
Vampires and Witches


My name is Ariel. Ariel Snyder. I have long blond hair and my lips are as red as a rose. I’m not like every other teenage girl you’ll meet. For one thing, I don’t date. I’m not a lesbian or bisexual or anything. I just like to keep to myself. I don’t like drawing attention to myself. I’m a senior at Radford high in New Jersey. I don’t wear skirts and dress up or anything. My usual wardrobe is a pair of gray sweat pants and a plain t-shirt. And I don’t wear heels or flats. I wear sneakers. I’m athletic. But not in cheerleading; if that even counts as a sport. I run. I’m a member of the track team. But the most unusual thing about me that you won’t find in other teenage girls is I’m a witch. Sort of. I don’t know what I’m called. I can’t do spells or anything. I just have special powers. I can sense when danger is near. Like if an accident or someone who is out to hurt me is near me. I sense it. And I can levitate in the air. I was able to go about ten feet up in the air before I had to come back down. Not because I couldn’t go any higher, but because I got scared. And I can move things with my mind. I can’t move people. Just objects. And I can see the future. Other than that I’m like any other human. I’m only as strong as I work out. I can’t run faster than the average human. Only as fast as I push myself. I eat normally and sleep normally.

When I was five I got my powers. When I was ten I lost my mother. The only one who knows about our powers. She was just like me. One day her powers weren’t working as good and she didn’t see that she would have a heart attack. I guess our powers don’t work when we’re sick or going to die from natural causes. Before she died she made me promise her that I wouldn’t tell no one about my powers. Not even dad. My mom told me that we were the only ones in this world with powers of any kind. Everyone else was a normal human. Ever since my mom died my dad has been in his own little world. He ignores me and I have to do everything on my own. He still goes to work and brings home the money we need to pay the bills and everything else. But it seems when he’s not at work or paying the bills or buying necessities we need, I have to take care of him. He took mom’s death hard. Too hard. It’s hurting him a lot inside. It’s hurting me too. It’s almost killing me but I have to hold on for dad’s sake. So I don’t let my anger and depression get outside of me. It stays on the inside. That’s probably why I always try to keep to myself. And why I run. I run away from the pain when I run. It frees me. It lets me keep the anger inside of me.

Chapter 1: Other Powerful beings

“Ariel! Can you get me a glass of soda before you leave?” My dad called out to me from the living room couch. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cabinet and put it on the counter. Then I got the 2-liter Coke bottle from the fridge. I filled the glass up and put the bottle away. I took the glass and handed it to my dad, “Here you go. I’ll be coming home late today after school. I have practice.” My dad nodded, “Thank you.” I grabbed my book bag and the keys to my truck and left. I got in the truck and drove off to school.

“Hey girl. What’s up?” Melissa said grinning as she ran to my car. I smiled back, “Nothing but cloudy skies.” Melissa grabbed my shoulders, “The most amazing thing happened to me yesterday after school!” I chuckled, “What happened?” She bit her bottom lip, “Well . . . Gregory loves me. He told me. And he showed me.” I sucked my teeth, “No! Melissa! Tell me you didn’t sleep with him the moment he told you he loves you.” Melissa nodded, “Yes! And it was better than anything I’ve ever felt. Of course it hurt at first but it was good! It’s way better than any roller coaster.” I rolled my eyes, “Melissa. Come on. He’s gonna hurt you and then I’m gonna have to hurt him.” We walked into class and sat in our seats. She talked my ear off about how good it was. And she gave me the nasty details. I smacked her arm when she first started telling me but then I just let her go on and I ignored her.

At lunch I was walking in line to get lunch when I saw a vision of the future. I just went into a deep stare and I froze where I was to everyone else. I saw a man with long black hair and muscles standing in front of me. He was staring at me with a deep grin. And when he bared his teeth I saw that they were extended farther then normal. And they were sharp. I looked frightened. That’s when the vision ended.

“Ariel. What’s wrong?” Melissa asked. She was standing in front of me. I frowned, “What? I’m sorry. I was . . . daydreaming or something. What were you saying?” She replied, “I was calling you. And you dropped your books. Are you okay?” I looked down and I saw my books on the floor. I picked them up and nodded, “Yeah. I blacked out for a moment.” I walked with her to the table that we always sat at.

I forgot about getting lunch. I couldn’t eat after seeing that. I have no idea what that was. Some pervert trying to scare me with his fake teeth. I didn’t even know the guy. I looked around the lunch room to see if it was someone who went to this school. But the guy didn’t look to be in high school. He wasn’t in the lunch room. The rest of the day I was more aware of the people around me. Until I was at practice. I couldn’t be aware of anything. That was the time I had to be free of my pain.

I got changed into my red short shorts and my white t-shirt. Then I went into the school yard. They had a track there. I stretched and then prepared to run. I took a few deep breaths and counted off to three. Then I ran. The wind was blowing in my face. My hair blew back. It felt great. Nothing could stop me now. I was free and strong. Life is too depressing and hurtful. And it would chase me and catch me. But not now. Now it was chasing me and I was winning. Finally I would outrun life. It would catch me later but . . . I didn’t care at the moment.

It was 5:30 when I was done. I put my book bag in the back of my truck and got in. I drove to the corner store. I needed a drink. I bought a bottle of water and headed back out to my car. But when I was about to get in I heard a little kid yell, “Help me! I don’t know where I am!” I put my water in the truck’s passenger seat and ran around the corner into an alley, “What’s your name?” I didn’t see anyone. But there was a shadow of a little kid between a box and a dumpster. The kid was crying, “I don’t know where my mommy is.” “Shh. Don’t worry. I’ll . . .” There was no one there when I looked.

“Humans are so dumb.” A man said from behind me. I turned around and that guy with long black hair and muscles from my vision was standing against the wall staring at me. I asked, “Who are you? And what do you want?” He answered, “Name’s William. William Shades. And I want you. You look mighty tasty.” I frowned, “What?” William was in front of me in a flash, “I’m hungry. And your blood smells mouthwatering. I’m a vampire.” What? “That’s not possible.” There couldn’t be any other magical beings in the world. He grabbed my shoulders and showed his teeth. His teeth got pointier. I gasped. He said, “Well it is possible.” He bent his head and he was about to bite me. But another man’s voice growled from behind him, “William! Stop!”

William stopped and turned around with me. He had his hand around my throat and he pressed me into his chest. I was having a hard time breathing. The guy had short blond hair; but it wasn’t too short; he would have to move it out of his face once in a while. William laughed, “Keith. So nice of you to join us. But I’m sorry. I don’t share.” Will said to me, “Ariel. This is Keith. He’s a vampire as well. But he’s too weak to feed on humans. He feeds on animals.” I brought my hands up to his hand that was around my neck and tried to loosen his hand up a bit.

Keith yelled, “Let her go! You’re hurting her! She can’t breathe!” He was right. I couldn’t breathe anymore. Now it was either he let go or I would find out how long I could hold my breath. Keith took a few steps forward and William threw me to the wall. I hit the wall and then hit the ground. I touched my throat and caught my breath.

I looked up at them and the first thing I saw out of them fighting was William throwing Keith back. Then he turned to me. He started heading in my direction. I had to do something quick. Sorry mom. With a wave of my hand the dumpster went flying into him. He got crushed between the wall and the dumpster. But he got right back up. He smiled at me, “Well, well, well. What do we have here? She’s a human with powers. Keith. I’ll let you figure this out and then I’ll be back for her later.” Then William ran and left.

Keith came over to me and held his hands out for me to take. I took them and stood up, “Thanks for saving my life.” He nodded, “Your welcome. Are you okay?” I answered, “Yeah. Neck’s a little sore but I’ll be fine.” He asked, “How did you do that?” I started to panic, “Um . . . I gotta go.” I went to walk around him but he grabbed my arms and slammed into the wall. I yelled, “Ow! Stop! That hurt! I’m still human you know!” He shook his head, “No! I don’t know! Sorry but I need to know! How did you do that?”
I replied, “I didn’t do anything! You’re just imagining things! Let me go! You have no right keeping me here!” He shook his head, “No! Not until you tell me what you are and how you did that!” I sighed and waved my hand making the dumpster fly into him. It knocked him off of me. I ran to my truck and got in. Then I sped home.

When I got home I ran in with my book bag. “Ariel. What took you so long?” My dad asked me from the couch. I answered, “I had to pull over. I felt sick. I’m going to go to bed now. Love you. Night.” My dad replied, “Love you too. Goodnight. Give a call if you need me.” I nodded and ran upstairs.

I ran right into my room and threw my book bag on the floor. I sat at my desk and picked up the picture of my mom and me. I silently cried, “I’m sorry mom. I didn’t mean to let them see my powers. I had to. I could’ve died. I love you.” I kissed the photo and layed down in bed. I was asleep in minutes.

Chapter 2: He’s Following Me

I woke up at 5:30 as usual. I got dressed into a pair of gray sweat pants and a black t-shirt. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. My dad had already left for work. He was like his boss’ personal mail man. He took paintings or anything else to wherever his boss told him to take it to. I went out and drove to school.

When I went to my first class I stopped in the doorway. Keith was sitting in the seat next to mine staring at me. He was following me? Wasn’t this a free country? Couldn’t I keep my secrets to myself as long as it wasn’t hurting others? My secret wasn’t hurting anyone.

I took a breath and walked over to Mr. Fettler, “Um . . . Mr. Fettler. Could I change my seat. I can’t sit next to him. He bothers me.” He frowned, “Just go sit down Miss. Snyder. This is art class. The most bothersome he’s going to be to you is asking you to pass the markers.”

I sighed and slowly went over to my seat. I put my book bag on the table and sat down looking up front. Keith never took his eyes off of me, “Good morning Ariel. Are you ready to tell me?” I asked, “Tell you what?” He was about to say something but Mr. Fettler started class.

After class I went to go to my next class but Keith wouldn’t let me. He put his arm around me as we walked down the hall, “If you don’t wanna use your powers in public then you’ll come with me with no trouble.” I said, “I have to go to class.” He said, “It still goes. You can cut for a day.” I groaned, “Fine.”

He smiled as we left the building. This school had very low security when it came to kids cutting. Well, that’s not true. They just didn’t care. There was someone sitting at the front desk and we just walked right past her. I hated that. He opened the passenger seat and I got in. He got in on the other side and drove off. We sat there in silence.

The car stopped in front of three story building. I asked, “Where are we?” Keith got out and in a flash he opened my door, “My house. You get to meet my family, see the inside, ‘talk’ about stuff.” I got out and folded my arms, “Well I’m not telling you how I did that.”

Keith grabbed my arm and led me to the door, “We’ll see about that.” He led me inside. There was a woman with long black hair put back in a ponytail in the arms of a taller man with blond short hair. And there was a teenage girl with short black spiky hair with her arms folded. They were all frowning at me. I said with sarcasm, “Well it’s nice to see that everyone’s so glad to have me here.” Keith sat me down on the couch and stood in front of me with his arms folded, “Talk.”

I started, “Well, I’m pissed off because you just practically kidnapped me from my school. And I’m grateful that you saved my life yesterday but I would really like to go now but you won’t let me. Let’s see. I’m 17. I’ll . . .” “Stop! How did you do that yesterday?” Keith interrupted my rambling. I sat back and folded my arms, “I can’t tell you.”

He sat beside me and asked, “Why not? You know that we’re vampires. Don’t you want to know more about us?” I shook my head, “Nope.” “Is there someone holding you back? Threatening you if you tell or something?”

I looked at him, “She’s not threatening me. I promised her that I wouldn’t tell a soul about my secret. Our secret.” The woman said, “Who is she?” I looked at her, “Who are you?” She answered, “I’m Hilary, his mother. This is David, his father. And his sister, Diana. Now who is this she you’re talking about?” I sighed and looked at the floor, “My mother.”

Keith asked, “Where is your mother?” I said, “I’d really wish not to talk about her right now.” “Why? Does she hurt you?” David asked. I snapped, “No! My mom’s great. I just don’t want to talk about her.” Keith asked, “Where is she? I might be able to get her to let you tell me.” I said, “Keith. Just stop right now. You can’t even speak with her let alone get her to change her mind.” He insisted, “I have a way with people. I could get her to change her mind. You never know . . .” I interrupted yelling at him, “She’s dead! Do you get it now?! She’s dead!” Everybody got silent.

I got up and went outside. They followed me. Keith grabbed my hand and turned me around to face him, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” I snatched my hand out of his, “You should’ve listened to me when I was telling you. But you just wanted to insist.”

A tear ran down my cheek and I wiped it away immediately. Diana said, “You feel more bound to keep the promise you made her now that she’s dead. But you have to tell us. You were left in the dark just as much as we were.” I shook my head, “I don’t have to tell you anything. And I can’t.” Keith grabbed my shoulders gently and looked me in the eyes, “Ariel. You’ve been living in a world where you were the only magical being out there. But now your world has expanded. For us too. Please.” I shook my head, “No. Now take me home.” He nodded, “Alright. We can talk later.” I turned and got in the car. He got in and drove off.

When the car stopped in front of my house I went to get out. But Keith grabbed my hand, “Wait. I want to apologize for the way I’ve been acting. It was wrong of me to be rude like I was. I’m not sorry for making you go to my house but I’m sorry for being cocky about it.” I nodded, “Sure. Whatever. I gotta go.” I got out and went inside. I sat on the couch and held my knees to my chest. I silently cried to myself.

About an hour later my dad walked in. He saw me crying on the couch and he rushed over to me, “Ariel. What’s wrong? What are you doing home?” I said, “I was thinking about mom today. And I got too upset about it so I came home.”

My dad sat beside me and put his arm around me, “I know how you feel. I miss her too.” I leaned against him, “You don’t know how much I miss her right now. It seems like she just left us yesterday.” My dad said, “Why don’t you go upstairs and rest a while. You’ll feel better.” I knew that he was saying that because now he was starting to get upset. Not because I was upset, but because he was. I got up and ran upstairs.

I went into my room and layed down on my bed. How could they do that to me? I told them that I couldn’t tell them so why would they try and force me? Ugh. Now I’m crying like a baby and I got my dad upset because of them.

“Ariel.” I heard a man say. A familiar man. I turned around on my back and saw that it was William, “What . . . How did you get in here?” He sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hands on both sides of my waist on the bed, “Through the window. Did Keith find out what you are?” I shook my head, “No. And I’m not telling you either.”

William smiled, “I don’t care. I just want you. There’s no way you’re getting away from me now. I’m prepared for you and your powers. And Keith hasn’t been able to stop me from killing my victims. He only stalls me.” I swallowed, “I don’t care if you hurt me. Just don’t hurt my dad. Leave him alone. Please. I’m begging you.” William thought about it and then nodded, “Okay. I can do that.”

I stared at him. His teeth sharpened and he bent his head. He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes. Then he was about to bite me when someone grabbed him by his shoulders and threw him back across the room. It was Keith.

I got up, “Keith.” He picked me up and put me on his back, “We gotta go.” He jumped out the window and landed gracefully on the ground. I said, “What about my dad? He’ll kill him if he doesn’t get me.” Keith ignored me and ran to his car. He put me in the passenger seat and got in on the other side. He drove off speeding.

I asked, “What about my father? What’s going to happen to him?” Keith glanced at me but then looked back at the road, “I don’t know. He might leave him alone since he wants you. He might kill him. I’m sorry.” I yelled, “Take me back! He wants me not him!” He shook his head, “No. He’ll kill you. I’m taking you back to my place.” I brought my legs up to my chest, “If he kills him . . .” “Don’t think like that. Maybe he won’t.” Keith interrupted.

When we got to his house he came around to my side and opened the door, “Come on.” I got out and walked with him inside. David and Hilary were sitting on the couch. But when we walked in they stood up and came over to us. “What’s going on? What’s she doing here?” Keith answered, “Had to. William attacked her at home.” David sighed, “Damn it. He can’t keep getting his victims.” Keith nodded, “Yeah. I know. But he won’t get her.”

I asked, “Can I use your phone?” David nodded, “Yeah. Keith. Show her where the phone is.” Keith put his arm around me and led me to the kitchen. There was a phone hanging up on the wall with a cord. I said, “Thank you.”

I picked up the phone and dialed my house number. It rang about five times before it went to the answer machine. I said, “Dad. Give me a call when you get this message. Let me know that you’re okay. I’ll explain later. Love you. Bye.”

I hung up and turned around, “He didn’t answer. Which means . . .” Keith came over to me, “No it doesn’t. Don’t finish that sentence. Come on. We need to talk.” I followed him into the other room and sat on the couch. Keith sat next to me. Hilary, David, and now Diana sat on the other couch. Keith said, “We really need to know what you are and how you did that. Please.”

I sighed, “I’m a witch. I can’t do spells or anything. But I can levitate into the air and I can move objects with a wave of my hand. And I can see the future. My mom told me that we were the only witches out here. That we were the first ones. She said when I turned eighteen I would have a vision of my purpose. Of why I’m a witch.”

David nodded, “She was right about you two being the first of your kind because other vampires would have saw it and told others about it. We would have found out by now.” I shrugged, “Unless they just didn’t use their powers in public and I have no purpose.” Diana said, “Someone would have slipped.”

I got up, “I have to go make sure my dad’s alright.” I turned and headed for the door. Before I got out the door Keith grabbed my hand, “No. You can’t.” I said, “Let me go. I need to go see him.” Keith shook his head, “No. William could be just waiting there for you.” I tried pulling my hand back but I couldn’t.

“I don’t care! Just let me go!” I went to push him back but he flew back. I frowned, “I never could move people with my powers. Sorry.” He got up, “We’re not people.” I turned and ran out the door before he could stop me. He yelled from behind me, “Ariel!” I got in his car and drove off. He left the keys in the car.

When I got home I ran inside, “Dad! Dad!” He wasn’t downstairs. I ran upstairs and ran into his room. He wasn’t there. I ran into my room and screamed. My dad was laying on my bed dead. William killed him. I covered my mouth and stared at him. I started to cry hysterically and my hands shook. I ran over to the bed and dropped to my knees, “Daddy.”

“Ariel! . . . Oh my god. Ariel I’m so sorry.” I heard Keith say. I looked over at him and then looked back at my dad. I folded my arms on the bed and layed my head down in my arms. Keith grabbed me under my arms and stood me up, “Come on. We have to go.”

I stared at my dad and continued to cry. Keith turned me around and hugged me, “I’m sorry.” I cried, “He didn’t have anything to do with this! It’s all my fault! He wanted me!” Keith rubbed my back, “No. No. It’s not your fault.” I stopped crying hysterically and wiped my tears away. I turned around and looked at my dad again. I just realized that he had a note taped to his chest. I picked it up and it read:


I hope you get the message. I’m coming after you. And your father could have lived if you would have just stayed. But you just had to leave. Bite you later.
William Shades

I crumpled the paper into a ball and dropped it to the floor. Keith put his arm around me and led me downstairs. He took me outside and we both got in the car. He drove off.

I brought my knees up to my chest and just stared out the window. “Ariel. It’s going to be okay.” I ignored him and continued to stare out the window. He touched my hand, “Ariel.” I didn’t answer. He put his hand back on the wheel and sighed.

When the car stopped I just stared out the front window shield. Keith opened my door and held his hand out, “Come on Ariel.” I didn’t answer him. He said, “Ariel. Please answer me.” I didn’t. He picked me up and shut the door. Then he carried me inside.

“Is she okay?” David asked. Keith replied, “Physically she’s fine. But she just saw her father’s dead body laying in her bed. William killed him.” Keith put me down on the couch. I brought my knees back up to my chest and held them there.

Diana said, “I’m sorry Ariel. Do you want anything?” I didn’t answer. I just stared at the floor. Diana asked, “Ariel? Do you want anything?” Keith said, “She’s not talking.” Hilary said, “Well look at what she’s going through. She finds out that there’s other beings in the world and then William kills her dad. And she already lost her mother. She doesn’t have anybody in this world except for us now. And she barely knows us.” David said, “Keith. Why don’t you take her to one of the guests rooms on the third floor.” Keith nodded and picked me up. He ran upstairs and we were on the third floor in a flash.

He went into a room that had a king size bed and a desk with a mirror on it. The desk had drawers on it. Two on each side. There was an end table on each sides of the bed. One had a phone on it and the other had a lamp on it. There was an air conditioner in the window and a radiator underneath the window. It looked like a hotel room.

Keith put me on the bed, “Do you want me to bring you a glass a water or something?” I didn’t answer. “Can you at least say something? Give me a nod or whatever?” He pleaded. He touched my arm, “You’re cold. I’ll turn the heat on.” He went on the other side of the bed. I couldn’t see what he was doing but I hear a few buttons beep.

Then Keith came over to me. He hugged me, “I’m sorry.” I sighed. Keith layed me down on the bed and covered me up with the blanket. He kissed my forehead, “Goodnight.” Then he left. I closed my eyes and fell asleep minutes later.
Chapter 3: Nightmares and Reality

I was back at home with both mom and dad. We were eating dinner together at the table. We were all smiling and laughing between bites at each others jokes. Then my parents got serious. I frowned, “What?” My mom disappeared and her place at the table was cleared. “Mom!” My dad faded into what made him look like a ghost. That’s what he was like after mom died. My dad stopped eating and just stared at me. I asked, “Dad. Are you okay?” And then William came in and bit him. I tried to get out of my seat but I couldn’t. I yelled, “Stop! Don’t hurt him!” Then everything changed. I was now standing in my room. I could see William laying my dad in my bed and leaving the note to him. Then he left. I ran over to my dad and screamed.

I woke up from my dream panting. Thank goodness it was just a dream. I looked to my left and I saw William standing by my bed smiling at me, “Good morning Ariel.” I went to scream but he covered my mouth with his hand, “Shh. You don’t wanna wake everyone else up.” I waved my hand at him and he flew across the room.

I got up and went to run for the door but he ran in front of me in a flash. I don’t know why but I felt this fear of him that I didn’t feel before. I was scared of him before. But now it was like I was petrified of him. I started to panic, “Please. Don’t.” He grabbed me by my throat and chuckled lowly, “Pleading gets you no where.” I waved my hand and the lamp flew into his head. He frowned and threw me across the floor. I screamed as I hit the wall and then the floor.

Keith, David, Hilary, and Diana came running in. I was still laying on the floor. Keith ran over to me while the others fought with William, “Ariel. Are you okay?” I sat up and leaned against the wall. I stared at William. He touched my head, “You’re bleeding.” I moved my head away, “Ow.”

Then at that moment William knocked them all on their feet and turned towards me. My eyes widened. He started walking towards me. Keith stood and stepped in front of me, “Go away William!” “Now why would I wanna do that?! She’s mine!” William laughed. My hands started to shake. Then David, Hilary, and Diana grabbed him from behind and started to drag him out the door. They were having trouble with it so Keith went and helped them.

When they were finally out of the room I layed down on the floor and curled up into a ball. Now that he was gone I could relax a bit more. My hands still shook but now I was more aware of the throbbing pain in my head. I was feeling lightheaded. And blood ran down the side of my face. I had cut my forehead when I hit the floor.

Keith and the rest of them came running in a few minutes later. Keith kneeled beside me, “Are you okay? Dad, does the cut look deep?” I said, “I feel lightheaded.” David said, “She needs stitches. And she might have a concussion.” Keith picked me up and ran down the steps with his family. I let my head fall back and closed my eyes. I fell unconscious then.

I woke up and I looked around. I was in a hospital. There was no one in the room. And I had a headache. “Ow. Damn it.” At that moment Keith came in with everyone else. Keith came over to my side, “You gave us all a scare.” David said, “You have a mild concussion. The doctor said that you’ll be fine.” Diana added, “And we told them that you fell down the stairs.”

I nodded, “When can I get out?” Hilary answered, “When the doctor comes and makes sure that you’re okay to go home.” I said, “Where’s the doctor?” Keith frowned, “Why are you in a rush to get out of here? Doesn’t your head hurt?” I nodded, “Yes. But I just hate hospitals. I never stay longer than necessary.” David said, “We’re gonna go wait in the waiting room for you. Keith will stay here with you.” He turned to Keith, “Call us if anything happens.” Keith nodded and they left.

Keith asked, “Why don’t you like hospitals? I mean, no one likes them. But you’re getting jumpy.” I folded my arms and shrugged, “I just hate hospitals. Particularly this one.” “Why? Is this the one they brought your mother to?” I sighed and nodded, “Yeah.” Keith touched my shoulder, “Sorry.”

I frowned, “There’s no need to say sorry for me not liking this hospital.” Keith shrugged, “Still. You’ve changed since yesterday. You’re not yourself.” I chuckled humorlessly, “How am I supposed to be? Am I supposed to act as if nothing happened? How do you want me to act?” He replied, “I was just pointing out a fact. Don’t put on an act. Just don’t let this consume you for the rest of your life.”

The doctor came in, “Good morning Ariel.” I frowned and looked at him, “Good morning Dr. Perry.” Dr. Perry came over and did the whole check thing. Then he took my I.V. out and said, “You can go now.” I got off of the bed slowly, “Thanks.”

I left with Keith. Keith put his arm around me as we walked, “If it gets to be too much . . .” I interrupted him, “I’m fine.” He sighed and was quiet for the rest of the walk. David came over to us, “The others are in the car. Why is she walking?”

Keith was about to say something but I interrupted, “I’m fine. It’s just a headache. I can still walk. Now can we please go or do I have to prove to you that I can walk?” David frowned, “No. Let’s go.” He turned and we started to leave. Keith muttered to me, “Someone needs a nap.” David humped, “Got that right.” I just folded my arms and followed them out.

When we got in the car I stared out the window frowning. They drove down the street and I heard sirens from a fire truck and an ambulance. Damn it. It made my head hurt ten times worse. Like a major migraine. I put my hands over my ears to try and block the noise. It brought it down a level but it was still loud enough to hurt my head.

Keith brought me over and leaned me against him. He put his arm around my head covering my ear. He didn’t cover my face just my ear. It seemed to block the noise out completely. I sighed in relief, “Thank you.” I cuddled up next to him to get comfortable and closed my eyes. About fifteen minutes later I fell asleep. I would have fell asleep earlier but it was hard to get to sleep when my head was pounding. But once I was asleep I didn’t feel a thing. I went into a deep sleep.

When I opened my eyes I was in one of the guest rooms. It looked just like the one I slept in before. But it was a different one. I sat up and looked around. There was no one in the room. I got up and walked to the door half asleep, half awake.

When I went into the hall Keith was sitting on a chair right outside my room to the left. He got up and turned towards me, “Afternoon. How’s your head?” I shrugged, “Better I guess.” I yawned. He chuckled, “Someone’s still tired.” I replied, “Half asleep half awake. What time is it?” He answered, “About two. Want some breakfast?” I nodded, “I’m starving.” Keith put his arm around me and led me downstairs. I almost tripped on the first step but Keith caught me, “You alright? Maybe I should carry you.” I shook my head, “No I’m . . .” Before I could finish he picked me up, “Never mind.” Keith chuckled and continued to walk downstairs.

David came over to us when we got to the bottom of the steps, “How are you feeling? And why is he carrying you? Are you feeling dizzy?” I sighed, “Why is everyone I meet a worry-wart?” I looked at him, “No I’m not. He’s carrying me because I’m half asleep and I almost tripped coming downstairs. And I’m feeling okay. I’ll be as good as new by tomorrow. Oh, sorry about yesterday. I didn’t mean to get jumpy. I had a major headache and I was cranky.” David shrugged, “It’s okay. I understand. You were in pain and you’re going through a lot right now. It’s to be expected.”

I looked at Keith, “Can you please let me down now?” Keith chuckled, “Why? So you can fall again?” I frowned, “So I won’t be cranky. I hate it when people carry me.” Keith frowned, “Did someone pick you up and then drop you?” I nodded, “Yes. And I got an ugly scar because of it so please, put me down.” He put me down, “Fine. But I won’t drop you.” I shrugged, “I know and I don’t care. I still don’t want you carrying me. Now what’s for breakfast?” David said, “I’ll go let Hilary know that you’re awake and she’ll make you some French toast.” I nodded, “Okay. No syrup please. Thank you. I’m gonna go sit on the couch until then.” I walked around him and sat on the couch. I brought my feet up on the couch underneath me and folded my arms on the arm of the couch and layed my head in my arms.

Keith sat next to me, “You know the arm of the sofa is hard, right?” I replied and closed my eyes, “Yeah. But I’m tired.” “Come here. My shoulder’s softer. More comfortable.” He said. I frowned, “Now why would I wanna do that?” He said, “Because I’m trying to be nice and you’re tired.” I looked at him. He put his arm out for me. I moved over and leaned against him. I put my hand around him on his shoulder and just rested it there. He put his arm around me and placed his hand on the side of my stomach, “Now was that so hard?” I humped, “Extremely.” He chuckled, “Funny.”

About ten minutes later Hilary came in carrying a plate full of French toast. She gave it to me, “Here you go. How are you feeling?” I nodded, “Fine. Just tired.” I looked at the plate. It had about five pieces of French toast on it. I smiled, “I don’t think I could eat all of this.” Keith said, “Just eat what you want.” I nodded and began to eat. By the time I was done I had only ate three. I got up and went out to the kitchen. I trashed the other two French toast and washed my plate and fork. Then I went to go back into the other room but I heard something from out back.

I went out back and looked around. I didn’t see anyone or anything. I shrugged and turned around to go back inside. But I stopped right in my tracks. William was standing there looking at me, “You know you’ve been the hardest to kill then the others. But don’t worry. One of these times I will kill you. Just like I killed your father.”

I backed up a couple steps and then I felt like I couldn’t stand anymore. I dropped to the ground. I sat there just staring at him. He came over and kneeled on front of me, “What’s the matter? Did I make you petrified of me when I killed your father? Good.” He was about to grab me but Keith grabbed him from behind and threw him across the yard. William got up, “One of these days. I will catch her alone. And you won’t be able to stop me. Bite you later Ariel.” Then he ran off.

Keith and the rest of them ran over to me. Keith kneeled in front of me, “Are you okay?” I took a breath and nodded, “Yeah. He didn’t even touch me. Don’t worry.” He frowned, “Then what are you doing on the ground? And how come you didn’t call for us when you saw him?” I frowned and let my eyes wander, “I don’t know.”

Keith grabbed my hands and stood me up. Diana said, “How did you get on the ground?” I answered, “I sat down.” “Why?” She asked. I replied, “I felt like I couldn’t stand.” David sighed, “I think because of what he did to your father you’ve became terribly afraid of him.” I frowned and shook my head, “I’m no more afraid of him then I was before.”

Keith picked me up, “Well, we can talk about that later. If you say it wasn’t your fear getting the best of you then you’re not well enough to be up. I’m taking you to go lay down.” I sighed, “I don’t have to.” He ignored me and took me upstairs. He layed me down in bed and sat in the corner on one of the chairs, “Get some rest.” I sighed and closed my eyes. Then I fell asleep.

Chapter 4: Fears and Purpose

I had a dream. I was wandering through a hallway that never ended. I looked confused. Or lost. I was lost. Then out of no where William appeared in front of me. I started to breathe heavily and back up. Then I turned and ran. I just kept on running. When I looked behind me he was still there starring at me. I kept on running down the hall and it never ended. There were no doors for me to end. And the distance between me and William never changed no matter how much I ran. Then I ran right into William. I fell back and just layed there on the floor. He was no longer behind me. He was in front of me. He got down on the floor and hovered over me. He looked into my eyes for a few moments. Then he looked at my neck and bent his head.

I sat up quickly panting from the dream. Damn it. Can’t I sleep without seeing him? “Are you okay, Ariel?” I heard Keith ask. I looked to my left and he was sitting on the edge of my bed staring at me. I nodded, “Yeah. Just a dream.” He asked, “What was it about?” I shook my head, “It doesn’t matter. It was just a dream, okay? What time is it?” “About five.” He replied. I got out of bed and headed for the door, “I’m going downstairs.”

“Why are you shaking?” Diana asked. I looked at my hands and they were shaking. I held them behind my back, “I’m fine.” I sat on the couch and held my hands together on my lap. Keith sat next to me, “She had a nightmare. But she won’t say what it was about.” Diana sat on the other couch and said, “Bet it was about William.”

I looked up at her, “No. It wasn’t.” She folded her arms, “Then what was it about?” I thought about it and then answered, “Tomorrow’s my birthday and my mom said that that’s the day I find out what my purpose is.” Keith frowned, “I doubt that your nightmare was about that. That’s not what I heard come out of your mouth.”

I frowned and looked at him, “What? I don’t talk in my sleep.” He nodded, “Yes you do. You didn’t say much but you said William’s name.” I sighed, “Fine. So maybe my nightmare was about him. But it’s nothing. It means nothing.” I got up and walked outside.

I just kept on walking until I got to the pavement. I turned and just began to run. I needed to run. I haven’t ran in a while. I needed to run from life at the moment. In a flash Keith was running next to me at my speed, “Where are you going?” His voice was steady as if he was standing still. I stopped and caught my breath, “Just going for a run. It gets my mind off of things.” He nodded, “Alright but I’m coming with you just in case William comes back.” I nodded and continued to run. He ran beside me. Once in a while he would glance over at me. Probably to check if I was okay. I mean, I was just getting over a concussion. But I was feeling fine.

I finally stopped and leaned on my knees panting soundlessly. Keith asked, “Are you alright?” I smiled, “I’m fine. Let’s go back.” Keith picked me up and put me on his back. I said, “Put me down. I can run back on my own.” He didn’t listen. He just ran back there in a flash.
When we got inside he put me down, “There you go.” I said, “I could’ve done that myself.” David asked, “What happened? Did William come back?” I shook my head, “No. I went for a run.” Keith added, “She runs like a pro.” I said, “I’ve been running ever since I was ten.” I went into the kitchen and got a bottle of water out of the fridge. I took a long drink. It was half way empty when I was done. I put it on the table and sat down.

“Are you okay?” David asked. I looked up and sighed, “No. I’m not. I’m hurting mentally and … usually when I run I feel better for a while. But … I can’t …” David sat next to me and touched my shoulder, “You can’t what? Tell me how you’re feeling. You can’t keep it bottled up inside.”

I put my elbow down on the table and put my head in my hand, “Ever since my mom died when I was ten I’ve been running. It may sound silly or stupid to you but I wasn’t just running for the fun of it. I was running from the pain. Away from life. My dad took mom’s death bad. Too bad. I couldn’t lean on him for support when I needed it. He leaned on me. And now he’s gone.”

I started to cry. David rubbed my shoulder, “It’s okay. Just let it out. No one’s leaning on you anymore. Lean on me. On us. We’re all here for you.” I just kept on crying. “You can’t keep on running from the pain forever, Ariel.” I cried, “I can’t do this any more. I can’t deal with this.” David pulled me into his arms and hugged me.

Keith came in and put his hand on my back, “Are you okay? Are you in pain?” I shook my head. David said, “She’s letting it out. A little bit of it anyway. This is only a taste of what she’s feeling. There’s more inside of her that she won’t let out.”

I took a few deep breaths and pulled back. I wiped my tears away, “I wanna go to school tomorrow. My head’s fine so I wanna go.” Keith frowned, “I don’t think that that’s a good idea. You just got out of the hospital yesterday.” I looked at him, “I’m not asking for permission. I’m just letting you know so you know where I‘ll be.” I walked around them and ran upstairs. I couldn’t deal with this right now. Or deal with them trying to get me to lean on them. I can’t lean on them. That’s just not me.

I layed down in bed and just cuddled up there thinking about everything. At that moment Keith came in and shut the door behind him, “Hey.” I looked at him, “What?” He came over and kneeled in front of me beside the bed, “Talk to me. You need someone to talk to.” I chuckled and frowned at the same time, “I don’t need to talk to anyone. I can’t lean on anyone with my feelings.” “Why not? We’re here for you.” He asked confused.

I shrugged, “That’s just the way I am. That’s how I’ve always been and that’s how I always will be. I wanna hold other people up. I don’t wanna have to depend on others for my problem.”

Keith touched my face. I swallowed and whispered, “What are you doing?” He leaned in, “Kissing you.” Then his lips were against mine crushing my lips. His lips were soft against mine. I didn’t kiss him back. I just stayed there. I wanted to kiss him back but . . . I couldn’t.
He felt that I wasn’t kissing him and he pulled back, “Was that wrong? I’m sorry. I should’ve asked you first. And waited for an answer. I don’t like the new you. But I can wait. You need time to heal. But I do like you.” I sighed, “I like you too. You’re beautiful. You’re sensitive but not too sensitive. You make what you want clear. For example the day you met me when you slammed me into the wall. But when I’m hurting you’re always here to try and comfort me. Although I push you away and stop you.”

“But you didn’t kiss me back.” Keith pointed out. I sat up and just sat on the edge of the bed with my feet on the floor. He sat next to me, “If you like me, then why?” I replied, “I don’t wanna let anyone in my life.” He asked, “Why not? What will it hurt?”

I looked at him, “Me. It’ll hurt me if we were to become serious about each other and then . . . It just seems that everyone that I love just dies and leaves me here alone. I’m already here alone.” Keith smiled and chuckled a little trying to ease up my tenseness, “Isn’t it a bit early to be worrying about that? To worry about losing the one you love? We like each other.”

I sighed, “You know what I mean.” He kissed my forehead, “Do you want some time alone?” I nodded, “Yeah. That’s all I want right now. That’s all I need.” He nodded and then ran out. But in a flash he was back in wheeling a T.V. in the room. He put it against the wall and handed me the remote, “Thought you could use something to watch.” I smiled, “Thank you. I can’t sleep all the time.” Keith kissed my forehead again and left.

I flipped through the channels and settled with sponge bob. Me and my mom used to watch this all the time when I was a kid and she was still alive. I smiled to myself just remembering the memories from my past.

It was around five when David brought a plate with spaghetti, “Hungry?” I smiled, “Yeah. Thanks.” He smiled and handed me the plate, “It’s nice to see you smile. You’ve been feeling so down lately.” I replied, “Well, enjoy my mood while it lasts because it won’t be for long. I was just remembering some memories about me and my mother when I was a kid.”

David sat on the side of my bed, “How was the relationship between you and your mom?” I smiled, “It was great. We were happy together. I felt of her more as a sister than a mother. We hung out all the time. Whenever she wasn’t with dad and she wasn’t at work she was with me. She was the mother figure when I needed her or when I got myself in trouble but . . . She was the sister that I never had and my mother at the same time.”

David said, “That’s good. If you need anything just call.” I nodded and he left. I began to eat. I didn’t wanna think about my feelings anymore. It hurt too much. I’m just gonna act like it never happened and brush it to the side when someone mentions it. I’ll be putting on an act like Keith said I shouldn’t but . . . I couldn’t help it. I didn’t wanna feel like this anymore. I ate my dinner and put the plate on the end table when I was done. At around seven I turned the T.V. and the lights off and fell asleep.

I woke up and looked at the time. It was ten in the morning. Damn it! I wanted to go to school today! Ugh! I got out of bed and got changed into a pair of blue jeans and a black tank top. I put on black flats and left the room.

“Happy Birthday!” They all yelled. I asked, “What is this?” Hilary said, “You said that today was your birthday. So we’re celebrating it.” I smiled, “Thank you.” Keith hugged me, “How’d you sleep?” I answered, “Good. Why didn’t you wake me up? I wanted to go to school.” David said, “You needed to sleep. And besides, it’s your birthday. Who goes to school on their birthday?” I chuckled, “I do. Or I used to until now. Thank you.”

Diana asked, “Aren’t you supposed to get a vision and find out your purpose is today since you’re turning eighteen?” I sighed and nodded, “Yeah. And I’m not looking forward to that.” We all went downstairs where I found the coffee table filled with breakfast food. I smiled, “I don’t think that I can eat all that.” Hilary said, “Well, I wanted you to have a variety to pick from when you ate this morning.” I sat down, “Thank you.”

After I ate Keith and David cleaned the table up. I said, “I could’ve helped if only you’d let me.” Diana laughed shaking her head, “No. It’s your birthday. We’ll do all the work. You just sit back and relax.” I shook my head, “I can’t do that. That’s not me.”

David came in carrying a cake with candles on it. They all started to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me. He put the cake down on the coffee table on front of me. When they were done I blew out all eighteen candles at once. They clapped. I chuckled.

I felt like I was eight again instead of eighteen. I said, “Thank you. But I’m not eating any of it right now. I just got done eating breakfast.” Diana took the cake and ran out into the kitchen. She was back in a flash, “That’s okay. We can open presents instead.” My jaw dropped, “What? Presents? I don’t need any presents. You’ve given me more than enough.” Keith smiled, “Don’t tell me that you’re refusing our gifts. That’s rude.” I looked at him, “Fine.”

David gave me a pink bag, “I didn’t know what your favorite color was so I just went with pink.” I smiled, “That’s perfect. I haven’t really had a favorite color.” Diana nodded, “Isn’t that the truth? All you wore were sweats and t-shirts. I refused to bring your clothes here. I just had to get you new clothes.” I opened the bag ignoring her criticism, “”Gee. Thanks.”

I pulled out a black thin laptop and I was shocked. They put out all this money on me? Why . . .? I hate it when people spend money on me! Ugh! I never know what to get anyone else. And there’s nothing that I could get them to make up for what they got me. I smiled, “Thanks. You shouldn’t have though.” Hilary said, “You’re apart of the family now. So yes we should have. And I’m glad we did.”

I sighed and put the laptop back in the bag. I put the bag down and went over to Hilary. I hugged her, “Thank you. But once I find a place of my own I won’t have to depend on you.” Hilary pulled back, “What? You can’t leave.” I replied, “I don’t wanna get in the way of your family anymore than I already have.”
David came over and touched my shoulder, “Ariel. You’re not getting in the way. You are apart of the family too. Don’t feel like you’re a burden - because you’re not. We like having you here.” I sighed and put on a fake smile, “Alright, alright. We can talk about this later.”

At that moment I felt dizzy. I frowned and looked down at the floor. “What’s wrong Ariel?” I heard someone ask. But I couldn’t make out who it was. I closed my eyes and fell to the floor. Everything went blank.

I opened my eyes and David, Hilary, and the rest of them were gone. It was just blank. White. Like an empty page. There were no walls nothing. But there was a black figure standing there looking down at me, “Well are you gonna get up or are you just gonna lay there?” It was a she. Her voice was soft and comforting. I felt like I should know the voice. But I couldn’t put a face to her.

I stood up, “Who are you? Where am I?” “Ariel. Remember when I told you that you would get a vision - a vivid vision - of what your purpose is?” The voice asked. I frowned, “What? You told me? No! My mother told me! And she’s dead! Show yourself!”

There was a bright light and then after a few moments the light went out. A woman with long silky brown hair stood there in a white dress. My eyes widened as I realized who she was. She smiled at me, “It’s me, my child. I’m real.” It was my mother. Tears welled in my eyes. I ran to her and hugged her, “Mom! How is this possible?” She rubbed my back, “How is anything possible? I asked the lord if I could tell you your purpose instead of him. He agreed.”

I asked, “There’s a lord? Like Jesus?” My mom chuckled, “No. There are two different heavens. One heaven, the one with Jesus, is where all the humans go. People with powers go to a different heaven. We’re not meant to be with humans in the after-life. That’s the only time we truly get to be ourselves.”

I pulled back, “I don’t ever want to wake up from this vision.” My mom smiled and wiped my tears away from my cheeks gently, “I know baby. Me too. But, unfortunately, that can’t be.” I asked, “Did you know about there being vampires in the world? Do they go to a separate heaven?” My mom sighed, “Yes I knew about vampires. I wanted to protect you from them. That’s why I didn’t tell you. And no, vampires go to the same heaven. But vampires that feed off of humans go to hell. And both humans and magical beings go to the same hell. Vampires that feed off of animals go to heaven. It’s alright if they slip up once in a while but only if it was an accident.”

I nodded, “Okay. That’s good. Because the family of vampires that I’m staying with is a very good family. They deserve to go to heaven.” My mom smiled, “Yes they are. Please give them my thanks for protecting you. And you know, just because you’re afraid of losing someone close to you again doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go with that blond. He’s really cute and he’s a nice kid. I approve.” I smiled, “Thanks mom.” She said, “And if you two become serious he has my permission to change you if that’s what you wish. You’ll still have your powers. You’ll just be half witch and half vampire.” I frowned, “I don’t wanna become a vampire mom. And . . . How do vampires go to heaven or hell if they can’t die?”

My mom answered, “Okay. Back to what I was sent here to do. Your purpose. Our purpose. Witches were created to protect the humans from vampires. We were made to kill vampires. That’s how they go to heaven or hell.” I frowned and took a breath, “But what if they don’t harm humans?” She replied, “It doesn’t matter. That’s what we were meant to do. But that doesn’t mean that we have to. We could just kill the vampires that fed on humans. But some witches don’t care. They just kill them and take away the chance of them slipping up or changing their minds.” I sighed, “Good. How’s dad? Oh, sorry. I forgot that you don’t get to see him.”

She smiled, “Actually I do. They made an exception and let him in with me. They make exceptions with humans that have been killed or exposed to the magic. That’s why it’s extremely important that you don’t let anyone see your powers or know about you. The lord doesn’t like it when there’s so many humans that know. It could put them in the nut house and ruin their lives. They could possibly kill themselves.”

I hugged her, “I love you. So. Much. Mom. I miss you.” She kissed my head, “I love you too, baby. And I miss you. I know it’s not the same but I’m always watching you. I can hear you. I can’t say anything back but you can always talk to me. I might be able to send a letter once in a while. But that’s it. And you didn’t disappoint or let me down in any way.” I smiled, “Thanks mom.” Then she disappeared and I was alone. I yelled, “Mom!” But she was gone. And so was I. Everything went black again.

I sat up quickly; I was laying on the couch. I was breathing heavily. “Ariel. Are you okay?” Keith asked. He was sitting on the edge of the couch staring at me. David, Hilary, and Diana were standing behind him staring at me as well. I hugged Keith and tears ran down my face. Keith rubbed my back, “What’s wrong? What happened?” David said, “You’re crying. Why are you crying? Are you hurt?” I laughed and shook my head, “Never been happier.”

I pulled back and smiled to myself, “I didn’t think that I was going to like finding out why I existed. What my purpose was for being a witch. But it was amazing.” Diana asked, “So what happened in your vision?” I said, “I can’t say. At least not right now. I’m too happy and sad at the same time to say it out loud.” She smiled and came over to me. She turned me around to where my feet were on the floor, “Give me your hands.” I gave her my hands and she closed her eyes. I asked, “What is she doing?” David answered, “Seeing what’s inside your head so she can see what happened in the vision.” I smiled and looked at her. She was smiling herself.

When she opened her eyes she hugged me tightly, “I love your mother! She’s the best!” She stood and went over to David. She took his hands, “Dad! We can go to heaven!” I stood up, “Well . . . while you explain to them what happened I’m gonna go upstairs and . . . think for a while.” I went upstairs and layed down in bed just staring up at the ceiling.

I’ve been thinking all this time that I’ve failed my mom in some way. But I didn’t. And now I know why I’m here. To kill vampires. But, of course, I wasn’t going to kill any vampires that fed on animals. Only the ones who fed on humans. And only if I came across them. I’m not turning into ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’. I would definitely overcome my fear and kill William Shades.

Keith came in a few minutes later and sat on the edge of the bed, “How are you doing?” I answered, “Better. I’m still angry that they’re gone. But it feels better to have been able to talk to her. And be able to hear her tell me that I didn’t fail her by letting you see my powers.” He smiled and touched my face, “Your mother seems to think that you shouldn’t be afraid to let others into your life just because you’re afraid to lose them.” I sighed, “Yeah. I know. It’s not that simple though. Oh, she wanted you and everyone here to know . . .” He finished my sentence, “That she wants to thank us for protecting you and putting a roof over your head and all that.” I smiled and nodded, “Yeah.”

“She approves of me. But there’s one thing I don’t like about her.” I frowned, “What’s that?” Keith answered, “She gave me permission to change you. I would never change you no matter what. Maybe if you were dying and you wanted me to. But not when you’re alive and healthy.” I replied, “Oh. Well, good because I don’t want to become a vampire. Even if I’m dying. No offence.” He smiled, “None taken. I’m glad that you don’t wanna become what I am. It’s not pleasant. And . . . it’s kind of painful.” I frowned, “You’re in pain?”

He shrugged, “Throat burns when I’m near humans. And I have to be careful when I kiss a human. And when you get bitten in the beginning it hurts.” I nodded, “Oh. Sorry that I’m making it harder on you.” He shook his head, “No. No. No. Don’t apologize. I’m glad that you’re here.” I smiled, “Even when it’s inflicting pain on you and your family?” He nodded, “Yes. We all talked about it and we know that we can handle it.”

Keith stood up, “Get up. I didn’t get to give you my present.” I smiled, sighed, and stood, “You didn’t have to get me anything.” He took something out of his pocket and held it up. It was a gold ‘K’ on a thin gold chain. “I thought that maybe you could wear this so that all the other guys know that you’re unavailable. You are unavailable, right?” I smiled, “I won’t make any promises but . . . I’ll give it a shot. I’m not available to anyone but you.”

He smiled and turned me around, “Good. And I’m not asking for no promises.” He put the necklace on and pulled my hair gently out from under the chain. I walked over to the mirror and looked at it. I touched the ‘K’ and smiled, “It’s beautiful. Thank you.” He put his hands on my shoulders, “I’m glad you like it.” I turned around and looked at him, “Really. It’s beautiful. Thank you.” Keith chuckled, “Well, damn. If I knew you were gonna like it so much I would’ve gave it to you sooner.” I rolled my eyes. I reached up and kissed him on his cheek. That’s all I could do right now. He kissed my forehead and we both went downstairs.

Chapter 5: School and Love

The next morning I woke up at around 6:30. I got dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top with a red heart in the middle. I never took the necklace that Keith gave me off. I put my shoes on, grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs. “Alright. Ready to go.” Keith grabbed my hand and walked with me outside, “Are you sure you’re ready to go back to school?” I nodded, “Yes.” We got in the car and drove off.

We got to school at around seven. Keith was about to get out of the car when I grabbed his hand, “Wait.” He sat back down and shut the door, “Change your mind?” I shook my head, “No. Somebody probably found my dad’s body . . .” I stopped and looked away. Keith squeezed my hand gently, “Are you emotionally ready?” I shrugged, “I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. I’m not staying away from school forever. Um . . . As I was saying, I’m going to act like I didn’t know. Like I just stayed over your place for a couple nights. So I’m gonna have to act out the first melt down. It won’t be too hard since every time I think about it I seem to break into a river full of tears. I just wanted to let you know.” He nodded, “Okay. Are you sure you wanna do this?” I nodded and got out.

We walked up to the school as if nothing happened. Melissa came up to me, “Hey. Are you okay?” I frowned, “Yeah. I’m fine. Never been better.” She hugged me and then ran off. I sighed, “I guess she didn’t know how to tell me since she ‘realized’ that I didn’t know.” Keith shook his head, “Nope.” Keith walked with me to our first class and when we walked in everyone shut up and looked at us. There were a few whispers but otherwise it was quiet. I frowned, “What? Why are you all looking at us like that?”

Mr. Fettler came over to me, “Are you okay Ariel?” I asked, “Yeah. I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” He frowned in confusion, “Where were you the past couple days?” I answered, “I was at Keith’s house. I was spending the night for a couple days. I didn’t come yesterday because I was feeling sick. Why?” He said, “Can I speak to you out in the hall?” I nodded and turned around. Mr. Fettler said to Keith, “Keith. Take a seat please. I wanna talk to her alone.” Keith looked at me. I nodded. He took a seat and I left with Mr. Fettler. This was it.

We went out into the hall and I stopped, “So what’s going on?” He came over to me, “Ariel. Haven’t you called your father while you were away?” I nodded, “Yeah. But he didn’t answer. He told me before that he might not be there because he had to do some grocery shopping. He didn’t call me back though. But I’ll see him today when I go home after school.”

Mr. Fettler touched my shoulder, “Ariel. Your friend Melissa went over to your house to visit you. She probably got worried when you didn’t show up for school yesterday. The door was open and she went in. She found your father laying in your bed.” I nodded, “Okay. He was probably cleaning my room up and he got tired. Too tired to go back to his own bed.” He shook his head, “I’m sorry Ariel. But you’re father’s dead. He was attacked by some animal. They think that it might have been a wild dog. I’m so sorry.”

I frowned and tears welled up in my eyes, “What?! He’s dead?!” Mr. Fettler nodded, “Yeah. I’m really sorry.” I dropped to my knees crying and yelling, “No! He can’t be!” The class came running out and just stood there watching. Mr. Fettler kneeled beside me and looked up at them, “Get in the classroom! Now!” They hesitated but went inside. Everyone except for Keith. Mr. Fettler said, “Keith. Get in the classroom. I need to help her right now.” Keith ignored him and kneeled beside me, “Ariel. Is it okay if I stay out here with you?” I nodded and continued to cry. Mr. Fettler sighed, “Do you think you could take her to the nurse until social services get here? Then they’ll figure out what to do with her since she’s alone now.”

Keith nodded and stood me up. He put his arm around me and walked slowly with me down to the nurse. He talked to them and they called David and Hilary. They came up to the school and filled out the paper work. And they also arranged a funeral for my dad. But I didn’t stick around for that. Keith took me home.

I sat on the couch and turned the T.V. on, “Well, that went . . . Well.” Keith sat next to me and held my hand, “How are you?” I leaned against him and sighed, “It’s hurts again. And I was trying not to open the box again.” He sighed, “Well, you shouldn’t keep it locked up in a box. You need to let it out. And there needs to be a funeral.” I said, “I don’t know if I wanna go though.” Keith put his arm around me, “It’ll be fine. Trust me. I’ll help you through it.” I layed my head against his chest, “Well, if your parents are signing papers to adopt me then doesn’t that make you my new brother?” He chuckled, “Yes and no. You could think of me that way but then you’d have to give me that necklace back.” I smiled, “Don’t worry. I won’t ever think of you that way.” “Good. ‘Cause if you did I don’t think that I could agree to feel the same way.” I smiled and snuggled up against his chest. He put his arm around me and toyed with my hair. I sighed, “You’re so warm.” He tightened his arm around me without hurting me, “Are you cold?” I nodded, “Yeah. I hate the winter.”

Keith said, “There’s a blanket over there. I would get up and get it but you seem so comfortable.” I chuckled, “I am.” “Want to use your powers to bring it over her and then I’ll cover you up with it?” With a wave of my hand the blanket came swiftly over to Keith. He grabbed it and covered me up, “There you go.” I grabbed his hand and held it close to me on my neck trying to keep warm, “Thank you.” He leaned down and kissed my head, “Your welcome.” I closed my eyes, “You don’t mind if I just doze off right here, do you? I’m tired.” He replied, “No. Go ahead. Sleep, my dear.” There was a smile in his voice. I smiled and fell asleep.

I woke up and David and Hilary were sitting on the couch watching T.V. I was still in Keith’s arms holding his hand to my neck. I sat up and stretched. Keith asked, “Sleep well?” I looked over at him and he was smiling, “Yeah. What time is it?” “Around six. You slept for a long time. If Keith was human he would have to stretch his legs right now.” David answered. I chuckled, “Yeah. He would.” I asked, “So is everything taken care of with all the papers and social services and all that stuff?” Hilary looked at me, “The paper work still has to be done and they need to ask you a few questions. Make sure your safe here and that this is where you need to be.” I sighed, “I think there’s too much paper work. When do I have to do that?” Keith answered, “Tomorrow. A social worker is going to come here at four to talk to you.” I nodded, “Okay.” I stood and went into the kitchen. I got the ham out and made a ham sandwich. I sat down at the table and ate the sandwich.

A couple days later everything was done. I was officially adopted by David and Hilary; at least to the outer world. I didn’t know their last name though. Which was strange since now I lived with them and we were technically family; even though I don’t know if I’ll ever feel like a member of their family. Truly. But . . . Oh well. I would ask Keith about it.

I shut down my laptop and was about to get up when Keith came in smiling, “Hey. What are you doing?” I answered, “Nothing. Just surfing the web.” He came over and started messaging my shoulders. I smiled and closed my eyes, “What are you doing?” He chuckled, “What does it feel like I’m doing? I’m helping you relax. Does this bother you?” I replied, “Surprisingly, no. Thank you.”

I asked, “What’s your last name? You never told me.” He paused for a second and then continued, “Taylor. Keith Taylor.” I smiled, “It’s got a ring to it.” Keith bent down and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He rested his chin on my shoulder, “So . . . what do you want to do today?” I sighed, “Prepare for tomorrow. I can’t believe the funeral’s tomorrow.” “Well, you always have a shoulder to cry on when you’re feeling upset.” He reminded me. I humped, “Yeah. When will people stop trying to get me to lean on them for support?” Keith kissed my cheek, “When will you accept it? We wouldn’t be doing it if we didn’t care.” “I know. And I appreciate that but I’m more of a person to get over it alone.” I replied.

Chapter 6: Funeral

I was dressed in a black dress that Diana made me wear. I was only going to wear a pair of black pants and a black t-shirt. I didn’t wanna dress up. There was a knock on the door, “Ariel. It’s Keith. Can I come in?” I called out, “Sure.”

He came over to me and grabbed my hands, “Are you ready?” I nodded, “Yeah. I guess. Not that I wanna go.” Keith thought that I needed to go to the funeral. As a final goodbye. He wasn’t going to let me stay home. “You have to go. You’ll feel better afterwards. Trust me.” I sighed and walked around him, “Come on then.” There was no getting out of this.

Diana looked at me and sighed, “Ariel. I still think that you should wear the heels that I bought you. They’d go better with that dress than those shoes do.” She was getting away with forcing me to wear this dress. But I wasn’t gonna wear no heels. I wore a pair of black flats. I said, “You’re lucky I gave in to wearing this since ‘somebody’ is forcing me to go. But I am not going to wear any heels.” She rolled her eyes and walked out with the rest of us to the car.

Many of my friends and some of the teachers showed up at the funeral. Melissa didn’t go though. She probably couldn’t take it since she’s the one who found the body. Her not being there didn’t bother me. What bothered me was that she had to see that.

We went to the viewing and I just sat in the seat waiting for it to be over. Keith came over to me, “Come on. It’s a viewing, You need to come view your father and maybe if you want you can stand up there and accept people’s condolences.” I shook my head, “No. I’ve seen him when he was dead once. I don’t need to see him again. And I don’t want to hear anyone telling me how sorry they are. I don’t deserve it anyway.” He frowned and sat down next to me, “What are you talking about? You don’t deserve it?” I rolled my eyes, “Never mind. Just forget I said that.” “You don’t still think that his death was your fault, do you?” I didn’t answer him. I just looked at the wall. ’Cause I did believe that it was my fault and I didn’t want him telling me that it wasn’t my fault.

Keith stood up and grabbed my hands. He pulled me to my feet and started walking towards the coffin, “Come with me.” I started to pull back, “No. I’m not going to look at him.” He continued to pull me forward, “Yes. You are. I have to show you him. Maybe you’ll believe me when I tell you that it’s not your fault.” I stopped and turned around to him, “Stop! I don’t wanna see him.” He grabbed my arms and started walking me backwards, “You have to.” I put my hands against his chest and pushed him. He flew a couple steps back and hit the ground. He slid across the floor for a couple seconds and then he stopped. My eyes widened in shock of what I just did. I didn’t mean to do that. Everybody looked up at us. Luckily it looked like I had just pushed him and that I put some force behind it. He stood up and dusted his suit off staring at me. I turned and ran outside.

I sat on the front steps and ran my hands through my hair, “Damn it! What’s wrong with me?!” After a moment Keith sat next to me. He grabbed my hand and I pulled my hand back, “Don’t touch me right now. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to use my powers on you. I didn’t realize that I was until it was too late. I’m so sorry.” He put his arm around me, “That’s okay. I forgive you. I feel so much better about it now that you told me that it was an accident.” I sighed, “This whole witch thing is going to get annoying.” He asked, “How did you deal with it before? Just deal with it like you’ve been dealing with it.” I looked at him, “I never lost control and hurt someone before. It’s never acted on it’s own because of how I was feeling.” He shook his head, “You didn’t hurt me. I’m fine.” I humped, “That’s not the point.”

Keith stood up and held his hand out for me to take, “Come on. We should go back inside. And you really need to see your dad one last time before they put him in the ground. I promise he’s not all bloody like he was before.” I sighed and grabbed his hand. He smiled and led me back inside.

People glanced at us but they didn’t stare. David came over to us before we got to the coffin, “Hey. What happened back there?” I answered, “Um, Keith was trying to get me to go see my dad. And I didn’t want to. I tried to push him back to get him to stop. I didn’t mean to use my powers. It was an accident. It reacted on my feelings.” He nodded, “Okay. Well, I thought that I’d let you know that people are worried about you and that they don’t think that they saw anything out of the ordinary. They think that you’re just a strong woman who got angry.” I nodded, “That’s good. Thank you.”

David went back over with Hilary and Keith put his arm around me and started leading me to the coffin. I swallowed and went with him. We stopped in front of the coffin and I just looked at the wall. He said to me, “Look at him Ariel.” I took a deep breath and looked down at him. His skin was so pale. It was paler than white. It seemed that way. The part where William had bit him was covered up with make-up. They put him in a suit. My dad hated suits.

Keith asked, “Do you remember what happened to him? Do you see where they covered the wound up?” I held the tears back and it showed in my voice, “Yes.” He grabbed my hands, “Who did this?” I answered, “William.” He said, “Then why do you think that it’s your fault?” I answered, “Because if I didn’t leave then he would’ve left him alone and he would still be alive.” Keith shook his head, “No he wouldn’t. William would’ve just killed him after he killed you. You wouldn’t be around any more to make sure that he kept to his promise and he wouldn’t care about breaking it. It wasn’t your fault. Do you hear me? Can’t you believe me?” I could, actually. I just needed to give myself a reason to why he died. I nodded, “Yes. But then that leaves me without a reason as to why he died.” He replied, “There’s no good reason to it. But William is just an evil and cruel monster.” I started to cry and Keith pulled me into his arms backing away from the coffin.

“Oh dear. Look at what I’ve done. They need a better make-up artist.” A familiar voice said. Both Keith and I turned around and looked at him. It was William. He was in a tux. I clung to Keith, “William. Why is he here?” Keith held me tight to him, “Get out of here Will.” He nicknamed him? At that moment David, Hilary, and Diana were there. “William. Why couldn’t just leave her alone today?” Hilary asked. William looked at her, “Hello mom. Just thought that I’d stop by and see how she’s doing.” Mom? He was their son? He was Keith’s brother? He lied to me?

“What?” William smiled at me, “Oh they didn’t tell you? I’m not surprised. They don’t like me that much. I’m not their favorite son.” I sighed, “I wonder why.” David stepped in front of us and said in a low and fierce voice, “Get out now. You’ve caused enough trouble here. Now leave.” William chuckled, “Okay. Okay. I’ll go.” He looked around him at me, “And I can’t say that I’m sorry for your loss. ‘Cause I’m actually happy about your loss. He tasted delicious. And you know what they say; the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I can’t wait until I taste you. It must be better.” Keith grinded his teeth and held back a growl.

I couldn’t help it. I let go of Keith and walked around them walking towards the door. Keith was too shocked or surprised to stop me. But they all followed me. I walked down the block until I got to an alley way. I turned there and walked down the alley. I stopped in the middle and turned around. They were there like I knew they would be. Keith, Hilary, Diana, and David came over and stood beside me. Keith asked, “Ariel. What are you doing?” I said staring at William, “Move to the side so you don’t get hurt.” He grabbed my hand, “Ariel. You’re not ready to fight him.” I took a deep breath, “Go. Or I’ll make you go to the side and stay there. But that’ll distract me. So you can either distract me and give him a better chance or move to the side.” He let go of my hand and turned to David, “Dad. We can’t let her do this. Not yet. She’s angry. It’s gonna get in her way.” David came over to me, “Ariel. Think about what you’re doing. You can’t beat him.” I replied, “Either I’m gonna kill him or he’s gonna fulfill his thirst. I don’t care. I want it to end today. Now move.” David sighed and they all moved to the side.

William smiled, “Well this should be interesting. Are you sure about this? You could lose.” I shrugged, “What else do I have to lose? Stop talking and come on.” William nodded, “If that’s your final wish.” He ran over to me and went to grab me. But I moved to the side and grabbed him by his shoulders pulling him down on the ground. He got up in a flash and grabbed me from behind. I tried to get loose but couldn’t. He held my arms to my stomach. “Ariel!” I heard Keith yell. I felt that fear again. But I couldn’t let him kill me. His teeth extended and I started to breathe heavily. William laughed, “You’re taking forever to try to get out of my grip. What’s the matter? Scared?” I levitated in the air and slammed into the wall really hard. Some of the bricks broke and fell. William let go of me and fell to the ground. But it wasn’t really a fall. He landed on his feet.

I lowered myself to the ground and prepared for him again. William ran into me slamming me against the wall. He pinned my hands against the wall above my head. I winced and held back a scream when I hit the wall. It hurt my back a lot. But it didn’t break it.

William’s teeth extended again and he bent his head to bite me. I squirmed and tried to get him off of me. But it didn’t work. He was about to bite me when Keith and the rest of them pulled him off of me and threw him back. I fell to the ground. William got up, “That’s not a fair fight but … I’ll be back when you are ready.” Then he ran off.

They all turned and looked at me. Keith came over and kneeled in front of me, “Are you okay?” I nodded and hugged him, “Yeah. My back hurts though. Thanks. I should’ve listened to you before when you told me that I wasn’t ready. I’m sorry.” He rubbed my back gently, “That’s okay. You were angry and upset. I probably would’ve done the same thing. Except I would’ve been ready.” He smiled at me trying to cheer me up a little. Keith turned to David, “Why don’t you guys stay here? I’ll take her home.” David nodded, “Yeah. I think she’s had enough for one day.” They turned and went back to the funeral. Keith picked me up and started walking towards home. I said, “You don’t have to carry me.” He nodded, “Yes. I do.” That’s when he started running really fast. So fast that nobody could see us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and layed my head against his shoulder, “Oh.”

When we got home he took me right upstairs. He set me on the bed, “I’ll be out in the hall. Call me when you’ve changed.” Then he left. I grabbed a pair of sweats and a blue t-shirt that I managed to hold on to and got changed. “You can come in now.”

Keith came in with his hands in his pockets, “Um, Ariel, I need you to take off your shirt.” “Why?” I snapped at him before he could explain. He replied, “So I can make sure your back’s okay. Don’t worry. I won’t try nothing.” I nodded and turned around. I took my shirt off and layed on my stomach on my bed. A moment later his hands were on my back. It hurt a little but it also felt good and comfortable. He said, “You have bruises on your back but nothing seems to be fractured or damaged in any way.” He backed up, “You can put your shirt back on.”

I sat up and put my shirt on. When I did he sat next to me and grabbed my hand, “Everything’s going to be okay, Ariel. I promise.” I looked into his eyes and saw that he meant it. I sighed and shook my head, “No. It’s not. Nothing’s ever going to be alright. I think I’ve learned that by now.” Keith touched my face, “I wish I could make you see that everything was going to be okay.” I leaned in and my nose touched his nose. I paused and waited. Keith asked in a whisper, “Ariel. Can I kiss you?” I smiled and continued. In a second my lips were against his. I cradled his face in my hands and grabbed his hair holding him to me. A few moments later Keith grabbed my wrists and pulled them away standing up when he did. He was frowning, “I’ll let you rest now. I’ll be in my room if you absolutely need me.” Then he left.

I layed down in bed and curled up in the blanket. It was freezing. But I wasn’t worried about the cold. I could deal with that. Why did Keith react like that? And why did he say what he did afterwards? ‘I’ll be my room if you absolutely need me.’ I repeated his words in my head. It was like he didn’t even want to see me. Didn’t he want me to kiss him? He did ask me. Was I a terrible kisser? Was I that bad? I know I’ve never kissed anyone before but I couldn’t be that bad. Could I? Tears rolled down my cheeks as I silently cried. Whenever I felt sobs crawling up my throat I shoved the blanket to my mouth to silence it. I didn’t want him to hear me and then have to feel sorry because of how he felt. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Chapter 7: Rejection is not the Case

I woke up the next morning and I felt all the emotion that I went to sleep with. I got up and walked over to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of jeans, a blank turtle neck shirt with sleeves, and got dressed. I put my sneakers on and went downstairs.

David was sitting on the couch with Hilary and Diana. I sat on the other couch and muttered, “Morning.” Diana asked, “How are you doing?” I shrugged, “I’m okay. I guess.” Hilary came over and sat next to me. She put her arm around me, “I’m sorry.” I asked, “For what? You didn’t do anything.” “For not telling you that William was my son. Anything that he does goes on me.” I shook my head, “No. It doesn’t. You have nothing to do with anything your son does. He’s on his own. Don’t blame yourself for your sons actions.” She smiled and hugged me, “So you’re not mad that he’s part of the family?” I replied, “No. You are still you. He has absolutely nothing to do with who you are. I have no reason to be mad at you.” She sat back, “Thank you.”

At that moment Keith came in with a tray that had eggs and ham on them. He came over and held it out for me, “Here. Thought that you might want some breakfast.” I folded my arms and shook my head, “No thank you. I’m not hungry.” It felt weird seeing him right here in front of me acting like nothing had happened.

He asked, “Why not? Are you feeling okay?” I answered, “I’m fine. I’m just not hungry.” He set the tray on the coffee table in front of us, “Well it’s here if you change your mind.” Then he sat down next to Hilary. David asked, “Keith. Will you go get food from the store today? The refrigerator is almost empty.” Keith nodded and looked at me, “Sure. Ariel. Wanna come with me so you can pick out what it is you want to eat?” I answered, “I was actually planning on going to see a friend. Just don’t pick up cheese.” I didn’t want to talk to him alone right now.

I got up, “See you.” Then I walked out. I went out to my truck; this was the first time in a while that I was actually able to drive my own truck myself in a while. I got in and I started the truck. I was about to drive off but I heard Keith call, “Ariel! Wait!” I opened my window and looked out, “What?”

He came over and folded his arms on the bottom of the window frame casually leaning on the car, “Which friend are you going to see?” I lied, “Melissa. Why?” “So I know where you are if anything happens. I won’t need you to tell me where she lives. She’s in your phone book, right?”

I frowned, “You went through my stuff?” He shrugged, “Checking so I know for times like this. Call when you’re ready to come home. Kay?” I nodded, “Sure. Whatever.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek. I closed my eyes when he did and quickly opened them to see him frowning at me. I sighed, “See you.” I hit the gas and sped off. He would probably question me for why I did later but right now I just needed to get out. I needed a drink. A good stiff drink. I knew exactly who I had to go see to get one. Michael. Or Mike. That’s what everyone called him.

I parked the truck in front of his house and got out. I locked it up and went up to the house. I knocked and waited. After a minute or two the door opened, “Ariel. Hey. How are you?” I answered, “Hey Mike. Okay. I was wondering if I could get a few drinks. Plain. Mixed with nothing.” He sighed, “I don’t think that you should drink while you’re upset.” I pleaded, “Please. I can’t deal with it right now. If I can’t get something to drink then I might do something else. And I think drinking is better than what I have in mind.” He nodded and moved aside, “Sure. Okay. If you put it that way then I guess I have to.” I smiled and walked inside. I was so glad that I had a twenty-three year old friend who didn’t mind me drinking.

I sat down on the couch and leaned back. After about five minutes Mike came in with a red cooler. He opened it and handed me a bottle of Smirnoff Liquor, “Here you go.” I took it, “Thank you. You’re not drinking?” He shook his head, “No. If you get drunk or pass out who’s going to take you home? Where are you living just in case I have to?” I answered, “With the Shades. They live on Jenkins street. Thanks again. I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here. Probably cutting myself or jumping off a cliff or something.”

Mike nodded, “Yeah. Probably. Remember when your mom died and you almost jumped off of that cliff? And when I stopped you from cutting yourself and said that it would be better if you drank a little?” I took a drink of the liquor and swallowed. It burned my throat all the way down to my chest. But it felt good. I nodded once I was able to speak again, “Yeah. You never let me get drunk though. You only gave me a cup mixed with ice tea. And when I was really upset you gave me a cup without being mixed with anything.” “You were only ten.” He replied. “I was already doing wrong by letting you have any. But I guess I can let you get drunk this one time.” I nodded and continued to drink.


“Maybe you should stop drinking now, Ariel. You’re way passed drunk.” I heard Mike say in a worried voice. I didn’t really hear him. I was drunk and it felt really good. This was at least my fifth bottle. I laughed, “Why? I feel . . . Fine. This is great.” I took another drink and stood up. That’s when the room started spinning. “Hey. When did you get a room that spun? That’s so . . . Cool.” I fell to the floor unconscious.


I opened my eyes and frowned, “Ow.” My head hurt. And I felt sick. I wasn’t at Mike’s anymore. I was home. Oh no. What did he do? What time is it? I looked at the clock and it read seven. Ugh! No! No! No! I got out of bed and went downstairs.

When I went downstairs everyone looked up at me. I asked, “How did I get here? I don’t remember anything.” Keith frowned, “Well you wouldn’t remember anything with the way you were drinking.” Hilary asked, “How are you feeling?” “Terrible.” And right now that’s a good thing. “Headache. I’ll be fine.”

Keith stood up and started yelling at me, “What were you thinking?! Why did you lie to me?!” I answered still talking, “Well, if I told you where I was going and what I was doing then you would have stopped me. And I’m glad I did. I haven’t done that in a long time.”

He yelled back at me, “You could’ve killed yourself! You’re lucky you didn’t hurt yourself or worse! Do you know how worried I was when your so-called friend Mike showed up here and carried you in unconscious?! He’s lucky I didn’t have time to give him what he deserved for letting you drink; let alone letting you drink that much!”

I yelled despite the pain in my head, “Don’t talk about Mike like that! He’s been nothing but a friend to me! If it weren’t for him then I probably wouldn’t be here right now! The only reason he lets me drink is because he knows that I would go and do something worse!” “Worse?! What could be worse?!” Keith asked. I didn’t want to go that far. I frowned, “You really don’t want to know.” He came over to me, folded his arms and nodded, “Yes! I think I do want to know!”

I pulled my sleeves up and held my arms out wrists facing up, “How about cutting myself?! How about jumping off cliffs hopping that one time I’ll hit a rock?! Is that worse or does drinking still beat that?!” He looked at me surprised, “Ariel. Please tell me you don’t?” I said, “Look for yourself. The scars are right there in front of you. You don’t know me like he does. I don’t do good with the pain and I don’t talk to people about it. So am I done getting lectured or do I have to listen to more on how I shouldn’t do what I do?” I turned and walked out before he could say anything.

I folded my arms and walked out to the pavement. I took a few deep breaths and then I started to run down the block. I was surprised that no one came running after me to make me go back. Maybe they thought that I needed some time alone. Maybe they finally gave up on me. I hopped that that was it. But . . . I doubt it.

I kept on running. I needed to get away from life right now. It had to have been at least an hour when I finally stopped running. I found a forest. I ran into the forest and kept on running. When I was deep into the forest I levitated into the air and sat on the first branch. I leaned my back against the trunk of the tree and brought my knees up to my chest. I folded my arms across my knees and buried my head in my lap crying. It started to rain. I mean, it was pouring. But I didn’t care. Even when I was soaked in a matter of seconds I didn’t care. I didn’t care about how cold I was or that I might get sick.

A few hours had to have gone by. I levitated down and wrapped my arms around my stomach. There was a hole in my chest that was there ever since I was ten. It’s just recently gotten deeper when my dad died. And it hurt like hell all the time. Maybe even worse than hell. Sometimes I wanted hell more than this hole in my chest.

I started walking home slowly. As slow as I could manage. I heard a car horn honk and I looked to the side. The car stopped and Hilary leaned out the window, “Ariel. Come on. We’ll drive you home.” I said, “I’ll get your car all wet.” She insisted, “Don’t worry about that. Get in.” I sighed and got in. David was the one driving and Diana was sitting by the window next to me. Diana said, “Keith’s home just in case you went home. Do you know what time it is?” I shook my head looking out the window. She added, “It’s ten going on eleven. We’ve been out looking for you for hours. Keith is worrying sick about you.” I ignored her and just stared out the window.

When we got home I got out of the car and so did everyone else. We went inside and Keith looked at me. Tears stained his cheeks. He came over and hugged me, “I’m so glad they found you.” He pulled back gripping my shoulders, “What were you thinking?! I was worried about you!” I shook my head, “Well you shouldn’t. A matter of fact, don’t worry about me. That’s not your responsibility. That’s no one’s responsibility. No one’s but my own.” He asked, “What are you talking about? Why are you saying that?” I sighed, “Because it’s true. And that’s how it’s going to be from now on. I don’t want anyone taking care of me. I can take care of myself. And if William comes back don’t try and stop him.” I turned and ran upstairs.

I got a pair of warm pajamas out of my dresser and grabbed a towel. Then I ran into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I got undressed and got in the warm water. I have no clue why I was feeling so depressed now. I think I’m finally letting all my pain show. I don’t know. But I was feeling really depressed.

I got dressed into my pajamas and went into my room. When I did Keith was sitting on my bed waiting for me. I asked, “What do you want?” He said, “Come here.” I went over and threw my towel on the chair.

He pulled me into his lap and put his arms around me, “What’s the matter? Why are you being like this? Tell me.” I moved off of his lap and sat next to him, “I said don’t worry about me.” He grabbed my hand, “Ariel. I’ve never seen you like this before. You’re scaring me. Please.” I sighed, “I don’t know. I’m in pain and the only way I know how to deal with it is to just be alone. Okay? That’s all I’m gonna say. I’m finally feeling the whole impact and then . . .” I stopped. I didn’t want to say anything more. He insisted, “And then what?” I shook my head, “Nothing. Never mind.” He asked, “Was it about the kiss yesterday?”

I looked up at him, “Yeah. But that’s not the main thing. That’s just the straw that broke the camel’s back.” “What was bothering you about the kiss?” He asked. I looked down, “Well the way you reacted afterwards. You were frowning like you were mad and then the last thing you said sounded like you didn’t want to see me. I didn’t understand. Was I a bad kisser? To me it was good. If it lasted longer it would’ve been perfect.”

Keith brought my face up to look at him, “You weren’t a bad kisser. You were great. I looked angry and I didn’t want to see you for the rest of the night because I almost lost it. I almost lost control. I never wanted your blood more than I wanted it last night. And it scared me. That’s why I left so suddenly in the mood that I was in.” I felt relief rush through me. I sighed, “Why didn’t you just tell me?” “I didn’t want you to be afraid of me.” I shook my head, “I wouldn’t have been afraid of you.” He nodded, “I know that now. Ariel. Whenever you are feeling down don’t be afraid to come to me to talk or to anyone here. I told you if you kept it bottled up inside of you that you would explode one day. I just had no idea that it would be this bad.”

I nodded, “Yeah. I know. I just don’t talk to people about my pain. I can’t.” “You’re not used to having someone to talk to about it. I’m sure once you give it a try you’ll be able to.” I shrugged, “I’m tired. I’m gonna go to bed.” He kissed my forehead, “Don’t do nothing stupid. Please. Goodnight.” Then he left.

I went in the drawer of my dresser and brought out my pocket knife with the black handle. I locked my door and sat on my bed. I stared at the knife for a while. I can’t believe that I was down to this again. I pulled my sleeve up of my left arm and placed the tip of the knife on my arm. I held my mouth shut tight and slowly cut my arm. It was up close to where my elbow bended. I didn’t cut too deep. I don’t think I did anyway. I whimpered a little bit as I cut it but when I was done I put the knife on the bed and held my arm out. It was bleeding. A lot. It would stop after a while.

I got one of my shirts out from my dresser and cut the one sleeve off. I tied the sleeve around the wound and pulled my sleeve down over the wound so no one would see it if they were to come in. I wiped the blood off of the knife and onto the ruined shirt. I put the knife away and buried my ruined stained with blood shirt underneath the mattress of my bed. Then I layed down and closed my eyes. Despite the pain in my arm I fell asleep in a matter of minutes.

The next morning I woke up and my arm was sore. But that’s not what woke me. Someone was knocking on my door. More like banging. I got up and ran over to the door. Damn it. I left it locked. I looked at my arm and touched my sleeve. It was damp. But the blood wasn’t coming out as quickly as it was last night. Because my top was black you couldn’t see the blood from looking at it. “Ariel! Are you okay?!” I heard Keith yell in.

I unlocked the door and cracked it open, “Yeah. I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” He asked, “Do you know what time it is?” I frowned, “No.” He answered, “It’s around three in the afternoon. Are you feeling okay? You don’t look too good. You look paler than usual.” I nodded, “I’ll be fine. Probably just coming down with the flu or something from staying out in the rain last night for as long as I did.” Keith frowned at me. I could tell that he could see that something was wrong. He asked, “Why won’t you let me in?” I hesitated but answered, “Because I’m about to get changed. I’ll be down in a bit.” He looked at me up and down hopping that he would find something. He gave up, “Alright. I’ll have some medicine and soup for you when you come down.” I nodded, “Thanks.” Then I shut the door.

I sighed and locked the door. I didn’t want him to come in and see my wound. I took my shirt off and the sleeve that was around my cut was no linger white. It was red and it was soaked with blood. I got the shirt and the knife out of the drawer and mattress and cut the other sleeve off. I replaced the wrapping and buried the evidence underneath the mattress. I put the knife back in my dresser. I got dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a blue shirt. It wasn’t a turtle neck but it had long sleeves. Hopefully, they would take the smell as their thirst. At the worst I’ll just say that I scrapped my arm against the wall when I fell.

I went downstairs and found no one in the living room. I stopped and frowned in wonder. “In the kitchen Ariel!” Keith called out. I went into the kitchen and he frowned, “Why do you smell like blood?” The butterflies in my stomach flew faster. I replied, “I fell and scrapped my arm against the wall. I’ll be fine. Sorry to make it harder on you.” He shrugged, “I’m fine. Your soup’s in the microwave. I’ll get it out in a minute.” He handed me a pill, “It’s a pain killer. It’ll help with the nausea.” I took it, “Thanks.” I popped it in my mouth and swallowed it.

Unfortunately it wouldn’t help me any with my arm. Only my sore throat. I heard the microwave beep and I went over. I opened it and lifted my arms to grab it. But I couldn’t lift my left arm. Damn it! What was I to say now? “I can’t reach it. Can you get it for me?” He came over and took the bowl out. Instead of giving it to me when I held my right hand out for it he put it on the counter. He held his hands out palm facing up, “Let me see your left arm. You couldn’t raise it.”

I backed up a step, “No. I just couldn’t reach it.” Keith frowned, “Let me see that cut on your arm.” I shook my head, “It’s just a scrape. Don’t strain yourself.” He replied, “I have more self-control than that, Ariel. Let me see.” I shook my head, “No.” I went to turn around but he grabbed my left arm and it hurt. I winced, “Ow! Let go! Let go!” He moved his hand down to my wrist and held my arm up. I tried to pull back but it was useless. He pulled my sleeve up and his face turned to horror.

I said, “It’s not as bad as it looks.” I looked down at it and the sleeve was red. I winced, “Okay. Maybe it is as bad as it looks. I’m sorry. I . . . I . . . I won’t do it again. I swear.” Keith took the sleeve off and my cut was all blue. It looked infected. I cut it deeper than I thought I did. Keith picked me up and took me into the other room.

He yelled, “DAD! GET DOWN HERE! QUICK!” In a flash David was downstairs, “What in the world happened to her?!” Keith sat me down on the couch, “We can ask her later! Get your bag!” David left and was back in a flash with a black doctors bag. “What are you doing? You’re not a doctor.” David said, “I could be.” Keith growled, “He’s a better doctor than anyone in this state.” I turned my head as he worked on my arm. Whenever it hurt I squeezed the arm of the couch and held my breath. Keith was pacing back and forth behind me not once meeting my gaze.

After about fifteen minutes David sighed, “Done. Your arm’s all stitched up and you’ll be able to lift it without any pain in a few days.” I nodded, “Thank you.” He said, “Ariel. What happened?” I looked down, “I . . . I couldn’t deal with the pain so I cut myself. It’s been a while since I’ve done it so I swear it was an accident for it to be so deep. I only meant for it to be a small cut. Nothing serious.” David looked up at Keith, “Keith. Son. Please try to calm down. She’s going to be fine.” Keith replied raising his voice a bit, “Yeah! This time! What about the next time she decides she can’t talk to me and she can’t deal with the pain?! What if she gets a vein next time?! What if she dies?! All of our efforts of trying to save her from William will be lost; not to mention how upset I would be if she were to die!”

I muttered not able to raise my voice any but I knew he would hear me, “I’m sorry. I’m not going to do that again. It was a mistake and I swear that it won’t happen again.” “How can I believe you? I mean, I understand that you’re upset and you’re depressed. I get that. I really do. But you can’t . . . you can’t do this.” I replied, “You can believe me. The knife is in my top drawer. Take it away. And I hid the evidence of this under my mattress.” Keith ran upstairs.

David sat next to me, “Ariel. Now you really need to talk to someone.” I shook my head, “No. I don’t. I just need to find a different way to handle it that distracts me from the pain without hurting myself.” I looked at my arm and just starred at the white bandage that he had put on.

David touched my back, “Please Ariel. None of us here like to see you in pain. You’re . . . you’re like family to us.” I started to breathe heavily. I didn’t have a family anymore. Why was he saying that I was family? He continued, “And as part of the family . . .” I interrupted standing up, “I don’t have a family! I don’t have a family! I’m alone in this world! Can’t you see that?!” I turned and went out front. I sat on the front steps and held my right arm around my stomach. Tears ran down my face. I don’t know why I felt so strongly about that but I just did.

David came out and stood in front of me, “Hey. I’m sorry if I upset you saying that you were family. But you are. We’re not trying to replace them. They will still be your family. But now you just got more.” I looked to the side. I wanted to say ‘No I don’t.’ But that would just hurt his feelings. He sighed and went inside touching my shoulder as he did.

A few minutes later Keith came out and sat beside me. He had the evidence and the knife in his hand. He threw the evidence into the street and opened the knife up. He squeezed the knife in his hand. I panicked, “Don’t! You’ll hurt yourself!” He humped, “Not like you did. Vampire, remember?” The metal didn’t cut him. It was crushed into small pieces and he dropped the handle to the ground when he was done. Even though it still bothered me I knew that it wouldn’t hurt him.

Keith looked at me, “Talk to me.” I asked, “What do you want me to talk to you about?” “About how you’re feeling. Dad told me what just happened when I went upstairs to get the knife. He said you went crazy when he mentioned you being family.” I sighed, “I’m sorry. I can’t . . . I don’t know why I reacted like that. I just don’t want another family. I want my own family but they’re gone so now I don’t have one. I shouldn’t have overreacted like that. I’ll apologize to him when I go in.” He shook his head, “No. Don’t. There’s nothing to be sorry about. It’s understandable for you to feel that we’re trying to replace your family.” I interrupted, “I don’t think that at all. That’s not how I feel.” He replied, “You don’t know it yet. But deep inside that’s what you’re feeling. And that’s okay. It’s okay to feel that. But you need to know that we would never try to replace them. We’re just trying to add to your family. ‘Cause you are family to us.”

I layed my head against his shoulder, “Wish I could say the same here.” He ran his hand along the side of my face, “With this cutting yourself and hurting yourself. It has to stop.” I replied, “I know. I promise. I won’t hurt myself anymore.” He nodded, “Okay. I’m going to be keeping an eye on your appearance to make sure. But I’ll leave it at that.” I stood up, “I’m gonna go for a walk. I think that that’s safer than cutting. I won’t be gone long.” “Alright.” I turned and left.

Chapter 8: Death or Become a Vampire

I walked until I got to the cliff everyone called Freddy’s cliff. They called it Freddy’s cliff because a guy named Freddy would live up here in a tent. Whenever kids came up here he would be very nice to them no matter how mean they were to him. And if someone came up here to kill themselves he would talk to them. Get them to see life better than it really was. And they listened to him. One day he was found up here dead. It was said that he died of old age. More people committed suicide since he’s been gone. I would’ve been one of them if it weren’t for Mike.

I sat at the edge of the cliff and brought my knees up to my chest. I stared out at the waves that crashed into the rocks at the bottom and the waves that hit the cliff. I was down there once. But I landed in the water. I didn’t hit the rocks. I swam to the beach and climbed out. I remember when my mother would take me up here and tell me stories about the water and the wind. She said these ones weren’t true. That she had just made them up to entertain me. But she made them sound real the way she told them. The way she told stories and read books aloud was remarkable. You’d feel like it was true. Like you were in it. I loved how she told me stories. I miss her stories and everything. I missed having her around.

“What are you doing up here all alone Ariel?” I heard William’s voice ask. I stood up and turned around, “William. Please not right now.” William walked towards me, “Now why would I do that when I have the advantage of you being depressed?” He glanced at my arm and then back up at my face, “What happened to your arm?” I took a few deep breaths and answered, “I . . . cut myself. David stitched it up for me.” He smiled crookedly, “Wow. You humans love causing yourselves pain. And then you get mad at me when I kill you humans. Whatever. I can either kill you or turn you into a vampire. I’ll let you choose which one you want.” I frowned, “What? You’re going to let me choose if I want to die or live forever damned?” He nodded, “Yes. But I wouldn’t say that you’d be damned. You’d be blessed.”

I had to make the choice now. Become a vampire or die. I wasn’t about to become a vampire. And I wasn’t going to die by his hands . . . Teeth; in this case. I sighed and backed up, “Well, since I have no choice. I think I’d rather die.” That’s when I turned around and jumped off the cliff. The rush was amazing. But what layed ahead of me was going to kill me. Luckily, I landed in the water. I came back up a minute later. The water was practically throwing me around. I hit into the rock and hit my head. It hurt so bad that I fell unconscious.

I opened my eyes to see that I was in a hospital bed. In a hospital. Ugh! Of course. I knew if I ever woke up that I would wake up in a hospital. I looked around and saw Keith standing on the other side of the room with his hands in his pockets looking out the room. “Keith.” I whispered. I didn’t know how my voice would sound but my throat was hurting. He turned around and rushed to my side, “You’re awake.” He grabbed my hand, “You had me worried.” “Sorry.” I whispered. “I . . .” “Don’t. Not right now. We’ll talk about this when we get home.” He interrupted me; angry now.

Before there was relief in his voice but now there was anger and his face showed it too. After the doctor examined me he said that it would be okay for me to go. Keith carried me out to the car and I fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up and I was in my room. Alone. I got up and walked downstairs. Hilary and David were sitting on the couch with Diana. I sat on the other couch, “Where’s Keith?” Diana answered, “He’ll be back in a moment. He’s just letting off some steam before he talks to you.”

At that moment Keith came in through the front door and sat next to me, “We need to talk. You promised that you wouldn’t do this again. You lied to me. How could you do that? After everything you’re still trying to kill yourself.” I nodded and rolled my eyes, “Yeah. I guess you would see it as that.” There was so much anger in me that he didn’t even ask me what happened or anything. Ugh! He asked with extreme irritation, “What are you talking about? It was that. If it wasn’t that then what was it?” I chuckled humorlessly, “Now you ask. No that’s okay. If you wanna believe that I was trying to kill myself again then fine. Doesn’t make a difference to me.”

David interrupted our little dispute, “If that’s not what happened then tell us what did happened.” I started, “I did jump. But . . .” “Like I said. You did jump.” Keith interrupted me. I slammed my hand down on my lap and looked at him, “Are you done? I think you should wait outside for someone to tell you what happened.” He rolled his eyes but just sat there and continued to stare at me. I continued, “But I had to jump. I went up to the cliff to just sit there and I was just thinking about when my mom took me up there to tell me stories and all that. That’s when William showed up.”

Keith stiffened beside me as he realized that he was wrong. So wrong. I said, “He offered me a life as a vampire or he could just kill me. But I didn’t want either and I couldn’t fight him at the time so I jumped. I landed in the water but the water threw me around and I hit the rock. That’s when I fell unconscious.”

David sighed and looked at Keith, “That’s a relief. We thought we were going to have to take you to a vampire doctor so you could talk to them without worrying about exposing any of us here.” Keith grabbed my hand, “I’m . . . I’m so sorry. Ariel. I jumped to conclusions. I should have asked you what happened.” I brought my hand back and folded my arms over my chest, “Well there’s no need to apologize. You overreacted and didn’t wait for an explanation. Everyone does it.” It was true. Everyone does do it. But the way I said it he could tell that I was angry and mad at him.

He pulled me against his chest and held me close to him, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” I sighed, “I guess I understand why you would think that I tried to commit suicide. I forgive you. Just ask next time.” He kissed my head, “I will. I swear.” I cuddled up closer to him, “It’s cold.” David handed Keith a blanket, “Cover her up with this.” Keith took it and wrapped it around me and then wrapped his arms around me rubbing my shoulders trying to warm me up. “Thank you.” I whispered. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms a few minutes later.
I had a dream. It was more of a nightmare. I was seeing William. Flashes of him. Like a slideshow of his pictures. I was panicking. Then the pictures stopped. And I saw William killing my father. I just stood there watching. I yelled, “No! Stop!” But he didn’t. I tried to move but I couldn’t. I tried to make him fly across the room with my mind but I couldn’t. I was helpless. Useless. But then William stopped and looked up at me, “He tasted good. But not as good as you will.” I yelled, “No! Leave me alone!” He laughed and grabbed my shoulders. I couldn’t move. Then his teeth extended and he bit me. I screamed.

I sat up quickly sucking in a deep breath. It was so bad that I could hear the air being sucked in. I was still in my room. “Are you okay?” Keith was sitting on the edge of my bed. I breathed heavily and looked around. Still checking that I was in my room. He grabbed my shoulders gently, “Ariel. You’re in your room. You’re home. You’re safe.” I placed my head in my hands and began to cry.

Keith pulled me against his chest and wrapped his arms around me, “Hey. It’s going to be okay. What happened?” I cried, “He killed him! And then he’s going to kill me!” “No he’s not. I won’t let him. I promise.” I shook my head against his chest, “Don’t promise something you can’t be sure of. He could . . . He could get me when I’m alone or he could get around you. You can’t protect me from him all the time.” He rubbed my back, “Ariel. I know it’s going to be hard but I. Won’t. Let. That happened.” I held him close to me and breathed in his scent to calm me down. I don’t know why or how but his scent was sweet and it always calmed me down a bit.

I stopped crying and I wiped my tears away. I pulled back and looked at his shirt. I ruined it. I whispered, “I’m sorry. I ruined your shirt.” He shrugged, “It doesn’t matter.” I asked, “What were you doing in here anyway?” He answered, “I came to check in on you and you were talking in your sleep. Almost yelling. I came in and sat next to you for when you woke up.” I nodded, “Oh. Do you check in on me all the time?” He nodded, “Yeah. To make sure you’re still breathing.” I asked, “Why?”

Keith sighed and touched my face, “Because I care about you.” I frowned, “There’s more to it. Isn’t there?” He hesitated but then he shook his head, “No. Of course not.” I pushed his hand off of my face and said in a serious tone, “Keith. Yes there is. What is it? Tell me the truth.” He sighed and answered, “Hilary has the power to see the future. Not really. But she can see how someone dies. And . . .” “She saw how I die?” He nodded, “Yes. You go after William in the middle of the night when we can’t stop you. And . . . He kills you. Well he bites you . . . And we find you in a park laying on the ground shaking turning into a vampire.” I started breathing heavily again and I got off of the bed. I folded my arms across my chest and paced back and forth. He just sat on the bed watching me.

I said, “And you thought that you would keep that from me? I have a right to know. I’m the one he wants. When did you plan on telling me?” He replied watching me, “I wasn’t. I wanted to protect you. You’re scared. I didn’t want to scare you anymore.” “You need to tell me when it concerns me. You can’t hide stuff like that from me.” Keith stood up and came over to me, “Come on. You need to go back to sleep.” I continued to pace back and forth, “No.” He stepped in front of me stopping me. I asked, “What?” Keith pulled me into his arms and looked into my eyes, “Go back to sleep. I’ll be right here. You don’t have to be afraid. I’ll protect you.” I shook my head, “I couldn’t sleep right now anyways.” I reached up and kissed him. Of course, he pulled away a few moments later and he smiled to hide his frustration, “Now what was that for?” To calm me down.

I smiled, “You are my boyfriend, aren’t you?” He nodded, “Yeah.” “Then aren’t I aloud to kiss you whenever I want?” He chuckled, “Yeah. You know, you are extremely cute when you put aside your worries and just do what you wanna do.” I rolled my eyes, “Sure, sure. I wonder who’s lying to you.” He frowned, “You are cute. More than cute. You’re beautiful.” I smiled, “Thank you.” I pulled back and left. He followed, “Where are you going?” I answered, “Downstairs to watch T.V. What time is it?” “About five in the morning.”

At around eight Hilary and David came down and sat on the couch with us. Hilary sat next to me. Keith was on my other side. And David sat on the other side of Keith. It was a good thing their couches were big enough or we would all be squished. Hilary asked, “How are you feeling? Does your head hurt?” I shrugged, “A little.” Keith looked at me, “You didn’t tell me that your head was hurting.” I replied, “Because I’m fine.” He put his arm around me and held me closer to him, “Let me know if it gets any worse.” I nodded, “I will.”

At nine Diana came down smiling, “Good morning.” She looked at me and her smile disappeared, “What’s wrong with you?” I answered, “Nothing.” “It doesn’t look like nothing. You’re pale.” I smiled, “I’m always pale.” “Not as pale as you are now. How’s your head?” Keith asked.

I looked at him and he was frowning. I said, “It’s just a little headache. Hitting your head, drowning, having nightmares, finding out that you’re gonna become a vampire . . . It all leads up to a headache.” Hilary frowned, “You told her?” I looked at her, “Not exactly. I kind of made him tell me. He told me that he checks in on me all the time and I made him tell me why.” She nodded. “Oh.” She touched my hand, “Well, don’t worry. We’re not going to let that happen.” I sighed, “You can’t protect me . . . All the time. He’s gonna get to me one of these times. But thanks. For trying to anyway.”

At that moment my vision went blank. And I knew I was having a vision. I was in the park yelling, “William! Where are you?! I know you’re in here!” I was furious. I just stood there breathing heavily. But not in fear. In anger. I looked like an animal getting ready to catch it’s prey; although I was the prey and he was the predator, the animal. That’s when William came out from behind one of the slides. He smiled, “What’s the matter? You looked pissed off. Like you’re about to kill someone.” I frowned, “I am. I’m gonna kill you!” I ran up to him and levitated into the air kicking him in the face as I did. I landed behind him and grabbed him by his shoulders. I pulled back slamming him into the ground and the ground shook a little. William got up and the ground was broken into where he was laying. He turned to me and laughed, “You’ve gotten better.” He came after me and before I knew it he was holding my arms behind me. He whispered in my ear, “But you’re not good enough.” I crouched down and then jumped into the air. I flipped behind him and twisted his arms behind his back. He yelled and my hands were glowing red. I guess that they were hot. Burning him.

He grabbed my hands and swung me above him slamming me into the ground. I screamed in pain. And I couldn’t move. I layed helpless on the ground. He must have broken a couple ribs or my spine. He stood over me smiling, “You’re more powerful than I thought. If you would have been trained then you might have beat me.” He laughed, “Might have. But probably not even then.” He kneeled beside me, “Looks like your spine is broken. You’re paralyzed.” He bent down and that’s when he bit me. The vision ended with me screaming.

“Ariel. Ariel. What’s wrong with her?” I heard Keith ask. And that’s when my vision came back. They had layed me down on the couch and Keith was sitting on the edge of the couch staring at me. Everyone was standing around me watching me. I looked around and Keith grabbed my hand, “Ariel. Are you okay?” I nodded and sat up, “Yeah.” “What happened?” David asked. I said, “I had a vision. And when I do I just black out. People have told me that I look like I just go into a deep stare.” I got up and walked across the room. My head felt light-headed. I sat down on the floor, “What . . . ?” Keith kneeled in front of me and grabbed my shoulders, “Ariel. Damn it! What’s going on?!” I closed my eyes and my head fell back unconscious.

I opened my eyes and I was laying on the couch with a blanket covering me. The others were sitting on the other couch looking at me. Keith was kneeling by my side in a flash, “Are you okay? How are you feeling?” I frowned and swallowed. My throat was dry and I couldn’t say anything. He must have seen that and he handed me a cup of water. I sat up and when I did he put his arm around me holding me up. And I actually felt like I needed him to help me up. I took a drink and then I went to put the cup on the coffee table but Keith grabbed it and put it on the coffee table for me.

He sat on the couch and leaned me against him so that I could sit up. He put his arm around me and grabbed my hand. I said, “I had a vision of when William kills me. He doesn’t turn me he just kills me. And I guess with my head hurting from what happened I just passed out afterwards.” “It was too much for your brain to handle at the moment.” Hilary stated. I nodded, “Yeah.” I layed my head back against Keith’s lap and looked up at him. He touched my face, “I was so worried about you. I would’ve took you to the hospital but I didn’t know if it was something that happened when you had a vision or not. I didn’t want the doctors to find out about you if it was.”

David, Hilary, and Diana all stood up staring angrily at something behind the couch I was laying on. Keith tightened his arms around me holding me closer to him and he was also looking in the direction they were looking in. Keith growled, “Who are you?” I looked over and my eyes widened. My mother was standing there staring at me with concern in her eyes. She was wearing a long white gown. She looked really pretty. I whispered, “Mom.” Keith’s expression relaxed more and he looked at me, “She’s your mother? Isn’t she dead?” I nodded, “Yeah. Mom. How are you here?” She said, “I needed to talk to you. Lord Adam let me come down here to talk to you since I never taught you. But I can’t stay long.” I went to get up but she came over and sat on the edge of the couch. She put her hands on my shoulders gently pushing back, “Don’t get up, baby. You’re not well.” I moved over to give her more room to sit there.

I asked, “What do you mean I’m not well? Why? What’s wrong with me?” David, Hilary, and Diana sat back down on the couch but they didn’t relax. Keith moved his arms to the side giving me room to be with my mom. But he was ready to protect me if this was some trick. But I knew it wasn’t.

My mom moved the hair out of my face, “Honey. You’re sick. But you can’t go to the hospital.” I frowned, “Sick with what?” She shrugged, “I don’t know what they call it but you’re too stressed. Way too stressed. When a witch has too much stress on them they get sick. They become weak.” I shook my head, “Then how come this didn’t happen before? That should’ve happened when I turned ten.” She sighed, “Yeah. It would seem that way. You were under a lot of stress when I left. But it takes a while for it to happen. I don’t know why. Nobody knows; it just is.” I asked, “Why hasn’t Lord Adam explained it to you?” She shrugged, “He doesn’t like to reveal too much. But that doesn’t matter right now. What’s important right now is that you get better. This is serious Ariel.”

Keith asked, “How serious?” My mom looked up at him, “She could die.” He looked down at me and then back up at her, “What? Why? Over stress?” “Stress is a heavier burden than you think. And it’s even more dangerous with a witch than it is with a human.” My mom looked down at me, “I don’t know how but you have to relax and take this stress off of you.” I asked, “Mom. How can I not be stressed when someone is constantly trying to kill me?” She nodded, “I know that’s going to make it harder on you but you have to find a way around that. He won’t come after you for a while so that gives you time to relax. Try to hang out with your friends. Be human.” I smiled weakly, “Mom. I think we all know that I’m not ever going to be human.” She smiled, “Yes you will. You’ll always be a witch. But you won’t always have your powers. Old age takes that away.” I frowned, “Well I won’t be human now. When I need to be.” David added, “You can act human. Do human stuff. Your friends could come over later.” I sighed, “Fine. I’ll try to be human for a while. Why does being a witch have to be so complicated?” My mom grabbed my hand and smiled, “Life’s complicated, sweetie.” She kissed my forehead, “I love you. Stop hurting yourself.” I hugged her, “I will. I love you too. So much.”

She touched my face and then stood up. She looked at David and the rest of them, “Thank you for protecting my baby.” David nodded, “She’s family to us as well so we will always protect her with the best of our abilities.” I sighed and just stared at my mom. My mom looked at me, “Ariel. Don’t be afraid to let them into your heart. You won’t lose them too.” I frowned, “Mom. Did you have to say my fears aloud?” She smiled, “Yes. You won’t talk to them so I spoke for you.” I rolled my eyes, “I miss you mom.” She blew me a kiss, “I miss you too. I gotta go.” I stiffened, “No. Mom, wait.” That’s when she disappeared into thin air.

I stared at where she stood for a while waiting for her to come back. I knew she wouldn’t but my eyes wouldn’t let me look away. Hilary said, “Your mom’s very pretty. You look just like her.” “Now we know where you get all your good looks from.” Diana added. I turned on my side and wrapped my arm around Keith’s waist. I buried my head in his stomach.
He put his hand on my shoulder, “Are you okay?” I answered, “Yeah.” I realized that I was crying. Ugh. Diana asked, “Why are you crying?” I smiled and shrugged, “I don’t know. I just miss her a lot.” Keith touched my face and I looked up at him.
He wiped my tears away and his face was serious, “Ariel. Promise me that you’ll relax and get rid of this stress.” I said, “Keith. I . . . I’ll try. But . . .” “That’s not good enough.” He interrupted. “You need to promise me that you’ll get rid of the stress. I don’t want to lose you.” Hilary said, “Keith. Don’t stress her out. You pressuring her to get rid of the stress ain’t gonna help her any.” Keith sighed and looked into my eyes. I could see something in his eyes. His eyes were agonized. He was in pain. As much pain as I was in when I thought about ever leaving him.

I reached up and pulled his face to mine. I whispered, “I promise.” I kissed him. When he pulled away he asked, “Need anything?” I whispered, “No. I’m tired.” He went to pick me up but I touched my one hand to his chest and pushed back, “No. I wanna lay right here. If you don’t mind?” He settled back and placed his hand on my waist. His other arm was under my head. His hand rested on the back of my shoulder while I used his arm as a pillow. He said, “I don’t mind at all. I just thought you would like to rest where it’s more comfortable and quiet.” I closed my eyes and smiled, “I am comfortable. And you talking won’t bother me.” He let it go but no one said anything and they turned the T.V. off anyway. I fell asleep in a few minutes.

Chapter 9: Relieving Stress

The next day at around three in the afternoon Keith came in with a glass of water. I was sitting up in bed covered up to my hip with the blanket. He sat on the edge of my bed and handed me the glass, “How are you feeling?” I took a drink, “How does anybody sick feel?” He smiled and put the glass on the end table when I handed it to him, “How do you feel about visitors?”

I frowned, “Who?” He smiled, “How about Melissa, Mike, and Sam?” I said, “You don’t like Mike. Why would you invite him over if you don’t like him?” He sighed and nodded, “You’re right. I don’t like him. At all. He let you drink and he let you drink that much. But he’s your friend. So I’m going to let him over. And he did make sure you didn’t try to kill yourself before. So I’m going to put my feelings aside and let him come over.” I grabbed his hand, “I guess they can come over. And thanks for letting him over.” He smiled and turned his head, “You can come in now!” I frowned, “They’re here already?”

The door opened and Mike, Melissa, and Samantha came in. They all had something in their hands. Mike had a bouquet of roses, Melissa had a basket and a little white blanket covered it, and Sam had a card. I frowned and looked at them, “What is this?” Keith got up, “I’m gonna go downstairs. Call me if you need me.” “Can you get me some soup while you’re down there?” I asked smiling. He smiled and kissed my cheek, “Of course. Be right back up.” Then he left.

Mike and Melissa came and stood on my left and Sam stood on my right. Mike said, “I didn’t think that he was going to let me back in the house. The last time I was here I was carrying you. You should’ve seen him. He yelled at me and . . . Well I’m just surprised I’m here.” I rolled my eyes, “He’s not that bad.” He laughed, “You’re right. He’s worse.” I smacked his arm, “Knock it off or I’ll kick you out.” He put his hand up to surrender, “Okay, okay. Here.” He handed me the roses, “These are for you. Keith told me that you were sick so I thought I’d bring you this.” I took them and smiled, “Thank you. But I’ll be better. I’m not dying.” Not yet anyway.

Melissa said, “Yeah well, you never know when you’re sick. It could turn serious.” Melissa’s sister got sick with the flu and it started out minor. But then it got worse no matter what the doctors did and she died. So, needless to say, she’s pretty sensitive to people getting sick.

I sighed and nodded, “Yeah. You’re right. What’s that?” She handed me the basket, “My homemade chocolate chip cookies that you always love. I made twenty of them.” I laughed, “I’m sick not pregnant.” I took the blanket off of the basket and looked inside. They looked delicious. I smelled them, “You just baked them today, didn’t you?” “The fresh ones are the best ones.” She smiled. I put the blanket over them and put them on the end table, “I can’t eat them right now. But I will eat them when I get better.” Her shoulders dropped a little but she smiled, “Okay.”

Sam sat on the bed leaning against the wall, “Here. We got a card for you.” I moved over closer to her and patted the bed, “Sit.” Mike and Melissa sat on the edge of the bed and watched me closely. I don’t know why but they did. I took the card and opened it.

The card was pink and it had stars on it that sparkled. I opened it and something fell out. It was a gift card for DOTS. I picked it up and read the card. It just read:

Get well soon. There’s 300 dollars on the card. Have fun.
Sam - Melissa - Mike Friends Forever

I looked up at them and frowned, “Three hundred dollars on it? Why’d you put so much on it?” Sam tapped my shoulder, “You’re complaining? You should be overwhelmed with joy.” I sighed and smiled, “Thank you. Really. I just don’t like when people spend money on me.” She put her arm around me, “You need to get a new wardrobe.” I groaned, “I already did. Keith’s sister made me get a new style.”

At that moment Keith came in with the bowl of soup. He came over and handed it to me, “Here you go. I’ll be up to kick everyone out at five.” I smiled, “Thank you.” He left. Mike and Sam started babbling about what’s been going on at school. They were the worst at gossiping. They gossiped the most. Even if they didn’t know what they were talking about.

In the middle of the conversation I started to feel light-headed. And it was only around three-thirty. I said, “Um . . . I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. I’m not feeling too good right now. Sorry.” They looked worried but they didn’t argue. Sam and Mike gave me a hug and told me to get better.

When Melissa hugged me I asked her, “Melissa. Could you ask Keith to come up here?” She nodded, “Sure. I’ll tell him. I’ll call you later. Get better.” Then she left. I leaned back against the bed board and closed my eyes. It was getting cold in the room and it was hard for me to breathe. I could still breathe but it took more effort.

After a few moments Keith was sitting on the edge of the bed. I didn’t even hear him come in so when he grabbed my hand I jumped. He said, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you. You wanted me? And you kicked your guests out early?” I nodded, “Yeah.” He frowned, “Ariel. What’s wrong with your voice?” I answered, “Nothing. It’s just getting hard to breathe. I mean, I can breathe but it’s taking more effort to do so. And I feel light-headed.”

He froze. I sighed, “It’s getting worse.” A tear escaped the corner of his eyes. I reached up and touched his face wiping his tear gently with my thumb, “I’m sorry. I guess it’s going to get worse before it gets better. I swear I tried to get in with the conversation but I don’t gossip. I guess my stress level isn’t going down any.”

Keith touched my hand and held it to his face, “Ariel. If I tell you something will you get even more stressed out about it?” I said, “I don’t know. Is it good or bad?” “Good. At least I think it is.” “Then go ahead.” I said.

He released my hand from his face and just held both of my hands in his. He looked me and the waiting was driving me insane. But I waited and looked him in the eye as well. Finally, he said, “I love you.”

I smiled and sighed, “That relieves some of the stress. I’ve been dying to tell you the same thing. Quite literally.” I touched his face with both of my hands and brought his face to mine, “I love you too.” I kissed him.

But I had to break the kiss earlier then when he usually did. I sighed, “Sorry. I couldn’t breathe.” He layed his head against my chest and sighed, “That’s okay.” He got up and layed me down, “Get some rest.” I said, “It’s cold. Freezing.” He covered me up and turned the heater on. He was about to leave but I said, “Keith. Could you stay with me? Just lay here with me until I fall asleep?”

He nodded and in a flash he was laying next to me under the blanket. I cuddled up next to him and layed my head on his chest. I slowly ran my fingers against his chest. He had his arm around me and he played with my hair. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up Keith was sitting up on the bed next to me just staring at me. “What’s the matter? Did I wake you?” He asked with deep concern. I shook my head. It was getting worse. A lot worse. I was wising. It was getting much more hard to breathe. I whispered, “No.” I took a breath, “It’s getting harder . . . To breathe. I couldn’t sleep.” He ran his hands through his hair, “I hate this! And it’s even worse when I don’t know what to do! I’m helpless!” I sat up and touched his knee, “Like I said . . . It’ll get worse before it gets better. You’re not helpless. There’s just . . . nothing that any one can do to help me.” He frowned, “I wish there were. I don’t wanna lose you.” I got up and slowly made my way to the door.

Keith got up and in a flash he was standing in front of me grabbing my shoulders, “Where are you going? You can hardly breathe let alone walk. You need to get back in bed.” I took in as much air as I could and said, “I wanna sit on the couch downstairs. I don’t want to be on bed rest all the time.” He sighed and picked me up and ran downstairs.

“What’s she doing down here?” Diana asked. “Isn’t she sick?” Keith nodded, “Yeah. More then sick. She can hardly breathe.” She looked at me and then back at Keith, “Well take her back upstairs. She can’t be out of bed.” I said, “I don’t . . . want to . . .” Damn it. I can’t even finish a sentence without having to stop to take a breather. I continued, “. . . stay in bed all the time.” Keith sighed, “I’m gonna let her sit on the couch until it gets to be too much for her.” Diana nodded. But she looked concerned. More concerned for me than I thought she should be.

Keith put me down carefully on the couch and sat next to me. I asked, “What time is it?” He answered, “About eight. Do you want anything to eat?” I shrugged, “I guess . . . It couldn’t hurt to try.” He asked, “Soup? I think it would be best with the way you can’t breathe.” I nodded. He got up and left.

Diana sat on the couch next to me, “Is there anything I can do?” I shook my head, “There’s nothing . . . That anyone can do. Thank you though.” She grabbed my hand, “Ariel. You’re like a sister to me . . . You are a sister to me. I don’t want to lose my only sister. Please try to get rid of the stress.” I nodded, “Right. I am.”

Later on that night at around eleven everyone was sitting on the couches. Keith was the only one not sitting on the couch. He was standing next to the couch next to me. I was sitting by the arm of the couch holding my stomach right underneath my chest. My legs were propped up on the couch underneath of me to the side. Diana sat next to me. And Hilary and David sat on the other couch. The T.V. was on and I was semi watching it.

It was hard to pay attention to something when you’re trying to concentrate on breathing. They weren’t paying much attention to it either. They were watching me. Although, they tried to hide it. It was quite obvious when they all stiffened when my face would occasionally turn a little red from lack of oxygen. But I would always get my lungs to work again.

Keith asked, “Do you wanna go to bed? Get some rest?” I shook my head, “No.” David said, “You should.” I didn’t want to say this but they’ve been insisting on me getting some rest since I got down here. They wouldn’t quit bugging me about it when every time they asked and I said no. I took a breath, “With the way I’m breathing . . . I may not wake up if I go to sleep.” I took a breath, “I won’t be able to . . . Concentrate on breathing if I’m asleep.”

Keith dropped to his knees by my feet and layed his head on my lap. He wrapped his arms around my legs and gripped them gently, “Ariel.” I could tell he was crying. I touched the top of his head, “Don’t cry. I’m okay with this.” He asked, “How can you be ready for death, Ariel?” I answered, “Because once it got worse . . . I prepared myself for what’s coming.” David said, “You can’t give up now. You gotta fight.” I nodded, “I am. I’m not giving up. But it’s unavoidable. Whether I like it or not I won’t . . . I won’t be here much longer.” Hilary turned her head away from me so that I wouldn’t see her tears run down her face.

I couldn’t breathe again. Keith lifted his head and looked up at me. They all realized that I couldn’t breathe. They always realized when I couldn’t breathe. But I just smiled to try and comfort them that it would be over soon.

But this time it went longer than it usually did. My smile dropped and I stared at the T.V. I gripped my jeans trying to ignore the pain it caused. This was it. This was when I would go. I leaned down to Keith and hugged him. He panicked, “Ariel. Breathe.” I couldn’t take it no more. I wasn’t unconscious but I couldn’t hold myself up. I dropped onto him and I just hung there.

Keith layed me on the floor and touched my face, “Ariel. Ariel!” He put his lips to mine and blew into my mouth. It didn’t work. But he kept on trying and he put his hands on my chest trying to get my lungs to work. That’s when I closed my eyes and went unconscious. I knew I was dead. Or at least I felt dead.

“Mom.” I saw my mom standing there before me. It was like the first vision I had when she told me my purpose except she didn’t block herself from my sight at first. She came over to me and grabbed my shoulders, “Sweetie. I’m going to save you. I won’t be able to talk to you or see you anymore though. But I won’t let you die. You have to let go. Let them be family to you. You want to feel it but you’re afraid. If you stop being afraid you won’t get sick again. I love you. Sorry. I had to make this quick.” I smiled, “I love you mom. Thank you.” She hugged me and kissed my cheek, “Be safe.” Then she was gone and it went black again.

I opened my eyes and I was alone in the room. There was no one there. Where did they go? I could breathe again. Normal breathing. I got up and I looked in the kitchen. There was no one there. I stepped outside and there was no one there. I went back inside and I saw them standing there staring at the floor where I had layed. There were tears in all of their eyes.

Then they looked up at me. Keith ran over and hugged me, “How are you alive? You died. I was there. I couldn’t revive you.” I held him close to me, “I know. I was dead. But my mom saved me. She won’t be able to help me anymore or talk to me or anything anymore. But she saved me.” Keith brought my face to his and kissed me. This time he let it last longer. But he pulled away quick and sighed, “I love you. Don‘t ever leave me again.” I smiled, “I love you too. And I won‘t.”

David and Hilary were next to me now. They touched my shoulders at the same time. David said, “We’re glad to have you back.” I hugged him, “It’s good to be back. Love you.” David pulled back, “I thought you didn’t think of us as family?” I sighed, “Yeah. I did make it look like that. And as I told Keith before, it wasn’t that I thought that y’all were trying to replace my family. I knew that you weren’t. I was just afraid of having another family and then losing you all again. And that’s why I died. I didn’t want to let go of that fear.”

He smiled, “Well good. I was starting to worry that you would never act like family.” I turned and hugged both Hilary and Diana at the same time. Diana said, “Next time let go of your fears. You gave me a heart attack. And you know how impossible that is.” I laughed, “Yeah. I pretty much gave everyone a heart attack, didn’t I?” Hilary kissed me on my cheek and they both pulled back.

Keith came over and grabbed my hands. I stared into his eyes smiling, “Are you okay?” He nodded, “I am now.” That’s when a flash of light flashed in our direction. Keith didn’t react to it at all but I turned. Diana had a camera in her hands smiling. I sighed, “Why’d you take a picture of us? Of me? I hate pictures.” She said, “Well this was a Kodak moment. I wanted to frame it. It’s one with true emotion. That’s the only way you can get a picture where the couple truly shows their love. Catch them when they’re feeling it and not expecting the picture.” I complained, “But I probably look a mess. That ruins the whole thing.” Hilary said, “You don’t look that bad. And it won’t ruin the picture.”
I rolled my eyes and looked back up at Keith; who never took his eyes off of me. He smiled, “Can we go to a place where we can be alone?” That’s when Diana left. I asked, “And where might that be?” He whispered in my ear, “Alone.” I laughed, “Alright. I guess I’ll be surprised.” He picked me up and started running with impossible speed. I guess he was in a rush.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and layed my head against his shoulder, “I love you. So. Much.” He smiled and looked down at me, “Love you too. With all my heart. Don’t ever scare me like that again. Okay?” I nodded and touched his face, “Okay.” He smiled and a tear ran down his face. I sat up not once being afraid of falling and kissed his cheek where his tear was and then I hugged him.

When he stopped we were in a little cottage. I asked, “What’s this?” He answered, “This is our place when we want some privacy. Or when we want to move out on our own so we’re not too far away from our family.” I looked around and then back at him, “It’s perfect.” He sat me down on the couch and sat next to me.

Keith took my hands in his, “Ariel. I want to try something. I shouldn’t even be asking you this.” I frowned, “Keith. Don’t worry so much. Just ask me.” He asked, “Well . . . We love each other. And . . . Just tell me to stop if you’re not ready or if you don’t want to take the risk. And if I hurt you let me know. Okay?” I nodded, “Sure. What is it?”

Keith smiled and kissed me. But this time he went deeper into the kiss. He parted his lips and his tongue found mine when I did the same. Keith began to unbutton my shirt. So this is what he wanted to try. I smiled against his lips. After he unbuttoned my shirt he took it off my shoulders and I pulled my arms out. He threw it on the floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sighed against his lips.

He moved forward laying me back on the couch. I pulled back and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. I pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. We helped each other out of our clothes and shared brief and quick kisses until we were both naked.

Chapter 10: Surprise

When I woke up I was laying on the couch with a blanket covering me. I was alone. I got up and wrapped the blanket around me. But I was sore. I looked at my skin and saw bruises all over my arms and I removed the blanket and looked at the rest of my body. My stomach was the only place that didn’t have a bruise on it. I sighed and wrapped the blanket around me and walked through the cottage. “Keith!” I called. But I got no response.

I found the kitchen and found Keith sitting at the table with his head down on the table. He had his pants on but that was it. I went over and touched his back, “Keith. Didn’t you hear me calling for you? What’s the matter?” He sat up and hugged me. Too tight. “Ow. Keith.” I winced. He pulled back, “I’m sorry.” I said, “That’s okay. What’s wrong?” He looked down at me and then looked back up at my face, “You have to ask? I hurt you.” I put my arm around him but then he gently pushed me back, “Don’t Ariel.”

I sighed, “Keith. I’m not mad at you. Please. Just hold me.” He frowned, “Ariel. You should be mad at me. Why aren’t you?” I stepped closer to him and put my arms around his neck. He didn’t stop me this time but he stiffened. I said, “Because I love you. I know you didn’t mean to.” Keith closed his eyes and stayed quiet. I kissed his neck . . . Wrong move. He got up and headed for the living room, “Get dressed. We’re going home.”

I went in there with him and started getting dressed. He put his shirt on and waited over by the door. I asked, “Was it good for you?” “No.” He said plainly. That hurt. But I wasn’t going to tell him. I didn’t want him to feel obligated to tell me that it was good. When I was dressed I went over to him, “Alright. We can go now.” He picked me up carefully and started running. I looked back at the cottage. This might be the last time we came here. When the cottage was out of sight I layed my head against his shoulder.

When we got to the house he went in and sat me down on the couch. My shirt was short sleeves and my pants only went down to my knees. Hilary asked, “What happened to her?” Keith sighed, “I hurt her when we . . . You know.” Hilary sighed as well, “Sorry.” Keith frowned, “I’m not the one who needs an apology. I won’t do it again though.” I couldn’t hold it in for much longer. I could feel the tears coming but I had to hold them back until I got upstairs and alone.

I got up and headed slowly for the stairs. Keith came over and went to pick me up but I moved away, “Don’t. I can do it myself.” To hide the tears from being heard in my voice I had to change the tone in my voice. It made it sound like I was angry. Which wouldn’t help me get him to stop being mad at himself. But I didn’t want to cry in front of him. He backed off and just watched me. I could feel his gaze on me. But I refused to meet it as I went upstairs. When I got to the top of the steps I couldn’t hold it in anymore. The tears came out silently. David came walking down the hall.

When he saw me he rushed to my side, “Ariel. What’s wrong?” I shook my head, “Nothing.” I sniffed a little to keep my nose from running. He frowned, “What happened to you?” I shrugged, “When Keith and I . . . you know . . . He accidentally hurt me. I’m fine.” David sighed and watched me as I walked slowly to my room. I went in and shut the door. I went over and layed in bed. I curled up in a ball holding my knees to my chest facing the wall. I silently cried into my pillow.

There was a knock on the door. I asked, “Who is it?” “It’s Hilary. Can I come in?” She called in. I said, “Yeah.” She came in shutting the door behind her. She sat on the bed behind me and brushed her hand through my hair and repeated it, “Ariel. What’s the matter? Why are you crying?” I sighed, “It’s not important.” “If you’re crying about it then it’s important. Tell me.” She said.

I gave up and told her, “Keith said that last night wasn’t good for him. It didn’t mean anything to him. At all. It’s what he feels and he was being honest. I shouldn’t be getting so upset about it.” Hilary kissed my cheek and got up, “I’m sure he didn’t mean it.” I shrugged, “It doesn’t matter. Please don’t mention this to Keith. I don’t want him to feel obligated to lie to me because the truth upset me.” She ignored my question and left.

I closed my eyes and just layed there. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later, “Ariel. Can I please come in?” It was Keith. I called out, “No. Go away. I don’t wanna talk right now. And I don’t wanna hear any apologies.” The door opened and Keith came in any way. I turned on my stomach and buried my head under the pillow, “Go away!” I yelled through the pillow.

Keith sat on the edge of the bed and touched my back, “Ariel. Please come out from under the pillow.” I said, “No. And whatever Hilary told you it’s not true.” He chuckled, “What did Hilary tell me?” I groaned, “Will you just go? I don’t wanna talk about anything right now.”

Keith took the pillow away from my head. I turned my head to the other side away from him. He touched my face with the back of his hand, “Hey. Please talk to me. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please don’t stay mad at me. I won’t put you at risk again.” I turned around and looked at him, “You really think that that’s the reason I was crying?” He shrugged, “I don’t know why you were crying. Hilary just told me that you were crying and mad at me. But she wouldn’t tell me what you were mad at me for so I assumed that you were mad because I hurt you.”

I got up and walked across the room. I folded my arms and leaned against the wall with my back facing him, “If you were listening to anything I said earlier then you would know that I’m not mad because of that.” I didn’t want to look at him when I told him the truth on why I was upset. Keith said still sitting on the bed watching me, “Then what are you mad at me for? I don’t understand.” I sighed, “I’m not really mad. I’m just upset. I asked you a question and you said no. Last night . . . It meant nothing to you. It wasn’t good for you. I wasn’t good for you.”

Keith gasped and ran over to me in a flash. He wiped the tears from my face, “Ariel . . . I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant when I said that.” I shook my head, “See. This is why I didn’t want her to say anything. I didn’t want you to feel obligated to apologize and lie because I’m an emotional wreck.” Keith turned me around to him and framed my face, “Ariel. I’m not lying to you. I wasn’t thinking when I said that.” I shook my head, “When it’s the truth you don’t need to think about it.” He sighed and kissed me. I kissed him back and my head spun. I pulled back and layed my forehead against his chest and placed my hands on his sides to help hold me up. He asked, “What’s wrong?” I shook my head, “Nothing. My head started to spin.” I stood back up and looked up at him.

“Last night was the best night that I ever had. I love you. When I said no I was thinking of only what I did to you. I’m sorry I upset you by not thinking straight.” He said. And he sounded so sincere about it. I had to believe him. I smiled a little, “Really? Last night was good for you?” He smiled and nodded, “Yes, you silly girl. Last night was the best.” I hugged him, “I love you.” “Love you too.” He replied.

I could feel something coming up my throat. I ran over to the trash can and kneeled on the floor getting sick. Keith ran over to me and held my hair back. After I was done I sat back and wiped my mouth. “Are you okay?” Keith asked. I nodded and stood up, “Yeah. I’m fine. I actually feel better. I’m actually hungry.” I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled a cup with juice out. I started to drink it. I couldn’t stop. I was so hungry and it tasted so good. When the cup was empty I put it in the sink and turned around.

I stopped when I saw Keith and everyone just standing there staring at me, “What?” Keith was speechless. He just stood there staring at me. David said, “Ariel. You just ran down here in a flash and you just drank a whole cup of blood.” I frowned and shook my head, “No I didn’t.” “Yes you did. And you’re obviously not aware of it.” Diana said.

I looked down at the floor, “What’s happening to me?” Keith came over and pulled me into a hug, “Don’t worry. We’ll figure it out. You’ll be fine.” I pulled back and ran upstairs. I went into the bathroom and just sat there on the toilet. I sighed. Then I thought of something. I looked in the cabinet and found a pregnancy test.

It beeped off in a three minutes. I looked at it and smiled. It was a pink plus sign. That meant that I was positive. I was pregnant. I ran downstairs and jumped into Keith’s arms wrapping my legs around his waist. I hugged him, “I love you!” He hugged me back, “I love you too. Ariel. What’s going on?” The others were looking at me in wonder too.

I took Keith’s face in my hands and kissed him. He kissed me back for a second and then put me down, “Ariel. Tell me.” I put my arms around his neck smiling, “I’m pregnant.” His eyes widened and he smiled and his jaw dropped. The others smiled as well. But I wasn’t paying attention to them. I was staring at Keith with a huge grin on my face. He hugged me picking me up and twirling me around, “Ariel! That’s great! Oh my god!”

Keith put me down and kneeled in front of me. He lifted my shirt and kissed my stomach. I smiled awkwardly, “Keith.” He hugged me laying his head on my stomach, “Oh I don’t care what they think. I’m happy and I’m allowed to hug my baby.” I laughed and rested my hands on his shoulders. I asked, “Keith. Can you go get me some more . . . Blood please?” I sighed. Keith stood up, “Of course.” Then he left. Everyone congratulated me and hugged me.

After about an hour I went outside to wait for Keith to come home. I walked down the drive and stopped when William was in front of me, “William. Please. Don’t.” He grabbed my shoulders, “Congrats on the baby. I’m shocked though. I didn’t believe that a human would be able to get pregnant by a vampire. And yet you have.” He pushed me to the ground and hovered over me not letting me get up, “And you know what, I’m gonna kidnap you. And when you give birth I’m gonna kill you and raise the baby as my own. It won’t know a thing about you or Keith.” I shook my head, “No!”

David pushed him away and Hilary and Diana joined him crouching defensively in front of me facing William. And that’s when Keith was kneeling beside me, “Ariel.” I looked at him, “Keith. I didn’t . . .” “I came back and when I saw what was going on I rushed to you. Are you okay?” I nodded and looked back at William. He was fighting with the others. Diana pushed him back and made him fly across the drive. He got up and ran off. Everyone turned towards me.

I sighed and looked at Keith. I touched his face, “He wants our baby.” He hugged me, “I won’t let him near our child. I promise.” He stood up and helped me up, “Are you sure you’re okay?” I nodded, “Yeah. I’m fine.” He put his arm around me and we started walking towards the house.

When we got to the doorway something stabbed me in the back of my right shoulder. I screamed and was about to fall but Keith picked me up and ran up to my room. William didn’t go away yet. He sat me down on the bed and held some piece of clothing to my back around the knife, “It’s gonna be okay Ariel.” I cried, “Keith. The baby . . .” “Is going to be alright. Don’t worry.” he interrupted. I layed my head against his chest, “Keith. I love you.” Keith said, “I love you too. You’re gonna be okay.”

About five minutes went by. I was starting to feel light-headed. I whispered, “Keith. I’m light-headed.” He said, “Just hold on, Ariel. David will be up here real soon.” That’s when David came rushing in, “How is she?” I said, “Keith . . .” Keith kissed my forehead, “She lost a lot of blood. She’s light-headed.” David rushed behind me and started working on me. I squeezed Keith’s hand and held my breath as he took the knife out.

When it was out I relaxed and layed my head against Keith’s shoulder closing my eyes. David said as he worked, “Ariel! Don’t close your eyes!” Keith brought my head up, “Ariel!” I opened my eyes and looked at him, “Keith. I’m tired.” He nodded, “I know baby. But you can’t go to sleep yet.” I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn’t. I closed my eyes. Keith gently grabbed my face, “Ariel! Ariel!” My head dropped back and I slipped into unconsciousness.
Chapter 11: Waking up

My right arm was sore and I was tired. I felt like I couldn’t move. I opened my eyes and looked around. Keith rushed to my side, “Ariel. Thank god you’re awake.” He sat on the side of the bed and brushed my hair behind my ears with his fingers, “How are you feeling?” I answered, “Sore. My arm hurts.” I looked at my arm and I saw that my whole shoulder had bandages wrapped around it. I looked back at Keith, “Keith. The baby? Is it okay?” He sighed, “I don’t know. I hope so.” I touched my stomach and started to cry, “I can’t lose this baby.” He hugged me gently, “It’s going to be okay.”

That’s when I felt a kick me from the inside of my stomach. I jumped. Keith backed up and asked, “What? What’s wrong?” I layed my head back on the pillow laughing looking up at the ceiling. I touched my stomach with both of my hands. Keith brought my face up to look at him and framed my face, “What?” I smiled, “It kicked. The baby kicked. It’s alive. It’s alright.” He smiled and kissed me. Then he kissed my stomach. I said, “I love you.” “I love you too.” He replied. “Get some rest. I’m gonna go tell the others the good news.” I nodded, “Alright.” He left and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

When I woke up I got up and went downstairs. It was almost one in the afternoon. I slept late. I sat down on the couch and lightly leaned against the back of the couch. There was no one in the room. I grabbed the remote and turned the T.V. on. I just sat there and watched sponge bob.

“Hey. What are you doing?” Keith asked as he came around the couch and sat next to me. I shrugged with my left arm, “Watching T.V.” “Oh, someone has been calling your cell phone all morning. I didn’t answer it but I took it out of your room so that you didn’t wake up. Here.” He handed me the phone. I looked at the caller id and said, “It was Sam. She’s probably calling to see how I’m doing. The last time she saw me I was sick.” I dialed her number and put the phone to my ear. It was Saturday so I didn’t have to worry about her being in school.

“Hello?” Sam answered. I replied, “Hey Sam.” She said, “I was calling you earlier.” “Yeah. I know. I’m sorry. I was sleeping and I didn’t hear the phone.” I apologized. She sighed, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called so early. I was just worried about you. You sounded and looked so horrible the last time I saw you. Are you okay?” I nodded, “Yeah. I’m fine. It was just the flu.” “Are you coming back to school on Monday?” She asked. I frowned, “Um . . . I don’t know. I might be. I’ll call you if I am. I’m gonna let you go and get something to eat.” She replied, “Alright. Bye.” I hung up and put the phone on the end table.

I turned to Keith, “Is it okay if I go back to school on Monday?” He said, “If you can control your walking to human speed and I’ll pack some blood for you. To everyone else it’s just juice. Just don’t let anyone have any.” I nodded, “Got it. I can do that.” He smiled, “Then you can go back to school.”

“Are you sure you want to go back to school?” Keith asked. I nodded and got in the car, “Yes.” I had the bottles of blood in my book bag. I had about three. Keith got in and started to drive, “Alright. You know I’m gonna be worried sick about you when we don’t have classes together.” I smiled and touched his face, “Well, don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

I felt a kick and jumped. “What is it?” Keith asked looking at me. I said, “Keep your eyes on the road. I’m fine. The baby just kicked.” He smiled and reached over and touched my stomach. I looked down at my stomach and my eyes widened, “What? My stomach grew.” My stomach was bulging out. Like a little hill. Not big but you could tell. Everyone in school would be able to tell that I was pregnant. And because of it being half vampire half witch the pregnancy wouldn’t be as long as nine months. Keith rubbed his hand on my stomach, “This baby’s gonna be spoiled out of its mind.” I chuckled, “Yup.”

When we got to school Keith and I were walking down the hall when Sam and Mike came running up to us. They both hugged me. I winced, “Ow. Be careful.” They backed up and Sam asked, “What happened to your shoulder?” I replied, “I went to the store on Friday and someone robbed me. As I was trying to get away he stabbed me. But I’m fine.” Mike sighed, “Did you hear about Melissa?” I frowned, “No. What happened to Melissa?”

Sam said, “She fell off the cliff and drowned. The doctors tried to revive her but they couldn’t. I’m really sorry.” My eyes filled with water but I didn’t let them out. Not yet. Keith put his arm around me, “I’m sorry Ariel.” I said, “I gotta go to the bathroom.” I looked at Sam, “Can you come with me?” She nodded and we went to the bathroom.

I leaned against the wall, “How could this happen?” I sat down on the floor and brought my knees up to my chest. I wrapped my arms around my knees and let the tears out. Sam kneeled beside me and touched my shoulder, “I don’t know. Her funerals this Sunday. But I’m not going. I can’t.” I nodded, “I can’t go either. I can’t believe that she’s gone though. She was always a good swimmer. I don’t understand how she could’ve drowned.” She sighed, “The current pulled her down and held her down. She was walking with her mother and her mom . . . She’s not talking.” I wiped my tears and stood up, “Do you think that I could go over to your place and just hang out with you on Sunday?” She nodded, “Always. Any time you want.”

We were about to leave when Sam asked, “Ariel. I hate to ask this but . . . Are you pregnant?” I smiled, “You’ve noticed?” “Oh my god! And you weren’t gonna tell me? Is Keith the father?” She asked. I nodded, “Yeah. I’ve been pregnant for three months now.” She frowned, “I thought that you just met him this month?” I shook my head, “No. He just started going to school here this month. I didn’t say anything about dating him before because it wasn’t supposed to be serious. But I let go and fell in love with him. And I didn’t tell you that I was pregnant because I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want you to think you bad of me.” She frowned, “I could never think bad of you.” I hugged her, “Thanks. We should go. We’re already late for class.”

When we left Keith put his arm around me, “Are you alright?” I nodded, “Yeah. I’ll be fine.” Mike said, “Are you going to the funeral on Sunday?” I shook my head, “No. I’m gonna spend the day with Sam at her place.” Mike nodded and looked down. He frowned and looked back up at me, “Ariel. Are you pregnant?” I nodded, “Yeah. Three months. Sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want people to know until it was necessary.” “And Keith’s the father?” He asked. I smiled and nodded, “Yeah.” He sighed and said, “Well, lets get to class.” He left with Sam and Keith and I went to class.


“If you need me just call, alright?” Keith said. I nodded, “I will.” I wrapped my left arm around his neck and placed my right hand around him on his lower back and kissed him. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer.

I laughed and pulled back, “I gotta go. She’s waiting for me inside. Love you.” “Love you too.” He replied and then left. I turned and knocked on the door. Sam opened the door and I went inside.

“How are you doing?” I asked. Sam took a breath and sighed as she sat down on the couch, “I’ll be fine. I just . . . I just can’t believe that she’s gone. She was always there for me and now it’s killing me that I can’t be there for her funeral to say goodbye.” She started to cry. I sat down next to her and put my arm around her pulling her against my chest holding her, “I know how you feel. I wanted to go to say goodbye but . . . I can’t go to two funerals in one month.”

Chapter 12: Goodbye

“Thanks for staying here with me. I don’t know what I’d do without you right now.” Sam said standing in the doorway as I walked out. I turned around and hugged her, “No problem. We’re sisters here. You know I’m always here for you. Like I know you’ll be there for me.” She smiled, “You know I will be.” I smiled and started walking, “I’ll see you.”

I was walking by the park when someone put their arms around me and touched my stomach, “Ariel.” It was William. I started to breathe heavily, “William.” He laughed, “I’m sorry. Every time I try to kill you I fail. And I’m not putting all my efforts into getting this baby. But if I can’t have this baby . . . Then neither can you. Say goodbye.” I started to yell, “No!” But then he covered my mouth and gripped my stomach. He squeezed and twisted. It hurt. A lot. I screamed into his hand. But no one would hear me. Blood streamed down my legs and something fell out. I looked down and I screamed even more. It looked to be a . . . a baby. It’s limbs were all broken. It was lifeless.

Someone pulled him off of me and I fell to the ground. I just layed there crying. I looked up and I saw Keith fighting with William. He must have been coming to get me or something. After about a minute Keith threw William across the park and William left running.

Keith ran over and kneeled beside me, “Ariel!” I could hear the panic in his voice. I cried, “Keith! The baby! The baby!” Keith lifted my skirt and saw all the blood. Clearly he didn’t pay attention to what happened before hand. He looked over at the baby, “Oh no!” He pulled out his phone and dialed. “David! You have to come to Rose-Garden Park! Now!” He paused and then replied, “William attacked Ariel! And . . . The baby’s gone.” He sighed and said, “Just hurry!” He hung up and picked my upper body up. He turned me around and leaned me on his body. I layed there crying and holding my stomach. “Don’t worry Ariel. Everything’s gonna be okay.”

David was kneeling by my side in five minutes, “Oh my god.” He removed my hands from my stomach and pressed a little. I jumped and yelled a little bit. He stopped and said, “Lets get her back home. I can take care of her there. And . . . I’ll take the body home.” Keith picked me up and started running home. He said as my eyes started closing, “Don’t go to sleep Ariel.” I didn’t even try to stay awake. I closed my eyes and . . . Was I dead or just unconscious?

When I woke up I was in my bed. I was sore. But I’d be fine. I was dressed in a pair of black pants and a button up black t-shirt. I got up and went downstairs. When I did Keith came over and hugged me, “How are you feeling?” I answered, “Sore.” He pulled back and touched my face, “I was so scared.” I asked, “Where’s the baby?” Everyone got silent. Keith just looked at me with agony on his face.

I frowned, “Keith. Where’s the baby? I know what I saw but . . . It’s half vampire. Vampire’s heal. Where’s the baby?” He went to touch my face but I backed up, “Where’s the baby?!” He said, “Ariel. The baby’s gone. It died.” My eyes widened and my heart raced. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I sat down on the floor and held my stomach. Keith kneeled in front of me, “I’m so sorry.” I pulled him to me and hugged him burring my face into his shoulder.

After a while I sat up and wiped the tears from my face. Keith had tears running down his face as he looked at me. I asked softly, “Where’s the baby?” He frowned, “Ariel. You don’t need to see the baby like that.” I said, “I need to hold my baby. I need to say goodbye.” I got up and so did Keith. I folded my arms around my stomach, “Where’s the baby?” Keith put his arm around me and led me outside.

There was a small coffin there. He opened it and looked up not looking at it. I bent down and picked up the baby boy. I cradled it in my arms and rocked it slowly. Keith glanced at me and sighed, “Ariel . . .” I interrupted him, “I know he’s gone. But I need to hold him. I’m sorry.” He turned around with his back towards me. I brought him up to me and hugged him. I kissed his cheek, “I love you. Keith Jr.” Keith’s head dropped and he sighed. I layed the baby back down and closed it. I sighed and turned around. I started walking down the drive in rage.

“Where are you going?” Keith asked. I answered, “I’m gonna kill him.” Keith was in front of me in a flash stopping me, “No. You can’t go. He’ll kill you. You’re not ready.” I walked around him, “I don’t care. He’s not getting away with this.” Keith grabbed my arms and pulled me back, “No.” I started pulling against his hold on me but I couldn’t get no where. He wrapped his arms around me. I started struggling more, “Let go of me! Let go!” He yelled over my voice, “Ariel! No! He’ll kill you!” I moved his arms off of me with my powers and started walking fast down the block. Keith yelled, “Dad!”

David and Keith was walking by my side in a flash. David asked, “Where is she going?” Keith answered, “She’s going after William.” David stepped in front of me and so did Keith. David grabbed my arms and said, “Ariel. I know that you want him dead for what he did. We all do. But you can’t go. You’re not ready. Physically and mentally. Just stop.” I moved his arms off of me and levitated in the air and landed behind them and continued to walk.

Keith yelled, “Ariel! Please! Don’t make me lose you too!” I stopped and just stood there. He repeated softly, “Don’t make me lose you too. I can’t live without you.” I turned and went over to him. I put my arms around him and layed my head against his chest crying. He hugged me back and said, “Thank you. Everything’s going to be okay.” David touched the back of my head, “I’m sorry. Keith. You should get her back inside and in bed.” Keith nodded and picked me up. He carried me inside and up to my room. He layed me down and layed down next to me. I climbed into his arms and layed my head on his chest crying.

The next day I wasn’t sore anymore. But I just layed there in bed. It was around noon. Keith came in and sat on the side of the bed, “Hey. How are you feeling?” I replied, “As good as new.” He said, “Then why don’t you come downstairs?” I sighed and sat up, “When’s the funeral?” He said, “Well, when you were ready we were gonna just have a little private funeral out back. People aren’t going to understand how we have a body or a funeral for a three month old baby.”

I nodded and got up. He put his arm around me and we went downstairs. We sat on the couch and I cuddled up to Keith. He held me against his chest as we watched T.V. Diana looked at me and muttered, “I’m sorry.” I just kept my eyes on the T.V. I didn’t want to break down right now.

We were watching some show called ‘Little House on the Prairie’. David got up and left. He had work. He took his vacation time to be home with all the chaotic stuff that was going on. But now he had to go back to work.

After a while on the show, Laura gave birth to a baby boy and they couldn’t decide a name to name it because Laura was worried about what other people would nickname it. It was getting to me. I got up and headed for the kitchen, “I’m gonna get something to eat.”

I went into the cabinet and pulled out a pop tart. I put it in the toaster and waited. Keith wrapped his arms around me and asked, “Did that bother you?” I layed my head against his shoulder and looked at him, “A little.” He kissed me, “We can watch something else.” I sighed, “No. I’m gonna go see Sam.” Keith said, “I’ll take you.” The pop tart popped up and I grabbed it. I pulled out my cell phone and called her.

Sam answered, “Ariel.” I said, “Sam. It’s me.” “Ariel. What’s wrong? You sound terrible. Do you need me?” I replied, “Yeah. I was just calling to see if I could come over.” She said, “Yes. Of course. Come right over. What happened?” I said, “I’ll explain when I get there. I’ll be right over. Bye.” “Bye.” She hung up. I put the phone back in my pocket.

I turned to Keith, “Ready to go?” He nodded, “Yeah. Come on.” We went out to the car and Keith drove slowly. Not too slow but not as fast as he usually did. I placed my feet on the dash board and layed my head against the seat looking out the window.

Keith grabbed my hand, “Everything’s going to be okay, Ariel. I promise. We’ll have another one.” I shook my head, “No. I don’t want another one.” “Why not? I think it would be great.” He asked. I said, “No. I don’t want another baby. He can’t just be replaced.” Keith sighed, “That’s not what I meant. I know that.” We were silent after that.

When we got to Sam’s place I got out and said, “I’ll call you when I’m ready to leave.” He nodded and leaned over. I leaned in and kissed him. He said, “Think about what I said. I don’t think that it would be so bad.” I sighed, “Keith. I won’t kill another baby.” He frowned and grabbed my hand as I was about to get out, “What do you mean? Ariel. His death wasn’t your fault.” I shook my head, “We can talk about this later.” I shut the door and went up to the house. I heard the car race down the street as I knocked on the door.
Chapter 13: Friends Don’t Help Much

The door opened and it was Sam. “Hi Sam.” I said. She moved to the side, “Hey. Ariel. Come on in. You look terrible. What happened?” I went inside and saw Mike sitting on the couch, “Hey Mike.” I sat down and Mike handed me a glass of water. I said, “Thanks.” Sam sat next to me and put her arm around me, “Ariel. What happened?” I took a drink and answered, “I lost the baby.” Tears silently ran down both mine and Sam’s face. “How did it happen?” She asked. I replied, “I was being careless and fell down the stairs. And he . . . Died.” Sam hugged me, “Oh my god. I’m sorry. It’s not your fault, Ariel.” I said, “Yes it is. If it weren’t for me he would still be alive.”

Mike touched my shoulder, “I’m sorry Ariel. Maybe it was for the best. You’re too young to become a mother. And . . . Keith may not be the best man out there for you.” I jumped up and looked at him. I squeezed my hands into a fist. The glass broke in my hand and glass and water went all over the place. Glass dug into my skin and I just squeezed my hand into a fist pushing the glass even further in. “Why would you say that?! How dare you?! You have no idea what it’s like to feel your child growing inside you and then one day because you’re being clumsy the baby’s gone! Dead!”

Mike got up and came over to me, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’ll take you to the hospital.” I shook my head, “No! Just take me home! I can take care of my hand there.” Sam got up and we left. When we got to my house I got out and Mike said, “I’m really sorry. Get your hand taken care of.” Then they drove off. I kept my hands in tight fist pushing the glass deeper into my skin of my left hand. Blood dripped from my hand to the ground.

I turned and ran inside. I ignored their gazes and ran right up to my room. I sat down on the floor by my bed with my legs stretched out and my left fist on the floor. I looked down and covered my face with my right hand crying.

The door opened and Keith rushed to my side, “Ariel. What happened?” I couldn’t stop crying enough right now to be able to tell him. He took my left hand and said, “Ariel. Open your hand.” I didn’t and he opened my hand. I just let it relax open. Keith picked me up and ran downstairs. I layed my head against his shoulder and took deep breaths trying to calm myself down.

“Dad. Her hand. There’s glass in it. And she pushed it deeper in there.” He sat down on the couch with me on his lap. Hilary and Diana got up and ran outside. David went to work on my hand. After the glass was out and my hand was numbed he started sewing up my hand. I was calm now. I just sat there on Keith’s lap and layed my head against his shoulder.

Keith touched my face and kissed my forehead, “Ariel. What happened?” I said softly, “Mike was there. I told them that I fell down the stairs and the baby died. Sam hugged me and comforted me. And Mike . . .” “What did he do?” Keith asked when I didn’t continue. I swallowed and closed my eyes, “He said that it was a good thing. That I was too young to have a baby and that you might not be right for me. I got up and I squeezed my hands into fists yelling at him not paying attention to when the glass I was holding broke into my hand.”

Keith growled lowly, “I’m gonna kill him. Once we’re done here. I swear I’m gonna kill him.” I shook my head, “No. Don’t. He’s not even worth it.” He sighed and kissed my cheek, “I wish he didn’t say that. It hurt you. Both physically and emotionally.” “Alright. All done.” David said. Then he started cleaning up the mess I made. There was a trail of blood from downstairs to upstairs.

I turned around in Keith’s lap and faced him. I placed my hands on his shoulders, “I’m alright now.” “Really?” He asked. I nodded, “Really.” He looked at me and pursed his lips. He didn’t believe me. Neither did I. I sighed, “I’m going to be alright. I promise. Are you alright?” I haven’t really considered his feelings. I just thought about myself. He said, “I’m fine. I’m just worried about you right now.”

I shook my head and said, “Well, if you’re worried about me then you should worry about yourself. I’m only as okay as you are.” He humped, “Sure, sure. That’s what you want me to think. I’m not stupid and I’m not blind. You’re not handling it.” I smiled slightly, “I know. I know. I was just trying to think of you. I haven’t really been there for you. It’s not fair.” He smiled and touched my face, “Ariel. I know that you’re here for me. But I’ll be fine. But you . . . you need my help. I’ll be there for you. I promise.” I layed against him laying my head against his shoulder looking at the door, “I know. I love you.” “I love you too.”

I asked, “Where did Diana and Hilary go?” Keith answered, “Waiting outside. You left a trail of blood and it’s hard to control our thirst so they left.” I sighed, “Oh. Sorry.” “Don’t apologize. It’s okay. This isn’t your fault.” He wrapped his arms around me tighter and whispered in my ear, “Ariel. Tell me why. Why you think that what happened to the baby was your fault?” I said, “Because it is.” My voice was shaky and so were my hands. They were trembling now as I was on the edge of losing control of my emotions. “I was careless and decided to walk home alone. I didn’t think about what he would do if he caught me alone. I was irresponsible. I was stupid. I killed him.”

Keith touched my chin and pulled my face up to his. Our noses touched. He whispered to me, “It wasn’t your fault. At all. You didn’t kill him. William did. He killed him. None of this is your fault.” I sighed, “I wish I could believe you but I knew that he wanted our baby. I knew he was going to kill him if I didn’t give our baby to him. I knew he would try to get me when I was alone. But I still left and decided to walk home alone.” I touched his face, “I took him away from you. I’m so sorry.”

Keith took my face in both of his hands. Roughly, but it didn’t hurt at all. He frowned, “Ariel Snyder. Don’t you ever . . . ever apologize for that again. You didn’t kill him. You didn’t take him away from me. William did. Do you hear me?” I nodded, “I hear you.” He said fiercely, “Promise me that you won’t take the blame for his death. Promise me.” I sighed, “I won’t apologize again for it. I won’t mention it again to you. But . . . I can’t promise you that I won’t take the blame for his death.”

I looked down and he released my face. He was breathing heavier. I sighed and let my hands drop from his face to his chest. “It’s all clean . . . are you okay, Keith?” David asked warily. I looked up at him and saw that he was watching me with tears in his eyes. “I’ll be fine.” He whispered. I reached up and touched his face wiping his tears away. He touched my hand holding it to his face. David sighed, “I’ll go tell the others that they can come in now.” Then he left.

I said, “I’m sorry.” He frowned and I knew exactly what he thought I was apologizing for. I said, “For not being able to promise you.” He relaxed a bit and pulled me against him. I layed there with my head buried in his neck and my arms wrapped around his neck. It hurt a little because my shoulder wasn’t fully healed but I just ignored it. And as long as I didn’t move it, the pain would be gone. “Doesn’t your shoulder hurt? It’s not completely healed.” Keith asked.

I sighed, “A little. But I can handle it. I don’t wanna move right now. I just wanna be right here with you. Promise me that we’ll be together. Forever.” He tensed, “As long as you live I’ll be right here.” He must have known where I was going with this. I said, “No. Longer. Forever. I wanna become one of you.” He turned and kissed my cheek, “No. I promise that we’ll be together as long as you live. But . . . I won’t . . . I won’t let you destroy your life.”

Someone touched my back. I sat up and looked. It was Hilary. She was sitting next to me, “David told me what the boy said. Are you okay?” I nodded, “Yeah. I’m fine now.” Diana sat down on the other couch with David. I layed back down on Keith and whispered against his neck, “Please?” “No.” He said coldly. I sighed, “Why not?”

“What are you asking for?” Hilary asked. I said, “To be a vampire.” Hilary sighed, “That’s not something you really want. That’s nothing that anyone should have to go through.” I nodded, “That’s what I want. I want to be with Keith forever. One lifetime just doesn’t seem to be enough. And it wouldn’t go against anyone here because my mother already gave you permission to. So he’d still have a place up there . . . if another witch were to get past me. But if he wouldn’t have a place up there if he were to change me I would just go to William. He’s already heading to hell.” Keith got up and placed me on the couch. Then he stormed out of the house.

I looked at the door after him and sighed, “He doesn’t want me to become a vampire.” David said, “No. And with what you just said he thinks that there’s not gonna be a way out of it. Either one of us does it or you’ll go to William.” I shook my head, “It’s my choice.” I got up and left.

Keith was sitting on the step with his forehead in his hands, “Why would you go to ‘him’ to turn you?” I said, “Because I wanna be with you forever. And if you won’t change me . . . he’s the only other vampire I know who’s willing to do so. And then when I was a vampire . . .” “I’m not talking about because he’s the one who killed our baby! I’m talking about why would you go against my wishes for you to become a vampire?!” He interrupted yelling at me.

I stepped down off of the porch and stood in front of him, “Because it’s my choice. I want to be with you forever.” “What happened to what you said before? About you not wanting to become a vampire?” He looked up and yelled at me. I replied, “I wasn’t in love with you then. I am now. And I’ve changed my mind. I love you and I want to be with you forever.” He yelled, “I don’t want you to be!”

It was like he just slapped me. He didn’t want me? I backed up breathing heavily. I turned around and started walking down the drive. Keith gasped and ran up to me, “Ariel . . .” He grabbed my wrist and turned me around to him, “I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant.” I asked, “You don’t want me? That’s why you don’t want me to become a vampire because you don’t want me?” He shook his head, “No. It came out wrong. I want you. I want you forever. But I can’t be selfish and destroy your life just because I don’t wanna lose you.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, “Please. Keith. Change me. I want to be with you. Forever. That’s the way I want my life to be. Just you and me.” He sighed, “Let me think about it. Okay?” I nodded, “Alright. I love you.” “I love you too.” He bent down and kissed me.

Chapter 14: Try Again

Later on that night Keith decided to take me back to the house. The house that we were going to move into. He had carried our dressers here earlier. I went to sit down on the couch but he grabbed my hand, “Lets go upstairs this time.” I nodded and followed him upstairs. The bedroom had a bed canopy and the sheer purple curtains hung loose covering the bed. Our dressers were against the wall on the other side of the room. I said, “I’m gonna go get changed into a night gown.” I went over to the dresser and pulled out a satin red night gown. It just covered my butt. It had only straps. No sleeves. I got changed and when I turned around Keith was already in bed. He was covered by the blanket up to his waist. His clothes were on a pile on the floor. He was smiling at me. He held his hand out, “Come here.”

I went over and climbed on the bed. I layed beside him and layed my arm around his waist, “I love you.” He rolled me over on my back and climbed on top of me, “I love you too.” He leaned down and kissed me. He ran his hand down from my cheek to my neck. To my shoulder. To my breast. I pulled back, “Keith. Stop.” He pulled back and looked at me, “What? What is it?” I shook my head, “I want to do this with you. But I don’t want to have another baby.” “Why not? I know it’s not going to replace him. Nothing can. But why not try again?” I sighed, “Because I’m scared. I don’t want to lose this one too.” He smiled, “I’m scared too. But we have to move on.” I nodded, “If you’re sure. I’ll do it.” He smiled and kissed me as he started to undress me.


When I woke up I was sore. Ugh. That wasn’t a good sign. I opened my eyes and realized that I was alone in bed. I went to get up but my arm hurt when I put even a little bit of pressure on it. I looked at it. It had bruises on it and I couldn’t move it. When I touched it, it hurt like hell. I said, “Keith.” He wasn’t in the room. He would’ve heard me if he was in the house. I yelled, “Keith!” I got up without using that arm. It still hurt but I wrapped a sheet around me and made my way out of the room, “Keith!”

I still didn’t get an answer. Nothing. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen, “Keith!” He wasn’t here. At all. I went back into the living room and sat on the couch. I picked the cell phone up off of the coffee table. I called the house.

“Hello?” It was David. I was already crying from the pain. I said, “David. Where’s Keith?” He said, “He called me. He said that he was going hunting. He said he was upset because he hurt you again and he didn’t want to take his anger out on you. What’s wrong?” “I guess he didn’t bother to check me for anything more than just bruises. I don’t know. But my arm hurts and I can’t move it.” I replied. David said, “Alright. I’ll be right over. Just give me five minutes.” “Bye.” I hung up and just dropped the phone.

I layed my head back against the couch and just sat there without moving. I couldn’t stop myself from crying. It just hurt too much. I didn’t scream or make any noise but I cried. I didn’t move my arm at all. I didn’t touch it. I just sat there completely still.

David ran in and sat on the couch gently beside me on my left, “Which arm is it?” I said, “My left.” He started examining it and when he did I winced and grinded my teeth together to keep quiet. He sighed, “It’s broken. Damn it. I can’t believe that he let his feelings get in the way of making sure you were okay.” I said, “I’m not mad at him for this. But I can’t say the same for him just leaving like that.” I layed my head back and closed my eyes as he went to work on putting my arm in a cast.

David carried me back to the house and sat me down on the couch. “Do you want anything? Something to drink?” David asked. I nodded, “A glass of juice please?” He nodded and went into the kitchen. Hilary came down the stairs and she sat next to me, “How are you feeling?” I shrugged, “Sore. I’ll be fine.” She sighed, “I’m sorry he didn’t bring you here.” I shook my head, “No. Don’t apologize for him. He’s gonna have to do that himself when he gets here. He should’ve checked me instead of letting his feelings get in the way.” She put her arm around me, “It’s only because he was upset that he hurt you again.” “That still doesn’t explain why he left without making sure that it wasn’t anything more than just bruises.” I said. David came in and handed me a glass of juice, “Here you go.” “Thank you.” I took a sip.

About an hour later the door opened and Keith came in. He came over to me and frowned when he saw my arm, “Your arm . . .” “It’s broken. But you wouldn’t know that, would you?” I interrupted. He said, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t . . . I tried not to hold you so tightly.” I got up and went over to him, “You think I’m mad because you broke my arm? No! Haven’t you learned anything about me? I’m not mad about that! I’m mad because you just left without saying anything to me! You didn’t even bother to check me! To see if I was okay! You just assumed by what you saw that it was only bruises!”

Keith touched my face, “I’m sorry. I was upset and I didn’t . . . I wasn’t thinking.” I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me. I said, “Well next time just don’t get upset. I told you that I wouldn’t get upset if I got hurt when you loved me.” He kissed my head, “Do you forgive me?” I nodded, “Yes.”

I smelled something. It was different then food. And I wouldn’t be able to smell food if it wasn’t cooking or out. I backed up and looked towards the kitchen. “Ariel. What is it?” Keith asked. I shrugged, “I don’t know.” I went into the kitchen and the smell was coming out of the fridge. I opened it and picked up the container of red liquid. I smelled it. That’s what the smell was coming from. I called, “Keith.”

He was by my side in a second, “Yes?” I showed him it and asked, “This is blood?” He nodded, “Yes. Why?” I opened the lid and smelled it. I closed my eyes and started to drink it. It tasted good. When it was empty I put the cup in the sink and wiped my mouth. I was pregnant again. I touched my stomach and turned to him smiling slightly, “I’m pregnant. Otherwise I’d be getting sick right now and I wouldn’t have smelled it from in there.”

He smiled and hugged me, “I love you.” “I love you too.” I was a little less enthusiastic about it. He pulled back, “What’s the matter?” “I’m scared.” I said. He cradled my face in his hands, “Well don’t be.” I sighed, “I wish it was that easy not to be scared.” He kissed me. When he pulled back, “Don’t worry. Just relax.” I nodded, “I’ll try.”

We went back into the other room with the others. He sat down on the couch and pulled me into his lap. Diana asked, “So what was going on?” I sighed, “I was smelling the blood from the fridge. And I drank it. I’m pregnant again.” I layed my head back on Keith’s shoulder. They all smiled. But they read my mood so they didn’t jump up with joy. Hilary asked, “What’s the matter, sweetie? You don’t look excited.” Keith said, “She’s scared of losing the baby again.” “There’s no reason to be afraid. We’re going to take extra precautions this time. We’ll protect you better this time.” I sighed and cuddled up to Keith, “I’m tired.” He went to stand up but I pushed him back, “No. I wanna stay right here.” He settled back down and held me close to him. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

Chapter 15: June 27th - Birthday

My stomach had grown out to be a watermelon. My feet swelled and I was eating and drinking blood a lot more. William hasn’t bothered us since that day at the movies. Keith was saying that he had finally given up but I know that he’s just trying to make me feel better. If William’s been gone this long then he’s planning something big. We had the funeral for the first baby in the side backyard. It had a tombstone with his name on it and everything. I still blamed myself for his death but I never told Keith and he never asked; which didn’t mean he didn’t know.

We were all outside having a barbeque. I was laying back in one of those lounge chairs. David was cooking by the grill talking with Hilary and Diana was in the in-ground swimming pool that went from three feet to eight feet. Keith sat on the chair beside me just watching me. I was lucky to be able to go to the bathroom by myself now. Anything else was out of the question. I wore shorts and a t-shirt that didn’t really fit me. It rose up at the bottom showing my huge stomach.

Keith asked, “Do you want to go sit in the pool? Cool off?” I shook my head, “No. I’m fine right here.” David looked over his shoulder at me, “You should. It’s hot out here and the heat’s not good for the baby. Or you.” I sighed, “Fine.” Keith smiled and stood. I held my hands out for him and he helped me up. He picked me up and headed for the pool. I said, “I’m pregnant. Not crippled.” He shrugged as he stepped into the pool, “I don’t care. With how big you are you’ll be giving birth soon.” I nodded, “Yeah. And?” He sat down and sat me on his lap, “And I’m going to be helping you around and getting stuff for you.” I sighed and layed my head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me placing them on my stomach. I placed my hands on his holding them there.

After a few minutes I jumped from the baby kicking. Everyone looked at me. Keith asked, “What’s wrong?” I smiled, “You react to everything. Nothing’s wrong. The baby just kicked.” Everyone relaxed but they glanced at me once in a while. I sighed and just relaxed in the pool.

But it happened again except for it was sharper. I jumped and placed my hands on my stomach. “Ariel. Now don’t tell me that was a kick.” Keith said picking me up and taking me out of the water. He layed me down on the grass and started checking my stomach and my pulse. I said, “I’m fine. The baby’s just moving around . . .” My words were cut off when I turned my head and a fountain of blood came out of my mouth and I started shaking like a fish on land. Keith layed me down in my bed; I didn’t realize that we had moved. Diana was dabbing a wet rag to my head and Hilary was at the bottom of the bed with David. Keith was beside me holding my hand tightly in his. My pants were already off as they went to work on delivering the baby.

A sharp pain rode up my spine. I arched my back like someone was pulling my chest up and I let out a scream that I stopped by biting down after a moment. Keith kissed my hand, “It’ll be okay Ariel. I promise.” I squeezed my eyes shut tight to hold back the scream when the next pain went up my spine. And I held my breath. David yelled, “Ariel! Breathe!” I shook my head. Keith layed his head beside mine and whispered in my ear, “Baby breathe. It’s okay to scream. I know it hurts. Breathe for me. For the baby.” I let my breath out and turned my head.

I kissed Keith, “I love you.” He smiled, “I love you too. Any moment now our baby’s gonna come out and you’ll be able to rest.” I smiled and bit down as the next sharp pain ran up my spine. “It’s almost out!” David yelled. “I can see the head!” Hilary smiled, “Blond curly hair just like it’s mother.” I lifted my head, “Is he okay?” I heard a baby cry and I smiled. David said, “She’s fine.” I layed my head back on the pillow expecting the pain to stop now that she was out of me and in David’s arms being cleaned off. But it didn’t. I turned over and threw up more blood. Keith grabbed my shoulder so that I didn’t fall off the bed, “Dad! Ariel’s still hurting and throwing up blood!” David came over and started examining me. I layed back and wiped my mouth. I was panting now. I said, “Keith.” He came up to me and touched my face, “What is it baby?” I panted, “I love you.” He smiled, “I love you too. But don’t worry. You’re going to be okay.” David said, “I don’t know what’s wrong. Why she’s still throwing up blood or in pain.” I shook my head, “I’m not in pain anymore. Just tired.”

David said, “Keith. You may have to change her to keep her alive.” I said, “I’m not dying. I’m just tired. I need to sleep.” Keith stared at me, “How do you know?” I answered, “Because I can feel it. I’m just tired.” He sighed and covered me up with the blanket. He asked, “Ariel. Do you want me to change you right now?” I reached up and touched his face, “Only if you want to. You already know I’m ready.” Keith looked at David, “If I don’t stop . . .” “I’ll stop you. Don’t worry.” But he was too late. I could feel myself slipping. I closed my eyes and was unconscious.

When I woke up I was in my room in bed. I was in a pair of shorts and a tank top. I sat up . . . Ow. My stomach was sore. I called, “Keith!” He was by my side in a flash, “Hey. You’re awake.” I nodded, “Yeah. And sore. Where’s the baby?” “She’s downstairs being spoiled. You had us all worried. You’ve been out for a week. It’s July 4th.” I frowned, “Really?” He nodded, “Yeah. I was about to change you when you went unconscious.” I smiled and hugged him, “I love you.” He laughed, “I love you too. Do you want anything? Something to drink? Eat?” I asked, “How about you take me down to see our daughter?” He chuckled and picked me up, “Okay. But I’m getting you something to eat and drink afterwards.

When we went downstairs there was no one in the living room. I frowned, “Where is everyone?” “In the kitchen. I’ll go get them. They were feeding Ella. I hope you like the name. I couldn’t wait until you woke up. She needed a name.” I smiled, “It’s perfect.”
He put me down on the couch and went into the kitchen. He was back out in a flash with everyone else. They all smiled and were happy to see me. I smiled. But I wasn’t smiling at them. I was smiling at the baby that Keith held in his arms.

She had beautiful blond curls that reached her chin. And her eyes were blue like her daddy’s. She looked like a five month old baby instead of a week old baby. I asked, “Are you sure I wasn’t out for five months? She’s so big.” He nodded, “She’s growing fast. At this rate she’ll be as big as a one year old in no time.” I held my arms out for her, “Let me hold her.” He cautioned, “She’s in a biting stage. She’s not venomous though.” I said, “I don’t care. Just give her to me.” He smiled and handed her to me. I smiled looking down at her. “Ella Shades. Sounds perfect. Just like her. I love you.” I leaned down and kissed her cheek. She smiled at me. And my face turned to shock. She had beautiful dimples and her teeth were perfect and white. Keith asked, “How special is she?” I smiled, “She’s the most prettiest baby in the world.” I hugged her and it looked like she was going to kiss my neck but she bit me. I bit down so that I wouldn’t make a noise. I didn’t want to scare her.

Keith took her out of my arms. I sighed and held my neck where she bit me. David came over and started working on my neck. I needed stitches. Keith asked, “Are you okay?” I smiled, “Never been better. She’s so adorable.” He laughed, “You ‘would’ only be thinking about her.” I smiled even wider, “How can I not think about her right now?” “How about the pain in your neck?” I shook my head, “Doesn’t bother me while I’m watching her.”

When my neck was stitched up and had a bandage on it I held my arms out, “I wanna hold her.” Keith lifted one brow, “She just bit you. She tasted your blood. It’s probably not the best of ideas. You should probably eat something.” I rolled my eyes, “I’ve been out for a week. I don’t care if she bites me. I just wanna hold her.” Keith said, “After you get something to eat first.” I sighed, “Fine.”

Keith gave her to Diana and went out to the kitchen. Diana was sitting on the other couch. I got up and slowly went over to the other couch. I sat next to her. She asked, “Didn’t Keith say to wait until you ate?” I smiled looking at Ella, “I’m only sitting next to her looking at her. He said not to hold her.” She laughed and rolled her eyes, “I guess he didn’t.” I reached up and ran my hand down the side of Ella’s face.

Keith came in with a plate of eggs and a cup of water. He smiled, “I thought I said wait until after you ate.” I rolled my eyes, “Whatever. I’m not holding her. I’m just sitting next to her and touching her face. You never said that I couldn’t do that.” He sat next to me and handed me the plate. I kissed him, “Thank you.” I ate and drank all of the water.

Chapter 16: Proposal

Keith took my hand, “Ariel. Why don’t we go home?” I frowned, “We are home.” He smiled, “You forgot. I guess you would since we’ve decided it was best to stay here during the pregnancy. But I meant the other house.” I smiled, “Oh. It’s been so long since we’ve been there that I forgot. Yeah. I guess we could. But why do we gotta go right now?” He laughed, “Do you know what time it is?” I looked out the window and saw that it was dark. I smiled, “I guess I never was paying attention.” Diana smiled and handed me Ella. I held her close to me in my arms. Keith scooped me up in his arms and held one hand to Ella’s cheek; probably to make sure that she didn’t bite me as he ran.

When we got to the bedroom he took Ella from me and layed her down in the crib. He covered her up with the blanket and kissed her goodnight. I went over and kissed her goodnight as well. I asked, “Are you sure the air conditioner has to be so high? It’s going to get really cold in here.” He chuckled and turned it down some. Then he came over to me and sat me on the bed. Then he kneeled on both knees in front of me.

Keith took my hands in his hands, “Ariel Snyder, I love you with all my heart. And I promise to love you . . . Forever.” I smiled, “So you’re going to change me?” He nodded, “Yes. But later. Not now. But I want to ask you something.” I said, “Ask away.” He smiled, “Be my wife?” My jaw dropped, “What?” He chuckled, “Be my wife?” I smiled and hugged him, “I will! I love you!” “Shh. You’ll wake up Ella.” He laughed. I chuckled, “Sorry.” He pulled a box out and opened it. Whoa! What was he thinking? The rock on that was huge. I asked, “What did you do? Take a mountain and put it on a ring?” He chuckled, “What’s wrong?” I said, “That’s . . . way too big.” He shook his head and put the ring on me, “You know sometimes I just don’t understand you.” I rolled my eyes and pulled him on top of me and kissed him.


When I woke up I was alone in bed. I sat up and looked around. Ella wasn’t in her bed. And there was a note on the pillow next to mine. I picked it up and read it. Ariel, I’m downstairs making breakfast for Ella. Get dressed and come downstairs and get your breakfast. - Keith
I smiled and got up. I got dressed and raced downstairs. Keith was sitting on the couch with Ella in his arms feeding her through a bottle. She drank blood. They told me that she just refused to eat any human food; although she could live on it as long as she had some blood too. I sat next to him and looked at Ella, “She’s gonna be the most spoiled kid in the world.” He chuckled, “You got that right.” He looked at me, “How’d you sleep?”

I smiled, “Wonderful.” He smiled and kissed me, “Your breakfast is in the kitchen if you follow the rose peddles.” I laughed and stood up. I followed the peddles into the kitchen and to the table. There was a glass of orange juice and eggs and ham. There were rose peddles spread in a heart around the plate. I smiled and sat down. I started eating. It tasted great. I chuckled, “For a vampire you cook really good.” I could hear him laugh in the other room.

After I was done eating I washed the plates and went into the other room. Keith stood up and asked, “Want to go? So we can tell everyone the good news?” I smiled, “What good news?” He pursed his lips smiling, “So there’s nothing that they should know?” I shrugged, “Do you know something I don’t know?” He sucked his teeth, “Come on. Stop being cruel.” I went over and kissed him, “Okay. Lets go.” I took Ella from him and he picked me up and ran.

When we got to the house he put me down on the couch. I asked, “Where is everyone?” Keith shrugged, “I don’t know. Either upstairs, out hunting, dad might be at work.” “Oh.” I looked down at Ella and smiled, “So when are we going to have the wedding?” “I was thinking as soon as possible. If we go all out with it then we could have the wedding in about two weeks with how fast Diana can get all the arrangements done. But if we just have a private wedding we could have it this Monday. I don’t care what we do as long as I’m married to you. What do you want?”

“I don’t think that two weeks is that long of a wait.” I said. He raised his brows. I asked, “What?” He shook his head laughing and sat next to me, “Nothing. I’m just surprised. You hate it when people go all out on you. And I was expecting you to pick the private wedding.” I laughed and explained, “This is different. This is our wedding. It’s not just for me. It’s for you too.” “Yeah but I wouldn’t care if you chose the private wedding.” He said. I raised my brows, “So you’re telling me that you want the private wedding?” He shook his head, “No. That’s not what I’m saying. Of course I want to go all out with the wedding. I want the best for ‘you’. I’m saying that I’ll do whatever you want with the wedding.” I smiled and kissed him, “Thank you. And I want the wedding to be on Widow’s cliff.” He nodded, “Alright. Sounds nice to me.”

I felt something dig into my forearm. I groaned and looked over. Ella had bit me again. Keith took her off of me and put her in her crib. Then he rushed over to me. His face was strained. He took my arm and grabbed a hand towel out from under the coffee table. He held it against the wound, “Maybe you should be more careful when you hold her. Or . . .” “I’m fine.” I interrupted. “I’m fine. She can bite me whenever she wants.” He cleaned it out and wrapped it up. I tried telling him that I could do it but he wanted to insist that he was okay.

“See. I told you I was fine.” He said smiling. I put my arm around his neck and touched his lips with my other hand, “I know. I was just trying to make it easier on you.” He nodded, “I know.” I was about to kiss him when the door opened. We both turned to see Diana and Hilary come in with bags. They smiled when they saw us. Hilary said, “Good morning. We were just going shopping for Ella.” I smiled, “Well I thank you for her.” “What happened to your arm? Did Ella bite you again?” She asked. I nodded, “Yeah. But I’m fine.”

Diana looked at Keith, “So did you ask her yet?” I smiled. He nodded, “Yes I did. She said yes.” Diana started jumping up and down laughing. She came over and hugged me, “Oh I just love weddings!” I laughed, “Well good. Because I was wondering if you could plan it.” She pulled back, “You mean it? I can do it?” I nodded, “Yes. And you can surprise me as long as it’s on Widow’s Cliff.” She nodded, “Right. I’ll have it set for July nineteenth. I gotta go.” She ran back outside dropping her bags by the door. I laughed, “I never knew that she was so passionate about weddings.” Hilary nodded, “Yes she is.”

I looked up at Hilary, “Be one of my maid of honor’s?” She smiled, “I’d love to.” “Mommy.” A sweet voice said. All eyes raced to Ella. I got up and went over to stand beside the crib. Keith and Hilary followed. I asked, “Did she just call me?” Ella smiled, “Mommy. Don’t be so shocked. I’m growing. That’s all.” My eyes widened. She sat up and sighed, “Will you just pick me up please?” I picked her up and looked at her. Keith kissed her cheek, “I love you baby.” “I love you too daddy. Why isn’t mother saying anything? I think you might have to pinch her to wake her up.”

Keith chuckled, “She’s surprised. She wasn’t expecting you to say anything for another year yet alone speak fluently now.” I took a deep breath and smiled, “I love you.” “I love you too mommy. I’m sorry about your arm. I’m not going to bite you anymore.” I chuckled, “Don’t worry about it. I’m okay. Hungry?” She shook her head, “No. I just wanted to get out of the crib.” I smiled and sat down on the couch sitting her next to me. Keith went into the kitchen and when he came back out he had two cups. He handed me one; ice tea; and handed Ella the other; blood. Hilary sat down on the other couch.

After a few minutes Ella got up and walked into the kitchen. I got up and followed her. She put her cup in the sink. I sighed smiling, “You’re really growing fast.” She rolled her eyes and jumped into my arms, “Stop being a marshmallow.” I chuckled, “Stop growing so fast.” She smiled and jumped out of my arms. I went back in the other room and sat back down. She jumped into Keith’s lap and watched TV.

Chapter 17: Wedding - July 19th

I sat in the tent already dressed as Diana worked on my makeup. She already had my hair done in curls. My dress had no sleeves. But it had a thick strap around my neck. It was white with a diamond beading that went around the waist and led down the middle of the dress.

“I don’t know if I’m up for this.” I said. Diana encouraged, “You’ll be fine. What’s wrong?” I answered, “I . . . I’m nervous.” She chuckled, “Everyone’s nervous when they get married. Don’t worry. Take a deep breath and relax.” I nodded and took a deep breath. After she was done with my make-up she showed me myself in a mirror. I smiled, “Thank you. You made me look pretty for a change.” She sighed, “You’re always pretty. This just brings out the beauty so ‘you’ can finally see it.” I chuckled, “I’m regular. Nothing special about me.” David called in, “Is it safe to come in?” “Yeah. Come in.” Diana called back out.

David came in with Ella. She had this cute little pink dress on with pink flowers in her hair. She wore pink wrist gloves. She was my little flower girl. “We’re all ready out there. Are we ready in here?” “Yes.” “No.” I corrected. They both came over to stand beside me. Diana touched my shoulder, “Ariel. You’ll be fine. Trust me.” I shook my head, “No I won’t. I’ll either trip on my way down.” “I won’t let you fall.” David smiled. I said, “I’ll forget what to say and have to ask the preacher to repeat himself. Or something.” Diana looked at David, “Maybe she needs a little talk. You know like a dad talk.” That was probably all I needed. Was a pep talk. I was feeling really, really nervous.

Diana went outside taking Ella with her and David kneeled beside me, “Hey. What’s going on? What are you afraid of?” “Messing up. I want this day to be perfect. Not just for me but for Keith and I’m just bound to mess it up on him.” He said, “You’ll be fine. Even if you were to mess up Keith wouldn’t care. As long as he was married to you. You’re just as nervous as any other bride on their wedding day.” I smiled and hugged him, “Thank you.”

I stood up and grabbed my bouquet and went to stand right behind the opening of the ten. I took David’s arm and took a deep breath. The anxiety was getting worse. I heard Diana call in, “Ariel. Calm down. You’ll worry all your makeup off and you’ll faint.” I sighed, “Gee, thanks Diana. Real helpful.” “Just relax, Ariel.” “Okay. It’s starting.” Diana said. The music started and my heart raced even more. We had to wait ten seconds to give the brides maids and flower girl a head start. Then we walked out following behind them.

Everyone was there. My teachers. My principals. My friends. Sam and Mike was there. Sam was really excited and Mike was just smiling at me. He always had a crush on me. Oh well. I saw Keith and I couldn’t tear my eyes from him. I smiled at him and he smiled back. When we got to the alter David placed my hand in Keith’s hand and I knew that I was going to be okay. Everyone sat down in their seats and the preacher started.

Keith said his ‘I do’ with a smile and grace. Then the preacher turned to me and asked me the question. By now I had to blink a couple times to get the tears out of my face. I swallowed and said, “I do.” The preacher smiled and said, “You may now kiss the bride.” I wrapped my arms and bouquet around his neck and kissed him. Everyone cheered and clapped. I didn’t want to end this. But Keith pulled back and wiped the tears from my face, “So was that that hard that you had to have an anxiety attack in the tent?” I chuckled, “No. It wasn’t. I love you.” The first set of arms that embraced me were my friends and then my family. Even the teachers and principals hugged me. They also said that I should’ve stayed in school but I just ignored them. Keith took the wedding garter off of my leg and when he threw it one of the teachers caught it. Creepy. I threw my bouquet and Sam caught it.

Then it was time for the first dance. They played the music and I grabbed his one hand and wrapped my other arm around his shoulder. He layed his one hand on my lower back and held my hand to his chest. Camera’s flashed from everywhere. I smiled, “I don’t know how Diana did all this but it’s perfect.” Keith asked, “She’s very talented. So ‘Mrs. Shades’, how does it feel to be married at eighteen?” I chuckled, “Great. Best feeling in the world; besides being a mother.” He nodded, “Yes. Same here. Greatest thing in the world; besides being a father.”


Keith and I sat at the table eating cake. It was just a table for two. People urged us to put cake in each others faces but I didn’t want to ruin the makeup that Diana spent time on. I heard footsteps coming our way and when I looked up to see who it was I froze. It was William with about three other guys. They were all dressed up and smiling at us; well William was smiling. The others seemed to be his body guards.

Keith stood and so did I. He was about to walk around the table to him but I grabbed his arm, “No. Don’t. Not today.” William chuckled, “And I thought I was going to get a mother’s rage.” “Not yet. Not today. What do you want?” I asked. He said, “To congratulate you. On the wedding. And on your lovely daughter that you actually managed to protect.” Keith growled lowly. I looked over and made sure that Ella was safe. She was in Hilary’s arms. And she glanced over at us with caution. Same as Diana and David. They already knew the danger.

“Okay. You’ve congratulated us now you can leave. If you don’t mind, I’d like to have a peaceful wedding day.” He nodded, “Of course. But don’t I get a dance with the bride like everyone else before I leave?” Keith growled, “I don’t think so.” “Then we’ll skip right to killing everyone here. All because she won’t dance with me.” He said. He was about to give some order to the guys behind him. But I said, “Wait. You leave everyone here alone and leave as soon as it’s over . . . Then I’ll do it.” Keith looked down at me, “He’s going to hurt you.” I shook my head, “No he won’t. Not in public like this. Trust me. I’ll be fine.” William held out his hand smiling. I sighed and took it.

I frowned as we swayed back and forth . He asked, “So what’s her name?” I answered, “Ella.” “She’s very pretty. What is she like? Being half human half vampire?” He asked. I replied, “You will never know. I will find out how to kill you. And when I do you better be careful. You won’t want to be coming around like this.” He said, “You know it’s your fault he’s dead right now, right?” I swallowed. This is what Keith meant when he said he’d hurt me. I sighed, “Yes.”

“If you would’ve just made it easy for me to kidnap you then he would’ve lived. I would’ve raised him and he would be alive.” He added. I asked, “Why did you come back? Why today? Why couldn’t you wait until tomorrow or something?” William shrugged, “I don’t know. Thought it’d be best today.” “It’s just a joke to you. My pain is like the comedy channel for you.” I stated. He nodded, “Yeah. I guess you can say that.” The song ended and I gladly pulled back from him. William sucked his teeth, “Oh come on. It’s your wedding day. Forget about him. If you can kill him then you can obviously forget about him.” He smiled at his cruelty. I whispered through tears, “I will never forget him.”

Keith came over and put his arm around me. He looked at William, “William. You got your dance so just leave. You’ve done enough damage here.” William backed away, “I’ll be seeing you and your daughter real soon.” Keith growled. Then they left. No one had noticed what had happened because it was all in low voices made only for us. Although, it was like a yelling match for me.

Keith turned to me and framed my face, “Are you alright?” I nodded and wiped my tears away. My hands were trembling and I couldn’t stop the tears from coming out. I said, “Just give me a minute.” My voice was real shaky. I turned and walked quickly back to the tent. I sat down at the desk and layed my head down on the desk crying.

I felt someone touch my back and when I peeked from the corner of my eyes I saw Keith kneeling beside me. He said, “I’m so sorry that this had to happen today. I wanted everything to be perfect for you.” He sighed. I leaned down and hugged him, “Why’d he have to come back? Why couldn’t he just stay away and leave us alone?” “I don’t know. He’s evil.” “I quit. I’m done fighting back.” Keith pulled back and looked up at me, “What do you mean you’re done fighting back? Ariel. No. Don’t give up.” I sighed and wiped my tears away. I groaned, “Crap. Could you ask Diana to come here?” He nodded and kissed me. Then he left.

Diana came in and stood beside me, “Are you okay?” I nodded, “I’m fine now. I’m just going to forget about what happened for right now. Just lock it up in a box and keep it there until I need to open it. But could you fix my makeup?” She nodded and got to work, “Sure.” I asked, “Where’s Ella?” “Hilary has her. When I left Keith was going over to hold her. So now she’s with him.” She answered.

After she was done with my makeup I went back out and went over to Keith. He held Ella. I kissed her cheek and then I kissed Keith. He asked, “Are you okay?” I nodded, “Yes. Could we just forget about it for right now? The weddings not over yet.” He smiled, “Sure. Want to dance?” I smiled, “Now that, I would love to do.” Ella asked, “I want to dance too. Please?” Keith shushed her, “Shh. Ella. You can’t talk like that right now. Right now you’re only one years old.” She puckered her bottom lip. We both laughed and headed out for the dance floor. He held both Ella and I in his arms.

Chapter 18: Kidnapping

I layed Ella down for bed and covered her up. I kissed her, “Love you.” “Love you too mommy. Night.” “Night baby. Sweet dreams.” I turned the light out and left. I went downstairs and outside. Keith got up off the couch and followed me out. I just stood there and folded my arms across my chest staring out at the road. He wrapped his arms around me and layed his chin on my shoulder, “What’s the matter, baby?” “I’m tired of waiting.”

“Tired of waiting for what?” He asked. I turned around and answered, “For William to attack. I’m tired of playing his games. I mean, what’s he waiting for? It’s been a week now. And he’s holding up my honeymoon.” Keith sighed and pulled me into his arms, “Baby. Don’t worry about him right now. Worry about him when he attacks. And we can still go on our honeymoon.” I shook my head, “No. There’s no way we’re taking Ella with us on our honeymoon. And as long as William’s alive I’m not leaving her. So when this is finally over then we can go on our honeymoon.”

He kissed me, “Alright. Well stop worrying. Come on. Lets go inside and have a fraction of our honeymoon.” I smiled and he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him on the way up.


When I woke up I was alone. Ella was probably awake and he was feeding her. I got up and got dressed. Then I went into Ella’s room. It was empty. I went downstairs and found a note on the couch. I picked it up and it read:

‘Ariel. When you wake up you will realize that you’re alone in the house. And that it is later in the day than you expected. I have your husband and your daughter. But before I took them I gave you some Anesthesia to keep you asleep. Just relax. - William Shades’

I gasped and started to breathe heavy. What? He took Keith and Ella! I turned and started running home with the paper in hand. The sun was setting. What? How long was I out? I’d find out when I got there.

When I ran through the door I stopped and leaned on my knees breathing heavily. Diana was the only one in the room. She came over and stood me up, “Ariel. What’s wrong?” “He took them!” I cried. She pulled me over to the couch and sat me down, “Ariel. Take a breather. I can’t understand what you’re saying.” I gave her the paper and she read it.

“Mom! Dad! Get down here now!” They came downstairs. “What is it? What’s wrong with Ariel?” Hilary asked. Diana answered, “She ran here all the way from her place.” “What? Where’s Keith?” David asked. Diana gave him the note, “William kidnapped them.”

Hilary said, “Diana. Stay here with Ariel. We’re gonna go find them.” She nodded and they left. Diana went into the kitchen and came back out with a cup of water. She handed it to me, “Here. Drink it slowly.” I took it and sipped it. I cried, “It’s all my fault. He wanted me not them.” Diana sat next to me and hugged me, “No it’s not. It’s not your fault.”


It was now midnight. I paced back and forth in the living room. Diana sat on the couch just watching me, “Ariel. Come sit down and relax.” I shook my head, “I can’t relax. My husband and daughter are missing. And Hilary and David have been out there for hours now. What if he gets them too?” “Ariel!” She yelled. I stopped and looked at her. I guess she didn’t really have my attention. “Go upstairs and lay down.” She said. I sighed and that’s when the door opened.

Ella came running in crying, “Mommy!” I picked her up and hugged her. But she wasn’t alone. William was standing there, “Little brat. She got out of my arms.” I yelled, “Where’s Keith?! What did you do to him?!” He smiled, “He’s fine. And so is mom and dad. They’ll be fine.” He snapped his fingers and three men came in. They grabbed Diana. I yelled, “No! Leave her alone!” They tied her up. I tried to use my powers with a wave of my hand but they didn’t move. What was wrong with my powers? William laughed, “With Cole here you can’t use your powers.”

I asked, “Why are you doing this?” He replied, “Because they’re always getting in the way when I try to kill you. So. I’m gonna hold on to them and tomorrow at eight meet me at Widow’s Cliff. If you don’t I will torture them forever until you do.” I shook my head and held Ella close to me, “No. Don’t hurt them.” Diana said, “Don’t worry Ariel. Just stay here and protect Ella.” William sighed, “We’ll see you tomorrow night. Until then.” Then they left.

I sat down on the couch and held Ella close to me crying, “Are you okay, baby? Did they hurt you?” She cried, “No. Mommy. They got daddy, grandma, grandpa, and now Aunt Diana.” I nodded, “I know. I’m gonna get them back baby. I promise. Are you hungry?” She nodded. I stood and carried her out into the kitchen. I sat her down at the table. I got the blood out of the fridge and poured it into a cup. I sat down next to her and gave it to her. She sighed, “Thank you.” Then she drank it. I wiped the tears from her face and mine.

After she was done I took her hand and led her into the living room. I sat down and she sat next to me. I turned sideways to look at her and layed my arm on the back of the couch, “Ella. I have to talk to you.” She looked up at me, “What is it?” I said, “This is going to be our last night together. Tomorrow I have to ask Mike to baby-sit you. I’m going to go and get daddy and them back.”

“Meaning you’re gonna sacrifice yourself to save them?” She interrupted. I sighed and nodded, “Yeah. There’s no other way. And I want you to know that I love you with all my heart. You and daddy are my world. You’re the best thing that happened to me. You know that, right?” She nodded and looked down. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her, “I wouldn’t be leaving you if there were another way. But I’m gonna keep you and daddy and the rest of them safe. I promise.”


The next morning when Ella woke up I got her breakfast and packed a few of her things. Then I sat down and watched TV with her. She watched TV. I watched her. She was so sad. I played with her hair as she watched TV. I was so tired. I stayed up all night just sitting by her bed watching her sleep. Now it was only four. I sighed and she looked up at me. I smiled to hide the pain.

Ella climbed into my lap and just layed against me, “I don’t want you to go mommy.” I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head, “I know baby. I don’t want to leave you either. But I have to. I’m sorry. I’ll be watching over you. And I won’t be mad at you if you get mad at me for leaving. I’ll never be disappointed in you. No matter what you do. I’ll always be proud of you. Nothing you do could let me down. I love you.” She whispered, “I love you too.”


It was seven thirty. I was running late. I didn’t wanna let her go. But I gave her the book bag and she put it on. I got in the car and drove off. She sat in the passenger seat being quiet. I said, “Ella. When we get to Mike’s you have to act like a one year old okay? And he’s going to make you thirsty. But you can’t bite him. And when they give you something to eat or drink you have to take it. Can you do that for me?” She just nodded. I reached over and ran the back of my fingers down the side of her face, “It’s going to be okay, sweetie. Daddy will be with you real soon. I promise.” She said, “But you won’t be.” I sighed, “I know. It hurts me too. But it’s what has to be done.” She turned her head and looked out the window. I went to pull her over to me but she moved away from my touch. I sighed and just continued to drive.

When we got to Mike’s I got out and carried her up to the house. I knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and Mike smiled, “Hey. How are you?” I smiled back, “Okay. Could you watch her for me? I need to go do something.” He nodded, “Sure. Is there anything I should know?” I replied, “She likes the show sponge bob and she can be quite independent when she wants to. No soda after ten. Otherwise she’ll never get to sleep. She doesn’t have a bed time. I usually just let her fall asleep whenever unless I’m going to bed. She has toys and clothes in her bag.” Mike nodded, “Alright. What time will you be picking her up?” I sighed, “Um. Keith will be picking her up. Either later on tonight or some time tomorrow. Thanks Mike.” I squatted and hugged Ella, “I love you. Remember what I said.” She nodded and kissed my cheek. I stood and she backed up. Mike took her hand and led her inside. I turned and ran back to the car. If I didn’t leave now I wouldn’t be able to.
Chapter 19: Vampires and Witches

I drove quickly to Widow’s Cliff. It was eight now. I wouldn’t get there until eight thirty. I hope I’m not too late. What if he tortures them while I’m on my way because I’m late? What if they’re not there and I have to search for them while they get tortured because I’m late? Oh my god. I was breathing faster and I was panicking.

Once I got there I parked the car and practically jumped out of the car. I didn’t bother to turn the car engine off. Keith, Diana, Hilary, and David were all tied up to a tree with two vampires standing beside them. Keith was the only one not gagged. William was standing there smiling at me, “Thought you would never come. Why are you late? And where’s Ella?” I replied, “She’s safe. And that’s why I’m late. I had to make sure that she was somewhere safe.” I looked over at Keith and sighed. His face was agonized. I looked back over at William, “I’m here now let them go.” He shook his head, “Not until after I kill you.” “No! Don’t touch her!” Keith yelled. I asked, “Can I at least go say goodbye?” He nodded and waved his arm towards Keith, “Go ahead but make it quick.” I nodded and ran over to Keith.

I hugged him tightly. He layed his forehead on my shoulder, “Why did you come here? What did I tell you to do? What about Ella?” I whispered in his ear so that no one else would hear, “She’s with Mike.” I pulled back and kissed him. I felt the tears run down his cheeks as we kissed goodbye. I pulled back and framed his face, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t just let him hurt you and my family. I love you. Take care of Ella.” He said, “I love you too.” I kissed him once more and then ran back to William. Back to my death.

I took a deep breath and sighed, “Come on. Just get it over with.” William came over to me and pushed me back. I went flying across the cliff. He pushed me so hard that I went over the side. I screamed and I could hear Keith yelling. I hit the water but my side also hit the rock. I went deep into the water holding my side. I had no breath left to hold. Water went down my throat and I couldn’t breathe. I closed my eyes and that was it.

“Come on Ariel. It’s not time to die yet.” I heard William say and I felt hands pushing against my chest. That’s when the water came up my throat. I turned my head to the side spitting the water out and choking. He laughed, “Good girl.” Once I got my breath I looked around and saw William kneeling beside me. Keith and them were all tied to the tree and the guards faces looked strained. I just realized the pain in my side.

I touched my side and looked at it. It was cut. Blood was everywhere. I gasped and layed my head back on the ground. William grabbed me and stood me up. I held my wound and hunched over. I could hardly stand. Keith yelled, “William leave her alone!” William laughed, “Sorry. I saved her so that she would be alive for when I killed her.” I sighed and started drooping to my knees. William grabbed my shoulders and stood me up, “No you don’t.” I started to close my eyes but he pressed his fingers in my wound making me yell and cry in pain, “Don’t go to sleep.” I opened my eyes and he stopped. I panted, “Just stop and get it over with. Please.” “Since you said please. I’ll do it.” He tilted my head to the side and kissed my neck.
Keith yelled and struggled against the magical ropes that bound him, “No! Leave her alone!” He was crying and panicking. Then I felt his teeth dig into my neck and I screamed digging my hands into his shoulders. “No! Stop! You’re killing her! William!”

My mother just appeared behind William. She grabbed William by his shoulders and threw him across into the trees. I dropped to the ground on my back shaking. The guards went after her but she held her hands out palms facing them and a blue light flew out towards them. Once it hit them they started shaking and they turned into ashes. William came out and she hit him with it. He turned into ashes in seconds. Then she untied the others.

They all ran over to me. Keith kneeled beside me on one side and my mom on the other. My mom said, “She’s changing.” Keith picked me up and headed for home. My mom kissed my cheek and smiled, “Goodbye darling.” I groaned, “Mom.” She disappeared. I let my head fall back crying and screaming when the burning sent electric shocks through my body.

I didn’t realize that we were home until Keith layed me down on the couch. He ripped a piece of his shirt off and pressed it to my wound. I yelled. The burning spread from my neck to my head and shoulders. Keith held my hand and asked, “Isn’t there anything we could do?” David touched his shoulder, “No. We can’t do anything else for her. She’s changing into a vampire. Her wound will be fine and once the venom is finished spreading she’ll go to sleep.” The burning spread down to my arms and hands sending another electric shock through my body. I yelled and squeezed Keith’s hand. He came over and layed his forehead on the couch next to my head, “I’m so sorry Ariel.” I cried, “It’s not your fault. Somebody go get Ella.” “Where is she? I’ll go get her.” Diana said. Keith answered, “At Mike’s house. Peterson street. 1345. Last house on the right.”

After about fifteen minutes the burning spread through my body to my waist. I squeezed Keith’s hand and bit down to try to bear the pain. The door opened and Diana walked in with Ella in her arms. She put her down and looked at me. Ella dropped her bag and ran to my side, “Mommy! What happened?! No!” She started crying. I let go of Keith’s hand and touched her face, “Don’t worry baby. This . . . This is only temporary. I’ll be fine.” She closed her eyes crying. Hilary came over and kneeled beside her putting her hands on her shoulders, “Ella. Come on. Lets go upstairs and give mommy some time to go to sleep. She’ll be fine.” I nodded, “Go with grandma . . .” I turned my head and yelled into the cushion when the burning spread down to my knees and more electric shots ran through my body. Hilary picked her up and ran upstairs.

Keith kissed my cheek and whispered, “Where has the burning reached now?” I panted, “My knees.” He sighed, “It’s almost done. It’ll all be over real soon.” I reached over and hugged him, “I love you.” “I love you too. I’ll be right there with you when you wake up.” He went to pull back but I held him closer to me, “No. Just hold me.” He lifted me up and sat on the couch. He layed me back against his chest. My head rested on his shoulder.

The burning spread down to my ankles and another electric shock ran through my body making me bite down grinding my teeth down and moan in pain. Keith wrapped his arms around me holding me against his body. I sighed and kissed his neck, “It’s down to my ankles.” He smiled and kissed me. I reached up and placed my hand on the back of his neck holding him to me. When he pulled back he said, “It’ll be all over soon then. You’ll be going to sleep for three days.” I frowned, “Three days?” He nodded, “Yeah.”

The burning spread all the way to my feet and the shock went through my body. I bit down and held my breath. Keith ran his hand down the side of my face. I sighed and started breathing slowly. I looked up and touched Keith’s face, “I love you.” He smiled, “I love you too.” My arm dropped and I couldn’t move anymore. I closed my eyes and everything went black. The burning intensified but I couldn’t scream, move, talk or anything. I couldn’t bear the pain. All I wanted right now was to wake up from this and see my husband and daughter and family.

Chapter 20: Who Am I?

My throat burned and I could feel again. I opened my eyes and I was in a bed. How was I here? Where am I? I sat up and a guy who looked to be in his teens with blonde hair rushed to my side. He sat on the edge of the bed and touched my face, “You’re awake.” I frowned, “Where am I? What happened?” “It’s disorienting but you’re alright. You’re home. I love you.” I was about to ask him what was going on but he kissed me. I pushed him back, “Excuse me.” He frowned, “What’s wrong?” I asked, “What’s going on? Who am I? Who are you? And why are you kissing me?”

His jaw dropped and his face turned to shock. He asked, “You don’t remember?” I shook my head, “I don’t remember anything. My name. You. What happened before I woke up. My life. Who are you?” He sighed, “I’m Keith Shades. You’re Ariel Shades. My wife.” I raised my brows, “What? We’re married?” “And we have a daughter.” He said. I got up and walked across the room. I turned and looked at him, “Alright. You need to explain everything to me. Was I in an accident? A car accident that made me lose my memory?” He shook his head and stood up, “No. Come with me downstairs and I’ll introduce you to the rest of the family.” I took a deep breath and nodded following him downstairs.

“Mommy!” A little girl with dimples and blonde curls yelled and ran over to me. She hugged my legs and I brought my hands up as a criminal would do when approaching a police officer that had a gun on him. There were two women and another man sitting on the couch. They looked at me confused. I was the one confused not them.

The little girl looked up at me, “Mommy? What’s the matter?” I took a deep breath and sighed. Keith came over and picked her up. I relaxed and folded my arms across my chest. Keith sat down with the girl on her lap and looked at the others, “She doesn’t remember anything. Not even herself.” The guy frowned, “What? How come? That never occurs when someone changes into a vampire.” “She’s not just a vampire. She’s a witch too.”

I asked, “What are you talking about?” Keith looked at me, “Come sit down. We’ll explain everything.” I sighed and sat by the arm of the couch. Keith introduced, “This is David, Hilary, and Diana. And this is your daughter, Ella.”


So I was a witch and a vampire. And a guy named William killed my dad and my baby while he was still inside me. And this is my second child, Ella. Keith and I were married. This was my family. Hilary asked, “Are you okay?” I sighed, “Am I okay? Yes. My throat burns but I’ll be fine.” “She meant are you okay with everything that we just told you.” David said. I shrugged, “Do I have a choice? Whether I like it or not I don’t remember a thing and I’m playing the role of Amy Shades.” I got up and went out front.

I folded my arms across my chest and just stared at the ground. “It’s going to be okay. You’ll remember in time.” Keith said from behind me. I sighed and shook my head, “You don’t know that. What if I don’t remember?” He came over and stood beside me, “It’ll be okay. Life’s tough but it always softens up. Trust me.” I sighed and I smelled something. It smelled good but it made my throat burn even more. Then I saw a teenage boy walking down the street with a little boy.

I started to run for them but Keith wrapped his arms around me and turned me around towards the house. I growled and tried to get out of his arms. Keith whispered, “Fight it. Try to fight it. I know it’s hard but you have to.” I turned around and pushed him back. He hit the ground and I started running for them again.

They saw me and stopped. Keith tackled me and knocked me to the ground. He layed on top of me. The older boy moved in front of the little boy, “Hey. Is she okay?” Keith looked up at him and yelled, “Go! She’ll be fine if you just go!” They hesitated but then when I barred my teeth and growled at them they ran. I dug my nails into the ground trying to get up. Keith grabbed my hands to stop me from doing so.

Then the smell was gone and I stopped moving. Keith asked, “Are you okay?” I nodded, “Yeah. I’m . . . sorry. I . . . didn’t mean to.” He got off of me and layed on his back, “Don’t apologize. It’s alright. It’s natural.” I rolled over on my back and looked up at the sky while picking the dirt out from under my nails, “Natural.” He rolled on his side and grabbed my hand. He started taking the dirt out, “Yeah. You’re a vampire. You drink blood. But we’re not killers so we eat animal blood.” I nodded, “Got it.”

He took my other hand and got the dirt out. When he was done he kissed my hand and let it go, “It’s all out.” I nodded, “Thanks.” I looked at the ring that was on my finger and sighed. He asked, “What’s wrong?” I looked at him, “How old am I? You forgot to mention that.” “Oh. You’re eighteen. Why?” He asked. I groaned and looked back at the ring, “Married at eighteen. What happened? Did I get knocked up and get married because of it?” He sighed, “No. You thought it was a great idea. You loved me then.” He sounded upset.

I looked over at him and saw that he was laying on his back looking up at the sky and he had a tear drop on his cheek. I sat up and looked down at him, “I’m sorry. I guess I could’ve been a little more considerate about the way I said that. It’s just frustrating not to be able to remember getting married or ever being in love with you. Or having a child.” He nodded, “I know. It’s frustrating for you. For me too. Not as much as it has to be for you but still. And it’s okay. You don’t need to apologize.”

I asked, “So . . . When are we going to eat?” He got up and took my hand. He stood me up, “Right now. Follow me into the forest.” I nodded and he ran off. He was as fast as the wind. How was I supposed to keep up with him? He stopped when he got to the forest and looked back at me, “Are you coming?” I heard him from all the way over here. It was like he was standing right next to me. And I could see him. I sighed and started running over to him. I was next to him in a flash.

Keith smiled and twitched his head toward the forest, “Come on. Lets go hunt some deer.” We both ran into the forest. There was a pack of deer that were running from us. Keith leaped at one and bit its neck. I sighed and did the same. I wrestled with the deer and its kicking did nothing to me. I bit down and it moved even more. But then it stopped. The blood washed away the burning. Well for now. I suppose it would come back later. Once my deer was empty I dropped it and wiped my mouth. I sighed and stood up. Keith was watching me standing beside his dead deer. I looked down at my clothes and seen that my shirt was shredded. I groaned and looked up at him. He was perfect. I asked, “How come your shirts not all torn?” He smiled, “Your new at this. By the third time you’ll be perfect.” I nodded and headed back with him.

I ran right upstairs and stopped in the hallway, “Which room’s supposed to be mine?” He pointed to a room, “That one. But we live in another house so I’ll get you another shirt from Diana’s clothes. She won’t mind.” I nodded and went in there. I sat on the side of the bed.

Keith came in with a red shirt and handed it to me. I took it and looked up at him. At first he just stood there. But then he sighed and turned around, “Sorry. I won’t look. I promise.” I took the shredded shirt off and put the shirt he gave me on.

“You can turn around now.” I said. He turned and sat on the bed next to me. I felt awkward. He touched my face, “I’ve missed you. I know you don’t remember me but . . . I have to tell you that.” I sighed, “Keith. You seem like a really nice guy. But . . .” He sighed and kissed my cheek, “Sorry. I’ll behave. This is hard. I love you and I keep forgetting that I can’t do that anymore.” I nodded, “I know. I mean, I understand. I would feel the same way if the situation were reversed. And it’s really hard not being able to remember anything.” He nodded and stood, “Yeah. I’m going to go get Ella something to eat.” Then he left.

I sighed and looked around the room. I took the necklace that I just realized I had on since I looked in the mirror off. It was a thin silver chain that had the letter ‘K’ on it. I touched it and I . . . had a flash back or something. Keith and I were in the same room. This room. Smiling. He put the necklace on me saying something about this telling the other guys that I wasn’t available. That I was only available to him.

Then I opened my eyes and I was back in the room. I gasped and looked at the necklace. I smiled. I didn’t remember everything but I remembered something. I ran downstairs and didn’t see Keith. I asked, “Where’s Keith?” “Out in the kitchen with Ella.” Diana answered. I ran out to the kitchen. Keith was sitting at the table watching Ella drink from the seat across from him.

He looked up at me, “What are you smiling at?” I replied, “I had a flash back.” He smiled, “Really? What did you remember? What triggered it?” I answered, “I just touched the ‘K’ on this necklace and had a flashback of when you gave it to me.” I put it back on my neck, “Maybe if I see or touch pictures or whatever I’ll remember.” He nodded, “We have some pictures upstairs. I’ll show them to you.”

Ella asked, “Do you remember me now?” I turned to her and sighed shaking my head, “No. Sorry. I wish I did.” She got up and ran in the other room yelling over her shoulder, “I’m never going to get my mother back!” I looked at the door and I felt sorry for her. A tear ran down my cheek.

Keith walked past me and followed her. I sat down at the table and folded my arms across my chest. I need to remember. As soon as possible. That little girl needs her mother. I’m supposed to be her mother. But how can I be her mother if I don’t remember her?

After about fifteen minutes Keith came back in. He stood beside me and wiped the tears from my cheek, “Sorry.” I looked at him, “Sorry? There’s nothing to be sorry for. I wasn’t crying for me. I was crying for her. She needs her mother and I can’t give it to her. I can play the part of her mother but what good will that do?” He smiled slightly, “At least you have the motherly instincts. You’ll remember. She’ll get her mother back. I’ll get my wife back. All in good time. We just need to be patient.” I nodded, “Hope you’re right.” “I am.”

Chapter 21: Remember me

It’s been a week now and nothing’s changed. I haven’t remembered a single thing. No picture. No item. No one has been able to jog my memory. Everyone’s been getting me to try to remember. But not as hard as Keith. He was pressuring me to do so. Ella wouldn’t even come near me half the time. She wanted nothing to do with me until I got my memory back. I could see how much she was hurting not having a mother. She would always cuddle up with Keith or Hilary when Keith was helping me try to remember.

“Try to remember. Try to think back to when this was taken.” He said. I stared at the picture of Ella, Keith, and I as a family trying to remember what happened that day. But nothing happened. We’ve been at this for an hour. I shook my head, “I can’t.” “Try.”

I looked up at him, “You think I’m not trying? You think I just love sitting around here not knowing you or anyone here? That I get a kick out of seeing that little girl in pain because she doesn’t have her mother?” I threw the picture at the wall and the glass cracked. I turned and ran downstairs and outside.

I picked up a stone and chucked it across the lawn. It skidded and hit the car parked. It was like a bullet. “Damn it.” I keep forgetting how strong I am. I can’t do that anymore. “Lucky that’s our car.” Keith said from behind me. I walked up to the car and just looked into my reflection. Keith walked beside me. I sighed, “Sorry. I’m just a little frustrated.” He nodded, “I know. And it doesn’t help when I pressure you into remembering. Maybe that’s why you haven’t remembered anything. I’ve kept on pushing you and it just needs to come by itself.”

I saw a bite mark on my neck. It was like a black tattoo. I reached up and touched it. It was soft and cold. That’s when I closed my eyes and I knew I was having a flash back. I was laying on the ground soaked and my side was bleeding like a fountain. There was a guy. William. He stood me up. I was about to pass out or something and he stuck his fingers in my wound waking me up. I begged him to get it over with and he bit me.

“No!” I came out of it and hugged Keith. He wrapped his arms around me, “What happened?” I sighed, “I saw William. When he bit me. I was bleeding out of my side and I was soaked.” “Yeah. Before he pushed you over the cliff and you hit a rock on your way into the water. He brought you back up and revived you. Then he bit you.” He said. I just stood there in his arms. Too scared to move. Keith chuckled, “Are you okay?” I nodded, “Yeah. I’m fine. Just a little . . . Scared. But I remembered something.” “And I got to hold you.” He commented laughing a bit.

I smiled and pulled back sighing, “Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.” We turned and headed for the house. Keith smiled, “I always do.” We sat on the couch and just watched TV. Well, he did. I just sat there staring at the floor with my arms folded across my stomach.

I closed my eyes and had another flash back. I was walking home when William came up and grabbed me. He grabbed my stomach and squeezed. Blood came out and my baby came out of me. He killed my baby!

When I opened my eyes I was back in the room gasping. They were all looking at me. David asked, “What did you see?” I shook my head and got up. I headed for the door but then Keith grabbed my wrists. Both my hands were planted on my stomach. He turned me around and asked, “What’s the matter? Why are you crying?” I didn’t even realize that I was crying. I shook my head, “I . . . I’ll be back.” I turned and went outside. He followed me.

“Hey. Talk to me. What did you see that’s making you upset?” I sighed, “I saw when William killed the baby.” He sighed and hugged me. I pulled back after a while and said, “I’m gonna go hunt. I’ll be back in a while.” He nodded, “Want me to come with you?” I shook my head, “No. I’ll call you if I need you.” I turned and ran into the forest. I got deep into the forest when I finally caught a deer. I drank it dry. I haven’t come across any humans since that one time so I haven’t had to practice my self control.

After I was done I wiped my mouth and started to just wander around in the forest. I didn’t know where I was going but I just wandered around. I stopped when I found a house. I frowned, “Why would there be a house all the way out here?” I went up to the house and looked in the window. I didn’t see anyone. It was dark but I could still see as if there were light in there. I saw a picture on the coffee table. It was a picture of Ella and Keith. I went to open the door but it was locked.

I went over to the window and opened it. I climbed in and turned the light on. I went over and picked the picture up. I looked at it. Keith was holding Ella in his arms. They were both smiling. They looked happy. I smiled and put the picture back down. I got up and headed for the stairs. But then I started to feel lightheaded. I stopped and dropped to my knees. Then I dropped to the floor unconscious.

I saw my whole life. From the day I could remember to . . . To this moment. I loved Keith with all my heart. And Ella. My daughter was my life. How could I forget her? William killed my father and that’s when I moved in with Keith. He helped me through my troubles with the loss of my father and we fell in love. I got sick because I was stressed out. My mom saved me when I died. I got pregnant but William killed him because of me. I was devastated after that and almost refused to try again. But then I got pregnant again and William didn’t come back. I had Ella and was out for a week. I married Keith and that’s when William came back. He kidnapped my family and offered a trade. I gave Ella to Mike to baby-sit and went to Widow’s Cliff. I said goodbye and was thrown off the cliff. I got hit in the side by a rock making me bleed out and I almost drowned. But William saved me just to bite me. I would’ve died but my mom saved me again. They took me home and I went through the painful transformation. That’s when I fell unconscious. I remembered everything that happened after I woke up as a vampire. Poor Keith. Poor Ella.

I opened my eyes and I was still in the house. It was dark out. How long have I been out? I looked at my phone. It was eleven! I had twelve missed calls from Keith. Ugh! My phone rang again. It was Keith. I answered the phone, “Hello?” “Ariel! Where are you?” He asked. I said, “I’ll explain everything when I get home. See you in a few minutes.” “Wait!-” I hung up and put the phone in my pocket. I got up and started to run home.

When I got home Keith stood up, “Where have you been? What happened?” Ella was sitting on the couch looking up at me. I went over and picked her up. I hugged her, “I love you. So much. I don’t know how I ever forgot you.” She laughed, “You remember me?” I pulled back and kissed her cheek, “Yes. And I’m not ever going to let you go.” She smiled, “I missed you mom.” “I missed you too.” I replied.

“So. How much did you remember?” Keith asked; more calm and hopeful. I put Ella back on the couch and turned around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered, “What does this tell you?” I kissed him and he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me closer to him. When I pulled back he smiled and touched my face, “You remember me. Us. What else?” “Everything.” I pulled back and hugged Diana, Hilary, and David. They welcomed me back to my life.

I sat on the couch and Ella climbed on my lap. Keith sat next to me and put his arm around me, “So. What happened?” I answered, “Well, I went hunting. And after I did I just went wandering around in the forest. I don’t know how long I did and I didn’t know where I was going. I came across a house - our house - and looked inside. I saw our picture on the coffee table so I opened the window and climbed in since the door was locked. I looked at the picture and headed upstairs. When I did I felt lightheaded and fell to the floor unconscious. I saw my life flash before my eyes and when I woke up it was dark out and you called.”

David smiled, “Well it’s good to have you back.” I looked down at Ella, “Yeah. I feel like I just woke up from the transformation instead of a week ago.” Ella turned around and layed against me. She yawned, “Mommy. I’m tired. Can we go home now?” I smiled and looked at Keith, “I don’t see why not.” He smiled and stood up. I stood up and kissed everyone goodbye. Then we ran back to the house. Ella fell asleep in my arms on the way.

When we got there I layed Ella down in her bed and covered her up with the blanket. I kissed her cheek and left. Keith kissed her cheek and followed me out. We went into the bedroom and I heard the door get closed. Before I could turn around Keith had his arms around me unbuttoning my shirt and kissing my neck, “You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.” I chuckled and leaned back against him, “If it’s anything like how much I’ve missed you then your heart should be jumping out of your chest. I know mine is.” “You have no idea.”

Once he got my shirt unbuttoned he took my shirt off and unsnapped my braw. He took my braw off and turned me around. I grabbed the neckline of his shirt and pulled him down, “I was wondering when you were going to let me turn around.” I kissed his neck and unbuttoned his shirt.

He ran his hands up and down my back, “So how do you like being a vampire? A married vampire?” He moved his hands to my front and grabbed my breast. He squeezed making me sigh. I removed his shirt and kissed his chest, “It’s wonderful. Especially when I’m with you. You’re my air . . . Was. I guess now it’s you’re my blood. Ella’s my world.” “I feel so small compared to her.” He laughed. I kneeled in front of him and started undoing his belt, “Not when I need blood to survive. Just like I need you to survive.” “I love you.” Keith said. I smiled, “I love you too.”


Happily Ever After Or Not?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.05.2011

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To all Christina Dodd and Johann Lindsay for inspiring me to write romance books . . . even though people may think I'm a little too young to be writting these kinds of books . . . I'm only fifteen.

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