
The Ginn Keeper

I Aurora Smullen hereby sell my soul to the highest or lowest set for the following:

- injunctions against all devils,she devils,demons,angels,gods,jinn,poltergeist,incubi succubi etc.

-the services such as the police,ambulance service,fire brigade,early intervention service,crisis team(earth heaven and hell)

-the entire animal kindgdom especially scarabs and microbes.

I want the following back:

-my books,my illnesses,rape plugs rape kits my jinn etc.

When I look up I see the entire courtroom looking at me in utter disgust including my own barrister. This doesnt bother me though.The evidence they have on me is more than sufficient to see me behind bars for the next 14 years. This doesn't bother me either. There is no way I am going to allow them to lock me up. I have a aplan and it is fool-proof.I am 24 years old and I am being treid for blackmailing three police officers for financial gain. I do remember commiting the crime as it earned me £117k in totoal :-). The officers in question used to make a habit of planting evidence, I found out about this and started to blackimail them. All three officers have since commited suicide. I think this could be the reason for the looks of contempt i keep receiving. I can see my nana on the other side of the dock looking asif her world is about to end. I have told her what I plan to do but this does not seem to have eased her worries.

"So Miss.Smullen do you have anything to add before we adjourn?" asks the judge, in a voice that would make you think she is talking to vermin. It is at this point that I give the signal.A simple fist clench that cannot be seen bu anyone in the courtroom. I can tell when the deed has been done because the judge goes as white as a sheet and she must shiver atleast fifty times, she starts choking and nearly drops out of her seat. While she struggles to catch her breath I struggle to keep a straight face. I hated her from the moment I clapped eyes on her and vowed to give her a hard time. With all the evidence they have on me she was never going to get it easy. The whole room goes silent waiting for the judge to recompose herself. After what seems like a lifetime she stammers "erm......actually..... we shall adjourn untill 13:30pm" before rushing out of the courtroom leaving evrybody but me dumbfounded. I take this as my cue and half-walk, half- run to the ladies toilets to see what was said. Fortunatlely the toilets are empty otherwise I would look like a right nutter.

"So what did you say to her?" I ask "Ha, I told her that if she locked you up I would haunt her for the rest of her life. I said that I would throw stuff at her all day before giving her a gentle push to let her know that I am real" gushes Maureen. I can tell by her voice that she enjoyed participating. "Muhahahah, so what are your plans for the jury?It'll have to be something goood to get me out of this". Prosecution has a voice recording of me making demands for money.Forensic scientists have matched it to my voice. I was only 15 when I commited the crime so I was a bit sloppy. "erm well, i'm gonna whisper the same to all of them. Then if that doesn't work I may have to strangle some of them" whispers Maureen in my ear. This is how w e communicate, I speak out loud to her and she respomds bu whispering in my ear. It has not always been like this, back in my younger days I would hear voices in my head. This was the old method of communication. Maureen is  banshee that latched onto me when I was 7 years old. She is my rock but most importantly she is my spy. "right well, no time like the present. I wish I could watch but no chance of that" I say with regret. With that Maureen is gone, I can tell when she's gone because the hairs on my body go back to normal. Even after all these years of close contact with the dearly departed my body does not seem to have become used to it. Its much better than it used to be though, back in the day I would freeze to the spot as soon as I felt a presence then I would refuse to speak for days.




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.12.2015

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