
Chapter 1.
Coffee Pants?

I walked into the modest coffee shop that all the local vegans went to and talked about all their political views and how the Beatles are "overrated" and how they were good before they got popular. I am not a vegan, personally i love meat, but i will not get into the conversation because unlike all the people I know, I do not like arguing. I do not get pleasure out of making people angry by telling them their views are stupid, or ignorant. But sadly i like to listen to it. Standing outside of the conversations shaking my head at the
argument about the "Big Bang Theory" and how there is no god. Im the quiet type, the listener, i guess you could call it. Its not that I am stupid or anything. I don't like to tell people my thoughts. I like them to be crammed into my head and for no one else to see.
I order a chocolate carmel latte and go sit at a chair and pull out my note book out of my giant bag i ordered online from some woman who lives in Thailand. Its not a large notebook, just small and quaint, bound of leather. As I just start to compile a scatter of thoughts that are in my mind formulating a poem. I feel someone staring at me. I slowly look up, kind of aggravated, I do not want to be bothered, I want to jot all kinds of bull shit into my notebook in peace while drinking my over sweetened, childlike coffee.
But once i see the face that was bestowed upon me my mind goes blank. And oh so gracefully, i knock my coffee into my lap.

Chapter 2.
Like the hat?

"Dang it!" I cried out. I grabbed some napkins and start trying to take out the coffee out of my newly bought jeans. "Here let me help," the random person says to me.
I look up again and tried to talk but no words would come out. He was tall, basketball player tall. Long curly pitch black hair, eyes as blue as the sky and a very defined face. He was the most handsome guy I have every seen.
I finally could speak and stuttered out that i was fine, it was my fault. He pulled out the chair that was right across from me, smiled and, without saying a word, sipped his coffee. Now at this point, I was confused.
"You know there are other tables you could have sat at, right?" I said very calm.
" I know, but i like this one." He said more calm then me. I thought, is he trying to piss me off? Because it was working.
"Okay well ill just go now" I said and grabbed my notebook, dropped it into my bag. Right when I was pulling out my chair to stand up and walk out he says " I'm sorry, I'm awkward, I know. I didn't mean to freak you out and make you leave. I was going to talk to you but by the time i sat down i just didn't know what to say. Well anyways I'm Brim."
I put my bag back down take a sip of my (now half empty) coffee, smile and say "Like a hat?".

Chapter 3.
Do I hear wedding bells?

"You know, Brim."
"Like the Brim of a hat?"
He chuckled, " Well yeah, I guess, no one ever has used that one before."
I smiled and said, " I'm Haley."
"Well know that we have that out of the way, will you marry me?"
"Will you marry me?"
"Wait, What?!"
"Will. You. Marry. Me?"
"Are you serious?"
"Thank goodness."
"Did you believe me?"
"Well yeah kind of."
"Haley, you shouldn't believe what strangers tell you."
"Very funny."
"I try."
"Okay well it was nice to meet you, Brim."
"Your leaving?"
"Yeah? Why?"
After that confusing statement, once again, I grab my thing and pull out my chair.
Then Brim arbitrarily yelps out, " Can I come with you? Where ever it is your going?"
I shrug my shoulders as nonchalantly as I can and tell him I guess. He smiles, jumps out of the chair grabs his coffee, walks up to me, takes my bag from me from off my shoulder, grasps my hand and says in the cutest quirky way, " Well here our adventure begins."

Chapter 4.
Gentleman, or Phycotic?

By this time I should have been worried this dude was crazy. But for some idiotic reason, he couldn't have been crazier then me, and my thought process. And if I spent one more day with him I feel as if i might become Infatuated with him. I will not state love in this situation. Or love in any situation because i do not believe in love. I don't think it exist. I've tried to fall in love. Guys have fell in love with me but I gave up and ran away from them. I feel as if i'm immune to love. Sad I know, everyone thinks i am crazy for being this way saying "love is the most magical thing that can ever happen to you," but i just do not believe in it.
But i let him come along with me, he didn't know what he was in for. But I also didn't know what I was in for either. But my life is full of carelessness. People look at me as if there is nothing more to me but a quiet person that doesn't think anyone is worth sharing my thoughts to. And the way i feel is if you offended by that then fuck off. Even if people think they know me, they don't, they don't know what is really me. How i feel about situations. I might tell you somethings but you will only partially know what i am thinking and my views. I don't do it on purpose. Im not trying to be a rebel or anything. I just don't trust people. But why is this guy coming with me? I would never let my friends tag along on my daily tasks.
He comes back with me to my apartment. " You can put my bag down there on the table. Make yourself at home. I'll be right back." I hurry to my bed room he is just standing there with the confused puppy dog face on. I close my door, go to my side drawer and take out all the utensils I need to make my day feel golden. I sit on the bed facing toward the lamp so i can see if i'm giving myself two good helping of the powdery white line that helps me through my days. Then i slowly take my straw put it to my nose. And kneel down to clean this wonderful snow off of the mirror it is placed upon. I did the left nostril, then, the right. And here comes my happiness. My companion that starts the world rotation once again. I guess i didn't know how long i was in my cocaine daze because i hear a knock on the door. And before i could put all of my things back in the drawer i hear Brim yell, "Are you stupid!"

Chapter 5
My IQ is 173

"Why?" Brim asked.
"It makes me feel invisible, makes me feel free," i said standing my ground and trying not to hold back tears. I've never told anyone that. And no one has ever known i do this. Except Ron, my drug dealer.
Brim slowly walks up to me, cups his hand around my face and whispers, "You will never be invisible to me."
I slap his hands off my face, " You don't know me Brim!"
" I know I don't."
" Then why the fuck does it matter what I do?"
" Because."
" That is not a valid reason."
" If i say it you will think i'm crazy."
" Well dude, you cant be crazier then me. Promise."
" I just feel as if it fate."
" Fate?"
" Yes."
" What the fuck! Your not like some kind of crazy angel trying to say i'm the last for humanity or some shit right?"
He chuckles, picks me up, throws me on to the bed, jumps into the bed next to me and says " No beautiful, Im only human."
Just to let you know, Im not a slut and when i say nothing happened, nothing happened.
I woke up to the sun shining in my face, the heat of the rays warming my skin. We must have fell asleep while he was playing with my hair. That always gets me. I just pass the fuck out when people play with my hair. I sat up and turned to look at Brim's beautiful face. But he wasn't there.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.06.2010

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