
Chapter one: The Back Story

“Hi I am Anna Kathleen but call me Cat and I used to live with my parents but they kicked me out because I am pregnant. I am seven teen now but I was sixteen about to turn seven teen. My birthday was only a few months away. I have bright red hair and ocean blue eyes. I was thinnish (not to fat and not to skinny. I was just right.) I was really popular in school but I had to drop out. Before I start telling you what’s going on in my life right now, I would need to tell you the back story.

I heard a knock at the door and I ran down the stairs and flung myself at the door! “Gigi” I screamed loudly. “So are you sure that your parents aren't gonna be home tonight?” She asked. “I am sure” I reassured her. “Okay so what time does this party start “ she asked. “In about a hour” I said while running up the stairs. “If you were here on time we would have two hours to get ready” I said while giving her a look.

“I’m sorry. I took a nap and I woke up and looked at the time and I was late” she explained. I laughed at her and flung open my bedroom door. My room is Corel with baby blue dots on the walls. I have a king size bed that sits up against the wall and on both side have night stands and both have a lamp that sits right in the middle. I have a work desk that sits in front of the window that is right across from my bed and in-between my closet and bathroom is my make up stand.  I walked over to my walk in closet. People have told me that my closet is like a mini mall and I agree.

I went to the back of my closet and took a left where all of my slut/party cloths are. I picked out a moron strapless dress that stops at my upper thigh and if I decided to bend over it would show my ass and everything else .Gigi picked out a black dress that is a little longer then mine but not much. It is also strap less. We walked back out of the closet and we changed into our outfits. I turned around to look at her and she did the same thing. We looked each other up and down and said at the same time “damn girl looking fine as fuck” and we started to laugh. “Come on we need to go back in the closet and find us some shoes and matching purses to go with our look.

“Don’t you mean mini mall” she corrected me and I laughed. I went back into the closet and took a right this time and walked all the way to the back (just saying on both sides of me there are book selfs that go to the ceiling to the floor filled with shoes. I almost have three hundred pairs but they aren't all in my closet. Some are in the guest room and in the basement room) and looked around find my black sparkly high hills. I finally found them and slipped them on while Gigi picked out some moron sparkly ones and she put them on. We walked back to the main entrance of my closet and I had hangers full of purses (I have easily a hundred purses.) I picked out a black purse while of course Gigi got a moron one. We walked out of the closet and went over to my dresser that sat on the opposite wall of the closet that was full of phone cases.

We had to choose a phone case to match our outfit. I got a black one of course and Gigi got a moron one duh. After we put the phone cases on we walked into my master bathroom that is painted baby blue and has a Corel rug, curtain, ,fuzzy toilet cover, and towels (and yes I am in love with these two colors if you cant tell).  I pulled out a straighter and took it to my room (my hair is already curly and it look soooooo much better.) Gigi grabbed a curling iron. We both sat down at my make up stand and while I straighten my hair, Gigi curled her. It took thirty minutes to get our hair done. I looked at the time and it was 9:45 and the party started at 10:00. “Do you wanna be late or look ugly” I asked even though I knew the answer.

“I would rather look fashionably late” she said with a small chuckle. “I agree” I said. We sat our hair straightener and curling iron down to let them cool off before we put them away. I pulled out my make up and sat it all down on top of the make up stand (I have maybe about 300 different kinds of make up). I started to put on the make up and I finished with the pretty perfect wing. It took thirty minutes to do my make up (and yes it actually does take a women this long to get ready when she's dressing up or maybe longer. Depends on what’s she's doing.) I looked at Gigi in the mirror and she looked at me. “makeup’s on point” I comments.

“So is yours” she said. “Thanks boo” I said while getting up and switching out everything in my old purse to my new purse and Gigi did the same. When I was done I looked over at Gigi to see if she was ready and sure enough she was. We walked out of the front door and got into my car which is a baby blue convertible. I put the key in the engine and let it roar to life. I buckled up and blasted the music when all of the sudden I got a phone call from my mother. Please say she's not coming home early I thought to myself. I turned down the music and answered the call.

“Heller mother” I answered. “Hi sweetie. Just got a call from Gigi’s mom. She said that she is staying the night?” my mom asked. “Yeah. I was meaning to call and tell you guys but it slipped my mind” I said telling the truth because I actually did forget. “Well it would be nice knowing that before she called” my mom said kinda annoyed. “Sorry mother” I said trying to sound believable.

“You know the rules right. No leaving the house. Keep the house locked. No boys at the house” she remained me. “I know mom” I replied. “Okay sweetie now put Gigi on the phone. “Okay..” I said trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice.

I put my hand to the phone and looked at Gigi. “My mother is wanting to talk to you” I said. “I’m a horrible lier” she commented. “I know but try” I said while handing her the phone. “Hello Miss. Whitehead” Gigi said. “Hello Gigi. Now you know the rules right?” My mother asked reminding her. “Yes” she answered. “Okay good.

Keep Cat in line okay?” she asked. “Will do” Gigi answered and then my mom hung up. I turned the music back up to high and drove off. It took us forty-five minutes to get the party because it was all the way out in the country. When we pulled up I looked over at Gigi and have her a wink an she returned the wink. “Ready?” I asked. “Ready” she answered.

We had to park about a block or two away from the house because there was no other parking spot closer. So we had a long walk before we got to the party. “I hope my crush is here” Gigi said in a excited voice. “Don’t ditch me in there. This party looks huge and I don't want to be alone” I said. “I won’t and if one of us do wonder off just text me” Gigi said. “What if one of our phones are dead. “Then I will meet you on the front porch in a hour” Gigi said. “Alright but still don't leave me until I at least have someone to kick it with first” I replied while giving her a look that said I was being serious.

“Okay okay I won’t" she answered. “Thank you” I said and that’s when we walked up to the house and everyone outside was staring at us of course. A few guys whistled. I looked over at Gigi and she was blushing and I could feel my cheeks getting red. I got to the porch but there were so many people that the door was block. I tap on Jacob’s (a friend from school. He is on the football team along with my boyfriend, Kyle) arm. “HEY DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GET US THROUGH THE DOOR” I tried to holler over the music so he can hear me.

“ANYTHING FOR YOU” he yelled back. “MOVE!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!!”  He screamed loud enough that everyone heard him and moved. “Thank you” I said and kissed him on the cheek. He started to get red but he tried to hide it by turning around real fast but I still got a glance. I walked through the front door with Gigi on my heel…well I thought she was right behind me but when I looked around to ask her a question she was already gone. “Oh great” I said to myself.

I looked around to see where she went but she was nowhere in sight. What a great friend right I thought to myself. I found my way to the kitchen through the crowd and picked up a beer. I fought throw the crowd to the living room and when I got there I was about to sit on the couch when I saw that the couch was taken by a boy sitting down with a girl on his lap and they were kissing. There was also a girl laying down with a boy on top of her and again making out. Great I though to myself. I took a closer look and it was Gigi who was laying down. What the fuck I thought to myself.

I walked over to them and tapped on his shoulder. “GIGI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? I THOUGHT YOU WEREN’T GOING TO DITCH ME?” I screamed at her. “SORRY CAT” she said and continued to suck on his face. Whatever I thought and went back to the kitchen to find something stronger to drink. On my way to the kitchen I bumped into Kyle. “HEY BABY!” I said to him.

“BABY YOU MADE HE” he hollered. “OH COURSE. I WOULDN’T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD” I yelled back. “WHAT TO GET SOMETHING TO DRINK AND GO SOMEWHERE WHERE IT WAS QUITER” he asked. “YES PLEASE” I answered. When found our way to the kitchen and I found a bottle of vodka. I was trying to find the cups so I could poor some in a cup and half it with a chase but I couldn’t find any so I handed Kyle four cans of soda and I took the whole bottle of vodka. I’m not going to drink this all I told myself.

We went up to one of the room to hang out by ourselves where it was kinda easier to hear each other. When we got to the room I looked around to observe it. It had a king size bed right the middle of the room when you first walk in and to the right and left of it there was a night stand. There was a lamp in every corner of the room. The room was black and it had black carpet. There was a futon by the window to the right of the room and on the left was the bathroom and the closet in that order. I walked over to the futon and say down. I didn't want to lay down because I don't know what Kyle will try to pull so I decided to sit down instead.

When I sat down I took opened one of the cokes and took a sip and took a sip of the vodka. “Are you gonna drink all that by yourself?” Kyle asked. “Well no. I was hoping you can help me but I don't know if I will drink much. Someone’s got to drive Gigi home” I said while laughing. “And by the look of it Gigi is already drunk and we haven't even been here for thirty minutes” I said. Kyle laughed at that and so did I.

“I’ll be right back” Kyle said with a devilish look in his eyes. “Where are you going?” “I’ll be right back” he repeated. “You’re gonna leave me alone?” I asked. He was already half way out the door so I doubt he heard me. I sat there and took a mother swing of the vodka but this time without any chaser. Ouch that stung I though to myself.

I looked at my phone and it has only been three minutes but it seemed like he has been gone longer then that. Five minutes passed by and he finally enter the room again but with fire ball in his hands. “Why did you get that when we have vodka?” I questioned him. “I am more of a fire ball person then vodka. I don’t really like vodka” he commented. “Whatever weirdo” I said with a grin on my face. I looked at him and we locked eyes.

Wow I thought. he has the most gorgeous hazel eyes with a hit on grey in them. He slowly leaned forwards and all of the sudden I was leaning forwards too. Our lips touched and I was in a trance. He has the most kissable lips ever I thought to myself. He has big pink lips. I felt a tingle go through my bottle and it felt weird but a good kind of weird. He rubbed his tongue against my low lip asking for entrance and I slowly opened my mouth and he slipped his tongue in my mouth and are tongues danced around each others mouth.

It was soft at first but it began to get rougher and rougher by the second. He bit my lip and I started to get red. After we pulled away from each other we both took a huge drink from out alcoholic beverage. “Is your bother here?” Kyle asked trying to make small talk. “I don't know. All I know he is went to go stay the night with a friend tonight. He might be here” I answered.

I took another drink and that’s when I started to feel a little drunk. I haven't drunk in a while so I was kinda of a light weight. I turned my head to look at Kyle when all of the sudden our lips were touching again. I moaned out in pleasure he kissed me harder. “Kyle stop. Nothing can happen tonight” I informed him. “Chill out Cat. Niching will happen.

We are just kissing and enjoying each others company” he said. I smiled and said “Okay. If thats all we are doing” I said while giving him a  serious look. “Of course. I wouldn't make you do anything that you wouldn't want to do” he said and that made me blush. “Okay” I answered and he quickly pressed our lips together. He slowly laid me down on futon and began to slid his hands up and down my leg which oddly turned me on. I got shivers going through my body and I began to feel myself get wet.

I picked myself up from the couch and sat down. “Nothing is going to happen” I reminded him. “Yes baby. I know this” he said kinda rude. “I kissed him to brake the tension and he picked me up and took me to the bed. He stood up and locked the bedroom door. “What are you doing?” I asked.

“Do you want anyone walking in here while we are making out?” He asked. “Well no” I answered. He laid on top of me and started to kiss me again and he took his hand and started at my knee and went up my leg but this time he didn't stop he tried to go up my dress. “NO!” I screamed at him. “Okay okay baby. Sorry wont happen again” he said while kissing me.

I kissed him back. After a few minutes of kissing each other he got up and brought me my drink. I took it and took a bug gulp. I cringe when it went down my throat. I began to feel sleepy because that’s how I am when I drink. I like to sleep it off. I laid down on the bed and put my head on the pillow. He laid behind me and put his arm around me.

“Wake me up in two hours so I can go home” I said. “Okay baby. I will” he said. I closed my eyes and within seconds I was asleep. When I woke up I was in pain down there and Kyle was gone. There was blood all over down there. Right then I knew he rapped me. Tears began to sting the back of my eyes.

it hurt so bad I thought to myself. Tears streamed down my face and that’s when the door opened. It was Kyle. “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU SICK BASTERED!” I screamed at him. “Will do” he said  while putting his hands in the air over his head like he gives up. “But if you tell anyone I will kill you” he threaten and walked out the door. After I heard him go down the stairs I ran out the room and called Gigi. “Hey girl whats up?” she answered.

“I’m going to the car and i’ll be back to pick you up. be outside in ten minutes or I’m leaving without you” I warmed and hung up, not giving her time to answer me. I ran out the house and down the dirt road. When I got to my car I hopped in and drove back down to the house. I saw Gigi waiting outside and she hopped in. “What the fuck is going on? Have you been crying?” She asked when she saw my make up all fucked up.

“I’’ explain when we get to my house I told her. “What the fuck is that all over your dress?” she asked. “Is that alcohol? Are you sure you are sober enough to drive?” she asked. “Yes I am fine. I am not drunk.”

I told her and I was drove off. Out of nowhere Gigi went touched the wet part and screamed when she saw blood. “Did you start your period?” she asked while digging through her purse to find a tampon. “No….” I choked because I was trying to fight back the tears. “Then whey are you bleed down there?” she questioned me. I looked over at her and she was the tears streamed down my face.

“NO CAT” she screamed in shock. I nodded my head while I cried harder. “Why are you crying? You just lost your v-card. What is really that bad?” she asked. I looked at her and she looked deep in my eyes and without saying anything she knew what happened. She go mad as fuck. Her face turned red in anger.

“WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO YOU!!!!” she screamed. “…” I tried to say through my tears.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.10.2017

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