
Chapter 1: I Don't Belong Here

"Honey, why would you want to find your biological parents? They gave you up. They didn't want you. We want you. We love you as if you were our own." Mom asked.

She was my adopted mom. And my adopted father sat next to her on the couch. I was twenty-three and now they were telling me that I was adopted. How could they lie to me? All these years? Did they think that I would never find out?

I mean, I knew that I didn't really look related to my parents but not every child looks like their parents. They could have gotten their traits from their grandparents and I wouldn't have known about where my traits came from because I never met my grandparents. They were all dead. I've always felt different but . . . this is a stretch. I wasn't truly a part of this family. And my parents didn't want me.

I sighed and leaned forward on my knees; I was sitting on the couch in front of them. I looked up at them and frowned, "Why would I want to find my parents?

Why wouldn't I want to find out who they are? I love you. I'll always love you both. And I won't leave you. It's just that . . ."

I stood and walked around the couch. I started pacing and raised my voice to the point to where I was almost shouting, "How could you not tell me earlier?! I'm twenty-three! Twenty-three! I knew I looked different and I always felt different. I had a feeling something was up but . . . this was no where on the list! This is worse!"

Dad stood and came over to me, "Elena. We're sorry we didn't tell you before. But we didn't know how to tell you. We finally came to the decision that no matter how scared we were to tell you, that today was the day to tell you."

I folded my arms across my chest and rocked my hip rather than tap my foot. That was too much like those brats from the movies. I was already rich because of my parents but I didn't want to look like a rich bitch and I was pissed off and upset and had to do something; even if it was just rocking my hips. "Why did you adopt me? Did something happen to the child you already had?"

Mom shook her head and looked down at the floor, "No . . . I-I couldn't get pregnant no matter how much we tried. Then the doctor said that I was barren. I wasn't medically capable of having children."

She looked up at me, "But I wanted a child more than anything so we went to the orphanage. You were only two. You weren't old enough to remember where you were or what was happening.

"You had stayed by yourself at the party they threw for the children while the parents went around to choose . . . you were alone up in your room and I knew you were the one I wanted. And your father agreed with me."

I stopped rocking my hip and looked up at my dad. His face was pained as he watched me. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. His arms immediately went around me. I closed my eyes, "I'm still angry but I'm not leaving and I still love you all the same."

"Good." He muttered. Mom came over and wrapped her arms around us both from behind, hugging us . . . well, hugging me. I was sandwiched between the two of them.

Chapter 2: The Orphanage

"So they sat you down and told you that you were adopted?" Alicia asked. She was my bestest friend out here in the country. She lived in the city with her boyfriend because she wouldn't leave him and he wouldn't come here. He rarely ever visited with her.

"Yes. And what am I supposed to do? I want to find them but my parents . . . Mr. and Mrs. Roberts . . . don't want me to. No matter how much I tell them that I won't leave them and that I love them all the same. I have questions that need answers. I've been going crazy these past three months and I need your advice." I exclaimed as I plopped down on the couch beside her.

She shrugged, "I don't know what to tell you here. Maybe you should look for your real parents without telling them. And why are you calling them Mr. and Mrs. Roberts? They're still your parents."

"I know." I looked down. "I was just trying it out . . . I don't know why I said it. I'm angry and upset." We didn't speak for a while.

But finally Alicia asked, "Do you know what orphanage they adopted you from? We could start there." "They didn't tell me but there's only one orphanage close to here in Dawnsville. The Western Orphanage."

She patted my hand and stood, "Then we'll start there. Come on. Where is it?" I stood and frowned, "We can't go now. It's two hours away. And if I'm not home in a hour then my housekeeper will report to my parents. They'll be bound to know what I'm up to."

"Then we'll leave early tomorrow and just tell them that you've made a doctor's appointment because . . . your back hurts or something. We'll find out the information needed and then leave."

"And what do you suppose I say when they asked what took so many hours?" I asked; sarcastically. She smiled, "I'll be coming with you so we can say that we went shopping afterwards. And we will."

I groaned, "Shopping? Again?" She laughed as if not wanting to go shopping was the most inconcievable thing in the world, "Again? I just got here. This is our first time going shopping together


"Well, we're here. Get out and lets go." Alicia nudged my arm. "I didn't agree to wake up at six, so we could leave at nine, to get here at eleven thirty, in a old truck at that, just to sit in the passenger seat and watch people walk down the street."

I nodded and exhaled slowly to calm myself, "We're only getting information." "That's right. It's not like you're actually going to meet them right now. If they have the information you need then you'll make the decision later whether or not you want to meet them or not." She assured me.

I opened the door and got out. She got on her side and walked around to me. She rubbed my arm, "Everything will be alright. I promise. You've only known that you were adopted for what? Three months? Lets go." I nodded and headed up the stairs. I grabbed the doorknob and took a deep breath before going in. I was scared. I had no idea what I would find.

We walked up to the desk and the lady who sat there looked up at us and smiled, "Good morning. Early birds, huh? The children are having lunch in the dining room, if you're here to adopt."

"Oh no. We're just friends." Alicia spoke up for me. "I was just wondering if you have the information on Elena Roberts here? She may go by a different last name since she's adopted."

The lady sighed and shook her head in disapproval, "I'm sorry. That information is confedential. I am not allowed to give that information out to anyone other than the parents who adopted her or, of course, Elena Roberts, herself. As long as she's eighteen or older."

I cleared my throat and stepped forward, "I'm Elena Roberts. I-I just need to know if . . . you can give me information on my real parents." She looked at me and nodded, "Then of course."

Chapter 3: Information

"We keep everything on file. If there's any way of finding who you came from, there in this room." Abby said. She was the woman the lady at the desk assigned to escort us to this room and give us the information.

We followed her down the asle and stopped when she stopped in front of boxes at the end on the left. She pulled out a box off the rack and placed it on the ground. "I remember when Mr. and Mrs. Roberts came to adopt you."

I frowned, "You were here when they adopted me? Do you know what my last name was then?" "Whoever left you on the doorstep here didn't leave you with a last name. Just a note."

I gasped and looked at the box. What? They left me on the doorstep? Alicia put her arm around me, "Does this mean that it'll be easier for you to find her records?"

"Yes. They're right here. It's a lunch box, actually." She stood after bending over in the box. She turned and held the box out, "We have original papers and this you can keep. That is all they left with you. Including the blanket they had wrapped you in."

I took it with shaking hands, "T-Thank you." She nodded and left. I sat down on the nearest chair and placed the box on my lap. Alicia came over and sat next to me, "I know this is hard for you but you can do this."

I nodded, "I can since you're here with me." "You know I am. I'm always here for you." She repeated. I sighed and reached for the latch on the box. I popped it open and lifted the lid. I let my eyes roam over the top layer.

There was a necklace with the letter R

hanging from it. Then there were papers underneath of it and a small red blanket. "They left me just this and leave it in this lunch box? A paper bag would've done fine with all the care they gave me."

"What do you think the R

stands for?" Alicia asked. I shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe one of these papers will tell me."

I picked up the first piece of paper I came across. It was a small square sheet folded in half. I opened it and read the finely written words:

Please take care of our dearest daughter, Elena.

I sighed and folded the piece of paper before passing it to Alicia so she could read it. I picked up the next thing. It was a baby picture. The baby was just wearing a diaper and sitting up on a blanket in the middle of a forest; smiling. Was this supposed to be me? I turned it to see the back and it had my name on the back with fancy handwritting.

I handed that to Alicia as well. "Aw. You were such a cute baby." She said in complete awe-ness. I gasped as I saw the next picture.

There were adults. There was a man with shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, the starting of a beard but it was clean. He was holding a woman from behind. The woman had long bright blond hair. It wasn't dyed with hair color. It was natural. At least, it looked that way. Her eyes were blue. They were both smiling. She had her hands on his arms, holding them to her chest.

I saw them before. Not truly but . . . I looked like them. I had mostly my mother's features but my father's brown eyes. Alicia leaned in to look, "Hey. You look a lot like them." I put the picture back in and held the box out for her to put other stuff in. She did and I closed the box.

I stood and rushed out of there covering my mouth. Alicia was half running to keep up with my fast pace, "I'm so sorry, Elena. I wish I knew what to say right now to make you feel better but I don't." I shook my head as the tears came out.

Chapter 4: A Hit

"Is everything alright?" The lady at the desk asked as she stood and watch us leave. "I'll make sure she's fine! Thank you so much!" Alicia threw over her shoulder as we left.

"Maybe I should drive. You're a little too upset." She suggested. But I ignored her and hopped in the driver's seat. She sighed and got in beside me. Once we were both buckled in I threw the box in the back and started the car. Then I drove off.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked softly. "No. Not right now." I cried. I had to constantly reach up to wipe away tears but other than my sobs there was silence.

When we got onto the open road I sped up. Alicia reached over and touched my shoulder, "I know how you feel." "No you don't. Your parents are your real parents. They didn't leave you on someone's doorstep because they didn't want you. They wanted you and they kept you. They loved you. So you don't know how I feel."

"You're right. But I can imagine the shock and the hurt - LOOK OUT!!!!" I took my foot off of the gas and slammed it down on the breaks. We both screamed in fear that it would be too late. She grabbed the dashboard in front of her and I pushed on the steering wheel with both hands, pressing myself back into the seat.

We stopped but the loud noise sounded and we hit him anyway. We panted and stayed frozen for a moment or two. "Oh my god. We hit someone." Alicia exclaimed. We both got out of the truck and walked around leaving the doors open. My legs felt heavy like they didn't wanna move.

The man was laying on his back with his head to the side. His feet were hidden underneath of the truck but he wasn't completely under it. I rushed to him and nearly shouted, "Alicia, call an ambulance!"

She nodded and quickly walked back to the truck. She was in too much shock to run or go any faster. I kneeled in front of him and touched his face, "Hello? Oh, please wake up. Please don't be dead."

I lifted his head and layed in on my lap , stroking his face. He had short brown hair and he wore a button up black collared shirt that layed on the outside of his black trousers ad his boots were also black. He was caucasian with a little tan. And he was muscular. Not thin with muscles but thick. But not like those wrestler who are so buff that they're disgusting.

"The ambulance is on their way. They said don't move him . . . you already did. Keep him there then." Alicia said coming to stand beside me. "Alright." I whispered through my fear. How could I have hit this gorgeous man? And who was he?


"He'll be okay. Why don't you come on in?" Dr. Larry announced as he came out into the hall. "It's just a knock on the head, really. A good bruise on his chest but that's it. Took X-rays and I'll call you as soon as I get them back."

I nodded and followed him inside with Alicia, "Thank you, doctor. I feel so terrible. He just came out of no where. I didn't even see him." "I wonder what he was doing out there in the middle of no where in the first place. I guess we'll be able to ask him now. He's waking up."

I rushed over to the bed to stand next by his head. He was dressed in one of those hospital gowns and was covered with the blanket. A frown was appearing on his face. Then his eyes blinked open. He looked around but didn't seem to see me. Only at Alicia and Dr. Larry who were standing at the foot of the bed.

He licked his lips and asked, "Who are you? Where am I?" His voice was low and it sounded hoarse. "You're at the hospital. You've been in a car accident. You were hit by a truck. They couldn't stop in time not to hurt you but they stopped in time that you didn't die. You're a very lucky young man. What's your name?"

He squeezed his eyes closed and answered roughly, "Taliesin Creed ... yeah. That's it." I frowned, "What do you mean, yeah that's it? You're not sure?" He turned his head to look at me and by the expression on his face he regretted it. He relaxed back down to the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

Dr. Larry walked over to the other side of the bed and asked, "Can you tell us what you remember?" Taliesin frowned, "I-I can't remember who I am. There's nothing. My head just hurts more than it already does when I try to think past my name."

I gasped, "Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Dr. Larry held his hand up to me in caution to calm down, "Don't worry. I've seen this. You probably have just a mild concussion. Temporary loss of memory is normal. But it's temporary, it'll come back. He'll have to stay here for overnight. Then he can go tomorrow."

"Go where?" Taliesin asked. I answered immediately, "You'll come stay with me. At least, until you get your memory back. It's the least I can do." Alicia frowned at me, "That's very kind of you. Could I speak to you out in the hall for a second?"

I shook my head, "Whatever it is, as if I don't already know, it can wait. And I'm intitled to do what I want. I don't need my parens' permission." She sighed and relaxed her face, "I guess it would be a waste of time. You're always so stubborn."

Chapter 5: Bringing Home A Man

"This is your home?" He asked as I parked in front of the house. I nodded and took the keys out, "Yeah." I looked over at him and sighed. He hadn't been unfamiliar with the truck but he was uncomfortable riding in it. Like this was his first time in a car before.

I smiled when he looked over at me and opened my door. I got out and went over to his side. I opened his door and he got out slowly.

As soon as he was down he grabbed my shoulder and his head lowered so I couldn't see his expression. I quickly went over to him and placed my hands on his sides so I could catch him if he fell, "Are you alright?"

He nodded and stood up letting go of my shoulder, "Yeah. My head started spinning but I'll be alright." I nodded and took a step back dropping my hands from him, "Alright. Well, lets go."

When we went inside Ms. Grangy came rushing over to me, "Elena. Your mother wanted you to call her the moment you came in." I rolled my eyes, "Mother would. But I can't. I have to get Taliesin, here, settled first."

I looked up at Taliesin, "This is Ms. Grangy. If there's anything you'll need you can just ask her or me." He nodded. I grabbed his arm and led him around Ms. Grangy, "Come on. I'll show you to your room."

He walked to the middle of the room and looked around. I inhaled and sighed. He was so quiet. "I had some clothes brought here for you. It's in the dresser. I looked at the size of your clothes you're wearing now."

He turned and looked at me, "It's a nice room. And thank you for the clothes." I shook my head, "There's no need to thank me. I'm the one who hit you with my truck because I wasn't thinking. I take full responsibility for it. Even if it means taking a total stranger into my home and throwing away loose cash for him. I am sorry for hitting you. It was a long morning yesterday."

He shrugged, "I'll be okay. The doctor said so." "But you don't remember. Your family is probably worrying sick about you. It's awful what I did to you. And I won't forgive myself for this until I make everything better again." I protested.

He asked, "How exactly are you going to make this better? What's done is done. And I'm not angry at you for it." I frowned. He wouldn't understand what this meant to me. He forgot everything. He forgot about his family. It would be very unlikely that he was an orphan like me. One wasn't gonna just pop out into my lap like that.

I had taken him away from his family. He had one and I took that away from them. He had a family that he belonged to. I didn't belong to this family. Or any family, for that matter. I was different. Different in a way that would make doctors worry. That would put me in the lab of some mad scientist while he prodded me with needles and other unpleasant tests.

"I'm going to help you through this so you can get your memory back and then get you back to your family. That's the most important thing right now. Supper is at six. Feel free to roam around and explore. If you need something there is a bellpull in every room. It'll call for Ms. Grangy." I said and started to turn.

"A bellpull?" Taliesin asked. "What's that?" I stopped in midturn and looked at him. Then I went over to the door and grabbed the rope that hung there. I looked at him, "This is the bellpull. It's by the door of every room. Just give it one tug and she'll be right along."

"Oh. Okay. Thank you." He said. I nodded and stepped through the doorway. I closed the door and left down the hallway. I went into my room and grabbed my phone off of the desk and went over to my bed.

I layed down on my stomach and dialed my parents house. "Hello? Elena?" It was my dad to pick up. I sighed, "Dad. Have you been up there worrying about me all this time?"

"Of course, I have. You can't expect anything else of me. You're letting a total stranger stay under the same roof as you." He exclaimed. I protested, "But I ran him over with my truck! And he lost his memory! I couldn't just leave him with no where to go."

"Send him to a hotel until he gains back his hotel. That's the reasonable thing to do." He suggested as if that choice had been written in big bold black letters across a billboard.

I shook my head, "No. I can't do that. Not with the w y I feel. I feel so guilty. He has

a family and I took him away from them. It's not fair."

It got quiet. "Dad? Are you there?" I asked. Dad cleared his throat and said with agony, "Elena. You do have a family. We're your family." I exhaled and looked down at the floor, "Yes. I know. I'm sorry. That came out wrong. It's just . . . I have a lot on my mind right now. Sorry. Could you and mother come over for dinner tonight at six? It would give you a chance to meet him."

"Definitely. I want to meet him since my daughter's not going to do the sensible thing to keep herself safe." He answered. I sighed, "Okay. I'll see you later." Then I hung up, threw my phone at the bottom of the bed, and rolled over onto my back to stare up at the ceiling.

Chapter 6: Supper

"So where is he? We're all at the table?" Mom asked. I stood pushing my chair back, "He probably got lost trying to find the dinning room. Please try to be nice to him. Meaning don't question him as if you're integregating him. He's supposed to feel comfortable here. And remember, that he won't be able to answer most of your questions. He doesn't remember his life.

"Or what he was taught as a child and the basics. So if he starts using his fingers to eat then don't say anything. I'll show him."

Mom lifted her eye brows, "You're housing an animal." I frowned, "Mom. Please. Don't make me regret inviting you over to meet him. I don't want him to feel unwelcomed here when he is."

I turned and saw Ms. Grangy walking towards the room with Taliesin. I smiled, "Here we are. I was just about to go and look for you." He smiled slightly, "I got lost while I was roaming." "He called for me and I escorted him here." Ms. Grangy added. "Sorry." He muttered as they stopped in front of me.

I shook my head still smiling, "No. Don't be sorry. This is a big place. Even I get lost here and you're new here." I looked at Ms. Grangy, "Thank you for helping him here." She nodded and twitched her head towards him, "Yeah. You better draw him a map. He may end up locking himself in a room where the bellpull may be broken."

I laughed and took Taliesin's arm, "I'll get around to showing him around the place tomorrow. Or perhaps after my parents leave." We went into the room and my parents both looked up at them. They looked at him as if he were a bug. I cleared my throat and laughed, "Mom. Dad. Lighten up with the checking him out deal. He didn't just walk out of prison."

My mom put on her fake smile but her eyes hid nothing as she continued to look at him, "My apologies. It's just that you're a complete stranger and we're her parents."

"I understand. Parents are supposed to be protective of their child. I would do the same." He spoke up. I was surprised that he said anything at all. Dad looked at me, "See, honey. He understands and doesn't take offense to it."

I nodded, "Yeah. Thanks for keeping conversation light and making him feel comfortable. I guess we can throw the party hats out the window."

"There are party hats? What do they look like? I thought this was just dinner." He asked; looking at me so confused. I patted his arm and led him over to the seat next to mine, "It's just an expression. There's no party hats."

Mom, dad, and I picked up our forks and knives to dig in. I looked up at Taliesin and saw him just sitting there staring at his plate. He looked up at me and mouthed the words without saying them, Help me please


I took my fork and knife, showed them to him and then showed him how to hold them. He copied. Then I showed him how to cut the meat and poked my fork through a bite-size piece of roast beef. I looked up and saw that he had mastered that. I put the piece of meat in my mouth and chewed. He did the same thing.

I nodded and smiled. I did it all without letting on to my parents that he needed help. They noticed and looked up once in a while, but, thankfully, they kept their eyes down for the most part and didn't let him know that they knew about his little dilemma.

"I forgot to introduce you while I was calming my parents down. Mom, dad, this is Taliesin. These are, obviously, my parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts." He looked up at them and smiled after swallowing, "It's nice to meet you. Your daughter has been very kind to me. I can't thank her enough for letting me stay here until I get my memory back."

I chuckled, "No. You don't have anything to thank me. You should be angry at me. I'm the one that hit you because I wasn't thinking straight and caused your memory loss. And again, I apologize."

He shrugged, "I may not know where I came from or who I am but at least I have friends to go through this with. So this incident has only gained me good things."

"How can you say it's a good thing? Your family must be worrying terribly about you and you don't remember who you are." Dad asked. I was curious about that too. He turned to look at him, "Well I've been thinking. And the doctor said that I would slowly get my memory back. So I'll get back what's been taken from me and my family will stop worrying. But in the process I have made friends. So I'll still have everything I always had but I'll also something new."

Chapter 7: Surprise

As we continued to eat light conversation was kept and I decided that it was time to tell them. I don't know why but I needed to tell them now. I lifted my head and cleared my throat, "Mom. Dad." They looked up at me. "What is it?" Dad asked.

I looked down suddenly feeling slight. I inhaled and told them, "I went to the Western Orphanage yesterday. It's the reason I wasn't thinking straight on the way home."

Forks dropped down on plates and when I looked up they were looking at me with feared expressions. Mom swallowed, "You did?" I nodded, "They showed me the files and the lunch box they had left me. That's where I got this necklace."

I touched the necklace with the R

hanging from it. "It held the note they left with me, the red blanket they had me wrapped in, my baby picture, and a picture of them. I looked at the back if it today before I came down for dinner. It had the names Lillian and Vincent Brooks. And an address."

Their faces were hurt. Mom had tears gathering in her eyes. And dad held back his feelings but I could see the sadness in his eyes. I sighed, "I'm going to visit them tomorrow, if they're still there."

Mom gasped and tears flowed over onto her cheeks. I swallowed, "Mom. I'm not leaving you. Or dad. I'm not going to start acting as if they've raised me. I just want to talk to him. And if, in time, we become friends then what's so wrong with that?"

Mom stood and wiped her tears, "Come on, Jack. I have to go. I-I can't ..." She headed for the door and dad stood to leave with her. I stood and followed them to the door, "Mom! I didn't do it to hurt you! Please! You have to understand that I have questions!" But they were gone just like that and I was left feeling awful.

I layed my forehead against the doorjam closing my eyes tightly. Tears threatened to come out but I held them back. That's when I felt strong, masculine hands on my shoulders rubbing them in comfort like a message. "Are you okay?" Taliesin asked.

I stood and turned around, "Yeah. I'm fine. I just wish that they would understand that I love them still and will stay their daughter but that I still want to know who I came from and that I need answers."

"I hate to ask this since this is hurting you so much, but . . . what is an orphanage? And how can you change parents? I thought you couldn't." He asked.

I inhaled and sighed, "An orphanage is where you go to give your child away when you don't want them anymore. I was left their on the doorstep with a lunch box with little things in it, a note, and wrapped in a blanket when I was a baby.

"Other people can adopt you and raise you as their own child. I just found out recently." Taliesin placed a hand on my shoulder, "And this upsets you so much?"

I frowned and looked up into his gorgeous face. I was going to be angry with him but when I looked up into his face I . . . I just couldn't. I smoothed out my face and nodded, "Yes. How would you feel if the only people in the world that's supposed to mean the most to you, doesn't want you? They don't love you?"

He pulled me into a hug wrapping his arms securely around me, "I guess I would feel as upset as you are. But you are wanted. Your parents here want you and love you." I hesitated but slowly wrapped my arms around his waist, placing my hands flat on his back and laying my cheek on his chest.

"This is strange." I mentioned. He asked, "What? You don't hug someone when they're upset?" He pulled back just enough to look at me. I nodded, "Yes. People hug each other when they're upset. I just . . . wasn't expecting you to."

He smiled and I smiled back. I had to. There was no stopping it. He had this charm about him. He asked, "Wanna finish dinner with me?" I nodded and stepped out of his arms as I went to sit down, "Sure."

Chapter 8: Guilt Turns Romantic

I knocked on the door, "Taliesin? Can I come in?" "Yeah." I was going to invite him on a tour around the place since he got lost yesterday. And it would only be polite.

I opened the door and froze. Taliesin was standing there only in his trousers and boots. His chest was bare. There was some hair on his upper chest. But besides his half nakedness I gasped at the bruises on his chest.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I rushed over to him and placed my hands on his chest running my fingers through his hair over the bruises lightly, "The doctor said that there were bruises but . . . this is awful. It must hurt a lot."

"No, it doesn't." He said softly. I shook my head and continued as if he hadn't said anything, "I'm so sorry. I should've been more aware. More careful. I can't believe that I let this get you hurt."

"Hey." Taliesin cupped my face in his hands, running his thumbs back and forth slowly on my cheeks, and tilted my head back to look at him. I licked my lips and they stayed parted.

He looked at my eyes, questioningly, before bending his head to lay his lips on mine. Fire burned up inside me and I leaned against him. His hands moved from face to my shoulders, to run his fingers along the sides of my breasts, to my stomach, then to my hips.

His one hand continued down my thigh to hook behind my knee and lift. He wrapped that leg around his hip and I could feel his erection on my stomach. His hand trailed back up my thigh to grip my one cheek. His other hand moved to grip the other.

I gasped and his tongue swarmed inside my mouth and lashed against mine. My leg tightened around his hip. Why was I letting this go on? I hardly knew the guy.

I pulled back and he moved to kissing my neck as my head was bent back. I panted, "Taliesin? What are we doing?" "We were making out . . ." He found a spot on my neck that made me shiver and he stayed there. He was kissing my neck and it was so delicious. "Now we're groping . . . which could turn to sex, if you'd like."

Oh, would I like . . . but no! I couldn't. I hardly knew him. I couldn't be like this with him. My hands were gripping his shoulders holding him to me. But that's not what I needed. As he started to lower his kissing on my neck to the part of my shoulder that was showing from my tank top, I pushed back on his shoulders, "No. Stop."

He lifted his head and when I put my leg down he let go of me, "What's wrong? I thought if a person liked someone else that they showed that person. Do you not like me?"

I took a deep breath and stepped back, "That is something that people do when they like someone but . . . after they get to know each other. And I . . . I am attracted to you."

He frowned, "Attracted? Is that a good thing?" I laughed a shaky laugh, "Yes It's a good thing. It means I like you. I think you're . . . beyond hot."

He stepped forward, "So why not? If you like me, then shouldn't that be enough? It's enough for me." I rolled my eyes, "Of course it would be enough for you. You're a guy. But I'm a girl and need time to get to know you before I stick my tongue down your throat and jump into bed with you."

"But you already had your tongue down my throat. And why do you talk like you have something against guys?" He asked. I shook my head, "I don't have a problem with guys it's just I know how they are. They're horn dogs and only think about food and sex. Sex being on top of the list.

"And, yes, I kissed you now but . . . I lost control and let it slip. But I have myself in check and am thinking clearly."

He groaned, "I liked it better when you lost control. It was more fun. But if that's what you want, I can wait. You're worth the wait." I chuckled and turned, "Lets go. I wanna give you a tour of the place. Wouldn't want you getting lost anymore." And it was true for me too, I did have more fun when I lost control. But I still need to use common sense.

Chapter 9: Quality Time

"So, what did you think about the picnic?" I asked. Taliesin dared to put his arm around me as we walked through the room, "I liked it. I especially liked it when we fed each other."

I chuckled and reached up to hold his hand that layed hanging in front of me from the arm he had around me, "Yeah, well, I'm glad you enjoyed it while it lasted because that's the most intimid moment you'll get."

"I think I could persuade you otherwise." He said, lowering his head to my ear. I looked over at him, "Have you remembered anything yet?"

He frowned and lifted his head looking straight ahead. He swallowed, "No. And it's getting damn frustrating. But . . . the doctor said that it could take weeks to months. I have to try to be patient."

I nodded and looked ahead, "Exactly. So therefore, I won't let anything happen between us. At least, nothing intimid. You could have a wife and children."

"I don't have a ring. So I can't be married." He said. I turned him down a huge hall leading him to a movie theater at home to watch a movie. I shook my head, "No. Not necessarily. You could've taken it off because it got irritating or you could be a cheating husband and took your ring off so that other women wouldn't know."

He smiled slightly, "Then it wouldn't matter if I was married or not, if I were a cheating husband. Or boyfriend, if possible she is just a girlfriend. I would be doing something that I already do."

I pushed his arm off of me and quickened my pace, "I don't think so. I am not going to be the woman that a husband cheats with on his wife or girlfriend if I know. And since I don't know, I don't want to take the chance. And besides, the only thing I've learned about you is that you love strawberries as I do, and you love bacon and Ms. Granger's cooking."

He sighed and picked up the pace with me, "That remark wasn't a true statement. I was just being sarcastic. And are we back to the not knowing each other


I frowned, "If you don't like that, then tough. That lets me know what kind of boyfriend you would make anyway." He grabbed my arm and turned me around. He backed me up and slammed me against the wall making me shriek.

At first I thought I saw anger. But I realized that I had mistaken his passion for anger. And then he frowned and the passion started to retreat, "Are you afraid of me? Is that why you don't want to start anything with me?"

I shook my head and stammered, "N-no. Of course not. I just . . . don't know you." He sighed and nodded, "You're afraid of me. I can see it in your eyes now as you lie to me. And I saw it in your eyes before. You don't have to be afraid of me. I won't hurt you. I could stay somewhere else if that'll make you feel safe."

I frowned, "No. I don't want you to go anywhere until your memory returns. Don't talk rubbish. You're staying if I have to chain you to the wall. And for your information, I'm not scared of you. You just took me by surprise. I never thought of you as someone to get rough in passion. You've always been so gentle.

"And I think I like this side of you. Doesn't mean I'm going to do anything with you. I'm just letting you know what I like."

His hand reached up and grabbed my breast firmly in his hand as he smiled down at me, "I know you'd like that." I gasped, "Taliesin. What are you doing? I thought we talked about this."

He ran his thumb over my nipple before letting go, "I know. I just couldn't help myself after you admitted to what you liked. And I can't apologize because I wouldn't mean it."

I tried a smile but it wavered, "Of course you wouldn't be sorry. Now lets go watch a movie." He nodded and took my hand. We went in and I shut the door. I also locked it. If he tried anything and if I was too weak to stop him and let myself have my desires, then I didn't want anyone walking in.

"Pick a seat. Try one of the seats at the top. It's a better view. I'll go put the movie on. We're watching Insidious. It just came out in theaters but with money you can get a copy before anyone else." I told him.

He asked, "Do you always use your money for these kind of things? It seems like a waste of use for money." I froze and turned to him. I folded my arms across my chest and snapped, "Well if you don't want to stay here and watch the movie then just go. Do whatever you wish. No one's stopping you from going and doing what you

want. Whoever said that I wanted company watching this movie? I can watch it on my own if that's the way you see it."

He just stood there frozen. I turned and ran up the stairs. When I got to the top I took a deep breath and turned to him. He still stood where he was watching me. I frowned and tears burned my eyes but I held them back, "And I have contributed to charities." I turned and ran into the camera room.

I sat down on the spin chair and the tears poured out. I crossed my arms on the table and buried my head in my arms crying softly.

Hands ran up my upper back to my shoulders, "Elena. I'm sorry. What was it that I said? I don't understand. I'm sorry." "Go away Taliesin. I don't want to talk about it right now. I'm sorry. I probably overreacted." I told him.

He sat me up and turned me around to face him. He squatted down on his heels in front of me and reached up to touch my face, wiping my tears with his thumb. His other hand layed on my thigh to balance himself but it sent vibrations up my leg and between my thighs.

"What is it that made you upset? I want to know so that I don't do it again. Please." I sighed and wiped my face, pushing his hand away from my face. Now he had a hand on each thigh.

I folded my arms across my chest, leaned back against the chair, and looked to the side away from him, "What you said about money being spent like was a waste . . . it made me feel as if you were putting the same label on me that everyone else does."

"What label? I didn't put anything on you." He asked, confused again. I humphed, "It was just an expression. When people look at me all they see is a rich bitch. I'm either being labeled the rich bitch or only having friends and boyfriends because I have money." I answered. "I'm getting sick of it. I could have all the friends in the world but still be lonely.

"I only know of one friend that's a true friend and I can count on. I've known her all my life and she's rich too so I don't have to worry about any of that."

Taliesin smiled slightly, "What am I? Chop liver? I'm your friend. And I don't want your money. That makes two. And you didn't overreact. It may have looked that way from my side of it but you really didn't. Not when you look at how many times you've been used and mistreated." I looked at him and smiled, "Come on. Lets go watch that movie."

Chapter 10: Midnight Stroll - Three Months Later

I went outside in my white nightgown as usual. I went over to the pool and stepped inside on the first step. The cold water stabbed at my feet. I inhaled and walked down the rest of the way. I made a little shriek at the cold water that was now up to the middle of my stomach, threatening to touch my breasts.

I lowly panted as I walked further, deeper into the pool. Until the water touched my chin. But the cold water calmed down and the tingling feeling started to increase. My whole body felt like it was being stuck with pins and needles. It would be like that until I let go of control.

I took a deep breath, bounced off the bottom, and when I came back down I brought my feet up letting myself go completely under. This was the only time I could be who I was. I knew I was different. I knew I was the only one like this. Mutation must have happened early with me.

Because that pins and needles feeling went away and bright blue and read lights appeared to be swimming about in the water in slow motions. Then the lights went off and I couldn't hold my breath anymore.

When I came back up to the surface I looked at my arms. There were blue, shiny scales on my outer arms. It trailed down in a stripe from my shoulder to the tip of my middle finger. And my back would have a few scales, my stomach as well.

I lifted myself up on the edge of the pool and looked at my legs. I had the shiny blue stripes going down the outside of my legs to my feet. My feet were completely covered with scales. And the sides of my face would be covered with scales too.

My nightgown was gone and scales covered just the nipples on my breasts. And it was like I had underwear on made of scales except that it was plastered to my skin so that my butt and my womanhood was covered.

I stood up on the side of the pool and ran my hands through my hair. Everyone was asleep. This was the only time that I could be myself. It didn't happen when water hit me. It just happened at night. It was as if it was tired of hiding out and would make me feel that pins and needles sensation forever until I let it out.

"You're so beautiful." I jumped in the water immediately when I heard his voice. I swam to the middle. Oh please . . . god please say that he only saw my shadow. That it was too dark for him to see clearly. I came up and turned to him. He was in nothing but pajama pants.

I frowned, "Taliesin. What are you doing out here?" "I saw you while I was looking out the window so I came out." He unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them. I asked, "What did you see?"

He pulled his pants down and his boxers down with them. Once he stepped out of them he lowered himself into the pool and turned to me. He slowly stepped towards me and I backed up, "What did you see?"

"I saw you. The real you. You're gorgeous." He was too close now. I didn't even know he could move so fast and swiftly in the water. I backed up but he grabbed my arm and I gasped, "Don't. I-I . . ." What was I going to say to him?

He pulled me closer to him and hugged me. He buried his face in my hair, "Hmm. I can't believe I finally found you, my princess. I've been watching you these past three months when you came out here and transformed into your rightful self. I've been searching for years and just came across the others."

"What?" I pulled back and looked up at him, "What are you talking about? You remember? And what do you mean you've been looking for me? You know what, wait right here for just a second."

I went back under the water and the lights went on again. When I came back up this time I was standing waist high in water naked, as myself. No scales.

I dropped down to my knees in the water so that the water was to my shoulders and crossed my arms across my chest, covering myself, "Now answer my questions."

He sat down on his butt in front of me. Even then, the water just touched his chest. I knew that his manhood wasn't covered by the water while he was standing and that it was practically standing up in my face when I knelt but I made sure I kept my eyes off of it. Or I don't know if I'd be able to control myself. How had we backed up so far without my knowing it?

He looked at me, "Elena. I lied. I never forgot my memory. It was the only way that I was going to be able to get close enough to you to protect you from the people that are after you. You and I aren't human. I can't see how you can't believe me when you know what happens to you at night.

"You're Princess Elena of Rahanni. That's what the R

stands for on the necklace your parents left you. Your mother was a Seander like we are. She was queen of Rahanni. Your father was human, though.

"Unfortunately, years ago when we were visiting Earth, a group of Seanders were left here when the Forelanders took over the ship and left. Your mother was one of them. And the parents that you were told were dead when you went to that house, it was true. They are dead. But they were killed by Forelanders. And now they want to kill you because you're the last living royalty left to rule. I was sent here to protect you and to bring you back so you can take your place as Queen of Rahanni.

"And when you did you would help us get rid of those Forelanders once you were trained. I know it sounds crazy but it's the truth."

Chapter 11: The Truth Hurts

I stood and turned. I climbed out of the pool and grabbed one of the towels from the rack. I wrapped it around me and headed for the front door. Why couldn't he just be a nice guy?

I didn't hear him but I didn't dare look back. I went inside and slammed the door shut. I locked the bolts, turned around, and ran upstairs. I ran right to my room and slammed the door. I went straight to the closet unable to hold back the tears. How could this happen again?

He tricked me into believing that I was guilty of hitting him with my truck and causing him memory loss. All he wanted was my parents' money. And then he was going to play the whole play saying that he was here to protect me and that I was a long lost princess that was meant to be queen.

I dropped to the floor and layed down crying. I let go of the towel and just crossed my arms under my head using them as a pillow.


When I woke up I was still in my closet. The towel was over my hip but my breasts were uncovered. Very uncomfortable. I stood and wiped my face. I felt nasty. I needed a shower. I usually take a shower after I come back in from swimming but . . . last night was awful.

I grabbed a short jean skirt that flew out at the bottom. It wasn't one of those tight jean skirts. I also grabbed a black tank top and a braw and panties. Then I went to get a shower.

When I went downstairs Ms. Grangy smiled when she saw me at first but then she frowned, "Darling, what's wrong? You look so upset."

I shook my head and shrugged at the same time, "It's nothing. I'm alright. Is Taliesin still here?" She nodded, "Yes, of course. He's in the breakfast room. Why would he leave? Is there a problem going on?"

I shook my head, "No. He just got a little angry last night because he couldn't remember anything yet. It just seemed that he wanted to take off. I'll go see him and make sure he's . . . better than he was last night."

She nodded and I went around her. I quickly went to the breakfast room and paused when I got there. I inhaled deeply and then sighed. I opened the door and went inside.

Taliesin looked up at me from the table. I cleared my throat, stood a little straighter, closed the door and went over to the buffet table.

I could feel his gaze on me. I grabbed a plate and started helping myself to scrambles eggs, bacon, homefries, and a piece of french toast.

Then I went over and sat on the opposite side of the table from him. I picked up my fork and poked my fork through some egg. I kept my head bent over looking at my food. "How did you get in last night?"

"The key under the mat." He answered. I sighed, "I'll have to remove that key." I heard movements and then I saw him place his plate on the table and sit beside me. Not directly beside me. It was a long table and I sat on the end. He sat in the seat on the side.

"What do you think about what I told you last night? You left in such a hurry and didn't give me a chance to ask you then." He asked, softly.

I exhaled the breath the breath I've been holding in ever since he came close to me. I looked away from him, "That I was foolish. That I was gullible to believe that you were different and it was my fault that I got hurt in all of this. Again."

He asked, "What do you mean?" "How much do you want?" I asked. "What? What the hell are you talking about, Elena? Please, tell me." He asked sounding outraged. I put my fork down and folded my hands on my lap, "How much money do you want? I mean, that has to be what you did all this for. Why couldn't you just kidnap me and hold me for ransom? No. Instead, I had to get hurt again.

"Why must people be so damn scared? If they're gonna con me out of my parents' money then they oughta do it the right way."

Taliesin touched my bare leg, "Hey. Look at me." I sighed and turned my head to look at him, "What? Do you wanna write it down? Is it too much that you're embarrassed to say how much? Just come out with it."

He shook his head, "This is not about your money. Elena. Please. You need to accept the fact that this is true. How do you explain what happens to you at night?"

"There are slight chances of mutation. And I guess that this is one of them. It's a major leap, I'll admit it, but it's the only sensible explanation. And as for you saying I needed your protection, I don't. I am in no danger. I can take care of myself." I replied.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "You'll come to understand soon enough. But for now . . . at least tell me that you'll let me stay. That you'll let me into your life."

"You can stay and . . . as long as you don't go crazy again, I'll let you into my life." He looked down at where his hand was and stated, "This skirt barely covers you. Do you go out in this?"

"Yes, I do. It's fine. It covers me." I argued. He smiled and his hand ran up my leg, "It's perfect for me. But I might get jealous if I see anyone else checking you out in it."

"Then I won't wear this one when I go out. But just this one. This one's only for you." I whispered as I watched his hand. His hand went up my skirt and moved to between my legs.

My legs parted on their own accord and he touched me. He moved his fingers along my underwear but that didn't prevent me from feeling the pleasure it caused. I grabbed his hand, "Not here. Ms. Grangy will be coming in soon to clear the dishes."

"Then lets go somewhere else. The theater?" He asked. I nodded and stood up with him. He took my hand and led the way. When we got inside I turned and closed the door, locking it as well.

Before I could turn around I felt hands on my ankles, sliding up my legs and under my skirt. I glanced behind me and saw him kneeling on the floor.

He kissed the inner part of my leg as he started to pull my panties down. I gasped and fell into the door. His kissing my leg was making a crippling sensation crawl up my leg.

When he got my panties to my ankles I stepped out of them and felt his hands on my hips almost immediately. He pulled my arse back against his groin and pressed as he moved us in circular motions. He groaned, "It's the only thing I can do to keep myself in control . . . so I don't rush. God, I don't wanna rush with my first time with you."

I turned around and grabbed the bottom of his shirt, "I don't mind a rush. I might like it. Besides, you're not going anywhere. Practice makes perfect." I lifted the shirt over his head and threw it to the floor. He had my shirt lifted over my head and on the floor too.

Once we were both naked Taliesin pulled me into his arms, kissed me fiercely, and dropped to his knees, pulling me to his lap. His arms were around me, pressing me against him. I pulled back and lifted up. I took his penis in my hands and led him to my enterance. I needed him now.

I lowered myself on him and before he was even halfway inside me, he pushed upward hard, filling me completely. I gasped on pleasure, throwing my head back. I began to move up and down on him and he would shove up at just the right moment. I buried my face in his shoulder as I rode him and he played with my breasts.

"Oh, Taliesin! Please! Oh yes!" I threw my head back and leaned back against his arms as I continued to move my hips.

Taliesin yelled out and layed me down on the floor on my back, climbing on top of me, not once stopping. I brought my arms above my head and planted my hands palm-faced on the door.

Chapter 12: Love-Making Activities Don't Include Sandra Blake

"So are you still afraid of me?" Taliesin asked as he combed his fingers through my hair. It's been three wonderful weeks of making love with him every night before I went out to change into a woman with blue scales. I never let him go out with me when it happened. He tried continuously every night without a break but that didn't mean that he didn't watch from his room. I caught him watching a couple times . . . most of the time.

I was laying in his bed, laying across him. My head was resting on his chest, my arm draped over him with my hand tracing lines on his chest, and my leg layed over his hip. His other arm crossed over him and he gripped my cheek holding me to him.

I tilted my head up to look at him, "No. I'm not afraid. I'm just . . . cautious. I'm wary. I don't know you and there's something different about you that I haven't figured out yet. But I will."

"I could tell you . . ." He said as he looked down at me. ". . . but you won't believe me." I sighed and looked down, "I don't believe in crazy stuff. Maybe wherever you came from, that's in your religion and you take your religion very seriously or something. But I know it's not true. There's no logic in it."

"Why must there be logic in everything? Just because it's not something you know doesn't mean that it's illogical and it isn't real. You didn't mutate. Humans will not mutate any more than they already have. They have reached their final stop. And even if they could,do you think they would mutate that much? They wouldn't. It would take time. Century's from now to get to the state you've been." He argued.

I shrugged, "That's what everyone thinks. They think mutations would take years to get this far. They're only going on by what they see. They never know."

"Which is true for my side of this arguement as well. You've never seen species from other planets or anything so you don't believe it. Maybe I should just take you there and show you." He smirked.

I laughed and layed my head back down on his chest, "You aren't taking me anywhere, mister. Except for maybe the party tonight. You'll be my date."

"Your date." He chuckled. "I like the sound of that." I asked, "You do know that none of this is serious, right? Do we need to stop this affair so that you don't get hurt?" He kissed the top of my head, "No, of course not. I wouldn't let you stop this." "I don't want to stop this." I replied closing my eyes for sleep.


I paced back and forth outside the mansion waiting for Taliesin. I was already dressed in my dress. I wore a black dress that clung to me like a hug. It was short. Stopped right in the middle of my thigh but not skimpy.

It also hugged my breast. The bust was a low cut in the shape of a U

. There was a slit that went down the middle to my mid-stomach. Okay, so I was showing off for Taliesin but that didn't mean anything. I wanted him to believe that I was sexy. I wanted people to know that I belonged to him.

Well . . . not that I belonged to him but that while I was in the affair with him that he was available to no one else.

I turned to the mansion and began to storm up towards the door to ask what was taking too long. But abruptly stopped when the door opened and Taliesin stepped out.

He had a pair of faded blue jeans on that hugged him with black boots. He had a white button up shirt that was tucked into his pants on. The top four buttons at the collar and down were unbuttoned showing a little bit of his hair.

His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows exposing his muscular lower arms. His hair was brushed but wasn't gelled back. It wasn't necessary. It wasn't long enough for that and it was perfect enough that it didn't need any fixing. He looked so sexy beyond words.

"Waiting impatiently?" He asked when he stopped in front of me. I smiled and placed a hand on his waist right above his hip, "Maybe I just couldn't wait to see you. Or for you to see me. I never wear this. Alicia got it for me hoping that I would wear something a little more revealing than the usual to the club.

"I wanted to wear it for you tonight. What do you think?" He looked me over. His gaze slowly eating me alive. When his eyes met mine again he lowered his head to whisper in my ear, "It's perfect. Although, I think I like you better without it."

I frowned and pulled back, "But it's the only thing I have that outlines my figure that's supposed to be a guy magnant. I wanted it to attract you."

He just laughed and shook his head. I inhaled, "This isn't funny. I-" I gasped when he grabbed my waist, bent over, and buried his face in my breast. Oh. He was talking about without it on


His tongue licked at the curve in between my breast before he raised his head to look at me. I chuckled and blushed, "Oh. Sorry. I . . . misunderstood." "Of course, you did. Or else you wouldn't have gotten angry. Lets go."


The music was going fast and I was moving my hips with the beat while watching Taliesin. He's not from around here but you wouldn't know it. He was perfect.

Suddenly he grabbed my hips and brought me close to where my body was pressed up against his as we danced. I smiled and continued to dance with the beat, wrapping my arms around his neck. But now it felt so arousing now. My hips rubbed against his and I could feel his erection.

When the music ended we stopped and he planted a kiss on my lips, "That was nice. A drink?" I nodded, "Yes, please. I need something to get me through this party before I take you back out to the limo for some real fun."

He laughed and left. I went over to the corner where there were a group of girls. Shanya, Lisa, and Veronica. "Hey." I smiled when they looked at me with those suspicous looks, like they knew something was up or something.

"Girl. You got love all over you. And that guy. What's his name?" Veronica asked. "Taliesin. I ran him over with my truck and now he can't remember. I'm taking care of him until he hits a full recovery."

They laughed and Shanya touched my arm, "Elena! You're rotten! He's lost his memory and you're sleeping with him. He's gonna fall in love and leave his wife." "Oh shut up, Shanya. You know you'd do it in a heart beat." Lisa joked around. But it was true. Shanya was the whore in the group. I swear she's like a guy. Sex is all she ever thinks about.

About fifteen minutes went by when Taliesin still didn't return yet. I took a step back and when they looked at me I smiled and motioned towards the kitchen, "I'm gonna go make sure Taliesin didn't get lost or anything."

I made my way through the crowd and when I got to the kitchen I was relieved to have finally made it out of the kitchen. I opened the door and saw plenty of people making out in there. I looked around and gasped when I saw Taliesin making out with Sandra Blake.

Taliesin looked up and saw me. He pulled back and let go of her. Sandra turned and saw me but her face turned to blush and she turned back around. "Hey. Sorry I didn't get you your drink; I was busy."

"I can see that. Don't let me interrupt you." I snapped and stormed out the back door. He followed me outside, "Elena. What's wrong?" I turned around to look up at him, "How could you? You're supposed to be my date and be with me. But instead you're sucking faces with that bitch in there. Absolutely nothing's wrong."

"She kissed me and I had no choice not to kiss her back." He said. I raised my eyebrows, "Oh yeah? What did she do? Cast some enchanted spell over you? Are you really gonna try to use your magic to get you past this? I don't think so." I exclaimed.

All this hurt was inside me and my anger was strenghening more every second. Why? I have no idea but all I knew was that I was hurt. "I'm sorry. That's not what I was going to say, either. I didn't want to hurt her. I'm stronger than her. I would hurt her."

I laughed shakily and backed up away from him, "Just go back in and continue what you were doing. I'm going for a walk. Don't follow me." I turned as soon as he stopped coming towards me.

I stomped off towards the forest and didn't stop. At least not until I was out of sight. Then I stopped and placed a hand up against the tree, then I took my stilettos off. I threw them to the ground and dropped to my knees crying.

Why was I crying? Why was I hurting so much? This was just an affair. I always known that it would end some day and he'd be in another woman's arms. But so soon?

And while he was with me? I did not want this to end so soon. I did not want this to end right now. I needed more blistful and fulfilling nights with Taliesin.

Chapter 13: Assault

"Are you alright, maim?" I heard a man say behind me. I stopped crying and wiped my tears as I stood. I turned around and saw a man. He was handsome. Long blonde hair. Dressed in casual jeans and a black loose t-shirt. He didn't come from the party. What was he doing so close to the party and in the woods now if he wasn't invited to the party? This is private property.

His blue eyes searched me over and a smile curved his thin lips. I took a step backwards and tripped over my shoes, falling on my back on the ground. "Ow!"

The man rushed over to me crouched down beside me, "Are you okay?" I nodded and sat up quickly moving away from him, "I'm fine. Just . . . upset about my . . . about stuff. I'll be fine."

He helped me up and I straightened my dress; just realizing now that it had raised to my hips revealing my white thong. I blushed with embarrassment. "Would you like some company tonight to forget about the poor bastard?"

I frowned and shook my head, "No, thank you. I would like to get back to the party now." I walked around him but before I could get anywhere he grabbed my arm and turned me around towards him, and started pulling me deeper into the forest, "Come on. Don't be a tease, flashing me like that. You meant for that to happen."

"No. I didn't. It was an accident. I swear. Now let go of me." I tried to pull my arm out of his grip but I couldn't. He was too strong. "Let go!"

He pulled out what looked like to be a pen. Like a diabetic pen or something. But when he stabbed me with it, it wasn't just a prick. It was a strong stinging feeling throughout my whole body. Then I couldn't move at all and I was numb.

"Sorry, Princess Elena. But boss' orders." He laughed as he lifted me over his shoulder like a child. Princess Elena? What was with all these crazy people? I am not a princess!

"What the fuck?!" The man turned just as I caught glimpse of a fugure running through the forest coming towards us. I didn't see who it was but it frightened the man that was holding me.

He threw me to the ground roughly and I inwardly groaned. I couldn't even make any sounds or anything. But that hurt. And I was hurting. This numbness was turning into pins and needles except for worse so now I was really hurting.

I heard footsteps and groans but I couldn't see. I could move my eye balls but I could only get the picture of two people's legs as they danced. Except it was a dance to the death, it seemed.

Finally they stopped when one went flying and I heard fast footsteps. Running, probably. Then the other person kneeled beside me but out of sight. "Damn it." He swore. It was Taliesin. "I'm gonna get you out of here. You'll be alright, Elena."

He turned me over on my back and slid his arms under my back and knees before standing up with me in his arms. I moaned. I could make sounds now. "I know it hurts, baby. But I'll take care of you. It'll wear off after a while."

"I wanna . . . go home." I muttered. I could talk now too. But that was it. I still couldn't move. I didn't want to either. But I wanted to try and find a comfortable position where it didn't hurt so much.

"No. We can't go back to your place. We have to leave this planet. I'm gonna get you to our ship. I'm gonna meet them at location 67." He said. I frowned and looked up at him, muttering, "You're crazy. And I'm . . . hurting and . . . tired. What . . . was that?"

He answered, "It was a shock-pen." I just realized that he was running further into the forest. I muttered, "I . . . have to . . . get me . . . one of them." I thought I heard him chuckle or laugh but it was too late. I was unconscious before I could fully register the action.

Chapter 14: Kidnapping

I woke up on a groan. I was laying on something soft and cushioned. I thought that Taliesin had layed me in bed when I had fallen unconscious in his arms.

But when I opened my eyes I then realized that I wasn't in my room. Where was I? Where was Taliesin? Was he alright? Did my attacker come back and off with Taliesin and kidnap me?

I was laying in a king size bed with satin white sheets covering me. I sat up letting the sheets fall off of me. I no longer wore my black dress I had worn to the party. Now I wore a long white gown and it was beautiful. But who undressed me to change me? I felt my hips and felt my underwear was still on. I could feel my bra holding my breasts up so I still had that on. That was a relief but it still didn't help any.

I threw the sheets off of me completely and stood. I wasn't hurting but I remembered the pain I had been in all too clearly and the memory brought back little aches. The room was fit for a queen. It was huge and well furnished. Sofas, coffee tables, dressers, desks with cushioned chairs, and two doors that probably led to a closet or the exit.

There was also a single door to the side. I went over to that door because it would only make more sense that they'd have two doors for a closet or a huge bathroom and only one door for the exit.

I tried the knob and it opened right up. I walked out and saw a wall that curved up to the ceiling as if the building I was in, was shaped in a circle or an oval. I turned and went down the hall slowly. I stayed close to the wall to avoid running into anyone. I felt dirty, which was uncomfortable, but was glad that whoever changed my outfit didn't clean me as well.

I saw doors only on the left side of the hall. I didn't dare open any of them. I was only interested in finding the exit.

But, unfortunately, one of the doors did open. A tall man came out. He wasn't the man who attacked me. He was different. He had no hair on his head and his head was waxed. There was even a tattoo on the top of his head. It looked like a dragon or a lizard.

"Oh." He bowed and extended his arm towards me. "Your majesty, I was not aware of your regain of consciousness. Would you like me to announce you to everyone?"

My face turned to horror as he stood and looked confused. I backed up shaking my head. Then I turned and darted back down the hall to where I came from.

Another door opened and this time Taliesin walked out. I ran right into him throwing my arms around his waist, "Taliesin? They got you too? Where are we? And why did they kidnap us?"

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, "Elena. They didn't kidnap us. I brought you here. Remember when I told you that you were Princess Elena and fit to be queen? We're on our ship on our way back to Rahanni."

I frowned and pulled back from him, "You're apart of this too? I thought . . . I knew that you weren't any good when I caught you with that Sandra Blake but I never thought that you would turn to kidnapping me."

"I didn't kidnap you. You belong here." He said. I pushed him back and ran around him. "Elena! No! Wait!" I screamed and pushed myself further.

His arms flew around me as I was too slow to get away from him. I screamed, "Let go of me! Now!" I could feel all the anger rise to the surface. All the strength I had, rise to the surface. All the pain of being adopted. All the pain of seeing him with another woman. All the pain and hurt of watching him make an excuse for it like he had done nothing wrong. All the embarrassment from the fool I've been.

"Elena! Stop this! You're going to make us crash!" I heard Taliesin yell. There was also a new man standing in front of me. He was dressed in a black and green outfit that looked to be a uniform. He panicked, "She's damaging the engines! We'll crash into Hythermia if she doesn't stop and put it back together!"

That's when I realized that the building was shaking violently and the lights were blinking on and off.

But that didn't stop me. He grunted, "Elena! I promise you that we won't hurt you! Just stop!" The boy turned and ran off. I started shaking my head back and forth, "I should've listened to everyone when they told me to put you in a hotel! You bastard! Let go!"

"No! Stop!" The man I saw first yelled. Taliesin picked me up and carried me off with me kicking. He hoisted me up and started running, "I'll have to put her in the cage."

I yelled, "Hell no! You aren't putting me in a cage like some animal! Put me down!" He turned down the hall and opened the door, "Get the cage opened!" He yelled. "Now, Manfred!" The man I saw first, Manfred, walked in ahead of us and Taliesin followed.

I hooked my feet around the doorjamb, "I! Am! Not! Going! In there!" Taliesin yanked me from the wall making me yell in pain as my feet were roughly bent the wrong way. That stopped my fighting allowing him to continue.

Then a loud voice sounded on a loud speaker, "ALERT! WE ARE CRASHING! ALERT! WE ARE CRASHING!" Taliesin growled and before he did anything else the building shook even more violently. It threw everyone off of their feet. I landed on the floor with a yell and heard Taliesin's and Manfred's yells.

Chapter 15: Locked Up

I held my knees to my chest and glared out the cage at the closed door. They had managed to get me in here after all the shaking stopped. When we were on the floor while the ground was shaking, Taliesin threw himself overtop of me to protect me from anything that might've fallen. But that didn't save him from my rath. He had kidnapped me. I was furious.

The door opened and a group of people came in. There were three women, all wearing strange clothing that barely covered them. There was a man without any shirt on. He was buff like the wrestlers in the ring at WWE that you believe are on steriods. It may have been good for someone else but it was hideous for me. Not my type.

Taliesin was also with them and he wore no shirt as well. His chest was stained with black marks as if he had been putting together a car or something.

They surrounded my cage staring at me in wonder and amazement. And shock. I thought I saw fear in one woman's eyes. I turned around, putting my back to them and scooted up towards the wall, "I will not be watched as I am locked in this freakin cage. I'm not an animal."

"Of course, your majesty. We apologize." They all said at once. Except for Taliesin. He just sighed. I covered my ears lightly, "And stop saying that. I'm not a damn majesty." I turned around and crawled to the front. I grabbed the bars and glared hard at Taliesin, "Get me out of this cage. And take me home. My foster parents won't take kindly to you kidnapping me."

"You kidnapped the princess? I thought you explained to her about Seanders, Forelanders, and everything else, didn't you?" One of the women exclaimed smaking his arm. He backed up and frowned at her, "I did. She just won't believe me. She believes that she is just a human who mutated. She doesn't even realize that she destroyed our engine and made us crash when her powers reacted on her anger and pain."

I yelled, "God dammit, Taliesin! This isn't a joke! Open this cage. My skin's fucking hurting because I haven't been able to change all fucking night, I feel all nasty and need a shower, and I'm fucking sore from whatever device that man used on me! Now I'm even more pissed off because I'm being held captive and I'm in a cage like a fucking animal!"

"Then stop acting like an animal and listen to what I've been telling you." He said. I inhaled and let my breath out slowly. That's when the door popped open with a loud snap. I crawled out and stood up once out.

It was a small cage at that. I turned to look at Taliesin as I rubbed my arms without even knowing it until I was already in the middle of doing so.

He came over to me and grabbed my shoulders, "I'm sorry that this all is so confusing to you. But you need to calm down for now. At least until you learn to control your powers. And just change. Don't fight it. It'll only hurt more."

"But it hurts if I'm not in the pool. Water helps it." I told him. "It'll only get worse if you wait until you explode." He repeated. I sighed and muttered, "But . . . there's a lot of other people here. They'll see me . . . I'll be naked."

He looked up at the others and inclined his head towards them, "Do you all mind changing now so she won't feel so uncomfortable and out of place?" They nodded and closed their eyes.

They trembled a little bit. I asked, "What are they doing?" That's when I realized that Taliesin was trembling as well. I touched his arm, "Taliesin? What the hell's happening?"

"Just . . . wait. You'll . . . see." He groaned. I backed up and then they became a blur. I squinted my eyes trying to see them but I couldn't. Then after a moment my vision cleared and they all stood there looking at me.

The women had scales like me except they weren't blue. They were purple. It was awkward seeing them like that. They were practically naked. I looked over at the man. His chest was bare and he was just like the girls except his scales were black. And it was like he had shorts on. It literally looked like he wore shorts with a scale design.

It showed the bulge that held his manhood and I quickly turned around blushing. This wasn't right at all. That's when I bumped into Taliesin. He was the same way as the other man but with him . . . I had no problem really looking at. I liked it.

When I got done checking him out and I met his eyes I found him smiling. "Do you have a crush on another man? Do I have to step my game up?" I frowned, "Step your game up? Taliesin. Don't. There was never an us and you know it. It was just an affair.

"Having a little fun until you regained your memory. And it seems that you have. And you found someone else to have fun with so there's definitely nothing going on between us.

"And . . . I don't have a crush. I just have a problem with . . . nudity. I know they're not really . . . but they might as well be."

One of the women laughed, "Oh, your majesty, if you don't mind me saying so, you'll just have to get used to it. This is how everyone walks around back home. We only change this way when we're dealing with humans."

"Yeah, well, I don't know if you realize it or not, but I grew up with humans and consider myself one." I told her. I looked down at my hands when they started to hurt in a way that I couldn't ignore. I bit my lip and moaned lowly.

Taliesin touched my arm, "Elena. Change. It's getting worse." I jumped back away from him and looked at him, "You need to stop touching me like that."

I closed my eyes and sat down on the floor. I held my knees to my chest. I bit my lip and that's when it hit. I shot back on the floor laying on my back. My chest rose and I gasped. I closed my eyes and waited it out. It would be over soon.

Chapter 16: It's All Too True

The pain went away and I was no longer pins and needles or numb. I opened my eyes and saw Taliesin kneeling beside me smiling. "You're the most beautiful Seander I've ever seen." He said softly.

I frowned, "Stop that. Flattery won't help you win over my forgiveness." I peered down at myself and saw the scales. I sat up and grabbed his hand when he held it out.

When I was standing I turned to the others. I only glanced at their faces quickly before turning my eyes to the floor and stepping behind Taliesin to hide my nakedness.

"Elena. Come on. You're not showing anything. You're all covered up." Taliesin complained. "Easy for you to say. You're a guy. You're thing is covered completely. I only have the triangle, and the rectangle covering my bottom.

"There's absolutely nothing on the sides. Then there's only scales covering my . . . the rest of my breasts are showing skin. It's too much."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out from behind him, "Too bad. You're gonna get used to it anyway. And you are going to forgive me." "Says who?" I asked. "Me." he grabbed me by waist and lifted me up over his shoulder. I smacked his back, "Put me down!"

Taliesin spoke to the others, "I'll show her to her room so she can clean up. I'll check in on how things are going with the engine in a couple hours or so." "Certainly." Someone said to him. Then I heard footsteps. I looked over and saw them leaving through the door.

I panicked, "Hey! Wait! Somebody stop him! Tell Taliesin to put me down!" No one listened and the last person was out. I groaned and dropped my head down, "Goodness. If I'm supposedly this Princess then how come they wouldn't listen to me?"

"Because you haven't really accepted it. You haven't made the decision to take your rightful place as queen of Rahanni. So until then, I am in charge. At least of this ship."

"Ship?" I asked. He laughed as he walked out the door and turned right, "Yes, a ship. What in the world did you think we were on?" I frowned and smacked him, "Don't make fun of me. This is all very new to me and I'm just starting to accept the fact that I'm a Seander."

When he entered the room I had left, he closed the door and dropped me on my butt on the floor. I yelled, "Hey! That hurt!" He nodded, "I know. Go get a shower. You'll find the bathroom through those doors."

I stood up and dusted my hands off, "I will not take orders from you." "Yes you will." He took a step towards me. "Or do I have to force you to take a shower? I don't know why you're fighting me. It's not like you weren't just complaining about being dirty."

I shook my head, "I said no." "Well I said yes. And what I say goes on this ship. And you're on my ship." He went to reach for me but I turned and tried to get away from him. But he put his arm around my waist and hoisted me up against his hip.

I screamed, "Let me go!" He groaned as he opened the doors, "Stop screaming. I'm not hurting you." "Yes you did! You hurt my butt!" I yelled. He chuckled and I felt his other hand on my bottom, stroking it, "I apologize. Feel better?"

"No! Now let me go!" I tried kicking his leg but he just growled in my ear and then opened the curtain to the huge shower. He turned the water on and then the shower head.

"This will teach you not to fight me." He shoved me in the shower and I screamed. The cold water hit me and everything went haywire. I tried to get out but Taliesin was right there. He grabbed my arms and pushed me under the water and held me there.

I cried, "It's cold! Stop this! You're a cold-hearted bastard and you're cruel! Stop!" He ignored me and gabbed the shampoo. He pulled me to the side out of the water and poured some on my head. I held still now so I wouldn't get it in my eyes.

"It's about time that you settled down." He said as he removed his hand from my arm to help lather my hair. I frowned and closed my eyes, "Only so that it doesn't get my eyes."

After he had my hair lathered, he pulled me back into the cold water, making me gasp. I tilted my head back kept my eyes closed tight.

"Alright. Now for the best part." He said and pulled me out of the water. I wiped the water away from my eyes and opened them. He had stepped inside with me.

"Don't touch me." I demanded. He rolled his eyes, "I'm just gonna wash you." "No. I can do it myself. Get out." I backed up away from him as he lathered his hands up with the soap.

He smiled and grabbed my arm, "No way. You made me force you this far so I'm gonna finish it." I turned away from him and leaned against the wall. I was shivering. My teeth were chattering now.

His hands touched my shoulders and ran along my arms to my hands. He came back down my inner arms and across my chest. His fingers touched the top curves of my breasts.

Then he covered my breasts completely. I tried to back away from his hands but in doing so I backed up against him. He chuckled and held me there. "Stop it. This isn't fair. I'm going to yell for help if you keep assaulting me." I breathed.

"No. I don't think I will. If you look at yourself, you're not really putting up a fight, now are you?" He said but his hands moved from my breasts and down to my stomach.

He was right. I wasn't putting up much of a fight now. It didn't help that he was making me feel so weak when he touched me like this.

When he was done touching me all over and washing me, he pushed me violently into the water. I screamed, "Damn that's cold!" I had just warmed up from his touch.

He growled, "Hold still so I can rinse you off. I wanna get you out and on that bed as soon as possible." I shook my head and pushed him away from me, "No you won't! Stop it!"

"Yes you will! This is how you will forgive me!" He yelled back at me. He grabbed my arms and held me still in the water. I spit the water that was in my mouth out and more spilled in.

That's when he pulled me out. I crossed my arms around me, hugging myself as I shook with cold, "I'm so cold. Why did you have to do that?" "To get you to listen." He dabbed me down with a towel, including my face, dried my hair, and then wrapped it around me. He then did the same with himself.

I backed away from him and sat on the toilet, "I am not sleeping with you anymore. So don't touch me." He dried his hair and then dropped the towel to the floor. He took my towel and inclined his head toward the bedroom, "Move."

I folded my arms across my chest, "No. Who are you to tell me to do anything? I don't owe you anything. If anything, you owe me for hurting . . . for not telling me that you wanted to end the affair before going with that Sandra."

Why was it hurting me? It didn't. There's nothing going on between us. It's over. There never was an us. I screamed as he whipped the towel at me and it hit my leg.

I grabbed my leg and frowned up at him, "You abusive bastard! You can't do this!" "I said move. Now. Move." He whipped me again. I screeched and stood, "God damn you, Taliesin!" I ran around him and into the bedroom. I stopped in the middle of the room and turned to face the bathroom door.

Taliesin came out without the towel. I stepped forward and slapped him across his face. His head moved but he didn't take his eyes off of me. I went to hit him again but he grabbed my wrist.

He backed me up until I felt the bed hit my knees. I tried to twist so that I could get away from him but fell on him instead. Now he was laying on the bed and I was on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me before I could get up, "If you wanted to be on top then just say so. But for now . . ."

He turned me around on my back and climbed on top of me. I started hitting his chest, "Stop it, Taliesin! Get off of me!" He grabbed my wrists and pressed them into the bed above my head. He leaned down and frowned, "Stop it! Stop fighting me!"

"You're not the man I know and I don't like you! You're a cold-hearted, abusive bastard that thinks with his dick!" I insulted. "Then why are you so upset about what I did?!" He asked.

I panted and relaxed to the bed. All this time I've been fighting and telling myself that there was nothing between us. But there was. At least, on my side. I loved him.

I took a deep breath and sighed. I turned my head to look at the door for the exit. He let go of my hands and moved to lay his arms on the bed beside me, lifting his chest off of me, "I didn't mean to hurt you at the party. I'm not used to the human's ways. I usually stay loyal to the person I'm with. But I didn't want to hurt her or start a scene so I just went along with it.

"I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I only want you. Now why are you so afraid to admit that you have feelings for me?"

I looked at him and brought my arms to wrap around his neck, "Why are you so different now?" "I was supposed to have amnesia, remember? You didn't know me and I didn't want to scare you." He answered.

I sighed and reached up to kiss him lightly. I layed back down and brought him down to lean down on me, hugging him, "I care for you. But I don't have any stronger feelings for you. I'm sorry if that disappoints you but it's just that."

I wasn't about to tell him now that I loved him. I couldn't. He sighed and pulled back to look down at me, "What kind of game are you playing, Elena? I know you feel something for me. Just as I feel something for you. I love you."

I shook my head and sighed, "Taliesin, no, don't. I-I can't tell you that I love you. Because I don't. I won't ever love anyone."

It went silent. I could see the pain run over his face as he looked at me. I sighed, "Please don't take it personally. It has nothing to do with you . . . if this is of any help, if I were to ever love anyone, it would be you."

Taliesin rolled off of me and stood, "I can't do this with you. Have sex, I mean. Not yet. Not until I get you past whatever it is that's holding you back and admit that you're in love with me. You love me. I know you do. You just don't wanna admit it.

"Or maybe you already know you do and just don't wanna admit it to me. Any-who, I'll get you past the wall blocking your heart. But I can't have sex with you knowing that you haven't admitted it yet."

I sat up and wrapped my arms around me. I was still cold. And I grew colder knowing that I wouldn't ever have the warmth of him surrounding her; the feel of his touch; the orgasms he always brought from me . . . ever again. I was feeling lonely already; again; still. When had I ever stopped feeling lonely?

"I know. I'm gonna miss that too." He said regretfully and when I looked up at him I saw him looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

"You wouldn't wanna tell me what's holding you back, would you?" He asked with little to no hope in his eyes. It was a sarcastic question. He knew what my answer would be. I shook my head, "No. Sorry."

He nodded and reached for my hand, "Come on. I'll show you around." I took his hand and stood, "Alright."

Chapter 17:Going Home

We've been through the entire ship now and it was wonderful. They had a cafeteria with great food that tasted wonderful when I ate it. There was a music room, a gym, a parlor; what they call rooms they just hang out in and entertain with talk, they have many of them; and rooms that have too much technology that humans like myself wouldn't even understand.

"Taliesin. We need to talk. You said the ship would be repaired by tomorrow afternoon. I want to go back home." I told him as we were walking back to my room.

He stopped and turned to me, "Elena. We can't. We have to get you to Rahanni so that you can take your rightful place as queen. I thought that you said that you've accepted that you're a princess?"

I nodded, "I have. But I still have my parents at home and I need to break it to them gently that I won't be there for a while. Then I need to accept the fact that I have to be queen and take care of this damned war y'all got yourselves into. And don't correct me; I don't care about who started this war or whose war it is."

"Elena! People are going to die! People are dying this very second by the hands of Forelanders! They won't wait until you're ready to fight! They won't stop until every Seander is dead! They're going to kill everyone! Children, babies! They won't stop until you're dead, Elena! Can't you get it?!" He yelled at me.

I backed away from him, "Stop it! That's not fair! You can't guilt me into it! I'm sorry that this doesn't fit into your plans! But I'm going home and if you won't take me home then I'll find someone who will!"

He grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the wall. I could feel the fury coming off of him. But I could also feel the passion coming from him as well. And that passion filled me up from my toes to my head.

He leaned down and kissed me. I sighed and moved my hands up from his upper arms where I had been gripping to relax on his shoulders. This kiss weakened me.

He took the kiss deeper and my stomach knotted as the place between my legs heated grew wet. I lifted my hands so that I could run my hands through his hair. I gripped his hair and tugged at his hair.

He pulled back from the kiss and grabbed my hair. He yanked my head back and pressed his body to mine. I could feel his hard erection on my tummy and I gasped; my hands tightening in his hair.

He kissed my neck and then abruptly pulled back; completely stopped touching me. I opened my eyes; just now realizing that they were closed; and looked at him. He was leaning against the other wall panting silently.

Unlike me, I was panting loudly and my hands were palm-faced against the wall by hips as if trying to grab for a bar that wasn't there to hold on to. He shook his head, "Go to your room alone. I can't touch you without you proclaiming your love for me but I'm having a hard time not touching you. Goodnight."

I took a deep breath to try to steady myself but failed. As he turned to go down the hall I touched his arm, "Taliesin." My voice was shaking with need. With hunger. With passion. "What about taking me home? Will you take me home or do I have to ask someone else?"

He growled and yanked his arm away from my hand, "I'll take you home. Guess I should've guessed that you would get your way." Then he stalked away opposite from the way we were going.

"Goodnight." I muttered before turning and walking down the hall towards my room. When I got there I closed the door and braced my back against the door painting. I closed my eyes and sighed. I thought relief would come but only grief came.

Grief from knowing and feeling the distance that was put between Taliesin and me. I had to find a way past my blockage. Past the hurt. I had to admit to him someday that I loved him. Someday. Just not today.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I was getting used to turning back and forth without being in water. It didn't hurt so much anymore. It was just a nuisance. I didn't even crumble to the floor anymore. The ship was fixed by that afternoon but it took a week for them make plans to set up a surveillance system and my body guards up around the mansion.

Once I was back in my human form, I got dressed in my jean skirt that was short and flowed out and my black tank top. Then I left the room and met Taliesin on the other side. He hasn't spoken with me the whole week except during the meetings on what was going to happen. They wanted to get me to Rahanni as soon as possible. But even then, he didn't speak to me directly.

I looked up into his dark face. He wore a frown that he always wore around me now. He had his arms crossed over his massive chest but now he let his arms drop, "Ready to go?" There was a sigh in his voice.

I nodded, "Yes." He turned and headed down the hall. I sighed and followed him. "Okay. This is how it's going to work. I'm going to be with you wherever you go. We are not to part for any reason. Nothing will keep us apart. If for any time, we do part, I will find you and be right beside you in a heart beat. I will not leave you alone. Not even for a second."

I took a deep breath, "Do I get privacy privileges when I go to the bathroom?" He glanced over at me before turning to look ahead, "Don't get snippy with me. You're lucky I'm going through with this. I should be getting you back to Rahanni. But instead I'm allowing you to go home so you can pack and say goodbye."

I frowned, "You know, I'm starting to really wish that you actually didn't remember anything. I'm getting tired of you bossing me around." He didn't say anything.

I followed him through a door into a room where there was a group of people. They actually wore clothes instead of the purple/black scales. It was the first time I saw them since the first time I saw them change forms to prove to me that I was an alien.

"Alright. I'm going to take Princess Elena back to her place. We'll only be here for a week. Then we're leaving. I want every section around here guarded. At every hour." Taliesin announced. "If something happens to her then I will go around and find out who was slacking on their end of the line."

I crossed my arms and looked at Taliesin. He was different. I still loved him but now there was more to him and more to love.

He turned to me and grabbed my arm, "Lets go." He turned and then dragged me towards this big square door. "Everyone head out!" He yelled. He pressed his thumb to a little square that was next to the door. A sound beeped loudly and then the door opened from the top. It opened away from us and I was relieved to see grass and trees. We were back on Earth. The last planet we were on was all desert without the sand. It was all tan rock.

When the door stopped at the bottom Taliesin began to drag me outside. Once we were on the ground I tried to yank my arm out of his grip but failed. I complained, "Come on. Let go. I can walk on my own. I don't need your arrogant ass dragging me around like this."

He sighed and let go of me, "Follow me. We have a ways to walk." I humphed, "Gee. That's sounds great." "You're the one who wanted to come back so badly. Besides, we had to land where our ship was hidden by the trees. Come on."

I was panting by the time we got to the mansion. But I was relieved because now we were finally here. It took us four hours to get here. And Taliesin didn't allow me any rest.

Taliesin finally turned to look at me for the first time since we headed out and sighed. He came over over to me and grabbed my waist. He picked me up and put me over his shoulder. My head dangled at his lower back.

Then he started up towards the house. I panted and placed my hands on his lower back, "You couldn't have done that a long time ago?"

"Do you want me to put you down?" He asked. I shook my head, "No." "Then shut up. There's no need for you to get cocky." He said as he opened the door and went inside.

"Then put me down because I'll get cocky all I want. I'd rather walk than to be silenced by you."

Chapter 18: Death Toll

Taliesin put me down on the other side of the doorway and shrugged, "Suit yourself. But if you don't stop getting mouthy with me I'm gonna beat you."

I frowned and shook my head, "No you're not. I'll beat you before you even touch me." He chuckled humorlessly, "Yeah right. Hurry upstairs and start packing. I wanna be out of here before the end of the week, if possible."

I shook my head and turned around, "No. I won't. And you can't make me. So don't even try." He grabbed my shoulder and started dragging me again towards the stairs, "We'll see about that."

I started struggling, "Stop! Take your hands off of me!" "Taliesin. Let her go. Drop the macho act and be miserable by yourself. You don't have to make her miserable, as well." A voice came from behind us. It was Kailie. I recognized her voice easily. We had become good friends.

Taliesin turned to her and asked, "What garbage is Lambert feeding you now?" Lambert was her husband. But Taliesin shoved me away from him, letting me go.

I huffed, "It doesn't look like I'm the one who needs a beating." Kailie looked at me, "Would you like it administrated? I could see to it myself? Halo above knows that he needs one right about now."

I frowned and looked at her, "No, thank you. I'll . . . see to it myself . . . later." What the hell was wrong with her? Did she think that I actually meant it just because Taliesin was sure to mean it.

She laughed, "Oh, Elena. I'm not sadistic or anything. So you can wipe that look off your face. I was just playing." I looked over to meet Taliesin's hungry gaze. His eyes were lit with passion when he looked at me.

Why after all this time was he starting to look at me like that again? Oh, had I put an image into his head when I said that I'd take care of it later? Shit. I quickly turned and headed up the stairs, "I'm . . . gonna go take a long relaxing bath. Then I'm gonna call my parents and let them know I'm okay."

I went into the bathroom and turned on the water. I made sure that it was nice and hot. It was steaming. I got undressed and stepped inside. I sat down and reclined back against the tub and sighed. It felt so good. My feet ached in protest and ached for relaxation.

When I was finished I dried off and wrapped a towel around me. I held it tightly around my breasts as I opened the door. I looked out into the hall and saw that it was clear. Yes! I could get my own clothes instead of the clothes they gave me.

I went into my room and headed for the closet. The closet was just around my bed. It felt so great to be home in my own territory. The place I knew and was more comfortable in.

I came to an abrupt stop at the side of the foot of the bed and screamed, dropping the towel. There layed Ms. Granger on the floor blood covered her chest completely. She was dead. I didn't even need to check. I could tell from looking at just how lifeless she was.

There were footsteps thumping hard on the floor, nearing my room. I jumped when I saw a shadow in the doorway. I turned and saw Taliesin come in with Kailie and a few other men. I ran over to Taliesin and hugged him burying my head in his chest, crying, "Taliesin. She's dead. Somebody killed her."

One of the men went over to her and kneeled beside her. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. I could see his nostrils flare. He stood and looked up at Taliesin, "It was the Forelander who tried to take Princess Elena the first time. It had to have been when he first failed to get her. Or else his scent would've covered the house everywhere he touched and walked as well."

Taliesin took a blanket from Kailie and wrapped it around me covering me before wrapping his arms around me, "Take the body. Bury it out back."

I frowned and looked up at him, "Her name is Lucy Granger. She was a human being. Not an it. And she deserves a proper burial. At least have the decency for that." He stroked my face wiping my tears away from my face, "Alright. Sorry. Are you okay?"

I nodded and hugged him again laying my head on his chest, "Yeah. Just scared and upset. I've known her my entire life. We were good friends." He kissed my forehead and looked up at the others, "Please get Ms. Granger's body out of here. We don't have time for a proper burial and we don't wanna have to deal with the police on this planet. They're too complicated. But we can bury her outside in the backyard."

There was shuffling noise before I saw two men carrying her out covered in a blanket but her arms dangled down into view. I turned my head and closed my eyes. Taliesin placed a comforting hand gently on the back of my head.

He leaned down to kiss my neck, "I'm sorry. This is the danger that I wanted to keep you away from. The reason why I didn't want you to come back here. There are still Forelanders in Rahanni but you'd be much safer there."

I took a deep breath and caught control of myself. I couldn't do this right now. There was too much stuff to do. I had to get dressed, pack, call my parents, tell them that their little darling is an alien. That part I was afraid of the most. But the part that would hurt the most was when I had to leave them.

I pulled back and covered myself with the blanket completely. I wiped my cheeks on the blanket wiping the tears. Taliesin looked at the others, "Okay. We're okay in here. Check the rest of the house for the other maids, the butler, and the cook. Make sure they're okay."

I winced at the thought of all of them being dead as well. It wasn't fair. My life was pretty simple and normal. It all started when I found out that I was an orphan and needed more information. It just wasn't fair at all.

Kailie rubbed my back, "I'm sorry." Then she left with the others. Taliesin stayed here. I swallowed as I looked at his questioning gaze that penatrated right through me, "I'll be okay. You . . . can go."

He shook his head and lowered his head, "No. I won't. I'm staying here and you're going to let me stay in here and do whatever I want to you. That's an order that you're actually going to follow."

His lips touched mine and I gasped. I've been yearning for this all week and he chose now and here to kiss me? His tongue parted my lips and found mine at the same time that his hand cupped my breast through the blanket. The touch was ravishing. It was splendid. Sent my nerves wild.

I pulled back while I was still able to and shook my head with my eyes closed, "No. Taliesin. I can't . . . not in here." I opened my eyes, "It's creeping me out to have to still be in here. I don't wanna have to . . ."

"Shh." He touched my lips with his thumb as his hand caressed my cheek. "Don't worry about it. I understand. I'll stay here with you, if you'd like, while you get dressed and pack. I won't touch you. I'll put the restraints on."

I nodded and backed up a step, "Yeah, that would be better." "Alright. I'll sit on the bed." And he did. He watched everything I did.

Chapter 19: They're Not Dead, Just on the Edge of Death

After I was dressed Taliesin and I went downstairs. I looked over at the pile of blue bags on the floor. Taliesin put his arm around me, pulling me into his side. They were body bags.

"Everyone we found in the place was dead. They all died the same way. We need you to look at their faces so we know if any made it out alive." Said the man who sniffed Ms. Granger.

I looked up at him, "Are you serious? How many are there?" If I could do this without looking at their faces then that would be best. He answered, "We counted fifteen."

I nodded, "That's all of them. That's all of the ones that were on this week." I stepped out of Taliesin's arms and ran outside. I stopped at the end of the porch and grabbed the post that holds the canopy there, leaning against it.

Hands grabbed my waist and just rested there. Then he spoke, "I'm really sorry." I leaned my forehead against the post, "This is all my fault. He wanted me and when he couldn't have me he killed them all."

Taliesin turned me around and framed my face, "No it's not. This isn't your fault. This isn't something you started. The Forelanders started when they started killing Seanders. That's all they live for. What their parents have trained them for since the crib. That's what they love. It's their fault, not yours."

I sighed, "But . . . why do I feel so bad? So guilty?" "Don't. Don't feel guilty. You feel bad because you're upset. Now lets go see your parents." He turned around and walked down the steps with me.

He ushered a group of men to follow us. I asked, "What am I going to tell them? They're going to break?" "Do you trust them with the truth? To keep our secret?" He asked. I looked up at him, "Yes. But ... you're not going to make me lie to them?"

He shrugged and looked ahead, "I trust you and if you trust them, then I trust them." He smiled then. "And I'll always have time to boss you around. I can wait until another time."

I rolled my eyes and looked forward, "You think you can." "I know I can. Just like I can make you admit your feelings for me." He said; watching me from the corner of his eyes carefully. I grunted and climbed into the car they had waiting.


"I have the key." I said as I pulled it out of my pocket. I put it in the hole and turned. I saw the frown on Taliesin's face from the corner of my eye and felt his arm go around my waist. I pushed the door open and put the key back in my pocket.

I went to go inside but Taliesin pulled me back and against his side with his arm that was around my waist, "No! The Forelander's scent is all over this place!"

I gasped. No! My parents! I pushed away from him and ran inside. "No! Elena!" I had one foot on the first step when he wrapped his arms around my waist, lifted me up against him, and carried me outside like that.

"Go!" He told the others. Half of them went inside my parents' mansion armed with some type of gun. The others readied themselves for a possible attack. Taliesin stopped a few feet away from the mansion to put space between us and the mansion.

He put me down and I ran for it again. He grabbed my arms, "No!" He yanked me to face him and gripped both my shoulders, "Dammit, Elena! You can't go inside! He may be in there waiting for you!"

"I don't care! My parents are in there! I have to make sure they're okay!" I argued trying to get loose. But he wouldn't let me. He touched my face, cupping my cheek in his hand, "Hey. We don't know if he killed them yet. Calm down. They'll scope it out and then let us know what's up. Okay? Can you please stop trying to go in there? I don't want anything to happen to you."

I nodded and turned to face the house. I bit my lip and folded my arms around my breasts. Taliesin wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me against him, layed his chin on my shoulder, and rocked us slowly from side to side.

About ten minutes later the men came back out. With nothing but a tape. My breath caught in my throat. I quickly started towards the man holding the tape. Taliesin followed me.

We stopped when we were right in front of him. Taliesin asked, "Have you found anything, Luther?" Luther answered, "The scent is recent. No more than a day old. Her parents weren't in there. Not even their bodies." I was relieved a little. They weren't dead. They probably went to the police telling them that I've been kidnapped or something.

"But we found this tape. It's entitled to Princess Elena." He added. Taliesin took the tape from the man and said, "Elena. Why don't you stay out here? I'll go find out what's on the tape."

I shook my head, "No. I want to see it. It has everything to do with me and I'm watching it." He frowned and grabbed my elbow as he led me to the house. We went inside and into the living room. Everyone followed us. Taliesin and I sat on one of the couches closest to the TV. The men didn't sit down. Luther took the tape and put it in. He turned the TV on and hit play before backing up so that everyone can see.

I gasped and my heart started to race as my parents appeared on the TV. They had tape over their mouths and their hands were bound by ropes at their wrists in front of them. They sat on a couch, but not one from here. Mom was crying as she layed across dad's lap leaning against his chest. His arms were around her, holding her, as he glared at something to the side. Or someone.

That's when the man who tried to kidnap me came into view. He had one of those guns that the guards had in his hand. He sat down next to my mother and my parents moved over away from him.

He smirked at them before turning to the camera with that same smile, "Our dear Princess Elena, your pathetic human parents are okay . . . for now. My name is Daniel. I want you, you know that already. If you want them to stay okay then you will turn yourself in. I won't tell you where or when now because I know that you're not the only one watching this. But when the time is right, I'll let you know.

"Don't let them stop you from coming." He grabbed my mother's hair and pulled her to him, seperating her from my dad, a muffled cry came from her and my father stopped trying to keep her with him when the man hit him over the head with the gun.

I cried out in agony. Taliesin placed a hand on my lower back; I was sitting on the edge of the couch, ready to jump up at any moment.

My father now layed unconscious on the couch but breathing, he was still alive. The man laughed and looked back at the camera. He tilted my mother's head back and said, "Or else it'll be their lives I take." Then he hit my mother in the head with the gun, causing her to be in the same condition as my father, and just like that the video was over.

One of the men turned the TV off, took the tape out, and went outside with it. I was fuming. The ground began to shake and glass vases fell to the floor shattering into little pieces.

Taliesin sat up and grabbed my shoulders, "Elena. It's alright. It's going to be alright. Control your powers. Don't let your emotions control them. We'll take care of this."

The house stopped shaking and everything went quiet. But I stood and started for the door. "Elena? Where are you going?" I growled, "Don't even try to stop me. I'm getting my parents back."

"No!" Taliesin yelled and soon I felt his hands on my arms pulling me back against his chest. "You can't! He'll just kill you! You're not trained to handle this!"

I cried, "I don't care! I'd rather die than have them die in my place! This is all my fault! He wants me! Not them! And don't try to tell me that it's not! It is!"

Taliesin turned me around and gripped my shoulders as I struggled against his hold, "Hey, it is not your fault. Whatever happens to them isn't going to be your fault. You had no say in anything that's happening to you right now. This is all so new to you and it's happening fast. I am sorry that this is happening to you."

Chapter 20: Agony

I pushed him back, "He would've had what he wanted if you hadn't taken me away! You saved me and took me away from here! You forced him to kidnap my parents and to kill everyone else to get what he wants! And now you won't let me go fix it! Stay away from me!"

"Elena." He whined. "How can you say that? I saved you. I've done nothing but protect you. I did nothing to hurt you." "Yes! For me! But have you even considered what he was going to do to others?!"

He started to come near me but I jumped back, "Stay away from me!" I turned and went outside. I ran off into the woods and went straight. I stopped in the middle when I was buried deep into the forest. I climbed up the ladder and into the tree house that my dad built for me, all by himself, when I was a little girl.

I was surprised that Taliesin didn't follow me but then again I wasn't. I said cruel things to him that I didn't mean. I was just so angry and needed to lash out at someone and he was the closest and the only one I actually knew.

I curled up on the blanket and cried. I haven't been up here for years so the blanket was torn here and there. But it worked for comfort. Mother knitted it for me. I loved the homemade gifts that they always used to give me. They were the best.

I heard footsteps on the ladder and then I saw Taliesin climb through. I had left the door open. He closed the door and just stood there watching me. The tree house was like an actual house in the tree except that it was only one room and it was made out of wood. He was able to stand up and be comfortable.

I turned my eyes to the floor as I cried. He knelt beside me and touched my shoulder, "Are you okay? Did you get it all out or did you have more that you wanted to yell at me about?"

I grabbed his arm and tugged at it to get him to lay beside me. When he did, I covered him with the blanket and cuddled up with him. My arm was around his waist. My leg was around his hip as his thigh was between my legs. His one arm rested under my head and his other arm was around my shoulders. We were plastered together.

I cried into his chest, "I'm so sorry. I don't know why . . . I did that. I was just . . . just so angry. I . . . I didn't mean it." He touched my chin tilted my head up to look at him, "I know, baby. I'm not angry at you and I'm not taking anything that you said to heart. But trust me when I say that none of this was your fault and that I will catch Daniel and I will kill him. I will get your parents back safe and sound. I will."


Taliesin and a group of men went out in search of my parents. But that was this morning at nine. It was now five thirty in the afternoon and I was sitting at the edge of the cliff just watching the waves crash against the rocks. It was dark out as a storm was getting ready to hit. The wind blew my tears off my face.

I felt hands on my shoulders suddenly that made me jump. "Sorry." It was Taliesin. I sighed, "Taliesin. You scared me."

"I know. Didn't mean to. Are you okay? Have you been out here the whole time?" He asked. His hands moved down to the crook of my elbows and he pulled me back against him.

I gripped his thighs and tilted my head back. He let go one of my elbows and placed it on my stomach right below my breasts.

"I asked you a question." He dug his fingers into my stomach a little. I squirmed a little with excitement. "Yes. I was out here all this time." I whispered. "Why are you doing this? I won't say the words as they would be a lie."

"No they wouldn't. But I can't wait until you decide you are in love with me. I need you now. And you need me." His hand rose to my breast. He squeezed roughly. I exhaled and nodded, "Yes. I do need you right now. Please."

"I like this dress. It looks nice on you. When did you decide to dress in a dress from back in the old days?" He asked as his finger circled my nipple that was aching through the dress and braw that contained it.

I chuckled and layed my head back against his chest, "My mom made it by following a book for me. She didn't realize until it was too late that the book was a fashion book from the 16th or 17th century. One of those. She laughed but I loved the dress. Wore it around the house a lot of times."

He bent his head and nibbled on my ear, "I like it too. I just hope it's easy to get off of you. Or else I'll end up ripping it." I smacked his leg, "You better not. This dress means a lot to me. There are buttons in the back."

Taliesin stood up and stood me up. He picked me up and threw me over the edge. I screamed and my arms and legs flailed. I hit the water and sunk down. But I came back up and breathed in. I gasped and looked up as I moved my arms and legs back and forth to stay afloat.

I saw Taliesin as a small figure above on the cliff. And then he jumped and came back up in front of me in a moment.

I frowned, "That wasn't very nice. Now I'm freezing." "Who ever said that I was nice?" He swam over to me and pulled me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck, wrapped my legs around his waist, and layed my head on his shoulder.

He was so warm. He turned with me and swam over to the rock. He pressed my back against the rock and lifted my dress, ripped my panties off, then reached down to his trousers.

I held him closer and closed my eyes as I kept my head laying on his shoulder. Then I felt the head of his erection enter me before he placed his hand back on my hip. He thrust so hard inside me that I shrieked and gripped his hair.

Taliesin started kissing my neck as he began to pull out and thrust in again. I moaned and buried my face into his neck now. I knew I'd get scatches on my back. I could feel the rock scratching my back but the pain was unknown because pleasure just ripped through me.

Chapter 21: I Can't Love You


Taliesin set me down on my feet on the top of the cliff. We were both dripping wet. I turned to walk back towards the mansion; it was at least eight at night. But Taliesin grabbed my hand and turned me around to him, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head, "No, not really. I want them back. I want them back now and safe." I hugged him and buried my face into his chest, crying, "The last thing that I said to them when we talked to each other ... it was horrible."

"Tell me about it." He whispered; his arms were instinctively wrapped around me. I protested, "But I already told you what happened. You were there." He exhaled through his nose and kissed my ear, "Tell me about it, anyway. I wanna hear it again. Please? It might help you."

I sighed and cried, "They were begging me not to go to my biological parents' house. They were thinking that they would be forgotten and that I wouldn't love them anymore or not as much. I assured them over and over again that it wouldn't be like that. But they still didn't believe me. I said awful things to them, then."

I had the hiccups now. Taliesin reached up and wiped my tears away. He ran his thumb along my trembling buttom lip, "What did you say?" I cried even worse and shook my head, "It was terrible. I'm a horrible person. I told them that they had no right to try to hold me back from going to see them. I told them that I didn't care what they thought of the subject anymore and that I was going anyway. I told them ... I told them ..."

He insisted, "What did you tell them, Elena?" "I told them that they weren't my real parents and they couldn't tell me what to do anymore. I told them to stay out of it. That was a few weeks ago. They hung up on me and haven't talked to me since. They wouldn't answer my calls and they wouldn't allow me to visit. Mrs. Hadgens always told me that they weren't there when I know they were."

I hiccuped, "Oh, Taliesin! I'm a horrible daughter!The worst in the world! I was just so angry that they couldn't understand how I was feeling! I didn't mean any of it! They won't ever forgive me!"

"Yes they will." Taliesin pulled back and framed my face. "They love you. They're just going through as much pain and aggravation as you are. You were angry and upset. They'll understand that you didn't mean it. They will forgive you."

"Maybe they will. But will they have the chance to? What if he's already killed them? What if he kills them once he gets what he wants? Or doesn't get what he wants?" I asked.

Taliesin sighed and kissed me roughly. I made a high pitched noise of pleasure in my throat into his mouth and kissed him back. My hands flew up to twist in his hair. When he finally pulled back I was calm again. I still felt so distraught but at least I had stopped crying.

"They won't die. We'll get to them. And he will not get what he wants because he will not get you. He won't succeed in kidnapping you and you won't go to him when he finally decides it's time to give you the address. I will make sure of it. I will put you in that cage again and put a batch of guards inside the room with you and outside. Then another out of the mansion."

I laughed, "You would do all that for me? Just to keep me safe?" He smiled and took my chin between his fingers, "You know I would. Not only is it my job, but I love you. I wouldn't let any harm come to you."

I stared, blinking up at him. I loved him. I loved him too much to deny it. But I couldn't tell him until I found out the deal about my real parents. This was all so confusing.

"What are you thinking?" He asked. I took a deep breath, "I'm thinking that I can't love you. Not yet, by any rate." He frowned, "Why not? What's holding you back?"

"I can't love ... anyone besides my adopted parents, until I find out the deal about my parents. I may love you but I ... it won't work. I won't be able to love you completely, the way I'm supposed to. The way you deserve. I won't feel whole if I don't find out. But there's just no hope. There's no records of me or her loving her child back where she's from because she had me here on Earth with a human.

"And then there's nothing here that would give me any trace of what was on her mind. She didn't leave any sort of diary behind or anything. She's dead and so is everything that went with her."

Taliesin sighed with a slight smile, "I think I'm starting to understand what's going through your mind about all this. I will help you through this, Elena. I swear I will. As soon as this is all over with."

Chapter 22: Go Here When You're Ready


I was sitting at the table, eating dinner with Taliesin. It's been a week since the disappearing of my parents. I was really just pushing my food around in my bowl.

"Does the food taste that horrible?" Taliesin asked. He was the one who cooked this meal. I nodded, "It tastes just fine." He put his fork down, "Just fine?" I sighed, "It's great, Taliesin." I looked up at him and sighed again, "I'm sorry. I'm just not so hungry. It's been a week and I haven't even gotten one clue as to where they are."

Taliesin stood and came over to me, "Hey. It's alright. Don't be sorry. You're going through a hard time. Just remember that everything's going to be alright."

I stood and hugged him, "I know. You keep saying that but with every day that goes by and no word, it just seems impossible that they'll come home alive." I pulled back and looked up at him.

He reached up to stroke my face. He leaned down and kissed me. He started to pick me up but I pushed back on him gently, "Uh. Not right now. I'm gonna go read a book in the library."

"Want me to keep you company?" He asked, softly. I shook my head and stepped back, "No. I just ... wanna be alone right now." He sighed, "I really wish you wouldn't. I don't think that you're in the right mind to be left alone. Besides the fact that I wanna be with you when he tells you where to go."

I frowned and muttered, "Maybe that's why he hasn't told me yet. If I'm not with you there's always a guard there with me. I'm never alone." I looked up at him and swallowed, "I'll be fine. But I have to be alone. Not only to give me time to think on my own but to give him the opportunity to tell me. I'm sorry but I have to."

He nodded, "I know. But remember, you won't be leaving this mansion without us knowing and never alone. And I'll be questioning you later. I don't want you running off to sacrifice yourself for them when he'll still kill them anyway after he gets what he wants. Do you understand me?"

I nodded; although if that's what I had to do then I would do it. If I didn't go to him then he would kill them for sure. If I went to him there was a chance that he may kill them anyway but there was also a chance that he'd keep to his word and let them go. And it was the only chance that she had. She didn't have a choice in the matter.

Taliesin sighed and fixed his gaze past me, trying and failing to hide his anger from me, "Go then. Stay in the library and don't come out until I come get you. Since I can tell from your expression that you're just nodding to keep me at bay. I know you'll go to him anyway. Go."

I kissed his cheek, "You can't keep me locked up, Taliesin. I'm Princess Elena and am more powerful than anyone here, so you say. I can and will learn how to use my powers to get out of here when the time comes. And when it does happen, I will make sure I say my last goodbyes without actually saying it."

He growled and grabbed my arm as I went to move around him, "And I will find you and beat your ass for leaving me. Expect that, darling." When he let me go I hurried off to the library. I hated the fact that I would have to leave him and talking about it was making me sick to my stomach.

It caused me to have this choking feeling as my throat tightened. I ran into the library, slammed the door closed, and fell to my knees as I burst into tears. My life was unraveling right before front of my eyes.

I never expected anything like this to happen to me. I had wanted to believe that I was normal. That there were other people on Earth that were like me. There was, as a matter of fact, but they were all from Rahani like I would have been if it hadn't been for my mother being trapped on this planet.

I stopped crying when I started to feel light-headed. I froqned and tried to stand up but I fell to the floor. When I did I hit my head hard. It was so hard that I fell unconscious.

I was in a dark room with no doors. All four walls were black. It was like a box. And leaning against the wall on the other side of the room was Daniel. I sat up and asked, "Where am I?" "No where. You're unconscious." He replied.

"Elena! Baby, please wake up!" Taliesin's voice echoed in the room. I looked around the room but he wasn't here. Daniel answered my unspoken question, "He's whispering in your ear; although it sounds like he's yelling here."

I stood up and frowned at him, "Where are my parents?" "Well they're dead." He said. I gasped, "What?! You promised you wouldn't kill them if I went to you! You didn't give me a chance! You were supposed to-" He cut me off by laughing, "Calm down. Your pathetic foster parents are still alive."

I sighed in relief and balled my hands into fists, "You son of a bitch! This isn't funny! Where are they?!" He suddenly pushed off of the wall and came over to me. I stepped back and he grabbed a fistful of my hair on the back of my hair, making me scream.

He yanked me to him. He brought me so close that I was almost laying my head on his shoulder and his face was only inches from mine. He growled, "Okay. Here's how it's going to work. They're going to question you when you get back. You tell them that you were told to meet me at the Millsberry Bridge. But you are to actually meet me at your old dance school."

He leaned down and kissed me roughly. I screamed but it was muted against his lips. I fought against him but he wouldn't budge and I couldn't use my powers in here. Then he pushed me back and I screamed as I fell into darkness. It was like falling off of a cliff. I fainted.

"Elena? Wake up, baby. You're gonna be alright. Please be alright." Tailiesin whispered. I opened my eyes and gasped at the sudden pain in my head and found myself back in the library. I was laying across Taliesin's lap on the couch. There were guards standing around, armed, ready for a fight.

"Oh, thank goodness." Taliesin's arms tightened around me as he sighed in relief. I sat up, moved so I could sit on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him, "It was him. Daniel. He did this."

"Are you alright? He hit your head really hard. You were out for ten minutes." He whispered, frantically. I swallowed and choked out, "I'll be fine. My head hurts a little, though. Well, maybe a lot." There were tears gathering in my eyes and I had a hard time containing them.

Taliesin looked up at the others and growled, "I wanna know who was slacking on their responsibilities and I wanna know NOW!" I could hear the rage and anger in his voice. Anyone could see how much he cared for me.

I lifted my head so I could look at him, "Taliesin. It wasn't their fault. He wasn't here. He was just in my head. He made me faint and when I did I hit my head on the floor. And then I was in a room with him. I ..."

My lip trembled as the tears were about to burst out and I was on the edge of losing control of them. I bit my lip to try to stop it. Taliesin frowned, "What? You what?" I wrapped my one arm around his neck and layed my head on his shoulder. I curled up to him on his lap.

"I know where to meet him." I whispered. He kissed my forehead and whispered, "Where?" I closed my eyes and tears ran down my cheeks. I inhaled and even that was shaky. I sighed, letting the air out, and muttered, "I can't."

He layed his cheek on my cheek and growled, "Tell me where. You won't be going anywhere. So you should tell me so that I can go save your parents." I cried out lowly, "Taliesin, please. I can't ... I can't tell you. He'll kill them."

"But I can save them before he does. Elena. Tell me. Trust me, okay?" I squeezed my eyes shut and whispered, "The Millsberry Bridge. That's where he's taken them. That's where I'm supposed to meet them."

Taliesin hesitated but he kiss my head before looking up at the others, "Take the best team you have. Go there. You should be back by tomorrow night. It'll be a long drive up there and back. I'm going to stay here with Elena."

My eyes widened at that. He was going to stay here to make sure that I didn't leave? What was I going to do now? Taliesin looked down at me and asked, "What?" "You're not going?" I asked. Already knowing the answer and why.

"No. I'm not." He replied. "I am not letting you out of my sight for one second. I won't let you go running to him." I hugged him and cried, "I'm actually glad you're not going. I don't want you to get hurt and ... I want to be with you."

"Don't let that be your secrets goodbye. Because you're not going anywhere." He whispered. I heard footsteps as the men started to clear the room. Soon we were alone and he was kissing me until I forgot or ignored the reason why I was crying in the first place.

Chapter 23: Lies


We had just got done eating lunch. I was a nervous wreck all day. Taliesin could see it and I knew that he suspected something. I knew that he knew. I looked up at him to find him watching me.

I sighed and stood, "I'm gonna go for a walk." "I'll go with you." He stood and walked around the table to meet me. I looked up at him, "I'd like to have some time ... to think. Please." "You can think anywhere. I'm not letting you out of my sight, remember?" He replied.

I frowned, "I'll go think in the bathroom then." I turned and left the kitchen. He was right on my heels. When I got to the bathroom I went in and turned around. I placed my hand on his chest to stop him when he tried to come in, "At least allow me to have this much privacy. I'm in the bathroom. Where am I gonna go?"

"You have ten minutes." He said. I frowned, "You know, I don't appreciate being followed around on a leash like a dog." He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, "And I don't appreciate having to worry about you running away from me the moment I leave you alone."

I stepped back, yanking my arm out of his grasp, "I guess there's things that we both don't appreiciate." "Ten minutes starts now." He ordered. I closed the door in his face and ran my hand through my hair.

I sat on the floor and held my knees to my chest. I closed my eyes and concentrated. Soon I fainted like last time without hitting my head this time. I was standing in the black room again and this time Daniel was the one laying on the ground.

He got up immediately and started laughing, "So you've learned that quick? I'm impressed. Why'd you summon me? And why aren't you here yet?" I shook my head, "Taliesin stayed behind and he won't even let me out of his sight for a second. He almost followed me into the bathroom. As is I only have ten minutes."

"I see your dilema. But ..." He came over to me and a knife appeared in his hand. I gasped and backed away from him. He grabbed my hand, held it open, and placed the knife in my hand, "There's always a way around things."

He turned and went back to the other side of the room. I looked down at the knife and asked, "What am I supposed to do with this?" "Kill him. If there's absolutely no escaping him then you have no choice but to kill him. Or it will be your parents who are killed. And I don't think that you want that."

I swallowed and looked up at him, "Please don't make me do this. I can't. He means too much to me." "Then you better find a way around him, now don't you?" He waved his arm out in front of me and it blacked out.

I woke up in the bathroom again. I sat up from leaning against the tub. "Two minutes left, Elena." Taliesin called in from outside. I looked down in my hand and saw the knife. It was a fancy-looking blade.

I closed the blade and used my powers to put it in the drawer of the end table beside the bed on my side. I stood and opened the door. Taliesin asked, "You okay?" I nodded, "I'll be fine." I reached up and hugged him.

He buried his face in my neck and whispered, "Why won't you let me handle things?" "You are. You're men are out there, aren't they?" I said. He started kissing my neck, "Yes. But you were using your powers in there. I could sense it. You're still trying to leave me."


I was sitting on Taliesin's lap on the porch. It was dark. He had his arms around my waist and his chin layed on my shoulder. We were silent. Just looking out, waiting for them.

Finally a car drove into the driveway and parked. The group of Seanders came out and walked up to us. "I'm sorry." Taliesin whispered in my ear. He was apologizing for my parents not being with them. I knew they wouldn't be.

They stopped in front of us and one stepped forward and looked at me and then at Taliesin, "Could we talk to you, sir?" "Go ahead. What happened?" He glanced at me before returning his gaze to Taliesin, "In private, sir?"

I stood, "I'm gonna go to bed anyways." I kissed his cheek before going inside. I ran up to my room and closed the door. I leaned against it and covered my mouth. He was going to know that I betrayed him and lied to him. I went over to the window and looked down at them. He was now standing as the man spoke to him.

And then I saw his muscles tense and his head whipped around to look up at me. He frowned and turned around to go inside. No doubt he was coming up to punish me.

The door slammed open and then slammed shut. I closed the curtain and covered my face as tears came out, keeping my back to him.

"You lied to me! That's not where he took them!" He yelled. I cried, "I'm sorry." "If you're so sorry then tell me the actual place that he wants you to meet him?!" He yelled at me.

I turned around and cried out loudly, "I can't! Why can't you understand that?! I can't!" He growled and and came over to me. He grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the bed. He ripped my clothes to shreds until I was naked. He undressed as well.

"I'll take you over my damn knee and see if you're in a different mood then!" He sat down and before I knew it I was on my stomach over his knee. I gasped loudly when his hand landed hard on my ass.

I groaned, "This isn't right!" "Will you tell me where it is? The truth?" He asked. I shook my head and layed my cheek on his thigh. "Then you deserve this." He started smacking my ass repeatitly.

I made little high pitch noises. As much as it hurt, it also brought me pleasure. I could feel the moisture between my legs building. I gripped his thigh, digging my nails into his leg. I could feel his erection in my side.

He whispered, "You like that too much, don't you?" His hand came down on my cheek again. I moaned, "Yes. Please. That's why it's not right. I shouldn't be liking this."

"Oh, but on the contrary, that's exactly why it is right." He chuckled, "You're so wet that you leaking down onto my leg." His hand ran down my cheek and his came back up. He slid his hand between my cheeks and his pointer finger circles my asswhole.

"Have you ever had anal sex before?" He asked. I whimpered and squirmed around on his lap, "No. That's absurd." "But it feels so good." His finger pressed into my hole and my head popped up with a loud whimper.

Oddly enough, it did feel good as much as it hurt. He pushed as far as he could go and pulled out slowly. I groaned, "I'm gonna shit on you." He laughed, "No you won't. You'll cum, though. I won't lie about that."

He pulled his finger out and stood me up. He tossed me on the bed on my stomach and he climbed behind me. I whispered, "I guess I wouldn't have a choice whether or not I want your dick in my ass?" He asked, "Do you have any objections?" "No." I smiled as I wiped my face and moved to my hands and knees.

He chuckled, "I didn't think so." He stroked his finger on my clit and I moaned. I bit my lip when he stuck his finger inside me. I was just as tight there as I was in my ass. He pulled out and ran his finger up to my asswhole.

He pushed his finger inside. I gripped the sheets and groaned, "What are you waiting for?" "Well I had to wet your ass so that my dick would go in easier." He said with amusement clearly in his voice.

He grabbed my cheeks and spread them. I closed my eyes as I waited. I felt his dick start to gently push in. My eyes opened and widened in shock. I was being stretched in a way that should be illegal!

I whimpered and dropped my upper body to the bed. I turned my head and layed my head on the pillow. I gripped the pillow in my fists. I moaned and panted, "You are ... too big. It's impossible."

"It would seem so but ... uhh." He sighed as he finally slid all the way in. "There we go. I love your ass." I squeezed my eyes shut and asked, "Why must you do this to me?" "Do what?" He asked. "Do you think I'm torturing you?"

I nodded, "Yes. I do, actually. You're torturing me with pleasure to get me to tell you the truth about where I'm going to meet him. But it won't work." He pulled out so that the head of his dick was left inside me and pushed hard back in, making me cry out, "Think again."

I tried to crawl away from him but he followed me until I was on my knees, my body pressed against headboard and him right behind me, pressing me further. He whispered into my ear, "Did you think you were going to get away from me that easily?"

I reached back and grabbed his thighs, "Please. I need you. I can't take it this way. It feels good but only to an extent." He asked, "Is it hurting or is it release you're looking for?"

I groaned, "Both. I want release, of course, but it also hurts." He pulled out and kissed my neck, "Sorry." He backed up and I turned around to him. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me. He lifted me up so he could pull me against his body. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his hips.

He layed me down and pressed me further into the bed. I pulled back and moaned, "Please. Taliesin. Please." And then went straight back to kissing him. I moaned into his mouth with delight when he entered me.

Chapter 24: Leaving


I woke up curled up against Taliesin. In his arms. I looked over at the clock. It was five in the morning. I looked back at Taliesin to make sure he was asleep. He was. I quietly and slowly got out of bed. I stood and turned to look at him. He stirred but stayed asleep.

I mentally sighed with relief and regret and got dressed. I slid into my shoes and took one step for the door when I heard his voice. "Going somewhere?"

I closed my eyes and groaned. "Kill him." I heard Daniel's voice and then I suddenly got a flash of him whipping my parents' back with a horse whip.

I quickly jumped on the bed and climbed on top of him. I held my hand out and the knife appeared in my hand, open. He frowned and started to move but I pointed the knife at his throat, "Don't move."

He relaxed down to the bed and asked, "Elena? What are you doing?" Tears immediately gathered up in my eyes and ran down my face. There was no stopping it.

"He's gonna kill my parents!" I cried in a hushed yell. "He told me to kill you if I couldn't get away! I said no but he's torturing them and I can see it! I have to do this if you won't let me leave so please! Just let me go!"

He sighed and grabbed my wrist. I tightened my grip on the knife. But he didn't try to take the knife off of me. Instead he put the knife sideways on his throat and simply said, "Do it then."

My eyes widened, "What? No. But ... Taliesin!" He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down to where our faces were close and growled, "Do it, Elena. 'Cause this is the only way you're ever gonna go to him. Like the saying, over my dead body."

I cried, "I can't!" "You do realize that I can have this knife out of your hand in a matter of secons, right? So do it and get it over with before I lose my patients." He said. I frowned and concentrated hard.

Ropes tied around his hands and pulled his arms up above the bed, tied to the bed posts. I did the same with his feet. He was spread across the bed in an X. He muttered, "You've been practicing your powers. But not good enough."

A knife appeared in his hand and he started to cut the ropes free. I changed the ropes at his hands to handcuffs. He looked up at them and the knife disappeared. He looked back at me and frowned.

"You're making a big mistake, Elena. I can help you. I can save them if you just let me." I threw my knife into the wall. I looked back down at him, "The only thing you can do for me is to kill that bastard after I'm gone and my parents are free."

He shook his head, "No. Give me a hint. We'll work together. You'll go to him but we'll be right there with you. You're parents will be saved and you'll be safe. And alive. And with me."

"I can't." I leaned down and kissed him. He lifted his head to kiss me back. I pulled back to whisper against his lips, "You know I never learned to dance." "What?" He whispered before I kissed him again.

He groaned and pulled back to protest, "Stop. What does this have to do with what we were just talking about?" I shrugged, "Absolutely ... nothing. I should've learned to dance since my parents sent me to this dance school. I think the brochure for it is still in their room.

"It's closed down though. It's a shame. It was a nice place. It's an abandoned building now. A good ... secluded place. A good place to hide things." I looked down at him as realization hit.

"It's a shame you didn't learn how to dance then." He muttered. I leaned down and kissed him, "You're not coming with me. I mean it." "Yes I am. The guards won't let you go." He contradicted.

"They'll be paralyzed here until I'm long gone. They'll likely come here to see if we're okay, realize what happened and cut you free and you'll come after me. But by that time it will be too late."

He growled, "I'm going to beat your damn ass with the thickest stick I can find!" I shrugged, "I'll be dead so, therefore, I won't be able to feel it." He just glared up at me.

I sighed, "I love you." His face turned to pain and he panicked, "Don't you dare. No you don't!" "Yes. I do." I whispered. "No! You didn't find out about your real parents yet! It won't be fair! You can't truly love me until you do!" He yelled.

I kissed him quickly one more time before whispering, "Goodbye", and getting up. I turned and left the room. The guards were standing where they were with their eyes closed and their breathing shallow. They'd be okay but they wouldn't be able to follow her in time. She took deep breaths


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.05.2011

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