
Without You

As i lay here, Mouring my love for you i pray that i'll see you again. if i don't then my life will continue to be a dark, gray, nightmare. i'm so lost without you i don't wanna live without you. i know you still love meh as i still love you. i didn't want to go. oh, no, no, no, i'm so sorry my love i never thought it would have to end this fall apart. i love you still. always have and always will. i never wanted to go, i'm so far away from you, my love i can not bare this pain all these days it feel so unreal...when i was with you it felt like a dream, now it just feels like a nightmare. all i do is cry it's not even worth it, without you. i don't even care anymore. my life is usless without you. i can't breath without you people say im crazy and i tell them maybe i was crazy for you , now i'm crazy without you i hate it. i hate it without you. i miss you every second, of every day, that i have to suffer without you. i just don't want to loose you, but i can't make you wait on meh. i may not ever get to come back. i can't make you wait. i can't, i can't but i can't end our wonderful relationship. this relationship was sparkling, we had so much to do, so many things to see, so many places to go. once we didn't know the future,but now we just try to make every moment last, before the end comes, but i don't want to watchh out relationship to go in flames things wouldn't be the same without you i wouldn't want to live without you i couldn't survive without you beside meh forever, becasue missing you hurts my chest, kissing you makes my lips tingle, and loving you is what makes meh smile=)


Texte: Destiny Hobbs
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.03.2012

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