner with some coffee and headed to bed. She took of her stacks of pillows, sent Ricky a goodnight message and called it a night. That night Eva had another experience... She wasn't asleep but she wasn't awake either! She heard noises and looked below bed to her horror she saw what looked like the stray cat that comes there but bigger and it was crawling by her bed! Eva tried to scream and kick and move but just like the other night... She was paralyzed. She couldn't move a limb nor could she utter a word. After a few moments Eva is released and then runs into the passage and sits down on the guest bed and stares towards her room door. At that very moment she is horrified as she's that cat-like creature stand at the entrance of the passage and grow ten or twelve times its size until it's head reached the passage door frame! Eva began to shut her eyes tightly and recited a prayer in her head and few minutes later she found herself in her bed breathing heavily and dripping with perspiration. She immediately texted Ricky explaining the situation to him but he was asleep. She then got out of bed and switched on the light and sat up until the first Ray of the morning sun made an appearance. 






Chapter 9







The next morning Ricky came to see Eva, using his key he let himself in and went into the bedroom, when he got there he found her in a traumatized state and she looked lost Ricky immediately grabbed her and held her tight smothering her with kisses to make her feel better. He puts his hand into his left pocket and then gifts  Eva a religious locket telling her that she must wear it all times and will keep her safe. Eva is slightly skeptical but appreciates the gesture and has high hopes that it will help her.


After a short time of hugging and  caressing each other, Eva went to the bathroom and began brushing her teeth and washing her face while Ricky started preparing breakfast for them. He wasn't much of a chef which was rather surprising after the number of cooking shows he watched daily however, he certainly knew how to win her heart with his grilled cheese sandwich. The couple sat down at the large wooden table in the Centre of the dining room. It was big enough to seat 8 people with a lovely gloss to finish it off.  During their meal they talked off paranormal stories and movies they had watched trying to make some sense of it all but eventually they gave up as the possibilities became endless.


After breakfast they watched a movie and cuddled on the couch whilst having a few drinks. It was not long into the movie when Ricky's phone rang. It was his brother telling him that the water pipe had burst at home and he needed to come and assist them in closing the water off. Ricky felt bad for having to leave Eva by herself after what she had just experienced but he had no choice. He looked at Eva still snuggled in his arm and told her what happened. Eva looked at him with a sulky face and then eventually muttered "OK babe" followed by a deep sigh. After Ricky had left Eva took some meds to help her get some rest and continued watching the Movie. The movie had finished but still, the medication hadn't kicked in so, she watched another. It was almost the end of the second movie when Eva felt a bit drowsy, She tried her best to stay awake to finish the movie off but the sleep was beginning to overpower her. She switched off the television and the light and headed to her bedroom, leaving the passage light on behind her. Eva held onto the locket that Ricky had given to her earlier and said a little prayer, she put off the bed side light, turned to her left, facing the window as usual and it wasn't long before she was in a deep sleep.


When Eva opened her eyes it was 9:40am already, she couldn't believe that she slept through the night without any hassle. She didn't remember any dreams and wasn't quite sure if it was the medication or the protection that Ricky gave her that helped. All she knew was that after a very long time... She had a good night's rest! Shortly after getting out of bed, Ricky came by.







Chapter 10




He had that disturbed and troubled look on his face again. "what happened? Is everything Okay at home?" she asked. Ricky held her tightly and said  "something happened to me last night babe and it freaked me out!" she pulled him towards the sofa and asked him to tell her what he was On about. Ricky got up and made himself a pipe, poured himself a stiff shot of Brandy and then came back and sat down with Eva. "last night after watching some TV I fell off to sleep on the sofa. I was facing the backrest when suddenly I was awakened by the sounds of heavy breathing around me, it was quite loud. I pulled the covers over my face a bit thinking I imagined it. After a while it got louder and seemed closer to me. I tried to turned my head towards it and I was confused when I found that I couldn't move muscle! My whole body was numb. I struggled a bit and when I eventually gained control over my body and I turned, what I saw I terrified me babe! There was something blurred standing there and pointing at me, it had long fingers and fingernails. I tried to call out to my dad but my voice had been somehow muted off, I could hear myself and that thing could hear me but no one else heard a thing! I turned my face back to the backrest and suddenly felt cold breaths on my my cheek. At that moment I began to pray and chant and inbetween all of that I could hear a man's voice whispering something into my ear. I was so scared that I continued to focus on my prayer and didn't bother listening to what it was saying. I think my prayers worked because it stopped and I was relieved to find that it had left.  My body was in shock after that I was frozen and felt numb all over again. I pulled up the covers all the way and slept in that same position until I saw the morning light. Till now I am still freaked out!"  Eva sat there stunned at Ricky's story because to her it was as if Ricky was living her nightmare too.

She tried to comfort him and make him feel better by telling him silly jokes like " At least i let you finish the whole story this time" laughing to herself and a few seconds later he burst out laughing too. 




Eva couldn't help but feel hurt, was her ability affecting the man she loved? Were those things going after him instead? Could she just sit there and see him traumatized so badly? Was Ricky going to her abandon her after this? So many unanswered questions! reading her facial expressions, Ricky just put his loving arms around her and said proudly "i love you Eva and we will get through this together" Eva gave a sigh of relief and after a short pause kissed him on the cheek!



Till date when Eva forgets about the locket or maybe removed it to wear some fancy piece of jewelry for the day and didn't put it back... Eva has unimaginable nightmares and disturbing experiences.  She lives a very scary and somewhat interesting life that interferes with her happiness. Sometimes she sees things and has to confirm with Ricky if it's just her or does he see it too. These confrontations have caused Eva to have doubts her sanity many times and what no one can explain is; is Eva is asleep and having a nightmare or is it happening to her while she is awake? If it is a bad dream How come everything is felt in reality after waking up? When Eva wakes up she still feels the numbness and paralysis as well as the feeling that her vocal cords have been cut off. These senses only return to her body  after a few minutes of the entity having disappeared. The effect on her emotionally wears off after 2 to 3 days and that's if she's lucky enough not have another experience in that period. Sometimes i wonder if it cold be related to an "out of body experience”? It has been confirmed that many people have out of body experiences where their soul leaves their body for some time and then returns. I guess this story will remain incomplete until the mystery of her gift or curse is solved.

Till then the tarot card deck stays in the very last draw of her cupboard untouched, Eva does not look forward to bedtime because the fear of having another experience is always there. Maybe she could have gotten help from others who dealt with similar situations but she is too skeptical about talking to people about the things she sees and what happens to her, as the fear of being judged always hovers above her. Not many will believe her, I mean do you? Some nights she sits awake till early hours of the morning writing poetry or stories, other nights she takes medication to help her sleep and relax her overthinking mind.


Eva will always be grateful to Ricky for being the hero in her life, for standing by her side, for waking her up when she has nightmares and bad confrontations, for holding her tight to make her feel safe, for those little kisses on her forehead that mean absolutely everything to her, for listening to her go on and on about her hauntings and most of all for loving her for the weirdo that she is! I'm sure all the ladies reading this probably envy Eva for having someone like Ricky, don't worry you'll find your Ricky... I know because I have found mine! 





Thanks for reading and lots of love. 





Texte: Renae Naik
Bildmaterialien: Renae Naik
Cover: Renae Naik
Lektorat: Renae Naik
Satz: Renae Naik
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.01.2019

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Many times we experience things that are unexplainable and incidents that leave us questioning our sanity but, just because we cannot explain it, doesn't mean its unreal or not happening... bear that in mind. Thank you for the inspiration My love, RKP :)

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