
CHAPTER ONE: You Can't Make Me

"That's not fair!" I blurted out in rage. "I don't care if it's fair. I am your mother and you will do as I say!" she yelled back in the same tone. "I refuse to go!" I screamed back but in a louder tone this time. Becka, my mother, took a deep breath in and slowly let it out to calm herself.

"I think this is best for you. So yes you are going and no you don't have a say in it." I stomped my feet in rage and ran up to my room and slammed my door loud enough that my mother could hear it. I throw myself on my bed and started to cry. I am leaving everything behind. My friends, my boyfriend, EVERYTHING. I was born and raised here and now she wants to move me in with my so called dad and my evil, nasty "step mom". I turned over on my fluffy purple comforter and pick up my IPhone 7 plus and called my boyfriend, Rider.

"Hey baby" I said when he answered. "Hey babe. Whats up?" he replied. "I need to talk to you. Be here to pick me up in 10, k?" I asked while walking over to my closet to get a pair of shoes out. "Okay babe.

Love ya bye" then he hung up. I walked into my walk in closet and pulled the string that turned on my light. I got a pair of black slip ons and walked out. I went over to my desk that I do all of my homework on and picked up my black leather purse and opened my top dresser drew and dug through it to find my pack of cigs. When I found them I shoved them in my purse along with my phone and walked out of my room and went down to the living room to watch out for Rider. Five minutes later he pulled up and I ran out the front door and hopped in. "Drive" I said and he stomped on the gas petal. "What's going on love?"

He asked while turning his head to look at me. "I'll explain once we go back to your house" I replied. A few seconds later my phone started to go off and it was my mother calling. "What?" I asked in an annoyed but demanded tone. "Where do you think you are going? You didn't ask to go anywhere and you have stuff to pack" she said. I hung up on her without saying anything.

"What is your mom talking about "you got stuff to pack"? he asked. "She is shipping me off to my dad house." "Babe you cant leave. That's not fair!" he wined. I pulled out a cig and put it up to my lips and lit it. "i kno---" and then I got cut off by my phone going off.

"It's my mother again" I notified Rider. "Aren't you gonna answer it?" "Nope" I replied while shutting off my phone. I moved closer to Rider and put my hand on his thigh. I looked over at his face and studied his features. He has the most perfect shaped face and a awesome sexy body to match. He has beautiful ocean blue eyes along with a six pack. He goes to the gym three times a week. He is 6'0 and I am 5'3. He looks over at me "you're gonna distract me and imma crash this truck babe if you keep staring at me with those hazel eyes" he says while we pull up to his house. "Looks like you didn't crash love" I said while my cheeks where red from blushing from his comment. I really don't know what he sees in me. Im not pretty and perfect like all of these other girls. I don't have breast or ass. He touched my inner thigh which broke my train of though. I kissed his soft pink lips and slide over to the door and opened it. "Ready?" I asked while getting out. "Always" he replied. We walked up to his house and he opened the front door and held it for me to walk in first. "I didn't see your parents car in the drive way babe" I said while turning around to look at him but he was already looking at me with lust in his eyes. "They are out of town. They went on a business trip and I didn't want to go so they left me behind" he said while wrapping his arms around my waste and pulling me closer to his body. "And how long will they be gone?" "A few day" he answered. "He leaned down and kissed me softly at first. He pulled me closer which depend the kiss and pick me up. He walked up his stairs and into his bedroom. He set me down on the bed not budging from the kiss. (You know what happened next so no need to get into detail).

CHAPTER TWO: Heart Broken

I just got done packing but I still looked around to see if I got forgot anything. The only thing that was left was my bed and my dressers along with my night stand. A moving truck was coming later that day to pick up all the big stuff. I walked into my walk in closet and looked around and sure enough I didn’t forget anything. After I walked out of the closet I walked into my bathroom to check there to and of course I didn’t leave nothing behind. After I was done looking I walked out of the bathroom and sat down on my bed and picked up my phone. I went to Riders and I’s messages and sent him a text


-Hey baby.

I need to see you one last time. Im coming over. Be there in 10 k?”-


and I pressed send. I waited five mins and still no responds so I slipped on some back shoes and ran down stairs and out the front door. I jumped in the car and took off before my mom could say anything. I was about five minutes away and still no text back from Rider. I pulled up to his house and looked over to his drive way to check if he was home and sure enough he was. Thats weird why isn’t he texting me back. He must to asleep I thought to myself. I got out of the car and started to walk to his house when I was him in his room closing the blinds.

If he’s awake then why didn’t he answer me back I thought. I pulled my phone out of my purse and pressed the call button next to his name and let it ring. After a few rings it got sent to his voice mail. Wow now I’m mad. Why the fuck would be annoy me like that. I got to his door and knocked a few times but he didn’t answer. I texted him again saying that I was at his front door and I waited a few seconds to see if he would reply but sure enough he didn’t. I lifted up the flower pot that sat right next to his door that had a extra key to his house.

I put the key in the door and opened it. “Hello babe?” I hollered through the house. I stood there for a second for his respond but nothing. I walked up to his room and I was half way down the hall and I heard a females voice moaning come from inside his bedroom. I wanted to run out the from door and hope in the car and go home but I couldn’t move. I was frozen in shock. Then I heard Rider voice say “Oh jessie” my best friend.

I was so mad that should would betray me and sleep with my boyfriend. I walked up to his door and swung it open. I faced Jessi and screamed “YOU FUCKING WHORE.” Then I turned to Rider and in a scary, calm voice say “You are nothing better then your word bitch. Go to hell.” I put my hand up to smack Rider and he flenched but instead of smacking him my hand went to Jessi’s face. She put her hand up to her face in shock and walked out the door while flipping them off.

I went down the stairs and thats when I hear Jessi say “Ammy. Im sorry. Please talk to me.” I didn’t bother to say anything back. I just kept on walk down the stairs and out the door. When I was about to hope in the car I look over to Riders front door to see Rider looking at me with those ocean blue eyes. I couldn’t help but stair at him thinking about what we were and tears started to sting the back of my eyes. That’s when I jumped in the car and drop off.

I didn’t want him to see me crying I thought. When I was home I jumped out of the car and ran inside. I ran up the stairs and to my room. I ran to my bathroom and locked the door behind me. I just wanna be alone I thought. I started to reply Rider sleeping with Jessi and that made me cry even harder. That’s when I heard my bedroom do open and someone walk up to my bathroom door. Then there was a knock.

“GO AWAY. I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO YOU GUYS” I hollered through the door. “It’s your mother” my mom said in a calm voice. I got up and swung to door open and jumped into my mothers arms. All I wanted to do at the point is hung my mom until all the pain was gone like she did when I was six and fell off my bike and she would kiss it to make it feel better. “I can’t believe they would do that do me” I mumbled. “I know sweetie. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better” she replied.

And that just made me cry even harder. After a few minutes of us standing here we heard a knock at the door. “Please go down there and tell them that I don’t anything to say to either of them” I asked. “Sure sweetie and while I’m down there Im going to make you some Chicken Noodle Soup” she replied. “Okay thank you ma’am.” Then she walked out the door and closed the door behind her but firs the turned around and gave me a half smile reassuring me that everything was going to be fine. I returned the smile and she walked out. I put my ear to the door to listen.

I heard her walk down the stairs and swing open the door. “What do you want?” My mother said in a grouchy voice. “I just wanted to stop by and tell Ammy that I really am sorry for hurting her” Rider said. Then I heard Jessi say “I am here for the same reason Mis. Johnson.” “She has nothing to say to either of her and she doesn’t want anything to do with you two and if you are really this sorry then why do it in the fist place huh? Don’t stand at my door and try to apologizing for hurting my daughter. Now I think it is time for both of you to leave” my mother said to Rider and Jessi.

For a few seconds I didn’t hear anyone talk or the door close so I opened my door and looked around the corner and at the front door. I met Riders eyes. I stared at him for a few seconds but I had to make myself look away or I was going to start crying. I walked into my room and shut the door then I heard someone running up the stairs. I watched the door to see who it was and sure enough it was Rider and a few steps behind him was Jessi. I sat down on my bed and faced the other way. “I want both of you out of my house” I said to them in a shaky voice.

“I am sorry baby. I never meant for you to see that” Rider said while sitting beside me. “LEAVE NOW!” I yelled. He jumped up in shock and touched my arms which I pulled away from. I didn’t want to even look at him let alone have him touch me. When he saw me pull away he slowly walked out the door and went down the stairs but Jessi just stood there staring at me with tears in her eyes.

“I’m so sorry. I never meant for you to find out this way” and said in a soft shaky voice. I didn’t want to talk to her so I just stood up and walked over to the door gesturing for her to leave but surprisingly she walked out without saying another word. She is hardheaded and won’t listen to anyone but that didn’t matter at the time I thought to myself. I’m just glad she left. I stood staring at them waiting for them to walk out the front door. When Jessi got to the door she looked back at me with sad eyes and walked out. I closed my door and feel on my bed crying.


My dad showed up around six o’clock to pick me up and right behind him where  some movers. “Ready” he asked. “Sure” I replied. The movers came into my room to get everything while my dad, mom and I where grabbing my stuff that would fit in my dads car. To my surprise Helen, my step mom, wasn’t with him. “So where is the wicked witch of the west?” I asked my dad while turning to face him. “Don’t talk about your step mom like that Ammy and she is home” he said while not taking his eyes off the road.

“Whatever” I said while rolling my eyes and looking out the window but I am actually really grateful that she isn’t tagging along but I wouldn’t ever say that to my father. It has been fifteen minutes and the car ride has been completely silent and I lost signal so I have no phone. I looked over at my dad and turned on the radio and by his fiscal expression, it didn’t look like he cared all that much. I turned it to my station, pop, and turned it all the way up. I started to sing along with the music. After thirty minutes of doing that and my dad not saying a thing he pulled into a gas station and handed me a ten dollar bill and told me to get whatever I wanted. “Can you also take this fifteen and pay for gas?” He asked.

I took the fifteen dollars and walked into the gas station. I walked to the back of the gas station to where the refrigerators were and got a pepsi and started to dig throw my purse and got out my fake ID out so I would have it ready for the casher. It says I am 18 so I can buy myself a pack of cigarettes. I walked up to the cashier and handed them the fifteen dollars and I looked through the glass windows to find my dad looking at me and waiting. I gave him a thumbs up and he turned around and starts to pump gas. “Is that all for ya?” the lady behind the counter asked. “No. Can you get me a pack of marble black 100 please” while I put my Pepsi on the counter.

“Do you have an ID?” she asked while looking me up and down. “Yes I do” I answered while showing my pearly whites. I handed her my ID and she nodded and handed it back. “Marble black 100?” she repeated. “Yes” I answered and she scanned them and also my pepsi. I picked up a dollar lighter and sat it down for her to scan. 

“That will be $9.17” she said. I nodded my head and handed her a ten dollar bill and told her to keep the change. I looked out the window while I put my pack of cigarettes in my purse along with my lighter. My dad was still pumping gas so I went out the side door and went behind the gas station to take a few drags off a cigarette. After puffing on the cigarette a few time I looked around the corner to see my dad  putting the gas pump up and he turned around to go inside. I hurried and put my cigarette out and throw it in my purse and went back in through the side door and  safely made it back inside before he saw me. “Hey I’m going to go to the bathroom and then we are going to take off” he said while walking past me and patting me on the back. “K” I answered and acted like I was looking at the candy section.

When he went into the bathroom I walked out the front door and pulled out my cigarette and finished it and went back into the car to wait for him. A minute passed and he finally was done in the bathroom. He walked to the car and got in. “Ready?” he asked. “Sure” I replied while turning my head to look out the window again. After we drove out of the gas stations parking lot I turned on the radio again and right before I could turn it up my dad said “No, it’s my turn to listen to my kind of music.” I looked at him with a bitch stare and took out the head phones from inside my purse.

I plugged in the head phones to my phone and went to my music app and started to listen to some music that I have downloaded. We did that for a good two hours and were weren’t even half way there yet. Ugh, kill me now I thought to myself. I don't want to be in there car, mostly with him. But I guess it helps that his nasty, bitchy wife isn't here I thought to myself. I wish I had signal, that would make this trip a whole lot better. "What are you thinking about?" my dad asked. "Nothing" I said kind of snotty like.

“How much further” I asked even though I know we still have almost twenty-five hours to go. “Well we aren’t even close to the half way mark yet so we got a lot of time on our hands” he replied. “Why couldn’t we just go on a plain” I asked. “Because that is a waste of money and it cost to much and we don’t have the kind money” he replied a little annoyed now. “My mother already said she wouldn’t mind paying for your flight here and both of ours back” I remind him while getting an attitude with him. “I am not having your mother waste her money Ammy, okay?” and now he sounded pissed. “Oh so now your all worried about spending her money but when you guys were still together, you had no problem with spending her money and going to bars and drinking all night!” I said getting pissed too.

“You are not going to talk to me like this Ammy. When we get home you are grounded a month. You are going to show me some respect young lady” he said and I know I really pissed him off because his face was starting to get redder then a baboons butt. “Fuck off. You will never be more then a dead beat of a farther” I said while digging into my purse for my cigarettes. “Pull over now” I said to him in a stern but still pissed off voice. “No. There will be no more stops till we get there” he said while not taking his eyes off the road.

“Oh really. So no stops to fill up the gas tank or the go to the bathroom or even for food?” I questioned him. “You know what I mean Ammy. Don’t get a smart mouth with me” he replied. “Oh yeah I get it. You will stop when YOU want to but not when I want to. It’s always about you and never what I want, nothing has changed huh?” I asked.

“Don’t start with me” he said getting mad all over again. “PULL THIS CAR OVER NOW OR I’LL MAKE YOU MYSELF” I screamed at him. He then found the nearest gas station and pulled into it. I hopped out and lit a cigarette right in front of him because frankly I don’t give a damn no more. “What do you think you are doing young lady?” My dad said while coming around the car. “So there is this thing called a cigarette and you put….” and then he cut me off. “I know what the fuck  you are doing” he said while ripping it out of my mouth.

“Then why the fuck ask?” I said while getting another cigarette out and I walked off so he couldn’t take this one from me. “Get back here right know or your grounded for two more mouths” my dad hollered after me. I really didn’t care so I just kept walking and flipped him off. I sat down at the curb and continued my cigarette. I think it’s in my dads best interest to let me smoke a cigarette right now or I just might kill him. I have never liked him and I sure the hell won’t start to like him now. When I finished my cigarette I walked back to the car.

He was on the phone but when I got into the car he hung up really fast. At first he didn’t say anything to me and I wasn’t about to say anything to him. So for the next ten minutes of our ride was in pure silent. I would have put in my head phones but my phone was dead. Finally he decided to say something. “Honey I am sorry for going off on you and I know I haven’t been the best father” he started. “Oh no duh” I commented. “I’m sorry sweetie” he said but now looking at me. We drove the rest of the car ride in silence. 






Time To Unpack And Settle In

We pulled up to a small, run down, old but obviously not taken good care of house. I wouldn't even call it a house. It looked so small that i doubt it will fit three people. "This is where you live?" I asked my father with my eyes huge. "Yes" he answered. "You expect me to live in this?" I asked. "Yes" he repeated. "How in the hell am i supposed to live in this shack?" I asked while opening the car door and stepping one foot out. "It is not a shack. It is a house. A one story, one bedroom house" he said. "Woah hold on. Did you just say ONE bedroom?" I asked but this time I turned towards him so he could see that my eyes are wide and mouth is hanging open. "Yes. You will be taking the room and I already set up the living room so it is livable to me and your mother to sleep at" he reasured me. "She is NOT my mother" I responded but this time I looked away from him and rolled my eyes. "Fine. Your step mom" she corrected himsef. "Hardly even that" I told and grabbed my purse, that was sitting next to me, and stepped out of the car. I turned around to look at the neighborhood. There was houses a little bigger then this house but not my much. At least they looks like they are taken care of and clean but my house looks like it is the DUFF of the houses. I waitied for my father to get my things and we walked up to the house. "Sweetie, I have something to tell you" my dad said while stepping infront of me and guiding me to the living room. "Mhm" I said kinda on edge. "I have a son that is only a few years older then you but he doesn't live with us right now. He is in college" my dad began. He stopped to speaking to let me talk but I couldn't say anything. I was in shock. My dad has a child older then me! And that mean my dad cheated on my mother way before we knew and he kept it a lie for sooooooo long!!!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.09.2017

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